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SMB Decision 119/2 on the reports to the SMB (document SMB/2777/DL, Annex A)
(To be discussed under draft agenda item 12 at the forthcoming TC 81 meeting to be held in Seoul on 20th
and 21st October 2004)

The Standardization Management Board reviewed the TC/SC reports to the SMB and Strategic Policy
Statements at its meeting 119 (Clearwater Beach, Florida, 2004-02-18/19).

The Standardization Management Board expressed thanks to the TCs/SCs Officers for the reports and
approved the report of TC 81 with the exception of the third bullet of item C on the overlap of IEC 62305-4
with IEC 60364-5-534, the programme of work, the SPS and the maintenance cycles with the following
"The report was approved with the exception of the third bullet of item C on the overlap of IEC 62305-4 with
IEC 60364-5-534.
- TC 81 is requested to consider the DE comment with a view to modifying the minutes in consultation
with the P– members who were present at the meeting.
- It is requested that the re-established Joint Working Group 37A/64/81 have representation by the
Secretaries of the three committees involved. This JWG, furthermore, should discuss on the basis of the
a) TC 81 deals with requirements for design and installations of Lightning Protection Systems for
structure, building, electrical and telecommunication lines both for direct and indirect effects.
b) TC 64 deals with selection and installation of electrical equipment when the structures are not
stressed by lightning.
c) SC 37A deals with requirements of characteristic, method of tests and selection of SPDs.
- IEC Central Office is requested to continue to actively work with the TC 81 Task Force so that
innovative solutions can be found to incorporate the computer programme on risk management in the IEC
62305-2 publication and have updates via the IEC Website, to evaluate commercial implications and to
report to the next SMB."


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