History of The Afro-Colombian Population: Linck: Https://youtu - be/b2kJN7uI5SU

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History of the Afro-Colombian population

linck: https://youtu.be/b2kJN7uI5SU

At the end of the 16th century, Europe began to capture the traffic and trade of the
African population, some through licenses authorized by the monarchy undertake the
most dehumanizing African and African trade.The license consisted of a contract to
actually bring captured African slaves or bought on land from where animals were led to
the ports of embarkation and whips were forced to rise to the power of the slave ships
leaving family land and culture there imprisoned with chains and shackles were navas
increase in the power of the ships to undertake a long journey of suffering from Africa to
the Caribbean islands and from there to Colombia and other countries between 150,000
and 200,000 enslaved people entered through Cartagena and were distributed to that
Ecuador Venezuela, Panama and Peru, more or less 80 thousand remained in Colombia
in the first years decade without slaves 30 women and the other 70 were men all slaves
preferred to men to work in the mines and haciendas the elderly and children were
despised later they change their strategy and begin to attract more women to guarantee
the birth of more slaves the Colombian people cost a few mines domestic service
agriculture livestock crafts such as freighters thanks to the work of the Africans and their
descendants it was possible the development of the country the growth of capitalism
while the enslaved worked they were watched by the foramen of an attempt to break they
were punished with the whip has an African person their descendants tried to flee or
indeed they fled and were captured the they hung from a beam and were given 50 lashes
and even more other punishments were the cutting of the tongue when he spoke in his
native language, the emptying of an eye, the castration, the boiling oil bath, among
others, they were regulated in the Laws, they were also forced to forget their native
language and they were impute in Castilian language which became the most used with
the exception of San Basilio's palenque, the Catholic religion was also imposed on them,
seeking to distance them from their religious practices such as myths, rituals, songs,
gods and telling the world because slaves were considered to be Diabolical practices
Tired of so much injustice, they escaped from their masters and went into the jungle and
the mountains in search of freedom, for what they were called the maroons, when they
fled, the palenques arrived at different shelters, the most significant of which is San
Basilio, thanks to their great struggle, revolts, escapes and attacks, they were promised
their freedom in independence, which was discussed and worked on in the following
congresses. tes and became an endeavor that lasted more or less 39 years in the
process of abolishing slavery, four dates are important 1812 in which the constitution of
the state of Cartagena prohibited trade and trafficking in blacks 1814 in which the dictator
Juan del corral ordered the freedom of the children of slaves born in Antioquia 1821 in
which the law of freedom of the womb is given and 1851 of May 21 by which the
president josé hilario lópez signs the legal abolition of slavery now you well knew that
Through Law 725 of 2001, the Congress of the Republic decreed May 21 as the national
day of Afro-Colombianity, alluding to May 21, 1851, when at that time the President of the
Republic José Hilario López signed the decree of abolition of slavery in Colombia on the
other hand you knew that windy by some cloister rebelled before the Spanish armed the
small army and fled from the Spanish fortresses to found the first free town of America
without a doubt a great hero

Stop violence against children In 1991, 15 years after that tragedy, the Organization for African
Unity immortalized the Soweto Uprising by declaring June 16 the Day of the African Child.
Through this declaration, the contribution made by the children of this continent to the fight
against apartheid was officially recognized. The theme for this year's Day of the African Child is
"Stop Violence Against Children." The media report daily incidents in which young girls, especially
orphans, are raped or sexually assaulted. The aggressors - generally their own parents, uncles or
neighbors - do not receive any punishment because the police and judicial authorities consider
that these crimes are the result of domestic problems.

The gastronomy of Africa is the set of culinary arts and customs of the people and ethnic
groups that make up the African continent. The continent of Africa is the third largest on Earth
and is home to hundreds of tribes, ethnic groups and social groups.

As a general rule, the main food of Africans consists of a mixture of vegetables, legumes and
sometimes meat

.1 In the field of meats, the consumption of Bushmeat (in French: viande de brousse) is very
popular, a term that calls meat, used as food for any land wild animal. Hunting is one of the most
characteristic elements. Beef, sheep and goat meat are too expensive for the people of Africa in
general, it is for this reason that it is reserved for holidays. On the contrary, fish is abundant in
coastal areas.
Characteristics of African clothing.
The fiber most used in the elaboration of African clothing is cotton, in this way, the old dyeing
techniques continue to be used with a wide range of colors and the traditional wooden looms with
reels, achieving results like those of any modern textile factory.
Grand boubou: being a typical costume for men in North Africa, it is essentially a set consisting of
a tunic, pants and a hat.
Aso-Oke: Another very colorful feminine outfit, which includes a blouse, a wrap skirt, a headscarf
and a shawl, in the same way, there are sets for men.
Despite the great variety of designs typical of each region, African clothing presents common
elements such as its color, its showiness and its originality.
African customs
The customs of the African continent are very varied, it will depend on the African region in which
the country is located. In Libya, women dress in the traditional barracano, a long dress that
covers them from head to toe and that only leaves part of the face free. However, it is a custom
very typical of sub-Saharan countries, the tradition does not It is more than a commercial
agreement between two families to house their children, in it the groom's family agrees the
amount to pay in order to marry the young woman, this type of negotiation can last days.

Languages in Africa
Official languages in Africa
Afrikaans Portuguese
Arabic Spanish
English Swahili
French other languages
In Africa there is great linguistic diversity. It is estimated at more than 1700 known indigenous
African languages. Along with these, some non-native languages are also used, such as the
European languages carried by the European colonizers and immigrants from the Indian
subcontinent and languages of Austronesian origin in Madagascar. Throughout the multilingual
history of the African continent, languages have been in contact with each other and there have
been many cases of significant inter-influence.

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