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English Newsletter for P3K-Indonesian Embassy in Singapore

3rd edition, February 2011, (50 cents for donations)

The Sharing
Editor’s note Some of our friends share the story about their day off…
The fieldtrip
Dear readers,
P3K SIS (Sekolah Indonesia Singapura)
Yeah, is exam time for all the The profile
participant of P3K program in SIS. Ibu SRI, 55 years old who still love learning @ SIS
Well, hope everybody do well this
term and have enjoyable time @ SIS.

This 3rd edition we have conducted

interview with Mr.Fahmi about P3K @
SIS.My day(s) off is the theme for
the sharing for this edition. Read
interesting story from Sri Yuliati and
Mubasitoh about their day(S) off Patricia Neal

As in our edition before, you will

patricia neal
find, the profile, quiz, useful
information, and survey.
The team
Enjoy reading, guys..
Ristanti Ningrum (81199191)
( )
Mumbasitoh (82277598)
Mariana (81462921)
Kuswati (
Supervised by :
Endang Susilowwati
Rista Amalia yaniarti (
Wulan aquarianti
( )

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 1

The sharing

There are many activities, which we could do on our day off. Some of us, enjoy going shopping, going to
many places of interest, just hanging out with friends, or a lot of us are spending our day off studying.
It is not uncommon for Domestic Worker to take classes nowadays. There are many options too, on
what we are interested at, or where we would like to study. Our day off are vary too, from once a
month, twice, or even every Sundays and Public Holidays.

Sri Yuliani and Mumbasitoh share their story about their day(s) off.

2010, and since then I have day off 2 times a

month. I feel that my day off now more
meaningful than last time. I choose English
course because I have a wish, one day in the
future, I would be able to help the poor
children in my country. I wanted to be social
English teacher, that is my
My name is Sri Yuliani, I came from Lampung. I
have been working in Singapore since August
“I don't like to go to
2006 to Mr.Tan family. They are very kind,
so I am happy to work for them. shopping, because I always
disappointed after I had
My first day off was in December, it spent a lot of money for
was Hari Raya Haji.Since that, my buying unnecessary stuff.”
Employer gave me off day once a
month, from 9 am to 7 pm. I went out Sri Yuliani (83677513)
with my friend, Yati. She taught me how to
take MRT, as it was new to me and I didn’t
know how. Together we visit many places in
Singapore like Vivocity, City plaza, Lucky plaza,
East coast park, Pasir ris park, Botanic Garden,
Orchid garden also Trapeze in Sentosa.

I like to visit nature places and beaches. I felt

very happy about going to these places.

One day my friend told me about a study

program in SIS, that was

interest me. I discuss about it with my Employer

and I am so grateful that they allowed me to take
class in SIS. I took English class since February

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 2

*Similar story from Mariana Kareri

I called it “a dream
I could go back to comes true” school. It was my first day off
after I had been working in Singapore for 2 years.
I started work on June 2007, and just get a day off
on June 2009. I couldn’t wait any longer I
wanted to be free for just a day. Before I had day off, was very sad, bored and lonely for me.

But on my first day class every first and third week.

Mumbasitoh (82277598)
off, I had no idea, My day off which was once a
where should I go month before, becomes twice
to spend my precious time. I was thinking, I but half day. I spent the time in class as I felt it
should go someplace, where I could get is very exciting and interesting. From then on, I
something valuable for myself and for my felt very happy, I could meet friends, make new
future as well. friends and learned English as well.

Oh.. just a moment. I remembered my friend I always imagined if I could speak and write
told me about an education program by KBRI English, I would find job easily. At least I could
Singapura, such as English and Cooking class. So be tour guide or I could give private English
I decided to call the KBRI for help. fortunately lesson. This will give me much more benefit
somebody answered my call, and told me to go especially in my future financial.
to Sekolah Indonesia Singapura in 20A Siglap
rd. Well.. I reached there on time. I went to the Nowadays I got 4 days off and I will spend it for
secretariat and told them I would like to enroll learning, and improving my skill and experience.
the English class. With welcome and friendly I wouldn’t want to waste my time for nothing or
just wondering around. I would fill my free time
manner, they explained to me and gave me a
with studying.
form to fill in. Since July 2009, I attend English

The fieldtrip

Education & Learning Centre @ SIS

The Education and Training Centre for Indonesian
Domestic Worker in Singapore by Indonesian Embassy in
Singapore is conducted in Sekolah Indonesia
Singapura(SIS) located in 20A Siglap rd,Singapore. This
program known among the Indonesian community as
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kerja (P3K). The centre
was officially opened on 15 March 2009 by Ms.Herawati
Wirayuda wife from Indonesian foreign Minister
Mr.Hasan Wirayuda. The classes in this centre was
actually started on 23 January 2009, with program
conducted were English, Computer, Senior Secondary
SIS, 20A Siglap rd school equivalency(packet c), Junior High school

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 3

Equivalency(packet B), University for Long Distance Learning(UT/Bachelor program). As many as 525 participants took part
for the first term, with some of them took more than 1 program.

The computer
classThe secretariat for education training centre

The history of P3K itself dated back as far as 2003.This is when Indonesian Embassy which located in 7 Chatsworth rd
Singapore, has a program for Indonesian DW every alternate Sunday , which called “pelatihan dwi mingguan (2 weekly
training).Through this program they had been taught English and Mandarin. But it wasn’t well organized, as who were
joining, or how the progress was. It was more providing a safe place to “hang out” to prevent them from any bad influence.
Although they did some learning, they didn’t get a real appreciation from the Indonesian Embassy.

This situation force the Embassy Authority to think about a way, to improve the program so all the participants would be
able to receive a certificate as it is necessary to keep them motivated.

Indonesian Embassy also thought is necessary to open the centre as this will be one of the efforts to protect Indonesian
working in Singapore which include 3 steps. Which are : early detection, prevention, and protection. By opening this
education and training centre Embassy is providing a place to learn, do positive things and avoid bad influence, which
hopefully will keep them away from any problem either with employer or with Singapore authority.

Another reason is to fulfill the Embassy duty to Indonesian who works in other country, which is to prepare them when they
are back to Indonesia. With the knowledge that they get,

hopefully they will be more prepared to stay in Indonesia

and don’t have to work in other country again.

Seeing the need to open the centre, the Embassy formed a

team to prepare all the necessary things including went to
Jakarta to get the permission from the Ministry of education.
By Dec 8,2008, the team has confirmed the ability to open
the centre except that they still need to get more Computer
unit to have a proper computer class. This problem was
solved with help from “Dharma Wanita Singapore” who
Mr.Fahmi Aris Inayah the head of the P3K team donated $50.000. Finally the team was able to prepare 3
computer classrooms with 60 unit computer altogether in a

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 4

Today the centre has seen a lot of improvement. Starting from term 1 in 2010, another class had been

added which is sewing class. The number of participants Indonesian domestic worker. This will proof that we are
keep growing too. It was 525 in the first term, then 600, 700 willing to study too and we are not low educated as they
and 858 for second term, third and fourth respectively. thought.
Altogether there are 34 teachers. All of them are Indonesian
either working as teacher at SIS or some of them are In the future, P3K has a plan to start another class which are
housewife who enjoy teaching on Sunday. hairdressing and cooking class. Also they have target to get
ISO in the future so they will keep improving the program and
As Mr. Fahmi said, the Ministry Of Manpower Singapore has stabilize it.
acknowledged about this centre and has expressed their
support. The Employer in Singapore has given positive Beside the regular activity above, occasionally there will be
response too. Every Sundays ,there will be employer(s) who interactive dialog with Parliament members who come from
come down to SIS just to check out this training centre and Jakarta. The most recent was held on January 23, with 4
registered their helper to take class there. This is a good sign. speakers coming. There are sport activities too that we can
Hopefully with this program will change the view given to join such as volley ball, badminton or table tennis.

Classes conducted @ SIS, Registration are open till end of February except for UT is 14 February

No Program study Time Fee other(s)

1 Computer ( Basic & advance) every Sunday 50$ for 1 term of minimal attending
10.00 – 16.30 * 6 months twice a month**
2 English ( Basic & Advance) every Sunday 50$ for 1 term of minimal attending
10.00 – 14.30 * 6 months twice a month**
3 Senior high school equivalency Every Sunday 50$ for 1 term of minimal attending
(packet C) 10.00- 13.00 6 months twice a month**
4 Junior High School Every Sunday 50$ for 1 term of minimal attending
( packet B) 10.00- 13.00 6 months twice a month**
5 Sewing (Basic, Intermediate & Every Sunday 50$ for 1 term of minimal attending
Advance) 10.00- 13.00 6 months twice a month**
6 University for Long distance (UT) Flexible 350$ for first semester
7 Mandarin (basic) 1st and 3rd week Free
st rd
8 Arts ( music & dance) 1 and 3 week Free
9 Spiritual ( Al Qur’an reading) 1st and 3rd week Free
10 IT training Every Sunday More info please call By PMUT
13.15-15.00 94839347
nd th
11 Beauty class 2 & 4 Sunday More info please call By PMUT
11.30-13.00 94839347

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 5

The Profile

Bunda, or Ibu Sri, that’s how she is well known

among her classmates. For the last 2 years she
has been taking English course in SIS, Siglap. We “Never too Old, to learn..
decided to feature her profile here, hopefully Sri
can be the inspiration for all of us the younger
generation. All her family was safe thought. Few months
after this disaster, her father passed way,
probably from stress.

With nothing to hope for in Indonesia, She

decided to go back to work in Singapore. She is
fortunate because her former employer would
be happy to employ her again after 4 years

Now, at 55 years old, she is happily working in

Singapore. Her Employer treated her very well
as a part of their family. She has every Sunday
days off and she spent it to study. She had
completed Computer course for a year for basic
and advanced class. And now she is taking
She has been working in Singapore for total 12 English class for the final level which is Continue
years, with 4 years break after 8 years working. 2. She is happy for now she is able to operate
The first time she decided to work was because computer and speak English better.
she was separated from her husband and she
Her family has a home now. She is planning to
had to take care of her son. She determined to
keep working until she is 60 years old, so that
be able to send her son to get a proper
she would finish her house and has enough
education, although she had to work hard for it.
Around that time, her mother was diagnosed
with cancer and need regular check up for 2
years before she passed way. We can only do our
She kept working until 8 years and her son was best, what happen
married. After that, she planned to stay home next GOD will take
enjoy living with her family and help to look care of it. Be sincere
after her grandchildren.
in what you are
Until 2006, Yogyakarta where she lived was doing..
struck by earthquake. This earthquake caused
her family’s house to be destroyed. Homeless. Sri..
 S

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 6

Creativity site

Prawn balado
Ingredients: ~prawns My plight
~shallot Here , I am…
~garlic In a foreign country, away from my family…
salt Living with strangers, just to earn money..
Big red chilies With no one to talk to, don’t really know what to do..
Methode : Alone, I pass the days in solitary
~Fry prawn until just cooked For one hope and one dream in my heart only
Pass the time with only a determination
~process chilies in the blender
I could and I will….
~Slice shallot and garlic Although I feel time pass really slow.
~Mixed blended chilies with I have to stay on, and keep my hope alive
other ingredients and sauté till
fragrant. I miss my family and my home town
~Put in fried prawns Memories about them, made me strong
As if could give me strength to stay and fight…
~ Serve, garnish with coriander
leaves if desired. Had occurred to me, why all this happened
why I have to be here
sounded weak , answer in my heart
All of it, is just for a mouthful of rice
No one ever dreamt or even thought about this way of
life, no one…

By Ana kristianti

Send us your favorite recipe or your

poem to be feature in this page.
 We would wait for your ideas @

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 7

Upcoming events

Volleyball Ambassador championship by
Date : March 6,2011 @ 10 am- finish
SMS you answer to 81199291(rista)
Venue : Sekolah Indonesia Singapura,20A
Siglap rd. When is the P3K officially opened?
Registration $ 30 per group.
Contact : Heni(85094496) Nia(82041158) a. 23 January 2009
Nung(98934368) Yati(82545197) b. 15 March 2009
Sumarni markasan (98774645) Our Winners :
Journalistic Sharing session with Singapore 1st edtion : Kaisem (94829008)
Journalist 2nd edition : Mariana
Time : 16.00-18.00, March 6,2011
Venue : SIS, 20A Siglap rd
Readers Survey
Limited to 20 participants, FREE of charge

IFN 5th birthday gathering

Time : 10.00-16.00, 20 February 7, 2011 How did you feel since
Venue : Meeting point @ Lakeside MRT will
continue to Chinese garden together.
you have worked in
Singapore I am happy
because I can
Next edition send money for
my family

The Sharing I am so stressful

working with
My unforgettable moment in Singapore my current
Tell us about your experiences employer
(happy,sad,touching,etc) that you couldn’t I love my self
forget. for being
The fieldtrip independent
Place of interest that I had visited in
I am sad and
miss my family
Special Thanks

~Indonesian Embassy Authority in Singapore

Next Edition Survey
~Sweet writing and contribution from:
(sms your answer to Rista(81199291)
~Sri Yuliati
~Mumbasitoh What do you do on your day9s) off?
~Ana kristianti a. Go to a class to improve my knowledge
~Mariana Kambu Kareri b. Meet some friends
Lovely pictures from Ms.Suryatmaning Hany, c. Go for shopping with friends
Annie,& Siti Masrokah. d. Just stay home to rest
e. keep working to earn extra money

Thanks for your support

All the donations will go for our English program Development @SIS, especially SPEAK UP journalistic workshop plan.

SPEAK UP News Letter, 20A Siglap rd. Page 8

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