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Di thr rhir Eqi hoc ri€ng Anh tAn I 2012' T'"*g:!HP!

rR;6'.Ct;IHbc suPI{AM HA NqI
Lt'J THr
L r^! TIIir r)4r HQc DoT 1
ThSng 0Ll20l2
(Bi tlti cd 07 trung) M6n thi: TIENG ANH, KhOi D
Thdi gian tdm bdi: 9A Phtit

Hg vir t0n thi sinh: Me dC s0: 316

sii nao danh:

underrined part is
Mnrk the retter A, B, c, or D on youf answer sheet to indicate the word whose
pronounced dffirently from that of the others in each of the foltowing
B' regide C' regume D' preqerve
1. A. congervs
B' photographq C' guq
D' laughg
2. A. ploughq
B' astronqmy C' intrqduce
D' ceremony
4. A. histgry
C' exploqion D' occagion
5. A. provigion B' io"t'fioo
to each of the
lour (mswer sheet to indicate the correct answer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on
' fotlowing questions' ^-r r^^r.^,{ ,,- ar hic rnnther
for his father' a
kept tn ar'
8' He decided to buy somt cho"olate
hair for his little sister'
watch for his mother and a doll with
proof water; white snow
n *ut.r-proor.d; snow-whited B. tight air;
we went to the beach'
9- The sky v/as gay and cloudy '-container
he's still my good friend'"
10. "John should have warned you
about that'i' "Yes' but '
that C' although " D' on the contrary
A. moreover B' despite
i 1. Once used uP,
12. "Can I helP You?"
B. Yes, I'm watching
A. No, thanks. I'm just looking
D. Yes,I'm thinking
C. No,I'm seeing

t3. "Must we do it now?""No, You

D. needn't
B. mustn't C. cim't
A. won't
14. I had ated YesterdaY'
C. pepper D. letter
A. tape B. wood
rneasuresto deal with teircrism'
15. Govemments decided to take
A B- enormous c.t D. threshin
Dd thi th* Dqi hgc tidng Anh tdn I ndm 20r2, Trudng THpr ch,.ryon Dai hoc su pham

16. Stop making that noise! you're getting on my

A. muscles B. brains C. nerves D. blood
LT.Eachtime I sneezed, everyone said: .,
A. Cough B. Bless C. Cold D. Thank
.18.Don't worry about the lunch, I'il to it.
A. succeed B. appiy C. devote D. see
i9. I the short story just as Karen in from work.
A. finished; came B. finish; comes c. had finished; came D. finished; had come
20. If Penny a place at Oxford University, she philosophy and politics.
A. gets; is going to study B. wili get; is going to study
C. gets; studies D. is gening; will srudy
2I.The teacher against talking to strangers.
A. recommended B. suggested C. advised D. said
22.The trouble with Jean is that she is with sport!
A. obsessed B. packed C. matched D. deait
23. You've lived in the city for most of your life, so you're used to the noise.
A. apparently B. presumably C. allegedly D. predictably
24.The interviewer told Alison that she would earn $30,000 a year,
she to be offered
the job.
A. were B. should C. lest D. would
25. it were well paid, I would accept this proposal.
A. Providing B. Unless C. But for D. If only
26. I have just taken a Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL
A. of B. in C. on D. for
27. "You fiu coat looks very expensive.,,.. . It was secondhand."
A. Yes, it does B. I'm sorry C. Really? It wasn't expensive D. No, it isn't
28. If you say you are using a word you mean you are choosing it after thinking about
it very carefully.
A. advice B. advisedly C. advisement D. advisory
29. Sensible he is, he has acted foolishly in this case.
A. even though B. how C. as D. if
30. "Excuse me. Do you do watch-repair?,' aa )2

A. Why not B. That's all C. Yes, we do, madam

D. Here we axe
31, Marianne seemed to take at my comments on her work.
A. annoyance B. insult C. ofFence D. indignation
32. He'wasn't sure if he'd be any good at tennis, but actually he took
it immediately.
A. after B. on C,in . D. to
33. "The ceiiing in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?,' (.
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn't
C. No, it is going to fali down D. Yes, it doesn't fall down
34. "Sorry! I forgot to post the letter for you." oTtrever
mind. it myself tonight."
A. I'm going to post B. I'11post C. I'm posting D. I will have posted
35. Children should be taught to peace rather than wars.
A. make B. nroduce C. bring up D. d"c
l t'
Di tht thtt Eqi hqc ildng Anh tdn I "a*'?O !:agW
the letter A, B' c' or D 'on
yoLff dnswer sheet to indicate the
Reatl the following passflge and mark
correct dnswer to of the quesiionsfrom 36 *1 a5' .- ,---L^-^ ^-o of thc resfs of practical
"och ,o."os it - is perhaps one ^r the heqr
best tests n

be regarded as a chief end of

man's rife, neither is it a
ought by no means to
,wisdom. Although money an extent' the means
in philosophic contempt, representing as it does to so large
trifling matter, to be heid
some of the finest quarities of
human nature are
weli-being. Indeed,
of physical comfort and social generosity, honesty, justice' and seif-sacrifice;
as well
of money; suchas
intimatery rerated to the right use of
of econom, *i
n*oniddnce. on the other hand, there are their counterparts
as the practical virtues ^u' of gain; and the vices of
and selfishne", displayed by the inordinate lovers
avarice, fraud, injustice, and abuse the means
and improvidence' on the part of those who misuse
thriftlessness., extravagance,
,.So that,,, as is wisely observed by Henry Taylor in his
thoughtful 'Notes from Life" "a
entrusted to.them. taking' lending' bon'owing' and
saving, spending' giving'
right measure and manner in getting,
a perfect man'"
bJqueathing, would almost argue to attain by all
circumstances is a condition which every man is jlstinya in striving
comfort in worrdry of the better part
that physical satisfaction, which is necessary for the eulture
worthy means. It secures
the duty to be any the
him to provide for those of his own household. Nor ought
of his nature; and enables slight degree depends
that the respect which our fell0w-men entertain for us in no
less indifferent to us, present themseives for our honourable
the in which we exercise the opportunities which
upon manner is of itself
effort ,.qoi.rjto be made to succeed in life with this object'
advancement in rife. The very practical qualities' and
a man's ,.nr" of self-respect, bringing out his
an education; stimuiating
patience, perseverance, and such
iike virh:es. The provident and
him in the exercise of
disciplining the present' but with
necessarily Ue a ttroughtfui murr, for he lives not merely for
careful man must and exercise the
arrangements ro, ttr. future. He must also be a temperate man,
provident forecast makes character' Joha
which nothing is so much calculated to give strenlth to the
virrue of self-denial, than best which teaches
,,the worst ,d.,.utioo which teaches self denial is better than the
Sterring says trury, that courage'
same word (virtus) to designate
e1se, and not that.,, The Romans rightiy employed the
everything victory over
what the other is in a morar; the highest virtue of all being
which is in a physical sense


36. What is the main idea of

this passage?
can both be virtuous'
A. Wealthy people and poor peopie
B' MoneY is insignificant'
in the worid'
C. Money is the most important thing
this essay is
37. The author's purposd inwriting
A. to teach people how to earn a great deal of

C. to describe the life of a wealthy person character

management is a sign of good
D. to convince the reader that proper money
the word pr:ovidence?
38. l(hich is the best synonym for
B' fate C' sustenance D' doom
A. prudence poveriy is noble?
to those wlio say that
3g. what would be the autlzor's response
A. The author.would agree with this statement'
A ntt
D,,1:!''!i,?:' ho" rruns THpr ctuyan Dqi hpc suphqm
' 12,

D. The Romans believed that poor people are evil.


40' wich word best describes the author,s attitude

to Henry Tayror?
A. admiring B. condescending C. skepticai
D. disgusted
4I ' what does the author impty by saying
that money provides 'physical satisfaction,
which is
' necessary for the curtivation of the better part of his nature,?
A. People are friendlier after they have had a hot bath.
B' In order to improve oneself in more lofty ways,
one must attain the basic necessities.
C. The most important thing in life is physical pleasure.
D. Money can only provide physical pleasr:re.
42' wat does the author mean by the comment, 'The very
effort required to be made to succeed
Iife with this object, is of itself an education,,? in
A. In order to eam money a pe$on needs to go to college.
B. Money makes people seem smarter than they are.
That learning to manage money effectively entails
leaming a nrunber of other vaiuable skills.
Only intelligent people can eam money.
43' why must the 'provident and carefur man' be a
thoughtfur man?
A. Because he has earned a great deal of money.
B' Because he is familiar with the works of Henry Taylor.
C. Because he gives most of his money to chariqv.
D. Because he must always be planning for the future.
44- The author brings up the Roman wordfor
courage to iilustrate
A. his knowledge of the classics
B.that people throughout history have valued
c. that self-discipline is less important than physical bravery
D. that self-control is similar to physical bravery
' 45- wat is the definition of the word temperate
as it is used in this essay?
A. moderate B. irritated C. self_denying D. warm

Read thefollowing passage and mark the letter A, B,

C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
:orrect wordfor each of the blanksfrom
46 to SS.

lhere can be no doubt at all that the Internet has
made a huge difference to our lives. parents
are worried
hat children spend too much time playing
on the Intemet, hardry (46)- doing anything else
n their spare'time' Naturaliy, parents arc (47)-to
find out;hy the Internet is so atkactive,
nd they want to know if it can be hannful
for their children. shouid pareats worry *
pending that much time (48)- ' " -"r if their
urv. wrla
children are
their computers?
)bviously, if children are bent over their
computers for hours, (4g) in some g me,instead
f doing their homework, then soothing is wrong. Parents
and children could decide how much use the
rild should (50)- of the Internet, and the child should give his or
her (51)_ that
won't interfere with homework. If the child is not (52)_
to this arangemen! the parent caa
ke more drastic steps' Dealing with a child's use
of the Intemet is not much different from negotiating
ty other sort of bargain about behavior.
ny parent who is seriously alarmed about a child's
behavior should make aa appclintm.ent to cJisc'ss
atter wirh a teacher' spending time in front the
of the screen does not (53)_;; ; child,s
2012, Trudng THPT chuyizn Deti hgc
sa phsm
Di thi thit Dqi hgc ridng Anh t6n I ndm #

if a child is (5a) $azy about using the Internet, he or she is

performance at school. Even
r 1 r-- :---+ in few months there wiii be something else to
usL 1({\ thlougir a phase, and a
proDaDiy ( JJ t-

woffy about!
C. never D. ever
46. A. alwaYs B. rarely
C. curious D. hopetul
47. A. won'ied B. concerned
C. looking D. watching
48. A. staring at B. glancing at
C. interested D. absorbed
49. A. suPPosed B. occuPied
n C. make D. create
50. A. do B. have
C. vow D, claim
51. A. word B. promise
C. following D. accepting
52. A. holding B. sticking
C. probablY D. consequentlY
53. A. PossiblY B. necessarilY
C. quite D. a lot
54. A. absolutelY B. more
C. travelling D. walking
55. A. going B. passing

(mswer sheet to show the underrined part that needs

Mark the retter A, B, C, or D on your
from oumine property'
56. Until reeently, women were forbidden by law
C' by law D' &om owning
A. Until recentiy B' were
B' extremely C' for D' to know
A. It is it would adjourn the
5g. The committee decided to cancelits raw suit, to approve the contract, and that
A. to cancel B. its C' law suit
D' that it would adjourn
a prerequisite for
serves so many of the sciences that it is
59. Mathematics is such important field and
studying every scientific discipline' -

it ^
D' for studying
A. is B. such important C'
predecessors did'
have far qreat responsibilities than their
60. It may be argued. that modern presidents
A. argued B' great C' their D' did

to indicate the best way to complete each of the

Mark the letter A, B, c, or D on youf ansliler sheet
following sentences.
6r. is not worth buYing.
B. That ugly yeilow old Chinese toy car
A. That ugly old yel1ow Chinese toy car
D. An ugly old Chinese yellow toy car
C. The yeilow ugly old toy Chinese car
62. i visited last Year, is a nice citY'
New York' in which
A Nr* y"t*;"; B. New York, where C' New York, which D'
new President'
63. One man outside his own country is tipped to become the
C. little known D. to be little known
. lifi.le knowin B. to know
64.The chain:ran requested that
A. the members studied the problems more carefully
with more carefulness the problem could be studied
C. the problem was more carefully studied
D. the members study the problems more carefully
-' Actually,
65. Please don't talk so ioudly while I am studying'
A. I'd rather you not talk loudly while I am studying' i

B. i'd rather you didn'r taik loudly while 1 was studying'

Dd thi th* Dqi hec tiiing Anh lin I ndm 20t2, Trudng THpr chuyan Dqi hqc su phqm

C. i'd rather you don't talk loudly while I am studying..

D. I'd mther you didn't talk loudly while I am studying.

Read thefollowing passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer

sheet to indicate the
co.rrect answer to each of the questionsfrom 66 to 75.
Though harvesting ice is not a new concept, recently it has been considered in a way.
Scientists have been
studying this idea of harvesting ice as a possible solution to the problem of the world,s
dwindting fresh
water supply. Ninety percent of the earth's fresh wdter is in the icecap of Antarctica.
If only 10 percent of
that ice could be towed to civilization, it could provide water for 500 miilion people. But the problem,
course' is one of melting. How can a giant iceberg be towed across the sea without melting?
The answer
could lie in enclosing the floating ice in iceberg be cylindricai container made of a high strength
fabric. If the iceberg were nudged into the fabric container, which is opened at both end.s, then
the ends
could be sealed and the sea water pumped out. After that it could be towed to civilization.
The melting rate
would be slowed down and the synthetic cocoon would act a holding tank for the water. Engineering
project, which might include a container up to one kilometer in length and 100
meters in diameter, would
be a feat, but engineers say it is possible. After all, fishermen in North Austraiia sometimes
use nets g
kilometers long and 20 meters across.

66. What is the matn subject of this passage?

. A. The ciwinciiing water s-rippiy on eafi.h.
B. fresh water in the Antarctic.
C. A solution to fresh water needs.
D. The making of a synthetic cocoon.
67. The word 'harttesting' as used in line I most likely refers to which of thefou"owing?
A. cutting and gathering
B. sorting and assembling
C. producing and selling
D. accumulating and storing
. 68. Of all the earth's water, the icecaps of Antarctica contain
A. 10 percent of the fresh water
B. 10 percent of the salt water
C. 90 percent of the fresh water
D. 90 percent of the salt water
69. The word 'dwindling' in line 2 could be replaced by which of the
A. developing B. insignificant C. inferior D. declining
70. How does the author propose to transport the ice?
A. by pulling it B. by chopping it
C. by piping it D. by meiting it
71. According to the passage, the purpose of thefabric container is to
A. protect the ice
B. diminish the speed of melting
C. cause the ice to float
D. pump out the sea water
72. In line word 'nadged' is closest in meaning to
7 the
A. imagined B. glued C. melted D. pushed
Di thi th* Dqi hoc tidng Anh tdn I ndm 20I2, Traong THPT Chry€n Dqi hpc Sv phqm

word 'cocootT' refers to

73. As Ltsed in line 9, the
A. protection against insecis B. a iank in the bcet C. a very large net D. a protective covering
74. The word feat' in line I I is most similar in meaning to which of the following?
A. expensive undertaking B. difficult task C. disagreeable job D. critical step
/). lne purpose oJ"rhe last sentence is to
A. reinforce the feasibility of the project
B. comPare fishermen to engineers
C. contrast iceberg containers and fishing'nets
D. define the size of the container

is closest in meaning to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that
the serutence in italics.
76. Nobody is helping me, so I can't finish my science proiect on time'
A. I could finish my science project on time if I were being helped by someone'
B. I needed help with rny science project, but everyone just ignored me'
C. My science project will be difficult to do aione, so I should ask someone for help.
D. No one had time to help me, so I couldn't finish my science project on time.
77. People who are tmhappy sometimes try to compensate by eating too

A. Unhappy people are usually overweight because they tend to eat too much.
B. Eating too much occasionally makes people unhappy and depressed.
C. For Some people, eating too much is a reason to be miserable.'
D. When depressed, peopleloccasionally attempt to offset their misery by overeating.

78. One can hardly expect proJts to double again this year'
A. Profits will probably drop by as much as 50 percent again this year.
B. It's not likely that profits will again go up by 100 percent this year'
C. It's quite possible that profits this year will be halved again.
D. It won't be easy to double the profits agatn this year'
79. Wat can we do to convince him that the proiect is sure to succeed?
A. How should we go about persuading him that the success of the project is assured?
B. Why can,t he admit that the success of the project is in doubt?
c. why can,t we persuade him that the scheme is sure to fail?
D. Doesn't he want us to believe that the project is sure to succeed?
Ba. I've been out of the country for nearly a year, so I'm out of
touch with everything here'
A. A yea.r or so abroad will make you feel different about youl owll country'
B. On my return after almost ayear, i was touched to find so few changes here'
C. I feel quite like a stranger now that I'm back after almost ayeax abroad'
D. The year abroad has estian$ed mg
-.-THE END--.

eQ clao DUc vA DAo r4o
rRucyrue rnpr cnuyEt't

DAp Ax DE THr rHU DAr r{gc rrENG Ar{H DgT 1 a

Thdng 112012
ua ac tni fUa eC tfri
stt 316 317 318 319 stt 316 317 318 319
1 A A A C 41 B B c C
2 A B B A 42 c c D A
3 B B c B 43 D B c D
4 A c c A 44 D A D A
B A D c 45 c A C A
6 A B c D 46 D D B c
7 B D D B 47 c c B D
8 D A B A 48 A D c c
I B B C B 49 D B B c
10 B B A D 50 c D c c
11 A B B c 51 A c D B
12 A A A A 52 A A c c
13 D B D A 53 B D B D
14 D D c c 54 A c B A
15 c D D B 55 A A A B
16 c A A B 56 D B c c
17 B C A c 57 D D B D
18 D D D D 58 D B c D
19 n B c 59 B D B D
20 A B c c 60 B c A B
21 C B A A 61 A A c c
22 A D D A 62 c B B D
23 B D A D 63 c D D A
24 A A B c 64 D A D B
25 A B B c 65 D c B c
zo D c c B 66 c B B B
27 c A c D 67 A c B B
28 B A B A 68 c D c. D
29 c c c c 69 D A A c
30 c B c c 70 A c D A
31 |- D c A 71 B B D D
32 D A D B 72 D c B A
33 c B D B 73 D A B c
34 A c B A 74 B D B c
35 A B B B 75 A D D D
36 D c c c 76 A B D B
37 D A A A 77 D B B D
3B A B B B 78 B A
39 B C A B 79 A B A B
oAr iN riii rinio4i Hec DqT'i
Thdng l/2012
MOn thi: Ti6ngAnh, khiii D
Thoi gian ldm bii: 90 phrit

in pronounced differently from that of the others in eqc-h of the following question
Cdu 1. A
C6u 3.B
C6u 4.A
Cdu 5.8
Mark the letter A, B, C or D in your answer sheet to indicate the coriect answer to each of the
following question
Cdu 6 A (mQt c6ch mong doi, dAy hy vgng). C6c lpa chgn cdn lai khOng ha'p nghi.a-
B: diy ki€n dinh I

C: m.Qt c6ch ng4o men

D: ddy plrirc t4p
CduT B CAutruc:toholdSbresponsible(forSth/Ving):cholaai
Cric lpa chgn cdn l4i sai hinh thric. )

Cdu 8 D Khi dryh tu drmg tru6c tinh tu s€ tao thanh tinh trr ghdp, vi duoc d@
{rynh6t. C6c chgn lgaA, C, D sai hinh thric.
Cdu9 B (tuy nhi6n: chi quan hQ nhuqng bQ). CAc lua chon cdn l4i kh6ng phu hgrp.
A: do d6: chi k€t qud (sai y nghia)
C: m{c du (dung sai vi tri)
D: m{c du (sai ngt ph6p)
CAU 10 B (mac'di vfy) that d6ng vai trd li danh tL, thay th6 cho cA menh dO tru6c AO. Cai ctro. n
lpa cdn lai khdng phu hqrp.
A: hcrn th6 nfia, D: trdi lai (kh6ng phu hgp y nghia)
C: althoqgh (mac du) c6n dring tru6c mQt mQnh d6.
Cdu 11 A Phir hqp vO m.{t y nghia (MQt khi bi su dpng h6t, nhimg khoang ctr6t nay t<ttOng Uao gid
c6 th€ thay th6 duqc). C6c chgn lga cdn l4i kh6ng phu hqp
Cdu12 A No, thanks la loi fu chdi lich sg, phir hgp ngfr cinh.
CAU 13 D Dung needn't cho cdu trd loi mang nghia.phri dinh d6i vdi cdu hoi sri dpng Must. (C6
phAi lim ngay bdy gicr kh6ng? - Khdng can dau.; Cilc chon lua con lpi kh6ng phu hqrp
vd y nghia.
C6u 14 D Thenh ngft: red Ietter day - mQt ngdy quan trong, ngey md ban sc v6 cr)ns shi nh6.
CAU 15 c (tough measures: bign ph6p cung rdn) Cric chon lua con lai kh6ng phu ho,p vti f nghia:
A: sdu sdc B: to 16n D: su ddp
C6u l6 C Thenh ngfr: to get on someone's neryes - chgc tirc ai, ldm cho ai ph6t c6u.
uaul/ b l/rrev vuv vqLLl tq v4wu vlws s4t ylrv urvu Lrvll5
xi hoi.
ti6ng Anh khi ai d6 hdt
C6u 18 D See to Sth = to deal with Sth: xri ly, lo chuyQn gi. Cdc chon lua con l4i kh6ng phu hgp.
A: succeed in Sth/Ving: thanh c6rig trong chuyQn gi
B: apply to Sth: thich hqp vst cii si, c6 hiOu luc

"') 1
C: devote to Sb/Sth:
DQng tu dugc
" lem va)' cric chen-lsa cdn lai iiooe irf eoq"
;iil ff,ffHi .r,iu ru'o'gprui rrep vei
Cdu diOu kiQn loai I (didr dat khi neng xny
tlQng tu d thi hi-en t4i rlcrn. V6 sau, dQng tu o
ho{c tuong lai). V6 c6 I{
C6c chon lua cdn lai sai n
To advise (SU)
di cung gicri tu against.
A: to recommend Sb/Sth to Sb: gioi thiQu, ti6n cri ai vcri ai
B: suggest Ving: een f hm ei
To be obsessedwiffi u gi. C6c chgn lpa con t@
B: to be packed with Sth: nfrOl nnet cdi gi
C: to match with Sth: phu hgrp voi crli ei
D: be dealt with: duqc eiai quv6r xri lJ
(co l.e, ug*
A: nhin b6n "0 ngodi, hinh nhu
C: dus. c cho ld
D: c6 tne Au aorin
Cdu24 CAU ki6n loai II_ frono;rin;h,*
_ ___c _^_Y---E +-^ -i} - - Lr- 4
^-vy LLLUlll-
-^-L tttt; ltrtrlv trl !ttf,tr non r6h
Cic -:^-D

Providing + mQnh li,

dO ( mang ham i cau A
B: Unless: If ... not (kh6ng phir hgrp y nghia)
C: But for + N
D: If onlv (si
for short (ggi tirt) Cdc chgn lga c
B: in short (t6m
(Chi6c 6o kho6c t6
chg-n lga cdn l4i kh6ng hqp tinh hu6ng:
cff ddy). Crlc
A: Vdng, dung vAy
B: Tdi xin l5i

dung mQt trgng tu b6 nghia rfro dQn

trdc nhugng bQ: adj aJ Sb be ... (mac du ai d6 nhu ndo, nhung...) C6c cho.n
cdn lpi sai hinh thric.
C6ch hi lsi cho cau h6
A: tai sao lpi kh6ng chri
B: chi cO tn6 tlOi

take to Sth: say mC,

A: iake after: gi6ng
B: take on: ddm nhi-6m, ...
C: take in: hi6u dusc. ...
Cdu 33 C6ch ffa loi cho c6u h6i dudi.
Ceu 34 to V cho lai (cO cht f tu tru6c
Cdu 35 A Make sth:,t4o racii gi. C6c chgn lga cdn tai tfrOnglrq,p r€triil
B: san xu6t C: nu6i du0ne. O, lim- thuc hi€n
Read thr I IOI towmg pasage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on j,our answer sheet to indicate
correct a nsw er to each ofthe questions from 36 to 45.
Cdu 36 D Y chfnh cria do4n vdn ld: C6i cilchmQt nguoi sri dgng ti
d6. (Th6ng tin d c6u 1). C6c chgn lga con l4i sai y:
A: Cd nguoi gidu vi nguoi nghdo dAu c6 th€ c6 ilpo dirc t6t.
B: Ti€n b4c kh6ng quan tgng
C: Ti6n li thft quan nqng nh6t tr6n th6 eidi.
Cdu37 D Mpc dfch cria tric giald(l thuydt nhUc nguoi
hiQu cria nhdn c6ch t6t. (Th6ng tin o cdu 3: "Indeed, some of the finest qualities ... and
providence"). Cdc chgn llra con l4i sai y:
A: d9 dey mqi nguoi c6ch kii5m nhidu tiAn
!: d9 canh b6o nguoi dgc v0 su nguy hiiim cria ldng tham
C: dd mi6u ta cu0c s6ng cria nguoi gidu c6
Cdu 38 A Providence (n) su dlr.phdng; A: sr,r th4n trgng. c6c chgn lta rgt ia
B: dir4tmEnh; C: ch6t b6... ; D: sir bac phen, sup d6... "d;teG"t
Cdu 39 B Cdu trA lcri cua tac
$e d6i voi quan di6m: Ng
nguoi cdn c6 tidn d6 tu du0ng tftirog dr?c tinh t6t dgp khdc. Cdc chqn lga con lai kh6ng
hpp ly.
., -l
A: l ac gla dong y.
C: Khi gidu c6, nguoi.ta lai lo l6ng v6 sq tgFi lu?t.
D: Nguoi La ME tin ring nguoi nglrdo r6t xAu xa.
Cdu 40 A Th6i d0 cy7 tac
4a d6i voi Henry Taylor le sU
do?n 1 (nhan m4nh ciic tu: wisely, thoughtful, a right measure). Cdc chon lua cdn lai sai
y nghia.
Cdu 41 B (!u hdi ldng v_6 m{t vst ch6t ld di6u cdn thitit aii Afrc AAy nn
t6t dgp hon.) C6c chgn lga cdn l4i sai y:
A: Mgi ngucf thAn thiQn hcrn sau khi duo. c tim nu6c n6ng.
C: Di6u quan trgng nh6t trong cu6c sSng ld stl hai long vE vdt chdt.
D: Ti6n chi c6 the qgqg_ler qrlhoq mdn v6 m4t v4t chAt.
Cdu42 C
P.e thenh c6ng trong cu6c s6ng mpc ti€u ndy,
kiiln thric). C: Hgc c6ch quan ly tiAn hiQu qua sc giirp bitit ttrem nhidu k! naig dang gi6
kh6c. Cdc chon lUa cdn lqi sai y:
A: Ed kitim tiAn, cdn phAi di hsc.
B: TiAn girip mgi nguoi th6ng rninh hon.
D: Chi neusi th6ne minh msi c6 th6 ki6m ti6n.
Ciu43 D Th6ng tin ndm d cdu "The provident and careful man mu
man, for he lives not merely for the present, but with provident forecast makes
arrangement for th9 future" (MQt nguoi kh6n ngoan phdi ld m6t nguoi bi6t suy nghi, vi
anh ta ktrdng chi s6ng cho hiqn tai, mi con phii chua; bi cho ci tuqqg lai.) C6c chqn lua


cdn l4i sai y:
A: Boi vi anh ta kirim ducr. c nhiAu tiAn.
B: Vi anh ta then thi& voi Henry Taylor.

Cdu44 D t
,. ^
^J. rs+r vu'ts urc rugrr r'ng can aam). uac chgn llra cdn l4i sai y. (Th6ng tin nim?
c6u cudi ctrne cua bai vdn)
C6u 45 A rvruvvr'61rs \4LUl ursu crg' orer Klpm cne. ua! chgn-lga cdn l4i sai nghia:
Read the fr il ^.-,:*-
"' u5 I'4D.45E
-^^^^-^ -_-,r utttl.ll ttre relfef
auu A, bt U Of t On yOUf answef Sheet tO indiCate the
correct wor for each of the blank from 46 fo S{
(1A,,AA Tnl
utrrurJ EyEr \- targl)b armosf neverr: nau nhu khOng bao gid.
k€t hqrp vcri hardly. - 6nA: always kh6ng
e -- D6p
Cdu47 C Curious
Cdu 48 A :,fomm;m;
B: glancing at Oi6c nhin): C: lookirro /nhin\. rl. rrra+nt i- ^ /--*
CAu 49 D
C6u 50 C
C6u 51 A ro grve one's word: hua; C6c chgn lpa cdn l4i kA6ng phu hgp:
B: to make a promise (dua mgt loi hria)
C: to make (take) a vow (th6, thd nguyAnj
D: claim (n) (tr-ydn b6. khtoe dinh)
Cdu 52 A $old to Sth (giti vring didu gi)
B: stick to Sth (ki€n tri); c: followins Sth rb6m rheo\ . D. inn.-+i-- Q+L /^LA-
Cdu 53 B r r sLsDD.rr rD/ \rar rurrtr', nnar rruetr; oa trAng tu_con
!+t khong hgp nghia:
A: possibly (c6 th0); C: probably ftAu nhJchic chi,.,\, n.--j^,,,...,',onrrrr /z{n AA\
Cdu 54 A ^uDrrrurrf/ tlroellr roanr; Lac cngn lFa con l?1 khong phfi hgp:
B' more (dung trong cdu so sanh hcn); c: quite Gha, to*g'a6i kh6ng hpp y
a lot (khdng dimg tru6c tinh ru)
- nghia); D:
uau )) A vu ruruug,tr \ut qiial; cac cngn tga con lil l$Ong hqp nghia:
B: passing throueh (ehd oua): C: travelino (di lei .t,, t;,-1.,r. n. lLia^ /,*i LA\

r-au JQ I l) rnal rnay --ffom owrung" bang'1o own" vi rru ti6n cdu truc to forbid Sb to do Sth trong
cAu bi dOng.
Cdu 57 D rnan sua ro Know' mann'1o Know how" vi theo cdu trfc: to know how
to V: bi6t tam
Cdu 58 D D:u sil_u Lrus ngu pnap: rnar may "thal bing ,,to adjourm" vi d6y ld
lt- yvould adjo.urm"
gt6ng nhau y6 mat ngf phrip.
Cdu 59 B rueu qrum
r ru --an". Ynil sua "such imDortant" thinh "srrch rn irnnnrfenr"
C6u 60 B Sai ngt phrip: thay'ogreat" b
cria c6u vd 2 tu d6u hi€u "far" vli..dan")
Mark the I l'l ltr At 'E r- {rr u on your answer sheet to indicate fhe best way to complete
' each of
the followir rg sentences.
\JI A rueo r+r rlr sap xep unn tu (upJAUUMp: opinion _ size _ Age _ colour _ origin _
Material - Purpose).
C6c chgn lua cdn l+i sai tr0t t.u sip x6p.
wd"u oL L iviQnir ri€ quan hQ kh6ng xtn dinn, iru6c vd sau n
"which" ld tdn ngt chi vdtthay tht5 cho .Trlew york".
Cic lVa chon cdn lai sai nsfr ohiio.
CAU 63 C Cdu truc mdnh d6 quan lrg ni v ''lv v'l s\
dQng tu, birdAu cum ru bing pilj
9gcl\ra chqn cdn lai sai neft phdp.
Cdu64 D

C6u 65 D Cdu truc: would rather Sb did

C6c lua chon cdn lai sai c6u tnic nsft nhdn
Keao tne rouowrng passage and mark the letterA, B, C or D on your answers sheet to indicate
correct each of the questions from 66 to 75.
uau b6 C chti dc cta do4n vdn ld "mOt giai ph6p cho nhu cAu nudc s4ch@
nhd khoa.ha.. g? nghiEn ctru ! ruong vA vipc thu hopch b6ng nhu mQt-eiai ph6p kha thi
cho su girim thi6u ngpdn cung nu6c s4ch.). c6c.chgn lua con lai sai
A: sg giam thiCu ngu6n cung nu6c s4ch tr0n th6 gioi
B: nu6c s4ch dNam Cgc

Cdu67 A Havesting (thu ho4ch) gdn nghia voi A: chia nh6 ra

14i sai nghia:
B: phdn loai v4thu th{p; C: sAn xu6t ve b6n; D: tich lfly vi du trt
C6u 68 C Th6ng tin o cdu 3 (90% lugng nu6c s4ch tr6n th
C6c chon lua con lai sai th6ne tin.
Cdu 69 D To droiodl., th6 dArr, gia* dAn. C6. rhqn lui@
CAu 70 A Th6ng tin d cdu 6: "How ctrt giant iceberg be to
I,dm sao dd mQt t6ng b5ng kh6ng ld c6 thc Juqc kdo qua bi;5n ma kh6nt i in
chgn lga con l4i sai nghia tu: "iayz,,.
B: b6, ch6; C: d6n (bang 6ng); D: ldm tan ch6y
Cdu71 B Thdng tin o c6u"6 vdr cdu 7: 'oHow can a gian
gidm thi6u tdc dq tan cihycna bangl cric thqn lsa cdn.l4i sai
1rlaj1o.vai ]i ge f:
A: dii b6o v€ bdng; C: dd girip bing c6 thd n6i 4trgr;b' d.i bcrm nu6c bi6n ra neoai
Cdu72 D (to nudge: ddnh, thric gdrynghiav6ito push:xd, ddy). Cac@
A: tucrng tugng; B: han gdn; C: tan chAy
C6'u73 D Cocoon (n) c6i bao d6 che chin =) D: c6i bao,l6p
l4i sai nghia tu:
A: bdo v€ ch6ng lai cdn trung; B: mOt crli thung tr€n tdu; c: mQt c6i lusi r,5t lcrn
Ciu74 B Feat (n) su hodn thdnh c6i gi cdn d6n sg khdo ldo
nghia tu.
Ceu75 A Mpc dich ctra cdu cu6i ld d€ cung c6 tintr kh
Australia d6i khlsrldune-hrdi n6chGrr dni Rkrn wt chiArr r6no lorn.) t4n nhn- lro nA-
lai sai f.
meaning, to the sentence in italics.
Cdu76 A (Kh6ng c6 ai girip dd n6n kh6ng th6 hoan thdnh dg rrn ttroa ho.c a,:ng tran)


C6c h;a chgn cdn lai sai f c6u cho sin:

B: CAn sU g-rip ttd nhmg mgi nguoi tu chdi
C: rdt kh6 aC Um mgt minh, do d6 n6n nhd ai d6 girip
D: cheng ai c6 tboi glan ct€ grtp, n€n kh6ng ttrc troan ttrinn au rin dwrs han
Cdu77 D (Khi budn thudrng 6n nhi€u)
Ciic lpa chon cdn lai sai f cAu cho sEn:
A: Nhirng nguoi bu6n phi€nthudmg b6o phi vi hg c6 khuynh hu6ng 6n nhiOu.
B: ViQc en nhi€u d6i khi l&i# mgi nguol cary tMy UuOniUien va ii tre.
C: \@ mOt s6 nguoi, en nhi6u B l)t d; A6 *rOn *rO.
Cdu 78 B NAm nay lqr nhuAn kh6 c6 thd teng_gap d6i hn nfa - mang tinh kh,ech quan)
C6c lga chgn cdn t4r sai f c6u cho sEn:
A: Lqi nhudn se hi giam 50%
C: C6.kha lqr DhuAn sE.g6m mQt nira
D: chang dE"g"g
dangdiS tang g6p aoi lqi nhuan viro n5m nay. (mang tinh chri quan)
Cin79 A CLam th6 ndo dd thuy6t phpc 6ng 6y v€ sgthanh c6ng cria d1l an;
Crlc lga chgn cdn l4t sai f cdu cho sEn:
B: Tai sao 6ng 6y khdng th6 thira nhan tinh kh6ng chlc chan crla du an.
C: T4i sao chring ta kh6ng th6 thuyiit phqc 6ng 6i rirg kO hogch chic chan se th6t b4i.
D: C6 ph6i 6ng 6y khdng mu6n chung ta tin ring du chdc chin s€ thanh c6ne.
Cdu 80 C (Roi dat nu6c khodng gen mlt niim, n6n cim thAy mgi 'i" thir kh6ng than thudg
Cdq lua chon cdn ler sai f cdu cho s8n:
A: MQt ndm.d nu6c ngoii s€ khiiin bAn.th6y ddt nu6c minh thay d6i.
B: Khi tro vA sau g6n mQt n6m, oem thay ncri ddy ft thay d6i.
D: NEm thring s6ng d nu6c ngod'i de khitin ban than tr0n€n xa 14, khdng mu6n tr& l4i d6t

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