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a Final Project

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English


Yoyok Tri Widyaningsih





Surely that be afraid to God, only they should be able to their knowledge and science
(Q.S. father : 28)

This Final Project is dedicated to:

My Beloved Mother and Father
My Beloved Sister (Ricka)
My Beloved Friends in Salwa, UKKI, Lingua Base, AEC, and Qolbun Salim
My Classmates in the English Department 2002 Semarang State University


Praise be to Allah, Lord of the world. I would like to express my deepest

gratitude to Allah SWT, God the almighty for the blessing and ease given to me in
completing of this final project.
My deepest gratitude goes as well to Drs. Ahmad Sofwan, Ph. D. my first
advisor for giving me continues guidance as well as motivation and patience during
the writing of this final project.
I also would like to thank Dra. Dwi Anggani L.B. M.Pd. my second advisor
for the advice and valuable suggestions given to me in finishing this final project.
My gratitude is also dedicated to all lecturers of the English Department of
Semarang State University who have taught as well as motivated and guided me
since the first year of my study at Semarang State University.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents, sisters, brothers and all my beloved
friends for their untiring affection, supports and continuous prayer.
I realize that the study is still far from being perfect. I have a great
expectation that this study will be beneficial and useful for all the readers.

Semarang, 27 Juli 2006

Yoyok Tri Widyaningsih

This study is about the correlation between the students’ activity in watching
English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery. Since it is still doubted whether
or not there is a significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching
English TV program and their vocabulary mastery, the writer conducted a research to
obtain the answers to those questions.
The population of this research is forty from the fourth semester students of
the English Department of Semarang State University who were randomly selected
by using a method of Moser Graham called lottery method.
The writer stated the null hypothesis of the research as follows: “There is a
significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV
programs and their vocabulary mastery”.
The obtained values from the analyses of the test result, the correlation is
0.668 and the critical value of the Pearson with the 5 % significance level is 0.312, it
can be concluded that the working hypothesis is accepted. Furthermore, the value
obtained from computing the data to answer the question of the research shows that
the significant coefficient correlation or t is 5.53. That are greater than critical value
of t distribution in the table with the 5 % significance level was obtained the value
2.02, so it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted because t or 5.53 is not
between –2.02 and 2.02.
Based on the result, the writer concludes that the students’ activity in
watching English TV programs gives a useful contribution for them to enlarge
Therefore, the writer would like to offer suggestions to the English students
that they should increase their frequency in watching English TV programs in their
spare time. Besides that she suggest that they should give a more attention to the
context in learning vocabulary because it plays an important role in determining an
appropriate meaning.



TITLE .............................................................................................................. i

PAGE OF APPROVAL .................................................................................. ii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ....................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................. vi


1. General Background of the Study ................................................................ 1

1.1 Reason of Choosing the Topic .................................................................. 8

1.2.1 The importance of vocabulary mastery for English student ................... 8

1.2.2 The importance of the context and spoken language in learning the

vocabulary .............................................................................................. 9

1.3 Assumption and Limitation ....................................................................... 10

1.4 Statements of the Problems ....................................................................... 10

1.5 Objectives of the Study ............................................................................. 11

1.6 Significance of the Study .......................................................................... 11

1.7 Outline of the Thesis ................................................................................. 12


2.1 Uses and Function of English in Indonesia ............................................... 13

2.2 Learning English in Indonesia .................................................................. 14

2.3 Why Study Vocabulary ............................................................................. 14

2.4 Definition of Vocabulary .......................................................................... 16

2.5 Vocabulary Types ..................................................................................... 17

2.6 General Meaning of Vocabulary Mastery ................................................. 18

2.7 General Concept of Media (Audiovisual) ................................................. 19

2.8 Television in Indonesia ............................................................................. 21

2.9 English TV Programs ................................................................................ 23

2.9.1 English News programs ......................................................................... 24

2.9.2 English Film programs ........................................................................... 24

2.10 Types of Vocabulary Found in English TV Programs ............................ 25

2.11 Student’s Activity in Watching TV Programs ........................................ 26

2.12 Hypothesis ............................................................................................... 26


3.1 Populations and Sample ............................................................................ 27

3.1.1 Population .............................................................................................. 27

3.1.2 Sample .................................................................................................... 27

3.2 Variables of Investigation ......................................................................... 28

3.3 Method and Procedure of Collecting Data ................................................ 29

3.4 Instrument ................................................................................................. 30

3.4.1 The Questionnaire .................................................................................. 30

3.4.2 Vocabulary Test ..................................................................................... 32

3.5 Try out of the Questionnaire and the Vocabulary Test ............................. 33

3.6 The Condition of the Test ......................................................................... 33

3.6.1 Validity of Instrument ............................................................................ 33

3.6.2 Reliability of the Instrument .................................................................. 34

3.7 The Method of Analysis the Data ............................................................. 37


4.1 Discussion ................................................................................................. 39

4.2 Result ........................................................................................................ 46


5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................ 47

5.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................... 48

BIBLIOGRAPY .............................................................................................. 50

Motto and Dedication

Surely that be afraid to God, only they should be able to their knowledge and science
(Q.S. father : 28)

“….. Lo, Allah changes not the condition of a folk until they (first) changeth that
which is in their hearths and if Allah Willits misfortune for a folk there is none that
can repel it, nor have they a defender beside Him” (The Thunder: 11)

This is a declaration for mankind, a guidance and an admonition unto those who
ward off (evil).” (The Family of Imran: 138)

Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in) the difference of the night
and day are tokens (of His Sovereignty) for men of understanding, such as remember
Allah, standing, sitting and reclining and consider the creation of the heavens and the
earth, (and say) ; Our Lord! Thou creates not this in vain, Glory be to Thee! Preserve
us from the doom of fire. ( The Family of Imran: 190-191)

Allah tasked not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it hath earned and
against it (only) that which it hath deserved. ( The cow:286)

And (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the children and Adam, from
their reins, their seed and made them testify of themselves, (saying): Am I not your
Lord? They said: Yea verily. We testify (that was) lest ye should say at the day of
Resurrection: Lo! Of this we were unaware. (The Heights: 172)

O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female and have made you nations
and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! The noblest of you, in the sight of
Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is knower, aware. (The private Apartments:

Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right
conduct and forbid indency; and Ye believed in Allah. And if the people of the
Scripture had believed it had been better for them. Same of them are believers; but
most of them are evil-livrers. (The Family of Imran : 110)

Lo! Those who believe and do good works, their Lord guided them by their faith.
Rivers will flow beneath them in the gardens of Delight. (Jonah : 10)

Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah, verily
in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest! (The Thunder: 28)

But lo! With hard ship goeth ease, Lo! With hardship goeth ease. (Solace: 5-6)

Lo! We have sent thee (O Muhammad) with the truth, a bringer of glad tidings and a
warner. And thou wilt not be asked about the owners of hell-fire. (The cow:119)

Their prayer there in will be: Glory be to Thee, O Allah! And their greeting there in
will be: Peace. And the conclusion of their prayer will be: Praise be to Allah, Lord of
the Worlds! (Jonah: 11)

Kampus Sekaran Gunung Pati Semarang 50229 Telp/Fax (024) 3562652

Surat Keterangan

Ketua Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri
Semarang menerangkan bahwa mahasiswa sebagai berikut:

Nama : Yoyok Tri Widyaningsih

NIM : 2201402543
ProDi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang : S1

Telah menempuh mata kuliah sebagai berikut:

No Nama Mata Kuliah SKS NILAI SKS X

7. SPEAKING 1 2 B 6,40
8. VOCABULARY 1 2 C 4,80
9. READING 1 2 B 5,60
10. WRITING1 2 C 4,80
11. STRUCTURE 1 2 C 4,80
17. SPEAKING 2 2 B 6,08
18. READING 2 2 B 5,60
19. ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 2 C 4,96
22. LEXICAL STUDIES 2 2 B 6,32
23. FILSAFAT ILMU 2 B 5,84

26. READING 3 2 B 5,12
29. POETRY 2 B 6,56
30. SPEAKING 3 2 B 5,60
32. ENGLISH GRAMMAR 3 2 B 5,60
35. READING 4 2 C 5,44
38. TEFL 1 2 B 2,92
40. CMD 1 2 A 6,80
41. DRAMA 2 C 4,00
42. TRANSLATION 1 2 B 6,24
43. PROSE 2 B 6,08
44. TEFL 2 2 B 6,24
46. CMD 2 2 B 6,24
48. ELTAC 2 C 4,96
50. INTERPRETING 1 2 B 5,76
54. PPL 4 A 13,60
55. KKN 6 A 21,60

Jumlah mata kuliah yang sudah ditempuh = 55

Jumlah SKS yang sudah ditempuh = 135
IPK = 2,92

Demikian surat keterangan ini di buat untuk digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Semarang, 2 Agustus 2006

Ketua Jurusan

Drs. Ahmad Sofwan, Ph.D

NIP 131813664

Appendix I
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7

Appendix 8
Appendix 9
Appendix 10
Appendix 11
Appendix 12
Appendix 13
Appendix 14
Appendix 15



1.1 General Background of the Study

Brumfit (1981: 1) stated that English is an international language and

the most widespread medium of communication, both because of the number

and geographical areas of its speakers and because of the large number of non

native speakers who use it for part of their international contact. Thus, it is not

surprising that the teaching of English is carried out in many parts of the

world. For example, our country Indonesia treats English as the first foreign

language. English has some important roles in the development of Indonesia,

such as it is used as an instrument in developing modern science and

technology sources using English in their explanation to help people around

the world in learning them. English is one of the international languages used

as a means of communication among nations in the world. It is used in

international trade, tourism and other important international affairs.

Indonesian language is a mother tongue, thus, English language is not used

commonly in a daily life by Indonesian people. Therefore, to consider the

important role of English, the Indonesian government positions English as the

first foreign language.

Realizing the importance of English in our country, many people in

Indonesia are learning the language. They learn it for many different purposes

such as business, science, technology, and communication and also for


education. Besides having different purposes in learning the language, people

also have different sources in learning it. Most of them learn the language in

formal education such as: schools, college and universities. In our country,

English has been taught as a compulsory subject since the students are in the

Junior High School until the University. It is also taught in some Elementary

Schools and Kindergartens in Indonesia as local content from now on. In

addition to learning the language in formal education, people also learn it in

non-formal education. English courses and private lessons are the examples of

non-formal education institutions existing in our country. People can choose

one of them that are suitable with their purpose and funds. Although they are

learning the language from different sources, they have a same basic wish in

their learning process that they want to get a success on it in realizing their

wish; they use some media that can help them in the learning process. These

media can be books, magazines, newspapers, cassettes, radios and also


Television is one of the mass media that can also be used as a medium

in learning English. Why television? Because it is an interesting and enjoyable

medium to learn anything. The audience can learn anything they have not

known before watching television, because it always offers something actual

and new to them through its programs. As it is mentioned by Vernon S

Gerlach / Donald P. Ely (1980:354) “Television is an electronic system of

transmitting still and moving images with accompany in sound over a wire or

through space. The system employs equip that converts lights and sound into

electrical impulses and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible

sound”. From the quotation we know that the audience at home can know and

learn anything new and actual in the world through television. It is like a

magic box that gives something wonderful to its audience through its


As one of the mass media, it gives so many benefits to its audience,

such as excitement, information and also knowledge. There are many kinds of

knowledge that can be obtained by them by watching television programs, for

example knowledge of environment, medicine, law, politic, culture and also

language. As it is mentioned on the previous paragraph, television can be used

as a medium to learning a foreign language, for example English language. It

can happen because television broadcast programs that are broadcast on their

television channels. The programs are broadcast everyday on television, from

morning until night, of course on specific times. This condition is very useful

for the English learners in Indonesia, included the students of the English

Department of Semarang State University because they can use the programs

to add their English knowledge.

There are many English skills and knowledge that can be learned by

the students by watching English TV programs, such as listening, speaking

and also knowledge of vocabulary. There are many vocabularies that can be

learning by them by watching the programs, because the programs provide so

many vocabularies of many different fields. They can learn vocabularies of

environment, social life, law, politic, education etc from those programs. It is

important for them to have a large vocabulary because of the four English

skills such as listening, reading, speaking and writing need a large vocabulary.

Mastering it will help them to improve the other English knowledge, as it is

mentioned by Charles B. Jennings (1978: 4): “If you already have an interest

in words (vocabulary) using them can improve your reading, writing, talking,

and thinking”. From the quotation above, we can take a reference that the

basic component, which must be mastered by them to get a success in learning

English is vocabulary. They will find some difficulties in their learning

process without mastering it, since most learning activities such as listening,

reading, thinking and talking need a large and solid vocabulary. As it is stated

by Micheal Bennet (1991:63) “Yet everyone, especially the English learners’

need a large vocabulary to succeed in their learning process because reading

and listening are the ways they learn”.

The students of English Department of Semarang State University as a

part of English learners in Indonesia should also have a large vocabulary.

Especially because they will become teachers in the future. As teachers, they

should have a good English knowledge because they will teach many students

and they should be responsible for their teaching. Moreover, they have a duty

to correct the mistakes that have been done by their students during the

learning process. Therefore, they really should have a good quality in English

correcting the students’ mistakes is not an easy work, since they should know

both the source of mistakes itself and the correct form. They can not do this

duty, if they have not a good English knowledge. It is really needed by them

to become English teachers. Since this profession has a heavy responsibility;

both, responsibility for the result and the responsibility for the learning

process itself.

Relating to the matter, English students of Semarang State University

really must have a good quality in English. They can start to reach it by having

a large vocabulary because it helps them to master other English skills.

Moreover, it is also helps them in communicating with the teachers, other

people and with their students. It is really needed in a communication, as it is

mentioned by Canale and Swain in Jack Richard and W. Schmidt (1983: 5)

“Communicative competence was understood as the underlying system of

knowledge and skill required for communication, e.g. knowledge of

vocabulary and skill in using the sociolinguistics of convention for a given

language”. From the quotation above, we know that mastery of the vocabulary

of a foreign language is the most required thing for communication. Nasr

(1975:57) stated that language is used to communicate ideas and experiences

and vocabulary is an element in a language that expresses units in our


Realizing this fact, the writer thinks that English TV programs are

good media for the English students’ of Semarang State University to enrich

their vocabularies, also expression from those programs. They can get that

thing that they do not get in their classes and textbooks. It is good for them to

learn English language out of campus because it can help them in their English

learning process. Their English will develop better if they also learn it out of

campus. This fact will open their eyes that they should learn from many

different sources if they want to get a success in learning English. They can

not learn from one source only. Furthermore, learning English out of campus

will help them in conducting communication in English, because out of

campus they can learn how to practice their English. Moreover they can know

that English in daily communication is slightly different from English in the


Realizing this fact, learning and listening from people who have a

good quality in English is the right way for them to add their English

knowledge. They can increase English skills and knowledge, such as speaking

and vocabulary by listening them. Listening to the people who have a better

speech style, such as lecturers, presenters, teachers and eminent public figures

is a good way for them to build a large vocabulary. It is mentioned by Michael

Bennet (1991: 63) “That listening to intelligent people or native speakers is

another good way to acquire a solid vocabulary”. Furthermore, he stated that

the context of spoken language is ever more helpful than of written language.

Since it includes body language, facial expression and intonation (stress, pitch

and juncture) to help the learners to understand the meaning intended by the

speaker (J Michael Bennet, 1991:63).

Based on the statements above, we know that one of the ways in

learning vocabulary is by listening to the people who have a better knowledge

and speech style than we have. Relating to this matter, English TV Programs

are exactly the right media for the students of English Department Semarang

State University to enrich their vocabulary. It contains things that fulfill the

requirements for a good way in building a rich vocabulary. It also contains

spoken language, which is supported by facial expression and also the right

intonation of the announcers, actors, and actresses of the programs that

condition will help the English students in understanding the words or the

sentences that are spoken by them by seeing their factual expression and

intonation. In this way, the English students can guess the meaning of an

unfamiliar word first before they know exactly the appropriate meaning of the


In addition, English TV Programs also help the English Students of

Semarang State University to learn the vocabulary in its context. So, they

really know how to use the word that exists in the program in daily life.

Moreover, they can understand that a word has different meaning according to

its context. For example, the word ‘cool’ has different meaning when it is used

in music and climax contexts. In the first context it means good or wonderful.

Meanwhile, in the second context it means chilly. From this example, we

know that context is the most important thing in determining the meaning of a

word. It is also helps them in understanding a meaning of an unfamiliar word

without looking it up in the dictionary, Albert J. Harris and Edward R. Sibay

(1981: 139) mentioned “We can deduce the meanings of many words without

looking them up in a dictionary or other word book by studying them in

context, in the sentence which they use in a part”. Furthermore, Perrin(1957)

also has the same opinion about the meaning of the words, as it is cited by

Gray C. Jack (1963:1) that words have meaning only in a particular

statements. From the two statements above, we can conclude that two better

ways to understand the meaning of words are by studying them in their

context and studying them in a particular statement.

Relating to the matter, the writer considers that English TV programs

are really good media for the students of the English Department of Semarang

State University to learn vocabulary in their contexts, so they will not get a

difficulty in choosing words in conducting communication in English.

In this thesis, the writer wants to discuss the significant correlation

between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs and their

vocabulary mastery. She takes the fourth semester English students of

Semarang State University to be examined because thinks that students in this

grade already have enough English knowledge to follow the programs. She

considers that the program is a really good program for them in building the

vocabulary. She hopes that she can find any significant correlation between

two things above because she has a hypothesis that there is a correlation

between them. To prove her opinion, then she conducted this research.

1.2 Reason for Choosing the Topic

The following are the reasons of choosing the topic:

1.2.1 The importance of vocabulary mastery for English students.

She realizes that vocabulary mastery in an important thing for

English students because a large vocabulary is needed by them to get a


success in their English learning process. Although there are four

language skills, Such as listening, reading, speaking, writing are

started by vocabulary so it is a first thing that English students must be

familiar with.

1.2.2 The importance of the context and spoken language in learning the


She considers that context is the first thing that should be

noticed by the English students in learning vocabulary. It helps them in

using the vocabulary in communication. They will find some

difficulties about how to choose an appropriate vocabulary in daily life

without understanding the context. Furthermore, she also realizes that

spoken language- especially from the people who have good speech

style is also a good way to enrich vocabulary. It is good since facial

expression, intonation and good performance of the speakers, will help

the students in understanding their speech, support it. She considers

that English to programs contain those entire things. Moreover, they

also contain so many interesting things. Therefore, students will not

get boredom in learning vocabulary if they use the program.

Furthermore, she has an opinion that there is a significant correlation

between students’ activity in watching English TV program on their

vocabulary mastery. So, she chooses this topic in her thesis.

The writer wants to know whether there is the significant

correlation between students’ activity in watching English TV


programs on the student’s vocabulary of English Department of

Semarang State University. For the sake of limitation, the writer

chooses only the fourth semester students as the subject of the


1.3 Assumption and Limitation

In conducting this investigation, the writer has the following assumptions.

1.3.1 A students’ activity in watching English TV programs is indicated by

the score of the questionnaires concerning the students’ activity in

doing it.

1.3.2 A students’ mastery of vocabulary is indicated by the score of

vocabulary test.

1.3.3 The result of this study is only applied to the fourth semester English

Department students’ of Semarang State University in the academic

year 2006.

1.4 Statements of the Problems

The problems stated in this thesis are:

1.4.1 What does ‘vocabulary’ and ‘vocabulary mastery’ mean?

1.4.2 What types of vocabulary are found in English TV Programs?

1.4.3 Is there any significant correlation between students’ activity in

watching English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery?


1.5 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

1.5.1 To understand what is vocabulary in learning language.

1.5.2 To find out vocabulary types those are found in English TV programs.

1.5.3 To find out whether there is a significant correlation between the

students’ activity in watching English TV programs and their

vocabulary mastery.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be useful for the readers. Especially for the

students of the English Department of Semarang State University. It may

provide useful information for them in conducting such a research. In addition,

this information can distribute to their knowledge of language research. This

study may be helpful for the English Department Students of Semarang State

University. It helps them be more alert to their vocabulary mastery.

Furthermore, it may help them to understand that vocabulary mastery is an

important aspect in language learning. It is a key for them to get a success in

their learning language process.

For the writer this thesis gives awareness that vocabulary is an

important aspect in language learning. Besides that, this thesis also gives her a

view that learning English out of school is very important to the English

Department Students of Semarang State University.


1.7 Outline of the Thesis

The outline of the thesis is as follows chapter I contains the

introduction covering the background of the study. The reasons for choosing

the topic, assumption and limitation, the statement of the problems, the

objectives of the study, significance of he study and outline of the thesis.

In chapter II, she discusses the theory underlying the writing of her

thesis and the hypothesis.

In chapter III, she writes about the method of the investigation. It

consists of the population and sample, the variables, the method and procedure

of collecting the data, the instruments of the research, the administering of the

test, the scoring technique and the method of data analysis.

In chapter IV, she presents the research findings, which consists of the

data analysis and the discussion of the result.

The last chapter, that is chapter V, contains the conclusions and the

suggestions of the research.




2.1 Uses and Functions of English in Indonesia.

English has important uses and function, although it is not a second

language (ESL). For Indonesian people; it still has a significant role to play. It

occupies important uses in many fields, such as information, tourism, business

and also education. It is an important school subject that has been taught to the

students since they are in Junior high schools. In the information field, it is

becoming the second major language of printed information after the

Indonesian language. Most of Indonesia’s scientific, commercial, economic

and technological knowledge are written and published both in English and

Indonesian language.

This condition happened because our country is a developing country

that needs a broad communication and corporation with other countries in

order to build up itself. There are many ways that have been done by the

government. One of them is by exporting and introducing our products to

abroad. The products can be economical, commercial or technological

products. In this activity, Indonesia needs a means of communication that can

be understood by other countries. English it the right answers for the need.

Since it is becoming the major international language of printed information in

the world. Jack C. Richards (1983: 3) stated that a great deal of the word’s


scientific, commercial, economic and technological knowledge is written and

published in English, though the writers may be Chinese, Swedes or Italians.

2.2 Learning English in Indonesia

Since English has important uses and functions in our country. Many

Indonesian people learn the language. They realize whether they like it or not

they will need English someday. Furthermore, they need it more in this era

when the communication technology developed fast. The world has no limits

and anything on it is getting global. These condition force people around the

world to have knowledge of a language, in which the language is included into

major language in the world and it is used broadly in many world life aspects.

English is one of the languages that fulfill the requirements.

In learning the language, Indonesian learners will be introduced to

many English components; one of them that should be mastered first in their

English learning process is vocabulary.

2.3 Why Study Vocabulary

In chapter I it is important for every English learner to master

vocabulary, but why they should it first before they study other English


The first reason for the question is the words or vocabularies or

lexicons are the basic tools for almost English skills such as listening, reading,

speaking and writing. Mastering them influence students ability in other


English skills. As it is mentioned by John Read (1988: 12) “Vocabulary

proficiency affects not only the students reading skills, but their speaking,

listening and writing as well”. From the statement above, we can conclude that

vocabulary proficiency helps the students or the English learners to master

other English skills, so they should focus their attention first to the vocabulary

mastery in their learning process.

The second is that vocabulary plays an important role in writing

activity. Actually, most of English learners’ activities deal with writing

activities, for example; doing assignments, thesis and also taking writing test.

Therefore they should have a larger vocabulary in order to make their writing

good, coherent, and also understandable by their readers. Barli Bram (1995:

48) has an opinion concerning with that matter. He stated that words or

lexicons are the basic tool for writing. To a great extent, it is word that

determines whether a paragraph is good or not. Furthermore he said that

wrong words surely do not state the writer’s message across. In essence, the

diction or word choosing in a paragraph has an important role. Readers can

receive the messages that are conveyed by the writer if she or he uses

appropriate words in their paragraphs.

The last reason is that a large vocabulary helps the English learners in

studying other English subjects such as Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics,

Business Correspondence, etc. It will help them to understand and define

many concepts, ideas, expressions that they get in such subjects. It is stated by

Bella Fiore (1968: 1) “The larger the vocabulary you build up, the better able

you are to define and refine the expression of the images and ideas”.

Moreover, she said “The more words you master richer become you thought

process and the better you distinguish between shades of word meanings, the

subtler grows your expression of ideas”. In conclusion, vocabulary learning is

an unseparate thing from language learning because whenever people think of

it, they usually think of vocabulary learning and vocabulary mastery. It is a

key for the English learners to get a success in their learning process.

2.4 Definition of Vocabulary

We have discussed so far about vocabulary, but do we know exactly

what vocabulary is? Here, the writer tries to present some definitions of

vocabulary. Bella Fiore (1968: 1) defined “A word or vocabulary is a verbal

label that represents a concept or idea. It is the currency of thought”. Albert J

Harris and Edward R Sibay (1981: 459-460) also have a similar opinion with

Bella Fiore about the definition the vocabulary. They stated “A word or

vocabulary is a verbal label that represents a concept or idea, as children

mature, the concept represented by the word gradually become refined and

accurate” Holt (1966 : 80) has a different definition about vocabulary. He said

“Vocabulary is an alphabetical list of the word used in a book, often including

their translation or definition”. Besides the definitions above, there is an

interesting definition of vocabulary that is stated by Rosalind Minor Ashley

(1970: 126). She said “the words or vocabularies are the alchemist’s tools, the

mystical ingredients in a magical brew which can intoxicate, hypnotize, incite,

inflame, amuse, influence and carry out our fellow human beings”.

From those definitions, the writer concludes that vocabulary is a tool

or verbal that represents concept or idea with its definitions in an alphabetical

list, in which the tool can amuse very amazing feelings to human beings.

2.5 Vocabulary Types

Language experts classify vocabulary into some different types. Robert

A Butler (1978: 70) classifies the vocabulary into working and recognition

vocabulary. The first type consists of the words that people use daily in their

writing and speaking. On the other hand, the second type consists of words

that people recognize in the context of reading matter, but does not actually

use in daily life. Meanwhile, Marry Finocchiaro Ph. D and Michael Bonomo

have a different classification. They are function and content words. The

function words are a closed class; we cannot add to prepositions or auxiliaries

or modals or any other structure word of the language. The content words on

the other hand, can be added to at any time as new scientific advances make

new words and communication about new invention necessary.

Different classification of vocabulary also stated by Charles B

Jennings, Nancy King and Marjorie Stevenson. They divided the vocabulary

into active and recognition vocabulary, which is made up of the words that

people use in speaking and writing. Meanwhile, the second type is a

vocabulary which is composed of the words which people understand when


they hear or read them, but which they do not ordinarily use in speaking and

writing. Harris J Albert and Edward R Sibay also had a different point of view

about vocabulary types. They divided vocabulary into writing and meaningful

vocabulary. Writing vocabulary consists of words that people hear or they use

in writing, whereas the second type is the sum of all words that people can

understand or use correctly whether in listening, speaking, reading or writing.

The last classification that is stated by the experts in English language is a

classification of traditional vocabulary, which contains verb, adjective, noun

and adverb.

From those classifications I can conclude that there are six types of

vocabulary. They are working or active vocabulary, recognition vocabulary,

meaningful vocabulary that covers active and recognition vocabulary, content

word, function word and the last is traditional vocabulary. It covers verb,

adjective, noun and adverb.

2.6 General Meaning of Vocabulary Mastery

The vocabulary mastery is a thing that is difficult enough to be

defined. Fries (1945: 3) stated that the mastery of language is meant as the

ability to use or to understand all the words of the language, but when we read

a newspaper or a magazine we often find words we do not know. Therefore,

we can never master a through vocabulary or even the vocabulary of our own


Furthermore, he also said that the vocabulary mastery of a foreign

language is also bound by our actual experience. It takes time to learn them

and there is no short cut to attain mastery of the complete vocabulary of a

foreign language. However, we can learn few hundreds lexical items that are

most useful in situations and really master them first. So, one can really

master a limited number of very useful vocabulary items in a short time.

In essence, vocabulary mastery is people ability to use or to understand

words of a language that they have learned and heard in certain situations in

which they really have experienced the situations in their life.

2.7 General Concepts of Media (Audiovisual)

Teaching media is needed in the teaching learning processes to help

students to become active. Gerlach and Ely (1980:281) propose that

establishes conditions which enable learners or students to acquire knowledge,

skills and attitudes. They also claim that the term instructional media includes

a wide range of materials, equipment and technique: chalkboards, bulletin

boards, filmstrips, slides, motion picture, TV, programmed instruction,

models, demonstrations, charts, maps, book and combination of these. Hornby

(1974: 528) defines media as mass communications, e.g. television, radio and

the press.

There are a lot of media in teaching and learning processes. Gerlach

and Elly (1980:247) classify media into six types:


1. Still picture

They form as photographs of any objects or events which can be presented

in textbook illustration, bulletin board materials, slides, filmstrip frames or

overhead transnsparancies.

2. Audio recording

They are made on magnetic tape on discs or a motion picture sound tract.

These are the actual events or sound effects reproductions.

3. Motion picture or video tape recording

It is a moving image produced in color or black and white from live action

or graphic representation, objects or events can be in normal, slow, time-

lapse or stop motion.

4. All types of audio-video electronic distribution system eventually appear

on a cathode ray tube (television monitor) included or television.

5. Real things, simulation and models

They include people, events, objects and demonstration. Real things are

the actual objects or events. Simulation is a copy of real situation designed

to be as similar as possible to the actual events.

6. Programmed and computer-assisted instructions

They are sequences of information (verbal, visual or audio) designed to

elicit predetermined responses. The most common examples are

programmed textbooks or instructional programs prepared for computers.


The audiovisual aids can be interpreted as any substances which play

an important role in teaching and learning process. They help the students or

learners master the material more interestingly.

Audiovisual aids as one of the media are not new things in the

instructional world. Things such as television and video compact disk are

often found in the teaching-learning processes.

2.8 Television in Indonesia

Television is one of mass media that has a great attractive power for its

audience. It offers so many interesting things for them such as knowledge,

information, experience and also excitement. It is also an actual medium that

gives something different to them compared with other medium. George

Comstock (1978: 9) stated that television is an actual medium that can be seen

anytime and it also brings to its audience places, events and situations that

could not be seen otherwise. A wonderful box has amazing influences its

audience through it programs.

Gerlach and Elly (1980:354) states that the rapid growth of television

over the last twenty five years has brought about a number of changes in

education. Many teachers feel that they are competing with television in

teaching students how the world works. Some educators believe the television

distorts the real world; others feel that television glorifies anti social behavior

such as crime and violence. Whatever we may think, we must be aware that

commercial and educational television affects students for better or worse.


From the definitions above, I conclude that television in general is a means of

communication and it can function as an entertainment, learning media,

especially in learning English because there are many English programs on


According to Gerlach S. Vernon (1980 :366-368) television has several

advantages for the English learners to enlarge their vocabulary. They can

practice them if they want to be successful in learning vocabulary. Those

advantages are:

a. Television offers a means for providing a common base of experience for

all who see a given program at the same time.

b. It brings to the classroom people, places, and events that could not be seen


c. Preconditioned learners come to school as confirmed TV consumers.

d. The reality and concreteness of the visual image are as present in

television as in other audiovisual media.

e. A television signal can originate from one source but can be distributed to

several areas at the same time.

f. Television makes it possible for the teacher to be in two places at the same


g. Immediate feedback of results and performance by teachers and students

alike is possible with television.

h. Television can instantly magnify small objects so that all class members

can see them at the same time.


In this era, the technology television development in the world is so

wonderful. There so many TV stations with variations of program throughout

the world right now. In Indonesia there are many television channels recently.


TRANS TV, TV GLOBAL Etc. Each of them has specific characteristics. All

of them offer interesting programs such as films, news, sports and also music

program to attract its audience’s attention. Among so many programs which

are broadcast by them, the writer is interested in English TV programs to be

examined in her thesis. She considers that the programs are good programs for

English learners in Indonesia, especially for the fourth semester students of

English Department of Semarang State University to develop their English

knowledge, especially in mastering vocabulary.

2.9 English TV Programs

English TV Programs are the English programs which are broadcast by

our television channels everyday. The programs include English music, news

and films programs. In this thesis, the writer wants to discuss two of the

programs; they are English news and films. She chooses the two programs to

be examined because of two reasons:

a. The two programs contain larger and broader vocabulary compared with

the first program; that is English music program.


b. The two programs contain vocabulary of many different fields. This

condition will help the English learners, especially the fourth semester

students of English Department of Semarang State University.

2.9.1 English News Programs

Two of many television channels broadcast the program; they are

METRO TV and TVRI. They broadcast the program with different names and

times. METRO TV broadcast the program everyday at 7.30 a.m. The name of

the program is METRO This Morning. Meanwhile, TVRI broadcast the

program at the name time, it is at 15.00 p.m. The name of the program is

English News Service. The duration of the program in the three television

channels is 30 minutes.

2.9.2 English Film programs

The English film programs have many variations of the theme, such as

love, family, friendship, adventure, science, criminals, corps etc. All of them

have different specific characteristics, both the stories and the stars. All of our

television channels broadcast the program. The duration of English film is two


In general, each television channels broadcast it twice a week with

different names. RCTI broadcast its English films in a program with the name

Layar Emas and Film Sabtu Siang. SCTV with Gala Sinema. Trans TV with

Sinema Gemilang. Lativi with Sinema Malam Minggu. ANTV with Film TV

Special. INDOSIAR with Film Sabtu Malam. Meanwhile TPI broadcasts with

the name Film tengah malam. Etc.


The writer consider that the programs are really good programs to the

English learners, especially the English students to learn the vocabulary. They

contain so many useful vocabularies, both from the announcers and the actors/

actresses. Listening to them video jockey is a good way for the English

students to enlarge their vocabulary, because listening to the intelligent people

who have a better speech style than we have will help us in learning

vocabulary. It is mentioned by Robert A Butler (1978: 7) “…… A good

vocabulary results from years of listening to intelligent people talk and of

reading a wide variety of good books”. From the quotation, we know that

listening to the intelligent people talk is one of the ways that can be used by

the English learners in enriching their vocabulary.

2.10 Types of Vocabulary Found in English TV Programs

Based on the types of vocabulary that have been discussed in section

2.5 (types of vocabulary), the writer considers that vocabularies which are

found in English TV programs are included into active or working vocabulary.

The vocabularies that appear in the programs are the vocabularies that people

use daily in their speaking and writing. The words like: “keep your eyes”, “he

is as cool as ….”, “take a round”, she is really a fair girl”, “hello mam”, “the

victory of republic party….” , “keep on moving….”, “I want to establish a

business….”, “They postpone their wedding and the winner is….”, “I dedicate

my love to….”, “My father will discipline me….”, “Welcome back in school”,

and others are the words that are familiar with the people in communication.

They use the words in their daily life. Both in oral and writing

communication. The audience will not get a difficulty to understand those

words because the speakers on those programs speak in an interesting and a

right expression and intonation. So, they will know about how to pronounce

the words in a right and good pronunciation. Moreover, they will learn to

determine appropriate meaning of words by seeing their contexts.

2.11 Student’s Activity in Watching English TV Programs.

Students’ activity in watching English TV Programs that the writer

mentioned in her thesis is the daily activity which is done by the fourth

semester students of English Department of Semarang State University in

watching English TV programs. Watching in this context does not mean

watching only, but also covers the activities such as: thinking, writing and

discussing that are done by them after they watched the English TV

programs. Their intensity in doing the activity is expressed by their

responses to the statements on the questionnaires concerning with the


2.12 Hypothesis

In this thesis the writer stated the working; the alternative hypothesis

is there is a significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching

English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery.




As long as the title of this final project is concerned, the main purpose of

this research is to find out the correlation between the fourth semester students

activity in watching English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery.

Besides the purpose of the research, this chapter also describes the

population and sample of the research, the variables, the method of collecting data

and the instruments that were used to collect the data.

3.1 Population and Sample

3.1.1 Population

The population of this research was the fourth semester students of the

English Department of Semarang State University in the academic year

2005/2006. They were chosen as subjects of her research for the following


a. The students were in the same grade and have been studying English for the

same period of time.

b. The students have been familiar with vocabulary items that exist in English

TV programs.

3.1.2 Sample

The samples for the research were selected from the total population of

399 fourth semester students of the English Department of Semarang State


University. The total samples used in this study were 40 students taken from the

population by applying random sampling technique. This means, if the sample is

random that all possible sampling of 40 students have the same probability of

being selected.

In determining the size of sample. Arikunto (2002:112) says that “If the

population is 100 or less, it is better to take the whole population as the sample, if

the population is more than 100 respondents, the researcher can take 10-15 % or

20-25 % or more than 25% of the population based on the capability of a

researcher” (Translated from Metode Penelitian, 2002:112).

In selecting the samples, the writer took one of Moser Graham’s

procedures called the “lottery method”. First of all, she wrote all the students’

names of each class on a small piece of paper and they were rolled and put into 8

glasses. Glass A for class A, glass B for class B, glass C for class C, glass D for

class D, glass E for class E, glass F for class F, glass G for class G and glass H for

class H. Secondly she mixed the rolled papers in each glass and let 5 rolls drop

out of each glass. After having the total number of the samples, she stopped it.

3.2 Variables of Investigation

The variables are the condition or characteristics that a researcher

manipulates controls or observer. There are two kinds of variables; the

independent variable X and the dependent variable Y. The independent is the

presumed effect. Whereas the dependent variable is the consequent of independent


variable and it is the variable predicted to. Whereas the independent variable is

predicted from. In this research, the two variables investigated were:

a. The students’ activity in watching English TV programs.

This is the independent variable. The students’ activity in watching English

TV programs is indicated by the following indicators:

- Interest

- Frequency

- Focus

- Time

- Effect

b. The students’ vocabulary mastery (Y)

This is the dependent variable. The students’ vocabulary mastery is indicated

by the students’ scores of vocabulary test from those which were available

vocabulary subject concerning with the vocabularies that appeared in the

English TV programs.

3.3 Method and Procedure of Collecting Data

Arikunto (2002: 197) said that there are five methods in collecting the

data. They are questionnaire, interview, observation, test and documentation

methods. In this research, the writer used two of the five methods; they are

questionnaire and test method. She considers that two methods are test method for

collect the data in this research.


The procedure of collecting the data of this research involved several

steps. The first step was arranging the questionnaire. The second was trying-out

the questionnaire to measure whether or not it needed improvement.

The third step was collecting and analyzing it for its validity and

reliability. The fourth was distributing the questionnaire to the respondents and

then collecting it. It was organized on May 15, 2006. After she collected the

questionnaire, she analyzed them. The fifth one was obtaining scores of

vocabulary test from the vocabulary material and the last one was computing the


3.4 Instrument

In this research, the instruments used were questionnaires and vocabulary


3.4.1 The Questionnaire

The questionnaire is a number of questions or statements used to gain

information from respondents about the respondents themselves or their

knowledge, belief, etc. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2002: 128).

The questionnaire in this research is used to measure the students’ activity

in watching English TV programs. In this research, the writer used a rating scale

form of questionnaire i.e. a statement followed by columns indicating always,

often, sometimes and never.


Table I

The outline of measurement to collect the data

No Variable Indicators Table number Item number

of item

1 The students’ activity - Interest 4 1-4

in watching English - Frequency 4 5-8

TV program - Time 4 9-12

- Focus 4 13-16

- Effect 4 17-20

The questionnaire consists of 20 items were consisting the positive and

negative statements. All of students concerning to the students’ activity in

watching English TV program. Each item has five scales. The scoring technique

of the questionnaire the writer used was Likert scale type.

The Likert scale type presents a number of positive and negative

statements regarding the attitude of the respondents. In responding to the items on

these scales the respondents indicate whether they Always, Often, Sometimes or

Never with each statements.

The numerical value assigned to each response depends on the degree of

agreement or disagreement with individual statements. A subject’s score is

determined by summing the values assigned to individual responses. The response

is usually expressed in terms of the following five categories; the response option

are assigned of four points to each response indicating always with favorable

statements, a value of three for often with these statements, two for sometimes and

one for never. For an unfavorable statement one reverses the scoring procedure,

since never with the unfavorable statement is assumed psychologically equivalent

to agreement with always of a favorable statement.

It makes no difference whether four is high and one is low or vice versa.

The main consideration is that the response be scored consistently in term of the

attitude the represent, whether strongly approve or strongly disapprove is the

favorable attitude depends on the content of the statement.

The outline of scoring of the questionnaire can be seen as follows;

Table II

The scoring of questionnaire

Statement Score

Always 4

Often 3

Sometimes 2

Never 1

Since the highest score of each item in the questionnaires is four, then 100

is the highest total score (that is X 100 ).

3.4.2 Vocabulary Test

The second instrument used in this research was vocabulary test. To have a

valid and reliable vocabulary test, the researcher decided to take the test materials

from the vocabulary materials.

The vocabulary test in this research is used to measure the vocabulary

mastery. The vocabulary item used in this test is vocabularies of five human

aspects. They are; education, social, law, medicine and politic. The researcher

chose these aspects because she considered that they often appeared in English

TV programs, both in English news and films.

3.5 Try out of the Questionnaire and the Vocabulary Test.

Before the questionnaire and the vocabulary test were used to collect the

data, it had been tried out to measure its validity, reliability and difficulty of an

item It was conducting on June 6, 2006.The researcher used twenty students of the

fourth semester student of English Department Semarang State University.

3.6 The Condition of the Test

3.6.1 Validity of Instrument

Suharsimi Arikunto (2002: 145) stated that to get a valid instrument, a

researcher should take a careful effort in arranging it from the beginning. He or

she has to follow a right procedure to acquire its validity. If he or she has done the

procedure carefully, it can be assumed that he or she has acquired the validity.

The researcher took the following steps in arranging the questionnaire.

First, she has broken the variable into some indicators. From these indicators then,

questions of the questionnaire were formulated. She has done all the steps

carefully in order to obtain an instrument with logic validity, which means that the

instrument was a result from a very careful effort that was done by the researcher

in order to acquire validity.


The questionnaire and vocabulary test said to be valid when the result rxy
are greater than rtable. To measure the validity of the instrument the researcher
using the formula :
N ∑ XY − (∑ X )(∑ Y )
r xy :
{N ∑ X 2 − (∑ X ) 2 }{N ∑ Y 2 − (∑ Y ) 2 }

(Arikunto, 2002: 146)

The result of analysis validity can be seen in the appendix 5 and 8. To the
questionnaire, there are five of invalid items from twenty items. So, the
questionnaire becomes fifteen items. From fifty items of vocabulary test, there are
ten of invalid items. So, the items of vocabulary test become forty items.
3.6.2 Reliability of the Instrument

Reliability of the questionnaire indicates the stability of the questionnaire

score when it is used to collect the data. In other words, the questionnaire

measures respondents’ responses consistently. Harris mentioned that to have

confidence in measuring instrument, the researcher needs to make sure the

reliability of the scoring of the test (1969: 14)

The questionnaire said to be reliable when approximately the same results

are obtained on different occasions. To measure the validity of the instrument

used in this research, the researcher applied an internal reliability of questionnaire

test using the formula of Alpha and the result was as the following:

r 11 =(
)(1 −
∑σ b )2

k −1 σ 2t


r11 = Index reliability

k = Number of item

σ2b = Item variance


σ2t = Total variance

(Arikunto, 2002:171)

20 10,813
r11 =( )(1 − )
20 − 1 47,128

= 0,811

The way of computing the reliability was making a preparatory table that

can be seen in appendix 7. By conducting a try-out to 20 respondents of the

population, the researcher obtained its internal reliability. From the Alpha

formula, the value of questionnaire was obtained r11 = 0,811. Concerning to the

amount of subjects for the try out. She considers that is are enough amount for the

requirement of a try-out. Relating to the matter, Suharsimi Arikunto (1996: 210)

stated that the researcher in a small or large scale could do a try-out. A small-scale

try-out can be done to 4-5 respondents. On the other hand, a large-scale try-out is

done to 15-50 respondents. Furthermore, she stated the subjects of the try-out

could be taken from the population or outside the population. If the researcher

took the respondents outside, the population for the try-out, she should take the

subjects who have the similar characteristics with the population.

Then the reliability of vocabulary test using the formula K – R 20 as

follows :

k 1 − ∑ pq
r11 =( )( )
k −1 Vt 2

r11 = Index reliability

k = the number of item

p = Proportion of the subject answering the item correctly


q = Proportion of the subject answering the item incorrectly

vt2 = Total variance

(Arikunto, 2002:163)

50 1 − 10,675
r11 =( )( )
50 − 1 115,800

= 0,926

From the computation above, it was obtained r11 was 0,926. Whereas the

critical value for ‘r’ with the 5% significant level of 20 respondents is 0,444. So,

we can conclude that the value resulted from the computation is higher than its

critical value.

From the result, we can conclude that the instrument used in this research

is reliable with significant level 5%. An instrument is said as a reliable instrument,

if the value resulted from the computation, r is higher than its critical value. On

the contrary, an instrument is called, as unreliable instrument if the value resulted

from the computation is lower than its critical value.

3.6.3 Practicality of the Instrument

Practicality is concerned with the administration of the questionnaire in

this research. The questionnaire used in this research was practical enough. Since

the respondents were only required to give a checklist in the columns provided in

each question according to their responses. Furthermore, the respondents only

needed a little time to do it, which was about 20 minutes. On the other hand, it

was also practical enough for the researcher, since it did not involve many persons

to administer it.

3.7 The Method of Analysis the Data

The main objective of the research is to find out whether there is a

significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV

programs and their vocabulary mastery. The researcher examined the opinion by

computing the data by applying the formula of the Pearson

N ∑ XY − (∑ X )(∑ Y )
r xy :
{N ∑ X 2 − ∑ X 2 }{N ∑ Y 2 − (∑ Y ) 2 }

in which :

Σ XY : the sum of XY

ΣX : the sum of the X

ΣY : the sum of Y

Σ X2 : the sum of square of X

Σ Y2 : the sum of square of Y

N : the amount of subjects

Other objective of her research is to find out whether there is significant

correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs on

their vocabulary mastery. The researcher examined the opinion by computing the

r n−2
data by applying the formula t =
1− r2

In which:

t : the significant correlation

rxy the correlation between 2 variables

n : the amount of the subject


By using the equation, it can be found the significant correlation

coefficient between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs on the

vocabulary mastery of the fourth semester students of English department of

Semarang State University.

Then we used the distribution t and its table t distribution with dk

denumerator (n) with the 5 % significant level, If t in Ho area, that’s

− t(1−1/ 2α )( n − 2 ) < t < t(1−1/ 2α )( n − 2) , it means not significant.

The writer uses the 5% significant level, because the field of her is

language subject not an exact subject. In the language study, it is better to use the

5% significant level. On the other hand, for an exact study it is better to use the

1% significant level.



4.1 Discussion

The purpose of the data analysis in this research is meant to measure the

significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV

programs and their vocabulary mastery of the fourth semester students of English

Department of Semarang State University in the academic year of 2005/2006. To

measure those things, it is important to take the preparatory of measurement as


Table III

Students’ Activity in Watching English TV Programs Scores and Percentages (X)

No. Registration Number Score Answer % Criteria

1. 2201404023 44 73.3 High

2. 2201404024 41 68.3 High
3. 2201404012 39 65.0 High
4. 2201404013 37 61.7 Medium
5. 2201404011 34 56.7 Medium
6. 2201404022 40 66.7 High
7. 2201404033 42 70.0 High
8. 2201404018 32 53.3 Medium
9. 2201403692 23 38.3 Low
10. 2201404030 27 45.0 Low
11. 2201404051 26 43.3 Low
12. 2201404055 42 70.0 High
13. 2201404057 34 56.7 Medium
14. 2201404035 34 56.7 Medium
15. 2201404039 48 80.0 High
16. 2201404054 38 63.3 High
17. 2201404671 31 51.7 Medium
18. 2201404084 29 48.3 Medium
19. 2201404080 39 65.0 High


20. 2201404070 36 60.0 Medium

21. 2201404075 31 51.7 Medium
22. 2201404586 41 68.3 High
23. 2201404580 36 60.0 Medium
24. 2201404575 37 61.7 Medium
25. 2201404073 39 65.0 High
26. 2201404569 34 56.7 Medium
27. 2201404631 44 73.3 High
28. 2201404635 41 68.3 High
29. 2201404637 39 65.0 High
30. 2201404641 39 65.0 High
31. 2201404666 38 63.3 High
32. 2201404667 38 63.3 High
33. 2201404045 43 71.7 High
34. 2201404069 39 65.0 High
35. 2201404049 37 61.7 Medium
36. 2201404038 45 75.0 High
37. 2201404430 42 70.0 High
38. 2201404432 47 78.3 High
39. 2201404471 39 65.0 High
40. 2201404475 47 78.3 High

Average 37.80 63.00 High

Table IV

Vocabulary Test Scores and Percentages (Y)

No. Registration Score Answer % Grade


1. 2201404023 29 72.50 B
2. 2201404024 31 77.50 B
3. 2201404012 30 75.00 B
4. 2201404013 29 72.50 B
5. 2201404011 29 72.50 B
6. 2201404022 25 62.50 C
7. 2201404033 28 70.00 C
8. 2201404018 27 67.50 C
9. 2201403692 22 55.00 D
10. 2201404030 19 47.50 E
11. 2201404051 19 47.50 E
12. 2201404055 29 72.50 B
13. 2201404057 24 60.00 D

14. 2201404035 22 55.00 D

15. 2201404039 30 75.00 B
16. 2201404054 24 60.00 D
17. 2201404671 29 72.50 B
18. 2201404084 29 72.50 B
19. 2201404080 25 62.50 C
20. 2201404070 28 70.00 C
21. 2201404075 30 75.00 B
22. 2201404586 26 65.00 C
23. 2201404580 30 75.00 B
24. 2201404575 30 75.00 B
25. 2201404073 28 70.00 C
26. 2201404569 26 65.00 C
27. 2201404631 30 75.00 B
28. 2201404635 32 80.00 B
29. 2201404637 28 70.00 C
30. 2201404641 27 67.50 C
31. 2201404666 31 77.50 B
32. 2201404667 32 80.00 B
33. 2201404045 32 80.00 B
34. 2201404069 34 85.00 A
35. 2201404049 31 77.50 B
36. 2201404038 37 92.50 A
37. 2201404430 36 90.00 A
38. 2201404432 35 87.50 A
39. 2201404471 29 72.50 B
40. 2201404475 36 90.00 A

Average 28.70 71.75 B

Table V

The Square and Multiplied Score of X and Y

No. Registration X Y X2 Y2 XY


1. 2201404023 44 72.5 1936 5256.25 3190.00

2. 2201404024 41 77.5 1681 6006.25 3177.50
3. 2201404012 39 75.0 1521 5625.00 2925.00
4. 2201404013 37 72.5 1369 5256.25 2682.50
5. 2201404011 34 72.5 1156 5256.25 2465.00
6. 2201404022 40 62.5 1600 3906.25 2500.00
7. 2201404033 42 70.0 1764 4900.00 2940.00

8. 2201404018 32 67.5 1024 4556.25 2160.00

9. 2201403692 23 55.0 529 3025.00 1265.00
10. 2201404030 27 47.5 729 2256.25 1282.50
11. 2201404051 26 47.5 676 2256.25 1235.00
12. 2201404055 42 72.5 1764 5256.25 3045.00
13. 2201404057 34 60.0 1156 3600.00 2040.00
14. 2201404035 34 55.0 1156 3025.00 1870.00
15. 2201404039 48 75.0 2304 5625.00 3600.00
16. 2201404054 38 60.0 1444 3600.00 2280.00
17. 2201404671 31 72.5 961 5256.25 2247.50
18. 2201404084 29 72.5 841 5256.25 2102.50
19. 2201404080 39 62.5 1521 3906.25 2437.50
20. 2201404070 36 70.0 1296 4900.00 2520.00
21. 2201404075 31 75.0 961 5625.00 2325.00
22. 2201404586 41 65.0 1681 4225.00 2665.00
23. 2201404580 36 75.0 1296 5625.00 2700.00
24. 2201404575 37 75.0 1369 5625.00 2775.00
25. 2201404073 39 70.0 1521 4900.00 2730.00
26. 2201404569 34 65.0 1156 4225.00 2210.00
27. 2201404631 44 75.0 1936 5625.00 3300.00
28. 2201404635 41 80.0 1681 6400.00 3280.00
29. 2201404637 39 70.0 1521 4900.00 2730.00
30. 2201404641 39 67.5 1521 4556.25 2632.50
31. 2201404666 38 77.5 1444 6006.25 2945.00
32. 2201404667 38 80.0 1444 6400.00 3040.00
33. 2201404045 43 80.0 1849 6400.00 3440.00
34. 2201404069 39 85.0 1521 7225.00 3315.00
35. 2201404049 37 77.5 1369 6006.25 2867.50
36. 2201404038 45 92.5 2025 8556.25 4162.50
37. 2201404430 42 90.0 1764 8100.00 3780.00
38. 2201404432 47 87.5 2209 7656.25 4112.50
39. 2201404471 39 72.5 1521 5256.25 2827.50
40. 2201404475 47 90.0 2209 8100.00 4230.00

Σ 1512 2870 58426 210137.50 110032.50

To interpret the research finding, the researcher uses the Pearson Product

Moment Correlation Formula to compute the data that have been obtained as


N ∑ XY − (∑ X )(∑ Y )
rxy :
{NX 2 − (∑ X ) 2 }{N ∑ Y 2 − (∑ Y ) 2 }

{40(58426) − (1512) 2 }{40(210137.50) − (2870.00) 2}

: 0.668

From the computation above, it was obtained that rxy is 0.668 and then rxy

is consulted to the critical value for r table of Product Moment to examine

whether rxy value is significant or not. The value of r table with N = 40 and the 5

% significant level are 0.312. Therefore, it can be concluded that rxy is greater than

r table or 0.668 is greater than 0.312.

Relating to the matter, the researcher takes a conclusion that there is a

correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs and

the vocabulary mastery of the fourth semester students of English Department

Semarang State University in the Academic Year 2005/2006.

This research also has a purpose to measure the significant correlation

coefficient of students’ activity in watching English TV programs (X) on their

vocabulary mastery (Y).

To measure whether there is or not the significant correlation coefficient

between X and Y above, the researcher uses formula:

r n−2
1− r2

0.668 40 − 2
t= = 5.53
1 − 0.446

From the computation above it was obtained that t = 5.53


To test the significance of this correlation, the writer applied the following

criteria. A coefficient correlation is significant when the value of it is different

from zero at a given level of confidence. Consulting with the table of significance

is absolutely necessary to know if the coefficient obtained is significant at certain

level of confidence for a certain sample size. When the value of the correlation

coefficient obtained is smaller than the required value of correlation coefficient in

the table at a certain level of confidence, the study does not have a statistically

significant relationship. On the other hand, the study is said to have a statistically

significant relationship if the correlation coefficient obtained is greater than that in

the table.

Based on the requirement above, the significant correlation coefficient

between two variables was significant enough since the value of t resulted from

the computation was greater than critical value of t distribution in the table with

the 5 % significance level was obtained the value 2.02. Therefore, it can be

concluded that t is not Ho area or 5.53 is not between -2.02 and 2.02.

Did every student with high watching English TV programs also have

good vocabulary mastery? From the analysis above it could be seen that among

the sample of 40 students, there were 24 students who had high level of watching

English TV programs. 13 students had medium and 3 students had low. Among

40 students who had average high level of watching English TV programs, 5

students got outstanding level of vocabulary mastery. 19 students got good, 10

students got satisfactory, 4 students got very weak and 2 students got fail. So,

most of the students who had high level of watching English TV program had

good vocabulary mastery.

The significance correlation between the students’ activity in watching

English TV program and their vocabulary mastery implies that the frequency of

watching English TV program is one of the factor which contributes to the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

I mentioned previously that twenty four students of the sample were high,

thirteen students were medium and three students were low in the level of

frequency of watching English TV programs.

The same was true to the students’ vocabulary mastery. Only five students

were outstanding, nineteen students were good, ten students were satisfactory,

four students were very weak and 2 students were fail in the level of vocabulary


The students who had high frequency in watching English TV program

affect the vocabulary mastery. This is proved by the fact that the students whose

frequency in watching English TV program was low in vocabulary was also low.

They should have more practice listening to English vocabulary through the radio,

television or tape recorder. Thus, to get higher acquisition in vocabulary, the

students should make themselves active, since there are many media to learn

English. Television especially English programs give many advantages to the

foreign language learners. Students could get some expressions, idioms, and they

also have knowledge about foreign cultures.


4.2 Result

The research findings indicate that there is a significant correlation

between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs and their

vocabulary mastery. From the statistic analysis, it was found out that there was a

positive correlation between watching English TV programs and their vocabulary

mastery. The significant coefficient correlation value was found 5.53. It means

that there is significant correlation between watching English TV programs and

vocabulary mastery because the value is not in Ho area.

These facts imply that the students’ activity and their frequency in

watching English TV programs give a useful contribution to enlarge their

vocabulary mastery.



5.1 Conclusion

This research is proposed to answer whether or not there is significant

correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs and

their vocabulary mastery.

In her attempts to obtain the intended data, the researcher arranged her

own-made questionnaire, which contains questions relating to the students’

activity in watching English TV programs. Furthermore, she also arranged

vocabulary test to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery. She took the test

materials from Vocabulary materials. She took the test materials from it in order

to get a valid and reliable vocabulary test.

The results of the research were as follows:

1. There is a significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching

English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery. This result is obtained

from the computation of the correlation between the students’ activity in

watching English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery applied to the

sample is 0.668. The critical value of the Pearson r with the 5 % significant

level is 0.312. It means that the result obtained from the computation is

greater than its critical value. Therefore, the researcher concludes that the

correlation between the two variables above was significant.


2. There is a significant correlation coefficient between the students’ activity in

watching English TV programs on their vocabulary mastery.

This result is obtained from the computation of the significant correlation

coefficient between the students’ frequency in watching English TV programs

on their vocabulary mastery applied to the sample is 5.53 that is greater than t

table 2.02. From the fact, the researcher concludes that there is significant

correlation coefficient between the students’ frequency in watching English

TV programs on their vocabulary mastery.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the results of the research, the researcher would like to offer

some suggestions to be considered to enlarge the students’ vocabulary mastery:

The suggestions are:

1. The students of the English Department should increase their frequency in

watching English TV programs in their spare time because the programs can

improve their vocabulary mastery.

2. The students of the English Department should give more attention to the

context in learning vocabulary because context plays an important role in

determining the meaning of a word. By examining the context of the sentence,

they can choose the appropriate meaning of a word.

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