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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement


Sydney Campus

Address Level 2, 20 Sydney Street,

Sydney, NSW 2000.

Phone 02- 99999999

Fax 02-99999998

Email Principal


Some Facts about Harbourside Business College

Number of students 1200

Numbers of teachers/trainers 42

Number of executives 8

Number of staff 16

Total number of employees 66

About Us
Harbourside Business College is a modern Australian college, which specializes in Business,
Hospitality and Information Technology, as well as providing English language. We have a
reputation as a career oriented education provider which focuses on providing our students with
the best exposure to the knowledge required to build a great career. We pride ourselves on our
graduates who are proving themselves around the world.

Mission Statement
The Mission of Harbourside Business College is to deliver world class education and training to
individuals in the best environment, using modern educational techniques, provided by expert
teachers and trainers.

The promoters' vision of Harbourside Business College Inc in 3-4 year's time. Harbourside
Business College will be operating from a 1000 sq. ft. unit near Town Hall. It will have
annualized sales of $20 million and be profitable. It will employ 100 people mainly engaged in
training, marketing, support and admin.

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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Corporate Values
The corporate values governing Harbourside Business College Inc's development will include
the following:
Harbourside Business College operates in accordance with the highest standards in all
relationships with customers, suppliers, environment and the community.
Harbourside Business College fosters a climate which encourages innovation and diligence
amongst staff and rewards accordingly.

Business Objectives
Longer term business objectives of Harbourside Business College Inc are summarized as:
To expand the business aggressively and offer above-average returns to shareholders.
To become the leading, vocational education company within the overseas education market

Key Strategies
The following critical strategies will be pursued by Harbourside Business College Inc:

1. Open branches in Melbourne and Brisbane

2. Extend links with key universities
3. Raise additional venture capital
4. Expand senior management team in sales/marketing
5. Strengthen human resources function and introduce share options for
6. Appoint advisers for new markets in Asia
7. Seek new market segments/applications for our courses

The following important strategies will also be followed:

1. Locate new premises adjacent to Town Hall, Sydney

2. Commission assessments of key markets
3. Start participating in trade shows and missions
4. Develop overseas market entry plans
5. Pursue strategic alliances with complementary players
6. Strengthen web presence and promote
7. Seek new market segments/applications for courses

a) Write a list of the key systems and processes used within the organization, or
within one business unit of the organization.

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a) Key system and process used within the organization

1. Academic Department : Education and Training service
a. High professional education system
b. Safe learning environment process
c. Modern technology based learning
d. Attendance and performance monitoring system
2. Marketing Department: Marketing system of the business
a. Good and effective material for learning system
b. Application process
3. Financial Department : Financial system
a. Safeguard paid process for student
b. Documentation of all student and the organization
4. Student services Department : Student information system
a. Accurate and current information process
b. Enrolment system
c. Withdrawn agreement process
d. Refund procedure and process
e. student support services
5. Human Resources Department: Staff and Student Recruitment and Placement
a. students and other staff with respect system
b. harassment punishment

b) Outline the strategies you will use to monitor and evaluate the performance of
these key systems and processes.

Strategies we are going to use are:

 Meetings
 Personal observation
 Student and customer surveys;
 Focus groups
 Oral report
 Reviews of progress reports;
 Lessons learnt reviews;
 General reporting

c) Select one of the key business processes and undertake a detailed analysis of
supply chain, operational and product/ service delivery systems.

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Marketing process of the business

The Marketing Process Company has developed a wide range of marketing consultancy
offers and strategic planning tools to aid practitioners in the strategic planning field to
develop marketing plans & strategies. Typically the process is designed to deliver real
customer insight and improve profitability.

Methods used in marketing

 Leaflet
 Booklet
 Website
 Email
 Advertisement on television and newspaper
 Use agent for giving the information to the student.

Key marketing materials for Harbourside Business College currently consist of:
 Foreign language program brochure
 Business cards for Founder/CEO
 Newspaper ads
 Promotional flyers
 Website

In addition to revising these marketing materials based on the company rebranding, new
marketing materials will be developed, including:
 Generic business cards for teachers
 Business cards for sales representative
 Marketing kit for businesses focused on program
 Marketing kit for businesses focused on foreign language program
 Direct mail pieces focused on area businesses
 Direct mail to students focused on customer referral program
 Website and Web resources

d) Describe the current performance measures and assessment tools and

techniques used for this business process. Comment on the effectiveness of
these measures.

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The measures that we can use are:

 Increase number of students per year.

 Improvement in student satisfaction by survey

 Number of complains per month,

 Number of new computers damaged and fixed by year..

 General profitability in Hourbourside Business College.

 Increase productivity, and

 Expense measures made by getting new equipment.

The measures has been successful demonstrating performance over the long term and provide
examples of how creating best practices across the whole management system enhances
positive outcomes for the whole college, all of its stakeholders and its society.

Task 2

a) Analyze any available performance related information and variance from plans for all
key result areas (KRA) for the organization. For example, you may examine data
related to budget performance, customer service performance, environmental
factors, financial performance, OHS, quality or any other operating parameters.

Key Result Area Objectives

Marketing/Profile Development To be regarded by our stakeholders as a

centre of excellence of education and
Governance and Organizational Structure To provide leadership in the areas of
fiduciary duty and business strategy.

Learning Delivery Operations and Facilities To deliver quality learning experiences to

Year 11 and 12 students in an environment
that fosters excellence 
Stakeholders To deliver Harbourside Business College
operations that provide outcomes that meet
or exceed our Stakeholders’ expectations
Students To deliver vocational and educational
learning experiences that provide personal
growth and enable students to contribute to
the Sydney
Staff Development To provide staff with a challenging career

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and opportunities that lead to professional


Systems and Processes To make available systems and processes

which allow the College to operate
OH&S Performance To make this college a safe place to study
follows all rules to warranty effectives.
Financial Viability To strengthen the long term financial viability
of the College and its capacity to meet the
expectations of its Stakeholders.

b) Conduct an analysis of trends and opportunities in the industry relevant to the


courses/year year 08 year 09 year 10

Business 230 245 380
Hospitality 230 130 420
IT 250 200 450
courses 250 320 480

total 960 895 1730

300 year 08
250 year 09
200 year 10
50 10
0 year
Business 09
Hospitality year
IT 08

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c) Consult with specialists within the organization or outside the organization to identify
opportunities for improvements in relation to the use of technology or electronic commerce.

 No presence in other parts of Australia – can’t meet student demand-The College

should make contacts with other places as well outside the Sydney and Melbourne. The
Harbourside College should open more branches throughout the Sydney. Then, they
can provide more education and will enhance their business as well.
 Overdependence on few key staff- the college should hire a good staff then they can
spread the equal responsibilities to all staff.
 Board of Directors is too narrow- the directors of institute should think about student’s
future rather than just about the business.
 Lack of Work Experience – the college should provide some workshops as well. So, the
students don’t get any trouble after their education in their future.
 Low GPA, wrong major
 Lack of goals, lack of self-knowledge, and lack of specific job knowledge- the college
must provide the education which can enhance student knowledge such as the
knowledge outside from the books.
 Weak technical knowledge – The students should have some technical knowledge as
well for instance more about computer, electrical appliances. Therefore, they can find
the jobs easily in future.
 Weak skills (leadership, interpersonal, communication, teamwork - they students should
work as a team. With the communication, they get more knowledge about the subject
and out of their thinking.
 Weak job-hunting skills- the college should provide enough education and knowledge.
The result, they can fulfill the job requirements.

Negative personal characteristics (e.g., poor work ethic, lack of discipline, lack of motivation,
indecisiveness, shyness, too emotional- The College should provide discipline to students. The
students should have lots of confidence from their education and have work ethics as well.

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Part 2. Develop options for continuous improvement – foster creativity and innovation.

Task 1
a) Discuss a range of strategies that you will use to foster a creative climate and
organisational learning across the organisation.

The strategies that we use to foster creativity are:

 We need provide them with a creative environment to work in, both in regards to their
assignments, the people they work with, as well as the actual physical space they work
 Let every employee be his own manager and offer pay based on his actual output.
 Provide time and resources for creativity if it is important to the organization's success.
 Give them the credit they deserve.
 Employees need to identify themselves with what they do for our college and be
respected for that.
 Create a culture of effective execution.
 Create a Humor’s culture to be more relaxed feeling automatically and naturally.
 Create a work environment conducive to more creative thinking.
 Hire more creative employees
 Find ways to build up the creative abilities of the employees we have.

b) Describe the strategies you will use across the organisation to accept failure of ideas
and recognise, celebrate and embed success.

To create quality environment in the college, we need to focus at three sets of skills.

 Technical skills, which include a broad range of skills such as computer,

telecommunications, medical, etc. This is the body of detailed technical knowledge,
experience, and abilities*/regardless of area*/necessary to create a successful system.

 Project management skills, which include the knowledge, techniques, and skills
necessary for the successful internal management of significant college’s projects.
Under this umbrella fall the traditional management functions such as planning,
directing, controlling, motivating, and staffing. A good project manager must typically
possess a blend of technical experience and managerial knowledge.

 People and organizational skills, which include the wide range of strategies like a good
communication skills ,the reward systems motivating different behaviours , leadership all
this points are necessary to be a effective college also giving them training and
monitoring their success.

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We recognise and celebrate our employee’s success and failure with these strategies:

 Make the failure as general mistake from everybody and later call one by one and talk to
 Start telling about good staff about them and then explain about his/her failure.
 Tell them if they need help or any question they are welcome to come and ask, make a
trust environment.
 Tells them how important they are to the college and show appreciation for their job and
always say thank you.
 Among the most successful ways to recognize our employees excellence is a bonus or
monetary reward. A monetary bonus helps to increase employee’s morale as well as
 Make your reward act as a team-building event by organizing a lunch or other event to
which an entire department is invited.
 Include your college's brand with our employee recognition by giving out merchandise
with your company's logo on it.
 Recognize an individual employee's successes with a hand-written note reinforcing why
our employee is being recognized.
 College sends out a catalogue of merchandise options from which employees can select
a gift. Options include watches, jewellery, household goods, electronics and recreational

Mutual Trust between staff

Mutual trust is a shared belief that you can depend on each other to achieve a common
In a team, members work in a climate of trust. They are encouraged to openly express
opinions, feelings, and doubts. Team members share important information and ideas. They
are fair, willing to be influenced and fulfill their promises. Trust also fosters enthusiasm,
ensuring the best performance from everyone.
 sharing important information, especially about oneself
 willingness to be influenced
 avoiding the abuse of team-members' vulnerability (because of their inadequate access
to information or lack of positional power, and so on)
 being fair
 fulfilling promises

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Demonstrate trust in staff, and prove worthy of trust:

 Never make promises that are not able or are not intending to keep
 Never ask others to do anything that you would not do yourself
 Ensure your people know that they can count on your respect and your loyalty, unless
and until they prove undeserving

Good communication we need to do the following things

1. Stay Focused
2. Listen Carefully
3. Try To See Their Point of View
4. Respond to Criticism with Empathy
5. Own What’s Yours
6. Look for Compromise
7. Take a Time-Out
8. Don’t Give Up
9. Ask For Help If You Need It

Develop negotiation skills

For developing negotiation skills we need to do the following task which as follows:

1. Analyse the position and define what you hope to achieve with the negotiations. Clinical,
objective analysis is vital when preparing to negotiate.
2. Eliminate personal feelings
3. Be prepared to compromise
4. Stick to your guns. While a certain amount of compromise is necessary, be aware of
places where you cannot and should not budge, and be ready to defend them.
5. Listen carefully to the other party. Part of this arises from a need to understand his
position and help find common ground, but it can also be advantageous.
6. Confirm and ratify any agreement you make

Good leadership has the following things for successful

 Be Trustworthy
 Inspire People to Work Toward The Vision
 Be Self Aware and Insightful About Your Impact On Others
 Accept Responsibility for Your Actions
 Lead versus Manage
 Have High Self Worth and Self Esteem
 Have Your Say ... What Would Your List of Qualities of Good Leadership Look Like

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Task 2

a) Prepare and deliver a briefing session for a group of staff on performance

improvement strategies and innovation as an essential part of competition.

The session 1 should be on 01 of November 2010 and in this meeting we are going to discuss
about our performance strategies and innovation thinking how we should do to improve this.

We have described the components necessary for establishing and maintaining a

comprehensive quality management system for our college.

Performance improvement strategies: We focus on Leadership

 Support and Commitments.—Tangible and visible support from the college’s

administration to every employee as a student, this point is to make everybody
commitment to improve the quality and safety in this institution.
 Just Culture of Quality and Safety. — achieving an environment in which staff
members feel comfortable disclosing errors, including their own.
 Quality Management Team.—A well-functioning, cohesive team is essential for the
successful functioning of a quality and safety organization. Members should not only
be familiar with the processes and skilled with the tools necessary for what they do,
but should also be willing to devote time and energy to making the college activities a
success. The team must be fully integrated into a college. Members of the
Harbourside College should be familiar with processes and criteria for any adverse
 Recognition and Celebration of Improvements.—As an extension of the educational
component, and to maintain an appreciation of the positive benefits of a quality
management process, participating staff should be appropriately rewarded.

Innovation is essential to Harbourside Business College we want to be FIRST, we want to be

INNOVATIVE and SUCCEED to do that we follow 3 important thinking:

 Act like a child, Be so curious! "How does that work, Ask many questions, all day
long! Be curious about your own college and a also be curious about other colleges:
"How do you handle busy times?" "How do you attract new students?" "What do you
do to look after your loyal students?"
 Ask for help! Certainly speak with consultants and coaches to see if you can find
someone that meets our needs, someone innovative and curious themselves.
 Get storming! Whether personal mind-storming (by ourselves) or brain-storming (with
others), keep curiously exploring new ways. Marketing have developed a brain-
storming tool that boasts 125,000 new ideas, helping you build new ways to market
our college services.

Also 5 essential thoughts to stimulate the adoption of innovation:

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1. Bury the thought that innovation is a department or a role. Encourage all trainers,
directors to think creatively.
2. Make the cliché company suggestion box transparent and put it online, in an email,
or on the intranet.
3. We should not just ask to the trainers or directors for ideas. Formulate the problem
and ask them for solutions.
4. Work out who the enthusiasts are and get them involved.
5. Make our service available for free to those who might be able to improve it.


To: Board Members and Stakeholders

From: Short-Term Convergence

Minutes of the March

Subject: 5, 2010 Board Date: November 9, 2010

cc: Apel, Victoria, Hussain and Satvir

The Board meeting minutes are provided for the information and
convenience of constituents who want to follow the Board’s
deliberations. All of the conclusions reported are tentative and
may be changed at future Board meetings. Decisions become
final only after a formal written ballot to issue a final Statement
or Interpretation.

Continuous Improvement

Basis for Described the components necessary for establishing

Maintaining a comprehensive quality management system

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Length of:

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 Described the components necessary for establishing

 Maintaining a comprehensive quality management system

Discussion, decisions, assignments

First agenda item: Component of the college for establishment

Second agenda item: Quality Management system

Additional items. Quality customer service and give information quickly

Tentative agenda for the next meeting

 January 2011
 Measurement and new improvement Introduced

Call (insert your name and number) with additions or corrections to these minutes.

The session delivered by discussion for One hour

One hour by Projector

Last half an hour for feedback session

For the session we use the following things

A) Projector
B) Papers and pens
C) Computer
D) Hall room
E) Meeting table and chair

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b) From your analyses in part 1 of this assessment project, select one business process
for improvement. Conduct a brainstorming session to generate a range of innovative
ideas in relation to improving performance in your selected business process.

To conduct a brainstorming we follow the next instructions:

 Determine who will be involved in the brainstorming session.

 You should appoint a facilitator to oversee all aspects of the meeting, and to make sure
that everyone stays on topic and conscious of the meeting time frame.
 Determine how long the session will be. Brainstorming sessions usually last anywhere
from one to four hours.
 Create rules for the brainstorming session. Some good sample rules are as. No ideas
are to be rejected, no matter how ridiculous or outlandish they may seem.
 Encourage people to think of and express ideas that are completely out of the box. Write
them all out on the whiteboard, giving equal weight and encouragement to every idea
 Once the session has concluded, take the ideas that were presented, sift through them
and filter out the unworkable ones, and build upon the ideas with potential.

The business process we have selected to brainstorming is: Staff and Student recruitment
and placement.

 Focus ideas and best practice on the importance of clear and accessible recruitment
information. (This might also help with retention rates if potential students firstly
understand what they are getting into.)
 Consults to experts who can help us consider how we might embrace new
 Continue to build on alumni and student outreach.
 Build scholarship programs both in number and in dollar support.
 Start using benchmarking in our program.
 Build national alumni network and communication with such a network.
 Segment a specific market like get more student from South America.
 Continue to build student pride in Harbourside Business College.
 Build an integrated message across college, a common strategy, “consistency of
 Focus on existing pockets of alumni concentrations.
 Increase out of state student recruitment.
 Build social networks on the internet.
 Faculty takes time for students for internal counselling.
 Build marketing to external audiences; make it a planned and consistent message.

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 Increase the self-confidence of students; make them aware they are part of high quality
c) Consult with a range of stakeholders to get feedback and test a selection of the ideas
generated above.

The range of stakeholders is:

Board of directors Potential new students

Clients/students Owners

Community groups Public

competitors Regulators

staff Suppliers

Government Trainers

Investors Cleaners

We are using multi-stakeholder consultations to bring together various stakeholders in a neutral

forum, and are powerful tools for sharing ideas, building consensus and developing commitment
to the end of the meeting. We send the invitation targeting specific groups and give all
information they need.


Stakeholders have chose continue to build student pride in Harbourside Business College. We
have high expectations of student and also our staff we are always looking for ideas from
students to help us understand their needs and aspirations of this pool of our college. We
believe that for many years we offer to our student a good service, working hard with an
amazing team, incredible trainers, good developments and tools.
The presentations and special interest sessions will aim to give new ideas and a fresh
perspective to help to re-evaluate our organisation's international student focus and how we can
use the strategies to show them how important they are and tell them they are our mission in
this college. Giving them support and create a safe positive learning environment and where
the student can get sufficient opportunity to learning at class, frequent monitoring of student

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Stakeholders opinion’s are that we just need to modify our workplaces that we can promote our
college more than before. Then, we can come in market with wide knowledge and facilities
which we can provide students. The conclusion is, Our College provides the students with
tremendous education and support. As an employer it is very reassuring to know the college's
high standards results in students with a quality education. However, we just need to consider
small improvements which must be done for our college success.

Part 3. Develop options for continuous improvement – analyses

Task 1

a) Select two ideas from Part 2, task 2 b & c and conduct a cost benefit analysis and a
risk analysis for each idea.

Select two ideas to conduct a cost benefit analysis and risk analysis, and there ideas are:

 Build social networks on the internet

To build social networks on the internet, student can get a social network service, an online
service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social
relations among people. A. Most social network services are web based and provide means for
users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. To improve the
development of Harbourside Business College we have decided to implement a new computer-
based to create a large of online services and student/ trainers and staff can be more related.
They are more able to meet commitments, and can study and work more efficiently with

Our financial cost/benefit analysis is shown below:


New computer equipment:

 10 network-ready PCs with supporting software @ $2,450 each

 1 server @ $3,500
 3 printers @ $1,200 each
 Cabling & Installation @ $4,600

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 Sales Support Software @ $15,000

Training costs:

1. Computer introduction - 8 people @ $400 each

2. Keyboard skills - 8 people @ $400 each
3. Sales Support System - 12 people @ $700 each

Other costs:

 Lost time: 40 man days @ $200 / day

 Lost through disruption: estimate: $20,000
 Lost through inefficiency during first months: estimate: $20,000

Total cost: $114, 00 per year.


 Ability to sustain marketing campaigns: estimate: $20,000 / year

 Improved efficiency and reliability of follow-up: estimate: $50,000 / year
 Improved student service and retention: estimate: $30,000 / year
 Improved accuracy of student/trainers and staff information: estimate: $10,000 / year
 More ability to get new students : $30,000 / year

Total Benefit: $140,000/year

Our risk analysis is shown below:

Risk type Likelihood Consequences

Training costs, using

Computers can get lose,
money to fix the
Financial loss broken or just they don’t High
computers or replace
have a good performance.

No all cheap or used

computers have a warranty We need to spend
Buying Cheap or
to ensure that they are money on buying the low
Used Computers
working perfectly. So we parts separately.
have to trust.

Physical injury – Untrained staff, borrowed & on effects to finances,

major unfamiliar new computers. reputation, legal liability)

threats to privacy Damage on people Creating a difficult and Low

personalities. uncomfortable

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Documents or files has not Damage to reputation;

Secure sensitive
yet received; or lost it, when devaluation of
documents and High
received for authorized Hourbourside Business
party. College programs.

Our financial cost/benefit analysis is shown below:

 Build marketing to external audience by giving them brusher.

During the design phase to demonstrate whether a design alternative is practical from the cost
point of view, to help choose a solution by making comparisons, and to uncover benefits and
costs associated with a design alternative that are not evident.

The analysis involves calculating or estimating the known costs and potential benefits
associated with a proposed alternative.



Equipment $100,000
Rewiring and installation 50,000
Cost of retraining operators 25,000
Cost of lost production 50,000

Total Cost $225,000

Benefits – Year 1

Reduce rejects by 10% $75,000

Reduce man-hours for the job 50,000
Reduce start up time 25,000

Total Benefits $150,000

Comparing the costs and benefits over 2 years shows:

Costs Benefits Profit/Loss

Year 1 $225,000 $150,000 ($ 75,000)

Year 2 — 150,000 150,000

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Total $225,000 $300,000 $ 75,000

In 2 years, the new equipment will pay back its original cost and generate additional income.


 Benefits are those associated with implementation of the alternative that will result in
savings for the organization, like increased productivity, elimination of positions,
reduced man-hours, or less rework. the process by 50%) so that dollar figures can
be assigned to each cost or benefit.
 Some “costs” or benefits do not lend themselves to quantitative evaluation (e.g.,
lowered morale as a cost or improved morale as a benefit).
 Harbourside Business college team was looking at a design solution to see if it was
practical from the cost point of view. The organization involved published
documents and had to do a lot of rework due to printing errors. One solution
involved buying new equipment at the cost of $100,000.
 Our risk analysis is shown below:

Risk analysis

Step 1 Spot the Hazards the risk Step Step 3 Fix When Who Reassess
2 Assess the problem & the risk

Identify the What are Is the risk what will be By whom strategies
task the risks low, done to have been
associated moderate, reduce or put in place
with each significant or remove the reassess
activity high? risk the risk .

Reviewing Time Moderate Bring new Organizer Low

consuming qualified staff

Contact to the Cost of the Moderate Hire qualified Organizer Low risk
Printing agent reprinting, staff for
Time and dealing with
Change agent and
Page consult about
the issue

Productivity More work Moderate Work heavily. Organizer Low risk

risk, more Increase and
staff visibility of volunteer
work site

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Ensure first
aid kit up to
date and

b) Decide which idea you would trial on the basis of your analyses. Explain your

Comparing the cost benefit analysis of both ideas are as follows:

Build social networks on the internet Build marketing to external audience by giving
them brusher
1. Its easy to go through 1. Its not easy task to doing this for
2. Less time consuming 2. Too much Time consuming
3. Its beneficial not only for the student 3. Its only beneficial for the student
but also the trainer
4. Its for all student in the world 4. Its impossible to give all student so less
student can get this

In the above Ideas we saw that the first one build social networks on the internet in low risk and
more benefit. We get more student through this idea rather that the giving brusher. On first risk if
we fall in trouble we can get easily fix up than the other.

After doing the cost benefit analysis we through a meeting with our board of director at harbour
side Business College Conference room. We discuss about our both issue. We consider the
benefit and risk of those ideas. And also we talk about the problem and how we easily solve
those problems. Finally we come up in sum that the build social network through internet is easy
and more beneficial than the other one by supporting most of our board of director. After that we
made approval document for improvement and send to CEO.

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So to implement more computers to Harbourside Business College cost: $114, 00 per year and
to build marketing to external audience by giving them brusher cost $225,000 means we can
choose the first idea because is low cost and more benefit to the college.

c) Prepare a document to seek approval to conduct trial of this new idea. (If you are
conducting this activity in the classroom, your trainer could represent senior


Improvement in college to get more student

Project name
Harbourside Business College
Client / Sponsor

Project manager Pre-study Hilda


Recipient Student

Product completed Approved Date Comments

according to
Yes February All Computer should be implement
on February
Implementation Not complete yet

Schedule for Activities Date

February -2 to February -29,
Final delivery Location Date
Harbourside Business College February -2 to February -29,

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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

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Hilda Date
Handover 23/11/2010
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Harbourside Business College Page 22

Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Part 4. Implement innovative processes

Task 1

a) Prepare an action plan for implementation of the innovative idea analysed in part 3.


 We want to increment at 60% of new student to next year at Harbourside Business
 Conduct monitoring to the computers areas on a monthly basis to assess the
performance of the make sure they are full of paper and working well.
 Train all staff, they should know to use the new equipment by March 30, 2011.
 Develop new filing system and implement by August 1, 2011.
 Research and implement at least one new computer in a classroom for the academic
year 2011/2012.
 Report unsafe conditions to management immediately.
 Ensure all computers areas are cleaned in detail 100% of the time and that all unsafe
conditions are corrected immediately by reporting to appropriate persons.


The computers would be implemented on February 2011, it would take a the whole February to
implement this and we star from February 2 - to February 29, working7 hours a day, just to
received new students and get a convenience place to study.


 Increase the staff/trainers' awareness of accessibility by 25 percent within 12 months of

implementation of the new computers
 Increase reported improved collaboration and communication among staff/trainers and
students to 50 percent within 18 months.
 Increase the job satisfaction of staff and trainers with accessibility needs by 35 percent
in 24 months
 Increase the satisfaction of students with accessibility needs by 25 percent in 12 months.

Communication plans:

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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Type of Communication Frequency and Actioned By

Project Stakeholder Timing
List all stakeholder names, List the type and format Record who will be
either groups or individuals, of communication List how often and responsible for the
who may be affected by the required for each when this will be communication.
project. stakeholder. auctioned, eg
monthly or the end of
the Planning Stage

 Trainers  Face to face  Monthly Management

conversations meetings
 executives
 Open door  Monthly
 general employees policies
 Monthly
 staff  Management meetings
 students meetings .”
 Monthly
 Staff meetings meetings
 Employee forums  Quarterly
 Email , forums
conference calls ,
 Monthly
video chat
 Monthly
 Company website
& Blog Employee
 Weekly
 Newsletters newsletter

Strategies to promote continuous improvement:

 Foster creative climate in Harbourside Business College and organisational learning

through the promotion of interaction within and between groups as staff – students,
trainers – staff and students – trainers.
 Encourage by feedback recognise new ideas and or if the implementation was
 Accept failure of an idea during trialling, and recognise, celebrate and embed success
with trainer/staff and students.
 Approve innovations through agreed organisational processes.
 Promoting multiple skills in staff/trainers,

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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

 just-in-time production scheduling,

 Incentives to staff/trainers and teamwork.
 Provides students with quick feedback, and encourages learning,
 Decentralized decisions making is a strategy to create the equality between
management and staff.
 Operating information to workers and supervisors is strongly and positively related to the
implementation of continuous quality improvement.

To our transition plan we will use the next communication and education plans:

Communication strategies:

The communication in Harbourside Business College should direct, face to face communication
is relatively easy and the most valuable method for building commitment and productivity. In
these growing businesses, other methods such as electronic and print should be employed to
supplement direct face to face communication.

Face to face: Electronic: Print:

 email
 face to face  cell phone
conversations  conference
 open door policies calls
 management  video  employee
meetings  company manuals
 staff meetings website  newsletters
 management by  blog
walking around
 employee forums

Education strategies:

 Provides the process, tools and resources to promote and maintain a positive
workplace culture.
 Sets out the guidelines for educators to plan, implement, and document and reflect on
a holistic learning program for Harbourside Business College.
 Sets out guidelines for homework, including the amount of time students should spend
on homework each week.

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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

 Bring survey of every student who completed Year 12 in the previous year in. The
survey collects information about the initial study and was or not satisfactory year.

 Contingency plans in the event of non performance:

When a contingency plan is created to serve as a disaster recovery plan, the business
will often focus on the creation of a process that accomplishes three goals.

The contingency plan should be used if the implementation of new computers to the
Harbourside Business College is not working as we expected so we must plan a
periodically tested to ensure that it accurately reflects any changes made or problem just
to make sure all computers are working well . Also we will include:

 Train and retrain employees

 Develop and revise policies and standards as the department changes
 Exercise strategies, procedures, team and resources requirements
 Report on-going continuity of the development of the new computers.
 Research processes and technologies to improve resumption and recovery efficiency
 Perform plan maintenance activities
 Implementing accurate and continuous vital records, data backup, and off-site

b) Describe how you will monitor, evaluate and modify the activities and interventions
you have included in your action plan in the event of non performance or failure or
to continuously improve your ideas.

Plan to monitor, evaluate the following:

 Operating system(s). See if the operating systems used in Hourbourside Business

College have, are adjusted to their needs? If is not they should be changed.
 Productivity and communication: Is the productivity software such as e-mail, word
processing, and presentation applications accessible? Are accessibility options available to
communicate? We focus on this two aspects because we are looking for productivity ,
continuous improvement and the communications plans we are using is not enough to
maintains a good relationship to everyone in that case we should rebuild our
communication plan.
 Assistive technology. Are compatible assistive technology products available for your
current operating systems and office productivity software?

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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

 Legacy systems. Are we using the right legacy systems that students can use, as only
accept to some internet access to increase importance on studies and are they happy
doing this? Students want to use these systems?
 Internal systems. Are internal systems using the right way? Everyone is benefited or is
just something everyone has to fallow?
 Students systems. Are the systems to the students good enough? ( studies systems
,computers, printers, facilities ,etc

c) Explain how you will promote continuous improvement and communicate costs and
benefits of innovations and improvements to all relevant groups and individuals.

Communication process:

We will communicate cost and the benefits of the innovation by meetings, giving reports
and via email to our executives and employees in general.

The process of promoting continuous improvement

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Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement

The performance measurement: We found there is improvement at Hourbourside Business

College because we are getting more new students and give training to our staff to be capacity
to use the computers and help for any issues. Also we are getting a competitive advantage from
others college bringing to all classroom computers available to use and more important help us
to continuous improvement every time.

Culture: Our Culture is a shared set pattern of beliefs, attitudes, values and traditions that are
widely held by a community, where all students can participate actively, honestly, and positively
in the learning and teaching environment.

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