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Aim Training Routine 


The kind of game Paladins is determines the type of training routine we’ll build around it. 
Some things to keep in mind about Paladins. 
● It doesn't take much precision 
● It has vertical aim 
● It benefits from large angle aim  
● It has a mix of tracking, clicking, and projectile aim types. 
*Projectile practice isn't worth doing since its on feel, gamesense, and game 
*​Legend: ​Clicking​ in ​ red ​, ​tracking​ in ​ blue ​, ​switching​ in ​ purple ​. 
This routine is made to be played in two splits. A d ​ ay routine​ before your gaming session; 
night routine​ sometime after. Splitting it this way helps you focus, perform, and get more 
benefit from each split. They are short duration and minimal. The guide will not contain a lot 
of a
​ im theory​, as that information is mostly useless. The guide Focuses on f​ undamentals 
and practical application. The P ​ aladins Aim Training Routine​ is tailored for complete 
beginners to masters players who feel like they should be getting more from their aim. It is 
not to be used forever. Eventually you will surpass this guide and move on to harder 
scenarios and higher goals. Pick the difficulty that suits you the best. From Little or no 
experience to a higher level paladins player. The different routines might line up with your 
Paladins rank. 

Mousepad Management - U ​ se your complete mousepad space for aiming. It is important to 
be proficient with all of your usable space. 
Neutral position​ - The center of your mousepad will be your neutral / starting space for 
challenges. It is important to have a good neutral habit to start from. Giving you the most 
room to react to targets with. 
Clicking​ - Aim that relies on shoot timing to hit a target 
Tracking ​- Aim that relies on constant crosshair over target 
Switching -​ Hybrid type that has tracking skill mixed with fast swaps to chain kills. 
Beginner (Bronze / Silver in Paladins) 
The B​ eginner ​routine aims to get you introduced to the ​fundamentals​. 
Day routine 
smoothness trainer   (Smoothness/Mousepadmanagement) 
tile frenzy 180 strafing (Moving click. get used to mousepad) 
target switching 360 (Swapping Horizontal) 
Night routine 
fuglaaxylongstrafes (Vertical Intro) 
Jumbo 1wall6targets TE (Static click)  
Tile Frenzy 180 strafing track  (Swapping W/ height) 
*W/ height has different vertical levels but not vertical ​tracking 
*Static has easy clicking with not much emphasis on timing 
5 minutes per scenario. 
This section introduces you to different aim styles at a difficulty that shouldn’t 
be too frustrating. If you find yourself struggling adjust the T
​ ime Scale o​ ption in Free 
Play mode. (Just pick Play instead of Start Challenge) You’ll see the option on the 
right side of the screen. Make sure to focus on building solid fundamentals. 
Emphasis is on s​ moothness​, consistency, ​mousepad management​ and 
comfortability. No need to overthink. If this is too easy or boring feel free to skip 
ahead to I​ ntermediate​. 

Intermediate (Gold / Platinum in Paladins) 

The I​ ntermediate ​routine aims to expand on f​ undamentals ​and prepare for 
Day routine 
ground plaza easy  (Medium horizontal tracking) 
wide wall 6targets (Medium static click) 
pattargetswitch (Medium swapping headshots) 
*Mix ​ground plaza easy​ with ​plaza high ground easy​ and ​plaza low 
ground easy 
Night routine 
air close long strafes (Medium vertical tracking) 
1wall5targets_pasu reload (Medium moving click) 
kintargetswitch   (Medium swapping vertical) 
*The ground plazas can go long so you can do one or two playthroughs 
or 5 minutes of Freeplay 
5 minutes per scenario. 
This section ramps up the difficulty, introduces you to more unpredictable 
scenarios, and is more in line with actual gameplay speed. MOST people reading this 
guide should start here. It’s fine to skip to this level if you feel like you have a good 
foundation ​with solid FPS experience. If you come from something very horizontal 
or pre-aim focused, some of the aim styles will feel a little awkward. Just remember 
we can use the​ Time Scale​ option to build your speed up from a foundation of solid 
technique. The mix of low ground and highground options are great for building 
comfort on awkward angles that you don’t get a lot of practice with in-game. If you 
aren’t comfortable at all with any of these scenarios or you don't have a foundation 
of aim skill, I recommend starting at ​Beginner​. 

Advanced (Diamond + in Paladins) 
The A​ dvanced ​routine aims to challenge your f​ undamentals a ​ nd train past what 
paladins requires 
Day routine 
Ground plaza (Hardest Horizontal Tracking) 
bounce 180 (Hardest moving Click) 
wide wall 6targets 
1wall5targets_pasu - track(Harder swapping Vertical) 
*Mix ​ground plaza ​with ​plaza high ground ​and ​plaza low ground  
Night routine 
Air NO UFO NO SKYBOTS  (Hardest Vertical tracking  
1wall 6targets small (hard static click) 
bounce 180 tracking (Harder Swapping Vertical) 
5 minutes per scenario. 
This routine is for high ranked players in aim intensive shooters or 
experienced Aim Trainers. You should have a good foundation of ability and be 
comfortable with all types of aim. This will expand further to the harder difficulty 
scenarios to keep you challenged. The difficulty of these scenarios are more difficult 
than aiming in Paladins. So if you can aim well here you should be fine. I also added 
another scenario to add to the workload and to target more large angle clicking. If 
these routines are too hard, feel free to go back to the I​ ntermediate ​section and 
build up your ​fundamental s​ kills! It’s no use getting frustrated. Also I encourage you 
to use the ​Time Scale o ​ ption for the harder scenarios in this section to start off. 
Tips, Notes, and Remarks 
● High contrast targets 
● Dark background 
● Hide weapon 
● USE TIMESCALE! It’s great for warmups and difficult scenarios 
● Do hand stretches and a warmup before this routine for best results 
● Don't be scared of experimenting with different sensitivities and fovs. 
Changing a sensitivity or setting will not turn you into a bad aimer. You have a 
fundamental skill level and good sensitivity or setup will only accentuate that. You 
need only to build your comfort level with it. This also means mouse accel is okay if 
that is what you prefer. 
Guide was made by rockmonkey. 2018 World champion and Vegas Superstar 
Special thanks RKTA, vandy, QEcho, and my discord community for the help!
VIDEO of routine here. 

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