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Experiential Learning – SCM

Assignment number 1

Question 1) Illustrate various stages in the supply chain (inbound logistics and outbound logistics) in form of
block diagram and the different flows involved.
Question 2) Identify the cycles in this supply chain and the location of the push/pull boundary


The above diagram is created on diagram editor and is pasted here.

3) Identify the most prominent transportation modes (air, water, roads, rail, pipelines)
Answer: Road Transport.

4) Which supply chain strategy will you recommend – Efficient or Responsive SC

Answer: Responsive Supply Chain (to respond purposefully and within an appropriate timeframe to
customer requests or changes in the marketplace)

5) Which of the distribution network design option will you recommend for the product? Justify
Answer (e) Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickup: The reason why this distribution
network is recommended is because it’s not a frequent buy also customers can find the spare parts,
servicing and other facilities through the same distributor avoiding other costs involved . Also a direct
manufacturer –consumer model may attract revolt laws of respective states and the dealer union will
strongly revolt against this and use their Political control to never let any other distribution channel be in

Link for diagram :

Supply chain

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