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Name: Adelson B. Arado ID No.

: 190000002087

Subject: Quantitative Techniques in Business Date: August 02, 2019

Jane Allen’s Career Choice

I. Summary

The case is all about Jane Allen who recently graduated with a major in accounting from college
as a cum laude. She's planning to have a better career and a happy family. She might become an
accountant, but the particular field or form of employer is undecided. She is also considering graduate
study and a later career in teaching at the university. Also, Jane and her boyfriend have talked about
marriage. Her boyfriend has a good job, and Jane would have the option of being primarily a housewife
and mother. In addition, several companies have offered her positions in sales and office management.

Jane has some quantitative facts: graduate aptitude test scores, graduate study expenses,
available fellowships and other financial aid, her boyfriend’s estimates of his salary and potential earning
power, published general salaries in various positions, and general living costs in different geographical
areas. Friends, family, teachers, and other private consultants have also given qualitative data: work
duties and responsibilities for distinct career choices, views on her aptitude for distinct roles, life-style
views, and views on the degree of private fulfilment she can experience in distinct career choices.

Jane’s career goals ate to achieve personal happiness and financial security. She believes that
the qualitative and quantitative data can be used to subjectively assess each choices.

II. Relate the case to any of the chapter we discussed.

The case talks about Jane Allen, graduated with flying colours and had difficulties in deciding the
path of her career and have a family. The case also highlighted the need to assess both quantitative and
qualitative data in order to arrive at the best choice. The first step to solving a career problem is to
bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Exploring your values, interests, and
abilities will assist you find opportunities for education and career that suit your objectives. Whether
you're selecting a major, looking for a job, or applying to graduate schools, our theory-based services
can assist you create and execute a future plan.

III. Identify and diagnose the problems by asking three questions:

 Who made the bad decision?

Since this case focuses on the relevance of decision-making in our personal lives, where
the subject continues to face the problems of choosing the best alternatives and choices to
make in her life whether to make on building a better career and a happy family or proceed to
graduate school, the bad decision still needs to be determined.

 Did they have enough information to make a good decision?

Yes. In the case, Jane is considering a lot of information to come up with the best and
good decision, with various qualitative and quantitative elements. The process of good career
decision making includes - knowing yourself (what motivates you); knowing what’s out there
(where the opportunities are) and making a choice to pursue a particular role. Making the right
decisions can determine the direction of our life.

 Did they have the incentive to make a good decision?

Yes. Jane have the advantage to make a good decision in the first place since she was
able to gather and consider a lot of information in her decision making process. The most
important and distinctive aspect of life is to choose right career at the right time and the basis of
career development and progress lay down by the career one chooses. She can weigh the
strengths and weaknesses in that particular decision to have a better career. Making the right
decisions can determine the direction of our lives and self-awareness is a fundamental part of
this process.

IV. Present a methodology for diagnosing and repairing problems within an organization.

So for Jane to achieve financial security and personal satisfaction, she must learn the basic
concepts of decision-making. The process should involve the (1.) Gather relevant quantitative
information; (2.) Observe reality; (3.) Recognize a problem; (4.) Identify alternative courses of action; (5.)
Establish evaluation criteria; (6.) Evaluate alternatives; (7.) Choose the most preferable alternative; and
(8) implement the choice.

V. What strategies or principles highlighted?

The principles highlighted in the case was the decision-making process. As you start to explore
career options, first assess your interests, values, and personality to develop an understanding of your
technical and transferable skills. Consider variables that may influence your search, such as geographic
preferences, the culture of an organization, or the equilibrium between work and life. First of all, doing
this inventory will assist concentrate your search so you can direct your efforts in the most productive

VI. Discuss the general impact of the case to you as an MBA student.

As an MBA student the general impact of the case to me that decision making is very important.
When pursuing my MBA studies there are a lot of factors to consider in selecting the school:
Community, degree programs and cost and financial aid. In community, be sure that the school suits
your needs and how accessible is the school from work/residence. In Degree Programs, does the school
offer the degree and program you want? In Cost and Financial Aid, always consider the cost per
semester and that’s why I decided to choose the University of Immaculate Conception.

The first step to solve a career issue is to bridge the gap between where you want to be and
where you are. Exploring your ethics, interests and skills will help you learn educational and career
opportunities that fit your goals. Career is our journey through life; an expression of what is significant
to us. The process of good career decision making includes - knowing yourself and knowing what’s out
there and making a choice to pursue a particular role. Making the right decisions can determine the
direction of our life.

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