9th English Pre-Mid Set A Updated

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Milestone Academy

Pre- Mid Examination 2020-2021

Set - A
Class : 9th

Subject English (Code No. 184) MM 60

Date- 21/08/2020 Time-2 hrs
Part A (30 M)
Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answers the following questions- (any 10) (1x10=10m)
1. The University Grant Commission's directive to college and University lecturers to spend a minimum
of 22 hours a week in direct teaching is the product of budgetary cutbacks rather than pedagogic
2. It may seem odd, at first blush, that teachers should protest about teaching a mere 22 hours.
However, if one considers the amount of time academics require to prepare to lectures of good
quality as well as the time they need to spend doing research, it is clear that most conscientious
teachers work more than 40 hours a week. In University system around the world lecturers rarely
spend more than 12 to 15 hours in directing teaching activities a week.
3. The average college lecturer in India does not have any office space. If computers are available,
internet connectivity is unlikely. Libraries are poorly stocked. Now the UGC says universities must
implement a complete freeze on all permanent recruitment, abolish all posts which have been
vacant for more than a year, and cut staff strength by 10 per cent. And it is an order to ensure that
these cutbacks do not affect the quantum of teaching that existing lecturers are being asked to work
longer. Obviously, the quality of teaching and academic work in general will decline. While it is true
that in some college teachers do not take their classes regularly, the UGC and the institution
concerned must find a proper way to hold them accountable. An absentee teacher will continue to
play truant even if the number of hours he is required to teach goes up.

4. All of us are well aware of the unsound state that the Indian higher education system is in today.
Thanks to years of sustained financial neglect, most Indian universities and colleges do no research
worth the name.

5. Even as the number of students entering colleges has increased dramatically, public investment in
higher education has actually declined in relative terms. Between 1985 and 1997, when public
expenditure on higher education as percentage of outlays on all levels of education grew by more
than 60 per cent in Malaysia and 20 per cent in Thailand, India showed a decline of more than 10
6. Throughout the world, the number of teachers in higher education per million populations grew by
more than 10 per cent in the same period; in India it fell by one per cent. Instead of transferring the
burden of government apathy on to the backs of the teachers, the UGC should insist that the need of
the country's university system be adequately catered to.
Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option: (any 10)
1. Why does the UGC want to increase the directing teaching hours of university teachers?
a. UGC feels that the duration of contact between the teacher and the taught should be more.
b. UGC wants teachers to spend more time in their departments
c. UGC does not have money to appoint additional teachers
d. All of above
2. Which of the following is the reason for the sorry state of affairs of the Indian Universities as
mentioned in the passage?
a. The poor quality of teachers
b. Politics within and outside the departments
c. Heavy burden of teaching hours on the teachers
d. Not getting enough financial assistance
3. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE in the context of the passage?
1. Most colleges do not carry out research worth the name.
2. UGC wants lecturers to spend minimum 22 hours a week in direct teaching
3. Indian higher education system is in unsound state
a. Only 1 and 2
b. Only 2
c. Only 1 and 3
d. All 1, 2 and 3
4. Besides direct teaching, University teachers spend considerable time in / on
a. Administrative activities such as admission
b. Supervising examination and correction of answer papers
c. Carrying out research in the area of their interest
d. None of these
5. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage?
a. UGC wants teachers to spend minimum 40 hours in a week in teaching
b. Some college teachers do not conduct their classes regularly
c. None
d. All are true
6. Between 1985 an 1997, the number of teachers in higher education per million population, in India
a. Increased by 60%
b. Increased by 20%
c. Decreased by 22%
d. Decreased by 1%
7. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage?
a. Public investment in higher education has increased in India
b. Indian universities are financially neglected
c. Indian Universities are being asked to reduce staff strength by 10%
d. None of these
8. Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning as the word 'freeze' as used in the passage
a. Cold
b. Halt
c. Decay
d. Control
9. What of the following is a UGC directive to the universities?
a. Improve the quality of teaching
b. Spend time on research activities
c. Not to appoint any permanent teacher
d. Provide computer and internet facilities
10. Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the word 'Sustained' as used in the passage: para 4
a. Continuous
b. Frequent
c. Careless
d. Sporadic
11. The word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the word 'Catered' as used in the passage: para 6
a. Indulge
b. Retaliate
c. Apprehend
d. Focus
12. Which of the following statement is TRUE in the context of the passage?
a. Indian Universities are being asked to reduce staff strength by 60%
b. Indian universities are financially strengthened
c. Around the world lecturers rarely spend more than 12 to 15 hours in directing teaching
activities a week
d. None of these

Q.2. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
[2 extracts x5 =10m] { any 5 questions from each extracts}
A. I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence :
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves, no step had trodden back.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to the way
I doubted if I should ever come back

1. ‘Sigh’ means :
(i) regret (ii) to hate
(iii) not to feel sorry (iv) to be indifferent

2. What has made all the difference in the poet’s life?

(i) Choosing a travelled road (ii) Choosing a less travelled road
(iii) By not choosing any road (iv) By not being weak

3. ‘Road’ is a metaphor for :

(i) travelling wisely (ii) good health
(iii) choices we make in life (iv) morning walks

4. ‘Both’ in line six refers to :

(i) leaves (ii) roads
(iii) steps (iv) the poet and his friends

5. The poet chose to travel on another road because :

(i) it was easier (ii) it was shorter and easier
(iii) it was grassy and wanted wear (iv) he was sure of his success in that way

6. The poet doubted if :

(i) he could ever finish his journey (ii) he could meet his family again
(iii) he could join his friend (iv) he could ever come back to travel the first road
B. To the little girl he was a figure to be feared and avoided. Every morning before going to work he
came into her room and gave her a casual kiss, to which she responded with “Goodbye, Father And oh,
there was a glad sense of relief when she heard the noise of the carriage growing fainter and fainter
down the long road! She never stuttered with other people – had quite given it up – but only with
Father, because then she was trying so hard to say the words properly.

1. Who does ‘he’ refer to in this extract?

a. father of the little girl, Kezia.
b. neighbour
c. the doctor
d. none of these
2. What kind of a person was Kezia’s father?
a. happy go lucky
b. strict disciplinarian with a harsh exterior
c. polite
d. none of these
3. What were the feelings of the little girl towards him?
a. she enjoyed her father's company
b. loved to be around
c. The little girl was afraid of him and tried to avoid him.
d. none of these
4. How did she feel when her father left for office?
a. not happy
b. missed her father
c. She heaved a sigh of relief
d. sad
5. Who is ‘she’ in this extract?
a. Kezia,
b. mother
c. gandmother
d. aunt
6. What had she “quite given up”?
a. complexity
b. stuttering
c. staring
d. none of these

Q. 3 Grammar- (any 10) [1x10=10marks]

Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words from the
given options.

Rejection is a part of life, and it’s important ……1……. (that / for / to) children learn how to deal ………2…….
(in / at / with) setbacks — whether they’re cut ………3…… (from / out / of) a sports team or left out of a
clique. Here’s ………4…….. (a / an / the / some) advice on how to ease the hurt.

Rejection is an inevitable part of ……5……. (grow / growing / to grow) up. All children at one time
or ………6……. (other / another / an other) feel rejected by their peers. The reasons are often silly.
A ………7………. (child’s / childs / childs’) appearance, manners, economic or ethnic background, poor social
skills, or personality can all be the factors leading to his/her ………8….. (be / being / been) rejected by their
………9……. (when / while / as) you are snubbed, tell yourself that life is not a popularity contest. When you
are snubbed it can bring ………10….. (out / up / off) odd feelings of rejection. But brooding ……11……. (about
/ over / on) something that didn’t turn ……12……. (up / on / out) the way you wanted it to be is not going to
Part B (30M)
Q. 4 Write a short descriptive paragraph on the famous Indian scientist Sir CV Raman in 100-120
words on the basis of the following inputs. (5 marks)

Born on 7 November 1888 in Madras—Physician by profession—worked in the field of light

scattering—the discovery is known as ‘Raman Effect’—won Nobel Prize in 1930 for his discovery—
elected ‘Fellow of the Royal Society’ in 1924—in 1954 India honoured him with its height civilian award
‘Bharat Ratna’—breathed his last on 21 November 1970.

Q.5- Answer the following in 20-30 words - (any 3) (2x3=6m)

a. What did Margie write in her diary?
b. How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music?
c. Why was Kezia afraid of her father?
d. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair?
e. Why did the author’s grandfather decide to buy Toto ?
Q.6 Answer the following in 40-50 words. (Any 3) (3x3=9m)
a. Why was Margie doing badly in geography? What did the County Inspector do to help her?
b. What should we do to make friends with the wind?
c. Why did Einstein write a letter to Franklin Roosevelt?
d. How did the child react when there was no sign of his parents ?
e. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?
Q.7- Answer the following in 100-120 words- any one (5marks)
a. Albert Einstein was an unusual child. How? He was different from others in many ways. Do you
think that those who think differently succeed in their life like Einstein?
b. Describe the various sights and sounds of the falling rain and recollections it brings to the poet.
Q.8 Answer the following in 100-120 words- any one (5marks)
a. What all things did the child get attracted to, once be entered the fair ? Was he able to get all the
things he desired ? What happened when he made a bold request to his parents ?
b. Why was Toto’s presence kept a secret? Where was he kept during this period? How did he
behave? What does it tell about the character of grandfather? Do you think we should keep
something secret from the family?

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