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What is this?
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Classroom and office objects.

Personal items.

This lesson will help you to

learn the topics related to the Prepositions of place.

Indefinite article a/an.

week 4
Plural of nouns.

You will learn about:

Demonstrative adjectives.

To be: Negative.
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

and Office
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Classroom and Office Objects

What is it?

It’s a book.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Classroom and Office Objects

Here you have a vocabulary list about classroom and

office objects.

Word Translation

Classroom Salón de clase

Class Clase
Bookcase Mueble de libros
Blackboard Pizarrón
Whiteboard Pizarrón blanco
Calendar Calendario
Chair Silla
Desk Escritorio
Table Mesa
Bin Bote de basura

Pencil case Cartuchera

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Classroom and Office Objects

Word Translation

Book Libro

Notebook Cuaderno
Bag Maleta
Highlighter Resaltador
Hole punch Perforadora
Paper Papel
Pencil Lápiz
Sharpener Sacapuntas
Ruler Regla
Pen Esfero

Stapler Grapadora

Eraser Borrador

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Classroom and Office Objects

Word Translation

Folder Carpeta

Drawer Cajón
Envelope Sobre
Fax Fax
File Archivo
Filing cabinet Archivador
Glue Pegamento
Scissors Tijeras
Ink Tinta
Paper clip Sujetapapeles

Adhesive Cinta adhesiva

Box Caja

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Classroom and Office Objects

Word Translation

Ream Resma de papel

Stapler remover Quita grapas

Monitor Monitor
Ink cartridge Cartucho de tinta
Pen drive –
Memoria USB
Flash drive
Laptop computer Computador portátil
Computer Computador
Calculator Calculadora
Television Televisión
Keyboard Teclado

Photocopier Fotocopiadora

Dictionary Diccionario

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Personal Items

It’s my brush.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Personal Items

Here you have a vocabulary list about personal items.

Word Translation

Soap Jabón

Toothbrush Cepillo de dientes

Dental floss Hilo dental
Toothpaste Crema dental
Shaving cream Crema de afeitar
Nail clipper Cortauñas
Cotton swabs Copitos de algodón
Mouthwash Enjuage bucal
Razor Afeitadora

Electric razor Maquina de afeitar

Comb Peinilla

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Personal Items

Word Translation

Toilet paper Papel higiénico

Shampoo Shampoo
Hair dryer Secadora de cabello
Sponge Esponja
Deodorant Desodorante
Hairbrush Cepillo para peinar
Hair straightener Alisador cabello
Towel Toalla
Lotion Loción

Perfume Perfume
Estuche de
Make-up bag

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

of place
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Prepositions of place

When you want to explain the position or location of a

noun, you use the prepositions of place.

The cat is on the table.

Tip! Use these prepositions when you want

to answer the question where is it?

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Prepositions of place

On: The object is lying on the top Under: It means that the object is
of another object. lower down than another object.


The cat is on the table. The cat is under the table.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Prepositions of place

Behind: It means that something In front of: It means that the object is
is at the back of an object. in a direct view of the spectator.

Behind In front of

The cat is behind the table. The cat is in front of the table.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Prepositions of place

Opposite: Face to face. In: It is similar to inside.


The cat is opposite the fishbowl. The cat is in the fishbowl.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Prepositions of place

Next to: The object is at the side Near: It means that the object is
of another object. close to another object.

Next to

The cat is next to the fishbowl. The cat is near the table.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Prepositions of place

Between: An object is in the Among: An object is in the

middle of two objects. middle of a lot of objects.

Between Among

The cat is between the fishbowls. The cat is among the fishbowls.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Prepositions of place

Over: The object is on top of another object.


The bird is flying over the cat.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

(A / An)
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Articles (A / An)

Articles A/An are used when you want to talk about one
countable noun.

Article Use Examples

A car.
A Before words which start with A book.
consonant sounds. A table.

An apple.
Before words which start with An elephant.
An vowels sounds. An octopus.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Articles (A / An)

A red car. A puppy.

An ice cream. An elephant.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Plural nouns

Plural nouns are used when you mention more that one thing.




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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Plural nouns

Adding – S to the noun is the most common way to form plurals.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

Car Cars

Book Books
Boy Boys

Girl Girls
Books Book

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Plural nouns

Adding - ES when the noun ends in S, CH, SH, X, Z, or O.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

Glass Glasses

Watch Watches
Wish Wishes
Tax Taxes
Quiz Quizzes
Tomato Tomatoes
Tomato Tomaoes

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Plural nouns

Remove the “Y” and add – IES when the noun ends in (consonant + Y).

Singular Noun Plural Noun

Lady Ladies

Army Armies
City Cities

Party Parties

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Plural nouns

When the noun ends in “F - FE”, remove it and add – VES.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

Housewife Housewives

Knife Knives
Wife Wives

Thief Thieves

Thieves Thief

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Plural nouns

There are some exceptions for those rules. You need to memorize them.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

Man Men

Woman Women
Foot Feet

Tooth Teeth

Foot Feet

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Demonstrative adjectives

The demonstrative adjectives are really important to specify which person,

place, thing is mentioned.

Which is your dog?

That is my dog!

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Demonstrative adjectives

The demonstrative adjectives are used to show people, places, or things, in

relation with ourselves.

Singular Plural

Here This These

There That Those

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Demonstrative adjectives

This These

This is my cell phone. These are my earrings.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

Demonstrative adjectives

That Those

That is my pet. Those are my plants.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

To be:
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

To be: Negative

Verb to be is used to talk about: names, professions,

nationalities, age, feelings, marital status, and locations.
This is the way you make negative sentences.

Full form Contraction

I am not worried. I’m not worried.

You are not my friend. You aren’t my friend.

She is not married. She isn’t married.
He is not from Canada. He isn’t from Canada.
It is not a pillow. It isn’t a pillow.
We are not together. We aren’t together.
They are not in the park. They aren’t in the park.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 4

To be: Negative

I’m not a good student. She is not angry.

We aren’t cousins. We He isn’t from Cuba.

are friends.
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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 1

What is this?

Now, go to the activities
and practice what you have learnt.
week 2
week 4

week 6 week 8 week 10

week 12 week 14

week 1
week 3
week 5 week 7 week 9 week 11 week 13

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