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Subtitles 95 – Mai Miao’s Blind Date

April 24, 2015 //
Subtitles for Episode 95 – Mai Miao’s Blind Date

Don’t worry about Mai Miao

ᤈ অࡷ ٚᥠ
Okay, okay, goodbye

ᛠঌ ఍݈᪙౯ঌ‫ᦤכ‬Ջԍޫ
Aunt, what did you promise my mom again?

To help you look for a boyfriend

ߦ‫ ޚ‬Ἀᝇ ፥অ
Oh, Mai Miao, it’s so wonderful!

ᝁ቉ ౯ᮎ݄᭲᷌ٚ፡፡
Susan, I need to take a look at that question again


Ἀᝇ ౯᮷᪙֦ঌ‫ᦤכ‬ԧ
Mai Miao, I’ve promised your mom that

I will not only help you find a boyfriend myself

౯ᥝ‫قݟݩ‬ਹՈ ྯՈӷӻᏝ೰ຽ
I’ll also call on the other members of the family to get two candidates each for you

ᛠঌ ఍ᬯߺ‫د‬ฎತ੒᨝ࠡ ᬯ‫ړ‬ก੪ฎṛ‫׏‬ᲀ
Aunt, you’re not helping me find a boyfriend; you’re obviously doing a sales promo

੒ ౯᮷ᦕӥԧ
Yeah, I’ve noted all that down

ᨀᨀ অ ٚᥠ
Thanks. Okay, see you later

Let’s have a meeting
ᬯ‫پ‬ॠޫ ౯᭗ᬦᘌᶾ੕ ᘌ‫ݶ‬਍ ᘌᤋ࣑ Ӟ‫و‬ತԧ‫܈‬ӻੜվৼ
That last few days, through my old leaders, classmates and our neighbors, I’ve got a total of ten
young men

Look, how workaholic Mom is!

She has fulfilled the task for the whole family alone

ঌ ܳਸ਼
Mom, you’re just great!

Now we’re all relieved

Yes, indeed

‫ݢ‬ఠ‫ ޚ‬᮷ӧᭇ‫ݳ‬
But the pity is none of them is suitable

But Mai Miao has the final say whether they are suitable or not

She hasn’t met them yet and you already vetoed them all

ᬯ ᥝ఍ᮎԍ᧔ ᮎ౯ժᭌᬯԶ᮷ӧᭇ‫ݳ‬ԧ
By your standards none of the candidates we found is suitable


ӧӞਧ‫ މ‬ԞᦜํӻᄋᗑԏṺޫ
Not necessarily so. There might be exceptions

᧔᧔፡ ᧔᧔፡ ᧔᧔፡

Tell me in detail. Tell me in detail

অ ᮎ౯੪᧔
Okay, let me speak first

౯ժ‫֖ܔ‬ᘌ‫ڝ‬ጱ‫ݷ ৼد‬ᇈय़਍ླӱ ӞᤒՈ಍ ੪ฎଙᕉय़ԧᅩ‫د‬

The son of my colleague Lao Liu is a graduate from a prestigious university very handsome, but
only a bit too old

How old?

ड़୮Ἀᝇ‫ݏݏ‬ጱԧ ‫ވ‬٬
Old enough to be Mai Miao’s uncle. Veto!

Currently, I’ve got only this one candidate

I failed to fulfill my required quota

ாଶӧᑌຄ ൉‫ڊ‬ಢᦧӞེ
Your attitude is not active. You should be criticized

ঌ ୮‫ڡ‬౯޾‫ڝ‬ᵝ൥੒᨝ጱ෸‫ ײ‬఍Ԟဌᮎԍᥝ࿢ᝉ‫ ڰ‬఍ሿࣁ

Mom, when I dated Liu Ya at first, you were not as rigorous as you are now

Who says I was not?

ᒫӞེ๶ߕժਹ ౯੒঄‫ܦ‬᨝੪உ૧ࡶ
When she came to our home for the first time, I already had a bad impression of her

ᮎӞॠ๶ߕժਹ ੷ᆐ᧔౯‫ڬ‬Ꮹ‫ڬ‬ӧଗ‫ٳ‬
When she came to our home that day, she even said I didn’t wash the dishes cleanly

ঌ ঌ ᤈԧ ᮷ᬦ݄Ԫ‫د‬ԧ
Mom, okay, that’s all what happened in the past

Let’s come to the point

Actually I know two boys who are still available

‫ى‬Ძᙗਧ஑ᤩ౯ঌᕳPASS ԧ
The crux of the matter is that Mom will definitely let them pass without consideration

֦෬ᆐತԧ ֦੪᧔᧔ ᦏঌ‫ލލ‬

Since you have got two, tell mom about them

Go ahead

First I’ll talk about Candidate No.1.

My mom will definitely not accept him

Do you want to tell me or not

Ԟӧฎጮᶾ Ԟӧฎ‫ާۓل‬
He is not a white-collar worker, neither a public servant
He is an athlete

An athlete?

I just like athletes

ঌ ঌ ᪙఍ဌ‫ى‬ᔮ
Mom, it has nothing to do with you

I mean Mai Miao likes athletes

Go on

Ἀᝇ Ոਹᬯੜվৼ ଙἻԫ‫܈‬Բ ᫝ṛӞᔂ‫ ك‬᝕‫૳ג‬࿈ Ԫӱํ౮

Mai Miao, this young man, 25 years old, 1.8 meters tall, very handsome, is an accomplished

ᮎӻᡱ᧔ሿࣁᬮဌํ ࣁࢵਹᕆྲᩦӾ೭ᬦॹ ‫ݢ‬ฎՈਹ

Though so far he hasn’t won any award in national-level competitions, he…

ᛠঌ ᬯԞ‫ݞ‬Ԫӱํ౮ࠡ
Aunt, you say he is an accomplished athlete?

You mustn’t judge him by his present achievements

You should pay attention to his future

ฎࠡ ፲‫ط‬ᥝනᳩᬱӞᅩ‫د‬
Yeah, I should have a farsighted point of view

His family background is also very good

His mother is also a retired teacher

ᬯ໏Ӟ๶ ֦ժտํஉग़‫᥺᧍ݶو‬
Thus you will have a lot of common language


But it isn’t important whether you have common language or not
Of course, it is

If you get married, I’ll be your second mother-in-law

You’ve thought of even this?

֦ᥝํԧ਎ৼ ౯ᬮ஑๊֦ଃޫ
When you have a child, I’ll help you take care of it

ᛠঌమ஑ॡޮ‫ک‬ԧ ౯‫఺ݶ‬ԧ
Aunt is so thoughtful. I agree

Your agreement is useless

I mean I agree on behalf of Mai Miao

Shut up

Ἀᝇ ֦੪‫ڦ‬ᇮᨠԧ
Mai Miao, don’t hesitate anymore

෬ᆐᛠঌᬯԍᜉᝒአஞ ᮎ౯੪݄ᥠӞᶎ‫މ‬
Since Aunt is so considerate, I agree to meet him

That’s more like it

ᬯ໏‫ މ‬จ๗‫م‬ӥ‫֦ ܌‬ժ੪݄ੜۢጱᷧḅᕅտ

Well, on the afternoon of Saturday, you’ll meet each other at Xiaoyong’s restaurant.


Xiaoyong’s restaurant?



ᬯ໏Ӟ๶, ౯ժ੪፜ஞԧ Zhe yang yi lai, wo men jiu sheng xin le

Thus, we’re relieved

ࣁ࿥᧍‫᧍ݗ‬Ӿ”ᬯ໏Ӟ๶” ᤒᐏ՗‫ڹ‬ᬟጱఘ‫ݢ٭‬զവ‫ݸڊ‬ᬟጱᕮຎ
In spoken Chinese, “zhe yang yi lai” means as a result of what you have just mentioned

The sunshine today is so strong

บ஑౯ ᚽӤጱጼᙐ᮷ዢ
It has made the skin of my arms very painful

Didn’t you apply some sun cream?

Yes, I did

‫ݢ‬ฎ֦፡ ᬮฎบᕁԧ
But look, it has turned red in the sun

Apply some of this stuff

ᬯ໏Ӟ๶ ጼᙐ੪ӧտዢ Ԟӧտ‫ݒ‬ἓԧ

Thus, your skin won’t be painful, and neither will it get suntanned


ࠈᴨ঱ ఍‫᧔ލ‬ԧ‫ހ‬
Aunt Tang, did you hear about it?

About what?

There’ll be a new public transport service which will ink our residential quarter to the Summer

፥ጱ ᮎॡঅԧ
Really? That’s wonderful

ᬯ໏Ӟ๶ ߕժ݄᷆޾ࢮ‫ݢ‬੪ො‫׎‬ग़ԧ
Thus, it’ll be a lot easier for us to the Summer Palace.


Mai Miao is going to have a blind date?

I’m really pissed off

I knew you would react like this
ᝁ቉ ֦ᬯӻၾ௳੒౯ॡ᯿ᥝԧ
Susan, this information is so important for me

Thank you for sending me this information

I am not here to send you this information

What are you here for?

ᦏ֦൉‫ ॓ٵڹ‬؉অളஇ
I want you to make some preparations and do a good job in your service

ἈᝇᥝፘՅ ᬮᦏ౯؉অളஇૡ֢
Mai Miao is going to have a blind date, and you want me to do a good job in serving them?

This is ridiculous

֦ᥝᶎ੒ሿਫ ޾՜‫ل‬ଘᒋԩ
You must face reality a fair competition with him

What are that young man’s advantages?

ྲ֦ṛ ྲ֦૳ ྲ֦᪒஑ள

He is taller and more handsome, and runs faster than you

Why could he run faster than I do?

He is an athlete

But his cookery won’t be as good as mine

ಅզ ᕅտᮎॠ‫ݢ‬զᶂӷಋ
So on the day of their date, you may show off some of your skills

No way

֦ጱ঵۠உᯡࠡ ፡Ӥ݄உறᮟ
You look so cool and also very depressed

Why, Mai Miao hasn’t come?

It’s long past the appointed time
Girls have to be reserved a bit

Isn’t this a sheer waste of time?

Let me take a rest first

ᝁ቉ ՜๶ԧ‫ހ‬
Susan, has he come yet?

ဌํ ֦ጱጮḘሴৼԞஉᎠ೮
Not yet. Your Prince Charming is also quite reserved

჊ྒ౯ԧ ੜۢ ᕳ౯‫ׯ‬
I’m so thirsty. Xiaoyong, pour me a cups of tea

֦ெԍԧ ᇌዢࠡ
What’s wrong? A toothache?

I was

He was injured

Why were you so careless?

I expect you to cook me some of your specialties

ဌᳪ ᕪቘ᧔ጱ
No way, that’s what the manager said

ੜۢ ֦፥ᬯԍ᧔ጱ
Xiaoyong, is that what you said?

I was merely kidding

‫᧔ڦ‬؉ӷӻោԧ ੪ฎ؉Ӟໟৼោ᮷ဌᳯ᷌
I would have no problem cooking you a whole table of dishes, let alone just a couple of dishes

Don’t cook us a whole table of dishes

How much that would cost him?

ᬯᬮဌᥠᶎޫ ֦੪๊Ոਹᔜ಑ᕡᓒԧ
You haven’t met him yet, but you’ve already startef carefully budgeting for him
What if today’s date becomes successful?

We might formulate a family

A family?

Why are you looking so unhappy?

Today is a good day for me to date a guy

֦ጱঅ෭ৼ ౯
Your good day! I…

ӧᓕெԍ᧔ Ἀᝇ ‫ض‬ᐞᐰ֦‫މ‬
Anyway, Mai Miao, first accept my congratulations

I guess it must be him

অ૳‫ ޚ‬౯ᥝᅾఘ๐‫ۓ‬
How handsome he is! I must serve him warmly

‫ض‬ኞ ֦ฎᕅտ‫ހ‬
Sir, are you here for a date

ᕅտ Ջԍ఺௏
A date? What do you mean?

A date with a girl?

I’m dating nobody

ӧฎ ᮎӧᕅտ੪ӧᚆ๶ᬯ‫ݰد‬ᷳ‫ހ‬
Can’t I eat here if I’m not dating anybody?

Yes, you can

This restaurant is so strange!

ᕪቘ ੒ӧ᩸
Manager, I’m sorry

ဌԪ‫ د‬ဌԪ‫د‬
It doesn’t matter
‫ݝ‬ᥝӧฎᕅտ੪ᤈ ᧗ࣖ
It’s okay as long as it’s not a date. Sit down, please

ឭ‫ٌݷ‬ও ౯ӧ‫ݰ‬ԧ
It’s so absurd! I won’t eat here


ᬯᓌፗॡងࠈԧ Zhe jian zhi tai huang tang le

It’s simply so absurd!

ࣁ࿥᧍Ӿ “ᓌፗ” አ๶୩᧣ ఘ‫٭‬ਠ‫ق‬ইྌ౲૧ӧग़ইྌ

In Chinese, “jian zhi” is used for emphasis, meaning completely or almost do.

It shows an exaggerated tone


ੜւ ࢧ๶ԧ
Xiaowei, you’re back?

Did you have dinner yet?

I’m not going to eat anything

What’s the matter

I have been busy shooting an ad for a magazine

I’m just burned-out

I’m going to bed now


I want to tell you all something

Look, how excited you are!

It must be something good

౯݇‫ے‬ԧӞӻ࿥᧍ᜓፓጱྲᩦ ឴஑Ӟᒵॹ
I participated in a Chinese program contest and won first prize
I simply can’t believe it’s true!

ॡ༉ԧ ߕժ஑অঅଣᐞӞӥ
Terrific! It calls for a big celebration


This time, it must be him

He is more handsome than the previous one

‫ض‬ኞ ఍‫ݰ‬ᷳ‫ހ‬
Sir, are you eating here?

Can’t I come if I do not eat here?

ฎฎฎ ᮎᴻԧ‫ݰ‬֦ᷳᬮ
Yes, sure. What are you here for if you do not eat here?

Something very important

A date?


A date with your girlfriend?

My ex-wife

Why didn’t you say it clearly sooner

Soon after I sat here, you started bombarding me with questions

౯ᬮဌ௒ ֦‫ضׯ‬௒Ӥԧ
I was calm enough before you got so heated

I’m sorry

‫ ڦ‬౯੒ӧ֦᩸
No, I should say sorry to you
੒ӧ᩸ ౯݈࿈᪒ԧӞӻਮՈ
I’m sorry I angered another customer away

ဌԪ‫ د‬౯᮷ளᒞྒԧ
It doesn’t matter. I’m nearly laughing to death

ੜۢ ֦Ջԍ఺௏ࠡ
Xiaoyong, what do you mean?

I don’t mean anything

ਮՈ੝ጱ෸‫ݢ֦ ޫײ‬զ᪙ጮḘሴৼग़ᘱӞտ‫د‬
When there are fewer customers here, you can have a longer chat with your Prince Charming

Ӟտ‫د‬౯ጱጮḘሴৼᥝฎ๶ԧ‫ ޚ‬౯੪ ᩸ತӞӻ᝷ḅ ፜஑ํՈᕳ౯ങԤ

When my Prince Charming comes here in a moment, I’ll take him to a teahouse so that no one will
mess around with us


ߡ ᙗਧฎ՜
Wow, it must be him

֦অ ౯ฎἈᝇ
Hi, I’m Mai Miao

‫ض‬ኞ ᧗ᳯ֦ฎᕅտ‫މ‬
Sir, are you here for a date?

Mai Miao has been waiting for you for a long time

Sir, why don’t you speak a word to me?

How arrogant he is!

‫ض‬ኞ ੒இঀ਎ৼ֦ฎӧฎ஑ჅຨӞᅩ‫د‬ฎӧฎଫᧆᕠॊӞᅩ‫ޫد‬
Sir, to girls, you should be more courteous and more gentleman-like

Who are you

I’m her boyfriend

অ֦ӻੜւ ֦඿ᕳ౯ങԤ
You wicked, Xiaowei, dare you mess around with me?

Let me tell you some bad news

That athlete is training out of town

He won’t be back in six months

ߦ‫ ޚ‬፥ฎॡӧଛԧ
Oh, it’s so unfortunate!

This means it’s not time yet for me to date

ᬯզ‫᧡ݸ‬ᥝฎᕳ౯Օᕨᨬ‫ظ‬࿥ঢࠡ ౯Ԟӧᥠ
In the future, should anyone introduce Beckham to me, I wouldn’t meet him

զ‫֦ ݸ‬ӧᦜٚ᧔ฎ౯ካ๏‫݋‬
From now on, you mustn’t say you’re my boyfriend

ᝁ቉ ౯ժᩳ
Susan, let’s go

ࡧ ౯ӥቔԧ
Yeah, let’s knock off

౯ํ૶๕ԧ ౯ํ૶๕ԧ
I’m hopeful now! I’m hopeful now!

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