A Natural User Interface and Blockchain-Based In-Home Smart Health Monitoring

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A Natural User Interface and Blockchain-Based

In-Home Smart Health Monitoring System1

Md. Abdur Rahman, 2Khalid Abualsaud, 3Stuart Barnes, 3Mamunur Rashid, and 4Syed Maruf Abdullah
  1MCRLab, University of Ottawa, Canada
  2Computer Science & Engineering, Qatar University, Qatar
Consumer and Organizational Digital Analytics (CODA) Research Centre, King’s College London, UK
  Next Generation Media Laboratory
  e-mail: mrahm080@uottawa.ca, {stuart.barnes, mamun.rashid}@kcl.ac.uk, kabualsaud@gmail.com, s.maruf@nextgenmedialab.com
  Abstract— In this paper, we propose a gesture-based secure monitoring a reality [7]. These include smart contract for
  interaction system with smart home IoT health devices to Blockchain-based smart home health monitoring applications
  support elderly people or people with special needs. The [8], proof of location based digital certificate for health
  framework uses a decentralized blockchain consensus for
monitoring application [9] [10] [11] [12] [13], IoT health data
  storing the smart home IoT health data and user identities. The
security with spatio-temporal Blockchain smart contract [14],
  framework leverages off-chain solution for storing raw
  multimedia IoT sensory payload and gesture data. Using our
and storing massive amount of health-related IoT data in
  proposed health monitoring framework, a smart homeowner or decentralized off-chain repositories [15]. These technological
  service provider can create a cyber-physical space with a secure innovations have allowed each patient’s or user’s in-home
  digital wallet for each human resident and authorized IoT health monitoring medical IoT data to be stored within the
  health devices. Multiple authorized home residents can interact private Blockchain of the owner of the health data i.e. the
  with the IoT-based smart home monitoring sensors, carry out patient while the recently introduced multi-dimensional
  user and IoT health sensory media registration, and transfer Blockchain can store the horizontal records of each patient in
  transactional values via secure tokens, as well as raw IoT health
different service provider’s vertical private blockchain [16].
  data payload through gesture. In this paper, we will present the
  This type of secure collaboration and handshake between
design and implementation details of the smart home health
  monitoring framework in terms of gesture-based interaction
private and public Blockchain have ushered in the new
  with smart home IoT health devices, such as smart locks and horizon of hybrid Blockchain applications for the in-home
  light bulbs, which uses decentralized blockchain for security, health monitoring medical IoT applications. Although work
  trust, digital identity and privacy preservation. has been done on securing medical IoT devices’ data, few
  research has addressed the suitability of using Blockchain and
  Keywords— Secure Multimedia IoT; blockchain; off-chain; off-chain solutions for monitoring gesture tracking medical
IoT devices transactional data and raw multimedia payload
  I. INTRODUCTION respectively [17].
  The Industry 4.0 revolution has enabled smart homes to In this paper, we address the challenge of securely
  benefit from IoT, and the edge computing paradigm, not only controlling smart home IoT multimedia data payload through
  for processing large amounts of data from smart home
  intelligent gesture tracking IoT devices at the edge [18] [19]
multimedia IoT sensory, but also for combining decentralized [20] . Since smart home IoT devices produce a large amount
  security techniques. For example, both blockchain and off- of IoT data at the edge, we have enhanced analytics to process
  chain can provide data security and privacy of the IoT data and the IoT data at the edge [21] [22], we have enhanced analytics
  the identity of the smart home residents [1] [2] [3] [3] [4] [5]. to process the IoT data at the edge, extract business semantics
  Once the IoT health data and the interaction with the smart from the IoT data related to health [23] [24] [25] [26], secure
  home IoT devices are secured through a decentralized and analyze the transactions, and save the transaction to the
  blockchain consensus mechanism, the data source location, blockchain. Digital wallets for different actors such as IoT
  the captured event and type of data, and the identity of the
  vendors and IoT data consumers have been developed. The
transaction-parties can be made ubiquitously [6]. multimedia payload available from the IoT devices is stored
  Blockchain solutions have gained popularity for making in decentralized repositories. Using our proposed framework,
  health monitoring systems immutable and tamper proof for smart contract-based business intelligence can be applied at
  legal and real-life use cases [6]. Some key technological the edge to easily coordinate smoothly with the IoT health
  sensor data processing framework [27] [28] [29] [30]. This
advancements have made the in-home usage of smart health
  1This work was supported by the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of the Qatar Foundation) under Grant NPRP10-1205-160012.
  The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.

978-1-7281-4821-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 262

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allows the required types of security to be maintained, sensors [24-26]. Before using the system, the blockchain
particularly confidentiality, integrity, availability, and profile and secure digital wallet have to be created for each
authentication of the data, whether at the edge network, during actor. During registration, the multimedia IoT data such as
the data communication among the edge and the decentralized images, audio, and video, which cannot be saved into the
cloud, or at the remote cloud. blockchain due to limitations on block size, which is stored to
a decentralized repository, while a hash or a set of hashes [21-
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In
23], are connected inside the blockchain, and a digital wallet
Section II we present the proposed system, followed by details
containing the secure keys and virtual currencies are created.
implementation, in Section III. The paper concludes in Section
After each gesture-based IoT data transaction, the account
IV with the future vision of the research.
balance (amount of virtual currency in the wallet) is updated,
II. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM generate notifications, and the status of the IoT devices are
Figure 1 shows the high-level component architecture and updated in the blockchain [27-30]. The homeowner can
various key actors of the propose environment. Our proposed always examine the live status of the IoT devices in utilize or
system consists of two types of human actors: the IoT vendor in ownership through our live blockchain and off-chain visual
and the homeowner that intends to securely combine a number data analytics.
of IoT devices as a gesture-based interaction service. We have
two types of IoT actors in the system – IoT devices for gesture
recognition and IoT devices as smart health monitoring

Fig. 1. High-Level System Architecture.

Fig. 2. Implementation environment with gesture sensors, smart home IoT devices, and custom-built mobile edge device with
communication circuits.


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the distributed Apps for maintaining the lifecycle of the smart
III. FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION home IoT data-monitoring framework.

Figure 3 shows the proposed hardware for our work

consists of client-side devices, such as Arduino and ESP8266
mcu boards with portable power supplies, servomotors
running as smart door locks, ZigBee and Wi-Fi-based smart
lamps that are interfaced with the Arduino board, a Myo
Armband and Leap Motion for Gesture detection, and a
smartphone and Laptop for running dApps with gesture
detection APIs. Details about the gesture tracking methods
and the recognition rates can be reached at our earlier
publications [16] [17] [18] [19]. The MQTT broker, API
server and Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain nodes are running
in an AWS virtual machine, running Ubuntu 64-bit with 8GB
of RAM., we have used Firebase by Google was used for the
real-time database. Used Infura, a scalable blockchain
infrastructure for secure, reliable, and scalable access to
Ethereum transactional APIs and IPFS gateways.
Fig. 3. (Left) Implementation of smart home monitoring
system with Blockchain and off-chain explorer, and (right)

Fig. 4. The test instance data flow diagram

Ethereum was used for business transactions and The dApps shown in Figure 1(b) act as a middle-tier edge
Hyperledger Fabric for blockchain nodes, while for the node. The gesture detection sensors send data on a user’s
communication with the IoT gateway a smart contract interaction with an IoT device to dApps, running on either a
management and API, and Node.js V8.12.0 was used. The smartphone or a PC secured with an encrypted digital wallet.
decentralized storage was implemented using the The dApp finally sends the encrypted IoT payload data to off-
InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Figure 1(a) illustrates the chain for real-time processing and to blockchain for
incorporation of the IoT devices that could be registered into immutable storage.
the system and combined to various business scenarios. In the
Figures 1(c) and Figure 1(d) show example for use case
implemented scenario, we have used two IoT devices – a
interfaces. In each of the business cases, the location of the
smart lock and a smart bulb that could be controlled using two
authorized smart home inhabitants and the IoT nodes are
gesture-based IoT devices, Leap Motion and the Myo
stored in the blockchain. These items could be shared with
armband. Figure 1(b) depicts the user interfaces of the
anyone securely and through gesture-based interactions. We
distributed smartphone applications that will be leveraged.
have used a no-SQL key-value pair database for storing the


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live location and any other data available from any of the peer
nodes due to that the blockchain cannot be used as a real-time
database. The live data available is supported by a queue
service that can store a very large number of key-value pairs
in order to share with the API server. The API server react
with the smart contract, blockchain and off-chain to store the
live location and other data in the permanent decentralized and
Fig. 6. Scalability test result of committing transaction on
fixed repositories. Figure 1(e) shows the smart health
monitoring sensors integration with the framework. Figure 2
shows the implemented environment hardware setup IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
consisting of IoT devices and gesture tracking sensors
integrated with the dApps within a smart home. Figure 3
In this paper, we have presented the design of a working
shows the setup running onboard sensors and communication
prototype of gesture-based secure interaction with smart home
modules to connect with IoT devices and the smartphone
medical IoT devices. The communication, the ID of users and
DApps running within the edge network.
IoT devices, and the raw IoT and interaction data are securely
Figure 4 shows the data flow diagram while we setup the stored in off-chain while the salient transactions are stored in
testing framework. The IoT Node Server/Broker uses MQTT the blockchain.
server as broker between IoT Node and Blockchain while
In the future, we are planning to use the framework within
Node-Red middleware interface establishes data flow between
real-life applications. In order to achieve different types of
IoT Node and Blockchain and Firebase Real-time database.
health scenarios, we will be investigating the performance of
Firebase Real-time database is used for live data update and
federated and private blockchain systems. In additions, the
view the IoT geo-spatial data archived or live from
scalability of the system will be improved to support millions
of IoT data transactions at any given time. We will also work
Blockchain machine farm with 4 physical cores, 8 threads, on adding more health sensors to be able to monitor heart rate,
and 16 GB of RAM has been utilized in this experiment. The pulse oximeter, blood pressure, to name a few. We will also
IoT data send rate was at 330 transaction per second (tps). In work on adding more types of gesture tracking options such
the system benchmark test, which is shown in Figure 5, the as using hyper-spectral camera and radar.
maximum latency was is 3.55 seconds, the minimum latency
was 1.27 seconds, and the average latency was 2.345 seconds.
The latency is due to the fact that the high-throughput gesture The authors would like to thank Dr. George Loukas of
tracking IoT data needs to be captured, parsed and then sent to University of Greenwich and Areej Abdu.
the private, permissioned blockchain nodes, which approve
the transactions and add the IPFS hash to the blockchain. REFERENCES
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