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Home exam “Module 1”

The importance of sleep SB. P.6

1-Write two of the benefits of sleep?
The time when information is sorted and stored by the brain.
2-Complete with the correct stage of sleep:
a-Our eyes move very quickly beneath our eyelids stage 5
b-Heartbeat and breathing become slower stage 2
c- 5% of a young adults’ sleeping time stage 1
3-Find a word in the text that have a similar in ending:
b- Extremely important essential
B-The protection system in the body immune system
c- Deeply and peacefully soundly

Reading SB. P.8.

1-Write the sentence that shows her mum s patience with her.
“ So she helps me to prepare well-organised revision timetable, and that makes me feel more confident.”
2-What does Zainab do to relax?
She goes for a walk every afternoon.
3-What is the most tiring thing in Andy’s job?
He travels to work by train and it takes three hours every day.
4-Waleed love his job. Explain this statement, justifying your answer from the text
Waleed is a doctor and he loves his job because he loves to see how patients improve and how they are
grateful. (or any other way indicating the same piece of information from the text)
5-What causes stress to doctors according to the text? Do you agree with this? Explain your point of view
in two sentences. This question has two parts, the first one is from the text and it should be answered like
this ( Doctors have to make difficult decisions about people, they have to work for long hours and they get
upset if a person is very ill) the other question is about your own opinion about the subject.
Reading WB. P 8.
1-write two causes for insomnia.
2-caffein intake
3-noise (any two of these)
2-It is important to treat the cause of insomnia instead of using medicine. Explain this statement
justifying your answer from the text.
Using medicine won’t help if we didn’t treat the causes because they cause stress and anxiety which will
lead to insomnia. (or any other answer would contain the same information)
3-What effects does insomnia have on people? Express your opinion in two sentences.
Your opinions

Complete the following sentences with words from the box. One word is not needed.
1-I feel very stressed when I go to a job interview.
2-Students are always grateful to their teachers.
3-Scientists have already identified many neural diseases by studying brainwaves.
4-Jogging is a great form of exercise.
5-A: I feel bored.
B: Why don’t we go shopping?

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb:
1-If we meet at 9:30, we won’t have (not,have) plenty of time.
2-If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand (understand) you.
3-The door will unlock if you press (press) the green button.
4-Fatima would arrive (arrive) safe if she drove slowly.

Rewrite the following sentences:

1-Your sister is very tired, she can’t go to work.
If I were you, I wouldn’t go to work.
2-the weather is very cold and heavy rain has just started. You are very wet.
If I had my umbrella, I wouldn’t be wet.
*Choose the correct relative pronoun then rewrite the sentence:
3- I dropped a glass. The glass was new. (which, when)
I dropped a glass which was new.
4- The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper (whose, who)
The man who is wearing a blue jumper is in the garden.

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