Task 4 Elaborate Dual Lens

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Task 4: Elaborate: Dual Lens

Reynaldo L. Omblero Jr.

Mary Queen Pilar Arca


AUTHOR: Percy Bysshe Shelley

 What aspects of the author’s personal life are relevant to this story?

The poem talks about how Prometheus breaks the chains that commands him under
Zeus and brings the fire as a gift to mankind.
 Same goes to Percy Bysshe Shelley, because most publishers and journals declined to
publish his work for fear of being arrested for either blasphemy or sedition. Shelley's
poetry sometimes had only an underground readership during his day, but his poetic
achievements have become widely recognized today, and his political and social thought
had an impact on the Chartist and other movements in England, and reach down to the
present day. 

 Which of the author’s stated beliefs are reflected in the work?

Percy Shelley believed that equality was the natural state.

And in his works, it talks about how the things should be, he should have the same
freedom as of the ones who had the greater power.

 Does the writer challenge or support the values of his contemporaries?

Yes, He supports the values of his contemporaries by doing what is right that is being
reflected mostly on his works.

 seem to be the author’s major concerns? Do they reflect any of the writer’s
personal experiences?
The author’s major concern is about freedom and yes it reflects on the author’s
personal experiences, because in his time all his works were considered blasphemous and
seditious. That’s why it reflects the author experiences through freedom of speech or freedom
of actions.

 Do any of the events in the poem correspond to events experienced by the author?

Yes, there are events in the poem that corresponds to the events experienced by the
author. Especially in the part that talks about freedom, in the poem Prometheus cut off the
chains that binds him under the order of Zeus and gave a gift to the mankind which is the fire.
While in the real life of the author, He keep on publishing his works and shared his knowledge
and enlightenment to the people despite the tight hands of the government against blasphemy
and sedition.


 How is the work’s structure unified? What recurring patterns (repeated or related
words, images, etc.) can you find?
The work’s structure unified through rhyming words and patterns. The recurring patterns
repeated and related are the words that rhymes with fire.

 What is the effect of these patterns or motifs? How does repetition reinforce the

The effects of this patterns and motifs are incredible, although some of the words
leads you to another ideas but somehow in the end of every sentences there are
ideas and words that still connects into the pattern.
Repetition reinforce themes by continuously repeating the word until it is imprinted
or stocked into the reader’s mind.

 How does the writer’s diction reveal or reflect the work’s meaning? What tone and
mood are created at various parts of the work?
The writer’s diction or choice of words shows how a revolution should be, or how a man
should remove his/her chains and fight for what is right. The tone and mood created at
various parts of work were mostly courageous and has a strong will.

 What figures of speech are used? (metaphors, similes, etc.)

For me, there are only 4 Figures of speech are used and these are:

 Note the writer’s use of paradox, irony, symbol, plot, characterization, and style of
narration. Is there a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story?

Yes, there is a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story. Notice when
he wrote the line “Mars Shall glow tonight” until into the last part and there is a line in
there that says “Thrust of the Spark that burns”; for me these two lines intertwines each
other with the same meaning of letting it all out or set it all out in fire.

 How does the author create tone and mood? What relationship is there between
tone and mood and the effect of the story?

The author creates tone and mod in a courageous and heroic manner.
There is a strong relationship between the tone and mood through the manner and the
way it is expressed and it affects the story in a very courageous way.

 How do the various elements interact to create a unified whole?

Various elements in a poem interacts through a way of harmonious yet different or

somethings chaotic idea, but in the end its still intertwine, relates or connects to the
main plot, character, settings and into the story of the poem.

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