India by Aldrix Levy

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Opening Credits

India & Nepal by Aldrix Levy

Syria & France by Jessica Orpiada

Egypt by Margie Sapurco

Chile by Klaire Jazarino

Algeria by Mhalen Ruby Delos Santos

Value Orientations

Cluckholm and Strodbeck Orientation

What is? Range of values

Human Nature Basically good Mixture of good Basically evil

and evil
Relationship between Humans dominates harmony exists Nature Dominate
humans between the two
Relationships between humans individualist Group-Oriented Collateral
and nature
Preferred Personality “Doing” stress on “Growing” stress “Being” stress on who
action on spiritual growth you are

Time Oriented Past Future present

If it is either good or evil, the country of India is a mixture of both. Being tolerable people
because of their religion, it has changed since the era of modernization. It is said that crimes in India
saw a marginal increase in the first 45 days of the year 2017 as compared to the period of the previous
years (Bashiv, 2017).

Murder count has increased from 53 to 59, cases of kidnapping for ransom increased from 1 to 3, the
rape case went up to 243 from 240, and molestation cases went from 378 to 315. All these data are a
comparison of the crime recorded in the first 45 days with the crimes during the same period in 2017.
(Bashiv, 2017).

The Indian population wins when it

is against nature. It is said that they
care little about it because of the mass-
poverty, prioritizing basic needs more
than the environment, and poor
education about the problem (Shariv,
2016). In 2015, out of the 10.3 million
deaths in India due to non-
communicable diseases, 2.5 million
were linked to pollution. (Patil, 2018)

When it comes to their Relationship with others, Indians are very

well-fond of being close with their relatives, or being group-
oriented. People are deeply involved with others. For most, the
greatest fear is the possibility of being left without support. The idea
of a joint family can be common in the country. Even upon marriage,
the couples can choose live with the parent of their choice.
(iskonedectionalservices, 2010)
The Hindu personality is mostly religious, or “growing”. Hinduism not only is indentified as their
religion, but can also be a way of life, being such; Indians are subjected to these series of practices
almost every day. (Rathur, n.d.) According to the 2011 census, 79.8% of the population of India
practices Hinduism and 14.2% adheres to Islam, while the remaining 6% adheres to other religions.
(Firstpost, 2011)

India has its mind set at the past. One reason for this is a belief in time sequencing laid out by their
tradition. India is said to be experiencing a time called Kali which is “fraught with evil” (Moore,
2006). Because of this belief – the timing of existence is bad as times were better in the past – India
leans on past traditions for inspiration and comfort, accepting a burden the past had presented before
them. (Rathur, n.d.)

Hofstede Orientation

High-powered Distance
Low-uncertainty avoidance
Short and Long-term Oriented

The Indian Society are best well-known for their Caste system, a system of both political and social
class pre-determination during birth that had existed since the dawn of time in India. The Hindu
People still follows the ideology, hence deducting that they prefer to be in a kind of a high-powered
distance from each other in terms of social power. (Bashil, 2014).

When speaking whether

India is a feminine or a
masculine society, The
Country is identified as
being masculinity. The
notion is already present
within their religion, being
filled with male gods, and the
caste system. (Nirola, 2017)
Though there are few regions
within the place that dictate rules through a matriarchal system, like the Region of Meghalaya and in
the Indian subcontinent some sections like the khasis tribe from the North East depict matrilineal and
matriarchal systems (Chadda, 2016) Gender over the years have changed to a power struggle, With
child bearing being a mother’s. However, the male gender role of hunting or has been replaced with
providing for the family which has an economic necessity to it. (Chadda, 2016)

India can be identified as low-uncertainty avoidance kind of though. There is acceptance of

imperfection; nothing has to be perfect nor has to go exactly as planned, and India is also traditionally
a patient country where tolerance for the unexpected is high. People do not feel compelled to take
action-initiatives and comfortably settle into established routines without questioning. Rules are often
in place and one relies on innovative methods to “bypass the system”. A word used often is “adjust”
and means a wide range of things, from turning a blind eye to rules being relied to finding a unique
solution to a seemingly insurmountable problem. (Insights, n.d.)

The Hindu society has an absolute definition of good and evil, being short-termed. Good is
represented by purity, light, immortality, order, virtue and selflessness. Evil is represented by
impurity, darkness, imbalance chaos, sinful acts, and selfishness. (Jarayam, 2002). If we are to speak
about the patience in Hinduism once again, Patience is considered an essential virtue in Hinduism,
hence concluding that they can also be long-termed. In Hindu, it is the endurance of conditions and
the result of one's action and deeds. In things that are important for our survival and success where we
need to be careful, we have to be patient until we get the results we want. There is time for everything.
(Jayaram, n.d.)

India can be both known as a collectivist and an Individualist. The surveys conducted by
researchers only reached India’s few elite city areas where people feel that they have more individual
choice, hence the ambiguity. If Researchers took their surveys to the more abundant small towns,
India would have a small individualistic score. “They might need to convince their family, but no one
is going to ostracize them for their choices in a city. The number of things and jobs there makes it
possible for one to break away from their family. I on the other hand, have parents from a small town
like most others, and I’d say that their collective mentality is tribal. I have no individual choice in life.
I want to do things but I have to ask my parents’ permission even at the age of 25.” (Navya, 2018).

Kluckholm and Strodbeck Citations

• R. B. (2017, April 20). Mentality and behaviour in india. Retrieved August 4, 2018, from

• S. (2016, November). Environment and climate change – why Indians don’t care and why
they should. Retrieved August 4, 2018, from

• Heart of Hinduism: Family LIFE. (2010, May 1). Retrieved August 4, 2018, from

• D., Rathur. (n.d.). Hinduism and the practice of faith. Retrieved August 4, 2018, from

• Moore, B. (2006, October 31). What is time orientation? Retrieved August 4, 2018, from

• Online, F.E. “Crimes in India Rise in 2017 as Compared to Last Year; FinancialExpress, 26

Feb. 2017, Crimes in India rise in 2017 as compared to last year, from

• “Pollution in India.” Numbeo,

• Patil, Aishwarya. “India Had Highest Number of Pollution-Related Deaths, Reveals Study;
2.5 Million Died in 2015 Due to Poor Air Quality.” Firstpost, 3 Jan. 2018,

•  "India has 79.8% Hindus, 14.2% Muslims, says 2011 census data on religion". Firstpost. 26
August 2016. Retrieved 4 august, 2018

• Bibhunant, Navya. “Is India an Individualistic Society?” Quora, 21 May 2018,

Hofstede Citations

• R., A. (2014, February 24). Why caste still matters in india. Retrieved August 5, 2018, from

• Oriental Philosophy. (2004, July 1). Retrieved August 5, 2018, from

• Nirola, B. (2017, December 27). Patriarchy and The Status Of Women In The Society.
Retrieved August 5, 2018, from

• V, Jarayam. “Good and Evil in Hinduism.” Hinduwebsite, 21 July 2002,

• Anonymous. “Why Do Most Indians Lack Patience?” Quora, 23 Feb. 2014,

• Chada, Supaarna. “Is India a Patriarchal Society?” Womanendangered, 2 Apr. 2016,

• V, Jarayam. “Cultivating the Virtue of Patience.” Hinduwebsite,

• “Country Comparison.” Hofstede-Insights,


• “History of Major Religions.” Preceden,


• Drucker, Peter. “Dimensions of Cultural Difference and Their Effect.” Lumen Learning, 13

July 2001,

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