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1. Narra Madhubabu, (Aadhaar No. 4011 0954 7929 ) S/o. Narra Mahesh, aged 37
years, resident of Gudavalluru,Kondapuram Mandal,SPSR Nellore District, do hereby
solemnly affirm and state as follows.
1) I have been in peaceful possession and enjoyment of an extent of Ac.3.37 cents in
Gudavalluru Village and I have been mutated my name in revenue records viz. Adandal
and 1(B)(ROR) Records vide Khatha No. 1430.
2) I made application to claim irrigation implements/plantation seeding under Small
Farmers Scheme. For Which I am in need of Small Farmers Certificate. I comes under
Small Farmers Status
3) I further declare that except the said extent of land, I have no other lands either in my
name or in the name of my other family Members. To get agricultural implements /
Plantation seedings / Irrigation Implements under subsidy schemes I am in need of
SmallFarmer Certificate and to claim the Small Farmer Certificate from Tahsildar, I am
hereby declaring the facts stated above.
4) I also hereby undertake that if any found misrepresentation of facts contra to stated
above in future. I will be held liable for the same. The above facts are true to the best of
my knowledge.
Schedule of property: Kondapuram Mandal, Gudavalluru Village
Survey No Extent
1) 98-3 Ac.0.6000
2) 333 Ac.1.4600
3) 2871B Ac.0.7850
4) 185-1A Ac.0.1800
5) 181-3 Ac.0.3500
Total Ac.3.3700

Solemnly affirmed before me on 19.10.2020

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