DLP - English 4 - Q1-Q4

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Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identifies stressed syllables

Values: Love of nature

II. Subject Matter:

Stressed Syllables
Poem - "All Things Bright and Beautiful"

References: Everyday English 4, Reading p. 5

PELC 1.1 Listening, 1.1 Speaking, 1.1 Reading
Materials: pictures, real objects, poem, chart, cut-outs

III. Procedure
A. Motivation
Field trip around the school.
We have seen many things around our school.
What are these things?

B. Presentation:
Today, we are going to study a poem about these beautiful things around us.

C. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Make use of the dictionary to see the stressed syllable in the word and its meaning.
1. beautiful
2. creatures
3. great
4. wise
5. wonderful
 Ask pupils to read these words with emphasis on stressed syllables. These words are to be
used in sentences by the pupils.

D. Reading of the poem by the teacher with stressed syllables.

E. 1. What are the things found on the first stanza?

2. Who made all these things?
3. How about the second stanza? What beautiful things are mentioned here?

F. Aesthetic Discussion:
Did you like the poem? What stanza did you like best? Why?

G. Value Focus
God has given us beautiful things around. How can we show our appreciation and love to
these things?

H. Reading of the poem by the teacher. (for the second time)

The teacher explains what stress is.
I. Generalization:
What is a stressed syllable?

J. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided exercises:
(Teacher distributes cut-outs of fruits to the pupils)
Read the word written on the cut-out and identify the stressed syllable. If the stress is on
the first syllable, put the cut-out in Basket A; if its on the second, in Basket B; and if its on
the third, in Basket C.
2. Independent Exercises:
Read the following words and write first, second or third on your paper to show which
syllable is stressed.
1. tiny
2. little
3. will
4. wonderful
5. greenwood
3. Writing Phase
Write 2-3 sentence paragraph about the things you have seen around our school, using
words with stressed syllables.

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the following words. Write 1 if the stress is on the first syllable, 2 if its on the second .
and 3 if its on the third.
1. lightning
2. caterpillar
3. volcano
4. forest
5. insect

V. Assignment:
Underline the stressed syllable in each word.
1. ambulance 4. program
2. community 5. contribution
3. information


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identifies stressed syllables in words

Values: Forest conservation

II. Subject Matter:

Unstressed Syllables

References: PELC1.1Listening,1.1 Speaking, 1.1 Writing

Fun in English 4 TM, pp. 2-4, TX pp. 2-6
The Modern Teacher, Vol. L No. 1 June 2001 p. 32
Materials: pictures, cut-outs of different trees

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Review
What is a stressed syllable?
What is marked with an accent?
Go to the board and box the stressed syllable of the following words.
beautiful creatures wonderful
glowing mountain
 Motivation
(Teacher shows pictures of a forest and a denuded mountain.)
Class, take a look at pictures A and B. What do you see in picture A? In picture B? Are
there trees that cover the mountain in picture B?

B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Use the dictionary to see the syllabication, meaning and the pronunciation of the words.
1. forests. 4. generation
2. refreshing 5. support
3. replaced 6. revolution
2. Reading of the poem by the teacher with stressed and unstressed syllables to be given
3. Intellectual Discussion
1. What covers forest?
2. What makes a country live and fresh?
3. What makes the environment dean and refreshing?
4. Value Fusion

As a good citizen, how can you help maintain the forest?
If we plant trees today, who will be benefited?
How can we conserve our forests?
5. Generalization
What are unstressed syllables?
6. Practice Exercises
A. Guided practice
Class let's play the game "Plant a Tree". Get a cut-out of a tree. Read the printed
word on it. Say the unstressed syllables then plant it on the mountainside.
1. chlorophyll
2. filament
3. dicot
4. monocot
5. corolla
B. Independent Exercises
Copy the following words. Cross out the unstressed syllable/syllables in each word.
1. gumamela 4. ornamental
2. stomata 5. photosynthesis
3. pollination

IV. Evaluation:
Write down the correct spelling of the words that I'll dictate.
1. refreshing 4. forests
2. generation 5. support
3. revolution

V. Assignment:
Divide the following words into syllables.
Box the unstressed syllables and underline the stressed syllable.
1. grasses 4. ramie
2. ampalaya 5. fibrous
3. cabbage


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Recognizes pauses and stops in utterance that signal meaning

Values: Honesty

II. Subject Matter:

Pauses and Stops in Utterance that Signal Meanings

Reference: PELC IV 1.2 Listening

Fun in English language, pp. 30-32
Materials: flashcards, chart

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Checking of assignment on stressed and unstressed syllables
2. Motivation
Read the paragraph correctly.
Sandra loves to swim. One day, her classmate invited her to Batangas for a weekend
holiday. She told her classmate that she had to ask permission first from her father. That
afternoon, when her father arrived, she followed him to his room.
What punctuation marks are used? What did you do when you see a period? A coma?
Do you know that the pauses and stops you make in reading sentences change their

B. Presentation:
Class, today we are going to read a dialog. Observe the pauses and stops. Listen as I read the
1. Comprehension check-up
 How many girls are standing at the other side of the street?
 What is my sister wearing?
 Who is the girl wearing white pants?

2. Developmental Lesson
Let us read the sentence.
Barbie, that girl in red, is my sister.
 Who is Barbie?
 What punctuation mark is used after Barbie and red?
3. Read the dialogue by pairs using pauses and stops.
4. Value Infusion

What character trait does Gracia possess?
5. Generalization
What punctuation mark is used to mean a pause or stop?
6. Practice Exercises
A. Guided Practice
Read these sentences aloud. Pause briefly at a comma. Put the -sentence which means
talking to, in the first box and the sentence which means talking about, in the second box.
1. a. Rey, that boy in a blue T-shirt is 'my cousin. (2"d box)
b. Rey, that boy in a blue T-shirt, is my cousin. (1st box)
B. Independent Practice
Copy the sentence. Listen and use comma to indicate pauses and stops.
1. Jenny the old man with a cane is my grandfather. (talking to Jenny)
2. Roy the boy with a red cap is my shop teacher. (talking about Roy)
C. Writing
Write 2 sentences talking to song using pauses and stops.

IV. Evaluation:
Copy the sentences. Listen and place the comma correctly.
1. Remy that girl in red dress is my friend. (talking about Remy)
2. Josh the handsome boy is my son. (talking to Josh)
3. Jiv the boy singing is my nephew. (talking to Jiv)

V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences talking to someone using pauses and stops.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Recognizes rising and falling intonation in sentences

Values: Respect for elders

II. Subject Matter:

Rising and Falling Intonation

Dialogue: Nene and her Friend

References: PELC 1 Speaking, Fun in English (Language) TX p. 13
Materials: Chart

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Drill
Ask pupils questions such as:
Do you like fish balls?
Where do you live?
 Review
What punctuation mark is placed after a question?
 Motivation
Do you have a friend? Do you often go somewhere with your friend?

B. Presentation:
1. Today, we're going to read a dialogue about Nene and her friend.
2. Comprehension check-up
 Where did Nene go one Sunday morning? Where does her friend go?
 Does Nene want to go with her?
3. Value Infusion
Whenever you wish to go some place, do you always ask for your parent's permission?
4. Reading of the dialogue by the pupils (by team) with emphasis on the rising and falling
5. Development of the Skill
Going back to the dialogue, which of the questions have rising intonation? Which of the
questions have falling intonation?
6. Generalization
What answer can be given to question with rising intonation?
7. Practice exercises

A. Guided Exercises
Listen to each sentence that I'm going to read. Stand up when you hear the falling
She's coming?
You're going?
He's hungry?
B. Independent Exercises
Listen to these sentences. Write R if it is rising and F if it is falling.
1. You're going to work.
2. I am happy.
3. Is mother coming?
4. She's going to help?
5. The visitors are here.

IV. Evaluation:
Listen as I read these sentences. Draw  in the box if it has rising intonation, and if it has a
Falling intonation.
1. Is it sweet?
2. They're coming.
3. She's resting.
4. He's busy.
5. We're ready.

V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences with rising intonation, and 5 sentences with falling intonation. Read them
orally to class tomorrow.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Writes the correct spelling of words with silent letter /k/

Values: Forest conservation

II. Subject Matter:

Writing Words with Silent Letter /k/

Using Guide Words

Reference: PELC 1 Writing, 1.1 Speaking

A handbook of Spoken English for Filipino 4 pp. 232, Work Study 4 p. 45
Materials: poem on manila paper, dictionary, cut-outs

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Checking of Assignment
 Motivation
Have you received a gift on your birthday? Was it placed in a box? Were you excited to
open it?

B. Presentation:
Class, today, we're going to read another poem “A Knick From Kick “.

C. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the meaning of these words using the dictionary through the use of guide words.
Knavery - knock
Knick knock

D. Reading of the poem by the teacher

E. Comprehension Check-up
1. What is the title of the poem?
2. What can you see inside the box?
3. Who send it back?

E. Aesthetic Discussion
Did you like the poem? Do you think the boy was happy when he received his get?

G. Value

Do you appreciate someone who gives you a gift? How will you treasure your gift?

H. Reading of the poem by the teacher (Second Reading)

Identify the words with silent letter /k/ found in the poem.

I. Reading of the poem by the pupils giving emphasis on the words with silent letter /k/

J. What words are located in the following guide words?

(Give 3 guide words and words in it for your selection.)
K. Generalization
Let the pupas formulate a rule about words with silent /k/ by asking them what follows /k/
when it is not sounded?

L. Practice Exercises
1. Guided Exercise
Distribute balloon cut-outs with printed words with /kn/. Let the pupils read and spell the
word orally, then paste the cut-out on a manila paper.
knick knob knap-sack
know knee knock-out
2. Independent Exercise
Complete the sentences using the words in the box below:
knocked knight knees
knew kneel known
1. Sir Clumsy was an ordinary
2. Sir Clumsy was throughout the kingdom.
3. He his name was not very complimentary.

IV. Evaluation:
A. Write the following words correctly. Teacher dictates the words as used in sentences.
1. Kim scraped his knuckles.
2. The boy knew he needed his knickers.
3. Sir Lance, a brave knight, rides to a forest.

V. Assignment:
Use the dictionary. List down 5 new words with silent /k/ using the guide words knavery-knock.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Selects appropriate meaning from several meanings given

Values: Diligence

II. Subject Matter:

Words with Multiple Meanings

Phonetic Analysis soft/th, hard /th/

References: PELC 1.1 Speaking, 1 Reading, Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 4 pp. 139-143, Fun
in English Language IV pp. 40-41, Fun in English Reading IV pp. 204-205
Materials: poem chart, dictionary

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Motivation
Are you fond of giving excuses? What excuses do you always tell your teacher? Why?

B. Presentation:
Today, we are going to study a poem about excuses. But before that we will know first the
meaning of the following words.

C. Unlocking of Difficulties
Ask pupils to read the sentence and select the meaning of the underlined words from the
options below.
1. Can you reach up to that shelf?
a. to arrive at
b. to get in touch with
c. to extent or distance a person, a thing can stretch
2. Were you able to swim?
a. having enough power or skill
b. skillful, talented
D. Reading of the poem by the teacher while pupils listen.

E. Comprehension Check-up
1. Why does Fe like going to market with mother?
2. Why does Fe not want to go to market just now?
3. Why don't like reading and studying my lessons just now?

F. Aesthetic Discussion
What line of the poem do you like most? Why?

G. Value
When your mother tells you to do something, are you going to do it? Why? Why not?

H. Development of Skills
Let's read a story and find out the words with /th/.”Clint's Bird”
Select the appropriate meaning of the underlined words from several meanings given.
1. The bird has a fine feather.
a. to fit with a feather, as an arrow c. to join by a tongue and groove
b. to cover, adorn with feathers d. covering
2. I cannot think what he said.
a. to believe or consider c. to bring to mind/remember
b. to expect d. consider
I. Generalization
How do we get the meanings of a word from several meanings given?
What are the sounds of /th/?
J. Practice Exercises
A. Guided Practice
1. The pupils are grouped into 2. Group I (girls) will get strips with words and Group II
(boys) will hold the strips with group of words, the teacher reads the sentence, the pupil
who has the correct meaning will match it with the word.
1. cabin
a. a small house; hut
b. a room on a ship
c. a place where passengers are seated in an airplane
1. The captains cabin in the streamer is big.
2. The boys built a cabin in the woods.
B. Independent Exercise
Select the meaning of the underlined words by writing the letter on your paper. Write also
the sound of /th/ in the words.
1. throw
a. to put hastily or carelessly
b. to direct or projects
c. to cause to fall
1. The horse throw its rider.
2. He throws a coat over his shoulders.

IV. Evaluation:
Write the words that I'm going to dictate. Read the words correctly afterwards.
1. theme 3. faith
2. them 4. weather

V. Assignment:
Use the dictionary to get the meaning of the underlined word as used in the sentence.
1. We gradually developed a plan for our project.
2. The sickly child developed into a strong youth. Write 5 words with soft /th/ and 5 words with
hard /th/ using the dictionary.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Locates information in a book

 Uses the table of contents, titles, sub-titles

Values: care of books

II. Subject Matter:

Using the Table of Contents, Titles, Sub-titles

Reference: Basics and Beyond Reading 4, Fun in English IV Reading, pp. 6-7. 65
PELC 1.2 Speaking Science, Health and Environment 3
Materials: chart

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Guessing Game
What book helps you solve mathematical problems?
 Spelling
Mathematics Dictionary Science
 Review
You have learned the three parts of the book in Grade III, will you enumerate them?

B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Choose the appropriate meaning from the multiple meanings.
a. table
- an article of furniture with a flat horizontal top
- a collection of related numbers, values, signs or items of any kind of arrangement for
ease of reference

2. Here is a Table of Contents. Study the Table of Contents. Read the questions about it, the
chapter, title, subtitle and page where the answers are most likely to be find. (written on the
1. On what page can we find The Changing earth?
2. On what chapter can we find Sunlight?
3. On what title can we find the sub-title dry season?

3. Discussion and Comparison

What do we find in the Table of Contents?
How is the Table of Contents arranged?

4. Value Infusion
How do you locate the lessons in your book?

5. Generalization
What is the Table of Contents about?
How does the Table of Contents help the readers of the book?

6. Practice Exercise

A. Guided practice
Using the Table of Contents of your Fun in English IV Reading, write after each page
number that can be found on it.
1. page 4
2. page 8
3. page 36
4. page 98
5. page109
B. Independent practice
With the use of Table of Contents of your Into the Future: Science an Health after
each page number the exact title of the topics on it.
1. page 1
2. page 49
3. page 69
4. page 99
5. page133

IV. Evaluation:
With the table of Contents given below, copy the title, subtitle and page where you are most
likely to find the answer to the questions that follow. (written on the chart)
1. What does food do to your body?
2. What foods do you need to make your bones healthy and strong?
3. What exercise is good for the heart?

V. Assignment:
Using your Science Book Table of Contents, answer the following questions.
1. What is the title of Chapter III?
2. What are the sub-titles under this chapter?
3. On what pages will you begin reading about applying first aid?


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Reads orally stories with correct stress and intonation

Values: Contentment

II. Subject Matter:

Oral Reading with Correct Stress and Intonation Words with Silent /w/

Story: A Wise King

Reference: PELC 1.1 Reading, 1 Writing Developing Reading Power 4 p. 257
Developing Reading Power (Abadilla) p. 55-58
Materials: chart, strips of paper, cut outs of fish

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Yesterday, we studied about appropriate meanings of words. Now, let's have a contest. I'll
divide you into 2 groups.
2. Motivation
Show a picture of a cat.
How many of you had watched the cartoon "Tom and Jerry"? Who is Tom?
3. Reading with skimming
4. Comprehension Check-up
1. What was flying up in the air?
a. a cat b. a lark c. a rat
2. What was the cat pushing?
a. a cart b. a wagon c. a sled
5. Presentation
Class, today we're going to read a story orally. This story is about a wise king. But before
we read it, let's study the meaning of these words.

6. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the meaning of the following words through context clues.
1. He was wearing not ordinary ring - a white band with precious stones.
2. The rich man was greedy. He kept to himself all his wealth. He never shares them with
his neighbors.

B. Reading Activity:

1. Reading of the story "A Wise King" by the teacher emphasizing on the correct stress and
2. Reading of the story by the whole class, then by rows, individually.

C. Post Reading Activities

1. Comprehension Check-up
Where does the king's wisdom come? What were written on his ring? What happened. to
him in a battle? How did the people honor their king?

2. Value Infusion
Is it good to be rich like the king? are you contented if you are rich?

3. Developing and Applying Reading Skills

4. Writing Activity
Teacher asks the pupils to write the spelling of words with silent /w/ that are found in the
story "A Wise King".

5. Generalization
How do we read stories? How do we write the spelling of words with silent /w/?

6. Practice Exercise
A. Guided Exercise
1. Let's play the game "Let's go Fishing". (The cut outs of fish have words with silent
letter /w/.) teacher calls pupils (one at a time) to fish a word. Ask pupil to read the
word with silent letter /w/ and write the correct spelling of the word on the board.
B. Independent Exercise
Complete the following sentences with words found inside the box below.
1. The president places a ______ on the tomb of unknown heroes.
2. _____ are all over the old woman's face.
3. Throw the plastic _______ in the thrash can.

C. Enrichment Activity
Divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will do any of the following.
1. Act out the story read.
2. Draw a picture of the king.
3. Write as many words with silent letter /w/ on a bond paper.

IV. Evaluation:
A. Read this story orally, observing correct stress and intonation.
B. List down 5 words with silent /w/.
One day, Mrs. Wright received a letter from her grandson Wilson. Wilson wanted to visit her
after two years of stay in Saudi Arabia. Mrs. Wright's wrinkled face brightened upon reading the
letter. Although her wrists are aching due to old age, she managed to write a fetter in response to
her grandson.

V. Assignment:
Write the missing letters of these words.
1. wr_ck_d 4. wr_te
2. w_e_t_e 5. w_e_th

3. w_o_g


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Uses the index in locating the information in a book

Values: Sharing with others

II. Subject Matter:

Locating Information by Using Index

Reference: PELC 1.2 Speaking, Fun In English Reading IV, pp. 57, 66, 73
Materials: Books 1mm the library

III. Procedure
A. Review
What are the Pent parts of a book?

B. Motivation
How are the words in a dictionary arranged? Where else can you find words arranged

C. Presentation
Look at one back of your book in Language. What are written on it? what do you call this

D. Developmental Lesson
Here is a sample index. Study it and work on the exercises that follow.

E. Using your Fun in English Reading IV Textbook, locate the index and answer the following
1. On what page can you read about suffixes?
2. Under what main topics does it fall?
3. What sub-topics are discussed under the topic dictionary?

F. Value Infusion
Some of you have books, while others don't. What should those who have books do?

G. Generalization
What is an index? How the words are arranged in the index pages? How can the index help us
find words in a book?

H. Practice Exercise
A. Guided practice
(Distribute cartolina strips to the pupils with topics seen on the Table of Contents and
Index.) Read your cartolina strips and paste on the manila paper the topics seen on the Table
of Contents and tack on the board the topics sees in the index.
1. Listening to an explanation of a pictograph
2. Verbs
3. Diary
4. Journal Entry
5. Discriminating Between real and fanciful
B. Independent Practice
Refer to your Fun in English Reading .IV Textbook. Answer the following questions using
the Index.
1. On what .page can you read about idioms?
2. What are the sub-topics under story elements?
3. Under what main topic does prefix fall?

IV. Evaluation:
Study this sample index of a book. Answer the questions that follow.
(written on the chart)
1. On what page can you read about bullfighting?
2. Under what main topic does it fall?
3. What subtopics are discussed under the topic Japanese?
4. Where can you read about limericks?
5. You want to know what to do when you have a nosebleed, what topics are you going to look for?
In what sub-topic can you find it?

V. Assignment:
Using your Science book, locate the index and answer the following questions.
1. On what page can you read about skeleton?
2. Under what main topic does pollination fall?
3. What subtopics are discussed under the topic eclipse?
4. You want to know what to do when you have a muscle cramp. What topic are you going to look

5. Where can you read about mixtures?


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Decodes words in stories read using phonetic analysis

Values: love of freedom

II. Subject Matter:

Words with /z/ sound and /th/ sound

Story: In Search of Peace and Freedom

Reference: PELC IV 1. Reading, 1.1 Reading, Fun In English IV, Reading pp. 2-6
Materials: flashcards

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of Assignment
2. Review
What is an index? What can you find in an index?
3. Motivation
Do you know that earliest known Filipinos were not born in the Philippine soil? How
could that be? You might ask. The following story answers the question.
4. Unlocking Difficulties
Choose the meaning of the underlined word from the words inside the box.
1. The policemen will seize the robbers.
2. The early Filipinos like to trade with the Chinese.
3. The foreigners tried to wade our country.
5. Reading of Motive Questions
What is the story about? When did the story happen? Why did the ten Malay datus leave
6. Recall of Standards for Silent Reading.

B. Presentation:
Read the story "In search of Peace and Freedom" silently. Follow the standards for silent

C. Post-Reading Activities
1. Answering of Motive Questions
2. Comprehension Check up
Who was the leader of the ten Malay datus?
In what part of the Philippines did the datus and their families land?

3. Value Infusion
Did our forefathers get their freedom? How? How about us, do we want to have freedom?
4. Applying Reading Skills
A. Decoding words using phonetics
B. Copy from the story read the sentence/s that tell
1. Who was the leader of the ten Malay datu?
2. Why the Malay datus left Borneo?
3. How the Malay datus get their land?
5. Generalization
How do we decode words from stories read using phonics?
6. Practice Exercises
A. Guided Exercise
Read the following story. Get 5 words that have the final /z/ and initial /th/ sound.
God was pleased with all his creation. He loved all of them but in His heart, He felt a
special love for the animals. He loves to gaze at the tattles as they graze along the meadows.
He would watch the blaze of sunlight as it fell on the grasses. He could see the tigers and the
lions as they seize their prey. He loved them so much that He gave each of them a nice,
comfortable place to live in where they would all be happy.
Select the sentence from the story above that answers the following questions.
a. What does God feel for the animals?
b. What does He love to gaze at?
c. What does He watch at?
d. What does He gave to the animals to show how much He loved them?
B. Independent Exercise
Read the story and copy the sentence that answer the questions below it.
Jose won first prize in a raffle draw so he decided to go to the city megamall to buy a
birthday gift for his mother. He didn't recognize the seller.
1. Select from the 3 words with /ze/ which means
1. support
2. a reward
3. identify

IV. Evaluation:
Read the following story then give the meaning of the underlined words. Select from the box
immerse in water inability to move to perform the ceremony of

V. Assignment:
Look for the meaning of these words in. the dictionary and use them in your own sentence.
1. amaze
2. colonize
3. apologize


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Write two to four sentence paragraph using words with stressed and unstressed syllable
 Identify stressed and unstressed syllable

Values: love of country

II. Subject Matter:

Stressed and Unstressed Syllable

Poem: My Native Land

Reference: PELC 1.1.1 Listening, 1.1 Reading Everyday English IV Reading pp. 57-58
Fun in English IV Language pp. 5-6

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of Assignment
2. Read the words given below. Underline the stressed syllable and box the unstressed syllable
in each word.
1. understand
2. nation
3. station
3. Motivation
I have here pictures of beautiful spots of our country. What land forms do you see in the
picture? What water forms can you see in this picture?
4. Presentation
Today we are going to study another poem. But before we are going to study the poem,
let's first give the meaning of the words in the poem.
5. Unlocking of Difficulties
Read the following sentences. Circle the letter of the word that gives the meaning of the
underlined word in each sentence.
1. Sierra Madre Mountain, which lies from Bicol to Ilocos Region, is grand mountain.
a. famous c. small
b. large d. tiny
2. The stately Narra tree covers the belfry of Paoay Church.
a. tall c. spacious
b. wide d. deep
6. Reading of the poem by the teacher while pupils listen. (First reading) .
7. Intellectual Discussion

What does the poet say about his native land? What does native land stand for? What
things in his country does the poet love?
8. Second reading of the poem by the teacher. (Pupils take note how the teacher says the
stressed and unstressed syllable of the underlined words in the poem.)
9. Aesthetic Discussion
Do you love your country? How do you show your love to your country?
12. Discussion
 How is the title of the paragraph written? The first of each sentence? How is each
sentence ended?

13. Generalization
What should you remember when writing a paragraph?
14. Practice Exercise
A. Guided practice
(Cooperative paragraph writing on the board)
Write a paragraph about our school.
B. Independent Practice
Using four sentences, write a short paragraph about our country.

IV. Evaluation:
Write a short paragraph about your favorite food using four sentences.

V. Assignment:
Write two-four sentence paragraph about your pet.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identifies parts of a news paper

Values: awareness and consciousness

II. Subject Matter:

Parts of a Newspaper

Reference: English for All Times 6 pp. 216-217

Materials: newspaper

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of Assignment
2. Review
What is the Table of Contents about?
Using the table of Contents of your Fun in English 4, write after each page number the
exact title of the topic that can be found on it.
1. page 10 4. page 79
2. page 44 5. page 107
3. page 63
3. Motivation
Do you want to know what current local and international are going on? So, everybody
needs to read newspaper everyday.

B. Presentation:
Today we are going to study the parts of a newspaper and what information is found in each
part. Bring out your newspaper.
1. The teacher shows the different parts of a newspaper and ask pupils to tell what information
is given by each part.
1. Front page - Contains the latest news both local and international.
2. Editorial page - Contains what the editor thinks about the important issues.
3. Classified ad - Contains job available and for sale equipment, cars and others.
4. Sports page - Contains the results of the sports events.
5. Obituary - It is about notices of dead people.
6. Lifestyle - It is about special features of famous people's way of living.
7. Entertainment - Contains special features on Arts, Music, Theater, Show business, etc.
8. Business page - Contains important business news
9. Society page - Contains social events that have just taken place or will take place.
2. Discussion:
What information do we get from the following?
a. front page
b. editorial
c. classified ads

d. sports page
3. Value Infusion
Is it important for us to be informed about current events here and abroad? What ways
could we get information about what is going an?
4. Generalization
What are the different parts of a newspaper?
5. Practice Exercises
A. Guided Exercises
Everybody focus your eyes on the newspaper I'm holding. Tell what part of the
newspaper is shown. Write it on the board. Opposite each part, give the information we get
from it.
1. sports page
2. editorial
3. lifestyle
4. front page
5. business page
B. Independent Exercises
Using your newspaper, write the part of the newspaper where you will find the
1. important news of the day
2. second hand bicycle for sale
3. death of a friend of the family

IV. Evaluation:
Here are the parts of a newspaper. Write the part of the newspaper which is being described
entertainment front page
editorial page obituary
society page classified ads
lifestyle sports page front page
1. It gives the opinion or views of the editor on the latest events.
2. This page gives information on valuable jobs and things for rent or for sale.
3. This page gives all the news of the day.

V. Assignment:
Use the newspaper to find the part where you will find the following:
1. peso-dollar rate
2. the result of the basketball championship game
3. movies presently shown in the theater near you
4. wedding party of a prominent family
5. advertisement of a new product


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Follows three-step directions heard

 Gives series of directions using sequence signals e.g. first, then, next etc.

Values: Attentiveness and orderliness

II. Subject Matter:

Following and Giving Directions

Reference: PELC Listening, Speaking 2, p. 16 Fun in English Language TX 4 pp. 39-40,

Everyday English (R), pp. 4-5
Materials: Manila paper, chart, crayons

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review pauses/stops in utterances by reading a poem "My Book Holds Many Stories," on
pages 4-5 Everyday English (R).
2. Motivation: Lead the pupils to perform the following directions:
Clap your hands three times.
Raise your right hand.
Stand straight
Ask: Did you follow the directions correctly?

B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils listen carefully as the teacher reads and gives these directions to one pupil.
First, go to the room and open the door. Next, walk to the front and turn right. Lastly,
walk towards the corner and get flower pot.
2. Discussion
a. What did Ronald do first? What did he do next? Lastly, what did he do?
b. What words were used to show the correct order in giving three directions?
c. How many steps did you do?
3. Present another' three-step direction. Then further discuss for emphasis.

C. Generalization
1. What are the sequence signals used in giving three-step direction?
2. What should we remember when following 3-step direction?

D. Infusion of Values
What should be the right attitude in listening to directions?

E. Practice Exercises
1. Guided Exercise
Teacher gives the direction, pupils follow.
First, write your complete name on your paper.
Next draw a box around your name.
Finally, color your boxed name.
2. Independent Exercise
Pupils construct their own 3-step direction.

IV. Evaluation:
Teacher reads the directions carefully while the pupils do the activities on their answer sheets.
1. First, draw a flower with 5 petals. Next, encircle the flower. Finally, put six rays around the
2. First, add 135 and 210. Then, multiply it by 2. Finally, subtract 210 from your answer.
3. First, draw a rectangle. Next, divide the rectangle into four equal parts. Lastly, shade one-fourth
of it.

V. Assignment:
Write at least 3 three-step directions. Underline the signal words used.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Follow 4-step direction heard

Values: attentiveness and orderliness

II. Subject Matter:

Following and Giving Directions

Reference: PELC 2 p. 16, Fun in English (L) TX 4, pp. 39-40

Materials: chalkboard, chart

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Review
Review 3-step direction. Pupils give their own example.
 Checking of Assignment
 Motivation:
Today class, we are going to follow more directions by using other sequence signals as
we did yesterday.

B. Presentation:
1. Read this paragraph below.
First, prepare 2 cups of rice. Next, clean the rice of stones, insects and palay. Then put
rice in a pot and wash once or twice without rubbing the grains. Finally, add 2 cups of water,
cover pot and place over fire until it boils.
2. Call individual pupils to perform the directions in front of the class or in the Home
Economics Room.
3. Discussion:
a. What is the first step in boiling rice? What is the second step? Third step? Last step?
b. How many step directions are used in the paragraph?
c. What are the sequence signals in this paragraph? Can we use other sequence signals?

C. Generalization
What are the sequence signals that we can use in making a 4-step direction? What should we
remember in following 4-step direction?

D. Infusion of Values
How should you listen to a person giving direction?

E. Practice
1. Guided Exercise
Write a paragraph on how to fry a fish. Use the connectives: first, then, next and finally.
2. Independent Exercise
Group Work
One group to give 4-step oral direction. Other group will follow and vice versa

IV. Evaluation:
Arrange the sentences into a single paragraph on preparing calamansi juice. Remember to use the
proper connectives or sequence signals.
1. Cut crosswise 3 pieces of calamansi.
2. Squeeze the sliced calamansi into a glass.
3. Add water and sugar to taste.
4. Stir gently and add ice cubes to make cool and refreshing drinks.

V. Assignment:
A Write a single paragraph on how to cook a hard-boiled egg. Use the 4-step direction only.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Follows series of directions using signals

Values: Cooperation

II. Subject Matter:

Sequence Signals

Reference: PELC Speaking 2, Writing 2 Everyday English 4 Reading pp. 66-67

Fun in English 4 Language pp. 44-46, LBP DECSRO, Region III, pp. 20-21
Materials: glasses, spoon, pitcher, chart on directions in making musical instruments

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
The teacher first gives direction, to be performed or executed by the pupils. Then, the
other pupils give more examples of directions to be followed.
Raise your arm
Arms down
Right face
2. Review on the 3-step directions.
First, stand up. Then say "good morning". Finally, sit down.
3. Motivation:
Do you love playing musical instruments? What instrument do you play? Do you know
the steps in making musical glasses?

B. Presentation:
Say, today we are going to make musical instrument.
Pupils read one by one the steps to be followed. Then, with the teacher's guide, they will
make musical instrument.

C. Discussion
Let the pupils observe how the paragraph is written. Ask the following questions:
1. Is the first sentence indented?
2. Are there margins on both sides? Which side has a wider margin?
3. Does each sentence begin with capital letter and end with punctuation mark?

D. Generalization:
What are the steps to be followed in writing series of directions in paragraph form?

E. Exercises
1. Guided Exercise
Write the steps in making chimes. Use sequence signals. Rewrite the sentences into a
paragraph form.

First, prepare the needed materials such as 5 nails of different sizes, string about one foot
long. Second, divide the string into five different sizes. Then, tie each string to each nails head.
The other end of the string should betide to the stick. Finally, follow the same procedure with the
rest of the nails, about one inch apart each other. You now have lovely chimes.
B. Independent Exercise
List down the steps in making Banjo sequence signals. Then rewrite the sentences into

IV. Evaluation:
Write a paragraph about the steps in doing something. You may choose a topic below.
Frying Camote
Planting Seedling
Preparing Calamansi Juice
Washing Clothes

V. Assignment:
Research for an interesting and useful project which you want to share to your classmates. Then
copy the steps or directions. Use sequence signals. Finally, rewrite them into paragraph form.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Follows 3 to 4 step directions in the given game

Values: Sportsmanship

II. Subject Matter:

Writing 3-4 Step Directions

References: PELC 2 Writing p. 16; Paragraph - How to Play "Musical Chairs"; Everyday English
Language IV, TX pp. 22-25
Materials: cassette tape, chairs and chart

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Drill:
Give the following directions to be done by the pupils.
First, jog in your place. Then step for a moment. Next, move three steps forward. Lastly,
turn around.
 Review.
Let us give examples of 3-4 step directions.

B. Presentation:
1. In your P.E. class, what games do you enjoy to play?
2. Today we are going to read slowly a paragraph on how to play "Musical Chairs", and let us
try playing it.
a. Paragraph Reading "Musical Chairs"
First, select at least five players. Afterwards, arrange four chairs in a circle facing
out. Then, play some fast music and walk around the chairs when the music stop.
Eliminate the player without a chair and remove one chair. Next, the game starts again
until one player who stays on is a winner. Finally, declare this player the winner.
b. Content Analysis
1. What is the paragraph about?
2. How many players are needed to play the game?
3. How many chairs are needed?
C. Generalization:
How do we write your sentences in game direction?

D. Infusion of Values:
When you play a game, what should be your attitude when you lose the game?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided: Arrange the following jumbled sentences into a paragraph using the correct order of
the sequence signals.
Title: How To Play Bottle Relay
Next, players pour the bottle with water in the empty one and rush back. Lastly, the team
that has less spilled water will be declared the winner. Then, arrange the bottles without water
in a corner. Afterwards, choose four empty bottles of eight ounce coke. First, group the ten
pupils into two teams.
2. Independent
Have the pupils write a paragraph about their favorite game using the sequence signals.

IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with the correct sequence signals to form a paragraph about the game “Longest
How to Play the Longest Line
______ choose ten players and group them into two, ______fall in lines _____, form straight line
(first) (Then) (Next)
using materials found in their bodies. ___________, the team with the longest line is declared the

V. Assignment:
Choose a game that you like best, then make a paragraph using the sequence signals: first the,
next and finally. Write it in your notebook.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Does accurate, slow reading in order to follow common directions.

Values: Forest conservation

II. Subject Matter:

Common Directions

References: PELC-Reading 2; Fun in English 4, Reading “Make Music” pp. 190-191; Everyday
English 4, Reading page 169
Materials: Chart on the steps to make chimes and Banjo, real objects needed in making chimes
and Banjo.

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of assignment and materials brought.
2. Review on the steps to be followed before crossing the street.
3. Unlock the words chimes and banjo by showing real objects or pictures.
4. Motivation:
Did you bring the materials needed today? What project do you think can we do out of
these used materials?

B. Presentation:
Today we are going to make musical instruments. The teacher will group the class into four
or more learning barkadas.

C. Discussion:
Pupils read accurately the steps in making chimes. Then they follow it with the assistance of
the teacher.

D. Generalization:
What should you do in order to follow common directions?

Valuing: Which group was the most creative in making chimes? Let's give them a round of
E. Practices:
1. Guided Practice: Pupils work by group.
Direction: Follow the steps in making a banjo.
To Make the Banjo

You need: a shoe, box, tape, rubber bands of different thickness
Then do these:
1. Cut a round hole as wide as the mouth of a cup in the middle of the lid of the shoe box.
2. Tape the lid on the box firmly.
3. Using rubber bands of different thickness, stretch them across the holearound the abox.
4. Strum the rubber bands. What do you hear?
2. Independent Practice:
Direction: Read. Then, follow the directions carefully.
1. Write the name of the musical instrument that you made out of the shoe box and rubber
2. List down the three materials needed in making the chimes.
3. Do not answer this question: What is your name?
4. Draw how the chimes look like.
5. Copy the correct spelling of your teacher's name.

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Carefully follow the written directions below.
1. Read all the directions carefully before doing anything.
2. Write your name on the upper left corner of your paper.
3. List down all the materials needed in making banjo.
4. Copy all the directions in making the banjo.
5. Now that you have finished reading numbers 1-4 carefully follow the directions given in numbers
1 and 2 only.

V. Assignment:
Write down 5 simple directions to be followed by your classmates tomorrow.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Gives series of directions using sequence signals.

Values: Obedience to traffic rules

II. Subject Matter:

Sequence Signals

References: PELC - Reading 2; Fun in English 4 Language;

Poem: To Be Safe - Fun in English 4, Language pp. 44-46
Materials: cartolina or manila paper

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
• Review the sequence signals:
• Motivation:
Ask: Have you seen traffic lights in Metro Manila? Do you know why we have traffic lights
in the street? (Answer: the traffic lights keep us safe from accident)
• Vocabulary Building
Direction: Find the other term or name for the words below by completing the letters on the
boxes beside each word.
Flashed cross turned
• Presentation:
Today we are going to read a poem.
• Motive question:
What is the poem all about?

B. During Reading:
The teacher reads first the poem, then the pupils read.
1. Pupils answer orally the following questions:
a. What is the poem all about?
b. What does red light mean?
c. What does green light mean?
d. Where should the people cross?

2. Skill Development
1. From the poem, let us make a four step direction in crossing the street.

3. Discussion:

 What sequence signals were used in giving series of direction. What punctuation mark is
written after the sequence signals, first, next, then, finally?
 Where do we see or find the sequence signals, at the beginning or end of the sentence?
4. Generalization:
When three or more directions are given, they are joined by __________. What words?
answer first, second, next, afterwards, lastly, and, then, afterwards, finally

5. Practice/exercise
a. Guided Practice
Directions: Give the steps in frying camote.
b. Independent Exercise
Directions: Rearrange and rewrite the correct steps in preparing the bangus for frying.
Use the sequence signals first, next, then, at last.
________ , sprinkle salt and fry.
________ , cut into desired size.
________ , wash in clean water.
________ , remove the scales, gills, fins and tail.
________ , remove the internal organs.

IV. Evaluation:
Choose all the steps to be followed in planting a seedling. Then rewrite in their proper order using
the sequence signals, first, second, third, the, finally.
________ , remove the earthworms
________ , plant the seedling
________ , water it.
________ , cover the seedling to protect it from the heat of the sun.
________ , dig a hole
________ , wash the seedling.

V. Assignment:
Change these sentences into three step directions. Use three sequence signals.
1. Mar wants Luz to prepare breakfast and to ready his shirt and pants to wear and tell the driver to
wait for him.
2. The teacher wants Lorenzo to first sweep the floor and then scrub it and in the end, he should
sweep it again.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Does accurate slow reading in order to follow common directions in prescriptions

Values: Accuracy, Obedience

II. Subject Matter:

Directions in Prescriptions

References: Everyday English 4 (Reading) p.121-123; Fun in English 4 (Reading) p. 194-195;

PELC Reading 2, Speaking 2
Materials: samplesof doctor's prescriptions, pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Drill:
Give the following directions to be done by the pupils.
First, jog in your place. Then step for a moment. Next, move three steps forward. Lastly,
turn around.
 Review:
Let us give examples of 3-4 step directions.

B. Presentation:
1. Checking of assignments
2. Drill on following 3-4 steps directions heard. e.g.
Everybody, stand straight.
Clap your hands.
Stamp your feet.
Jump three times.
3. Motivation:
When you got sick, where did mother take you?
What did the doctor give you? If mother will buy your own medicine, what does she use
so she can buy one from the drugstore?
4. Unlocking of difficulties (The teacher uses pictures and real objects)
suffering asthma prescriptions teaspoonful adult
5. Presentation:
Today class, we will watch a pantomime. Are you ready?
6. Discussion:
Discuss the pantomime presented and give emphasis on the prescriptions given by the

1. In what form is the medicine prescribed?
2. How are you going to administer the medicine?
3. What do you use to measure the amount of the medicine to take?
7. Generalization:
What directions are given in prescriptions?
8. Infusion of Values:
How should we follow given prescriptions? Why should we follow correctly
prescriptions given?

9. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises (Pupils are asked to bring out the sample prescriptions they brought.
From the prescriptions read, the teacher asks questions from it.)
b. Independent Exercises:
Direction: Read the directions then encircle the letter of the correct answer to complete
the sentence.
Children under 3 yrs of age
a. should never be given aspirin.
b. should be given aspirin only on a doctor's advice
c. should not be given more than table a day.
d. no tablet is to be given.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the directions inside each box.
Then from the choices under each sentence at the right, choose the one that completes the
sentence or answer the questions correctly. From this we can tell that ________.
a. all coughs are caused by colds
b. not all coughs are caused by colds
c. a cold should always be treated by a doctor
d. all coughs last for a week
1. If cough lasts more than a week, consult your doctor.

V. Assignment:
Bring the following materials for tomorrow.
1. 1 drinking straw
2. 1 plastic cup or any unbreakable cup
3. mat of grass
4. a lump of soil


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Reads directions on medicine labels

 Follows common directions as found in medicine labels.

Values: Obedience

II. Subject Matter:

Directions Found in Medicine Labels

References: Everyday English 4 (Reading) pp. 119-122; PELC Reading 2; Writing 2

Materials: medicine boxes, bottles, tubes, tablets, capsules, syrup, ointment

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Free Communication:
Riddle: "Mother, mother I am sick, Call the doctor very quick.
What will the doctor give the child who is sick?
 Spelling (The teacher uses each word in a sentence)
medicine bottle wound label
poisonous contents
 Review:
What have you learned about following common directions in prescriptions?
 Checking the pupil's homework
 Motivation:
Ask the children if they had been sick and where their mother brought them.
Ask them what ailment they had.
What is a stomachache, diarrhea, cough, fever or skin irritation?

B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties (contextual clues)
a. labels c. poisonous
b. external d. orally
2. Presentation (Show samples of medicine labels)
a. Raising of motive questions
What is seen in a medicine label?
b. Setting the standards for oral reading. Direct the pupils to the illustration under
"Medicine labels" in their textbook. Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and read the
sentences that follow each one.
c. Recalling the motive question

d. Reading the selection
e. Answering the motive question
f. Comprehension Check-up
What does the illustration with "crossbone and a skull" mean? What other directions
are found on the labels of the bottles?
3. Developing and applying reading skills
What does "for external use only" mean?

4. Generalization
How do we read medicine labels?
5. Infusion of values
What will happen if we do not follow the directions in taking medicine?
6. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Exercises (From the medicine bottles, boxes, tablets or tubes which they brought)
What are some of the medicine labels? Draw or write them on your paper.
b. Independent exercise:
Write 1 sentence interpreting the given medicine label.
Ex. 1. for external use only
2. Do not take without doctor's prescription

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read the sentence. Then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Dr. Abad gave Andre a medicine with a label "For External Use Only." Where should Andre use
a. outer part of the body
b. any part of the body
c. all over his body
d. inner part of the body

Direction: Answer the following

1. While cleaning the house, you have seen a bottle labeled with a "crossbone and a skull."
Should you open the bottle? Why?

V. Assignment:
Collect at least 3 medicine labels on any medicine box, tube, tablet. Paste it on a white paper.
Write 1 sentence about the meaning of the pasted medicine label.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Does accurate reading in order to follow directions is simple experiments.

 Answers wh - questions to directions read.

Values: Accuracy, Teamwork

II. Subject Matter:

Directions in Simple Experiments

References: Fun in English 4 (Reading) pp. 199-200; Science and Health 2 txt p. 113;
PELC Reading 2, Speaking 2
Materials: pencil, clear tape, typing paper, magnifying hand lens

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Motivation:
Class, have you done simple experiments in Science? Can you name some? How did you
do it?
 Presentation:
Would you like to find out how your fingerprints look like? Today let us read directions
in performing simple experiment on "Taking Fingerprints."

B. Presentation:
1. Prepare the following:
pencil magnifying hand lens
clear tape typing paper
2. Rub the sharpened end of a pencil across a sheet of paper 15 to 20 times to coliect a layer of
graphite on the paper.
3. Rub your left index finger across the graphite on the paper.
4. Tear off about 2 1/2 cm. of clear tape and stick it on the fingertips with graphite.
5. Remove the tape and stick it on a clean sheet of typing paper.
6. You will see your fingerprint.

C. Post Reading:
1. Comprehension check-up:
1. What is the experiment about?
2. How many steps are there to follow in the experiment?
3. What is the very first thing you must do in your experiment? Next? Then?
2. Call pupils to perform the simple experiment

3. Developing and applying reading skills:
Pupils are asked to use the sequence signals - first, next, then, afterwards and last lastly in
giving the different directions to be followed in "Taking Fingerprints."
4. Generalization:
Why were you able to follow the directions in our simple experiment?
5. Infusion of values:
What trait was common in the group, that made the simple experiment successful?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided exercises: (Pupils are grouped into 4 and are given directions in performing
simple experiments. After the activity, they answer the questions given)
1. Get some soil.
2. Make a "mountains" on the sand table.
3. Cover one "mountain" with a mat grass.
4. Pour water on both "mountains". Questions: In which "mountain" was soil carried
away by the water? Why?
b. Independent Exercises:
Direction: Read the directions in making another kind of lens - p. 203, Fun in English
4 (Reading). Then answer the following questions.
1. In the experiment, which do you do first?
2. How do you make a round loop?
3. Where will you dip the wire?
4. How will you lift the loop out of the water?
5. How do the letters on the page through the water drop look?

IV. Evaluation:
Read the directions given and perform it. Use the materials that you brought. Then answer the
questions that follow.
1. Get a straw
2. Place your hand near the end of the straw as you blow through it.

Questions: What is it that you feel?

When did you feel the air?

V. Assignment:
Read and follow the directions given. Afterwards, answer the questions that follow.
Materials: a book, a pencil a glass
a bag a cup a flashlight
1. Close the windows to darken the room.
2. Place a flashlight on the table and turn it on.
3. Hold the book in front of the light.

1. Does the book block the light?
2. Can light pass through the book?
3. Do you see the shadow of the book?
4. What is its shape?


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Gets information from a conversation listened to.

Values: Courtesy in conversation

II. Subject Matter:

Information from a Conversation

Importance of Rain

References: BEC PELC, Listening and Speaking PELC 3, Reading PELC 3.3, Writing PELC 3; Fun
in English (L) pp. 18-19
Materials: chart, flashcards

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Review
What courteous expressions do we use in a telephone corversation?
 Motivation
Group work: recite a line from a song, poem or rhyme with the word rain.

B. Listening Activity:
Listen to the dialogue between Larry and Grandpa. T.M. pp.28

C. Speaking
1. What information about he rain do you get from the dialog?
Can you give other information about the rain, besides those given from the dialog?
2. Oral Communication:
Ask the pupils to give the importance of rain by giving the information from the dialog.

D. Reading Activity:

1. Pre-Reading
Group Activity
Make a short dialog about the importance of forest. Use courteous expressions in your
2. During Reading
Read the dialog made by each group. Using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)
3. After Reading
a. Comprehension Check-up
What are the information about the forest given from your dialog?
Why are forest important
b. Value Infusions
What shall we do then to our forest?
Why do we need to use courteous expressions in a conversation?
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to this conversation and do what is asked, after listening to it.
What to do!
1. Draw the information listened to about the roots of trees.
2. Write the functions of roots of trees from the dialog.
3. List the courteous expressions used in the conversation.

V. Assignment:
Write the information from the dialog on pages 140-141 of Fun in English (Language).


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Gets information from a poem listened to

Values: Love of Country

II. Subject Matter:

Information from a Poem We Can't All be Heroes.

References: PELC p. 153, Fun in English 4 reading p. 95; Everyday English 4

Materials: bottle, flash cards and manila paper

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Review:
Recall a poem learned just recently and tell something about it.
 Motivation:
Let the pupils form a puzzle of a flag. Then, show pictures of heroes. How did they show
love to our country?
 Presentation:
We have mentioned about our heroes. Now, you will hear on how to show love to our
 Unlocking off Difficulties:
Read the sentences and give the meaning of the underlined words thru context dues.
1. The brave katipuneros fight for your freedom.
2. La p u - Lapu showed his courage in the battle of Mactan.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. You will going to hear a poem entitled "We Can't All Be Heroes" through a tape recorder.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer questions later.
2. Comprehension check-up
a. Who cannot fight battles to save our country?
b. How can children help their country?
c. Why can't we all be heroes?

C. Engagement Activity:
One of your classmates will read a poem. Listen carefully and be ready to give information
from the poem. Use truth or consequence to call pupils. Form a big circle.

D. Application:

1. What shall we do when it gets dark?
2. Is there a need to say any prayers before we sleep? Why?

E. Practices:
1. Guided
Write the short poem that I will dictate. Answer the following questions later. Group the
children and present there work.

1. How do we make a ring around the world?
2. What is the message of the poem?
3. What other information can we get from the poem?

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to this poem and answer the questions below.
Be the Best
If you can't be a pine on top of the hill Be shrub in the valley but, be
The best little shrub by the side of the rill; Be a bush if you can't be a tree
Just be the best of whatever you may be.
1. What can you do if you can't be a pine tree on top of the hill?
2. Why do we need to do our best always?
3. What information did you get from the poem?

V. Assignment:
Copy a short poem and write 3 sentences about it.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Gets information from a diagram shown

Values: Cooperation

II. Subject Matter:

Getting Information from a Diagram.

References: PELC: Listening 3, Speaking 3, Reading 3.4, Writing 3, pp. 1617; Blazing Trails 4 tx pp.
148149; Science and Health 4 tx. Pp 254-255
Materials: charts, pictures, diagrams, tomato, pomelo, two pieces of sticks, flashlights

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Motivation:
Have you heard about eclipse? When does eclipse occur? Can you describe one.
 Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of words through guessing game.
______ 1. It is the natural satellite of the earth which borrows light from the sun.
______ 2. It is the center of the solar system.
______ 3. The place where we live in.
 Motive Questions:
1. When does the moon cast shadow on earth?
2. What is the difference between the solar and lunar eclipse?

B. During Reading:
Let the pupils read the selection about eclipse. (Motivated Oral Reading).

C. Post Reading:
1. Comprehension check-up/Discussion
Study the diagram. Answer the motive questions and the comprehension questions.
1. What covers the moon during lunar eclipse?
2. What is between the earth and the sun in the solar eclipse?
3. When does the solar eclipse occur? Luna eclipse?
2. Generalization
What is a solar eclipse? Lunar eclipse?
3. Application
Doing the activity on page 254. Answer the following questions after doing the activity.
1. What does the tomato represent?

2. What does the pomelo represent?
3. What does the flashlight represent?
4. Enrichment Activity
Conduct an interview of the adults (parent and teachers) who have observed eclipse. Ask
their experience regarding eclipse. Be ready to share the information with your classmates.

D. Reading:
Draw the position of the sun, moon, and earth during lunar and solar eclipse. Label your drawings
and describe them.

IV. Evaluation:
Study the diagram showing the sun and the planets.
Rank the planets according to their distance from the sun. rank number 1 the planet nearest the
sun; No. 2 the second planet nearest the sun, and so on.

V. Assignment:
Here is a diagram that shows how to read the thermometer. Study it and answer the questions
1. What is the thermometer reading for a person with a normal temperature?
2. What is the thermometer reading for a person with fever?
3. What is the thermometer reading for a person with high fever?
4. What line shows the thermometer reading?


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Uses courteous expressions in telephone conversation.

Values: Courtesy and Politeness in Telephone Conversation

II. Subject Matter:

Courteous Expressions in Telephone Conversation: Rotation of the Earth

References: BEC, PELC 3 Speaking, 3 Listening, 3 Writing; Fun in English 4, Language pp. 10-13;
Growing with Science and Health 4 pp. 239-242
Materials: Toy telephone/cell phone, written models of telephone conversation

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Review:
What are the points to remember in a telephone conversation?
 Motivation:
Do you have a phone? What is the use of a telephone? How do you talk to a person and
relay a message using the telephone?

B. Listening and Speaking Activities:

Listen to the dramatization of the following phone conversation. T.M. pp. 31

C. Engagement Activity:
1. Discussion
a. Who is the caller?
b. Who answered the telephone?
c. What was the time in Manila when Anne called up Nonie in Canada?
d. What time is it in Canada?
2. Infusion of Value
What do we need to do in making our answering phone call?

D. Generalization:
What are the courteous expressions use in the telephone conservation?

E. Enrichment Activity
Game Pass it on. Fill it on the blanks in the sentences from the conservation.
1. Hello, ________ morning.
2. This is Gloria, __________.

3. May I ________ to Nora?

F. Application
Call pairs of pupils to dramatize the following situations.
1. Inviting a friend to a Saturday informal party to meet one’s counsins.
2. Inviting another classmate to practice for a school program.

IV. Evaluation:
Complete the telephone conversation below.
Mina: Hello, ______ morning. May I talk to Nona.
Nona: This is Nona, _________
Mina: I’m ________ you’re home. How about joining me and my sister in an indoor game at our
place on Saturday.
Nona: That will be great. I’ll come over at two o’clock in the afternoon.
Mina: We will wait for you ____________.

V. Assignment:
Write a telephone conversation based on the following situations. Choose only one situation.
1. You forgot your assignment notebook in school. Call a classmate ask about your assignment in
2. Answer a call for your father who is not home.
3. Answer the telephone for someone who calls a wrong number.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Uses courteous expressions in making calls on the telephone.

 Gets information from conversation heard.

Values: Courtesy in Telephone Conversation.

II. Subject Matter:

Courteous Expressions - Telephone Conversation: Making Calls

References: Fun in English (Language)
Balajadia, et al pp. 10-12PELC 3
Materials: toy telephone, written model of telephone conversation

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Motivation:
a. Show a picture of two children having a telephone conversation. What are the two
children in the picture doing? Can you guess what they are talking about?
 Ask some pupils to relate experiences on telephone conversation

B. Presentation:
1. Listening to a voice tape and find out the courteous expressions use.
2. Intellectual Discussion
- Who called up Dina?
- Who received the call of Ali?
- What did Ali Tell Dina?
3. Reading the telephone conversation written in the chart.
4. Value Infusion:
How do we speak when making telephone calls?
5. Generalization:
When making calls what courteous expressions are used?
6. Practice
a. Guided Practice
Group pupils into 4 groups. Use courteous expressions in acting out the following
a. making a call to a classmate
b. making a call to a friend
c. making a call to the teacher
d. ending a conversation with a friend
- The teacher evaluates the group presentations.

b. Independent Practice
Fill in the blanks with the correct expression from the box. Teacher dictates.
1. Hello! Good ______.
2. This is Gloria ______.
3. ______. I speak with Nora?
4. See you on Saturday. _______.

IV. Evaluation:
Write your answers correctly to the following questions.
1. What word of greeting begins over a telephone conversation?
2. When making a call, what expression is used when asking for someone?
3. Who ends the call, the caller or the receiver?
4. What does he/she say?

V. Assignment:
Write a telephone conversation asking your classmate about the English Assignment because you
were absent the previous day.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Uses courteous expressions in receiving calls on the telephone.

Values: Courtesy On Telephone Conversation

II. Subject Matter:

Courteous Expressions - Telephone Conversation: Receiving Calls

References: Fun in English (Language) Balajadia, et al pp. 10-12

English Communication Arts for the Elementary Gr. 4 pp. 257258 PELC: Speaking 3
Materials: toy telephone, voice tape, written model of telephone conversation

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Review:
Which of the following telephone conversation is making the right call?
a. Rod: Hello?
Voice: Who is speaking, please?
b. Angelo: Hello! Good evening. This is Angelo Reyes speaking. May I speak to Mrs.
c. Voice: This is Mrs. Santos speaking
 Unlocking of difficulties:
Give the meaning through context.
a. Hold your line, please. I'll call her.
b. One moment, please. I'll call her.
 Motivation:
How many of you have received a call asking for your mother but she is out? What did
you tell the caller?

B. Presentation:
Today we're going to listen to another telephone conversation. Listen carefully to the
expressions used by the receiver of the call.
1. Listening to a voice
* Intellectual Discussion:
- Who answered the phone?
- What are the courteous expressions used by the receiver? How about the caller?
- What is the message of Mrs. Suarez to
2. Read the telephone conversations between Ali and Dina. (See yesterday's lesson) then let the
pupils answer the following questions.

1. Who is the receiver of the call?
2. What courteous expressions did she use?
3. Value Infusion:
How do we speak when receiving calls?
4. Generalization:
What courteous expressions are used by the receiver of calls?
5. Skill Development:
a. Guided Practice
1. The teacher prepares strips of courteous expressions in receiving calls. Distribute the
strips to the pupils and play a game by posting them under the following headings.
1. Receiver is the Person Called
2. Another Person is Wanted
3. Person Wanted is Out

b. Independent Practice:
Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions.
1. _______ hold your line.
2. One _______ please. I'll call her.
3. I'm. _________ He's out.
4. This is Mario __________.
5. May I take a __________?

IV. Evaluation:
Copy the courteous expression that is correct for each number.
1. Ana received a call from a friend. How will she answer her?
a. Yes, I'm Ana c. Speaking
b. Hello! My friend. d. Hi! Good evening.
2. Mr. Reyes calls for your father but he is out.
a. Father is not home.
b. I'm sorry he's not home. May I take a message?
c. I'm sorry. Call him back.
d. Please call on another day.

V. Assignment:
Group the class into 4. Be able to act out situations when receiving calls.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Decodes meaning of words with inflectional endings through structural analysis.

Values: Perseverance

II. Subject Matter:

Words with Inflectional Endings: Dialogue - Teacher Made: The Moon

References: Fun in English 4 Language, Balajadia, et al pp. 13-14; English in a Dynamic World,
Pado, et al pp.. 99-100
Materials: strips of sentences, pictures, chart

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Asking questions answerable by yes or no, through pictures. Is the baby crying? Does sister
sweep the yard? Are the children playing? Etc. What can you say about our voice when we
say the questions?
 Unlocking of difficulties: Unlock the following words:
1. explore (give synonyms)
2. telescope (picture)
3. lunar eclipse (illustration)
 Motivation:
Who is Neil Armstrong? How many of you wants to go the moon?

B. Presentation:
a. We're going to listen to a conversation of three boys. Let's find out what they say about the
moon. (dialogue written on the chart)
b. Comprehension check-up
1. Why do people explore the moon?
2. Who invented the first magnifying telescope to study the moon?
3. What helped Columbus save himself and his crew from the Indians?
c. Value Infusion:
Do you have a dream to explore the moon? How can you be successful in that dream?
d. Skill Development:
Read what Carlos said about Columbus. Read also what William said about Columbus.
Do you recognize the change of voice at the end of the sentence? Who is doubtful?
e. Generalization:
When does a sentence show an action that is sure or certain? When does a sentence show
an action that is not sure or doubtful?

f. Practice:
1. Guided Practice:
a. Group pupils to present the following dialogues.
1. Cecille: Rosa is coming to Manila?
Mother: Rosa is coming to Manila. Everybody, get your bags ready.

IV. Evaluation:
Write the dictated sentences correctly and opposite write doubtful or certain.
1. You're alright?
2. You're alright.
3. They're singing.
4. She's writing.
5. Nena's answering the phone?

V. Assignment:
Write 3 sentences that express doubt and 3 sentences that express certainly.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Deduces meaning of unfamiliar words through prefixes.

Values: Respect for the flag.

II. Subject Matter:

Using Prefixes Story: The Philippine Flag Tells Its Story

References: PELC R. 3.2, Fun in English 4 Reading pp. 815 T.M. pp. 9-10 Everyday
English 4 (Reading) pp. 94-97; English in a Dynamic World 4 (Language) pp. 231-232
Materials: flashcards, charts, real object (flag), cut-outs

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Review: (through game)
Directions: I'll group you into 4. Each group has 5 members. When is say "go" the
member of each group take turn in writing words with prefixes on the board. You can write
words as many as you can within 2 minutes. Ex. Unprepared uneasy.
 Motivation:
The teacher shows a real flag. What is this class? (flag). What comes into your mind
when you see a flag? Why do countries have their own flag?
 Unlocking of Difficulties:
struggle- fight with
independence - freedom from the rule of others
symbol - used to represent something

B. Presentation:
1. The pupils read the motive question. How did our present flag come to be?
2. The teacher reads the story orally while the pupils read silently.
3. Comprehension Check-up
a. Why did Bonifacio have a flag made - for the Katipunan?
b. Describe the first flag of the Katipunan. What events in Philippine history did this flag
play a part in?
c. What other flags did the Katipuneros have?
4. Infusion of Value - As a Filipino, how will you prove your loyalty to our flag? Your respect
the flag?

D. Generalization:
What are prefixes?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises
Present some words (without prefixes). The pupils will classify the words that can use the
prefix un, mis, re, dis, im, ir. Directions: You will be given some cut-outs Then, place each
word under the prefix they belong.
treat honest
behave respect
spell approve
2. Independent Exercises:
Give the meaning of each word.
1. unclean — not dean
2. unequal 7. unprotected
3. redirect 8. unfriendly
4. return 9. uneasy
5. incomplete 10. unused
6. incorrect

IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentence after each number. Write the meaning of the underline word.
1. The boy did not pass the test because he was unprepared for it. ____________
2. I forgot how many tickets there were so I had to recount them. ______________
3. The boys did the wrong thing because they misunderstood the directions. ____________

V. Assignment:
Add a prefix to each word and write its meaning.
1. kind 3. friendly 5. behave
2. polite 4. correct


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Deduces meaning of unfamiliar words through prefixes - un, in, im.

Values: Love for Country; Peace and Unity

Prefixes - un, in, im

Story: In Search of Peach and Freedom

References: Everyday English 4 (Reading) pp. 95-97; Fun in English 4 (Reading) pp. 2-6,
T.M. pp. 4-7 PELC, R. 3.3.1
Materials: pictures, cut-outs, flashcards

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Motivation:
Teacher shows a picture call on pupils to tell something about the picture.
 Unlocking of Difficulties:
The pupils give the meaning of each word through action and context clues.
unhappy freedom
unwilling invade
seize foreigner

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the motive question by the pupils.
Why did the datus decide to leave their native land?

2. Guide Oral Reading

Pupils read the story orally “In search of Peace and Freedom”.

3. Comprehension Check-up:
 The pupils answers the motive questions.
 Why did the datus decide to leave their native land?

4. Infusion of values:
How do we show our love for our country?
Why should we love our country?

5. Skill Development:
The pupils answer the questions
1. How did the people tell when they were living in Borneo?

2. How did the people in Panay Live?
3. What is the rootword in the word happy?

6. Generalization:
What do we call the syllable placed before a word?

7. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises:
Write the prefix of the following:
1. _____ clean
2. _____ equal
3. _____ complete
4. _____ polite
5. _____ correct

2. Independent Exercises:
Write a prefixed word which means the same as the underlined word in each
a. The law is not fair to the workers. ________
b. The treatment to people was not equal. ________
c. Many children get sick because the place is not sanitary.

IV. Evaluation:
Add in, im, un, re to the following words to form a new word.
1. polite
2. correct
3. view
4. honest
5. complete

V. Assignment:
List down 10 words with prefixes – in, im, and un then their meaning.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Decodes meaning of words with suffixes – full and less through structural analysis.

Values: Love of Country

II. Subject Matter:

Word with Suffixes - ful and less

Poem: My Native Land

References: Everyday English 4, Reading TX pp. 57-58; Fun in English 4 Reading, Balajadia, et al
pp. 3035; Blazing Trails, Francisco, et at pp. 88-89, 91 PELC Reading 3.3.1
Materials: flashcards words with suffixes, pictures of scenic places in the Philippines

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
 Review:
The teacher conducts a flashcard drill on the words with prefixes (re, mis, dis, im and un).
 Unlocking of difficulties:
Unlock the following words through pictures:
a. peaceful c. stately
b. grand d. restless
 Motivation:
Show pictures of beautiful scenes in the Philippines. What can you say about the

B. Presentation:
1. Today we're going to read a poem. Let's find out what things the poet loves in his native land.
2. Reading the poem by the teacher. “My Native Land” T.M. pp. 39
Intellectual Discussion
What does native land stand for? What things in his country does the poet love?
a. in first stanza
b. in the second stanza
c. in the third stanza
3. Skill Development
What word is used to describe lowland plains? Flowering tree? Open sea? The teacher
posts on the board the words; peaceful, graceful and careless. The teacher asks: What is the
rootword of the word peaceful.
4. Generalization:
What is a suffix? What does a suffix do to a word?

5. Practice:
a. Guided Practice
1. The teacher posts two big circles on the blackboard each with the syllables -ful and
less. The teacher distributes flashcards of rootwords. The pupils will put the
rootwords around each circle. The pupil says the completed word them give its
Ex. ful hope hope + ful = hopeful full of hope

b. Independent Practice
1. Add a suffix to the word at the left to mean the underlined phrase.
joy 1. Jessica was filled with joy.
home 2. After the great food, the people were without home.
care 3. Mike made his assignment without care.
fruit 4. The mango tree is full of fruits.
job 5. My father has no job.

IV. Evaluation:
Draw a line to match the word and its meaning:
1. fruitless a. without meaning
2. colorless b. without job
3. joyful c. full of meaning
4. jobless d. without color
5. meaningfui e. full of joy
f. without fruits

V. Assignment:
Make a list of 5 words with suffix -less and 5 words with suffix -ful. Write their meaning and use
them in sentences.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identify the compound words written as one.

Values: Friendliness

II. Subject Matter:

Compound Words Written as One

Dialogue Reading - New Classmate for J.J.

References: Everyday English IV (Reading) pp. 15-18 PELC L. 3, R. 3.2 W 3

Materials: real objects, dialogue written on Manila paper, cut-outs of heart

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Motivation:
Teacher presents some real objects/pictures and pupils name each object. Can we form
another word out of these 2 words?
Ex. arm + chair - armchair
ball + pen - ballpen
 Unlocking of difficulties
Newcomer (context clues)
Ex. Maria is from Manila. She is a newcomer in our place.
Handbag (real object)
Welcome (action clues)

B. Presentation:
1. The teacher reads the dialogue written in a chart. “New Classmate for J.J.”
2. The class reads the whole dialogue.
3. Group pupils into two and read part for Carmela and J.J.

C. Discussion:
1. Who is the newcomer?
2. Who is her classmate?

D. Value Infusion
How did J.J. deal with his classmate?

E. Skill Development

What words in the dialogue consist of two words? The teacher writes the answer of the pupils
on the board. What are the 2 words found in these words?
newcomer - new + comer
classmate - class + mate
classroom - class + room

F. Generalization:
What are compound words?

G. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises (using cut-outs of hearts)
Read the word then look for the pair to form a new word. Use the Compound words in
board flag shine light room tooth
sun story book class pole
fly black house moon ache
2. Independent Exercise:
Write the compound word described in the sentences below.
a. A coat used for the rain is a _______
b. A room where we take a bat is a _______
c. A gown used at night is a _______
d. A store that sells drug is a _______

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the teacher as she reads each sentence. Write the compound word in each sentence in
your answer sheet.
______ 1. Jose stepped on an anthill.
______ 2. I forgot my lunchbox at home.
______ 3. Rats and ants live underground.
______ 4. Please, lend me a storybook.
______ 5. The pupils went inside the classroom.

V. Assignment:
Write 5 compound words written as one and use them in sentences.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Decodes meaning of unfamiliar words through compound words written as one.

Values: Industry

II. Subject Matter:

Compound Words Written as One

Story: When I Grow Up
References: Stairways to English 4 (Reading) pp. 22-28; Everyday English 4 (Reading) pp. 15-18;
PELC R. 3.2, W3
Materials: real objects, pictures, story written on manila paper

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Checking of Assignment
Pupils read the compound words they have written on their paper.
 Review:
Let's recall what we did yesterday. Using the flashcards used the previous day. Let the
pupils do the game-paring words.
Ex. shine sun moon light
 Motivation:
Show some pictures of community helpers. Let the pupils identify each helper and act out
his/her work
ex. policeman mailman fireman dressmaker
 Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the meaning of the following words.
earn (context clues)
peaceful (context clues)
ex.: My father earns a living by farming.
The policeman helps keep our country peaceful and orderly.

B. Presentation:
a. Today, we're going to read a story about community helpers.
b. Pupils read the motive question.
Motive question: What do the children want to be when they grow up?
c. Reading of the story by the teacher while pupils listen. “When I Grow UP” T.M. pp. 42
1. Intellectual discussion of the story:
a. What does Joey want to be?
b. What will Joey have in order to be always ready?

c. What does Charlie want to be?
2. Infusion of Values (Industry)
When you grow up, what do you want to be? How will you do your work when you
have become a __________.
d. Generalization:
What are compound words? Compound words are 2 words joined together to make a new
e. Exercises:
Write compound word for each picture.
1. _________ (newspaper)
2. _________ (railroad)
3. _________ (doghouse)
4. _________ (hand bag)
5. _________ (doorknob)

IV. Evaluation:
Write the meaning of the compound word.
1. If a knob at the door is a doorknob, what is a doormat? ____________
2. If a store that sells shoes is a shoestore, what is a bookstore? _________
3. If a necklace is used for the neck, what is a shoelace? __________

V. Assignment:
Write the two words and give the meaning of the following words. Ex. bathroom - bath and room
room where we take a bath.
1. moonlight 4. schoolhead
2. playground 5. flagpole
3. housefly


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identifies the compound words written as two words.

Values: Patience and Faith in God

II. Subject Matter:

Compound Words and Their Components

References: Fun in English 4, Language, Balajadia, et al - Story: "The Blind Man's Faith" pp.58-61;
Everyday English 4 Reading pp.15-18 PELC 3.2
Materials: flashcards, word chart and pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Checking of Assignment
 Motivation:
Teacher shows picture of blind man. What can you say about the man in the picture?
 Unlocking of difficulties:
blind beggar - have you seen a blind beggar? - through action
cripple walk - through action
security guard - use pictures to under

B. Presentation:
a. Today we are going to read a story of a blind man. (use guided oral reading)
b. Intellectual Discussion:
1. In what way was the blind beggar different from the usual beggars we know?
- Why was the blind beggar sitting by the roadside? 2"d paragraph
- How did the blind beggar show his faith?
- What did Jesus do to make the man see?
2. What compound words are found on the first paragraph? Second paragraph? Third
paragraph? Etc.

C. Infusion of values:
Why did the blind man wait for Jesus by the roadside patiently?

D. Generalization:
How are some compound words written? Some compound words are written as two words
and some are written as one word.

E. Practice:
1. Guided:
Form as many compound words as you can by putting/pairing two different words
watch altar boy cold
scout end double dead
evil war water bead
2. Independent Practice
Use these compound words in sentences.
- flower girl - waste basket
- fountain pen - meat inspector
- clay pot

IV. Evaluation:
Choose the right words to fill the blank in each sentence.
bulletin board second cousins blind man
light bulb security guard buffalo grass
1. Nico's and Manolo's mothers are first cousins so the boys are ____________
2. The _________ watched to make sure that no one disturbed the bull.
3. The teacher displayed the pupils are works on the _________.
4. The __________ groped his way towards Jesus.

V. Assignment:
Write 5 compound words written as two words and use them in sentences.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Decodes meaning of compound words written as two words.

Values: Caring for Natural Resources

II. Subject Matter:

Compound Words written as two words Dialogue-Field Trip for Noli

References: Everyday English IV Reading TX pp. 15-18; PELC L 3, R 3.2, W 3

Materials: flashcards, pictures, dialogue written on the chart

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Review: Compound words written as one.
Ex. sun + light = sunlight
moon + light = moonlight
 Motivation:
Have you gone to a field trip? Today, we're going to read about a field trip of a young
 Unlocking of difficulties: through pictures, context clues
rice terraces — (show picture)
mountain side — (show picture)
field trip - context clues

B. Presentation:
1. The teacher reads the dialogue about a field trip written in chart while pupils read along
2. Comprehension Check-up:
o What did Noli see in Baguio?
o Where is the terraces found?
o What did Noli's family have?
3. Infusion of Values
How can we avoid the destruction of our beautiful spots?
4. Group pupils into two and read the part for Noli and Ben.
5. What are the compound words in the dialog?
6. Generalization:
What are compound words? How are they written?
7. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Exercise - Game

1. Distribute cutouts of vehicles (bus, car, jeep, etc). Read the compound word at the
back, then use in a sentence. Drop the cutouts in the appropriate box.
Compound words Compound words
written as one written as two
2. Pair two words from the list to form compound words. Match them with the
definitions below:
a. boy who helps a priest
b. road closed at one end
c. conflict between two countries
b. Independent Exercise
Write these sentences, then encircle the compound words. (Dictation)
1. It has been Oscar's dream to be a boy scout.
2. Please drop in at the grocery store and buy me sugar.
3. The French government gave Flores a patent for his electric bulb.

IV. Evaluation:
Match the words with their meanings. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. water lily a. a bed large enough for two people
2. double bed b. a water plant with flat floating leaves
3. clay pot c. meaningless syllable made to sound like talk
4. double talk d. pot not durable and made of clay
5. spring time e. a pleasant season of the year.

V. Assignment:
Look for/give the meaning of these compound words.
1. Vice president 4. fruit tray
2. operating room 5. school building
3. hollow block


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identifies compound words written as hyphenated.

Values: Contentment of Everything We Have

II. Subject Matter:

Compound Words and Their Components – Hyphenated

References: Fun in English 4 Reading, Balajadia, et al pp. 74-75; Poem - Who Needs Aladdin's
Lamp; Everyday English IV (Reading) pp. 15-18 PELC L 3, R 3.2, W 3
Materials: pictures, poem on a chart

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Check your assignment
Give the meaning of these compound words: operating room, meat inspector.
 Motivation:
Do you believe in magic? Have you seen a steel-framed bird flying? No, why?
 Unlocking of difficulties:
steel-framed — (real object)
cloud-like — (context clue)
Ex. We can see cloud-like path just after the airplane passes by.

B. Presentation:
1. The teacher reads the poem written in a chart.
2. Comprehension check-up
1. Who was Aladdin?
2. What was strange about his lamp?
3. In the first stanza what does the steel-framed bird signify?
4. Infusion of Values
Be contented of what we have.
5. What compound words are found in the 1St stanza? Second stanza? Third stanza? Etc.
The teacher reads the pupils answer.
a. steel + framed = steel-framed
b. cloud + like = cloud-like
c. child + like = child-like
6. Generalization:
How are some compound words written?
7. Practice Exercises:

a. Guided
Write these sentences through dictation.
- The good-hearted princess got the magic purse.
- The editor-in-chief of Time magazine received an award.
- All the cows died of mount-and-foot disease.
- Lito's good-for-nothing son was always idle.

c. Independent:
Write sentences using the following compound words.
a. steel-framed d. mother-in-law
b. good-bye e. sister-in-law
c. cloud-like path

IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blank with the correct compound word in the parenthesis.
1. The _______ here was awarded at last. (goodhearted, good hearted, goodhearted)
2. There is ________ in the group. (goodfellowship, good fellowship,good-fellowship)
3. His father is a well-known ______. (attorney at law, attorney-at-law, attorney at-law)

V. Assignment:
Give 5 compound words written as hyphenated and use them in sentences.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Decodes compound words written as hyphenated.

Values: Listening to elder's or parent's advice

II. Subject Matter:

Compound Words and Their Components Written as Hyphenated

References: Story- Mayor Rat's Daughter - adapted; English in a Dynamic World pp. 172-174 PELC
L 3, R 3.2 W 3
Materials: flashcards, story on a chart

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
 Review:
Compound words written as two words (Game) distribute cut-outs of animals. Read the
words at the back and tell if the word is written as two words then paste it to the zoo
chart/field chart.
Cut-outs of Bird, goat and etc. rat, dog cat, snake
 Motivation:
When your parents or elders give you advice, do you listen and obey? What is the
purpose of their advice?
 Unlocking of difficulties: (through pictures and context clues.)
new — (show picture)

B. Presentation:
1. Today we're going to read a story of disobedient rat. Teacher reads and pupils read along
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who is White Rat? Describe her.
b. What did Gray Rat give White Rat on his visit?
c. Why is Gray Rat not welcome to Mayor's family?
3. Infusion of values:
We must listen and follow the advice of our parents.
4. Group pupils into three. Have each group read a paragraph.
5. What are the compound words in the story.

made + to + order = made-to-order
mother + in + law = mother-in-law
father + in + law = father-in-law
6. Generalization:
How are these compound words written?
7. Practice Exercises:
Read the sentences. Select/Write the hyphenated words.
1. Is a new pair of shoes usually worn-out?
2. A civic-spirited person works for the common good.
3. Is a make-believe story a true-to-life story?
4. A made-to-order cake is delicious.
5. A would-be actor loves to be an actor.

IV. Evaluation:
The sentences are incomplete. Select the appropriate words from the box.
make-believe, steel-framed, food-and-mouth, guest-of-honor, good-for-nothing .
1. 1 felt very nervous during my first ride on a _______ airplane.
2. Cows in Central Luzon have __________ disease.
3. During the awards night of the Kabataan Legion, President GMA was the _________.

V. Assignment:
Use these compound words in sentences.
1. made-to-order
2. worn-out 4. would-be
3. civic-spirited 5. editor-in-chief


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Decodes meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues.

Values: Conservation Of our Forest

II. Subject Matter:

Decoding Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Context Clues

Save Our Forest
References: PELC p. 17 3.3. Everyday English 4 (Reading) pp. 155-158; Fun in English 4 (Reading)
pp. 168-171; English in a Dynamic World 4 pp. 178179
Materials: illustration boards, bottle, manila paper, pentel pen

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Motivation
What is the picture all about? What are found in the forest?
 Presentation:
Today we are going to read about the importance of forest in our lives.
 Unlocking of difficulties:
Read the following sentences and get the meaning of the underlined words through
context clues.
1. Trees make the soil rich with decayed leaves and branches.
2. The roots of trees help prevent erosion.
3. The twigs of a tree can be used in building a fire.

B. While Reading:
Use Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) (Save Our Forest-Everyday English 4
Reading pp. 155-156)

C. After Reading:
1. Comprehension Check-up
1. What are the things that we can find in our forest?
2. How do some people destroy our forest?
2. Value Infusion
What can we do to save our forest?
3. Engagement activities
Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
1. We can conserve our soil by taking care of our forest.
2. We depend on the soil to make a living. So, we must help preserve our forest.

3. Our forest trees provide homes for our wildlife.
4. The teacher discuss and explain what is context clues.

D. Generalization:
How do we get meaning of some words?

E. Practice:
a. Guided:
Write down the following words as I dictate.
1. campaign 4. aim
2. runner 5. bulb
3. landed

b. Independent Exercise
Give the meaning through context clues. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The green thing landed inside the basket.
a. part of the earth.
b. to come down or bring down and settle on a surface
2. The aim of our government is to save our forest.
a. reason, purpose
b. to direct toward specific goal

IV. Evaluation:
Find the meaning of the underlined word used in the sentence.
1. The forest supplies us with woods that we need.
a. to serve as a substitute
b. give things that we need
c. school supplies
2. People should train themselves to be responsible enough to save our forest.
a. to ride on a train
b. give things that we need
c. school supplies

V. Assignment:
Find the meaning of the following in the dictionary.
1. antennae 3. croak 5. germinate
2. cycle 4. chirp


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Uses the dictionary to get the meaning/meanings of a given word.

Values: Love of Mother

II. Subject Matter:

Using the Dictionary to Get the Meaning/s of a Given word.

References: PELC Listening 3, Speaking 3, Reading 3.4 Writing 3 pp. 16-17;

English in Dynamic World IV TX pp. 178-182; Everyday
Poem: Lines for Mother
Materials: charts, cassette recorder

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Drill
Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
stars shells needle car
hospital turtle jewel books
 Review:
Read each sentence carefully. Encircle the homonyms.
1. Mira beat the dog that bit her.
2. They led the sheep into the ship.
3. The steel post is still very strong.

B. Reading:
1. Pre-Reading Activity
a. Motivation
Show picture of a mother. Ask something about mothers.
b. Unlocking of Difficulties
Substitute the underline word, in the sentence with a word that have the same
meaning in the box.
1. Rita has a sleek hands because she does not wash her clothes.
2. Lino left the spasm and went to bed.
3. Mother began to caress her baby to send him to bed.
2. While Reading:
Choral Reading by group with directed Reading thinking ability (DRTA)
3. After Reading:
a. Comprehension check-up

1. What did the mother do when her child is sick?
2. What did mother teach her child?
3. Why does mother possess a golden touch?
b. Value Infusion:
How will you pay the goodness of your mother?
c. Skill Development:
Group Activity
The class is divided into 4 groups. Each group select 4 words from the poem read.
Then use a dictionary to find the meaning/meanings of words. Let each group write the
words and also the meaning.
d. Generalization:
What is a dictionary? What are the necessary information we get in a dictionary.
e. Practice Exercise
a. Guided Practice
Use the dictionary in finding the meaning and meanings of the following word.

IV. Evaluation:
Read each sentence carefully and write the meaning that fits the underlined word.
a. The wood cutter trained his children to gather food.
b. The green things landed in the basket.
c. Lots of plant sprouted in the land.
d. Please try to reach the kite on the branches.

V. Assignment:
Use your own dictionary to find the meaning/meanings of the following words and use it in sentence.

1. stick 6. down
2. bat 7. drama
3. round 8. head
4. face 9. bridge
5. tear 10. bright



Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identify the setting and the main characters in the story listened to
 Note details in a selection listened to

Values: Obedience

II. Subject Matter:

Identifying Settings and Main Characters in a Story Listened to

References: Everyday English Reading IV pp. 31-35;

BEC 4 Listening PELC
Materials: picture of a girl preparing the table for lunch, picture of mermaid, gulf

III. Learning Activities

A. Free Communication:
Asking and answering who, when and where questions

B. Preparatory Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties through picture clues
mermaid gulf

2. Motivation
(show a picture of a mermaid). Look at the picture. Tell something about it based on the
picture. What would you like to know about the story?

C. Presentation:
1. Today, you are going to listen to a story
Before that what are the things you should consider in listening to a story? Call on pupils
to give the standards in listening properly.
2. Reading to the story by the class best readers. Story: “The Fishermen’s Daughter”
3. Answering the questions raised by the pupils and other question raised by the teacher for the
deeper understanding of the story.
4. Who are the people mentioned in the story? These people mentioned are characters in the
story? Where did the story happened? The place where the story happened in the setting of

the story
5. Listen to another story? “The Traffic Signs.”

6. Generalization
What will you answer when you are asked about the characters?
What will you answer when you are asked about the setting?

7. Value Infusion
What character traits does Maliket show? Are you this kind of child also? What are you
going to do to show that you are obedient?

8. Practice Exercises
a. Guided
Organized the pupil into 4. The teacher calls of onother set of best readers to read
the story. Identify the setting of the story. Identify the setting of the story by writing them
on the “Fishbone map” and “spider web map”.

b. Independent
The best class reader will read another story. Listen to the story. Identify the setting
and the main characters by configuration clues.

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the story (Feeding Time at the Zoo) Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it in
your notebook.
1. The setting of the story is _________.
a. zoo c. house
b. school d. market
2. The characters are ____________.
a. cat, mouse, monkey and dog
b. monkeys, lions, parrots
c. chicken, cow, goat, lion
d. butterflies, cats, mice
3. Who need the animals?
a. monkeys c. lions
b. parrots d. snakes

V. Assignment:
Read the story on pages 22 of you Fun in English Reading. Identify the characters and setting of
the story.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identify the suspense in the story listened to

 Note details in a story listened to

Values: Kindness

II. Subject Matter:

Identifying Suspense

PELC BEC 4 Listening

References: Fun in English Language IV pp. 70-73

Materials: pictures to toads, diamonds

III. Learning Activities

A. Free Communication:
Asking and answering who, when and where questions
Checking of Assignment

B. Preparatory Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties through picture and networking.

2. Motivation
Do you want to marry a prince someday? What should you do in order to have one?

C. Presentation:
1. Today, you are going to listen to a story and find out the suspenses in the story. What are the
things should remember in listening to a story?
2. Reading the story “Toads and diamonds” The teachers call on the best readers in the class to
read the story. (Pages 72-73 Fun in English Language IV)
3. Comprehension check-up
a. Who had two daughters
b. How did the widow treat her elder daughter? Young daughter?
c. What did the old woman give to the younger daughter? Elder daughter?
d. Who are the characters in the story?

e. Where is the settings?
4. What events in the story make you feel like going on listening? We call these events, the
5. Listen to another story. Answer the questions that follow. “Juan and His Brothers” (Pages 71-
75 Fun in English Language IV)
6. Answer the following questions:
a. Who where did the story happen?
b. Who are the characters in the story?
c. What are the events in the story that make you feel like going on listening?

7. Generalization
What do you call the events that make you feel like going on listening to the story?
(We call these events, the suspense of the story.)

8. Value Infusion
What is the lesson in the story? How can you tell that the younger daughters is kind? Do
like this kind of trait? What are you going to do to show kindness?

9. Practice Exercises
a. Guided

The pupils will be grouped in four. Each group will identify the characters, setting
and suspense by filling in the information in the story map. Afterwards, each group will
role play the story and let their classmates identify the characters, setting and suspense in
the story.

c. Independent
Listen to the story ( Proud Father Frog ) and identify the characters, setting and the

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the story (Fun at the Zoo) Answer the questions below. Choose the letter of the correct
1. Where is the settings in the story?
a. at the park c. at the plaza
b. at the zoo
2. When did the story happen?
a. one morning c. one evening
b. one afternoon
3. Who are the main characters in the story?
a. sea lions and ostriches
b. birds and chimpanzees
c. mother and I

V. Assignment:
Identify the following phrases as to character, setting, suspense or climax

1. kind, polite and beautiful
2. from the well
3. disagreeable and proud
4. offered the water jug
5. insulated a well-dressed woman


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Identify the climax in the story listened to

 Note details in a selection listened to

Values: Love

II. Subject Matter:

Identify climax in the Story Listened to

References: PELC BEC 4 Listening

Everyday English Reading IV pp. 31-35
Materials: picture of a girl preparing the table for lunch, mermaid, gulf

III. Learning Activities

A. Free Communication:
Asking the answering what, where, when and who questions.
Checking of Assignment

B. Preparatory Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties through context clues.
a. The fishermen saw a mermaid in the sea. It was a creature half a woman a half-fish.
b. The fishermen banked their boats near the gulf. It is a part of the sea extending into the
2. Motivation
Have you watched the movie “The Little Mermaid?” What does it look like?

C. Presentation:
1. Today, you are going to listen to a story and find out the climax or suspense’s in the story.
What would you do while listening to a story
2. Reading the story by the best readers in the class. “The Fisherman’s Daughter”
3. Comprehension check-up
a. Who is Maskil?
b. Why did Maskil get Maliket?
c. Who are the characters in the story?
d. Where is the setting of the story?
e. What is the suspenseful part of the story?

4. What is the exciting part in the story? You call this climax.
5. Listen to another story (The Pretty Hen) Answer the questions that follow.
a. Where did the story happen?
b. Who are the characters in the story?
c. What is the suspenseful part of the story?
d. What is the climax of the story?

6. Generalization
What do you call the highest point of interest in the story, where excitement is greatest?

7. Value Infusion
Why does Maliket want so much to go home? What does her parents show to her?

8. Practice Exercises
a. Guided

1. Divide the class into four. Each group leader will get an index card containing the
setting, characters, suspense and climax. The teacher call another pupil reader to read
the story.

2. The pupils will identify the setting, characters, suspense and climax by putting the
sentences in the story map.

d. Independent
Listen to the story (The Hunter and the Wise Deer) and answer the questions that
follow by choosing the letter of the correct answer.

1. Where is the setting of the story?

a. in the river c. on the farm

b. in the forest d. at the zoo

2. Who is the main character of the story?

a. Lito c. Deer

b. Father d. Chito

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to another story (Bimbo). Then answer the questions that follow by writing the letter of the
correct answer.
1. The main character in the story is _____
a. Bimbo b. The worm c. the fisherman
2. The setting of the story is ______
a. big green grass b. big green river c. big green lake
3. Which of the following sentences is the suspense in the story?
a. Bimbo spotted a juicy worm on top of the water.

b. Bimbo was swimming around the lake.
c. He wanted to eat the worm for dinner.

V. Assignment:
Identify the part of the story being described. Write the setting, character, suspense of climax
before the number.
________ 1. Persons or animals acting like person.
________ 2. Suspenseful part of the story
________ 3. Time and place where the story happened
________ 4. The important event in the story.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Locate answers to wh-, how and why questions that are explicitly stated in the text
 Note details in a selection listened to.

Values: Industry

II. Subject Matter:

Locating Answer to Wh-How and Why Questions

Story: A Stormy Day

References: stairways to English Reading pp. 42-44, 102-103

PELC BEC 4.1 Reading, 4 Listening

Materials: stories written on manila paper.

III. Learning Activities

A. Free Reading
1. Listening to a short story?
Teacher reads the story of Cinderella.
2. Comprehension Check up
a. Who was Cinderella? Why was she ill-treated by her stepmother and stepsisters? How
did she meet the prince? How was the prince able to find Cinderella?
3. Motivation
Do you like to play during the stormy days? Why? Why not? Today, let’s read a story
entitled “A Stormy day.” Before we read it, let’s first study the words found in the story.
4. Unlocking of difficulties
Unlock the meaning of these words by matching column A with column B.
1. flashed a. rushing
2. sailboats b. flowing
3. pouring c. sparked
4. hurrying d. a boat driven by sails
5. Recall standards for silent reading

B. Reading Silently
Read the story “A Stormy Day”

C. Post Reading Activities
1. Comprehension Check-up
a. Who did not go to school? Why?
b. What would they do if they stayed at home?
c. What did Flor see?
d. What are in their mouths?
2. Value Infusion
It is good to imitate the ants? Why? What good traits do ants possess?
3. Apply Reading Skills
Going back to the story “A Story Day”. Locate the part the answers these questions.
a. How will the children play during stormy days?
b. How does water go up the sky?
c. Why were the ants moving to a dry place?
d. Why were the streets flooded?

4. Generalization
How do we locate answers to wh- questions from the story?
We could locate answers to wh- why or how questions by looking at the part of the story
where the answers are stated.

5. Practice Exercises
a. Guided

The pupils will be grouped into two. They will read the story in a Readers Theater
form. Each of them will write the story on a bond paper and afterwards, place it in a
folder. After a short practice, they will present it to the class while the first group is
performing, the second group will locate the paragraph that answer the questions below
and vice-versa

1. How did robin make his nest?

2. How could the blackbird get inside?

b. Independent

The teacher will prepare index cards with different paragraphs written on it.

Divide the pupils into three groups. Each group picks one index card. The best reader
will read the paragraph while the other group will jot down the answers to the questions

1. How long ago this story happen?

2. What did the captain of the ship wan to do?

IV. Evaluation:
Read the story silently. Locate the sentence that answers the questions below it.

1. How many children did Aling Narda have?
2. How did Pedro eat his food?
3. Why did Pedro ask for more rice?

V. Assignment:
Read the story on page 268 of Developing Reading Power IV. Write 3 wh- questions about the


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Demonstrate knowledge of story grammar by being able to identify setting, characters, and the
main events in the story.
 Skim read a story for specific information.
 Show enjoyment of stories read

Values: Love for Animals

II. Subject Matter:

Identifying the Setting, Characters and Main Events in the Story.

Story: A Stormy Day

References: stairways to English Reading p.19-20

Developing Reading Power 4 (Abadilla) p. 31

Developing Reading Power 4 (Ferrer) p. 90-116

PELC BEC 4.2 Reading

Materials: stories in chart

III. Learning Activities

A. Reading Exercises: Skimming
1. When did the story happen?
a. one night on a treetop
b. one fine morning, on a branch of a tree
c. on Saturday, on a tree house
2. Who are the characters in the story?
a. a king b. a cat c. a kingfisher and a cat
3. What events happened in the story first?
a. kingfisher was busy eating a fresh fish
b. they asked the kingfisher to sing
c. The kingfisher opened her mouth and tried to sing

B. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of Difficulties Using Context Clues

a. widower
The old man is a widower. His wife died a year ago. He didn’t marry again.
b. companion
The woman has no companion in her house. She has no one to accompany and guide
c. village
They lived in a fishing village. There are many houses there although it is smaller
than a town.

C. Reading the story silently: “Mang Carding”

D. Post Reading Activities

1. Comprehension Check up
a. Who is Mang Carding? Where does he live? What was his occupation before? What was
his companion? What happened to his dog?

2. Infusion Values
Do you love your dog? How do you take good care of your pet? Is he your best friend?
3. Applying Reading Skills
Going back to the story of Mang Carding, answer the following questions
a. Where did the story happen?
b. Who are the characters of the story?
c. Which is the first event of the story?

4. Generalization
How can you identify the setting, characters and main events of a story?
We can identify the setting of the story by looking where and when the story happen. The
characters of the story can be identified by looking at the persons speaking/acting in the
story. We can identify the main event by looking at the part where the action are done.

5. Practice Exercises
a. Guided

Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Each pupil should have a part in the group. One will
serve as the leader, the narrator, two characters and the others as props. Tell them that
they will present the story to class and write the answers to the questions below in a tree

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. Where did the story happen?

3. When did the story happen?

b. Independent

Read the story “A Summer Vacation” Answer these questions:

1. Who are the story happen?

2. When did the story happen?

3. Where did the story happen?

IV. Evaluation:
Read this story silently. Answer the questions below. While the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who are the characters of the story?
a. farmer b. a boy c. a farmer and his son
2. When did the story happen?
a. one summer b. one morning c. one afternoon

V. Assignment:
Copy a short story. Read it to class tomorrow and ask your classmates about the setting,
characters and main events.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Note significant details that relate to the central theme.

Values: Courage and bravery

II. Subject Matter:

Noting Significant Details that Relate to the Central Theme Story: The
Sly Fox, The Ungrateful Crocodile

References: BEC 4 Listening 4.2Reading

Developing Reading Power 4 (Abadilla) pp.43-45,47-49
Materials: stories written on manila paper

III. Learning Activities

A. Pre-Reading
1. Checking of assignment
2. Unlocking of Difficulties using context clues:
a. muzzle
The fox had a pointed muzzle. Does muzzle mean the projecting part of a face including
the nose and mouth?

3. Motivation:
Have you seen wolves? How about a fox?

B. Reading Activities:
Recall standards for silent reading Read the story" A SLY FOX" pp.72

C. Post Reading:
1. Comprehension Check Up:
 How does the story happen?
 Which describe the setting of the story? Why did the wolf not eat the fox? Value Infusion:
 You are being attacked by wolves, are you going to be afraid? Why?
 Applying Reading Skills:

2. Going back to the story answer the following:

a. What was the problem of the fox?
b. How did he solve his problem?

c. What is the most exciting part of the story?

D. Generalization:
How do we note significant details in the story that point out to the central theme?

E. Practice Exercise:
Read another story then relate the central theme by using the flow chart.

Independent Practice:
Read the story" THE BRIDGE OF LOVE" p.72 and answer the following
1. Why was the prince in love with princess?
2. What was the condition given by the king?

IV. Evaluation:
Read the story "Ungrateful Guest" p.72. Write the significant details in the chart below.
1. What did Abraham offer to the stranger?
2. What did Abraham decide to do to the stranger?
3. How did the stranger act at the kindness of Abraham?
4. What did Abraham decide to do to the stranger?

V. Assignment:
Read a short story. Then write the significant events of the story.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Find descriptive action words in selection read

Values: Love of Country

II. Subject Matter:

Descriptive Action Words

Story: A Journalism Entry

References: PELC BEC 4 Listening 4.3Reading Fun in English (L) pp84-85

Materials: stories written on manila paper.

III. Learning Activities

A. Pre Reading
1. Checking of assignment
2. Unlocking of Difficulties using context clues:
a. tourists
There were many tourist in Baguio City. They are traveling for pleasure.
3. Motivation:
What makes our country beautiful?

B. Reading Activities
Read the selection carefully.
I am very fortunate that my father is a tourist guide. In one of his trips, he took me along with
him. Many of the tourist were foreigners ….see p.73

C. Post Reading:
1. Comprehension Check Up:
a. What places did the writer go? What are found in these places?
b. Did he enjoy his travel with his father? Value Infusion:
c. Are you proud of your country? Why?
d. Applying Reading Skills:

2. Going back to the story answer the following

a. What words are used to describe each of the ft. words?

b. What does the descriptive action words like thrilling describe?
b. What do you call these action words that describe these nouns?
D. Generalization:
How can you locate the descriptive action words in a sentence?

E. Practice Exercise:
Identify the word written is an action word or not. Read

Described: ________________________________

F. Independent Practice:
Underline the descriptive action words in each sentence.
1. Mila, the dancing queen, was crowned as Miss Red Cross last night.
2. I saw the flickering shadow of the approaching man.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the selection and list down 10 descriptive action words.
I love rattling on the roof
The booming thunder and the zooming jet plane
The roaring car, the moaning wind
The splashing waves as they dash on the shire .............. see p 74

V. Assignment:
Match the descriptive action words to the noun it describes.
1. roaring a. lightning
2. snoring b. feet
3. booming c. thunder


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Use few, little, some, many, much, a lot of to denote quantity.

Values: Helpfulness and thoughtfulness

II. Subject Matter:

Using Expression Denoting Quality

Story: A Journalism Entry

References: PELC BEC 4.1 Speaking

Fun in English (listening) pp. 96-99; 103-104
Materials: pictures

III. Learning Activities

A. Pre Reading
1. Checking of assignment
2. Drill:
Give examples of nouns
3. Review:
Define count & mass nouns
4. Motivation:
Do you go to a grocery store for groceries?

B. Presentation:
1. Tell the things seen in a grocery.
2. Listening to the conversation ......................see p.74

C. Post Reading:
1. Comprehension Check Up:
a. Who went to the grocery store?
b. How much sugar will Rose buy?
c. How much did Rose spend? Value Infusion:
d. Do you love your parents? How do you show your love for them?

2. Applying Skills:

a. What mass nouns & count nouns are used in the conversation?
b. What do these words denote?
c. What are the other expressions used in each sentence?

3. Read the poem and name the expressions that denote quantity.
How much do you want
Not too much, just a little
Not too much

D. Generalization:
What expressions are used to show denote quantity of mass nouns? Count nouns.

E. Practice Exercise:
Use an appropriate expressions that denotes quantity to the noun and used it in a sentence.

F. Independent Practice:
Choose the correct word or expression to complete each sentence.
1. Dina puts ( much. Many, few) milk in the chocolate.
2. She puts( many, a few, a little) sugar in the juice ... see p75

IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph. Fill in each blank with the word or expression used in denoting
Mr. Pascua's store is filled with grocery items. He ______has ________milk & juice. Two
shelves contains ___________bottles of peanut butter, jam and mayonnaise, and __________ boxes
of candies …..see p75

V. Assignment:
Use the ft. expressions that denote quantity in sentences.
A little of
A few of
A lot of


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Use the plural of nouns ending in f, fe

Values: Attentiveness

II. Subject Matter:

Using the Plural of Nouns Ending in f – fe

Story: A Journalist Entry

References: PELC BEC 4.2, Speaking

Fun in English (L) pp. 43-45
Materials: charts

III. Learning Activities

A. Pre Reading
1. Checking of assignment Drill:
Give the plural form of the following nouns
2. Review:
Write the plural form of the following nouns. Goose
3. Motivation:
How do most singular nouns form their plural?

B. Presentation:
Study how the plural of the underlined noun is formed.
1. The roofs were painted red.
1. Chefs prepare the foods in a big restaurants.
2. The funny dwarfs have tiny voices.

C. Discussion:
How do the underlined words in each sentences form their plural?

D. Comparison & Abstraction:
1. Compare the 2 groups of nouns below.
Singular Plural
Roof roofs
Reef reefs
Safe safes

E. Generalization:
How do you form the plural of some nouns ending in f/ fe?

F. Infusion of Values:
What will you do that you'll understand the lesson well?
G. Practice Exercises:
Let the pupils write as many nouns ending in f- fe as they could.

H. Independent Practice:
Using the plural form of the f/ nouns, write six-eight sentence paragraph about a birthday party.

IV. Evaluation:
Give the plural form of the f /. nouns.
1. life
2. leaf
3. thief
4. wife
5. loaf

V. Assignment:
Write the correct form of the f / nouns.
a. a dry __________of the plant
b. two sharp _________________
c. the ____________ in the jail.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Follow guidelines in writing a biography.

Values: Patriotism

II. Subject Matter:

Informal Theme Writing

References: Fun in English (L) pp. 84-85

Materials: charts

III. Learning Activities

A. Pre Reading
1. Checking of assignment

2. Review:
What are the guidelines in writing a paragraph?
3. Motivation:
Who is Apolinario Mabini?

B. Presentation:
1. Writing a paragraph about Juan Luna.
2. Read a paragraph about Apolinario Mabini. .... see p77-78
3. Comprehension Check Up:
a. Where & when was Apolinario Mabini born?
b. What organization did he join when he was a law student?

C. Discussion:
How many paragraphs are there in the selection?
What is the first paragraph/ second/third/paragraph about?
Do the sentence in each paragraph keep to the topic?

D. Generalization:
Based on the discussion, what must you bear in mind when writing a biography?

E. Infusion of Values:
As a young citizen, how can you show that you are patriotic?

F. Practice Exercises:
Let the pupils write a biography of Marcelo del Pilar using the following information . . see p.78

G. Independent Practice:
Read the following. information then write a paragraph using these information…see. p.78

IV. Evaluation:
Peer checking of one's paragraph.

V. Assignment:
Write the corrected paragraph and pass it tomorrow.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Tell what the story listened to is about in two-three sentences.

Values: Health maintenance

II. Subject Matter:

Tell what the story is all about (Listening)

Story: Milk

References: Developing Reading Power IV pp 73,65 PELC Listening 5


III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Drill: Will you tell the news you heard last night?
3. Review:
What stories have you read when you were in grade III?
4. Unlock the words:
Condensed milk
Evaporated milk
Imported milk
* Which milk is thick & sweetened?
5. Motivation:
Which milk is bought from other countries?

B. Presentation:
1. Read a paragraph about MILK p. 79

2. Comprehension Check Up:

1. What king of food is milk?
2. What is the best milk for babies?
3. Which milk can take the place of mother's milk?
3. Skill Development:
a. What is the main idea of the story listened to?
b. Give 2-3 sentences.

C. Discussion:

How many paragraphs are there in the selection?
What is the first paragraph! Second/ third paragraph about?
Do the sentence in each paragraph keep to the topic?

D. Generalization:
How can you tell the main idea of a story listened to?

E. Infusion of Values:
How will you maintain a good health?

F. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
The pupils will be grouped into four. The pupils will be instructed to discuss the
paragraph and answer the following questions. "MOTHER OF KATIPUNAN" p.79
a. What is the key sentence of the paragraph?
b. What is the paragraph about?
c. What Filipino value mentioned from the paragraph?

G. Independent Practice:
Play a game. Have 5 groups with 1 a members each. The group who can give the correct
key sentence will win.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the story and then tell it in 2-3 sentences.
Ludie was playing with her new friends in their front yard when she saw her mother coming from
the market. She excused herself from her playmates and ran to meet her mother. She took the market
bag and carried it to the house ……. see p.80

V. Assignment:
Listen to a story from a friend. Tell about it in 2-3 sentences tomorrow.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Write the main idea of the poem listened to in 2-3 sentences.

Values: Love for Nature

II. Subject Matter:

Writing the Main Idea of a Poem Listened to in 2-3 Sentences

Poem: These Lovely Things

References: Blazing Trails 4 p2

Fun In English 4 p.90-91
PELC Listening 5 p.17

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review:
Recall a poem learned just recently and tell something about it.

3. Unlock the words:
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
a. My brother searched for light at night.( threw, shed, looked)
b. The big stars enchant us. ( attract. frighten, drive)

4. Motivation:
Show the pictures and ask: What is the child looking at?

B. Presentation:
Listen well and be able to tell the main idea of the poem,
“These Lovely Things:” p.80

Comprehension Check Up:

1. Who do you think speaks in the poem?
1. What questions did she ask?

Skill Development:
1. What is the main idea of the poem?
2. Write in 2-3 sentences.

How many paragraphs are there in the selection?
What is the first paragraph/ second/ third paragraph about?
Do the sentence in each paragraph keep to the topic?

D. Generalization:
What should you remember when listening a poem? Can you tell the main idea in 2-3 sentences?

E. Infusion of Values:
How do you take care of the trees around you?
F. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
The pupils will be grouped into four. The pupils will be instructed to identify the main
idea of the poem.
* Some children are brown like newly baked bread;
* Some children are yellow and some are red

IV. Evaluation:
Listen carefully to these poems and write 2-3 sentences about each of them.
1. Atis, mangoes and bananas ripe
All are sweet fruits I like to bite
Fruits so worthwhile for you & me
They make us healthy as we should be

2. Red yellow orange and blue

All are pretty colors very bright, too
Colors that make surroundings glow
Though weather-breath still shining so.

V. Assignment:
Copy the poem in your notebook and give the main idea of the poem in 2-3 sentences.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Give the main idea of news listened to.

Values: Good Governance

II. Subject Matter:

Giving the Main Idea

A News Paragraph: Elected Officials End 1st Year Today

References: Manila Bulletin Volume 354, nO.30 p1 June 30,2002

Materials: news paper

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Where do you get news for the day?
2. Checking of assignment
3. Review:
What is a paragraph?
Where will you find the topic sentence of paragraph?
4. Motivation:
Did you hear some news yesterday?
5. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.
a. The local officials had fulfilled most of their promises.
(community, limited to a place)

B. Presentation:
1. Do you hear some news?
2. Reading of the selection p 81
3. Comprehension Check Up:
1. What is the topic about?
1. Where can you find it in the paragraph?
2. What have these officials done?
4. Skill Development:
In 2-3 sentences, give the main idea of the news you just heard.

C. Generalization:
What should you remember when somebody tells a news?

D. Infusion of Values:
If you are elected as a classroom officer, how will you serve your classmates?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
Group the pupils into four. Each group will analyze the news paragraph. In 2-3
sentences the pupils will give the main idea .. see p.82
2. Independent:
The teacher will prepare at least five news paragraph and write 2- 3 sentences about it.

IV. Evaluation:
Read another news paragraph and ask the pupils to write two-three sentences

V. Assignment:
Cut an article in the newspaper and give the main idea in 2-3 sentences in your notebook.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Use the possessive form of singular nouns.

Values: Man's concern for her child

II. Subject Matter:

Possessive Form of Nouns

References: PELC Speaking 5

Fun In English 4 (L) pp 105-108
Materials: story line written in a manila paper

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Ask individual pupil to show an object his her seatmate owns.
2. Checking of assignment
3. Review:
Give examples of singular nouns. Mother garden
4. Motivation:
There is another way of saying the book of Ana. Find out in this paragraph.

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the selection p 82
2. Comprehension Check Up:
1. Who wanted to see my teacher?
1. Where did I take her?
2. What were the posters showed?
3. Discussion:
Read the ff. phrases:
Miss Quizon's room
President's picture
Farmer's family
Ida's poster

* How can you say these phrases in different way?

Miss Quizon' room - room of Miss Quizon
Ida's poster - poster of Ida

C. Generalization:
How do we write the possessive form of singular nouns?

D. Infusion of Values:
What can you say about your mother?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
Use the ff. in sentences.
a. the book of Marites
b. the hat of the woman
c. box of Angelica

2. Independent:
Write 5 singular nouns and their possessive form.

IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blank with the correct possessive form of noun in the parenthesis.
1. The _____________ Santa Cruzan will be scheduled for tomorrow ( towns, town's, towns’)
2. (Fathers, Father's, fathers') toys were kept in the room.
We have to finish ____________ work. (today, todays, today's)

V. Assignment:
Complete the sentence using the possessive form of the singular noun.
the clothes of an actor
the prize of the winner
the work of the ditor


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Use the possessive form of plural nouns.

Values: Friendliness

II. Subject Matter:

Possessive Form of Plural Nouns

References: PELC Speaking 5

Fun In English 4 (L) pp 109-111
Materials: story line written in a manila paper

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Ask pupil to show what all of them owns.
2. Checking of assignment
3. Review:
Write the correct way of showing possession.
a. the ruler of Henry
b. the house of my friend
c. the candy of Rica
4. Motivation:
Plural nouns have another way of showing possession.

B. Presentation:
1. Read the story about Garcia family pp.83
2. Comprehension Check Up:
1. How many children does the Garcia family have?
2. What do the girls have?
1. What do the three boys have?
3. Discussion:
Read the ft. phrases:
To whom are the dolls?
To whom are the houses?
To who, are the toy cars?

The dolls belong to the girls. The girls dolls.

The toy cars belong to the three boys.

The phrases show possessive form of plural nouns.

C. Generalization:
What is added to show the possessive form of plural nouns?

D. Infusion of Values:
What good traits does the Garcia family have?
E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:
The group will at least write 10 possessive form of plural nouns.

2. Independent:
Put a cross x for not properly written possessive nouns and check/ for the correct one.
_____ 1. the mice's teeth
_____ 2. the cars lights
_____ 3. the oxen's bodies

IV. Evaluation:
Rewrite the sentences changing each underlined noun phrases into each possessive form.
1. The brothers of my parents are my uncles.
2. The costumes of the dancers are colorful.
3. The shoes of the boys are new ……see p.84

V. Assignment:
Fill in the blank with the possessive form of noun inside the parenthesis.
1. The (chairs) _________ legs are broken.
2. The (birds) _________cages are clean.
3. The ( children) _________shoes were black and shiny …see p.84


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Identify the main idea that is not explicity

Values: Love of Animals

II. Subject Matter:

Main Idea

References: PELC – Reading; Everyday English 4 Reading pp.98-99

Materials: pictures of some animals

Story: How some Animals Hibernate

III. Learning Activities

A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Review:

Identify the key sentence in the paragraph.

The foods we eat come form plants and animals. Fruits and vegetables come from plants.
Flour, sugar and cooking oil come from plants. Butter, milk and meat come from cows
and carabaos.

Key Sentence: The food we eat come from plants and animals.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties

a. When animals sleep all winter, we say they hibernate (to pass the winter in a resting or
motionless state)

3. Motivation:

How do the people in other countries feel when there is snow?

B. Presentation:

Read the selection “How Some Animals Hibernate” pp. 98-99, Everyday English R. 4

C. Post Reading:

1. Comprehension Check-up

a. What are those animals that hibernate?

b. How do frogs and toads hibernate? The turtles? The snails? The snakes?

2. Valuing:

Should we care for these animals? How?

3. Discussion

a. What is the selection all about?

b. Why do some animals hibernate?

c. What helps you know that they hibernate to protect their selves from too much cold?

4. Generalization

How do we get the main idea of the selection that is not phrases in the selection.

5. Exercises

a. Guided Exercises:

Get the main idea of the following paragraph.


Birds eat the weed seeds and insects which destroy the crops. Some birds, like the
owl eat the rats that spread diseases. Other birds give us the meat and eggs that we need.

Main Idea: Birds are useful to man.

b. Independent Exercises:

Write the main idea of the paragraph

Animals like monkeys and wild pigs live in forest while others live in grassland.
Some live in fresh water while others in the sea. Some animals are live in houses where
people live…. See. P.85

Main Idea: Animals live in different places.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and give the main idea.
1. Some animals eat seeds. Other ants the juice form the flowers and stems of the plants., still
gather eat dead insects… see p.86
2. The Red Cross serves people regardless of race, creed and color. It serves in time of peace and
war. Whenever and whenever there is calamity and need, the Red Cross is there to serve…see

V. Assignment:
Copy the paragraph and give the main idea

The Fish

Some fish lay their eggs in the surface of the water. Some fasten their eggs to water plants. Other
lay their eggs on stones or logs in the water. There are also kinds of fish that make nests and put their
eggs inside their nests.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Identify the main idea of a two paragraph expository text that is explicitly stated.

Values: Respect for Ethnic Groups

II. Subject Matter:

Main Idea of a Paragraph

References: PELC Reading 5.1

Everyday English Reading 4 pp.103-106
Fun in English Language pp.111-112
Materials: map of region 4, picture

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Motivation:
What are the ethnic groups that you know?

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Find the synonyms of the words inside the box

ethnic To keep up
preserve Culture group

B. Presentation:
1. Pupils will read the story silently ( Everyday English 4 pp1 03-1 06)
2. Answering the motive questions.
3. Comprehension Check Up:
1. Why do the Hanunuo hum and chant during the night?
1. Where will the bones of all dead Hanunuo be buried the second time?
4. Discussion:
1. How many paragraphs are there?
2. What sentence states the most important idea of the paragraph?
3. What do you call the important idea of a paragraph?

C. Generalization:
How do we identify the main idea of a paragraph?

D. Infusion of Values:
How should we respect the diff. ethnic group?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:
Read the paragraph and write the main idea in the board. Mother bird sits on her eggs
once they are laid. She sits on the eggs to keep them warm until they are hatched pp.87?

2. Independent
Read the selection & then write the main idea in the frame.
Fire & water are our friends. They help us in many ways. I wash my clothes with water.
You clean your shoes with water. When we take a bath, we use water. We drink water after
eating and when we use are thirsty…see pp.87

IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and identify the main idea.
1. Lice affects people badly especially children. They suck blood from animals & people. Some of
them carry diseases which can cause fever.
Mosquitoes can spread malaria and H-fever. Flies carry germs …..see pp.87
Main Idea: _____________________

V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph. Identify the main idea.
Movements of the earths crust also results in ht e formation of mountains. A mountain is a part of the
earths surface that rises at 600 meters above the lowest level of land ……see.pp.87


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Evolve a title in a topic form for text based on the main idea or big idea.

Values: Taking care of Things

II. Subject Matter:

Giving Title

References: PELC Reading 5.2

Everyday English Reading 4 pp24-25
Materials: map of region 4, picture

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review:
Recall the concept of the key sentence and the main idea.
2. Motivation:
What name would you like to call him? What kind of boy is he?

B. Presentation:
1. Motive Questions:
What makes the boy different from other boys?
2. Pupils will read the story silently ….see p.88
3. Answering the motive questions.
4. Comprehension Check Up:
1. How did the boy take care of his things?
2. What pet does he have?
3. Why were his books torn into pieces?
5. Discussion:
What is the main idea of the paragraph? From the idea, what title can you give?

C. Generalization:
Where do we get a title in topic form?

D. Infusion of Values:
How should we take care of our belongings?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:

a. Group activity:
The teacher will prepare the puzzle. Then identify the best tile for the paragraph.
Then identify the best title.
Ants eat different kinds of food. Some ants eat seeds. Other ants gather juices from
the flowers and stems of plants .....see p.88
2. Independent:
Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow. P88
1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
2. What title can you give?

IV. Evaluation:
Give a title or topic from the given main idea
1. Alvin is healthy.
2. The sky is clear.
3. Water in the river is dirty.
4. The child is always happy & gay.
5. The postmaster deliver mails everyday without fail.

V. Assignment:
Change each big idea into a title.
1. Nothing grew except weeds because of the drought.
2. The people cooked and ate the grains which we now call rice.
3. The people gathered the ripened stalks as Sappia watched from heaven.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Skim the general idea on what material is about

Values: Helpfulness

II. Subject Matter:

General idea About a Material

References: PELC Reading 5.3

Fun In English (L) pp52-53
Materials: printed stories
Story : "Why the Sea is salty"

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignments.
2. Motivation:
What do you call the stories about wonderful events that were usually handed down
from the past?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
spring stretch community

B. Presentation:
1. Motive Questions:
Why is the seawater salty now?
2. Pupils will read the story silently p.90
3. Answering the motive questions.
4. Comprehension Check Up:
1. Where did the people get salt?
2. Who was the friendly giant?
3. What was he afraid of?
5. Discussion:
What printed materials did we use? What is the material about?

C. Generalization:
How do we know a material is about?

D. Infusion of Values:
How do you show your helpfulness to other?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:
Skim the general idea of the material and each group will act out what the
material is about.
A long time ago, in Italy, there lived a woodcarver named Gepetto. Gepetto carved a
puppet named him Pinocchio. The puppet came to life but he behaved badly ..... pp.89

2. Independent:
Read the paragraph and tell what the material is about.
A rabbit was taking a walk and heard someone shouting for help. He looked around and
found the wolf under a big stone….see p.89

IV. Evaluation:
Read the story , then write 2-3 sentences that tell what the material is about. Jack plant seeds
outside his window. Then, a beanstalk began to grow. It grew and grew until it reached the sky. Next,
Jack climbed the beanstalk. Soon he saw a giant golden harp. Later he took the golden harp and ran
away. Finally, Jack cut the beanstalk .... see p.90

V. Assignment:
1. Bring a friendly letter you received from someone. Try to know the diff. parts of a friendly letter.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Write simple friendly letters observing the correct format.

Values: Neatness and Orderliness

II. Subject Matter:

Simple Friendly Letters

References: PELC Writing p. 7-8

Fun In English (L) pp. 7-8
Materials: friendly letters in manila paper

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Motivation:
Do you friends in other places?
2. Review:
Recall the parts of a letter.

B. Presentation:
1. Present the letter of Cora to Rina p.7
2. Reading of the letter by the class best reader.
3. Discussion:
What kind of letter is this?
Discuss the parts of the letter and its format
Developing the letter cooperatively by the pupils
Let us write a friendly letter to a friend in other school.

C. Generalization:
What should you do to remember when writing a simple friendly letter?

D. Infusion of Values:
How do you make your letter attractive and easily read?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:
Each group will make a friendly letter, address it to the less fortunate children in our

2. Independent:
Rewrite the following friendly letter. Use the correct indention, capitalization, and
punctuation marks…see p.91

IV. Evaluation:
Pupils exchange their own friendly letters with their seatmates and make the necessary corrections.

V. Assignment:
Rewrite your own friendly letter following the corrections made.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Copy a letter of invitation observing the correct format.

Values: Using polite expression

II. Subject Matter:

Letter of Invitation

References: PELC Writing p8

Everyday English 4 (L) pp166-167

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Motivation:
What activity do we celebrate in our school in the month of October?
2. Review:
What are the diff. parts of the letter?

B. Presentation:
1. Read the letter on p 167
a. Who wrote the letter?
b. What polite expression did Leo use in his letter? C. Why did Leo invite his friend?
2. Discussion
What does the letter of invitation include?
How does a letter written?
What punctuation marks are used?

C. Generalization:
What does a letter of invitation include?
How does it written?

D. Infusion of Values:
What courteous expression should you use in writing letter of invitation?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:
Each group will make a letter of invitation, after 15 minutes they will read their letter
within the group.

2. Independent:
Rewrite the ff parts of an invitation letter. Use the correct indention, capitalization, and
punctuation marks.
1. Sincerely Rosenda
2. dear betty
3. 26 J Trizal St.
August 26, 2008

IV. Evaluation:
Rearrange the different parts of the letter below following the format of writing an invitation letter.
Your cousin
Dear John Patrick
56 Faja Rito St.
Brgy. Narciso, Zambales ……see p.92

V. Assignment:
Write an invitation letter.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Write a letter to a friend of a story listened to.

Values: Smartness

II. Subject Matter:

Friendly Letter

References: PELC Writing p5

Fun In English (L) pp124-125
Materials: sample letter

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
What are the diff. parts of the letter?

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Supply the missing words to complete each sentence.
Pitcher reached stretched
1. I want to drink something. I'm ________________
2. There's a big _____________in the refrigerator.

3. Motivation:
Have you heard a fable?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening to a fable
The crow & the Pitcher 92
2. Comprehension Check Up:
a. What did the crew feel?
b. Why did he want to break the pitcher?
c. What words best describe the crow?
3. Discussion:
If you were to share the fable to a friend far away?
How will you start your letter?
What message will you tell your friends?

C. Generalization:

How should one write a letter to a friend of a story he/ she has listened to?

D. Infusion of Values:
What attitude should we show to be able to succeed?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:

Each group will make a letter of invitation, after 15 minutes let the pupils critique
their finished work.

2. Independent:
Write a letter to your friend using the story" The Crow & The Pitcher"

IV. Evaluation:
Listen carefully to the story. Then write a letter to your friend about the story you have listened to.
"The Ant & the Grasshopper "p93

V. Assignment:
Pretend that you are the receiver of the letter. What part do you think needs to be improved?


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Use the present form of regular and irregular verbs.

Values: Protection & Preservation

II. Subject Matter:

Using the present form of regular and irregular verbs.

References: PELC Speaking 6

Everyday English Gr.6 pp81-86
Materials: chart

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Read & pronounce the words carefully Verb with s-es

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Word Association
Hoofs- cow- horse-mouse

3. Motivation:
Have you seen a deer as small as a mouse?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening to a paragraph ….see.p.94

2. Comprehension Check Up:

a. How does a mouse deer look like?
b. What is the mouse deer called?
c. Where is a mouse found?

3. Discussion:
Does the paragraph give statements of facts about the mouse deer
Name the verb used in the present form?

C. Generalization:
Use the present form of regular and irregular verbs in stating facts or action done regularly

D. Infusion of Values:
How can we help & protect the rare animals?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:
Using the table have them write a paragraph of what child does? .. p94
2. Independent:
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb below.
1. The fisherman __________________fish.
2. The bus driver _________________ a mini bus.
3. Mang Pablo ______________ fish in the river

IV. Evaluation:
Using the following outlines, write a short paragraph using the present form of verbs.
1, Tabon
a. a small bird
b. looks like a wild chicken

II. Where the small bird live.

a. along the sandy coasts of Palawan

V. Assignment:
Choose the word in the parenthesis that makes the sentence correct. Nectar (is, are, was) a
sweet juice from flowers. It (was, are, is) food for the bees ..... p94


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Use the past form of regular verbs

Values: Preservation of Cultural regular

II. Subject Matter:

Using the past form of regular

References: PELC 5.6.1

Everyday English Gr.6 (L) pp57-58
Materials: chart

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Review through a game.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Using context clues;
Early Filipinos cooked their food sometimes they ate raw.

3. Motivation:

Did the early people live in a very simple way of life?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the dialogue ... p95
2. Comprehension Check Up:
a. Where did the early Filipinos live?
b. How did the man catch the wild animals?
3. Discussion:
What action words are found in the story? How they are stated?

C. Generalization:
How do we write the past form of regular verbs?

D. Infusion of Values:

Why should we preserve the contribution of the early Filipino?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:
a. Group activity:
Underline the verb use in the sentence.
1. The astronauts gathered about 77 kilos of lunar rocks.
2. He worked as an electrician ten years ago.
2. Independent:
a. Give an example of regular verbs and use them in sentence.

IV. Evaluation:
Select the past form of these verbs.
1. Josefa Llanes Escoda ______________ the prison camp in Los Banos, Laguna (visit)
2. Our ancestors ______________ many things about strange creatures of the Philippine
storyland. (believe) ..... p96

V. Assignment:
Give the past form of the ff. verbs and use them in sentences.
1. connect
2. enjoy
3. pick
4. water
5. clean


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Use the past form of irregular verbs

Values: Kindness to animals

II. Subject Matter:

Using the past form of irregular

References: PELC 5.6.1

Everyday English Gr.6 (L) pp 64-67 Materials: chart

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review through a game.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Using context clues;
Pearls are found inside the shell of an oyster.
4. Motivation:
Whom among you have seen roosters fighting?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the story ... p97
2. Comprehension Check Up:
a. Who came upon a pearl while pecking at the ground?
b. Was the rooster happy about it? Why?
c. How did the woman shoe her concern to her fowls?
3. Discussion:
What verbs are used in the story? How they are stated?

C. Generalization:
How do we write the past form of irregular verbs?

D. Infusion of Values:
What is the moral lesson of the story?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided:

a. Group activity:
Pupils will give their own example of irregular verbs and use them in their own sentence.
2. Independent:
Use the correct form of verb in the parenthesis.
a. They _____ for our freedom ( fight)
b. Most Filipinos _______ treated cruelly during the Japanese time. (are)
3. The Filipino ______ angry and they detected to fight. (get)
4. Our country ______ once under the Americans (is)
5. Yesterday I _______ sand castles. (build)

IV. Evaluation:
Copy the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.
1. For ( go, went) to manila last Monday.
2. Fernando Amorsolo ( draw, drew) beautiful portraits.
3. Ramon (make, made) our nipa hut.
4. Our forefathers (build, built) this great nation.
5. Jose Rizal (speak, spoke) many languages.

V. Assignment:
Give the past form of the ft. verbs and use them in sentences.
1. feed
2. meet
3. come
4. sweep
5. sing



Date: ____________


 Sequence events in the story listened to through groups of sentences

Values: Helpfulness


Sequencing Events of the Story Listened to through groups of sentences

References: Everyday English (Reading IV), pp. 45-47; Dynamic series in English IV p. 65; p. 87
Materials: pictures

Story: The Lion and the Mouse


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
What stories have you heard when you were in Grade ill? Tell about each story in two or
three sentences.

2. Motivation:
( Show a picture of a lion and a mouse). Look at the picture. Tell something about it.
Based on the picture, what would you like to know about the story?

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. The dog gnawed the new basket.
b. I can swallow big santol seeds.
c. I enjoy reading feable stories.

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the story by the class readers while the class listens.
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Why was the lion caught in a trap?
b. How did the mouse help the lion?
c. Why did the lion get angry with the mouse?

4. Infusion of Value:
How did the mouse help his friend? The mouse gnawed the rope of the trap. What did the
mouse prove? The mouse proved that he is a great friend.

5. Development of the Lesson:

Number the following sentences in their correct order.

______ a. Please, forgive me this time and I shall never forget it.
______ b. Pardon O King!
______ c. Who knows that I may be able to do you good turn one these days?
______ d. The hunters wanted to carry him alive to the king.
______ e. The they went in search of a wagon to carry him m.
______ f. Was I not right?

6. Generalization:
How are sequencing of events done? Sequencing of events is done by arranging the
events/happenings in their true/correct order. What kind of sentences did we arrange? What
punctuation mark is used in declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, and etc.

7. Retell the story

8. Practice Experiences:
a. Guided:
Listen. 111 read the story, then arrange the events in the true order.
a. They did not find the hidden wealth, but they ~ad find crops of grapes.
b. He wanted them to become good farmers.
c. His sons thought that their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard.
d. A certain farmer had several sons.
e. Boys, I am about to leave you, I have hidden my wealth in the vineyard.

b. Independent:
Listen to the dialogue. Arrange the events in the correct order.
a. Will you be free on saturday?
b. That's easy.
c. I wanted to but I just can't bike yet.
d. My father gave me a bicycle for my birthday.
e. Why didn't you ride it to school today?

Listen as I read the' selection, then sequence the jumbled events as they happened in the story.
Write the sentences correctly.
a. Scientists tell us that salt in seawater comes from the salt in it.
b. Fresh water from the rivers and lakes does not taste salty.
c. Millions of years ago, the seas and the oceans were not salty.
d. Because there is very little salt in it.
e. Flowing water carry salt from the land to the seas and oceans.

Write three to four sentences that tell about "The Lion and the Mouse". Write them in Paragraph


Date: ____________


 Sequence events in the story listened to through guide questions

 Identify the interrogative sentences

Values: Patience and Perseverance


Sequencing Events of the Story Listened to through guide questions

References: Fun in English Language IV Balajadia, et al p. 69, PELC L-7;

English in a Dynamic World p. 5;
Materials: pictures, events in the strips of cartolina, guide questions in the strips of cartolina.

Story: The Lion and the Mouse


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Review:
Let the pupils arrange the different stages in the life cycle of a mosquito. Which stage
comes first?

pupa egg adult larva

1. ______ 3. ______
2. ______ 4. ______

3. Motivation:
Do you want to marry a king someday? What should you do in order to have one?

a. The man used ax in cutting branches of tree. It is a tool with a bladed head mountain on
a handle.
b. The farmer used the spade in planting. It is a long handled tool used for digging.

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the story "Juan and his Brothers". The teachers calls n the best readers in the
class to read the story, (Fun in English Language, p. 69).

2. Comprehension Check-up
a. When and where did the story happen?
b. Who are the characters of the story?
c. What are the main events in the story?

3. Infusion of Value:
Have you dreamed to become rich? How can you be successful in that dream? I will
work hard. 'Learn to bear pains calmly. Learn to take bad jokes patiently.

5. Development of the Lesson:

Recall the meaning of sequence. Let's sequence the events of the story using the guide
Guide Questions
a. Who lived in a huge palace?
b. What kind of tree' grew in the courtyard?
c. What happened to the King’s Well?

6. Skill Development:
Listen to another story. Then read the guide Questions that follow and arrange the events
in their correct order. “A Happy Homecoming”.
a. Who has come for a visit?
b. Where will he story?
c. What Filipino custom does he learn?

7. Generalization:
How are the events of the story arranged? They are arranged in the order as they
happened. What kind of sentence serves as your guide in arranging the events?

8. Practice Experiences:
a. Guided:
a. What do ants eat?
b. Where do they live?
c. What do ants protect?
b. Independent:
a. What's your hobby?
b. Why have you chosen it as a hobby?
c. When do you d your hobby?

Listen to another selection. Sequence the events in their correct order using the guide questions.
The carabao is a useful animal. It gives us milk and cheese. It also give us meat Carabao hoofs
are made into buttons, glue, gelatin and decorations. The carabao helps the farmer plow his field. It
also pulls farmer's cart and sled.
Guide Questions
1. What is the useful animal?

2. What does a carabao give us?
3. does a carabao helps the farmer?
4. What does a carabao pulls?

Read the selection “The Fox and the Crow”, then write 5 questions about the story. (Everday
English Reading p.45)


Date: ____________


 Identify the different sentence structures.

 Construct a variety of sentence structures.

Values: Be wise


Different Sentence Structures

References: Fun in English, Language, Balajadia, e al. p. 66, 77;

Language Wonders, Gianan, et al, p. 127,153, 237
Materials: charts, pictures

Dialog: The Spider and the Fly


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
What are the parts of a sentence? What is the subject and the predicate in the following

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning through context clue.
a. It’s nice to sleep in a cozy room.
b. The chicks are scattered in the yard. A big hawk is hovering by.

3. Motivation:
Show a picture of a spider and a fly. What do you think is the spider saying to the fly?

4. Motive Question:
What happened to the fly?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the story “The Spider and the Fly” (written on a manila paper)
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. What is the spider waiting for?

b. What came hovering by?
c. What did the spider ask the fly?

3. Infusion of Value:
Why should we not always believe what others say?

4. Skill Development:
Let us study the following sentences in the board.
1. The spider is waiting for an insect to be caught in the web.
2. Are you tired, my friend Fly?
3. Come to my parlor?

6. Generalization:
The different sentence structures are declared sentence, interrogative sentence,
imperative sentence and imperative sentences.

C. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided:
Picking Fruits - cut out a tree that is full of fruits (where different sentences are written)
Divide the pupils into group of 4. Each group will pick 5 fruits each. Read the sentences and
tell what kind of sentence it is.

b. Independent:
Write what kind of sentences are the following.
1. Do you have any hobby?
2. Hobbies are relaxing and rewarding.
3. Collect stamps for a hobby.

Direction: Write D for declarative sentence, IN for interrogative sentence, IM for
imperative sentence and E for exclamatory sentence.
1. Does mother cook everyday?
2. Alas, the poor fly was caught in a trap!
3. The spider will have a good dinner.
4. Make your surroundings clean
5. Why was the fly a fool?

Write 2 sentences each of the different kinds of sentences.


Date: ____________


 Use a variety of sentence structures in retelling a story

Values: Humility


Using a Variety of sentence Structures in Retelling a Story

References: PELC - Speaking 7 Reading Marvels 3, Bilgera, et al. p. 219-221; Fun in English
(Language) Balajadia et al. pp. 66-77
Materials: pictures, Xeroxed copies of stories

Story: The Lion and the Ant


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
What is the story of the Spider and the Fly about?
a. A hungry spider was waiting for an insect to be caught in the web.
b. A fly came hovering by.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. None of the animals could ~ the worm inside the lion's ear. (like, reach, accept, catch)
b. The lion begged the king of ants to help him take out the worm in his ear. (shouted
loudly, asked earnestly, talked softly, asked for money)

3. Motivation/Motive Question:
Talk about the picture of a lion in pain. Find out in the story why the lion is in pain.

B. Presentation:
1. Silent reading of the story. “The Lion and the Ant”
2. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the following questions correctly.
a. Who are the characters of the story?
b. Where did the story happen?

c. What did King Lion say when he sent Little Ant away?

3. Infusion of Value:
You maybe strong and healthy, maybe rich and powerful, but you will always need
others in time of troubles like King Lion. Have you ever needed help from someone?

4. Skill Development:
a. (Teacher uses the answers in the comprehension check-up. Let pupils identify what kind
of sentences were used.)
These are the main events in the story. (Ask pupils to retell the story in their own
sentences using the written answers as their guide.

5. Generalization:
In retelling a story, we use different sentence structures and actions.

C. Practice Exercises
a. Guided:
Divide the class into groups. Distribute a short to be read silently. The first group to
retell the story is the winner. One red star for the winner.

b. Independent:
Retell the story using different sentence structures. Write your sentences correctly.

Direction: Retell the story “The Nightingale”by using different sentence structures. Write
your sentences correctly.

Read a short story from any storybook. Be able to retell it to the class.


Date: ____________


 Construct sentences with modifiers and complements

Values: Love


Constructing Sentences with Modifiers and Complements

References: PELC - L7.1 Fun in English Reading IV by Justine Balajadia et al. p. 95

Materials: cut-outs, pictures, flashcards

Poem: Who Loves Mother Best?


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Tell what kind of sentence it is.
a. Who threw the banana peelings on the ground?
b. Wow! Beautiful body.

2. Review:
Have them read the following sentences and underline the simple subjects once and the
simple predicate twice.
1. Dogs eat. 4. Water evaporates
2. Oil floats 5. Monkeys climb
3. Horses gallop

3. Motivation:
Have you ever told your mother you love her? When do you say you love her? Why do
you love her?

4. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the meaning of the word from the choices below each sentence.
1. Liz was a glow with glee because she was eating an ice-cream. (anger, joy, fear)
2. Ben did not win the battle against Liz (contest, race, fight)

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the motive question.
How did the children show their love to their mama?

2. Present the poem “ Who Loves Mother Best?” to the pupils.

3. Comprehension Check-up
a. Answering the motive question.
b. Answers the questions
1. Why did Bees, Ben and Liz kiss and hug their mother?
2. Why was Liz aglow with glee?

4. Infusion of Value:
Do kissing and hugging the best ways of showing our love for our parents? Name ways
on how you can show your love for your parents.

5. Development of the Lesson:

Box the simple predicate in each sentence.
a. Pretty Liz kissed her mother.
b. The children sang “Happy Birthday” with cheer.
c. Naughty Ben skipped out to play.

6. Skilled Development:
Read the sentences, then box the simple subject, circle the simple predicate, underline
the modifiers once and the complements twice.
1. The class formed 2 club.
2. Most children help their mother at home.
3. The pretty dress hangs in the closet.

7. Writing sentences with modifiers and complements.

8. Generalization:
How can we make sentences more colorful and interesting sentences can be more
interesting if we add modifiers to the simple subject and complements to the simple
a. Guided:
Write the appropriate modifiers and complements in the blank to make the sentences
interesting and colorful.
1. _________ men build __________
2. _________ Rizal writes __________

b. Independent:
Check the number of those sentences with modifiers and complements, encircle the
numbers of those without.
1. Somewhere, these tiny boats will stop.
2. Golden sand is found on the river bank.

Read the sentences. Then box the modifiers and circle the complements.
1. Tall grasses grow in the garden.

2. The nipa roof was blown away by the typhoon.
3. Many buses passed by the highway.
4. My sister picked up shells on the shore.
5. Our forefathers scarified much for our freedom.

Write 5 sentences with modifiers and complements.


Date: ____________


 Sequence the major events in a selection read

Values: Loving one another


Sequencing Events

References: Reading Marvels 3 pp. 16-18; Stairways to English 4 (SB) pp. 122-123 PELC-R7.7.1
Materials: strips of cartolina, chart, pictures of a family
Story: When the Baby Came


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Read each paragraph and select the title for it.
We have many bones in our body. Some of these bones are big. Some of them are small.
The bones in our legs are long and big. The bones in our fingers are small and thin.
a. Bones in our legs
b. Different Kinds of Bones in our Body
c. Our Legs and our Fingers
d. Our Body

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Write the letter of your answer on the blank before each number.
_____ 1. She ran and slammed the door. She was angry.
_____ 2. She helped fix-up the little room for the baby.
_____ 3. Mellany realized that her parents loved her.

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the story “When the Baby Came”. The pupils read the story silently while teacher
reads orally.

C. Comprehension Check-up

Pupils answer each question.
1. Who came in the family?
2. What was the feeling of Melanny before the baby came?
3. Did Melanny feel sad when the baby came? Why?

D. Skill Development:
Arrange the following events as they happened in the story.
- But her Mama and Papa were spending more time with the baby.
- She missed a trip to the zoo because the baby was sick.
- Melanny liked the baby at first.
- The baby spilled a glass of Milo over Melanny's new dress.
- Melanny helped fix up the room for the baby.
- She felt jealous of the little boy.
E. Generalization:
By looking at the major events of a story, we can easily sequence them.

F. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercise :
written on strips of cartolina:
____ A little girl wanted to be a nurse.
____ The little girl was so poor that she could not go to school.
____ A fairy asked the little girl to look for the basket under the tree.
____ The little girl found a big treasure in the basket.

b. Independent Exercises:
Read the paragraph, then number the events as they come in the story
_____ The larvae change into pupae.
_____ Soon after, the eggs hatch and young wrigglers appear.
_____ First, a mosquito lays its eggs in water.
_____ Finally, the pupae become full grown adult.
_____ After several days the wrigglers change form and develop into larvae.

Read the story below carefully.
Rearrange the following statements in the order they come in the story.
_____ Oil is pumped out of the earth.
_____ Oil is sent to d refinery.
_____ Oil is stored inside the earth.
_____ It is heated and other things are done to it.
_____ Then gasoline, gas, and other products are produced.

Write the sentences in sequence t make a story.
_____ He had a gun but he didn't have time to use it.
_____ The tiger jumped at the hunter.
_____ The hunter was asleep under a tree.
_____ The hunter held his gun, ready to fire.
_____ Suddenly, he woke up and saw a tiger.
_____ The hunter stood up and felt for his gun.


Date: ____________


 Arrange a set of given events in logical order to make a story.

Values: Helpfulness


Sequencing Events to make Story

References: PELC R 7.7.1, Everyday English 4 (Reading) pp. 56-62

Materials: flashcards, pictures

Story: Why the Ocean is Salty


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined word.
1. The salt had dissolved in the water
2. The people in the village were running out of salt.
3. The food will get spoiled if we will not put salt.
3. Reading of the motive questions.
1. Where does salt come from? What made the water in the ocean salty according to this
Ilocano flolktale?
2. How would things be if the seawater is not salty?

B. Presentation:
Let the pupils read the story silently. (Why the Ocean is Salty)

C. Comprehension Check-up:
1. How did the seawater taste long ago")
2. Where did the people get their salt?
3. Who helped the villagers cross the ocean?

D. Skill Development:
How are the events arranged in time order or space order? Let the pupils read the event

E. Generalization:
Time order-the events are arranged according to the order when the events happened.

F. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises:
Number these events in order. Use number 1-5.
_____ Next, he sailed southward. He was looking for a way the west.
_____ Finally, Magellan entered the greatest ocean in the world.
_____ First, Magellan stopped at the Canary Island.
_____ Then, Magellan discovered the way that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
2. Independent Exercises:
Read the events. Then arrange them by writing 1-4 to make a story.
_____ Marilou ran to the store to buy eggs for mother.
_____ Mother wanted to bake a cake a cake but she had no eggs.
_____ Andrew helped clean up the broken eggs.
_____ As Marilou was bringing the eggs into the kitchen, she tripped over Andrew’s toy

Read the statements in each set below. Indicate the order in which the events took piace by
writing 1-5 in the proper spaces provided for.
_____ After several days, the eggs hatch.
_____ Caterpillars come out of theeggs.
_____ A butterfly lays its eggs on leaves of plants.
_____ After many days, a young butterfly comes out of the house.
_____ When the caterpillar has grown big, it stays in a house of leaves for itself.
_____ Then it grows into a pupa.

Write the sentences in sequence in a paragraph form.
Honesty is the Best Policy
1. I was such in a hurry that I didn't count my change anymore.
2. I was given ten-peso bill.
3. I was sent by mother to buy softdrinks for our visitors.
4. When I was giving the change to my mother, I noticed that there was an extra change of five
5. How the storekeeper praise me!
6. I quickly ran back to the store to return the extra change.


Date: ____________


 Arrange a set of given events in logical order to make a story.

Values: A deep love for one’s country


Arranging Events as to Space Order

References: Everyday English 4 (Reading) pp. 133-138; 144-147; Stairways to English 4

(58) pp. 124-129
Materials: charts, flashcards, picture of Antonio Luna
Story: General Antonio Luna


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Arrange the sentences in the order that they should come. Write numbers 1-4 to show your
 The children run to their lines.
 They go to their rooms at 7:00 o'clock
 They sing the national anthem and recite the pledge.
 The bell rings at 6:45 in the morning.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.
a. of great worth c. for additional or more knowledge
b. lively, full of life ride or d. run very fast

___ 1. Antonio would ride his horse in gallop.

___ 2. Playing, riding and swimming made the boys strong and active.

4. Motivation:
a. What do you and your brothers or friends enjoy doing together?
b. Show the picture of Antonio Luna as a brother, child, student and as a Filipino?

B. Presentation:
Have the pupils read the selection silently.

C. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who were the three boys?
b. What did they like doing together?
c. What game did Antonio like to play with the other boys?

D. Skill Development:
Number the events in the order they should come. Use the underlined. words as guide t the
correct answer.
______ He would play in the river.
______ He would hunt in the forest.
______ He would ride his horse to town.
______ Antonio would read at home.
______ He studied further in Europe.
______ He studied in his hometown.
______ He studied in Manila.

E. Generalization:
Events are arranged according to space order or to where the events happened.

F. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises:
Below are places where Old Mother Hubbard went to. Arranged them in the correct order
according to the poem by writing 1 to the first place, 2 to the second place, and so on until ail
the places have their numbers.
______ To the bakers
______ To the market
______ To the hatter's
______ To the grocers
______ To the shoemaker's
______ To the cupboard
______ To the tailor's

Read the story. Copy and arrange the given events according to space order. Write 1-5 on the
______ In a faraway mountain, there was a little village. The people in the village were unhappy.
______ The monkeys came down from the trees and followed Bulan until he reached the river of
boiling water.
______ Bulan went to the forest and started t whistle beautiful music.
______ There were hundreds of monkeys that lived in the forest nearby.
______ All the monkeys that followed him jumped into the river and died.

Read the statements then copy and arrange them according to space order. Some schools in the
city are comfortable.

______ Individual seats or chairs ha e replaced fixed benches.

______ Electric lights make the rooms bro t

______ They are large and have two or three floors with many rooms.


Date: ____________


 Identify the object pronouns in the given sentences

Values: Kindness to Animals


Using and Identifying Object Pronouns

References: Fun in English Language IV pp. 134-135; 138-139;

Adventures in English pp. 101-102 PELC 18.8 Reading
Materials: manila paper, pictures
Story: The Lion and the Mouse


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Drill:
Identify the pronoun used in each of the following sentences.
a. She is a Mexican actress-singer.
b. He is watching movies weekly in Olongapo.
c. They are always welcome in our place.

3. Review:
Use the following pronouns in sentences
I She You We They He

4. Motivation:
Have you gone to a pet shop? Can you tell us something abut your experience in the pet

B. Presentation:
Listen to a funny experience of a young boy like you.

C. Comprehension Check-up:

a. Who was viewing the animals in a pet shop?
b. What did the little boy want to buy?
c. How much was the parrot?

D. Generalization:
What are object pronouns?

E. Value Infusion:
How do you care for your pet animals? Why do you care for them? Why should you be kind
to animals?

F. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises:
Direction: Read the sentences. Identify the object pronoun used: Then put it in the pocket
1. The new student told us about Sulu.
2. The colored vintas interested me most.
3. My classmate thank her.

2. Independent Exercises:
Replace the underlined words with the correct object pronoun.
1. I love my parents.

2. I admire Carol Banawa for she's a god singer actress.

3. Edna gave the monkey some ripe bananas.

Read the sentences, then select the object pronoun used in the given sentences.
1. The teachers praised him for topping the National Diagnostic test.
2. My best friend gave me a cell phone on my birthday.
3. The security guard allowed them to enter the refrigerated crypt of the late Ferdinand Marcos.
4. He invited us to see their beach resort in Pundakit.
5. Did Dante Joseff Help you prepare food?

Use the following object pronoun in sentences.
1. his
2. her
3. him
4. them
5. it


Date: ____________


 Arrange a set of given events in logical order to make a story using both time and space order

Values: Industry


Arranging Events in Logical Order (Time and Space Order)

References: PECL – 7.2 Reading

Materials: charts, strips of manila paper

Story: A Tale of Two Brothers, Basics and Beyond Reading 4 pages 912


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties::
Choose the meaning of the underline word:
1. The man looked at him meticulously. (silently, carefully, worriedly)
2. He helped his father in the farm-flowing and harrowing. (removing weeds, removing

2. Motivation:
Can fortune tellers really look into the future?

3. Presentation:
Today, let us read a story of two brothers. Find out what happened to them.

B. Reading the story silently. (A Tale of Two Brothers)

C. Post Reading Activities:

1. Comprehension Check-up:
 Who were the two sons of Mang Pablo?
 What did the father think of when his sons were in the early teens?
 What were the habits of each son?

2. Value Infusion:

Do you rely your future on destiny or luck? What things are you going to do to have a
good future?

3. Generalization:
How do we arrange a set of given events in logical order using both time and space

4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
Let the pupils read the story of Emilio Jacinto on the chart.
Write the events into a paragraph in logical order.

Read these events in the life of Lorenzo Ruiz. Number them from 1--6 in logical order.
_____ Lorenzo Ruiz was declared by the Pope as Saint of the Catholic Church in October 18, 1987.
_____ Lorenzo Ruiz was born in Binondo, Manila in 1600.
_____ He left Manila in 1636. He went to Japan wherein the Christians were captured and being
punished or maltreated.
_____ When he was still a young boy, he worked at a church in Binondo.
_____ He was imprisoned in Japan and was hanged. After two days, he died.
_____ He was recognized as a martyr in February 19, 1981.

Arrange these events to make a good story.
_____ When the Americans took possession' of the Philippines in 1898, Tandang Sora returned to
the Philippines
_____ Melchora Aquino was born in Banilad, Caloocan, on January 6, 1812.
_____ In 1896, she was tending a small sari-sari store in Balintawak. Her store became a refuge for
sick and wounded Katipuneros


Date: ____________


 Outline events of a story read

 Answer wh-questions correctly from a story

Values: Bravery


Outlining Events of a Story

Answering wh-questions

References: PELC – 7.3 Reading, 7.1 Reading

Materials: charts, with written stories

Story: The Story of Lightening Developing Reading Power 5 (Abadilla) p.112


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
How do we arrange a set of given events.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Match column A with the meaning on column B.
1. qualm a. race
2. tribe b. offered
3. monster c. doubt, misgiving
4. volunteered d. large frightening creature

3. Motive Question:
Why is lighting a problem to the whole tribe?

B. Reading the Story Silently:

“The Story of Lightning”

C. Post Reading Activities:

Let the pupils read the story silently. (Why the Ocean is Salty)
1. Comprehension Check-up:
 Who was Lightning?
 Why did the people hate him?
 What did the chiefs of the tribe decide about Lightning?

2. Value Infusion:
Do you think lightning is really brave7 Why? Would you do the same?

3. Applying Reading Skills:

Making an Outline
1. What does the first paragraph tell about Lightning? Why did the people hate him?
2. What did the chiefs of the tribe decide abut Lightning? This should be the second main
idea of the outline. What was the chiefs first decision about Lightning? Why did they
make this decision?

4. Generalization:
How do we outline events in the story?

Read the story about "Whales
Study the outline on the left side of the chart. Put the idea asked for in the outline.
I. First Main Idea _____________________________
A. A. Smaller Idea _____________________________
1. an example _____________________________
2. another example _____________________________
II. Second Main Idea _____________________________
A. A. smaller idea _____________________________
B. Another example _____________________________
III. Third Main Idea _____________________________
A. A Smaller Idea _____________________________
B. Another example _____________________________

Copy 2 short paragraph - story. Then make an outline of it.


Date: ____________


 Use the outline as a guide in retelling or summarizing the story

Values: Faith in God


Retelling of Summarizing the Story Using Outline

References: PELC 7.4 Reading , Basics and Beyond Reading 4, pp. 240-241
Materials: charts

Story: Obando Fertility Festival


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
What are the parts of an outline?

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of these words through context clues.
1. Childless couples go to Obando to ask God's help. They have been praying hard
asking God to bless them with a child.

B. Reading of the story silently: “Obando Fertility Festival”

C. Post Reading Activities:

1. Comprehension Check-up:
 Where is Obando found?
 Who visit their place during summer?

2. Value Infusion:
There are many childless couples in our country. Filipinos are very religious and show
deep faith in God. Sometimes their faith create miracles.

3. Applying Reading Skills:
Outline the Story
I. First Main Idea
A. A. Smaller Idea
1. an example
2. another example
II. Second Main Idea
A. A. smaller idea
B. Another example
III. Third Main Idea
A. A Smaller Idea
B. Another example

4. Generalization:
How do you retell or summarize stories read? You can retell our summarize a story read
by the help of an outline.

5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Read the story “The Bundle of Sticks” silently. Retell the story by using these
 Who had two sons?
 How did he advise his sons?
 What happened one day?
b. Independent Practice:
Write the summary of the story “The Bundle of Sticks” using this outline:
I. First Main Idea
A. Smaller Idea
II. Second Main Idea
A. smaller idea
III. Third Main Idea
A. Smaller Idea
1. Support details

Read the story “Aling Sela” then summarize it and retell it to class.

Read a short story other books. Write a brief story from other books. Write a brief summary and
read it to class tomorrow.


Date: ____________


 Write a friendly letter using a variety sentences.

Values: Neatness and Orderliness


Writing a Friendly Letter Using a Variety of Sentences

References: Fun in English IV Languages pp. 7-8; PELC 7 Writing

Materials: friendly letter in a manila paper


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Motivation:
Do you have a friend in other places? What do you do to communicate with her?

2. Review:
What are the parts of a letter? What are the things found in the heading? Greeting? Body?
Closing? Signature?

3. Presentation:
Present a letter from Cyrene to Christine.

B. What kind of letter is this? Who wrote the letter? To whom was the letter addressed to?

C. What are the parts of the letter? Where do you write the heading? Where can you find the
greeting? Where do you write the body of the letter?

D. The letter uses different kinds of sentences.

What kind of sentences is.
1. You know what?
2. My family and I went the zoo.

E. Cooperative letter writing on the board.

1. What address do you want to write? What name are we going to write? What message are we
going to write in the body of the letter?

F. Generalization:
What should you remember when writing a friendly letter? What kind of sentences will you
use? How are the events written?

G. Value:
How do you make your letter nice and readable?

I. Practice Exercises:
Rewrite the following parts of a friendly letter. Use correct indention, capitalization and
punctuation marks.
1. Dear Chris
2. Bobulon Elementary School
Sn Felipe, Zambales
3. Clint
4. We have formed a storytellers club in our school. The club meets once a week. All of the
pupils in our room belong. When the club meets, we read or tell stories. We read poetry and
sing songs.
5. Your Friend?

Write a friendly letter similar to the letter on the independent practice using a variety of

Rewrite the following parts of a Friendly letter. Then copy a sentence from the body and identify
the kind of sentence used.
1. Jessica
2. Dear Jane,
3. Your cousin,
4. Last Friday, we went in a hike to study trees. Today we began to make a booklet about trees.
Have you gone on a hike recently? If you have, write to me abut it.
5. 004 Luna Street
Amagana, San felipe
September 24, 2002


Date: ____________


 Write a paragraph/story about a favorite character

Values: Gratefulness


Writing a Paragraph/Story about a Favorite Character.

References: Building English Skills 4 Book 2 pp. 65-74 PELC Writing

Materials: charts, pictures


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
What are the things you should remember in writing a paragraph.
2. Unlocking through context clues:
Choose the correct meaning of the underline expressions.
1. Every girl in the group tried solving the problem, but each one failed. So they all decided
to put their heads together and after five minutes the problem was solved.
a. stay close to one another in a circle.
b. think together and share ideas.
c. make their heads touch.
3. Motivation:
(Showing pictures of elves and shoemaker) Like the fairies, elves can have magical
powers. They even visit the homes of people and do magic tricks. One person they visited
once was a shoemaker.

B. Presentation:
1. Comprehension Check-up:
Who are the characters in the story? What are the events that took place in the story?
2. Value:
What did the shoemaker and his wife show when they make shirts, coats, pants and
shoes for the elves for the good things they have done?
3. Who among the characters in the story do you like best? Why?
4. Generalization:

In writing a paragraph about a character what should you remember?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
Recall the story you have read that you like best. Write a paragraph about the
character you like.
b. Independent Exercises:
Write a paragraph about your favorite Television Show Character.
Peer checking of paragraph made in Guided Practice

Rewrite the corrected paragraph.


Date: ____________


 Write riddles using a variety of descriptive words.

Values: Honesty


Writing Riddles Using Descriptive Words.

References: Everyday English (Reading IV), pp. 73 BEC 7 Writing.

Materials: make-believe aquarium with the pictures of fishes with adjectives, a magnetic
fishing rod, pictures, flashcards of adjectives


A. Preliminary Activities:
Fish an adjective from the make-believe aquarium, then match the adjective to the picture
with such characteristics.

B. Presentation:
1. I have here a riddle. Let us read the riddle correctly and guess what it is.
a. I am a large animal
With ears that look like a fan.
I have long trunk.
My two tusks are very sharp.
I’m Tarzan’s frind.
Who am I?

2. What are the underlined words on the first riddle?

3. Value:
What value should a person possess to be able to describe things truthfully?

4. Generalization:
What is a riddle?

C. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
Fill in the blanks with adjectives to describe the objects.
1. Banana
My color is _________.
I'm _____ like the fingers of your hand.
You will surely like my ____ taste.
2. Sun
It's a ______ ball of fire.
You can feel its ______ rays during daytime.
It can't be reached for its so _____ .
It's the _____ star to the earth.

b. Independent Exercises:
Compose riddles about the following objects using the phrases below.
1. dog
likes to eat bones
bark at strangers
a brave guard
man's best friend
2. chicken
has fine feathers
scratches the ground
lay eggs

Write a riddle using descriptive words similar t the Guided Exercise A

Write a riddle of your own about something commonly found at home or school.


Date: ____________


 Give a news report from a news item read

Values: Helpfulness, Unity and Cooperatives


Giving news report

References: PELC IV p.18-8 Speaking Fun in English Language 4 pp. 76-77, 89-90;
Materials: newspaper


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Drill:
Write E before the number if the utterance is an expression, and S if it is a sentence.
_____ 1. A pleasant day.
_____ 2. A very exciting show.
_____ 3. In the city and on the farm.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.
1. Our government gives aid to the victims of disasters specially after a destructive typhoon.
a. calamity on terrible accident
b. to tear to pieces
c. to break up the organization

4. Motive/Presentation:
Do you know that some parts of our country are very much affected by haze? Haze is a
fog of smoke. Let's find out in the news you'll read if where does this haze come from and
which place in the Philippines is affected by the haze.

5. Comprehension Check-up:

a. What did the former President talk about?
b. What did he tell the people?
c. Who should join campaign and help prevent environmental disasters.

6. Skill Development:
Read the news again.
 What is the news about?
 Where did it happen?
 When did it happen?
 How did it happen?

7. Generalization:
How can you report a news you have read in mews papers or magazines?

8. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
(Divide the class into 4 learning teams) Read the news below. Make a report about it
using different kinds of sentences. News: “GMA Renews Commitment Terror War”.

b Independent Exercises:
Read the news item Make a report about it.
A 15 year old boy drowned, Wednesday, after he was swept by strong waves that
brought him to deep waters off Barangay Yapac, Boracay. Police said Joseph dela Cruz
was swimming with his relatives when the tragedy happened. Boatman rescued the
victim and brought him immediately to a nearby hospital. Doctors tired to save the
victim. After 45 minutes, Dela Cruz was declared dead.

Read the following news. Make a report about the news.
News: “The Nightingale”

Read a news from any local newspaper. Write a report about it.


Date: ____________


 Give a news report from a radio broadcast heard

Values: Helpfulness and Generosity


Giving New Report from a Radio Broadcast Heard.

References: PELC p. 18-8 Listening; Fun in English Language 4 pp.76-78;

Materials: textbooks, pictures, newspapers


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Drill:
Who do you get some news?
Who can give a sample of a news?
3. Review:
Underline the verb used in the following sentences.
1. The demons in Philippine myths are tall men.
2. They live in big trees with thick leaves.
4. Unlocking Difficulties:
1. extensive – extended widely in space, or scope, wide
2. ascertain – find out, determine
5. Motivation:
Are you aware of what is happening or what is going on here and abroad? How can you
be informed of what’s going on in the Philippines and in other countries?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What was the news broadcast about?
b. Where did the events happen?
3. Discussion:
a. What is the form of the underlined verbs in the news?
b. What kind of verbs are:
1. flattened?
2. devastated?

3. killed?
4. Generalization:
What are the things that you should remember for you to be able to report a news
broadcast, you have heard?
5. Value Infusion:
On of your friends is victim of fire. They were not able to save their personal belongings
and useful properties
6. Practice Exercises:

a. Guided Practice:
Get the main idea of the news and take note of the events of the news.
News: “Babac, Ilocos Norte” pp. 105
1. What is the news about?
2. Where did the event happen?

b. Independent Practice:
Listen carefully to the news cast. Get the main idea of the news.
News: “Guard Slain in Rob” pp. 105
1. What is the news about
2. Where did it happen

Listen to the news. Then write a news report using the past form of regular and irregular verbs.
News: “Quake Jolts Metro”
1. What is the news about?
2. When did the event happen?
3. Where did the event happen?

Read the news from local newspapers. Then give the main idea of the news.


Date: ____________


 Identify object pronoun in a story

Values: Helpfulness


Object Pronoun (Us, Them, You)

References: BEC-PELC 8 – Speaking; Everyday English Reading 4 p. 131; Fun in English 4

Language p. 134


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
Name the object pronoun in each sentence.
1. The new student told him about Sulu.
2. My classmates thanked her.

B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Who among you here would like to be a soldier?
2. Motive Question:
Who are the enemies in the story?
3. Presentation:
Listen to the short story.
4. Comprehension Check-up:
 Who do you think were the enemies?
 What do you think will the boys decide to do?
5. Valuing:
If you were the boys would you fight the enemies? Why?
6. Discussing on the Skill focus:
Read the sentences
a. The Principal called the boys to this office. He told them to come closer to his table.
b. They eat and destroy our things. They make us sick.

C. Generalization:
The object pronoun you, us and them replace the plural nouns.

D. Application:
Direction: Use the object pronouns, you, us, them in sentences. Individual pupils use these
objects pronoun.

E. Guided Exercise:
Replace the underlined word with the correct object pronoun.
1. I love my parents. (them, us, you)
2. I admire Pops and Rica for they are good singer-actress. (you, us, them)

Read the story “The Gift”, then identify the object pronoun to be used to replace the underlined

Use one of the object pronouns below fer each uncierlined word or words and write it in a piece
of paper.
her it us them him
1. Mother gave Tina and me some apples.
2. Uncle Roy joined father and mother for dinner.
3. The male bird builds the nest.
4. I saw Norma in the garden.
5. We are helping Rolly work on his basket.


Date: ____________


 Use the object pronouns us, you, them that agree in number with its antecedent.

Values: Safety in Scouting Activities+


Object Pronouns Us, You, Them

References: PELC-BEC 8.1 Speaking p.18 English for Life 6, pp. 17-22
Materials: story in a manila paper


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Identify the pronouns used in the following sentences
a. She is Filipino actress singer.
b. He works in the farm.

2. Review:
What kind of pronouns have you identified? What are subject pronouns?

3. Motivation:
There are different kinds of pronouns and they change according to their use. Today, we
will study another one, the object pronoun. Let us read first a story.

B. Presentation:
1. Motive Question:
What did they boy scouts of San Pascual Elementary Schoo do? What happened to the
boy scouts.
2. Answering motive questions by the pupils.
3. Discussion: The teacher asks:
a. What did the scout master do to them?
b. What did the doctor give them?
c. What did the doctor remind them?

4. Skill Development:
Identify the antecedents and the pronouns used after the verb.
a. The teacher supplied us with the new notebooks.
b. Mary will show you the dictionary.
c. The girl scout made them happy in the camp.
5. Generalization:
How should the object pronouns be used?
6. Valuing:
When joining a camping, how should you behave?
7. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided
Underline the object pronoun in each sentence. Write its antecedent on the blank
______ 1. The girl scout leaders brought them in the campsite.
______ 2. Our parents gave us extra allowances for the camping
b. Independent:
Read this story carefully, then copy the sentences with object pronouns. Encircle its
antecedents and underline the object pronoun.

………It was October, the start of the Scouting month. There were girl scouts in the
room busy preparing their things. Some parents………..pp.108

Make 2 sentences each using the following object pronouns:
1. them 2. us 3. you

Replace the underlined word/words with the correct object pronouns.
1. My brothers called my parents.
2. The visitors gave the girl scouts some logbooks.
3. Grace helps yourself in your assignment.
4. Our parents treated ourselves in the canteen.
5. The manager guides you and I in the new jobs.


Date: ____________


 Write a short story form one’s experience

Values: Cleanliness and Orderliness


Writing a Short Story

References: PELC Writing 8; Speaking 8.1 Fun in English Language 4 pp. 132-133
Materials: real objects, pictures, manila paper


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
 What are the object pronouns?
 When do we use the object pronoun us? Them? You?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. necessary – It is necessary to keep our surroundings clean.
b. durable – Mother bought a durable sofa for the family.
3. Motivation:
(Showing pictures of pupils doing their projects in EPP class)
a. What are the pupils doing?
b. Have you done on like this before?
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Presentation:
Class, study the model short story.
C. Skills Development:
1. Discussion:
a. What are the object pronouns used in the short story?
b. Read them.
c. How was the first sentence of every paragraph of the short story written?
2. Infusion Values:
What will you do to make your work clean?
3. Generalization:

What should be remembered when writing a short story?
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
You are going to write a short story about your experiences last “ All Saints Day”.
Have a cooperative composition writing on a manila paper.
b. Independent Exercises:
Call 1 or 2 pupils to read their own short story.
Peer checking of short story made in Guided Exercises.
Rewrite the corrected short story.


Date: ____________


 Identify statements/events that show cause-effect relationship.

Values: Love for Parents


Statements/Events that Show Cause-Effect Relationship.

References: PELC Reading 8.1 Fun in English Reading p. 97

Materials: pocket charts


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Motivation:
Have you ever told your mother you love her? When did you tell you love your mother?

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the synonym of the underlined word from the choices below each sentence.
1. The boy was aglow with glee because he’s playing a kite. (anger, joy, fear)
2. Brenda did not win the battle against Bryan. (contest, race, fight)

B. Presentation:
Today, we will read a poem entitled “Who Loves Mother Best”.

C. Motive Question:
Find out how the children showed their love for their mother.

E. Teacher reads the poem first. Followed by the pupils

F. Answering the motive question

G. Comprehension Check-up:
1. Why did Jess, Ben and Liz kiss and hug their mother/
2. Why was Liz aglow with glee?

3. What made Liz cry out, “For that you’ll pay?”

H. Valuing Infusion:
What is the best way to show your love for your parents?

I. Generalization:
What is the cause-effect relationship? How do we identify statements/events that show the
cause? How do we identify statements/events that show the effect?

J. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises:
Write C before the statement that shows the cause and E before the statement that shows
the effect.
1. ________ Most children help their mother at home.
________ They What to prove their love for her
2. ________ The grass did not get any water.
________ The grass turned brown.

2. Independent Exercises:
Copy the statements/events that show cause-effect relationship.
1. The crow called the fox back because she wants the fox to hear what she was going to
2. The crow shared its cheese with the fox so that the fox would not go away.

Which statements/events show cause-effect relationship? Copy them on your paper.
1. Emma was sick last Satuday so she missed the picnic.
2. Ereich was eating buko salad because it’s his cousins birthday.
3. I love to swim in the river. Anna loves it too.

Write possible effects.
1. Your sister left the faucet open without anyone using the water.
2. Some people are cutting down almost all trees in the forest.


Date: ____________


 Give cause-effect relationship in paragraph read

Values: Kindness


Cause-Effect Relationship

References: BEC-PELC 8.2 Reading Everyday English 4 Reading pp. 59-65, 151;
Fun in English Reading 4 pp.101
Story: Why the Ocean is Salty.


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Riddle:
It runs all day but never walks
It has mouth but never eats
It has be but never sleeps
What is it?

2. Unlocking of Difficulties through pictures and action

a. village – (picture of houses smaller than town)
b. folktale – (picture of a mother telling a story to her child/children)

3. Motivation:
Do you know that long ago the ocean was not salty? Why did the ocean become salty?
Find out in the story.

4. Presentation: Read the story Everyday English

B. Reading Activities:
1. Answer the motive question: Why did the ocean salty?
2. Answer the other questions
 Where and when did the story happen?

 What did Ang-ngalo do to help the village people?

3. Valuing: If you were the giant, would you let the people cross the ocean through your feet?
Legs? Why?

4. Skilled Development:
1. Why did the ocean become salty?
2. Why did the men fall into the ocean?

5. Generalization:
The cause is usually introduced by ________ (because)
The effect is usually introduced by ________ (so that)
(Why) ______ questions bring about sentences showing cause and effect relationship.

Read the paragraph, then give the cause-effect relationship by completing the sentences below.
Choose the answer from the choices that follow.
1. Long ago, the Philippines did not have a flag that stood for the nation because __________.
2. The Spaniards mistreated many Filipinos, so many ___________.
3. Because the Spaniards did not listen the wish of the Filipinos, __________.

Copy the incomplete sentences and finish them at home.
1. Ana took a bath because _____________.
2. She looks clean so that ______________.
3. Carlos got high scores in reading because __________.
4. Yellow vegetables are good for the eyes so that children ______________.
5. Mother bought Liza a new dress because __________.


Date: ____________


 Give cause-effect relationship in passage read

Values: Focus


Cause Effect Relationship

References: BEC-PELC Reading 8 Improving Your Life and C.areer, Published by lighthouse
Inspirational, Books and Gifts, pp. 30, 39, 56, 67


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Direction: (Brain Teaser) Fill-in the blank with the correct word. Choose the correct answer
inside the parenthesis.
1. Try and try until you __ (die, succeed)
2. Health is __ (poverty, wealth)
2. Unlocking of difficulties through contextual clues.
Direction: Choose the meaning of the underlined word from the choices given.
1. A burning wood can scorch fish.
a. burn b. throw c. chop
2. Listening to a mellow music can soothe your bad feelings.
a. to make you angry
b. to make you calm or peaceful
c. to make you sad
3. Motivation:
Are you sensitive to words? What are the words that can make you happy? What are the
words that can make you sad? angry?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Presentation: Read this passage:
"Cold words freeze people,
Hot words scorch them ...
Kind words also produce their own image in men's souls; and a beautiful image it is.
They soothe, quiet and comfort the hearer"

2. Discussion/Analysis:
a. What do cold words do to people? To the hearer? What do you think are the cold words?
Why can't they make people move?
b. What are hot words? Why can they scorch people?

C. Generalization:
What does a cause tell? What does an effect tell?

D. Application:
Read the passage then give a cause-effect relationship.
1. Whoever can be trusted with little can be trusted with much and whoever is dishonest with
very little will also be dishonest with much.

E. Guided Exercise:
Direction: Read the passage. Give your interpretation. Give also cause-effect
relationship. (group work)
1. Humility and the fear of the Lord brings wealth, honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4)
2. A good name is more desirable than great riches. (Proverbs 22:1)

F. Independent Exercise:
Read the passage. Give your interpretation by giving cause-effect relationship.
1. A man's character can be know for his work.
2. Beauty is useless, character is the best.

Give the cause-effect of the passages. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

a. If one do her/his work early, one '¥vii! be more successful.

b. If you work late, you will be more successful.

c. If you d your work, wait until tomorrow.

2. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

a. If one is clean in everything he does and says, God is with him.

b. If one is always cleaning, God will be happy.

c. If one is dirty, God is away from him/her.

Copy passages or sayings with cause-effect relationship.


Date: ____________


 Use the word because/so that in statements that show cause-effect relationship

Values: Love of Nature


Use of the word "Because/So That"

References: PELC Reading 8.3 Fun in English Reading p. 98; 101-102;124;

Materials: pictures, photocopies of printed exercises.


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties: (contextual clues and picture clues)
a. atmosphere - The room cools our atmosphere.
b. florist - I will sell these flowers to the florist.
2. Motivation:
Do you have flower gardens at home? What do you do with so many flowers in bloom?
3. Presentation:
Today, we will read a dialogue between Grandpa and Larry while walking around a
4. Motive Question:
 Why does Grandpa like the rain?
5. Pupils read silently the dialogue: Fun in English Language pp. 18-19.
6. Answering the motive question.
7. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who are taking a walk around the flower garden?
b. Why is Grandpa gathering some flowers?
8. Value Infusion: If raising flowers is a profitable business, how can you help in the business?
9. Skill Development: (Go over the sentences taken from the conversation)
1. Grandpa likes the rainy season because the rain cools our atmosphere.
2. How many parts are there in the sentence?
3. What is the first part? What is the second part?
10. Generalization: When do we use the word "because"? When do we use the word "so that"?
11. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises: Complete the blanks with because or so that.

1. She uses the umbrella __ its raining hard.
2. Father removes the weeds in the garden __ plants will grow well.
b. Independent Exercises:
Write complete sentences that answer the following why Questions:
1. Why do we drink milk?
2. Why do we take a bath everyday?

Use the words because/so that to combine each pair of sentences into one sentence:
1. The vase was broken.
It fell or. the floor.
2. Nick slept early.
He was tired.
3. Linda studies her lessons very well.
She wants to get a high mark in the test.

(Read the story on pp. 24-26, Fun in English Reading "The Las Pinas Bamboo Organ") Then
write complete sentence-answers to the following questions:
1. In the. story 'The Las Pinas Bamboo Organ", why did they bury the bamboos in sea sand for a
2. Why did it take many years before the organ was repaired?
3. Why is the bamboo organ considered unique?


Date: ____________


 Construct a paragraph using words because/so that

Values: Safety measures in eating marine products.


Paragraph with the Word Because/So That

References: BEC 8 Writing page 18 English for Life 6, pp. 156-161

Materials: Paragraphs in manila paper


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment::
2. Review:
Complete the blanks with because or so that.
1. She uses the umbrella __ its raining hard.
2. Father removes the weeds in the garden __ plants will grow well
3. Motivation:
Today class, we are going to construct a paragraph with the words because/so that.

B. Presentation:
1. Ask: Have you ever heard of the problem "Red Tide?" Show a picture.
2. Motive Question: What is red tide?
3. Answering the motive question.
4. Discussion:
a. Say: Read the sentences with the word because/so that in the paragraph. The teacher
rewrites the sentences on the blackboard. Write these:
1. Eating marine products specially ''tahong'' can be dangerous because red tide may be
5. Infusion of Values: What are the precautionary measures in red tide poisoning?

6. Generalization:
How should you construct a sentence with the words because/so that?
7. Application:
Construct a paragraph by arranging first the jumbled sentences with the word because/so
that. Sequence the sentences in logical order. Then provide a title.

a. because/there are brownouts in the country/plants break down/the electric power
b. overuse electricity/electric consumers/ because/breaks down/the electric power
c. because/Electric consumers are more today/than twenty-five years ago/there are many
electric appliances being produced.
d. so that/We need to conserve energy at home and in school/we will prevent brownout

Pupils exchange their paragraph with their seatmates and make the necessary corrections.
Write a short paragraph about the given topic below.
Why is there a Fire Drill in School?


Date: ____________


 Give appropriate ending to a given situation and give justification for such ending

Values: Be Good


Giving an Ending to a Given Situations

References: PELC 9.1 Reading, 9 Listening Fun in English 4, Reading pp. 128-234
Materials: charts, flashcards


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
Make one sentence out of the two sentences in each number. Use connecting words like
because, so that and so.
a. Guillermo Tolentino won the National Artist Award. His Bonifacio monument in
Caloocan and the Oblation at UP topped all the other Filipino sculptor’s works.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence from the words in
the parenthesis.
a. If only I headed Karen's advice; if I had not run on the street. (following, fought,
disobeyed, listened)
b. A fast moving car was approaching. (starting, ending, running, leaving)

3. Motivation:
Have you done anything which you regretted afterwards? How did you feel? What
thoughts came to your mind afterwards?

4. Motive Question:
Do you want to know, what kind of girl the child. in the story is? Let's find out what
happened to her.

B. During Reading:
Let the pupils read the story silently. "If Only . " in Fun in English 4, Reading, pp. 128130.

C. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive question.
2. Comprehension check-up:
a. Who is narrating the story? What kind of child is she?
b. What statements show that she is such?
3. Discussion:
1. Does the story has an appropriate ending?
2. How can you give the appropriate ending to a story?
4. Infusion of Value:
What lessons can we got from the story?

D. Generalization:
How can you give an appropriate ending to a story and justify it?

E. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises:
Give the appropriate ending of each situation and justify for such ending.
A group of Grade IV pupils went to a field to gather different insects for their
experiment. Sonny, one of the pupils, caught a big dragonfly. He played with it. He plucked.
is wings out and tied its legs with thread, so it wouldn't get away. Maria saw what Sonny did.

2. Independent Exercises:
Let the pupils read the short story “A Joke” written on the chart. Let, them choose the
answer to the questions below.
1. What must have happened to his sister?
a. She got sick.
b. She was frightened.
c. She laughed and laughed.

Read each situation. Then choose an appropriate ending for each. Write the letter only.
1. The girl in the story is the most spoiled among the three children in the family. She gets
everything she wants.
a The girl grow up into a problem child to her parent".
b. The girl grow left the family when she grew older.
c. The girl became the richest among the three.
2. The girl's friends did not follow her when she wanted to cross the street. They crossed where
there is a pedestrian lane.
a. The friends could not cross the street.
b. The friends were nearly run over by vehicles.
c. The friends were able to cross the street easily and safely.

Give the possible ending of the given situation. Justify your answer.

Hrs. Quinto gave a long test to her pupils In English. Liza was not able to study her lessons
because she took care: of her mother who is very sick. When rv1rs. Quinto checked the test papers,
she found out that Liza got the lowest score. The fatter explained to her teacher the reason behind


Date: ____________


 Draw conclusions based on given information.

Values: Taking care of one’s eyesight


Drawing Conclusions

References: BEC-PELC Reading II p. 19 Everyday English 4 Reading pp.180-182

Materials: flashcards, pictures


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment

2. Review

Choose the best ending for the paragraph/sentence.

A fly was caught in a spider's web.

a. The spider will eat it.

b The spider will make another cobweb.

c. The spider will grow big.

3. Unlock of Difficulties:

Unlock the following words through context clues or through pictures.

a. handicap – through pictures

b. lumber – through pictures

4. Motivation:

How did Flora's Uncle Rufo lose his eyesight?

5. Motive Question

How did Uncle Rufo help Flora, the children and himself?

B. Reading the Story:

C. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. How did Uncle Rufo help the children?
b. Why was Uncle Rufo called “Unusual Man”?
3. Engagement Activities
Drawing of conclusion based on information given.
a. He is an old man whose source of living is being a carpenter. He is shy and blind. He is
Flora’s uncle.
b. A very serious handicap which makes a man considered disable because he/she could not
see anything around him/her.
4. Infusion Value
What should one do to prevent or avoid lose of eyesight?
5. Generalization:
What can one do after gathering information from a selection read?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Write a short paragraph about the effect of being blind to our lives.

b. Independent Practice:
Read and draw conclusions.
1. - gleaming floors
- ladies in white caps
- trays of medicine
- smell of alcohol

Can you make correct conclusions? Do the following.
1. He uses hands and whistles. He blows the whistle and hold up his hands to stop the cars and
trucks. He signals to people on sidewalks telling them to cross the street at once.
2. It is used when there is no policeman. There may be a sign saying "Drive safely, School Ahead,
Watch for Children". These help children get the school safely.


Date: ____________


 Identify adjectives in a selection.

Values: Hardwork and Industry


Identifying Adjectives in a Selection

References: BEC-PELC Speaking 9 p.19 Everyday English IV, (Reading) pp. 101-102
Materials: charts of poem, flashcards, pictures

Selection: The Little Brown Hands


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Phonetic Drill:
Pronounce the following words correctly
C as / s / C as / k /
celery climb
centavo scountry
cement committee

2. Review:
What is an adjective?

3. Motivation:
Teacher will show pictures of children doing something. Let the children describe what
they see.

4. Unlocking Difficulties:
Supply the missing word to complete the sentence. Select from the list below.
1. Lito has sore eyes. His doctor advice him to wear ________ eyeglasses.
2. Katrina’s favorite color is _____________.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Today we are going to read a poem. Find out what it is all about.

2. Reading of the Poem by the Teacher
3. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What opportunities await boys and girls who are willing to work?

2. What is describe in the first stanza?

3. In the second stanza, what three things are done by the little brown hands?

4. Reading of the Poem by the Teacher.

5. Skill Development:
a. What are the adjectives. used in the poem?
b. What words described hands? Whistles? Hay? Rulers? Mother? Grapes? Etc.
6. Generalization
What do you call the words that describe nouns?

7. Infusion of Values:
What should one do to become successful in life?

8. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice
Play a guessing game in class. The leader will describe a classmate. Be sure to
choose adjectives that will not hurt feelings. The person who can guess who is being
described will be the next leader.

b. Independent Practice:
Give as many adjectives as you can to describe the following noun. Write them on
the lines around the word.

Read the paragraph carefully. Then pick out the adjectives used and the noun being described.
Luneta is a big park in Manila where most people in the crowded city go for relaxation. It is
called now Rizal Park which named after Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero. Every Sunday, there is a
free concert at the park; Everyday many people go there for its fresh air and wide space to stroll on.

Read this poem and then pick out all the adjectives.

We love Our Country, The Philippines

We love our country, the Philippines
We love our tall, green trees and mountains,
We love our green and golden fields,
We love our deep, blue seas.
We are proud of our brave heroes
We are proud of our pretty costumes,
We are proud of our beautiful dance,

We are proud of our polite ways.


Date: ____________


 Identify the degree of comparison of the adjective.

Values: Be health conscious


Identifying the Degree of Comparison of the Adjective

References: PELC 9.1 Speaking, 9 Listening, 9 Writing; Stairways to English 4, pp. 111-115
Materials: pictures, charts, flashcards real object.


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
Encircle the words that describe the underlined word in each sentence.

1. There are about a hundred small islands in a long body of water.

2. You'll have a comfortable and enjoyable trip.

2. Motivation:
"Health is Wealth" Do you agree? Why? The children in the picture try to keep fit and

B. Presentation:
1. Listening to the conversation.
2. Answer the following questions.
a. What did the two girls see on the bulletin board?
b. What did Cheryl ask Lynn to do?
3. Infusion Value
What do we need to do to keep our body fit and healthy?
4. Skills Development
Read the following sentences on the board.
1. Lyn is healthy girl.

2. But Cathy is healthier than Lynn.
5. Generalization:
What are the three degree of comparison of the adjective?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
Underline the correct form of adjective in the parenthesis to complete each sentence
and identify the degree of comparison.
1. The (small, smaller, smallest) fish in the Philippines is found in Lake Buhi.
2. Pangasinan is (near, nearer, nearest) to Baguio than Manila.
b. Independent Exercises:
Encircle the adjective in each sentence and identify the degree of comparison.
1. Carabao is the biggest animal in our country. _________________.
2. Lucban Bridge in Cagayan is a long bridge. ______________.

Write the correct form of adjective in the parenthesis to complete each sentence and identify the
degree of comparison.
1. The Intercontinental Hotel is (tall) than the Garden Hotel.
2. The Philippine has the (long) Christmas season in the world.
3. The dictionary is the (thick) of all the books.

Copy the adjective in each sentence and identify the degree of comparison.
1. Which is heavier a kilo of rice or a pound of sugar? __________
2. Moriones is the most colorful festival. __________.
3. Sharks look the meanest of all fish. _________
4. Ostrich is a tall bird. _________
5. Which is more delicious mango or caimito? ___________


Date: ____________


 Use the positive comparative and superlative form of regular adjective.

Values: Love of Country


Using the Positive, Comparative and Superlative Form of Regular Adjective

References: PECL 9.1 Speaking, 9 Listening, 9 Writing
Materials: pictures, flashcards, real objects


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
What are adjectives?
What are the 3 degrees of comparison of the adjective?
2. Motivation:
Show pictures of. tourist spots, costumes, dances and heroes. let them describe each
picture. What made our country beautiful?

B. Presentation:
1. Let them read the poem. “We Love Our Country, the Philippines”
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. What made our country beautiful?
b. What are the things that we need to be proud of?
3. Infusion of Value
What value were shown in preserving and conserving our natural resources of our
country's wealth?
4. Skills Development
Read these sentences on the board.
1. Laguna is a cool place.
2. It is cooler in Tagaytay than in Laguna.
3. But the coolest among the three places is Baguio.
5. Generalization:
When do we use the positive, comparative and superlative degree of comparison of the
regular adjective?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercise:

Group Activity: Distribute flashcards in each group. Let them read the sentences on
the board. Choose the flashcards that contains the correct form of adjective to complete
each sentence.
1. Sharks are the ______ fish of all.
2. The San Agustin Church in Manila is the _________ church in the Philippines.
b. Independent Exercise
Choose the correct form of adjective to complete each sentence. Write the letter of
the correct answer.
1. The Marcos Bridge, which is more than 2 kilometer is the _________ in Asia
a. long b. longer c. longest
Read the following situations. Write the correct form of the adjective in the parenthesis to
complete the sentences.
1. Cheryl puts one cube of ice in her calamansi juice. Edmund puts two. But Cathy puts three cubes.
Cathy's juice is (cold). Cheryl's juice is ,(cold) than Edmund's juice.
2. Cathy is (heavy). She weighs 30 kilos. Cheryl weighs 25 kilos. She is (light) than Cathy. Edmund
is 35 kilos. He is the (heavy) of the three children. .

Give the er and est form of the following words. Use in sentences.
Posivite Comparative Superlative
1. safe ______________ ______________ ______________
2. nice ______________ ______________ ______________
3. clear ______________ ______________ ______________
4. noisy ______________ ______________ ______________
5. white ______________ ______________ ______________


Date: ____________


 Write a one or two sentence ending to a given real situation.

Values: Orderliness


Writing a One or Two Sentence Ending to a Given Real Situation.

References: BEC p. 21, Fun in English 4 Reading 144-145
Materials: chart, sentences on strips of paper.


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
Recall how stories show by episodes either on radio/TV end episode. The viewers guess
what will happen next.

2. Motivation:
Did you watch the last episode of Pangako Sa lyo? Did you have the right guess to its

B. Presentation:
1. Present pupils to act out the play.
a. a boy who cut his class
b. Lina fixed her toys after playing
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Who fixed her toys?
b. What will happen to Lina, the teacher and the boy?
3. Write their answers on the board and let them give justification.
4. Here are other situations. Write down a one or two sentence about its ending.
a. The girl is the most spoiled among the three children.
b. Marla's teacher noticed that she was not answering her text.
5. Discuss their answers and decide what is possible ending.

C. Generalization:
How will you know the ending of a given situation?

D. Exercises:
Divide the pupils into six group then as A and B. A group will three situations and group B
will write a one or two sentence ending

Write a one or two sentences ending to a given real life situation.
1. There is a heavy rain for 2 consecutive days and streets are flooded.
2. A boy was caught stealing food in the store.

Watch your favorite TV program and write its possible ending.


Date: ____________


 Write possible about given situations.

Values: Health Consciousness


Writing Possible Effects About Given Situations

References: BEC p. 21 Fun in English IV Reading pp. 97-98 Stairways to English Reading
Materials: things for rainy season


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
Underline the cause and encircle the effect in each sentence.
1. Nida brushes her teeth, she has a set of beautiful and healthy teeth.
2. Nick slept early, he was tired.
2. Motivation:
Show pictures of objects for rainy season. Let the children tell something about it.
B. Presentation:
1. Today you are going to listen to a story "A Stormy Day".
2. Reading of the story by the class best reader. (Stairways to English 4 Reading pp. 42-43)
3. Comprehension Check-up
1. What happened because of the following:
a. flood b. rain
2. How can you prevent sickness during rainy season?

C. Generalization:
What is cause? Effect?

D. Exercises:
a. Guided
Divide pupils mw groups. Write sentences showing effects.
1. The Old Man needs money.
2. The yard is free from stagnant water.
b. Independent Exercise
Write possible effect about the given situation.

1. Randy didn't brush her teeth.
2. The grass did not get water.

Write possible effect of the given situation.
1. The school is too far away from home.
2. Tony answered , his assignments.
3. She forgot her camera.

Write sentences that show causes or effects.


Date: ____________


 Compose riddles from a given stimuli

Values: Alertness of mind


Composing Riddles

Descriptive Words

References: PELC 9, p. 19
Materials: chars


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Guessing Game – About our heroes
- Who was the Brain of Katipunan?
- Who was the Hero of Tirad Pass?
- Who was the author of Noli and Fili?

B. Presentation:
1. Study the semantic web. can you guess what is being described?
2. Let us compose a riddle out of this semantic web.
It is a tiny fragrant flower.
It is white as snow.
It is used in making lei.
It is our national flower.

C. Skill Development:
1. Discussion
What words are used in composing the above riddle?

D. Generalization:
How do we compose riddles?

E. Practice Exercises:

Group Activity:
1. Make a semantic web on any occupation.
2. Compose riddles based from your semantic web.

A. Make a semantic web on the following:
1. stone 2. Jose Rizal
B. Compose riddles based from your semantic web.

Make two semantic web and compose 2 riddles out of it.


Date: ____________


 Write slogan from a given stimuli

Values: Conservation of Forest Resources


Writing Slogan
Save Our Forests
References: PELC 9, p. 19; Everyday English 4 (Reading) p. 155-157


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Brainstorming
Why is forest important?

B. Presentation:
1. Group Activity
Divide the class into 3. let them prepare a skit about forest conservation and importance
of forest based from the selection on pp. 155-157
2. Group Presentation of skit
3. Evaluation of skit
Are the importance and conservation of forest portrayed in the skit?
4. Value Infusion
How do we conserve our forest?

C. Skill Development:
1. Discussion
What is a slogan?
It is brief. Not more than 10 words. Presence of rhyming words. This is a catch word
about a topic giving message to a reader.
2. This is an example of slogan based from the activity presented.
3. Group Activity
Make your own slogan based from the activity presented. (to be written in Manila paper)
4. Presentation of Slogan by group.

D. Generalization:
What is a slogan? How do we write it?

E. Practice Exercises:
Group Activity
1. Write slogan about the pictures in the board.
(Picture of seas and rivers with fisherman catching fish)
2. Illustrate your slogan in a poster.

1. Write a slogan based from the celebration of Nutrition Month.
2. Draw a poster about this slogan.
Green Mind, Green Heart, Green Thumb

Write a slogan about Alay Lakad.
1. A fish (can. May) swim.
2. (Can, May) I read your book?
3. Boys (can. May) run faster than girls.
4. Mother (can, may) I join the field trip?
5. (Can. t-1ay) you go home alone?


Date: ____________


 Write an announcement from a given stimuli

Values: Being Up to Date


Writing an Announcement

References: BEC PELC Writing 9, p. 19 Stairways to English 4 Language pp.49-54

Materials: cartolina, pentel pen, crayons, ruler


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review
Writing slogans about the UnitedNation's Day Celebration.
3. Motivation
What important announcements are in the school bulletin board today?

B. Presentation:
Present and read these announcements
There will be a practice of all rondalla members on Wednesday, December3 in Room 107 at
2:00 o'clock p.m. Bring the necessary instruments.

C. Generalization:
What are the information items in writing an announcement?

D. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice
Write an announcement on this situation.
You would like to let everybody know that the English Club will hold a declamation
contest for Grades IV, V and VI while recitation for Grades I, II and III. Put any date, time
and place you ·want. Follow any format.

Write an announcement on this situation. Give the complete information (answer to wh-question)
You would like to get the names of pupils who will join toe school outing to any beautiful spot in

your province, mention the name of the place as well as the date and time of departure from school.
State also the amount for transportation or fare.

Write your own announcement somebody or attend your birthday-party.


Date: ____________


 Write a composition for the third formal theme

Values: Cleanliness of the surroundings


Formal Theme Writing

References: BEC PELC 9 p.19

Materials: chart


A. Preliminary Activities:
Group Activity – Game
Leader: When I point at your group and say riddle recite a riddle. When I say slogan, give an
example of slogan and when I say announcement shout an announcement.

B. Presentation:
1. Read the paragraph “ The Clean and Green Contest” pp.130
2. Comprehension Check-up:
 What is the theme of the paragraph?
 What were used in the paragraph?

C. Skill Development:
1. Vocabulary Development.
2. Discussion on the parts of a composition
1. What are the parts of a composition?
2. What should be your title if the topic is family?
3. Composition Writing Group Activity
Write a composition using these Juide questions.
1. What is a family?
2. Who are included in the family?
3. What is the role of each member of the family?
4. Group presentation of composition in Manila paper.

D. Exercise

Write a composition using these gUide questions.
1. Who was Jose Rizal?
2. What are his characteristics?
3. What makes him famous?

Transfer your composition in your formal theme notebook.

Write a composition about your favorite teacher.



Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Sequence events in the story listened to through groups of sentences

Values: Helpfulness

II. Subject Matter:

Inferring Traits of characters

References: BEC-PELC - Speaking 10 Story: Porky the Greedy Pig

Stairways to English Skillbook 4 By Palabay and Alberto p. 130

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Describe the person's traits based on the picture
Each pair of pupils will be given pictures of persons showing different character traits
such as honesty, kindness, cheerfulness, etc.

2. Vocabulary Building
Direction: Give the meaning through contextual clues.
1. The greedy pig always eats more than his share of food.
2. The robbers hid under the bed so that the owner of the house did not see them.

3. Motivation: If someone branded you as pig, will you be happy? Why not? What is the
attitude of a pig which is not good for a man to adopt?

4. Motive question: What lesson did the greedy pig learn?

B. Listening or reading to the short story - The Greedy Pig

C. Post Reading:

1. Answer the motive question.

2. Answer the comprehension questions.
a. What did Porky like to do?
b. Who brought the pigs food?
c. How did Porky eat the food?

3. Skill Focus:
Direction. Listen as the teacher say the questions from the characters in different
manners. The pupils will infer the character traits.
1) a. "You are a greedy little pig" (in sweet voice)
b. "You are a greedy little pig" (in an angry

4. Generalization: Can you infer about the character's trait based on the stress of the voice?

5. Application: Choose one strip of bond paper with quotations from characters in the stories.
Say it based on the trait that is written on it. Your classmate will infer what trait is it.
1) "Come in Jose. I've been waiting for you for too long" (angry)
2) "Come in Jose. I've been waiting for you for too long" (excited)
6. Independent Exercise
Direction: Get your partner. Say one quotation in the manner that you want to say it.
Then your partner will infer the trait. Exchange role afterwards.
1) "Thank you, Mr. Santos. You are an honest person."
2) "Mother, wait".

IV. Evaluation:
Direction. Listen as the teacher say some quotations with proper stress. Infer the traits whether
kind, angry, afraid, lonely or excited.
1. "We will go to the zoo" (in excited voice)
2. "This is your medicine". (in angry voice)
3. "Jose, look what your dog has done to the pots" (in low and kind voice)

V. Assignment:
Copy quotations from characters in the story you have read and tomorrow say it the way you
want to say it, then let your classmates infer the traits.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Infer the traits of the character based on the volume of the voice.

Values: Honesty

II. Subject Matter:


References: R-BEC-10 Speaking, Developing Reading Power 4 By Ferrer et. al. p. 107

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Vocabulary Building
Direction: Choose the meaning of the words through contextual clues.
a) Line accidentally broke the window pane.
a. Intentionally done
b. Unintentionally done
c. Willingly done
b) Window pane
a. one sheet of glass in a window
b. one sheet of paper
c. one pile of papers in window

2. Motivation: What would you do if you accidentally broke the expensive pot in your room?

3. Motive Question: What kind of a boy was Dado?

B. During Reading:
The teacher reads the story while the pupils listen.

C. Post Reading:

1. Answer the motive question

2. Answer the comprehension questions
a. Were all the boys reported to the principal?

b. Who saved the boys from being reported to the principal?

3. Valuing:
If you were Dado, what would you do after you accidentally broke the window?
If you were the classmates, would you tell who broke the window pane?

4. Skill Development:
Direction: Infer the character's traits based on the volume of the voice.
a. Who threw the stone that broke the window pane? (in loud voice)
The character is angry, cruel, hot tempered, etc.
b. Who threw the stone that broke the window pane? (in soft or calm voice)
The character is kind, calm, understanding, etc.
5. Discussion: A person who talks in loud voice is hot tempered. A person who talks softly or
calmly is kind and understanding person.

6. Generalization: How can you infer the traits of the character?

7. Guided Exercise (Selected pupils act the ff.) Direction: Infer the traits of the following
character. Listen as your classmate recites the dialogue.
a. "It's for you, my dear", he said kissing his wife.
b. "Wow! How wonderful! What a great help this would be for me!"

8. Independent Exercise
Direction: Infer the character's traits based on the volume of the voice.
Selected pupils set out the ff. in grope' volume
1. "It's alright Ben. You may go now but be back by about eleven o'clock. Visitors usually
come at that time".
2. "Pretty fly, queen of my dreams, come and life with me".

IV. Evaluation:
Infer the character's traits based on the volume of the voice. (Pupils my listen to recorded voices
or t the teacher may read in the absence of a recorded tape)
1. "Pip! Pip! Yes, yes, Mother".
2. "Mother, mother teach us how to swim too".
3. "Do not stay too far from me'.

V. Assignment:
Copy a short conversation. Recite it tomorrow with proper volume.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Use adverbs of place correctly

 Identify the adverbs of place in a given sentence

Values: Love of beautiful place

II. Subject Matter:

Adverb of Place

References: BEC-PEIC Speaking 10 p. 19 Stairways to English Language 4 pp. 124-127

Materials: Paragraph in a chart

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Spell the following words:
Here under everywhere province
There infront somewhere below

2 Review: Identify the adjective and tell if it is positive, comparative or superlative form.
a. My thick notebook is on the table
b. The old man is gentle
c. My sister is intelligent

3. Motivation:
Show pictures of beautiful places in the country. Have you experienced in visiting
beautiful places? Today class, we are going to read a paragraph about Jose's experience in
visiting other places.

B. Presentation:
1. Motive question: Where does Jose spend his vacation?

2. Read the following:

Every vacation, I go to my grandparents' place in La Union. I always spend my long
vacation there. My grandparents' home in _ San Fernando is near the seashore. I like the cool
breeze. Every other day, I go swimming with my cousins. There are beautiful beach resorts in
San Fernando.

3. Discussion:
a. Where does Jose spend his vacation? Jose spends his vacation in La Union.
b. Where are these beautiful beach resorts?
These beautiful beach resorts are in San Fernando.

4. Analysis/Abstraction:
Pupils read the underlined words above. Ask: What do you call these words? What are
they used for? What questions do these words answer?

5. Valuing: What should we do when visiting beautiful places?

6. Development of skill:
Have pupils use adverbs of place in talking about their favorite activities.

7. Generalization:
What ace adverbs of place? (Adverbs of place are words that answer the question where).

C. Practice Exercises:

Direction: Answer the following questions using an adverb of place.

1. Where do trees grow abundantly?
2. Where do cows love to graze?
3. Where do fish breed?
4. Where do bats hide?
5. Where do mosquitoes breed?

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Use adverbs of place to answer the following .questions. Write complete sentences.
Underline the adverb used.
1. Where co you study your lesson?
2. Where do you eat your lunch?
3. Where do you take a bath?
4. Where is the head teacher's office?
5. Where is the school canteen?

V. Assignment:
Use the following adverbs of pace in sentences.
1. away
2. here
3. back
4. in the bank
5. outside


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Use the adverbs of time in sentences correctly.

 Identify the adverbs of time in a given sentence.

Values: Appreciate the beauty of our places

II. Subject Matter:

Adverbs of Time

References: BEC-PEIC Speaking 10, p. 19 Fun in English language 4, pp. 244-246

Everyday English Language 4, pp. 136-137
Stairway to English (language) 4, pp. 128-129
Materials: Chart of the dialog

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Assignment check-up:

2. Review:
Identify the adverbs of place in the following sentences.
a. The children went somewhere yesterday.
b. She saw the book below the table. What lakes did she visit?
c. Why did she like the place?

3. Motivation:
Do you have friends? Do you see them always? When do you meet them? Today class,
you are going to read a dialog.

B. Presentation:
1. Have two girls act out the following, dialog (This is pre-assigned)

2. Discussion
a. Where did Leticia spend her vacation?
b. When did she go to San Pablo City?
c. When did she arrive home?
d. Valuing: Do you like visiting other places? Do you appreciate these places?

3. Abstraction/ Analysis:
a. Here are some sentences taken from the dialog
1. We went there a week after classes ended.
2. Yesterday at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. My auntie accompanied me at home

4. Generalization:
What are adverbs of time?

C. Practice Exercises:

a. Guided Practices.
Let pupils work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions:
1. When is Christmas celebrated?
2. When is Independence Day celebrated?

b. Independent Practice:
Direction: underline the adverbs of time.
1. The farmer start their work early
2. I need a very interesting story last night.

IV. Evaluation:
Write related sentences on any topic using adverbs of time. Underline adverbs used.

V. Assignment:
Answer the following questions in complete sentences using an adverb of time.
1 When does drought usually occur?
2 When do students get a break from studying?
3. When do owls hunt for feed?
4. When do the rains come?
5. When did Mt. Pinatubo erupt?


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Write sentences on situations presented.

 Use the adverbs in constructions sentences on situations presented

Values: Be courteous in asking directions

II. Subject Matter:

Writing sentences on Situations presented

References: BEC Writing 10, p.19

English for Life 6, pp. 70-80
Materials: Dialogue in a chart

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Assignment Checkup:

2. Review:
Identify the adverbs in these sentences. Tell whether they are adverbs of place or time.
a. The children study their lessons in the library.
b. The parents had a meeting at 5:30 this afternoon.
c. Mosquitoes breed in the canals.

3. Motivation:
Today class we're going to read a dialogue. This is all about asking directions. Do you
remember the words we used in giving directions?

B. Presentation:
1. Read the dialogue of Marc and John. TM. pp. 138

2. Discussion:
a. Who is new in the school?
b. What is Mark asking?
c. Where is the classroom?

3. Skill Development:
a. What are the adverbs used in this dialogue? Are there adverbs of place or time? Identify
the adverbs in the dialogue.

b. Here is a situation. Suppose a friend visit you in your home. Se wants to meet your
principal. What will you tell her?

4. Generalization:
How are adverbs used? How are sentences written?

5. Practice Exercises:
Write sentences about this situation. Use as many adverbs as you can.

Your friend asks you to teach her how to cook rice. What instruction would you give

IV. Evaluation:
Read the situation presented below and write sentences using the different kinds of adverbs.
Your cousin asks you to tell her the direction of SBMA (Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority). What
instructions will you give as she'll be able to reach the place?

V. Assignment:
Write sentences in this situation presented. Be sure to use the adverbs in constructing your
You have a foreign visitor. She asks you to give the direction of your church. What will you tell


Date: ____________

Skill: Speaking

Objective: Use the adverbs of place correctly

Direction: Use adverbs of place to answer the following questions. Write complete sentences.
Underline the adverb used.

1. Where do you study your lesson?


2. Where do you eat your lunch?


3. Where do mosquito’s breed?



Date: ____________

Skill: Speaking

Objective: Use the adverbs of time in sentences correctly

Direction: Answer the following questions in complete sentences using an adverb of time.

1. When is Christmas celebrated?


2. When is your birthday?


3. When do owls hunt for food?



Date: ____________

Skill: Writing

Objective: Write sentences on situation presented.

Direction: Write sentences about these situations presented. Use the different kinds of adverbs in
constructing your sentences.

1. Your sister asks you to give the direction in going to Manila. What directions would you give
her so she can reach the place?


2. You have a foreign visitor. She asks you to give the direction of your school. What will you
tell her?


3. Your cousin asks you to teach her how to cook fried chicken. What instructions would you
give her?



Date: ____________

I. Objective:

1. Infer character traits on what the characters do.

2. Dramatize the scene of a story liked best.

Values: Loyalty and Patriotism

II. Subject Matter:

Infer Character Traits

References: PELC Reading 10.1

Fun in English reading 4, pp. 153-157
Everyday English reading 4, pp. 92-93
Materials: Strips of cartolina where the vocabulary words and their meaning are written.

III. Procedure
a. Unlocking of difficulties (through the use of contextual cues)
Read the sentences then choose from the list of words the meaning of the underlined words.
1. The Katipunan was founded by Andres Bonifacio.
2. The documents were placed in a safe box.
3. The boy knows the1p ight of the girl and the big job she's undertaking.
• a distressed condition
• written or printed items for reference or evidence
• Spanish friendly organization
• Secret organization to fight against Spain

b. Motivation:
Who are the brave heroes who fought for our country?

c. Presentation: Today, we will read a dialogue entitled

“The Brave Katipunera” – Fun in English Reading, pp. 153-157

d. Motive Question:
What role did Gregoria de Jesus play in the revolution?

e. Reading of the dialogue

f. Answering the motive question

g. Comprehension check-up:
1. Who are the characters in the dialogue?
2. What role did each character play?
3. How are they considered today? Why?

h. Value Infusion:
How do you show your loyalty and patriotism to our country?

i. Skills Development:
(The teacher presents the sentences taken from the dialogue)
1. Gregoria sits on the floor ironing clothes on a dulang.
2. Teodoro looks around as if someone might hear him.
3. Andres led the Katipunan to fight for our freedom.
 What character trait is shown by Gregoria in sentence w 1? Why?
 How about Teodoro? Andress?

j. Generalizaiton:

k. Practice Exercises

1. Guided Exercise:
Group the lass into three. Have a cooperative work on the selection of a scene or part of
the story they like best. Ask them to dramatize the selected scene or part.

2. Independent Exercise:
Have the other groups critique on their presentation paying attention to portrayal of the
correct trait.

IV. Evaluation:
Read each sentence. Then infer character trait of the character who did it.
1. Sansy received a beautiful gift from her aunt. Her aunt was______ (selfish, thoughtful, forgetful).
2. Miko lost his favorite toy. He was ______ (careful , careless, thoughtless).
3. My mother praised me for helping in the house. My mother was _________ (unkind, busy,

V. Assignment:
Read the story, "Mistaken Identity" Fun in English Language 4, pp. 119-120.
 Dramatize the scene or part of the story you like best. (Use the same grouping)
 Show it to class tomorrow.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

1. Infer character traits on what the characters said

2. Dramatize the scene or part of the story they like.

Values: Love and Care

II. Subject Matter:

Infer Character Traits

References: PELC Reading 10.1

Fun in English reading 4, pp. 86-90
Materials: Pictures

III. Procedure
a. Checking of Assignments (pupils to dramatize the sentences part of the story “Mistaken

b. Review:
The teacher groups the pupils into 2 (Boys group and Girls group). Each group has a
representative to pick out fruits of a mango tree where situations are written. Pupils have to infer
the character trait based on what was done.

c. Unlocking of difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of words through configuration clues. Write the missing letter or letters
to complete the word in the box.
1. My brother has to stay home and do the chores of a woman.
2. The great wave hit against the cliff. A high steep side of a rock
d. Motivation (show a picture of seashore)
 Have you gone to the sentences?
 What did you do there?
 Are there experiences from the seashore that you cannot forget?

e. Presentation:

Class, today we will read a story about a boy’s experience with a tidal wave.

f. Motive question:
How did Kami save himself and his little sister?

g. Reading the story:

“The Great Wave”, Everyday English Reading, pp. 86-89

h. Answering the motive question.

i. Comprehension chek-up:
1. Why was Kami at the beach?
2. Where was the rest of his family?
3. Did the great wave carry Kami and his little sister away?

j. Value infusion:

If you were Kami, would you do the same?

• Why?
• How do you show your love and care for your younger sister or brother?

k. Skills Development:

1. What did Kami say when he saw the sea?

2. What did he say to his little sister when he saw the great wave?
3. What did mother say when she saw Pahuka is already safe?

l. Generalization:

What is one way of inferring character traits?

m. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercise:
Pupils are asked to dramatize what the characters from the story said. After the
dramatization, let pupils critique their own performance.

b. Independent Exercise:
Write the character trait of the character who said the following:
1. "Excuse me 'Madam, may I go out"
2. "What a horrible thing!"
3. "Wow! Beautiful lady."

IV. Evaluation:
Write the character trait of the character who said the following:
1. "I would be glad to be with, but let me ask permission from my parents!
2. Don't panic, my friend".
3. "What are these buttons for?"
4. "May! leave the room for a minute."
5. "Go away, you band of robbers!"

V. Assignment:
Bring a comic book tomorrow.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

1. Write utterances on comic strips presented

2. Use the utterances in daily conversations

Values: Carefullness

II. Subject Matter:

Utterances on Comic Strips Presented

References: PELC Writing 10.1

Fun in English Language 4, p. 161

Materials: Comic Strips

III. Procedure
A. 1. Unlocking of difficulties (through the use of contextual clues)
a. The boy's utterance made me admire him.
(facial expression, vocal expression, body expression)
b. Mrs. Buenaventura will be having a conversation with the parents regarding pupils
(talk, date, letter)

2. Motivation:
Class, how many for you love to read comic books?
What makes you to read them?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Presentation:
(The teacher presents a model of a comic strip telling a story)
Mothers comes home with a beautiful vase. She asks everyone to be careful with it. She
is afraid it might be broken. The she herself drops it and it breaks.

2. Comprehension check-up:
1. What did Mother bring home one day?
2. What did she ask to everyone?

3. Infusion of Values:

How should we handle objects that are easily broken?

C. Skills Development:
1. Discussion:
a. What is the comic strip about?
b. What utterances were made by the girl? Boy? Mother?

2. Generalization:
What is an utterance?

3. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercise:
Write utterances to be used in the given comic strips.

b. Practice Exercise:
Peer checking of utterances made in guided exercises

IV. Evaluation:
Give a comic strip. Put in the uttererance/utterances that will fit in the picture.

V. Assignment:
Imagine that you’re an artist. Write what you think the boy might be saying, thinking or hearing.
Try to write something funny for the readers of our cartoon.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

A. Give conclusions to situations heard.

B. Identify the main idea in the situation given.

Values: Kindness to others

II. Subject Matter:

Giving Conclusion to Situations Heard

References: PELC II Listening

Everyday English IV Reading, pp. 180-188
Fun in English Reading IV, p. 173

Materials: flashcards for the words to be unlocked

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Unlocking of difficulties through context clues.
a. Journeyed - the man journeyed along the desert with his camel.
b. Inn - he brought the man in an in and took care of him.

2. Presentation:
1. Today, you are going to listen to a story. Find out what happen in the story.
2. Reading of the story by the teacher or listen to the taped story. “The Good Samaritan”

3. Discussion:
Who are the characters in the story. What happened to the traveler? What dot the
wounded man represent? What does the priest-passerby represent? What does the Levite
represent? What does the Samaritan stand for? What is the main idea of the story?

4. Value:
When you see a wounded person what should you do? What character trait do you
possess if you are this person?

5. Generalization:
Give your conclusion to situation heard?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice: Listen to the situations then select the phrase or clues written on trips of
cartolina that best complete each sentence.
1. Riza was host to here friends. After a dance practice, two of her friends began to
quarrel. As a host, Riza. did not want the day spoiled. We conclude that she
a. Listens to the quarrel without interrupting.
b. Slap the boy who started the quarrel.

b. Independent practice
Listen to the story. Give the conclusion afterwards.
Saudi Arabia is a country in the Middle East. It exports oil. Since 1975, the Saudi
Arabians have been building hospitals, schools, hotels, roads and bridges, and houses.
They have imported Filipino laborers to build these constructions. Workers there earn
more than three times what they earn in the Philippines. Now Saudi Arabia is importing
professionals and technicians in medicine to work in the new hospitals.

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selection then choose the letter that best complete each sentences or answers each
Miss Kamu politely excused herself and left the breakfast table. She was not feeling well. She
had been resting I her cabin for sometime when she smelled smoke, but she thought it was from the
machine room………TM pp.145
1. Which phrases described the setting of the story?
a. cabin, deck, fog horn
b. life jacket, overcoat, the man
c. dining room, not feeling well, machine room
2. The smoke, people running and going up the upper deck, and the sound of the alarm are meant to
give you
a. a happy feeling
b. a frightening feeling
c. a funny feeling

V. Assignment:
Read a short paragraph. Then choose the correct conclusion you think best tells about each.
A. Women can also be astronauts
B. A person can stay in space even for a number of months.
C. Only American women can be astronauts.
D. A space station is a safe place to stay while in outer space.

Although cosmonauts and astronauts eat, sleep, bathe, and exercise in an outer space station, they
do these differently from the way these are done on earth. They need special suits and equipment to
do them.
Living in space is just like living on earth.
Living in outer space is more exciting than living on earth.
Astronauts and cosmonauts need to adapt themselves to their environment in outer space.
Living in outer space is complicated.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Give conclusions to news/oral report heard.

 Note the important events to the news report heard.

Values: Cleanliness

II. Subject Matter:

Giving conclusions to News/Oral Report Heard

References: PELC – Listening

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
We live near the coastal shores of Zambales.
a. bottom part
b. side, edge, margin of the land next to the sea.
c. farthest part

The tourists reached their destination safely.

a. future
b. assignment
c. predetermined -end of a journey

2. Motivation:
Have you gone to Samar? (Show the map of Samar). To what region does it belong? Do
you know that it is now being developed into a tourist spit?

3. Motive Question:
Why is Samar town becoming a tourist attraction?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening to a news
2. Answering the motive question.
3. Comprehension check-up:
 What is the main attraction of this town?
 Who are frequently visiting Samar? Why do tourists go to Samar?

 How will this affect their income?

4. Drawing Conclusions:
What conclusions can you give from the news you have just heard?

5. Value Infusion:
Beautiful beaches are tourists' attractions. How can we keep our beaches clean and
beautiful? Can we attract more tourists if we don't maintain the cleanliness of our beaches?

6. Generalization:
How can we give conclusions by noting the important events in the news/oral report

7. Practice Exercises:
Listen to this news: "Reject plan to dump MM waste into Bataan waters, folk urged."

How did the residents of Bataan know about the plan of the national government?
How did the executive assistant to the office of the governor react? Why?

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the news (Could be recorded on tape) Economic zone to be built in Antique.
1. The Governor of Antique is happy because of the big economic opportunity in their province.
2. Some 20 Korean businessmen visited the governor to plan for their projects.
3. There are also other industries to be generated in the proposed eco zones.
4. Antique has political problems these past years.
5. The government is supporting Antique for the improvement of its po4t facilities.

V. Assignment:
Read a news report. Report it to class and let your classmates give their own conclusions.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

a. Use prepositions in sentences correctly.

b. Write sentences using prepositions.

Values: Appreciation of the beauty of one’s country

II. Subject Matter:

Using Prepositions

References: PELC IV 11 Speaking

Fun in English 4 Lang. pp. 252-253
Everyday English 4 Lang. pp. 198-205
English in a Dynamic World 4 pp. 143147

Materials: Pictures, real objects charts

III. Procedure
1. Preparatory Activities:
a. Drill:
Read the following sentences. Choose the correct form of the adjectives.
1. Mercury is the (small, smaller, smallest) planet of all.
2. Andrew is a (big, bigger, biggest) boy. He is the (big, bigger, biggest) in class.
b. Review:
Encircle the correct answer.
1. Lea got the (best, better) part in the play Miss Saigon in London.
2. She feels (good, better) for winning two awards.
3. Among her peers, she is considered the (more, most) successful.

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:

Look at this picture. (Banawe Rice Terraces) Can you tell what they are? Where are they
2. Presentation:

Let us read a story about the picture. “Giant Stairways to Heaven”.

3. Comprehension Check-up

a. What are the rice terraces called?

b. Where are they located?

c. Why are they called one of the wonders of the world?

Infusion Value:

How many of you have gone to some beautiful places in our country?
4. Analysis and Abstraction:

a. What words are underlined in the first sentence? Second? Final?

b. What does to show? To what noun in the sentence does in show its relations? What does
along show?
c. What do we call these words? What is their function? Etc.

5. Generalization:

Preposition are words placed before nouns or pronouns to show their relationship of those
nouns to other words in the sentence.
6. Value Infusion:

How do you show your appreciation to these beauty spots in our country?
7. Application:

Have pupils give sentences about their favorite beauty spot using preposition.

8. Practice Exercises

a. Guided Exercise

Teacher divide the class into learning teams. Each learning team will be given a
picture of a beauty spot. Let the pupils write sentences about the picture using as many
prepositions as they could.
Team A - Mayon Volcano
Team B - Hundred Island
Team C - Luneta Park
Team D - Banawe Rice Terraces
b. Independent Practice

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. Choose your answer from the box
until around at in for near on
1. Rizal Park is _________ Manila Bay.
2. People and children sit _________ the benches.
3. The children run _________ the park

IV. Evaluation:
Use the following prepositions in complete sentences.
1. over
2. under
3. up
4. behind
5. against

V. Assignment:
Write five sentences using the following preposition.
1. among
2. with
3. without
4. toward
5. down


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Use prepositional phrase in sentences correctly.

 Identify and read sentences with prepositional phrases

Values: Love of one’s work

II. Subject Matter:

Using Prepositional Phrase

References: PELC 11 Speaking

Fun in English Language IV pp.250-257
Everyday English Language IV pp.198-205

Materials: pictures of different occupations, flashcards

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation:
Read the following phrases correctly.
Among the flowers at the same time
Before the bell rings beside the brook
Out of the building on the seaside

2. Review:
What are prepositions? Give example of prepositions.

B. Presentation:
1. We have already learned about prepositions. Now, we will learn about prepositional phrases.

2. Look at the picture of the different occupations Which of these do you want to be when you
grow up? Why?

3. This is a wish of a young boy. He hopes that one day; all his dreams will come true. Listen as
your teacher reads this poem.

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What does the boy wish to be when he grows up?

b. Why does he want to be a doctor? A pilot? A basketball player?

5. From the selection, read the sentences that have prepositional phrase and identify the
prepositions used.

6. Read these sentences and give prepositional phrases.

a. The story about Ibong Adarna was read by the teacher.
b. Lina will stay with her grandmother for a month.

7. Value:
What should you do so that your dreams and wishes come true?

8. Generalization:
What is a prepositional phase?

9. Practice Exercises:
Use the following prepositional phrases in sentences.
1. from the farm
2. under the house
3. during rainy days
4. at the gate
5. without food
6. into the deep well

IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences and use the correct prepositional phrase.
1. The farmers work (from the hot sun, under the hot sun, in the hot sun, on the hot sun).
2. Nona stands (between the two boys, form the boys) n the boys, among the two boys).
3. Roy was (in the pupils, beyond the pupils, between the pupils, among the pupils) who received an

V. Assignment:
Use the following prepositional phrases in
1. from the farmhouse
2. under the mango tree
3. in a month
4. among the girls
5. to the sky


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Draw conclusions based on information given in a story.

Values: Generosity

II. Subject Matter:

Drawing conclusions Based on Information Given in a Story

References: PELC Reading II p.45

Developing Reading Power 4 pp.96-97

Materials: picture of Ifugaos

III. Procedure
A. Pre-reading Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Match column A with the meaning in column B.
1. ethic a. generation
2. peculiary b. extraordenary
3. descent c. of knight spirit of virtues
4. lineage d. groups sharing common customs
5. chivalrous e. inclination downward

2. Motivation:
Have you gone to Baguio City. (Show picture of Ifugaos). The famous Banawe Rice
Terraces was built by the Ifugaos.

3. Motive Questions:
What are some customs of the Ifugaos?

B. Reading:
Read the story silently. (“Our Northern Brothers, the Ifugaos).

C. Post Reading Activities:

1. Answering the motive questions.
What are some customs of the Ifugaos?

2. Comprehension check-up. .
Where do the Ifugaos live?
How do the Ifugaos look like?
What are their traditions for beliefs? What are their character traits?

3. Value Infusion:
The Ifugaos are said to be generous, hospitable and chivalrous. Do you think these traits
are still common among us Filipinos?
How can we preserve such values?

4. Drawing Conclusions:
Draw conclusions basing on the information given in the story.
Write T if the statement is true and F if it isn't.
_____ The Ifugaos have their own customs and traditions.
_____ The Ifugaos are related by blood or marriage.
_____ They claim a direct descent from the Gods of Kabunyan

5. Generalization:
How can we draw conclusions?
We can we draw conclusions through understandings the significant details that relate
the main events on the information given.

6. Practice Exercises:
Read the story “The King of Fruits”. TM. pp. 155
Then answer the following questions:
1. If you have orchard in Cotabato, which variety of durian would you get?
2. Which will be your best reason for choosing this variety?

IV. Evaluation:
Read the story and answer the following question.

People in the early times lived in a world that was different from ours. They did not live in
houses. They stayed on top of trees or inside caves. They did not step on beds. They used trunks or
trees or big flat pieces of stone. They did not sit on chairs. They used branches of trees and small
pieces of stones to sit upon….pp.156
1. Where did the people live during the early times?
a. in a world same as ours
b. in a world different as ours
c. in a world more advanced than ours
d. in a modern world
2. What did they used to sleep on?
a. on trunks of trees
b. on flat pieces of stones
c. on the sand.

V. Assignment:
Read the story carefully. “The Story of the Two Mules”…..pp. 157
Then answer the following questions.
1. What is the story about?
2. Where they going?

3. Who was very proud? Why?
4. What can you conclude in this story?


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Draw conclusions based on information given in scientific article.

 Infer the character traits of the scientist.

Values: Perseverance

II. Subject Matter:

Drawing Conclusions

References: PELC – IV 11, p.45

Fun in English 4 Reading pp. 168-175

Materials: pictures, paragraphs written on manila paper, Xerox copy of the story

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment

2. Phonics drill
Final ir/ ar /
their pair tail
dairy fairy sail
hairy flair pail

3. Review:
Read the paragraphs very carefully. Then choose the phrases needed to complete the
sentences that follow. Give only the letters.
1. The main idea of the paragraph is __________.
a. the importance of color among highlanders
b. the importance of blankets among highlanders
c. the importance of animals and things among highlanders

4. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Get the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence as they are use in the sentence.
1. Even women bravely venture into the men’s world as far as the outer space.
a. avoid going into
b. observe closely

c. take risk in going
2. There is almost no gravity in outer space so astronauts and cosmonauts are weightless.
a. have big lungs
b. have strong, bid bodies
c. have little or no heaviness

5. Motivation:
(Show a picture of astronauts in a spaceships). What can you see in this picture? How do
you think did these people live out there in their spacecraft? Let’s find out in the story:

B. Reading the story:

Living in Space….TM. pp.158

C. Comprehension:

1. a. Why do they go to outer space?

b. Name some astronauts and cosmonauts you can remember who have gone to outer space
or to the moon and returned to earth.
c. What do they usually bring with them when they return to earth?
2. Infusion Values:

Does it pay to be brave and strong? Why? How can you show that you are brave?
Hardworking? Patient?
3. Generalization:
We give comment or make conclusion based on what we have read.
What do we usually give when we draw conclusion?
4. Practice Exercises:
Read the short paragraphs. Then choose the correct conclusion you think best tells about
1. The Mir spacecraft is a laboratory. Astronauts and cosmonauts stay in a space lab to do
scientific work. They observe how it is to live in space. They study and investigate
celestial bodies like the moon and the other planets.
a. Scientists want to find out about other things that exist around our own planet Earth.
b. Scientist want to show the world that they are intelligent and can send spaceships and
people to outer space.
c. Scientist can create vehicles that can transport people form one planet to another.

IV. Evaluation:

Read these situations. Then write your conclusion in your notebook. Give your reason for giving
that conclusion.
1. In outer space, things and people are weightless. They float. They cannot take a bath in the
normal way like they do on earth. They cannot sleep without their sleeping bags.

V. Assignment:
Copy and read the paragraphs below. Choose the best conclusion by circling its letter.

1. Trains go to fact that they are hard to stop suddenly. Trainman watch for signal lights along the
track ahead.
One kind of railroad signal has three lights form right to left. It tells the trainmen to stop. The
"all clear" signal is three lights, one above the other. It slind for ___________.
a. go ahead
b. stop for water
c. do not hatch the track


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Write a descriptive paragraph

Values: Appreciation of the beautiful things around us.

II. Subject Matter:

Writing a descriptive paragraph

References: PELC; Fun in English Language IV pp.194-202

Materials: charts, pictures

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Find the adjective that expresses size, shape, color or kind in these sentences.
a. She is wearing a long sleeve printed dress.
b. A small, white dog ran after the stranger.

c. A huge crowd gathered to witness the singing competition.
d. What gifts did the three wise men give?

2. Unlocking through context clues:

a. Prairie-There is beautiful wild flowers in the prairie. (meadow, city, town, sea)

B. Presentation:
1. Today, you are going write a descriptive paragraph. Read the paragraph on the chart.

2. Comprehension Check-up:
What does the paragraph describe? Which sentence tells about a smell? What adjectives
describe the clouds?

3. Value:
What should you do the beautiful thing around us?

4. Imagine that you are in your garden. We are going to write a paragraph about your garden by
following the directions below. (Cooperative writing on the board.)
a. Describe something you see.
b. Describe what you hear.

5. Generalization:
In writing a descriptive paragraph what should you always remember?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided:
What is your favorite food? Write a paragraph about it using descriptive words or a

b. Independent:
Write a descriptive paragraph using adjectives about your best friend in school.

IV. Evaluation:
Peer checking of paragraph made in Independent Practice.

V. Assignment:
Rewrite the corrected paragraph.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Write a narrative paragraph

Values: Cleanliness

II. Subject Matter:

Writing a Narrative Report

References: PELC, Writing II

Materials: Strips of manila paper, charts with written events

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
How are events in a paragraph arranged?

2. Motivation:
Do you know how young mosquitoes develop?

B. Presentation:
1. Present these sentences written on strips of manila paper.
The larvae changed into pupa.
Soon after the eggs hatch and young wriggler appear.
First, a mosquito lays it eggs in water. After several days, the wrigglers change from and
develop into larvae.
Finally, the pupae become full-grown adults after a few days.
These sentences are not arranged in logical order. Let the pupils arrange them according
to time order.

2. Value Infusion:
Dengue fever is a common health problem especially among children. What are we going
to do to avoid being attacked by dengue?

4. Generalization:
How do we write a good paragraph?

5. Practice Experiences:
Read the statements below. Arrange the events in logical order then write them into a
paragraph form.
______ Marilou ran to the store to buy eggs for mother.
______ Mother wanted to bake a cake but she had no eggs.
______ Andrew helped clean up the broken eggs.
______ As Marilou was brining the eggs into the kitchen, she stripped over Andrew’s toy

IV. Evaluation:
Write the sentences in logical order in a paragraph form.
Honesty is the Best Policy
______ I was such in a hurry that I didn’t count my change anymore.
______ I was sent by my mother to buy softdrinks for our visitors.
______ When I was giving the change to my mother, I noticed that there was an extra change of
five pesos
______ How the storekeeper praised me!
______ I quickly ran back to the store to return the extra change

V. Assignment:
Arrange the following events in logical order to make a story. Then write it into a paragraph.
______ The people approach Ang-ngalo asking for his help.
______ The men crossed the sea carrying sacks full of salt.
______ Ang-ngalo pulled his legs and the men fell into the water.
______ The people run out of salt.
______ The sea wasn’t salty before.
______ The ants started biting his legs, knee and foot.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Write a simple diary

Values: Awareness of the Heavenly Bodies

II. Subject Matter:

Writing a Simple Diary

References: PELC 11.3 Writing

Fun in English 4 Language English for Filipino Children pp. 116-117, 120-121

Materials: pictures, sample diary written on a Manila paper

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:

2. Pronunciation Drill:
Reading the following prepositional phrases:
between two tall buildings to the hills and mountains across the sky
beyond the clouds
behind the trees
underneath the ocean under the deep blue sea

3. Review:
Use the following prepositional phrases in sentences.
1. from the river bank
2. in a year
3. among the girls
4. between us

4. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the best meaning of the underlined words in the paragraphs below.
1. I’ll go to the library not to research. I'll read facts and other information about the stars
and other information about the stars and other information about the stars and other
heavenly bodies.

a. study or investigate
b. summarize
c. clippings

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Presentation/Motivation
There are nights in your life when you want to look at the sky in the evening. What do
you see? Do you know what stars are?
Listen as one of your classmates (best reader in class) reads the diary entry.

2. Discussion Comprehension Check-up:

a. Who writes this diary?
b. What does she say about the stars?
c. What is the most beautiful star?
d. Why do you think stars have different colors?

Value Infusion:
Are there nights in your life when you want to observe and admire the beauty of the
heavenly bodies in the sky at night? Do you wonder what these heavenly bodies are?
3. Second Reading of the Diary:
a. What does the diary show?
b. How are the sentence written?
c. What words will you use to express you ideas clearly?
4. Skills Development:
A. Before the cooperative writing of a diary, the teacher explains the guidelines in writing a
diary and have the pupils read the guidelines:
How to Write a Diary
1. Choose interesting experiences that arouse one's interest thoughts or feeling.
2. Choose the best word to express one's ideas clearly.
3. Write one's sentences clearly.
5. Generalization:
How will you write a diary?
6. Practice Experiences:
a. Guided:
(The class will be provided into four groups. Each group will be given a ½ Manila
paper and a pentel pen.)
Using the materials given to you, write a simple diary about your hobby. Be sure to
observe the guidelines in writing a diary. After writing, each group will take turn in
presenting the diary to the class.
b. Independent:
Recall your exciting and interesting experience with your best friend. Write a diary
about it. Don’t forget to follow the guidelines in writing.
c. Peer checking of diary.

IV. Evaluation:
a. Individual and peer critiquing
b. Rewriting the checked diary.

V. Assignment:
Recall your experience about fear. Write a diary about it.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Write a journal from a given stimuli.

Values: Sportmanship

II. Subject Matter:

Writing Journals From a Given Stimuli

References: ELC-Writing 11, p.19

Materials: News on Sports written on Manila paper.

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Review:
Let’s play a game. (cut-outs of fruits with riddles in it pocket chart.) A pupil picks out
one fruit read the riddle then gives the answer.

Ex. a source of food

provides oxygen
can be used as medicine
gives shade

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Using the dictionary to give the meaning:
a. agreements — a being of the same opinion; an understanding or contract.
b. assistance — help or aid
c. special discount — to give such a price reduction.

4. Motivation/Motive Question:
Do you want to be a member of the Philippine National Youth Games-Batang Pinoy.
What is the PNYG-Batang Pinoy about? What games will they play?

B. Presentation:
1. Today, we're going to read a news on sports. Read it silently.
“PNYG - Batang Pinoy in Puerto Princesa December 1-7” …..pp.167

2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What is the PNYG-Batang Pinoy about?
b. Where will it be held?
c. When will it be held?

3. Infusion of Value:
Why should we play games? What can games do with our health? If you are a good
sports player, then you are a good sport fellow.

4. Oral reading of the news by three best readers of the class.

5. Development of the Lesson
6. Generalization:
What are some guides in writing a journal from a sports news?

7. Practice Exercises:
A. Guided: Here's a list of information/statement from the sports news. Read it carefully
then write a paragraph using these pieces of information…..pp.168

b. Independent Practice:
The pupils will read the paragraph and write the main idea. Sports News — 15
Filipinos Make Final 64

IV. Evaluation:
Read the sports news, then write a paragraph/journal based from the news.

V. Assignment:
Read a sports news. Write a journal from it.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Distinguish between fact and opinion

Values: Respect the rights of every individual

II. Subject Matter:

Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

References: References: PELC — S-12, p. 14; Benjamin Joseph: Survivor — Fun in English 4
(Reading by Justine Balajadia, et a!. p. 206; English in a Dynamic World 4 by
Felicitas E. Pado p. 267

Materials: pictures, charts

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Review:
Let's recall the guidelines in writing a paragraph.
a. Indent the first line
b. Keep to the topic
c. Begin each sentence with a capital letter

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of words through configuration clues. Write the missing letters to
complete the word in the box.
a. the term used for the first people to live jr a place.

b. a person who offers to do a job without being told or asked.


4. Motivation:

(Show picture of Aetas) Have you seen an Aeta? Where do Aetas live? Where did the
Aetas go when Mt. Pinatubo erupted?

5. Motive Question:
Why is Benjamin Joseph a survivor?

B. Presentation:
1. We're going to read he story of Benjamin Joseph. (The story s written on a chart or
typewritten) Let's read it silently.

2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. When did the story happen?
b. What important even happened the day Mt. Pinatubo was erupting?
c. Why do you think the mother died?
3. Infusion of Value:
Do you believe that all persons whether rich or poor, educated or not, Christians or
Muslims have equal opportunities and rights under our Constitution? How do you show
respect for other's rights?
4. Reading of the story orally by the 2 best readers in the class.
5. Development of Skill:
Read the sentences: Write F if the sentence states a fact and 0 if it states an opinion.
a. Mt. Pinatubo erupted in June 1991.
b. The Aetas living in the area were taken by surprise.
c. The baby grew up to be a bright boy.
6. Skill Development Exercises:
a. Which of the following statements express fact and which express opinion.
a. Cinderalla lived up to this moment.
b. Ten year old girl can cook rice and wash disches.
c. Seawater tastes salty.

C. Generalization:
Sentences that express fact can be tested to determine whether or not it is true. It is generally
acceptable as true.

D. Practice Exercises:
Write O if the statement is an opinion and F if it is a fact.
_____ 1. The Philippine is a beautiful place
_____ 2. Mathematics is easy.
_____ 3. The sun is our main source of life.

Write 5 statements or sentences which state fact.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences and tell whether each is a fact or an opinion.
1. Jose Rizal was a genius.
2. Children born on Ri7al Day are all geniuses.
3. Rizal’s mother was iimprisioned by the Spanish authorities.
4. Jose Rizal studied at Ateneo.
5. Spaniards in general are cruel.

V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences stating fact and another 3 sentences stating opinion.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Talk about one's hobby in 5-6 sentences

 Give the man idea of the paragraph
 Write a paragraph using correct punctuation, spelling, and capitalization

Values: Spending one time wisely

II. Subject Matter:

Think About One's Hobby in 5-6 Sentences

References: PELC — S. B. 6
Everyday English (Reading) p. 112

Materials: pictures showing different hobbies of people

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Which sentence ell about?
(present fact, habitual action, general truth, permanent condition)
a. The earth revolves around the sun.
b. Mother Looks breakfast every morning.
c. The president and his family live in Malacanang palace.

2. Give the meaning of each underlined word in the sentence.

a. He spends too much time at play.
b. He hand no leisure for his favorite sport.
c. She put an airmail stamp on the letter

B. Presentation:
1. Present some pictures showing different hobbies of people.
Ask: What is the body doing?
What is the girl doing?

2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What is the paragraph all about?
b. What is the hobby?

c. What does the exchange with her friends?

4. Oral reading of the paragraph by the pupils.

5. Skill Development:
Have the pupils talk about their hobbies. Develop a simple paragraph on the board.

6. Discuss on how to write a paragraph.

a. Indent the first word of the paragraph.
b. Use capital letters and punctuation marks correctly.
c. Observe proper margin on both sides.

Value Infusion:
Do you believe that all persons whether rich or poor, educated or not, Christians or
Muslims have equal opportunities and rights under our Constitution?

C. Generalization:
The lesson is talking about one’s hobby.

D. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Activity:
Some pupils are called to talk about their hobbies in 5-6 sentences.

b. Independent Exercises:
Pupils write about their hobbies in 5-6 sentences.
You may use the following questions as guide.
a. What is your hobby?
b. When do you do your hobby?
c. How do you do it?

IV. Evaluation:
A pupil is called to talk about his/her hobby. Have the group give their comments about the

V. Assignment:
Write a paragraph about your activities at home.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Tell weather an action or event is reality or fantasy.

Values: Truthfulness

II. Subject Matter:

Telling Whether an Action or an Event is Reality or Fantasy

References: PELC Speaking 6.1

Everyday English 4 (Reading) pp. 3842; T.M. pp. 21-22;
Fun in English 4 (Reading) p. 185

Materials: pictures of Kings, Queen, Princess, real object, onion

III. Procedure
A. Procedure Activities:
1. Identify the elements of the story as setting, event, or characters
a. a hundred years ago
b. on the porch
c. Maria is a farmer's daughter.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
horrible (picture or context clues)
trouble (action and context clues)
palace (picture and context clues
reward (real object and context clues)
wise (context clues)

Teacher use each word in sentences and pupils match the word with its meaning.
a. I don't like to see the horrible face of a wolf.
b. The king and Queen were troubled.
c. The King and Queen live in a palace.

B. Presentation:
1. Present a picture of a princess who is very -happy. Ask the pupils to describe it.
Tell that they're going to read a story about a Princess who could not cry.

Motive Question: Why wee the King and Queen troubled?

2. Teacher reads the story orally while pupils read It silently.

3. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Why were the King and the Queen troubled?
b. What did the Kling and the Queen promise to anyone who could make the princess cry?
c. Who finally made the princess cry?

C. Generalization:
The sentences that tell about true to life event are called reality.

The sentences that tell about make-believe event are called fantasy.

D. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
Tell if it is reality or fantasy.
_____ a. The white horse can fly..
_____ b. We need foods and water.
_____ c. We can live without air.

b. Independent Exercises: (Group Work)

Pupils write on their papers 2 examples of statements which show reality and 2
statements that show fantasy. Ask them read their work orally and have others identify.

IV. Evaluation:
Write if the sentences is a reality or fantasy.
_____ 1. Onions hurt our eyes and make us cry.
_____ 2. A turtle can run faster than a rabbit.
_____ 3. A strong wind sank the man's ship in the sea.

V. Assignment:
Write 3 statements that show reality and 3 statements that show fantasy.


Date: ____________

I. Objective:

 Distinguish between fact and opinion

 Use the declarative form of sentences in stating facts or opinions

Values: Ingenuity

II. Subject Matter:

Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

References: PELC, BEC Reading 12, 12.2

English in a Dynamic World, Pardo et all pp. 262-265;
Fun in English (Reading) pp. 209

Materials: cutouts, chart, strips, flashcards

Story: Squid’s Ink, Anyone?

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Tell whether the event or action is real or fantasy.
a. Francis ate the chocolate, then he was able to fly.
b. Ice cream melts easily.
c. The kapre smokes a big cigar that doesn't grow short.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. Through Context:
Manuel was in the middle of a drawing task when he met or encountered a problem.
a. standing at the center of his art work.
b. half-way through his art work activity
c. drawing paper was torn in half

3. Motivation:
Do you like to eat squid? How does it taste?

B. Presentation:

1. Today were going to read a selection about squid's ink., Let' find out how the saying
"Necessity is the mother of invention," can be proven. Teacher distributes copy of the
selection and pupils read it silently.
“Squid’s Ink, Anyone?” ….pp.174

2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who is Manuel?
b. What happened one night while he was working on his drawing?
c. Who arrived with a catch of squid?

3. Value Infusion:
What can you say of Manuel? Why? If you were Manuel, what other things could you
experiment on that could give you ink?

4. Skill Development:
Red the following statements about the story.
a. He ran out of ink in the middle of his task.
b. He felt he had done a fine art work.
c. He mixed vinegar and alcohol with the squid ink.

C. Generalization:
How do you distinguish facts from opinions?

C. Practice Exercises:
1. Guide' Exercises: (Group practice)
a. Contest in writing (the pupil) statements of facts and opinions. Group the pupils, each
group is given a long pad paper to wrote facts and opinions within 5-minute time. The
first group to finish is the winner.

2. Individual Practice.
Write F for statements of facts and O for opinions.
______ a. It is believed that a strong wind sank
______ b. The sun is our main source of light.
______ c. Fathers are hardworking people
______ d. Bamboo is a grass.

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Write O if the statement is an opinion and F if the statement is a fact.
_____ 1. Ilocos are industrious and thrifty.
_____ 2. Health is wealth.
_____ 3. Maybe the child is crying because his stomach aches.
_____ 4. The earth’s rotation on its axis causes day and night.
_____ 5. The earth revolves around the sun from east to west.

V. Assignment:
Write the statements of facts, and five statements of opinions.


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