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Steady concentration.

You can contemplate anything,

but whether your subject is an apple, communication,
the nature of life, or a number 2 Mongol pencil, you
need to clarify your real experience of this subject.
Isolate it in your experience as the subject upon which
to hold steady concentration.

Being Clear
The Book of Not Knowing Exploring the True Nature
of Self, Mind, and Consciousness
Peter Ralston

Steady Concentration

Choosing a subject for contemplation. I choose a subject of

contemplation by asking:

What is my subject of contemplation?

Clarifying the subject. I clarify my subject of contemplation by

seeking it in my real experience.

What is my real experience of this subject?

Steady concentration. I isolate the subject in my experience and hold

a steady concentration on it.

Isolate this in my experience.

Concentrate on it steadily.

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