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STANDARD INDUSTRI PEMBINAAN (CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY STANDARD) 6) oo keh a eres © Copyright LEMBAGA PEMBANGUNAN INDUSTRI PEMBINAAN MALAYSIA Seren iret Industri Pembinaan Malaysia CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD MALAYSIA 2, Jalan Pahang, $3000 Kuala Lumpur P.O Box 12270, 0772 Kasia Lumpur Tel 609 26170200 Fax 600 sOdSTOSD hip:/ QUALITY ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR COMPLETED ROAD WORKS © Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia 2011 CIDB) MALAYSIA All enquiries regarding this book should be forwarded to: Chief Executive Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia 7th, Floor, Grand Seasons Avenue No 72, Jalan Pahang 53000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel : 603~26170200 Fax —: 603~ 40437050 Website : No part ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, whether mechanical or electronic including photocopying and recording without the written consent of CIDB. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Data Pengketalogan-dalam-Penerbitan Boob SoboaD SeNSarons | | B 18 47 oy 24 22 23 34 32 CONTENTS Committee representatior Foreword, aoe aaa SECTION 1: GENERAL Introduction. 7 Normative reference: Defintion..... QLASSIC. sen ‘Component... Newly Gompisted Roads. Road Category..ersecen- Elements... QLASSIC Assessor. Qualified Persor Approved Standard. Tolerance. seen Objective of Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works... Use of Quaity Assessment System for Completed Road Works... ‘Scope of Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works. 7 Assessment Approach. SECTION 2: QUALITY STANDARD Components... Elements. Defect Groups. SECTION 3 ; ASSESSMENT Road Weightage.... Sampling il Page vi vii RR ROONNNNND 2 2 Figures Figure 4 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 CONTENTS Weightage Guideline for Assessment, Road Suriace. Slope and Retaining Strut Drainage... Bridge and Other Structure... ‘Traffic / Road Furniture... Assessment Scoring... Road Category and Description.. Road Elements by Components..... Elements and its Examples... Defect Groups for Assessment......... Road Weightage for All Components... Weightage for Road Surface Elements. Weightage for Drainage..... Weightage Guideline for Bridge & Other Structures. Weightage for Traffic / Road Furniture Element... ‘Typical Road Cross Section, Typical Bridge Cross Section... Examples of Road Surface Conditions. Different Types of Road Surface Defects (Aesthetic Examples of Slope & Retaining Structure Conditions... Examples of Drainage Conditions... Examples of Bridge & Other Structures Conditions...... Examples of Traffic/Road Fumiture.... 14 15 16 7 SE EEK neem CONTENTS Page Annexes A Quality Standards for Road Surface Works. At B Quality Standards for Slope and Retaining Structure Works... Bt c Quality Standards for Drainage Works... ae ct D Quality Standards for Bridge and Other Structure Works... Dt E Quality Standards for Trafic / Roadside Furniture Works.. et F QLASSIC Assessment Form Component 1: Road Surface... i FA 4 QLASSIC Assessment Form Component 2: Slope and Retaining Structures... .ccsssecuet Gt 4 QLASSIC Assessment Form Component 3: Drainage... Mt QLASSIC Assessment Form " Component 4: Above Ground Structures: Road/Pedestrian! Motorcycle Bridge. ates : " 7 QLASSIC Assessment Form Component 4: Underpass/Vehicular Box Culvert and Tunnel.. 2 7 QLASSIC Assessment Form Component 5: Traffic / Roadside Furniture... evtnevee a“ K Defect Group For Assessment Of Road Surface Works... Kt 7 Defect Group For Assessment Of Slope & Retaining Structures i Works... a M Defect Group For Assessment Of Drainage Works..... Mt N Defect Group For Assessment Of Bridge & Other Structure Works Mt ° Defect Group For Assessment Of Traffic & Roadside Furniture Works Ot Acknowledgements .. 64 Committee representation This Construction Industry Standard (CIS) was managed and developed by the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia with the assistance of the Technical Committee on Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works which comprises representatives from the following organizations:- Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia Highway Planning Unit, Ministry of Works, Malaysia Malaysia Highway Authority (LLM) ‘The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia ‘The Association of Consulting Engineers, Malaysia PLUS Expressway Berhad vi eg FOREWORD ‘This Malaysian Construction Industry Standard (CIS) hereby referred as CIS 19:2011 was developed as a quality assessment system for completed road works standard by the Technical Committee ‘on Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works with the assistance of Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) which acted as a moderator and facilitator for the technical committee throughout the development process of this standard. ‘Compliance with this document does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations. p vil QUALITY ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR COMPLETED ROAD WORKS SECTION 1: GENERAL 44 Introduction Quality Assessment Sysiem for Completed Road Works is an independent method to assess and evaluate the quality of workmanship of newly completed road works based on this standard, 1.2 Normative References The following normative reference is indispensable for the application of this construction industry standard, For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated feference, the latest edition of the normative reference (including any amendments) applies, Specification for Roadworks (JKR/SPJ/2008-S4: Flexible Pavement), Published by JKR. Malaysia. JKRISPJ/1988 — Standard Specification for Road Works. LLM / PLUS Specifications. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 20/85, Manual on Traffic Control Devices: Road Marking And Delineation, Public Work Department Malaysia. ‘Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 28/85, Manual on Traffic Control Device: Tratfic Sign Application. Guidelines for Road Drainage Design, Published by REAM. ‘ Guideline for Malaysia Toll Expressway System — Design Standard, by Malaysia Highway Authority (LLM). Annual Bridge Inspection Manual — Quick inspection Guideline, by JKR. A Guide for Bridge Inspection , Published by REAM MS 881:Pt1: 1991 Specification for Precast Concrete, SIRIM. MS 1303:Pt1:1993 Specification for Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials, SIRIM. MS 164: 1991 Specification for Road Marking Paints, SIRIM. AS 4058: 1992 Precast Concrete Pipes (pressure and non-pressure). Highway and Rail Transit Tunnel Inspection Manual, by U.S. Department of Transportation. 1.3. Definition For the purpose on this Construction Industry Standard the following definitions apply. 4.3.4 QLASSIC QLASSIC is the acronym for quality assessment system in construction. 1.3.2 Component ‘A component refers to the physical part which can be found in a road construction project. For the purpose of this standard the following components are applicable: i Road Surface; i, Slope and Retaining Structure; i. Drainage; lv. Bridges and Other Structures; and Vv. Traffic/ Road Furniture 1.3.3 Newly Completed Roads Newly completed roads are roads which are new, not opened to traffic and as deemed fit to be assessed by the Consultant. Ideally, this road has already been assessed in terms of its adherence to design specifications. The Consultant shall mean the Main Design and Supervision Consultant for the road project. Newly completed roads exclude additional and/or upgrading works carried out on to an already completed road, 1.3.4 Road Category For the purpose of this standard, the roads are divided into five (5) categories as defined below: Table 1. Road Category and Description Road Category Description “JKR Standard include interurban expressways and highways where tolls A ‘are collected. Normally these roads are under the | YKR R6/U6 and Jurisdiction of the Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM), | t4Nalent Include national highways, primary state roads and roads within Federal Territories. These are inter-urban highways linking Federal Capitals, State Capitals, points of entryfexit (Le. seaports and airports), primary roads forming the 8 basic network linking State Capitals & major towns and roads within Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya. Normally these roads are under the jurisdiction of the Federal JKR, State JKR or Municipal Councils. JKR RS/US and equivalent Include Regional Development Scheme Roads and | ‘Secondary State Roads. These are roads forming the | Other than JKR c network within regional development areas and secondary | R6/U6 or JKR. toads within districts. These roads are under the | R5/US jurisdiction of the Federal or State JKR. ‘Table 1. Road Category and Description (continued) direct aocess to abutting land, Include urban coliecior roads and urban local streets. D ‘These roads serve as collectors and distributors offering Urban Roads and | Highways and rural District Offices. Include minor Federal Roads and roads within the village inhabited area. These roads are under the jurisdiction of the Federal JKR, local authorities and Rural and other Federal Roads 1.3.5 Elements Elements are the physical parts of a component as specified below: Table 2. Road Elements by Components ‘Component Elements 1. Road Surface . Carriageway Shoulder and Verge: Median 2, Slope and Retaining Structure Siope Retaining Structure Slope Drainage ‘Above Ground Services Slope Furniture 3. Drainage Drain Drain cover Sump Boxipipe culvert 4, Bridge & Other Structures | « Above Ground Structures: ~ Road Bridge and Pedestrian Motorcycle bridge Special Structures = Underpass/Vehicular Box Culvert (VBC) & Tunnel 5. TrafficiRoad Furniture Markings Traffic Calming devices Traffic Sign Electrical devices Pedestrian facilities Kerb Traffic Barrier Delineators 1.3.6 QLASSIC Assessor The QLASSIC assessor must have attended the QLASSIC Assessors Certification Training certified by CIDB before carrying out the assessment. The QLASSIC assessor shall be continuously updated with the latest QLASSIC practices to ensure consistency and effective implementation of this standard. 4.3.7 Qualified Person A qualified person is defined as the Superintending Officer (S.0.) or as defined by the project contract. 4.3.8 Approved Standard Approved standard shall mean this CIS standard specified by the qualified person for the project. 1.3.9. Tolerance Tolerance shall mean acceptable deviations or permissible values that do not compromise the quality of workmanship. Where applicable, the tolerances are adopted from the normative references. 1.4 Objectives of Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works. Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works was designed and developed to enable the user to achieve all/any of the following objectives: 2) to benchmark the ‘evel of quality of the road construction industry in Malaysia; b) to have a standard quality assessment system for workmanship quality of completed road works c) to assess the workmanship quality of a completed road works based on the approved standards; 4) to evaluate the performance of contractors based on the workmanship quality; ) _ to encourage continual improvements for contractors; and f) to compile data for statistical analysis. 1.5 Use of Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works ‘The Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works Is intended to complement the best engineering practices, contractual drawings and specifications in a project. It is not intended to be used independently as working specifications. The qualified person shall not use the Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works as a design standard and/or to decide if the road or parts of the road works are in ‘accordance with the relevant Specifications and by-laws. 't is stil the responsibilty of the qualified person to ensure that the quality of the Completed Road Works conform to approved standards, best practices, specifications and drawings. Where accessible and practical, all elements identified in this standard shall be assessed. 1.6 Scope of Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works The standard sets out the quality of workmanship for the various aspects of the construction elements for the general road works. The Quality Assessment System for Completed Road Works covers five main components: Road Surface, Slope & Re! Structure, Drainage, Bridge & Other Structures and Traffic/Road Furniture. ‘Assessments on the workmanship are carried out based on this standard and marks are awarded if the workmanship complies with the standards. These marks are then summed Up to give a total score (%) for the road works. However, the assessment excludes works and tests carried out in pre construction and during construction works. The road is assessed primarily on workmanship standard achieved through site inspection and field non-destructive testing 1.7. Assessment Approach Assessment of the quality of workmanship is carried out upon compietion of the road project and preferably, before the road is opened to traffic. This is to ensure that any non- compliance to specific standards is purely based on quality of construction and not from ‘wear and tear of the completed road The assessor shall inspect and assess the identified samples against the standard and tolerance using the tools specified. Prior to conducting each assessment, the assessor determines the number of samples and locations to be assessed. The number of samples and locations are selected from drawings and plans. The selected samples shall be distributed as uniformly as possible throughout the project length. All locations shall be made available for sample determination. The assessment shall only be limited to this pre-determined sample size and location and is done on the work that is inspected for the first time. Rectification and correction carried out after the quality assessment will not be re-scored, The objective of this practice is to ‘encourage contractors towards “doing things right the first time and every time". The assessment shall be recorded using the site essessment forms as shown in Annex F to Annex K, An objective ‘yes’ (v) or ‘no’ (x) assessment approach is adopted to indicate compliance or non compliance of the assessed component and its respective elements. A ‘is given to indicate if the element is not available for assessment. The quality score is. computed based on the number of “y' over the total number of elements assessed. SECTION 2: QUALITY STANDARD 2.1 Components The Quality Standards for Completed Road Works are divided into five main components:- 24.4 Road Surface The ultimate function of a road is to transport people and goods from one place to another efficiently with a desirable comfort and level of safety. A road can only serve its function and achieve its designed life if the actual construction is properly done, all the paving materials are of the required standards and meet the required design specifications. Because the road surface is in direct contact with road users, it is considered the most important component in assessing the quality of a completed road works. The road surface component is further divided into three elements namely carriageway, shoulder & verge and median. The carriageway is the part of the road where most vehicles are travelling on. The shoulder & verge is the part of the road which is adjacent to the carriageway. Vehicle would not normally use this part of the road as the shoulder act as the emergency lane. Thus the road shoulder is given less importance than the road carriageway. The median is the center part which serves as separator between carriageways. The elements are assessed in terms of its riding quality, safety and aesthetics as detailed in Annex A. 24.2 Slope and Retaining Structure ‘The slope and retaining structure component considered in this standard is only applicable to the structure that is visible after construction. The functional performance of the siope & retaining structure component has an influence on the safety as well es the comfort of the road user. This component is divided into five (6) main elements: slope (tigid, soft surface cover, rock), retaining structure, slope drainage (surface and subsurface), above ground services and slope furniture. These elements are assessed in terms of its defect groups such as crack & damage, joint, filers and gaps, functionality, finishing and installations as detailed in Annex B. 24.3 Drainage ‘The functional performance of the drainage system of a completed road works is evaluated to ensure no flooding occurs which may affect the operations of the road. For the purpose of this standard, this component is further divided into four (4) elements: drain (not included under the Slope and Retaining Structure component), drain cover, Sump and pipe/box culverts. These elements are assessed in terms of its crack & damage, joints & gaps, functionality and finishing as detailed in Annex C. 21.4 Bridges and Other Structure ‘The bridge and other structures should be constructed according to approved standards to ensure structural integrity. Repair and rectification works should be avoided as this tends to be very costly, not fo mention the inconvenience to the road users. The bridges and other structures component are grouped into the different bridge/structure types: above ground structures (such as road bridges, pedestrian/motorcycle bridges) and special structures (such as underpass/vehicular box culverts and tunnels). Each of these bridges/structures is further assessed in terms of its respective elements as detalled in Annex D. For special structures such as tunnels, where practical and accessible, the assessment shall include all visible elements such as structural, mechanical, electrical, emergency response and fire protection system, Assessment of these elements shall be by visual inspection of its physical conditions and system operational. 24.5 Traffic / Road Furniture ‘The Traffic / Road Furniture ideally cover a wide range of physical fixtures and markings of a road, For the purpose of this standard and for practicality of implementation, this ‘component has been streamlined to only cover elements that will have a direct impact to the traffic operations and flow of a completed road, The elements covered in this standard are: pavement markings, traffic calming devices, traffic signs, electrical devices, pedestrian facilites, kerbs, traffic barriers and delineators. ‘These elements are assessed in term of crack & damage, functionality, visibility, finishings and installation as detailed in Annex E. 22 Elements For each of the components identified, the elements to be assessed are identified accordingly to facilitate practical assessment and scoring system. The elements and some examples of the type of elements are summarized in Table 3. Table 3. Elements and its Examples ‘Component Element Example of elements Carriageway Asphaltic concrete Road Surface Shoulder & Verge Paved or unpaved Median Paved or unpaved Slope & Retaining |S10Pe Rigid, soft, rock surface Structure Retaining Structure Facing wall Drainage ‘Surface & Subsurface Drainage 7 Table 3. Elements and its Examples (continued) ‘Component Element Example of elements Above ground service | wter pipes, telecommunication tower ‘Slope Furniture Handral and fencing Drain Roadside, median, shoulder drain Drain Cover RC. Slab, M.S Grating Drainage sump Concrete Sump, Brickwall sump Culvert Body (Stes! & Concrete), Pipe /Box Culverts _| Headwall & Wingwall, RC.,. CMP. Culvert [Above ground structures |Road bridge, Pedestrian / Motorcycle (bridges) bridge Bridge & Other Structures Special structures Box culver, tunnels Markings Pavement markings, padesifian Crossing, traffic Ghost Island Traffic Calming devices | Speed humpltable Traffic Sign Waming, information signs Electrical devices Traffic Signal, Pedestrian Push Button Signal, Variable Message spree { Road Sign (VMS), street lighting Pedestrian facilities Sidewalk, bus stop, Kerb Roadside, median, traffic island kerb Traffic Barrier Guardrail, concrete & noise barrier, crash cushion Delineators Road studs, flexible pole 2.3 Defect Groups Defect groups represent the parameter to benchmark the quality of workmanship. The defect groups for all components are summarized in Table 4. Table 4. Defect Groups for Assessment , a | eS Z ‘Component Element Defect Groups D L Fai Sufas Garagnway, Sear | Reng Gly a & Verge, Median 2. Safety 3. Aesthetic Slope & — Retaining | Slope, Retaining 4. Crack and damage Structure structure, Slope 2. Joint, filer and gaps drainage, Above ground | 3. Functionality services, Siope funiture | 4. Finishing 5. Installation Drain, Drain Cover, 4. Crack and Damage ‘sump, pipe /box culvert | 2. Joint and Gap 3. Functionality 4. Finishing Bridge & Other ‘Above Ground bridge 4. Crack and Damage ‘Structures (Road bridge, 2. Joint and Gap Pedestrian / Motorcycle | 3. Functionality bridge), 4. Visibility Special Structures §. Finishing (Underpass / vehicular | 6. Installation box culverts, Tunnel) Traffic /Road Fumiture | Markings, Traffic 4, Crack and Damage Calming devices, Tratfie | 2. Functionality Sign, Electrical devices, | 3. Pedestrian facilites, 4 Kerb, Traffic Barrier, 5. installation Delineators woH9ag SS019 PEON [eoIdAL, “| 2UNBL4 we “pao i 5 eo nay 39070 i ee HH zune ‘tooo “ne somes n: SiG ivi SOLS 30015 jean, apy es senso eee i “HRTTONS —WenaMRNS AMSA a a wie ante oe = ‘SR01E onNOwD SAIS HUD FOL Ae ett 7/3983 WWAGOWENT —"WICTONS 73933 30S uonseg ssoig aBpyig (eo1dAL °Z ainBi4 NOILVAZ 13 osesi 31ux31030 SSIULLVA S3NOIS “HL WUD [ x wl * Z NOIBVO XO8 j mi eae hed oie 7A uaa we f Tt : Bi 3 Eros moun pons aH ll | | 7 | Ninn vadosog ‘ous ooogt AMO? NOISNWEKa odtor : ooogr cosy ” LINO? NOISNVEXA o0t99 SECTION 3: ASSESSMENT ‘The assessment for the completed road work is carried out through a statistical and sampling approach. 3.1. Road Weightage ‘The road weightage for all components are allocated in accordance to the five road categories. The weightage system is aimed to provide an objective score corresponding ‘to workmanship quali This weightage is developed based on the drivers’ visual perception and the component’ ability to provide comfor, safety, and assistance (ie. control) to the driver. It is deemed that each component will have different level of relevance for the different road categories, hence the different weightage as shown in Table 5. Table 5. Road Weightage for All Components Components Weightage by Road Categories (%) A 8 € D E Road Surface oo an 7 ig 7 ‘Slope & Retaining Structure 15 5 10 10 5 Drainage a a m0 = Bridge & Other Structures 7 18 10 10 5 TratfiefRoad Furniture | 20 20 20 20 20. Total Road Weightage (%) 100 100 100 100 400 3.2. Sampling ___ As it may be impractical to assess the whole length of the road projects, a sampling ‘approach is recommended. The sample size is developed from the Statistical formula’ of: N TENG? ‘Sample Size Total Length of Road in meters / Total Numbers of Elements Margin of error, the riek/error the assessor is willing to accept, generally this is + 5% * Biementary Sampling Theory, by Yamane 1967 ‘To determine an economical and practical sample size, a range of ¢ value was tested as follows: ‘Option Low Medium High Nom) 1000 1000 1000 € 10% 65% 2.5% n % 19% 62% From the above range, it is reasonable to adopt a minimum sample size of 20% or a minimum of one (1) complete sample. The maximum sample limit shall be determined by the assessor based on economic and practical considerations. ‘As a further guideline, the assessor may adopt a minimum or a maximum sample size as follows: + For roads less than 1 km in length, the whole section shall be assessed. + For roads where most elements are available, a minimum sample size of 20% is ‘sufficient * For roads with limited elements, the following practical sample size is recommended: ‘Sample size Road Category | Intersection* Lita (%) Length per ae Max sample (km) A 50% 20% Skm 4 Bt 25% 20% 5km 1 B2 50% C1 25% 20% Skm 1 c2 50% D 25% 20% 3km 05 = 50% NOTE! *& ofthe toll numberof intersections on tha project oad. The sample shall be selected based on the road chainage and each sample shell, as much as possible, cover al the 5 components to be assessed. 13 3.3 Weightage Guideline for Assessment 33.1 Road Surface "The weightage for Road Surface Elements are allocated as per Table 6. Table 6. Weightage for Road Surface Elements Weightage % Road Surface Elements Total Breakdown 4, Cartiagewa 70 Riging Quality 50 Safety 15 Aesthetic 5 2. Shoulder and Verge 20 3. Median 10 - Total 100 | nore: The hagas: weightage is gven toe carrageway element as ai raves onthe road cariageway. Therefore, {is mpnavo tat the csragoway le otto ght aly or anlonaty ar aft retora Th ead ‘Shoulder acs a tho emorgency lane ané Is gon a lover woightage. The lowest glen to the median which do not cary any rf 3.3.2 Slope and Retaining Structure A weightage for the Slope and Retaining Structure component is not applicable as each of the ements is equally relevant in determining the functionality of the slope. ‘The Quality Score ill be based on the number of compliance over the total number of elements assessed 3.3.3 Drainage The surface and underground drainage are equally relevant in its functionality and are given _equal weightage. However, each drainage elements are weighted based on its functionality, the purpose of the assessment, pipe/box culvert of less than 1.2m in diameter will only be Visuelly inspected at the inlet and outlet of the culvert. Whereas pipe/box culvert of 1.2m or ee in diameter shall be assessed on all the practical and accessible elements. ‘The weightage for the drainage elements are shown as per Table 7 Table 7. Weightage for Drainage : Weightage % / Drainage Elements Taal an 1, Surface Drain 50 Drain 30 : Drain Cover 5 B Sump 16 E : 2. Pipe/Box Culvert (Underground) 50 dst.2m | d>t.2m EB Culvert Body : 40 e Headwall and Wingwall 50 10 a Total 100 i NOTE: | ‘The highest weightage value is given tothe drainage element thats most afected in terms of is functionality 10 cay off water should ually fs compromised. The lowest weightage is alacatad to dain cover as is union for sally purposes: 15 Weighted as each is equally important in its functionality. However, each of the bridge and other structural elements are weighted based on its functionality. Table 8, Weightage Guideline for Bridge & Other Structures Weightage % Bridge & Other Structures Elements Total__| Breakdown 50 Bridge: Road / Pedestrian / Motorcycle Bridge Pier Abutment Bearing Pad Beam Deck Slab Surfacing Expansion Joint Parapet / Handrail Drain Pipe Staircase / ramp Roof Anan auaauan Structure Road Surface Drainage Road Markings Traffic Signs / VMS Exhaust Fan / Ventilation Fire Protection Lighting Plumbing Fire Detection System ‘Communication System Emergency Power System Power Distribution System Control Panel (control room) 50 ISN ORANG AATKNNOS OTAL 700 aes effects ighest weightage val is ven to the stuctual element that is most affected in terms ofits funetinalty lity be compromised. Accessories of the bridge ( roof, hand rail, toad markings) are given lower 16 3.3.6 Traffic/Road Furniture ‘The weightage for Traffic/Road Furniture elements are shown in Tabk Table 9, Weightage for Traffic/Road Furniture Element Weightage % Traffic/Road Furniture Elements ToT | Beanioan Marking 15 Traffic Calming 10 ‘Speed table 40 Traffic Sign 20 Electrical Devices 15 Traffic Signal 6 Pedestrian Signal 3 Variable Sign 3 Street Lighting 3 Pedestrian Facilities 10 ‘Sidewalk 5 Bus stop 5 Kerb 10 Roadside / Median Kerb 5 Traffic Island 5 Traffic Barrier 10 Guardrail 5 Concrete / Noise Barrier 3 Crash Cushion 2 Delineator 10 Flexible Pole 6 Road Studs 4 TOTAL 100 NOTE: “Tho higher weightage are allocates tothe elements that contol ra lw and gives vital information o (rac. “Thus, the lower the ffoct o the road user, the lowe the weightage. Examples of “good!” and “poor” quailty of road works are provided in the following pages. 7 ire 3. Examples of Road Surface Conditions: Poor riding quality caused by undulations Joint smoothness ensures good riding quali jeway with sufficient crossfall and vation istence surface colour Figure 4, Different Types of Road Surface Defects (Aesthetic): * Cracking ® Rutting * Bleeding Patching * Pothole 19 %® Visible Cracks at Rigid Surface e points firmly fixed d Furniture: Figure 6. Examples of Drainage Conditions: (Crack & Damaged * Vertical crack at drain wall Y Grating cover painted and level to frame %® Poor workmanship of grating cover and sump Functionality Y Clean culvert inlevoutlet % Siltation at culvert inlet/outlet 24 ure 7. Examples of Bridge & Other Structures Conditions: [3 | || ny Sign of distress 22 Figure 8. Examples of Traffic/Road Fur Crack & Damaged: Proper coverings of electrical wiring Wiring not covered 23 quality score of the completed road project is computed based on the number of total number of elements assessed and is recorded in the Quality scoring jure 3. total number of compliance and total number of item assessed as recorded in the site ssment form are summarised in the quality scoring form. The Quality Score for each cnet calculated as folows: Quality 5 Total Compliance age Score Total Assessed z, —Jotal Compliance Allocated Weightage xX 100% ee Total Assessed Total Actual Weightage ‘n= number of components Jal weightage is recalculated to take into account items that are not applicable for the roject. sore of each component are further weightage according to the respective road egssic = =, QualityScore X Road Weightage 1 = number of components 24 Woy 8109§ DISSVTO Jo ajduiexa “¢ eunB}4 Figure 3. Example of QLASSIC Score Form — ANNEX A (informative) QUALITY STANDARDS FOR ROAD SURFACE WORKS = avert Standards Tolerance ‘Assessment TL CARRIAGEWAY= = ae Seneral Requirements, iding Qualliy, a) Joint smoothness * Construction joints are smooth and flushed with the pavement surface ) Surface Regularity * Transverse irregularities do not exceed the allowable mit: Road Category A > Road Category 8 > Road Category C > Road Category D > Road Category E v + Roughness (measured in iane IRI) is not ‘more than the specified value ‘+ Maximum permissible number of longitudinal irregularities depth exceeding ‘4mm over a section length of 75m: > Road Category A > Road Category B > Road Category > Road Category D > Road Category E ‘© Maximum permissible number of longitudinal irregularities depth exceeding ‘Tmm over a section length of 75m: > Road Category A > Road Category B > Road Category C > Road Category D > Road Category E As per construction <4mm 4mm 8mm 8mm 12mm <2.0m/Kmn <9 nos. <9 nos. $18 nos. $18 nos. 27 nos. 1 nos. <1 nos. 2 nos. <2nos. General Requirements (contd) i) Riding Quality |b) Surface Reqularity (cont'd) | ‘+ For longitudinal direction, the maximum surface irregularities depth must not exceed: > Road Category A | ‘ > Road Category B 10mm a > Road Category C <10mm. Q > Road Category D 15mm | > Road Category E 15mm 15mm li) Safety 8) Surface Texture '* Surface has sufficient microtexture Asper | Portable Skid i: construction | resistance : spec. Tester or equivatant i * Surface has sufficient macrotexture Asper | Sand patch or construction | equivalent spec. b) Gradient + The surface grades, crossfall, and superelevation are functional with no Visual / waterponding Inclinometer ii) Aesthetics | a) Surface Appearance, Defects, and Cleanliness : + No visible cracks visual ( © No dragging marks Visual = No obstacles, wastes, loose materials, Visual ‘+ Has consistent color Visual ‘©The road surface has no improper patching Visual ; ‘+The road surface has no visible potholes Visual 3 ‘+ The road has no excessive rutting 5mm 3 metre a straight-edge ‘© The road has no visible shovings Visual : + No visible bleeding of the pavement Visual . ‘= For concrete pavement, no exposed Visual reinforcements “AQ iment Skid ico or ant ‘+ There are no visible cracking on construction joints + Construction joints are not constructed on wheelpath tem Element ‘Standards, Tolerance] Assessment Tool = CARRIAGEWAY (continued) = z irements (cont'd itl) Aesthetics b) Joints Appearance Visual Visual oy SHOULDERS AND VERGE” li) Aesthetics a) Gradient ‘+ The surface grades and crossfall do not cause waterponding or pose safety hazard + Height of shoulder should not be higher than road surtace or too low a) Turfing & Edge Defects ‘© Appropriate turfing. + No edge damage ) Surface Appearance, Defects, and Cleanliness No visible cracks No dragging marks © No obstack , wastes, loose materials ‘+ Has consistent color + No visible shovings + No undesirable disposal of waste construction material Not lower than 50mm Visual Inclinometer / Visual / Stee! measuring tape Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual -AS QUALITY STANDARDS FOR ROAD SURFACE WORKS (continued) ‘Standards Tolerance ia TS 324 a) Turfing & Edge Defects: b) Surface Appearance, Defects, and Cleanliness Appropriate turfing No edge damage Visual No undesirable disposal of waste construction material specie equrementsistandards L NOTE: This standard i primary for naw In ers of surface regulary and surtace roads of fevble pavements, For other types of pavernents, ‘exiure shall be 85 per contractual agreement -A4- ANNEX B (Informative) QUALITY STANDARD FOR SLOPE & RETAINING STRUCTURE WORKS item | Element Standards Tolerance | Assessment Pia | Genera i) Crack and | * No visible crack, damage and spalling Visual Damage ii) Joint, Filer | « No open joints Visual and gaps |. Noloose rock debris Visual * No missing or deteriorated joint filler and sealant Visual ii) Functionality | « No eroded area/erosion scar Visual : ‘+ No bare slope surface Visual iv) Finishing | + No undesirable vegetation growth Visual ‘+ Nodead, decaying or unstable trees Visual v) Installation | + Contact with soil undemeath Visual | 1. | Rock Slope F i) Crack and | * No severely corroded anchorage points Visual f area '* No damaged wire mesh or rock netting Visual * No signs of cracking and any defects at rock bolt Visual and concrete cover | ii) Installation | » Anchorage points must remain intact and firnly Visual IL fixed to the rock slope [== General Requirements Visual i) Crackand | 6 Damage ii) Joint, Filler | « and gaps No crack, damage and spalling of concrete surface No missing, deteriorated joint filler and sealant Gaps between facing panels are free from any undesirable vegetation growth Visual Visual Bt QUALITY STANDARD FOR SLOPE & RETAINING STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) Element Tolerance ‘Assessment Tool i) Functionality iv) Finishing «No sign of distress, settlement and tension crack, deformation, titing and bulging of the retaining structure ‘© Should not have visual exposure of groups of coarse aggregates resulting from grout leakage * No undesirable vegetation growth No debris from defense measures «No exposed rebar ‘+ No dislocation of masonry blocks Visual Visual Visual Visual TESLOPE DRAINAGE: General Requirements: i), Functionality «Free flowing and no ponding of water + No accumulated debris, undesirable vegetation and other obstructions in drainage channel 3 “Surface Drain 1) Crack and Damage Ii) Joint, Filer and gaps ‘+ No visible crack, damage, and spalling + No missing or deteriorated joint filler and sealant + No gaps between drainage and soil 36 ‘Subsurface Drain i) Crack and Damage ii) Functionality * No crack, damage and spalling of concrete surface + No traces of seepage + No obstruction in weepholes and pipe ends B2 QUALITY STANDARD FOR SLOPE & RETAINING STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) Element Standards Tolerance | Assessment ‘Surface water carrying services i oe * No visible damage Visual ii) Functionality | + No leaks at exposed water carrying services Visual iil) Installation | «Pipes properly supported and bent without Visual damage Buried water services i) Functionality |. No g) ter leaka ices Visual and 'No signs of water leakage from services ieee pe Equipment General 7 |) Crackand |. No stain mark Visual Damage Visual + No visible damage / defect tates + Nossign of corrosion veut i) Finishing |. Level and in aignment Visual ii) Installation |. Secured and sate Visual BS ANNEX C (Informative) QUALITY STANDARD FOR DRAINAGE WORKS. Item Element Standards Tolerance | Assessment i DRAIN Ta. | General Requirements 1) Crack and + No visible damage e.g cracks, Visual Damage leaks (1.2m distance from structure) ii) Joints and Gap |. Consistent joint width and neet Visual joint + Consistent gap Visual ii) Functionality |. Clear and free from sit, debris and Adel rowth vegetation growt vol + Flowing with no obstruction oF ponding water Visual ‘+ No erosion or scour in earth channel 2 DRAIN COVER 2a, | Ganeral Reauirements '), Joints and Gap | . No gaps between drain covers Visual + No gaps between side of drain Visual ji) Finishing ‘© Covers to be leveled with frames Visual | * Grating cover to be property Visual painted 3. 7 ‘SUMP 3a, | General Requiremer i) Functionality * Clear and free from silt, debris and Visual | vegetation growth | * Invert level at drain inlet is higher ea than drain outlet : : Visual + Sitting below invert level of incoming drains or culverts Visual + Free flowing with no obstruction il) Finishing _ Visual -C1 QUALITY STANDARD FOR DRAINAGE WORKS (continued) Element Standards Tolerance ‘Assessment 4a] General Requirement 1) Functionality | + Clear and free from sit, debris and Visual vegetation growth (Use torchiight) + Recent high water mark at up stream Visual not higher than culvert internal diameter + No sign of erosionésittation Visual * No visible water ponding (For dry Visual culvert) * Free flowing with consistent gradient Visual (for waterway crossing) (use ping pong ball) ‘+ End of pipe to be normal to the Visual headwall and centerline of the pipe 4b | Box/ Pipe Culvert Body (Steal |) Crack and ‘+ No erosion or rusting of ste! Visual Damage : + Steel member not fractured Visual ‘+ No permanent deformation Visual * No paint deterioration Visual 4) Joint and Gap | * No loose or missing fastener at Visual connection -c2 | i ‘ | QUALITY STANDARD FOR DRAINAGE WORKS (continued) Hem Element Standards Tolerance | A#sessment Je. | Box Pine Culvert Body (Consrsia) i) Crack and + Novisiole damage e.g large or deep eal Damage racks, leaks et. «Free from rust stain due to corrosion Visual of reinforcement i) Jointand Gap | + Assembled and jointed to line and Visual level 4d, | Headwall and Wingwall j) Crack and + No crack through the full thickness of Vaal Damage the wall ‘+ No honey combing or open texture Visual ‘+ Free from rust stain due to corrosion Visual of reinforcement ‘+ No sign of erosion, undermining and Visual settlement -c3 ANNEX D (Informative) QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS Element Standards Tolerance | Assessment | Tool ROAD/PEDESTRIANIMOTORCYCLE BRIDGE GENERAL 1) Crack and Damage y REQUIREMENT ‘* No horizontal or vertical crack Visual | at concrete structure * No crack or fracture at steel member Visual PIERS 1) Crack and Damage (pile caps end, * No rust siain/marine growth Visual Pier wall and at exposed surface column) + No tit or settlement Visual 2) Finishing + No material deterioration or Visual hhoney combing + No concrete discoloration Visual + Formwork joint not visible Visual ABUTMENTS |“) Crack and Damage (including + No deteriorating concrete in Visual hheadwall and areas that exposed to wingwall) roadway drainage + Construction joints at backwalls not crack or move Visual 2) Finishing + Notuststain in the exposed Visual concrete 'No stain or patching Visual No left over foreign material on finish surface Visual | ‘+ Formwork joint not visible Visual 3) Functionality ‘+ Drains and weep holes are clear and functioning properly Visual ‘+ No sign of erosion around the i abutment Visual 4) Installation ‘+ Interlocking abutment (if any) Properly installed Visual Dt QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) item Element ‘Standards Tolerance | Assessment Tool D. | BEARING PADS |~1) Crack and Damage . ing or tearing, either visual ically or horizontally ‘+ No bulging on the sides of the pads caused by Visual excessive compression € 2) Finishing ‘+ Nodebrisivegetation or f ponding water Visual + No variable thickness other than due to normal rotation Visual of the bearing 3) Functionality ‘+ No abnormal fattening due Visual to overloading + No displacement <3mm Stee! measuring tape = | STEEL i) Grack and Damage BEAMIGIRDER ‘Steel members show neither Visual corrosion nor rusting 2) Joints and Gap «No loose or missing fastener Visual 3) Finishing ‘= No deformation of steel Visual member D2 QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) item Element ‘Standards Tolerance] Assessment | Tool F._ | CONGRETE 1) Finishing | BEAM! + No spalling concrete, Visual GIRDER especially at point of bearing (Beam, Cross beam) + Expose concrete surface é free from rust stains due to Visual corrosion of reinforcement + Disintegrated concrete at area exposed to roadway Visual drainage | + Debris and standing water ot appear at the top of Visual 3 cross beams, : G._| STEEL DECK 1) Crack and Damage q SLAB ‘+ Steel members are not corroded Visual Te * No deformation of stee! 4 members Visual ie * Slab free from water leaking Visual Joints and Gap * No loose or missing fastener Visual at connection QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) Item "Element ‘Standards Tolerance ‘Assessment Tool H. | CONCRETE 1) Crack and Damage DECK SLAB + No surface defect especially Visual near the expansion joint 2) Finishing © No map cracking of wearing surface which develop by Visual reflection cracking of concrete deck ‘+ Smooth riding transition from ‘one pavement segment to Visual the next T_| SURFACING 4) Finishing «Pavement in good condition Visual with no potholes or cracks Proper crossfall Visual For pedestrian bridge, finish Visual materials are property install + Noloss of bond and Visual deamination No whee! track rutting Visual No settlement/depression at approach slab to abutment Visual J,_| EXPANSION 1) Grack and Damage JOINT + No water leaking Visual * No difference in level 10mm Steel measuring - tape 7 + No abnormal spacing Visual Finishing © Securely fixed/using appropriate material Visual D4 QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) Element ‘Standards Tolerance] Assessment Too! DRAIN PIPES 1) Crack and Damage * Pipes not damage Visual 2) Functionality * Drain opening and outlet Visual provided and no clogging + Evenness of scupper drain Visual + No entrapped water which Visual cause deterioration + No sand and debris at drain Visual ‘opening ‘+ No sign of leaking Vieual 3) installation © Proper drain direction Visual ‘+ Hanger properly located and Visual spacing. PARAPETHAND | 1) — Crackand Damage RAIL * No impact damage or Visual spalling at concrete 2) Joints and Gap * Concrete expansion joint to Visual be neat 3) Installation * Handrail joint provided at Visual correct location * Bridge parapet consistently Visual align to road carriageway * Hand raiting properiy fixed Visual + No loose or missing fasteners at every joints of seat steel member 4) Finishing ‘* Consistent painting for ste! Visual railing ‘+ Neat concrete finishing at all Visual jointing QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) item Element ‘Standards Tolerance | Assessment Tool Wi. | RAMPISTAIRCAS |~1)_ Finishing E «Consistent friction between Visual (PEDESTRIANIR ramp surface and motorbike AMP BRIDGE) tyre * Staircase with consistent Visual step height and landing width ( ‘+ Ramp with safe gradient for Visual motorbike | 2) installation | ‘+ Rampistaircase aligned with Visual pedestrian walkway N._| ROOF 1) Crack and Damage (PEDESTRIANIR ‘= No crack or damage Visual AMP BRIDGE) 2) Finishing «Roof properly fixed with no Visual loose jointing De ] QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) — ae it] | [tem Element ‘Standards Tolerance GENERAL, ‘Crack and Damage [ REQUIREMENT * No water leakage or water | penetration through concrete/stee! surface ‘+ No settlement occur in transition area 2) Joints and Gap | * No loose or missing connection bolt of fabricated E concrete, steel and cast iron liners, + Gasket between segmental tunnel liners not distodged Visual from the joint. 3) Finishing * Colour of wall to be bright Visual and clean B. | CONCRETE 1) Crack and Damage STRUCTURE * No crack or structure ing on Visual Cc. | STEEL 1) Crack and Damage STRUCTURE © Steel members are not Visual corrosion and crack + No buckles and kinks. Visual Dr QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) Tem Element ‘Standards Tolerance | Assessment —L iz Too! D. [ROAD SURFACE | 1) Finishing ‘+ Pavement in good condition Visual with no pot-holes, cracks or wheel track ratting * Proper crossfall Visual * No loss of bond and Visual delimitation | TRAFFIC SIGN 7) Crack & Damage + No visible damage (not bend, Visual broken or dented) 2) Visibility + Distinctly visible Visual F._ | MARKINGS 1) Visibility ae + Marking is distinct and clean Visual + Recto reflective of road marking Visual | DRAINAGE 7) Grack and Damage i: + No visible damage e.g Viswal cracks, leaks 2) Funetionality ‘+ Capable of handling water Visual flow ‘+ Sump pumps are clear of Visual debris to permit free flow through the drain H__| VENTILATION 1) Finishing SYSTEM + Allequipment in good Visual (Fan, airway, condition louver, motor operated and 2) Funetionality dampers) + Fan and associated motor ~ Visual operated dampers are operational + Airways (where accessible) Visual are free of obstruction and debris QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) tem Element ‘Standards Tolerance | Assessment Tool I | CONTROL PANEL | 1) Functionality * Control panel indicators are Visual functioning | Z| PLUMBING ‘Crack and Damage ° SYSTEM + Piping is free of leakage Visual Functionality ‘+ Plumbing fixtures are properly Visual install and function K_ [FIRE 1) _ instalation PROTECTION + Allequipments are properly Visual (Fire extinguishers, fixed, hose connections, piping, pumping | | 2) Finishing system, circulation * Fire protection storage tanks, Visual pumps and hose alarm and level switches in reels) ‘good condition 3) Functionality * Fire controt panel is functioning Visual UC [Power 1) Crack and Damage DISTRIBUTION * No sign of damage and Visual SYSTEM ‘overheating equipment ‘+ No damage or corrosion of Visual wiring system 2) Installation * Enclosure box covers and Visual conduit are in place and secure 3) Functionality © Motor controller properiy Visual operate QUALITY STANDARD FOR BRIDGE AND OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS (continued) “Ttem Element ‘Standards Tolerance ‘Assessment Tool M._| EMERGENCY 7) Functionality POWER SYSTEM ‘+ System is functioning when the normal power fails N. [LIGHTING 7) Crack and Damage ‘SYSTEM = No visible damage of all Vinal @ lightings ‘+ Bulb not burnt out Visual 2) Installation ‘+ Lighting is properly fixed and Visual clean 3) Functionality : ‘+ Sufficient lighting provided Visual ‘ ‘+ Lighting with different ranges Visual of nighttime and daytime illumination ©._|FIREDETECTION | 1) Crack and damage ‘ SYSTEM + Dill switch in good condition Visual 2 2) Functionality i * Annunciators and notification ua appliances are functioning Visual P| COMMUNICATION | 1) Functionality SYSTEM + Communication devices are Visual (SCADA, CCTV functioning Cameras, + Traffic signals property Visual telephone and operate radio) -D 10- eho SLA S ANNEX E (Informative) QUALITY STANDARD FOR TRAFFIC / ROADSIDE FURNITURE WORKS Element Standards Tolerance | Assessment ae Ee IRKINGS © General Requirements 1) Visibility + Marking is cistint and clean Visual J+ Recto reflective of road marking White= ‘90medix.m’, Drive on road valor (night) and 2 Rectro baeeeeecan roffective-meter il) Finishing '+ No other patches and spray and crack on Visual the painting * Markings is aligned to the edge line of the Visual road eT ‘Speed Hump / Speed Table |) Visibility ‘+ Painting is distinct and clean Visual fi) Fin ++ Interlocking pavers are properly interlocked with no missing pavers Visual |General Requirement ) Crack and *+ No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Visual Damage |i) Functionality | + Mounted facing the direction of the traffic Visual that is being served i) Visibiity ‘+ Sign face and painting is distinct, no paint Visual peeling and no debris on the signs + Sign face is not obstructed by any object Visual + Nighttime visibility Visual (Flash with Torch tight iv) Installation * Pole is sturdy, straight and secure PhysicaliPiumb Bob/Spirit level Et QUALITY STANDARD FOR TRAFFIC / ROADSIDE FURNITURE WORKS (continued) nt Item | Element Standards ‘Asseseme S Ge v) Finishing * Proper joint and no visible gap of the sign Visual face + Paint ofthe sign pole is clean & no patches Visual 4a | General Requirements i) Crack and + No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Visual Damage fi) Functionality | + Alllight bulb / LED ere lighted Visual + Push bution facility is operational when Visual pressed «Lighting covers the traffic lane continuously Visual | i.e. no zebra effect/ blackspot ii) Visibity + Distinct and clear Visual + Facing the traffic lane served Visual Iv) Finishing + Paintis clean ie. no bleeds or patches Visual + Reflective border is clear and not peell | ’ freee Visual | + Made good for the footing & its : | surrounding Visual Gj V) Installation | + Pole is sturdy and vertically straight Physical/Visual Plumb Bob/Spirit level | + Wire is hidden and wire casing is closed Viewat | + No displaced grass/landscape at Visual | foundation | + All components must securely installed Visual ‘Sa | Sidewalk and sail ] |) Crack and + No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Visual | Damage 1 | Ty Finishing + Surface is even and flat Visual | + Paint is clean and distinct Visual | + No overgrown grass Visual | 2 Item 6a Ta | | | QUALITY STANDARD FOR TRAFFIC / ROADSIDE FURNITURE WORKS ( Element Standards — Tolerance — PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES (continued) ii) Installation * Railing is sturdy 1) Crack and Damage fi) Finishing il) Installation Bus Stop (includes seats and ralings) + No sign of leaking + Fixtures are not damaged No overgrown grass or trees. * All components must properly painted * Fixtures are sturdy 6a_ | General Reauirement ’) Crack and ‘+ No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Visual Damage fi) Finishing * No overgrown grass. Visual * Paint is clean and distinct (no patches or Visual bleeding ) «Joint is not too wide 25mm (desirable) | Steel ruler il) Installation *+ Kerbs are installed consistently align to the Visual alignment 7a | Guardrail |) Crack and *+ No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Visual Damage il) Visiitty * Distinct and clean Visual ‘* Reflective strips are clearly to be seen Visual Finishing ‘+ No displaced grass/pavement at Visual foundation / made good to the foundation ‘+ Consistently aligned to the carriageway QUALITY STANDARD FOR TRAFFIC / ROADSIDE FURNITURE WORKS (continued) Item Element Standards Tolerance eee 7 ‘TRAFFIC BARRIER (continued) | iv) installation * Guardrail post is secure Physical/Visual + W-beam is securely bolted to the splice Visual and post * Guardrail joint is not against the traffic flow Visual 7b | Concrete & Noise Barier € 4) Crack and + No visible damage (broken, cracked or Visual Damage chipped) ii) Visibility + Paints are distinct & clean, no debris and ial no patches: + Reflective strips / sheets are clean and not Visual bend ill) Finishing + No overgrown grass Visual + No discolouration Visual 7c | Crash Cushion : BE 1) Crack and ‘+ No visible damage (broken, dented, Visual Damage cracked) ii) Visibility « Reflective strips are clean Visual ) Finishing + No overgrown grass Visual iv) Installation + Cartridge is inftated Visual ‘+ Crash cushion is facing on-coming traffic Visual flow aD SE DETINEATORI ROAD STUDS FLERE 8a | General Requirements i) Crack and * No visible dar (broken, dented, is fae Novi ie damage (broken, dented, Visual ‘+ Reflective sheet not peeling Visual fi) Visioiity * Reflective and clearly seen Visual + Seen during night time Visual (night time drive) ii) Installation | ¥ Securely installed Visual / Physical * Consistently aligned to the road Visual cariageway 4 ANNEX F QLASSIC ASSESSMENT FORM Component 1: Road Surface Project Name: Assessor 1 Project ID: oo asssr 2: Road Category: Date: pee eee eee eee Carriageway Type: Single/Dual Type of Surfacing CIDB | oy Wediar Cartagena, _][—Shaiierand verge Riding Quaity] Safety | Aesthetics | safety | Aesthetics Aesthetics -— Right Isample ber Right Len -~ [Right len Right sample ee itm From — to |) right [Total Compliance [Total Assessment Lf [Frolerance Table ‘General [GategoyA& legory 68 ‘Category E Riding Quaily 1) Joint Smoothness 4mam over 75m) =an08 1808 27 08 = Longitudinal ireguiariies (depth >7mm over 75m) nos £208 $3 nos = Maximum surface irregularities 510mm 215mm 15mm Safely Microtoxdure [As per Construction Specifications i) Macrotexturé [As per Construction Speciications [Assthetic 7) Ruting zon FI. ANNEX G ‘QLASSIC ASSESSMENT FOR Component 2: Slope and Retaining Structures cs cIPB@ ante pe: Seg OT fEenens = ang Spe Oaherae ‘ove Grand Sonics | Sope Fair Genera] Foe | — Sonal —] Sara] Sasa SIRATSC] SGC Wai Baad | — Gara easconens_| Sipe | senurenent agumans| bran’| Dron | carga” later | Ressrenons [3/3] 2) [3 g] ele 3 g Son | Ble ; : = UH TBE Hele | a] 312) .) 5/6) 5/8 2/3/8129] 8/2] 5] 2 slijalglale/ile slele/ileleja] else elelaia| alle ; elelelal ele sanste Seleleislels SIELEISISLEU BIE LEE a fens — fon — fra Jeera ice lem Pre Li} ft tt jo JRight arse fist fen Pe a tela fine fon) fran Jeanne fee ln fen) lr Kame flee fen Po a canoe five fen om fon) fre Jeane fen lew bo lo) lean Jeanne fiee len ew |_| le) fan ears en tonto (alee saree [len ftorFem — len) — fg “al Compliance Tat Asem nore ted rock lope, iid ane eft urace cover -Gt- ANNEX H SIDB@) -Ht- 1 XANNV ~. LXSNNV 44 HME ITED OPT PTE TS f PPE] TYE HAE] TAT eer ANNEX K (Informative) DEFECT GROUP FOR ASSESSMENT OF ROAD SURFACE WORKS. material/potholes No excessive rut No shovings/ Beedings No exposed reinforcement (concrete) Joints not cracked/on wheelpath 6mm ming Joints are smooth and As per Construction Specifications Quality flushed ‘Maximum Transverse A mm Regularity B saa c 8mm D &mm E 2mm Tatemational Rouchness inde: Sou ‘Maximum number of >4mm_[_>7mm_ | >10mm | >i6mm longitudinal egulartes A)~G nos. |i nos. | 0 0 | limtvoveratraverse |8] 2m8- | tos. | 0 | 0 | length of 75m ¢| 18n0s. | 2nos. | 2nos. o Dj 18nos. | 2nos. | 2nos. o E| 270s. | _3nos. | 3nos. 0 [Safety Microtexture ‘As per Construction Specifications | ‘Macrotexture As per Construction Specifications: Gradient Water drainable (No water ponding) ‘Aesthetics No cracks/dragging marks/patching No loose -Ki- ‘Shoulder and Verge DEFECT GROUP FOR ASSESSMENT OF ROAD SURFACE WORKS (continued) Safely No waterponding Shoulder not too low Not lower than 50mm, Aesthetics No cracks/dragging rmarks/patching No loose material/potholes No overgrown turfing No damaged edge of pavement No shovings/ bleedings No undesirable ‘construction waste Median ‘Rasthetics No overgrown turfing No damaged edge of pavernent No undesirable construction waste -K2- ANNEX L (Informative) DEFECT GROUP FOR ASSESSMENT OF SLOPE & RETAINING STRUCTURES WORKS & i os Crack & Damages | - No visible crack, damages end spalling + No corroded anchorage points (rock slope) + No damaged wire mesh/rock netting ‘Joints, filer & gaps_| + No open jointsiloose debris| «No missing/deteriorated fillers/sealant Functionality ~_No eroded area/bare surface Finishing ~ No undesirable vegetation/dead unstable trees installation ~ Contact with soil underneath + Anchorage is intact & firmly fixed (rock slope) Retaining Crack and Damage | No visible crack, damages and spalling | | Structure Joint, filers & gap | - No missing/deteriorated fillers/sealant + No undesirable vegetation at panel gaps Functionality + No signs of distress, seitlement, deformation, {ilting, bulging Finishing ~ No exposed aggregates/rebar + No undesirable vegetation +_No dislocation of masonry blocks Slope Drainage | Crack & Damage | - Crack, damage and spalling Joint filers & gaps | - No missing and deteriorated joint fillers/sealant + No gaps between drainage & soll (surface drain) Functionality ~ No seepage + No obstruction in weepholes/pipe ends | ‘Above ground | Crack & Damage | - No visible damage/ services Functionality = No leaks: Installation ~ Pipes properly supported, not damaged Slope Furniture | Crack & Damage | - No stain marksivisible damage/corrosion Finishing ~ Level and in alignment Installation | + Securedisturdy “Ue ANNEX M (Informative) DEFECT GROUP FOR DRAINAGE WORKS Drain Crack and No visible damages/cracks Damage Joint and Gap Consistent joint width and neat Consistent gap Functionality Clear and free from siltidebris/vegetation Free flowing with no ponding water No visible erosion or scouring in earth channel Drain Cover Joint and Gap No gaps between drain covers, side of drain Finishing Covers level with frame Gratings painted properly ‘Sump Functionality Clear and free from sitidebris/vegetation Free flowing with no ponding water Inlet invert level is higher than outlet Sitting below invert level of incoming drain Finishing Neat joints Culvert Crack and No erosionirusting/deformation (steel culvert) Damage No honey combed/open texture (headwalliwingwall) Functionality Clear and fres from silvdebris/vegetation ‘Water mark level at up stream not higher than culvert internal diameter Free flowing with consistent gradient and no ponding (dry culvert) Jointing and Gap ‘Assembied and jointed to line and level (concrete culvert) No loose or missing fastener (steel culvert) Crack and No visible damage/defect Damage Finishing End pipe normal to headwall and centre Surface smooth and even Free from rust stain -M1- DEFECT GROUP FOR ASSESSMENT OF BRIDGE & OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS ‘ANNEX N (Informative) 8 be ‘Above ground structure / bridge Crack and Damage No visible crack/defect/fracture No corrosion’ fracture/deformation of steel members No tit’settlement (pier, expansion joint) ‘No deterioration of concrete (abutment) No splitting/tearing/bulging (bearing pads) No abnormal spacing (expansion joint) No leakages (drain pipes) Jointing and Gap 'No cracked joints (abutment, joint) No loose/missing fastener (steel beamigirder, slab, roof) Functionality Drainsiweepholes/outlets are clear ‘No abnormal flattening (bearing pads) No debris / ponding water (beams, siab, drain) Evenness (soupper drain) Finishing 'No deterioration/honey comb (pier, beam) No debris/vegetation/ponding (beating pads) No variable thickness other than normal rotation (bearing pads) No deformation of steel members (steel beamigirder) No spalling concrete No rust stains No pot holes (surface) Proper crossfail (surface) No rutting (surface) Consistent painting Consistent step height & landing width (Stairs) Safe gradient (motorcycle ramp) installation Hanger properly located and spaced (drain pipes) Fixtures securely fixed (handrail) Consistently aligned to road (parapet) Ramplstaircase aligned to pedestrian walkwa -Nt- DEFECT GROUP FOR ASSESSMENT OF BRIDGE & OTHER STRUCTURE WORKS, (continued) Underpass / Vehicle Box Culvert, Tunnel Crack and Damage No water leakages No settlement No crack’spalling No corrosion/buckle/kinks No visible damage/cracks No overheating (equipments) Jointing and Gap No loose/missing connection bolt No dislodged gasket Functionality No ponding Clear of debrisiobstruction (drain, airways) Equipments are operational (dampers, control panel, fire control, communication) Equipments are operational when power failure (emergency power system) No burnt bulbs Consistent lighting (no blackspots/zebra effects) Finishing ‘Clean wall No potholes/cracks/wheel track rutting (surface) Proper crossfall No loss of bond/delamination (surface) Equipments in good condition/clean Visibility ‘Markings is distinct (pavement marking) Recto reflective of road markings installation’ Equipments are securely installed (lightings, electrical equipments) Box covers are in place & secured @ 90 -N2- BO DEFECT GROUP FOR ASSESSMENT OF TRAFFIC & ROADSIDE FURNITURE WORKS: ANNEX O (Informative) Pavement | Visibility Marking is clearly seen Markings, Night time visibility Finishing No other patches / crack Properly / uniformly align Traffic Visibiity Marking is clearly seen noe ‘Aesthetic No missing pavers “Traffic Sign | Crack & Damage | -_ No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Functionality ‘Sign is facing on-coming traffic Visibility ‘Marking is clearly seen Night time visibility Installation ‘Sturdy & straight Finishing No visible gap & proper joint of the signage face Paint of the signage pole is clean_& no patches Electrical Crack & Damage No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Devices Functionality All bulb & LED is lighted Push button is functional when pressed No blackspot and zebra effect Visibility Message/Symbolis clearly seen Finishing Paini/reflective border is clean/not peeling Made good at foundation Trstalation Sturdy & straight Wiring is hidden & covered ‘No displace turfing at foundation Pedestrian | Crack & Damage 'No visible damage (broken, dented, rusty) Focilties No leakage (bus stop) Finishing ‘Surface is flat & even Paint is clean No overgrown grass instalation Fixtures are sturdy Kerb Grack & Damage No visible damage (crack, broken} Finishing No overgrown grass Painting is clean Kerb joints not too wide installation Consistently aligned to road -O1- DEFECT GROUP FOR ASSESSMENT OF TRAFFIC & ROADSIDE FURNITURE WORKS. (continued) sibility Clearly seen (day & night) Finishing + No displaced grass at foundation + No discolouration (concreteinoise barrier) + Consistently aligned to road Installation + Postis secure/securely bolted + Joint is not against traffic low + Cartridge is inflated (crash cushion) Delineator | Crack & Damage | - No visible damage (crack, broken) Visibility = Clearly seen (day & night) installation ~ Securely installed Consistently aligned to road -02- U ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘The committee which developed this Malaysian Construction Industry Standard consists of the following representatives: Ir Sia Han See (Chairman : 2009 - 2010 April) Construction industry Development Board Ir Mukhtar Che Ali (Chairman : 2010 May - Present) Construction Industry Development Board Mohammad Faizal Bin Abdul Hemid (Secretary) Construction Industry Development Board Ir Shamsuddin Bin Sabri f Highway Planning Unit, Ministry of Abdul Aziz Bin Ahmad Works, Malaysia Zahratul ‘Ula Binti Mohamad Ibrahim/ Mohd Faizan Ibrahim Malaysia Highway Authority I Assoc Prof Adnan Bin Zulkiflie! Ir Chin Kar Keong The Institution of Engineers Malaysia Ir Anuar Bin Abdul Mohd Aris! ‘The Association of Consulting Engineers Ir Hamzah Bin Ismail Mataysia ‘Asmaniza Bintl Asnan/ Johari Jivisol Abduiah PLUS Expressway Berhad

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