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Curriculum Vitae

Name : Rodiyati, Azrianingsih

NIP : 19700128 199412 2 001
Place, date of birth : Malang, 28 Januari 1970
Home address : Jalan Gadang 12 A, no. 60, Malang 65149, East Java, Indonesia
Phone : +62-341-801781 / 085855667733

Institution : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Brawijaya

Position : Lektor/IIIc
Office address : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang 65145.
Phone/fax : +62-341-575841
E-mail address :

Educational background:
Bachelor degree : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Brawijaya
University, Indonesia. (S.Si.; 1988-1993)
Master degree : Division of Technology and Resources Studies, Graduate School
of International Development and Cooperation (IDEC),
Hiroshima University, Japan. (M.Sc.; 1998-2001)
Doctorate degree : Division of Technology and Resources Studies, Graduate School
of International Development and Cooperation (IDEC),
Hiroshima University, Japan. (Ph.D; 2001-2004)
Dessertation title: Biology of Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.:
Phenotypic diversity, life history, responses to soil water content
and invasion potential.

Field of interest : Botany, Plant Systematics, Ethnobotany, Biodiversity,

Conservation Biology.

Subjects : 1. Plant Systematics

2. Plant Structure and Development
3. Ethnobotany
4. Medicinal Plant
5. Molecular Systematics
6. Basic Biology

Research experiences:

1. Rodiyati A., Munawarti, A., Rahardi, B. 2015. Peningkatan Kualitas Bibit

Poliembrio Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume): Upaya Penyediaan Bibit
Unggul. Granted from the Directorate of Higher Education of the Republic
Indonesia. Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi.
2. Rodiyati, A. 2013. Technique for germinating polyembryos of Porang
(Amorphophallus muelleri Blume): providing prime germs.
3. Rodiyati, A., Indriyani, I. and Rahardi, B. 2013. Edible Araceae in Jawa Timur
containing glucomannan. Granted by DPP-SPP, FMIPA, UB.
4. Rahardi, B., Rodiyati, A. 2012. Mapping of Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri
Blume) in Java. Granted by Indonesia-Managing Higher Education for Relevance
and Efficiency (I-MHERE) Project.
5. Rodiyati, A., Batoro, J. and Hakim, L. 2010-2012. Ethnobiology of Tengger Tribe
in the East Java. Granted from the Directorate of Higher Education of the Republic
6. Ekowati, G., Rodiyati, A. 2010. Glucomannan resource from the Araceae tubers
found in the Alas Purwo National Park. Granted by Faculty of Science, Brawijaya
7. Ekowati, G., Rodiyati, A., L. Hakim. 2009. Araceae in the East Java-as source of
glucomannan. Granted by Indonesia-Managing Higher Education for Relevance
and Efficiency (I-MHERE) Project.
8. Prihartini, D.M., Rodiyati A., G. Ekowati. 2009. Comparation on leaf structure and
fiber strength of Pandanus furcatus, P. Bidur and P. Tectorius. Granted by
Derectorate of Higher Education-Departement of National Education-Republic
9. Rodiyati, A., G. Ekowati, T. Wahono. 2008. Selection on variants of
Amorphophallus muelleri Blume having tuber which is highest glucomannan
contents and lowest Ca-oxalate contents. Granted by Indonesia-Managing Higher
Education for Relevance and Efficiency (I-MHERE) Project.
10. Rahadiantoro, A., Rodiyati A., B. Rahardi. 2008. Mapping of Pandanus Parkins.
(Pandanaceae) in Malang. Granted by Derectorate of Higher Education-
Departement of National Education-Republic Indonesia.
11. Kusumawaty, F., Rodiyati A., Asmara, R. 2008. Economical improvement on
Moringa citrifolia L. to enhance community appreciation to the local plant.
12. Kusumahati , A., Rodiyati A., G. Ekowati. 2008. Traditional medicinal plant of
Tengger Tribe in Wonokitri Village, Pasuruan, Indonesia. Granted by Derectorate
of Higher Education-Departement of National Education-Republic Indonesia.
13. Hernawati, A., Rodiyati A., G. Ekowati. 2008. Ethnobotany of medicinal plants of
Tengger Tribe in Ranupani Village, Lumajang, Indonesia. Granted by Derectorate
of Higher Education-Departement of National Education-Republic Indonesia.
14. Rodiyati, A. and G. Ekowati. 2007. Medicinal plants of local people on Malang.
Granted by Faculty of Science-Brawijaya University.


Hapsari, L., Wahyudi, W., Rodiyati A., Arumingtyas. 2015. Genome identification of
bananas (Musa L.) from East Java Indonesia assessed with PCR-RFLP of the
internal transcribed spacers nuclear ribosomal DNA. International Journal of
Biosciences. Vol. 7 (3): 42-52.
Hiariej, A., Arumingtyas E. L., Widoretno, W., Azrianingsih, R. 2015. Genetic kinship of
tongkat langit banana (Musa troglodytarum L.) from Moluccas based on rbcL gene
sequence. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (The). Vol. 75 (4): 526-
Kondoy, K. I.F., Herawati, E.Y., Mahmudi, M., Azrianingsih, R. 2014. CO2 application as
growth stimulator of sea grass, Thalassia hemprichii under laboratory conditions.
Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). Vol. 5 (6): 153-159.
Gusmalawati, D., Indriyani, S. dan Rodiyati, A. 2013. Morfologi, Anatomi dan Histokimia
organ generatif pada porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume). Floribunda 4(7).
Alifianto, F. Rodiyati A., Rahardi, B. 2013. Peta persebaran porang (Amorphophallus
muelleri Blume) berdasarkan topografi wilayah di Malang Raya. Jurnal Biotropika,
1(2): 75-79.
Rosidiani, E.P., Arumingtyas, E.L., Rodiyati, A. 2013. Analisis Variasi Genetik
Amorphophallus muelleri Blume dari berbagai populasi di Jawa Timur
berdasarkan sequen intron trnL. Floribunda 4(6): 129-137.
Sari, R. W., Rodiyati A., Rahardi, B. 2013. Peta dan pola persebaran porang
(Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) pada beberapa area di Kabupaten Jember.
Jurnal Biotropika 1 (4): 144-148
Wahyudi, D., Rodiyati, A., Mastuti, R. 2013. Genetic variability of porang populations
(Amorphophallus muelleri) in West Java and Central Java based on trnL intron
sequences. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences. 3 (9): 31-41.
Ramdani, J. and A. Rodiyati. 2012. Ethno-Edible Mushroom of Pleurotus sp., Clytocybe
nebularis and Auricularia auricula in Ranupani Village, East Java. The Journal of
Tropical Life Science. 2(2): 40-43.
Harijati, N, S. Widyarti, A. Rodiyati. 2011. Effect of Dietery Amorphophallus sp. From
East Java on LDL-C Rats (Rattus novergicus Wistar Strain). Journal of Tropical
Life Science 1(2):50-54
Batoro, J., A. Rodiyati. 2011. Etnobotani Masyarakat Tengger di Bromo Tengger Semeru,
Jawa Timur. Jurnal Natural-B 3:1-5.
Ekowati, G. and A. Rodiyati. 2010. Araceae yang potensial sebagai penghasil glukomanan
dari Taman Nasional Alas Purwa. Jurnal Natural-B 1:12-20.
Rodiyati, A, Arisoesilaningsih, E, Isagi, Y, Nakagoshi, N. 2005. Responses of Cyperus
brefivolius (Rottb.) Hassk. And Cyperus kyllingia Endl. To varying soil water
availability. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 53: 259-269.
Rodiyati, A. And Nakagoshi, N. 2003. Annual growth and phenology of Kyllinga
brevifolia (Rottb.) Hassk. in temperate and tropical regions. Journal of
International Development and Cooperation. 10(1): 1-10
Rodiyati, A, Nakagoshi, N. 2001. Morphological variability of Kyllinga in Malang,
Indonesia: a perception for its taxonomy. Hikobia 13: 355-362
Rodiyati, A. dan Ardana, M. 1994. Effect of Fe3+ to antibacterial effectivity of egg
albumen of Gallus gallus L. Journal of Veterinary Faculty-Brawijaya University.

Public Services:
1. Rodiyati, A., S.Indriyani , S. Widyarti, G. Ekowati. 2015. Pemberdayaan
masyarakat di desa binaan porang, Desa Rejosari, Kecamatan Bantur, Kabupaten
2. Rodiyati, A. Arik A.F., Fitria, Sony dkk. 2012. Penanaman Cinta Lingkungan pada
Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah di Malang. Disponsori oleh MI AtTaraqqie, Malang.
3. Rodiyati, A. dan Ekowati, G. 2011. Pelatihan Pembuatan Preparat Semi permanen
Tumbuhan bagi Guru-guru SMA/MA se-Jawa Timur. DPP-SPP FMIPA.
4. Rodiyati A. 2010. Pelatihan Pembuatan Preparat Semi permanen Tumbuhan bagi
Dosen Perguruan Tinggi di Malang. Jurusan Biologi-FMIPA, Universitas
5. Rodiyati, A, Ekowati, G, Batoro, J. 2009. Pelatihan bagi guru-guru SMP/MTs se-
Jawa Timur tentang pembelajaran taksonomi tumbuhan yang lebih atraktif. Dirjen
Dikti, Hibah Pengmas Bebasis Riset.
6. Leksono, A.S. and Rodiyati A. 2009. Peningkatan Keterampilan dan Motivasi
Usaha melalui Kegiatan Magang. Program Pengembangan Budaya Kewirausahaan
di Perguruan Tinggi. Higher Education Directorate General-The Ministry of
National Education.
7. Rodiyati, A, Harijati N., Ekowati, G. 2008. Peningkatan Pembelajarn Taksonomi
Tumbuhan bagi guru-guru SMP/MTs se-Jawa Timur. DPP-SPP FMIPA.
8. Indriyani, S, Batoro J., Ekowati, G, Rodiyati, A., Permana, S. 2005. Pelatihan
identifikasi dan pembuatan sediaan mikroskopis tumbuhan Cryptogamae (Alga,
Jamur, Lumut dan Paku) bagi guru biologi SMP/MTs se-Malang Raya. DPP-SPP

1. Internasional Conference on Global Resource Conservation, Malang. 2014.
2. Rodiyati A., Genetic diversity among populations of Porang (Amorphophallus
muelleri Blume) in Java based on trnL sequences. The IXth Fora Malesiana
Symposium, Bogor. 2013.
3. Rodiyati, A. and Vanica. Ethnobotany Araceae in Ngantang Village, Malang-
Indonesia, presented in the National Symposium of PTTI, Indonesia. 2011.
4. Rodiyati, A. and Eko Wijining Rahayu. Diversity of Structure of Ca-oxalate
Cristal of Amorphophallus Tubers, presented in the National Symposium of PTTI,
Indonesia. 2011.
5. Rodiyati, A. Comparation on leaf structure and fiber strength of Pandanus
furcatus Roxb., P. bidur Jungh. ex Miq. and P. tectorius Sol. ex Park., presented in
the National Symposium of PTTI, Indonesia. 2009
6. Rodiyati, A. Variants of Amorphophallus muelleri Blume in East Java, presented in
the National Workshop and Conggress of 8th PTTI, Indonesia. 2008
7. Rodiyati, A. and Lydia, K. Medicinal Plants of indegenous people of Malang,
presented in the National Seminar of Botanical Gardens, Indonesia. 2007
8. Rodiyati, A. Biological traits of Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. related to its
invasiveness in botanical gardens, presented in the National Seminar of Biology,
Indonesia. 2006
9. Rodiyati, A. Invasion Biology of Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb., presented in Third
International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution, India. 2005

Scientific Society Member:

1. Indonesian Biology Association (Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia/PBI)
2. Indonesian Plant Taxonomy Association (Penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan
3. International Society of Environmental Botanists (ISEB)
4. International Aroid Society (IAS)

Malang, 23 June 2016.

Rodiyati Azrianingsih

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