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Report of convenor of IEC TC 81/WG 9 – Agenda item 8

1) As decided at the last meeting of TC 81 held in Florence, task of the WG9 is to prepare
document relevant to project IEC 62305-2: Risk management for structures and services.

2) A CDV of IEC 62305-2 has been prepared taking into account the comments received on the
first CD and the results of discussion held at the last TC81 meeting in Palma. The task force
leaded by Mr. A. Kern, established with the goal to prepare the Simplified Software in the draft
IEC 62305 –2, could complete the work and the S/W was included in the new CDV.

3) Document 81/241A/CDV has been circulated among the National Committees. Deadline for
comments was June 2004 and CC was immediately circulated among the WG9 members.

4) A meeting of WG9 was held in Roma on 13 and 14 July 2004 with the aim to discuss
comments and to prepare an advanced FDIS draft. This new draft document has been
circulated in August, 2004 among the WG9 members and Editing Committee members in order
to check the correct inclusion of the comments.
A final FDIS draft will be ready for discussion at the next TC 81 meeting in Seoul;


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