Policies On Utilization of Institutional Audio and Visual (A/V) Equipment

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I. Borrowing of A/V Equipment for Classroom Student activities/events.

1. Students must personally request for borrowing of equipment from the Multimedia Hub office.

2. Requests should be evaluated by the MMH Supervisor, Custodian, or Staff before approval.

3. Approved requests should be recorded on the Borrower’s Logbook before releasing and after
returning the equipment.

4. Borrower’s Logbook should include the following:

a. Date and time borrowed

b. Name, year, course and signature of the borrower

c. Number of items borrowed

d. Description of each Item

e. Name and signature of the attending staff

f. Date and time returned

g. Remarks or status of the returned equipment

h. Name and signature of the inspector/attending staff

5. Student ID card of the borrower should be deposited to the office upon the release of the

6. The borrower is responsible for the safety of the equipment. Any damage or loss of borrowed
equipment should be reported to the MMH office and other concerned offices for proper actions.

7. Borrowed equipment should be returned right after the activity/event (may be extended upon
approval of the office).

8. The returned item should be inspected and recorded by the attending staff accordingly.

9. The office should return the borrower’s ID after the all the borrowed items are returned

**Faculty and employees are also allowed to avail this MMH service and do not need to deposit
their ID upon borrowing.

II. A/V Equipment and Services for Major Student Activities, and Departmental and Institutional Events.

1. The Activity Proposal Form indicating of A/V equipment and operator requirements should be
presented to the MMH Supervisor for approval.

2. After the approval and completion of the Activity Proposal Form, the requesting person should
secure a Service Request Form from the MMH office and duly approved by the MMH Supervisor.
3. A copy of approved Activity Proposal Form and Service Request Form should be submitted to the
MMH office for minimum of 3 days before the scheduled activity.

4. MMH Staff should record the activity on the Services Logbook and Calendar of Activities and
compile the submitted copy of forms accordingly.

5. MMH Staff is responsible for safety and operation of the equipment during and after the activity.

**For Departmental and Institutional events, Service Request Forms only (without Activity Proposal)
is also allowed depending on the urgency of the event, and nature of the service requested such
as graphics layout and event documentation.

III. Maintenance and Operation of A/V Equipment.

1. Store the equipment in a cool and dry place, and free from too much dust.

2. Organize the equipment in groups according to their types and uses for easy access.

3. Place the all the heavy equipment (such as loudspeakers) in a stable platform or floor to ensure its

4. Secure all the handy equipment (connectors, microphones, cameras etc.) inside the cabinet.

5. Ensure the cleanliness of the equipment and storage facility.

6. Have a scheduled maintenance of major equipment. Test the functionality and make appropriate
measures whenever defects are observed.

7. Have a scheduled equipment inventory checking and report to the Supervisor any problems

8. Keep all important records and forms (inventory, acquisition forms, warranty forms, etc.) related
to the equipment in a safe place.

9. During operation, ensure the proper electrical supply for the equipment. Make sure that the
supply is stable and well regulated. Consider also the electrical capacity of the electrical outlets
and extension wires. Use generator for special events if necessary.

10. Always turn the powered equipment off when not in use.

11. Ensure the safety of the equipment in the service area. Place it over a stable platform, floor or

12. Always consider the safety of the persons near the equipment. Also, make sure that the
equipment (especially cables) will not block the passageways.

13. Avoid tapping hard the equipment (microphones, loudspeakers, camera, projectors, etc.) during

14. Do not bend the loudspeaker and microphone cables firmly to avoid damage on its conductors.
Also, avoid laying it on sharp edges or corners.
15. As much possible, avoid turning up the gain of the loudspeakers above average for a long period
of time.

16. Avoid from using the DSLR camera for capturing video for more than 20 minutes.

17. Do not place the projector under direct sunlight during outdoor activities.

18. Report to the MMH Supervisor any incident with concern on the A/V equipment.

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