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Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Sede legale: Dorsoduro, 3246 - 30123 Venezia

Sede operativa: – Ca’ Dolfin – Dorsoduro, 3859/A - 30123 Venezia
 041 234 6942 Fax 041 234 6941 E-Mail

Information required by Italian Law – Code on personal data protection

(D.LGS. n. 196/2003 e Regolamento UE 2016/679)

Ex art. 13 D.LGS n. 196/2003 and in relation to the personal data in the form above, we inform you of the
a) The data are necessary for institutional purposes, in particular in order to initiate the procedure of
housing request and for handling the matter. The data will be treated by administrative responsible
in different formats (on paper, on digital or telematic format) within the limit of the law;
b) The provision of your personal data is mandatory;
c) The denial to the treatment of the personal data will not allow the carrying out of the procedure of
housing request;
d) Exclusively for the above mentioned purposes, your data could be communicated to other
Institutions and Societies that cooperate with “Housing Office Ca’ Foscari Venezia” for the housing
research. Your data will not be widely divulged.
e) You can, any time, exercise the right provided for in art.7 D.LGS 196/2003, as the right to access,
update, rectify, supplement, delete, transform in anonimous form or block, opposite the treatment;
f) Identification details of the holder of data treatment: Fondazione Ca’ Foscari, Dorsoduro 3859/A,
Venezia, P.IVA 03387580271 – C.F. 003387580271,;
g) Identification detailsof the responsible of data treatment: Housing Office Ca’ Foscari Venezia,
Dorsoduro 3246, Venezia, tel. +39 041 2348200.


The undersigned ______________________________ has received full information, pursuant article 13

D.LGS n. 196/2003, along copy of art.7 of the decree, and permits the treatment and the comunication of
his/her own personal data within the limits and the purposes specified in the report.

Place and date (dd/mm/yyyy)_________________

I confirm that I have received information and I consent


 In attachment copy of valid I.D. or Passport

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