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Holy Spirit University of Kaslik

USEK Business School

Undergraduate department

Presented by
Jessica Chalghanian
Under the supervision of
Mr. Hadi Saliba

Internship performed at
Wannes Group Company

Spring 202020

I wish to express my gratitude to all those who helped me complete this report. A successful
completion of any sort of projects requires the assistance of a variety of people. Working in
Wannes Group was interesting. Therefore, I must thank Mr. Jean Wannes for giving me the
opportunity to be a part of this company. It is in my radiant sentiment to place on record my
best regards to Ms. Giselle Makdissy, accountant in Wannes Group, for her precious
guidance which was extremely valuable during my study both theoretically and practically. I
also have taken help from different people for the preparation of this report. Now, here is a
little effort to show my deep appreciation to that helpful person. I convey my sincere
appreciation to my academic supervisor Mr. Hadi Saliba, Academic Coordinator of USEK
Business School – Zahle Campus. His proper directions and encouraging attitude throughout
have been a source of inspiration for us. Without his kind attitude patronage, we would
have never been able to accomplish this report. In every phase of this project, his guidance
shaped this report to be completed perfectly.

I would like to acknowledge that this report has been written by me and has not received
any previous academic credit at this or another educational institution.

Jessica Jean Chalghanian


This is my internship report based on the one-month long internship program that I have
successfully completed in Wannes Group Company under the accounting division from
August 1st to August 31st, 2019 as a mandatory requirement for graduating students.

Internships offer you the liberty to try different career paths without being completely tied
to them for an extended period of time. The objectives of the internship are providing real
life experience and exposure to the student, hence granting the opportunity to learn more
about the student’s self-potentials and abilities, in addition to getting connected and
developing professional network. Plus, preventing the curriculum vitae from going to trash
during job applications and transition to full-time job position. Undergoing an internship
allows the student to harness the knowledge, skill and theoretical practice they learnt in the
University and enabling them to transform theory into practical real-life situations.

This report is divided into four main parts. The first part consists the description of
operation including the organizational structure, the flow of authority, the location of the
business and the function of my job. In the second part I will be describing the
organizational climate including the work environment, the employees’ satisfaction, their
suggestion system and personnel problems in this workplace. The third part studies the
effectiveness of supervision including the characteristics of the supervisors, the respect in
the workplace, the handling of guests’ complaints, the training and retaining of employees.
In the last part, I will be explaining my personal development including the internship
objectives, its impact on my career goals, my work vs. my educational experiences, skills
newly acquired and the development of managerial skills specifically. At the end of each
part, an incident relevant to the main topic will be developed and analyzed. Finally, there
will be an overall conclusion with my own recommendations.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................3
TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................................................4
PART 1: Description of Operation.........................................................................................................7
1. The Organizational structure.....................................................................................................7
2. The flow of authority and responsibilities within the organization...........................................7
3. Description of the location and local business department.......................................................8
4. The function of my job in relation to the department...............................................................8
5. Description of an incident that occurred while I was on duty...................................................9
6. My analysis regarding a situation that occurred in the organization.........................................9
PART 2: Organizational Climate..........................................................................................................10
1. The work environment............................................................................................................10
2. Employees satisfaction............................................................................................................10
3. Employee Suggestion System..................................................................................................11
4. Personnel problems in the work environment........................................................................11
5. Description of an incident that occurred while I was on duty..................................................11
6. My analysis regarding a situation that occurred in the organization.......................................12
Part 3: Effectiveness of supervision.................................................................................................13
1. Characteristics of the supervisors............................................................................................13
2. Respect in the workplace.........................................................................................................14
3. Handling guest complaints.......................................................................................................14
4. Training for employees............................................................................................................15
5. Retaining good employees.......................................................................................................15
6. Description of an incident that occurred while I was on duty..................................................16
7. My analysis regarding a situation that occurred in the organization.......................................16
Part 4: Personal development............................................................................................................17
1. Internship Objectives...............................................................................................................17
2. The impact on my career goals................................................................................................18
3. My work experience vs my education.....................................................................................18
4. Skills newly acquired................................................................................................................18
5. Management skills...................................................................................................................19
6. Personal opinion on managerial skills......................................................................................19
7. Lessons from my internship.....................................................................................................20

8. Curriculum at USEK..................................................................................................................20
9. Recommendation to other students........................................................................................21
1- To the organization..............................................................................................................22
2- To the University..................................................................................................................22
Appendix: Curriculum vitae.........................................................................................................24
Supervisor Evaluation Form........................................................................................................26
INTERNSHIP ATTESTATION..........................................................................................................27


As part of my third year’s bachelor’s degree study in Business Administration with audit
major, per the requirement of the USEK Business School, it is mandatory for graduating
students to perform an internship. Students obtaining their degree are to embark on this
internship for minimum of one month to enable them to obtain practical industrial
experience in their field of study and to abreast themselves of the business environment. As
Albert Einstein once said:

“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not”.

With that being said, I was offered an opportunity to be an intern in Wannes Group for one
month. Wannes Group is a company that involves renting out electrical generators and
distributing energy to different cities in Lebanon including Ksara, Ablah, Hawsh Al Omara
and El Faaour.

The owner of this company is Mr. Jean Wannes. He started providing electricity in the Beqaa
region from 2006 to 2015. As of this date “Electricité de Zahle” (EDZ) started providing 24/7
electricity to Zahle residents. Due to this change, he expanded his marketplace to farther
cities such as Broumana, Baalbek and Dahr El Ahmar. After a shortage of employees, I was
offered to help this company in accounting. Although my internship agreement was for only
one month, yet I stayed up to this day in the view of the fact that the original accountant
has left the job. Therefore, I started to get paid for working from home as a part-time job.

Immediately upon starting my internship, I had a set of goals I wanted to achieve. For
instance, I wanted to have an experience in accounting and to get to know practically how
to get the job done. In addition, I wanted to have valuable insights into the professional and
industry-oriented part of accounting and auditing. Furthermore, I wanted to have a better
understanding of an accountant daily scope of responsibility. Most importantly, I wanted to
actively contribute to the company’s objectives. Hopefully, this experience will be beneficial
in the future.

PART 1: Description of Operation

1. The Organizational structure



Billing specialists Accounting Clerk Concierges

Figure 1 Organizational structure of Wannes Group

2. The flow of authority and responsibilities within the organization

The figure above illustrates the structure of the Wannes Group Company.

The owner of Wannes Group, Mr. Jean Wannes, has the decisive authority in the business
operation of the company.

Ms. Giselle had a very significant role to play. She was not only the accountant, but the
general manager as well. Her duties embodied performing monthly, quarterly, and annual
accounting activities including reconciliations of bank and credit card accounts, reviewed the
financial reports as necessary. Along with her responsibility for analyzing and reporting on
financial status including income statement variances, communicating financial results to
the owner, budget preparation and analysis. In addition, it was within her duties to keep
improving the systems and procedures and initiating corrective action. Last but not least,
her job requires overseeing taxes and abiding by federal regulations.

The billing specialists are responsible for entering charges accurately and expeditiously to
ensure proper records handling and fast payment responses. They also must be following up
on payers’ denials. At last, they must be posting payments in a timely manner.
Regarding the accounting clerks, they must be using bookkeeping databases, spreadsheets,
and software. Besides posting financial transactions in databases, receiving and recording
vouchers, cash and checks.

Concerning the maintenance technicians, their duty includes performing routine

maintenance of the generators, working on damaged electrical wiring when a shortage or
severed wire occurs, applying preventative measures to the generators to reduce the risk of
future problems. Finally, they are responsible for fixing potential safety hazards to avoid

Apropos of the concierges, they must be controlling the access to the generator’s site,
monitoring the system, and carrying out regular patrols and checks, in addition to dealing
with emergencies.

3. Description of the location and local business department

Some of the enlisted operations concerning the accounting department are performed from
an office in Al Madinah Al Sinaiyah situated in Mr. Jean’s other business for car’s glass
repairing, on the second floor.

The other operations such as sending out the bills and collecting the money are done
accordingly to the consumers’ homes. Regarding the concierges, each one is present at all
times besides the generator they are responsible for. As for the maintenance technicians,
they move between the generators to run the routine checkup.

During my internship I had the opportunity to work from the office, from home and
between the clients’ houses.

4. The function of my job in relation to the department

I was assigned in the accounting department, led by Ms. Giselle. During my experience, I
learned a lot from her. As a trainee I was expected to work from 8 in the morning until 5 in
the afternoon. But sometimes I exceeded the working hours due to work commitments.

My job description was basically to assist Ms. Giselle in data entry, maintaining accurate and
complete financial records. In addition, I helped her with preparing financial reports, such as
balance sheets and income statements, invoices, and other documents. At last, I was
performing basic office tasks, including answering phones, responding to emails and filing.

5. Description of an incident that occurred while I was on duty

At my first week in Wannes Group Company, a notable incident happened. An employee

who was collecting money did not pay attention for a counterfeit one-hundred-dollar bill.
When confronting the client, he denied it was his. At this point, Mr. Jean could not do
anything; however, a preventive action was taken to avoid similar future incidents.
Therefore, the employees who collect money had in their pockets a counterfeit detector
pen to cease this situation from happening again. Furthermore, each time an employee gets
paid with a large bill, he would attach it to a piece of paper indicating the source’s name. It
seems to me like this situation was well-handled.

6. My analysis regarding a situation that occurred in the organization

Regarding the previous matter, in my humble opinion, as an employer, it is Mr. Jean’s

responsibility to protect his money, his employees, and his customers. If counterfeit bills
enter his premises, the employees need to know what to do.

With that being said, Mr. Jean should have considered training the employees to detect and
refuse counterfeit bills before the situation occurred. They should be able to know which
security features to look for, such as raised ink, hidden numbers, and transparent features in
order to detect fraud if they ever go collecting money without the detector. Besides
identifying fraudulent bills, the employees should have known how to appropriately refuse

PART 2: Organizational Climate

1. The work environment

Before starting my internship, I had in mind a set of expectations. These predictions were
balanced between positive and negative because I tend to be realistic more than dreamy.
Surprisingly, the work environment was very pleasant. First of all, Mr. Jean is such an
inspiring person; he opened my eyes towards the real-life struggles and its ultimate goal
“inner peace”. He made sure to teach me all he knew about life more than work. Secondly,
the nature of this job requires spending a lot of time at the office where the employees
connect and bond. Since day one they welcomed me and have treated me like I was a
member of this family. I could ask anyone about any unclear operation, and they will happily
wipe the uncertainty away. Last but not least, Ms. Giselle made my experience valuable with
all her guidance and by teaching me everything she had to learn the hard way in the
professional industry. With all that favorableness, some hard times were inevitable.
Especially when we had to meet deadlines, stay overtime due to work commitments, deal
with difficult clients, not to mention when a technical problem occurs in one of the
generators the whole clientele start calling at the same time and we would feel frustrated.

2. Employees satisfaction

“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers”.

- Stephen, R. C. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

New York, United States: Simon & Schuster

This quote describes one of many theories Mr. Jean believed in. Happiness does not “just
happen” in a business. Multiple elements must come together to create an office
atmosphere conducive to employee happiness. Mr. Jean made sure to treat everyone with
respect. He recognized every single member as a whole person, not just an employee. He
communicated with the employees. As a matter of fact, each morning we had a small
gathering to catch up and prepare the schedule of the day ahead. For all the reasons listed
above, the employees were satisfied with their jobs.

3. Employee Suggestion System

Since Wannes Group Company cultivates an open relationship between employees and
management, ideas for improvements would surface normally, without explicit prompting.
Mr. Jean solicited employees’ feedback and used it to improve their situation at work. He
was open to new ideas. But in this line of business, creativity is limited. That did not stop the
employees from suggesting new marketing ideas. During my internship, Ms. Giselle
proposed a discount specified to clients who use electricity in large amounts, such as
factories and banks. After applying her proposal, Wannes Group Company closed a deal with
TOUCH, one of the two mobile telecommunications and data operators in Lebanon.

4. Personnel problems in the work environment

The management continuously tried to create an enjoyable climate within the organization,
but some of the employees were simply dependent. They would rely on their colleagues to
do the work for them. Some others were loafers. They would avoid working and instead
spend their time in an aimless way. These kinds of behavior were filed as complaints to Mr.
Jean who took an action on their behalf. He addressed a formal warning. In one of the cases,
he was obliged to fire one of the employees for his lack of commitment.

5. Description of an incident that occurred while I was on duty

The generators came with circuit breakers to limit excessive amounts of current. A circuit
breaker protects an electrical circuit from damage by automatically shutting off power to
the circuit. One-night Mr. Jean received an emergency call, so did we. A generator was on
fire, it had exploded. The breakers tripped because of overloaded circuits and it broke. This
process set the generator on fire. The flames got into the diesel containers and exploded
causing material damages. The main reason was the overheating due to the negligence of
the concierge who did not pay attention to cool off the generator.

After a long-lasting night, Mr. Jean fired the concierge as a consequence after finding out
that he was having fun at a friend’s house leaving his spot and duties behind. I find the
dismissal decision to be filled with mercy. In Mr. Jean’s position, I would have made the
concierge pay for the damages as much as he could afford.

6. My analysis regarding a situation that occurred in the organization

Regarding the incident mentioned above, from my personal standpoint, the main reason
was the negligence of an employee, but it was not the only reason. The containers were too
close to the generator which exaggerated the fire. Mr. Jean should have stored the fuel
away from any fuel-burning appliance, especially the generator. The right action was that
the generator is placed in an isolated area away from people or this could have gotten far
more serious and dangerous.

Part 3: Effectiveness of supervision

1. Characteristics of the supervisors

During my internship, I have had two supervisors; Ms. Giselle was my direct supervisor, she
was always present and oversaw the operations as they occurred and provided constant
direction, feedback and assistance. As for Mr. Jean, he was the indirect supervisor, he was
responsible for the work but not for the workers. The two of them made a great team. In
other words, the strengths of Ms. Giselle were the weaknesses of Mr. Jean and vice versa.
They completed each other.

In my opinion, there are two main characteristics of a good supervisor; his/her attitude and
his/her experience. Mr. Jean had the experience and Ms. Giselle had the attitude. I will
explore these two factors in the following paragraph.

During my first few days, I felt welcomed. Ms. Giselle had carved out a few chunks of time
on her calendar to give me the proper training and instructions. While administrative duties
like making copies and updating databases are part of being an intern, she understood that I
would not grow or learn much if that is all I am doing. So, she gave me some valuable
projects. I was assigned tasks that were related to my career goals and my strengths as in
my communication skills and critical thinking. She did not set high expectations and
assumed that I knew all the information needed to get the job done. She also had the ability
to communicate in a clear and concise manner using positive language. She had a positive
attitude and a way in constructive criticism. I liked that she was trustworthy, transparent
and, full of integrity. Also, she had a good judgement regarding reading people. She was
humble and always asked for a feedback in order to be better each time. These are some of
the qualities I would make sure to have once I am an employee or employer. One of Ms.
Giselle’s weaknesses was in her problem-solving skills, she tended to be more reactive than
proactive and she took the problem very personal.

Regarding Mr. Jean, he has years of experience which enhanced his problem-solving skills.
Although he lacked communication skills and, it took me a while to start taking initiative and
come up effective. Mr. Jean would not tolerate mistakes or naivety. He also would not allow

an employee to blame someone else for his/her mistake, or to try to cover up a problem
rather than deal with it. He would also assign me a task with no clarifications on the ending
goal and expected me to figure it out on my own. That was stressful but gladly, Ms. Giselle
was there to help me out. My favorite quality is a bit unpopular, but I liked that he did not
care about appearing nice, for me, that term in leadership is irrelevant. He adopted
managing by fear not by trust, and for me that is smart in this kind of businesses because
everyone wanted a piece of it. One more thing I would like to adopt from Mr. Jean is his love
for innovation and would not mind getting out of his comfort zone and take risks.

I would like to dedicate this paragraph to explain a side of Mr. Jean that touches my heart
and soul till this day and hopefully forever. A business’s purpose is to make profit, but Mr.
Jean did not mind giving services with no income to those in need. I remember one
particular client who just lost her husband at the time and did not have children, Mr. Jean
did not accept to take fees from his, he still does not up to this day. That act of generosity
applies to many customers, each one of them has been through a lot and as we know, life is
not fair, and to have business owners with a heart that big is a blast.

2. Respect in the workplace

Respect is a key requirement for a healthy work environment. It was everywhere in the
office, Ms. Giselle earned it by treating people with kindness, courtesy and politeness to
everyone. Mr. Jean imposed it by keeping his promises, by never throwing someone under
the bus and, by being there for everyone even on the personal matters, besides his status as
the boss of the business. Mr. Jean proved that respect can be earned in our nonverbal
communications; through our actions.

3. Handling guest complaints

In the line of this company’s business, we faced a lot of guests’ problems. Each time the
electricity went off, the phones would not stop ringing. That is why we had a process to
follow once we are dealing with clients. We listened with empathy and concern to their
complaints. We clarified the problem and gave them an approximate timeframe for the
completion of corrective actions. We monitored and followed up the actions. Sometimes,

due to the large amount of complaints, Mr. Jean would turn off his cellphone and his
reaction is understandable although I would not adopt it in the future.

4. Training for employees

Throughout my internship, no new candidates were hired. This kind of business is stable,
there is not much of an update to keep up with, so no training occurred during my
internship. But I will elaborate this point by describing the training applied on me as an

As I mentioned previously, every employee welcomed me and made sure to give me an

overview of the company; its mission, vision, rules and regulations and the working
conditions. They also shared with me the advantages of their jobs and the disadvantages.
After this orientation took place, it was about time to start the training. It was an “on the job
training”; I was learning everything within my everyday working of a concern. I was trained
in an actual working scenario. This “learning by doing” method was adopted with everyone.

5. Retaining good employees

As a part of the company’s culture, the supervisors did not care so much about hiring new
good employees who proved their worthiness at other workplaces. And by saying good
employees, I mean professionally wise. The important quality in this company was to be
trustworthy, hardworking and committed. Everything else is taught during the job.

In my point of view, I think that this plan is suitable for such a small business. But it does not
eliminate the fact that the company could use both, a professional employee who happens
to have a good personality and intentions.

Apart from not trying to hire good employees, the supervisors were absolutely trying and
succeeding with retaining the existent ones.

6. Description of an incident that occurred while I was on duty

Workplace disagreements and tension are inevitable. Conflicts arise from many causes. For
starters, at school, we used to work on a group project and usually there is someone who

tries to get the rest of the team to carry their weight. Unfortunately, this behavior still
occurs in the workplace. This case happened during my internship. One of the employees
had always pushed off his work, tried to leave before the work was over multiple times and,
waited for someone else to do his job. Until one day his coworker snapped. He could not
take it anymore, he started yelling at his fellow worker and a verbal fight took place.
Mr. Jean intervened immediately and sorted things out by pointing out the repeated
behavior of the employee followed by a verbal warning.

7. My analysis regarding a situation that occurred in the organization

A leader should know how to drive the ship, and Mr. Jean acted accordingly. In his shoes, I
would have not only mentioned that the employee’s behavior is wrong but took a corrective

For starters, since everyone noticed his laziness, why wait until a problem occurs to act? If I
was the manager, I would have mentioned his behavior in early stages. Secondly, these two
coworkers were supposed to collect the electricity fees from the customers’ houses. Instead
of letting them wander all day aimlessly, I would have set a target number of houses per day
to achieve. They will feel more engaged and motivated and treated fairly.

Part 4: Personal development

1. Internship Objectives

When I started my internship, I had in mind many objectives to accomplish, the most
important one was that this experience is a requirement in order to get my degree.

Furthermore, we need experience to get experience. This internship has been beneficial on
many levels; I had a clear set of goals to accomplish and I did:

- I got a work experience in a structured environment with help from experts.

- I was being advised on how to navigate a particular worksite culture and interact
with other workers.
- I got to learn how to manage my expectations and implement successful work
- It provided me a real-life experience and exposure.
- It was remarkably valuable towards my career.
- I was able to harness the skill, knowledge, and theoretical practice learnt during my
- I observed and participated in the operations.
- I expanded my network of professional relationships and contacts.
- It was an opportunity to learn more about my goals, my passion and my personality.
After all, the experiences we go through are what shape us.
- I gained a better understanding of how what I am learning in the university can help
me in my future.
- I mastered professional soft skills such as punctuality, communication and time
- It was a real confidence builder.
- It increased my maturity level, my responsibility and my commitment.
- It helped me deciding which career suits me the most.

2. The impact on my career goals

Internships offer you the liberty to try different career paths without being completely tied
to them for an extended period. During my internship, I learned more about myself.
Although I was a junior accountant, I found out later that I was delighted each time my task
was related to human connection. This passion does not erase my love towards my field, but
I know that in the future I will search for a job that requires both, interpersonal and
managerial skills and technical accounting skills.

3. My work experience vs my education

Internship creates a connection between your academic studies and the world of work.
What I learned in the classroom definitely helped me during my internship. Let us take the
accounting courses for an instance, they are basically my main work. I did learn indeed
about specific accounting programs at work, but the principle is the same. At the university,
I learned how to analyze balance sheets and income statements; at work I applied it by
replacing the general with the specific. Mr. Jean did not have a business degree and he
learned everything by experience and by using logical and critical thinking but studying at
my university allowed me to justify and understand every operation in its technicality.

4. Skills newly acquired

An internship is neither a spoon-fed school learning, nor a pressure filled workload. And in
between, I did not only learn the basics of the job arena but also the soft skills required for a
brighter professional career. I learned and developed the following skills during my

- Work ethics
- Adaptability skills
- Time management
- Commitment
- Coordination and flexibility
- Ability to manage deadlines
- Meticulous attention to detail
- Ability to work under pressure
- Ability to work on my own initiative
- Ability to work in a team

5. Management skills

Good management skills are vital for any organization to succeed and achieve its goals.
According to American social and organizational psychologist Robert Katz, the three basic
types of management skills include: technical skills, conceptual skills and interpersonal skills.

There is a wide range of skills that a manager should have to run an organization effectively
and efficiently. The following are 10 essential managerial skills every manager ought to

1- Planning
2- Decision making
3- Communication
4- Delegation
5- Motivating
6- Problem solving
7- Self-control
8- Focus
9- Creativity
10- Monitoring

6. Personal opinion on managerial skills

In my point of view, the true genius of a good manager is spotting the uniqueness that
defers each individual and then capitalizing on them with knowing how to trip each one’s
trigger. A great manager does not only make his/her employees understand the brand of
the company, but also their personal brand. It is essential that through a manager’s actions,
others are inspired to dream more, do more and learn more.

As one of the greatest leaders and most influential voice to ever exist in the world Martin
Luther King Jr. said:

“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes but have yet to learn
the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.”

The best leaders are humble leaders. When we ask about the qualities of a great manager,
we always find bravado, leadership and conflict resolving skills; we never expect to find
humility on that list – but we should. Humble leaders attract better people, have more
influence on them, they earn more respect, confidence and loyalty than those who rely

upon their power and ego. Successful managers lead to serve. They admit committing
mistakes and they know their own limitations.

7. Lessons from my internship

It is very hard to sum up months’ worth of experiences in few paragraphs. But here I go; my
internship was very rewarding since I have learned new skills. I take great pride in my work
during that period. In every situation we grow. This growth can result in a positive or
negative outcome; the end result is ultimately up to us. This has been a key lesson that I
learned throughout my internship. Every situation I came across, was a chance for me to
cultivate a positive result. My attitude in every situation was the biggest influencer. In fact,
attitude is so important that the Bible speaks about it:

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away
from you, with all malice."

If I allowed these negative emotions, like I used to do, to outgrow my thinking, I would have
created a negative outcome out of everything.

8. Curriculum at USEK

As I mentioned previously, besides the skills you learn at the workplace and nowhere else
and the accounting system that differentiates from an organization to another, I never felt
during my internship that some academic information needed were not taught at USEK.
With that being said, adding a case study every now and then in some courses would be
beneficial in my opinion. Maybe even discuss some real companies going through problems
and our actions towards them if we were in charge there. Furthermore, I would suggest an
actual application on an accounting system where we get the chance to organize financial
information and register invoices for example.

9. Recommendation to other students

I would definitely recommend other students to undergo an internship in Wannes Group. It

might be too late since the electricity now does not rely on electrical generators, but this

company provided professional experience at its best. The overall environment is healthy
and easy to work in.


Overall, my time interning at Wannes Group Company was a success. It helped me open my
eyes on the lifestyle and dream job that I want in the future. I have gained new knowledge,
skills and perspective. I also achieved several of my learning goals. Moreover, I got insight
into professional practice. I learned the different facets of working within a firm. Related to
my study I learned more about dealing with banks. However, there is still a lot of things to
discover, learn and improve in the future. The internship was also beneficial; it helped me
find out what my strengths and weaknesses are. During my internship, I learned about the
skills and knowledge I must develop in the coming time. At last this internship has given me

new insights and motivation to pursue a career in auditing especially in managerial


My humble recommendations are addressed to the organization first and to the university
1- To the organization
Facilitation: The management of Wannes Group Company should buy more facilities such as
computers and vehicles to enable smooth running of the company’s activities and respond
to the dynamic competition environment. Such technological development will let the
organization to change from manual to computerized methods of processing documents
and enhance proper record keeping.

Allowances: the company should give allowances to interns especially transport allowances
to cater for transport cost. Therefore, I recommend the organization to put that into action
in order to motivate interns and boost their productivity levels in performing their tasks
during the field attachment.

2- To the University
The University should help students to secure internship positions according to their
respective programs undertaken at the University through giving them recommendations in
order to ease their training periods and avoid the effort given by the students in search of
internship placements.


Appendix: Curriculum vitae

Business Administration

Date of Birth: March 16, 1999

Zahle, Lebanon
(+961) 78 839977

I. Education

September 2017 Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Zahle campus

-Present Bachelor’s degree in business administration
Major: Audit

July 2017 Ecole Saint Elie des Sœurs Maronites de la Sainte Famille
Lebanese Baccalaureate in Socio Economics

II. Experience

August 2019 Accountant, Wannes Group Company

Zahle, Lebanon
- Prepared balance sheets
- Prepared monthly, quarterly and annual budget reports
- Assisted in preparing and maintaining financial budgets

October 2017 Private tutor, Student’s home

-Present Zahle, Lebanon
- Working with a student to improve his skills in school subjects
- Preparing lessons, assigning and correcting homework
- Preparing and correcting tests
- Discussing the student’s results with the parents

March 2015 Entertainer, Fairy Tales Events

-Present Zahle, Lebanon
- Decorating the location of the event
- Preparing the schedule of the event
- Entertaining the kids

June 2014 Hostess and Promoter, Chapeau Bas Agency

-Present Zahle, Lebanon

- Seating the guests in a friendly, professional and quick manner
- Entering guest’s name into the computer system
- Greeting incoming and departing guests
- Contacting the invitees to confirm their presence
- Advertising a product/service

July 2013 Entertainer, Kid’s Summer camp

-July 2016 Zahle, Lebanon
- Entertained kids.
- Taught them how to swim.
- Prepared a daily schedule including skills, knowledge and

III. Language Skills

Language Speaking Writing Readin

Arabic Excellent Excellent Excelle
French Excellent Excellent Excelle
English Excellent Excellent Excelle

IV. Technical skills

Microsoft Office ●●●●○

V. Volunteering and Certifications

January 2020 Best Leader in Lebanon Certification

Wood badge camp level 2

March 2009 Volunteer, Lebanese Scout Association

-Present Unit Leader for kids – Zahle

Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
USEK Business School
Supervisor Evaluation Form
Evaluator: Jean Chalghanian Company name: Wannes Group Company

Intern name: Jessica Chalghanian

Please rate the performance of the intern on the below criteria and return this form signed and
stamped in a sealed envelope.

5.Strongly Agree 4. Agree 3. Neutral 2. Disagree 1. Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1 N/A
- Plans her/his own work effectively      
- Applies acquired knowledge to related assignment      
- Completes tasks with minimal errors      
- Seeks ways to find solutions      
- Has good commands of written communication/reporting skills      
- Shares ideas openly with clear explanation and reasoning      
- Abides by the internal rules and regulations      
- Maintains confidentiality as per company policy      
- Shows respect to superiors/peers      
- Meets deadlines      
- Delivers expected output      
- Cooperates well with others      
- Listens to other viewpoints      


Evaluator’s Signature & Stamp: Date: August 31st 2019

UBS2019 AACSB/LG1/2/3/4


This is to certify that


was working from August 1 st 2019 to August 31 st 2019 as Accounting Trainee at Wannes Group,
Lebanon’s leading company in electrical generator’s rental and distribution.

In this function the main tasks she completed were the following:

Data entry
Create financial reports
balance sheets and income statements, invoices, and other documents.
Operate on the phone
Examine statements to ensure accuracy
Inspect account books and accounting systems to keep up to date
Organize and maintain financial records

Jessica is an efficient trainee who was deeply involved in her work. She has a strong capacity to
analyze the situations and define priorities in order to reach department deadlines and
achieve objectives. During her internship, she strongly developed her ability to question
herself and to persevere. Thanks to her very good communication skills, Jessica developed and
maintained very good relationships with the clients.
We know Jessica as a really motivated person, very conscientious and a great team player. She
demonstrated a strong willingness to "do things in the right way".

Jessica leaves the company at the end of her internship. She is free of any obligations with the
exception of those regarding confidentiality of business information acquired during her
employment at Wannes Group.
Based on the skills that Jessica demonstrated during her internship, we are confident in her
abilities to develop her career successfully. Our best wishes accompany in her future business

Jean Wannes
August 31st 2019


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