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Neuropathogenesis and Neurologic Manifestations of the Coronaviruses in the Age of

Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Review



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Neuropathogenesis and Neurologic Manifestations of the Coronaviruses in the Age of

Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Review
Adeel S Zubair et al. JAMA Neurol. 2020.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in December 2019,
causing human coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which has now spread into a worldwide
pandemic. The pulmonary manifestations of COVID-19 have been well described in the literature.
Two similar human coronaviruses that cause Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) and
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-1) are known to cause disease in the central and
peripheral nervous systems. Emerging evidence suggests COVID-19 has neurologic consequences
as well.
review serves to summarize available information regarding coronaviruses in the nervous system,
identify the potential tissue targets and routes of entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the central nervous
system, and describe the range of clinical neurological complications that have been reported thus
far in COVID-19 and their potential pathogenesis. Viral neuroinvasion may be achieved by several
routes, including transsynaptic transfer across infected neurons, entry via the olfactory nerve,
infection of vascular endothelium, or leukocyte migration across the blood-brain barrier. The most
common neurologic complaints in COVID-19 are anosmia, ageusia, and headache, but other
diseases, such as stroke, impairment of consciousness, seizure, and encephalopathy, have also been
Conclusions and relevance
and understanding of the range of neurological disorders associated with COVID-19 may lead to
improved clinical outcomes and better treatment algorithms. Further neuropathological studies will
be crucial to understanding the pathogenesis of the disease in the central nervous system, and
longitudinal neurologic and cognitive assessment of individuals after recovery from COVID-19 will
be crucial to understand the natural history of COVID-19 in the central nervous system and monitor
for any long-term neurologic sequelae.

1. LatarBelakang
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) muncul pada Desember
2019, menyebabkan penyakit human coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), yang kini telah menyebar
menjadi pandemi di seluruh dunia. Manifestasi paru COVID-19 telah dijelaskan dengan baik
dalam literatur. Dua virus korona manusia serupa yang menyebabkan sindrom pernapasan
Timur Tengah (MERS-CoV) dan sindrom pernapasan akut yang parah (SARS-CoV-1)
diketahui menyebabkan penyakit pada sistem saraf pusat dan perifer. Bukti yang muncul
menunjukkan bahwa COVID-19 juga memiliki konsekuensi

2. PembahasanJurnal
Ulasan ini berfungsi untuk meringkas informasi yang tersedia mengenai virus corona di sistem
saraf, mengidentifikasi target jaringan potensial dan rute masuknya SARS-CoV-2 ke dalam
sistem saraf pusat, dan menjelaskan berbagai komplikasi neurologis klinis yang telah
dilaporkan. jauh di COVID-19 dan potensi patogenesisnya. Neuroinvasi virus dapat dicapai
dengan beberapa rute, termasuk transfer transsynaptic melintasi neuron yang terinfeksi, masuk
melalui saraf penciuman, infeksi endotel vaskular, atau migrasi leukosit melintasi sawar darah-
otak. Keluhan neurologis yang paling umum pada COVID-19 adalah anosmia, ageusia, dan
sakit kepala, namun penyakit lain seperti stroke, gangguan kesadaran, kejang, dan ensefalopati
juga pernah dilaporkan.

3. Kesimpulan
Pengakuan dan pemahaman tentang berbagai gangguan neurologis yang terkait dengan COVID-
19 dapat mengarah pada hasil klinis yang lebih baik dan algoritme pengobatan yang lebih baik.
Studi neuropatologi lebih lanjut akan sangat penting untuk memahami patogenesis penyakit di
sistem saraf pusat, dan penilaian neurologis dan kognitif longitudinal individu setelah
pemulihan dari COVID-19 akan sangat penting untuk memahami riwayat alami COVID-19 di
sistem saraf pusat. dan pantau gejala sisa neurologis jangka panjang.

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