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Statement of Purpose
Your Statement of Purpose, or Personal Statement, is a vital part of your MSc
application to study in the WMG department at the University of Warwick. Not only
do we read it carefully, we also think about what you say and how you say it. It helps
us to decide if you will succeed and be happy studying with us.

Your Personal Statement gives us an opportunity to find out more about you.
Therefore, you should think of the Personal Statement as an opportunity to tell us
about yourself and to highlight your strengths.

It is absolutely critical that you explain to us why you have applied for your chosen
course; if you fail to do so your application will be rejected, even if you meet our
other admission criteria.

Remember that writing a personal statement takes time and effort – you should jot
down a few points on a piece of paper before starting to write it in full.

General statements such as "I want a better job" or "I enjoy

studying" are not sufficient and will count against you.

If you are applying for the MSc in Management for Business Excellence the advice
on this page does not apply to you.Please read this information about Personal
Statements for the MBE course.

1. What you should say

Here are the themes that you should consider when writing your personal statement.
This list is not complete, but they are likely to form the basis of your statement.


 Why you want to undertake postgraduate study.

 Your reasons for choosing the specific course. This is vital. Saying you are
interested in "business" or "management" is not sufficient.
 How your first degree and/or work experience is relevant to the course.
 What academic skills you have developed and how they relate to the MSc
course you have chosen.
Personal Attributes

 What personal skills can you offer? Again, you must explain how these skills
are relevant for your study at WMG
 Your future career goals.

2. How you should say it

Address the subject of the course. WMG do not offer general "management" or
"business" courses, so be specific: how are your skills and interests related to
Logistics, Project Management, e-Business etc?

Relate the things you say about yourself to the course applied for. Don't just say "I
worked for two months at Company X"; explain its relevance: "At Company X I was
involved in troubleshooting project overruns on a new product design. This made it
clear to me how important project management and risk management is".

3. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

It is important to get these right. Incorrect grammar, spelling or punctuation can
make it difficult for us to read and understand what you are trying to say. For a start,
you should use the grammar and spell checker provided in your word processor, but
don't rely on these alone. Print your statement and read it with a pen in hand. Even
better, get someone else to check it for you.

4. Style
Aim for 500 words. It may seem like a lot, but it will fill up quickly. Be concise and
straight-forward in your writing. Keep your sentences short and get to the point. Most
of the poor statements we see are too long, not too short.

5. Presentation
Use full sentences, starting with a capital letter and finishing with a full-stop.
Do not use slang or informal language.
Use paragraphs – your statement should read like any other piece of written work,
that is, it should have an introduction (the beginning), body (the middle), and
conclusion (the end).

Quick Tips
 Don't use your statement to tell us what we already know. For example details
of your undergraduate degree will be evident from your transcripts.
 A personal statement is not a CV, so avoid just listing everything you have ever
 Donʼt submit the same generic statement for many different courses. You must
tailor the statement for each specific course.
 You can include information about your hobbies / voluntary work etc, but you
must explain how these relate to the course you have applied for.
 Donʼt tell us about other people (e.g. your parents), they aren't the ones who
will be studying at WMG.
 Avoid vague statements such as "I have always wanted to go to your University
because I have a passion for study".
 Do not, under any circumstances, copy a personal statement from another
source. In particular do not use "effective personal statement" type websites or


Statement of purpose
This should be around 500 words in length and answer the following:

 Why have you selected this course? What are your motivating factors?
 What are your areas of interest within the course?
 What contributions do you feel you can make to the course?
 How do you see the course affecting your career plans?
 What evidence of research or reading in this area can you show?

The relevant section of the application form will accept up to 4,600 characters, including
spaces, or you can upload your statement as a separate document, attached to your online
This course is a natural follow on from what I am already doing and is the vital link for me to get to
what I want to do in the future. My current work in CReco Research has equipped me with a
panoramic view to analyse the current economics situation in domestic and global scope. In future, I
wish to find work in policy making both in Indonesia and international level, utilizing my degree in
Economics as well as my experience and interest in macroeconomics and microeconomics. The
course MSc in Economics will give me the necessary tools to fulfill my ambition.

After graduated from Airlangga University, I started my career as a junior economist in The
Indonesia’s Employers Association (APINDO) – European Union (EU) Project, called ACTIVE (The
Advancing Indonesia’s Civil Society in Trade and Investment). This joint project aimed to strengthen
the role of APINDO in decision making and policy advocacy for preparing the CEPA (Comprehensive
Economic Partnership Agreement) between Indonesia and EU. My major job description was
conduct policy oriented research and develop relevant policy recommendation on issues on a range
of topics (trade, investment, services, barriers to competitiveness, logistics and transport and
capacity building requirements for business). In addition, I also wrote two market brief for the SMEs
in Bahasa, entitled Step and Strategy of Export to European Union for coffee and shrimp products.

Presently, I am a junior economist in a research consulting company in Jakarta, Indonesia. Day by

day, I assist Raden Pardede and Chatib Basri, Indonesia’s top economists in doing industry and
commodities related. Nowadays, I handle a Indonesia’s industrialization reform project specifically.
This project funded by AIPEG (Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance) and
reported to the Coordinating Ministry for Economics Affairs as a guidance draft to generate a
comprehensive industrialization policy. In preparing the framework, I do research and conduct FGDs
with private sectors and relevant ministries. I face difficulties when dealing with these two parties
about the problems faced by the sectors of the economy. I contribute on identifying the root of the
problems, seeing the constraints A to Z throughly, and simplifying in simple terms. Hence, I could
suggest sharp policy recommendations. So far, the response of private sectors and relevant
ministries is good, since I propose a logical and implementable framework for both government and
private parties. Some policies have already been published in the economy deregulation package by
the Government of Indonesia.  TOO MANY DETAILS

By learning and doing, I have gained some of the knowledge behind the policy making process in
economics field, but it is still not enough. Although I have a 3 year working experience in this field,
there are much gap exist to fill in my knowledge and understanding economics policy making,
particularly in helicopter view of macroeconomics and microeconomics. For these reasons, I choose
to continue my education to Master’s degree. I strongly believe that my desire of economics
knowledge will be fulfilled in order to generate better and sharper policy recommendation in the
future.  TOO BROAD make it SPECIFIC

I choose University of Warwick, which is the top-ranked university in economics field in the world in
terms of I want to guarantee myself that I will get the best education from the best university. The
facilities which owned by University of Warwick, such as teaching methods, qualified lecturers,
training and discussion forums that will hone my analytical thinking will have a significant impact on
improving my academics quality as a prospective economist. A good university must have high-
quality students and University of Warwick has also students from different countries. This high-
quality networking will be very useful to me in the future. I will use it in national and international
scope for policy making.  backup with example & evidence

The MSc in Economics course would equip me with the tools with which I can further my ambitions
to work in the field of economics, to contribute to the national and international solution for
poverty, income inequality, and others economy development issues, to try and make it as equitable
and meaningful to all strata of people living, and to make sure there is sustainable growth. I would
like to pursue a career in international and national economics policy advocacy, lobbying or
consultancy. I may further want to study doctoral programme which would provide me with skills to
deeper analytical thinking framework. This course would equip me with the right balance of practical
experience and knowledge to develop further on my ideas to enhance the just-economy.  please
give specific comments on how the course subjects will enhance your skill set for your current job
and future job aspiration.

Hence, I wish to point out my strong intention to join the ‘Masters of Science in Economics’ program
at your prestigious institution and I am anticipating many enlighten lectures and discussions at
Conventry starting this Fall. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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