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C: Gianella, do you remember me?

G: Yes Claudia, what are you doing here?

C: I’m coming to the theatre today.

G: Really? What theatre play are you going to see?

C: Romeo and Juliet. I’m crazy about the book, and I hope it is amusing.

G: Really? Today I’m gonna act in this theatre play.

C: Oh, so great. I hope you have a excellent presentation.

G: Thanks, I’m grateful for that.

(…) after the presentation.

C: Gianella I’m really enjoying your performance. You rock!

G: I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

C: You were really good acting; I don’t know you were acting very well.

G: It’s kind of you to say that. Thank you

C: You’re so incredible, I hope I will see you in another theatre play.

G: Thank you for the kind words.

C: You’ve made my day, you act like the book

G: Oh, thanks. I appreciate that

C: You deserve a real pat on the back. I know you will go far.

G: Do you think so? Really?

C: You’re amazing.

G: It’s kind of you to say that. Well ok, I have to go, I hope see you again

C: let me know when you act again, bye

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