Снимок экрана 2020-09-22 в 10.05.28

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Diagnostic assessment

(the 8th grade)

Name_________ Surname_______ Date_________
At the end of Grade 7 Student:
identifies the main idea and logical order in the listened/read passages
expresses and shares ideas on the topic in oral and written form
follows punctuation marks and uses correctly

1.Groups the words/expressions.
2.Identifies the main idea on the text.
3.Chooses the right tense forms.
4.make up sentences using the Present Perfect.

1.Read the passage and do tasks 1-2.

Earthquakes are one of the most frightening happenings of nature. Today the
study of earthquakes has grown greatly. At the present time the scientists do
not have enough knowledge to inform people about the time and size of
1.The passage is mainly about……
A ) A group of organizations B)Earthquakes C)Various areas D)Thunder
2.Earthquake is:
1.very bright flash of light in the sky
2.containing gas
3.one of the most frightening happening of nature.
2.Her jacket is dirty. It needs …
A) cleaning B) cutting C) shortening D) ironing E) decorating
3.The grass is very long. It needs ….
A) growing B) watering C) cleaning D) sweeping E )cutting
4.My friends have not visited the Eiffel Tower ….
A) just B) yet C) already
5.We live on…Earth.
a ) an b)___ c)the d)a
6.Choose the correct modals.
You…interrupt people while working.
A )can b)must c)must not d)have not to
7.Choose the correct modals.
You… can different books from library.
a ) give b)lend c)borrow d)buy
8.Choose the correct variant.
a) listening b )watching c)looking d)reading
9.Complete the proverb.
East or West….
A) House is best B) home is best C) country is best D)city is the best

10.Their team won the match …… a) two weeks ago b) in two weeks c) next
11.Teachers give students a recommendation that they are…
A) caring and lazy B) fair and dishonest c) responsible and cooperative
12.The opposite of the word ‘’honest’’
a ) helpful b ) rude C)dishonest D)cooperative

13.Choose the correct variant.

Arthur was a little boy but he …swim better than me.
A)could C)can B)may D)must
Put the sentences in the correct order.
14.Nigar /yet/seen/all places of interest /has not
15.They /e-mailed /have/Gabriella/already
16.Isabella /done/the washing/has not /yet
17.We/hungry/are/not. We/had/lunch/have/already.
18.Big Ben is the biggest clock in…. A ) Baku B)Istanbul C)Moscow
19.Choose the correct preposition.
The song Day after Day brought a great fame...Azerbaijan …2008
to, at B ) to ,in C)in , on D)at ,in
20.Choose the correct conjunction.
Computers are the main part of our life today … they help us to
that B ) and C)but D)or
Correct answers_____
Incorrect answers_________
The unanswered___________


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