8 IELTS With Nghiem Tuan Anh

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In our studio today, we have our lovely Nghiem Duc Anh

He’s only in grade 8 but he achieved quite a lot for his age

So how did you get into this whole debate thing?

Actually, I didn’t find the competition myself

My mother guided for me and she introduced me for the competition the first time

Since then, I started to have a feeling that I want to achieve more, I want to have good grades,
good marks and many medals and trophies in the competitions

Actually, you know what Duc Anh, I really like the fact that you’re here

Because the fact that you’re here and the fact that you’re not coming from a famous school here
in hanoi is fantastic

And I think it helps to remind everybody is that we all of us have our different talents

And we can do amazing things regardless off where we come from or what our circumstances

At first, I was ashamed because I come from a school nobody knows about that

After time, I realized that if only me was in a not famous school, so I would have chance to
make my school proud and to achieve more from my school

And make my school reputation become bigger and bigger

So that’s the great things to do

So, what is your favorite debate topic amongst all those debates that you’ve been through?

Debate? So, I like the scinence

You like science? What do you like about science?

I have to study neurons, the neurology, the brain, so there’s a lot to learn
Like you have to learn how the brain works, how the brain functions and also how the brain
controls us

But in the competition, I have big disadvantage

You know in VN, we don’t know about this competition much

But Singapore for example, they train the students from a very young age, like from elementary

So that they can be prepared fully for this competition

I have to debate with them, I would be fully scared

Why are you scared? Singapore is kind of crazy, they are very very intense

They get their facts right, even when they’re in primary 6, when they’re 11 years old, they get
separated into the more able students and the less able students

I still want to go to singapore because it’s my dream

I want to be in a better education environment, so that I can interact with more people from
different countries, different cultures

So that I can be a fully developed man

Do you consider yourself man right now?

Not so much though

Are you a man during debate?


I love your attitude when you’re like totally

I saw one of my friends have this style of debating or talking or hand gestures

I follow him, he’s great though

He’s one of my teammates in this competition

Tell me abit about yourself, because in Vietnamese, we have a saying of CNNT – the other
families’s kids

Do you ever feel that you’re one of those other families’s kids or do your parents talk about other
families’s kids?
Sometims they talk to me as though I’m a parents’ kid, like a kid in dream

But I think those kids don’t exist. Because everyone has the disadvantages and advantages

Like this man can be good at math or in science but they are bad in social study, they are bad in

So that’s a lot more to learn and to fix up

So I think everyone is good and everyone is special

It’s seems that you have a really good relationship with other students

I’m an extrovert, so I interact with people from my school very much

Like I enjoy with them everyday, I talk with them everyday, I always want to make new friends

You know grace is always a good quality to have

Grace and respect and the ability to appreciate everybody for who they are, I think are always
positive and amazing qualities to have

So what are some of your favorite books, the books that you use to actually help you on this

Talk about the books, we have “Stumbling on happiness” of Daniel Gilber and also “How we fall
in love” of Helen Fisher

I think both of books are great

Now do you think all of your achievements up until this point are kind of decorative items or do
you think they are fundamental to who you are as a preson

Yay, I think it is important to creat who I am right now, But I think the most important of all is
that I have friends, not just achievements

My friends shape who am I, because if I don’t to have any friends or my friends betray me, So I
would be lonely, and my achievements will lower down or don’t have any achievement at all

So friends and other relationtships in your life is a big-impact on your life, too

Now, because this is an education show, as you know, we would love for you to able to share
with all của your friends that are watching you and all of our audiences a couple of vocabulary
and idiom that you really like

So, for vocabulary I have “Endure”

“You endure much in your life” that mean you have passed through many events in your

And also about now idiom there’s only one idiom, I want to share right now with you

It’s “have butterflies in your stomach”

The meaning of this idiom that you worry before you do ST big

I always have butterflies in my stomach even before I come to the studium to receive my medals
and my trophies

I wish you even more butterflies, and more opportunities for you to have butterflies in your
stomach in the future

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