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BSA – 3


Recollecting from My Philippine History Class

History is a story told over time. It is a way of recreating the past, so it

can be studied in the present and re-interpreted for future generations.

Since humans are the sole beneficiaries of history, it is important for us to

know what the purpose of history is and how historians include their own

perspective concerning historical events. The purpose and perspective of

history is vital for individuals to realize how it would be almost impossible

for us to live out our lives effectively if we had no knowledge of the past.

Also, to gain a sound knowledge of the past, we must understand the

political, social and cultural aspects of the times we are studying.

History also helps provide identity, and this is unquestionably one of

the reasons all modern nations encourage its teaching in some form.

Historical data include evidence about how families, groups, institutions

and whole countries were formed and about how they have evolved while

retaining cohesion. For many Filipinos, studying the history of one's own

family is the most obvious use of history, for it provides facts about
genealogy and a basis for understanding how the family has interacted with

larger historical change. Family identity is established and confirmed. Many

institutions, businesses, communities, and social units, such as ethnic

groups in the Philippines, use history for similar identity purposes. Merely

defining the group in the present pales against the possibility of forming an

identity based on a rich past. And of course, nations use identity history as

well—and sometimes abuse it. Histories that tell the national story,

emphasizing distinctive features of the national experience, are meant to

drive home an understanding of national values and a commitment to

national loyalty.

Speaking about loyalty for one’s country, I believe that Philippines

long before the Spaniards came has already established its identity. A

country on its own with rich culture, diverse languages and dialects, and an

established government in the form of barangays. Filipinos even had its

own way of transportation with the use of our bangkas for the sea, and

carabaos for the land. We even had our own alphabets called Alibata, that

was written by our ancestors. A writing that was altered by the colonizers.

Our ancestors worshipped and believed in a higher being called

Bathala. Later, the Spaniards together with their colonization introduced to

us the religion of Christianity. Though we were colonized by the Spaniards

for a long time, some were persecuted but we can never deny some of the

blessings of their colonization. We were educated and was able to learn.

Our knowledge expanded and later knew how to speak other languages. Its

not only the influences of the Spaniards that enriched our history but also

those of the Americans and Japanese. I see many of the blessings of what

our country has been through. I’ve seen through history the transition of us

native Filipinos to a civilized one. I believe that through this many

settlement of other nationalities, it helped us become who we are today.

Not just a nationality, but as a community. A community of competitive

people for a globalized world who can go beyond the limits with perception

in life, diligence to succeed and a never-ending faith that showed who we

really are and what we have contributed to this world.

May this be lesson to all of us that the history of our country must not

be taken for granted. We must not take it just like a single subject required

to graduate in school, but we must always remember it in our hearts. It is

not a tale narrated to offer us interesting stories but are facts that testifies

our bloodline as Filipinos!

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