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1. State three principles on which the Islamic society was founded by Holy Prophet (PBUH)
in Medina.
2. What did the last sermon of the Holy Prophet teaches us?
3. Who was Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai? What is the message of his poetry?
4. What other qualities that latif possessed beside being a saint?
5. Where is Moen-jo-Daro situated? What objects are kept in the museum of moen jo daro?
6. Who was Miss Sullivan and how did she teach Helen?
7. When and why did Helen Keller visit Pakistan?
8. In what words did Quaid-e-Azam praise the role of Allama Iqbal on his death?
9. Why did Iqbal wanted a separate state for the Muslims of India?
10. What is meant by Madar-e-Millat? Why was Fatima Jinnah called madar-e-millat?
11. Who was Bi-Amman? Why is she remembered till today?
12. How did Muslim women work for the Independence?
13. How Begum Rana Liaquat Ali helped her husband in Pakistan Movement?
14. What did Quaid-e-Azam say about education? Why is 14th August an important date for
15. How do disease cause? How do flies carry germs to our body?
16. How can we get rid of malaria?
17. Why will the name of Major Aziz Bhatti be written in the letter of gold?
18. What lesson do we learn from the martyrdom of Major Aziz Bhatti?
19. What was Major Abdul Aziz Bhatti’s reply to his commanding officer?
20. What does nursing means? Who was Florence Nightingale? What was her aim in life?
21. What did the holy Prophet (PBUH) do for the sick? Where did the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
establish a hospital under whose ownership?
22. What is our duty as a citizen? OR what is our responsibility as a citizen?
23. What are the major problems of Pakistan? And what is government doing to solve these
24. What are the two important persons in the village?
25. What happened when societies grew larger?
26. What is a barrage? Why it is built?
27. What are the benefits of Guddu barrage? How many canals has it got?
28. What is the moral of “secret of success”?
29. How important are our neighbors to us according to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

1. How does the poetess compare the Neem Tree to man? What according to the poetess is
the highest aim of life?
2. Who wrote the poem “The Neem Tree”? Why does the poetess say that Neem Tree is

3. With what does the poet compare the children? What happened to us if there were no
4. Who wrote the poem ‘Children’? What is the central idea of this poem?
5. What are the two moods of the poet in the poem ‘Daffodils’? What resemblance does the
poet find between the stars and the daffodils?
6. What are harness bells? Why does the horse shake his harness bells? Why can the poet
not wait to enjoy the beauty of woods?
7. Who wrote the poem “Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening”? what is its main
8. Why can the poet not wait to enjoy the beauty of the woods?
9. Who is miller? What was miller singing about? Who is happier than the two; the miller or
the king? and why?
10. Which poem was written by J.H leigh Hunt? What is the central idea of that poem?
11. Who was Abou Ben Adhem? Why was his name on the top of the list?

1. An interesting cricket match/ T20 world cup
2. The happiest day of my life
3. Advantages and disadvantages of internet
4. Favorite personality

1. Helen keller
2. Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai
3. Nursing
4. Health is wealth

Write an application to the headmaster of your school requesting him to get more reference
books for the library?

Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her to issue you a
character/sports certificate.

Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her to allow your class to go
on a picnic.


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