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Contents ‘Storter Hello! 2 School things Question words Questions with is ‘The indefinite article 2 My toys Possessive adjectives (1) Present simple of be (1) 3 My body Regular plural nouns Present simple of be (2) Demonstratives Review1 4 Jobs Subject pronouns (1) Yes/no questions (1) 5 Atthe park Wh- questions (1) Prepositions of place 6 My family Subject pronouns (2) Yes/no questions (2) Possessive's Review 2 7 Clothes Yes/no questions (3) Possessive adjectives (2) 8 Myhome Wh- questions (2) Yes/no questions (4) Adverbs 9 My lunch Have got (1) Review 3 10 Myfriends Have got (2) 11 Zoo trip Present simpl Adjectives 12 Familymeal Present simpl Wh- questions (3) Review 4 13 My room There's and there are 14 Abilities Can for ability 15 At the beach Negative imperatives Review 5 Grammar reference What ...? Who ...? How ...? How old ..? What's this? Aand an ‘My and your Is this ..? Yes, itis. No, itisn't. Plural —s Are This and these He and she Questions with is Where's ..? In, on and under T’'mand you're ‘Are you Jamie’s and Alison's Are they ...? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. His ond her Where are ...? Ishe in... Is she in ...? Are they in ..? Upstairs and downstairs T’ve got and I haven't got Have you got...? Yes, Ihave. No, I haven't. He's got, she's got and it's got Tlike and I don’t like Adjectives Do you Like ...? What do you like? There's and there are Is there Yes, there is. No, there isn’t Can and can’t Can it... Yes, it can. No, it can't. Let's... Imperatives Negative imperatives R 16 20 2 26 30 36 58 62 64 68 R 76 7B Bos Hello! — Question words How are you? a a What, who and how are question words. ‘ What A Who camp The How eel ny: er —____/ (t ? (what's your name? | In a question, what asks about things and who asks about people. We say How are you? when we meet someone. 4 — Starter Unit 1 Match. 1 Hello, I’m fine, thank you. 2. What’s your name? This is Alison. 3 Howare you? \ My name's Jamie. 4 Who's this? Hello. 2 Look and write. -Hetto What’s How Who's => 4 Starter Unit 5 ——~ How old are you? a PL | I'm three. ) 3 Match. 1 How old are you? T’'m two. 2 How old are you? I'm three. 3 How old are you? eae NS I'm six. 4 How old are you? I'm five. 5 How old are you? I’m four. 6 — Starter Unit 4 Write. four seven you you three areyou oldareyou eight ten 1 Howold are you? ae 2 Howold are 2 ‘Wy I'm 3 How old are ? « Tm 4 Howold ? Aw I'm 5 How 2 £ Im 5 Read and colour. Find the hidden word. Colour what red. Colourwho blue. Colour how yellow. ; — how | how | how | how | how | how | how | what| how | who | how | how | how | how how | how | how | how | how | what) how | who | how | how | how | how how | how how | how how | what how | who how | how | how | how how | who | who | who how | what| how | who | how | what] what | what how | who | how | who | how | what | how | who | how | what) how | what how | who | who | who | how | what | how | who | how | what | how | what how | who | how | how | how | what | how | who | how | what | how | what how | who | who | who | how | what | how | who | how | what | what | what Starter Unit fz] Questions with is School pot aaa The indefinite article Cit'sa book. ) \ What's this? is a question. We use it to find out about things. ¢| We can answer with It’s a... 1 Write and match. 1 What's this? its a pencil. 2 What's door. 3 window. 4 book. (what's this? ) ( (iesa ruler) (what's this?) (it’s an apple. ) It’s a pencil. It’s a book. We use an before a, e, i, oor u. It’s an apple. ‘ Aand anare articles. They come before singular nouns. 8 = Unit1 2 Write the words in the correct box. ZE°F/SO pencil rubber ruler book _— orange — a ——~ —— an 7 \ \ (== _ | apple | 3 Write a oran. - — | 1 What's this? It’s a__ bag. 2. And what's this? It’s orange. 3 What's this? It’s book. 4 What's this? It's____ apple. 5 And what's this? It's___ pencil case. Unitl 9 4 Write. Remember a or an. &@xCaA ES 10 1 2 3 train plane What's this? What’s this? What's 2 ? 2 Unit 1 ees c J umbrella It’s_a ball It’s It’s cat elephant 5 What's this? Draw and write. apple book orange train batt’ elephant It's a ball Unitl i Possessive adjectives (+ Present simple of be (7 ET: my train, my ball, my car e _ My and your are possessive adjectives. They say who owns something. 4 you your car, your train, your teddy 1 Match. ms 22 Unit2 2 Circle my and your. 1. This is _™y__ ball. 2. This is teddy. 3. This is car. 4 This is _ kite. 5 This is _____ train. 4 Write my or your and complete the words. 1 This is your train . 2. This is wate: 7 3) Thisiss co : 4 This is k z ( 5 This is b Unit2 13 — (is this your car? ) ‘) VY Cno, itisn >) \ \ ie use is to identify someone or something. Is comes from the verb be. C This is Alison. &® This is my car. Is this ...? is a yes/no question. We change the word order in questions. Statement Question This is yourteddy. _Is this your teddy? Yes, it is and N ’t are short answers. We can use them if the question begins with Is th a> Is this your car? Yes, itis. No, it isn’t. isn't =i. fe isn't =is not (7 5 Match Qa car? 2 Wo. a bal? \ a “Yes, itis. 3 se Is this a kite? 4 No, it isn’t. 5 BH! ws coo 6 14 Unit2 Is this a train Is this a doll? te a 1 this your ball Is Is this your ball 3 my this Is car 5 puzzle your this Is 7 Look and write. Yes, it is. “Is this your car? a Oi g \ Write the words in the correct order. Make questions. my doll Is _ this y doll ? Is kite this your my Is train this Is this your ball? Unit2 15 Regular plural nouns Present simple of be (2) My — Bemonsttaves 4 .. Finger is singular. We use the singular form when we are talking about one thing or person. Fingers is plural. We use the plural form when we are talking about more than one thing or person. plural = singular +s ie one finger —> eight fingers » iy <©& one eye > two eyes EN one nose -> four noses % Ww v4 1 Complete the table. [ Singular Plural | arm arms | ear = ae | faces leg noses 16 Unit3 2 Tick (Y) the correct one. & wo three finger CJ one face ‘two legs chree fingers O one faces 5 two leg 5 a @, vrarm O onehand (C] three ear Oo i erarms CJ one hands O three ears (a) * Count and write. » How many faces? 2 How many noses? Two faces = How many ears? 4 How many arms? = “ow many fingers? 6 How many eyes? Unit3 47 These are the faces! These are the eyes! These are the ears! Yellow faces! Blue eyes! | Green ears! r We use are to identify things and people. Are comes from the yer be. Here are identifies two or more things or people. , These are eyes. The eyes are blue. a The nose is red. A\r noses are red. 4 Match. er 2 i 2 5 Write sentences. Use is or are. 1 legs / blue 2 nose /pink The legs are blue : The 3 arms / purple 4 fingers / green The 5 face / yellow 18 Unit3 ——— (This is my kite. These are my dolls. This and these are demonstratives. We use them for things that are close to us. * Singular (one thing or person) Plural (two or more things or people) This is my kite. These are my pencils. 6 Match. “Kezs These are This is 7 Write This or These. 1 hs is my ball. 2 are my cars. 3 are my trains. 4 is my teddy. 5 is my doll. 6 are my puzzles. Unit3 19 Review 1 1 Write the words in the correct order. Then match. 1 ( what's your name? ) ee eZ —— 2 | Who's this? | —— 3 ( How are you? et +. (How old are you? | fa ast 5 [ How many books? ) \ 2 Write questions and answers. rubber pen door eye 1 What's this ? % It's_anear . 3 2 5 ? 20 Review1 is Mary This This is Mary name's My Tom six I'm books Five you fine I’m thank fine, arm eat 2 What’s (5? It’s 3 Write the words in the correct box. dott’ teddy pencils pens ball train car plane / my = your — |__doll |_ teddy \ } \ \ J \ ~ ww = 4 Write. Yes, itis. No, it isn’t. 1 Isita boy? 2 Isita window? No, it isn’t , - 3 Isitawindow? 4 Isitagirl? 5 Write This is or These are. Then match. 1 These are myeyes. __> 2 my ears. 3 my nose. 4 my face. 5 my arms. Reviewl 21 Subject pronouns (1) Yes/no questions (1) \\ and she are subject pronouns. We use he when We use she when 3) we talk about males aa we talk about females es and men). = (girls and women). ees use it when we talk about a + haven't I two biscuits 3 Look and write. adrink asandwich anapple a biscuit T’ve got _o sandwich Thaven’t got T’ve got Thaven't got 3 f an apple haven’t I got got Unit 9 45 Yes, Ihave. No, I haven’ Have you got a ert Have you got your lunch box? Have you got your books? Have you got your pencil case? } | a a .. Have you got ...? is a yes/no question. We can use it to ask about the things people have. Yes, I have and No, I haven’t are short answers. We can use them if the question begins Have you got ...? No, I haven't. = No, I have not. 4 Match. 1 Have you got an orange? ev No, I haven't: 2 Have you got your pencils? 3x > 3 Have you got a drink? av No, I haven't. 4 Have you got your sandwich? Ga? Yes, I have. 5 Write the words in the correct order. Make questions. Yes, Ihave. 1 got Have you a lunchbox 2 two sandwiches got Have you Have you got a lunchbox? 3. an egg got you Have 4 you got a banana Have 46 Unit 9 6 Look and write. Yes, have. No, Ihaven’t. 1 Have you gotabanana? ies , _Lhave Have you got an egg? Have you got a biscuit? Have you got a sandwich? Have you got a drink? aunewn Have you got an apple? 7 Look and write. Have you got? Yes,I have. No, I haven't. 1 Emma: Have you got a pear? 2 Jamie: a biscuit? Jamie: Yes , I have . Dave: | 3 Emma: apear? 4 Dave: a sandwich? Dave: “ : Jamie: Sy 5 Jamie: asandwich? 6 Dave: a pear? Emma: ip : Emma: = Unit9 47 Review 3 1 Write This is or These are and his or her. 1 AD tisishis hat. 2 @ hat. 3 a trousers. 4 = _____shoes. 5 tS shoes. 6 S dress. ud 8 coat. 2 Write. Yes, they are. No, they aren't. 1 Are they her shoes? 2 Are they his socks? No , they aren't _. — 3 LA Are they her shoes? 4 SE Are they his socks? 5 G Are they her trousers? 6 CZ Are they her dresses? 48 Review3 3 Write I’ve got and a word from the box. _asandwich adrink apear asandwich atomato anorange 1 _I've got a sandwich . 2 3 4 Look and write. Yes, have. No, I haven't. Bee you got Have you got a tomato? ) Yes , Ihave . \ ee 7» § (TN Ta Have you got a sandwich? | (— _ _. —— =, 3 Be vee you gota peor Have you got a pear? ) ( . O § BS re ou gota sande Have you got a sandwich? ) J rAd 5 £ Have you got a drink? ) , _. —\ — 6 $ Have you got an orange? )(__, a) Review3 49 fo My friends Have got (2} er nee lod This is Jamie's friend. This is Jamie. He's got short Her name's Angie. She hair. He’s got | hasn't got short hair. brown eyes. She's got Long hair. She's got green eyes. He’s got, she’s got and it’s got say that a person or thing has or owns something. She’s got a doll. It’s her doll. We also use them to say how people and things Look. Affirmative Negative He’s got short hair. He hasn't got long hair. It’s got four sides. It hasn't got four sides. «5 got = has got... hasn’t got = has not got % 1 Read and circle. 1 Be tts She’s / He’s got four legs. 2 Gg It / She / He hasn't got long hair. 3 @ It’s / She’s / He’s got three sides. 4 eg It’s / She's / He's got a ball. 5 g It’s / She’s / He’s got a hat. 6 g It / She / He hasn’t got a hat. 50 Unit10 2 Look, read and write the names. 1 She's got long hair. Jamie's friends Angie 7] if 2 He’s got a puzzle. Billy 3 She’s got a white dress. 4 He’s got a book. 5 She’s got a bag. 6 He’s got a white T-shirt. 7 She's got black hair. 8 She’s got brown hair. 7 He’s a got biscuit three got It's sides s_got_a biscuit : It's black hair got She hasn’t bike a He's got Unit1o 51. 4 Look and write. Use He’s got or She’s got and words from the box. -shorthair greytrousers alunchbox a blue T-shirt longhair abluehat ayellowT-shirt abag Ph 1 —He’s got short hair 5 She's got long hair 2 6 3 7 4 — 8 5 Look and write. Use It’s got and words from the box. long short triangle rectangle square oO What's this? It's got four sides, It’s a square QQ What's this? ——$_ wo, sides and one _ _______side. It’sa SS | What's this? | - ——two___ __sides and two = sides. It’sa - Unit 10 6 Make the sentences negative. 1 He's got long hair. _He hasn't got long hair__ 2. She's got black hair. 3. It’s got big eyes. - - _ 4 She's got green socks. —_ 5 He’s got black trousers. ————————— 4 7 Look and write. He’sgot She’sgot It’sgot Hehasn’tgot Shehasn’tgot It hasn't got Dg |__purzle Jamie 1 He's got 7 8 _ 9 — —s The cat 4 - 10 — —— ne ll — 6 — 12 iz, . Present simple: like oo trip Adjective: don't like snakes. Qa \ I like and I don’t like are present simple forms of the verb like, We use the present simple to talk about things that are true n Affirmative Negative -. © Mike @idon’tlike | yy An't = donot (ef 1 Match. RRS Bo “G's ff. 2 Write I like or I don’t like. 5, Llike giraffes. } monkeys tigers 54 Unit11 3 Look and write. like:© Don’t like:@ Alison © Jamie 3) Mum ey Dad & Alison: I like _ elephants. | t lik snakes. | like monkeys. 2 Jamie: elephants. snakes. monkeys. 3. Mum: elephants. snakes. monkeys. 4 Dad: elephants. snakes. monkeys. 4 What do you like? Then write about you. 1 a 2 @ 3 ‘) 5 it 6 4 zebra elephant snake monkey lion frog € © CRRCERCEES 1 3 5 Llike zebras : 2 Unit 11 _ mee | Green and tall are adjectives. Adjectives describe “J things and people. Adjectives stay the same. 5 Match. 1 It'stall. 2 It’s short. 3 They're big. 4 They're long. 5 They're little. 6 It’s orange. 56 Uniti 6 Write. big little blue red long yellow short tall green 8 Circle the adjectives. True or false? Write T or F. i Elephants are Green. F Giraffes are short. Elephants are big. Snakes are tall. Frogs are little. Unit 11 57 fn Family meal resttns questions = Do you like ...? (Bo you like fish?) (No, | don't. ) , <4 ~~ Do you like meat? ) (Yes, Ido. ° Pes do. Ma 4 \ Do you Like ...? is a yes/no question. The short answers are Yes, I do or No, I don’t. It is the present simple interrogative form. Do you like + os* + ? = Doyoulike apples? Yes, Ido. Do you like + we + 2 = Doyoulike bananas? No, I don’t. 1 Write the words in the correct order. Make questions. 1 GE you Do like meat Do you like m like Do oranges you Do you like bread Do you Do rice like you Do like Do tomatoes you you like fish you Do 58 Unit 12 2 Write questions. 1 CD bread Do you like bread ? 2 carrots Doyou 2 3 bananas 2 4 rice ? 3 Match. 1 Do you like fish? @ —~_ 2 Doyou like meat? © “Yes, | do. ) 3 Doyou Like carrots? ® Cc 4 Do you like apples? © eee ee 6 Do you like bread? ® 5 Doyou like rice? © 4 Write. Yes, Ido. No, I don’t. 1 Doyoulikemeat? © Yes, do Do you like carrots? @ Do you Like fish? e_ Do you like bread? © Do you like juice? ©, Do you Like milk? ® aun wn Unit12 59° ar. What do you like? Fm Hike earmico (_ Do you like carrots? ) What do you y Ga We can reply : \ What do you like? is a wh- question. © I like yogurt. @® I don’t like fish. Y 5 Write the words in the correct order. 1 do What like you 2 you Do like bananas you like ? a ? 3 you Do fish like 4 you like do What ? ? 5 like I bread 6 don’t I like bread 7 like What you do 8 carrots I like don’t 60 Unit 12 6 Look and write. o you ice, Emma? - 54, Jamie? oy <2, Dave? , Angie? , Angie? , Emma? Unit12 61 Review 4 1 Write She’s got or She hasn’t got. 1 She's got long hair. 2 She hasn’t got short hair. 3 straight hair. 4 ocr hair 5 black hair. 6 brown hair. 7 a ___adoll. 8 a teddy. 2. Write the words in the correct order. 1 like I lions 2 monkeys like I Llike lions —_ ee 3 don’t I elephants like 4 don’t like I snakes 5 giraffes like I 6 I like don’t monkeys 3 Match. 1 It’s big. c a 2 They're long. 3 They're tall. 4 It’s long. — d 5 It’s small. 6 It’s short. 2 Review 4 4 Write. No, I don’t. Yes, I do. 1 Mum: Do you like carrots? Ann: _No_, i don 3 Mum: Do you Like rice? Ann: , 5 Mum: Do you like apples? Ann: , 5 Look and write. What Do No like don’t I Do _ you like tomatoes? Mum: Do you like bread? Ann: _. > Mum: Do you like bananas? Ann: —3: Mum: Do you like yogurt? Ann: , = a do you like? Review4 63 fp My room Theres and there == Bee M ec There's a bed. ——— There are four norm There's a cupboard. te > 4 4 We use there’s and there are to talk about things around us. We use there’s to talk about one thing or person. There’sabed. There’s a cupboard. We use there are to talk about two or more things or people. i“ There are four rooms. there's = there is & > 1 Match. aunrwna 64 There are four books. There’s a book. a There are two toy boxes. © PD There’s a toy box. . There’s a doll. \ There are three dolls. d é @ Unit 13 2 Write the words in the correct box. abed eight-books twopillows acupboard _ five pencils tencars adoll sixpuzzles ashelf ablanket There’s There are 3 Count. Write sentences. 2s one. teddy. There are five dolls. balls. puzzle. kite. books. bed. shelf. oN aunrwn = Unit13 65 (is there a shoe? ) Is there a sock? (ls there a boy? Is there ...? is a yes/no question. We can use Is there ...? to \ ask about things around us. We change the word order in questions. There’s a pillow on the bed. Is there a pillow on the bed? 4 Write the words in the correct order. Make questions. 1 there Is a pillow 2 there Is a toy box Is there a pillow ? ? 3 shelf a Is there 4 a bed there Is ? _? 5 a Is cupboard there 6 rug Is a there ? ? 66 Unit13 use them if the question begins Is there ...? Is there a ball? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 5 Tick (V) the correct short answer. 1 Is there a bed? 2 Is there a shelf? 3. Is there a toy box? 4 Is there a cupboard? 6 Look and write. ‘ Yes, there is and No, there isn’t are short answers. We can No, there isn’t. = No, there is not. el No, there isn’t. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there is. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Ye 1 Is there acaron the shelf? es_,_there is 2. Isthere a ball on the shelf? 5 3 Is there a blanket on the bed? 7 4 Is there a cupboard? Unit13 67 nm Abilities Can for abi Gn Gn ola can run! A snake can’t run. A bird can fly. | can't fly. ‘A. Can means that you are able to do something. It always comes before another verb. A bird can fly. It can fly. Alison can run. She can run. Can’t means that you are notable todosomething. _ Asnake can’t run. It can’t run. Jamie can’t fly. He can’t fly. can’t= cannot (

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