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Chapter 3:

External Analysis

 Bagaimana Faktor Eksternal Berdampak  Political Factors

pada Perusahaan : Processes & actions of government
General Environment bodies
 Managers have little control Can be shaped through:
 Macroeconomic factors  Lobbying
 Interest / currency exchange rates  Public Relations
Task Environment  Contributions
 Managers can influence  Litigation
o Composition of strategic groups Political and legal forces are
o Industry structure closely related.

 The PESTEL Model

Groups environmental factors into six * Misalnya, jaringan hotel dan pemilik

segments: resor telah menantang Airbnb dipengadilan

 Political dan melobi pemerintah daerah, beberapa

 Economic diantaranya mengeluarkan peraturan untuk

 Sociocultural membatasi atau melarang penyewaan

 Technological jangka pendek. Penduduk lokal di New

 Ecological York, San Francisco, Berlin, Paris, dan

 Legal banyak kota lainnya juga menekan

A straightforward way to scan, pemerintah daerah untuk memberlakukan

monitor, and evaluate. aturan yang lebih agresif yang melarang

 Perusahaan Dalam Lingkungan penyewaan jangka pendek karena mereka

Eksternalnya berpendapat bahwa perusahaan seperti

Airbnb berkontribusi pada kekurangan
perumahan yang terjangkau dengan
mengubah seluruh kompleks apartemen
menjadi hotel atau mengubah lingkungan
keluarga yang tenang menjadi hot spot
pesta sepanjang malam. 

 Economic Factors
Largely macro-economic  Can provide business opportunities
Economy-wide phenomena o Tesla cars have zero emissions
Examples include:  Legal Factors
 Growth rates Official outcomes of political
 Levels of employment processes:
 Interest rates  Laws
 Price stability  Mandates
 Currency exchange rates  Regulations
  Court decisions
 Sociocultural Factors Many industries have been
Society’s cultures, norms, and values deregulated:
 Are constantly in flux  Airlines, telecom, energy, and
 Differ across groups trucking
Demographic trends  Industry vs. Firm Effects
 Population characteristics Industry Effects
 Age, gender, family size,  Elements in common to all
ethnicity, sexual orientation,  Entry and exit barriers, number
religion, and socioeconomic and size of companies, and types
class of products and services offered
 Technological Factors Firm Effects
 Application of knowledge  The actions managers take
New processes and products  More important than firm effects
 Innovations in process technology:  Industry & Industry Analysis
Lean manufacturing and Six Industry
Sigma quality  Kelompok perusahaan
 Innovations in product technology: incumbent
Smartphones and wearable  Pemasok dan pembeli yang
devices relatif serupa
 Ecological Factors  Produk dan layanan serupa
 Broad environmental issues: Industry analysis, a method to:
o Natural environment  Identify an industry’s profit
o Global warming potential
o Sustainable economic growth
 Memperoleh implikasi untuk posisi
strategis perusahaan
 Threat of Entry

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