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Yearbook 105

2012 New In Chess - The Netherlands

Colo han
Editor: Genna Sosonko
Managing Editor: Peter Boel
Supervisor: Rene Olthof
Translation : Ken Neat
Proofreading : Piet Verhagen
Data processing: Joop de Groot, Anton Schermer

Cover photo: NEW IN CHESS

CIP-code Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag

New In Chess Yearbook

periodical analysis of current opening practice
ed. by Genna Sosonko.
ISSN 0168-7697
4 times a year
Yearbook 1OS (2012)
ISBN: 978-90-5691-396-0 geb./hardcover
ISBN: 978-90-5691 -395-3 ing./softcover
SISO 621 .25 UDC 794.1.05(058)
Trefw.: schaken ; openingen


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or by any means, electronic, mechanical ,
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lnterchess BV, Rochdalestraat 4A, 1814 TH Alkmaar.

P.O. Box 1093, 1810 KB Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Phone: 00-31-(0)72- 5.127.137
Fax: 00-31-(0)72 - 5.158.234
E-mail: editors
YeartiOOk .,.,.~

Contributing authors
dorjan • I. Almasi • Appleberry • Arnaudov • Benjamin • Caruana • De Oovitii s
Gy. Feher • Finkel • Flear • V. Georgiev • Giri • Hazai • J. Horvath • lkonnikov • llczuk
Illingworth • lvanchuk • Juhasz • Karolyi • . Ka paro • Kidambi • Kramnik
. Kuzmin • Leko • Lemo arro • Lukac • Moskalenko • akamura • ak11bayeva
. Odeev • Okhotnik • Olthof • Pan zyk • Pelletier • umet • K. Szabo • Tukmako
Tuncer • Tzermiadianos • Van de Oudeweetering • Van der Tak • Vegh • Vilela

I" II I C II I " " P I \ ' I H ' " G ll I I> I I" 0 0 I' I ' I ' (, :'I: I \\ s

Edited by Genna Sosonko

0 hts

Vladimir Kramnik
If the ex-World Champ introduces a new opening move,
you'd better watch carefully. His treatment of the King's
Indian Bayonet Attack with 1O.g3 and 12.~f3 started
another new wave in 2012. Viacheslav lkonnikov's Survey
on page 213 aptly demonstrates how Kramnik makes
something out of almost nothing. More of Kramnik's 'It's
equal, but. .. ' ideas can be found in Glenn Flear's Scotch
Survey on page 117.

Peter Leko
In Dortmund 2012, Peter Leko was confronted twice with the
Winawer French, which led to highly interesting games
against Fabiano Caruana and Mateusz Bartel. As his theoretical
discussion with Caruana was not altogether successful, the
Hungarian changed strategy against Bartel and simply pushed
his h-pawn. What that led to can be read in Leko's fascinating
analyses in Tibor Karolyi's Survey on page 57.

Viktor Kortchnoi
Why not play your queen to a3 in the GrUnfeld? Where she
stands safe and exerts pressure at the same time? The super-
veteran tried the odd move 9.'~a3 in the 4.ttJf3 ~g7 5 .'~a4
Grunfeld in an exhibition game this year (Endre Vegh 's Survey,
page 206) . Maybe Kortchnoi was inspired by Vasily lvanchuk,
who beat Peter Svidler in 2011 with 5. b3 and 6. a3 - a
sideline that is also interesting, as Vladimir Georgiev and Petar
Arnaudov prove in their Survey on page 186.

Sipke Ernst
You've got to have a lot of nerve to take on Jan
Smeets in the Botvinnik Slav, as Sipke Ernst
recently did in the Dutch team competition . An epic
battle ensued that ended in a merciless hunt on
Smeets' king . Rene Olthof analyses the implications
of Ernst's king move 24.c;Pg2 in his Survey on page
14 7, concluding that even though White won the
game, the battle for the advantage is still on.
Hikaru Nakamura
As Vladimir Georgiev and Petar Arnaudov explain in their
Survey on page 220, the Reversed Dragon is experiencing
a kind of revolution due to the little move 6.e3 . Against
David Navara in Wijk aan Zee, Hikaru Nakamura unleashed an
ultramodern novelty which inspired many top players to follow
in his footsteps. Thanks to the American champion, Reversed
Dragon players now have a lot to worry about.

Andras Adorjan
The eminent Hungarian theoretician started his life and chess
career as Andras Jocha. Under that name he already invented
a crazy counter-gambit as a young teenager! In his Survey with
Endre Vegh on page 131 Adorjan explains how the
audacious idea of 4 ... f5 against the Centre Game was
born - an opening you don't meet every day, but if guys like
ian Nepomniachtchi play it there must be something to it.

Andrey Sumets
To hold your own against the sharp Panov Attack of the
Caro-Kann with black, you must be well prepared. In his
first Yearbook Survey, Andrey Sumets sums up the
problems black players face after W hite's increasingly
popular 11.l:te1. The Ukrainian grandmaster, winner of the
Pfalz Open this year, is open about W hite's possi bilities but
nevertheless finds ways for Black to fight for the
initiative in the Panov (page 75) .

Viktor Moskalenko
The grandmaster/author from Barcelona is currently
working on a new book, The Perfect Pirc-Modern.
Like Ivan Sokolov, Moskalenko is a man who
practices what he preaches, experimenting in the
Pirc and the Modern as he writes, and spicing up
several lines in the process. See Moskalenko's
Forum contribution on page 13 and also our preview
of his coming book on page 237.
Your Variations
Trends & Opinions

Opening Variation NIC-Key Author Page

King's Indian Defence Romanian Variation 5.h3 Kl30.9 Nakhbayeva 11

Tarrasch Defence Rubinstein Variation 6.g3 TD 4.10-14 Editors 13
Pirc Defence Byrne Variation 4...Q.g5 PU 10.7 Moskalenko 13
Ruy Lopez New Arkhangelsk Variation 6.....Q.c5 RL 12.6 A. Kuzmin 14
Caro-Kann Defence Classical Variation 6.h4 CK 12.3 Carino 16
Various Openings Albin's Counter-Gambit 5.a3 vo 15.5 Senra 17
Pirc Defence 4.i.c4 Une PU 6.7 Olthof 18
Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack 8... d5 RL 17.6 Van derTak 20
GrOnfeld Indian Defence Exchange Variation 7.i.e3 Gl4.1 A. Odeev 20
King's Pawn Openings Three Knights Variation KP 9.9 Ademola 22
Catalan Opening Early Divergences CA 1.3 Okhotnik/ Appleberry 23
In Memoriam Leon Pliester Olthof 25

Benjamin's Opening Takes Benjamin 26

Kuzmin's Harvest A. Kuzmin 33


Opening Variation NIC-Key Author Page

Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation 6.a4 Sl14.5 Finkel 41

Sicilian Defence Taimanov Variation 7.f4 Sl40.2 I. Almasi 49
French Defence Winawer Variation 6... 'ifc7 FR 11.8 Karolyi 57
French Defence Tarrasch Variation FR 17.11 Tzerrniadianos 65
Caro-Kann Defence Panov Attack 6...i.b4 CK3.1 Sumets 75
Caro-Kann Defence Panov Attack CK 3.4 Lukacs/Hazai 84
Caro-Kann Defence Classical Variation 6.h4 CK 12.3 Tuncer 88
Ruy Lopez Delayed Cozio Variation RL 9.1 Van de Oudeweetering 96
Ruy Lopez New Arkhangelsk Variation 6...i.c5 RL 12.6 A. Kuzmin 103
Ruy Lopez Early Divergences 6.d3 RL 13.5 Illingworth 107
Ruy Lopez Open Variation RL 27.11 Van derTak 113
Scotch Opening Four Knights Variation 4.d4 so 3.1-2 Flear 117
Scotch Opening Classical Variation so 5.8 Finkel 124
King's Pawn Openings Centre Game 2.d4 KP 2.6-11 Ado~an/Vegh 131
Slav Defence Chebanenko Variation 5.e3 SL3.1 S. Kasparov 139

Surveys (continued)

Opening Variation NIC-Key Author Page

Slav Defence Botvinnik Variation 16... a6 SL 7.8 Olthof 147

Slav Defence Schlechter Variation 4... g6 SL 10.3+8 Kidambi 153
Catalan Opening Accepted Variation 4... dc4 CA 3.4 Horvath/Juhasz 161
Nimzo-lndian Defence Classical Variation 4... 0-0 Nl20.2 De Dovitiis 170
Bogo-lndian Defence 4 . ~d2 ~e 7 Line Q11.3 Panczykj llczuk 176
Griinfeld Indian Defence 4.e3 Line Gl3.1 V. Georgiev/ Amaudov 186
Griinfeld Indian Defence Exchange Variation 7.ltJf3 Gl4.8 Lemos Sarro 192
Griinfeld Indian Defence Exchange Variation 7.ltJf3 Gl4.16 Karolyi 197
Griinfeld Indian Defence 4.ltJf3 ~g7 5.'ii'a4 Line Gl7.4 Vegh 206
King's Indian Defence Classical Variation 9.b4 Kl4.6+9 lkonnikov 213
English Opening Reversed Dragon 3...d5 EO 3.11 V. Georgiev/ Amaudov 220
English Opening Symmetrical Variation 3... g6 EO 29.1 Vi lela 226


Preview The Perfect Pirc-Modem Moskalenko 237

Book Reviews Rear 241

- Lars Schandorff: Playing 1.d4: The Queen's Gambit & Playing 1.d4: The Indian Defences
• - Victor Bologan: The Powerful Catalan
- Marc Esserrnan: Mayhem in the Morra
- Konstantin Sakaev: Complete Slav 1

New in Chess Code System 8

New In stem
WMe stands sightly better con leve ventaja de las blancas ;!; We6 steht etwas besser les blancs sont legerementmieux
Black stands sightly better con leve ventaja de las negras :j: Schwarz steht etwas besser les noirs sont legerement mieux
Whfte stands better con ventaja blanca ± We6 steht besser les blancs sont mieux
Black stands better con ventaja negra + Schwarz steht besser les no irs sont mieux
Whfte has a decisive advantage con gran ventaja de las blancas +- We6 hat entscheidenden Vortei les blancs ont un avantage decisW
Black has a decisive advantage con gran ventaja de las negras -+ Schwarz hat ent;cheaenden Vorel les noirs ont un avantage decis~
balanced position y Ia posiciOn esta nivelada ausgegichene Position position equiimi e
unclear position una posiciOn llcierta 00 unklare Position position embrouilk!e
compensation for the material compensaci6n por el material ~ Kompensation fiir das Material compensation pour le materiel
strong (sufficient) fuerte (suficiente) > star!< (ausreichend) fort (suffisant)
weak (llsufficient) debi (llsuficiente) < schwach (unzureichend) faille (llsuffisant)
better is mejor es ~ besser ist preferable
weaker is mas debies ~ schwacher ist molls pniferable
good move una buena jugada guter Zug bon coup
excelent move una excelente jugada I! ausgezeichneter Zug coup excellent
bad move una mala jugada ? schlechter Zug coup faille
blunder un grave enror ?? grober Fehler grave erreur
llterestilg move una llteresante jugada !? llteressanter Zug coup llteressant
dubious move una dudosa jugada ?! zwe~etlafter Zug coup de valeur douteuse
only move jugada unica 0 ellziger Zug seul coup
with the idea con idea !:;. mft der Absicht avec rldee
attack ataque Angrifl attaque
llitiative iliciativa Initiative ilitiative
lead i1 development ventaja de desanrolo tt Entwicklungsvorsprung avantage de developpement
counterplay contra juego ;::t Gegenspiel contre-jEm
kllgside flanco de rey [) K6nigsf\igel aie roi
queenside flanco de dam a IJ DamenftUgel aile dame
space espacio Raum espace
diagonal ,
ICJ Zentrum
fje . lilea Lilie colonne
pair of bishops pareja de alfies rP Lauferpaar paire de fous
pawn structure Ia estructura de peones 00 Bauemstruktur structure de pions
mate mate X Matt mat
novelty novedad N Neuerung nouveaute
~ndgame mal de juego EN Endspiel fi1 de partie
zugzwang zugzwang z Zugzwang zugzwang
tine tiempo T Zeft temps
see ver siehe voi'
ed~orial comment nota de Ia redacci6n RR Anmerl<ung der Redaktion remarque de Ia redaction
Yearbook Lilro Anuario YB Jahrbuch Livre-annuaire
national championsh~ campeonato ch nationale Meisterschaft championnat
zonal tournament tomeo zonal zt Zonentumier toumoi zonal
llterzonal tournament tomeo ilterzonal izt lnterzonentumier toumoi llterzonal
candidates tournament tomeo de candidatos ct Kandidatentumier toumoi des candidats
team tournament tomeo de equ~os tt Mannschaftstumier toumoi d'equ~e
olympiad ofm piada ol Olympiade olympiade
match encuentro m Wettkampf match
correspondence partida de correspondencia cr Fern partie partie par correspondence
junior juveni jr Junior junior


I j


Benjamin's Opening Takes
Kuzmin's Harvest

Only Forward!
is a p latform for discussion
of developments in chess
opening theory in general
and particularly A Message from Kazakhstan
in variations by Gu/iskhan Nakhbayeva
discussed in previous
Kl 30.9 (E71)
Yearbook issues.

I would ljke to pre ent a nice vic-

Contributions to these tory from the recent Ol ympiad
pages should be sent to: over Batbuyag Munguntuul. I find
Editors Yearbook this game theoretically intere ting
P.O. Box 1093
from the opening point of view.
NL 1810 KB Alkmaar
The Netherlands. Munguntuui,Batbuyag
Or by e -mail to: Istanbul ol 2012 (7)
editors 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 ~g7
Obviously, I expected the Slav De-
fence, so the King's Indian wa
surpri ing for me. Without great
hesitation I decided to follow my Gullskhan Nakhbayeva
usual lines becau e I had confi-
dence in my knowledge.
4.e4 d6 5.h3 0-0 6 ..i.g5 thi s variation i that Bl ack can play
in Benoni style: 6 ... c5!?, which
look very interesting here: 7.d5
e6 (7 ... b5 , in Benko tyle, is not so
inspiring: 8.cb5 a6 9.a4 h6 IO ..i.e3
e6 ll .tt:lf3 ed5 12.ed5 l:e8 13 ..i.d3
tt:lbd7 14.0-0 tt:lb6 15 .'ifb3 .i.b7
16.a5± 1-0 (30) Wang Yue-Ding
Liren, JinZhou 2009) ed5
9.cd5 l:e8 IO ..i.d3 c4 ll.~c2 b5
12.a3 tt:lbd7 13.0-0 a6 14. d2
'ifc7 !S.l:ad I .i.b7 l6.l:fe l l:ac8
17 ...th6 'ifc5 1 8.~e3! c7
!9 ..i.d4. The dark- quared bi hop
Not the mo t popular line, but it i hou ld be exchanged for its oppo-
not without venom. It was ex- nent! 1-0 (35) Nakhbayeva-
plained to me by grandma ter Srebmic London 20 II .
Murtas Kazhgaleev and I have al- 7 ..i.d3 e5 8.d5 c6
ready gained orne own experi- A few days earlier l had played this
ence with it. po ition against Yelena Dembo.
6 ... tt:la6 She continued with 8 ... 'ife8 9.g4
A common set-up for a King's In- tt:ld7 I O.a3 f5 ( IO l I..i.c2
dian player. The particularity of f5 12.0 fe4 13.fe4 .i.f6 !4 ..i.f6
f6 15.b4 a6 16.'ii'd2 'ii't7 Sometimes you don' t know what
17.0-0-0 1-0 (25) KazhgaJeev- to do, you just need to play a move.
Martinovic, Sibenik tt 2009) ll.b4 Perhaps, in some way, my method
tt:lf6 ( ll. .. f4 1 2 .~h4!, the point be- of 'waiting for a mistake' justified
ing that if Black exchanges the itself in the end. Surely White
bishop , the knight has a perfect should try to make a move without
post on f3: 12 ... ~ f6 1 3. ~f6 tt:lf6 makjng any big changes in the po- 1-0 (26) Bareev- sition. Instead Fritz suggests to ex-
Gallagher, Germany Bundesliga change the dark-sq uared bi shops,
1999/00) 12.f3 c5 13.dc6 bc6 for example 25.'i¥c4 tt:lf5 26.~f4. tt:lc7 15.gf5 gf5 16.ef5 d5 Thi s i quite logical , because the
17.'it'd2e4 18.fe4de4 1 9.~c2 ~f5 opponent's bishop is quite active.
20.0-0-0 with mutual chances V2-Y2 A good try to initiate counterplay. 25 ... tt:lf5 26.~f2 J:lfe8 27.'it'c4
(3 1) Nakhbayeva-Dembo, 1 tan- 19.b4?! l:rac8 28.J:lfc1 dB 29.'ffd3
bulol2012. 19.f5 ? ab3 20.fg6 fg6 2 1.J:lf8 tt:lg7 'W'b6!? bc2+. The problem is that the knight and
Unexpected. The normal plan is After 19.fe5 ab3 20. ~b3 deS it's the bi shop both want access to the
9 ... tt:lc5 IO.~c2 aS. difficult to get the invalid pawns square f5, which can' t take both
10.b3 going. pieces at the same time, so she
Here 1 under tood I had been 19.ba4 tt:la4! could be agreed to play consi tently.
caught in my opponent's home taken into consideration: 20 ... ~b5 30.J:la1 ~f5 31.'it'f3 ±
preparation. So I decided to find a (20 ... 'ii'c4? 21.J:lb4 ~b5 (2 1... 'it'c8
'wild way' of my own. The most! 'ii'c7 23.~a4+-) 22.J:lc4
playable line i I 'ifaS ~c4 23.f5-+) 21.J:lb5 ef40
ll.~d2 'W'd8 1 2.~g5 h6 1 3.~e3 (2 1...'tlt'c4 ?? 22.J:lb4+-)
tt:lh5 14.'W'd2 Wh7 tt:lb4 tt:lc5 J:la3 tt:lg7
16 .~bl cd5 17.cd5 a5 18.g4! tt:lf4 25 . ~h6 J:le8 26.~g5 f5 27.J:lel ef4 20.~f4 J:le8 2 1.0-0 J:la2 28.J:le8 tt:le8 29.'it'd I tt:lg7
~d7 22.Wg2 J:lc8 23.J:lel 'W'b6 (29 ... tt:le4? 30.~e4 fe4 31.'it'g4
24.~e3 'W'd8 25.a3 tt:la6 26.~c2 tt:lg7 32.'W'e4+-) 30.1!i'b I! J:la8
'tlt'h4 27.f3 c5 28.~f2 'it'f6 3 1. ~f6! J:le8 (3 l 32. ~d4±)
29.l:tad I± as the pawn sacrifice is 32.g4 J:lf8 33.~d4 'it'e7 34.gf5 gf5
not enough for a real battle 1-0 35.1!i'fl tt:le4 36.Wh2±.
(40) Avrukh-Herraiz Lopez, 19... tt:lb3 20.~b3 ab3 21.c5
Men orca junior 1996. Only forward! I could already feel the advantage
1 11.~c2 as 12.J:lb1! 21 ... J:la3 22.fe5 ~e5 23."W'b2 of my po. ition, as I couldn ' t find
With the idea to meet ... a5-a4 Here the choice between 23.'it'b2 any good moves for Bl ack. My b-
with b3 -b4! In general, the main and 23.'i!i'c L wa a big djJemma for and c-pawns are very strong!
plan is to activate tt:la3+b4, to ex- me. Finally, I came to the conclu- 31 ... J:la8 32.c6 bc6 33.dc6 tt:le6
pand , create a pace advantage sion that my queen and rooks Maybe a better chance to hold was
and dislodge the perfect knigh t should be best placed after 33 ... J:la I 34.J:la I ~e4! 35.'it'e4
on c5. 23.'tlt'b2. ~c3 J:le4 tt:le6
12 ... h6 13.~e3 cd5 14.ed5! There is no point in wasting time 38.J:la7±, but my opponent looked
The point of the whole system. taking on h6. Instead, my intuition as if she was going to uccumb un-
The pawn structure becomes un- told me to proceed with the in- der her time pres ure.
usual for thi opening. White wi ll tended plan of rounding up the 34.b5 J:la1 35.J:la1 dS 36.J:la7 d4
try to crush Black' bastion on the tt:lb3 . 37.J:lf7 Wg8 38.J:ld7 dc3
queenside to exploit her pawn ma- After 23.~h6 ?! tt:lg7 24.~e3 tt:lf5 The queen sacrifice doesn't help,
jority on that flank . 25 . ~f2 J:le8 the black piece be- but by now it's impos ible to offer
14... ~d7 15.'W'd2 w h7 16.0-o come active. Of course, I calcu- something else:
tt:le8 lated some variations and quickly A) 38 ...'it'a5 39.'i¥d5 ~g7
Now it's clear that Black wants to under tood that in such a dynamic 40.tLle4+- ;
embark on ... t7-f5 , whjch White position you can't lose a tempo B) 38 ... 'iff6 ~e4
should meet with the counterat- like that. 40.'ii'e4 w f8 4l.'it'd5+-;
tack f2-f4. 23 ... J:la8 24.1!i'b3! tt:lg7 C) 38 ... 'W'b8 39.'i¥d5 dc3
17.a3 'ii'c7 18.f4 a4! 25.Wh1?! 40. ~a7+-.


39.l:td8 l:td8 40. c3 l:td3 Pancevski,Filip

4U !re2 ~c3 42.g4! Milos,Gilberto
This how how badl y coordinated Istanbul ol 2012 (5)
the blac k piece are. I had fore een 1.e4 d6!
thi move when my opponent ac- Fortunate ly, my new fri end and
rifi ed her qu en. ' talented pupil ' grandma ter
42 ... l:td2 43. c4 ~d3 44. e6 Gilberto Milo accepted my invi-
~g7 45.c7 l:tf2 46.c8 tation to play the Pirc ! And after
pe nding some time li tening to
my audio-le on and viewing
orne improvement on the che. s-
Proving GM Kaufman Right board, he decided to repleni h hi
o ld reperto ire, which incl uded the
by the Editors Caro- Kann , the Alekhine, the Ruy
TO 4.10·14 (034) YB 104 Lopez and many icil ian lines, and
started to play thi . new opening al-
In the ir Survey ' Proving Dr most immediate ly - without any
Tarra ch Right ! , on page 152 o f pecial preparation. Here i. ne of Gllberto M ilos
Yearbook 104 Jacob Aagaard and hi exciting game from the Ol ym-
iko lao tirli ex pre s the ir sur- pi ad with thi De fence. 7 ... b6
pri e that Larry Kaufman (who i , 2.d4 f6 3. c3 g6 4..i.g5!? Black immediate ly tarts a
by the way, a GM not an IM ) doe ~g7 5.f4 dangerou counterattac k. I li ke
not mention the ir reply 10.. . e4! 7 ... tt:lh5 !? with the tactical idea
a a olution to the critica l move 8. f3 f4! 9. f4 gS :f.
IO.a3 on page II 0 o f hi - book Tlte 8.l:tb1 ? !
Kauf man Repertoire fo r Black and Another pa ive move. but it i not
White. o ea y to decide which i the
In fac t, Kaufman could not yet afest option here. Probably
have kn own Aagaard ' and tirl i ' Taimanov ' check 8 .~b5!? wa a
recommendation, as their book better try: ... tt:Jbd7 9.a4 'ii'a5 !?
wa publi hed in Decembe r 2011. (9 ...a6 !?) IO.'ii'd2 'ii'b4 II. f3
Kaufman' b o k wa writte n by gS! t .
then, and appeared one mo nth 8 ... g5!
The two bo ks cro sed each other
on their way to the dea lers and the This i one of the sharpe t line o f
printers re pecti vely. the Pirc, which will be carefull y
analy ed in Chapter 3 o f my book.
From here on, the adva nce e4-e5,
reinforced with ..Q.g5, i not a joke.
An Olympic Pirc but a eri ou threat !
5... h6 6 ..i.h4 c5
a letter by Viktor Moskalenko Thi typical Sic ili an break is ambi -
PU 10.7 (807) tious, but too ri ky in thi line. In
my book my ad vice i to fi r t com-
During 20 12 I've worked ex ten- plete development with 6 ... 0-0,
ively on a new book project - Th e waiting for White's nex t move. A fa nta tic j et pu h ! White 's posi-
Perfect Pirc-Modem , for ew In 7.d5?! tio n collap e Iike a hou e of card .
Ches ( ee our Previews ection in In thi variation White i not 9.fg5 e4!
the bac k of the book - Editors). ufficientl y developed to play a Another planned blow.
Even when I was invited to the I - Benoni , Four Pawn Attac k. If 10...Q.b50
tanbul Olympiad in August/Sep- 7.dc5 'ii'aS<=t , but the princ ipled re- On 10. e4? b4 II. d2 h4
tember, to be the coach and capta in ac tion i 7.e5!? and now 7... h5, win .
of the Brazilian male team, I never provoking a complex over-the- 10...ti:Jd7!N
topped my inve ti gations on the e board struggle, which i what Black is al o better after IO... .i.d7!?
very complex opening . Milo is usuall y lookin g for! II . e4 ( ll.g6 0-0 !) ll ... 'ii'b5
2:2 tie in the match Macedonia vs. lytical articles devoted to it, during
Brazil. these years the variation has not in
fact acquired a ettled name. In the
Yearbook it i called the New
Arkhangelsk, but thi i not very
logical. The Arkhangelsk Varia-
tion is characterized in particular
by the development of the bishop
on b7, whereas in the given varia-
tion it more often comes out to g4.
I have also come acros the name
12.'i!t'tJ ( 12.l!JtJ ~ f5 13.l!Jg3 Variation.
~g6+ Hoeksema-Muhren, Dieren Che sBase has recently published
2004, 0-1 36) 12 ... 'ifa5 the DVD Alexei Shirov: Guide to
(12 ...'.-b4!-+) 13.l!Jc3 'ir'b4!+ 18... 'i!fc5oo the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez. Shirov
14.g3? ~g4-+ Zherebukh- The position is unclear. The draw himself has named it the Tkachiev
Kozakov, Alu hta 2005 (0- 1, 26). was agreed on move 63. Ruy Lopez, after Vladi lav
11.gh6 l:rh612.'ir'g4!? Thi Olympic fragment is in- Tkachiev.
In order to survive, White i trying tended to demonstrate the great The Ia t two names look more log-
to complicate the position even flexibility of the combative Pirc ical but they point to the names of
more. 12.l!JtJ c3+ . Defence. In just one game we can the first performer , and not the au-
12 ... l!Jc3 13.bc3 8! see motifs of the Sicilian, Benoni thor of the variation .
1 3... ~c3 14.We2 Wf8+ . and many other openings. The move 6 ... ~c5 was made long
14.~e7 ~g8! 15.'ir'd1 l!JeS Throughout my study I have dis- ago by Paul Morphy! So that be-
16.l!Jf3 c4! 17.l!Jd4 covered a huge number of power- fore the Tilburg tournament in
ful idea for both side . September 1994 it had occurred
Vlktor Moskalenko occasionally over the course of a
Barcelona, Spain century and a half. But the modem
theory of this variation was opened
by the game Bologan-Tkachiev,
played in Tilburg. The variation
History of the Yurtaev Variation quickly acquired an army of sup-
porters and it soon became one of
by Alexey Kuzmin the most popular in the Ruy Lopez.
RL 12.6 (C78) YB 105 But it ba ic idea were developed
by the Kirgi z grandmaster Leonid
1.e4 es 2.l!Jf3 l!Jc6 3.~b5 a6 Yurtaev.
4.~a4 l!Jf6 5.0-0 bS 6.~b3 ~cs
The culminating moment of the Here is Vlad Tkachiev's account
game: of what preceded the game which
17 ... a6? gave The Variation its entry into
This mysterious blunder spoils all the big wide world :
the beautiful previous work . Milos ' In 1994 in Tilburg I was paired in
thought that the b5-bi hop was al- the first round with Viorel
ready trapped ... Bologan. I had no de ire to play the
In fact , Black could have won eas- Pirc-Ufi mtsev Defence, but I did
ily with 17 ...J:rg6! 18.0-0 'ir'c7-+ not have a serious knowledge of
or simply 17 .. .'ir'c7!? 18 .~g5 l:rg6 anything else. Not the most pleas-
19.'ir'd2 and only now 19 .. .a6-+ , ant situation from which I was
winning the bi shop. again helped to escape by an old
18.~d7! friend (Yurtaev was also playing in
This unexpected (for Black) move The ' modern hi tory ' of this varia- this tournament - Kuzmin ): it
allows the white player back into tion dates back eighteen years. De- turned out that, having refuted
the game, which after many spi te the thousands of games, l .d4 (naturally, with the King's In-
adventures ended in a draw, and a numerous commentaries and ana- dian Defence), Lenya had turned

Adams-Tkachiev, Wijk aan Zee powerful impulse to the develop-

1995 - Ku zmin). ment o f The Va riation was aga in
made in Holland, in January of the
followin g year in Wij k aan Zee.
Assembled there at the Hoogoven
Tournament was a group of yo ung
grandma ters who were interested
in thi new ystem: Tkac hiev,
Zviag int ev, Onischuk and
Brodsky. They analy ed the topi -
ca l variation together.
In reply to
preference wa c learly given to
Once again Le nya' earch for the 7 ... l:l.b8
philosopher' stone in the opening But in the ga me Z. Aimas i-
bore fruit , and I, still not yet believ- Zv iagint ev, Wij k aa n Zee 1995,
Leonid Yurt aev (1959-20U)
ing, ucces full y pl ayed The Vari- after
ation in my ga me. Soon it began to 8.c3 d6 9.d4 ~b6 1O.ab5 ab5
his attention to l .e4 - with the be employed by Malaniuk, 11.llJa3 ~a6?! 12.l:l.e1
ame res ult ! I very well remember Oni chuk, Godena and then every- Blac k ran into di ffic ultie .
the main variation he howed me one el e.
and the hock of making contact Nevertheless, the authorship un- It is intere ting that the ga mbit idea
with somethi ng brilli antly new. doubtedly belongs to Yurtaev.' 11 ...~g4! 12.llJb5 0-0
First o f all , a fter which e enti all y save the vari a-
7.c3 d6 8.d4 ~b6 It is interestin g that back then, tion,
eighteen years ago, when analys-
ing the new variation, Yurtaev con-
sidered the plan
7.c3 d6 8.d4 ~b6 9.~e3 0-0
to be ve ry dangerous for Black.

it turn out that the fo llowing vari- wa discovered by Kh alifman ,

ation i not dangerou fo r Blac k: who took hardl y any part in the
9.de5 5 10. e5 deS 11. d8 analy i . A lexander si mpl y
'Oti>d8 12.~f7 l:l.f8 13.~d5 llJdS walked into a room, aw the po. i-
14.ed5 ~b7 (I should add that thj lion et up on a board, and almo t
wa confirmed in De Firmian- straight away ugge ted giving up
Tkachiev, Biel 1995 - Kuzmin). This line has become topical onl y a paw n fo r ac ti ve piece play...
But the mo. t important thin g is in recent year . It is played by The newly-born ga mbit immedi -
that after the natura l avara, Svidler, Karjakin, ate ly met with approval in the
7.llJe5 e5 8.d4 ~d4 9.~d4 d6 Morozevich, Ponomariov... ga me Alma i-Oni schuk , Wij k aa n
White 's two bi hops together with But again t 7.a4 Yurtaev recom- Zee 1995. Thu in the vari ation
hi uperi ority in the centre are not mended play ing 7 •.. ~b7, reckon- suggested by Yurtaev there ap-
uffic ient to gain an advantage - ing that this transposition into the peared a line which was to deter-
and all becau e of the threat of Arkhangelsk Variation wa not mine it development fo r many
.. .c7-c5! (w hich was oon con- da ngerou for Blac k ... years.
firm ed by the ga mes Akopian- The tourn ament in Tilburg took Theory embarked on the path lead-
Ma laniuk , Mo cow 1994 and place in September 1994. The next ing to the pre ent-day situation !
In the early ummer of last year Mejia,Giovanni
Leonid ikolaevich Yurtaev died. Barbosa,Oiiver
He wa just 52 ... Boracay Island 2012 (10)
In an article dedicated to the mem- 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5'Jc3 de4
ory of his friend, Tkachiev wrote: 4. e4 ..if5'Jg3 ..ig6 6.h4 h6
' ... On 2nd June Leonid Yurtaev 7.h5 ..ih7'Jf3 lt'ld7 9 ...id3
pa ed away. Performers are accom- ..id3 1 O."i!fd3 e6 11 ...id2 lt'Jgf6
panied by applause, but we continue 12.0-0-o ..ie7'Je4 0-0
to admire the games and ideas which'lf6 lt'lf6 15.g4 ~d5 16.g5
remain for ever with us. 'i!fa2 17.c4
I suggest th at we should a ll call Editors' note: A Ufuk Tuncer ar-
the variation S... bS 6•..ib3 ..icS gue in his Survey on page 90,
the Yurtaev Variation of the R uy 17.c3!i themoveinthi po ition.
He wa indifferent to uch hon- 17 ... hg5 18.h6 and now:
ours, but we mu t remember.' A) 18 ...'i!fa l ( 18 ... b5! ?) 19.c.t,?c2
I also knew Leonid Yurtaev well 'i!fa4 20.c;f;>bl g6 2 1.h7 and now :
and I am ready to subscribe to Vlad AI) 2l ... lt'lh7'Je5 c;f;>g7
Tkachiev 's word . 23.'i!fh3 .llh8 24.'i!fh6 Wg8'Jg6 Giovanni Mej ia In action
For my Survey on the Yurtaev fg6 26. g6 c;f;>f8 27.f4! g4 28.f5+-;
Variation, see page I 03 of this is- A2) 21... c;f;>h8 22 ...ig5 'i!fb4 continued horribly for him : 18 ... b5
sue of the Yearbook . 23. e5 d7 24 ...id2! e5 19 ..1ldg I bc4 20.gh6 (20 ..1lg4 llfb8
(24 ... 'i!fd6 25 ...if4+-) 25 ...ib4 21...ic3 'i!fa I ) 20 ... .ll fb8 2 1...ic3
lt'ld3 26 ...ie7+-. .llb2 22.h7 c;f;>h8 23 .'i!fb2 ..ia3
B) 18 ... g6'le5 c.t,?h7 20.Wc2 24.h6 lt'Jh6 25.d5 f6 0-1 Barbosa-
Grandmaster Sacrifice! 'i!fa4 21 .c.t,?b I b5 22.c5 lt'Jd5 23.b3 Le Quang, Ho Chi Minh City
'i!fa3 (23 ... 'i!fa6 24 ..1ldg I oo) 2011.
a letter by Michael Carino 24 ..1lhg I .llac8 25.f4 ..if6 (25 .. .f5 18... f2 D
CK 12.3 (818) 26 ..1lde I±; 25 ... g4 26 ..1lg4 ~f6 18 ... f5 19.gh6 and now :
27 ..1lg3 ..ie5 28.fe5 .llcd8 A) 19 ... gh6? 20 ..1lg4+-;
At the 2012 Philippine Champion- 29 ..1lfl oo)'ld7 gf4 (26 .. ..1lfd8 B) 19 ... .1lf7 20.'i!fe2 and now :
hips, little-known Filipino teen'Jf6 lt'lf6 28.fg5 lt'ld5 B I) 20 ... e5? 21.hg7 .llg7 (2 1...e4
player Giovanni Mejia, at 14 years 29 ..1lgfloo) 27 ...if4 .llcd8 28.-ic l 22.h6 ! ef3 23 ."i!fe6+-) 22.h6 .llg6
old, rated FIDE 1932 and my "i!fb4'lf6 lt'Jf6 30 ...ig5 e4! (22 ... .1lh7 23 . e5+-)'Je5
pupil , played brilliantly against and Black has equalized. lt'Je5 24.'i!fe5 "i!fa I 25.Wc2 .llg I
grandma ter Oliver Barbo a. 18 ..1ldg1 !N 26.h7 c;f;>f7 27.'i!ff5 ..if6 28."~ h5
The game started out as a Classi- Wg7 29.h8"i!f+-;
cal Caro-Kann , but thing turned B2) 20 ... ..ia3? 2 1.ba3 a3
very me sy for the grandmaster 22 .Wc2 'i!fa4 23.c;f;>b2+-;
when Gio unlea. hed 18 ..1ldg l !N, B3) 20 ... gh6 21.'i!fe6 ..ia3
improving on the pa ive'Je5 and the white king walks
18."t!t'e2? which Barbosa had out of the checks.
played himse lf against Le Quang C) 19 ...b5 20.hg7 .llf6 21.h6
Lie m in 20 II . What eem to be 'i!fc4 22. c4 bc4 23 ...ig5 .llf7
'ju t a bold rook move' proved too 24 ...ie7 .lle7 25.h7 <l;;g7 26. e5
much for Black to defend . llh8 27.f3+- .
By the way, in this tournament Gio 19.'i!fe2 lt'lh1 20.gh6 ..if6
al o had urpri ing win against 21.hg7 llfdB 22.h6 lt'lf2??
grandma ter Rogelio Barcenilla This kni ght move i fatal. Black
and Roland Salvador, and he drew A bold sacrifice. White immedi- might have a chance to survive the
with grandma ters Darwin Laylo ately exert evere pre ure along onslaught if he plays 22 ... .1ld4, but
and John Paul Gomez. All thi the g-fi le. After the game, GM Oli after 23.h7 <l;;h7 24.g8'i!f! .llg8
without any experience again t Barbosa pointed out that he had 25 ..1lh 1...... he needs to defend pre-
grandma ter in serious tourna- played thi s line again t Le Quang ci ely:
ment play, having played mostly in Liem but opted for the passive A) 25 ... .1lh4 26.l:th4 ..ih4
youth event . 18."i!fe2 there and the game had 27. e4 .llg6 (after 27...Wg7

28.~ h4 Wh ite' three pieces give 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 3.de5 d4 4.c!Llf3 16.e4
him a decisive attac k as Black al- c!Llc6 5.a3! Av rukh 's recommendation. Alter-
ways run out of check ) 28 ."i!fh4 Probably the mo t promi ing con- nati ve are:
<i;g7 (28...Wg8 29.'ti'd8 Wh7 tinuation. A) 16.c!Llc3 .ie7! and now:
30 ..ic3-+) 29.'i!i'd4 f6 30."i!fd7 5 ... c!Llge7 A I) 17.c!Lle4 0-0 18.c!Ll f2 'it'h5
<i;h8 31.1!i'c8 Wh7 32."i!fb7 tlg7 The main continuation. 19."t!fc7 tlfe8 20.0-0 b5 2 l..ib5
33.~c6±; 6.b4 c!Llg6 7 ..ib2 a5! "t!t'b5 22.tlfb I "it'h5 23.tlb7 tlac8
B) 25...'19g6? 26.'it'g2 Wf5 It i. important fo r Bl ack to fo rce (23 ....ia3!?N =F) 24."t!t'e5 "t!fe5
27. d4 We5 28.c!Llc6! 'iPd6 the move b4-b5 before capturing 25 ..ie5 .ia3= (Li Yang-Humeau
29 ..if4+- ; on e5. 2009);
C) Black' onl ychancewouldbe 8.b5 c!Llce5 9.c!Lle5 c!Lle5 1O•.id4 A2) 17.e4 0-0 ( 17 ... tld8!?
25...Wg7 26 ..ih6 w h7 27 ..if8 c!Llc411 .e3 .ie612."t!fc2 18..ig7 tlg8 19.-ifl "it'h5 20 ..id4
%% h4 (27...Wg6? 28."t!fc2+-; 12.c!Lld2 c!Lld2 13. d2 d5!=, tlg3=) 18.f5 .ic4!=.
27 ....ih4 28. d4 tlg I 29.tlg I Kri voshey-Lorenzo de Ia Ri va, B) 16.'iPf2 .ie7 ! 17.c!Lld2 0-0
~a l 30.Wc2 "t!fg l 3 1. "t!t' h5~) Balaguer Open 2006. 18. c7 tl fe8 19.e4 tlad8!=F.
28.tlh4 .ih4 29.'it'd3 tlg6 (29 ... f5? 16 ... tld8!
30. d7 and Black get mated) ~ e4.
30. h4 1!i'a l 31.'19c2 1i'g l 17.151
32. g6~. 17. c3 c!Lle4!; 17 ..ifl "it'h5
23.h7! 18..ie2 .ig4; or 1 8... ~h 3 19. d2
.ig4 20 ..ig4 1!i'g4 2 1."t!fc7 .ie7=.
17 ... e4 18.fe6 "t!fe6 19 ..ic4 'it'e7
20 ..ie3 g3 (20... d6!? 2 1.'iPe2!
'it'e5 22.tla2 c!Llf5 23 ."t!fc3 d4
24.'19f2 .ic5 25.tle I 0-0 26.'19fl
e4 27 ..ig I "it'h I 28.tlf2~)
2 l.hg3 "t!fe3 22. "i!fe2~.
12...c!Lld6! 17 ... f5 18.ef5 tld4 19.fe6 "t!fe6
The best continuation. 20 ..ie2~.
13..id3 "it'g5 14.14 18. c3
14.0-0 c!Llb5 and now: 18 ..ic4? c4 19."t!t'c4 g2!+.
A) 15 ..ib2!? c6! ( 15 ... 0-0-0!?
23 ... Wh7 24.~f2 "t!t'c4 16.tlc I! tld7! 17 .c!Llc3 c!Llc3
24...'iPg8 25. h2+-; 24. .. a I 18..ic3 a4! 19 ..id4 .ib3 20.'i¥c3
25.Wc2 1Wa4 26.Wb I+- and 1i'd5!=) 16.c!Lld2 ( 16.c!Llc3 c3
White' attack continues. 17 ..ic3 tld8=) 16 ..."t!fc5 17.'it'c5
25 ..ic3 'iPg8 26."it'h2+- .ig7 .ic5 18..ig7 tlg8=;
27.1i'g2 8 28."t!fg7 'iPe7 B) 15 ..ib5 "t!t'b5 16.'it'c7 "it'd?!?
29. e5 "t!t'a 4 30."t!ff7 Wd6 ( 16 ... "t!fc6 17.tlc l "t!fc7 18.tlc7
3U:tg7 tlac832.'it'd7 1-0 tlc8=) 17."t!fg3 f6!= (~ ....id6,
... 0-0);
C) 15.c!Llc3 d4 16.ed4 .id6
17.tlabl h6 18.g3 0-0 19. tl b7
The Albin Resurrected .ia3=, Gelfa nd- Kasi mdzhanov,
Mo cow Wch blitz 2007. 18....ie7!! N
a letter by Jose Lopez Senra 14... "it'h4 15.g3 h3! A tro ng novelty to re urrect the
VO 15.5 (DOS) Thi move was suggested as an im- line! The game Popov-Potapov,
provement of Black's pl ay by Rijeka Ech 20 I0, saw 18... c5?
Here is orne analysi of a trong Nikolay VI as ov in hi s comments 19.bc6 bc6 20 ..ic4 c4
novelty in the Albin's Counter to the game TopaJov-Morozevich, 2 1.tLle2+-.
Gambit, the li ne l .d4 d5 2.c4 e5 Monaco 2005. 15 ... "t!fh5 16.c!Llc3 If 18....id3?! 19.'ttd3 .ie7
3.de5 d4 4. f3 c6 5.a3 played in tLl f5 17.0-0 0-0-0?! 18 ..ia7!± 20. d5! "ifg2 2 1.0-0-0 .ig5
the game Topalov-Morozevich, "t!t'g4? 19.c!Lle4 ( 19. a4+-) 22.'iPb I 0-0 23.f6! tlfe8
Monaco rapid 2005 and V.Popov- 19 .. .tld7 (Topalov- Morozevich) 24.tlhe l !±.
Potapov, Rijeka Ech 20 I 0. 20.tLlf2!+- . 19.f6!
19.~c4 tl:lc4 tl:la3 23 ... l:td4?!! tl:lc4 29."it"e2 "ii"d7! and now:
21. c7 (21.l:ta3 l:tdS 22.ed5 ~a3 (24 .. .~h6 25 .l:tfl! (25.0-0 l:td2 A ) 30.b6 c5 31.l:tf5 ~e6 32.Wfl
23.~g7 l:tg8 24 .~e5 ~b4 25.Wf2 leads to an equal ending) 25 ... tl:lc4 l:te4'f2 c4 34.l:tf4 l:te3
l:tg5=) 2l...Wf8 22.l:ta3 ~a3 26.l:tdl! l:tdl 27 .~dl;!; ) 25.l:ta4 35.l:td I c3 36.l:tb4 tl:lc4 37 .l:td4 hS 24 .~g7 (24.~c7 J:te8 l:tdS 26.ed5 tl:leS 27 .l:th4;!;. tl:ld2 38.l:td2 cd2 39."it"d2 fS
25 .~g7 Wg7 26.W'c3 f6 27.~f6 24 ...if6 l:tg8! 40.c.Pgl l:td3=;
c.Pg8=) 24 .. .<t>g7 25 .W'c3 c.Ph7 With the threat of 25 ... J:tg3!. B) 30.l:tf4 b6 31.-.-hS (3 1.l:th4
26. tl:lf6 c.Ph627 .~a3 ~g2 28.W'cl 24 ... 0-0 25 ...id8 l:td8 26.l:tfl W'e6 "it"bS 32."it"b5 tl:lb5=) 31 ... tl:lc2
c.Pg7 29.'fr'g5 c.P f8 c.Pe8 27.l:tdl (27.l:tf4 tl:lc4 28 ."it"g4 32.Wfl tl:lal 3H!i'e5 c.Pf8 34."it"h8
31 .tl:lf6 c.Pf8=. (28.l:td I l:ta8=) 28...~g4=) We7=;
19. ~g7?? ~d3 20.W'd3 tl:l f5-+. 27 ...l:tdl 28 .~dl ~e4 29.Wf2 C) 30.l:tf5 "it"e6 31.c.Pf2 (3 1.Wfl
19...gf6!D 20.~c4 ! Wg7 30.c.Pg I 'i¥e3 31.l:tf2 tl:lbS l:te4 32."it"f2 b3 33 .l:ta3 b2 34.l:ta8
A ) .idS 21.ed5 l:tg8!'g4 c.P f8 33.1!t'b4 tl:ld6=. We7 35 .~c5 "ii"d6 36.~c2 l:td4
22.0-0-0 l:tgS 23.~a2 (23.W'b3 25.l:tf1 I l:td7 26.l:tf5 37.l:tf7 c.P f7 38.~h7 c.P f6=; 31 .l:tf4
c.P f8!=i=) 23 ... tl:l f5 !=i=/=; 26.b6 l:tg6 27 .l:tf5 c5=. l:tc4 ! 32.l:td I b3=i=) 31. .. l:te4
B) 20.0-0-0! ? ~g4!! and now: 26 ... l:tg6! 32."it'h5 b3 33.l:ta3 b2 34.l:ta8 <l;;e7
B I ) 21 .a4 c6! 22.bc6 bc6+ ; 35."ii"g5 f6 36."it"g7 ~f7 37.~h8
B2) 21.l:the I tl:lbS+ ; b I 'if 38.'it'd8=.
B3) 21. Wb2 0-0+ or 21. .. c6 29 ... tl:lb5 30.l:ta8
22.bc6 bc6+ ; 30.l:ta5 c3 3 1.l:te5 Wd8 32.l:td5
B4) 21.h4 tLlfS! 22..ic4 (22.ef5 l:td5 33.ed5 tLldS 34.'it'h8 Wd7
tl:la3 23.Wbl l:td4+) 22 ...~a3 35.l:tf7 c.Pc6=.
23 .c.Pbl tl:ld4=i= ; 30 ... c.Pd7 31.l:tf7 rJ;;c6 32.l:tf6
BS) 21.l:thfl tl:lbS! W'gS c.Pd7=
23.l:td2 ..ibS 24 ..-ibS (24.l:tf5 tl:ld3 With be t wishes,
25.l:td3 W'g4+) 24 ... W'b5 25.l:tf5 Jose Lopez Senra
..ia3 (25 ... c5 26 ..-icS l:tc8 27 ...ie7 Leon, Spain
W'f5 28.ef5 c.Pe7=) 26.Wd I 'i¥c6=i=
(26 ... 'ii'b4!?).
20 ... tl:lc4 21 .tl:ld5D tl:la3! 27.'it'b2
27.b6 cS! and now: An Early Queen Sacrifice
A) 28.l:tc I "it"h6 29.l:te5 Wf8
by Rene 0/thof
30.l:tcc5 J:tf6 31.l:tc8 Wg7 32."it"g4
l:tg6 33 ."it"d7 "it"e3=; PU 6.7 (807)
B) 28 ...ih4 c.P f8 29.l:tc5 l:td4
30."it"e3 l:tgd6 31 ."it"f4 h6! 32.l:tac I It' quite rare for someone to sacri -
Wg7 33.'i!fe5 (33.l:tc7 l:te4 34.'W'e4 fice his or her queen within the fir t
J:te6 35.l:tf7=) 33 ... Wh7 34.l:tc8 ten moves of any opening, but
l:tdl=. when it happens it' no more than
27 ...l:tf6! fitting that it should occur in the
27 ... 'W'h6! ? and now: Rashid Nezhmetdinov Cup!
A) 28.l:ta3 l:tf6 29.l:ta8 We7=;
B) 28.l:te5 c.Pf8 29."it"b4 l:td6 Yandemirov,Valery
22.1t"e2! 30 ...ie7 Wg7 31 .l:ta3 'i!fc I=; Onischuk,VIadim ir
22.'fr'c7 l:tdS! 23.ed5 0-0 24."it"e7 C) 28.Wfl! and now: Kazan 2012 (8)
tl:lc2 25. c.Pf2 (25.Wd I tl:ld4 Cl ) 28 ...J:td6?! 29 ...ih4! f6 1.e4 d6 2.d4 tl:lf6 g6
26.'i¥e4 tl:lbS=i=) 25 .. .'ii'f5=. 30.b6!;!;; 28 ... 'W'e3 29."it"e5 4 ...ic4 ..ig7 5."it"e2
22 .....ib4! (29.l:te5 Wf8 30.'W'b4 l:td6 3 1...ie7 First ventured in Hungary in the
22 ... l:td5!? 23.ed5 0-0! 24.0-0-0! c.Pg7 32 ...id6 "it"f3=) 29 ... c.Pf8 1950s. White wants to execute the
l:te8 25 .l:the I! (25 ..-icS 'i!ffS 30.Wg2! (30 ..-igS 'W'c3! 3J.'i!fc3 central thrust e4-e5.
26.Wb2 ..if8 27 .'ii'e8 'i!fc2 28.c.Pa3 bc3 32.l:ta3 l:tgS! 33.l:tg5 c2=) 5... tl:lc6
'i!fc3=) 25 ... 'i!ff5! 26.'i!fd3 30 ... 'i!fd2 31.l:tf2 'i!fd6 32.'ii'd6 The mo t principled approach -
(26.c.Pb2 'i!fdS 27.'i!t'g4 c.Pf8 l:td6 33.e5 J:te6 34.l:td I tl:lb5=; Black ets his ight on d4.
28.l:te7! W'bS 29.Wa3 'ii'b4=) C2) 28 ... J:tf6!? 29.l:tf6 "it"d2 6.e5
26 ... 'i!fd7 27.d6! ..id6 28 ...if6oo. 30.'i!fd2=. White executes his trategy in a! ab4! 28.l:tf6 l:td4! 29.l:tf4 straightforward manner. A very

early example of the cautious is Van Geet-Van de Pol,
Utrecht 1961.
6 ... tt:ld4 7.ef6 tt:le2 8.fg7 l:lg8

A) 14... coPf7 ('an unhealthy

place for the king to be' - Short)
15.l:lhel l:le8 16.g4! b5 ( 16 ... a5 ?!
17.a3 b5 18.~a2 Short-R.Miles,
Valery Yandemlrov England 1977, loses a further
tempo) 17.~b3 a5 ( 17 ... d5 ?
A small bomb has exploded. C)!? f6 ( IO... h6! ?! (the usual recipe)
White has three minor pieces I l .~h6 ~h4 1 2 .~ f4 l:lg7oo ; 18 ... ed5 (Boll-Van Zel st, Den
against a queen and two centre IO... d5 I l.~g5! f6 12 .~ f6 'ird7 Bosch 1977) and now 19 .l:ld5! is
paw ns. Is it any good?±; 1o ... 'irh4 h6 killing) 18.a3 a4 19 .~a2 b4 20.g5!
9... e6 12 .~g5 hg5 Wd8 ba3 (20 ... 'irb8 21. l:le3)!
Setting up the defensive triangle 'irh7 'irg7 d5 ab2 (21...l:la5 22.ba3+-) 22.Wbl
c6-d5-e6 without any delay. 9 ... c6 (16... ~d7!? 17.h4 g4 ( 17 ... ~c6? a3 (Zagrapan-Hrivnak, Slovakia
I0.~6 d5 I 1.0-0-0 e6 follows a 18.hg5! ~e4 19.l:lh7! 'it'f8 tt-2 1999/00) 23.l:ld3!+-;
similar concept and now 12.f4 (or± Boll 1980) 18.h5 ~c6 B) 14.. ."it'e7 15.g40-0-0 16.g5 f5
12.h4 ~d7 13 .~d3 Jackson- 19.h6 'it'h8 20.0-0-0 We? 2l.h7 ( 16 ... d5 17.gf6 'irb4 18.l:ld4! dc4
Donnelly, England 1979/80) ~e4 'irg7=F) 17.0-0-0 We? 19.l:lhd l l:lh8 ( 19... e5? ed4
12 ... fr'h4 13.~g5 fr'f2 14.l:ld2! ?oo. 18 .~d5 ed5 c.Pf8 21 .tt:lb4 ~e8±) 20. ~g7 (20.f7?
Yandemirov ha played the queen (± Boll 1980) 20 ... ~g4! 'fie? 21.~g5 'f/f7 b6
sacrifice at least once before. ~dl 22.l:ldl 'it'e5oo) ll. ~f4 23 .tt:ld7l:lde8+) 20 ... l:lhg8
Feoktistov (St Petersburg 2003) ( ll. ~e3 !? ~d7 12.0-0-0 l:lg7 (2 1 .~h6=) 21 ... 'it'a5 'it'a2
chose the main line 9 ... l:lg7 IO.~h6! is potentially dangerous 'it'a l 24.Wd2 'it'b2
l:lg8 I 1.0-0-0 ~e6 (supposedly for Black; ll. ~h6? d5 12.0-0-0 (24 ...'it'a5? 25.coPe2! 'f/h5
best. ll ... e6 12.h4 transposes to the 'it'e7-+ and White has insuffi- 26.f3+-) 25.f7 l:lgf8 26.coPe3 l:[f7
note below on move I0 about cient compensation) ll ... ~d7 cd6 28.l:lc4 c.Pd7 29. ~b2
1o ... trg7 tt.~h6 trg8 12.0-o-o; 12.0-0-0 l:lg7 13.l:lhe I?! g5! l:[f5;!;) 17 .tt:lf6 and 'the time for
I I ... c6) 12 .~e6 fe6 i the critical 14 .~e3 (sacrifice didn ' t work in constructive criticism is already
position of the entire line. Benend-Vatter, Waldshut 2002) past'- Short.
Yandemirov 13.l:lhe I (13.f4!?) 14... f5 ( 14 ...b5 ; 14... d5) Is it? I propose 17 ... d5!
l3 ... c6 (13 ...g5; 13...'it'd7) and White seem to be losing some ( 18 .~b3 gives Black time to
e5 15.l:le5 deS 16.l:ld8 l:ld8 ground ; consolidate) 18 ...ed5 19.l:lhe I
l:ld6 D) IO.~e3 d5 11.0-0-0 c6 or 'f/c5 20.~d5 ~a4 21.b3 l:lh8
In the oldest recorded example of ll. .. l:lg7. 22 .~e6 coPb8 23.ba4 "it'f2 24.~g7
the queen sacrifice accepted I have 10... d5 "ifh4+.
traced (Bordonada-Torre, Philip- Black can still decide to take the 11.h5?
pines 1974), IO.~g5!?c6 11.0-0-0 pawn on g7 . I O... l:lg7 I l. ~h6 l:lg8 Do we have to attribute thi
~e6 12.~e6 fe6 was played. 12.0-0-0 ~d7 ha been played in sangfroid to the pirit of Rashid
10.h4 several games, e.g. Nezhmetdinov, the Master of At-
A) IO.~f4 serves as an open in- ( g5 14.~g5 l:lg5 15.hg5 tack and Angstgegner of the great
vitation to LO ... g5 Voigt-H .Rudolf, 'it'g5 16.g3 0-0-0 17.l:lh7 'it'c5 Mikhail Tal? More down-to-earth
Binz 1994; 18 .~d3 'it'f2 l9.l:lfl 'it'g3 20.l:lf7::: players would prefer ll. ~b3 .
B) IO .~h6?! 'it'h4!- this is the Thiei-B . Schneider, Gerrnany tt 11 ... gh5
point of9 ... e6. White's bishop has 2004/05;! ?) 13 .. .f6 ll ... dc4! 12.hg6 (I suppose Black
to return to f4 ; didn ' t fancy 12.h6, which cements
the pa ed pawn on g7. But need I 31.J:lh7 <J;;g6 32.J:ldhl ...g5 33.f4 A stran ge way to play for a win .
remind you that White has acri- J:lh8 34.J:lh8 J:lh8 35 .J:lh8 't!t'a5 53.tL:le5 Wg7 54.J:lc5 J:lc1
ficed his queen ?) I 2 ...hg6 I 3.J:lh8 36.c3 ...d5. In both lines White ha 55.<l;;b2 J:lc2 56.Wa3 J:lf2 57.J:lc7
<l;;e7 and there is no follow-up in good winning prospects. <J;;g8 58.J:lc8 <J;;g7 59.J:lc7 <J;;ga
sight. 29 ..• '\!t'cs 30.tL:lde6 ... b5 31.<J;;a1 60.tL:lg4 J:lf3 61.'iti>b4 ..tb1
12.~ h6 h4 13.g3 61. .. c3 62.J:lc3 a5 63 .Wc4 ~d5
White i adamant to give up his 64.<l;;d4 J:lc3 65 .'iti>c3 ~a2=.

•.t '
bishop. Apparently, 13 .~d3 'it'f6 62.tL:le5 J:lg3 63. c4 ~a2
and if the bishop move 14 .. .J:lg7, iii 64.J:la7 ..tc4 'h-'h
i not what Yandemirov had in ttJ
mind. Can Black circumvent thi s crazy
13... dc4!
'if line, if he want to? Ye , he can!
At Ia t!
14. e4 f6 15.J:ld1 'it'e7 16.tL:lf4
8 8
On move 6 he avails of no fewer
than three alternative : 6... d7
(' imple and strong ' - Alburt/

w l:r l:r
Chernin), the combati ve
6 ... tL:lg4!?, and he can ask for trou-
ble with 6.. . h5 . On move 5 he
31 •.. ~c2? may con sider the weird prophylac-
A greedy move, which could have tic 5 .. .tL:l fd7!?, as in West-
cost Black dearly. Allowing the Rodriguez, Laoag Zonal 1985.
queen 's rook to join force with And finally, on move 4, there is the
31 ...J:tae8! was advisable: 32.tL:lc7 provocative 4... c6!? or even
tfc6 33.tL:le8 J:le8 34.tL:lg6 <l;;g6+. 4 ... tL:le4 5 .~f7 ~ f7 6. e4 ..tg7oo
32.J:lc1? (Davie -D.Gurevich. Lone Pine
White return the favour. After 1981 ). Take your pick !
32.tL:ld4! 't!t'e5 33.J:lde I! he sur-
16 ..•f5? pri ingly takes over command :
Allowing White back into the 33... f6 34.tL:ld5 ._.g5 35.J:le7
game. 16... <J;;f7! 17.J:lh4 'it'b4 't!t'e7 36.tL:le7 q;;e7 37.tL:lc2 . White Hou Yifan's Marshall Line
18.c3 'it'b2 19.tL:lh5 e5 20.tL:lhf6 is better in view of the pas ed
~ f5 and it 's all over. f-pawn and the two minor pieces. van der Tak
by A. C.
17.~g5! ...g7 18.tL:lf6 32 ..• ~e4 33.J:lhe1 ..tfS 34.tL:lc7 RL 17.6 (C89) YB 50
Playing with fire, to say the lea t. 1t'c6
18 ...tf6 ...g4 19.J:lh4 'it'h4 20 ...th4 ~ 34 .. .'t!i'd7 35 .tL:la8 J:ta8 36.J:tcd I At the Istanbul Olympiad. World
fe4 21 .J:ld4 and hi huge lead in de- (36.J:le5 J:le8!- thi make a huge Champion Hou Yifan played the
velopment gives White orne com- difference compared to the game main line of the M arshall against
pen ation. continuation) 36 .....td3+. Tatiana Kosintseva and after
18... <J;;f7 19...th4 J:lh8 20.tL:l6h5 35.tL:la8 J:la8 36.J:le5! 14 ...'it'h3 surpri si ngly opted for
'it'e5 21.<l;;d2 'it'b2 22 ...tf6 't!t'b4 Now it ' not . o easy anymore. 15 . ~d5 cd5 16.'\!t'f3 ~f5 17.'t!t'd5.
23.<J;;c1 J:lg8 24.tL:le2 e5 25 ..-tes 36 .•. ..td7 37.J:lh5 h6 38.J:lch1 Her Ru sian adver ary probably
't!t'e7 26 •..tc3 f4 27.tL:lhf4 ..tfS 'it'f3 39.J:lc1 'it'c6 40.J:lch1 ._.f3 suspected a prepared novelty and,
28. d4 ..tg6? 41.J:lc1 J:lf8 42.J:lh6 ~f5 43.J:ld6 instead of the known move
An unfortunate decision. b5 17 ... J:lae8, opted out with the less
28 .. ...te4! 29.J:lhe I J:tae8 30.f3 43 ...'t!t'f2 44.tL:ld5 ~e6 45.tL:lc7 good 17 ... J:ld8? and lo. t more or
J:lg3 3 1.J:le4 't!t'a3 32 ...tb2 'it'a5-+ ~g4 46.J:l f6 ... f6 47.~ f6 <l;;f6 le s without a chance.
e.g. 33 . de6 (otherwi se 33 ... 'it'g5 48 .J:lc4=. A s I remembered having written
is awkward) 33 ... c3 34 ..-ta I J:lf3. 44.J:ld5 ~e4 45.J:lb5 J:ld8 about thi years ago, I checked if
White's pieces lack ecure quares 45 ... 't!t'f2 46.J:le5! 't!t'e3 47 ...tb2 !:> there had been any new develop-
to operate from. 48.J:lfl =. ment after 17 ... J:tae8. And indeed,
29.<l;;b2? 46.tL:lh3 Wg6 47.tL:lg5 J:ld1 if you don ' t pay attention for a
Why White refrai ns from 29.tL:lg6! 48.tL:lf3 J:lc1 49.<l;;b2 J:lc2 while (well, 10+ years in my
is beyond me: 29 .. .'~i'a3 (or 50.<J;;a1 J:lc1 51.<l;;b2 J:lc2 case ... ), you will see th at thin g
29 ... <J;;g6 30.J:lh6! (did both players 51. .. J:lbl 52.<l;;a3 J:lb5 53.tL:le5 have happened.
overlook this shot?) 30 ... <l;;h6 <l;;h5 54.tL:lc4=. Moreover, I di scovered several
3 1.tL:lf5 <l;;g5 32.tL:le7) 30 ...tb2 ...a5 52.q;;a1 J:lc3?! correspondence games where after
Forum l:te2 25.'ir'e2 ~e2 26.l:te I 27 ... ~b7 27 ... ~d5 28.c4 'ii'b2
'ifh4! ? (26 ... f5 27.l:te2 't!t'h6 29.cd5 'it'a I =i=. 28.a4 28.'it'g3?
2'6 5~f\ ._f4 19 .~e \ gS~ ~dS 29.'tt'd6 'tt'dl 30.'t!fd5 l:te2
Chr.Ludwig-Reig Pinol, cr 2002) 3 1.'i#i>g3 'ilt'g I 32.'i#i>f4 'ifh2 33.'i#i>f5
27.l:te2 h5 28. ~ fl 'ir'f4 29.l:tf2 g5 l:te8-+. 28 ...'it'b2 29.l:ta3 'it'b1 =i=
30. 'iti>e2 'iti>g7 'ir'f5+ 30.'ii'f1 'it'g6 31 .c4 'i¥d6 32.l:te3
Sievilaeinen-Paine, cr 20 II . 'ii'h2 33.'i#i>e1 't!fg3 34.Wf2 l:te3
20 ... ~d7 21. 'ifg2 'ifhS 22.f3 35.~e3 'iff2 36.c;#;>t2 bc4 37.d6
~c6 23.g4 23.~f4? ~f3+; ~c6 37 ...'i#i>f8 38 .~d4 f6 39.g5=i=.
23.gf4? l:te6 2Hti>f2 l:tg6 25.'it'h l 38.a5 f6 39.f4 'i#i>f7 40.f5 c3
Wh4 26.clte3 'ifh3!+-+ unn. 40 ... We8 41. ~d2 'i#i>d7
42 .~b4=i=/= . 41. 'i#i>e2 ~bS 42. 'i#i>e1
h6 43.Wf2 'i#i>e8 44.~c5 Wd7
45.~a3 c2 46.'i#i>e3 ~c4 47.c;#;>t2
~f7 48.'i#i>e3 hS 49.gh5 ~hS
50.Wd2 ~g4 51 .'i#i>c2 ~fS
52.'i#i>d2 'i#i>c6 53 .~b4 'i#i>bS 54.d7
Hou Ylfan ~d7 55.~f8= g6 \12-\12
Wi ll we ever see 17. d5 again?
the continuation I dealt with in my
Forum contribution in Yearbook
50, 20.'ir'c6 ~d7 21.'ir'g2 'ir'h5
22.f3 ~c6 23.g4, instead of the How Novelties Are Born (2)
move 23 ... 'ir'h4, which is suffici ent
for a draw, the stronger 23 ... 'ir'g6! ? 23 ... 'ifg6!? 23 ... 'i¥g5oo Lehi- by Ahmed Odeev
was played. Black sacrifices his koinen-Sarink, cr 1990; 23 .. .'ii'h4 Gl4.1 (085)
~f4 , but the white queen ide re- 24.'iff2 ~h2= Skuja-Svagers, cr
main locked up. White eem to 1998 YB/50-17. 24.~f4 Today I should like to talk about an
have big problem here. In the! ~d2 25 .'ir'd2 ~ f3 important aspect of the psycholog-
game below he manages to achieve 26.h3 h5+. 24 ... l:te1 25.'iti>f2 ical preparation of che s players-
a draw in the endgame thanks to 'it'c2 26.~d2 26.rltg3? 'it'd3 'collective thinking', what this i
oppo ite-coloured bi hop , but 27 .a4 (27 .h3 f6-+-+ ) 27 ... ~ f3 and how it works.
there won ' t be any white player 28.'~'f2 ~g4 29.'i#i>g4 h5-+ . The theoretical formulation looks
wanting to play the variation like 26 ... l:te8 like this: 'collective thinking' is
thi s. when several people are united
not only by interests a nd other
Szczepanski,Zbigniew criteria, but also by a common
Ziese,Gerhard a im, a high aim , for which they
cr WS/GMN/01 0 2008 a re striving, because it is of in-
1.e4 eS 2. f3 li)c6 3.~ b5 a6 terest a nd a d vantageous to
4.~a4 lt)f6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.l:te1 bS them.
7.~b3 0-o 8.c3 dS 9.ed5 li)dS The importance of this type of
1 0. eS li)eS 11 .l:te5 c6 12.d4 thinking manifest it elf very
~d6 13.l:te1 'ir'h4 14.g3 'ir'h3 strongly in team competitions and
15.~d5 cdS 16.'it'f3 ~fS in matche for the World Champi-
17.'it'd5?! 17.'it'g2; . onship. But how can it be devel-
17... l:tae8 17 ... l:tad8? 18.'ir'g2 oped, how can the aims set before
'ir'h5 19.f3 ~h 3 20.'ir'f2\1!?< f5 27.d5 27.'ifg3 h6 28.b3 (28.a4 the team be better and more deeply g5 22.a4 f4 23.g4 'ifg6 ba4+) 28 ... 'ifd3 29.Wg I (29.'it'f4 realized? For this, training ses-
24.ab5 ab5 Hou 'ife2 30.'i#i>g3 'ifdl-+-+) 29 ... g5 sions have always exi ted, and it is
Yifan-T.Kosint eva, I tanbul ol (30.b4 l:te2-+) thi that I should like to dwell on in
W 20 12. 18.~d2 ~f4 19.l:te8 30 .. .'ifd2-+ C.Reis-L.Almiron , more detail.
l:te8 20.'ifc6 20.'i!t'g2 (? theory) cr2008; 27.a4 'ifd I 28 .~e30 'ifd3 Training essions are held with the
20 .. .'~!fh5 21.f3 ~d3 22.gf4 l:te6 29.ab5 ab5 30.d5 (3 0 .'~'fl 'ife3 aim of raising the standard of play-
23.~e3N (23.'i¥f2 ~e2+-) 31. ..tg3 h5-+ ) 30 ... ~d5 er , with the study, assimilation
23 ... l:te3 (23 ... l:tg6 l:te3-+ Nedoma-Kyhos, cr 2010. and processing of new materiaL
They also develop in the partici -
pant a en e of team spirit and the
main aim - 'collective thinking'.
9 ... 0-0
9 ... ttJc6? is bad because of I O.d5!
ltJe5 ll.h3 0-0 12.f4 ltJd7 13.ltJf3
b5N 1 4. ~d 3 c4 15 .~bl ~b7
.t..t. ~ •
~ ''
Another important factor is that
the di stractions of everyday li fe 16.0-0 a6 17.f5!± gf5 ? ( 17 ... ltJe5
are ab ent, also assi ting the more 18.ttJe5 ~e5 1 9. ~d4 'it'c7±; tf
effective development of a player. 17 .. ."i!r'a3 18 . ~h6 'it'd6 19. llf2 ~
At the se sion a working atmo- 'it'f6 20 . ~g7 'it'g7 2 l .llcfl ltJc5 ~ ~tt:J
sphere is established. On the fir t 22.ltJd4 llac8 23.f6 ef6 24.llf6 ~ l::t ~~~
day the regime and schedule of ltJd7 25.ll6f2±) 18.ltJd4! fe4
training studies i announced. Ac- 19.ltJf5 ttJe5 20.ltJg7 <i;g7 21.~d4 ~ l::t
quaintance is al o made with the f6 22. ~e5 fe5 23.'it'g5 and Black
training faciliti es- the training and can resign , E.Odeeva-S.Borc uz, 19... ltJf5!N
lecture room , sport hall , swim- cr 20 12. 19 .. ."it'c3.
ming pool and relaxation zone. 9 ... cd4!? is a very interesting 20.lld3 ltJe3
At the training essions, progress continuation: IO.cd4 'it'd2 20 ... lle8 2 1.0-0 e3 22.lle3 lle7
is made in theoretical and tactical ll . ~d2 0-0 12.ltJf3 ~g4 13 .~e3 23.lld I f5 24.lld5 'it'b6 25.lld7
preparation . Great attention i also c6 14.d5 ~ f3 15.gf3 ltJd4 ~f6 26.g3;!;.
devoted to phy ical preparation 16 . ~h 3 f5 17.Wfl f3!N 21 .lle3 'it'c7
and di ciplined education, and its ( 17 ... e6) 18.llc7 ltJd4 19.llb7 fe4 21... ~h6? ! 22Jld3 lle8 23 .0-0
observance in the future. 20.lle7 ltJ f5 2 1.lle4 llad8 'it'c5 24.~b3 lle7 25 .llfd I ~f8
And o thi year, for a econd time, 22. ~a7 lld5 23.lla4 ~e5 24. ~ f5 26.lld4 a5 (26... c3? 27.llc4 'it'a5
the Turkmeni tan correspondence llf5 25. ~e3 ~ f6 26.llc4, and al- 28.llc8+-; 26 ... 'it'c7 27.llc4 "i!r'b8
team gathered for training ses- thoug h White is a pawn up, the 28.lld7 Wg7 29.g3 f5 30.Wg2 a6
sions, preparing for the individual position is equal, Helmi 31.llcd4±) 27.llc4 'it'a3 28.g3 b5
and team champion hip of A ia Farshad-D.Lopes, cr 2012. 29.llc6 a4 30.~d5± .
and Africa . 1 O.ltJf3 lld8 11.d5 e6 22 .~b3 Wh8
For two week , ten players studied ll. .. ltJc6 12.h4 ( 1 2 . ~e2 e6 13.0-0 22 ... lle8 23.0-0 lle7 24.lld I ~ f8
the latest theoretical novelties and ed5 14.ed5 ~g4 15.llfd I e7 25.lld7 'it'c5 26.g3 Wg7 27 .lled3
open ing chemes in a splendid 16.c4 "i!r'd2 17 .lld2 ltJf5 1 8. ~f4 a5 28 .ltJd4 h5 29.a4;!;.
guest house in Chuli , a mountain lle8 19.h3 ~ f3 20. ~ f3 d4 23.o-o ~f8 24.lld3 lld8! 25.llfd1
resort which i. 20 kms. from the 21.llb I;!;) 12 ...h5 1 3 .~h6 'it'c7 25J:td8 'it'd8 26.l:td I ~d6 27.ltJd2
Turkmenistan capital, Ashkhabad. 1 4. ~g7 Wg7 15.'it'e3 ttJe5 'it'c7 28 .g3 'it'c6 29.ttJf3 Wg7
ow I invite you to a se s the re- 16.ltJe5 'it'e5 17.f4 'it'c7 1 8. ~e2 30. d4 'it'e4 3 1.ltJf5 gf5 32.lld6
sults of 'collective thinking' being a6 19.0-0 b5 20.f5! cl early fa- 'it'e l =.
employed in tournaments. vours White. 25 ... lld3 26.lld3 ~d6 27.ltJd2
12.~g5 f6 ~cs
Yazgeldiev,Kerim 12 ... lle8 13.d6 b5 14 .~h6 ~h8 27 ...~h2 28.Wfl ~d6 29.ltJe4 ~ f8
Tleptsok,Ruslan 15.h4 ltJd7 16.h5 llb8 1 7. ~e2 b4 30.lld7'it'e5 31.~d5 h5 32.We I
corr 2012 18.cb4 'it'b4 ( 18 ...llb4 19.0-0 ~b7 tt'h6 33.We2 'it'h5 34.f3 "i!r'h2
1.d4 ltJf6 2.c4 g6 3.ltJc3 d5 20. ~d3 lla4;!;) 19.'it'b4 llb4 35.e71!t'g2 36.ltJf2 ~e7 37.lle7 b5
4.cd5 ltJdS 5.e4 ttJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 20.ttJd2;!;. 38.lle8;!;.
7.~e3 c5 8.'i!r'd2 "i!r'a5 9.llc1 13.~e3 28.lld5 ~d6 29.ttJe4 112-112
1 3 .~f4 ed5 14.ed5 ~f5 15 .~e2 29 ... ~e7 30.lld7 'it'f4 3 1.g3 'i!r'e4
~e4 16.d6 ltJd7 17.h4 lle8 18.0-0 32.lle7 'i!r'bl 33.Wg2'it'e4= .
'it'a4 19.llbl !;!;.
13 ...ltJc61
13 ... ed5 14.ed5 ltJa6 1 5. ~e2 ~e6
16.c4 'it'd2 17.ltJd2 ~f7 18.0-0 f5 Midnight Chess with Houdini
19.llb I b6 20.a3 ltJc7 2 1 .~f4 with
a slight edge for White. a letter by Sorungbe A demo/a
14.~d3 ed5 15.ed5 c4 KP9.9 (C46)
15 ... ltJe7 16.c4 tt'd2 17.Wd2 b6
18.llhe l ltJf5 1 9 .~f4 ;!;. There are quite a number of lines
16.~c4 ~e6 17.lld1 ttJe7 that we know linle about , com-
18.de6 lld2 19.lld2 pared to the main lines. One such

line has in recent time caught my lld6? 28.lla8 'fic7??

fancy: the Cozio Variation of the 29.llh8 1-0
Ruy Lopez (3 .. .tiJge7 followed by I do think the Cozio idea i a viable
... g7-g6). In one of my games option and a good surprise ele-
against Houdini 2.0 I tried the ment. Little wonder that Magnus
'Cozio idea' in what looked like a Carlsen has been dusting up imi-
Scotch. It wa intere ting to see lar ideline . Study it, and you will
how the game panned out. Though be surprised to ee the intere ting
I lost eventually, either due to pos ibilitie it carries with it.
tiredne s (at about I am) or due to Best regards,
the obvious - playing strength. Sorungbe Ademola
On a serious note. I don ' t think Lagos, Nigeria
Houdini could have cracked that
po ition without my help. I acri-
ficed a pawn ju t after the opening
and got a rock olid po ition, with An Anti-Catalan Gambit
intere ting counterchances.
by Vladimir Okhotnik and Vladimir Okhotnlk In Budapest, 1989
Houdini 2.0 Pro w32 (3045) Martin Appleberry
Sorungbe Ademola CA 1.3 (E01) ome of these examples the play-
Lagos rapid 2012 ers didn ' t even realize that Black
1.e4 e5 2.tiJf3 c6 3.tiJc3 g6 If you are in need of a surpri se wa a pawn down! Let 's take a
4.d4 ed4 5. d4 ~g7 6.~e3 weapon again t the powerful Cata- fresh look at thi new idea.
lDge7 7.'i!t'd2 lan that doe n' t require a lifetime 6.de6
to learn, thi could be for you . Re- White has two other pos ibilities:
ignite your ches enthu ia m with A) 6 .~g2 and now :
thi zippy little urpri e gambit!
Virtually every line is OK for
Black with only one or two minor ~.t'it' • .t g
glitches requiring band-aids. This ~~ ~~~
surprise start already on move 5, ~~
yielding a high probability of
reaching the de. ired set-up every ~
time. ~
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.tiJf3 tiJf6 4.g3
c5 5.cd5 cd4!!?

7...d51? La t book move; 7 ... 0-0

8.0-0-0 d6 9.h4 hS IO. ~e2
l:te8;!;. 8.ed5 tiJd5 9.tiJc6 bc6 A I) 6 ... 'i!t'd5 7 .'i!t'd4 tiJc6 8.'i!t'd5
10.lDd5 cd5 IO .. .'~!t'dS 11.0-0-0 (8.'i!t'a4 ~b4 9.~d2 bS IO.'i!t'b3
_.d2 12 .~d2 ~e6;!;. 11 .~b5 ~f8 ~d2 ll.tiJ bd2;!;/= Hau er-Gach,
12.()-() d4 13.~f4 13.l:tad I ~g4 ICCF 2009) 8 ...tiJd5 9.0-0 b6
14.f3 ~e6 15.~f4;!;. 13... ~b7 IO.e4 tiJdb4 ll.tiJc3 ~a6 12.lld I
14.~c4 ~d5!? 15.~c7 'fic7 ~c5=;
16 .~d5 llb8 17.llfe1 h6 A2) 6...~b4 7 .~d2 tiJdS (7...~c5
18.lle4 ~f6 19.llae1 Wg7 8.tiJd4!;!;; 7...~d2 8.'i!t'd2 'i!fdS
20.b3 llhd8 21.~c4 aS 22.h4 9.'i!t'd4 (9.0-0!?) 9 ... tiJc6 IO.'it'dS! ?
h5 23.a4 llb4 With the idea of ( IO.'i!t'a4?! bS ll.'i!t'f4 e5 12.'W'd2
... l:tc4. 24.ll1 e2 To cover c2 and Thi unexpected pawn sacrifice ~b7 13.lDc3 'i!t'cS l lld8
free the queen, who can go for give Black active piece play. His 15.'W'g5 0-0 ( 15 ... h6?? 16.'i!t'g7
the aS-pawn in the event of initiative seems to equalize, with ~e7 17.'fif6 1-0 Michalet-
...l:tc4. 24 ... 'i!t'c5 25.g3 lldb8?! many chance for White to go Nuvoloni , Val Maubuee 1990)
Inaccurate. 25 ... llbb8 i a bit wrong. We found some games 16.0-0 h6 17 .'~h4 "f!/e7 t:.
better. I think. White can play for with 5 ... cd4 but these games had 18.tiJb5 ?! e4 19. el ~6 20.tDc3
a win now. 26 .~b5 lld8 27.lle8 too many errors. We think that in tiJd4~) IO... edS ll .tiJc3 ;!;) 8.tiJd4

'Wb6 9.tLlb3t/= Pol Valveny-Sal vat tLlb2 14.e3l:ld2 15.Wd2 tLla4 is=, ll.'ili'b I ( ll.'ili'd I ?! tLlb3 !+)
Ouch, Tarragona 1994; but White needs accuracy to hold ll. .. g6!?oo; ll. ..'ili'a5 12.tLld4!t.
A3) 6 ... 'it'a5!? 7.tLlbd2 'i!fd5 the game; 8 ... l:ld8 9.a3
8.0-0 ~e7!? (8 ... e5?! 9.tLlg5! B ) 9.~e3 tLlb6 (9 ... tLlc5 9.~g2 tLlb4 (9 ... h6! ? I O.a3)
(9.'it'c2!? tLlbd7 IO.tLlg5oo) IO.~csgg) IO.'i!fb5 tLlc4 and now: IO.tLla3 ~c5 11.0-0 0-0 ( ll...h6
9... 'i!fb5 I O.a4 'ir"b4 ll.b3 'ili'c3 81 ) ll.tLlc3 ~b4 ( ll. ..'ili'c8!?) 12.b3 tLle4 1 3.~b2 0-0 14.tLlb5t)
12. ~b2!-+) 9.b3! (9.tLlb3 e5 1 2.~g2 ( 12.'ili'b7?! l:lc8 1 3.~g2 12 .~g5 ( 12.b3 tLle4=) 12... a6~
I O.tLlfd4 'i!t'd7=) 9 ... tLlc6 tLlb2 1 4. ~d2 tLlc4=F) 12 .. .tLlb2 ( 12... tLla2 1 3.tLlc2 ~b3 14.tLld2!t)
IO.tLlc4t; 1 3.~d2 0-0 ( 13.. .tLlc4=F) 14.a3 a6 13. b3 b5=.
B) 6.'it'd4 ed5 (6 .. .'~i'd5 ?! 7.tLlc3 ( 14...'ili'a5 15.'ili'a5 ~as 16.tLlb5
'i!fd4 8.tLld4t Behrhor t-Burdet, ~b6 Black is OK)
Naujac 2003) 7. ~g2 tLlc6 8.'i!fd3 811 ) 15.'ili'b7?
~b4 9. ~d2 0-0=.
6... ~e6

9 ... g6!
A) 9... ~d5 IO.~g2 tLld4 ll.tLld4
~g2 1 ~e4 ( 12 ... ~h 3
15 ... tLld3! 16.ed3 ( 16.Wfl tLlc5 1 3.~e3 tLlg4 14.tLlc2) 13.tLlb5
17 .'t\Vc6 ~c3 1 8.~c3 l:lc8+) ~c5 14.tLJ5c3 ~c2 15.b4 ~d4
Variation A 16... ~c3 17.l:ldl 'it'd3 18.'it'bl 16.l:la2 ~b 3 Di Benedetto-
7.tLld4 ~c5 'ili'c4 19.tLlg5 g6 20. ~ fl 0 'ili'g4+; Hender on, San L uis zt 2007;
7... ~d5 ?! 8.f3 (8.tLl f3t/= Bunk- B 12) 15.'i!fh5 tLld3! ( 15 ... 'ili'a5!?) 16 ... ~f5=F ;
Sayer, Nuremberg 2002) 8... ~c5 b. 16.Wfl ~a5 17.l:lbl tLlde5!=F; 8 ) 9... tLla5 I O.tLlbd2 tLlb3
9.tLlc3 0-0=. 8 2) ll .'ili'b7 ?! ll .tLlb3 ~b3 1 2 . ~g5t Lainburg-
8.e3 ~g4 9.~e2 Mertins, Wei lburg 1998;
9.f3 ~d4 (9 ... ~d7~) IO.ed4 ~e6 C) 9... ~c5 and now:
ll . ~b5 t/=; C I ) I O. ~g5? tLle4=F b. ll. ~d8
9.'ili'a4 ~d7 IO.'ili'c4 ~d4 I J.ed4 ~f2 12.Wd l ~b3 13.Wc l ~e3
0-0 1 2.~g2 'ili'e7~. 14.tLlbd2 Wd8 15.a4 d2 16.tLld2
9...~h3! 10.~f3 ~d5 -+;
I O.tLlb3 'ili'e7gg. C2) I O.tLlbd20-0( 10... tLlg4!?t:;.
10... tLlbd711.~b7 0-0! ll .e3 ~e7) ll .e3l:l fe8 12.b4 ~d4
Two pawns are two pawn , yet 13.ed4 ~g4 1 4.~e2 l:le2 15.cJ.?e2
White, it seems, is crui sing for a tLld4 16.We30 tLlc2 17.We2
brui sing! Black is slightly better. tLla I =!=;
C3) I O.~g2 tLle4 ( I 0 ... 0-0t/=
Variation B M atveev-D. Panchen.ko, Ekaterin -
7.'ili'd4 tLlc6 ll. ..~d5 12.'ili'a6 'ili'd7 13.tLlc3 burg jr 2000) ll.e3 ~e7!= b.
7... 'i!fd4 8.tLld4 ~d5 9.f3 ~c5 tLlb4 1 4.~h3 'ili'h3 15.'ili'b5 'ili'd7 12... tLlc5;
I O.tLlb5 t Hirt-Kilian, Pari s 1993. 16.'ili'd7 Wd7 17.0-0-0 Wc6=F; C4) IO.tLlc3 tLlg4 ll.e3 ( ll.tLle4
8.'i!fd8 8 3) ll. ~g2 'ili'd7! ? (ll... ~b4 ~b6 12.h3 f5 b. 13. hg4? fe4
8.'i!fa4 tLld7 ! (this reminds us of 12.tLlc3 tLlb2 13.tLld2 'ili'd7 14.l:lc l 14. g5 tLld4-+) ll.. .tLJge5
the variation: l .d4 tLlf6 2.c4 e6 0-0oo/=) 12.tLlc3 a6 13.'ili'h5 tLle3 12.tLle5 tLle5 1 3. ~b5 We7 14.0-0
3.tLlf3 d5 4.g3 c6 5 .~g2 tLlbd7 1 4.fe3g6 1 S .'ili'h4 ~e7 1 6 . tLlg5 h6 ~h 3 15.l:ld I l:ld I 16.tLld I tLl f3
6.0-0 ~d6 7.tLl fd2!. 8... ~b4!? !:;. 17.l:ldl 'ili'c8 18.tLlce4 Wf8~ . ( 16 ... h5 17.b4 tLlf3 18.Whl h4 !?
9 .~d2 'ili'b6=) and now: C) 9.tLlc3 tLlc5 I O.'ili'c2 tLlb4 19 .~e2 ( 19.bc5?! hg3 20.fg3
A) 9.tLlg5!? ~b4 IO.tLlc3 tLlc5 ( I O... 'ili'a5 ll.a3 l:ld8 12.b4 tLlb4 ~ fl =F) 19 ... ~g4 20.bc5 hg3 2 1.h4;
ll .tLle6 tLla4 12. d8 l:ld8 1 3 . ~d2 13.ab4 tLld3 14.ed3 'ili'a l =) 2 l.Wg2 l:lh3! 22.tLlc30 tLlel

23 ...t;>g I gh2 24 ...t;>h I ttld3 25. ~d2

ttl f2 26 ...t;>g2 hI 27.l:rh I
ttlh I =i=/=) 17 .<;i;>h I l:rd8 l 8.~e2
ttle l ~e6 20.b4 ttlc2
2 1.l:rbl ~d6 22.~f3 ttle l 23. ~b7
~e5 24.~b2 ttld3 25. f4 ttlb2
26.fe5 tt:lc4 27.e4 l:rd3 28.ttlb5
(28.ttld5 ~d5 29 ...id5 tt:le5=)
28 ... tt:la3 29.ttla3 l:ra3=;
C5) IO.e3! give White an ad-
1O.ttlc3 ~g7 11 .~g2 0-0 12.0-0
l:rfe8 13.l:re1 h6 14.h3 ttld5!?=
14 ... tt:la5!?=; 14 ... b6 15.e4 ttld7=
Oren-Tavin ki, I CCF 2010.

ln closing, we noticed that White

can ea ily lo e quickl y here, right
out of the opening, but Black, Leon Pliester and his inseparable wife Teodora Enato
never. Happy Gambiteering! Tf
you obtain quick positive results cided to put all his card s on hi pa - ttla4oo 35.e6 ~a6 36 ...t;>g1 ~c4
we d like to hear from you. ion: che. ! He scored hi third 37.'fi'd1? A fatal mi take.
and final IM norm in the OHRA 37 ... ttlc5! -+ 38. c2 ttld3
Appendix Open in 1982 - tying for 5th place 39. ~a4 <;Pta 40.e7 t;Pg7 41.e8ttl
To be fair, it eem White can prof- with a.o. Mil e and Yusupov. The Wh8 42.'i!Vd1 ~a2 0-1
itably avoid the above Anti -Cata- gam e from the final round was cru - YB/22·84
lan Gambit with 5.~g2!. Black cial toward thi succes . It ' typi-
cannot force his way into the gam- cal of Pliester' active tyle Plie ter participated once in the
bit. Perhaps be t here i 5 ... ttlc6 Dutch Championship, but he is
6.0-0 ~e7, hoping to go into a nor- Saeed Saeed,Ahmed be t known in the etherland a
mal Tarra ch. Both 5 ... cd4 6.0-0 Pliester,Leon the inventor of the term po t-title-
with good compensation (Kram - Amsterdam 1982 {9) yndrome. A pl ayer accomplishes
nik agai nst Naiditsch, Turin Olym- 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.ttlc3 c6 his target and then experi ence
piad 2006) and 5 ...dc4 6.0-0! are 4.ttlf3 dc4 5.a4 ~b4 6.e3 b5 problem in defining new goal .
still t. 7.~d2 a5 8.ab5 ~c3 9 .~c3 Typically the psychologist in
The new monograph The Powe1jul cbS 10.b3 ~b7 11.bc4 b4 Plie ter.
Ca1alan by Bologan (publi hed by 12. ~b2 ttlf6 13 ...id3 ttlbd7 He was one of the fir t foreign
ew In Chess) give only 5.cd5 , 14.0-0 0-0 15.fl'c2 VJ!ic7 rna ter who encountered the
which could be inaccurate. 16.ttle5?! 16.e4 e5; 16.c5. Polgar sisters in Budapest. He in-
16! 17.de5 ttld7 18...ih7 troduced them to maecenas Joop
Wh8 19 ..1:lfd1 g6 20 ...ig6 fg6 van Oo terom . Later he also met
21. VJ!ig6 tt:lc5 22 .~d4 ttlb3 Bobby Fi ·cher in per on. Plie ter
Leon Pliester (1954-2012) 23. e6 23.l:rab l a4!. 23 ... l:rg8 did a lot of joumali tic work and
23 .. .'~g7 24. h3 h7 25.e6 wa renowned as an analy t and
by Rene 0/thof ttld4 26.'fi'h7 <;,f;>h7 27.ed4! - thi opening re earcher. His mono-
unique position with ix white graph on the Rubin tein Complex
The cbe s world ha ad ly lo t a and two black pas ed pawn of the imzo- lnd.i an wa tran -
colourful figure. On October 23, aro e in Kubala- M oroz, Deci n lated into Engli sh and publi shed
Dutch fM Leon Plie ter pa sed 1997. 24.f3?! a4? 24... g7; by In ide Che .
away at only 58 years of age, after 24 ... l:ra6. 25.~b2! Openi ng the These qualitie made Leon the
a long strugg le. He wa a great at- d-fi le. 25 ... a3 26.l:rd7 'fi'd7 ideal editor. He participated in the
tacker and also a talented writer. 27. d7 ab2 28.l:rb1 l:ra1 New In Chess project from the
Plie ter gradu ated in psychology 29.VJ!ih3 <;t,{g7 30.-efg4 Wf8 word go in 1984 and contributed
in the late 1970' but oon came to 31. f5 'it,{e8 32.<;i;>f2 l:rb1 no fewer than 133 Survey - the
reali ze that there wa hardly any 33. b1 !? 33.'f.*'e6 <;t,{f8 is a draw last one on the Dutch Defence in
employment in thi s field and de- by perpetual. 33 ... ttlc5 34.<;i;>f1 Yearbook I 04.
Ben·amin's Takes

Welcome Back ~g5,

We've Been Waiting For You
No opening has withstood the test well start with the wond ro u de-
of time better than the Najdorf velopment of the Deferred/De-
Sic ili an. It help of course that layed/Improved Poi oned Paw n.
Cai sic Olympians Fischer and Whatever you call it , the story i
Kas parov championed the fasc inating. In my ma ide n voyage
de fence. But even in an era where on Opening Takes, ' Hiding in
there i no one true Najdorf leader, Pl ain Sight ' (Yearbook 99), I de-
we till ee the po it ion after 5 ... a6 cribed how the game of great
in game of grandmasters and their player of the 50 and 60s in thi
fo llower . perfectl y pl ausible variation faded
But we do see ebb and tlow in what from the collecti ve consc iou. ness
happens after that. In the prev ious until some grandmaster brought it
by Joel Benjamin decade English Attack schemes out of hibernation decade later.
with 6 ..ie3 were all the rage for Rene Olthof went one better when
White. At orne point a shift oc- he antici pated the return of the Po i-
curred back to the o ld main line, soned Paw n with 7 ... h6, aski ng in
6 ..ig5 . I can ' t help but fee l . orne Yearbook 82 why thi s move order
nostalgic plea ure in seeing thi was so out of fa hion. In Yearbook
change because in my childhood I I 0 I and I 02 Olthof superbly sum-
would think of playing nothing but mari zed and explained the state of
6 ..ig5. Now I don' t know how the variati on. One subsequent de-
much this line's return retlect on
di sati fac tion with 6 ..ie3 or re-
newed optimism in 6 ..ig5. It is
somewhat of a mystery. My im-
pre sion over the year wa that
White could fo rce a draw in orne
lines but could not beat the Poi-
oned Paw n Variation. A White re-
turned to 6 ..ig5, Najdorf adherents
prepared a host of ori ginal and cre-
ati ve approaches. Were the e tored
up over time or respon es to the
greater demand? In any case, the
theoretical explosion is obviou . If
you thumb through the last few
Yearbook i sue you' ll get an idea
of how many new ideas are being
explored in grandmaster practice.
Since we have already bro ught up
the Poisoned Pawn , we might as M iguel Najdorf

Benjamin 's Opening Takes

velopment that might put a damper i now expo ed to attack on h4, giv-
on hi rosy outlook i the fo llow- ing Black resource with ... ltJe4.
ing game. 12.fe6
Thi exchange i. necessary be-
Berg,Emanuel cause 1 2 .~e2? run into 12...ltJe4,
Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime e.g. 13.0-0 c3 14. e4 ltJc6 and
G ibraltar 20 12 (10) Bl ack soon won, Vedmediuc-
1.e4 c5 2.tL!f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 Wojta zek, Ajx -le -Bains 20 I J.
4.ltJd4 ltJf6 5.ltJc3 a6 6.~g5 e6 12...fe6
7.f4 h6 8.~h4 ~b6 Black has al o captured 12 ... ~e6
in a few game . After 13.ltJe6 fe6, I
think I 4.eS is absolutely criti ca l.
Black an wers 14 ...deS and now
two game so far:
A) IS.'t'ig6 ~ f8 16..1::rb3 't'ic l
17.ltJd I 't'#'f4? (i t' not clear after like 17... bS or 17 ... ltJc6)
1 8 .~f6 ~ f6 19..1lb7 and White Emanuel Berg
won quickly in K.rzyzanowski -
Bul ki, L azy 20 12; but I S...~d8 is
al o an important question. 20 .~f3 ~d7 2 l .~g3 give White a
B) IS .~f6 ~f6 ( JS ... gf6 ! look nice initiative for a pawn probably
harder to crack: 16.~e2 (in case of good enough for a slight edge.
9. d3 16 .~g6 ~d 8 17.ltJe4 e3 1 8.~e2 15.Wh1 lLlbd7?
lt certainly make ense to put the cJ;;c7 Black is about to launch ma - In the future we might see I S.. .ltJc6
queen on d3 i f White wants to con- sive counterplay) 16...fS 1 7 .~hS tried here. White can proceed di-
tinue with f4-fS, because the cJ;;f8 18.0-0 l:th7 19.cJi;hl ~d6 rectly wi th 16.ltJc6 bc6 17.eS deS
g6-square w ill oon become weak- 20.~h3 (20.g4 ~d3 2 1.cd3 f4 1 8.~g6 ~d7 ( 18... c3 ? 19 ..1::rf3 i
ened. In the line 9.~d2 ~b2 22.d4 ed4 23.J:tf4 'itolg8 24 ..1::rd4 ltJc6 too dangerous for Black) 1 9.~f6
I OJ:tb I a3 ll .eS deS 12.feS gS 2S ..I::re4 and White ha about J:t f6 20 ..1::rf6 ~ f6 2 1 .~d3 e4 22.ltJe4
(12 ...ltJdS J3.ltJdS edS 14.e6 ~e6 enough for the pawn but not more (22.'t'ie4 Wg8 23.~h7 w f7 24.ltJe4
JS.ltJe6 fe6 16 . ~d 3 ~e7 i un- than that) 20... ltJd7 2 I.~g6 .l::rg7 ~d47) 22...~e8 23."ii 'g4 't'ie7 .
changed, still solid for Black) 22. h6 <,Pg8 23 ..1::rf3 ltJf6 24.J:th3 White has ome initiative but it's
J3.ef6 gh4 14.~e2 aS IS .0-0 <J;>f8 2S.ltJe4 ltJe4 26. h8 .l::rg8 hard to find anything ub tantial.
ltJd7 16 .~h l ~gS 17 ..1::rf4 eS 27 .~h6=) 16. g6 <,Pe7 17.ltJe4 16.ltJe6
18.ltJdS ed4 19. d4 Wd8, .l::rd8 18 .~d3 .l::rd3 19.0-0 .l::rd7 Black of cour e fe lt thi pawn wa
Ko teniuk-Ju Wenjun, alchik 20.ltJf6 e3 2 l.~h I gf6 and now indirectly defended. But the ur-
20 II , aw an attempt to improve in read of 22 ..1::rf6 (Carl son- pri se i sti ll to come.
on i ipeanu-Wojta zek, Aix- Penalver, Swedi h L eague 16 ...ltJe5 17.ltJf8! ltJd3 18.ltJg6
le -Bains 201 l , with 20.ltJe7, but I 20 1111 2) Wrute should play <,P h719. ~d3
don ' t think you could ay more for 22. ~f6 <,Pd6 23 ..1::rf3 'fVe2 24. f8
White than that the po ition i un- 'itolc7 2S.~cS! ltJc6 26.'iWb6 <,Pd6
clear (unle perhaps you have run (26 ...Wc8 27 ..1:lf8 ltJd8 28 ..1::rd8 .l::rd8
your chess engine on it all day). 29.'t'ib7X) 27 ..1::rd3 't'#'d3 28.cd3±.
There has al o been an uptick in the 13.~e2 0-0
ensible 9.a3 (9 ... ~2?? lO.ltJa4), ot 13 ... ltJe4 14.0-0 ltJc3 IS .'i!Vg6
a move which allow White to <,Pd8 16 .~e7+-.
bring hi bi hop back to f2 and play 14.0-0 <,PhS
ches . In hi s Survey Olthof recom- Thi i played to sidestep tactical
mended Black avert tactical prob- resources with ltJc3-dS w ith the
lem after 9... ltJbd7 I O. ~c4 with e7-bi hop hanging with check.
9... ~e7 , and Black ha done well in 14...liJc6 I S.ltJc6 bc6 16.ltJdS d3
foUowing his advice. ( 16 ... cS 1 7. ~ f2) 17.ltJe7 Wf7
9... b2 1O..l::rb1 a3 11.f5 ~e7 and now instead of 1 8. ~d 3 19... 'itolg6
This move hows a crucial differ- ( olodovnichenko-David , Milan Shockingly, another grandmaster
ence in Black's favour: the bishop 20 11) 18.cd3! 'itole7 19.eS deS walked into thi position three
days after our fea tured game. That 20.e5 Wh5 fl ex ibili ty in approach from here.
kind of thing was common long 20 ... Wf7 2 1.ef6 i.d8 (after Surprisingly Bl ack even pushes
ago but i pretty rare in the Internet 2 l...gf6 22.ttJd5 Black's defences .. .e7-e5 in a lot of games.
age. 19 .. ...id8 of Bobra - are crumbling. ln additio n to the 7."tWe2
Maximenko, Germany Bunde liga problem on the king ide, he can' t This fi ne se has become qu ite pop-
20 11 / 12, wa certainly a tougher move the bi hop without the rook ular, perhaps in respon e to the
nut to crack but not exactly prom- entering at b7) 22.fg7 <J5g7 23 ...id8 ' triple improvement' pos ibili tie
i ing. After 20.ttJd5 , 20 ... b5 "*'c3 24.l:rbe I White has a mating detailed in Yearbook 10 1& 102 by
proved in uffi cient after 2 1.ttJge7 net that wi II force Black to cough Tuncer and Burg, like 7.f4 c7
i.e7 22.ttJe7 i.b7 23 .i.f6 gf6 up materi al, e.g. 24 ...~e6 25 ...ie7 8."*'f3 h6 9 ...ih4 g5 !? IO.fg5 hg5
24.l%f6 ~a2 25.l:rbfl Wg7 26.l:rg6 ~c8 26 ...id6 "*'d7 27.-.ieS <J5g8 Jl...ig5 c5.
'iPh8 27 .e5 1-0; and 20 .. .~g6 28 ..l:lf6+ - . 7 ... b5
2 1.e5 'iPf7 22.ef6 sti II looks pretty 21 .ef6 i.f6 22 .~f6 gf6 23.l:rb3 This i one of the new approaches
hard if not imposs ible to defend. 23.ttJd5 i al. o puni hing but where Blac k e chews the tradi -
20 ... ttJd5 i the onl y chance; after Berg' method is just fine. tional ... e7-e6. The acce lerated
2 1.ed5 i.h4 White has many 23 ... ~a5 24.J:rf6 i.d7 25.ttJe4 queensideex pan, io n leads to quite
pro mising continuati on but I White threatens mate with i.e2 ori ginal pl ay.
do n' t see a forced win . and l:rh3 o Black i already re- A decided ly newfangled method i.
duced to desperati on. repre ented by 7 ... h6 8.i.h4
25 ... ..ig4 26.h3 J:rg8 27.hg4 (8 ...if6 ttJ f6 9.0-0-0 e5 IO.ttJf5 g6
J:rg4 28 ...ie2 e1 29.Wh2 1-0 I I .ttJe3 i.e6 eem fi ne fo r Blac k,
Bl ack is certainl y going to have to Motylev-Wojtaszek, Poikov ky
avoid the queen sacrifice in the fu- 201 2) and now 8 ...g6!?. It eem
ture. He can try 14 ... ttJc6or deviate Black wa nts ome strange Dragon,
earlier with the bi hop capturing but there foll ow 9.0-0-0 e5
o n e6. White seem to have to ven- IO.ttJb3 ..ie7 with play akin to a
ture 16.e5 to get anything, and 6 ...ie3 e5 ajdorf.
while the position i certai nl y dan- 8.0-0-0
gerous, Black has typical Poisoned 8.ttJd5 i.b79 ...if6 ttJf6 10. f6ef6
Paw n re ources. ll. a4 ba4 12.l:ra4 ..ie7 13. g4 g6
A) 22.l:rf8 ~ f5! 23.i.f5 J:[ f8 14 ...ic4 d5?! 15.ed5 ..idS 16.0-0
24.ttJf8 ,.Pg8 25 .ttJg6=; Another theoretical development 0-0 17.l:rdl with a clear edge for
B) 22 .ttJh4 ~g8 23 .ttJg6 i.d7 occurred in parallel, with some of White Yolokitin-AI Sayed, Istan-
24.l:r b7 i.b5 25.J:ra7 l:rb8 26 .~b5 the ajdorf stalwarts participating bul Ol ympi ad 20 12.
l:rb5 27.J:ra8 'ito>h7 28.ttJf8 Wg8 in both trends. 8 .....ib7 9 ...if6
29.ttJe6 Wh7 30. h4 J:rd5 3 1.J:rf7
Wg6 32. J:raf8 "*'c3 33. l:rg7 (not Kokarev,Dmitry
33.ttJf4 c;t;>h7 34.ttJd5 e I and Wang Hao
Blac k will colle t the kni ght) Sochi tt 2012 (2)
33... g7 34.ttJg7 Wg7 and White 1.e4 c5 2.ttJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ttJd4
probably can ' t win the endgame; ttJf6 5.ttJc3 a6 6 ...ig5 ttJbd7
C) 22.l:rb3 c5 (22.. . b3
23.ab3 i.f6 24.J:re I+-) 23.ttJe7
i.f5 (forced) 24 .-.ifS (24.ttJf5 ..if6
25 .ttJg7 </:;g7 26.l:rb7 ~g8 27.l:r f6
J:re8 doesn' t look like enough for
White to win either) 24 ...~ h 8
25.ttJg6 ~g8 26.l:rb7 (26.ttJh4
"*'c4 will force White to ta ke a per-
petual) 26 ...h5 with good pl ay fo r
White but no kn ocko ut.
Bu t 19... c3 won' t wo rk :
20.ttJe7 Wh8 (20 ... "*'e5 2 1.l:r f6
gf6 22 ...if6+-) 2 1.e5 ttJ h7
22 .ed6 and Bl ack will not hold Thi s move ha become very fas h-
out ve ry lo ng. ionable, as Bl ac k retains a certain Wang Hao

Benjamin's Opening Takes

After 9.f4 e5 I O.lLlf5 ~b6 it look zhou 2012: 14 ...h6 ( 14 ... lLle4 is
like White need to play lLld5 at ri sky but perhaps playable:
orne point, but G.Kuzmin - 15. lLle4 ~h4 16.lLle6! fe6 17.lLld6
Vitiugov, Soc hi tt-2 2007, contin- We7 18.lLlb7 it'b7 19. ~g2 ~c7
ued ll .g3 J:l.c8 12. ~g2 g6 13.lLle3 20.~a8 J:l.a8 21.Wb I looks nicer
J:lc3 14.bc3 ...a5 with good com- for White) 15.J:I.g I g5 16.fg5
pen at ion for the exchange. hg5 ?! (16 ...lLlh7 17. ~ f2 hg5
9... gf6 18.lLl f3 lLle5 19 .~d4 looked solid
9... f6 look ri sky; I O.f4 (the for Black in Wang Hao-Li Chao,
problem i that ... e7-e5 is not play- Beijing 2009) 17 .~g5 c5 18.h4!
able now) I O... b4 ll.lLld5 lLld5 lLl fe4 19.lLle4 lL!e4 ( 19 ... ~e4
12.ed5 'if'a5 13.Wbl ~d5 14.lLlb3 20.~e7 ~e7 21.b4 d5 22.bc5
~b3 15.ab3 Gro zpeter-ldani, Wang Hao ha maintained a dy- ...c5 23.~el and Bl ack ha in uf-
Kecskemet 20 12; White is ready to namic equilibrium and now takes ficient compensation for the
pound the light squares before control with a spectacular finish. piece) 20 .~e7 ~e7 21. ~g2 d5
Black get developed. 30 ... 0-0! 31 .hg6 fg4 32.J:I.f8 ~f8 22. ~e4 de4 23.lLlb5! ab5 24 .~b5
10.~h5 J:l.c8 11.lLld5 lL!c5 33.J:I.t2 ,.Pg7 34.J:I.f7 Wg6 ~f8 25.J:I.d7 ~a6 26 ....e5 27.g5
12 .~e2 lL!e4 35.J:I.e7 g3 36.J:I.e8 ~f7 37.J:I.c8 and White soon crashed through .
The po it ion i not for the faint of g2 0-1 White can al so try the immediate
heart. A ubsequent game pro- 12.g4 if he is prepared to acrifice
duced more exciting play : 12 ... e6 Volokit in,Andrey his knight - 12 ... b4 13.lLld5 - a
13.~g4 f5 14.ef5 ed5 15.J:I.hel Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar ha happened in a few game .
e4 16.f6 J:l.c4 17.f3 ... f6 18.fe4 Eilat It 2012 (1) 12 ... b4
de4 19.<lo>b I J:l.d4 20.J:I.d4 ~d4 1.e4 c5 2.lLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 Marnedyarov i n' t backing down
21. ... f5 ~e7 22 .~d7 Wf8 4. d4 lL!f 6 5.lLlc3 a6 6. ~e3 either. It's too early to come to an
2H!t'b7 ~ f6 24.c3 ~d3 25. Wal I'm very curious about why asses rnent of 12 ... e5 13.lLld5
Q;g7=, Adhiban-Deba hi , Volokitin, clearly quite comfort- lLld5 14.ed5 , but I ' ll give one
Kolkata ch-I D 2012. able in the 6 . ~g5 line, decided to trange example where the
13.J:I.he1 J:l.c5 14.lLlb3 te t Mamedyarov with thi s move. d4-knight seemed to hang in the
If Shak had opted for 6 ... e6 or air for several move : 14... c5
6... e5 we would have been de- 15.f6 gf6 16 .~ f6 J:l.g8 17 .h3 J:l.g6
prived of a rna terpiece. 18. ~h4 ~e7 19. ~h5 ~h4
6 ...lL!g4 7.~c1 lLlf6 8.~g5 20.~h4 ed4 21.J:I.el Wf8 22 .... h7
lLlbd7 9.~e2 e6 ~f5 23 .~h8 J:l.g8 24 .~h6 J:l.g7
Black tay with a more conven - 25.~h8 with a perpetual ,
tional set-up, but with the queen on Kurnosov- Korobov, Sochi tt
e2 in tead of f3, there i a lot of 2012.
new ground to explore. 13.fe6 bc3 14.ed7 lLld7 15 .~c4
10.0-0-0 ~c711 .f4 b512.f5 cb2 16.Wb1 c5
Yolokitin comes right at him. In
everal games White ha lowed
thing s down with 12.a3 (in the e
14... J:I.d5 15.J:I.d5 e5! games the move numbers are al-
Wang Hao find a clever and origi- tered to match Yolokitin 's repeti -
nal an wer to White's attacking tion) 12 ... ~e7 13 .g4 ~b7 14. ~h4
ambition . By controlling central (in the Petrov Memorial Rapid
quare with his wall of pawns, he tournament earlier thi year
offset White's edge in develop- Shirov played the more conven-
ment. tional continuation 14 .~ f6 ~ f6
16.J:I.d3 lL!f2 17.J:I.f3 lL!e4 15.g5 against Jvanchuk; after
18 .~d3 lL!g5 19.J:I.f2 ~e7 15 .. .~d4 16.J:I.d4 e5 play was
20.~f5 ~b6 21.J:I.d2 d5 22.Wb1 about equal). Thi s position has
h6 23.h4 e4 24.~e4 de4 been conte ted in several games This appear to be a novelty, and
25.J:I.de2 ~e6 26.lLld2 f5 between Chine e players, the an under tandable one when you
27.J:I.f1 ~c8 28.g4 ~g6 29.~g6 rno t pectacular of which was consider it is the first to pop up on
fg6 30.h5 Zhao Jun-Zhou Jianchao, Dan- the chess engines. 16 .. .~c4
17 .~c4 tDe5 18 .~d5 .l:r.a7 wa 32 ... ~f8 33 ..1:r.e8 h5 (33 ... .1:r.b7
A hwin-Idani, Kecskemet 2012. 34.<j;bl ) 34.~f7 <j;f7 35 ..1:r.a8 .l:r.h6
17.e5 .l:r.b8 36 ..1:r.a6. Black will never generate
Thi i a piau ible reply, getting counterplay becau e hi bi hop i
out of the way of trouble on the di- so vulnerable.
agonal . After l7 ... de5 we could 32 ... l:r.f8
ee a very forcing seq uence: Even here 32 ... ~ f8 is relatively
18.tD b5 (18 .'ifd5 ~b7 19.tDb5 better but White can win in more
'ifb8 Black ha rebuffed the attack or le s the same way as in the pre-
and will go on the offensive) viou note.
18 ... ab5 19.'ifd5 f6 20. ~b5 We7 33 . .1:r.f8 ~f8 34.g4! 1-o
21.~e3 e4 22.'ife4 .l:r.b8 If you tum on your chess engine
23.~a4oo; 17 ... h6. 26 ... 'iWd7 27 .'iWd6! and wins. It's here, you may see only a light ad-
18.ed6 ~d6 19. .1:r.e1 8 actually lightly rea uring that vantage for White before your
White ha eliminated ca tling, but Yolokitin mis ed this win a it in- mon ter reaches sufficient depth .
the black king is sitting behind a dicates he must have been working To human eyes, however, it i obvi-
olid wall of pawns and it isn't ob- out something at the board. ous that Black 's paralyzed po i-
viou how white will generate 24 ... .1:r.e7 25.tDc6 ~b7 26. 'i!t'c5 tion offers no hope at all.
threats. ~c5 27.tDd8 ~d5 28 . .1:r.d1 ~e4
20.~d3 h6 21.~d8!! In case of 28 ... .1:r.e5 29 ..1:r.f5 .l:r.f5 Najdorf player have been chal-
30.~f5 ~g8 31 ..1:r.d7 White retai ns lenging the conventional wisdom

.i. ~

an initiative with no risk at all.
Black i safe after 29.~e4 .l:r.e4.
29 ... .1:1.17??
in the cia. ical main line as well.

Ju Wenjun
He had to go for 29 ... ~g6 30.tDh8 Ankara 2012 (10)
~ ~e8 when White will have to play 1.e4 c5 2.tDf3 d6 3.d4 cd4
'ii'ttJ without hi knight for a while. 4.tDd4 tDf6 5.tDc3 a6 6.~g5 e6
~ Black probably can't reel in that 7.f4 ~e7 8.'it'f3 'it'c7 9.0-0-Q
£!:,£!:, piece but he will have two bishops tDbd7 1 O.g4 b5 11 .~f6 tDf6
t!:. i t!:. to play with. 12.g5 tDd7 13.f5 0-0
~ l:t l:t 30 ..I:r.fe11!

An amazing concept. Volok:itin

give a piece to distract the queen
from the defence of f7
21 ... 'ir'd8 22 . .1:r.hf1 .l:r.b7
Black ha terrible problems de-
fending his fir t two rank .
22 ... 'ifd7 23.~f5 'ir'a4 24.'ir'f7!
<j;f7 25.b7 with mate to follow is
one spectacular illustration. On
22 .. .f6, 23 .tDc6 should be good
23.~g6 f6 Black wouldn ' t have an easy time There are many Sicilian variations
Or 23 ... 'ir'c7 24. 'ir'd5 with no good after the routine recapture 30.~e4. where Black castle king ide in the
defence to the threat of 25 ..1:r.f7. but the second startling sacrifice of face of a pawn storm, and there i
24.'ir'd5? the game end the truggle. precedence for it even in 6. ~g5
Thi brings an attractive threat of 30 ... ~c2 Najdorfs (as detailed in Olthof'
1i'd6, but enables Black to mount a 30 ...~g6 3l ..l:r.d8 is mate, but after survey inYearbook 103). But the
defence. 24.tDc6 lead to a forced 30 ... f5 31 ..1:r.d8 <j;e7 32 ..1:r.h8 .l:r.f6 two main moves, 13 ...tDc5 and
win: 24 ... 'it'd? 25 ..1:r.e2 'it'c6 (if 33 .~f5 White hould win rou- 13 ... ~g5, have become so in-
25 ... tDe6 26 ..1:r.fel ~e5 27.tDe5 fe5 tinely a well. grained that few have thought to
28 ..1:r.e5 White' attack is irresist- 31.<j;c2 <j;g8 32 . .1:r.d8 question the conventional wi -
ible) and now the gorgeou White could also win with 32 ..1:r.d5, dom. But the Chine e WGM Ju
26.'ir'd5!! dominating the bishop, e.g. Wenjun, whi le still in her teens,
Benjamin's Opening Takes

Obviously not prepared for the 28.l:tf7 l:tg3 (28 ... fe4 29.l:tgg7)
acrifice, Ju choo es a logical de- 29.hg3 l:tg8 30.l:tf6 fe4 31 ...Q.e2
fensive move with an unfortunate with an edge for White.
and obviou flaw. Black also can't So player without total recall
be swayed by the computer's early might prefer 21 ... ~e4 22.-..gS
choice, 17 ... ..Q.d8 18.l:th3 h6 l:tg8 l:tg8 24.l:thg I ..Q.fS
19.gh6 it'f2 and the now the fi- and Black ha more or les enough
nes e 20.'0i;>dl! leaves Black for the exchange.
defensele . 18.fe6 tt:le5 19.ef7
So 17 ... ..Q.f6 is the only defence, 19. eS? ..Q.e6 i only wi hful
with two pos ibilitie for White: thinking for Black
A) 18.eS deS (not 18 ... ..Q.eS?? 19... ttJf7 20 ...Q.c4 c;t;>h8 20.'.,h7 Wh7 White i already winning.
21.l:th3X, but 18 ...g6 19.'.,h4 ..Q.eS 20 .....Q.e6 21 ...Q.e6 ..Q.g5 22. 'W'g5 Wh8 21.fg6 fg6 l:te6 'ifi>fB 24.-..d5 'ifi>e7
.,Pg8 lead to a draw) 25.-..aB -..12 26.-..b7 'ifi>f6
Ju Wenjun 19.l:th3 h6 20.gh6 ... f2 2 1.c;t;>dl !? 27. a6 -..f4 28.Wb1 -..e4
(2 1...Q.e2 -..f4 22.c;t;>b 1 h6 29 ....f1 c;t;>g6 30.l:tg3 1-Q
pioneered thi audacious new 23 .1!i'h6 gh6 24.fe6 ~gS 2S.l:tgl
approach . Wg7 26.l:tc3 fe6 27 .h4;!;) 21 ... g6 The trategy of 'ca tling into it'
There i not much new to say about 22.fg6 ..Q.b7 23.g7 ..Q.c6 24.'it'g4 has spread to other lines, particu-
mo t white trie ince the Survey. .,Ph7 2S.gf8tt:l tt:l f8 26 ...Q.d3 e4 larly involving an early ... h7-h6.
Carrying out White' threat with (26 ... tt:lg6 27.l:tfl +-) 27 ...Q.e4
14.fe6 fe6 ..Q.gS 16.<.ti>bl ..Q.e4 28.-..e4 l!i'fS 29.1!i'fS efS and Stellwagen,Daniel
l:tf3 17 .tt:lc7 l:tb8 still has made no the forcing line emptie into an un- Kempinski,Robert
impact. There's nothing new in the clear endgame; Germany Bundesliga 2010/11 (10)
harp line 14.f6 gf6 IS.gf6 tt:lf6 B) 18.gf6 tt:lf6 19.'ith4 ..Q.b7 1.e4 c5 d6 3.d4 cd4
16.eS deS ..Q.b7! (Solak-Ju c;t;>h8 21.l:tg3 and now we tt:lf6 a6 6 •..Q.g5 e6
Wenjun, Moscow 20 12), Ju 's im- have another crossroads. The greedy 7.f4 ..Q.e7 s .-..f3 h6 9 ...Q.h4 'ifc7
provement on 17 .. .<iPh8 from 21 ... 'W'd4 looks good at first: 1 0.0-0-0 tt:lbd7
Shirov-Huschenbeth, Berlin 2012. 22 ...Q.d3 l:tae8 23.l:thg l l:te724.l:tg7. Thi position could be reached of
White ha till not demonstrated course by a variety of move order .
anything special after 14.l:tg I b4 Now ll.g4 walks into ll ... gS eS 16.f6 ed4 17.fe7 l:te8 12.fgS tt:leS. But ..Q.e2 has always tt:leS 19.1!i'f4 ..Q.e6. But been considered effective when
Kosint eva, who had faced Ju 's Black plays ... h7-h6.
line before, prepared an idea that 11 ...Q.e2
threatens to rock the foundations Here the traditional continuations
of our underdog variation. lack promi e for Black. White has
14.'W'h5 b4 15.l:td3!? scored con i tently after ll ... bS
Kosint eva prepares a very direct 12 ...Q.f6 tt:l f6 13.eS ..Q.b7 14.'.Wg3,
attempt at refutation . while ll ... gSI2.fgS tt:leSI3.'ifg3
15•.. bc3 16.l:tc3 'itb6 l:tg8 f3 i quite pleasant for
l:te8?? White as well.
Perhaps it is only surprising to the
computer that Black ha great dif-
ficulties defending here. He could
have the arne po ition with the
rook on a8 in read of f8, but it
doesn't seem to help.
24 ... efS (the computer hows an
unlikely ave: 24 ... l:tee8 2S.'W'h6
l:tg8 26.l:t I g3 l:tc8! 27 .c3 l:tc3
28.bc3 "Wc3 29.c;t;>dl 'ifal 30.c;t;>e2
"Wb2=) 2S.'ifh6 l:tee8 (2S ... fe4
26.l:t7g3) 26.c3 "WeS 27.l:t I g3l:tg8
11 ... 0-0!? B) 14.ttJf5 ~ f5 15.ef5 .llac8
In the age of the chess engine, 16.ttfr>bl ttJa417 .ttJa4 'ifc2 18.<iPal
players demand proof that uch e4! 19.ttJb6 .llc6 20.ttJd7 .llfc8
moves are bad. The pawn on h6 21.a3 ttJd7 22 .~e7 llb6 23 ..1lb I
provides a target for opening lines. ef3 and Black eventually won in
But it also help the f6-knight the endgame, Sammour Hasbun-
stand it ground again tan onru h- Ludwig, USCL 2009 ;
ing g- pawn . White has a funda- C) 14.fe5 de5 15 .ttJf5 ~f5
mental deci ion of pawn storm or 16.ef5 .llac8 17 ..llhe I ttJcd7 (in the
play in the centre. event of 17 ...ttJa4 18.'.-e5 ttJc3
12..1lhe1 19.'i!t'c7 .llc7 20.bc3 ~a3 21.<iPd2
Shirov predictably launched his White ha orne edge in the end-
pawns with 12.g4 b5 13.g5 ttJh7 ing, Potsch-Chlost, Police 20 I I)
( 13 ...hg5 looks stronger; 14.fg5 18.<iPb l .ll fe8 19 ..1le2 b5 20. ~ f6
e5 or L4.~g5 b4) and now Shirov ~f6 21.ttJd5 'ifc4 22.ttJe3 'ifc7
went for a murky piece acrifice 23.ttJd5 "ifc4 (K.Wang-Ludwig,
with 14.gh6!?, though 14."ifh3 hg5 Los Angeles 20 12) . White took a
15. 6 fe6 16."ife6 <iPh8 17."ife7 draw by repetition but 24.c3 with Robert Kemplnskl
gh4 18 ..1lhg I seem to offer a pleas- the idea of 25 ..1le4 looks a bit
ant initiative fo r the piece, better for White.
Shirov-Kempinski , War aw 20 10. 12 ... .1le8 Black gets all pinned up after thi
In the arne event Kempinski faced Black obtained a comfortable po- move, but there is no ea y solution .
12 .~g3 , hoping to freeze Black's ition after 12 ... b5 13.'ifg3 ~b7 19 ... <iPh7 20 ..1ld I ttJfe4 21. ~d8
piece with the threat of a central 14.~ f3 ttJb6 15.e5 de5 16.fe5 g3 22. ~b6 e4 23. ~g4 cost
advance: 12 ... ttJh7 (12 ... b5 is in- ttJfd5 17 . ~e7 'i!t'e7 18 .~d5 Black material. 19 ... <iPh8 20 ..1ld I
tere ting because the typical queen ( 18.ttJe4 wou ld be more challeng- is simi lar, while 19 .. .<1t>f8 20 ..1ld I
acrificedoe n' t look so clear after ing) 18...~d5 19.ttJf5 ef5 20.ttJd5 ttJce4 21. ~e4 ttJe4 22.'ifa3 'i!t'd6
13.e5 ~b7 14.ef6 ~f3 15.fe7 ~g2 ttJd5 2l ..lld5 .llad8 with a 23.ti'e3 ttJg5 24.ttJ b6 is also much
16.ef8"if t;Jf8 17 ..1lhgl b4) 13 .~d3 comfortable po ition for Black, better for White.
b5 14.e5 ~b7 15 .~h7 <iPh7 Berelowitsch-Bogner, Germany 20 ..1ld1 Wh7 21 .ttJf6 gf6
16.'i!t'd3 <iPg8 17.ttJe6 fe6 18.ed6 Bunde liga 2011112. 22.~h5
~d6 19.'ifd6 "ifd6 20.lld6 ttJc5 However, I prefer the pieces to the Or 22 .~b7 .lla7 23.'it'b3 'fke7
with excellent chance for Black to queen after 13.e5 ~b7 14.ef6 ~ f3 24 .~f2 ttJc5 25 .~c5 ti'b7 26 .~a7
draw, but he even managed to win 15.fe7. 'ifa7 with a likely eventual win for
the game! (Ga himov- Kempinski, 13.'i!t'g3 ttJc5 14.~f3 e5 15.fe5 White.
War aw rapid 20 I0, round 7). deS 16.ttJt5 ~f5 17.ef5 ~dB? 22 ....1lg8 23.'ikb3 'ife7
12....g3 issimilartothe text contin- Se n ible on the urface, but In a bad position Black does not
uation. Black can actually 'over- Black is virtually lost after thi s find optimal defensive moves.
look ' the threat with 12...b5 13.ttJd5 error. Kempin ki had to play 23 ... .1lc8 was best here, and
d5 ( 13 ...ed5 ? 14.ttJf5 i the idea) 17 .. .ttJcd7 , akin to the Wang- 24 ... .1lg7 on the next move.
14.ed5 ~h4 15."ifh4 ttJb6 16.~f3 Ludwig game, when Black i 24.~17 .llgd8? 25."i!t'e6 "i!t'e6
ttJd5 17 .~d5 ed5 18 ..1lhe I ~d7 clo e to equal. 26.fe6 c;t;>g7 27.~h5 1-o
19.f5 .llae8 20.f6 ,..d8 21..1le7 gf6
22.lle8 .lle8 23."ifh6 and Black ' Najdorf fan s may be displeased
ugly pawn structure gave White a that most of the featured games
slight pull , Swiercz-Banika , ended in cru hing defeats, but they
Rijeka Ech 20 I0. need not be di couraged. 6.~g5
Usual i 12... ttJc5 13 .~f3 e5 with punter are reacting to the new set-
three possibi lities: ups with new ideas of their own
A) 14.ttJde2 ~e6 15.f5 ~c4 that can produce flash and mash if
16.~f6 ~f6 17.b3 ~e2 1 8.~e2 not met properly. But in all cases
.llac8 19.ttJd5 ~g5 20.'wPbl ttJe4 Black has resources, . orne already
2l .ttJc7 ttJg3 22.hg3 .llc7 23 ..1ld6 demon trated over the board . The
e4 24.c4 .lle8 25 ..1lhd I Wf8 V2-V2 Najdorf has that elu ive quality, al-
Bobras-Bogner, Germany Bundes- ways ebbing and flowin g but never
liga 2011112; 18 ..1ld8! 'ifd8 19.ttJd5 ttJcd7 fading away.
Kuzmin's Harvest

Grand Slam in America and Europe

(Opening Episodes)

In terms of opening battles, the

Grand Slam final rather di sap-
pointed me. Apparently most of
the contestants had decided to
transfer the weight of the struggle
either to the other tages of the
game, or to other tournaments.
Compared with the fascinating
race of the leaders Caruana and
Carlsen and the inten e creative
truggle in the middlegame and the
by Alexey Kuzmin endgame, the opening battles were
not distingui shed by a wealth of
new ideas. And had it not been for
the games of Levon Aronian, my
harvest would have been alto-
gether meagre ...
Levon Aronlan
Saint Mesrop Mashtots Order
The Armenian Pre ident Serzh
Sargsian conferred high state ries. Mesrop had turned thirty
awards on the members of the Ar- when he gave up serving in the
menian team which won the World royal court, became a monk and
Chess Olympiad in Istanbul. began preaching the Gospel to Ar-
Levon Aronian became a holder of menian heathens. He devoted
the Order of St Mesrop Mashtots. nearly 50 years to the preaching of
I envy the lads in the Armenian Christianity and thirty-five years
team. I envy them and am proud of to the propagation of the written
them. I am proud that there is a Armenian lang uage, which he had
country where chess is officially created. I would not venture even
recognized as a part of culture. to try and li t all the historical
Where the president of the country deeds of this remarkable man.
make awards to outstanding chess When in the year 440 Mesrop
player ,j ust like musicians, scien- Mashtots completed hi earthly
tist and writers! It is in such a life, he was buried with great hon-
country that they live! our in the village of Oshakan,
Mesrop Ma htots, creator of the where oon on the burial site a
Armenian alphabet, founder of church was built. It i not far from
Armenian writing and literature, Yerevan . Later the Armenian
missionary and translator, lived Apostolic Church made Mesrop
between the fourth and fifth centu- Ma htots a saint.

And in 1993, oon after Annenia 11.ttJe5! ttJfd7 12.Q-O ttJe5 18 ... cb3!? 1 9 .~g5 ttJe5! 20.l:te5
acquired the statu of an independ- 13.de5 ttJd7 l:td I 21.'ii'd I b2, although it is hard
ent country, the Order of Saint to believe that Black has full com-
Me rop Ma. htot wa establi hed. pen ation.
It is awarded for out tanding 19.bc4
achievements in the fields of cul- The extra exchange is a more im-
ture, public ervice, invention etc. portant factor than the weakness of
A third Olympiad gold cannot be the long diagonaL White ha the
called other than an 'outstanding advantage.
achievement ' ! And as regard in-
vention, in the Grand Slam tourna- Cross roads
ment too the holder of the award The variation which occurred in
rose to the occasion in the creative thi game i ituated at the inter-
sense. Nearly all the games which section of two road . The first of
drew attention by their opening them begin with l.e4 c6...
ideas were in fact played by 14.l:te1 I A new defence, an invention of
Aronian! The subsequent combinative play Horatio Caro and Marcu Kann,
is of a forcing nature. appeared more than 125 year
Aronian,Levon 14... dc415.~a8 'ii'a8 ago. About the move l...c6 the
Karjakin,Sergey September i ue of Chess
Sao Paulo 2012 (1) Monthly in 1888 wrote: 'Thi s
1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 e6 3.ttJf3 b6 4.g3 move was introduced by Herr
~a6 5.b3 ~b4 6.~d2 ~e7 Kann from Pe t and later brought
7.ttJc3 o-o 8.~g2 into practice by Herr Caro from
White u ually a ociates his at- Berlin' . At the turn of the
tempt with 8.l:tcl , and more 1920s- 1930 the Soviet master
rarely with 8."it"c2 or 8.e4. Yasily Panov developed the plan
8 ... c6 9.e4!? d5 3.ed5 cd5 4 .c4, which wa soon
It used to be thought that this blow named after him. But the idea of
at the centre causes White consid- oppos ing the Panov Attack with
erable di comfort. the development of the bi hop on
g7 belonged to the Dutchman
Max Euwe. True, the future World
Champion played ...g7-g6 on the
fifth move: 4.. . f6 5.ttJc3 g6,
wherea we are intere ted in the
position after 5 .. .ttJc6 6.ttJf3 g6,
but thi i a mere detail...
The second way originated in the
capital of Mi ty Albion . In Febru-
ary 1843 in London, Howard
Staunton lost a match to the
strongest French maestro Pierre
Charles Fournier de Saint-Amant.
10.ed5!? cd5N For the return encounter in Pari s
Strictly peaking, it i Black' last the Engli hman prepared a ' nov-
move that is a novelty. But the elty' - l .c4! The match took place
game is noteworthy not for thi , at the end of the same year.
but for the fact that Levon revived a Staunton won , and a new opening
thoroughly forgotten variation! Sergey Karjakln appeared in the world - the
In Abramovic-Ostojic, Belgrade Engli sh Opening.
1998, IO... ed5 was played, after Incidentally, in nearly all the
which, I think, Aronian had pre- 16.~h61 l:td8 17.'i!fg4 ~f8 games Sai nt-Amant responded in
pared the pawn sacrifice 11 .0-0 18.l:tad1 ttJc5 the arne way as Caruana -
dc4 12.l:te I !, when White has a Karjakin shou ld probably have ... c7-c5 , while Staunton, if it was
dangerou initiative. decided on the rook sacrifice possible, aimed to play e3 and d4.
Kuzmin's Harvest

The fact that Aronian began with (Monaco blind 20 II ): I Utd I h6 And Viennese cafes?! The fabu-
l .tLlf3 doe not play any signifi- 12 ...tc6 bc6 13.tLle4. But this ver- lous ta te of chee ecake, apple
cant role. Levon was simply avoid- ion allow 13 ... "t!Vb6, and in addi- trudel with an aroma of almond.
ing the variations with l .. .e5. tion Black can choo e ll ... tLla5 or Or Sachertorte, with oodles of
again II... 'itb6, in tead of I l. .. h6. chocolate icing and a thick layer of
Aronian,Levon 11 ... bc6 apricot jam - the brainchild of the
Caruana,Fabiano confectioner Franz Sacher. It will
Sao Paulo 2012 (5) probably be served to you on a
1.tLlf3 c5 2.c4 tLlc6 3.e3 tLlf6 broad dish in a weightle s cloud of
4.tLlc3 g6 5.d4 cd4 6.ed4 d5 whipped cream.
Thu we have arrived at the inter- And with what dis onance, com-
section of the two openings. pared with all thi s gentle harmony,
resound the tedious, multi-move,
often forcing pa ages of the Vi-
enna Variation!
'Thanks be to blessed Nature be-
cause she has made what is nec-
essary easy to supply, and what
is not easy unnecessary.'
12.tLla4!?N Apparently Levon agreed with
It turns out that 12.'i+'c4?!, which Epicurus and, casting aside the te-
ha been played, doe not prevent dious analysi of the mass of main
the undermining of the centre by variations, he prepared the far le
12 ...tLlc3 13.'itc3 c5! 14.'i¥c5 well- tudied 6.a3!?
..tb7g!?, while 12.tLle4 allows
It i interesting that in recent year 12 ..."t!Vb6. Aronian,Levon
thi s posi tion , typical of the Panov 12 ... ..ta6 13.1:1e1 tLlb6 14.tLlc5 Vallejo Pons,Francisco
Attack, has arisen far more often ..tc4 15.'itc3 ..tdS 16.tLle5 'i¥h4 Sao Paulo 2012 (3)
from the English Opening. It i 17.b3 l:tfe8 18.f3 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.tLlf3 tLlf6
via the 'Eng lish' move order that 4.tLlc3 dc4 s ...tgs ..tb4
it has occurred in the game of
Anand, Leko,
Nepomniachtchi ...
l .l.t.l •
~·ttJ .t ttJ
7.cd5 tLld5 8."it'b3 e6 9 ...tb5 l l
..tg7 1 o.o-o o-o 11 ...tcs
A similar plan was carried out by
Kramnik agai nst Ga himov ~ 'i!N
~~ ~ .t .l ~
~ ~~ ttJ ttJ
1::[ ~ 1::[ ~ ~~ ~~~~
1::[ ~~~ 1::[
The two centralized knights out-
weigh the opponent's bishops - 6.a3!?
White ha a slight advantage. At the top level thi s line ha oc-
curred only a handful of times. The
VIennese Waltz fact that Levon Aronian ha ta ken
I don ' t know how it i for you, but note of it is a erious factor. Per-
for me Vienna i a never-ending hap thi i merely an episode, but
stream of gentle associations. perhaps it i a new page.
Sunny melodies, tennis park , 6 ... ..tc3 7.bc3 c5
Strauss in a marble arch, 'Tale Again t Carl en (Moscow 2009)
from the Vienna Woods' , Mozart' Anand preferred 7 ...h6, but after
house, flowing on a background of 8 ...tf6 'i¥f6 9.e3 b5 ?! (9 ... 0-0)
cloud , St. Stephen's Cathedral, IO.a4 c6 ll .tLle5 White's initiative
Fabiano Caruana 'The Blue Danube ... became threatening.
From the European half of the Karjakin,Sergey
Grand Slam tournament there were Aronian,Levon
three game that seriously drew my Bilbao 2012 (6)
attention. And, of course, the first 1.e4 e5 2.llJf3 llJc6 3.~b5 a6
of these was the bi hop sacrifice 4.~a4 llJf6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.l:le1 b5
found by Aronian in a topical varia- 7.~b3 o-o 8.c3 d5 9.ed5 llJd5
tion of the Marshall Attack. 1 O.llJe5 llJe5 11.l:le5 c6 12.d4
~d6 13.l:le1 "it'h4 14.g3 "it'h3
Club and Opening 15.'i!t'e2 ~g4 16."it'f1 "it'h5
' I ub cribe to the old belief that of- 17.llJd2 l:lae8 18.f3
fense i the be t form of defense',
wrote Marshall. The author's credo
is the slogan of the opening!
About the 8 ... d5! counterattack in
the Ruy Lopez it could not be said
better. Except perhap to add that
Francisco Vallejo Pons after 9.ed5 the author was plan-
ning 9 ... e4!?.
8.e3 cd4N Frank James Marshall was born in
Previously 8 ... "it'a5 wa played. In Brooklyn on lOth August 1877.
the recent game Lysyj-Lu He began playing in Canada,
Shanglei (Moscow 20 12) there where as a eventeen-year-old
followed 9. ~f6 "it'c3 IO.llJd2 gf6 youth he became champion of the
. Il .l:lc I 12. ~c4 cd4 13.ed4 Montreal Chess Club. And when 18... ~h3
and Black's position began to look he returned to the United States, he Black has an acceptable alterna-
very dangerous. won the championship of the tive in 18 ... l:le I 19. e I ~ f3
9.ed4 ...d5 10.~f6 gf6 11.llJd2 Brooklyn Club. These were hi 20.llJf3 "it'f3. This year it ha been
llJc6 first victories. During hi career played by Adam , Svidler and
Marshall played in more than 60 Efimenko, and all of them held the
tournament and numerous position without any particular
matche , including tho e with problem .
Lasker, Capablanca, Tarrasch, 19."it'f2 l:le1 20.'i!t'e1
Janowski and Rubinstein .
But Marshall performed hi mo. t
famou s game in a duet with Jo e
Raul Capablanca at a tournament
of the Manhattan Club in 1918. It
wa the fir t pre entation of a new
opening. Soon the Marshall Attack
will be 100 year old.
Mar hall also founded the Mar-
12.l:lb1 shall Chess Club and directed it till
White is slightly better after both the end of hi life. In 20 15 this
12.-..g4 ~d7 13 .~c4 "it'g5, and chess club -one of the most presti-
12.llJc4. giou in America - will be cele-
12 ... l:lg8 brating its IOOth jubilee. 20 ... ~f4!N
After Houdini 's recommendation ' My entire life has been devoted to In Motylev-Vajda (Predeal 2007),
12 ... e5 !? there would have fol- chess. I have been playing it for Black played 20 ... llJf6, but after
lowed 13."it'h5 with good compen- over fifty year ... and I still enjoy it 2I."it'f2 l:le8 22.llJfl he did not
sation. as much as ever,' wrote Frank Mar- gain sufficient compensation.
13.-..c2 shall , summing thing up in his ad- 21.~d5!
Probably the pawn should have vancing year . Sergey, as u ual , is practical and
been captured immediately with A well-known Club and a highly ensible. Accepting the acrifice
13.llJc4, retaining orne initiative. popular Opening extending a was too dangerou , although even
13...f5 14.llJc4 b615.llJe3 "W'd6 whole century into the future - not Houdini i unable to understand
Now the chances are roughly equal . at all bad for one life! this immediately: 2I.gf4 f4
Kuzmin's Harvest

22.i.d I tild3 23.f4 i.g4 24."it'g3

'if •
..Q.d I 25."it'd3 .l:te8 26."it'g3 fS , and
it is hard for White to count on a
bright future.
21 ... i.d2 22.i.d2 "it'd5 23."it'e4
j. f::.
"it'd7 24 ..1:te1 i.e6 25.i.f4 .l:te8
26."it'e5 f6 j. f::. 'iff::.
t::. ~
t::. t::.t::.
: w :
This position ha occurred in sev- fir t drew attention after the
eral email games. Black invari- Tolush-Smys lov game in the
ably continued 16 ... i.d7 and after 1947 USSR Champion hip in
17 .aS it wa not easy for him to Leningrad.
extinguish the opponent's initia-
16... a51N
A multi-purpo e move and a
The extra pawn doe not promi e strong novelty! Black fixes a target
any particular benefits, and soon a for him to attack, while si multa-
draw wa agreed. neou ly preparing a defensive
27."it'd6 "it'd6 28.i.d6 <J;f7 rook manoeuvre.
29.b3 i.f5 30.<J;f2 .l:te1 31.9;e1 17."it'e2 i.d718.g4 .l:ta6
aS 32.9;d2 i.e6 33.9;d3 i.f5 Defending the e6-pawn.
19.i.c1 i.a4
Very annoying!

'if .I*
After hi s game with Karjakin the
extremely up et Vallejo an-
nounced that he was giving up
top-class ches ! One can under-
• ••
j. f::.
ttJ Alexander Tolush
land him : to employ a deeply-
devised novelty, in a compli- j. f::. t::.t::.
cated battle outplay one of the t::. Although Alexander Kazimirovich
tronge t players in the world , t::. 'iff::. lost that game, the variation, unusu-
achieve a won posi tion , but
then ... Fir t mi a certain win, : ~ w : ally sharp for the Slav Defence,
aroused the interest of attacking
and the next move make a fatal players. It was developed and taken
over ight! White's compensation i highly up by Efim Geller. Later reliable
In such a situation I would also be problematic. Black ubsequently paths for Black were found.
very upset, but Karjakin and I achieved a great advantage, but he Why have I begun talking about
don' t play in the same tourna- made everal blunders and in the the gambit offered by Tolu h, if
ment! end he lost the game. Anand choose the solid S.a4, and
The following day Vallejo re- Karjakin replied with the modem
Karjakin,Sergey peated moves in the opening it elf. interpretation - S... e6 ?
Vallejo Pons,Francisco We shouldn 't judge him too e- The answer is si mple: the path of
Bilbao 2012 (9) verely- it must have been painful Anand and Tolu h soon intersect...
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 i.b4 for him to look at the chess pieces.
4.e5 c5 5.a3 i.c3 6.bc3 tt:le7 Such things happen -very annoy- Anand,Viswanathan
7."W'g4 0-0 8.i.d3 tt:l bc6 ing! Karjakln,Sergey
9."W'h5 tt:lg6 "W'c7 Bilbao 2012 (1)
11.i.e3 c4 12.i.g6 fg6 Tolush-Geller Gambit 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. tt:l f3 tt:lf6
13."it'g4 "it'f7 "it'e8 The ri sky variation l.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 4 .tt:l c3 dc4 5.a4 e6 6 .e4
15.h4 tt:le7 16.a4 tt:lf6 dc4 S.e4!? i.b4 7.e5 tt:ld5 8.i.d2 b5 9.ab5
a half games which reached thi any chances of posi ng problems.
po ition began with the 'gambit' Anand 's move i more risky, but
move order: 5.e4 b5 6.e5 tt::ld5 more intere ting.
7.a4 e6 8.ab5 ~ b4 9. ~d2. But in 16... tt::lcb41! g6
this case in stead of 8 .. .~b4 ?! <jJ?fS 19. 'ikh6 <j;>gB 20.~g5 'i!t'fB
Black does better si mply to cap- 21.~f6
ture the pawn - 8 .. .cb5. It may eem that Black could have
9 ... ~c3 1O.bc3 cbS aimed for more - 2l. .. c2 22.llfc I
tt::lc6 a5 . But playing with such 'packag-
Incidentally, this move was first ing' around hi s own king wou ld be
employed by Nadyrkhanov in the very dangerou . White had the
game mentioned below. strong manoeuvre 22.lla5! (wi th
12.'ikh5 'fke7 13.~e2 b4 14.0-0 the idea of .llc5) and if 22
bc315.~e3 ~b7 23.e6!.
22.ef6 tt::ld5 23.~f3 tt::lf6 24.~b7
.lldB 25 . .lla6 'it'g7 26. 'it'g5 .lld7
Vlswanathan Anand

In Loginov-Nadyrkhanov, Tash- The further development of
kent 1984, White played more events showed that White's lack
Here it is- the 'i nter ection point ' si mply - 16 . ~c4 tt::lcb4. And now of pawn wa fully compensated
of the Tolu h-Geller Gambit and with the 'accurate ' 17 ..llfc l .llc8 by the acti vity of his pieces, but
the modem interpretation of the he cou ld have maintained not more. A draw was the logical
Slav Defence. The first dozen and the balance, but White hardly has outcome.



27 Opening Variations

Sicilian Defence
Najdorf Variation Sl 14.5 (890)

The Pros and Cons of an Early 6.a4

by Alexander Finkel (special contribution by Hikaru Nakamura)

1. e4 c5 by 8. ~c4, but there are some ob-

2. tLlf3 d6 vious differences a well. Fir t
3. d4 cd4 and foremo t, the position of the
4. tLld4 tLlf6 white pawn on a4 ets the tone
5. tLlc3 a6 for the forthcoming struggle on
6. a4 the queen ide. One doesn't have
to be an avid Najdorf player to
figure out the positive aspects
(from White's perspective) of an
early 6.a4, uch as re training
Black on the queenside and pre-
venting him from launching his
typical counterplay with
... b7-b5 .
However, the downsides of 6.a4
can also be spotted with an un-
Hlkaru Nakamura
aided eye: the sli ghtly shaky po-
sition of the bishop on c4 (and
Our topical variation ha never ub equently on b3), which
been White's first choice often get attacked by ... tLla5,
against the Najdorf, but it does combined with a weaknes of the
have a reputation of being a very b4-square, which may be occu-
olid and r liable, albeit rela- pied by black pieces and offer
tively harmless, et-up. A close Black rich possibilities for active
look at the recent games with counterplay on the queen ide.
thi line eem to confirm thi As a re ult, the main strategic
reputation. struggle con ist of White's
hlowever, we have to keep in attempt to trade orne minor
mind an important reservation pieces and maintain a grip on the
with respect to the afore aid : this outpo t on d5 versus Black's Now Black has to choose from
line may be harmles for Black piece play over the emi-open three main replies: 7 ... ~e7,
in terms of White's attempt to c-fi le and his ability to exploit to 7... c7 and finally 7 ... h6, which
get an opening edge, but it's by the fulle t the dark quares on the is a far le popular, but perfectly
no mean harmle by nature queen ide. playable alternative.
(for both sides), a it leads to
complex strategic play in the The Initial Position The Top Players' Choice
middlegame in which both sides Since our Survey is dedicated We will start our Survey with
may play out their own trumps. solely to the Najdorf Variation, 7 ... ~e7, which is clearly Black'
The character of the pJay in this we shall only explore the posi- most popular choice at top level.
line is quite simi lar to the line tion arising after the move 6 ... e5 After 7 ... ~e7 White wou ld nor-
with 6.~e3 e5 7. tLlf3, fo llowed 7.tLlf3. mally opt for 8. ~c4, but 8. ~g5

i at o a move to con ider, even po ition remain roughly equal both of them are hardly suffi -
though Black ' task eem rela- in both case . cient to fi ght for an opening ad-
tively easy in thi case, a after vantage.
8 .. .i.e6 9.i.f6 i.f6 I O.t2Jd5 t2Jd7 Looki ng for Com plications
ll .i.c4l:tc8 Bl ack ha very little Another popular option i Preventi ng ~g5
to worry about... 7... c7 temporarily preventing As we mentioned prev iou ly,
After the more ambitiou s 8.i.c4 the white bishop from comi ng to 7 ... h6 is not played as often as the
the critical po ition e merges c4, which, after the fo llowi ng al- other two alternatives, but it also
after 8 ... 0-0 9.0-0 i.e6. mo t obligatory move equence: has olid po itional g rounds.
8.i.g5 t2J bd7 9.t2Jd2 h6 I O.i.h4 ince White 's intention is clearly
g5 I t.i.g3 t2Jc5, leads to a posi- to play i.g5, Bl ack takes nece -
"if B. tion in which White has three sary preventive mea ures again t
A ~~~ moves to choo e from, none of it. The light problem with thi
~ A~ whjch eems to cau e Black eri- move is the weakeni ng of the
~ ous problems. Adam opted for g6- quare wh ich can be ex-
~ 12.i.c4 in hi s game versus ploited by a capture o n e6 and
Bogner in the German Bundes- penetration to g6 with the knight.
tt.J Liga, but he had to ettle for a draw However, things are far from
~~~ very soon after 12 .. .i.e6 13.'iVe2 clear in that case too.
l:t~ l:tc8 14.i.e6 fe6 etc., with mutual
chance . Another logical attempt Conclusion
Here White has to choose to test Black's set-up i 12.h4, but The early 6.a4 i hardl y uffi-
between I 0 . e2, played by things are far fro m clear in this cient to obtai n an opening advan-
Ponomariov in hi s game agai n t case, too. The same applje to tage, but if White's aim is to get a
Bruzon back in 2011 , and 12.'iVf3 after which Black get solid positi on with a minimal
IO . ~b3 , te ted by Kamsky in the eriou counterplay. ri sk of los ing and a re latively low
Main Game of the Survey. It's It should be added that White ha amount of theory to memori ze, it
pretty difficult to ay which two other alternatives on the I Oth mi ght be a good idea to consider
move shou ld b preferred, a the move: I O.i.e3 and I O.i.f6 , but thi s line!

The Top Players ' Choice ft'b6 17..1:tb1 tt:lc4 18.ft'e2 24 [A bad blunder on my part.
7 ... $i..e7 8 .~ c4 ~h6? ! [A tough decision. 18... h6 19.g3 24 ... tt:lc8 25 ..1:tbd1 .l:tc5 'ite6
.l:tfe8 20.h4 ~d8 21..1:ted1 White is .l:ta5] !
Kamsky,Gata completely fine and might be able to fight for [25. d5 .l:tcS (25 ... .1:tc2 26.ft'd1 tt:lb2
Nakamura,Hikaru the initiative shortly. In retrospect 18...g6 27. e7 Q.?h8 28.ft'd6 'itc4 Wg8
StLouis ch· USA 2012 (10) 19.g3 h5 would have been a better try as 3M~ 1e3 ! ~e3 31 ..1:te3 .l:te8 32.'l!fa3 ft'a4
1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 the bishop will have many more squares] 33.ft'a4 tt:la4 34 ..1:tb7±) Wh8
tt:\16 a6 6.a4 eS ~e7 19.h4 'itb4 20.g3 .l:tc7 21 .Wg2 tt:lb6 d5 28.ed5 ft'd5 29.Q.?g1 ft'c6
8.~c4 o-o 9.o-o ~e6 1 0.~b3!? tt:lc6 22 .~b3 ~b3 23.cb3 'i!fb3 24.a5 30 ..I:tbd1 f6 (30 ... .1:ta5 31 .ft'g4 e4
1 1 . ~g5 tt:laS! ?N [The first deviation from gh6 (32 ... ft'h6 33.ft'e4 Wg8 34 ..1:td8! g6
theory. At the board, I remembered that in 35.'itb4!+-) 33.'l!ff4+-) 31 .tt:lh6 gh6
some other Najdorf lines with this structure
(6.~e3 e5 that Black can go for this ~ ~ ~~~ ~· 32. d2 f5 33.b4 is a complete mess, but
easier for White to play] 25 ... g6!? [I spent
same idea with ... tt:lc6·a5. It is usually less ~~ ~ A a lot of time calculating 25... tt:lc3, but I
effective since White has not played a2·a4, could not come up with any advantage in
but it seemed like the logical continuation
~ ~ the following line: 26.bc3 ft'c3
during the game] 12 . ~16 ~16 13 .~d5? ! ~ ~ 'itd2 (27... 1t'a5 28..1:ted1 'i!fa3 29.lLlh6
[ .l:tc8 14."i!t'd3 tt:lb3 15.cb3 ~d5 "if tt.J ~ gh6 30..I:t b6~) 28.ft'd1 .l:tfc8 29 ..l:tb6~] ~g7 27.ll:ld5 .l:tc2 28.ft'e3
16.'i!fd5 .l:tc6=] 13... .1:tc8
~ 'iY~~
[14.'i!fd3 'itb6 15..1:tab1 'itb4 .l:tfd8 tOeS 29.h5 'i!fe3 30.ll:lge3 .l:td2
17..1:tfd1 =i=] 14... 'itc7 15..1:te1 ~gs 1:t lltt.J 31 .tt:lc4 .l:td4 32.lLld6 .l:td8 33.b4

Survey S/14.5

llJd3 34.llJb7 llJe1 35.l%e1 l%a8 13.l:fd1 'it'c7 14. e1?1 ..ib3 1S.cb3 c!lJcS 25...1i'd8 26.l:h3 1i'f6 27.l:f3 'ilt'g7
36.f3?!T [36.llJc5 .itS 37.l:h1 ! h6 38.hg6 16...icS W'cS 17.llJd3 W'b6f B.Martin- 28.'ilt'd71 c!lJcS 29. e7 f6 30.c!lJg6!
fg6 39.llJe6 l:e4 40.llJf6 ~ 41 .llJe4 ~e6 Britton, London 199S] 11 ...ig5 h6?! [~ l%f7 31 .1i'e8 c!lJe 4 32. h4 c!lJgS
42.l:c1 ! White should be able to draw this 11...llJaS] 12 ...if6 ..if6 13.llJd5 .idS 33.l:fd3 ±
without too much difficulty] 36 .....if8 14 ...id5 Wc7 15.l:a3 [1S.1i'e2!? l:fdS
37.l:c1 ..ib4 38.l:c7 ghS 39.~h3? 16.l:fd1 l:ac8 17.l:a3;!;] 15... b4
[39. l:b4 40.llJd6 f6 41.llJf5 ~hS
'fj' ~
42.ttJd6+] 39...~g7 40 .~ h4? [40.llJb4
l:b4 41 .llJd6 ~ 42.l:c6 (42.c!lJf7 l:a4
43.c!lJd6 : as 44.l:h7 l:a3-+) 42 ... l:b1
43.llJc4 ~7 44.llJe5 l:h1 45.~2 l:a1
46.l%c7 l:f8 47.14 : as 48.c!lJd7 l:aS-+]
' ~
40 ... l:a7 41. ~ h5 l:dSI 42.ed5 ..iaS ~n
43.l:e7 ..ib6 44.d6 aS-+ ~ ~~~
n w
33...f5? [33... l%d7] 34.l:d6 l:c4
35.llJg6 llJe4 36.l:e6? [36.l:d8!+-]
36... f6 37.l:f6 '*''6 38. 5?!
16...ib3?! [16.c3 dS 17.1i'dS;!;] 16...d5! [38.l:d6!;!;] 38 ... l:e7 39. d7?! 'ilt'e6+
17.1i'e2 d4= 18. e1 ..ie7 19.l:a1 40. f8 ~g8 41 . e6 l:e8 42. d4 f4
l:ac8 20.l:d1 .idS 21 .h4 ~h8 43. fS l:a4 44.lL,h6 c;f;>g7 45.llJg4
22.1i'g4 W'e7 23.l:d2 l:c6 24.llJf3 l:a2 46.h4 l:b2 47.l:d7 c;t;>g6
g6?! [24 ... aS] 25.h5 gS?! 26.Wh3 1i'c7 48.c;f;>h2 l:h8 49.c;f;>h3 l:b3 50. eS
27.W'f5 We7 28.llJh2± c;t;>g7 29. g4 5 51. f3 l%b2 52.l:f7 c;t;>e4 53.c4
l:fc8 30.c3 dc3 31.bc3 l:c3 32...if7 aS 54.c!lJg5 c;f;>d3 55.l:f4 a4 56.llJe6
W'f7 33.l:d6 W'fS 34.ef5 l:8c7 Wd2 57.l:f5 l:a8 58. c7 l:c8
45 . ~g5 [45.llJdS ~IS! 46.c!lJc6 (46.l:a7 35.llJe5 l:3c5 36.f6 c;f;>h7 37.f7 l:c8 59. bS l:b3 60.g3 a3 61.l:d5 c;f;>e1
..ia7 47.llJc6 ..ib6 4S.c!lJe5 a4! 49.c!lJc4 38.c!lJg6 7 39.l:d7 1-0 62. d4 l:b2 63.l:a5 a2 64.14 l:c4
(49. d7 ~eS SO.llJb6 a3) 49 ... ..ic5 SO.d7 65. f3 1 66. eS l:cc2 67.h5
(SO.~gS ..id6 51 .llJd6 a3) SO ...~e7 l:b1 68.h6 a1 'ilt' 69.l:a1 l:a1 70.h7
51.~h6 ~d7 52 .~h7 c;f;>e6 53.~gs c;f;>dS Shen Yang l%a8 71 .llJg6 l:c7 0-1
54.llJd2 ~4 55. ~ ~d3 56.c!lJe4 ..id4) Ju Wenjun
46 ...l:e7 47.de7 ~es 48.llJe5 a4 49.llJc4 JinZhou 2009 (1)
..icS SO. ~h6 ~e7 51. ~h7 ~e6 52 .~gS 1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.llJd4 Ponomariov,Ruslan
~dS 53.llJd2 c;f;>d4 54.c;f;>f7 c;f;>d3 55.llJe4 llJf6 5. c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7.llJf3 ..ie7 Bruzon Batista,Lazaro
..id4; 45.d7 ~6 46.l:eS l:b7 47.dSW' 8 ...ic4 0-0 9.0-0 ..ie6 10.'it'e2 W'c7 Khanty-Mansiysk 2011 (4)
.idS 4S.l:dS l:a7 49.l:d3 a4 SO.l:a3 e4 [10 ...llJc6!?; 10...'ilt'c8 11 ...ib3 llJc6 12 ...igS 1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
51.fe4 ~es 52.Wh6 16 53.Q4 We4 54.g5 ..ib3 13.cb3 llJeS 14 ...ie3 W'e6 1S.l:fd1 h6 f6 5. c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. f3 ..ie7
fgS SS. ~gS c;f;>d4-+] 45 ...a4 46. 5 16. S;!; Kudrin-'fanayt, Arlington 2011] 8 ...ic4 0-0 9.0-0 [9...igS ..ie6 10 ...if6
a3 47. 8 a2 48. e6 c;f;>h6 49.llJg5 11 ...ib3 [11 ...ie6?! fe6 12.aS h6 13.l:d1 ..ic4 11 . d2 ..ie6 12 ...ie7 We7 13.llJf1
a1 'ii' 50.llJf7 c;f;>g7 0· 1 c!lJbd7 14...ie3 l:ac8 1S.h3 W'c6f llJd7 14. e3 l:fc8 lS.llJcdS 'ilt'dSoo
akamura Wittmann-Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy, Nevednichy-Steingrimsson, Kusadasi Ech
M/ 12-4-51 Budapest 2008] 11 ...llJc6 12 ...ig5 l:ac8 2006] 9 .....ie6 1 O.'ife2 'i!fc7 11 ...ib3
13.l:fd1 5 14 ...id5?! [14 ...if6 ..if6 [11 ...ia2 llJc6 12.l:d1 lL,b4 13...ib3 l:ac8
(14...llJb3? 1S...ie7+-) 15. .idS 14 ...igS h6 1S ...if6 ..if6 16.W'd2 l:fdS
Areschenko,Aiexander (1S ... W'd8 16...ia2;!;) 16...idS! W'c2 17.W'c2 17.aS 'ilt'cS= Ma~anovic- Chandler, Nis
Narayanan,Srinath l:c2 1S.b4 ttJc6 19.bS c!lJaS 20.llJe1 l%cc8 1983] 11 ... l:c8 12 ...ig5 [12.l:d1 c!lJbd7
New Delhi 2011 (3) 21 .ba6 ba6 22.l%ab1~] 14... W'b6= 13 ...ie3 b6 14.h3 h6 1S.c!lJh4 c!lJcS 16...ie6
1.e4 cS 2.llJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.llJd4 15.l:ab1 .idS [15 ... llJc41?] 16.llJd5 fe6 17.llJg6 .idS 1S.f4 'ilt'f7= Peng
llJf6 5.c!lJc3 as 6.a4 es 7.c!lJt3 ..ie7 llJdS 17.l:d5 ..igS 18.llJg5 'ilt'b4 Xiaomin-Li Shilong, Jinan 200S]
8 ...ic4 0-0 9.0-0 ..ie6 1 O..ib3 llJc6 19.1fd1 [19.l:bd1 !? l:cS 20.l:d6 h6 12 ... c!lJbd7 [12 ... c!lJc6 13.l:fd1 c!lJaS]
[10 ... h6 11 ...ie3 (11 .llJM llJc6 12 ...ie6 fe6 21 .llJf3 'ilt'b2 22.c!lJMf] 19 ... l:c6 20.c3 13.l:fd1 h6 14 ...if6 llJf6 15.llJh4
13.llJg6 l:f7 14.14 ~h7 15.feS deS 16.c!lJe7 W'b6 21.l:d3 h6 22.llJf3 llJb3 W'd7 16.g3 [1 6.'ilt'd3 g6 (16 ...l:c5
W'e7o% nschbierek-Womacka, Eilenburg 23.llJh4 g61? 24.W'g4 c;f;>h7 25.l:bd1 17.llJfS l:dS (17 .....ifS?! lS.efS l:acS
ch-GDR 1984) 11...llJbd7 12.1i'e2 l:c8 [2S.l:f3 dSO 26.ed5 l:d6 27.l:d1 fSoo] 19.llJe4;!;) 1S.llJe3 'i!fcS 19.g3;t) 17...ie6

..e6 1B.g3 11c4 19. g2 l1ac8oo] 18. e1 ..-cs [1B .....b6!? 19.b3 (19.aS? W'b2 23.a5t 11fc8 24.g3 l1c6
16... 11c5 17.l1d3 n ac8 18. g2 ~d8 • b2 20.11db1 (20.11ab1 '*a3) 25.1t'f1 ~f6 [2S ... ~dB!?] 26.l1db1
19.11ad1 20 ... ~gS !+) 19... ~e6 6 20.~dS ~dS • c3 27. e1 e4 28.11a2
21...-dS l1c5 22.1t'd2 dS! 23.edS e4'l=]
19.a5 h6?! 20. d3 ~gS 2U We1 b6
[21...~e6 22. b4 ..cS 23. ~bdS ISoo]
22.g3 baS 23.h4 ~e7 24.11a5 'Wb6
25.11da1 l1e8 26.1t'd2 ~d8
27.115a4 '*b7 28.b3 ~bS 29.l14a2
l1c3?! [29...~c6 ! 30.~b2 (30.11a6 ~b6
31.<'Llb4 ~12~) 30... ~ 31.~c4 ~d4 !~
6 32 .~d6? '*b4-+] 30 ...c3 -..e4
31.11a6 • t3? [31... ~a6 32.11a6 ~e7
33....c6 ...c6 34.l1c6 l1b8t] 32.11d6+-
~ h4 33.1t'b4 ~g3 34. • bs l1c8
35 ...d5 e4 36.11g6 [36.11dB lldB
19... ~a5 [19 ... 115c6!? 20. e3 ~as 37...dB ~h7 38.1g3 '*93 39.c;f;>f1 ..h3 28 ...'it'c5?! [2B... e3!=] 29.a6 l16c7?
21. ~edS ~h7+%] 20.l1d6 • e7 21. ~ h4 40.<;t_)e2 'ilt'hS 41.~d2 +-] 36 ... ~b8 30 ...e2± l1e8 31 .~c2 dS 32.l1b5
~c3 22.11e61 fe6 23 .~f5 W'e8 37.11g2? • f6 38.11e1 ed3 . d6 33.a7 n cc8 34.11ba5 l1a8
24.~d6 ..e7 25. ~c8 l1c8 26.bc3 39 ...d3+- g6 40 ....d7 l1f8 41.11g4 35.1t'g4 <,i;h8 36.1t'h5 ~es 37. e3
l1c3 27 ...d2;t l1c6 28.W'a5?! [2B.f3] ~f4 42 ...a4 ~ h2 43.<,i;g2 hS W'g6 38.'i!i'g6 fg6 39. dS l1e6
28... e4= 29.• es ~cs 30.1t'b8 44.11ge4 ~c7 45.l1d1 ~b6 46.11f4 40.112a4 11c6 41.11b5 1-0
~h7 31.l1d8 Wc7 32.11h8 ~g6 • gs 47. 1 ~c7 48.11f3 h4
33.1t'g8 ~ b3 34.cb3 l1c1 35. ~g2 49 ...e4 ... h6 SO.<,i;g2 • 9 s 51. ~ h3
"ti'c6 36. ~ h3 n cs 37 ... h7 'iihs 52.11d7 ~es 53 ...g4 • hs Macieja,Bartlomiej
38.1Wg8 ~g6 39.1ifh7 ~- ~ 54.c4 • c1 55.<,i;g2 1fh6 56.c5 fS Gritsenko,Andrey
57.1t'c4 ~ h8 58.c6 W'gS 59.<,i;h3 Moscow 2008 (2)
~f6 60.11f4 l1c8 61 ...f7 1-0 1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
Kamsky,Gata ~f6 5. ~c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. f3 ~e7
Kempinski,Robert 8.~c4 ~e6 9.'it'e2 c8!? 10.~ b3
Greece tt 2012 (3) Adams,Michael h6 [10 ... ~b3 11 .cb3 h6 12.0-0 c6
1.e4 cS 2. ~f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 Andriasian,Zaven 13.~e3 0·0 14.111d1 b4 1S ...-c4 c2
~f6 5. ~c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7.~f3 ~e7 Ohrid tt 2009 (4) 16.11ac1 e3 17.fe3 W'e6oo V.Gurevich-
8.~c4 ~e6 9 .~b3 c6 [9 ... 0-o 10.~gS 1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 Zuse, Walldorf 2006] 11.0-0 0-0 12.11d1
~ 11 .o-o n ca 1 2 .~16 ~16 13."ti'd3 h6
14.111d1 l1c5 1S.~d2 • c7 16.~1 1 W'b6
17.~e3;t Vutov-Enchev, Plovdiv 2010]
10.()..() s [1o... o-o 11.~9s n ca 12 .~l6
~16 13. d5 ~hB 14.c3 tDa5 1S.U ~c4
~f6 5 .~c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. ~f3 ~e7
8 .~c4 ~e6 9.• e2 ~c6 1 0.()..() ()..()
[1o ... ~c4 11.• c4 n ca 12.~9 s
13 .~e7
7 14 ...b4?! W'b6 1S.W'b6
b6= Kudrin-Naer, Minneapolis 200S]
j,b3 13.cb3 'We6

16.~c4 l1c4 17.Wd3 l1c5oo Zapata- 11.n d1 [1 n ca 12 . ~l6 ~16 .t.'iV~ ...
J.C.Diaz, Cienluegos 1983] 11 . · 2 l1c8
12. e2 ()..() 13.11d1 1Wc7 14.~g5
13.~dS ~b4 !? 14 .~e3 ~c4 1S .~c4 ~c2
16.1t'c2 bS 17.abS abS 18. ~1d2 bc4 lH~
~c4 15.~f6 ~f6 16.~c4 ~c4 Felgaer-Ricardi, Buenos Aires tt 2004] !::,
17...d2 11fd8 +% 11 ... 11c8 12. ~b3 [12.~a2? ! ..-c7 tD
13.~gS ~b4 14 .~3 llldB 1S.~I6 ~16 'iY !::,t::,t::,
16.h3 h6 17.11ac1?! W'b6~ Fogarasi-
L.Vajda, Budapest 2006] 12... h6 13 .~e3 ·n <tt>
'*c7 14. ~d5!? [14 .~h4 ~aSoo]
14... j,d5 15.~d5 [1S.edS ~as 16.11a3 14. h4! l1d8 15. ~f5 ~f8 16. ~e3
~dB"'] 15...~ b4 16.~ b3 ~e4 ~c6 17. cdS?! [17. edS! 11ac8
17.~ h6 ~cs 18 ...c4 gh6 [1B... e4 1B .~e3 ~e7 19 . ~16 'i!i'l6 20.b4t]
19.'tlt'b4 ~b3 20.cb3 dS (20 ... el3 21...-g4 17 ... ~e4! 18. ~c7 '*96 19. ~a8
~16 22.11ac1 • b8 23 ...13!) 21...-d2 el3 ~d4 20 .... g4 [20...d3 13 21.c;f;>f1
(21...gh6 22.'*h6 el3 23.11d4 '*d7) h2 22.'iPg1 13=] 20 ...W'g4 21 .~g4
22 .~14 ~d6 23. ~g3 t ] 19.1t'b4 ~ b3 ~c2!? [21 ... b3 22.11a3 c1 23.11c1
20. W'b3 • c2 21. '*b7 l1c7 22. • as llaB 24.aS;t] 22.l1b1 l1a8 23.j,e3 hS
Survey S/1 4.5

24.llbc1 llcB 2S.f3 hg4 26.fe4 28.llaf2 ll:leS= 29.Wc3 llfB 30.'ito>h2 Wan Yunguo
llc6?! (26 ... ll:le3! 27.llc8 ll:ld1 28.'ito>l1 1!fd8 31.llf1 llcS 32. W'd4 llc6 Zhou Jianchao
b2 29.1Pe2 IS 30.llc2 dS !~ ] 27. · 7 33.llf6 W'as 34.lld6 W'cs 3S.1!fcs Olongapo City Ach 2010 (6)
g6 28.lld2 ll:ld4 29.llc6 ll:lc6 llcS 36.lla6 lLlc4 37 .ll:lc4 llc4 111-111 1.e4 cS 2.ll:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
30 ..ib6 fS 31.efS gfS 32.b4?1 16 S.ll:lc3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. f3 .ie7
(32 ..ic7 ll:ld4 33.b4 Wl7 34 ..ib6 ll:le6 B..igS .ie6 9 ..if6 .if6 10.lLldS d7
35.'ito>l1;!;] 32 ...ll:lb4 33 ..ic7 e4 11 .aS (11 ..ic4] 11 ... llc8 (11 ...0·0
34 ..id6 e3 3S ..ib4 ed2 36 ..id2 Kamsky,Gata 12 ..ic4 llc8 13.b3 .igS 14.0-0 .ih6
111-111 Topalov,Veselin 1S."tt'e2 .ig4 16.h3 .if3 17."tt'l3;!;
Kazan m 2011 (1) Nevednichy-Nasolea, Elorie Nord tt 2009]
1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 12.b4 0-0 13.c4 .igS 14 ..ie2 .ih6
f6 S.ll:lc3 a6 6.a4 eS 7.ll:lf3 .ie7 1S.O-O g6 16.lle1 fS
B..igS .ie6 9 ..if6 .if6 1 O.lLldS ll:ld7
A Move To Consider [10 ... 0·0 11 ..ic4 ll:ld7 12.0-0 ll:lb6 13..ib3
7 ... ~e7 8.~g5 llc8 14.ll:ll6 gf6 1S.ll:ld2 ll:lc4 16.ll:lc4 'if
.ic4 17.lle1 ;;; Glek-Van der Stricht, ~
Hou Yifan Cappella Ia Grande 2001 ; 10...-idS ~.i.
Ju Wenjun 11 .W'dS ll:lc6 12 ..ic4 1!fc7 13.c3 0-0
Hefei rapid 2010 (8) 14.0·0 llac8 1S ..ia2 .ie7 16.llfd1 ;!;
~ ttJ ~.t.
1.e4 cS 2.ll:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll:ld4 Ermenkov-Malik, Sunny Beach 2012] ~~ ~
ll:lf6 S.ll:lc3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. f3 .ie7 11 ..ic4 llcB [11 ...ll:lb6 12.ll:lb6 (12.ll:lf6 ttJ
B..igS .ie6 9 ..if6 .if6 1O.ll:ldS ll:ld7 "i!ff6 13 ..ie6 We6 14.aS ll:lc8 1S.O-O
11 ..ic4 llcB 12.b3 [12."i!fe2 ll:lb6 ll:le7= Fogarasi-Sprenger, Austria tt
13. 16 ti'l6 14 ..ie6 "i!fe6 1S.b3 0·0 2005/06) 12 ... "i!fb6 13 ..ie6?! le6 14.0-0 ~ ~
16.lld1 llc6= ~-~ Svidler-Grischuk, llc8 1S.W'd3 0-0 16.c4 aS ~ Dabo Peranic·
Khanty-Mansiysk 2011] Brkic, Sibenik 2011] 12.b3 "i!faS!? 17.efS gfS 18 ..if1 'ito>hB 19.lla3 e4
20. d4 .idS 21 .cdS "tt'f6 22. e6
llgB 23.14 ef3 [23 ... llg6!n] 24.llf3
tLleS 2S.ll h3 llc1 (2S .. .f4!? ~ ] 26.W'e2
lle1 27.-.e1 g4 28.llf3 llcB
29.h3 eS 30.llc3 ll gB 31.'ito>h1 f4
32."tt'e4 f3 33.llc7 fg2 34 ..ig2 g6
3S.h4?! [3S.llb7 'it'a1 36.'ito>h2 lle8
37.llf7±] 3S.. .W'f2 36."i!fd4 '*'d4
37.ll:ld4 llg7 38.llc8 llgB 39.llc7
llg7 40.llc8 llg8 111-111

12 ... -igS (12 ... b6 13. 16 gl6!? 14 ..ie6 13."tt'd2 (13.b4!? "tt'd8 14."tt'd3 {14 ..ib3
le6 1S.aS ll:la8 16.c4 0·0 17."i!fd2 ll:lc7 aS 1S.c3 .idS 16."tt'dS 0·0 17.0·0 llc3~) Looking for Complications
18.lld1 ll:le8 19.1t'b4 W'c7i'! Hovhan- 14 ... ll:lb6 1S.ll:lf6 "tt'l6 16 ..ie6 "tt'e6oo] 7 ... 'f!lc7 8.~ 5 ll:l bd7 9. ttl d2 h6
nisyan-Andriasian, Erevan ch-ARM 201 0] 13 ... W'd2 14. d2 .igS 1S.'ito>d1!?
13.0-0 0-0 (13 ... .ih6 14.aS 0-0 1S.'*'e2 hS (1S ...g6!?] 16.lle1 h4 17.h3 f6 Adams,Michael
'ito>h8 16.llld1 IS 17. b6?! le4 18.ll:leS 18.ll:lf6 gf6 19..ie6 fe6 20. f3 llgB Bogner,Sebastian
ll:leS 19..ie6 13!- Goichberg-Britton, [20 ....il4 21 .c4 'ito>e7 22.'ito>e2 dS 23.edS Germany Bundesliga 2010/11 (3)
London 1978] 14. gS (14.1!fe2!? .ih6 edS 24.cdS llc31] 21 .c4 fS 22.efS efS 1.e4 cS 2.ll:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
1S.aS llc5 16.llld1;!;] 14 ...1!fgS 1S.ll:le3 23.'ito>e2! .ie7 24.'ito>f1= ll:lf6 S.ll:lc3 a6 6.a4 eS 7 . f3 W'c7
1!fe7 16.lle1 (16.aS ll:l16 17.'it"d3 llc5 2S.llad1 llcS 26.b4 llc4 27.lleS B..igS ll:lbd7 9. d2 h6 1O..ih4 gS
18.b4 llc7 19 ..ie6 le6 20.llld1;!;] deS 28.ll:leS 'ito>e6 29.ll:lc4 .ib4 11 ..ig3 ll:lcS 12 ..ic4 [12.h4; 12.'*'13]
16... f6 17.1!fd3 llfdB 18.aS g6 30.llb1 as 31.lld1 llcB 32.lld4 12 ....ie6 (12 ... ll:lce4 13. ce4 e4
19 ..ie6 e6 20.c4 1Pg7 21.lla4 .ic3 33.llh4 .if6 34.llf4 .igs 14.ll:le4 "tt'c4 1S. d6 .idS 16.1!fd6 .ie6
(21 .lled1 llc7; 21 ... llc6] 21 ... llcS 22.h3 3S.lld4 .if6 36.llf4 .igS 37.lld4 17.'.-eS o-o 18.b3 W'c2 19.0·0
1!fc8 23.lla2 llc6 24.llf1 bS 2S.f4 [37.llfS!? 'ito>IS (37 ... llc4?! 38.llgS lla4 20.-.IS ~ - ~ Moroz-Kovchan, Alushta tt
(2S.ab6 llb6 26.14 1!fb8 27.llb2;!;] 39.g4±) 38.ll:ld6 'ito>e6 39.ll:lc8 bS!=] 2003] 13.1!fe2 llcB (13... llg8 14.aS llc8
2S ... bc4 26.bc4 ef4 27.llf4 ll:ld7 37 ... .if6 111-111 1S.b3 .ie7 16.h3 "tt'c6 17.0·0 .ic4
18.'i!fc4 hS 19.13 • d7oo Zhang 21 .J:lc4 ..-as 22.0-0l Oelchev-I.Herrera, [27.J:la2 • b4 28.W'e1 1Wc4+ ] 27 ...W'a3
Xiaowen-Gu Xiaobing, Jiangsu Wuxi 20111 Cullera 20011 14..• tt:lcd7 [14...~e7 28.W'd2 W'a4 29.J:l12 "*'e4 30.d6
1S.~I6 ~16 ~e7 'if'aS J:lc21 31.J:lc2 J:lc2 32.-.c2 [32.W e3
18.'if'd2 J:ld8 19.g3 ~gS<= Gocheva- tt:le2 33.tJiilf1 (33.J:le2 J:le2- + ) 33 ... J:lc1
Nikolova, Borove1s tt 20081 1S.~d3 J:lg8 34.tJiile2 W'c4 3S.'if'd3 J:le1 36.We1 'if'd3 tt:lhS tt:lh16 18.'if'e2 37.J:lf7 Wd6- +) 32 ...'if'e1 33.J:l11 tt:le2
hS 19. ~c4?! [19.0-0-0!? 1t'aS 20.Wb1 34.'if'e2 "*'e2 3S.J:lf7 ~d6 36.h3 e4
bS<=I 19... J:lc8 20.~e6 1e6:f 21.aS 37. J:lf8 [37.J:lf2 1!fe1 38.J:ll1 '*'d2- +)
~h6 22. J:la4 ~17 23.0-0 W cS 37 ... e3 38.J:le8 tfd1 39 . ~ h2 e2
24.J:ld1 ~e3 2S. We3 [2S.Ie3!?1 40. ~f2 'ilt'f1 41 .Wg3 '*'d1! 42.J:le3
2S .. .".e3 26.fe3 J:lc6+ 27.J:lb4 J:lb8 h4 ~1
28. a4 ~g6 29. J:ld3?! [29.c3+ 1
29 ...bS 30.ab6 aS! - + 31.J:lbS tt:le4
32.J:laS J:lc2 33. J:lbS J:lc4 34.b3 J:lc1
3S.~ h2 g3 36. ~g3 df6 0-1 De Firmian,Nick
14. ~e6 [14. dS!? W'd8?! W16 Sousa,Helsio Paulo
16.b4 tt:ld7 17.W'd3?! ~e7 18.~dS;!; Oslo 2011 (1)
Y.Wan·Berczes, Acri jr 20061 14.. .fe6 1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
[14 ... tt:le6 1S.aS ~g7 16.h4 0-0 17.hgS hgS Zinchenko,Yaroslav 16 a6 6.a4 eS • c7
18. 11 Wc4? (18... 14!f) 19."*'c4 J:lc4 Areschenko,Aiexander a .~gs tt:lbd7 9. d2 h6 1 o .~h4
20.13 li:ld4 21 . e3;!; Zelcic-Perunovic, Rivne ch-UKR 2005 (2) b6?! 11.~c4 [11 . c4 ~b7 12.13 ~e7
Jahorina 20031 1S.aS ~e7 16.h 4 Wf7 1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 e4 14 .~e7 c3 1S...d6 • d6
17. ~11 [17.0-0!? J:lhg8 18.J:lle1 J:lg7 tt:l16 a6 6.a4 eS W c7 16 .~d6 tt:ldS 17.lLldS ~dS 18.c4;!; Zelcic· J:lcg8 20.hSool 17... J:lhg8 a. ~gs tt:lbd7 h6 1o.~ h4 gs Franic, Pula ch-CRO 1998) 11 ... ~b 7
18.tJiilg1 J:lg6 19.J:lh2 [19.hgS hgS 11 .~g3 cS 12. ..-13 ~e7 [12... ~g7 12 .~a2 [12.tfe2 ~e7 13.~16 16 bS 21 .ab6 Wb6 22.J:lb1 J:lgg8<= I 13.~c4 tt:le6 14.'*id3 tt:ld4 tt:le2 14.0-0 0·0 1S.J:lld1 J:llc8 16 . ~b3 ~18
19•.. J:lgg8 20.J:lh1 J:lg6 21.J:lh2 16.We2 0·0 17.0-0 ~d7 18.aS ~c6 17. c4;!; V.Onischuk-KOiaots, Tallinn 20081
J:lgg8 22. J:lh1 ~- ~ 19.h4;!; Moroz-Averianov, Simleropol 12 ..•~e713 . 0-0 0-0 14.J:le1;!;
ch-UKR 20031 13 .~c4 ~e6 14.aS J:lc8
[14 ... g4 1S.We2 hS 16.13 J:lcB 17 .~e6 le6
Hracek,Zbynek 18.1g4 hg4 19.0·0 tt:lcd7 Tal-Eolian,
Gordon,Stephen Erevan 19821 1S . ~e6 tt:le6 16.'*id3
Germany Bundesliga 2010/ 11 (4) J:lg8 17.f3 [17.h3!? hS 18.h4 g4 19.0-0
1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 J:lg6 W'c4 21 .J:la4 • d3 22.cd3
tt:l16 S. c3 a6 6.a4 eS '*ic7 J:lg8 23.d4;!; Zinchenko·Loskutov, Alushta
a. ~ 9 s bd7 h6 1o. ~h4 9 s 200SI 17... hS 18. ~f2?! (18.0-0? h4
11 .~g3 cS 12.h4 g4 [12... ~g7 19 .~12 tt:l14 20.-.e3 g4+) 18... tt:lf4
13.hgS hgS 14.J:lh8 ~h8 1S.~c4 ~e6 19.W'f1 dS!
16.~e6 e6 17.". e2 J:lcB<= G.Kuzmin·
Ka~akin , Moscow 20021 13.hS ~e6

* -*-~ g
~~ •..
.i. ~ 14 ... J:lac8 [14 ... 'i!i'c5!? 1S. c4 '*'b4
(1S ... bS?! 16 .~16 tt:l16 17. aS J:lab8

~ .a.-.
~ ~

~~ tO
~ .-.

18. b7 J:lb7 19.abS abS
16 .~b3;!; ) 1S . c4 gS?! 16. ~ g3
17.f3 J:lfd8 18. e3
tt:ld4 20.J:lc1
22. cdS±
e6 19. ~f2
bS 21 .abS abS
dS 23 .~dS

ltJ ~ ll w l::r
24. ~b7 't!t'b7 2S.'Wd2 f4 26.J:led1
~~ tO ~~ 27.g3 e6 28.lLldS J:la8
29 .~e3 ~g7 30.c3 J:la2 31.h4 f6
1::[ ~ l::r 20.edS [20.g3 d4 21 .tt:la4 "*'c2 22.gl4 32.Wg2 'i!i'f7 33. J:lh1 cS 34 .~cS
~ 23.".-e2 g4 24.J:lg1 J:lg6- +l deS 3S.g4 ~f8 36.Wg3 c4 37.W'f2
14. · 4 [14.aS!? J:lg8 1S . ~h4 cd7 20 •..~b41 21 .~ b6 W'd6 22. de4 38.J:la1 J:lda8 -.cs
16.J:la4 dS 17.edS tt:ldS ~dS tt:le4 23.fe4 ~c3 24.bc3 J:lc 3 40. as • as 41 .J:la2 ..Wa2 42.hgS
19.c3 ~e6? ! (19...~e7 !'f ) 20.~c4 ~c4 2S.-.12 tJiild7 26.0-0 J:lgc8 27. J:lac1 hgS 43.W'b6 1-0

Survey S/14.5

Perunovic,Milos 2006] 11... 'WcS 12 ..ic4 .ig4 13.f3?! ~g4?! [20 ... .ig5! 21 .lle1 llc7-+]
Sipila,Vilka [13.'it'b1 .ie6 14 ...-a2 .ic4 15.'it'c4 llc8 21 . bS? [21. ~d1 ll11 22.<;f;>f1 ~16
Deizisau 2012 (5) 16.'ifb3 b6 17.0-0 .ie7 18.llle1 0-0 23.~g4+] 21 ... llf1 22. 1 ~e3
1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 19.~11 ~g4 20. ~e3 ~e3 21 .lle3~ 23.Wg1 0-1
~f6 s . ~c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. ~f3 'ifc7 R.Lau-Nenkov, Pernik 1984] 13 ....id7
8 ..ig5 ~ bd7 9. ~d2 h6 1 O•.ie3 14.1!t'e2 llc8 15 ..ib3 .ie7 16 ....f2
b6?! [10 ... ~c5! ?] 11 ..ic4 .ib7 12.0-0 b4'1' 17.0-0 dS! 18.<;i;>h1 d4
[~ 12.1!t'l3 .ie7 13.g4 ~c5 14 ..ic5 ...c5 19. ~d5 dS 20.ed5 0-0 21.l:tfe1
15.h4 d5 16.ed5 lld8 17.0-0-0 ~d5 18.g5 .igS 2V De4 .ie3 23.lle3 de3 Preventing ~g5
hg5 19. ce4 '*b4oo Kudrin-Ly, 24. 'ife3 <;i;>h8 25.a5 fS 26. d2 l:tfe8 7 ... h6
Philadelphia 2011] 12 ... .ie7 13 ...-e2 27.c3 'it'cS 28.'it'c5 llcS 29. ~c4
0-0 14.llfd1 ~cs 1S . .ics~ [15.13!? llbS 30 ..ia4 lldS+ 31 . ~b6 l:taS Wan Yunguo
lllc8 16.'iff2 lld8 17 . ~11 llab8 18.b3 32.b4 .ia4 33.ba5 .ic6 34.c4 e4 Wen Yang
.ic8 19.'ife2 .ie6 20..il2 .il8 21. ~e3~ 35.fe4 lle4 36.Wg1 <;i;>h7 37.lla2 Ho Chi Minh City Ach 2012 (B)
Zdebskaja-Dzagnidze, Halkidiki jr 2003] Wg6 38. WgS 39.lld2 llf4 1.e4 cS 2.lDf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. ~d4
40.<;i;>e3 llh4 41 .g3 f4 42.gf4 llf4 ~f6 s.~c3 a6 6.a4 es 7. f3 h6
43.Wd3 llfS 44.<;i;>d4 [~ 44.lla2] 8 ..ic4 .ie6
44 ... lla5 45 . ~d5 <;i;>h4 46.lle2 gS
47.lle6 hS 48.llh6 lla2 49.h3 ll h2
50. e7 .if3 51 .<;i;>e3 lle2 52.<;i;>f3 ~ ~ .i. .i
lle7 0-1 ii
i.i.~ i
lauk,Uiar i
Puhajarve rapid 2011 (15) ttJ
1.e4 cS 2. ~f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lDd4 t::,t::,t::,
~f6 s. ~c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. f3 'ifc7
15... ..-cs [15 ... dc5 16 .~11 llld8 17.lld8 8 ..ig5 ~ bd7 9. ~d2 h6 1 O..if6 ~f6 ~ l:t
'ifd8 18.lld1 'ife8 19.b3 a5 20 .~d5± 11 ..ic4 .ie6 12.'We2 .ie7 [12 ... llc8
R.Mainka-Haist, Schellenberg 1989] 13..ib3 .ie7 14.0-0 0-0 15.a5 l:tld8 9 .• e2 [9.~d2 .ie7 10.0-0 0-0 11 .lle1
16. ~f1 bS 17..ib3 l:tfe8 18.~d5 16.'ifl3 'Wc5 17.llle1 'Wd4 18. Ia bd7 12.b3 llcB 13 ..ib2 • as 14.'iff3
[18. e3 b4 19.~cd5 ~d5 20 ..id5±] Khalilman-Dvoiris, Kiev ch-URS 1986] llle8oo Krstic-Brkic, Sibenik 2012]
18 ... dS 19 ..id5 .ic6 20.ab5 abS 13.0-0 0-0 14.l:tfd1 llac8 15 ..ie6?! 9 ... .ie7 10.0-0 'ifc7 [10 ... 0-0 11 .lld1
21 .~e3 .igS 22 ..ic6 'ifc6 23 .~d5 [15 ..ib3 llld8 16. ~11 .ib3 (16 ... 'Wc6!?) 'ii'c7 12 .~d5 .id5 13..id5 lDd5 14.ed5
lla1 24.lla1 fS 25.g3 llf8 26.b4 17.cb3 'ifb6 18.lld3 {18.'Wc2?! d5 19.ed5 d7 15.c4 llac8 16.b3 a5 17.llb1 l:tle8=
llc8? 27.h4 .idS 28.lla7! + - g6 .ic5 20.a5 'ifa7 21 .lla4 .id4t Abhishek- Pepic-Ostergaard, Sweden tt 1993/94]
29.h5 .igS 30.hg6 fe4 31 .... g4 Deepan, Mumbai 2010) 18 ...WI8 19. e3 11 . ~e6 [11 ..ib3 0-0 12.lld1 lle8
...e8 32.'ifg5 hgS 33. ~f6 <;f;>f8 llc5 20. ed5 d5 21 . d5 'ifc6 13..ie3 lDbd7 14. h4 llac8 15.lD15 .il8
34.g7X 1-0 22 .llc3~ Oparin-Dolukhanova, Voronezh 16.13 <;i;>h7 17 ..if2 g6 18. e3;!; Bruzon
2011 ] 15 ... fe6 Batista-Dominguez Perez, Havana 2004]
11 ... fe6 12. h4 0-0 13.lDg6 llf7
Abhishek,Das 14.f4 lDc6 15. c4?! [15 ..ie3 lle8
Zherebukh,Yaroslav & &~ 16.llad1 el4 17. 14 .id8+="] 15 .. .'. -d7
New Delhi 2011 (1) i~ .i. i 16.fe5 tLieS 17.lDe7 e7 18.'. -b3?
1.e4 cS 2. f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 i ii~ i l:taf8 19 ..ie3 [19 ..il4 lDe4 20. e4 ll14
f6 S. ~c3 a6 6.a4 eS 7. f3 ...c7 21 .lll4 ll14 22.'ife3 ll15+] 19... fg4
8 ..ig5 ~bd7 9. d2 h6 10 ..ie3
i 20.llf7 • f7 21. e2 h2?! [21 ... lDf3!
1:::, 1:::,
~ cs 11 ..ic5 [11. ~d5!? ~d5 12.ed5 22.gl3 ...13 23. d4 'ifh3! 24 ..il4 ... b3
.il5 13.a5 .ie7 14 .~c4 ~d7 15 ..ie2 0-0 ttJ 25. b3 ll14+] 22.lDf4 ti:.eg4 23. 'ife6
16.0-0 .ig5 17 ..ig5 hg5 18. 'if d2 16 t::,t::, tt) tDe3 24.Wh2 -..e6 25. e6 llf2?!
19. lla3~ Zapata-Kuczynski, Camaguey [25 ...lle8 26.lDd4 lle4 27.c3 g6 28.lla3
~ 1::[
1987; 11.13 .ie6 12 .~c4 lld8 13. d5 Wg7 29.llb3 lle7+] 26.lla3'1' g2
d5 14.ed5 .il5 15.a5 .ie7 16.'Wd2 0-0 27.llb3 e1 28.<;i;>g3 llg2 29.<;i;>h3
17.b4 ~d7 18 ..id3 .id3 19.cd3 .ih4 16. ~f1 'ifb6'1' 17.lla3? g4- + w f7 30. f4 llc2 31 .ll b7 6
20.g3 .ig5+=" De Firmian-Szuhanek, Kavala 18.ll b3 'Wa7 19.lDe3 f2 20.llf1 32.lDd5 <;f;>eS 33. e3 llcS 34.llg7

'iPe4 35.ttld1 d3'le3 5 8.a5 ['ld2 ~e6 9.ttlc4 'f/c7 10.ttle3
37.l:lf7 'iPe6 38.l:lh7 tt'lb2'le4 ttlbd7 11.g3 h5 12.h4 g6 13.~g2 ~g7
l:lh5 40.'iPg4 l:lh1 41 .l:la7 <;Pes 14.0-0 0-0 15.'i!t"e2;!; Felgaer-Quezada
42. g3 h5 43.ttlh5 tt'la4 44.l:la6 Perez, Havana 2004] 8... ~e6 9.~e3
tt'lbd7 10.~e2 tt'lg4 [10 ... ~e7 11 .0-0
0-0 12.h3 l:lc8=] 11.~d2 l:le8 12.0-0
ttlgf613.l:le1 ~e7 14 . ~f1 0-0 15.h3
'i!t"e7'lh4?! tOeS 17.g3 l:lfd8
18.'it"e2 d5 19.ed5 d5 20.ttld5

14... 0-0-0 15.'iPh1 [15 . ~e31 ?] 15 ... d5

16.fe5 de4 17.1t'e2 tOeS'le7!
['le5 "it'e5 19 . ~14 "it'c5'le4 e4
21.1t'e4 c6 22.'i!t"c6 bc6 23.l:laea]
18... 'i!t"e7'le4 tt'le4 20.'i!t"e4 tt'le6
44... e5 45.l:la8 l:lf1 46.l:le8 ttle6 21.~e3 l:lgfB 22.e3 l:lf1 23.l:lf1 l:ld5'lg3 l:lf2 48.ttlh1 l:lf6 49.'iPg3 24 .~b6 'i!t"d6 25.h3 l:ld1 26.l:ld1
'iPd4 50.ttlf2 tOeS 51. g4 l:!f5 d1 27. ~g1 "it'd7 28.b4 tt'le7
52. e3 l:lf7 53.'iPg4 d5 54.ttlf5 29.'i!t"h7?! [29."it'f3;!;] 29... f5
'iPe3 55.l:le8 <l.>b4 56.l:lb8 JI:>-JI:> 30."it'g8 <l.>e7 31.~ h2 'iPe6 32. ~e5
'iPdS 33.'i!t"b8 'i!t"a4 34.~f4?
[34. ~g7=] 34 ...'i!t"a1 35.'iPh2 'i!t"e3 21 .~g2 l:ldd8 22. ~e3 e4 23. ~e4
36."it'b7 'i!t"e6 37."it'b8 g5 38.'i!t"e5 tt'le4 24.'it"e4 ~cs 25. f5 ~f5
lordachescu,Viorel 'iPe4 39.'i!t"e2 'iPb4 40.'i!t"b2 '>Ye4 26.'f/f5 "it'g3 27.'iPf1 'i!t"h2 28."it't3
Mozharov,Mikhail 41. ~e5 "it'b5 42."it'a2 'iPd3 43."it'e6 ~d4 29.l:le7 ~e3 30.be3 l:lf8
Moscow 2010 (4) e3 44. ~e7?? [44."it'g6=i= ] 44 ... 'i!i'b7 31.l:ld1 l:le6 32.l:ld4 l:le6=i= 33.l:lb7
1.e4 e5'lf3 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.ttld4 45."it'g6 'iPe2 46.'i!t"h5 g4 0-1 l:lf6 34.'f/g2 "ireS! 35.l:lg4 l:le8
tt'lf6 5.ttle3 a6 6.a4 e5 7.ttlf3 h6 36.l:lb1 g6+ 37.e4 'i!t"a5 38.'i!t'd5
8. ~e4 ~e7 9.0-0 "it'e7 [9 ... 0·0 10.l:le1 1t'a2 39."it'd1 h5 40.l:ld4 'f/aS
bd7 11.ttlh4 b6 12 .~b3 d5 13.a5 Smirin,llia 41.'it"d3 "ireS 42.'iPg1 'i!i'g5 43.'ifg3
ttle4'lg6 fg6 15J:le4 '>Yh7 16.ttld5 Nepomniachtchi,lan "it'f5 44.l:ld2 'iPh7 45.l:lbd1 l:le8
d5 17.1t'd5;!; Pliester·Vereggen, Bussum Ningbo Wch·tt 2011 (8) 46."it'e3?! Wt4 47.'i!t"d4 'figS
2012] 10. ~a2 ~e6'lh4!? tt'le6 1.e4 e5'lf3 d6 3.d4 ed4'ld4 48. 1 l:lf3 49.'i!t'd5? [49.l:ld3+ ]
12.~e6 fe613. g6 l:lg814.f4 ttlf6 5.ttle3 a6 6.a4 e5'lf3 h6 49...'i!t"g3! 0-1

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Sicilian Defence
Taimanov Variation Sl 40.2 (848)

Another Way to Avoid

the English Attack
by Istvan Almasi (special contribution by Yannick Pelletier)

1. e4 c5 (e pe ially if Bla k play ... ~e7

2. ttJf3 e6 and ... d7-d6 ooner or lat r!).
3. d4 cd4 That i why thi ystem i o
4. tLld4 tLlc6 popul ar with l .e4 player a a
5 . tbc3 c7 wea pon aga in. t the Taima no :
6. ~e3 tbt6 the game take a cour e th at i
7. 14 ~b4 d islik d by the opponent, or at
lea t quite unusual fo r him.
g Thi i one of the reason why
orne expert 'attention has turned
to the variou move order that
make it very difficult for White to
ca tie queenside, or imply pre-
vent it. Apart fro m the abov -
mentioned urvey by Fogara i,
there i another quite popular Ernesto lnarklev
move order that take the ti ng out
of White plan with queen ide Taimanov y te rn , for example
ca tling: Black refrain from wi th the line 5 .. .a6 6.f4 c7 and
Tibor Fogara i w rote a nice Sur- ...a7-a6 and play agai n t the cen- now 7. ~e3 (in tead of the main
ey bac k in Yearbook 76 ti tled tre in lead, targeting the c3-knight move 7 . c6), but the lac k of
' voiding the Eng li h ttac k'. and the e4-pawn by 5 .. .'~c7 and ... a7-a6 and the presence of the
He examined the line l .e4 c5 6 ... tLlf6. White' attempt here to knight on f6 re ult in com-
2.liJf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4 tbc6 play the same a after 6 ... a6 doe plete ly diffe rent po. ition ,
5. c3 a6 6.~e3 ttJ f6, w here not bring g r sui ts, as Blac k w hich are full y independe nt, re-
7. d2 ~b4 8.f3 d5 !? (combined ha a 'retort' aft r 6.f3 ~b4 7. d2 quire ery pecific ca lcul ation,
wi th 9.. . a5) i a noteworth y al- d4 8. d4 ~c3 9.bc3 e5 or and ha e almo t nothing to do
ternati ve fo r tho e wh di like . ~d4 e5, with quite good tati - with any other Ta ima nov y -
playing again t the ~e3-f3- tic for Bla k n waday.. tern ! Black immediately tart
d2-0-0-0 et-up. However, line of thi ki nd are coun terplay again t the e4-pawn,
I have to te ll yo u there are quite a not part of the pre ent Su r ey. It and fo rce White to pu h it fo r-
few g d way to fig ht that y - i for thi rea on - at lea t in my ward . On the other hand, White
tem with bl a k (F gara i cov- iew- thattop grandma ter like can benefit from the uncontrolled
er d the m in d ta il in hi vi d ler and S hirov avoid the b5- quare by playing d4-b5
thorough urvey , ( ee Year- 7.f31'\i'd2/0-0-0 et-up here, and any time (gai ning tempi thank to
book 64, 7 1, 90, 91 , 92), but still , go fo r 7 .f4 in tead . In the pre e nt the 'earl y ' development of the
thing are not to every artic le I will fo u on thi q uite black queen).
Tai manov-fan' ta te there. The popular y tern .
character of the e po ition re- When l tarted to write thi ur- Not in Taimanov Spirit: 7... d6
emble a aj dorf or a Scheve- vey, I thought there would be Bl ack has three main rep lies to
ni ngen rather than a Ta imanov o rne imilarity wi th other 7.f4 : the mode t 7 ... d 6, the origi-

nal 7 ... tLld4!? and the straight- The Crossroads the d7-knight causes trouble
forward 7...~b4 . Before delving The mo t frequently played there), and successfully played
into the tudy of the ubline , we move (we can call it the main ... f7-f6. In light of this it hould
must clarify that 7 ... d6 will not line) is 7... ~b4 , with which be OK for Black, but White till
be the ubjectofthi Survey. The Black rapidly force matters in keep orne mild pre ure against
rea on is that thi s move has more the centre. White must play the e6-pawn. If Black can transfer
to do with the Scheveningen than 8.tLlb5 (8 .'ifd3 d5 9.e5 tLle4 his bishop to the e8-h5 diagonal
the Taimanov, and it will defi- leads nowhere; Black is fine at (a well-known route for French
nitely not be the choice of a real lea t) 8 •.. 'ifa5 (8 ... 'ifb8 allows fan ), he will achieve full equality
Taimanov expert. The move White to con olidate the po ition (see the notes to Caruana-
5 ... 'fl/c7 lo e its very point if and get an edge by the simple Aiexeev). However, I mu t re-
Black then play ...d7-d6 and 9.a3 ~c3 IO.tLlc3) 9.e5. mark there i still a ubtlety:
'overcontrol ' the e5- quare and, Black mu t not hurry with the ex-
perhap even more importantly, change on c3 , ince after 13.tLlc3
Taimanov player clo e off the the a2-pawn would be defended
route of their dark-squared and 0-0-0 would be po ible, but
bi hop only in extreme circum- ifhe start with 12 .. .f613.ef6 l:t f6
stance (which ts definitely not I do not ee how White can
the ca e here, ince they have at strengthen his position (Sho-
least two sound alternatives to moev-Grachev, 20 I I).
... d7-d6! ). A2) ll.tLlc3 can be met by
After 7 ... d6, the game can take ll ... d5 as well , obtaining the
two different course : White arne French-type structure with
either play 8 .~e2 and ca ties one more piece on the board.
kingside, tran po ing into a quiet Thi is the first important eros - Motylev quickly relieved the
Scheveningen game (I bet an at- roads for Black. He has two alter- ten ion by 12.ed6 ~d6 13.tLle4
tacking player who want to play native of equal value: 9 ... tLle4, ~b4 , and Black equalized. More
the English Attack again t the which I prefer and 9 ...tLld5. prec ise i 12 . ~d3 or 12.a3 ~e7
Taimanov would never do thi ... ) A) After 9 .•. tLld5 IO..id2 tL:lc3 1 3. ~d3 , but here Bl ack has a fine
or plays for queen ide ca tling all three recaptures have already move: 12 .. .'ifb6, which prevents
by 8.'fl/f3 (which is what top appeared in high-level games! White from ca tling and if he
players do). After 8 .. .~e7 put hi king on the queenside
9.0-0-0 Black plays 9 ... a6 or ('ifg4, 0-0-0), Black will do the
9 ... 0-0, and White react to both arne ( ... ~d7 , ...0-0-0).
move in the arne way : with A3) It is the recapture ll.bc3
IO.g4. In the end, Black come ~cS (important in order to pre-
up with I O... tLld4 ll. ~d4 e5 in vent 0-0) 12.~d3 or 12.c4,
both ca es, when a complicated 13.~d3 that contains the most
game ari e with chances for venom . If White want to
both ides. We mu t also note achieve anything he must look
that the move ... 'fl/c7 fits in for it here.
again. t the 'iff3-0-0-0 set-up in B) 9 ... tLle4 forces 10. d3.
Scheveningen or Najdorf move Svidler vanquished Timofeev in
orders a well so White can A I ) ll.~c3 0-0 ( I I. .. ~c3 the Russian Chess League in
hardly puni h it. 12.tLlc3 0-0 allow 13.'ifd6! ?) April after IO... f5 I l .ef6 tLlf6
I think 7 .. .tLld4 i also playable 12.'fl/d2 ~c3 13.tLlc3 f6 14.ef6 12.0-0-0 0-0 13.a3 ~e7
for Black, but, a I have already l::tf6 15.0-0-0 d5 re ults in a 14.tLld6 !? (keeping all the minor
me ntioned, it is really a matter of French-like po ition with favour- pieces on the board and prevent-
ta te if Black allows oppo ite- able differences for Black. The ing ... d7-d5 ). Timofeev failed to
ide ca tling with mutual pawn po ition reminds me of the find the only move ( 13 ... a6 in-
torm or not. In thi article I pre- French line 3.tLlc3 tLlf6 4.e5 tLlfd7 stead of 13 ...~e7) and suddenly
fer to concentrate on the routes 5.f4, where Black has managed to found himself in a strategically
avoiding this. swap two light piece (especially lost po ition. lO... tL:lc3 has been

Survey S/ 40.2

played more often, when after Regardles of where White de- 7 .. .ttlf6 from time to time. How-
ll.bc3 ~e7 Black ha a c lear velop hi bi hop (to e2 or g2), ever, I would say thi i a que -
plan. Black ju t tick to hi plan, tion of which one fit your tyle
playing 12.•.0-0 and 13... f6 , and better. If you feel uncomfortable
recaptures on f6 with the bi hop a Black in lines with queen ide
(14.•. ~f6), aiming for 15••• d5 . castling, try to investi gate the re-
The position remai ns playable ources in the line with 7 ... ttlf6.
for both ide . The criti ca l deci sion is whether
to play 9 ... ttle4 or 9 ... ttld5. In the
Conclusion latter line White gets an initiative
Reading the analyses and com- after IO. ~d2 ..Q.c3 ll.bc3!?,
ments by authors in other chess whereas for 9 ...ttle4 I uggest to
publications, I came upon the tudy Erne to lnarkiev's analy-
comparison of 7 ... a6 (8.f3 ttl f6 se of hi games in Chess Infor-
9.'it'd2 ..Q.b4 10.0-0-0) with mant 95 and 98.

Leading Nowhere [27...~c6=F ) 28.l:tac1 'tWb2 29.l:tf2 ~d7 19.'tWg3 l:ta4 20.h3 'i!t'g7?! (Fernandez
8 . 'i!fd3 Wa3 30.l:tc3 (30.'Wa3 l:ta3 Romero-lakos, Pamplona 2002; 20...l:tfa8=F)
30 ...1lb4 31.l:tb3?? l:ta1 32.l:t11 21.15! gf5 22.'Wd6 fg4 23.h4;) 13.1ig4
Winge,Stefan l:t11 33. 1 'tWc4 0-1 b4 14.'i!t'g7 l:t18 15.1!ff6 bc3 16.~c3
lvanov,Sergey (16.'Wc3 'tWc3 17. ~c3 b6=F /),. 18...~6)
Stockholm 2010/11 (6) 16...'it'c5 17.~d3 b6 [17 ...l:ta4)
1.e4 c5 V l:\13 lt:lc6 3.d4 cd4 18.~h7 l:ta4 [1 8... ~6!?] 19.(H)-()I
e6 1ic7 6.~e3 lt:lf6 7.14 ~b4 b41 20. . 2 [20. ~b4? ! 1ib4]
8.1ld3 d5 9.e5 t2:\e4 1o. ~e2 lt:lc5 8. tl:l b5 'i!fa5 9 . ..Q.d2 20 ..•~b7 21.l:the1 (t:. 22.l:te6; 21.a3
11.1id2 lt:le4 12.1ld3 o-o [12 lt:ldS] 21 [ 22.1le5 d6
13.'tWd2 lt:le4=) 13.o-o ~c3 14.bc3 Ponomariov,Ruslan 23.1lg7 (t:. 24.l:te6) 23...l:tf4!; 21...~?1
aS 15. b5 1ic6 1ic3 Pelletier, Yannick 22.a3 lt:la2 23.c.\?d2!) 22.c.\?b 1 ~d5 1ic6 18.a4 ~d7 19. ~13 Biel 2004 (8) 23.l:td5? [23."it'e5 lt:lb4oo; 23...l:tb4?
lt:lc4 1ic5 21 . ~e4 de4 1.e4 c5 V l:\13 e6 3.d4 cd4 24.l:te3] 23...1!fd5 24.c3 'Wd2 25.'We5
22.'tWe4 ~a4 c6 1ic7 6. ~e3 ll:\16 7.14 [25.l:tg1? l:ta3!) 25...15! [25...l:ta3? 26.11bs
~b41? 1ia5 /),. 27.~; 25 ...16; 25...l:ta5; 25...15 /),.
26... 'tWd3) 26...1lg6 27.'We3 'We3
28.l:te3 l:th8 29.l:th30 l:th3 30.gh3
l:t14 31 . 5?! (31.~? l:th4 32...1lc1
l:th3 33...1lg5 c.\?c7 34.c.\?b3 d6-+;
34... <,\?d6-+) 31 ..•l:th4 32...1ld1 l:th3
33.c.\?a2 14 34.~g4 [34.c.\?b3 13 35.~1 12
36...1le2 Weal-+) 34...l:th4 35.~d1 .l:lh2
36.c.\?b3 e5 37...llf3?! .l:lh3 38.~g2
l:tg3 39.~11 f3 40.c4 l:tg1 0-1
Pe ll eti er
M/ 04-6-35

23. 15?! (23. e6 1ie3 24.'tWe3 lt:le3

25. 18 ~8 26.l:Ub1 lt:lc2 27.l:ta2=) 9.~d2 (9.e5 ll:\e4oo] 9 ...a6 10.e5 ab5 Burg,Twan
23! (23... el5! 24.~c5 le4 25.~18 11 .ef6 ~c3 (11...gf6?! (RR) Timofeev,Artyom
~8 26.l:tlb1 l:ta7+] 24.1ie3 1ic2 12...~d2 13.1id2 'tWd2 14.c.\?d2 c.\?e7 15.c4 Eilat tt 2012 (5)
25. e7 c.\?h8 26.15?1 [26. l:tfc1 1lb3 b6 16 .~e2 ~b7 17.l:thc1 l:tag8 18.~13; 1.e4 c5 2. 13 lt:lc6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
27.'tWb3 ~b3 28.l:tab1 l:ta3 29.l:tc7 lnarkiev-Sutovsky, Poikovsky 2008) 12.bc3 e6 'Wc7 6 .~e3 f6 7.14 ~ b4
(29.l:tc3 ~a2 30.l:ta3 ~b1=) 29 ... h6 gf6 (12 ...g6 (RR) 13. ~d3 'tWdB 14.0-0 'tWf6 1ia5 9. ~d2 a6 10.e5 ab5
30.l:tb7=) 26 ... e15 27. 15 ~d7?! 15 .~b5 0-0 16.~d3 d5 17.'tWf3 e7 18.g4 11.ef6 ~c3 12.~c3 b4 13.1g7 l:tg8

14. ~d4 [14 .~16 1t'IS= (Pelletier) 1S .~gS) 26.l%b2i Karjakin-Volokitin, Merida It 200S) Ech 2012) 1S.tLle4 ~6 16.0·0i] 14.ef6
14..•1t'dS [14...tLld4 1S.'ifd4 b3 Pelletier) 16... bS 17.1S tt:le7 18.fe6 de6 19.c4 ~d7 'ilt'b4 1S.O-O-O 'ilt'd6 16.l%d6 gf6
1S .~e3 l%a2 16.'ilt'dS [16.l%a2 1t'a2 20 .~e2 l%c8 21. ~hS tLlg6 22.l%d6 \Pe7 [16 ... 1%16 17.g3 tt:le7 18. ~d3 tLlfS 19.~1S
17.~bS 'ifb2 18. ~c6 'ifc3 19. ~12 'ifcS 23.l%hd1 ~cS 24 .~c5 ~ 2S .~d4 l%hd8 l%1Si ] 17. ~c4 IPf7 1S.l%hd1 \Pe7
20.~d4 (l'l·l'l Kokarev-Bocharov, Khanty- 26.c5 ~g2 27.l%a6 l%a8 28.l%b6 l%a2 19.tLle4± l:ldS 20.g4 a6 21.~ b3
Mansiysk 2008) 20... b6 21 .l%e1 ~b7 29.c6 eS? (29...~e4 30.l%b7 IPgB 31 .l%d2 l:lgS 22.tLlcS l:ldS 23.1S l:lbS 24.c3
22.1t'g4 'ilt'c2 23.l%e2 'ilt'g6 24.h3 IS ~cS 32 .~16=) 30.c7!+- K.Szabo-Lakos, b6 2S. e4 tLlaS 26.gS b3 27.ab3
2S.'ilt'g6 hg6 26.l%b2 bS 27.l%b4 ~cS Hungary It 2004/0S; 13.~d2 tLleS 14.'ilt'd4 1gS 2S.1e6 h6? [28 ... l%b7 29.1%11 l%18
28.l%b1 ~ 29.g3 l%a8 30.l%a1 l%a1 tLlg6 1S. ~c3 'ilt'IS 16.1t'g7 'iff4 17 . ~e2 30.1%18 \PIS 31 .tLlgS hS±) 29.tLlg3+-
31.~a1 b4 32.h4 b3 33.\Pe3 d6 34.~d2 l%18 18.1%11 'ife4 19.1t'h7 eSi lzoria· l%1S 30.ed7 ~ b7 31.l%b6 \PdS 32.b4
~13 3S.~d4 eS 36.feS deS 37.~eS gS Gagunashvili, Kusadasi Ech 2006) 13... bS \Pc7 33.l%h6 l:lhS 34.tLl1S ~e4
38.hgS IPgB 39.~c3 l'l·l'l Kokarev· 14. ~e2 'ifc7 1S.O-O ~b7 16.a4 3S.l%hS l:lhS 36.dS'ilt' l:ldS 37. l%dS
Grachev, Novokuznetsk 2008) 16•••l%a1 tt:le7 [16 ... ba4!?) 17.abS abS 1S.l%aS \PdS ~g6 39.\Pd2 \Pd7
17.1t'd1 1:ld1 1S. ~d1 l%g7 19.g3 dS ~as 19.1t'bS tLldS 20.1fcs 'ifcs 40.\Pe3 \Pc6 41.tLle4 g4 42.tLlf6
20. ~bS ~d7 21 .b3 eS 22 . ~c6 ~c6 21.~cs 1S 22.~d4 IPf7 23 .~ bS ~1S 43. 4 ~e6 44. g4 \PbS
23.l%e1 e4 24 .~cs 1S 2S.\Pd2 hS l:ldS 24.c4 tLlb4 [24 ... tLle7] 2S.l%d1 dS 4S.tLleS IPa4 46.\Pe4 1·0
26.\Pe3 h4 27.l%g1 hg3 2S.l%g3 26.c3 tLlc6 27.~ b6 l:lbS 2S. ~c7
l%g3 29.hg3 IPf7 30. ~b4 \Pe6 l:lcS 29.cdS [29 .~d6±) 29 ...edS?T
31 .\Pd4 ~eS 32.~e1 ~ hS 33.~as [29 ... l%c7 30.dc6 ~cS 31 .c4±) 30.l%a1 ?! Caruana,Fabiano
~d1 34.c4 ~b3 3S.cS IPf6 36. ~c3 [30.~d6 !+-] 30 ... ~b7 [~ 30 ... l%c7 Alexeev,Evgeny
\Pg6 37.~d2 \PhS 3S.~c1 \Pg4 31 .l%a8±] 31.~b6 : as 32. l%aS ~as Biel 2009 (9)
39. ~e3 \Pg3 40. ~c1 \Pg4 41 .~e3 33.\Pf2 ~ b7 34.\Pe3 \Pe6 3S.g3 h6 1.e4 cS 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4
3 42.~c1 \Pe2 43. ~e3 \Pf3 36.~e2 gS 37.h3 g14 3S.g14 tt:le7 e6 S.tLlc3 'ilt'c7 6.~e3 f6 7.14 ~b4
44 .~c1 ~e2 4S .~e3 1Pf3 ~-~ 39. ~cs tt:lg6 40.~ hS tLlhS 41. ~1S S.tLlbS 'ilt'aS tLldS 10. ~d2 c3
tt:lf7 42. ~e2 ~c6 43.\Pd4 1·0 11 .~c3 o-o 12.1t'd2 ~c3 [12 ... b6
13.a3 ~c3 14.tLlc3 ~a6 1S .~a6 'ilt'a6
16.0·0-0i] f6 14.ef6 l%16
1S.o-O-O dS

9.e5 a6 Variation A 1
9.e5 li:l d5 1o.~d2 li:l c3 11.~c3
Matulovic,Milan lnarkiev,Ernesto
Sombor Parcet ic·mem 1972 (8) Kurnosov,lgor
1.e4 c5 2.tLl13 e6 3.d4 cd4 Moscow 2009 (6)
tt:lc6 S.tLlc3 'ilt'c7 6. ~e3 tLlf6 7.14 1.e4 cS tt:lc6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLld4
~b4 S.tLlbS 'ilt'aS 9.eS a6?1 10.tLld6 e6 S.tLlc3 'ilt'c7 6.~e3 tt:lf6 7.14 ~ b4
~d611 .1t'd6 tLle412.'ilt'd3 tt:lc3 S.tLlbS 'ilt'aS tLldS 10 . ~d2 c3
11 .~c3

16.\Pb1 [16.g3 ~d7 17.tLle4 l%h6

(1 7...'ilt'a2 18.tLlf6 gf6 19.'ilt'c3 l%c8
20.'i!t"a3 'ilt'a3 21 .ba3 tt:Jasgg) 18.'ilt'aS
tLlaS 19.tLlf2 l%16 20.tLlg4 l%118 21 . eS
l%ad8 22 .~h3 ~c8 23.l%he1 i Motylev·
Shimanov, Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011 )
16••.~d7 17.g3 [17 .~S 'ilt'c7 18.l%hf1
l%af8=) 17•..~eS [17 ...l%c8 18. ~h3!)
1S.a3 [ 18. ~d3 b4; 18.h4 ~hS 19.~e2
(19.l%e1 ~13 20.~g2 ~g2 21 .'ilt'g2=)
13.bc3 [13.'ilt'c3 'ilt'c3 14.bc3 16 1S.el6 19...~e2 20.'ilt'e2 Wb6 (20 ... l%c8 21 .g4!
gl6 16.0·0·0 (16.c4 dS 17.0.0·0 d4 18. ~d4 11...~c3 [11 ...a6? 12.tLld6 \Pe7 d4 22.gS) 21 .l%he1 (21 .hS l%c8 22.h6
tLld4 19.l%d4 ~d7 20.~e2 (20.~d3 !?) 13.tLle4±) 12.tLlc3 0-0 13.'ilt'd6!? f6 tLlaSco) 21 ...l%c8 22.'ilt'g4 (22.1S d4!;
20...l%c8 21. ~13 l%c7 22.\Pd2 \Pe7 [13 ... bS 14. ~d3 b4 (14... l%b8? 1S .~h7 ! 22.g4 aS 23.gS l%14 (23 ... tt:lc4 24. a4
23.l%b1 bS 24.cbS abS 2S . ~e2 l%a8 \Ph7 16.'ilt'f8 1·0 Macieja-Manea, Plovdiv 'i!i'bS 2S.gf6 a3 26.\Pc1 l%c2 27.'ilt'c2

Survey S/40.2

~c2 28. ~c3!±) 24 ...-e6 ..-e6 25.l:te6 19.l:the1 l:te8 20.l:te2 'ifc5 21 .g4 l:tff8 18.• h6 '*'b4 19.• g7 Wt8 20.W16 h5;!;)
l:th4 26.tild5 c6= Vitiugov) 22 ... tilb4 22.!5 ef5 23.gf5 ~h5 24.l:te8 l:te8 25.l:te1 17.l:td3± : ca
18.'iVgs g6 19.l:thd1 ttc4
23 .~d5 tild5 24.l:td5 l:tc2= Romanov- l:te1 ~-~ Vokarev-Khairullin, St Petersburg 20.~e1 ?! h6 2UWt6 0-0 (21...l:tg8?
Vitiugov, Sochi II 2006) 18•.. l:tb8 [18...a6 2009) 14... dS 1S.~ b4 tilb4 16.tild4 22 .~h4 g5 23.fg5 l:th4 24.g6 l:tg6
19.~e2 ~h5 20 ...-as tila5 21 .l:te1 tilc4 'ifcS 17.c3 tilc6 18.o-O-O ~d7 25.'i!t'h4+- Grandelius-P. Gramling, Falun
22. d4 tild2 23.'oYc1 tile4 24 .~h3 ~f7= 19.h4 aS 20.~h3 a4 21.l:the1 l:te8 ch-SWE 2012) 22.l:th3 'ifd8 23. ~h4 '*'16
Spraggeii-Miladinovic, Vrsac 2006) 22.tilc2 l:tf7 23. ~g2 l:tfe7 24.l:te3 24 . ~16 <oYh7 25 .~g5 h5 26.g4 l:tfc8;!;)
19. bS . d2 20.l:td2 ~g6 21. ~h3 <oYh8 2S.l:tde1 l:tc8 26.<oYb1 ~e8 13 ... g6 14.o-O-O ~d7 1S.<oYb1 a6
a6 22.tilc3 [22. d6!?) 22 ... bS 23.l:te1 27 .~ h3 ~g6 28.l:te6 l:te6 29. ~e6 [15...0-0-0 16.tila4?! (16. b5!?) 16... 'it'd4
24.tild1 hS 2S.tile3 ~e4 l:tf8 30.fS [30.h5±] 30...~fS 31 .~fS 17 .~c3 ~c3 18.tilc3 tileS 19.'i!t'g3 tild3
26.~g2 ~g2 27. g2 l:tg8 28.l:td3 l:tfS 32.tild4 l:tf8 33. e6 ...f2 20.cd3 ~c6 21 .tile2 Wb6=i= Perunovic-
g5 29.l:tc3 eS 30.feS l:te6 31.l:tf1 34 ...f2 l:tf2 3S.tilf4 [~ 35.tilc5] R.Markus, Mataruska Banja 2007)
~g6 32.h4 eS 33.hgS <oYgS 3S ...hS 36.tildS l:tg2 37.l:te4 l:tg1 16 .• h4 ~e7 17...e1 b4 18. ~e3
34. f4 • l:tf6 3S.l:th1 l:th8 36.l:tc7 38.<oYc2 l:tg2 39.c;t;>b1 1-2·1-2 ~cs 19. ~cs '*'cs 20.a3 3
[36. d5;!;) 36 ...l:tf7 37.l:tcS <oYg4 21.l:td3 l:tc8 22 ...d2 ~bS 23.l:td4
38.l:tdS l:tfS 39.tile2 tilf3 40.l:td6 'iVb6 24.l:td1 l:tc4 2S.l:tc4 ~c4
l:te8 41. f4 l:th8 42.l:tg6 l:tgS Vuckovic,Bojan 26.g4 hS 27.fSI hg4 28.fg6 fg6
43.l:ta6 <oYg3 44.l:tf6 h4 4S.l:th3 Vratonjic,Siobodan
~g4 46.l:tf3 3 47.tilg6 <oYg4 Valjevo tt 2012 (4)
48. h8 h3 49.tilf7 h2 SO.l:tf1 l:tdS 1.e4 cS 2.tilf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 • .I
S1.<oYa2 <oYg3 S2.l:th1 <oYg2 S3.l:th2 tilc6 S.tilc3 ..-c7 6 .~e3 f6 7.f4
~h2 S4.c;f;>b3 <oYg3 ~b4 8.tilbS • as tildS 1o. ~d2
tilc3 11.~c3 0-0 12.'it' d2 a6
13.tild61 [13.~ . b4 14.'W'b4 b4
15.tild4 d6 (15...b6oo) 16.ed6 l:td8 17.c3
l:td6 18.0-0-0 d5= Amonatov-S.Novikov,
Moscow 2010) 13... 16 [13...~c3 14.bc3 f6
15.ef6 l:tf6 16 .~d3 ;!;) 14.~ b4 b4
1S.c3 tilc6 16.ef6 l:tf6 17. ~c4 bS
18 .~b3 ;!; '*'c7 19.tile8 'W'f4 20.tilf6
'*'f6 21 .0-0-0± tilaS? 22 .~dS +­ 29...-gs [29.tile4!±) 29 ... 'i!t'c7?
l:tb8 23.l:thf1 '*'e7 24.~e6 '*'e6 [29 ...l:th2 30.Wg4i ] 30. '*'f6 l:th2
2S.l:tde1 l:ta8 1-0 31 .'W'e6 ~ 32 ...g6 [32.b3!+-)
32.... es [32 .... h7 33.'iVd6 ~7 34.l:tc1
'i!t'IS 35.tild5 ~d5 36 ...-dS±) 33 .• g4
SS.c4 bc4 S6.<oYc4= l:td2 S7.<oYc3 bS? [33 ... <oYe7 34.• c8 l:tg2 35.'i!t'b7 ~
l:tdS S8.<oYc4 l:td2 S9.b4 4 60.bS 36:.-ca <oYe7±) 34. 'W'c8 ~ 3S.• b7
s 61 .a4 c;t;>e6 62.tilgS <oYd7 Variation A2 [35.b3!) 3S ... ~ 36.'i!t'c6 ~ 37.'W'b7
63.tile4 l:th2 64.tilc3 <oYd6 6S.tile4 9 .e5 tt:l d5 1 o .~ d2 tt:l c3 11 .tt:l c3 38...a8 ~ 39...-a7 [39.b3! 'ifc3
<oYc7 66.aS l:th4 67.c;t;>dS l:thS 40.'it'b7 " 41 .'it'c6 <;t;>IS 42.l:tl1 ~11
68.<oYc4 l:th4 69.<oYd4 <oYb7 70.c;t;>dS Grigoriants,Sergey 43...c3+-J 39 ... 'i!t'e7 40.'*'b8 'ifh4
l:thS 71.c;t;>c4 l:th4 72.<iPd4 c;f;>c7 Kalegin,Evgeny 41.'i!t'c7 ~ 42.-.cs 43.b3
73. <oYdS 1-2·1-2 Voronezh 2012 (6) '*'h7 44. '*'c7 1-0
1.e4 cS 2. f3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.tild4
tilc6 S.tilc3 'W'c7 6. ~e3 tilf6 7.f4
Shomoev,Anton ~b4 • as tildS 10.~d2 Kokarev,Dmitry
Grachev,Boris tilc3 11 . c3 dS 12 .~d3 [12.ed6 ~d6 Grachev,Boris
Moscow 2011 (1) 13. e4 ~b4 14.a3 ~d2 15.• d2 '*'d2 Plovdiv Ech 2008 (7)
1.e4 cS 2.tilf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.tild4 16.<oYd2 0-0= Motylev-A.Timofeev, Moscow 1.e4 cS 2.tilf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.tild4
6 S.tilc3 '*'c7 6. ~e3 tilf6 7.f4 2008) 12.... b6! [12... ~d7 13.0-0 g6 tilc6 S.tilc3 '*'c7 6. ~e3 tilf6 7.f4
8. bS • as tildS 1 o.~d2 14.<oYh1 a6 15.a3 ~e7 16.tile4 'i!t'c7 ~b4 8.tilbS 'i!t'aS dS 1 o .~d2
c3 11.~c3 0-0 12.'iV d2 f6oo 17.till6 ~16 18.el6 '*'d8 19.• e1 'W'I6 c3 11 .tilc3 dSIN [11...0-0?! 12.a3
13.ef6 l:tf6 14.g3 [14.a3 ~c3 15.tilc3 20.15 'W'e7 21.fe6 ~e6 22 .~h6;!; Kritz- ~e7 13.~d3 ..-b6 14.tile4-; RR
d5 16.g3 ~d7 17.0-0-0 ( 17 .~g2 ~e8 Svetushkin, Kallithea II 2009) 13.'i!t'g4 11...'*'b6 12 . ~d3 ~c3 13.~c3 'W'e3
18.0-0 'iVb6 T.Kosintseva-Girya, Moscow [13 ....h5 ~d7 14.0-0-0 ~c3 15 .~c3 tilb4 14.We2 ._14 15.g3 'i!t'g5 16.l:tg1 b6 17.h4
ch-RUS W 2012) 17...~e8 18. ~h3 ~g6 16.<oYb1 tild3 (16...l:tc8 17.~b4 g6 '*'e7 18.0-0-0 ~b7 19.<oYb1 b4 20.a3

tt:ld3 2U!fd3 aS 22.~d4 J:la6 23.'i!fe3 ~b4 8.ttlb5 'i!faS 9.e5 tt:ldS 1O. ~d2 26.Wd1] 25.J:If6 W'f6 26. ~h6 We7
'i!fd8 24.hS 0-0 2S.h6 g6 26. J:Igl1 ~ tt:lc311.bc3 27.~g5 ~e6 28.~f6 29.()-0-()
Areschenko-S.Novikov, Moscow 2008] ~e3 30.Wb1 d4 31 .cd4 ~a2
12.a3N ~e7 13. ~d3 'i!fb6! [13...0-0?! 32.Wb2 1-0
14.W'hS g6 1S.'i!fh6-+] 14.'i!fg4 [RR
14.'i!fl3 ~d7 1s.o-o-o J:lc8 16.J:Ihl1 a6
(!?) 17.~e1 W'c7 18.'i!fg4 g6 Sulskis,Sarunas
19.~h4 'i!fd8 20.~e7 'i!fe7 21 .h4 hS= Volodin,Aieksander
Kurnosov-Khairullin, Irkutsk 201 OJ 14..• g6 Tallin 2010 (4)
15.0-0-0 ~d7 16.'i!fg3?1 (16 .~e1 ! 1.e4 cS 2.'Llf3 e6 3.d4 cd4
J:lc8 17 . ~h4 'i!fe3 18.Wb1 hS 19.'i!fg3 tt:lc6 W'c7 6. ~e3 tt:lf6 7.f4
W'g3 20 .~g3;t] 16..• J:Ic81 17.h4 hS!f ~b4 W'as tt:ldS 1o. ~d2
18.'i!fe1? (18.J:Ih3 tt:ld4 (18... tt:las tt:lc3 11.bc3 ~cs 12.~d3 0-0
1 9 .~e3;!; A 19...d4? 20.~d4 ! 'i!fd4 13.h41? a6
21. ~b5+ -) 19.'i!fe1 tt:IIS 20.~15 giS
21. ~e3 W'a6 22.~d4oo] 18... tt:la5!
19. ~e3 d41 20. ~f2
1L~c5 ( 1 1... ~e7
(12...~b4? ! 13.~! W'b4 14.c3 'i!faS
12.c4! 'i!fd8 We7 16.'i!fd3± ; 12... 'i!fb6 13.J:Ib1 .l

0-0 14.'Lld6 'i!fcS 'i!fa3 16.~d3~)
13.~d3 ( ~d6 14.ed6 'i!fb6+%)
13...d6 (13...a6 14.'Lld6 ~d6 1S.ed6;
13...0-0 14.'i!fhS g6 (14... h6 1S.Q-Q 'i!fb6
' ~
'if tt:J .i. '
~ ~
16.Wh1 'Llb4 17.J:Iab1 tt:\d3 18.cd3 'i!fc6
19.~ ~ 20.J:Ib4 b6 21 .tt:ld6±)
1S.'i!fh6 a6 16.h4 abS 17.hS ~h4
18.Wd1-+) 14.0-0! a6 (14...deS 1S.IeS 0-0 a)
{ 16.W'hS ~16 {16... tt:lg6 17.hS!
b6 18.~g6 lg6 19.'i!ff3+-) 17 .~b4 g6 14. d4 (14.'i!fhS!? h6 (14...g6 1S.'i!fh6
18.'i!fh3+-) 1 6.~c3 ~cS 17.Wh1-; J:le8 (1S...abS?? 16.hS+-) 16. d6
14...0-0 {1S.W'h5?! g6 16.'i!fh6 deS {16.hS!? ~18 17.'i !t'gS) 1 6... ~d6D 17.ed6
20... c4 [20... 0-0 21.~d4! (21 .tt:le2?! ~ 17..1:113 15 18.J:Ih3 .1:117+) 1S ... ~d6 16.ed6 'i!fhSD 18.'it'hS ghS 19.J:Ih3±) 1S.J:Ih3!?
22.liJd4 ~ 23.<~b1 J:lcd8+; 'i!fd6 - Shirov-Rublevsky, Poikovsky 2009) A 1S... abS 16.J:Ig3 IS (16...Wh8 17.1S+-
~f) 21...W'd4 2ti.e4 'i!fc4 23.J:Id7 ~! ~d6 16.ed6 'i!fd6 17.Wh1 (RR (A 18. ~h6) ; 16... tt:le7 17.'i!fh6 g6
24.ba3 W'c3 2S.W'c3 J:lc:H'; 20... J:Ic3?! 17 .~e31 g6 (17...0-0 18.~h7+-) 18.~e4 18.'i!fhS!! {A 19.J:Ig6); 18.'ifgS? 'i!fd8-+)
21 .bc3 ~ 22.'it;d2 dc3 23.~ ~n­ 'i!fd1 19.J:IId1 0-0 20.J:Id6± Kritz) 17...'i t'c5 17.el6 .1:116 18.'i!fc5oo] 14... d4 15.cd4
Grachev, Sochi tt 2008] 21 .~c4 J:lc4 18.J:Ib1 0-0 1 9 .~c3- B.Vuckovic- ~ b4 16.a4 d6 17.J:Ib1 ~d2 18.'i!fd2
22.'i!fe2?1 [22.'i!fl1 oo; 22.J:Ih3oo] 22... J:Ic3 Damljanovic, Mataruska Banja ch-SRB 2008] 'i!fa4 19.J:Ih3 J:ld8 20.c3 ~d7
23~d4 J:lcS 24.b4 'i!fbS 25.'i!fb5 J:lbS 12 .~d3 1 ? 'i!fd8 (12... a6 'Lld4?! (20... bS'i'] 21 .h5 ~bS 22 . ~c2 'i!fc4
26.c4 J:lb6 27 ~ ab6+ 28.g3 ~c6 (13...d5 'i!fb6 1S.'i!fg4 g6 23.Wt2 J:lac8 24.J:Ig3 deS 25.fe5
29.J:Ihe1 0-0 30. 2 J:la8 31 .J:Ic1 f6 Ubiennykh-Girya, Tiumen 2012) 14.cd4 ~b4 J:ld4 (25... g6!?] 26. 'it'gS (26.~h7 Wh7
32.ef6 ~f6 33.Wa2 rM7 34.b5 [~ 1S.J:Ib1 ~d2 16.'i!fd2 'i!fa2? (~ 16...'i!fd2 27.cd4;t] 26 ... J:If4 (26 ... WI8!=] 27.Wg1
34.J:Ied1] 34.. ~f31 35.J:Ie3 ~g4 17.Wd2 bS 18.a4 {18.c4 ~7!) 18 ...~b7;!;) Wf8 28. ~d3 'i!fcS 29.Wh2 J:lf2
36.J:Id3 ~e7 37.J:Id7? J:la3 38.Wb2 17.0-0 'i!fdS 18.'i !fe3 g6 19.c4± 30 . ~ b5 abS 31 .'it'g7?! [31 .J:Id1 !±]
J:lg3 39.J:Ib7 <J.>f6 0-1 Nepomniachtchi-Grachev, Moscow Wch blitz, 31 ... We8 32.J:Id1 J:lf5! 33.'i!fh7?
2010] 13.'i!fe2 0-0 14.W'e4 g6 15.h4 [33.J:IgS=] 33 ... We7!-+ 34.J:Ie1
f5 16.ef6 d5 17.'i!fe2 a6 18.h5 ab5 J:leS?! [34 ...b4!-+] 35.J:Ie5 'i!feS
19.hg6 hg6 20.~g6 'i!ff6 [20 ... .1:116? 36.'i!fh6 [36.'ifg7 'i!fhS 37.J:Ih3 'i!fdS+ ]
21.'i!fhS+-J 21.J:Ih6 'i!fg7 22.'it'h5 36 ...J:Ic5 37.'i!fd2 'it'hS 38. J:Ih3 'i!feS
Variation A3 [22.~7 Wl7 (22 ...Wh8? 23.'i!fhS+-) 39.Wg1 J:ldS 40.'i!fc1 'i!fd6 41 .'i!fh6
9 .e5 ttl d5 1O.-".d2 tt:l c3 11 .bc3 23.~g6 'i!fg6!? 24.J:Ig6 WQS'i'] 22 ... J:If6 J:ld1 42.Wf2 'i!fd2 43.'i!fd2 J:ld2
(22 ....1:114 23.~17 .1:117 24.J:Ig6 .1:115 2S.J:Ig7 44. 1 J:lc2 45. J:Ih5 J:lc3 46.J:Ib5
Yakovenko,Dmitry Wg7 26.~h6 Wl6 27.W'e8 eS J:lc7 47.We2 J:ld7 48.J:Ib6 Wd8
Alexeev,Evgeny (27....1:112!?) 28.'i!fh8 We7 29.g4oo] 23.f5 49.We3 Wc7 50.J:Ib1 J:ld5 51 .g4 b5
Moscow ch-RUS plot 2008 (4) ef5? [23... .1:115! 24.~1S W'eS 2S.Wd1 'i!t'IS 52. J:If1 J:ld7 53 . ~e4 Wb6 54.We5
1.e4 cs V of3 e6 3.d4 cd4 26.W'e8 W'l8 27.J:Ig6 Wh7 28.J:Ih6 Wg8=] b4 55.Wf6 Wb5 56.g5 b3 57.J:Ih1
tt:lc6 'i!fc7 6.~e3 tt:lf6 7.f4 24. ~h7! +- 'iW8 [24 ... Wh8 2S.J:I16 W'g3 ~ b4 0-1

Survey S/40.2

Degraeve,Jean Marc 34.e6 [34.c5 bc5 35 .~c4] 34 ...q;,e6 37.gf6 .i.f2?! [37... ~c5 38.tilh6 q;,1s
Sokolov,Andrey 3S . .I:thS fS 36.g3 S 37.l:t h8 q;,e4 39.q;,d3] 38.q;,e2 [38.tilh6! q;,1s 39.tilg4
Nimes ch-FRA-ch 2009 (3) 3s.q;,b4 q;,r3 39. .1:tds .l:th7 40 ..1:td2 ~c5 40 ..I:th7 q;,es 41.1S ~13 42.17 q;,ds
1.e4 cs f3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.tild4 3 41 . .1:ta2 q;,d4 42 ..1:tf2 .l:tc7 43.till6+- ] 38 ... ~cS 39 . .1:tg3?!
li:Jc6 S.tilc3 fic7 6. ~e3 tilf6 7.f4 43.l:td2 q;,e3 44..1:tdS q;,e4 (44 ...14 [39.tilh6 <j.>IS 40.l:tg3 q;,esoo] 39 ... ~
.i.b4 S.tilbS flas tildS 10 .~d2 4S.gf4 .l:th7 46.l:teS <j.>t4 47.l:te2 ~] 40.q;,d3 d6 [40 ...~18+] 41 .l:tg7 q;,e6
tilc3 11 .bc3 ~cs 12.c4 4S.q;,c3 .l:t h7 46.l:td2 3 47.aS baS 42.tild4 ~d4 43.q;,d4? [43.l:te7! q;,1s
48 •.1:ta2 f4 49.gf4 4 SO..I:taS .l:th2 44.17=] 43 ...deS 44.feS .l:td8 4S.II;>e3
S1.l:ta7 g3 S2 . .1:tf7 q;,es S3.l:tg7 .l:tg2 .l:td7 46 . .1:tgS ~a6 0-1
(53...g2 54.b6 .l:th6 55.c5 ~s 56.q;,b4 .l:th1
S7.l:tg2 .l:tb1 ss.q;,as ~ S9.l:tc2+-l
54.c~b4 q;,r4 ss.cs .l:tb2 S6.q;,as 1-0 Sjugirov,Sanan
Sochi tt-2 2009 (1)
Kapnisis,Spyridon 1.e4 cS 2.tilf3 tilc6 3.d4 cd4 4.tild4
Svetushkin,Dmitry e6 S.tilc3 fic7 6. ~e3 tilf6 7.f4 ~ b4
Rethymnon 2009 (6) S.tilbS 'it'aS 9.eS tildS 1 O. ~d2 tilc3
1.e4 cS 2.tilf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4 11.bc3 ~cS12 . c4 'it'd813 .~d3 0-0
tilc6 S. c3 'it'c7 6. ~e3 tilf6 7.f4 14.'it'hS g6 h6 dS? I 16.ed6
~b4 S.tilbS fiaS 9.eS tildS 10.~d2 '*'f6 17.l:tb1 (17 .~c3 ~] 17
12 ...fid8 [RR 12... fi b6 13.l:tb1 1 0-Q c3 11.bc3 ~cs 12.c4 • ds 18.'i!rgS?I [18.h4!? e4! 19.~e2 tild4
( 13...~12 14.q;,e2 o-o 1S.tild6 1t'c5 16.c3! 13...Q.d3 0-0 hS g6 1S.fih6 fS 20.~c3 (t:. 21 . hS); 20.hS IS; 18. ~c3 t:.
(1 6. 1fc4 17.q;,f2 fie4 18.~d3 16. ~c3 (16.h4 "*'e7 17.hS ( 17.~c3 - 18 ... 'ii'f4 19.'it'f4 el4 20.tilc7 .l:tb8 21 .tildS
-.a4oo) 16... ~ 17 .~e3!) 14.tild6 fia6 16.~c3 'it'e7 17.h4) 17... gS! 18.g4 {18.o-o-o .l:te8 22.q;,d1] 18 ... 1t'gS 19.fgS .l:td8
1S.~d3 'i!ra2 16.tile4 ~d4 (16 ... ~e7 g4) 18.. .fg4 19.o-o-o fi g7 20.fig7 q;,g7 [19 ... .1:tb8 t:. 20... a6; 19 ... a6 20.tilc7 .l:tb8
17.~c3 fia6 18.till61 ~16 19.el6 g6 21.fgSt tileS? 22.~c3 d6 (Hristodoulou- 21 .tildS ~d6] 20. ~e4 ~fS 21. ~fS gfS
20...C1+- t:. IS, fih6; t:. h4-hS) 17.till6!! Manea, Plovdiv Ech 2012) 23.g6 (23.tild6 22.g3 ~d6 (22 ... .1:tac8!? 23..1:tf1 b6 t:.
gf6 18.'i!rg4 q;,h8 19.el6 {19.fih4 IS ~d6 24.l:the1 ±) 23 ... h6 24 .~e2±] 24 ..1:tiS a6 2S.tilc3 tild4] 23 . .1:tf1 ~cs
20.'i!rl6 ~) 19 ... .1:tg8 (19...~16 20.fihS 16 ... fie7 17.h4 tild8 18 ...gS figS 24.tilc7 .l:tac8 2S.tildS b6 [2S ...tild4!?
• b1 21.q;,e2 tiJd4 22 .~ tillS 19.hgS b6 (19... 17 20.~e2 a6 21 .tild4 t:. 26.l:tb7 tilc2 27.\l;>e2 (27.\l;>d1 tila3!)
23.l:tb1+- ) 20.fih3 .l:tg7 21.1g7 q;,g7 d6 22.tilf3 ~d7 23.ed6 ~d6 24.g3 ~c6 27... d4] 26. ~c3 tile7 27.tilf6 q;,g7
22.c3+- Kritz] 13.~d3 [13.tild6 ~d6 2S.o-o-o .!:ticS 26.l:thl1 ~e4 27. d2 ~c6 28 . ~eS ~d4 29. d7?! (29 .~d4 .l:td4
14.ed6 'i!rb6+=!] 13 ... b6 14.~c3 [14.'i!rhS 28.tilf3 ~e4 29. d2 ~c6 ~- ~ 30.l:td1=] 29...q;,g61 30.~d4 .l:td7
~6 1S.h4 ~S 16.cb5 g6 17.'i!rd1 tile7 B.Vuckovic-R.Markus, Valjevo tt 2011] 31. ~b2 .l:tc4 32.l:tf2 ll;>gS 33. 1
18.hS .!:tiS 19.hg6 hg6 20.'i!rl3 .l:tc8 (Hillarp 20.~e2 b7 21 .to c7 .l:tb8 22.tila6 q;,g6 34.l:te1 f6 3S.h3 .l:tdc7
Persson-Vitiugov, Budva Ech 2009) .l:ta8 23.l:th6 tild8 24. c7 ~b7 36 . .1:tee2 dS 37.\l;>e1 hS 38.a3?!
21 .0-0-0! J 14... ~a6 [14 ... o-o 1s.Whs h6!? 2S. .I:tah1 .l:tc8 26. bS .l:tf7 27.tild6 tilc3-+ 39.l:te3 e4 40 . .1:tfe2 .l:tc2
16.g4 ~b7 17.l:tl1 {17.tild6!?) 17... tilb4! .l:te7 28.g4 [28.tilc8 ~c8 29 . ~±] 0-1
18. ~? (18.g5 tild3 19.cd3 ~g2 20 ..1:tf2 28 ... .1:tb8 29.l:t1 h2 tilc6 30.gfS efS
.i.c6 21 .d4 ~e7 22.h4 ~s 23.cbS .l:tcS'i') 31 .q;,d2 tild4?1 32.~d4 ~d4
18... ~b4 19.q;,e2 dS!+ K.Szabo-Khairullin, Shirov,Aiexey
St Petersburg 2010] 1S.fig4
16.tild6 ~d6? ! (16 ...fie7) 17.ed6 16
8 [1S ... o-o

{1 7...g6 18.h4 hS 19.• g3 flea 20.o-o-o •.t.

i •• Rublevsky,Sergey
Poikovsky 2009 (6)
1.e4 cS 2.tilf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4. d4
~h7 21 .figS IS 22.g4+- ) 18.0-Q! tilaS?
(18... : 17 19.l:t13±; 18 ...fle8±) 19.l:t13!+-
Delchev-Se.lvanov, Leon tt 2012] 16.(H)-()
[16.tild6 ~d6 17.ed6 16 18.l:td1 .l:tc8 19.0-Q
• t2J
~ .i.
~ ~· ~
. 1:[ tilc6 S. c3 'it'c7 6 . ~e3 f6 7.f4
~ b4 S.tilbS 'ifaS
tilc3 11.bc3 ~cs 12.c4 • ds
13.~d3 d6 14.ed6 ~d6 1S.tild6
dS 10. ~d2 20..1:tf3± Ter Sahakyan-Salgado ~ ..Wd6 16.0-0 0-0 17. ~c3! ± fS

18.\l;>h1 ~d7 (18 ... eS 19.feS '*'a3
Lopez, Chennai Wch-jr 2011] 16... hS
~ ~ c:t;; 1:[
17.fif3 .l:tc8 18.fS ~bS 19.cbS tild4 20.'it'e1 ~e6 21 .l:tb1! b6? 22.g4 +-
20.fif4 tilfS 21.~fS efS 22.'it'fS · 3 Radjabov-Grachev, Sochi tt 2008; 18 ... b6!?]
23 .~b2 ~b2 24. ~ b2 g6 2S.'it'd7 19.~fS 'i!rd1 20 . .1:tad1 efS 21 . .1:td7
-.c7 26.'i!rc7 .l:tc7 27.l:td8 q;,g7 33 .~fS ~g1 34.l:t2h3 gfS 3S.tilfS .l:tf7 22 . .1:tf7 [22 ..1:tfd1 .l:te8 23.l:t17 \1;>17
28.l:th8 ~h8 29.l:td1 q;,g7 30.q;,b3 [3S.g6! ~cs 36.tiliS ~e4 37. e7 ~e7 24.l:td7 .l:te7 25 ..1:te7 e7= t:. 26... c8]
gS 31 .c4 q;,g6 32 . .1:tdS g4 33.a4 s 38.l:th7 ~18±] 3S ....I:tf7 36 ..1:tf6 .l:tf6 22 ... ~ 23.l:tb1 d8 24.cS .l:tc8

2S •.b s 'it;>e6 26 . ~d8 l:td8 27.h3 Svidler,Peter Brkic,Ante
l:td7 28.c4 h6 29.'it;>h2 gS 30.'it;>g3 Timofeev,Artyom Hracek,Zbynek
l:l.d3 31 .'it;>f2 l:td4 32.fgS hgS Soc hi tt 2012 (1) Sibenik tt 2011 (5)
33.l:tb7 l:tc4 34.l:ta7 l:tcS 3S.a4 l:l.c2 1.e4 cS e6 3.d4 cd4 1.e4 cS e6 3.d4 cd4
36. 3 l:tc3 37. 'it;>f2 l:ta3 38.l:taS tt:lc6 W c7 6. ~e3 tt:lf6 7.f4 tt:lc6 S. c3 Wc7 6. ~e3 tt:lf6 7.f4
l:ta2 39.'it;>g3 l:ta3 ~ -~ ~b4 Was tt:le4 1 o.Wd3 ~b4 Was tt:le4 10.Wd3
fS 11 .ef6 tt:lf6 12.o-o-o ( tt:lc3 11.bc3 ( ~c3 12.bc3 0·0
~d6 13.Wd6 tt:le41 14.Wd3 tt:lc3 15 .~d2 13 .~e2 b6 14.0·0 ~b7 15.a4 l:tacS
0·0 16.bc3 (16.~c3 Wa4! 17.g3? tt:lb4!'f) 16.l:tlb1 lObS 17.c4 ~a6 18.'tli'd4 16 19.el6
Variation B 16...e5~ 17.c4 Wb6 18.0·0·0 d6 19.Wd5 Yl· Y2 Palac·O.Jovanic, Rijeka 2007]
9.e5 tt:l e4 'it;>hlloo Yl-Y! KOiaots-Nisipeanu, Turin ol 11 ... ~e7 (11 ...0-0?! 12.cb4 tt:lb4 13.Wd2
2006; ~ 12 .~e2 0·0 (12 ... tt:ld5 13.~d2 tt:lc2 14.'it;>l2 'it'd2 15.~d2 tt:la1 16.~d3 16
Ki.ilaots,Kaido ~c3 14.bc3! ( tt:lcb4 15.We4 17.el6 l:t16 18.l:ta1± Kritz) 12.g3 (12.~e2
Volodin,Aieksander tt:ll6+) 14... 0·0 15.0·0 a6 13.0·0 0-0 13.0-0 16 14.el6 ~ 15.l:tab1 d5 16.c4
Finland tt 2009 (6) d5 14.a3 ~e7~ Shmuter-Saltaev, l:td8 17.c5 b6 18.cb6 17-Yl Moty1ev·Ru~.
1.e4 cS e6 3.d4 cd4 Volgograd 1994] 12 ..•o-o 13.a3 ~e7? Poikovsky 2011 ; 12.~d2 0-0 13.~e2 16
tt:lc6 Wc7 6 .~e3 tt:lf6 7.f4 (13 ... a6o 14.ab4 ( ~c3 15.Wc3 14.0-0 le5 15.fe5 tt:le5 16.'tli'g3 d6 17.~6
~b4 Was tt:le4 (!?) 15... Wc3 16.bc3 tt:ld5) tt:lg6 18.~d3 1:[16 (18 ...gh6!?) 19.l:t16 ~16
10. ~d3!? 15.Wd6 tt:le8D (15 ...ab5 20.l:tl1 '*idS 21.~g6 hg6 ~d7?!
16.~c5+-) 16.Wb6oo] (22 ... e5oo)± Ragger·Sommerbauer,
Koflach ch·M 2006; 12.g4] 12...o-o
(12 ... a6 ~d6 14.ed6 b5 15.~g2
~7 16.0-0 (r:. 17.a4; 16.a4? tt:le5! 17.1e5
~g2 18.l:tg1 ~c6+) 16... 'tli'a4! 17.~ 0-0
18.l:tfb1 t lnarkiev·Khalifman, Khanty·
Mansiysk m-1 2005) 13.~g2 f6 14.ef6
~f6 1S.o-o dS 16.l:tab1 [16.l:tle1 ~d7
17.~ l:tacS 18.l:tab1 e7 19.~d2 "iira6 ~d4 21 .cd4± l:tc4 22.~ l:[f7
23.~e7 l:te7 24.15 "iVa2 25.l:l.b7 Wa5
(lnarkiev·Vitiugov, Moscow ch·RUS 2006)
26.l:tf1 (Dvoretsky) 26 ...l:tc7 27.l:tb8 l:tcS
1 [10 ...15?! 11.0-0 tt:lc3 12.bc3 28.l:tc8 ~cS 29.fe6+- l 16•.. l:td8 (16 ...a6
~e7 (12...~c3 13.Wh5 g6± (14 .~e2 d5 Demianiuk-Kudelya, Wc3 18.~ d8 19.Wc3 ~c3
Kritz) 13.Wh5 g6 14.Wh6-+ Shirov- Belorechensk 2010] 14... a6?! 1S.g3 20.l:tld1 ~16 21 .c4~ Gallagher·Pelletier,
Z.Rahman, Dresden ol 2008] 11.bc3 (± r:. tt:lb6, g3] 1S...bS 16 .~g2 Lenzerheide ch·SUI 2006) 17.l:tfe1 b6
~c3 (11... ~e7 12.0-0 0-0 13.Wh5 g6 Wc7 [~ 16...b4 17 .~c6 dc6±, 18.c4 · 6 19.cdS b4 20.Wd2
14.Wh6± Kritz] (12.'it;>t2! ~a1 ~c8< , e6<, c6<] [17.~c5±] 'ilt'bS 21 .l:tb4 Was 22~d4 l:tdS?I 'it;>e7 14.Wa1 (14.Wh5!? tt:le5 17•.•tt:ldS (17 ... tt:le4 18. ~e4 "iVd6 [22 ... ed5 23.c3 ~c4;!;) 23.~dS (23.c3!±)
15.fe5 We5 16.Wf7 <it;>d8 (16 ... 'it;>d6 (18 ... h6 l:tacS 20.Wd7 +-) 23 ...'tli'dS 24.We3 l:teS 2S. ~f6 ~b7
17 .~14+-) 17.l:ta1 Wd6 18.'it;>g1 ~) 19.Wd6 ~d6 20.l:td6+- l 18 .~cs 26.l:te2 gf6 27.l:td4 'tli'h1 28.'it;>t2 eS
14...b6 15.l:td1 ~a6 16 .~e4~ Kritz] tt:ld8? 19.h4!+- (t:. ~g5 29.fS [29.fe5! l:te5 30.'tli'b3 ~d5 31.l:tg4
12... Wc3 13.'it;>t2 [13 .~d2 Wd4'f] 21.hg5; ~g5 20. ~d5+- l:[b8 'it;>f7 32.Wd3 Wh2 33.<it;>e1 'tli'h1 34.'it;>d2
13... o-ooo 14.l:tb1 tt:lb4 1S. ~e4 21 .1g5 (; 21.b4+-l 21 ... Wc5 l:te2 35.We2 ~e6 36.l:te4±] 29..."i!rh2
W c4?1 16.Wd4 Wd4 17 .~d4 tt:lc6 22 .~e4+- !:. 23.l:thl1] 19... l:tb8 [19 ... h6 30.'it;>e1 "iVh1 31. 2 'ilt'c6?
18. ~cs l:te8 19.l:thd1 f6 20.ef6 gf6!+-] tt:lf6 (20 ... g6 [31 ... l:tc8=] 32.l:tg4 ..Vh8 33."ilrh6 'it'd6
21. ~d6 tt:ld8 22.c4 aS?! 23.cS± a4 <it;>h7 22.h5 Wc5 (22 ... tt:ll6 34.'it;>e1 We7 3S.l:td2 ~cs 36.l:tg6 e4
24.a3 : as 2S.l:tdc1 tt:lc6 26.l:tc4 es 23.Wg6 'it;>hB el5 25 .~e7+-) [36 ... ~15 37.l:t16±J 37.l:tf6 WcS
27.~dS 'it;>g7 28.l:te1 bS 29.l:tc3+- 23.hg6 'it;>gB 24.~d5+- (t:. 25.g7) 38.l:te2? (38.'it;>l1!+-] 38...'it'g1
b4 30.l:tg3 'it;>hS 31.feS tOeS 32.l:teS 24 ... Wd5 25.1t'e2] 21 .b4 h6 22.'it'g6! 39.'it;>d2 "iVd4 40.'it;>e1 'tli'g1 41.'it;>d2
1-0 aS efS 24.~e7 1·0 Wd4 42. 1 "ilrg1 ~- ~

French Defence
Winawer Variation FR 11.8 (C19)

Recent Developments in the

Winawer Poisoned Pawn
by Tiber Karolyi (special contribution by Peter Leko)

1. e 4 e6 tersburg-Moscow event Moroze-

2. d4 dS vich tried thi s unusual move. I
3. lLlc3 ~b4 looked into the lines. Though Al-
4. eS cs exander beat Vitiugov with it,
5. a3 ~c3 IO.l::tbl hould not give an ad-
6. bc3 'fic7 vantage, but player who ju. 1
7. 'f/g4 lLle7 want to get a reasonable position
8. 'f/g7 l:[g8 may u e it. I think the super-
9. 'i!i'h7 cd4 grandmaster did not want to
10. lLle2 lLlbc6 how one of hi best weapon in
11 . f4 dc3 this more or les friend ly match .
In a super tournament like Wijk
.t..t. 'ii'

~ .~. ~
aan Zee I believe he would try
omething more te ting .

·~~ ' A Pawn Sacrifice

Leko's first French in Dortmund
wa against Caruana, who rare ly
uses this opening. The ltalo-
Peter Leko

equa li ze. When White made an

inaccurate move, he even took
~ .t. American grandma ter acri- over and scored a victory. In the
~ ttJ ~~ ficed the d-pawn after 12. 'ifd3 game Korley-Tuhrim from 20 I I,
l:t ~ ~~ l:t with 12 ...d4. After 13.lLld4 lLld4 Black deviated from Jatoba's
14. d4 ~d7 , Leko tried play and acriticed the a7-pawn,
In the 20 12 Dortmund Spar- IS .l:[g I. In recent years, since but that is probably too
ka en Tournament, Leko twice Hazai and Lukac wrote their optimistic.
faced the French. I checked the Survey for Yearbook 97, the Leko called 15 .l:[g I 'a necessary
game between 2700+ players move the Hungarian number one move in thi position '. In reply
ince early 2007 in my databa e, played is White 's main try, but Caruana played 15... fS, the
and to my surpri e l ... eS was other moves have been used as main move. Other move do not
played much more frequently well. John Watson in hi s recent seem to do well , but in my opin-
against White's fir t move with book on the French Defence di - ion Voi scheva's 15 ... aS i at
the king' pawn than the Sicilian, cusses the line in great detail. He least interesting. After 15 ... lLl f5
and there were more Caro-Kann greatly enriched the variation 16.'f/f2 'fic6 both Volokitin and
than French Defences. Against with some beautiful analysis. Alexeev tried 17.g4, and they
the French, 3.lLlc3 was by far the After IS .l:[b I Black can place ei- both obtai ned a favourab le po i-
most popular move, even though ther the queen or the bishop on tion against Cornette and Gupta.
3.lLld2 cored better. c6. Black ha done very well Black has improvements, but I
Before we di cus the variation with both moves. Still, White do not see a clear way for him to
in Leko 's games, let me say a few should be able to obtain equality. equalize. After 17.. . e4 18.1We2
words on the very rare move Fier tried 15. ~e3, when Jatoba's maybe Black should try the un-
I O.l:[b I. In the traditional St Pe- 15 ... b6 was good enough to tested move 18 .. .1lr'd5 .

White players have more often queen with 21.l:.c5 and after h-pawn all the way to h7. In thi s
tried 17 . ~d3 and after 17 ... 'it'd5 2l ... 'it'a2 sacrificed an exchange line the h-pawn can have a chok-
they have te ted many moves. on c6. He obtained no more than ing effect, posing a serious dan-
equality. Pijper '2l.l:.b3 led to a ger to Black. By the time

.i. • i
winning position again t Shirov,
but the Riga-born grandmaster
had not handled the opening very
AJexeev took the h7-pawn he
was crushed in the centre .
The young Dutch player Nico

'if~ ' ..
well. 2l .g3 was tried in some
game . In Michalczak-L.
Johannes en, Rogaska Slatina
20 II, White got an edge, but
Zwirs had some games in thi
same line, where he managed to
obtain good enough position
after 12.h4 ~d7 13.h5 0-0-0
~ i~ Black should be able to equalize. 14.'it'd3 tLlf5.
~ fl~~ Leko played 21.g4, trying to
n i. w n keep hi po ition together for a
while and after that do some-
Ln the game Groszpeter-Goh thing with the extra pawn. Then
Weiming, the Hungarian grand- Caruana launched hi play. Hi s
ma ter simplified to an oppo- compensation looked fine, but he
site-coloured bishops middle- got carried away by a forcing
game, White won material, but check. He found him elf in trou-
Black had enough play to hold. ble, but his po ition would have
Ln my opinion, be ides the move looked fine if he had just recap-
Leko played, 18.a4 is worth tured the rook at once.
looking at. Svetushkin got an ad- Now quite some games have
vantage against Grover - maybe been played from the position Thi is a position that is more fre-
Black should try my unclear rec- after Black's 20th move. These quently reached via the move or-
ommendation there. games sugge t that White can't der 12.'it'd3 ..Q.d7 13 .h4 tLlf5
After ~c6 19.l:.b3 0-0-0 obtain better prospects, and 14.h5 0-0-0. Zwirs pushed hi s
20.l:tc3 ~b8 a key po ition oc- Leko ' choice in his game h-pawn further. Edouard beat
curs where White ha tried many against Bartel later in the tourna- Zhukova convincingly with
moves. ment underlines that the position 15 .l:tb I in 20 II , and in the game
is indeed equal. If I had to try Brk:ic-Sa. Martinovic , Zagreb
something as White, I wou ld go 20 12, Black deviated from that
for 21.g3. game. He did just a fraction
better than the world-cia s
Pushing the h-Pawn woman player, a he did not
Bartel, who plays the French resign on the 29th move but on
regularly, repeated the tine the 30th.
Caruana had played four rounds 15.l:tb I looks strong. However,
later. Thi may have surprised Leko pushed hi s pawn and after
Leko, as in recent years the Pol- 15 .h6 l:tg6 16.h7 l:.h8 White has
ish player had defended the a good range of possibilities. It
g7-pawn with hi s king. Leko de- seem to me that Black s sim-
Anna Muzychuk just gave back viated and ba ed his play on plest way to handle this position
the g2-pawn with 2l.'it'c5 pushing hi h-pawn with 12.h4. is to play l:tg7 and take the pawn.
against Lahno, and the position White almost always returns In 20 II , in the game Van der
got implified to a draw. Kuiper with the queen to d3 , as can be Grinten-Riemelmoser, the white
tried 2l.l:.c4 again t Stellwagen. done on everal occasions - player introduced the novelty
Black exchanged the light- there is more than one move or- 17. ~e3. The move was to Leko's
squared bi shops and White's po- der possible. In the SaJgado- liking and he tried it against
ition became unpleasant to de- Alexeev game from 2009 Black Bartel. lntere tingly enough, the
fend, despite the two extra pushed his d-pawn to d4 early Polish grandma ter'. reaction
pawns. Ganguly diverted the on. In reply Salgado pu hed hi s was much less fortunate than the

Survey FR 11.8

one by the much lower-rated an advantage. Black tried to Black had taken the bi hop and
player who had faced the move break open the centre with had gone for the h7-pawn. Push-
for the first time. Bartel pushed ... t7-f6 , but this on ly ha tened ing the h-pawn early is certain ly
hi d-pawn, allowing Leko to the end. dangerou , but one remarkable
keep his dark- quared bi hop. thing to notice i that at the Istan-
The Hungarian grandmaster Conclusion bul Ches Olympiad no black
found some nice preparatory It would be interesting to see player tried thi s complex
move , took the d4-pawn and got what Leko wa going to do if variation.

A Pawn Sacrifice 29.l:td3!+- ) 27.l:td3 l:td3 2B.cd3 ...d3 32.w d2 tDt3 33.w c3 tDh2 34..b 2
12 .. .d4 29.We1 'tli'b1 ! 30.we2 'tli'b2 31 .we3 -.c1 'tlfa1 [34 ... lDI3 35.wb2!+-l 35.Wd2
32.W'd2 W'l1 33.l:tg3 w b7 34.h4 W'h1 ~) W'h1!! 36.W'g3? [36.!5 lD13 37.we3
Leko,Peter 26... ~! 27.15! lDc2 2B.l:tc2 W'c2 lDg5 3B.W'I1 ! W'l1 39.~11 ~c2 40.~e7
Caruana,Fabiano 29.l:td4!!+-] 25.a4! l:td5! [£:. 26... l:tgd8] lDe4 41.fe6 le6; 36.a5 13 37.We3 lDh4
Dortmund 2012 (4) 26. ~a3 l:tc8!! 27.~d6 Wb7 28.l:tc8 (37... e1 38 .~11 !) 3B.ab6 ab6;t 39.'ilt'l1
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.lDc3 ~ b4 4.e5 c5 'iWI1 40 . ~11 ~c2 ;t ] 36... f1 37.~f1
5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 e7 7.W'g4 cd4 '*''1 38.'iWe3 [3B.'ilt'c3 w b7=]
[7... W'c7 8. ~d3!? Leko-Shirov, Saratov 38 ...'*'g2 39.'tli'e2 'ilt'e2 40.w e2 ~c2
2011 ] 8.W'g7 [B.cd4?! W'c7 9.Wd1] 41.a5 baS 42.Wd2 ~g6 1-2-1-2
8 ... l:tg8 9.W h7 W c7 10.lDe2 lDbc6 Leko
11 .f4 dc3 12.W d3 [12.h4] 12••. d4 M/ 12-6-53
13.lDd4 [13.h4 b6! Svetushkin-Giri, Spain
tt 2011] 13... lDd414.W'd4 ~d7
cr 2010
1.d4 e6 2.e4 d5 3. c3 ~b4 4.e5 c5
5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 lDe7 7.'tli'g4 '*'c7
28 .••lDf3? [2B ... Wc8 29.l:tc3 (29.c4? lDc2 8.'tli'g7 l:tg8 9.'tli'h7 cd4 10.lDe2 dc3
30.we2 l:td4!-+) 29...w d7! (29...w b7? 11.f4 lDbc6 12.'tli'd3 d4 13. d4 4
30.a5!! (30.l:tc7 w aB 31 .l:tc8 w b7 32.l:tb8 14.'tli'd4 ~d7 15.l:tg1 f5 16.'tli'f2
w c6 33.wd2 lD13 34.Wc3 l:td2 35.~b5 'tli'c6 17.~d3 tt'd5 18.l:tb1 ~c6
w d5=) 30... ba5 (30 ...lDI3 31 .'ifl3! ~13 19.l:tb3 0-0-0 20.l:tc3 w b8 21.g4
32.a6 w aB 33.l:tcBX; 30... b5 31 .l:tc7 w aB d4 22.l:tg3 [22.cJ;>I1 'ilt'a2 (22 ... l:th8
(31...Wa6 32 .~c5!) 32.a6+-) 31 .l:tc7 23.~e3 l:th2 24.'ilt'h2 '*'13'f2 tt'd1
w aB 32.h3!! (32.l:tc8 w b7 33.l:tb8 w c6 26.'*'e1 -.13=) 23~d2 13 24.l:tg3 d2
15.l:tg1 [A necessary move in this position] 34.wd2 b5 35.Wc1 d6 36.ed6 '*'13!;t) 25.'tli'd2 l:td4=] 22...'tli'h1 [22...-.a5 (John
15... f5 16.W'f2 Wc61 17.~d3 [£:. 32... 13 (32 ... a4 33.l:tcB Wb7 34.l:tb8 Watson) 23.~d2 l:thB 24.Wd1 W'a4
1B.g4] 17... Wd5 18.l:tb1 ~c6 19.l:tb3 Wc6 35.w d2! b5 36.wc1 lDd6 37.ed6 25.Wc1;t] 23 .~f1 b6 [23 ... l:th8 24.h3 I.YaB
0-0-0 20.l:tc3 w b8 21.g4! lDd4 w ds (37 ...W'I3 38. ~b5 w d6 39.l:tdB w e7 25.~2 ~e4~] 24.a4
22.l:tg3 W'h1 [22 ...Wa2 23.~e3! W'a1 40.W'l3 ~13 41 .l:td5 ed5 42 . ~a4+-)
(23...lDb5 24.l:tb3) 24.Wd2 lDb5 25.l:tb3 38.w b2 a3 39.Wa2+-) 33.We2 l:td2
lDa3 26.~7 w aB 27.We2+-] 23.~f1 34.We3 a6 (34 ... l:tf2 35.l:tcB w b7 36.l:tb8
b6!! [23 ... w aB 24 .~2 1 (£:. 25.l:tcd3) Wc6 37.~b5 w d5 3B.c4X) 35 .~e2 ..-c1
24...~e4 25.a4! l:td5 26.~a3! ; 23...~5? 36.We4 lDd4 37.l:ta7! w a7 3B . ~c5 w bB
2Ut'g2!+ - J 24.~b21 [24.a4 ..-e4!] 39.~d4 + - ) 30.W'h4 (30.l:tc7 w eB=)
24 ... ~e4! [This was the first move which 30... lDc2! 31 .l:tc2 l:td1 ! 32.Wd1 W'l1
Caruana played after a long think. 24 ... l:tg4 33.Wd2 'tlfg2 34.we1 W'h1=] 29.w e2!!
25.l:tg4 W'e4! (25 ...lDI3? 26.l:tl3 ~13 [29.l:t13? ~13=] 29 ..•l:td2 30.w e3 w cs
27...-g1 !+-) 26. ~e2 ! (26.Wd1 lDe2! [30 ... l:tf2 31 .l:tbB w c6 32 .~b5 w d5
(26... c2 27.wc1 ~a4 2B.We2!! (2B.l:tc4? 33.c4X] 31.l:tg1!!?? [31. ~a6! Wd7
lDa3!!; 2B ...lDb4 29.~d4 !) 2B... tDe3 32.W'I1 W'h2 33.l:th3+-] 31 ... g1

24... e4! 2S ..l::tge3 ~dS 26 ..l::ted3 Pijpers,Arthur 23 ....l::td3 [23 ... .l::td5 John Watson]
"itaS! 27. · 3 [27.~2 "ita4 D. Shirov,Aiexey 24.cd3 .l::tg2 2S ..l::tg2 "itg2 26. ~e3
2S ... ~e4] 27... bS! 28 ....d2! .l::td3 Rogaska Slatina tt 2011 (1) [26.'tli'IS ~b7 27."itl7 ~ b6 2S.'tli'IS 'tlrg1
29 •.l::td3 a31= 30 ..l::ta3 "itd2 [RR 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.ttlc3 ~b4 4.eS cS 29 .~d2 "ite3= John Watson] 26... e3
30 ....l::tg4 31.-..aS baS and Black is line S.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 ttle7 7.W'g4 't!rc7 27.'it'e3 "*'h1= 28. ~e2 "*'h2 29.'tli'f2
thanks to the weaknesses on a4 and 14 - a.'tli'g7 .r:tga 9.'tli'h7 cd4 10.ttle2 'tli'h1 30.'tli'd4 'i+'g2 31. ~e1 ~b7
Leko] 31 .~d2 .l::tg4 32. ~e3 .l::th4 ttlbc6 11.f4 dc3 12.'tli'd3 d413.ttld4 32.a4 aS 33. ~d1 "*'f1 34. ~d2 't!rg2
33.h3 aS 34 ..l::ta1 ¥.!-¥.! ttld4 14.'tli'd4 ~d7 1S..l::tg1 ttlfS 3S.~c3 "itf1 36."*'d7 ~ b6 37. ~d8
16.'tli'f2 'tli'c6 17. ~d3 'tli'dS 18..l::tb1 ~ b7 38.'iWd7 ~ b6 39 ....d8 ~b7
~c6 19..l::tb3 o-o-o20 •.l::tc3 ~b8 40.'tli'd7 Y2-Y2
21 •.l::tb3

Michalczak,Thomas Kuipers,Stefan
Johannessen,Leif Erling Stellwagen,Daniel
Rogaska Slatina It 2011 (3) Netherlands tt 2010/1 1 (6)
1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.ttlc3 ~ b4 4.eS cS 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3. c3 ~ b4 4.eS cS
S.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 ttle7 7.1i'g4 cd4 S.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 e7 7."itg4 'i!rc7
8 . ~g7 .r:tg8 9."Wh7 1i'c7 10.ttle2 a.'i!rg7 .l::tg8 9.'t!rh7 cd4 10. e2
bc611.f4 dc312."itd3 d413.ttld4 ttlbc6 11.f4 dc3 12.'i!rd3 d4 13. d4
d4 14.1i'd4 ~d7 1S..l::tg1 ttlfS ttld4 14.'i!rd4 ~d7 1S..l::tg1 ttlfS
16.'tli'f2 'tli'c6 17..l::tb1 'tli'dS 18..l::tb3 16.'i!rf2 'tli'c6 17. ~d3 'i!rdS 18. .l::tb1
~c6 19..l::tc3 0-0-0 20 .~d3 ~ b8 ~c6 [1S ... b6 19..l::tb4 .r:tcS 20.g4 e7
21.g3 21.h4 'tli'a2 22.h5± O.Eggleston-Burnett,
North Shields ch-GBR 2012] 19..l::tb3
21 ... 'tWaS?! [21....l::thS!?; 21...a6 22 . ~d2 o-o-o [19 ... .r:tds 20..r:tc3 'i!ra2 21.g4
~b5!!!1] 22 . ~d2 "ita4 [22 ... 'tli'd5 (21. ~15 el5 22.'tli'a7 .r:tg2 23 ..l::tg2 ~g2
23.~b4 !] 23.~ b4;t aS?! 24.~cS ± 24.'i!ra4± ) 21...1t'a1 22 .~d2 d4oo
.l::tdS 2S ..l::tc3 .l::tgd8 26.g4! ttld4 Videnova-Papasimakopoulos, Paleochora
27 ..l::tc4 .r:tcs [27 ...ttll3 2S.'tli'l3 .l::tc5 2012; 19... .l::thS 20..l::tc3 (20.h3 .l::tdS 21 ..l::tc3
29 ..l::ta4 ~13 30.h4+- J 28 ..l::ta4 ~a4 .r:tgS 22 ..r:tc5 tva2 23 . ~15 "itb1 24 . ~e2
29.c4 bS 30. ~e4 bc4 31 .'t!rb2? e15 25.'i!re3! ) 20 ... .l::th2 21 ..r:tc5 (N.Shyam·
[31 .'tli'e3! c3 32 .~12+-] 31 ...ttlbSI Papasimakopoulos, Athens Wch-jr 2012)
32."itf2 .l::td1 33. ~e2 ttlc3 34. ~e3 21 ......d7=] 20 ..l::tc3 ~ b8
ttle4 3S. ~e4? [~ 35. 't!rb2 ~c7 36 ..l::td1
~d1 37. ~e4 c3 38."itc1 ~g4 39. ~d4
.r:tc6 Black is probably still winning - Ris]
21 ... ttld4 [21 ...a6 22.'tli'b6!; 21 ... .r:thS!?J 3S ... ~c6 36. ~e3 .l::td3 37. ~e2 .l::tbS!
22 .~e3 ttlf3 23. ~d1 [23.~11 ttlg1 38."ith4 ~f3 39. ~e1 .l::tb1 40. 2
24 .~a7 ~as 25.-..g1 ~b5=] 23 ... ttlg1 .l::tb2 41. ~g3 ~dSX 0-1
[23 ...'t!ra2 24 .~a7 ~as 25..l::tc6 "ita1
26 .~e2 ttlg1=; 23 ... .r:thS 24.~a7 ~as
25 ..l::tg2 't!rb5 26 .~c1 W'a5 27..l::tc6 'tli'a3 Ganguly,Surya Shekhar
28. ~d1 .l::td3 29.cd3 'tli'd3 30.~c1 bc6 Shulman,Yury
31. ~c5 'tli'c3 32.'t!rc2 'tli'a1= John Watson] Ningbo Wch·tt 2011 (5)
24. ~a7 ~as 2S.'tli'g1 ~bS 26. ~ b6 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.ttlc3 ~ b4 cS
~d3 27.cd3 [27 ..l::td3 'tli'b5 2S..l::td6 .r:tc8 S.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 ttle7 7.'tli'g4 cd4
29. ~c1 'tli'b3 (Pacher-Petrik, Banska 8.'t!rg7 .r:tga 9.'tli'h7 'tli'c7 10.ttle2 21 ..l::tc4 [21. ~d2 'tlfa2 22.'tlfc5 (22 ..l::tc6
Stiavnica 2011) 30.'t!rd1=] 27 ....r:tc8 ttlbc6 11.f4 dc3 12.'tli'd3 d4 13.ttld4 ttld4!! 23 . ~a5 't!ra3 24 .~c7 ~as 25 .~d1
28.'t!rd4 'tli'bS 29.'tli'b4;t 'tli'b4 ttld4 14.'tli'd4 ~d7 1S..r:tg1 ttlfS ttlc6 26. ~dS .l::tdS= John Watson)
30 •.l::tc8 .r:tca 31 .ab4 .l::tc3 32.~cs 16.'tli'f2 't!rc6 17.~d3 "itdS 18..l::tb1 22 ... tva1 23.~12 .r:tg2 24 ..l::tg2 1l'd1
.l::td3 33. ~e2 .l::tb3 34. ~ .l::tb2 ~c6 19..l::tb3 0-0-0 20 ..l::tc3 ~ b8 25 . ~e2 1l'd2= Gallagher-Nemet, Switzer-
3S .~g1 .l::tb1 36. ~g2 .l::tb2 37. ~g1 21 ..r:tcs "ita2 22 ..l::tc6 [22.'tli'd2 ttlM land II 1995 - YB/97-95; 21.'tlfc5 .r:tg2
.l::tb1 38 .~g2 .l::tb2 39. ~h3 b6 23 ..l::tc6 ttl13 24.gl3 .r:tg1 25 .~12 .l::tc1 22.1l'd5 .l::tg1 23.~12 .l::tdgS! 24.'tlfdS .l::tdS
40. ~b6 .l::tb4 41.~cs .l::tb2 42.g4 26.'t!ra5 .l::td7 27 ..l::tc8 ~c8 2S."iic5= John 25 .~g1= A.Muzychuk-Lahno, Moscow
~ b7 43 .~g3 ~c6 44. ~e7 ~dS Watson] 22 .•.bc6 23.'tli'cS [23. "itd2 .l::td4 Wch-W blitz 201 OJ 21 ... b6 [21....l::thS
4S.h4 ¥.!-¥.! 24.g4 't!rb1 25.~12= John Watson] 22 ..l::tc5 17·17 A.David·Wirig, Fourmies 2010]

Survey FR 11 .8

22.g4 ~b5 23.l:lc3 li::Jd4 24 .~ b5 29.l:la4 'ifa4 30.1t'c2 'it'l4 31.Wb2 bS= l:lgB 31 .'ifgS IPcB=; 18... -..dS!? 19 . ~g2
[24.l:lg3 1t'h1 2S.1t'l1 1t'h2 26.l:lh3 ~d3 John Watson) 27 2B.l:la3 li::lb4= (19.'it'c4 li::ld4 20.'lt'dS edS 21 .\P12 l:lg4
27.l:lh2 ~11 2B.WI1 l:lg4 29.l:ld3= John John Watson; 18.~e3 li::Je3 (18 ... l:lh8 22.l:lg4 ~g4 23.~d3 ~IS 24.~e3 li::lc2=)
Watson[ 24... 1t'b5 25. 1t'f1 1t'a5 19.h3 (19.l:ld1 li::Je3 (19 ...'ifa2 20.~a7)'c5 20.W12 li::ld4 21. ~e4 oo ~c6! ?
26 .~d2 Wa4.f 27. ~e3? [27.W'd3] 20.W'e3 ~c6 21 .h3 l:ldB 22.Wf2! ) 22.~c6 bc6 23.l:lg3 'it'c4 24 .~e3 0-0-0
27... c2 28.q.,n li::Je3 29.l:le3 W'f4 19...~c6 20.g4 li::Jh4 21 .We2 ~bS= (Lukacs/Hazai) 2S.h4 'lt'a4 26.l:lc1 'lt'a3
30.We2 W'h2 31 .l:lg2 'it'h7 32. 3 Rover-l.van der Lende, Zaandam 2011) 27.hS 'lt'b2= John Watson] 19.l:lb1
l:ld4 33.a4 l:lgg4 0-1 19.1t'e3 l:lg2 20.l:lg2 1t'g2 21.~e4 (17-17
G.Filev-A.Berescu, Plovdiv 2011) 21...W'h2
22.Q-O-Q (22 .~b7 l:lbB 23.~e4 1t'h4
Groszpeter,Attila 24.'ilt'l2 'it'l2 2S.wf2 l:lbS 26.We3 : as
Goh Weiming 27.Wd3 l:la4 2B.l:lb1 l:la3 29.l:lb8 w e7
Kecskemet 2011 (2) 30.l:lb3 l:la4 31 .l:lc3 IS= John Watson)
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. c3 ~b4 4.e5 c5 22... ~c6 ! (22 ... l:ld8 Robson-Shankland,
5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 li::Je7 7.1t'g4 cd4 Milwaukee ch-USA jr 2009 - YB/97-94)
8.'it'g7 l:lg8 9.1t'h7 W'c7 23.~c6 ( 23.Wb1 ~e4 24.W'e4 1t'l2
li::lbc611.f4 dc3 12.1t'd3 d413. d4 2S.1t'b7 1rb6 26.'ii'b6 ab6 27.Wa2 l:la4=
li::ld4 14.1t'd4 ~d7 15.l:lg1 f5 Moskalenko) 23... bc6= Barrientos-Pozo
16.1t'f2 1t'c6 17. ~d3 'ifd5 [17 ...l:ld8 Vera, Panama City 2011 ; 1B.g4 d4
1B.g4 li::Je7 19. ~e3 li::JdS 20.gS± 19.l:lg3 'ii'h1 20.'ii'l1 (20 .~11? 'ii'e4
Butkiewicz-Roorda, Leiden 2012] 21.Wd1 ~a4 22.l:lc3 c2 23.~bS ~bS 19... d4 [19...~c6 20.Wf2 '*'d4
24.l:lc2 ~a4 0-1 D.Haver-l.van der Lende (20... e7 21 .h3! ) 21. ~e3 e3 (<!:.

j_ •... ... Bussum 2011 ) 20.. .'it'h2 21 .l:lh3

22.Wd1 'it'h3 23.1t'h3
a1 oo R.Jones-
D.Mason, High Wycombe 2012; 1B.g3 ~bS
19 .~1S eiS 20.1t'e3 0-0-0 21.Wf2 16
21...1Wd8 22.gS (22 .~g2 .. h4 23.'1P11
e3 24.1t'e3 ~g2 2S.l:lg2 l:lg4=)
22 ...l:lh8 23.h3! ) 22.'ii'e3 't1Ve3 23.We3
l:lhB 24.h3± Volokitin-Cornet1e, Aix-les-
22.1t'c3 ~c6= John Watson] 18...ef5 Bains Ech 2011] 20.'ii'd3 ~c6 [20... li::lc2
~ ~ 4l 19 . ~e3 o-o-o 20.'tli'f3 [20 .~a7 ~c6 21.w 12 : ca 22.l:lb7 ~c6 23.: ba J
~ 21. ~e3 16f ; 20.l:ld1 'it'a2 21.~c5 ~c6 21 . f3 22.l:lg3 l:ld8 23.'ii'c3±
~ ... ~ 22 .~d6 l:lg6 23.1t'a7 l:lgd6 24.l:ld6 l:ld6 li::lh2 24.l:lb4 li::lf1 25.l:la4 li::lg3
26.<;f.;>g3 ~a4 27.-..c7 ~c6 28.~e3
~ 'f!l ~ ~ 2S.ed6 1t'b1 26.Wf2 'ii'c2 27.Wg3= John

1;1 ~ w 1;1 Watson] 20...1t'c4 [20 ...1t'l3 21 .gl3 l:lhB

22.0-0-0 ~c6 \7-\7 A.Eiremov-E.Liebert, cr
l:ld7 29.'it'b8 l:ld8 30.'i¥c7 l:ld7
31.'tit'b8 l:ld8 32.'it'a7 l:ld1 33.'it'b8
2011] 21 .'ii'e2 W'a4 22.'ii'd3 ~e6 [33.a4!?] 33 .•.l:ld8 34.-.c7 l:ld7
18. ~15 [18.a4 ~c6 (18 ...D-O·O 19.l:la3 23.1t'c3 Wb8 24.l:lb1 l:lc8= 25.'tiVb4 35.'ifc8 l:ld8 36.1Vc7 l:ld7 37.1t'c8
( 19 .~a3 ~4 (19 ...~c6 20.~ li::Jd4 'lt'b4 26.ab4 l:lc2 27.l:ld1 l:lb2 Y.!-Y.!
21.~c3 1rcS 22. ~d4 l:ld4~ John Watson) 28.l:ld4 b6 29. ~d2 : ca Y:d~
20.'ifc5 ~c6 21 .1t'dS l:ldS 22.Wf2 l:lhB
23.h3 aS= John Watson) 19...Wb8 20.l:lc3 Michalczak,Thomas
~4oo 21 .l:la3 (21 .1t'c5 'it'd?) 21...1t'c6 Alexeev,Evgeny Hillarp Persson,Tiger
22.~b2 l:lhB (22 23.h4 dS 24.hS Gupta,Abhijeet Reykjavik 2011 {3)
b6 2S.h6 li::lb4 26.l:lc3 'it'dSf John Moscow 2012 (5) 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 ~b4 4.e5 c5
Watson) 23.g4 li::lh4 24.l:lg3 b6 with ~bS 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 ~b4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 e7 7.'~Wg4 '*'c7
John Watson) 19.l:la3 (19 . ~a3 0·0·0 5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 li::le7 7.'t1Vg4 cd4 8.'tiVg7 l:lg8 9.'ii'h7 cd4 10. e2
20.~b4 h4 (20 ... l:lg2 21 .l:lg2 1t'g2 8.W'g7 l:lg8 9.'ifh7 'ii'c7 10. e2 bc6 11.f4 dc312.-..d3 d4 13. d4
22.1t'g2 ~g2=) 21.'ifh4 (21 .0-0-0 W'd4 dc311.f4 li::lbc612.'ii'd3 d4 14.'*Yd4 ~d7 15.l:lg1 l:lh8
22.1t'd4 l:ld4 23.~c3 l:la4 24.g3!} li::ld4 14.'it'd4 ~d7 15.l:lg1 f5 [1S... dS 16.a4 (16.h4 a6 17.l:lb1 l:lg4
21...1t'd4 22.1t'l2 'it'b4+ Umudova-Sedina, 16.Wf2 'ifc6 17.g4 [17.l:lb1 tt'e4 1B.g3 l:ldB 19.a4!) 16... 17.l:la3
Gaziantep 2012) 19... 0-0-0 (19 ...l:lh8 20.h3 18.-.e2 'tli'd4 19.-.12 '*'e4=] 17.•j!fe4 l:lcBoo Tsaknakis-Korniotis, Eretria 2011 ;
Was 21.~1S eiS 22.1t'd4± Svetushkin- 18.1t'e2 1ra4 [18 ...-..d4 19.l:lg2 ~c6 1S ...-..aS!? 16.1Wb4 (16.g4 l:lhB 17.h3
Grover, Kavala 2010 - YB/97-96) 20.l:lc3 (Secer-Dogan, Konya 2010) 20.giS ~g2 ~bS 1B.'ii'c5 a6 19.l:lg3 : ca 20 . ~S abS
WbB 21. ~a3 b6! (21...Wa8 22.~c5 ! ; 21.~92 : g2 22.W'g2 o-o-o'Q4= 21 .-..b4 'i¥b4 22.ab4 dS~; 16 .~d3 ~c6
21...1t'aS 22.1Vc5± Milman-Tuhrim, (John Watson) 23 ... eiS! 24.-..IS 'OtlbB 17 .~e3 l:lhB 18.h3 dS~) 16...'tli'c7
Philadelphia 2011) 22.g4 'i¥as 23.Wd2'g4 (2S.'tiVI7 tt'g1 26.We2 'ifd1 17 . ~e3 dS 1BJ!t'c5 -..cs 19 .~c5 14
li::ld4 24.l:lg3 l:ldS 2S.~b2 l:lgdB 26.Wc1 27.We3 '*'e1=) 2S .. .IS 26.el6 : ea 27.'1P11 20.0-0-0= Polyansky-Voischeva, Voronezh
~a4 27.Wb1 (27.l:lc4 c2 28.~c3 'it'bS tt'dS 28.WI2 '*'c5 29.WI3 'ii'dS 30.Wg3 2011 ; 1S... l:ld8 16.g4 (16.'ii'a7 ~c6

17 .~e3 dS 18.g4t) 16.. .'tit'a5 (16 ...a6 19..1:!c4 [19. ~e2 "tit'a2 20.~d3 0.0·0 ~ ~ -~ Dolzhikova·Sedina, St Petersburg
17..1:!g3 ~bS 18.~b5 abS 19."tit'c3 'i!rc3 John Watson; 19.g4 .l:!dB (19 ... 0·0·0) 2009] 20.g4 [20."tit'a7 'tli'd3 21."tit'b8 ~e7
20..I:!c3 .l:!g4=) 17..1:!g3 (17.h3 ttJdS 18..1:!g3 20 . ~d3 ttJd4 21..1:!d4 "tit'd4 22."tit'd4 .l:!d4 22 ..1:!b7 ~b7 23.'tWb7 ~18~ John Watson]
~a4 19 .~g2t) 17... ~c6 18."tit'c4 .l:!dS 23.h4 ~!Boo John Watson; 19.~c4 "tit'e4 20 ...ttJd4 21 ..1:!g3 'tit'dS 22. 1 f3
· 19..1:!b1 "tit'dB 20.~e2 t Kovchan-Firman, 20."tit'e2? (20. ~11=) 20... .I:!g2 (20... 'tWd4 23 ..1:!f3 "tit'f3 24."tit'f3 ~f3 25.g5 ~e7
Kharkov 2011] 16.h3 ttJfS 17."tit'f2 "tit'c6 21.~11 aS 22 ..1:!b1 .l:!g3!1-+) 21 ..1:!g2 26 .~f2 ~d5 27 •.1:!b5 b6 28.f51 ~d7
[17...~c6 18.g4 ttJh4 19..1:!g3 "tWaS 20..1:!d3 "tit'g2= Aitbaev-Kozganbaev, Astana 2011] 29.f6 .l:!h8 30.~g3 ~b7? 31.h4
(20.~c4 0·0·0 21 .~e3 'ilra4 22 .~d3 "tWaS 19... 0-0-0 20. ~d3 ~ b8 21 ..1:!c3 ~a6? [31... ~d5±] 32 ..1:!b4 ~c6
23 .~c4 "tit'a4 24 .~d3 'tWaS 2S. ~c4 "tit'a4 "tit'a2 [21...b6 22 ..1:!b3 .l:!hB 23.~d2 'tWb3 33 ..1:!d4 [33..1:!b3!+-] 33...~b7?
~- ~ Phadke-D.Sharma, Tirupati 2012) (23... d4!?) 24.cb3 .l:!d3 ~ John Watson] 34.~g4 ~c7 35 ..1:!c4 ~d7 36 ..1:!c3
20 ... .1:!d8 21 ."tit'g3 .l:!d3 (21 ..."tit'b6 22 ..1:!d8 22 ...Q.e3 [22 .~1S efS 23.1i'c5 'tWb1 ~g2 37.h5 ~f1 38..1:!c2 1-0
"tit'dB 23. ~ ttJI3 24 .~d3 t) 22.'tit'd3 ~18 24.~e2 .l:!g2 25 ..1:!g2 "tit'c1 26 ..1:!d3 .l:!cB
23 .~ ~g7 (Ortiz Suarez-Nogueiras 27..1:!g1 'tW14 28.'it'd4 ~e4= Hyldkrog·
Santiago, Havana 2010 - YB/97-94) Pasko, cr 1999; 22.'tWc5 "tit'a1 23 .~d2
24 .~e3±] 18. ~d3 'tWdS 19..1:!b1 [19.a4 ttJd4+ Strobei-Cech, Germany tt 1996/97] Fier,Aiexandr
~c6 20 ..I:!a3 ttJh4 21. ~11 t] 22 •..ttJe3 23.'ife3 .l:!g2 24 ..1:!g2 ~ g2 Jatoba de Oliveira Rels,Paolo
25. ~c6 26. ~e4 ~e4 27."tit'e4 Americana ch·BRA 2010 (8)
"tit'b1 = 28 •.1:!e3 .l:!c8 29 ..1:!e2 .l:!h8 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ttJc3 ~b4 4.e5
30."tit'g2 'tWc1 31.'tWg3 "tit'h1 32 .~e3 ttJe7 5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 c5 7.'tit'g4
a6 33 •.1:!d2 Wc1 34 .~e2 'tWh1 'tWc7 8."tit'g7 .l:!g8 9.'tli'h7 cd4
35. ~e3 "tit'c1 36 .~e2 "tit'h1 17-17 1O.ttJe2 ttJbc6 11.f4 dc3 12.'tit'd3 d4
13. d4 d414.'it'd4 ~d7

Maastricht 2012 (4)
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ttJc3 ~b4 4.e5
iitf.t~i •i
ttJe7 5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 c5 7.'tWg4
'tWc7 8."tit'g7 .l:!g8 9.'it'h7 cd4
19... ~c6 [19 ... ttJh4 20 ..I:!b3 .l:!c8 21.~e3 1O.ttJe2 ttJbc6 11.f4 dc3 12.'tWd3 d4 if ~

~a4 22 ..1:!b4 ~c6 23..1:!c4± Beerdsen· 13.ttJd4 ttJd4 14.1t'd4 ~d7 15..1:!b1
Koudinov, Bussum 2010] 20 . ~f5 [20..I:!b3 ttJfS 16.Wf2 ~c6 17..1:!g1 [17.~e3?
.l:!dB 21..1:!c3 .l:!gB 22.a4 ttJd4 23 . ~e3t] 0·0·0 1B..I:!g1 'tWas 19.~a7? (19 ..1:!b3+)
20 ••.ef5 21 ..1:!b3 0-0-0 22.'tWe2 19... 'ilra3 20.~d3 .l:!d3 21.cd3 c2-+ ~ ~
.l:!hg8= 23.g4?! fg4 24.hg4 .l:!h8 Vucinic·Ziatanovic, Paracin 2011 ] 17....l:!d8
25 ..1:!c3 'it'd4 26.'tWe3? [26..1:!c6 bc6 18 .~d3 [1B."tit'a7 ttJd4 19 .~d3 "tit'e7 15. ~e3 [1S."tit'l2?! 'tWc6 16..1:!g1 'tWe4
27.~e3~] 26 ... "tit'd1 27. ~ .l:!h2 20.g3 .l:!hB 21 .h4 .l:!h4= John Watson; 17.'tli'e2 'tWh7 18.g3 ~c6 19. ~g2 0·0·0
28.~g3 .l:!dh8-+ 29.f5 "tit'd5 30. 4 18..1:!b4 'tWaS (18... .1:!dS 19.~e2 (19.g4t) 20 .~c6 ttJc6 21. ~e3 ttJd4 22.'it'c4 ~bB +
f6 31 ..1:!c5 fe5 32.'tWe5 .l:!f2 33.~e3 19... 'it'd8 20 ..1:!c4 d4 21 ..1:!c3 Milliet-Wirig, Nancy 2010] 15 ... b6
'iVf3 34 . ~d4 .l:!d8 35 .~c4 .l:!c2 (A.Rychagov-Guanciale, St Vincent 2001 ) [1S... dS 16.g3 ~c6 17..1:!g1 0·0·0
36 .~b4 .l:!c5 37."tit'c5 aS 38."tit'a5 21 ...ttJe2 22.1i'e2 ~bS 23.'tWI3 (23.'it'h5 (17... e3 18.'tWe3 'tli'aS (1 8...0-0·0
.l:!d4 0·1 'Wb6 24 .~e3 "tWas 25 .~d2 'tWb6 19 .~d3 Wb8 20.h4t ) 19 .~d3 0·0.0
26.~e3=) 23... ~c6 24.'it'e2 ~bS=; 20.Wf2t) 18.'tWa7 e3 19."tit'e3 'tWaS
18... .1:!h8 19 .~d3 .l:!d3 20.cd3) 19. ~d3 (19 ....1:!d2 20.'tWc3 .l:!gdB 21. ~d3 .l:!h2
Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar .l:!hB (19 .. .'tit'd5!?) 20.h3 .l:!d3 21 .cd3 'tWdS 22.0·0·0±) 20.~d3 .l:!dS 21.~± Kerley·
Alexeev,Evgeny 22.g4 h4 23. ~e2 g2 24 ..1:!g2 Tuhrim, Heisinger 2011 ] 16 ..1:!d1 0-0-0
Ohrid tt 2009 (6) (Adelseck·Vicoli, cr 2000) 24 ... .1:!h3 25 ..1:!g3 [16... ttJIS 17.'tWd3 0·0·0 18. ~12 ~b8
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ttJc3 ~ b4 4.e5 cS .l:!h2!! 26.'ilrh2 1t'a2 27. ~b2 cb2 28 .~e3 19.'tWc4 ~c6~] 17 . 'tli'd6?1 [17..1:!d3 dS
5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 ttJe7 7.'tWg4 'tWc7 b1 'tW 29.'tli'h8 ~d7 30..1:!b1 'tli'b1= John 18.a4 ~c6 19.'tWc4 ~bB=] 17.•.ttJd5
8.1t'g7 .l:!g8 9.'it'h7 cd4 10.ttJe2 dc3 Watson] 18... .1:!d3 19.cd3 'it'd8 18 .'~'c7 ~c7 19 .~c1 [19 .~12 ~a4 ~]
11.f4 ttJbc6 12.1i'd3 d4 13.ttJd4 [19 .. .'~fd7 20.g4 (20..1:!b4 'tWd3 21 .'tli'a7 19...~a4 20..1:!d4 ~c2 ~ 21.h3 b5
d4 14."tit'd4 ~d7 15..1:!b1 ttJfS "tit'c2 22.'tWb8 ~e7 23."tit'c7=; 20.d4? W'dS 22. 2 'ttc6 23.f5 ef5 24.a4 b4
16."tit'f2 "tit'c6 17•.1:!b4 [17 ..1:!g1 'tWe4 21 ..1:!b4 aS 22 ..1:!b6 'tWe4 23.'ife2 'ilrd4-+ 25 .~ b5 'ttb6 26 •.1:!c4 ~e4 27..1:!g1
18.1i'e2 'Wd4 19..1:!h1?! (19.'tWI2 'tWe4=) Wheldon-Phillips, London 2010) 20...'tli'd3 b3 28 . ~e3 ttJe3 29 .~e3 b2 30 ..1:!b4
19... ~c6 20 ..1:!b4 "tit'dS ~ A.Feher·Racz, (20... ttJd4 21 ..1:!g3 'tWdS John Watson) ~a5 31 ..1:!b3 ~d5 32 ..1:!c3 .l:!g3
Zalakaros 2011] 17...'tit'd5 18..1:!g1 ~c6 21 .gfS 'tWe4 22 .~11 "tit'd3 23 . ~e1 "tit'e4 33. ~d2 ~e4 0-1

Survey FR 11.8

Pushing the h-Pawn Vasiukov,Evgeny l:lh7 21.'ill'e4 (21 ..i.g2 "*'11 22.l:lb5 l:lh3
12.h4 Doroshkevich,VIadimir 23..i.h3 '*116+) 21...l:ll6 22.g4 l:lh3 23.~3
Moscow tt 1967 Wh7-+ Pop-1Popescu, cr 1984) 19...'ill'd8!
Leko,Peter 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 .i.b4 4.e5 c5 20.g4 (20.l:lh5 l:lg7 21.g4 h4+) 20... h4
Bartei,Mateusz 5.a3 .i.c3 6.bc3 tt:le7 7.Wg4 'tkc7 21 .'i!t'h1 l:lg4+ Bronstein-Uhlmann, Tallinn
Dortmund 2012 (B) 8.'tkg7 l:lg8 9."ill'h7 cd4 1977] 17••.16 [17 ...l:lg7 18.l:lb3 (18.'*113
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 ~b4 4.e5 c5 tt:lbc6 11.f4 ~d7 12.'*I d3 dc3 13.h4 l:lgh7 19.l:lh7 l:lh7 20.g4 tt:lfe7 21 .'tkc3=)
5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 tt:le7 H Wg4 'i!fc7 tt:lf5 14.h5 0-0-0 15.h6 l:lg6 16.h7 18...d4 {18 ... Wd8 19.l:lc3 <.fi?b8 20.<.fi?d1
8.'ill'g7 l:lgS 9.'i!fh7 dc3 l:lh8 tt:lce7=) 19.l:lhS ~b8 20.'Wh3 tt:lfe7 21.g4
11.f4 tt:lbc6 12.h4!? ~d7 13.h5 tt:ldS 22.Wd3 l:lg4:f' Franke-Molzahn, DDR
o-o-o 14.'ill'd3 [14.h6? l:lg6! (14... ~e8?? 1973; 17... 'i!t'd8 18.'iWc3 d4 (18...l:lg7
1S.-.g8 tt:lg8 16.h7 1-0 Padevsky- 19..i.e3 e3 20.• e3 l:lgh7 21 .l:lh7 l:lh7=)
Asmundsson, Reykjavik 11 19S7; 14... tt:leS? 19.'tkd3 f6 {19 ... l:lg7 20.g3 16 21.el6
1S.fe5 1feS 16..i.f4 • f6 17.'iVd3 eS 'ti'16c:o) 20.el6 (20....bS b6 21.a4!)
18.'ill'c3 c6 19.h7 l:lh8 20.l:lh6 1fe7 20...'ti'l6 (De Sio-Malafronte, Napoli 1994)
21..i.g3± Bidet-Aveline, Paris 1993) 21 .c3;!;; 17...d4 18.l:lhS (18...13 l:lg7
1S.l:lh3 (1S.l:lb1 d4 16.l:lh3 l:ldg8 17.'ill'f7 (18... ce7 19.'ti'd3? (19.l:lh3 ~c6 20.'it'f2
l:lh8+) 1s... l:ldg8 (16.l:lc3 q;,b8 "*'d7 21.l:lb4 tt:ldS 22.l:ld4 d4 23. d4
17.'ill'f7 l:lh6:f') 16... d4 17.Wd1 tt:ldfS+] IS=) 19......c5 20.l:lb4 tt:lc6:f' B.Levin-Oren,
14... f5 [14 ...d4 15.h6! is considered to cr 1997) 19.g4 fe7 20..i.g2 l:lgh7 21.l:lh7
be good for White - Salgado Lopez- l:lh7 22. g3 (22.<.fi?f2 dS 23.'it'd3
Aiexeev, Novi Sad Ech-11 2009] 15.h6 l:lh2+=')' Berner-A.Otto, GDR
l:lg6 16.h7 l:lhS 17..i.e3!? 17.l:lb1 [17...13 l:lg7 18.g4 tt:lcd4 19. d4 1979; 18.l:lb3 .i.e8 19.l:lhS {19.g3 16 20.el6
tt:ld4 20.1fd3 'tkcS 21.a4 (Carracedo l:lh7+ Seeliger-Skaslien, cr 1982) 19...16

...•. . . •
Rodriguez-Oiiveros Alvarez, Aviles 2004 )
21 ... l:lg4=; 17.l:lh5 16 18.el6 ~e8 19.l:lls
eiS 20...1S w b8 {21.~e3 ._h7
22.040 .i.d7=) 21 ... Wh?:;' Carleton-
Bol1erill, Ayr ch-GBR 1978; 17.'•c3 tt:lcd4
20.g4 l:lg4 21 .l:liS {Waddeii-J.Knudsen, cr
USA 1982) 21...Wh7+; 18.g3 .i.eB 19..i.g2
16 20..i.dS leS 21.feS l:lh7-+ Auerswald-
Poenisch, cr 1982) 18... Wb8 (18... 16 19.el6
~e8 20.l:lfS efS 21 .tt:ld4 l:l16 22. bS
· 8~ {17 ... tt:lh6 18..i.e3 l:lh7 d4 "*'h7+ Greiner-Ter Haar, cr England 1992)
~ 20...c7 <.fi?c7 21..i.d4 l:lhg7 22.h7 tt:liS 19.• h3 tt:lce7 {19... .i.e8 20.g4± Callguire-
~ · 'iW~ 23.l:lb1 ;!; Matulovic-Gunsberger, Polanica Tee, cr 1987) 20.g4 e3 21 ..i.e3 de3
~ ttJ ~ Zdroj 1963; 17... l:lg7 18..i.b2 (18.'tkd3 (B.Gonzalez-Sega, Sao Paulo 1992)
l:lhh7?? (18 ... Wd8 19.~2 l:lgh7 20.l:lh7 22.~g2±] 18.e16 ~e8 19.'it'c3 l:lh7
~ ~~ ~ l:lh7 21.0.0-0 1fg8=) 19.l:lh7 l:lh7 20.l:lh7 W'h7 21.l:lb3 [21 ..i.e3 e3
20.g4+- Seijbei-Van den Berg, Haarlem 22.W'e3 l:lf6= D. Stewart-Micklethwa~e. cr
17...d4? [17... e3 18.'ill'e3 l:lg7 19. d3 1994) 18... l:lgh7 19.l:lh7 l:lh7 20.040 England 1990]
(19.'ill'c3 l:lgh7 20.l:lh7 l:lh7 21 .l:lb1 is (20.g4 fe7 21.040 tt:laS 22.'it'd3 l:lh8
safe for White, but zero advantage!) 23. c3 tt:lc4=) 20...'Wb6'f' 21 .'Wd3
19... e7 tt:lg6;:t Leko; 17... 'ill'aS (Pelling-R.Holmes, Sunderland 1966)
1U.f2 h6?! (18...l:lg7 19.l:lhS b6 21...'*'12+ ; 17....i.e8 18..i.e3 16 {18... e3
20.'ill'h3 Wa4;:t) (19.'ill'c3! l:lh7 19.• e3 l:lg7 20.l:lc1 l:lgh7 21.l:lh7 l:lh7
20.'i!faS aS 21 ..i.a7±) 19... d4? 22.c4 '*'aS=) 19.el6 l:lh7 20.l:lh7 'l!t'h7
(19... l:lh71 l:lhg7c:o) 20.'Wd4 l:lh7 21 .0-0-0 tt:le3 22.• e3 l:lf6 (Manik-
(Van der Grinten-Riemelmoser, Latschach Kanovsky, Utomysl 2010) 23.g4!) 18.Wc7
2011) 21 .Wb4!+-J 18..i.t21 [18.~d4 w c7 tt:ld4 20.Wf2 l:lg7 {Tillyaev-
tt:lcd4 l:lg3;:t Leko] 18.•.Wa5 Kanagarajah, Singapore 2007) 21 .~2 ±;
19.l:lh31 [19..i.d4!?] 19.•.16 [19 ...'ill'a4 17.l:lh3 d4 (17 ... l:lg7 a6 19 ~b2
20.l:ld1 l:lg7!] fe5 (1 9. e2 tt:laSc:o) 19... l:lhh7 20.l:lh7 l:lh7 ef5 22.l:ld1 l:lg7 23 ...c3 21 .g4 (21.040 l:lg7 22.'it'e2 tt:lg3:f')
• c3 24.l:lc3 ef4 25 .~a7 l:lhh7 21 (Gutierrez Castillo-Cascudo Pueyo, [21...d4 22.Wh3 (22.W'c4 "*'M 23.<.fi? d1
26 .~c5 .i.eS? [26 ... l:lg3 27.l:lg3 lg3 Aviles 2000) 22.fe5 Wes 23.Wd1 l:lh4:f') W'l6 24 ..i.b2? (24.g3 l:lh6:f') 24 ...e5 0-1
28 ..i.d6 l:lh4 29..i.g3 l:le4 30.<.fi?d2 f4 18.l:lb1 (18.'iWI3 l:lg7 19.g4 tt:lfe7 20.'*'e4 Brooks-Marconi, cr 198S; 22.W'I3 aS
31 ..i.f2 eSt] 27 ..i.d6 l:lh4 28.Wt2 "*'b6 21 .a4 l:lg4:f') 18....i.e8 19.'*113 (22 ... l:lf6 23.g4 tt:ld6 24.gS l:lf8 2S.Wh3
l:ld7 29.l:ldd3 .i.h5 30.l:lc4 l:lg4 (19."*'e4 (Oprea-Popescu, cr 1984) 'ti'g6 26 ..i.g2 Wc2.,. Taksrud-Wister,
31 ..i.f4 l:le7 32.g3 l:lgS 33.l:la4 1-0 19...'Wd8 20.'*'13 l:lg7+; 19.g3 16 20.el6 Norway cr 1997) 23.l:lb4 i.c6 (23... c6=)

24.'it'f2 h4?? (24 ... .1ll6 25.~d2 .llg6;!;) [22 ... 'it'd7\g3 tt:\d5 24 ..1lh6 (24.W'd4
25.17 .lll6 26.'it'd4 1-0 Torda-C.Aomero, cr 'it'c6 25.'it'e4 tt:\c4 26.Wf3=) 24... W'b7oo]
1985) 22 ... .1lh6 (22 ...'it'g8 23.'it'h2 23.a4 'it'e7 24.We4 W c5? [24 ... ..-d7
(23.~b2 .ll16 24.g4 .llh6 25.'it'l3 tt:\h4 25.llh1 Wb7 26.~g3 tt:\c4 27 ..1lh6;t;]
26.W'g3±) 23 ... .1ll6 24..1lh3 .llf8oo 25.f5 ef5 26.gf5 We7 27. ~f4 + ­
Unterd6rfer-Beier, cr GOA 1980) 23.'it'd3 Wb7 28 ..1ld1 f6 29.e6 .llh7 30..1lh7
.lll6 24 . ~b2 ~g6 25.'it'c4 (25.'it'd2 e5;:t) 'it'h7 31 ..1ld4 'it'g8 32 . ~g3 .lld4
25... 'it'd7 26.'it'c5 llf7'f Praca-Aivarenga, 'it'd8 W d2 35.Wh3
cr Brazil 1981 ; 21....1lg4 22.g3 .llgB 'it'h6 36 .~ h4 'it'h7 tt:\c4
(Steinmiiller-Beier, cr GOA 19n) 23. ~b2 38 ...-c4 Wt5 39.'itg4 • •1 40.Wh2
Wb8 24.'it'd3;t;] 1h-1h t5 41 ...-g7 w as 42 ...-d7 'it'f4
43 .~g3 W'h6 44.Wg2 1-0
1 o...'it'e5 [10... dc3 11.14 d7\13;t;J
Salgado Lopez,lvan 11 . e2 [11. ~e2? dc3\13 'it'l5
Alexeev,Evgeny Brkic,Ante 13...-15 (13.W'h6 Wc2 14..1lb4 tt:lbc6
Novi Sad Ech-tt 2009 (8) Martinovic,Sasa 15..1lh4 tt:\15 16.'it'l4 h4 17. h4
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 ~b4 4.e5 c5 Zagreb 2012 (3) 'it'e4- + Gurack-Kiiewe, Stralsund 1998)
5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 tt:\e7 7.'it'g4 'it'c7 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5\c3 ~b4 4.e5 13... tt:\15 14.g3 b6 (14... c6 15.llb3 d4'f)
8.'it'g7 .llg8 9.'iWh7 cd4 dc3 tt:le7 5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 c5 7.W g4 15..1lb3 d4 16.llg1 tt:\c6 17.~b5 ~d7
11.f4 tt:lbc6 12.h4!? d4 13.h5 ~d7 'it'c7 s •..-g7 .llg8 9.W'h7 cd4 18.g4 tt:\le 7+ Schora-Anton, Hassloch
[13 ... b6? 14.h6 ~a6 (14 ... Wf8 15.a4±) 1 tt:lbc6 11.f4 ~d7 12.h4 1997] 11...dc3 12.h4 [ 12 .~14 'it'l5
15.'it'g8 g8 16.h7 0-0·0 17.h8'it'+- 0-0-0 13•..-d3 dc3 14.h5 tt:\f5 13....15 tt:\15\c3 tt:\d4 (14... c6 15.13
Zwirs-T.Willemze, Haarlem 2011 ; 13... .1lt8 15.llb1 d4 [15 ... tt:\a5 16..1lg1 c4 17.g4 16 16.wf2;t;)\b5 (15.Wd2 16 16.h4 b6
14.'it'd3 'it'd8 (14... 'it'b6 15.h6 ~d7 16.h7 'it'c5 18...-c3 tt:\h4 (18 ... a5 19.'it'b3!? 17 .~d3 ~b7 18..1lh2oo; 15. ~d3 bc6
0-0-0\g3 tt:\d5\e4 w b8 Edouard) 19..1lg3 b6 20.'it'b4 'it'c7 16 .~g3 16oo) 15... b5 16 .~b5 c6 17.h4±) 15.g4 b6 (15 ... 'it'd5 16..1lh2 21 .W'e7 tt:\e5 22.1e5 tt:\15 23.gl5 llg3 a6 18 .~c6 bc6 19.~g5 (19.h5 16 20.h6;t;)
.llb8 17.Wt2±)\g3 tt:\d5\e4± 16?\g3 'it'c3 25.Wd1 .llgB 26.~a6 <io>b8 19... e5 (Eckert-O.Becker, Brilon jr 1993)
18. ~g2 (18.el6 tt:\16 19.h6+-) 18.. .1e5 27.'it'd6 w as 28.'it'd7 W13 29. e2 1-0 20.14;!;] 12... d4 [12 ... tt:lbc6 13.~14 W16
19.1e5 tt:\e5 20...-d4+- Cuttica-Bobone, Edouard-Zhukova, Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011] 14 .~g5 We5oo] 13.h5 [ 13 .~14 'it'l5 2003] 14.'it'd3 0-0-0 16•.1lg1 f6 [16 ... .1lg4 17.g3 WbB 18.q.,f2 (13... 'it'l6 14 .~g5 'it'e5 15.14;!;) 14.'it'l5
15.h6! ~ea 19 .~h3 .llgB 20.g4 tt:\le7 21 .h6 d5 tt:\15 15.g4 .llg4 16 .~g5 tt:\c6 (16...d3
22.g5 Kuipers & Zwirs] 17.g4 fe5 17.cd3 c2 18..1lc1 tt:\c6oo) 17.13 .llg5

[17... h6 18.el6 .llg4 19..1lg4
20. d4 d4 21.'it'd4± Edouard] 18.gf5

ef5 [18 ... .1lg1\g1 el5 20.1e5 .Ilea

18.hg5 e3 19..1lh8 w e7 20.WI2 tt:\c2
21 ..1lc1 tt:\a3\d4 d4 23.llc3= Firat-
Shimanov, Athens Wch-jr 2012]
• £::,
£::, 21.~e2 ! 'it'e5 22.WI1!± Edouard]
19..1lg8 .llgS 20 ..Ilb5 .Ilea 21 .'it'g3
13... bc6 14.h6 [14.'i!rd3 .llhB 15.h6
b6 16.13 ~b7=] 14 ...f5 [14 ... .1lg6 15.llh3

£::, £ 1W•
£::, ttJ

e4 22 ..1ld5 ~e6 23..1ld4 tt:\d4 ~f7 25. b5 'it'c5 26 . ~e3
'it'e7 27 •..-g7 Wb8 28.h6 w as
29 ....d4 b6 30.'itd6 1-0
( 15 .~14 Wl6 16.~d6 tt:\15+ ; 15.Wd1\g3 tt:\16 17.W'h8 .llg8 18.14 .llhB+)
15... b6 16..1lg3 ~b7 17..1lg6 lg6 18.a4
Wd7 19.'it'l7 .llgB (19...'i!fl5=) 20.~14

_.hB'f] 15 . ~f4 'itf6 [15 ....-hB 16..-hB

l:t ~ \t> ~ l:t .llhB 17. ~g5 tt:\d5 (17... Wf7=) 18..1ld1
e5=] 'i!fh8 17. h8 .llh8
15...Wb8 [15 ...~e8\g3!?N WbB 18. ~g5 [18 .~c4 g6 19 .~g5 ge5=]
17. e4 tt:\d5 18..1lb1 b6 19.h7 .llh8 A Very Rare Move 18... Wf7 19 .~e2 e5 [19 ...Wg6=] 20.f4
20.t(~g5;t; Kuipers & Zwirs; 15... .1lg6 16.h7 10.l:tb1 ef4\h5 Wg6 [\d5 22.WI2
.llhB 17. d4 tt:\d4 18...-d4 Wb8 19.~e3 Wg6 23.~14 tt:\e3=] 22 . ~f4 tt:\d5
b6 20.~d3 .llg2 (Zwirs-l .van der Lende, Morozevich,Aiexander 23. tt:\e3 24 ..1lb5 b6? [24 ... a6=]
Haarlem ch·NEO jr 2011) 21 .0·0-0±] Vit iugov,Nikita 25.g4! ± ~a6 26 ..1lf5 f5 27.gf5
16.h7 .llh8 17 ..1lb1 ~c8 18.g4 b6 St Petersburg-Moscow tt 2011 (1) 5 28. · 6 e5 29.Wg3 .!lagS
19 .~g2 [19 ..1lh6!?] 19... ~b7 20.Wf2 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 ~b4 4.e5 c5 31 ..1lh5 d7 32. ~g5
tt:la5 21 •.1lh3 [21 ..1lh6 tt:\ec6 22.a4 ..-e7 5.a3 ~c3 6.bc3 tt:le7 7.'it'g4 cd4 33 . ~c4 Wg6 34. ~d3
23.Wg3;t;] 21 ... ~g2 22.Wg2 tt:lec6 s •..-g7 .llgS 9.'ith7 'it'c710 ..Ilb1 35 ..1lh4 1-0

French Defence
Tarrasch Variation FR 17.11 (C06)

A New Main Line? - Part I

by And reas Tzermiadianos

1. e4 e6 I knew I had to prepare a differ-

2. d4 dS ent line for my games in the
3. tt:ld2 f6 Greek Cup last year, as many of
4. eS llJfd7 my opponents played the French
5. i.d3 cS Defence. I worked on the varia-
6. c3 tt:lc6 tion tarting wi th 12.g3 , which
7. tt:le2 cd4 my good friend and opening ex-
8. cd4 f6 pert Krum Georgiev has used
9. ef6 f6 uccessfully for many year .
10. tt:lf3 ..Q.d6 (Sergey Kasparov ha been play-
11. 0-0 'f/c7 ing many interesting games for
12. g3 0-0 the development of the variation
13. ..Q.f4 i.d7 recently.)
14. l:tc1 Finally, in the Attica Fina l of the

i i 'if.i.
x• qreek Cup, I got to use thi . vari-
ation in the decisive game
again t Konstantino Zeneli .
Krum Georglev

4a\.i. i4a\ ' '

Although my opponent played analyse only the two ariations
pa sively and I won that game, that are con idered best for
i helping my club, Pnevmatiki Black. For the other continua-
£::, Stegi Peristeriou, to win, it tion any ource wil l ea ily point
~ Cfj£::, eem that this variation packs you to the right way to a white
more venom than it eems to advantage. In this Survey we wi ll
Cfj£::, £::, have at first ight. analy e the line 13 .. .i.d7
l::[<;t; With 12.g3 White has a very 14.l:tc I! , and in the econd in-
concrete idea in mind : exchang- stallment 13 ... tt:lg4!?.
Some year ago my monograph ing the dark- quared bi hop After 13 ... i.d7 14. l:tc I! ( ee dia-
How to Beat the French Defense with ..Q.f4. White creates orne gram above) Black has no fewer
was publi shed, proposing the weakne ses on the light square than I0 moves at hi s di po al!
Tarra ch Variatio n, and after wi th this move, but he appear to
l .e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. d2 tt:l f6 4.e5 be able to afford it. Furthermore Unit I - Minor Alternatives
fd7 5.i.d3 c5 6.c3 tt:lc6 7.llJe2 there is the manoeuvre i.fl -g2, A) 14...'f/b8? is a bad move,
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 f6 protecting the weak light square ince Black will lose an impor-
i.d6 11 .0-0 'f/c7 the line 12 ...Q.g5 and making the basic break tant tempo after the exchange on
0-0 13.l:tc I. . ..e6-e5 very difficult for Black d6. After 15.l:te I h5 16.i.d6
A alway happens, there is no because of the pre sure on the 'ftd6 g6 18 .i.b5 l:tac8
line that will Ia t many year in d5-pawn - or i.fl-h3, keeping 19 ...Q.c6 i.c6 20. e5 White was
the theory, and French expert up the pres ure on the e6-pawn. clearly better in Slapak-
John Watson has come up with a After 12.g3 0-0 13.i.f4 Black Marecek , cr 1990;
lot of interesting ideas agai nst ha played several move B) 14... a6? was pl ayed by
my proposed variation . ( 13 .. .e5 13 .. .tt:lh5), but we wi ll Savchenko with the idea of top-

ping the ~b5x tLlc6 idea. Al- g2-g3 is a useful extra tempo for tLle4 17. ~e4 de4 18. g5 l:l.f4!?
though it seems logical to protect White (Black has played was enough for a draw in
the square e5, which has been ... ~c7- b6, losing one tempo). Zarnicki-Roldan, Buenos Aires
weakened after the exchange of 1991 ) 15 ... ~e7 ( 15 ... ~h5
the dark-squared bishops, Black Unit Ill - Best Lines for Black 16.f3! ; 15 ... b8 16. c6 ~c6
cannot afford to lose more time. H) 14•.. tLle4 i a log ical move. 17.'it'd2 e5 18.de5 ~e5 19 . ~e5
After 15 .~d2 ~e8 16. ~e3 ~d7 White does not achieve anything e5 20.tLld4 ~d7 2 1.ll fe I was
17.~d6 ~d6 18.tLle5 tLle7 after 15 . ~d6 d6 16 . ~e4 slightly in White 's favour in
19.tLl f4 tLl h5 20.tLl h5 ~h5 (Ankit-Ganguly, Dubai 20 12) or Vallejo Pons-Akobian, La Ve-
21 J:rfe I Whi te was clearly better 16.tLlc3 (Adams-Shirov, Elista ga 2011). Now White gets a
in Ki slov-Savchenko, Katowice 2007). Also 15 .b4!? a6 16.a4 small advantage with 16.f3 or
1990; ~f4 17.tLlf4 (Petrienko-Moska- 16 .~d2 ;
C) 14.•. l:l.ad8 i more logical lenko, Pinsk 1986) looks fine for J) 14... l:lae8! is the most prin-
than the two previou move , but Black after 17 .. .l:l.f4!? 18.gf4 cipled move.
it i not ea y to foresee why the ~f4. Finally, 15 . ~e4 de4
rook should be on the d-fi le. 16.tLle5 was fine for Black in
After 15.tLle5 ~e8 16.tLlc6 ~c6 Zapata-Ganguly, King of Prussia
17 .~d2 tLle4 18. ~e3 ~b6 2010.
l9 . ~d6 l:l.d6 20.l:l.c2 ~d8 21.f3 White should try 15 .tLle5 !. Now
White had a small but solid the only reasonable continuation
advantage in S. Ka parov-Dge- is 15 ... ~e5 ( 15 ... l:l.ad8,
buadze, Bad Liebenzell 20 I0. 15 .. .l:l.ac8 and 15 ... g5 favours
White). After the main move
Unit II - Secondary Lines 16.~e5 ~b6! (16 ... ~a5 17.~ f4
D) 14... l:l.ac8 15 .l:l.e l! 't!fa2 18.f3 tLlf6 19 . ~d6 l:l fc8
(15. ~b5 , 15 .tLle5, or 15 . ~bl are 20.b4! was clearly better for
also good for a small advantage) White in S. Ka parov-Lahiri , Black brings hi s last piece into
15 ... ~h8! ? (other moves are also Bhubaneswar2011 ) 17.tLlf4was the centre, having the idea
pos ible, see the Game Section) a bad move in J. Gomez- ... e6-e5 in mind. Basically, the
16. ~d2 ~b8 17 .~b5 , and Ganguly, Guangzhou 20 I 0. ideas for Black that are c losest to
White won a very nice attacking White should play 17 . ~f4, as in equalization have to do with
game in Ivanchuk-Dreev, Sverd- Kasparov ' game, but the posi- .. .~b8. Black has everyt hing in
lovsk 1987; tion is unclear after 17 ... l:lad8!. order and is ready to play
E) 14•.. tLlh5 15 .~d6 ~d6 White can choose between .. .e6-e5 , so White has to do
16.tLlc3! White seems to be better 18. ~e4 and 18.~b3 , but Black
something concrete. Many ideas
after 16 ... g6 (16 .. .~e7? 17. ~b5! hould have adequate counter- have been tried, like 15 .lle l !? or
lvanchuk-Kaplun, Soviet Union play in a messy position. 15 . ~bl or 15 .b4!? or 15 .tLle5! ,
1985; 16 ... a6 17.l:l.el !; 16 ... tLlf6 It seems best for White to try and it seems that White can keep
17.l:l.e l ) 17.J:tel!; 16.de5!N g5 17. ~e4!, as Black a mall advantage, but Black's
F) 14 ... tLlg4 15. ~d2! , (as must play very accurately be- position is solid .
Black cannot play 15 ... e5, a cause White has nice attacking
move that might be better with- chances; Conclusion
out including J:l.e I and ... ~d7) I) 14..• ~e8!? is a very interest- After 12.g3 0-0 1 3.~ f4 ~d7
15 .. .<~ h8 16.b4! ?, and White ing move. Black immediately 14.l:tc I! the best line for Black
was better in Arma -Hertneck, causes problem for White, as he seems to be 14 ... l:l.ae8. White ha
Dortmund 1988; is ready to play 15 ... ~h5 , solv- a small advantage, but Bl ack's
G) 14•.• ~f4 15.tLlf4 ~b6! ing the problem of the bad position is solid enough.
(15 ... ~d6 16.l:l.el! a6!?N is my French bi hop. 15 .tLle5! (thi
game again t Zenelis) 16.b3! move promi se White a small
Thi position is slightly better for advantage. 15.tLlg5!? ~d7 In the second part of thi
White, as we have position ari - 16.~d6 ~d6 (R. Pert-William , Survey in Yearbook 107 we
ing after ... ~b6 in the variation Witley 1998) 17.tLl f4! need will analyse the continuation
12.b3 0-0 13 . ~f4, and the move analysis ; 15. ~d6 'iWd6 16.tLlf4 13 ... tLlg4!?.

Survey FR 17. 11

Unit I 'Wb6 19.~d6 .l:ld6 20 ..1:lc2 'il'd8 1S...~c6 19 . ~d6 'Wd6 2M j 14;t] 19 .~d6
14 ... "i!rb8/14 ... a6/14 ... .1:1ad8 21 .f3;!; ~g5 22.f4!? [22 .~14 ;!; ] 'il'd6 20.~e5 ! c5 [20...lije4 21 ."ti'e3
22 ... ~e4 23 .~ c3 'iYb6 24..1:le1 ~f6 ~12?! (21....1:ll2?? 22."fi'l2 12 23.~17 +- ;
Kislov,Mikhail 25.h3 .l:lfd8 26 ..1:lf2 a6 27.g4! ~e8 21...c5!) 22 ..1:ll1 ~e4 23. 17 .l:l17 24..1:ll7± ]
Savchenko,Stanislav 28.g5 ~e4! 29 . ~e4 de4 30. ~e4 21.t3! ~b5?! 22.~f4 tbd7
Katowice 1990 (8) ~g6 31. ~g6 hg6 32.h4 ~f7
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5 33. f3 [33..1:lle2!?] 33 ....1:lh8 34 ..1:ld1
~fd7 5.c3 c5 6.~d3 ~c6 7. ~e2 [34 ..1:le41?] 34 ....1:lh4 35.d5 ~g8
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ~f6 10 .~f3 "ti'c7 36. ~g2 "ti'd8 37.de6 .l:ld1 38.e7
11.0-0 ~d6 12.g3 0-0 13.~f4 ~d7 'il'e7 39."ti'd1 e4 40."ti't3?
14..1:lc1 a6? [14... 'WbS? 15..1:le1 ~h5 [40.~g3=] 40 ... .1:lf4 41. 'il'e4 .l:le4f
16 . ~d6 'Wd6 17 .~c3 g6 18. ~b5 .!:lacS 42. ~g3 .l:la4 43.a3 .l:la5 44. ~g4
19.~c6 ~c6 20 .~e5± Slapak-Marecek, cr .l:lb5 45.b4 b6 46 ..1:lc2 a5 47 •.1:lc8
ch-CZE 1990] 15."ti'd2 ~e8 16.'We3 ~ h7 48..1:lc4 .l:ld5 49.ba5 ba5
"ti'd7 17.~d6 "ti'd6 18.~e5 ~e7 50. 4 ~g8 51 ..1:lc8 ~f7 52 •.1:lc7
19. ~f4 ~h5 20 . ~ h5 ~h5 21 ..1:lfe1 ± ~ta 53 ..1:lc8 '<1i> e7 54 •.1:lc7 ~fa
.l:lac8 22 ..1:lc5 .l:lcd8 23 ..1:lec1 ~e8 55 ..1:lc8 56 ..1:lc7 'i!;>g8 57..1:lc8
24.a3 .l:la8 25."ti'g5 ~c6 26. ~c6 ~ h7 58 ..1:le8 .l:lf5 59. ~g4 .l:lb5
~c6 27.f4 'Wd8 28."ti'h5 g6 29."ti'e5 60. 4 .l:lb3 61 .a4 .l:la3 62 ..1:le4 ~g8 23 . ~eg6! +- hg6 24 ..1:le6 [24 .~g6?
'Wf6 30.'We3 .l:lfc8 31 .b4 ~d7 32.h4 63. ~e5 ~f7? [63 ... .1:lg3] 64 . ~d6! t ~ gS 25.~1S .l:liS'i'] 24... c7 25 . ~g6
.l:lc5 33 ..1:lc5 .l:lc8 .l:ld3? [64 ... .1:ll3 65 ..1:le5 .l:l14 66..1:la5 .l:lg4 ~g8 [25 ... '<1i> h7 26.'i!fc2+-] 26 . ~e7
67 .~c6 ~e6] 65. ~c6 .l:lc3 66 . ~b6 ~f7 27."ti'g5! ~d3 [27.. :;f;>e6 2S ..I:le1
.l:lf3 67 ..1:le5 .l:lf5 68 ..1:lb5+- ~e6 ~e5 (2S. .. q;>l7 29. g6X; 2S.. :~>d6
;g ~ 69. ~a5 .l:lf4 70 ..I:lb4 rlf5 71 . ~ b6 29.'iYd5X) 29 ..1:le5+- ; 27...~16 2S ..I:lce1
i .i. i .l:lg5 72.a5 .l:lg1 73.a6 .l:la1 74.a7 ~d3 29 .~d5! ~d5 30.'ifd5+-]
.i i 'if i C .l:la7 75 . ~a7
77. ~c5 g4 78.'<1i>d4
5 76. ~b6 g5
4 79 ..1:lb7
28.~d5! ~e6 29 . ~c7 ~d6 [29 ...l:tc7
30.'We3+-J 30.dc5 'i!;>c7 31.c6 ~f6
ll i ~f3 80 ..I:lf7 q;>g2 81 ..1:lg7 g3 82 .~e3 32.'il'e5 1-0
!'::, !'::, !'::, !'::, ~ h2 83.Wf3 g2 84.llg2 '<1i> h1 l vanc huk
!'::, ~ 'if !'::, 85 ..1:lg3 1-0 YB/ 9-54

r L. ~ Klewe, Wolfgang
34.'We5! "ti'e5 35 ..1:lc8! ~c8 Unit II cr ICCF WS/M/238 2009
36.de5+- ~ d7 37 .~f2 ~b5 14 ...:ac8/14 ... tt::l h5/ 4/14 ...-"t4 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. d2 ~f6 4.e5
38 . ~c2![38.~5? ab5 39 .~e3 h5 ~fd7 5.~d3 c5 6.c3 c6 7 . ~e2
40.~d4 b6=] 38 •.. '<1i> g7 39. ~e3 b6 lvanchuk,Vasily cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 f6 10.0-0 ~d6
40.a4 ~f1 41 .a5! ba5 42.ba5 h5 Dreev,Aiexey 11. ~f3 "ti'c7 12.g3 0-0 13.~f4 ~d7
43. ~d1 44. ~d4 ~c4 45 .~t3 Sverdlovsk It 1987 14.l:tc1 .l:lac8 15..1:le1 ~f4 [15 ...'il'bS
~g7 46.f5! +- gf5 [46 ... el5 47.~d5] 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .~d2 ~f6 4.e5 16 .~d6 d6 17 .~14 ! (17.tbc3 g6 18.~11
47. ~ h5 ~b5 48 . ~c5 ~f1 49 .~e8 ~fd7 5.c3 c5 6.~d3 ~c6 7. ~e2 ~g4 19 .~b5 e7 20.h3 ~ h6 21.~g2 a6
8 50.~d7 We7 51 . ~c8 ~e2 cd4 8.cd4 t6 9.ef6 ~f6 10. ~f3 ~d6 22 .~c3 "ti'l6 23.'il'd2 ~15 24..1:lcd1 b5+='
52.<;t;>d4 ~f7 53 .~e3 ~c4 54.h5 11.0-0 "ti'c7 12.g3 0-0 13.~f4 ~d7 D.Roberts-C.Morris, Cardiff ch-WLS 199S)
lto>g7 55. ~d4 1-0 14..1:lc1 .l:lac8 15•.1:le1! Wh816.'il'd2! 17... g4? 1S .~h7 ~h7 19 .~g5 ~gS
[e. 17.~5 ~e4 1S....e3; 16 .~d6 "ti'd6 20.'il'g4 e5 21 .de5 ~g4 22.ed6 ~d4
17.~14 ~d41 1B.~d4 .l:lc1 19.'il'c1 e5=; 23..1:lcS Jirovsky-Vaculik, Plzen 199S;
Kasparov,Sergey RR 16 . ~b1 ~h5 17.'i!Vd3 g6 1S.~d6 'i!fd6 15... a6 16 .~g2 'il'bS 1 7 .~d6 'it'd6
Dgebuadze,Aiexander 19.'il'e3;t >t>gs 20..1:lc3 .aces 21. ~e5! ±] 1S. c3 W'b4 19..1:le2 <i:lg4 20..1:ld2 W'e7
Bad Liebenzell 201 0 (2) 16...'il'b8?! [16...a6 17 .~b1 ! 'il'b8 21 .h3 16 22 .~b1 "ti'l7 23. ~g5 W'es
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5 18.~d6 'i!fd6 19 . ~14;!; ] 17.~b51 ± a6 24.14 h6 25.~13;!; Marecek-Sykora, cr
~fd7 5. ~d3 c5 6.c3 ~c6 7. ~e2 [17 ... e5? 18. ~e5 ~e5 19.de5+- ; 17...~e4 ch-CZE 1990] 16.ttlf4 'il'b6 17..1:lc2
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ~f6 1o . ~f3 ~d6 1S.'We3 e5 19.~e5! ~e5 20.de5 g5 .l:lce8 18..1:lce2 ttlh5?! [1S...g5 19. ~g5
11.0-0 'Wc7 12.g3 0-0 13. ~f4 ~d7 21. ~g5 ~g5 22.'iYg5 ~e5 23 ..1:lc8 ~13 ~d4 20 ..I:le5±; 1S... g6!?] 19 .~ h7 ~h7
14 ..1:lc1 .l:lad81? 15.~e5 ~e8 24.~h1 "ti'c8 (24 ...~c8 25.'iYh6±) 25 . ~d7 20.'il'd3 <J.?g8 21. ~ h5 .l:lf3! 22.'il'f3
16.~ c6 ~c6 17."ti'd2 ~e4 18."ti'e3 "ti'd7 26.'il'h6±] 18.~c6 bc6 [RR ~d4 23.'ii'g4 ~e2 24 ..1:le2 .l:le7

67 <M7 lld7 27.W h5 D.Myers, cr 1992] 21.f3 tt:lg5 22.Wg2 24..1lce1 .llcfB 2S ..Il1e2 .ll817 26 ..1l5e3
'it>f6 28..1le3 -.wb2 29.W g4± .lld6 .llfc8 23. 'tli'd2 tt:lf7 24.f4 tt:ld8 25.b3 .lle3 27 ..1le3 tLlfS 28.~1S ! .IllS a6
30. 'tli'h4 <MT 31 ..1lf3 w e8 32.'tli'h8 llc1 26.llc1 g6 27.llc8 'tli'c8 .ll16 31 ..1les 'i!t'd6 32.hS±
cJi>d7 33 ..1lf7 cJi>c6 34.'tli'c8 Wb51 28.'tli'b4! <M7 'tli'c2 U.Gabriei-Kirwald, cr 199S) 18.~S! .llacB
35 •.1lb7 llb6 36..1lc7 aS 37 ..1lc5 30.Wh3 'tli'f5 31.cJi>g2 'tli'c2 32.cJi>h3 19. ~c6 .llc6± .llc7 21 .'tli'd2 ~eB
cJi> b4 38. 'tli'c7 cJi>a4 39. 'tli'd7 Wb4 h5 33.'tli'd6 'tli'f5 34.Wg2 'tli'c2 J.1!-J.1! .lle7 23 ..1lc8 IS 24.g4 tt:lh4
40.-.wc7 cJi>a4 41 .h4 g6 42.Wg2 2S..Ilc3 .llg7 26.W gS "i!t'e7 27.14 h6
'W'b4 43 •.1lc3 -.wd6 44.'tli'f7 d4 28.'tli'h6 g5 29.llc8 gf4 (29
45 ..1lf3 e5 46.-.wc4 .llb4 47.'W'c2 lvanchuk,Vaslly 30.ll11 ! gf4 31 .tt:l14 eS 32.deS .llg4
cJi> b5 48.a3 .llc4 49..1lb3 w c5 Kaplun,Leonid 33.cJi>h1±) 13 31 . 13 .llg4
50.'tli'b1 'tli'c6 51.Wh2 .llc3 52.llb7 Soviet Union 1985 1·0 Milos-Gomez Baillo, Santiago
d3 53.'tli'b2 Wd5 54 ..1le7 cJi>c4 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 tt:lf6 4.e5 zt 1987; 17.lle1 Wh8 18. ~11
55.'tli'a2 Wd4 56.'tli'd2 W'f3 57.'tli'b2 tt:lfd7 5 .~d3 c5 6.c3 tt:lc6 'i!t'b4 19.llc2 .llaeB 20 .~g2 a6 21 .a3 1t'b3
'i!t'd5 58 ..1le8 -.wb3 59. 'tli'd2 .llc5 cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 tt:lf6 ~d6 22 ..1lce2 W d1 23 ..1ld1 ;!; Burer-K.Lui,
60.-.we3 w c4 61 •.1ld8 -.wc2 62.cJi>g2 11 . ~ 'tli'c7 12.g3 ~ 13. ~f4 ~d7 Almelo 2004] 17..1le1 g6 [17 ... tt:lf6
W'e2 63. 'tli'c1 'tli'c2 64.'tli'e1 [64.'tli'g5! 14.llc1 tt:lh5 15 .~d6 W .llaeB 19 .~b1 .lle7 20."i!t'd2 ~e8
'tli'e2 65.'tli'g6] 64...'tli'e2 65.'tli'c1 'tli'c2 21 .tt:la4 W b4 22.1t'b4 b4 23. b6 g5
66.'tli'e1 J.1!-J.1! .llg7 aS 26 ..1lc8 ~hS
K* 27.llec1 ± Gonzalez Rabago-Kamanel
Dreev,Aiexey '' ~·· '' ~
Zamora, cr 1999] 18. e5 [ 18.~11 tt:lg7
19.~g2 .llaeB .lle7 21 . c5 ~eB
22.'ilt'b3 tt:ldB h6 24. 13 gS 25.h4
Riga 1987
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 tt:lf6 4.e5
tt:lfd7 5.c3 c5 6.~d3 tt:lc6
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 tt:lf6 1 ~d6
' ~
tb ~ tb~
(!±) 2S ... tt:l1S 26.hgS hgS 27. e5?
(this is a typical mistake. After ... g6-gS
White must not exchange the gS-pawn for

~~ ~ ~ the d4-pawn as the rook on e7 keeps the

11 .~ 'tli'c7 12.g3 ~ 13.~f4 ~d7 black king safe and the d4-pawn is the
14•.1lc1 .llac8 15 .~b5 [ W'b8 n'iY %:[~ fundament of White's control on the dark bc6 17.'.,<12;!; GelfandiKapengut squares)! 28."i!t'e3 4c6 29.W gS
1987] 15..• tt:le416 .~d6! 16... -.wen 17. ~b5 1 tt:lf6 18. ~c6 .llg7;:t G.Rott-Diesner, cr 199S; 18.a3!?
~c6;t ~e8 20 •.1le1 'ilt'b4 tt:lg7 19.~b1 .llaeB 20. h4 .ll16 21 .14
21 .W d2 'tli'b6 22.lle3 .lld8 23.f3 'ilt'IB ike7 23. cS ~c8
'tli'd6 24. e2 tt:ld7 25. 'tli'a5! ± tt:le5 ll14 hg6 26.gl4 "i!t'l6 tt:lb4
26.de5 "i!t'b8 ~d7 28 ..1lc7 28.ab4 ~d7 29.'tli'g4 1·0 Ellinger-Vetter, cr
~c8 29..1lec3 .llde8 1·0 1989] 18... tt:le5 19..1le5 "i!t'b6 [19 ....1l17
20.'ilt'b3! (the idea of this move is to
provoke ...b7-bS, weakening the c5-square)
Fiorini,Vittorio 20... bS 21 .tt:le2 .llcB 22.llc8 ~c8 23."i!t'c3
Mathes,Christian "iWIB 24.14 'i!t'dB .IllS 26. b3 'tli'l6
criECG 2003 .ll17 28.a4 ba4 29. a4 ~d7
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 tt:lf6 4.e5 ~cB 31. ~a6 14 32.gf4 1t'l4
tt:lfd7 5.~d3 c5 6.c3 tt:lc6 33.~e2 'i!t'f2 34.Wh1 .lla7 3S.b4 lla2
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 tt:lf6 10.0-0 ~d6 'i!t'IB 37.'ilt'c5 ~d7 38.'ilt'l8 WIB [17 18.llf2 llf2 19 .~12 'tli'c7 12.g3 ~ 13. ~f4 ~d7 1·0 Baldus-Prokopp, cr 1994;
tt:leS 20 ..1lc8 ~cB 21 .deS 'tli'b6 14..1lc1 tt:lh5 15 .~d6 Wd6 19... tt:lg7 20.W g4 lll6 21.h4 hB 22. e2
22.tLld4+- Klimov-Babanov, Russia 2007; a6 [16... g6 17.lle1 tt:lg7 (17....1l16 .llal8 tt:liS 24 .~1S ! .IllS 2S.hS gS
17... tt:ld4?!± GelfandiKapengut (Ferretti-Menoni, Montecatini Terme 1994) 26 ..1liS .IllS± Polakovic-Marecek,
1987;!? 18..1lc8 .llcB!? ( 18. ~11 llafB 19.~g2 g7 cr ch-CSR 1990] 20 ..1lc2! g7
tt:ld7 20.'tli'a4;!; GelfandiKapengut 1987] 20.-.wd3 W b4 21 .llcd1 IS 22.lld2 ~cB [20 ...'i!t'd4? 21 ..1lhS!+-] 21 . ~f1 !?
18.de5 -.we7 19. ~d7 [19. ~d3! ? .llc1 23.a3;!; 'tli'b3?!+- T.Gara- [21.'i!t'g4 ~bS ! ? (21 ... .1lf7 22.lld2 .llafB
20.-.wc1 tt:lcS 21 .-.we3 tt:ld3 22.'tli'd3 'tli'b4 Karatorossian, Budapest 1998) 18....1la18 23 .~b1 .llf3!± Schiedewitz·
23.-.wd4;!; GelfandiKapengut 1987] ( 19 .~g6) 19.14 tt:lf4! 20.gf4 ll14 Hagemeister, cr 1990) 22. bS abS 23.b3;!;
19... 'tli'd7 [20 ..1lc8 .llcB 21 .13 21 .tt:le2! (21 .tt:ld7 1t'd7 22 . ~bS W e7-) .llacB (23 ...b4 24.h4 IS 2S.~IS .IllS
tt:lcS! ] 20 .•. .1lc41= [20 ...llc1 !? 21 ... .1lh4 22.llc6! ~c6 23..1lta ; 17.. .'i !fe7 26.hS cJi>g7 27 ..1lfS el5 28.'*'14 1·0
21 .'tli'c1 .llcB 22.'tli'e3 'tli'e7 23.13 tt:lgS! tt:leS 19..1leS Wb4 20.1t'd2 tt:lg7 J.Janos-Borchers, cr 1998) 24 ..1lce2
24..1lc1? llc1 25.'tli'c1 'tli'b4!+ Aykent· 21 .~b1 .llacB 22.h4!? .ll13 23.a3 "i!t'b6 (24.llc8 .llcB 25.Wg2 (25.'*'14 b4 26.h4

Survey FR 17. 11

'ilt'c7!) 25 ...b4 26.h4!? .l:lc3 27 J~ e3;t) 24 ..1:l1e2 <LleB WhB 26 ..1:l5e3 <Lld6 20..1:la1 .l:la1 21 •.1:la1 d3 22. 'ilt'd3;t
24... .1:lc3 25 ..1:l5e3 b4 26.h4 'ilt'd8+% 27 ..1:lf3 .l:lf3 2B.'ilt'g5 cL\17 29.'ilt'g4 .l:ld3 .fi(.e8 23.h3?1 [ .fi(.g6 24
27.'ilt'g5? ( ~- ~. 60 Dvoiris-Dolmatov, Kiev 30! .l:ld4 31 .'ilt'f3 Wg7 32± .fi(.d3! (24 ... 'ilt'd6 25.'ilt'a3±) .l:lbB
ch-URS 1986) 27... 'ilt'g5 28.hg5 e5!+J Juarez Flores/Boudy; 18... 'ilfe7 19.<Lle5 .fi(.b5 tt:l16 28.13 .fi(.c4
21 ... f5 [21....1:lf7 22 .l:lafB 23..1:lce2 <Lle5 20..1:le5 'ilt'f6 21 .'ilt'e2 .l:lacB 22..1:le1 29.g4 b5+% ;! W'd6 tt:l16
15 24 .l:l15 25.'ilt'd2 Wg7 (Hamarat· a6 23.'ilt'd2 <Llg7 24 .l:lc7 25 (24... .fi(.g6 25.'ilt'a3±) 25..1:la8 (!? e5
Stull, cr ICCF 1988) 26.f4it] 22 ..1:ld2 <Lld6 .l:lfcB 26.'ilt'e3 .l:ldB b5 28.<Lla2 a5 .l:lgB 27.'ilt'a3) 25... h6 26 ..1:le8 hg5
23.h4! [23.'ilt'g4!?;t .l:ll6? 24.<Lld5 ed5 29.<Llc1 ± Gilb.Hernandez Guerrero-Juarez 27 ..1:ll8 'ilt'IB 28.h3;t] 23 ... e5 24.de5
25.'ilt'd7 .l:ldB 26.'ilt'a4 <Lle4 27..1:lc2 .l:ldfB Flores, Bayamo zt 1987] 19.<Llb5 .l:lf3D tt:le5 .fi(.eS 26 ..1:ld1 .fi(.hS? [<!:
28 ..1:le8 .l:lc6 29 ..1:lf8 WIB 30.h4 .l:lc2 20. 'ilt'f3 a6 21 ..1:lb1 'ilt'd2 22.<Lld6 26... .fi(.17] 27.'ilt'd5 .fi(.e2 28 'ilt'e8
31.'ilfc2 'ilt'd4 32.'ilt'c8 Wg7 33.'ilt'b7 WIB .l:lf8 23.'ilt'e3 'tWaS 24.<Llb7+- 'ilt'a3 29 ..1:le1± 'ilt'bS 30.'ilt'd4 .l:lg8 31 ..1:lc1
34.'ilt'cB Wg7 35.'ilfc2± a5 36 <Lld2 25.<Llc5 .fi(.c& 26 W'e3 27.fe3 'ilt'e8 32 •.1:lc7 'ilt'f8 33 •.1:lb7 .fi(.hS
37.'ilt'c7 Wh6 38.'ilt'dB 'ilfb2 39.'ilt'IB Wh5 .fi(.a6 28.<Lla6 eLiaS 29 ..1:lf1 .l:lc8
40.13 1-Q Darnstaedt-Heck, cr ch·GER jr 30.g4 g7 31 ..1:lb8 .l:lb8 32.<Llb8
1994] 23 ... .1:lf6 24.h5 <Llf7 25 ..1:le3 <LieS 33. d7 <Llc7 34..1:lf8 1-0
.l:lf8 26.hg6 hg6 27.'i+'g4! [27.<Lla4?
.fi(.a4 28.'ilt'a4 e5!+% Dvoiris-Vaisser,
Sevastopoi1986J 27...<Llh6 Armas,lulius
Dortmund 1988
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. d2 <Llf6 4.e5
<Llfd7 5.c3 c5 6•.fi(.d3 <Llc6 7. e2
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 <Llf610. f3 'ilt'c7
11.0-0 .fi(.d6 12.g3 0-0 .fi(.d7
14..1:lc1 <Llg4!? 15.'ilt'd2!
34! .l:lg7 35.W'e51+ - .fi(.g6
36 •.1:lb8 'ilt'b8 37.'ilt'b8 .l:lg8 38.'ilt'e5
.l:lg7 39.f4 h6 40.f5 .fi(.f7 41.9;12
<Jo>h7 42.g4 <Jo>g8 43.'ilt'f6 <Jo>h7 44.h4

28.<Lld5! <Llg4 29.<Llb6 <Lle3 30.<Lld7

<Llf1 31.<Llf6 .l:lf6 32. 1± 9;g7 Tzermiadianos,Andreas
33.9;e2 .l:lf7 34.We3 .l:lc7 35.f4 9;16 Zenelis,Konstantinos
36.We4 .l:lc4 37.a3 b5 38.b3 .l:lc3 Athens 2012 (7)
39..1:ld3 .l:lc1 40.d5! ed5 41 ..1:ld5 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. d2 tt:lf6 4.e5
.l:lc6 42.g4+- .l:lc3 43 ..1:ld3 .l:lc6 tt:lfd7 c5 6.c3 c6
44..1:ld7 We6 45 •.1:lg7 46..1:la7 cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 tt:lf6 .fi(.d6
g5 47.f5 .l:lc3 48..1:la6 Wf7 49 ..1:lg6 15... Wh8 [15 ...a6!?; 15... .1:lf6?! 16.h3! e5 11 .0-0 'ilt'c7 12.g3!? 0-0
.l:lb3 50 •.1:lg5 .l:la3 51 ..1:lg6 b4 (Pierrot·Cubas, Asuncion zt 2011) .fi(.d7 14..1:lc11 .fi(.f4 15. f4 'ilt'd6
52 ..1:lb6 .l:lb3 53.g5 .l:lb1 54 ..1:lb7 17.<Llc3!f; 15...h6 16.~ 1 (16.h3 e5 17.de5 16..1:le1! a6!?N [16...Wh8?! e5
8 55.g6 .l:le1 56. 4 .l:lf1 57.w e5 <Llge5 18.<Lle5 .fi(.e5 19.Wg2 .l:ladB 18..1:lc6 'ilt'c6 19.de5 tt:le4 de4
.l:le1 58.9;16 1-0 20 'ilt'e5 21 . 14 'ilfd6 22 ..1:lfd1 g5+% 21 G.Joo-Goczo, Hungary 2002;
Kyas-Marchio, Germany 2009) 16... .fi(.f4 16... .1:lae8!;t (1 7.'ilt'd2 (Hajek·
17.<Ll14 g5 18.'i+'d3 .l:l15 19.h3 cL\16 Letourneur, Plzen 2003) 17...g5!N 18.<Llg5
Marinkovic,lvan 20.<Llg6 .fi(.eB 21 .<Llge5± Gayson-AIIred, tt:ld4+%;!? tt:le4 .fi(.c6
Dermann,Guido England It 2008/09; 15... e51? 16.de5 <Llge5;t) 17....1:le7! (17 ... g5? .l:le7
Germany Bundesliga 1992/93 17.<Lle5 .fi(.e5 1B..I:lc5! .fi(.g4 (1B .l:l16! .fi(.eB bc6
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.<Lld2 <Llf6 4.e5 19..1:llc1 ; 18... .1:lae8 19..1:ld5) 19..1:ld5 .l:laeBI 22 ..1:lc5± Wahls·Beliavsky, Munich 1991 ;
<Llfd7 5.c3 c5 6 <Llc6 7.<Lle2 (19 tt:le5 21±) 17... tt:ld4?! tt:lh7 19.'i+'d4 .l:l15
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 <Llf6 1O.<Llf3 'ilt'c7 20..1:lc1 ;t] 16.b4!? [16 .l:laeB 20.h4 b6 21 ..1:lc3 tt:l16 tt:lh7
11 .0-0 .fi(.d6 12.g3 0-0 13•.fi(.f4 .fi(.d7 tt:l16 W'd6 19.14 g6 23 ..1:lec1 tt:liB .l:li!B 'ilt'd7
14..1:lc1 <Llh5 'ilt'd6 16.<Llc3 20 ..1:lle1 tt:lh5 21.Wg2 'i+'e7 'ilt'g7 26..1:lc7+- Pourkashiyan·M.Gomes, Kolkata
g6 17..1:le1 'ilt'b4 18.a31 'ilt'b2? .l:ll6± Ghader Pour- 2009; 17...g6 18.a3 (!? hg6
[18... 'ilt'd6 19.<Lle5 <Lle5 20..1:le5 'ilt'b6 Satyapragyan, Dubai 2011] 16...a6 17.a4 18... 'ilt'e7 19.h4 'ilt'g7 a6
21 .'ilt'd2 <Llg7 .l:lf3 23..1:lce1 .l:laiB 'ilt'b8 18.b5 ab5 19.ab5 tt:lb4 21 ..1:lc3± Chepurnoy-Feytens, cr 1990)

18.h4 -'.e8 19.a3 g6 (R.Pert-Piayer, Torquay 38.tlJdS] 3S.-'.g6 hg6 39.t0ge6! 20.l:te4! t0b4 [20... de4 21.ti'e4 g6
ch-GBR 1998) 20.-'.bs±; 16...t0d4?! [39.t0fe6 t0c6] 39 ... t0e6 40.t0e6 Wh7 22.tlJeS! eS 23.tres 'if.?g8 24.-'.g6! hg6
17.-'.h7 tOh7 18.• d4 .Cfs 19.tbes tOgS 41.tlJgS 'if.?gS 42..Ce7 1-0 2S.t0g6 'if.?h7 26.t0f8 .Cfs 27..Cc7±J
20. ~ : ea 21 .h4 t0f7 22.t0fg6 tOeS 21.W'e3! de4 22.ti'e4 l:tfS 23.tlJeS
23.tlJeS gS 24.hgS .Cg5 2S..Ce4 .Ce7 -'.c6 24. c6 t0c6 2S.g4+- gS
2s.: g4 .Ceg7 27.:gs : gs 2B.f4 .Cg7 Nikolenko,Oieg 26.gfS gf4 27.fe6 11'c7 2S.dS f3'a7+- Skoko-Mihic, Becid 1994; Sokolov,Sergey 29.'if.?h1 1-0
16... tOb4 17.-'.1>1 : aca 1s.:ca : ca Moscow 1987
19. gS! : ea (Guerra-Mejia Toscano, 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.t0d2 t0f6 4.eS
Cartagena 2012)'hS! g6 21 .tt'h6 tt'e7 t0fd7 S.-'.d3 cs 6.c3 t0c6 7.t0e2
22.t0fe6 t0g4'h4+-l 17. · 1 : aeS cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 t0f6 10. f3 -'.d6 Oleksienko,Michailo
1S. S .Ce7! 19.a3! -'.e8!? [19... gS?I 11.o-o Wc7 12.g3 o-o 13.-'.f4 -'.d7 Bernadskij,Vitaly
20. fd3! (20. hS tlJhS 21 .t0c6 (21 .tt'hS 14.l:tc1 -'.f4 1S.t0f4 ti'b6 16.b3! Lvov 2007
.Cg7 (21...t0d4 22...gS .Cg7 23.-'.h7 'if.?h7 'if.?hS [16... t0d4?! 17. d4 eS 18.t0d5 'ilt'd4 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3. d2 f6'h4+-) 22.t0c6 -'.c6 23..CeSi) (Keast-Beykirch, cr 1990) 19.-'.c4! -'.e6 fd7 S.c3 cS 6.-'.d3 c6 7. e2
21...-'.c6'hS .Cg7 23..CeS;!;) 20 ... t0d4 20.t0e7 'if.?f7 21 .-'.e6 'if.?e7 (21...'if.?e6 cd4 S.cd4 f6 9.ef6 f6 10.0-0 -'.d6
21 .t0c5 t0c6 22.t0b7 tt'c7 23.tbas tras 22.W'd4 ed4 23.l:tfe1 'if.?f7 24..Cc7±) 11.t0f3 Wc7 12.g3!? 0-0 13.-'.f4
24.t0d7 t0d7 2S..Cc6± ; 19....Cd8 20.b4± ]'d4 ed4 23.l:tfe1 ±; 16... l:tfe8 17.l:te1 -'.d7 14.l:tc1 -'.t4!? 1S. f4 W'b6
20.h4!± tlJdS [20 ...'if.?h8!?] 21 ..Cc3 .Cc7 g6 18.-'.b1 Wb4 19.t0d3 W'b6 20.t0c5± 16.b3! l:taeS 17.-'.b1 !? t0d4
22 ..Cce3 [22...c1 ! .Cc3'c3± White R.Rowley-Painter, USA 1987; 16....Cac8'd4 tr'd4 19.t0d4 eS 20. fe2
needs to exchange one rook immediately] 17.Wd2 (17 ..Ce1 t0d4 18.-'.h7 t0h7 ed4 21.t0d4 : cs
22 .....b6 23 ..Cb3 [23.1l'd2±] 19...d4 tOgS!-+ Lederer-Winkelmann, cr
23 .....aS!? [23 .....d6 24...d2] 1996; 17.-'.b1 ) 17... t0d4 18.t0d4 l:tc1
24..Cb4!? [24 ..Cbe3 -'.a4 2S.b3 -'.e8
26.b4] 24... .Ce7! 2S ..Ce3 [2S.-'.c2!? -'.i>S
(2S ... 'it'c7 26..Cb3) 26.h5-J 2S ... 'it'c7'e1 I 'it'd6 [26 ...t0d7!? 27.t0ed3]
27..Cbb3! .Cc7?! [27 ... t0d7! 28.'it'd2
19 ..Cc1 eS 20.tlJdS tlJdS 21 .-'.c4 'if.?h8
22.-'.dS tt'd4 23...d4 ed4 24.-'.1>7 -'.fS
2S.f3 g6 26.Wf2± Naum 2.0-Naum
1.91 /Gorelikov_Div.Hardware_60Min 2006;
16... as 17.l:te1 l:tae8 18.-'.b1 tOd4 19.W'd4

. ''
(28.h5 tOeS 29..Ces .Cf4! 30.gf4 t0f7 Wd4 20.t0d4 eS 21 .t0fe6! -'.e6 22.l:teS tO
31 .tt'e2 tOeS 32.feS 'it'd8'g4 -'.a4 : ca 23.: ca -'.ca 24.-'.fs -'.fs 2s.t0fs l:tds ~ ~
34..Cg3 'it'fBi ) 28... es 29.:es tOeS 2s.:e6 : ca (26 ...d4 27.'if.?f1 d3 2s..Cd6± )
~ ~ ~
30..CgS .Cf6 31 ..Cc3 (31 ..Ce3?! .Cf4) 31...h6 27.l:te7 g6 28.t0h6 'if.?h8 29.l:tb7 d4 30.t0f7
32.Wd3 g6 33..Cg6 -'.g6 34.t0g6 .Cef7 'if.?gB 31.tlJeS l:tc2 32.a4 t0e4 33.l:td7 t012 .i l::t l::[ <;t>
35.tlJeS .Cg7 36.We3 h5 37.-'.c2i ] 34 ..Cd4 t0h3 35.'if.?f1 l:tf2 36.'if.?e1 .Ch2
2S ..Cbc3! Wb6 29.b4 Wd6'c1 37.t0c4± ~-~.9S Phil Harris2-Marat-a, 3m 22.f3 g6 23.h4;!; l:tfeS 24.'if.?f2 'if.?g7
.Cc3 31.Wc3 tr'b6 [31...-'.a4!? + 1s, rated 2009/] 17.-'.b1 2S.g4 hS 26.gS tOgS 27.l:tcS l:tcS'c5±] [17.tlJgS! (.c:. 18.-'.h7) 17 ...t0d4 (17... es 2S.l:te1 <ilf7 29.t4 : es 30.: es -'.eS
18..Cc6! • c6 19.deS t0e4 20.-'.e4 de4 31.fS± t0e7 32.f6 tOeS 33. e2 t0d6
21 .'WhS -'.IS 22.e6- 'if.?QB (22 ... W'c7 34.t0f4 t0e4 3S.'if.?e3 -'.c6 36.-'.e4
23.l:td1 ) 23.e7 l:tf6 24..Cd1 1-o Paveto- de4 37.t0e2 b6 3S.t0d4 -'.dS
Gaitan, Bento Goncalves 2010) 18.-'.h7 39.tlJbS aS 40.t0c3 -'.c6 41 .t0e4+-
-'.e8 19.-'.g6 eS 20.tlJdS • d6 21 .-'.eS 'if.?e6 42.'if.?d4 -'.es 43.t0d2 bS
.-ds 22.-'.g6 .CadS 23.W'd3f] 17... .Cae8 44.t0e4 a4 4S.ba4 ba4 46.a3 -'.f7
1S.l:te1 aS 19...d3 t0e4 47.'if.?cS -'.eS 4S.t0d6 ~d7 49.f7!
'if.?e7 SO.'if.?dS -'.e6 S1 .WeS -'.b3
S2.fStr'! S S3.'if.?f6 -'.c2 S4.t0f7
.I • 'if.?gS SS.tlJeS 'if.?h7 S6.t0c6 -'.b1
...... S7.t0d4 'if.?gS SS.t0e6 -'.c2 S9.tlJcS
'if.?h7 60.'if.?eS w g7 61.'if.?d4 <ilf7
62.Wc3 -'.d1 63.'if.?d2 -'.f3 64.t0a4
32.-'.c2!! ± [.c:. .Ce1 , .,c5, b-] 'if.?e6 6S.tlJcS S 66.'if.?e3 ~g4
32 ... Wd6 33 ..Ce1 'if.?hS? ! [33 ... t0d7± ] 67.t0d3 -'.b7 6S.tlJeS s 69. ~d4
34...cs • cs 3S.bcS+- t0d7 -'.cS 70.a4 -'.b7 71.aS -'.h1 72.a6
36.t0f3! .Cf6?T [36 ...-'.f7 37 ..Cb1 -'.aS 73.a7 -'.b7 74. g61+- ~g6
(37.tlJgS -'.g8) 37... t0b8 38.-'.a4 'if.?g8 7S .~es -'.as 76.'if.?d6 S 77. ~c7
39..Cb6±] 37.tOgS -'.g6 [37 ... t0f8 ~e6 7S .~ bS -'.dS 79.aStr -'.as

Survey FR 17. 11

80.'tt>a8 'tt>d7 81.'tt>b7 'tt>e8 82.'tt>c6

c;W7 83.¢?d7 'tt>g8 84.<j,)e6 'tt>h8
85. 0-1

Praha 1994 (3)
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .t(~d2 ltlf6 4.e5
fd7 5.c3 c5 6. ~d3 ltlc6 7.ltle2
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 f6 1 o.o-o ~d6
11. f3 fic7 12.g31? o-o 13. ~f4
~d7 14J:lc1 ~f4 15.ltlf4 fi bS 20.l:lc61? (20.l:le2!;!; t:. 21 .l:lce1] 19.l:lc3!? (19.'tt>g2?! gS! 20. gS d4=
16.b3! l:lae8 17.l:le1 g6 (17 ... ltld41? 20 ...bc6 (20 ...fic6 21 .h3 16 22.ltleS H.Herrmann·F.Schmidt, cr ch-GDR 1990;
1B.ltld4 eS 19.ltldS! ltldS (19 ...fid4 "trd6 23.ltlfg6 hg6 24.'iVgS-] 21.h3 ltlf6 19.h4!? 'tt>hB?I (19... eB 20.~g6! (20.hS!?
20.~c4 'tt>hB 21 .fid4 ed4 22.l:led1 ltldS 22.ltle5 '*'d8 23.ltlfg61? hg6 Kirkov-Prokopp, cr 2009) 20... hg6 21 .ltlg6
23.~dS l:le2 24.l:ld4 l:lel2 2S .~g2 ± ) 24.'ilt'g5 l:le7 25. g6 [2S.Wg6 'tt>hB l:lg7 22.ltlf8 'tt>IB 23.Wd2 d6 24.'..14
20.~c4 ed4 21. ~dS 'tt>hB 22.l:le8 l:leB 26.fih6 ltlh7 27.ltlg6 ¢'g8 28. e7 'ite7 IS 2S.l:lcd1 ± <j,)e7? 26.1t'IS 1·0 Krahn·
23.fif3;!; (b7<,17<; 23.fid2!?) 23...~h3 29.l:leS l:l17] 25 ...l:lef7 26. e7 [26. eS Krolla, cr ch-GER jr 1994; 19 ... ltlg4!?
24.fil7 fidB 2S . ~c4 ~d7 26 .~d3 g6 'tt>hB 27.l017 l%17] 26 ...'tt>h8 27. ~ h6 20.1i'd2 l:le17 21 .'tt>g2 l%16 22.hSI ghS
27.l:lc7 (27.fil4!?) 27 ... fic7 2B.fil6 'tt>gB ltlh7 28.ltlg6 'tt>g8 29.l:le5? fits 23. hS l%13 24.'.Wgs 'tt>f7 2S.'irg4 'tt>e7
29. ~c4 ~e6 30.~e6 l:le6 31 .fie6 'tt>g7=; 30.f4 l:lg7 31.h4 ~ea 32.h5 l:lff7 26. 14 l%314 27.gf4 l:lf7 28.1t'h4 'tt>IB
17... l:le7 1B.h4!?;!;; 18. ~b1 gS!? 19.ltlgS 33.'tt>g2 l:lb7 34.l:lg5 ~g6 35.l:lg6 29.1t'h6 l:lg7 30.'tt>h1 W"d4 31 .l:lg1+-
ll:Jd4;:t Huschenbeth-Jere, Ekurhuleni 2011 ; l:lg6 36.hg6 ltlf8 -+ 37.g4 l:lg7 1·0,42 De Blasio-Wheeler, cr IECG 2007;
1B.fid2 :rea (1B ... gs 19.l:lc6!? fic6 (37 ... fid4!] 38.f5 e5?? 39.g5 1t'd8? 19 ... l:le17 20.ltleS! tOeS 21.l:leS lOeB
20.ltlgS fid6 21 .l:leS!- t:. 21 ... ltlg4? [39 ... l:lg6! 40.fg6 1t'l4=] 40.f6 1t'd7 (Stilman·B.Jovanovic, LSS Email 2009)
22.ltlh7 l:lh7 23.l:lgS l:lg7 24.ltlhS!+-) 22.hS! l%14 23.gl4 l%14 24.hg6 hg6 2S.~g6
19.fib2 (Llanes Hurtado-Martin Ojeda, St t0f6 26.l:lgS 'tt>fB 27.l:lc5±) 20.~g6! hg6
Feliu 1994) 19 ... gS!+=t; 17...a6 18.a3 (20 ... l:lg7!?) 21 .l:lc6! 'iVc6 (21...~c6
(18 .~b1 ! ? ltld4 19.'iVd4 'iVd4 20.ltld4 eS 22.t0g6 'tt>g7 23.t0e7+-) 22.t0eS! 1t'd6
21 .ltldS (21 .ltlfe6 ~e6 22.l:leS;!;) 21 ...ed4 23.t0fg6 'tt>g7 24. 18 'tt>fB 2S.'iVf3 ! l%17?
22.ltlf6 l:lf6 23.l:le8 ~eB (1·0,92 Phil (2S ... 'tt>g7 26.1t'l4! t0e4 27.13 1t'b4
Harris-GM_Couscous, Sm + Os, rated 28.l:ld1 t0c3 29.l:ld2 threatens 'iVg51hS·
2009/ 24.l:lc8 l:le6 2S.~d3 h6+-) 26.g4! ~eB 27. 17 ~17 2B.'iVf6
l:le1 26.¢'g2 ¢?17 27.l:ld8±) 18...g6 'tt>eB 29.l:lc1 1·0 Darnstaedt-Hellgendorl, cr
19.~b1 ll:Jd4 20.fid4 fid4 21 .ltld4 es 1988] 19... e8 20.l:lce3?! (20.l:ld3!
(Awesome-Chessbulle, 3m + Os, rated g7 (20 ... l:le17!? 21 . gS l%14 22.gl4 l%14
2009/ 22.ltlfe6 ~e6 23.t0e6 (23. h7 'tt>h7 24.l:lg3 t0g7
23.l:leS!; 17 ... 'tt>hB 1B. ~b1 ltld4? 19.'iVd4 2S.l:lg6 'tt>gB 26.'tt>h1 ~eB!) 23...~e6
fid4 20.ltld4 eS (Marczeii-Kurbasov, cr 41 . ~f5 1+- fic7 42.de5 l:le7 43.e6 24.l:le6 t0g7 2S.l:ld6 lOIS 26.l:ldS t0b4
WVM/GT/216 2012) 21.~g6!+- J 18.~b1 l:lh7 44.gh7 ltlh7 45.f7 1·0 27.l:lfS : rs 2B.l:lg3±) 21 . es tOes
ll:Jg4 (18 ... 'tt>g7 19.fid3 (19.h4!? ltld4 (21... ~e8 22.t0c6 bc6 23.l:lde3±
(T.Upton·Laurain, Cork 200S) 20.fid4 'iVd4 Wedemeyer-Heinsohn, cr BdF 1993)
21 .ltld4 eS 22.ltlle6 ~e6 23.l:leS;!;) Yakovich,Yury 22.l:leS± l:lel7 23.l:ld2 : ca 24.h4! l:lcfB
19... ltld4 20.'iVd4 'iVd4 21 .ltld4 eS Beliavsky,Aiexander 2S.hS l:lf4 26.gf4 tOhS 27.1S! efS 28.'iVe2
22.ltlfe2 (22.ltlfe6 ~e6 23.l:leS;!;) 22 ...ed4 Kiev ch·U RS 1986 (6) ~bS 29.1t'e3 14 30....13 ~c6 31 .1t'g4
23.ltld4 l:le1 24.l:le1 l:leB 2S.l:le8 lOeB 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ltld2 ll:Jf6 4.e5 fidB 32.l:lhS 1·0 Chosson-Wascat, cr
26.~d3 ltld6 27.13 'it.'16 2B.'tt>12 ..t>es ltlfd7 5.c3 c5 6 . ~d3 tOeS 7. e2 1987; 20.1t'd2 t0d6 21.l:lc5 l:leeB 22.1t'e3
29.'tt>e3 lOeB 30.g4 ltlf6 31.14 ~6 32.h3 cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ltlf6 1o.o-o ~d6 'ttdB 23.h4 t017 24.'..d3 1t'f6 2S.hS t0b4
aS 33.a3 ~eB 34.gS ltld7 35.fS giS 36 .~1S 11 .ltlf3 Wc7 12.g3!? o-o 13 .~f4 26.'iVe3 gS 27.t0h3 h6 28.l:lc7 l:le7
ltlfB 37.b4 ab4 38.ab4 ~g6 39.'tt>f4 ~eB ~d7 14.l:lc1 ~f41?N 15.ltlf4 Wb6 29.t0eS tOeS 30.deS Wg7 31 .l:lb7±
40 .~c8 b6 41 .'tt>IS ltld7 42.h4 ~g6 16.b31 l:lae8 17.l:le1 g6 18 . ~b1 B.Simon·Prokopp, ICCF Email 2004;
43.<j,)l4 ll:JIB 44.~g4 ~e4 4S.hS ~d3 l:le7 [After this move Black is threatening 20.l:lc5 l016 21. ~g6 eS! 22.l:lc6 bc6
46. ~fS ~IS 47.'it.'IS 1·0 Aslanian- ... g6-gS as the rook is ready to go to g7, 23.tOes hg6 24.ll:lfg6 :rea 2S. e7 l:le7
L.Muchnik, Nikolaev ch·UKR-W 2003] covering the weaknesses around the black 1!2·1!2 Henke-B.Jovanovic, LSS Email 2009]
19.fid2 'tt>g7 king] 20 ...t0g7 21 .t0g5 [21 .t0dS?? edS
22..1:r:e7 e7 23..1:r:e7 i(.g4 24 ..1:r:e3 16.ti:leS (16.ti:lgS i(.f4 17.ti:lf4 .1:1:14 18.gf4 34 ..1:r:ee7±) 33..1:r:a7 (33.W'b7 .l:r:gS 34 ..1:r:e8
W'f6-+; 21.1t'd2 .l:r:el7 22.ti:leS ti:leS 'iff4-+ Kovachev-Salewski, Reykjavik 2011 .aes 35..1:r:e8 <li>h7 36.'it'b1 .l:r:g6 37.h4t)
23..1:r:eS aS 24.<li>g2 a4 2S.W'e3 ab3 26.ab3 (S)) 16...i(.eS 17.deS (17.i(.eS?! 1Vb6 33 ....1:1:18 (33... 1Vb4 34..1:r:ee7 <li>h8 3S.W'b4
W'b4 27.h4 W'e7 28..1:r:gSi D.Petrovic- 18.ti:lf4 e3 (18 ...W'b2 19..1:r:b1 'ifa2 20..1:r:b7 ab4 36..1:r:g7 .l:r:a8±) 34 ..1:r:aS! (34 ..1:r:ee7
Verhoef, cr ICCF 2010] ti:leS 21.deS i(.c6) 19.fe3 ti:leS 20.deS <li>h8 3S ..I:r:g7 .l:r:d1 36.<li>g2 .1:1:12 37.<li>l2
W'e3 21 ..1:1:12 .l:r:ad8 22.W'e1 1fb6.,. W'f6 38.W'l3 .l:r:d2 39.<li>e1 'it'l3 40. <li>d2
Huschenbeth-Grover, Chennai Wch-jr 2011) 'ifd5=) 34 ... 'it'f6 35..1:r:e2± Adams]
17...i(.e8 18.1fa4 1Vb6 19.1fe4 i(.g6 32...<li>h7 33 •.1:1:86 [33.1Va4 'ifcS
20.1Vc4 'ifb2"f Zapata-Ganguly, King of 34 ..1:r:c4i] 33 •.. W'c5 [33 ... .1:r:d1 34.1fc2
Prussia 2010] 15•••1t'd6 16.ti:lc3 <li>g8 35..1:r:d6 .l:r:e1 36.<li>g2 .l:r:d6 37.Wc5
[16.i(.e4 de4 17.ti:lgS .l:r:ad8+=" R.Ankit- .l:r:d7 38.1t'hS±; 38.W'c6 .l:r:ed1 39.1Ve4
Ganguly, Dubai 2012] 16... ti:lc3 17.bc3 .l:r:1dSi] 34.1Vb1 .1:1:15 35 ..1:1:1e2 .l:r:d5 [~
[17..1:r:c3 i(.eS (17... .1:1:16 18..1:r:e1 .l:r:af8 3S... <li>g8 36.1t'e4 'ifdS 37.Wc2 (37..1:r:c6
19.i(.b1 i(.eS 20.ti:lgS i(.g6oo; 17... eS W'e4 38 ..1:r:e4 .l:r:d2=) 37...Wd1 38.Wd1
18.deS ti:leS 19.ti:leS W'eS 20.1fe2 W'e2 .l:r:d1 39.<li>g2 .l:r:cS 40..I:r:e7i J 36 . ~g2
21.i(.e2 i(.c6 22 ..1:r:d1 .l:r:ad8 23..1:r:d4 .l:r:fe8 W'b5 [36... as 37.We4±; ~ 36 ...1fc3
24.<li>f1 .l:r:e4 2S..I:r:e4 de4 26.i(.c4 <li>f8 37.1t'e4 eSt] 37.1fe4 .l:r:c5 [37 ...aS 38.13
27.<li>e2 gS 28.b4i Geske-Salewski, W'd3 39 ..1:r:c6±J 38 •.1:r:e7 .l:r:c4 39.Wd3
21 ••• .1:1:140 22.gf4 ti:ld4 23•.1:r:h3 Reykjavik 2011 (3)) 18.1Vb1 (18.h3 i(.hS [~ 39.We6 .l:r:g4 (39 ... aS? 40..1:r:d2+-:
[23..1:r:d3!?oo] 23... e511 ~ [23 ... ti:lgfS 24.i(.fS 19.g4 i(.g6oo) 18... h6oo] 17...e5 [17 ....1:1:16 39 ...1fdS 40.1fdS cdS 41..1:r:a7±) 40 ..1:r:a7
ti:lfS 2S.W'e2 6 26.W'eS±J 24..1:r:d3 18.1t'e2;!;]1 8.ti:le5 ti:le5 19.de5 W'e5 Wd3 41 ..1:r:e3 'ifc2 42..1:1:13 .1:1:13 43.<li>13±]
[24..1:r:h7 W'l6 2S.i(.g6!? W'g6 26.'ifd4 20•.I:r:e1 W'f6 21.1fd2 [21 .141? 1Vb6 39 ... .1:1:84 40.Wc3 Wd5 41 .13 [~
ti:le6!! 27.1t'd5 .l:r:h7-+] 24...1ff6 22.<li>g2 i(.c6 23.'ifhS g6 24.i(.g6 d4 41 .<li>h2 .l:r:g4 (41....1:r:d4 42 ..1:r:a7±) 42 ..1:1:7eS
25•.1:r:d4 [2S.'ifd21? ef4 (2S... tiJg!S!? 26.feS 2S.<li>11 'ifbS 26.<l;>t2 'ifhS 27.i(.hS .l:r:ad8 .aes 43 ..1:r:es W17 44.Wc2 <li>g8 45..1:r:c5±J
.aes 27..1:r:e5 W'eS~) 26..1:r:e7 'ifgS 27.<li>h1 28.cd4 .l:r:d4 29.,!;(,13 ,!;(,13 30.<l;>IJ± 4L ..I:r:d4 42 •.1:1:87 .l:r:e51 43 •.1:r:e5
W'e7 28..1:r:d4 ti:le6"i=] 25...ed4 26•.1:r:e7 Visconti-Pietrocola, cr ICCF 2009] [43.1fc2 <li>g8 44..1:r:eS WeS; ~ 43 ..1:1:12! cS!
'ife7 27.1fd4 W'e11 28. ~g2 i(.c6? 21 •••.1:r:ad8 [21....1:r:ae8 22.i(.l1 i(.c6 44 ..1:r:c7± Adams] 43... We5 44.1fc2
[28 ... ti:le6 29.W'16! (29.1t'd5? i(.c6) 23.i(.g2 W'IS 24.1t'd4 a6 2S ..I:r:e8 .l:r:e8 [44 ..1:r:e7 lfdS 45.Wc2 <li>h6 46 ..1:r:e2 .l:r:d3
29... ti:lg5 30.1t'd8 (30.fgS i(.c6=) 30... ~7 26.c4i; 21...i(.IS 22.i(.fS 'ifiS 23.1t'd4 47 ..1:1:12 c5 48.a4 c4 49.aS Was 50.1Vc4
31 .1t'd7 (31.fg5 W'e6) 31...ti:l17 32.i(.d3 (23 ..1:r:cd1 .l:r:ad8 24..1:r:e7 .1:1:17 2S..I:r:l7 W'l7 W'dSi] 44 •.•<li>g8 45 •.1:1:88 [4S.a4 .l:r:b4; ~
W'c1!=J 29.i(.e411± 1fa5o [29 ...de4? 26.1t'd4 bSoo) 23... .1:r:ad8 24..1:r:e7 .1:1:17 4S ..I:r:a3 W'dS (4S ... c5 46 ..1:r:a8 <li>f7 47 ..1:r:c8
30.1t'c4+-J 30.b41 W'b50 [30 ...'ifd8? 2S ..I:r:cett Adams] 22.,!;(,11 i(.c6 [~ .l:r:dS 48 ..1:r:c6 <li>e7 49.a4 We1 50.1t'e4
31.b5+-: 30...1t'a2? 31 .b5! de4 32.bc6+-J 22 ...i(.IS! 23.i(.g2 (23.1t'd4 'ifl7 24.i(.g2 W'e4 S1 .1e4 .l:r:d4 S2.aS±) 46.1fg6
31 .i(.d3?T [31 .a4! 1Vc4 32.1fc4 dc4 i(.e4oo) 23...i(.e4 (23...d4!?) 24.i(.e4 de4 (46.1fb3 lfb3 47.ab3 .l:r:d2 48.<li>h3 .l:r:d3)
33.i(.c6 bc6 34.'.t;>11 h6 35.ti:ll3±, c6<, c4<] 2S.'ifc2 .l:r:de8 26..1:r:e2 .l:r:eS 27..1:r:ce1 46....1:r:d2 47. ~h3 Wd7 48.g4 hg4 49.fg4
31...1t'a4 32.1t'f6 i(.eS 33.'ifd6?1 .l:r:fSoo Adams] 23.i(.g2 d4 [23 ... h6 Wd8 so.We6 (50.1fc6!? 1t'b8 S1 .Wh1 t )
[33.ti:le6 ti:le6 34.1fe6 ,!;(,17 35.'ifc8=] 24.1Vd4! (24..1:r:cd1 i(.a4! 2S ..I:r:b1 d4 26.cd4 50...<li>h8 S1 ..1:r:e3 WIS S2.We8 WeB
33 ...1fd7 34.'iff6?? [34.'ifd7 i(.dTf] .l:r:d4 27.1Ve3 b6oo) 24... W'd4 2S.cd4 .l:r:le8 53..1:r:e8 <li>h7i Adams] 45 •.• <l;>t7 46 •.1:1:87
34...1t'g4 [35.'.t;>11 'ifd1] 0-1 26.14!] 24.i(.c6 bc6 [24 ... dc3 2S.i(.dS! <li>g8 47.Wb3 [~ 47 ..1:r:b7 c5 (47... WdS
(2S.'ife3 'ifc6 26..1:r:c3=) 2S... <li>h8 26.W'd3 48.Wg6+- : 47 ... Wd6 48.WIS±; 47 ...<li>h8
W'l2 27.<li>h1 W'd2 28..1:r:cd1 W'd3 29 ..1:r:d3 48.a3±) 48..1:r:bS Wds 49.Wb3 W'b3
bS 30.<li>g2 b4 31 ..1:r:ed1 aS 32.i(.b3±] 50.ab3 .l:r:d2 S1.<li>h3 .l:r:d3 (S1 ... .1:r:c2 S2.b4
25.cd4 .l:r:d4 26.1Ve3 .1:1:1d8 27.1Vb3 cb4 53 ..1:r:hS) S2 ..1:r:c5 (S2.14 g6) S2... .1:r:b3
Unit Ill .1:1:4d5 [27 ... <li>h8 28..1:r:e6 (28.1fe6 'ife6 S3.14 g6=J 47 •.•~ h7 48.Wb1 <li>h6
14 ... -L e4/14 .. . ~e8/14 ... llae8 29..1:r:e6 .l:r:d2 30.a4 .l:r:a2=) 28 ...1ff8 49.1fc1 <li>h7 50.1Vc2 1h-1h
29..1:r:ec6 .l:r:d2 30..1:1:11 ;!;] 28•.1:r:c5
Adams,Michael [28 ..1:r:e4!? W'd6 29 ..1:r:ce1 t Adams]
Shirov,Aiexey 28 ••• <l;>t8 [28 ... 1fd6 29..1:r:ec1 .l:r:b8 30..1:r:c6 Kasparov,Sergey
Elista ct m 2007 (1) .l:r:b3 31 ..1:r:d6 .l:r:g3 (31 ... .1:r:d6 32.ab3 .l:r:b6 L8hiri,Atanu
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ti:ld2 ti:lf6 4.e5 33..1:r:c3 aS!) 32.hg3 .l:r:d6 33 ..1:r:c8 ~17 Bhubaneswar 2011 (4)
ti:l1d7 5.c3 c5 6.i(.d3 ti:lc6 7.ti:le2 34..1:r:c7 ~16 35 ..1:r:a7i] 29•.1:r:c4 W'd6 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ti:ld2 ti:lf6 4.e5
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ti:lf6 1O.ti:l13 i(.d6 30 •.1:1:14 [30.1Va4 .l:r:d1 31 ..1:r:c1 .l:r:e1 tiJ1d7 5.i(.d3 c5 6.c3 c6 7.ti:le2
11.o-o 1fc7 12.g3 o-o 13.i(.14 i(.d7 32..1:r:e1 'ifd7 33..1:r:c1 .aca 34..1:r:d1 t] cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ti:lf6 10.o-o i(.d6
14•.1:r:c1 ti:le4 15.i(.d6 [1S.b4 a6 16.a4 30 ... <li>g8 31 •.1:r:fe4 h5 [~ 31 ... .1:1:18 11.ti:lf3 'ii'c7 12.g3 o-o 13.i(.14 i(.d7
i(.f4 17.ti:lf4 (Petrienko-Moskalenko, Pinsk 32 ..1:r:e6 W'cS 33..1:1:1e2 'ifbS] 32.h4 [~ 14•.1:r:c1 ti:le4 15.ti:le51 i(.e51
1986) 17... .1:1:14! 18.gf4 'iff4+="; 1S.i(.e4 de4 32 ..1:r:e7 aS (32 ... h4 33 ..1:r:a7 1f16 [1S ... .I:r:ac8?! 16.i(.e4 (16.13!?) 16...de4

Survey FR 17. 11

17.ti:lc3 ~e5 (17...ti:le5 18.de5 ~e7 31 .l:l.d5 l:l.b7 32.l:l.d2 l:l.e7 33.l:l.d8
19.ti:le4 ~c6 20.'tlt'g4f) 18.de5 (Brzeski- ~h7 34.~ ~h5 35.~e3 l:l.b7
Kielar, Leba jr 2008) 18...e3 19.ti:lb5 36.l:l.d2 ~f7 37.l:l.a1 ~g6 38.l:l.ad1
(19. e4 el2 20.1:1.12 l:l.cd8 2Uit'g4f) l:l.f7 39.1:1.12 l:l.c7 40.l:l.d8 l:l.c1 41.l:l.d7
19... el2 20.1:1.12 1t'd8 21.ti:ld6±; 15... l:l.ad8 l:l.e1 42.l:l.e2 1:1.11 43.l:l.a7 ~h5 44.l:l.d2
16.ti:lc3 (16.13!?) 16...ti:lc3 { 16...~e5 l:l.e1 45.¢>12 l:l.b1 46.h3 ~f3 47.84
17.de5 ~e8 18.1it'g4f) 17.l:l.c3 ~e8 ~g6 48.a5 l:l.h1 49.l:l.a6 ¢>h7 50.h4
18.1t'g4 ~e5 1 9.~e5 (19.de5!?; 19.1t'e6 ~g4 51 .l:l.ad6 1-0
1t'l7 ( 19...~17 20.1t'h3) 20.1t'l7 ~17!
21.de5 h6 22.h4 ~e6) 19...1t'e7 20.l:l.e1
ti:le5 21 .l:l.e5 1:1.16 22.1t'e2 (22.'tlt'h4!? h6 Vallejo Pons,Francisco
23.1it'g4 1it'b4 24.l:l.c2) 22 ...~g6 23. ~g6 Akobian,Varuzhan
l:l.g6 24.l:l.c5 'tlt'l7 25 .'~c2 l:l.e8 26.l:l.c7 31.b5!+- ab5 32.1t'a8! ~as Las Vegas 2011 (7)
l:l.e7 27.l:l.c8 l:l.e8 28.'tlt'c5 l:l.c8 29.'tlt'c8 33.l:l.a8 ti:le8 34.~ b5 'iWd7 35. ~c5 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. d2 ti:lf6 4.e5
1t'l8 30.'tlt'b7± Cabello Aguilar-Fernandez ~ 36.l:l.a6 1it'b7 37.l:l.b6 1-0 ti:l1d7 5.c3 c5 6. ~d3 ti:lc6 7.ti:le2
Martinez, Spain It 2003; 15...g5 16.ti:lc6 cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ti:lf6 10.ti:l13 ~d6
~c6 17.~d6 'tlt'd6 (:2: 17... ti:ld6;!;) 18.13! 11 .0-0 1t'c7 12.g3 0-0 13 . ~14 ~d7
ti:lf6 19.'tlt'd2 h6 20.14 (20.h4!?) 20 ... ti:le4 Zarnicki,Pablo 14.l:l.c1 ~e8 15.ti:le5! 1it'b8 [15... 'tlt'e7
21 .'tlt'e3 'tlt'e7 22.fg5 (22.ti:lc3!?) 22 ... 1t'g5 Roldan,Adrian 16.ti:lc6 (16.13;!;; 16.1t'd2!?) 16... ~c6
23.'tlt'g5 hg5 (23 ...ti:lg5 24.ti:ll4) 24. ~e4 Buenos Aires 1991 (4) 17 .~e5 e4 (17... g4!?) 1B.~d6
de4 25.l:l.c5 1:1.11 26 .~ 1 1:1.18 27.~e1 1:1.15 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ti:ld2 ti:lf6 4.e5 (18. 14 ~e5 19.de5 1:1.17; 19...1:1.14? 20.gl4
28.g4 l:l.d5 29.~d2 ~17 30.~e3 ± tiJ1d1 5.~d3 c5 6.c3 ti:lc6 7. 2 cd4 'tlt'h4 21.13 ti:lg3 22.1t'e1 !+-) 18... 'tlt'd6
Sorokin-Moskalenko, Kemerovo 1985] 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ti:lf6 1O.ti:lf3 ~d6 19.ti:lc3 ti:lc3 20.l:l.c3 e5~ Sargissian-
16. ~e5 [16.de5!N g5 17.~e4! { 17.~e3 11 .0-0 'tlt'c7 12.g3 0-0 13.~14 ~d7 Dgebuadze, Aubervilliers rapid 2000;
'iWe5 18.14 gl4 19.~14 1t'g7 20.'iWb3 l:l.ad8 14.l:l.c1 ~e8 15.~d6 [15.ti:lg5!? 'tlt'd7 15... ~h5 16.'iWd2 (16.13!;!;) 16... ~e5
21 .'tlt'b7 e5~ ) 17... gf4 (17...de4 1B. ~g5±) 16.~d6 'tlt'd6 17.ti:ll4! (17.14?! ~~ (16... ti:le41?) 17.de5 ti:lg4~ R.Pert-Hanley,
1B. ~d3! 1t'e5 (18 .. .fg3 19.14 'tlt'b6 20. ~h1 R.Pert-S.Williams, Willey 1998) 17... ti:ld4 Scarborough ch-GBR 1999] 16.ti:lc6 ~c6
gh2 21.ti:lg3! 1:1.17 (2 1...~e8D 22.'iWg4-) {17... e5 18.de5 tiJe5 19.~15 ~d7 20.ti:le4 17.'ii'd2 [17. l:l.e1 !?] 17...e5 18.de5
22.ti:lh5 ~18 23.ti:lf6 1t'd4 24.1it'b3f) ti:le4 21.~e4 d4 22.'iWb3 ~hB 23.'tlfb7;!;) ~e5 19 .~e5 'tlt'e5 20.ti:ld4 ~d7
19.ti:ll4 1:1.17!? (19... 1:1.14? 20.gf4 1t'l4 18.ti:lh7 ti:lh7 19.~7 ~7 20.1it'd4;!;; 21.l:l.1e1 ;!; 'iWd6 22.ti:l15 ~15 23.~15
21.'tlt'h5; 19...'tlt'b2 20.l:l.b1 'iWg7 21 .ti:lh5 15.'iWd2?! ~ 16.ti:le5 (16.1t'e3 ~14 l:l.ae8 24.'tlt'd4 b6 25.b4 [25.13;!;)
1t'd4 22.l:l.b7 1:1.17 23.'tlt'c2 (23.~h7! ? ~h7 17.ti:ll4 ~13 18.'iWI3 (18.ti:le6 'iWI7! 19.ti:lf8 25 ... l:l.e1 26.l:l.e1 l:l.e8 27.l:l.c1 1t'e5
24.l:l.d7 l:l.d7 25.1it'c2 ¢>h8 26.'iWc6 l:l.ad8 tiJg4 20...Q..h7 ~hB 21 .1it'g5 1:1.18+ Nijboer- 28.'iWe5 l:l.e5 29 .~d3 ~ 30.a4
27.'iWe6± ) 23 ... ti:le5 (23... l:l.al8 24.l:l.d7) Dgebuadze, Groningen 1989) 18...ti:ld4! l:l.e7 31 .a5;!;
24.~h7 ~h8 25.~g6±) 20.1t'e2!? l:l.afB 19.l:l.c7 (19.'iWe3 1it'b6) 19... ti:ll3 20.c;ftg2
21 .'iWe5 ti:le5 22.~e2;!; ] 16...1t'a5?1 tiJd4 21.l:l.b7 e5+ Naranjo Moreno-Larino
[16 ...'iWb6! 17. ~14 ! {17.ti:ll4?! l:l.ad8 Nieto, Mondariz 2004) 16... ~e5! 17.de5 Plaskan,Jure
1B. ~e4 de4 19.~d6? 1:1.17 20.b4 'iWd4 (17.~e5? ti:le5) 17...ti:lg4 18.'ilt'c2 ti:lge5=i=; Rozic,Samo
21 .b5 ti:le5 22.'iWd4 ti:ll3 23.~g2 ti:ld4-+ 15.l:l.e1?1 ~ 16.ti:le5 ~e5 17.~e5 Ljubljana tt 2006 (3)
J.P.Gomez-Ganguly, Guangzhou Ach 2010) (17.de5 ti:lg4) 17.....17~] 15.. .'i i'd6 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. d2 ti:lf6 4.e5
17... l:l.ad8!; 17... ti:ld4 18.ti:ld4 {1B.~e4 16.ti:l14 ti:le4 [16... ti:lg4? (Tibensky-Gondor, ti:l1d7 5 . ~d3 c5 6.c3 ti:lc6 7.ti:le2
ti:le2 19.'tlt'e2 de4 20.'iWe4;!;) 18... 1t'd4 2000) 17.~7 ~h7 18.ti:lg5 ~ 19.1it'g4 cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 ti:lf6 1O.ti:lf3 ~d6
19.~e3 1t'e5 20.l:l.e1 ! (with the idea 13) tt.:ld4 20.'tlt'h3+-] 17.~e4 [17.'iWe2 g5! 11.0-0 'ii'c7 12.g31? 0-0 13 .~14
20... 1:1.17 21 .13 ti:lf6 22 .~c5 1it'b8 23 .~d4 {17... 1:1.14?! 18.gf4 1t'l4 19.'tlt'e3) 1B.~e4 gf4 ~d714. l:l.c1 l:l.ae8!
'iWd6 24.l:l.e5 l:l.e8 25.'iWe2!1!1; 17...e5 19.~c2 ~ 20.'tlt'd3 1:1.17-J 17...de4
18.de5 ~h3 19. ~e4 de4 20.'tlt'd5 ~h8 18.ti:lg5 1:1.14 [18...ti:ld4 19.ti:lge6 1:1.14
21 .l:l.le1 ! 1t'b2 22.ti:lc3 l:l.ae8 23.ti:le4;!;; 20.ti:ll4 ~ 21 .l:l.e1 ti:ll3 22.~h1 1t'h6
17... l:l.ad8! 1B.~e4 (18.13?! ti:ld4! 19.~e3 23.h3 ti:le1 24.1t'd5 ~hB 25.'tlt'b7 1:1.18
ti:le2 20.1t'e2 d4 21.~h6! ti:lg3 22.hg3 gh6 26.'tlt'b5 00 27.l:l.c6 g6 28.ti:ld3 'iWh3
23.1t'e5 l:l.17=i=; 18.'tlt'b3!? 'iWb3 19.ab3) 29.~ 1 ed3 30.'iWd3+-] 19.gf4 'iW14
18...de4 19.1t'c2] 17.~14 'tlt'a2 18.13 [19 ...ti:ld4! 20.ti:le4 1t'l4 21.1t'd4 1it'g4
ti:lf6 19. ~d6 l:l.1c8 20.b4! ± b5 22.<~h1 'iWI3=] 20.ti:le6 1t'f5 21 .ti:lc7
21 .~b5 ti:ld8 22. ~d3 l:l.c1 23.'iWc1 . 5? [ 22.'iWd4 'iWg4=] 22.'iWb3
'iWa4 24.'iWa1 'iWc6 25 ~c5 a6 ¢>h8 23.l:l.c5+- 'ii'g4 24.'iWg3 l:l.f8
26.'iWa3 'iWb7 27.ti:lc3 ~c8 28.l:l.a1 25.l:l.g5 'iWg3 26.1g3 ~13 27.ti:le6 l:l.f6
'iWf7 29.ti:le2 ~ b7 30 .~d6 ti:lc6 28.d5 h6 29.dc6! l:l.e6 30.cb7 l:l.b6
15.~b1 ! ? [15.~5 lLle4! 16.~d6 W"d6 18.lLle5 <i;h8 19.a3 lle7 20.~11 ~e8 ~c6 19.13i; 15...~e5 (Afek-Uiibin,
17.lLle5 (Giazik-lwaniuk, Wroclaw ch-POL-W 21.~3;!; Wojtkiewicz-A.Rotstein; 15... Wh8 Hoogeveen 2008) 16.de5! (16... h5
1999) 17... lLJI2! 18.llf2 lLJeS 19.de5 W"b6f ; 16.~e5 ! ? lLlg4 17.lLJI4 lLJgeS 18.de5 ~e7 17.Wc2 g6 18.~ llf7 19.f4t) 17.13
15.W"d2 W"b8 (15 ... lLlh5 16.~d6 W"d6 19.lLld4 ~dB 20.1fh5 1-0 Jasny-Hias, (17.l0<:3!? g5 18.~e3 lLlc3 19.llc3 Wes
(Joecks-Oietz, Hamburg 1990) 17.W"e31 t::. Zvolen 2000; 15 ... a6 16.~d6 (16.lLle5; 20.llc6! ~c6 2 1.~7 Wh7 22.~d4+-)
17... e5 18.de5 lLJeS 19.lLle5 lle5 20.W"a7) 16.~e5!?) 16 ...1fd6 17. 14 e5! 18.de5 17... Wb6 18.Wg2 lLlc5 19~ 1 ±] 16. c6
16.llfe1 Wh8 17.~d6 1fd6 18.lLJI4 lLlg4! e5 19.lLle5 lleS;:t Rojicek-Macak, [16.lLld7!? d7 17.~d6 (1 7.~e3 lLJ16
19.~11 (19.~5 e5 20.~c6 ~c6 21 .de5 Piestany 2004; 15... lLlg4!? 16.'ifd2 e5 18.~ llcB 19. 14 llle8 20.lle1 a6
e5 22. e5 lle5 23.'ir'd4 llle8;:t) 19... e5 17.de5 lLJgeS (17...1t'b6 18.l0<:3!) 18.tLle5 21.~11 '*c7 22.00 'Wf7 23.~oo
20.de5 lLJgeS 21 . e5 lLJeS 22.~g2 d4 ~es 19 .~e5 lles 20.lLJI4] 16.~d6 Wolczek-Herrmann, www.bdf-fernschachbund.
23.~b7 ~g4;:t Bryneii-Gieizerov, Stockholm [ 16 .~! ? lLle4 17. ~c6 ~c6! (17... bc6 de 2008; 17.~! ? ~14 (17... llc8 18.lle1 a6
2000/01 ; 15.b4!? (A.Zude-Schnegelsberg, 18.~d6 W"d6 19. c3± Studer-Zhang 19.~4 b5 20.~ aS 21.llc8 llcB
Germany 1992) 15...~14! 16.lLJI4 W"b6 Xiaowen, Albena 2012) 18.lLle5! g5 22 .~d6 'ifd6 23. 14 b3 24.1t'b3 lLJIB
17.b5 lLld4 18.lLld4 e5 19.tLld5 lLld5oo] ( 18...~e5? ! 19.~e5! lLJ12 20.~ lLld1 25.1t'e3;t ~-~ Praveen-Ramkrishna,
15... ~f4 [15 ...1fb8!?] 16.lLlf4 W"d6 21.~d6 lLlb2 22 .~18 Wl8 23.lLJI4 Wf7 Rochess Open 2001) 18. 14 'Wd6 19.~
17.lLJd3! "iWe7 18.lLlde5i llcS 24.llc2 lLlc4 25.llf2±) 19.~e3 (19.lLlc6 bc6 20.00 e5 21.1t'a4 llf6;:t Kappes-
19.W"e2 lLJeS 20.lLJe5 llc1 21.llc1 bc6 20.~d6 1fd6 21.lll1 g4) 19...~e5 Rogge, BdF-Schachserver 2010) 17...'Wd6
llcS 22.llc8 ~cs 23.'ir'c2 'ir'dS 20.de5 1fe5 21 .lLld4 1fc7 22.1t'h5! e5 18.14 1t'b4 19.'*b3!? 1t'b3 20.ab3 llcB
24.tLlg4 ~d7? [24 ... 'ir'd7D] 25.lLJf6 23.lLlc6 bc6 24.13 lL116 25.W"g5 Wh8 21 .~ lLJ16 22 .~c6 llc6 23.llc6 bc6
1ff6 26.'ir'h7 Wf7 27.'ir'h5 w e7 26.~c5 llf7 27.'.-e3i ] 16 ... 1t'd6 17.tLlf4 24.lla1 llb8 25.lL!c1! llb7 26.lla6 llc7?
28. 1fe5 'ir'e5 29.de5± ~b5 30.f4 e5 [17...Wh8 18.lLJe5± d8 19.~1 ~c6 (26 ... h6!? 27.llc6 llb4; 26 ... llb4 27.lla4)
20.1fd3 'ilt'c7 21.b4 g5 (Holeksa-Silar, 27.b4 lLle4 28.00± L.Arias-Morales

' .i. i 8
.' ' 8
Czech n 2005106) 22. lg6! hg6 23. g6
Wg8 24. 18 Wl8 25.b5+-] 18.de5
[18.llc6!? '*c6 19.de5 ~g4 20.~e2! (20.h3
~13 21 .'~'13 (Brzeski-Bobula, Koszalin 2005)
21 ... g5! 22.lLlh5 lLle4+) 20 ... lLle4 21 . d4
~e2 22.lle2oo] 18 ... lLJe5 19.lLle5 lle5
20.W"b3 [20.lle5 1fe5 21 .llc2 lle8
Mendoza, Dos Hermanas blitz 2004]
16...~c6 [16...bc6 17.~d6 'ir'd6 18.14
'*b4 (Oabrowska-Gervais, Cappelle Ia
Grande 1993) 19.'it'c2!±] 17~d6 W"d6
18.f4 [18.lLlc3? e5 19.de5 lle5+ Gotsi-
Petraki, Ano Liosia jr 1994] 18...1t'b4
19.b3 [19.•b3!? '*b3 (19...•d2?! 20.llc2)
8 22.lle2 '*d6 23.lle8 ~eB 24.~c4 ~c6 20.ab3 lLle4 21 .b4 lLld6 22. c3 a6
25 .~ Wh8 26.'ir'd4 b6 27.lLld3 ~b5 23.llfe1 i ] 19... ~b5?1 [19...lL!e4 20.• e1
8 8 8 ~-~ Weyh-Windhorst, cr. BdF, 1.BK/Gr1 Br1 'ifb6oo] 20.a3 1t'a5 21.llc5 a6
~ ~ 1997] 20 ... lle1 21.lle1 gS! f 22.lLle2 22. · 5 ab5 23.a4 lLle4 24.llb5 1t'c7
[22.lLlg2! lLlg4 23.lLle3 lLJI2 24.lL!d5 lLld3 25.• d3 llc8
30 ... b6 31 .Wf2 Wf7 32.We3 a6 25.1fd3 W"c5 26.lLle3 ~c6 27.W"c4]
33.Wd4 ~c6 34.b4! w e7 35. ~d3 22 ... tLlg4 23.~e4 1fh6 [23...~c6!?]
~b7 36.g4 Wf7 37.f5 <i;e7 38.h4 24.~d5 Wh8 25.W"c3 llf6 26.h4 gh4
~cs 39.h51 Wf7 40.fe6 ~e6 41.~t5 27.gh4 lLJf2 28.lLJg3? [28.h5!=]
w e7 42 .~e6 We6 43.g5 1-0 28...1fh4? [28 ... lLlh3! 29.Wh1 Wh4
30.~7 lLJI4 31.Wg1 WQB+] 29. h5
tLlh3 30.Wg2 lL!t4 31. t4 '*f4
Georgiev,Krum 32.lle7 'ir'g4 33.Wh2 'it'h4 34.<i;g1
Short, Nigel ~c6 [34...•12 35.Wh1 ~c6 36.~c6 bc6
Plovdiv 1984 (12) 37.lla7] 35.~c6 bc6 36.lla7 Y2-Y2
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.lLld2 lLJf6 4.e5
lLJfd7 5 .~d3 c5 6.c3 lLlc6 7.lLle2
cd4 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 lLJf6 10.0-0 ~d6 Daillet,Emmanuel
11.lLlf3 W"c7 12.g3!? 0-0 13 .~f4 Dufrenoy,M 26.f5f 1fc2 27.'ifc2 llc2 28.lLlf4
~d7 14.llc1 llae8! 15.lle11? 'ilt'bS! France tt 1988 (7) tLld6 29.llb6 lLJfS 30. e6 llf6
[15 ...lle7?! 16.b4!? (16.lLle5!i) 16...a6 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.lLld2 lLJf6 4.e5 31.llb7 lle6 32.llb8 33.llf5
17.a3 'ir'b8 18.~b1 ~eB 19.~d6 1fd6 lLJfd7 5.c3 c5 6~d3 lLlc6 7.lLle2 cd4 Wg6 34.llf2 +- llc1 35.Wg2 lld1
20.lLJI4 h6?1 (20... e5 21 .llc6! 1fc6 22.de5 8.cd4 f6 9.ef6 lLJf6 10.0-0 ~d6 36.a5 lld4 37.b4 llc4 38.b5 d4
~5! 23.lLlh5 lLlhS 24.1fd3 g6 25.~±) 11 .lLlf3 Wc7 12.g3 0-0 13~f4 ~d7 39.a6 lla4 40.lld2 lld6 41.ll b7 h6
21.lLle5 llc7 22.lLlc6 llc6 23.lle6 1-0 14.llc1 llae8 15.lL!e5! Wb8 [15... lle7 42.a7 d3 43.b6 lld5 44.llb8 llda5
Marczeii-Kuzenkov, cr WT/M/GT/216 cr 1993; 16.lle1 ~eB 17.~ (17.'ir'd2!?) 17... lLle4 45.lld8 lla2 46.lld3 ll2a4 47.b7
15... lLJh5 16.~d6 W"d6 17.t0<:3 lLJ16 (JirkM<y-Kopicka, Nachod 2002) 18.~c6 1-0
Caro-Kann Defence
Panov Attack CK 3.1 (814)

Be Well-Prepared!
by Andrey Sumets

1. e4 c6 What is the rea on for the popu-

2. d4 d5 larity of this option for White? I
3. ed5 cd5 think it i becau e in many games
4. c4 tt:lf6 with thi line Black has had to
5. tt:lc 3 e6 fight for a draw. U ually Black is
6. tt:lf3 .ib4 forced to choose from several
7. cd5 tt:ld5 po itions with the evaluation
8. .id2 tt:lc6 'slightly better for White', trying
9. .id 3 0-0 to prevent White's advantage
10. 0-0 .ie 7 from growing. Such a fight
11 . l:re1 rarely arouses optimism in a
player. A good example of thi
line is the game David Navara-
Bartlomiej Macieja, Poli sh Extra
League 20 12. Bartlomiej opted
for a pawn sacrifice and tried to
escape into an opposite-coloured Andrey Sumets
bishops ending with a pair of
rook . He probably didn ' t want my opinion, chess player who
to suffer under White's pre ure have cho en thi path mu t be
in the middlegame with equal well-prepared to play the above-
material. This was a controver- mentioned lines, and perhaps it
sial deci ion , of which the com- would be more practical for them
According to the mai n databa. es, puter disapprove . However, to play them directly.
ll .l:re I i not the most popular grandmaster M cieja managed
option in thi line of the Panov. to prove the correctness of this The Most Popular Response
The current trend for White is to option in the game. The option I l ... .if6 eem to be
go for ll.a3 or ll .'ii'e2, but the After ll. l:re I Black has three op- the most popular re ponse to
line I Ll:re I is getting more and tions: A) ll ....if6, B) ll ... tt:ldb4 ll. l:re I. U ually White has to
more popular. As for my personal and C) ll ... tt:lf6. It is difficult to choose between (a olid
experience, in the pa t ix months say which of these is the be t approach) and (a more
I've played two clas ical games choice, but it should be noted dynamic approach).
with black, against grandmasters that if we choose option C: A I) However, recently grand-
Bassem Amin and Alexander ll ... tt:lf6 we transpose to other ma ter Navara de mon trated an
Danin, and in both games I fol- attacking line in the Panov- intere ting idea. It i unlikely
lowed my old preparation. I had Botvinnik, uch a l .e4 c6 2.d4 that 12.1fe2 i very dangerou
to work hard to draw, with no d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 tt:lf6 e6 for Black, but it demand accu-
chance of winning. Perhap I .ie7 or l .e4 c6 2.d4 d5 racy. Examining the endgame I
cho e too pas ive a line. The 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 tt:lf6 e6 failed to find a clear way for
problem i that it is difficult to ~b4 7.cd5 tt:ld5 8 ..id2 White to make use of hi extra
find a better alternative. tt:lc6 9 ..id3 0-0 I0.0-0 tt:lf6. Ln pawn. (Game I)

A2) After IV t:ld5 White u u- 17 ... a5 i a preci e move that white are too ·olid or they con-
ally gets a small but olid advan- helps Black gain some important ider White's po ition to be
tage. Black can opt for either pace on the queenside). For clearly better. However, even af-
12 ...'it'd5 or 12 ... ed5. I believe tho e who like an unu ual , active ter 12. ~e4 White has enough
that 12 ... 'it'd5 i que tionable. I fight I recommend the exchange compensation for the pawn to
have tried to prove this in Game 2. sacrifice 15 ...~d4! ?. This has not avoid the ri sk of losing the game.
After 12 ... ed5 Black has a very yet been checked in a practical I believe that the line B2) will be
. olid but lightly passive posi- game. (Game 3-6) more popular in the future.
tion . In Game 3, Salome Melia A3) 12.lLle4 is a very intere l- BI) Let's examine line
won an excellent game against a ing option. 12 . ~f4.
strong grandmaster. It seems that
13 .. ."~b6 is not the best set-up
for Black in this position. At
least, I think Black shouldn't de-
termine the po ition of his queen
o early. A queen placed on b6
provoke White into playing
a2-a4-a5-a6 and makes pawn d5
vulnerable. Perhaps Black has
some opening problems even af-
ter 14... ~e6 (Safarli-Braun), but
thi till seems to be the best way
to go. ln my opinion, 14.tLln Players who opt for it hould In the game Danin-Sumets and
(Game 4, Miljanic-Svetushkin) analyse it with a computer pro- in the similar game Amin-
is an interesting option, but it is gram and memorize it well. Sumets, Black opted for 13 ..~ f6
not enough to fight for an advan- Black ha to choose between re- and managed to draw quite eas-
tage. During the game Dmitry fu sing the pawn sacrifice (Game ily. It looks as if the endgame af-
had orne problems that were, 7) or capturing 12 ... ~d4 or ter 19 ... lLlc6 i. n't so dangerous
however, not cau ed by the ope- 12 ... lLld4 (see Game 8). for Black. Yury Drozdovsky
ning. Ovetchkin 's choice in his 2006 managed to draw against
The be t reply to 13.lLle5 seems game again t Frolyanov is very Frolyanov as well , but it eems
to be 13 ... g6!. dangerou . If Black doe n ' t want that his 19 ... lLld5 is riskier. In all
to take the pawn, perhaps he may these game Black's position

• opt for 12 ... h6. I believe that the

safest reply i 12 ... ~d4. Perhaps
wa very pa ive and perhaps
omeone will find a way to create

' ' Black hould have drawn in the

game Shanava-Mchedi hvili , or
hould have played an equal po-
sition after 17 . ~g5 'ifd6 18.'ifh5
some problems with white. If a
che s player doesn ' t want to play
o pa sively, he is encouraged to
examine the game Melia-
~f5! in the game Genocchio- Bulmaga as well as the game
D.Rombaldoni. (Game 7-8) that are given in the comments.
Despite Black achieving a nor-
My Choice mal position in the game
In both of my game I played E.Pahtz-Braun, I believe that the
Ln Game 5 (Kryvoruchko- ll ... lLldb4. I believe that this is line 13 ... b6 is a little dubious, es-
Arutinian), Black faced opening more logical than I I. .. ~f6 or pecially the way Galkin played it
problems. lt seems that 16... 'ifb6 ll ... lLlf6, but perhaps it is not against Shanava. Black' plan
wasn ' t the be t move. White stronger. White may choose be- with 14... f5 is interesting, but
could have achieved a very prom- tween B I) 12 .~f4 or B2) very risky. It seem to be a good
ising po ition after 20.lLld3. ln 12 .~e4. which i connected with reply to the pawn sacrifice 16.a3 .
Game 6 (Frolyanov-Ovetchkin), a pawn sacrifice. 12 .~f4 is more (Game 9- 10)
White had some pressure but popular than l2.~e4. Perhaps B2) Lnstead of playing the
Roman played well (I think that players who choose 1 2. ~f4 with lightly better position after

Survey CK 3. 1

12. ~ f4, White can sacrifice the However White can easily tran - 12 .. .tt:ld5 seems to be safer than
i olated pawn with 1 2 .~e4. The pose to other line of the Panov- the other moves, although even
game Sulski -Fridman shows Botvinnik Attack. here Black has orne problems.
that Black can't refu e the pawn (Game 13- 14)
acrifice. After 14.'it'e2 Black
can try 14... ~d7 ( ugge ted by Conclusion
Sarunas Sulskis). According to We have examined three reason-
ChessBase, this line has not been able replies for Black, and it is
checked in real-life games. After difficult to point out the best line.
14 ... f5 15 ~e3 (S hariyazdanov 's In my opinion , Black ha very
idea 15 ~b I de erves attention good chance to equalize after
a well) Black has to choose be- ll .. .~f6 and II ... b4, but
tween 15 ... 'iYe5 and 15 ... 1lt'f6. White 's ri sk of lo ing the game is
Black's be t option ha n' t cry - minimaJ . I myself would play
tallized yet. In both ca e , White ll ... tt:lf6, even though this move,
ha full compensation for the The game Bareev-Timman which we examined in brief in
pawn. I would say that 15 ... 'iYf6 hows that 1 2. ~f4 doesn' t give this Survey, is less afe. With thi
look afer than 15 ... 11Ye5. White an advantage. Perhaps option Black keep more
(Gamell-12) this conc lu ion will be chal- chance of putting up a fight.
lenged in future games. Anyway, Thi is extremely important for a
Chances for an Initiative 12. ~g5 i the main line. ow tronger player who face a
My opinion is that I l ... lbf6 i n ' t Black can try 12 ... b6, 12 ... tt:lb4, weaker opponent with black. But
any worse than line A and B. 12 ... h6, 12 ... tt:ld5 , and 12 ... ~d7. in this case the tronger player
Moreover, Bl ack'. chances to To examine all of these option certain ly must be well-prepared
take the initiative are greater than mean writing a new book, so I' II for other lines in the Panov-
in the above-mentioned lines. restrict myself to aying that Botvi nnik .

The Most Popular Response 17.~h7 ~hB tB. ~bt l:tadB 19.h3;!;) tl:lc3 [16 ...b6!? 17.l:tadt ~b7 18...g4
11 .. . ~f6 17.~c6 ~e3 18. ~d5 ~b6 19.We5;!;) 't!rf6 (18 .. .151? 19.'t!rg3 'tlfd7oo)
13. d4 ~d4 ~d5 20.l:te3 'tlfg6 2t .'t!rg6 fg6 22.a3
Navara,David 1 l:tac8=] 17.'tlfc3 ~d7 18.l:tad1 f6
Macieja,Bartlomiej 19.'t!rb3 l:tf7 20. ~e3 'tireS 21.l:td6
Poland It 2012 (1) ~a4?! [21...b6 22 .~d2 : ca 23.14! White
1.e4 c6 2.c4 dS 3.ed5 tl:lf6 4.d4 creates some pressure but it seems to be
cdS e6 ~b4 7.cd5 easier to draw here than after 21...~a4]
tl:ldS a. ~d2 o-o 9.~d3 tl:lc6 1o.o-o 22.'t!re6 'tlfe6 23.l:te6 l:td7;!; [This
~e7 1Ute1 ~f6 12.'t!re21?N tl:ld4 position is very difficult to evaluate. It seems
[12... ~d4 't!rd5 (13 ...ed5!? to me that Black should be able to draw if
14 .~h7 '1Ph7 15.'t!rd3 'tPgB tl:ld4! he plays precisely] 24.l:te4 ~c6 25.l:tc4
(16... 't!rh4 bc6 18.l:te3 ~d7 l:te8 26.h4 a6 27.<oth2 l:te4 28.l:te4
19.~c3 l:taeB 20.l:tg3 (20.l:taet l:te3 ~e4 29.l:tc1 [I think White needs to put
21 .l:te3 l:teB=) 20...16 2t .'t!ra6 (21 .'t!rg6 his rook on the 3rd rank, play b3, a4, a5,
W'h7) 21...l:te7 (21...d4? 22.Wa7) 22.'ilt'a7 b4 and afterwards trade the h·pawn for
l:tfeB 23.a4±) 17.'t!rd4 W'b61 (17... ~e6? 14.~ h7 [14.l:tadt !? tl:lc3 (14 ... tl:lf6!? Black's g·pawn] 29 ...~c6 30.g4 [Perhaps
18. ~c3±) 18.'tlfe5!? (18.Wb6 ab6 19.l:te7 e5 ed4 17.~b4 l:teB a little premature. 30.<otg3 l:td3 31.h5 l:td5
d4 20.a3 White is better but Black has good 18. ~e7 'it'b6 19.We5 ~d7gg White should 32.l:tht trying to open the h·file for White's
chances to draw) 18...d4=) 14 .~e4 't!rd6 win the pawn on d4 soon and Black will rook and make Black's !·pawn look
(14... 'it'c5 15.l:tact 'tlfb6 16.b4 (16. ~c6? suffer for a draw) 15 .~c3 e5 16.~h7 ! ~h7 vulnerable] 30... 31 .<otg3 l:tdS
bc6 17. d4 't!rd4 18.l:tc6 ~b7=) 16... a6 17.'t!rh5 <otgB 18.l:te5 ~e5 19.l:td8 l:tdB 32.h5 l:td3 33. 4 l:tdS 34.l:tc3
17.l:tc4 ~16 18. ~e3 'it'c7 19.'t!rc2gg) 20 .~e5 l:td5 2t.'t!re2 16 22 .~c3;!; ) [34.l:tc2 l:tdt] 34 ... l:td1 35.a3 l:th1
15.l:tad1 e5 16 .~e3gg 't!rl6 (16... ~g4 14... <oth7 15.'tlfd3 <otg8 16.'t!rd4 36. ~c5 l:tb1 37.b4 l:te1 38.l:td3

.i.b5 39.lld8 lle8 40.lld1 · 4"h5 Wg8 18."it"f7 Wh7 19.1t'g6 Wg8 16.1t'd5?1 (16.a4! a5? (16... e5 17.de5 d4
41. lld2 lle1 42. lld8 lle8 43.lld3 1t'l8 21 .tt:ld8 'itd8 22.llad1 a5 18.a5 c5 19..i.d2 .i.e5? (19 ... 1t'e7
.i.b5 44.llc3 lle1 45 ..i.e3 .i.c6 23 ..i.d4 .i.d4 24.lle3 lla6 25.lld4!+-1 20.h4-) 20.a6+-; 16...~e6 17.a5 1t'c7
46.a4 ll b1 47. llc4 We6 48.a5 llh1! 18.a6 b6 19.llad1 1? (19.llac1 llac8! 20.1t'l4;
20..i.b5?! tt:le5 21.de5 d4) 19... llac8
20..i.b5 e5 21.de5 1t'c5 22.'tli'e2;!;)
17.1t'd5 .i.e6 18.1t'b5±) 16....i.e6 17.1t'b5
(1H!t'e4 llad8~) 17...llfd8 18.1t'b6 l!!-l!!
Plaskett-Hillarp Persson, Saint Helier 20001
15 ...a5 (15 ....i.e6 16.a5 "it"c7 17.a6;t;
15... a6?! 16.a5 W'c7 (16..."t!fd8) 17.'~13
.i.g7 18.1t'd5±1 16.'* 'f3 e7 17. · 5!
c;!;>g7 [17 ....i.l5?! 18.g4! .i.e4 19."it"e3±1

16. c6?! (16.W'h5! g6 17.'tli'l3 .i.g7 6).t. • .t.
49.Wg3 [49.lld4? llh31 49 ... llg1
50.Wh2 llh1 51.Wg3 llg1 52. 4
18.llac1 e5 19.de5±1 16 ... bc6
17.1t'h5 g6 18..i.a5 'itf4 ! 19.'it'f3=
llh1 53.llc3 llh3 54 ..i.d4 llc3 [19.'it'e2!? lld4 20..i.c6 llb8 21..i.c3 .i.g7
.t. ttJ
55 ..i.c3 56.c;!;>g3 .i.a4 57.f4 (21 ... lld8 22.g3 1t'l5 23..i.e4+-) 22 ..i.d4 ~
.i.d 1 58.f5 .i.e2 59.Wh4 .i.d3 .i.d4 23.llab1 e5~1 19.. .'~t'f3 20 ..i.f3 ~
60 ..i.d2 .i.c2 61.h6 gh6 62 ..i.h6 lld4 21 ..i.c3 llf4 22 ..i.f6 llf6
112-112 23 ..i.c6 ll b8 24.llad1 .i.b7 25 ..i.b7
Y2· 1l2 ll
Zavgorodniy,Sergiy 2 18.b41 ab4 19 ..i.b4 "it"d4? (19 ... .i.e6
Bets,Anatoly Melia,Salome 3 20.1t'a3 tt'd8 21 .lle2± ; 19 ... "it"d8 20.lle2
Nikolaev 2001 (4) Kacheishviii,Giorgi .i.e6 21."it"a3±1 20. "it"a3 ~e5
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 Gibraltar 2011 (7) 21.llad1 +- W'b2 22.lle5 "ilt"e5
f6 5. c3 e6 .i.b4 7.cd5 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 tt:lf6 23 ..i.c3 d4 24 ..i.d4 "it"d4 25.lld4
d5 8 ..i.d2 c6 9 ..i.d3 .i.e7 10.0-0 5. c3 e6 6. f3 .i.b4 7.cd5 tt:\d5 f5 26.lld1 c;!;>g8 27."it"f3 h5 28.h3
0-0 11.lle1 .i.f6 12. d5 "it"d5 8 ..i.d2 tt:lc6 9 ..i.d3 0-0 10.0-0 .i.e7 llb8 29 ..i.c4 tt:lg7 30 ..i.f7 1-0
13 ..i.c3 lld8 14 ..i.e4 tt"d6 11 .lle1 .i.f6 ed5 13. e5
(14 ... tt"h5!? 15. e5 (15."it"c2!? .i.d7 W'b6 [13 ... ~e6 bc6 15..i.M lle8
(15 ... tt:ld4!? .i.d4 17..i.d4 lld4 16..i.c5 .i.e7 17.llc1 ;t; 13... d4? 14 ..i.M
18.llad1 'ita5 19..i.h7 <;!;>18 20..i.e4 e5!=) lle8 15..i.h7 Wh7 16.W'h5 c;!;>g8 17.1t'f7 Miljanic,Boro 4
16.llad1 .i.e8 17.lld3 (17.d5 .i.c3 18.1t'c3 Wh7 18.1t'g6 c;!;>g8 19. 17 .i.l5 20. h6 Svetushkin,Dmitry
ed5 19.1t'c5 16=) 17 ... llac8 18.'tli'd2;t) Wh8 21. 15 15 22.1t'l5 .i.b2 23.llad1 Bucharest 2002 (5)
15... 'tli'd1 16.llad1 .i.d7 (16 ... tt:le7 17 ..i.a5 lle1 24.lle1± Kosten-K.Arkell, Southampton 1.e4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.cd5
lle8! (18.lld3 tt:ld5 19.llh3 h6 ch-BCF 19861 14..i.c3 g6 [14 ....i.e6 tt:lf6 tt:ld5 e6 7.d4 .i.b4
20.llg3 .i.h4 21.lll3) 18... c6 19 ..i.c3 15.h4!? (15.llc1 llac8 16..i.b1 g6 17."t!ff3 8 ..i.d2 c6 9 ..i.d3 .i.e7 10.0-0 0-0
(19 ..i.c7!? d4\d6 lll8 21.b3~) .i.g7 18.llcd1 llld8 19.'*'14 lle8 20.h3 W'c7 11.lle1 .i.f6 ed5 13. e5
19 ....i.e7 20.a3 Buljubasic-Polak, Vienna 21 .W'h4 e7= Safarti-A.Braun, Gaziantep "t!fb614. f7
2011 ; 20. e3!? lld8 21 .d5;t; 16 ... tt:le5 Wch-jr 2008) 15... g6 (15 ....i.e5?! 16.de5 d4
17.de5 .i.e7 18.lld8 .i.d8 19.lld1±) 17.14 17..i.d2 W'b2 18.llb1 1t'a2 19.1t'h5 g6
(17. d7?! lld7 18.d5 llad8) 17... llab8 20."it"h6 llfd8 (20 ... 1t'a3 21..i.c1 W'c5
18.d5 e5 (18 ....i.e5! 19.fe5 (19.dc6 .i.c3 22.llb5 "it"c3 (22 ...1t'e7 23..i.g5) 23.lld1
20.c7 .i.e1 21.cb81t' llb8 22.lld7=) tt:le7!? 24 ..i.e4!+-; 24 ..i.g5?! W'd3! 25.lld3
19 ...ed5 20..i.d5 .i.e6=) 19.1e5 .i.h4 20.g3 tt:\15 26.'tli'f8±) 21.h5 lld7 22..i.g5 "it"a3
ed5 21 ..i.d5 .i.e7 22 ..i.f7 <;!;>17 23.lld7 23.hg6 fg6 24 ..i.g6 "i¥18 25..i.h7±) 16.h5
We6~ Black should manage to escape, tt:le5 17.de5 .i.e7 18.Wa4 llfc8 19."t!ff4
Galkin-Lastin, Krasnoyarsk 20071! 1t'd8 20.llad1 ;t; 20..i.d2?! llc6 21..i.e3 a6
'tli'c7 (15 ... .i.e5 16.de5 'tli'd1 17.llad1 22.llad1 llac8'g3 .i.h4 24.1t'f4 17-l!!
.i.d7 18.lld6;!; Hou Yilan-Riazantsev, Chigaev-Khairullin, St Petersburg 20111
MOSCO'N 2008; 15... tt:ld4? 16..i.h7 Wh7 15.a4 [15.'iV13!? .i.g7 (15... e7 16.a4)

Survey CK 3. 1

14 .. .g61 [14 ...ll17? 15.J:le8 J:lfS 16 .~h7 Kryvoruchko,Yuriy 5 Frolyanov,Dmitry 6

,.Yh7 17.llf8 ,.Yg6 18.llh8+-; 14 ...,.Y17? Arutinian,David Ovetchkin,Roman
15.'Wh5+-; 14... d4 15.'iWh5 (15.'Llg5 Olomouc 2006 (1) Khanty-Mansiysk 2007 (5)
~15 16.~e3 (16. ~15 15 17.W'f3 'Lle7oo 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.ed5 cdS 4.c4 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.ed5 cdS 4.c4
Plaskett) 16... ~g5 17.~d4 'iWd4 18. ~15=; f6 S.'Llc3 e6 6.'Llf3 ~b4 7.cd5 'Llf6 5. c3 e6 6 . t3 ~ b4 7.cd5
15 . ~c3!? ~15 16.'Lle5;!;) 15 ...~15 dS 8 .~d2 'Llc6 9 . ~d3 0-0 10.0-0 'LldS s .~d2 c6 9 .~d3 ~e7 1 o.o-o
16. h6 gh6 17. ~15 'Llf5 18.'iWf5; ~e7 11 .lle1 ~f6 12.'Lld5 edS 0-0 11.lle1 ~f6 12. dS edS
14 ... W'b2?! 15.W'h5 (15.llb1 'i!t'd4 13.'Lle5 g6! 14. ~c3 ~g7 15. Wf3 13. eS g6! 14.'Llc6 bc6 15. ~b4
16 . ~e3 'i!t'g4 17.'Lld6 'i!t'd1 18.lled1 [15.a4 ~e6 16.a5 'Lle5 17.de5 a6 18.W'a4
~e6 19.llb7 ~e5 20.llc7 'LldS 21. ~c5 llcS 19.J:lad1 J:le8 20.~c2 J:le7 21 .'iWh4
~g4 22.13 e6) 15 ...g6 16 .~g6 hg6
17.Wg6 ~g7 18.'Llh6 ,.YhS 19.J:lad1 !?
~- ~ Predojevic-S.Martinovic, Belgrade
2006; 15.14 Wb6 16.Wh1 ~e6 17.Wa4 ...:i
(19.'Llf7 ,.YgS 20.'Llh6=) 19 ... Wd4 20.'Llf7 llfcS 18.lle2 'iWd8= Mirumian-Asrian, i
,.YgS 21 . ~g5 Wb2 22. h6 ,.YhS 23.lld2 Erevan ch-ARM 1996] 15 ... ~e6
Wc3 24.Wh5 ~d 70 25.'Llf5 ,.YgS 16.llad1 'i!t'b6?! [16 ...lle8! 17. ~b1
26. g7 Wg7 27. ~h6 J:lfe8 28.We8 ~eS ! J:lcS 18.a3 1t'f6J 17.~ b1 J:lad8 ~ ~
(28 ... lle8 29.lle8 ~es 30.~g7 ,.Yg7 18.Wf4! [18.'Llg4 ~g4 19.'iWg4 llfe8; ~
31.lld5±) 29 .~g7 ,.Yg7 30.lld5 J:lcS;!;J 18.a3?! 'Lle5 19.de5 d4 20.~b4 llfe8
~~ ~~~
15. eS [15.'Llh6 ,.Yg7 16.llc1 ! ~d4 21 . ~d6 1t'b2!?; 21 ...16 22.ef6 W'd6 23.fg7
(16... d4? 17.'Llg4) 17.llc6 bc6 18.lle7 ~d5 24.lle8 lleS 25. d3 ~17 26.h3 ~ 'if~ <;t>
,.YhS 19. 17 ,.YgS 20.'Llh6 ,.Yh8=; ,.Yg7=J 18 ... llfe8
15.'Lld6 ~d4 16 .~e3 ~e3 17.lle3 ~d7 1s... n es [15 ...~d4 !? 16 .~18 w rs
18. ~11 (18.W'b3 W'b3 19.ab3 llab8) 17.W'd2 ( 17 .~g6? 'iWh4 18.l!t'c2 (18.g3)
18... b4 19.'Llc4 dc4 20 .~c4 WhS 18... hg6 19.Wc6 ~12 20.1Ph1 ,.Yg7!
21 .'iWd7 J:lad8 22.W'e7 c2 23.J:lh3 'iWf2 21 .'i!t'a8 ~g3 22.h3 ~ h3 -+) 17... W'f6
24.Wh1 h5 25.-.g5 Wg7 26.J:lh5 'Lla1 18.W'h6 W'g7 19.W'f4 1t'f6 20.'it'f6 ~16
27.'iWh6 Wf6 28. W'g5 1Pg7 29.'Wh6=J 21.llac1 ~d7~] 16. ll e8 W'e8 17. ~c5
15 ...'Lle5 16.de5 ~ h4 17.1Ph1 ~f2 aS! [17... ~d7? ! 18.'i!t'd2 e6? 19.h3
18.J:lf1 ~e6 19 .~h6 llf7 20.'Wd2 'i!t'eS 20.a4 WeB 21 .1t'f4 1Pg7 22.a5 a6
lle8? 1 [20 ... 'it'd4 21 .llac1 'i!t'h4 22 .~g5 23.b4 'i!t'b7 24.lle1 J:leS?? 25.lle8 ~es
Wd4 23 .~h6 Wh4=J 21.llac1 Wd4 26.Wd6 1-0 Safarli-Zarinfam, Fajr 2006]
22.llc2 ~ h4 [22 ... Wh4 23. J:lf2 llf2 18.W'd2 ~e6 [18 ...~a6 19.lle1 W'd8
24.Wf2 W'h6 25.Wa7J 23.llf7 ~f7 (19 ... W'b8?? 20.~a6 lla6 21 .W'f4+ -)
24. ~ b5 1t'd2 25 . ~d2 ll b8 26. ~d7 20. ~6 J:la6 21.14 (21.b3) 21 ... lla8 22.151]
~e8 27 . ~e6 ~f7 28 .~d7 ~e8 19.h4;!; [19.h3!? 16?! (19 ... 'Lle7 20.~c2) 19.J:le1 'iWb8 [19 ...a4!?J 20.b3 Wg7
29.llc7 [29.e6!?J 29 ... ~d7?! 20.'Llg4 ~g4 21 .hg4;!;J 19...f6 [19 ... llc8 [20... a4?! 21 .b4J 21 .~c2 [21.14 WeB
[29... ~d8! 30 .~e6 ,.YhS 31.llc1 d4] 20.g3 W'd8] 20.'Llg4?! [20.00! ~17 22.We3 ~15] 21 ...'i!t'c7 22.a4?! ~e7
30.lld7 lle8 21.ltJc5;!;J 20... ~g4 21 .lle8 lle8 23.'Wc3 ~cs 24.l!t'c5= llb8 25.h4
22.'Wg4 fS! 23.Wf3 Wd8 24.g3 hS 'Wb6 [25 ... h5!? 26.lle3 Wb6 27.'i!t'd6
[24 ... 'Wd6] 25.83 'it'd6 26.\Pg2 ~f6 lle8 28.We5 (28. ~g6 Wg6 29.'iWg3
27.lld3 Wg7 28.J:le3 [28.~ lle4] (29.llg3? IP16 30.llf3 1Pg7 31.1t'e5 \PIS)
28... lle6 29.lle6 'iWe6 30.'Wf4 'We7 29...Wh6 30.W'g5 Wh7 31.W'h5 ,.Yg7
31. 1 '*'d7 32. · 2 b6 33.1t'e3 32.We5 IP!S 33.h5 W'd8! 34.h6 tfh4
34. 2 [Better is 34.b4 ttJe7 35. ~] 35.llg3 Wh6 36.'Wd6 J:le7 37.'i!t'b8 J:leS
34... 5 35. W'd3 W'e6 36. 1 c6 38.'i!t'd6=) 28... 16 29.'i!t'f4 ~17=] 26.'i!t'd6
37.~b3 Wg7 38.1t'e3 l!t'e4!= 39.'iWe4 lle8 27.We5 1Pg8 28.Wf6 Wb4
de4 40.d5 ~c3 41.bc3 'Lld8 42.d6! [28 ...c5!? 29.h5 'Wd8 30.'i!t'd8 lld8 31 .hg6
[42.1Pe2 'Llb7 43.We3 IPf6 44.1Pf4 b5 hg6 32.dc5 llc8 33.~g6 llc5 34 . ~d3 llc3
45.~ a5 WMe is in danger] 42 ... 35.~b5= ; 28 .. .'..d8 29.'Wd8 lld8 30.1Pf1
43. 2 s 44.d7 Wd6 45.~g8!= llc8 31 .\Pe2 c5=] 29.lle2 'i!t'c3 30.h5
,.Yd7 46.~h7 'Lle6 47.~g6 'Llg7 cS 31.h6 8 [31 ... 'i!t'd4 32.lle5 Wf8
31.lld5? [31 .g3! ~e7 32.1Pg2 ~c5 48. 3 49..i.h7 s so.~gs 33.~g6 1t'a1 34.,.Yh2 hg6 35.h7+-J
33.lld5±J 31 ... 32.g3 lld8= ttJe8 51 .~c4 'Llf6 52.~f7 g4 32.W'g7 [32.W'h8 ,.Ye7 33.lle6 fe6
33.J:ld8 ~d8 34. ,.Yg2 \Pe6 35. 3 53.We2 'Llf6 54.f4 ef3 55. 'Lle4 34.'Wh7 \Pd6 35.dc5 'Wc5 36.Wg6 llf8=J
\Pes 36. ~c3 IPdS 37.b3 ~c7 56.~h5 'Llc3 57. ~e8 bS 58.~d7 aS 32 ... 1Pe7 33.dc5 [33.lle6 ,.Ye6 34.We5
38.Wg4 ~d8 Y.!-Y.! 59.h5 60.h6 1Pd7 35.Wd5 ,.Yc7 36.W17 Wd8

37.'ifd5=] 33 .. .'tfg7 34.hg7 24 .~16 "tfd3 25.'tfh4 'tfh3 26.CiJI5 Hl
35 .~d3 c;t,?g7 36. ~a6 l:le7 37.c6 Sulskis-Kritz, Istanbul Ech 2003) 18.bc3 "tfd8
l:lc7 38. ~b7 ~c8 39.~c8 l:lc8 19.gf5 ef5 20. g3 14 21 . e4± Bindrich-
40.l:ld2 Y:!- Y2 Fiebig, Germany Bundesliga 201!k'11 ) 16.~e4
(16.~c1!? h6 17.gl5 CiJb4! (17... hg5 18.fe6±)
18.~11 1fd1 19.l:ld1 hg5 20.~g5) 16... CiJd6
17.~7 c;t,?h8 18.~c2-J 13. eg5 h6
Frolyanov,Dmitry 7 [13...~b2? 14 .~h7 c;f.?h8 15.'Wa4 ~ 1
Ovetchkin,Roman 16.Wh4 16 17.l:la1 e5 18. 17! (18.~!
Moscow 2006 (8) CiJb4 19. 5 'tfd5 20. gf7 'ifl7 21 . 17
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 1:117 22 .~g6 c;t,?g8 23.9-17 c;t,?t7 24.1t'b4)
f6 5. c3 e6 6. f3 ~b4 7.cd5 18...1:117 19.CiJg5 l:ld7 (19... l:le7 20.~c2
d5 8. ~d2 c6 9.~d3 ~e7 10.0-0 19...l:lfc8?! [19 ... l:lld8?! 20.~e41 ~c6 ~ 21 .~ ~e6 22.CiJe6 l:le6 23. ~e6
o-o 11 .l:le1 ~f6 1 CiJce7 21 .~16 CiJI6 22.~c6 bc6 23.CiJc6±; Wt8 24 .~+- ) 20.~15 c;f.?gS 21 .9-e6 Wt8
[12... b6 13. 16 (13.'tra4!? ~d7 (13... ~ b7 19...~c6? ! 20.'tfh3 l:lle8 21 .l:lc5 h5 22.l:ld1 1 l:ld4 23.~ b4 24.1t'h8 c;t,?e7
14.l:lac1 ce7 15. e5 ~e5 16.de5 14 (21...h6 22 .~h6 gh6 23.'tfg3 c;f.?l8 24.CiJg6) 25.'tfg7 Wd6 26. 17 c;f.?e6 27. Wt5
17.~14 'tfd3 18.CiJd6;t; 13... CiJce7 14. e5 22.g4!-+; 19 ...W'b4?! 20.'tli'h31 ~b5 21.a3 28.l:ld4 ed4 29.h4+-] 14.CiJd4 CiJd4
(1 4. 16 16 15.l:lac1 ~b7 16. e5 a6 'tfa5 22 . ~c2 l:lle8 (22 ... h6 23 . ~h6 gh6 15. h7 l:le8 16.~h6 e5 17."tfh5
17 . ~b1 CiJI5) 14... ~e5 15.de5 CiJg6 24."tfh6 l:lfc8 25.l:le3! CiJe3 26.'iWI6 l:lc7 [17.~g5 'tfd6 18.'tfh5 ~151 (18...~d7?
16.~g5 'tfc7 17.l:lac1 'ifb8 18.CiJc3 ~b7 27.fe3 'tfd2 28.~h7 ~h7 29.'iWh4 c;t.?g7 19. 181 15 20.CiJd7 'ifd7 21 .l:lad1 ;
19.'tfd4;t) 14 .~b5 b8 15.l:lac1!) 30.l:lc7 'Wd1 31 .c;f.?f2 'iWe2 32.c;f.?g3 • e3 Genocchio-D.Rombaldoni, St Vincent ch-ITA sf
13... 16 14 .~g5 ~7 15.CiJe5 CiJb4 33. 13+- ; 22 ... l:lfc8 23. 17 c;t,?17 24.1fe6 2008) 19.~15 (19.l:lad1? ~g6 20.~g6
16.~c4 l:lc8 17.l:le3 (17.'tfb3!? CiJbd5 Wt8 25.~16 CiJI6 26.~b3+ -) 23.b4 'tfa6 (20.'tfh4 15) 20 ...'tfg6 21. ...g6 lg6-+)
18.l:lac1 h6 19 .~d2) 17... h6 18. ~16 'tfl6 24.CiJg4; 19 ... l:lac8! 20.~h6 (20.W'h3 l:lc1 19... CiJI5 20.l:lad1 21.~e3 16 22. 16
19.a3! (19. d7 'tfh4 20. 18 l:lc4-+) 21 .l:lc1 l:lc8 22.l:lc8 ~c8 23.CiJg4 'ifc7!) 'it'l6=] 17... gh6 18.l:le5 l:le5 19.'tre5
19... c6 20.CiJd7 'trd4 21 .CiJI8 'tfc4 20 ...l:lc1 21 .l:lc1 CiJe8 22.W'g4 b4 CiJc6
22.'tfd7 (22.CiJd71? e7 23.l:lc3 'trb5 23.~c4;t] 20. ~f6 CiJf6 21 .1fb7 W'd4?
24.l:lc8 ~c8 25. 16 gl6 26.'tfd8 c;t,?g7 [21...l:ld8 22.l:led1 l:lab8 23.1fa7 l:lb2
27.'f/e7 'it'b2 28.l:le1) 24.a4±] 22.l:lcd1 'it'b6 23. ~e4! +­
CiJe4 24.W'b6 ab6 25. d7 f2
26.c;f.?f2 l:la2 27.l:le2 b5 28. e5 f6
29.CiJf3 e5 30.l:ld5 l:lb8 31.l:ld7 l:la4
32.b3 l:l b4 33.l:lc2 l:lb3 34.l:lcc7 g5
35.l:lg7 c;f.?h8 36.l:lh7 c;f.?g8 37.h4 e4
38. d4 l:lb2 39.c;f.?e3 1-0

Shanava,Konstantin 8
Kusadasi Ech 2006 (7) 20.'it'd5 c;t,?g7 21 .'tff3 [21.'it'd8?! d8
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 f6 22.l:le1 ~e6+] 21 ......d6 [21... e5!?
5. 3 e6 6. f3 ~b4 7.cd5 d5 22.'tfg3 g6 23.l:le1 c;f.?h7 24.h4 (24 .~g6
22... d8?1 (22 ... l:lb81 23. e6 le6 24.l:le6 8.~d2 CiJc6 9.~d3 o-o 10.o-o 9-e7 lg6 25.'tfa3 c;t.?g7 26.l:le7 c;f.?l6) 24 ... h5
'tfd4 25.l:ld1 'tlfb2 26.l:le8 l:le8 27.1t'e8 11 .l:le1 ~f6 12.CiJe4 ~d4 [12 ... CiJd4 25. ~g6 lg6 26.'tfa3 c;t.?g7 (26 ... c;f.?h6
c;f.?h7 28.'tfe4 c;f.?g8 29...-e8=) 23.l:lc3 13. 16 'tfl6 {13...CiJI6 14.CiJd4 (14.~ CiJI3 27.l:le7 'tfd1 28.c;f.?h2 'it'd2 29.l:lh7 c;f.?h7
_.d5 24.1t'd5 ed5 25.CiJd7;t Kacheishvili· 15.W'I3 l:le8 16.~c3 CiJd5 17.~d4 ~d7 30.'We7=) 27.l:le7 c;f.?l6 28.l:lh7 ~15
Van Wely, Las Vegas 2009; 12 ...h6!? 18.'ifg3~) 14... 'trd4 15.~ 1t'd8 16.1t'l3 29.'tfc3 c;f.?e6 30.'tfe3 c;t,?l6 31 ."tt'c3=]
13. 16 CiJI6 14.l:lc1 (14.CiJe5!? 1fd4 CiJd5 17.l:lad1 ~d7 18.~e4 CiJc3 (18...~c6 22.l:le1 ~d7 [22... d41? 23.'tfh5
15.~c3 'tfd8 16 .'tfl3~) 14... ~d7 15.CiJe5! 19.'tfg4 g6 20."tfg3~) 19.'Wc3 'tfc8 (23.'tfe3?1 ~15 24 .~15 15 25.W13 'trg6
{15.'tfb3 'trb6 16.'tfb6 ab6 17.a3 l:lld8= 20.'ifd3 15 21.~15 el5 22.1fd7;t) 14. g5 26.'trb7 l:ld8 27.'tfc7 l:ld2! 28.'*'c3 d4
(Hirneise·Dautov, Germany Bundesliga CiJI5 (14 ...g6 15.CiJe4! {15.~c4 'it'l5) 29.c;f.?f1 l:ld3+) 23... ~e6 (23... e6?
2010/11) 18 .~14!?) 15...~e8 16 .~c3;t] 15...'tfg7 16.~ c6 17.'Wc1-) 15.g4 24 .~15 14 25.'tfg4) 24.l:le4 15 25.'ifl3
13. f6 f6 14 . ~g5 CiJed5 15.CiJe5 'tfd41? Dautov (15 ...h6 16. e4 "tfd4 17.~c3 l:ld8 26.l:lg4 c;f.?h8 27. 16! '*'e5 28. e4
'tfd6 16. c4 "tfc7 17.l:lc1 ~d7 CiJc3 (17 ..."tfb6 18.gl5 ef5 19.CiJg3± 'ifb2 29.~11 oo '*'a1 30. c3 (30.'trl4
18. e5 "tfd6 19."tff31 [Black is in (Bandza/Sulskis) 19...14? 20.~d41 'tfd8 c;f.?h7=; 30 ... l:ld1?? 31 .W'b8) 30 .. .l:lc8
danger] 21 . 15+- g6? 22. h6 c;f.?h7 23.1fh5 16 31 . e2 l:ld8 32. c3=] 23.l:le3 [23.h4!?
Survey CK 3. 1

IS 24 .~fS ~IS 2S.'tlffS 'tlfg6 26.1t'h3 'it.?h7 WcS 2S.~f7 li:lb6±) 13... ~16 14.l:lad1 li:le7 (14... li:lb4 w • bs
27.l:le6 'tlfb1 28.'it.?h2 l:lg8 29.1t'l3 l:lg6 19.1t'f4 (19.l:lad1 li:le6=) 20.lLle6 li:ldS WdS 17.1t'dS edS 18.~d6
30.1ff7 l:lg7 31 .1t'f4 l:lg6 32.1t'f7=] ~e6 21.1t'e3 '*'e7=) 19.1t'f4 l:ldB 19. ~e7 ~e7 20.l:le7;t; Dautov, A;
23 ..•f5 24.1t'h5 'it.?h7?? [24 .. .14! '*'b6 (19!? 20.l:le4 (! Wt6 14...~d7 1S. ~gs ( 1S . ~eS ! ? li:lg6
2S. gS! 'tlff6 (2S ... hgS?! 26.1t'gS 'it.?fB 21..,16 16 ~IS 23.l:leS ~c2 ! (15...~es! (16.deS Wd3 17.l:ld3
27.l:ll3-+) 'tlfd6=) 25.l:lg3?? 24.l:lc1 ~a4 2S.l:le7 'iPfB 26.l:lb7=) b6 18.h3 ~b7 19.l:ld7 ~13=) 16...1t'c7
[2S.'tlff7 'it.?hB 26.l:lg3+- ) 25 ...1t'e7?? 20 .....dS 21 .l:le7 'tlfa2 22.l:lde1 'tlfb2 17. e4t) 16.'it'e3 b6 17.dS!;t;) 1S... ~gS
[2S ... 'tlff6-+) 26.1t'g6 1-0 23.l:lf7 'tlfa3 24.l:lta • ra 2S..,c7~) 20.b3 (1S ~gs Wc7
~d7 21. ~13 l:lfeB 22.h3 l:le1 23.l:le1 l:leB 18. gS g6 19.Wh3±) li:lg6
24.l:le8 li:leB 2S. ~dS li:ld6 17.Wg3 ~d7 18.dS edS :lea
(26...eS!;t) 26... ~c6 27.1t'd6 g6 28 .~c4 : ca 21 . d6?! (21 ...a3! aS!
My Choice 'tlfas 29.1t'e7 'tiffS 30.1t'd8 'it.?g7 3Uit"d4 (21 ...l:lc6 22.Wa7±; 21 ...a6 22.1t'b4! bS
11 .. . lt:J db4 'irf6 32 ...a7 'it'a1 33.'it.?h2 'ireS 34.'it.?g1 gf6 24.l:ld7±) l:le1
'it'a1 35.'it.?h2 Y.z-Y.z D.Frolyanov-Drozdovsky, 23.l:le1 l:lb8 24.Wt3 'tli'tB 2S.'tlt'g3 ~e6
Danin,Aiexander 9 Sochi tt-2 2010) 18. ~c6 bc6 19.1t'f4 b6 27.a3 l:ldB;t; Dautov)
Sumets,Andrey 'tlfb6 20.b3 [20.l:lac1 'il'b2 21 .li:lc6 21 ... l:le1 22.l:le1 Was 23. c3 l:lc7 24.h3
Bergamo 2012 (5) 'ira2=) 20 ...c5 21 .li:lf5 [ h6! Y.z-Y.z Kindermann-Khenkin, Germany
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 22.l:lac1 ~e6 23. d2 (23. eS!? l:lfd8 Bundesliga 2003/04) 14.'it'e4 l:le8
li:lf6 e6 ~ b4 7.cd5 24.'\!l'e3 l:lac8 fg6 26.'\!l'e6 ti'e6 [14... fS?! 1S.'i!fe2 gS 16.a3! (16.~c1 ~16
lLld5 8 . ~d2 li:lc6 9 .~d3 0-0 10.0-0 27.l:le6 c4=) 23 ...l:lfd8 24.h3 l:ld4 2S.'it'e3 17.l:ld1 dS 18. dS edS 19.h4
~e7 11.l:le1 li:ldb4 12 .~f4 ~f6 l:ladB l:l4dS 27.l:lc2 aS 28.l:lec1 (19.lLleS;t;) 19...14 20.hgS ~gS 21 . gS
13.~e4! [! a6 14.lLld6 ( l:ld1 29.l:ld1 l:ld1 30.'it.?h2 Y.z·Y.z Amin- 'it'gS 22.'ilfes l:lfS 23. ea (23.Wd6!?;t;)
lLld3 1S.'tlfd3 eS ef4 17.dS li:lb4 Sumets, Rochefort 2012) 21...~f5 23 ...l:lf8 24.Wes Y.z-Y.z M.Yilmaz-Kovchan,
18.1t'c4 li:ldS 19.l:lac1 bS 20.1t'c6 ~e6 22. '*'f5 g6 23 ...e5 l:lfd8= 24.'*'c3 Kharkov 2011 ) 16... gf4 17.ab4 ~b4
21 .li:lc7 li:lc7 22.1fc7 ~b2 f) 14...~e7! aS 25.l:lac1 a4 26.1t'c5 '*'c5 18. l:lad1 ~) 15 . ~e5 [1S.a3 (Y.z-Y.z ( l:lc8=) 1S... bS 27.l:lc5 l:ld2 28.l:lec1 Y.2-Y.2 Shanava-Peralta, lsthmia 2011 ) 1S... li:ldS
lLleS 17 .~es li:ld3 18.1t'd3 ~b7 19.l:lac1 16 .~g3 'it'b6!? 17.lLldS edS 18.WdS ~e6
l:lc8f ) 13••. li:ld4 [Black even managed to 19.1t'e4 l:ladB~ ; 16 16. c4 ~d7
win the game after the timid retreat Melia,Salome 10 17.a3 : ca IS 19.Wb1 li:lc6 20.dS
13... dS? 14 .~g3 li:lce7 1S.'tlfc2± Bulmaga,lrina d4 21.~eSoo
Shanava·A.Kharitonov, Pardubice 200S) Tbilisi Ech 2011 (9) ~d4 e5 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4
ef4 [16 ...ed4?! 17.l:lc1 li:lc6 18.1t'd3 g6 li:lf6 e6 ~b4 7.cd5
(18... h6 19.1t'g3-) 19 .~c6 bc6 20.~h6 li:ld5 a . ~d2 0-0 9. ~d3 li:lc6 10.0-0
~IS 21 .W'd2 'tlfd7 (21 ... l:le8? 22.l:le8 ~e7 11 .l:le1 li:ldb4 12 .~14 li:ld3
'tlfeB 23.1t'd4 16 24.1t'f6 'tlff7 2S.W'c6+-) 13.'it'd3 li:lb4 [13...b6?! 14.a3 ~b7
22 .~18 l:lf8 23.h3±) 17.1t'd2 1S.l:lad1 li:lb8?! (1S... ~f6! 16.dS (
e7! ( 16... ~e7? ! g6 18...h3 hS
19.'it'g3-; 16... h6 17.b4;t;) 17. 16
( 17.~gS ~gS li:lfS 19.g4 'it'dS!'f)
17...gf6 18. d2 g6 19 .~h6 l:leB=)
16... e7 17.de6 '*'d3 18.l:ld3 (18.ef7 l:lf7
19.l:ld3 ~c3 20.bc3 (20.l:lc3? dS)
20 ...~13 21 .gl3 li:lc6~) 18...fe6 19 .~es Y.z-Y.z Safarli-Dreev, Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011 ;
li:ldS 20. ~16 gf6 21 .li:ld4 14 22.l:lg3 1S.l:lac1 ~d7 ~c6 17. c6 bc6!
'it.?hB ( l:lfeB 24.l:lg7 18.a3 dS cdS 20.Wd3 : ca
~c6 2S.l:lc7 li:le6 26.l:lc6 d4- + ) 21 .l:lc8 WeB 22.l:lc1 'tlt'b7=] 15 .. .f5!?
23... e2 24.l:le2 eS 2S.l:ld2 llad8 [1S... dS!? 16.l:lac1 c3 17.bc3 WdS=)
26.l:lgd3 l:ld3 27.l:ld3 l:lf7 28.13 Y.z-Y.z 16.We2 [16.'tlt'b1 b6 17.a3 dS 18.Wa2
E.Pahtz-A.Braun, Germany Bundesliga ~b7=] 16 .•• b6 17. ~g3?! [17. bS ~a6
17... c6 [As far as I am concerned this 2011112; 1S... ~d6? g6 17.'itfh3 hS 18.a4=) 17... ~f6 18.'it'd1 ~b7
move is stronger than 17... li:ldS. However, 16.dS edS 17.1t'bS! (17...fS?! ~f3 20.'tlt'f3 c2 21. c7
~ is not so easy to prove White's advantage g6 18.1t'h3 ~16 19.~h6 l:leB 20. e4 a1 22.l:la1 ~d4 [22 ... l:lc8! 23. eB
after 17...lLldS 18.l:lad1 (18. ~13!? li:lc7! li:la6 Wt6 22 . b4~ Shanava-Galkin, 'it'eB 24.dS 'it'd7f ) 23.l:ld1 e5 24. 8
(18... 16 19.1t'f4 'tlfb6 20.g4!t ..b2? Plovdiv Ech 2008) 1 7... ~c6 18.'ilt'b3 ~16 f4 [24 ... 'tlt'a8 2S.'i!ffS 'ifdS 26.W'b1 =]
21 .gS d7 22 .~dS 'it.?hB 23.l:lab1 '*'a3 li:ld7 : ca 21 .li:lbS±; 25. ~f4 ef4 26. 1 Wd6 27. c7

'*lc7 28.'i!rd5 lti>h8 29.'*id4 f3 18. ~d4 l0c6 19 .~c3 l:ld8 20. l:lad1 ~] l0c7 (23... b4 24 . ~c5 liJc6 25.~d5±)
30.'. -d7 fg2 31.1ti>g2 'ires 32.'*ld4 17.l:lad1 [17 .~c6? ! bc6 18.'t!t'c4 24.l0e4 ~f5 25.l0d6± (Sukskis) 25...~d6
1t'g5 33.1ti>h1 h6 34.l:lg1= '*ie7 (T.Tsereteli·Charkhalashvili, Tbilisi ch·GEO 26.l:ld6 e8 27.l:ld4 l:lc8 28.l:le1 !)
35.h3 'i!re4 36.1fe4 l:le4 37.Wg2 W 2007) 18...l:lb8! 19.l:lab1 l:lb4! 20.'W'e2 23... ~d4 24.l:ld4 b8 25.l:le1 liJc6
l:le2 38.l:lb1 1ti>g8 39.a3 Wt7 v.z-v.z (20....c6? ~b7 21 .'ilfc7 l:lc8 22.'W'a5 l:lg4 26.~d5 Wh8 27.l:lf4 ~d7 28.l:lf8 l:lf8
23.g3 f4- +) 20 ...f4+] 29.b5;!; Sulskis·Macieja, Tripoli Fide·Wch
k.o. 2004] 18.~c5 W'cS 19.\t;>h U
Zontakh,Andrey 11 [Sulskis. I'd rather say that White has
Riazantsev,Aiexander enough compensation for the pawn]
Ramenskoe 2006 (2) 19...a6 20.l:lac1 [20.a3!? c6 21 .l:lad1
1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.ed5 cdS 4.c4 l:lb8 22.l:ld3 liJd8 23.b4 'it'c7 24.'t!t'e3
liJf6 S.l0c3 e6 6.l0f3 ~b4 7.cd5 ~d7 25 .J:tc1 ~; 20.l:lad1 'W'c7 21 .'t!t'e3
liJdS 8.~d2 liJc6 9. ~d3 ~e7 1o.o-o ~d7 (21...l0c2?! 22.'.-eS) 22.a3 liJc6
o-o 11 .l:le1 l0db4 12 .~e4 l0d4 [an 23. l0a4 ~] 20... '*ld4
almost forced decision; 12...15?1 13.~c6
l0c6 14.d5! ed5 15.'*ib3 1t'b6 16.'*ib6
ab6 17.l0d5 ~d8 18.a3 f4 19.l:lac1±
Sulskis·Fridman, Liepaja It 2005] 13.l0d4
1t'd4 14.1t'e2 [14.a3 l0c6 15.1t'c2 f5!?N
16.~c6 bc6 17.l0e2 1t'c5 18.'*'c5 ~c5 17...141 18.~c1 liJd4 19.'W'e4 ~cS
19.l:lac1 ~b6=] 14•. .15 [14...~d7 15.a3 20.W'd3 ~ 21 ~d2?! [21 ~! rj3
( 15.~e3 'ires (15 ...1t'd6? 16.l:led1 'ilfc7 22.b3!? (22.'*ic4 WQ7 23.b3 l:ld8 2U .b2 e5
17.l:lac1 ~c6 18.a3 liJa6 (18 ... ~e4 19.ab4 25.liJd5~) 22 .. ~d7 23.~ l:lfd8 24~7
~g6 20. d5 1t'd8 21 .liJe7 '*le7 22 . ~c5) J:tab8 25.~ l:lb7 26.~e5 'W'h4 27~d4
19.~c6 1t'c6 20.b4 'ilfe8 21 .1t'f3 b6 M 28.'tlt'c4 ~d4 29.l:ld4 l:ld4 30.'W'd4
22.1t'b7+- ) 16 . ~7 l:lab8 17 .~13 ~c6oo; ~g2! 31 .l0e2 ~ 32.'..f4 't!t'f4 33.l014=]
15 .~7 l:lad8 16.~e3 1t'd6 (16 ... 'ilfe5= 21...~d7 [21...l013!? 22.'W'f3 ~d7 23.'tlib7
(Sulskis) 17.a3 ~c6 18. ~c6 liJc6 19.'ilfa6 l:lad8:f] 22 . 7 l:lad8 23.'t!t'e4 [23.l:le4 21.'t!t'e3? ! [21 .l:lf1 c6 22.l:lcd1 W'c5
1t'c7 20.liJb5 'ilfc8 21 .'*ic8 l:lc8 22.liJa7 'W'gS 24.1ti>h1 ~e8 25.'W'f1 ~ : 23.~e4 23.a3 We7 24.'W'e3 ~d7 25 .l0a4~]
a7 23 .~a7 ~f6 24.l:lab1 l:la8 13 24.'W'f1 ~e8 25~ ~ 26.~d4 fg2 21 ...'W'e3 22.l:le3 l:ld8 23. a4 a2
25 .~c5± ) 17.~e4 ~c6 18.l:lad1 'ilfc7=) 27.~16 gf1 'W' 28.1t;>i1 l:ld1 29.l0d1 l:lf6:f] 24.l:lc7 l:ld6 25.h4?! [25.l:lb3! ~d7
15...l0c6 16.l:lad1 J:tad8 17. ~f4 '*lb6 23.. ~ 24.'W'e5 1fe7 25.~d5?? (25 ...l:lb8?! 26.l0b6 l:ld8 27. h3~) 26.l:lbb7
(17... 1t'f6? 18. ~c7± l0d4 19.1r'f1 l:lc8 '*1M 26~e6 liJe6 27.'..e6 ~f7 ~4 27.l:lg7 lti>h8 28.l:lh7 lti>g8 29.l:lbg7
20.~e5+-) 18.l:ld3!? ~c8 19. ~h7 lti>h7 28.'W'e2 f31-+ 29.'W'f1 fg2 30.'t!t'g2 lti>f8 30.l:lf7 lt;>gS=] 25 ...l:lb8 26.l0c5
20.1t'h5 Wg8 21.l:lh3 f5 22.'t!t'h7 lti>f7 . 5 31.l0e4 ~d1 32.l:ld1 l:ld4 l0b4 27.l:lb3 [27. b7 ~7 28.~7 liJd3
23...h5 lti>g8 (23 ... g6?? 24.'t!t'h7 lti>e8 33. g3 1!i'g4 0-1 29.g3 tOeS 30.l:lc5 l:lb7 31.b3'i=] 27... a5
25.'ilfg6 l:lf7 26.l:lh7+-) 24.'t!t'h7=] 28.h5? [28.l0b7 ~7 29 .~b7 l:lbd8
15. ~e3 [ 15 . ~b1!? (with the idea a2·a3, 30.l:la3 l:l6d7+ ] 28 ... b6 29.~b7 ~b7
~a2) 15... ~f6 (it would be more difficult to Gelashvili,Tamaz 12 30.l:lg3 g6 31. b7 l:ld1 32.1ti>h2
prove compensation after 15... l0c6! 16 .~e3 Jobava,Baadur dS 33.l:ld7 l0e3! - + 34.l:ld1 [34.l:lc7
1t'f6) 16.a3 l0c6 17 .~a2 Wh8 18.l:lad1 Tbilisi ch·GEO 2007 (2) 11 ] 34... d1 35. d6 b2 36.hg6
( 18 . ~e3!? 'it'h4 19 . l:lad1 ~) 18...'tWc5 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.ed5 cdS 4.c4 a4 37.gh7 lti>h7 38.l:le3 l:la8 39.l:le6
(18...'W'b6?! 19 .~e3 't!t'c7 20.l0b5 'W'e7 liJf6 S.liJc3 e6 6.liJf3 ~b4 7.cd5 a3 40.l:le7 lti>g8 41.g4 a2 42.gf5
21 .1t'c2- l:ld8 22.J:td8 't!t'd8 23.l:ld1 'ilfg8 liJdS 8.~d2 l0c6 9.~d3 ~e7 10.0-0 liJc4 0-1
24.b4±) 19 . ~e3 (19.b4! 'W'e7 20.'tlt'h5 o-o 11.l:le1 l0db4 12. ~e4 d4
't!t'f7 2Uit'f7 l:lf7 22.liJb5 liJd4 23.liJd4 13.l0d4 'W'd4 14.'W'e2 fS 15 .~e3
~d4 24.~f4 (24 . ~c3 ~b6 25.a4!? 'W'es 16.14 'W'as 17. ~f3 [17 .~b1 ? !
(25.~e6 ~e6 26.l:le6 l:lc8=) 25 ...l:ld7?! liJdS 18.l0d5 ed5 19 .~f2 ~f6=i= J
26.a5 ~d8 27.a6 ba6 28. ~d51 ~b7 17... ~c5 [17 ...'t!t'a6?! 18.'i!ra6! liJa6 Chances for an Initiative
(28 ... l:lb8 29.l:le6 ~e7 30.J:tde1+-) 19.l:led1 ~f6 20.l:lac1 e5 21.fe5 (21 .l0d5 11 .. . l0 f6
29.~e6 J:td1 30.J:td1 ~c6 31 .~f5±) e4 22.l0f6 l:lf6 23.~e2~ (Sulskis)
24... ~16 25 . ~e6 ~e6 26.l:le6=) 19... 'it'e7 23... ~e6 24.a3 J:tf7 25.l:ld6 l:le7 26.b4± ; Arutinian,David 13
20.'W'c4?! (20.l0b5 a6 21 .liJd4=) 20...l:ld8 21. ~d5 lti>h8 22.l0b5 ef4 23.~f4 ~b2 Dreev,Aiexey
21 .b4 l:ld1 22.l:ld1 ~dTl' Shariyazdanov· 24.l:lc2 ~f6 25.l0d6 g5 (Sulskis) 26.~d2 Dresden Ech 2007 (9)
Goloschapov, Tula 1999] 15...'tlt'f6 ~d7 27.l:lc4 l:lad8 28.l0b7 l:lb8 29.l0d6 1.c4 c6 2.e4 dS 3.ed5 cdS 4.d4
16 .~f3 liJc6 [16 .. .14!? 17.liJe4 '*'f5 ~5=) 21... ~e5 22.b4 f4 23.~d4 (23.~f2 liJf6 S.l0c3 e6 6. f3 ~ b4 7.cd5

Survey CK 3.1

l0d5 8 .~d2 c6 9. ~d3 o-o 10.0-0 27 ... J:d8 28. ~e3 : as 29.a4 lbe7 26.1t'e5 16 27. J:e8 1t'e8 28.~e6 J:d8
~e7 11Jl e1 l0f6 12 . ~g5 [12 .~14 b6 30.d5 ~d7 31. ~g5 J:e8 32.~d2 29..i.f5 1t'e5 (29 ... gf5 30.'i!t'g3) 30.de5 gf5
13.J:c1 ~b7 14.a3 J:c8 15 . ~b1 tba5 J:c5 33.a5 l015 34.~ b4 J:cc8 31 .ef6± J 14.tbe5 J:c8 [14... ~c6 15.J:e3
16.tbe5 tbc4 17. c4 J:c4 18.~e5 .:ca 35.J:ad1 ed5 36.J:e8 J:e8 37.cd5 g6 16.a3 l0bd5 17.l:h3-J 15.J:e31 [Black
19.1t'd3 g6= 20.'i!t'h3 d7 21.~g3 l016 J:e4 38 . ~c5 b61= 39.ab6 ab6 should avoid this position]
22 .~e5 lH~ Bareev-nmman, Wijk aan Zee 40 .~c2 J:c4 41 .~15 ~15 42 .~b6
1995] 12 ...l0d513 .~c11 [13. ~e7 l0ce7 J:b4 43.~e3 l:b1 Y.! -Y.!
14.l0e5 b6 15.l0d5 l0d5 16.'i!t'c2 l0f6
(16... h6 17 .~h7 <J;lhS 18..i.e4 ~b7=)
17 .~e4 e4 18.'i!t'e4 ~6= Klundt-Galkin,
Warsaw rapid 2006; 13.h4 h6 14.~e7 Emelin,Vasily 14
(1 4. d5 ed5 (14... 'i!t'd5!? 15 .~e7 l0e7 Navara,David
16.~e4 1t'd6 17.1t'b3 J:dS 18.J:ad1 'i!t'b6 Czech 11 2010/11 (5)
19.'i!t'b6 ab6 20.a3 l0d5=) 15 .~e7 lbe7 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4
16.'i!t'b3 (16.l:c1?! ~g4 17. ~b1 tbg6! lbf6 5. c3 e6 6. f3 ~b4 7.cd5
18....d3 ~13 19.'i!t'f3 ...h4 20.~g6 fg6 d5 8. ~d2 tbc6 9. ~d3 o-o 10.o-o
21 .'i!t'd5 Wh7= Gelashvili-Laxman, Dubai ~e7 11.J:e1 l016 12. ~g5 l0b4
2010) 16...w-d6 17.J:ac1 J:b8 18.l0e5 [12... h6 13 .~h4 h5 14 .~e7 e7
~e6 19.h5 : tea 20 .~b1 ;t) 14 ... tbce7 15. e5 l016 16.l:e3! ~d7 17.l:g3 15 15•.. g6D [15 ... bd5 16. d5 ed5
15.l:c1 b6 16.l0e5 ~b7 17.'i!t'f3 l0c3 18.~15 ef5 19.'ti'd2 <J;lh7 20.d5;t (16... d5 17. ~h7 <J;lh7 18.'i!t'h5 <J;>gS
(17... J:c8 (? Tsesarsky) 18.'i!t'e4 15!? Hovhannisyan-V.Belov, Rijeka Ech 2010; 19.J:h3+-) 17 .~16 ~16 18 .~h7 <J;lh7
(18...tbf5?1 19.g4 tbc3 20.'i!t'b7 d6 12... b6 13.a3 ~b7 14 . ~c2 .:ca 15.1t'd3 19.1t'h5 <J;lgS 20.l0d7 'it'd? 21 .l:h3+-;
21 .'i!t'a7 : as 22.'i!t'd7± A.nmofeev- g6 16.J:ad1 tbd5 17 .~h6 J:eS 18.~a4 a6 15... h6 16.l:h3 bd5 (16...hg5 17.~h7
Aiavkin, Krasnodar 2002) 19.'i!t'f3 l0c6 19.l0d5 'i!t'd5 20.1t'e3 ~16 21. ~b3 'i!t'h5? <J;lhS (17... l0h7 18.-.h5) 18.l0e4 g4
20.l0c6 l:c6 21 .1t'g3 c3 22.bc3 1t'd6=) (21...'i!t'd8 22.l0e5 w-e7?1 23.l0g4 tba5 19 .~g6 <J;lgS (19 ...gh3 20. 16+-) 20. 16
18.1t'b7 tba2 19.J:c7 J:bS 20.1t'a7 : as 24 .~a2 l0c4 25.'i!t'f4 ~g7 26 .~g7 <J;lg7 ~16 21 .~h7 Wh8 22.~e4 w gs
21 ...-b7 J:b8= Tsesarsky] 13... ~16 27 ..i.c4! (27 .d5 Kobalia-Jobava, Plovdiv Ech 23.1t'g4+-) 17.~h6 gh6 18.'i!t'd3 J:es
14.~e4 tbce7 15.1t'd3 tbg6 [A rare 2012) 27 ... J:c4 28.b3 J:cc8 29.d5 h5 19.l:h6 ~18 20.l:h8 WhS 21.l0f7 w gs
option. The other two options are more 30.d6+-) 22.d5! l0d8 23.d6 (23.~g5! 22.l0d8 J:ed8 23 .~c2 ±] 16.~ h6 J:e8
popular] 16.1t'b5 tbc3 [1 6...tbge7 ~g5 (23... ~2 24 .~d8 J:cdS 25.de6 <J;lg7 17.J:g3 ~c6? [17... .i.d6 18. ~g6! fg6
17. e5 1t'd6 18.~d2 g6 19.~h6 ~g7 26.J:d8 J:dS 27.ef7 +-) 24.l0g5 e5 19.'i!t'b1 J:e7 20.J:g6 hg6 21 .1t'g6 Wh8
20.~g7 <J;>g7 21 .J:ac a Bologan-Salov, 25.l0e4+-) 23 ... J:c5 24.d7 J:e7 25.W'f4 22.'i!t'f6 Wh7 (22 ... Wg8 23.1t'g5 Wh7
Enghien-les-Bains 1999] 17.bc3 1t'c7 ~g7 26.1t'b8 1t'h6 27.1t'd8 ~18 28.l:e3 24. g4 J:f7 25.'i!t'h5 w gs 26.'i!t'g6+-)
18.~d2 J:b8 ~c6 29.-.18 W'IS 30.d81t' 1-o Smyslov- 23.l:e1 1t'g8 24.'i!t'h4 Wh8 25.l:e4+-;
Karpov, Leningrad ch-URS 1971 ; 12... ~d7 17...~180 18.'i!t'd2 ~c6 19.'i!t'f4 bd5
13.J:c1 .:ca 14 .~b1 J:eS 15.tbe5 e5 20.l0d5 ~d5 21 . ~g5 ~g7 (21 ... ~e7
16.de5 l0d5 17. ~e7 lbe7 18.W'h5 15 22.J:h3 J:c7 23.~d3 J:IS 24 .~16 ~16
19.l:cd1 J:c4 20.l0e4 J:f8 21 .g4 h6 25.'i!t'h6 J:es 26.'i!t'h7 w ts 27 .~b5 J:ee7
22.b3; 22.l0f6 gf6 23.h3 fe5 24.J:d7 + - J 28.W'h8 ~h8 29.J:h8 Wg7 30.l:d8+ - )
13. ~b1 ~d7 [13 ...b6 14.a3 (14. e5 22 .~d3 'i!t'e7 23.l:h3±] 18.a3 bd5
~b7 (perhaps this set-up is more flexible
than ... ~d7, ... ~c6. In some lines square
c6 might be useful for Black's knight)
15.J:e3 g6 (15 ...h6?! 16 .~h6! gh6 17.l:g3
<J;lhS 18.'i!t'd2 lOgS 19.l:g8 <J;lgS 20.'i!t'h6
15 21 .1t'e6 <J;lhS 22.'i!t'h6 Wg8 23.'i!t'g6
<J;lhS 24 .~15 J:t5 25.1t't5
19.... h5 [19.h4! ~d7 20.1t'd3 l:fc8 26.l:e1+-) 16.~h6 (16.a3 c6!=)
(20 ... J:fd8? ! 21 .l0g5 ~g5 22 .~g5 ±) 21 .h5 16....:es 17.J:g3 ~ts 18.'i!t'd2 tbc61
lOIS 22.J:ac1 b5 23.l0g5;t] 19... ~d7 19.~g5 tbe5 20.de5 1t'd2 21.~d2 d5=)
20.l0g5 ~g5 21.w-gs ~c6 22. ~c2 14... l0bd5 15.1t'd3 (main line) 15... g6
J:bd8 23 ....g4 J:d5 [23...~d5 24.h4 15 16.~h6 .:es 17.tbe5 ~b7 18.1t'h3 ~18
25 .... h3 1t'd6 26.~3t] 24.~ b3 J:15! 19 .~g5 ~e7 20 .~a2! .:ca (20... h5
25.c4 h5 26.1t'g3 1t'g3 27.hg3;t 21 .1t'f3 15 22. c6! ~c6 23.J:e6 ~g5 19 . ~g6! +- hg6 20. g6 Wh7
[Despite the fact that White's position is 24.l:c6±) 21 .l0f71 <J;>f7 22.J:e6 <J;lg7 21. W'd3 c3 22.l018 Wh8 23. ~g7
better, Black should equalize soon] 23.J:ae1 lOgS 24 . ~e7 tbge7 25.1t'g3 l015 Wg8 24.~16 8 25.J:g8 1-0

Caro-Kann Defence
Panov Attack CK 3.4 (B 13)

A Complicated New Line against

the Panov
by Peter Lukacs and Laszlo Hazai (special contribution by Krisztian Szabo)

1. e4 c6 pawn tructure. In the game,

2. d4 d5 I O.i..e3 wa seen, and after
3. ed5 cd5 IO... e6 ll.l::l:b I d7 the simple
4. c4 tt:lf6 12.i..d3 deserved attention, with
5. tt:lc3 tt:lc6 a typical backward pawn struc-
6. ~g5 ll:le4 ture. Certainly the more forceful
IO .. .e5! ? come into con ider-
ation . For the alternatives on
.t.'ii' • .t. g Black' 9th move, ee the notes

'' '''' ~
to the ga me.

The Main Line

~~ ~ The main line, however, i
~~ Krlsztlan Szabo
the endgame. 9.~b3 is met by
The aggre ive counterattacking 9 ... ~b6, with a complicated tac-
move 6 ... tt:le4 ha been a rare tical fig ht; ee the note in
guest in grandma ter practice. K.Szabo-A.Zhigalko.
Ju t recently in K.Szabo- So 8.d5 i pl ayed frequently, and
A.Zhi galko, Mo cow 201 2, now in Naidit ch-Solak, Plovdiv
Black won an intere ting game 201 2, Black tried 8 ... f6. 9.i..d2,
and oon orne trong playe r and now, after 9 .. .tt:le5 , we draw
gave it a try. atte nti on to!?, fo ll owed
In an old game Yelimirovic- Now d4 is hangi ng, the e4-paw n by tt:lf4. Wh ite played I O.f4, and
Skalkota , Praia da Rocha 1978, hinders White' natural develop- after IO... tt:lg6 I I. h5 f5
White opted for 7.cd5 , which me nt and the bi hop on g5 i out e6 a very com-
ti II deserves eri ou attention . of business. We have analy ed plicated po ition had arisen.
After the more or le s forced 8. tt:le2 !?, whi ch has not been T here area lot ofpo ibi lities for
7 ... tt:lc3 8. bc3 'i¥d5 a typi - pl ayed yet. After 8 ... i..g4 White improvement for both ide .
cal hanging pawn tructure has a choice between 9. c2 and ll .~b3 or I O... tt:ld3 , to mention
ari e , in which the weakness of 9.'ifb3. The fo rmer can be met but a few. 9.~e3 tt:le5 IO."i¥b3
the c3-pawn i compen ated for by 9 ... ~e2 IO.i..e2 d4 1 l..tld I transpo e to the next game,
by White' active piece play. On e5 12 ..tld5 c7 13."ife4 e6, aidit ch-Grachev, Croatia
9 .. .~g4 we ugge t lO.ffb3 and when White cannot keep hi s Team Cham pionship 20 12.
after the po ible l0 ... 0-0-0 bi hop pair. Hi lightly better More prec ise eems to be the im-
1 l..l:tb I b3 12.ab3 i..f3 l 3.gf3 bi hop ver us the knight and the med iate 8 ... tt:le5. In the afore-
White's tro ng bi hop pair may queenside pawn majority are not me ntioned game White chose
lightl y outweigh hi crippled enough fo r a rea l advantage in 9.'il'b3, and now after 9 ... f6

Survey CK 3. 4

JO.~e3 a5 l l . ~d2 V/ic7 again I I J:td l is suggested by the com- our suggestion is the imple h3 would have been the puter, but things are far from l2.lL:lf3 , see the note to the
critical continuation. l i .. .V/ib6 clear. Inca e of ll...e6 l2. ~e3, game. ll...VIib2 12 ..l:[d I trans-
look more aggres ive; ee the 12 ...~b4 or I 2 ...'tWb2 lead to po e to the immediate ll. .l:[dJ.
note to the game. very me y variation , and the Finally, in our Illu trative Game
same goe for ll. ..'~b2 l2. ~d2 K.Szabo-A.Zhigalko, Mo cow
Natural-looking g6. 20 I 2, White went for I l.~e3
9.fid4 looks natural. After the One of the critical lines is but after b2 12.'tWb I V/ia3
forced 9 ... f6 10. e4 b6 we 11.0-0-0, which wa used in instead of 13.'ii'b3 ?! e6 14.l:rbl
reach the critical position. Navara-Buhmann, France tt b6=i= he hou ld have gone for
2012. Hereafter ll. .. 'ft'f2 12.~f4 13. ~e2, although Black i OK
g6, 13.lLle2! ? is worthy of consid- here a well.
eration, which, according to our
notes, may lead to a slightly better Conclusion
endgame. If II ... g6 12 .~e3 a5 The variation 6 ... lL:le4 deserves
then 13 .lL:lf3 has to be tested . further analy is. There are not
The e variations require careful enough practical example , and
. tudy and the help of a strong we are waiting for more top-level
computer a well! games. For the moment the
ll .~d2 e6 came on the board in knjght move looks playable, and
Ghaem Maghami -Vidit, Ho Chi White can ea ily get into trouble
Minh City 20 12, and now again if he i not well-prepared!

An Aggressive Counterattack 13.lle1 0-0 14.cd4 ~15 15.~15 'l!YI5=; 12.llb1 ; 12.llg1 'it.>b8 13. ~e2) 11 .llb1
6 ... liJ e4 1O .~e3 ~15 (1O... e6 11.~d3) 11.'i!t'b3 b3 12.ab3 ~13 13.gl3 lld5 14 .~14 e6
{11 .c4) 11 ...e6 12. b7 tlld4! (12 ... llb8 15.~g3;!;/=] 10 ... e6 [10 ...e5!?] 11 .llb1
13. a6) 13. d5 liJc2 14.'it.>d2 ed5 tfd7 [11...~13 12.'l!YI3 'llfl3 13.gl3 0-0-0
Velimirovic,Dragoljub 15. ~5 'it.>e7 16.liJd4 tt:le3 17.te3 ~e4 14 .~d3 ;!;/=] 12.h3 [12 .~d3 ~e7 13.0-0
Skalkotas,Nikolaos 18.~d3 ~g2 19.llhg1 ~h3 20 .~15 ~15 0-0 14.h3 ~15 (~ 14... ~h5! tt:le5
Praia da Rocha zt 1978 21.liJf5 'it.>e6 (21...r;Yf6 22.tiJg7 ~g7 16. ~h7 'it.>h7 17. h5 'it.>gB 18.'i!t'e5± ;
1.e4 c6 2 .d4 d5 3 .ed5 cd5 4.c4 23.lla11 'it.>e6 24.llg7 llaf8 25.'it.>d3) 14... ~13 15.'i!VI3t) 15 .~15 el5 16.d5;!;]
tt:lc6 5.liJc3 liJf6 6 .~g5 tt:le4 22.tiJd4 'it.>e5 23. llab1 ~) 10 ..."i!i'd8 12 ... ~f3 [ 12... ~h5 13. e5! tt:le5
(10 ... 'We4 11. ~e3 e5 12.~d3; 10... 'i!t'a5 14.'i!t'h5 tt:lc6 15 ..>ld3t; 12...~15! ?]
11. ~d2) 11.~e3 e6 12.a3 ~e7 13 .~d3 13.'i!t'f3 ~e7 14. ~b5 0-0 15.0-0;!;
~16 14. ~e4 'i!Va5 15.'l!Yd2 'l!Yd2 16.'it.>d2 llfd8 16.llfd1 llac8 17 . ~f1 tt:laS
0-0 17.llab1 lld8 18.'it.>c3; 9... e6 1O .~d3] 18.c4 b6 19.c5 'ii'a4 20 . ~a6 lla8
10. ~e3 [~ 10.c4 'i!fg5 11.tllg5 ~d1 2 1.'ii'e2 'i!t'c6 22.lldc1 bc5 23.dc5
12.lld1 e5 13.d5 ~b4 14.'it.>e2 tt:la5 llab8 24. ~b5 'i!t'c7 25.c6 ~a3
15.llb1 ~e7 'l' Gaponenko-Rupprecht, 26.llc3 a6 27. lla3 abS 28 . ~f4 1-0
Munich 2012; 10.'i!Vb3!? 0-0-0 (10 ... 'l!Yb3
11 .ab3 ~13 12.gl3 e6 13 . ~d2 ; 1o... e6
11 .tlld2 ( 11. ~e2 ~d6 12.'i!fb7 llbB
13."*'a6 0-0; 11. ~c4 'l!Yd7 (11...'i!t'e4
12 .~e2) 12.d5 ed5 13 .~d5 ~d6 14.h3 The Main Line
~h5 15.llb1 0-0 16.0-0 llab8 17.llld1 7. liJ e4 de4 8.d5
7 .cd5!? [ ~ 7 .~14 e5 8.de5 'l!Yb6;:t; ~ C7=) 1 1... ~d6 {11... g5? 12. b7± ;
7.~h4 as 8.llc1 es (8... g5 9 .~g3 11...a6 12.h3 ~h5 13.~e3 b5 14 .~d3 Naiditsch,Arkadij
~e6oo) 9.cd5 tt:\d4] 7 ...liJc3 [~ ~e7 15.'i!t'd5 ed5 16.a4 b4 17.llc1 ) Solak,Dragan
8.dc6 bc6 9.d5±] 8.bc3 'i+'dS 9.tllf3 [~ 12.tiJc4 ( 12 .~d3 0-0 (12... g2?? 13.~e4 Plovdiv Ech 2012 (10)
9.'itd2 e5\13 ed4'l'] 9 ... ~g4 [9 ... e5 h3 14.'i!t'b7) 13.tlle4 ~e7) 12... 0-0 1.c4 c6 2.e4 d5 3 .ed5 cd5 4.d4
10.de5 'l!Ya5 11 .llb1t; 9... h6 10.c4 13.tlld6 'i!t'g5; 10... ~13 11 .gl3 0-0-0 tiJf6 tt:lc6 6 .~g5 e4 7 .tiJe4
( 10 .~d2 e5 11. ~d3 ed4 12.0·0 ~e7 (11...'ii'g5?! 12.'i!t'b7; 11...tfl3 12.llg1t) de4 8.d5

rlb2 51 .e7 w e6 52.rla8 ~e7 l:ldB 31 .rlf5 a6 32.c5 ~e6 33.g4 h5
53.rla7 Wd6 54.<;1;1c3 rlh2 55 . ~b3 34.h3 hg4 35.hg4 .ia5 36.rlf3 ~d5
Y2-Y2 37.g5 l:lfB 38.l:lf5 lt;>e6 39.l:lf3 ~d5
40.rlf1 .ic7 41 .l:lf5 w e6 42.w e4
.idB 43.gf6 Y2-Y2
Croatia It 2012 {2) Navara,David
1.c4 c6 2 .e4 d5 3 .ed5 cd5 4.d4 t;:)f6 Buhmann,Rainer
5.t;:)c3 t;:)c6 6 ..ig5 ~4 7.t;:)e4 de4 France It 2012 {6)
B.d5 t;:)e5 9 ..-b3 (9 ..if4 "WaS (9 ... t;:)g6 1.c4 c6 2 .e4 d5 3 .ed5 cd5 4.d4
10..ie3 e6 11.t;:)e2 .ib4 (11...edS t;:)f6 5.t;:)c3 t;:)c6 6 ..ig5 t;:)e4 7.t;:)e4
8 .. .16 [~ 8... t;:)b8 9.'i!fc2 (9.cS!?) 9... -ifS 12.t;:)c3!t; 11 ...15 12.'it'b3t) 12.t;:)c3 0..() de4 8.d5 t;:)e5 9.'ifd4
10.13 'i!fd6 11 .fe4 t!fes 12 ..id3 .ie4 13...b3 .ic3 14.'ifc3 ed5 15.rld1 !!!1;
13 ..ie4 "ilt'gS 14.c5t Krayz-Bruk, Israel II 15.0·0·0 .ie6~) 10 ..id2 'WcS (10 ... "iVb6
2007; 8... h6 9..if4?! (9 ..ie3:t) 9... eS! 11..ic3) 1U lc1 (11.'Wb3 e6 (11...g6
10.dc6 'it'd1 11 .rld1 ef4 12.rld4 .ib4 12 ..ib4; 12.t;:)h3) 12.t;:)h3) 11 ... g6 12...-a4
13.Wd1 o-o 14.cb7? (~ 14.a3 .ics 1S.rle4 .id7 13.'i6b3 b6 14.h3 hS 1S.'i6c2 .itS
rld8'i") 14 ....ib7 1S.t;:)h3 rlad8 16.rld8 16...-a4 .id7 17.'i!fc2 .if5 repetition of
rld8- + J.Reid·Zografakis, Munich ol 19S8] moves] 9 ...f6 (9 ... g6 10.Q-O·O .ig7
9 ..id2 [9.dc6 fgS'hS (10.'ifd8 w d8 (10 ...-ifS) 11 .13 (11 .d6 ._b6! 12.-ie? .ie6
11 .cb7 .ib7 12.0·0·0 Wc7oo) 10 ... g6 13.t;:)h3 t;:)c4'b6 ab6t) 11 ... ef3 12.t;:)l3
11 .'ifgS .ig7oo; 9..if4 eS! ~ ; 9..ie3 t;:)eS it'd6oo] 10..ie3 (10 ..id2 ..-b6 - 10..ie3]
10."ilt'b3- Naiditsch·Grachev, Sibenik 2012; 1 O..."ilt'a5 [10 ... e6 11.Q-Q-O 'ii'c7 12.<;1;1b1
10."iVc2 .itS] 9 ...t;:)e5 10.14 (10.'ifb3; edS (12 ....ie7 13.13! ef3 (13 ...0·0 14.fe4)
10.t;:)h3!? e6 (10... .ih3 11..-hS g6 14.t;:)l3 t;:)l3 1S.gf3t) 13.cdS (13.rldS .ie6)
12."iVh3t; 10 ..."ilt'b6 11 .b41 ; 10... g6 11 .t;:)f4 13....id6 14.'ii'a4 (14.rlc1 'i.t'aS 1S..ibS 9 .. .f6 [ ~ 9... t;:)g4 10.c5 (10.'tlfe4 1t'a5
.ih6 12 ..ie2 0·0 13.0·01) 11 .t;:)f4t] Wt7 16.h4 rld8 17.t;:)h3 .ih3 (17...-ifS 11 ..id2 'iWb6 12.t;:)h3 'ifb2 13.l:lb1 "iVeS
10 ... t;:)g6 (10 ... t;:)g4 11 .h3 t;:)h6 (11 ...e3 18.t;:)f4) 18.rlh3 rlacBoo) 14 ....id7 1S ....e4 (13.. .'iWa2 14..id3±) 14.'iWe5 t;:)e5
12.hg4 ed2 13.'ii'd2 e6 14 ..id3 ..-b6 o-o 16.t;:)f3t ] 11 ..id2 'Wc7 (11 ...'iWb61? 1S..ic3± K.Szabo·Solyomvari, Miskolc
1S.O·O·O± Kobalia·Uzuner, Konya 2012) 12.14 (12 ...-b6 ab6~) 12... el3 13.t;:)l3 t;:)l3 2006) 10... eS 11 ."Wa4 (11 .-ibS .id7)
12."iVc2 t;:)fS 13.t;:)e2 e3 14.~c3 'ike? 14.gl3 e6~] 12.f3 [12.t;:)h31?] 12 ...ef3 11....id7 12.c6; ~ 9... t;:)d3 10..id3 ed3
1S.g4 t;:)d6 16.t;:)d4 g6 17..id3t Comp 13.t;:)f3 t;:)f3 14.'i!ff3 t!fe5 15 ..ie2 11 .1t'd3± Gavrilov·Kiecker, Olomouc 2006]
Engineer-Camp Ripped, Internet rapid 2007; 'i!fb216 ..ic3 'Wb6 17..id3 10.'i!fe4 [~ 10..id2 .itS 11 .c5 'i!i'd7=F;
10... t;:)d3 11..id3 ed3] 11. t!fh 5 10.cS .itS (10... fgS 11 .'We5 'ifas 12.'ifc3
(11 .'i!fb3!? A.Kuzmin - YB/1 03·39] 11 ...15 c3 13.bc3) 11 .-ibS Wf?oo; 10 ..if4 t;:)g4
(11 ... 'ifb6 12.0..()·0] 12.t;:)h3 e6 13.t;:)g5 11 .'i!t'e4 eS~ ] 10 ...'Wb6 (~ 10...fg5
ed5 14.cd5 'i!fb6 15.rld1 (15.t;:)h7 11 .'We5 'ii'aS 12.'Wc3 1t'c3 13.bc3 e6
.id7 A.Kuzmin - YB/103·39; 1S.O·O·O] 14.t;:)f3:t; 10 ... g6 11 ..id2 .its 12.'ii'd4
15....ie7 (15 ....ic5; 15 ....ib4] 16.t;:)h7 (1 2.-.e3±) 12 ... e6 13..ic3 *'c7 14 ..ie2
.id7 (16 ... "ilt'd6 17.a3 (17 ..ic3 ~17) .icS (Henneberger·Gygli, Zurich 1934)
17 ... a5 18 ..ic3] 17.d6 '*'d6 18 ..ia5 1S.-.h4:t] 11 .0-0-0 (~ 11.b3 e6 12 ..id2
"ilt'e6 19 ..ie2 (19 ..ic4!? 'ifc4 20."Wg6 .ic5 13.0·0·0 ed5 14.cd5 g6'i" Milunovic·
'iff? 21 ."ilt'f7 ~17 22.rld7 rlh7 23.rlb7t] Markovic, Becici 1993; 11 ..ie3 -
19... b6oo 20 ..ic3 0-0-0 21 .0-0 Wb7 K.Szabo·A.Zhigalko, Moscow 2012; 11 ..id2
22 ..ig7 rl hgB 23.t;:)g5 .ic5 24.Wh1 - Ghaem Maghami·Vidit, Ho Chi Minh City
'i!fe7 25 ..-g6 rlg7 26."Wh6 rl ggB 2012; 11 .l:ld1 e6 (11 ..."ilt'b2 12 ..id2
27.h3 rl hB 28."ilt'g6 .icB 29....17 17 ...e5 18.de6 'i!i'e6 [18 ....ib4 19.'i!fhS (12 ..ie3 e6 (12 ... 'Wa2 13 ..ie2 b6 14.14
'ii'f7 30.t;:)f7 rld1 31.rld1 rlh4 g6 20..ig6 <;1;1e7~J 19.Wd2 "ilt'g4 t;:)f7 15.d6 l:lb8 16.de7 .ie7 17.-.c6 <;1;118
32.rlf1 .ie3 33.g4 rlh3 34.w g2 20.-.-dS .ie6 21 ."Wb7 (21 .rlhe1 !? w f7 18.'ilt'c7 rla8 19."Wc6 l:lb8 20.'ifc7
rl h7 35.t;:)d6 w c7 36.t;:)e8 Wb7 22.'it'b7 .ie7 23.h3 'i!i'f4 24.Wc2] repetition of moves) 13..ie2 .ib4 14.'iti>l1
37.g5 .ie6 38 ..ic4 .ic4 39.t;:)d6 21 ...rld8 22.rlhe1 .ie7 23 ...-e4 0-0oo) 12 ... g6 13.t;:)l3 .if5 14.-.e3 t;:)f3
w c6 40.t;:)c4 .id4 41 .t;:)e5 .ie5 'ife4 (23 ... rld3! 24.'it'd3 0·0 25.rle6 'ife6 (14 ... l:lc8 1S.t;:)eS 'ife5 16.'ilt'e5 fe5
42.fe5 ~d5 43.rlf5 rlh5 44.w g3 e3 26.rle1 1t'f7oo] 24.rle4 Wf7 25.l:lae1 17 ..ie3) 15.'iff3 'Wa2 16..ie2!!!1) 12 ..ie3
45. 3 w e6 46. rlf8 rl g5 47.rle8 l:ld3 26.Wd3 .if5= 27 ..id4 .ib4 W'b2 (12 ....ib4) 13 ..ie2 ed5 14.'i!fd5
w d5 48.e6 e2 49 . ~e2 rlg2 50 .~d3 28.l:lf1 .ie4 29.w e4 l:leB 30 . ~d3 'ii'b4 15.l:ld2 (1S.Wf1 .ie7 16.t;:)f3 t;:)f7)

Survey CK 3.4

15... ~b1 16..1:td1 ~b4 repetition of moves] 11 .ab3 e6 (11...lLlb4 12.<~d2) 12.lLlc3)
11 •.. 'iff2 [1 1... g6!? 12.~e3 ( ~ 12.14 ~15 11 .de5 ~b4 12.ttJc3 'it'a5] 8 ...ttJe5
13. ~d4 ttJc4! 14.~c4 .l:tc8+) 12 .. .'i t'a5 9.'it'd4 f6 10. e4 [10 .~14 ttJg4;
13.ttJf3 (13.f4 (Gy.Meszaros·P. Papp, 10.~d2 ~ 15] 10... b6 11 .~e3 '*'b2
Hungary It 2012) 13... ~15 ! 14 .~d4 ttJc4! 12.'it'b1 'ifa3 [12 ...'iWb1 13..1:tb1 e6
15 . ~c4 .l:tc8 16.'~c3 (16.b3? e51-+; 14.~e2 (14.de6 ~e6 15..1:tb7 ttJc4)
16.d6? ed6-+) 16... ~c3 17.bc3 J:tc4"F) 14 ...ed5 15.cd5 ~d6 16.ttJf3 ttJf3 17 .~f3
13...~f5 14 . ~d4 ttJf3 15.gf3 ~a2 b6 18.0.0] 13. ~ b3?! [13 .~e2 e6
16 .~d3oo ; 16.c5 b6 17.c6 (17.~b5 <J»f7) (13... ~15 14.'it'b5 <J»f7 15..1:td1 ; 13... "it'c3
17... e5 18.~c3 W'a1 19 .<~d2 ~a4 20.b3 14 . ~d2 'it'd4 15.~e3 repetition of moves)
"tt'a2 21.<J»e1 oo] 12. ~f4 [12 .~e3 ~15 14 . ~d2 ed5 15.cd5 ~c5 16.ttJf3 0-0
13.~12 ~e4.:] 12 ... g6 13.ttJh3 [13.ttJf3 17.0-0 ~g4] 13 ...e6 14..1:tb1 b6"F
~15 14 .'~!t'e2 't!fe2 15.~e2 lLlc4 (15... ttJf3) 12.f4 [ ~ 12.ltJI3 ~c5 13.0-o-O ed5 14.cd5 15.ttJh3 7 16.tLlf4 ed5 17.cd5
16 .~c4 J:tc8 17.b3 b5f; 13.lLle2!? ~f5 0-0 15.~c3 (15.d6 ~d6 16.'it'd5 (16 .~e3 "i!t'b3 18.J:tb3 ~ b7 19 .~e2 g5
14 . ~d4 ttJg4 (~ 14... 'Wd4 15.ttJd4) "it'c7 17.Wb1 ~e6oo) 16...Wh8 17 .~a5 20.ttJd3 ttJc4 21 . ~ h5 Wg7
15.W'd2 .l:tc8 16.ttJc3 ~d2 (16 ... e5 17.de6 'it'c5 18. ~c5 ~c5 19.ttJe5 fe5 20.13 ~e6 22. ~d4?! [22 .~c1 ~d5 23.0-0 J:td8]
"tt'd2 18..1:td2 - 16...'it'd2) 17..1:td2 e5 21.<J»b1 ~d4=) 15...~d6 (15...ttJg4 22 ... J:td8 [22...~d5! 23.h4 h6 24.f4 ttJa3!
18.de6 ~e6 19.b3;t/=] 13... 'i¥b6 16 . ~d3 g6 (16...15 17.'it'c4) 17.d6 ~d6) 25 ..1:tb2 ~f7 ! 26.~17 .l:td8!!+] 23. J:tc3
14. ~e5 [14 .'i t'd4 ~f5 15 . ~b6 ab6 16.Wb1 ] 12... ttJg413.ttJh3 f5 14 . ~d3 [23.lLlb4 ~d5 24.ttJd5 .l:td5 25 .~a1 ~c5]
16.~e5 le5 17.~d3 e4] 14•.. ~f5 [14...fe5 [14.'it'c2 ttJe3 15 .~e3 e3] 14...~c5 23 ...~d5 24.0-0 ~g8!
15 . ~e5 ~h6 16.<J»b1 0-0] 15. ~e1 r~ [14 ... 'it'b2 15..1:tb1 a2 16 .~e2 11!?]
15."tt'f3 fe5 16.~d3 e4 17.~e4 ~g7 15.0-0-0 0-0 16.J:te1 h6oo 17.'it'b3
18..1:td2 ~h6oo] 15 ...fe5 16. ~d3 e4 W'b3 18.ab3 ed5 19.b4 ~d4 li
17. ~c2 ~h6 18.<J»b1 0-0 [18 ... ~g7! 20. ~ c3 ~e3 21. ~d2 ~d4 22. ~c3 ~ .~.
19 .~a4 <J»d8 20. e2 e3 21 .<J»a1 ~e3 23. ~d2 ~d4 Y2- Y2 .l
~g4 - +] 19. ~e4 ~g7 [19...~h3! 20.gh3
~g7 21 ..1:td2 ~c3+ ] 20. .1:td2 ~h3
21.c5! c5 22.gh3 .l:tf4 23. J:tf1 .l:tf1 Szabo,Krisztian .. ~ ·~
24.W'f1 .l:tfB"F 25."tt'e1 'iWb4 26 . ~g2 Zhigalko,Andrey ~ ttJ
<J»hB 27.a3 'it'f4 28.h4 ~f6 29.'it'f2 Moscow 2012 (7)
~ ~ ~ ~
~h4 30. 'it'f4 .l:tf4 31.d6 ed6 32.~ b7 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4
.l:tf1 33.<J»c2 ~g5 34 ..1:td6 .l:tf2 ttJf6 5.ttJc3 ttJc6 6. ~g5 ttJe4 7.ttJe4 l:r<i¥t
35.q;.b3 .l:th2 36 .~e4 J:te2 37. ~d3 de4 8.d5 [8.~e3 e5 9.d5 ttJd4 10.ttJe2
J:te7 38 .~g6 hg6 39 ..1:tg6 ~c1 (~ 10.~d4 ed4 11 .'i¥d4 ~b4 12.<J;ld1 25 .~e3 ~d6?! [25 ...ttJe3 26.fe3
40 •.I:tg2 .l:tb7 41 .<J»a2 J:tg7 42 ..1:tc2 o-o-) o...1 ttJfs.: ; s.ttJe2!? ~g4 (8... ~15 ~d6 -+] 26 . ~c1 b5 27.f4 h6 28.h4
~t4 43.<J»b3 q;.ga 44.<J»a4 J:tgs 9.d5 ttJe5 1O.lLld4;t; 8...g6 9.d5 ttJe5 gh4 29.f5 ~f7 30. ~f7 31 .a4T
45.b4 <J»t7 46.J:tc5 J:tc5 47.bc5 <J»e6 1O.ttJc3;t; 8...'it'b6 9.'ii' d2 e5 10.c5;t) a6 32.ab5 ab5 33.lLlf4 ~f4 34 ..1:tf4
48.q;.bs ~e3 49.a4 q;.d7 50.a5 <J»c7 9.'i t'b3 (9."it'c2 ~e2 (9... ttJd4 10.'it'e4 J:td5 35 ..1:th4 h5 36.J:tf4 .!:tea 37.<J;lh2
51.c6 ~f2 52.<J»a6 <J»c6 [stalemate] ~e2 (10... ttJc611 . g4 ttJe512. 15 ttJd3 .!:teeS 38 ..1:tcf3 .l:te2 39.J:th4 ttJe5
~-~ 13.Wd2 ttJf2 14.Wc2 lLlh1 15.ttJc3±) 40 ..I:tf1 J:tc5? [40 ... J:td3 41 .q;.h1
11. ~e2 - 9... ~e2 ; 9... h6 10 .~e3 e6 (41 ..1:th5? ttJt3 42.Wh1 J:tf2!-+) 41...J:tg3
11 .ttJc3; 11.0-0-0 "it'd? 12.a3) 10 .~e2 42.J:th5 J:tgg2+] 41 ..1:th5 J:tcc2
Ghaem Maghami,Ehsan 'it'd4 (10 ...lLld4 11. e4 ttJe2 12.<J»e2 42. ~a3? [42.~14 .l:tg2 43.Wh3 J:tge2
Vidit,Santosh 'it'b6 13.J:tad1 e6 14..1:td3 'it'b2 15..1:td2 (43 ... J:tgf2 44 ..1:tf2 .l:t12 45.~e5 fe5
Ho Chi Minh City Ach 2012 (6) ~b6 16..1:tb1 "it'c6 17.'it'c6 bc6 18 .~e3;t ) 46.Wg4=) 44 .~e5 le5 45.J:th7 <J»t6 46..1:th6
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed5 cd5 4.c4 11 ..1:td1 'it'e5 12.J:td5 "it'c7 13.'it'e4 e6 <io>g5 47.J:tg6 Wh5 48 ..1:tlg1 =] 42 ... .1:tg2
ttJf6 5.ttJc3 ttJc6 6 . ~g5 ttJe4 7 .ttJe4 14 .~d2 ~b4 15.0-0 ~d2 16..1:td2 0-0 43.Wh1 .l:tg4 44. ~d6 ttJd3 45 ..1:ta1
de4 8.d5 ttJe5 9.'it'd4 f6 10.'it'e4 17..1:tld1 .l:tfd8 18.'it'e3 .l:td2 19.J:td2 .l:td8 ttJf2 46.Wh2 .l:ta4 47.J:ta4 ba4
W'b6 11. ~d2 e6 [11...'i¥b2 12..1:td1 - 20.g3;!;/=) 9..."it'b6 (9... ~e2 10. ~e2 lLld4 48.Wg1 ttJe4 49. ~a3 ttJg5 50 ..1:th8
Navara-Buhmann, France It 2012; 12.'i¥b1 11 .'ii'b7 ttJc2 12.q;.11 .l:tb8 13.'it'c6 'it'd? J:tc3 51. J:tf8 <J»g7 52. ~e7 ttJe4
'*'d4 (12... 'it'a3 13.~b4 'ifa4 14."it'b3 14.'it'd7 Wd7 15.J:td1 <J»c6 16..1:td2 h6 53.J:ta8 J:tc4 54.~f8 55.Wg2
W'b3 15.ab3 e6 16 .~f8 J:tf8=; 12...'it'b1 17. ~14 .l:tb2 18. ~d1 e5 ( ~ 18...J:tb1 ttJc3 56. 3 lLlb5 57.<J»e3 a3
13..1:tb1 b6 14.f4 ttJd7 15.ttJf3 ttJcS 19.We2± ) 19. ~c2 J:tc2 20.J:tc2 ef4 58.Wd3?! [58.~h6] 58 ... J:tc3 59.q;.d2
16.lLld4) 13 .~e3 'it'c3 14.~d2 "it'd4 21 .We2;t) 10 .~e3 (10.'it'b6 ab6 11 .d5 a2 60 .~ b4 J:ta3 0-1
repetition of moves] lLlb4 12.Wd2 lLld3.:) 10... e5 (10...'it'b3 K .Szabo!H azai

Caro-Kann Defence
Classical Variation CK 12.3 (B 19)

Attacking the Classical Caro-Kann

with g2-g4 - Part II
by Ufuk Tuncer

1. e4 c6 create fewer problem here after

2. d4 d5 15 ... d5 16.c4 ~e4=, Mched-
3. tt:lc3 de4 li hvili-Turov, 20 12.
4. tt:le4 ~f5 What i the quinte ence of thi s
5. tt:lg3 ~g6 littl e paradox? If Wh ite intend
6. h4 h6 to play <if;lbl at all , then he hould
tt:lf3 tt:ld7 do so immediately ( 13.'0t>bl!)
8. h5 ~h7 and pick the best pot for the
9. ..id3 ~d3 queen later.
10. d3 e6 15...0-0
11 . ~d2 tt:lgf6 Now 15... d5 is met by 16.c4
12. 0-0-0 ..ie7 e4 17. b3! .
16.g4 tZlg4 17.J:I.hg1
:i tv • :i White has aved the move 'Ot>b I
all right, but Black ha not
1.1. 6.i. l.l. played ... c6-c5 either. So thi
I. i 6 I. variation is not nece sari ly tron- Parlmarjan Negl

~ ger than the one with 13. <if;lb I.

The onl y way to avoid a forced 17 ... f5?! 1 8 .~e2 is very danger-
draw eemstobe 17.'i¥e2!? 'lt>h8 au , a Leko-Topalov, Nice
18.c4, a in Negi -Adhiban , (b lindfold) 2009 proved.
17... tZlf2 1= Black Delays Castling (II)
13.tZle4 tZle4 14.~e4 tZlf6
In Part I we examined variou 15. d3!c5
po sibilitie for Whjte to attack At fir t I considered thi to be the
with the help of the lever g2-g4 ideal solution for Black, avoid-
when Bl ack decide to ca tie ing all complications around
kingside a he often does these g2-g4. T his wa also the original
days. We tarted out with the pre- move order in the game Kam ky-
liminary 13.';f.?b l. In thjs part we Seirawan, and I cou ld not under-
will ee how White fare without rand why Seirawan went for
thi popular prophylactic mea- 15 ...0-0 16.Wbl c5 17.g4, al-
sure. though thi s i objectively per-
fect ly playable. ow I th in k that
Saving the Move 13.Wb1 and Black pa ed the te t with things are not so clear-cut. Of
13.tZle4 tZle4 14. e4 tZlf6 flying colours in Hovhanni yan- course we can only speculate
15. d3! Akopian, 20 12. what Kam sky had in mind in
Paradoxical: whjle in the line Fearle ly taking the pawn is case of 15 ... c5. Quite po sibly he
13.<it>b L the queen hou ld retreat be t for Bl ack, provided that he is not afraid of minimally better
to e2, the move 15 .~e2 would know what he is doing. In tead endgame (:).

Survey CK 12.3

16.g4!? 15.g4 cd416.g5 tLld5!! promi ing attack in the classical

Wrong i 16 ... hg5? 1 7 . ~g5 , with game Kavalek-Hiibner, 1979.
a huge attack, Papp-Stohl, 2008. Thi game shows that Black
17.gh6 't'Vb6! sho uld ca tie a oon as possible
after 13 .n he I .
.i i:~ 14. e2 c5
ii .. .i. i i
'iV i ~ i: 'iV i:~
.. ~ ii .. .i.ii
,,. i
ttJ ~

Aga in I ad vocate thi s concrete

approa h, even though Bl ack ha
not yet castled. There is al o the
innocuous-looking L6. 'itJbl !?. OW J8.hg7?? ~a3! J9.gf8
16... 't:+'d5 17.c4 't:+'e4 18.'t'Ve4 J:l f8 would ven lose fo r Whi te.
tl:le4 19.~e3 ;!; This key idea was already co m- 15 ... cd4 16.tLle7 ~e7 17.tLld4
White ha the better bi shop and municated in a letter ca ll ed ' H l:fc8 =
Black will have to ca ·tie anyway. can onl y be a draw!' by Jozsef Wang Hao- Pono mariov, 20 L1.
Horvath and Kristof Juha z that Although White ha managed to
An Aggressive Knight Retreat appeared in the FORUM of Year- exchange Bl ack' dark-squared
13.'t:+'e2 0-0 14.tLlf1 !? book 100. bi hop for a kni ght , it seem that
18J:I:g1!= Bl ack ha no problem .
C laridge-We tera, cr lCCF
i: 'iV i:~
20 I0. It can o nly be a draw! Conclusion
ii .. .i.ii The line ll .i..d2 tLlgf6 12.0-0-0
i ,,. i The Central Rook Strategy 1l.e7 i theoretica ll y very olid
~ 13.l::the1 0-0 fo r Bl ack . ln most case he even
For a number of reason it i nec- ha a choice between ... 0-0 at
e ary to know the 'central rook' once and delay ing ca tl ing in
trategy (l:[he ll'iWe2/tLlf5 !?). For favo ur of... c6-c5. In over-the-
example, if White pl ay 1 3.~e2 board pl ay, however, it is di ffi-
(with the intention of 13 ...0-0 cult to fi nd the correct defence,
14.tLlfl !?) then his oppone nt can especiall y in lines in which
To reali ze g2-g4, White doe no t deviate with 13. e2 c5!?, when White launche a harp attack by
hy fro m 'strange' retreat : the there is probably nothing better pu hing g2-g4. If Bl ack avo id
kni ght is not going to be ex- than 14.l::the l 0-0, tran po ing to the mjddlegame by exchanging
changed like after tt:le4, and it the curre nt line. knights on e4, fo llowed by
will re-emerge on e3 or g3 (after Or take U1e case when Bl ack ...~dS , then a type of endgame
g2-g4), joining the attack. Thj pl ays an earl y 12 ... c5?! (instead arise th at ca n be a ted ious affair
line used to be a lethal weapon of 12 ... ~e7). Then White is well in over-the-board play.
until a safe way to equality wa ad vi ed to play 13.J::the I !, whi ch Finall y I suggest that Bl ack com-
di covered not long ago. lead to the following attractive plete hi repertoire with a line
14... c5! ideline: l3 ...~e7 (or the move against the other main move,
After 14 ... tt:lb6 IS•b I !;!; (pos- order 12 ... ~e7 13J:the l c5?!) 11 .1l.f4, fo r exampl e with
ibl y fo ll owed by Wa I! ) Bl ack 14.d5! tLldS IS. l:[e6! ( IS .tLl fS!? 11... aS 12.1l.d2 ~b4 13.c3
till face the g2-g4-g5 attack, i al o advantageou ) 15 ... fe6 ~d6 ! ? or 13 ... ~e7 . But thi is
Vallejo Po ns-B.Yuc kovic, 20 I0 . 16. g6 Wf8 1 7. ~e6± , wi d1 a already a different to ry...

Saving the Move 13.~b1 ~f7= Mchedlishvili-Turov, Tashkent 2012) considerably less reliable: 18.'iWe2 Wh7 19...0-0 20.wc2 (20..I:te2 ..id6) 20....1:tad8 (18...'it'd5?! 19.c4! "\i'e4 (19...'ttd6
21 .l:te2 .l:tfe8 22 ...if4 ( ..id6 ll)eS (20... 'it'd4?? 21.1l)g4 fg4 22.l:tg4+-
Analysis 15.'i!fd3 0-0 23..1:tg1 cS) 22 .....id6 23.~d6 .l:td6=; Leko-Topalov, Nice (blindfold) 2009) 21 .de5
2012 B) 17...ie3 bS bc4 19.13 'WdS 't!t'c5 22.~6±) 20."\i'e4 fe4 21 .l:tg4 ef3
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.1l)c3 de4 4.1l)e4 20.'iWc4 0-0 21 .ii'd5 ll)dS 22 ...id2 .l:tfc8= (21 ....1:tf3 22.~ ..if6 23...ig7 ..ig7
~f5 5.1l)g3 ..ig6 6.h4 h6 7.1l)f3 1l)d7 ROfenacht-Ahman, cr ICCF 2004) 15 ...0-0 24.l:tdg1 .l:tf2 25.l:tg7+ - Unchevsky-Lalic,
8.h5 ..ih7 9 ...id3 ~d3 10.'t!t'd3 e6 [Black does not fear g2-g4-g5. He may be Pardubice rapid 2011) 22 ...ih6!+- Da Costa
11 •..id2 tl:lgf6 12.0-0-0 ..ie7 13.1l)e4 right in doing so. Alternatives, including Junior; 18..."\i'eB 19.'We6 'it'f7 20.'Wf7 .l:tf7
tl:le4 [13 ...0·0 gives White an additional 15...c5, are dealt with in the subsequent 21.1l)e5;!;; 18... l:tf7!?;!;) 19.1l)e5;!; (19.'We6
option in 14.g4 but it is totally unclear who ar.alysis section!] 16.g4 (16.Wb1 = - 'i!fd6:) 19...1l)e5 (19... d4 20.1l)g6
benefits from the extra pair ll)d7/ll)e4: 13.Wb1 0-0 14.1l)e4 ll)e4 15.'t!t'e4 tl:lf6 (20.1l)g4) 20....1:tfe8 21.1l)e7 .l:te7 22.-igS
(14.1l)f6 ll)f6;!; - 13.1l)e4 ll)e4 14.1fe4 16.'t!t'd3) 16 ...1l)g4 [As far as 16.. .'~i'd5 is 'i'cS 23...ie7 'fie? 24.13;!;; 19...-igS 20.1l)g4
t0f6 15.1fd3) 14... 1l)g4 15 ..1:thg1 (15."\i'e2 concerned I will give a brief summary of ~d2 21 ..1:td2 fg4 22.'i'e6 'i¥g5 23.'\lfg4
fS (here Black should steer back into the E.Bacrors analysis in 'Chess Evolution' lt'g4 24.l:tg4 .l:taeB 25.c4i) 20.de5 .l:tf7
mainstream by 15...1l)df6! 16.l:thg1 tl:le4 (March 2011 ) showing that Black is walking (20 ...'\lfeB 21.l:tg6 'i!ff7 22..1:tdg1 !? .l:tfdB
17.'.-e4 ll)f2 18.1fe2= - on thin ice: 17.g5 1l)g4 (17... ii'a2? 18.c3!! 23.l:tg7 lt'g7 24..1:tg7 Wg7 25.'i!fe3;!; Da
14.1fe4 tl:lf6 15.'i!fd3 0-0 16.g4 tl:lg4 Costa Junior) 21.~6! 1t'a5 (21...gh6 22..1:td8
17..1:thg1 tl:lf2 18.1fe2) .l:tf6 .l:td8 23.1!fe3+-) 22.1fc4 'it'es (22...gh6
17.1l)h41N (6 18.13) 17... .1:tf7 18.1l)g6 ..id6 23.'t!t'e6 .l:taf8 24.Wb1! '\lfc5 (24 ...'it'b4
19..1:thg1;!;) 15.. .15 16.'it'b3 .l:tf7 25..1:td7±) 25..1:tg2±) 23.l:tge11 (23...if4 b5
ll)f8 (17... 'it'c7!? 1B.'it'e6 1fd6 19.'t!t'e2 24.-ieS bc4 25.l:tg6;!; Spraggett-Oms
..if6oo is also totally unclear) 18.'i'b7 Pallisse, Barcelona 2011 ) 23... Wf6 24...id2
(18.1l)e5 ll)eS 19.de5 '*b6 20.'it'b6 ab6 e5 25.14 bS 26.'it'b3 aS 27.fe5 a4 28...-g3
21 ...ih6 bS+=< Heberta-Dautov, Warsaw Ech 't!t'e6 29.Wb1 ± KOiaots-Schroll, Aix-les-Bains
2005) 18... ..if6 (18... ttlf2 19..1:tdf1 ..if6 Ech 2011) 18.'\lfe2 ['The game could also
20.'it'c6 - 18... ..if6) 19.'t!t'c6 tl:lf2 20 ..I:tdf1 have ended in a spectacular draw in the event
.l:tcB!N (20... Il)g4 21 .1l)e4!?;!;) 21 .1fa6 of another queen move: 18.'i!fe3 ll)d1
ll)h3 22 ..1:tg3 lOgS 23 ...if4 ttlf3 24 ..1:tgf3 19.'i!fh6 ..if6 20.~f4 ..id4 21.-ieS! ..ie3
..id4 2S.Il)b5 .l:tcS 26.b4 .l:tdS 27.c4 .l:tdd7 22.'i!fe3 3 23.l:tg7 w hB 24 ..1:tf7 WQ8
28.c5 eS 29.ttld4 .l:td4 30.-ieS 't!t'g5 18... hg5 (1 8...1l)g4 19.l:tdg1 !+- with 20.gh6 25.l:tg7.' Quoted from A.Kuzmin in YB/103-40)
31 ...if4 'i'hS 32 .~d2~) 14.'it'e4 tl:lf6 to follow; 18...'t!t'a1 19.Wc2 't!t'a4 20.'~b1 ) 1a...ll)d1 19.-ihso .its [19... w h7?
19.-igS 'i'a1 (19...a5 20.h6 g6 exposes the king to a hail of bullets: 20...ig7
(Kobalia-V.Popov, Rijeka Ech 2010) 21.h7! 'i!faS (20...l:tg8 21.'fie4 fS 22 .•e6 .l:tg7
Wh8 22.1l)e5 a4 23.1!¥13 Wg7 24 ..1:td2± ; 23.l:tg6± ; 20...'\lfdS 21 .'it'd2 'it'hS -
24.1l)g4±) 20.Wc2 'tta4 21.Wb1 b5 20... 'i!fa5) 21.'i!fd3 'i!ffS (21 ...15??
22.'it'c2 '\lffS 23.'\lffS efS 24.h6 g6 25.h7 22.'i'e2!+- ) 22.'i!fd2 '\lfh5 23.-ifB .ita
Wh8 26.1l)e5 ll)dS 27...ih6±) 18.c4 24.'\lfd1 (24.'iWd3!?) 24.....ih6 25.Wb1-J
(18.l:tdg1 ll)f2 19.'i!t'e2=) 18...'it'f5 19.'it'f5 20•..ig70 [There is no way back: 20...-d1 ?
efS 20.gh6 ll)f2 (20... gh6 21 .1l)h4;!;) 21.hg7 w hB+J20... ..ig7 21 .h6 '*'f6
.l:tfe8 22.h6;!; w h7 23..1:th5 ll)d1 24.Wd1
w g6 25.l:th2 ..if6+=< ; Bacrot could not
recommend 16...1l)h7?! c5 18.dc5
(Efimenko-Kovchan, Kiev ch-UKR 2011 )
18...-icS!? 19.ttld7 ..if2 (Simic) either
15.'i'd3 [Why not 15.-..e2 here? Practice because after 20..1:thf1± WMe is simply
has shown that Black has excellent drawing better] 17..1:thg1 [Since ~ will soon be
chances in the ending after 15...'it'd5! (a2<) general knowledge that this continuation leads
16.c4 (16.<it.>b1 !? transposes after 16... 0-0 to an inevitable draw after the correct reply
to 13 .<~ b1 0·0 tl:le4 15.'t!t'e4 ll)f6 17...1l)f2! the aHernative 17.'t!t'e2!? (to play for
16.'tte2 ii'd5) 16...'t!t'e4: a win) may gain in importance: 17 .. .'~h8
A) 17.'tte4 ll)e4 18...ie3 (the novelty 18.c4 fS 19..1:thg1 'ifeB 20.~f4 .l:tdB 21 .tl:le5
18...ie1 proved innocuous in Topalov- tOeS 22.-ieS~ 6 .l:tg6, .l:tdg1 Negi-Adhiban,
Mamedyarov, London 2012: 18...c5 19.tbe5 New Delhi ch-IND 2010) 17...ttlf2! [See the 22.'\lfh2! [After the tricky text move Black
..if6 20.13 cd4 21 .l:td4 ll)d6 22.l:td6 ..ie5=) diagram in the Introduction. The move 17 .. .15 has to find three 'only' moves before the
18... f5! 19..1:the1 (19.1l)d2 ll)d2 20.<~d2 has been played numerous times but is score sheet can be signed. There are easier

Survey CK 12.3

ways to make a draw: 22.J:tg7 c.t;>h8 32.J:tge1 i] 32.J:tge1 J:tdd7 [32 ...J:te6 17.l:th3 'ifdS) 18.de5 "i!Vb6
2M:lg5 'ii'd4 24.l:th7 c.t;>g8 25.J:tg7=J 33.J:te6 J:td8 34.c.t;>c2i] 33.a3? [33.c.t;>c2! 19.c.t;>b1 (19.'ii'g4 'if.oh7 20.J:th3 J:tfd8= {),.
22 .. .'ti'f3D 23.hg7 'ii'e3D 24.c.t;>b1 J:te6 (33... "i!Vf7 34.d5! cd5 (34 ... 'ii'g6 21... ~f8) 19... J:tfd8 20.g4 'twb5! 21."t!ib5 (if
/Oc3!D 25.bc3 'ii'g1 26.'ii'g1 J:tfe8 35.hg6+-) 35.'ii'f7 J:tf7 (35 ...c.t;>f7 36.J:te7 White wants to keep the queens on the
[26 ...J:tfd8 27.'ii'g5 c,f;>h7 28.'ii'f6 J:td7 J:te7 37.J:te7 c.t;>e7 38.b4+-) 36.c.t;>d3i) board with 21 .c4 f:i'cS 22.14, then Black
29.c.t;>b2 J:tg8 30."t!ih4 c,f;>g7 31 .'ii'g3 c,f;>f8 34.J:te6 J:te7 (34 ... J:td8 35.c.t;>c3;t) 35.b4i] obtains counterplay by 22... b5!+= (c4<)
32."t!ib8 c,f;>g7 33.'ii'g3 c,f;lf8 34.'ii'b8 c,t;>g7 33 .•.'ti'f7= 34.J:te7 J:te7 35.J:te7 'ii'e7 Cs.Balogh) 21...cb5 22.~e3 b6 23.c3
35.'ii'g3 ~-~ Hovhannisyan-Akopian, 36.f:i'f5 f:i'e1 37.c,f;>c2 'ii'e2 38.'if.oc3 J:tac8= G.Guseinov-Dreev, Plovdiv Ech 2012;
Plovdiv Ech 2012 - YB/103-39] 27.'ii'g5 'ii'e1 39.'if.oc2 f:i'e2 40.cJo>b3 f:i'd1 D) Initially I was quite optimistic about
fS 28.c4 J:tad8 [ ~ - ~ Edwards-Rogetzer, 41 .cJo>c3 Y2- ~ 15...f:i'd5?! , although it is strange that
cr ICCF 2011] 29.c3= [29.1t'g6=] nobody plays ~: 16.c4 (16.'if.ob1 0-0!=
transposes to 13.'if.ob1 o-o tt:le4
15. e4 tt:lf6 16."t!id3 'ii'd5) 16... 'ii'e4
Negi,Parimarjan 17.f:i'b31
Adhiban,Baskaran Black Delays Castling (II)
New Delhi ch-IN O 2010 (9)
1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3./0c3 de4
~fS ~g6 6.h4 h6 tt:ld7 Analysis 15.f:i'd3
8.h5 ~h7 9 . ~d3 ~d3 10.'it'd3 e6 2012
11.~d2 tt:lgf6 12.0-0-0 ~e7 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3./0c3 de4
/Oe4 14.'it'e4 /Of6 15."t!id3 0-0 ~fS ~g6 6.h4 h6 tt:ld7
16.g4 tt:lg4 17.'ti'e2!? c.t;>h8 18.c4 fS 8.h5 ~h7 9 . ~d3 ~d3 10."i!Vd3 e6
19.J:thg1 'ii'e8 20 . ~f4 J:td8 11 .~d2 tt:lgf6 12.0-0-0 ~e713 . tt:le4
tOeS 22 .~e5 J:tf7? [22...~g5 1 23.J:tg5 tt:le4 14.'\i'e4 tt:lf6 15.'ii'd3
hg5 24.h6 J:tf6 25.hg7 c.t;>g7 26.'it'e3 'it'g6
27.'it'a3 J:td7 28.'ifa7=] 23.J:tg6!i
c,f;>h7? [23 ...~f6! 24.J:tdg1 J:tdd7
(24 ..."t!ie7 25 .~f6 J:tf6 26.J:tg7 (26."t!ie5 17... b5!?... but then I was pleasantly
J:tg6 27.J:tg6 c,f;>h7 28.f4 'ii'd7=) 26 ...'it'g7 surprised lo read in the 'Chess Evolution
27.J:tg7 c.t;>g7 28. e5i) 25. ~f6 J:tf6 Weekly Newsletter' (issue 13) the following
26.J:tf6 gf6 27.J:tg6 J:td4 28.l:tf6 J:te4 comment: '17... b5 is not advisable here'
29.'i t'd3il 24.J:tdg1 ~ta [24...~gs 25.14 because of '18.J:the1 'it'IS!i and
~f6 26 .~f6 gf6 27.a3±] 25.1t'f3 J:te7 Black has serious problems on the
26.c5 [26.b3 'ii'f7 27.1t'e3±] 26 .•. J:td5 queenside' (Cs.Balogh). Thank you so much
27.1t'g3 "t!if7 for solving that issue! Indeed, there are
some nice attacking lines here, and they
are not restricted to the queenside:
A 15.•.c5 [Apart from the previously 19... J:tc8 20.13 0-0 (20 .. .'it'h5 21.g4 f:i'h2
.i~ · ~ examined 15...0-0 a handful of other moves 22.'it'e3+- t:. J:th1 , tt:lf7)!! fg6
~ ~ ~ ~ must be mentioned. Initially I thought that 22.J:te5 bc4 23.'it'b7i ] 16.g4 [See the
the text move 15... c5 is the easiest way to diagram in the Introduction. I have a soft
~ :i ~ ~ ~ evade White's g2-g4 assault but I am not so spot for this concrete approach, and
~ sure anymore. consequently it reappears as a 'golden
A) 15... b5 '\i'd5 17.'if.ob1 aS (Gao thread' in all parts of my analysis! Another
Rui-Riazantsev, China tt 2012. I think that good possibility is the moderate 16.c.t;>b1 1?,
Black should have castled at some point) which is useful in any case and will
18.'ii'g3!?±/;!;tf; probably transpose to other sections of this
B) 15...'ii'b6!? (this queen sortie crops up Survey such as 16...cd4i (see 13.c.t;>b1 cS
28. ~d6? [28.b4!1± b6 (28... f4? in all corners of this opening lately) 16./0e5 14./0e4 cd4 tt:lf6) or 16...0-0;!; (see
29.'iYd3+- ; 28 ... J:ted7 29."i!Vf4±) 29.a4 l:td8 17.f:i'g3 f:i'd4 18.'ifg7 J:tf8oo 13.cJo>b1 0-0 14./0e4 c5 /Of6).
bc5 30.bc5 J:ted7 31.'ii'e3±] 28 ... J:td7= G.Guseinov-Jobava, Tbilisi tt 2012; Black may also try 16...J:tc8!?;
29 . ~f8?! [29 . ~e5 J:td4 30.~d4 J:td4 C) 15... tt:lg4!? is opening specialist Alexey 16.'ii'b5 'it'd7 17.'ti'd7 tt:ld7= is in principle
31.14 J:tc4 32.c.t;>b1 J:tcS!i!!?] 29 .•. '\i'fS Dreev's latest contribution to this line. The what Black is dreaming of in this variation:
30.J:te6 J:te7 [30 ...c.t;>h8! 31 .'ii'e3 f4 knight prevents g2-g4, but it does nothing 18.~e3 cd4 19 .~d4 ( a6
32.J:te8 fe3 33.l:tf8 c,f;>h7 34.fe3 J:th5 else: 16.1t'e2 0-0 (16 ... 'ii'd5) (is 0-0-0= S.Maze) (19... ~f6) 20./0eS
35.c.t;>c2 J:te7t] 31 .'ii'g6 c.t;>ga [31 ... c.t;>h8 there another way to get rid of the knight? (20.c3 0-0 21. ~f6 ( -

21 ... ~16 22.11d7 b5 23.llhd1 IlleS 24.llb7 ~16 34 .~16 liJI6 35.lle6 <i;>!S 36.1116 'Ot>gS options open, including ...0·0·0] 13... 0-0 [If
lieS 25.lldd7 llh5=) 20...0·0 21 .g4 (21 .c3 37.llh1 1118=) 33 ... bc4 34.liJI6 16 Black seeks to avoid 13...0·0 14.liJI1 then
llac8 22.'0\>c2 b6 23.g4 ~d6 24.13 liJd5 (34 ... ~16 35.~16 liJI6 (35 ...liJe3? 36 . ~g5 13...c5 is an equivalent possibility here:
25.11he1 llldS=) 21 ... 11fc8 22.'0t>b1 b5 llac8 37 .~14 lld1 38.lld1 liJd1 39.¢>c2i) 14.llhe1 (14.¢>b1 !?= can lead to the
23.14. In A.Filippov-lordachescu, Tashkent 36.lle6=) 35 .~16 ~16 36.lle6 ¢>IS 37.1116 Jobava Attack - 13.¢>b1 c5 14.11t'e2. Gary
2012, Black managed to lose this game 'Ot>gS (37...'0\>es? 38.1114±) 38.llb7=J Lane used a rather simplistic approach
after unnecessarily loosening the pawn 24.c3 [24.11hg1 llc7 25.liJt3 lidS 26.g5 recently: 14.dc5 11t'c7 15 .~c3 (15.liJe4 0-0
structure (...17-15) but at this point the hg5 27.fg5t] 24 ...11c7! [24 ... a5 25.11hg1 16 .~c3 - 15 .~c3; 15.11h4 0·0 16.11c4
position looks pretty much level, for example b4 26.c4 lla6 27.b3;!;] 25.lld3 llac8 llfdS=) 15...0·0 16.liJe5 (the classical
after 23...liJd5!?=] 16... 11t'd5 17.c4 'ii'e4 26.a3 llb7 27.b4?! [27 .~e3 a6 example is 16.liJe4 'ii'14 (16... 11fdS!?=)
[17... 11t'd6 1S.d5;!;] 18.11t'e4 liJe4 2S IIg1 t] 27 ...f5?;!; [27... ~d6 2S.'Ot>b2 17.liJfd2 liJe4'e4 tt'e4 19.liJe4 liJc5
19 . ~e3 ll c8 20.'0\>b1 ~f6 21.d5 0-0 ~bS 29.<.\>b3=] 28.gf5 efS 29.liJg6 20.liJc5 ~c5= Hjartarson-Kortchnoi, Tilburg
22.liJd2!? [In 'Chess Evolution' (March ~d8? [29 ... <.\>171 30.liJe7 lle7 31. ~c5 ;!;] 19S9) 16...liJc5 17 .~d4 llac8 1S.'Ot>b1
2011 ) S.Maze gives the following 30.'0\>b2?;!; [30.'0\>c2!±] 30 ...liJf6 (Lane-Zelesco, Canberra 2012) and here
conclusion: 22.de6 fe6 23.liJd2 liJd2 31 .liJh4 after 1S... IIIdS!?= Black is completely
24.11d2 ~d4= . This is doubtlessly correct, developed and has nothing to fear. See his
but I believe that my move is slightly more column 'Opening Lanes' at
ambitious] 22 ... ed5 23.liJe4 de4 14... 11c8?! (against
24.lld7 b6 25.11an j.

the central rook 14...0-0;!; is almost
mandatory, compare 13.11he1 0·0 14.'tWe2
c5) 15.liJI5!N (15.liJe5?! 0-0= - 13.11he1
o-o 14.'ii'e2 Ilea 15.liJe5 c5) 15...ef5
~ .i ~ ttJ (15... 0-0;!; - 13.11he1 0-0'e2 c5
~ ~1::[ 15.liJI5 lieS) 16.liJh4. In the following I am
referring to S.Feller's analysis in 'Chess
Evolution' (issue March 2011 ): 16... 0·0
17.liJI5 ('e7 'iic7 1S.dc5 IlleS'd6 lle1 20.~e1 11t'c5'c5 lieS
31 ... liJh5?? [31 ... 11d7 32.liJI5 lidS 22.b4;!;) 17...11eS 1S.liJe7 ¢>IS 19 . ~14
33.liJg7 lld4 34.lld4 'Ot>g7 35.llg1 <ot>l7 'iie7 20.11t'e7 lle7 21.~d6 lOgS 22.dc5
36.llg6 ~c7 37.a4i ] 32.liJf5 !+- liJf4 liJdf6 (22... '0\>eS 23.lle7 e7 24.lle1 +-)
33.llt3 liJe6 [33...liJg6 34.liJd6 llcbS 23.b4 '0\>eS 24 .~e7 e7 25.11h1 ;!;]
In this endgame Black has more 35. b7 llb7 36.lle1+- ; 33...~g5
weaknesses (b6, c5, e4 ), even after a 34. d6 llcc7 35.liJb7 llb7 36.lle1 +-]
possible trade of bishops (...~d4). White 34. ~g7 ! lOgS 35.11tf1 lld7 1-0
should play a4/b3 if he finds the time.

lordachescu, Viorel An Aggressive Knight Retreat
Tashkent Agzamov·mem 2012 (9) 13. 'it'e2
1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.liJc3 de4 4.liJe4
~fS 5. g3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.liJt3 liJd7 Analysis
8.h5 ~ h7 9 . ~d3 ~d3 10.'i!i'd3 e6 2012
11. ~d2 liJgf6 12.0-0-0 ~e7 13.liJe4 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.liJc3 de4 4.liJe4
liJe4 14.11t'e4 liJt6 15.11t'd3 cS ~fS 5.liJg3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.liJt3 liJd7 14.liJf1 [This 'insidious retreat' was
16.11t'b5 'ilt'd7 17.1t'd7 liJd7= 8.h5 ~h7 9. ~d3 ~d3 10.11t'd3 e6 examined by Sergey Kasparov in Yearbook
18. ~e3 cd4 19 .~d4 liJf6 20.liJe5 11 .~d2 liJgf6 12.0-0-0 ~e7 13.'. -e2 100. 14.'0t>b1 c5= transposes to 13.'0t>b1 c5
0-0 21 .g4 llfc8 22.'0t>b1 bS 23.f4 [In this section I will investigate the 14.'We2 0-0; 14. e5 c5 (this only leads to
liJh7?! [23 ...liJd5! 24.g5 hg5 25.h6 gh6 poisonous line 14.liJI1 which used to create simplifications) 15 .~e3 'i!fa5 16.liJd7 liJd7
26.llh6 ~IS (26... ~16 27.fg5 ~g7 a minor upset in Black' s camp... until it was 17.'0\>b1 liJI6 1S.c4 cd4 19 .~d4 llac8=; for
2S.IIh2t) 27.llh5 16 2S.liJg4 lidS 29.lldh1 discovered that a draw by perpetual is 14.11he1 (which is 13.11he1 0·0 14.'iie2 by
gt4 30.11g1 <ot>t7 31 .11h7 <ot>es 32.11e1 inevitable! 13.liJI1 N, intending to play liJe3 transposition) see the next section]
~e7 (32 ... 11d7 33.lle6 lle7 34.11ee7 ~e7 and g2-g4 before Black castles kingside, 14...c5! [The most active, and if there
35.11hS ~IS 36.llh5 liJe3 37.liJI6 '0\>17 has never been seen in this position and exists no improvement for White, also the
38.liJd5 liJd5 39.lld5oo) 33.c4 (33.liJI6 could be met with 13.. .'ti'c7!?=, keeping all most reliable continuation!

Survey CK 12.3

A) 14...tilb6 (A tila4, 'Wb6 was initially 'i!fc7 18.g4 l:lad8 19.gS hgS 20.tilgS cd4':'F ) 17.~gS--> had produced horrible results for
considered to be something of a miracle 17... cd4 18.gS hgS 19.h6 'i!fb6 (19... d3 the second player (17.h6N g6 18 . ~gS e5
cure against the line 14.tillt , but is now 20.cd3 g6 21. ~g5;!; ) 20.l:lbt g6 21.~gS 19.tileS tilh7 20 .~14 ~g5 2t .tild3 l:lcB
under a small cloud. tS.r;t;>bt! (1S.g4 'i!fdS Wcs 22.tileS;!;: 22.tilg3 l:le8 23.'i!fd2t): 17... 'i!faS tB. ~bt
t6.Wbt - tS.Wbt 'i!fdS t6.g4) B) 14...'Wb6?! 1S.g4! 'i!fa6?! (I don't like 'i!fb6 (t8 ...e5? 19.tilg3 l:lfe8 20.l:ldgt
At ) tS ... 'i!fdS t6.tile3 (16.g4 'WbS this disruption of the pawn structure. Was (20.tLlfS ~a3 (20...d3 21.cd3 '\lidS
17.'i!fbS cbS 18.tileS l:lld8 19.~aS b4 trading queens really so urgent? 1S... tilh7!? 22.l:ldgt+- ; 20... ~18 2t .h6 g6 22.h7 Wh8
(19... tilldS 20.c3 (20.l:lh2? (A.Horvath- 16.Wbt cS;!; - 14...cs 1S.g4 tilh7 16.Wb1 (22 ... tilh7 23.'i!fe4 gf5 24.W'IS) 23 . ~16
lordachescu, Metz 2009) 20... ~d6! 21 .14 'i!fb6) t6.'i!fa6 ba6 17.l:lgt tile4 tB.~e3 tilf6 24.'i!fc4+-) 2t .l:ldgt! ~b2 22 .~16
(2t .~b6 ab6+) 21...till4+) 20 ...l:ld6 l:lab8 19.tilg3 tLld6 20.b3 (Stellwagen- tilf6 23.l:lg7 Wf8 24.'i!fc4 1-0 Abdulov-
21. ~b6 l:lb6 22.tile3=) 20.tilg3 ~d6 Berkes, Paks 2008- YB/100-131) 20... 1S!N Khamrakulov, Gaziantep Wch-jr 2008)
(20... tilfdS=) 21 .14 ~es 22.feS tilg4oo) 21.tLleS (2t .g!S tillS=) 21...tileS 22.deS 20 ... Wh8 21 .tLlfS ~18 (G.Papp-Stohl,
t6 ... 'ife4 17.l:lh4 'i!fh7 18.tileS (18.g4 is bS 23.tile2 14 24 . ~d2 13 2S.tilg3;!;] Hungary tt 2008; 2t ...W/d5 22.til3h4 e4
no improvement: 18... tile4 19.l:lhht tild2 15.g4 [Already necessary as tS.tLle3 23.W'f1 d3 24.c4 W'c4 25. g2 c2
20.'i!fd2 'i!fe4 21 .tileS c5 22.13 'i!fd4 W'b6 hands over the initiative to Black] 26.Wat W'e2 27. g6+-; 21...'i!fa6
23.'tlfd4 cd4 24.l:ld4 ~16= Soloviova- 22. a6 ba6 23.l:lg2 tild5 24 .~e7 (24.c4!?
Romanko, St Petersburg 2012) 18... tile4 dc3 2S.h6+- ) 24 ... tile7 25.tild6 16
(18...l:lad8!? 19.til3g4 l:lle8=) 19.l:lg4 .i ~ .i ~ 26.tLle8 l:le8 27.tilh4+-)
ii .. .tii

tild2 20.l:ld2 l:lad8 (Lianeza Vega-
Lafuente, Spain tt 2010) 21 .l:ld3!?;!; and i .. i E E.t ~
ideas like tilg6 are in the air, exploiting the
temporary exile of Black's queen;
!!:, ii ii
A2) 1S... tila4?! t6.Wat !? (I like the !!:,
continued prophylaxis here, it provides ttJ ~ i tt:JJd,.t!:,
White with the additional possibility of l:lbt . t!:,t!:,t!:, Jd,.'Jiij t!:,
16.b3 tilb6 17.g4 aS 18.a4 (18.gS hgS
19.h6 g6 20.a4!? tilbdS- 18.a4) 18... tilbdS
~:r;r ttJ n ttJ
19.gS!? (19.c4 bS! 20.abS cbS! (20... tilb4? t!:,t!:,t!:, 'Jiij t!:,
2t .gS hgS 22.h6 g6 (Vallejo Pons- 15..-cd4 [1S ... tilh7 (too passive?) 16.Wbt
B.Vuckovic, Rijeka Ech 201 0) 23.dS! cbS l:lcB (16...'i!fb6 17.gS hgS (17... tilgS <tit .l::i:.l:r
24.de6 d3 2S. d3 tild3 26.~c3;!;) 18.tilgS hg5 t9.l:lgt cd4 20.~gs ~gs
2t .cdS 'ifdS 22.W'd3 b4 23.l:lh3 a4 2t .l:lg5) 18.h6 g6 t9. ~c3;!;) 17.tile3 22 .~16 !? tilf6 23.tilg5 1fc7 (23... '\Wd5
24.tile3 'i!faS 2S.tLlc4 'i!fa7+ Munguntuui- (17.tilg3 cd4 18.tild4 tileS=) 17... ~16 24.h6 g6 2S.h7+-) 24.W/f3 e4 (24 ... l:le6
Gunina, Rogaska Slatina tt 2011) 19... hgS 18.dS l:le8 t9.de6 l:le6 20.~ct 1t'e8 25.h6 g6 26.tile6) 25.h6 g6 26.'i!fb3+-
20.h6 g6 21 .tLleSoo; 16.c4 cS 17.b3 cd4 2t .'it'd3 tilb6oo S.Kristjansson-A.Dunn, Tuncer) 19.l:ld4 ~a3 20 .~c t± Stellwagen;
18.ba4 leads to crazy complications: Reykjavik 2012); 1S... tilg4?? (sometimes 16...d3 17.1t'd3 hg5 18.h6 tbc5 t9.'i!fe2
18...d3! (18...'i!fb6 19.Wat tilg4 20 .~et accepting the pawn can be suicide, 'i!fd5 20.Wb1 'i\fe4 21. e3 d5
l:lld8oo ~ -~ Arppi-Halldorsson, cr ICCF depending on the intricacies of the position) 22.tilgS!N (22.hg7 Wg7 23.tilg5!
2010) 19. et l:lcB 20.tileS (20.l:lct W'b6 16.l:lgt IS 17.'i!fe6 l:ll7 (17...Wh8 18.l:let (23.l:ldgt ?? 16 24.tLlet till4+ B.Lindberg-
2t .Wat tild7) 20... tilg4! 21. ~c3 'ifb6 ~16 t9.'iWIS+-) 18.tile3 tile3 t9 .~e3 G.Hanssen,Troms<i 2010) 23... ~g5 24.'ii'h5
22.Wat tileS 23 .~eS l:lc4 gg) ~16 20.~h6 'i!fb6 (20 ... tLl18 21.W'c4+-) 16 (24 ...W/g6? 25.tild5 tile4 26.~g5 tilg5
21 . dS 'i!fc6 22.'i!fc6 bc6 23 .~e3+- ; 27.W'h4 ed5 28.l:lhgt 16 29.14+-) 25. d5
tS ... tildS?? t6.c4! tilb4 17.gS!N (17.dcS l:lh8 26.till6 l:lh5 27.tilh5 Wf7 2B.~g5
tila6 (Georgiadis-Kounalakis, Rethymnon l:lh8 29.l:lh4oo) 22 ... ~g5 23.W/h5 16
2010) 18.gS!! tildeS 19 .~c3 ~gS 24.tild5 (24.hg7 Wg7oo - 22.hg7) 24 ...g6
20.tile3D ~e3 2t .'\We3 W/e7 22.tilh4+-) 25. h2 ed5 26.14±] 17.gh6 [17.l:lgt
17... cd4 1B. ~b4 ~b4 19.l:ld4 ~c5 20.l:ldt '\Wb6=] 17.__ b6! [Diagram in the
'it'c7 2t .gh6 W/14 22.Wbt l:lad8 23.hg7 Introduction. 'It can only be a draw!',
Wg7 24.h6 Wh8 2S.tilg3+-] 16.g5 J.Horvath and Juhasz] 18.l:lg1! [I 8.hg7??
tildS! [At least since J.Horvath and Juhasz ~a3! ! t9.gl8'i!f l:l18-+ is the gist of the
published their letter in the FORUM section matter: 20 .~b4 (20.ba3 c3 21. ~c3 dc3)
of Yearbook 100 it has become known that 20 ... 'i!fb4 and Black's attack is crushing;
this is the correct continuation, leading to a 18.'\We4 tileS 19.'\Wg4 ~16 20 .~g5=D
forced draw. Meanwhile a handful of almost tila4 (20 ... tilc3=) 21. ~16 W/b2 22.Wd2
16...c5 (16...~dS ! ? A 17... W'bS) 17.g4!N identical games have been played, all with W'b4 23.Wct 'i\Va3= Cs.Balogh·Rodshtein,
(trying to improve on B.Vuckovic's 17 .~ct the same result. Previously 16... hg5? Wroclaw 2010 - YB/1 00-127; after

18.lLle1?! ~f6 19.ll:ld3 (19.hg7 ttfc8"F c. 13... 0-0 (It has been known for a long black kingside structure White should be
20.. .'ii'b2) 19... ttfc8 20.ttg1 ll:lcS 21 .hg7, time that 13... c5? 14.d5! gives White a slightly bet1er after 15... ef5 16. e7, but the
given by J.Horvath and Juhasz, it may in strong attack. By all means white players weak h5·pawn is also an issue: 16...'it'c7
fact be more than a draw if Black continues should include the following classical game 17.dc5 ttfe8 18.'i!t"d6 it'c5 19.tte8 tte8
21...lLld3N 22. d3 ttc3!! 23.'iie4 lLlb4+] in their repertoire, because the best way to 20.~e3 (20.1!fc5 ll:lc5 21.~e3 ll:lce4
18...~a3 19.ttg7 [Starting with 19.ba3 challenge the premature 12... c5?! is 22 .~a7 tta8= A.Horvath-Yang Kaiqi,
ll:lc3= does not alter the result] 19... <;f;>h8 13.tthe1! ~e7 14.d5!, leading to the same Canberra 2012) 2o .. :;wd6 21 .ttd6 a6 22.b3
20.ba3 ll:lc3 21 .~c3 dc3 position!) 14...ll:ld5 (14...ed5?? 15.ll:lf5+-) (22.lLld4?! f4 23. ~f4? (23.~d2=) 23... tte1
24.<;f;>d2 ttb1 25.f3 ttb2"F G.Papp-Maleki,
Pula 2009) 22 ... tte6 23.ttd1 <;f;>h7 24.c4;!;
c. 25.ll:ld4-+ll Even if Black finds the time
to take on h5 the white pawn majority on
the queenside carries more weight;
15... tte8 (Black forces a decision and
avoids the possible sacrifices on h6
(although they are not really dangerous -
see below). The black rooks generally
belong on c8 and dB and so I prefer
15...cd4) 16.ll:le7 'ii'e7

22.tth7! <;f;>g8=0 [YI-YI Claridge- 15.tte6! (a good alternative is 15.ll:lf5!? 0-0

Westera, cr ICCF 2010; 22 ...<;f;>h7?? (15 ... <;f;>f8 16.ll:le7 'it'e7 17.c4;!;) 16.ll:le7
23.'ife4 <;f;>h6 24.ttd7 "it'b2 25.<;f;>d1+-] ll:le7 17 .~h6 ll:lf6 '=' according to
Hernandez Molina, but White is still better
after 18.'ii'c4;!;) 15.. .fe6 16.'it'g6 <;f;>f8
17.'i!t"e6 ll:lc7 18.'ii'f5 ll:lf6 19.ll:le5 it'c8
(19 ... <;f;>g8N 20 .~a5± is no picnic either)
The Central Rook Strategy 20.ll:lg6 <;f;>f7 21.tte1 !! (the famous game
13.l:l he1 Kavalek·HObner, Montreal 1979, went
21 .lLlh8 'iWh8"F but afterwards the text
Analysis 13.l:the1 move was discovered) 21 ... %:te8 22.ll:le5
2012 <;f;>gB 23.'i!fg6 ~f8 24.ll:lf5 tte5 25.tte5 17.g4 (all according to plan. 17.d5 'i!td6
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ll:lc3 de4 4.ll:le4 <;f;>h8!?N (an old analysis by Radovsky 18.de6 tte6 yielded White nothing special
~f5 5.ll:lg3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.ll:lf3 lLld7 finishes with 25 .. .'ii'd7 26.tte7!±) 26.~h6 in Berelowitsch·De Schampheleire, Belgium
8.h5 ~ h7 9. ~d3 ~d3 10.'i!t"d3 e6 ll:lce8 27.tte7 (27. f7!?;!; is more t1 2012/13) 17... ll:lg4 18.ttg1 f5 19.dc5!?
11 .~d2 ll:lgf6 12.0-0-0 ~e7 complex) 27.. .'iff5 28.'iif5 ~e7 29...if4;!;] (19.ll:le5 ll:lge5 20.de5= A.Haast-Soors,
13.tthe1 [The reason for this move order 14. e2 [The slower 14.<;f;>b1 c5 15. ~c1 Antwerp 2012) 19... ll:ldf6 (19 ...ll:lc5?
(instead of 13.'ii'e2 0-0 14.tthe1) lies in ttc8 16.'it'e2 cd4 17.lLld4 'i!fb6 18.~e3 20.ll:le5 ll:le5 21 .'ii'e5 ll:ld7 22.'iWg3 <;f;>h8
the fact that Black is practically forced to ended with a success for White in the 23. ~b4 1!ff7 24.'ti'c7 tted8 25.~c3+ -)
castle. On the other hand White signals that correspondence game (!) K.Weber- 20.ll:lh4 (20.ll:le5 it'c5 21 .~c3 1!ff2=)
he will do without g2·g4 this time, because A.Hellstr6m, ICCF 2007, but I think that 20... it'c5 (20 ... ll:lh5? 21 .13 'i!Yh4 22.fg4
then the rook is needed on g1] Black missed some ways to equalize. ll:lf6 23.g5 'lf!ie4 24.1!fh2 ll:lg4 25. h4±)
Maybe the first is 18...ll:lc5 19.lLlb3 'lf!ic7 21.f3 ttac8 22.<;f;>b1 'i!Yf2!? 2H!i'e1 'i!fet
20 .~d4 ll:lb3 21 .ab3 ttfd8=] 14 ... c5 24.ttde1 f2= and Black is close to
.i 'iV ~ .i [Interesting is 14... ttc8!? (waiting for White equality; 15... ttc8 16.ll:le7 'i!fe7 17.d5 lLld5
.li ~.i. i.l to commit himself) 15.ll:le5 (15.ll:lf5 ef5 18 .~h6 gh6 19.ttd5 ttfd8 20.'i!Ye3;!;- [J]

.l i~ .l 16.'iWe7 ll:le4"F is ineffective, but 15.<;f;>b1 1? 16.ll:le7 [The sacrifice 16. 3d4?! ~c5
could be useful) 15... c5 16.ll:lg6 cd4 17.ll:lh6!? gh6 18.~h6 has been tried a few
~ 17.ll:lf8 ~f8 18.<;f;>b1 W'b6 19.'ii'd3 ll:lg4 times but the overall consensus is that
20.tte2 ll:lge5 21 .it'b3 it'a6gr? and Black White gets some compensation for the
was doing fine in Seegert-Schandorff, piece at best, therefore I limit myself to give
Odense ch·DEN 2011] 15.ll:lf5 [See the a short summary of the theory here:
diagram in the Introduction] 15... cd4 18... tte8 19.1!ff3 (19.ll:lb3 ~f8 20.~f8
[Because of the pawn majority on the ttf8 (20 .. .'ii?f8 21.'i!Ye3!gr? G.Guseinov-
queenside and the somewhat devaluated Riazantsev, Baku Ech-jr 2002) 21.h6

Survey CK 12.3

(21.ti:\c5 'f!le7 22.ti:\d7 ti:\d7 23.:ld3 take some action before Black can mobilize 24.:lg2+-) 23.:lg5 16 24.:lg3!+- fe5
:lad8=F) 21 ...:lc8=F Riazantsev) 19...~180 his :taB] 22.ti:\e6 [22.:lg1 'f!lf6 23.:lg3 (24 ...a3 25.b4+-) 25.:ldg1 !+-; 20 ...liJ7b6
20.~g5 (20.~18 :lfB=F A 'f!la5; A ti:\d5, <i;>hB 24.'irg2 liJc5=] 21 .:tg1- a4 (21 ... 16? 22.g5 hg5 23.h6+-)
"it'g5 TIViakov) 20... :lc8!=F A 21 ... :1c5 22.g5 hg5 23.:lg5+-) 21 .de5 :ladB
TIViakov-Magem Badals, Buenos Aires 1996] 22.ti:\d4±] 20.g4! cd4 [20 ... a4 21 .<i;>b1!]
16...W'e7 17.ti:\d4 [White has succeeded 21.liJd7 liJd7 [21 ... 'f!ld7 22.g5 dc3
in exchanging the black bishop for a knight 23.liJc3 hg5 24.fg5 liJd5 25.<i;>b1 ;!;]
and therefore he can count on a slight 22.liJd4! a4?1 [22 ... 'f!lc4 23.<;;>b1±;
advantage. The first item on the agenda is to 22... ~c5 23.liJb5 'f/lb6 24.c4! ]
play g2·g4, stabilizing the kingside] 23.liJb5?! [23.<.ttb1 ! : as (23 ...:lad8
24.g5! hg5 25.fg5±) 24.g5 hg5 25.fg5±]

22 ...'i!fe5!? [Not the only move, but

elegant and probably the cleanest tactical
solution. 22 ... fe6 23.:ld7 : cs 24.'i!t'f3
: aca 25.c3 'flies (Feller) 26.'f!lf7!?]
23.liJg7 liJb6! 24.:lg1 <i;>h8 25.'f!lg4
:lg8 26.'f!lf5D 'f!le3 27.<i;>b1 'f!le7
28.'f!lf4 :lg7 29.:lg7 <i;>g7 30.:lg1
17 ...:lfc8 [A ...'f!lc5-c4; 17... :lfd8!? <i;>h7D 31 .'f!lf5 <;f;lh8 32.'f!lf4= [Draw
18.g4 liJc5 19.c3 ti:\ce4 20.<.t•b1 'f!lc7 and by repetition] 23 ...'f!lc4?? [23...'f!lb6! 24.liJd6 'i!t'd6
in Pourkashiyan-Soumya, Mashhad Ach 25.~e3 'f!lc7 26.a3! ] 24.ti:\d6+- W'a2
2011 White should of course have kept the 25.c4 a3 26.~c3! [26.'f!lc3? :ledB!
bishop: 21 .~e3! liJd5 22.liJb5 'f!lc6 Movsesian,Sergey 27. ~e3 liJf6! 28 .~c5 ' (28.<i;>c2 ab2
23 .~d4 a6 24.1t'e4 ab5 25.a3!, g7<; Morozevich,Aiexander 29.'llt'b2 :ld6 30.:ld6 'f!lc4 31 .<.ttd1
17...-..cS?! 18.~e3 1! A 18...'f!lh5 19.'it'h5 Wijk aan Zee 2009 (6) liJdsgg; 2B .~b6 :ld6 29.:ld6 ab2 30. b2
liJh5 20.ti:\e6 fe6 21 .:ld7± Tiviakov; 1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.liJc3 de4 4.ti:\e4 c4 31 .<i;>b1 ti:\dsgg) 28 ... :td6! 29.~d6
17... : ac8!?o=] 18.g4 [We are following the ~fS S.liJg3 ~g6 6.h4 h6 7.liJf3 ti:\d7 liJd5! 30.'i!t'c2 (30.:ld5 ab2 31 .'ilfb2 'irc4
game Wang Hao-Ponomariov. In the 8.h5 ~ h7 9. ~d3 ~d3 10.'f!ld3 e6 32.q;,b1 ed5gg) 30... ab2 31 .<i;>d2
following I am basing myself on S.Feller's 11.~d2 liJgf6 12.0-0-0 ~e7 (3H!fb2?? 'ifc4-+) 31 ... :1c8 32.c5!
analysis in 'Chess Evolution' (March 2011 )] 13.:lhe1 0-0 14.'f!le2 aS?! (32.~e5 liJb4 33.'i!t'b2 "it'c4 34.<.tte3 liJc2
18...'Wc5= [18... ti:\d5?! 19.g5!N (19.<;f;>b1 15.liJe5! oo ~b4 [15 ... a4 16.a3 'fic7 35.<.ttf2 liJe1 36.'it.>e1 f6gg; 32.cd5??
[Wang Hao-Ponomariov, Wijk aan Zee (16...liJd5 17.c4 liJ5f6 18.14 W'c7 :lc2-+) 32 ... b6 33 .~e5! 16! 34 .~b2
2011 ) 19... 'Wc5 20.c3 'f!lc4=) 19... 'f!lc5 19.<.ttb1 ;!;) 17.liJg6 :!feB 18.liJe7 :le7 (34.'f!lb2 'f!la5 35.We2 fe5 36.'f!le5
(19... hg5 20.:lg1 f6 21.14 e5 22.ti:\f5- ) 19.'f!lf3 :leeB 20.liJe4 liJe4 21 .'fie4oo] <i;>hB!gg) 34 ... :1c5 35. b1 (35 .~c3 c4
20.'f!lg4 hg5 21.~g5 ti:\516 (21...liJ7f6 16.c3 ~d6 17.14 : ea [17...a4 18.c4 36.:le6 Wf7 37.:le3 tae3 38.<.tte3 'f!lc3
22.'f!lh4) 22.Wg2 'i¥d5 23.'f!ld5 liJd5 24.14 'f!lc7 19.'f!lf3 :lfdB (19 ...c5?! 20.ti:\d7 'f!ld7 39.'f!lc3 :lc3 40.<.tte4=) 35...'i!t'a4 36.:le4
liJ7b6 25.h6 (Feller) 25 ...g6 26.b3 :lc3! ] (20 ... liJd7 21 .d5! liJb6 22.de6 fe6 (36.:111 'i!t'b4 37.<;f;le2 'f!lb3gg) 36 ... :lc4
19. ~e3 liJdS [Also possible is 19... liJb6 23.:le4!) 21 .dc5 ~c5 22 .~c3 'ifc7 23.15 37.:lc4 (37.:le3? :lf4 38.'it'g6 :lb4=F)
20.<.ttb1 A 21 .~t1 (Feller) and here I think ~d6! 24.liJe4 tae4 25.:le4 ef5 26.'f!lf5 37...'f!lc4ggl 26 ...liJc5 27.'f!le3 b6
that with 20 ...liJbd5! 21 .~c1 fi'c4 22.13 : aeB!oo) 20.<i;>b1 a3 21 .b3 c5 22.~c3 cd4 28.g5 eS 29.fe5 liJa4 [29... hg5 30.'f/lg5
e2 23.:1e2 b5!= Black would retain 23. ~d4oo] 18.'f!lf3 'f!lc7 19.ti:\e2 cS ab2 31. ~b2 +-] 30.b4 'f!lb3 31 .~d4
adequate chances] 20.g5 liJe3 21.fe3 [19 ...liJd5? 20.g4! ~e5 (20... b5 21.g5 hg5 b4 32.'f!ld2 [32.gh6+-] 32 ... 'f!lb3
W'gS [Black has equalized. White should 22.:lg1- a4 (22 ...liJ7b6 23.:lg5 ~e7 33.:le3 liJcS 34.'f/lf2 1·0

Ru ez Delayed Cozio Variation RL9.1 (C70)

The Delayed Cozio- Part II:

The 5th Move
by Arthur van de O udeweetering

1. e 4 e5 A real redi covery is the straight-

2. f3 ttJc6 fo rward 5.Jl.b3!?, which had not
3. i.b5 a6 received erio us attention since
4. Jl.a4 ttJge7 Keres gave it an outing against
Barcza back in 1950 ! A fo urth
.i .i.'iV • .i. .i alternative is 5.c4. This estab-
li shes a ftrm grip on the centre
1.1.1. .. 1.1.1. (like after 4 ... d6 5.c4), but ha
I. .. not found many adherents yet.

The Most Popular Move

After 5.ttJc3 Black may try to de-
ve lop hi s kingside with 5 .. .g6 or
S... ttJg6, j ust like in the normal
Cozio. A third important option
i the fl ex ible move 5 ... d6, re- David Klein
In tead of building a pawn centre leasi ng the pre sure against
with 5.c3, which we dealt with in pawn e5, preparing a po ibl e best; see Padhya-Chadaev. Bl ack
Yearbook I 04, White has a num- .. . b7-b5 and .. .ttJc6-a5 and hop- bas to be o n hi guard , though -
ber of other option for meeting ing fo r a cl ever transpositi on to e pecially fo r the cunning move
the still popular Delayed Cozio. an improved versio n in one of the d2: in Yury Vovk-Vysochin be
Like in the main line, new ideas other Line . ote that Nakamura had to pay dearly fo r ll ... d6?.
quickJ y come to the fore here, too. also opted for 4 ... d6 against S... ttJg6 i hardl y ever played .
And again transpositions due to a 4.ttJc3 in hi recent ga me again t The inci u ion of .. .a7-a6 does
change of move order have to be Do ming uez, London 201 2. not improve on the line after
watched out for while a carefuJ Afte r 5 .. .g6 6.d4 ed4 7.ttJd5 Jl.g7 3 ... ttJge7 4.ttJc3 ttJg6 5.d4. On
compari on with the regular 8.Jl.g5 the contrary: Bl ack is even bereft
Cozio should be made as well . of the pos ibili ty 5 ... ed4 6.ttJd4
The most popul ar amo ng the e ttJd4!? 7. d4 c6, as in our De-
5th move alternative is 5.ttJc3, layed Cozio, Bl ack would not
trying to di courage 5 ... g6 with gain a te mpo by attacking the
6. d4 ed4 7.ttJd5 ( imi lar to the bishop here. The sa me goes for
4. ttJc3 line agai n t the regular 5.h4 ttJd4!?. So no new relevant
Cozio). Opening up the game games here!
with the immediate 5.d4 was a 5 ... d6, on the other hand, is very
regul ar try again t Ste initz, but popular. ow - unlike in the reg-
doe not have many top-level ul ar Cozio - White's opti on of
followers nowaday . Only 6.d4 fails to the well-known trick
Vallejo Pons ha recently tried to 6 .. .b5 7.Jl.b3 ttJd4 8.ttJd4 ed4
breathe new life into it with Bl ack has the extra opti on of 9. d4? cS and IO... c4. The
5 ... ed4 6.Jl.b3! ?. 8 ... b5 , though 8 ... h6 till eem modest 6.d3 woul d aiJow 6 ... b5

Survey RL 9. 1

7 ...Q.b3 ll.Ja5, e liminating the smooth game against Turov, thi tried 5 ... ll.Jg6 6.d4 (see Klein-
bi shop (Marzolf-Karpatchev), seems to give Black an equal Arnaudov) and 5 ... d5 6.ll.Jc3
although Nijboer till preferred game, for instance after 9 ... ..Q.b4. ..Q.e6 7.ll.Jg5 (S hkapenko-
6 ... ..Q.d7 . A logical development move for Gajewski and Akopian-Dzhu-
The main line after 5 ...d6 tart Black i 6 ... ll.Jg6, wh ich i dealt maev). The e are complicated
wi th 6.0-0 or 6.a3. After 6.0-0 with below, while regular 4 ... g6 lines in which Black eems to be
Black prefers 6 ... ..Q.d7 to 6 ... b5. practitioner Tamas Banusz re- standing firm.
Perhaps the latter can be met by cently experimented with 6 ... d6, 5 ... ll.Ja5!? has not been tried yet,
7 ...Q.b3 a5 8.d4!? (8.d3 wou ld plainly allowing 7.ll.Jg5. but might well be worth a try:
lead to 6.d3), sacrificing a piece 6.ll.Je5 d5 , with compensation.
after 8 ... ed4 9.ll.Jd4 c5 I O.ll.J f5 !,
trying to exploit White's lead in Central Grip or Flank Attack
development. After 6 ... ~d7 5.c4 is another fre h attempt, but
7 ..1:le l (7.d4 again runs into not as popular as 5 ...Q.b3 by far. In
... ll.Jd4 but i certainly an im- Fries Niel en-Stefansson, White
proved version; 7.a3 tran po e was looking for a slight pull after
to 6.a3) Black wa fine after 5 ... g6. But 5 ... ll.Jg6 seems to be a
7 ... g6 8.de5 ll.Je5 in Hovhan- traightforward equalizer.
nisyan-Getz. Finall y, only two games saw
6.a3 ..Q.d7 (6 ... h6!? preparing 5.h4,
...g6 is a new try (E.Berg-
S.Em t), while the immediate After 7 ... ll.Je5 8.f4 h6 the posi-
6 ...g6 led to di a ter in Paragua- tion was remini cent of a varia-
Nezad) and now 7. ~b3 gave tion from the Scotch Gambit, but
ri se to a tense strategic battle in White eems to be on top here.
Klilaots-I.Sokolov. IO... ll.Jh4 i Finally the pawn sacrifice 6.c3 is
an improvement, getting rid of a familiar idea (e.g. from the
the knight which, in that game, Smyslov Ru y Lopez) but here
faced some problems after the after declining the offer with
typical ll .h4. 7.0-0 would allow 6 ... d5 Black got a comfortable
7 ... g6 8.d4 ~g7, and Black is game in Naroditsky-Bernadskiy.
fine (Smeet -Gri schuk).
Straightforward not waiting for, but anticipating
Opening Up the Game 5. ~b3! ? is an idea of Keres's, .. .ll.Jg6 or ... g7-g6. In Kalegin-
5.d4 is a logical move, trying to aiming to di courage ... g7-g6, Pavlov Black replied 5 ...d6, and
exp loi t Black's low develop- which has become very popular after 6.h5 h6 there was no clear
ment. After 5 ... ed4 6.ll.Jd4 ll.Jd4 recently. follow-up.
7.~d4 ll.Jc6!? 8.~c6 dc6 Black
wa fine in Cuarta -Gajewski. Conclusion
Another pos ibility i 6 ... g6 Right now the main theoretical
7. ~g5 ~g7 8.ll.Jc6 bc6 (Arenas focu is on the lines 5. c3 and
Vanega-Bruzon Batista) or7.ll.Jc6 5. ~b3 . Kiilaots-Soko lov fea-
c6 8 ...Q.c6 bc6 (Luther-Te ke). tured the most critica l line,
In both line Black must be care- where Black ha no clear route to
fu l when opening the d-ti le in equality. But although Kiilaots
view of White 's rapid develop- won thi s battle, he was still
ment (for example Mehar Chinna tempted to go for 5. ~b3!? later
Reddy-Czebe). (against Ko ten). For the time
Vallejo' 6 ...Q.b3! ? i an attractive being, Black eem to be OK af-
attempt, but apparently can be Indeed, 5 ... g6 eemed too light- ter that, but it i certain that orne
met by the principled 6 ... ll.Ja5. hearted in Shabalov-Rodriguez, fieldwork can till be done in
Although Vallejo now won a Orlando 20 11 . Black has mainly these newly developing lines!

The Most Popular Move fgS S1 .l%f7 Wg6 S2.l%d7 l:tbS (9.'l!fd2) 9... 16 10. 13 bS 11.~b3 aS=
S. tt:l c3 S3.l%d8 s S4.l%f8 w es SS.l%e8 Saiboulatov·Nijboer, Belgium tt 2011 /12]
Wd4 S6.l%h8 Wc3 S7.l%d8 Wd3 7. ~ b3 as s.o-o b3 9.ab3 c6
Padhya ,Saumil S8.l%a8 g4 S9.Wf4 d4 60. l%a3 w e2 10.d4 g6 11. ~e3 ~e7= 12.deS
Chadaev,Nikolay 61. l%a2 w e1 62.We4 l%b3 63.Wd4 deS 13.'l!fd8 Wd8 14. ~ b6 We8
Mumbai 2012 (8) l%f3 64.We4 Wf1 6S. l%b2 Wg2 1S.l%fd1 f6 16. e1 f4 17. d3
1.e4 eS 2. f3 c6 3. ~bS a6 4. ~a4 66.l%bS l%f2 67.l%hS Wg3 68.l%aS 1Lld3 18.l%d3 ~e6 19.l%ad1 Wf7'f
1Llge7 S.IL!c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.1LldS 1Pg2 69.We3 g3 70.l%gS l%f7 20. ~c7 l%hc8 21.~d6 aS 22. ~e7
~g7 8.~gS h6 [8 ... bS 9 .~b3 h6 10.~16 71.l%g8 Wh2 72.l%h8 Wg1 73. l%g8 We7 23.f3 l%d8 24.l%d8 l%d8 2S.l%d8
~16 11 . 16 Wl8 12. d4 (12.a4; 12.'i!fd2) g2 74.l%a8 l%h7 7S.l%a1 c;.f;?h2 Wd8 26. w c7 27.We3 Wb6
12... ~g7 (12... IS! 13. c6 'l!fl6 14.eiS 76. l%a2 Wh1 0·1 28. e2 cS 29. c1 ?! c4 30.bc4
(14. b4 ~b7 1S. dS ~dS 16.'i!fdS l%e8 ~c4 31.c3 a4 32.g3 gS
17.0·0!) 14...dc6 1S.fg6 lg6 16.0-0 Wg7:t)
13. dS (13.'i!fd2!±) 13... dS 14 .~dS Vovk,Yury
'l!fl6 1S.c3 l%b8 16.0·0 e7 17.1Llc2 dS Vysochin,Spartak
18.'i!fdS d6 19.13 ~7 20.'l!fd3 l%he8 Lviv 2011 (2)
21. e3 aS 22.'WbS ~e4 23.'l!fas ~d3 1.e4 eS 2.1Llf3 1Llc6 3.~bS a6 4. · 4
24. g4 'i!i'IS 2S.'l!fc7 ~11 26.1%11 l%b2 ge7 S.IL!c3 g6 6.d4 ed4 7.1LldS
27.'l!fd6 l%ee2 28.'l!fd4 Wh7 29.1012 l%a2 ~g7 8. ~gS h6 9.~f6 ~f6 10. f6
30.c4 l%ad2 31 .'l!fa7 l%c2 32.'itd4 hS Wf8 11 .0-0 d6? 12. d4 bS?!
33.h3 'l!fc8 34. a7 'l!fc4 3S.Wh1 l%ed2 [12... ~g7 13.1Llc6 1Llc6 14.1LldS:t]
36.Wg1 'WI1 0·1 Kozganbaev-K.Grigoryan, 13. ~ b3 ± d4 [13...Wg7 14. c6
Moscow 2011] 9 . ~f6 ~f6 10.1Llf6 Wf8 (14.Wd2! l%18 1S.'l!fc3+-) 14...1Llc6
11.o-0 [11.'i!fd2!?] 11...Wg7 12. dS 1S.'i!fdS (~ 1S.ILldS:t) 1S... 16 16. c6
d6 [12 ...bS 13. ~3 dS 14 . ~dS ~b7 l%a7 17.l%ad1 l%18 18.14 'l!fb2 19.eS aS
1S.IL!d4 'l!fl6 16.c3 l%ab8 17.14 d4 20.ed6 cd6 21 .l%d6? l%a6-+ 22. c5 l%d6 33.f4? g4!-+ 34.feS feS 3S.Wd2
18.~b7 1Llc6 19.~c6 dc6! Sebag-Zhu 23.'l!fd6 a4 24.fS ab3 0·1 Mok Tze Meng· w cs 36.We3 b4 37.cb4 Wb4
Chen, Ulaanbaatar 2010; 19...'l!fc6 20.'l!fd4 Magomedov, Kuala Lumpur 1993] 38.Wd2 w cs 39.Wc3 h6 0· 1
Wh7 21 .1S] 13 .~c6 c6 l%e8 14.'itd4+-
1S.l%e1 ~e6 16.'l!fd2 ~dS 17.edS
d4 18.'i!fd4 'i!ff6= 19.'i!ff6 Hovhannisyan,Robert
20.c4?! bS 21 .l%e8 l%e8 22.cbS abS Getz,Nicolai
23. 1 l%a8 24.a3 b4 2S.l%c1 ba3 Aix·les·Bains Ech 2011 (4)
26.ba3 l%a3 27.l%c7 l%d3 28.We2 1.e4 eS 2. f3 c6 3. ~ bS a6 4.~a4
l:tdS 1Llge7 S. c3 d6 6.0-0 ~d7 [6 ... bS
7.~b3 aS 8.d4!? ed4 9. d4 c5 10. IS
~IS 11 .eiS c4 12.l%e1 cb3 13.ab3~]

tf • .t
.l ~.l
14... cs [14 ...1Llc6 1S.'i!fc3 ~b7 16.a3 aS
17.1Llg4 Wg8 18. ~dS] 1S. d7 ~g8
16. cS 1Llc6 17.~f7 Wh7 [17...Wf7 ~
18.'l!fdS Wg7 19.'Wc6 l%a7] 18.'i!fdS ttJ
ILleS? 19.f4 'tlt'b6 20.feS 'Wcs
21.Wh1 1·0
29.h4 l:teS 30. d3 hS 31 .g3 We6 :a ~
32.l%a7 l:tbS 33.We3 l%b3 34. 4
l%b4 3S.We3 dS 36.l%a8 l%e4 Marzolf,Bruno 7.l%e1 [7.d4 bS 8. ~3 d4 9. d4 ed4
37.Wd3 l%b4 38.We3 f6 39.l%e8 WfS Karpatchev,Aiexander 10.'t!t'hS (10.'l!fl3!? ~e6 11. ~e6 le6
40.l%d8 WeS 41.l%e8 WfS 42. l%d8 Saint Affrique 2011 (4) 12. e2 eS 13.a4 ~) 10... g6 11 . dS c6
l%b3 43.We2 l:tbS 44. 3 l:taS 1.e4 eS 2.1Llf3 1Llc6 3.~bS a6 4.~a4 12 .~gS 't!t'c8 13.l%1e1 cdS (13 ... h6!
4S. l%d7 l%a3 46.We2 We4 47.l%e7 1Llge7 s. c3 d6 6.d3 bS [6...~d7 14. b6 ~g4) 14.edS eS?! (14... e7
S 48.l%d7 l:taS 49.Wf3 gS SO.hgS 7 .~e3 (7.0·0) 7...1Llg6 8.h4 hS 9. gS 1S. ~e7 ~e7 16.•gS 0·0=) 1S.f4 ~g4

Survey RL 9. 1

16.'i!t'h4 16 17.fe5 lgS 18.ed6 <M7 19.'*'12?

(1 9.'tlt'g5! ~d6 20.J:te7 ~e7 21 .d6 ~e6
22. e7 Wg6 23.~e6 '*'eB 24 .~d7 fHe7
25.de7 J:taeB 26 .~e8 J:teB 27.J:td1 J:te7
28.J:td4 J:te2 29.J:td6 'it;>IS 30.J:tc6 gS
31 .WI1 J:td2=) 19... Wg6 20.h3 ~15?
(20... ~d7! 21 .'*'g3 'irdB 22.J:te5 Wh6
23.J:tae1 g6 24.J:te7 ~e7 25.de7 '*'b6
26.h4 d3! 27.Wh1 fHI6 28.'ird3 gh4 29.d6
Wg7+) 21 .g4 ~d7 22.J:te6 ~e6 23.de6
~d6?? (23...Wh6 24.h4 'i'c5 25.e7 ~e7
26.de7 J:theB 27.J:tl1 'ires 28.J:te1 'i'14
29.'*¥14 gf4 30.~17 gS 31 .J:te6 Wg7
32 .~e8 J:teB 33.hg5 <M7 34.J:ta6 J:te7
35.J:tf6 Wg7 36.J:tl4;!;) 24.'*'17 Wh6 1-0
Fierro Baquero-Raineri, Porto San Giorgio
Berg-Ernst, Maastricht 2011
2010] 7 •.. g6 8.d4 ~g7 9.de5 tLleS
1o.~d7 'it'd7 11.ttle5 ~es 12 .~h6
tl:lg8 112... o-o-o] 13. ~gs h6 14. ~h4 [Photo above with Black to move!] 10...Wh8 [10... tLlh4] 11.h4;!; ~g4
ttle7 15.~e7 ~c3 16.bc3 'ire7 25 ..•J:tfd8 26. J:tfd1 J:ta7 27.b4 ~d4 12.tLle3 ~d7 13.g3 ~f6 14.tLlg4
17.J:tb1 b6 18. d2= J:td8 19.J:tbd1 28.J:tc2 J:tb7 29.J:ta1 J:tb4 30.J:ta6 'i'¥g4 15.tLlg5 'it'd1 16.Wd1± tLld8
'ifes 20. e3 hS 21.f4 '*'cs 22. cs J:tb1 31.Wh2 J:te8 32 .~f4 J:tb2 17.~e3 tLle7 18. 2 hS 19.J:tag1
bcS 23. [23.e5] 23 ..•Wd7 24.J:tb1 33.J:ta2 ~g7 34 .~e3 J:td8 35.d4 ttlg8 20.g4 hg4 21 .J:tg4 ~e7 22.f4 fS
Wc6 25.J:tb3 J:the8 26.c4 J:tb8 J:ta2 36.J:ta2 .i.d4 37. ~d4 J:td4 23.ef5 tLlh6 24.J:tg2 ef4 25 .~f4 J:tfS
27.We3?? J:te4 28.We4 J:te8 29.Wd3 38.J:tc2 J:tc4 39.Wg3 Wg7 40. 3 26.~c1 dS 27.Wd1 ~d6 28.J:te1 tLlc6
J:te1 30.J:ta3 J:tg1 31 .g3 J:tg2 32.J:ta6 Wf6 41 .We3 J:tc7 42.Wd3 w es 29.d4 J:taf8 30.ttle6+- J:t8f7 31 .J:tg5
Wb7 33.J:ta3 l:th2 34.J:tb3 Wc6 43.J:tc3 J:tc3 44.\t;>c3 c,!;>e4 45.Wd2 ttle7 32.tLld8 c6 33. f7 J:tf7 34.J:tgg1
35.w c3 h4 36.Wb2 J:tf2 37.gh4 J:tf4 fS 46.We2 f4 47.f3 Wd4 48.Wd2 gS tLlhfS 35.h5 tLlg3 36.J:te6 ~c7
38.J:th3 J:tc4 39.J:tf3 fS 40.h5 ghS 49.We2 c.!;>c3 so.w e1 Wd3 51 .1ti>d1 37 .~c2 tLlefS 38.h6 gh6 39 .~h6
41 .J:tf5 h4 42.J:th5 J:tg4 43.J:th7 dS w e3 52.We1 Wd3 53.Wd1 We3 Wh7 40.~d2 Wg8 4 1.~f5 1-0
44.Wb3 J:tb4 45.Wa3 Wb6 46.J:th5 54.We1 Wd3 Y2-Y2
c6 47.J:th8 WbS 48.c3 J:tg4 49.Wb3
c4 50.Wa3 J:tg3 51 .Wb2 h3 52.J:th7 Smeets,Jan
w cs 53.a4 J:tg2 54.Wa3 h2 55.a5 Kulaots,Kaido Grischuk,Aiexander
WbS 56.J:th8 J:tc2 57.J:tb8 WcS 0-1 Sokolov,lvan Wijk aan Zee 2011 (12)
Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011 (11 ) 1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3 . ~b5 a6 4.~a4
1.e4 eS 2.tLlf3 ttlc6 3 .~ b5 a6 4 .~a4 tLlge7 5.tLlc3 d6 6.0-0 ~d7 7.a3 g6
Berg,Emanuel tLlge7 5.ttlc3 d6 6.a3 ~d7 7 .~ b3 8.d4 i.g7 9.de5 tLleS 10.ttle5 ~es
Ernst,Sipke ttlg6 [7...~e6 B.tLldS tLlg6 9.d3 ~e7 11 .~ b3 ~e6 12.tLld5 tLldS 13. ~d5
Maastricht 201 1 (6) 10.c3 0-0 11.h4!? J:teB 12.ttlg5 tLliB ~dS 14.ed5 0-0 15.'it'd3 J:te8 16.c3
1.e4 eS 2.ttlf3 ttlc6 3 .~ b5 a6 4.i.a4 13.tLle6 le6 14.tLle7 '*'e7 15.~e3 b5 't\t'h4 17.g3 '\i'a4 18.'t\t'd1?1 '\i'c4
tZlge7 5.tLlc3 d6 6.a3 h6!? [6 ...g6 16.h5± Fier-Turov, Maastricht 2011] 19..i.h6 ~g7 20 .~g7 Wg7 21 .'lWd4
7.d4 ~d7? ! (:2: 7.. .b5) B .~gS! ~g7 9.ttld5 8.tLld5 ~e7 [B ... ttld4!?] 9.c3 0-0 'i!fd4 22.cd4 J:te2 23.b3 J:tae8
bS?! (:2: 9...h6 1 0.~16 ~16 11 .tLl16 <,!;>18 10.d3 24. J:tac1 J:t8e7'i'
12.Q-O (12.ttld7 fHd7 13.d5 fHg4!;!;)
12... Wg7 13.tLld7 ed4!;!;) 10.i.b3 h6
11.~16 0-0 12.de5+- ~16 13.tLll6 Wg7
14.1!Vd2 .i.e6 15.ed6 ~b3 16.'tWc3! 1-0
Paragua-Nezad, Ho Chi Minh City 2012]
7.h3 g6 8.d4 bS 9 .~b3 ed4 10.tLld4
tLlaS 11 .~a2 ~g7 12. ~f4 0-0
13.0-0 tLlc4 14.J:tb1 cS 15.ttlde2
~e6 16 .~c4 .i.c4 17.b3 ~e2
18.tLle2 d5= 19.ed5 tLldS 20. ~g3
b4 21 .ab4 cb4 22.'*'d3 tLlc3
23.ttlc3 '*'d3 24.cd3 bc3+ 25.J:tbc1

25.llc3 lla2 26.b4 27.llfc1 Arenas Vanegas,David Mikhalets-Z.Varga, Budapest 1998] 9.1i'd4
llee2 28.llf3 llec2 29.llc2 llc2 Bruzon Batista,lazaro f6 1O.h4 tt"e7 11 .h5 llg8 12.tbc3
30.lle3 b6 31 .Wg2 a5 32.ba5 ba5 Santiago de los Caballeros zt 2011 (1) ~ b713 .~e3
33.llb3 llc4 34. 3 [~ 34.lld3] 1.e4 e5 2.tbf3 tbc6 3 .~ b5 a6 4.~a4
34 ...lld4 35.llc3 lld5 36.llc7 lld3 tbge7 5.d4 ed4 6.tbd4 g6 7.~g5
37.We2 lla3 38.lld7 a4 39.lld6 llb3 [7.tbc3 ~g7 B. ~e3 0·0 9.0-0 d6
40.lla6 a3 41 . 1 <Ot;e7 42.Wg2 (9 ...tba5!?) 10.tbc6 tbc6 11.'ii'd2 tba5=
Wd7 43.llf6 a2 44.llf7 w c6 45.lla7 Lane-Karthikeyan, Parramatta 2012]
llb2 46.h4 w c5 47.g4 Wb4 0-1 7 ... ~g7 8.tbc6 [B.c3 h6 9.tbc6 bc6
10. ~e3 0·0 11 .0-0 d6 12 . ~d4 16 13.tbd2
c5 14 .~e3 15 15.13 llbB 16.tbc4 ~e6=
J.Bernard-Erdos, Trieste 2012] a... bc6
9.tbc3 llb8 10.'it'f3 o-o 11. ~ b3 d6
Opening up the Game 12.h4 h5 13.'\i'd3 ~e6 14.0-0-0
5 .d4 'it'd7 15.f3 cS 16.g4 tbc6

Cuartas,Jaime 13... gh5 [13 ... 0·0·0] 14.0-0-0 llg2

Gajewski,Grzegorz :i :i ~ 15.llh5 d6 16.lldh1 0-0-0 17.llh7
Barcelona 2012 (6) .l 'iV i .t c5 18. d3 llg1 19.llg1 'it'h7
1.e4 e5 2.t!:Jf3 tbc6 3 . ~ b5 a6
tbge7 5.d4
4. ~a4 .. .l .t i 20.tbd5 tt'f7 21.lld1 lle8 22. ~f4
'\i'e6 23.f3 ~e7 [23...151?] 24.'it'b3 [~
.l ~ .l 24.c4] 24... ~d8 25.tbe3 '\i'b3 26.ab3
~ ~~ llh8 27.tbf5 ~c6 28.llg1 ~d7
~ttJ ~ ~ 29.tbh6 f5 30.tbf5 ~f5 31 .ef5 llf8
32. ~g5 llf5 33. ~d8 [33.14 ~16=]
33 ...~d8 34.llf1 <i.>e7 35.Wd2 Wf6
~~ 36.We3 Y2-Y.!

17.gh5? [17.tbd5; 17.'\i'd2] 17... c4!

18.'\i'e3 cb3 19.ab3 f6 [19 ... tbb4
20 .~h6 tbc2 21 .Wc2 ~b3 22. ~b1 ~d1 Nestorovic,Nikola
23 . ~g7 Wg7 24. d4 ~ 25.lldt+] Banusz,Tamas
20.hg6? [20 . ~h6 gh5 21 .llhg1 l:[f7 Krakow 2011 (B)
22 .~g7 llg7 23. h6 tbe5!+] 20 .. .fg5 1.e4 e5 2.tbf3 tbc6 3 .~b5 a6 4 . ~a4
5 ...ed4 6.tbd4 tbd4 7.'it'd4 tbc6 21 .hg5 ~e5 [21 ...tbb4-+] 22.tbe2 tbge7 5.d4 ed4 6 .~ b3 [6.c3 d5 7.ed5
8 . ~c6 dc6 9.'it'd8 Wd8 10.tbc3 'it'g7 23.c3 'it'g6 24.f4 ~g7 25.tbg3 'it'd5 B.cd4 ~g4 9.tbc3 h5 10 .~c6 tbc6
[10 .~e3 ~e6 11 .14 16 12.<i.>f2 ~d6 llbe8 26. d2 tba5 27.'it'h2 tbb3 11 . e2 ~e7 12.~e3 0-0 (12...0·0·0!
13.tbd2 Wd7 14.tbl3 llaeB 15.e5 le5 28.Wc2 llf4 29.tbh5 'ife4 3Q.lld3 13.0-0-0 ~16) 13.0-0-0 lladB 14.h3 ~13
16.fe5 ~e7 17.llad1 WcB'f D. Martinez- 'it'd3 ~1 15. 13 tt"f3+ Naroditsky-Bernadskiy, Wijk
Steinitz, Philadelphia 1882] 1O... ~b4 aan Zee CVT 2011] 6 ... d6 7.tbg5 tbe5
11 .~d2 ~e6 12.0-0-0 WeB 13.a3 8.f4 h6 9.fe5 hg5 10.0-0 ~e6
~c5 14.f3 ~c4 15. ~f4 a5 16.Wb1 luther,Thomas 11.~e6 fe6 12. 'it'f3 de5 13. ~g5
b5 17.tba2 b4 18.b3 ~e6 19.ab4 Teske,Henrik Wd7 14.tbd2 tt"e8 15.'it'f7 'ti'f7
ab4 20 .~d2 llb8 21.tbc1 ~e7 Zittau ch·DDR 1989 (10) 16.llf7 b5 17.llaf1 [17.tbf3 Wd6 18.a4
22.tbd3 llb5 23.tbf4 ~d7 24. ~c1 1.e4 e5 2.tbf3 tbc6 3 .~ b5 a6 4.~a4 b4 19.c3] 17... Wd6 18 . ~e7? ! ~e7
~d6 25.tbd3 f6 26. ~b2 [26 .~14!?] tbge7 5.d4 ed4 6.tbd4 g6 7.tbc6 19.llg7 ~f8 20.llg6 ~ h6 21.tbf3
26 ... lle8 27.llde1 ~e6 28.f4 c5 tbc6 [7 ...dc6 B.'it'l3 ~g7 9. c3 ~e6 ~e3 22 . ~h1 llaf8 23.g3 llf7
29.e5 fe5 30.tbe5 ~d5 31.llhg1 g6 10.~g5 'it'd4 11 .lld1 '\i'e5 12 . ~14 '~WaS 24 .~g2 c5 25.h4 llhf8 26.h5 c4
32.g3 ~e5 33.lle5 lle5 34.~e5 c4 13. ~b3 0·0 14.0·0 ~b3 15.ab3 tbcB 27.g4 d3 [27 ...b4!? 28.h6 d3 29.cd3 c3]
35.bc4 ~c4 36.g4 ~e6 37.h3 c5 16.lla1 b6 17.llld1 ± Mehar Chinna 28.cd3 cd3 29.h6 d2 30.tbd2 llf1
38.lld1 c4 39.c3 b3 40.Wb2 lla5 Reddy·Czebe, Mumbai 2010] 8. ~c6 bc6 31.tbf1 llt2 32.Wg3 llf1 33.g5 [33.h7
41 .lla1 lla1 42.Wa1 ~d7 43.Wb2 [B ... dc6 9.'it'd8 WdB 10.tbc3 ~g7 11.~g5 llh1 34.llg7=] 33 ... llg1 34.~h4 llh1
Wc6 44.g5 ~ h3 45 .~ b8 ~f5 16 12.0-0-0 ~d7 13.e5! lg5 14.e6 ~c3 35.\Pg4 w e7 36.llg7 8 37.b4
46. ~e5 ~d3 47. ~ b8 Wd5 48.~c7 15.lld7 WeB 16.bc3 b5 17.h4 g4 (17 ... gh4 ~d2 38.a3 ~c1 39.llg6 We7
We6 49 . ~b8 Wd7 50.~e5 ~e4 1B.llh4 Wb7±) 18.h5 g5 19.h6 ~b7 40.llg7 8 41 .llg6 42.llg7
51 . ~b8 w e6 52. ~c7 Wd7 v.z-v.z 20.llg7!+- llaiB 21 .e7 ll16 22.llh7 1·0 8 43.llg6 Y2-V.Z

Survey RL 9. 1

Shabalov,Aiexander knight on IS, seems best again] 11. 'ifhS l:lg8 24.f3 hS 25.'ifo>f2 'ifo>e6 26.f4 g4
Rodriguez,Eric tt:lb3 12.ab3 ~fS 13.ef5 'it'h4 27.tes l:le4 28.de4 feS 29.l:lf1 l:lh8
Orlando 2011 (9) 14."it'd1 tt:leS [14 ... tt:le7 1S.l:a4 'it'l6) 30.l:ld1 h4 31 .l:ld5 b6 32.gh4 l:lh4
1.e4 eS V llt3 tt:lc6 3 .~b5 a6 4.~a4 33.'ifo>g2 l:lh3 34.l:ld8 l:le3 35.l:lb8
tt:lge7 5. ~ b3 g6 [5 ... 16 6.d4 d6 7.c3 l:le4 36.l:lb6 5 37. l:f4
tt:la5 8. ~c2 g6 ~g7 10.de5 deS 38.'ifo>e2 l:lf3 39.l:lh6 c4 40.b3 aS
11 .b4 tt:lac6 12.~b3 Keres-Barcza, 41 .l:lh8 cb3 42.ab3 e4 43.l:lt8 ~es
Szczawno Zdroj 19SO; S... tt:laS!? 44.l:lf3 ef3 45.'ifo>e3
(6 .~17 ~17 ~g8) 6... tt:lb3 7.ab3 dS
8.edS 'it'dS ~g4~) 6.d4 ed4
[6 ...~g7 ?.deS tt:leS ~eS d6
10.0·0 ~e6 11.14 ~c3 12.bc3 'it'd? 13.fS
~b3 14.ab3 0·0·0 1S .~g5 l:de8= Rogulj·
Blazeka, Hum na Sutli 2012] dS
8.ll't3 [8.ed5; 8.0-Q) 8 ...t5 9.ed5 tt:laS

15.l:a4! dB 16.Wh5 tt:ld7 17.'it'h3

l:le8 18.l:lh4 tt:lf8 t6
[19 ... ~d4! ;!;) 20. l:lg4 tt:ld7 21 .tt:lg3 l:le7 'iti>h8 [22 ...'ife8 23.b41+-
~ (23...~7 l:lg7 2S.~h6 l:lgS
26.~gS lgS 27.l:lgS 'ifo>h8 28.W'c3 tt:le5 45... 5 46.c4 'ifo>gS 47.
29.'iWc7) 24. ~6 gS 2S.fg6 hg6 26.'iWg3 48. 1 w es 49. 2 ~e4 50. 1
~h7 tt:leS 28.l:lh4 ~g8] 'ifo>d4 51.'ifo>f2 We4 52. 1 cj;>eS! 'ifo>g8 24.b4! ~b6 25.'i!Yb3 53.'ifo>t2 'ifo>f4 54. 1 s 55.
8 26.l:lh4 cj;>eS l:le6 ~e4 56. 1 w es 57. Wd4
28.W'e6 'iWe7 29.l:lh7 1-0 58.h3 gh3 Y2-J.2

10.d6 "iVd6? [10 1UWb3

(11.dc71? 'ifc7 12.'i!t'b3 "ireS 13.~d1 Akopian,VIadimir
'i!YdS 14.l:e1 'ii'b3 1S.ab3;!;) 11...'i!Yd6 Dzhumaev,Marat
12.1VI7 ( 'i!Yc6 ~e6) Straightforward Istanbul ol 2012 (8)
12... ~d7 (12...~d8 13. c4;!;) 5 .~ b3 1.e4 eS tt:lc6 3 . ~b5 as 4. · 4
(13.0.01?) 13...-.e6 14.We6 ~e6 tt:lge7 s.~b3 dS ~e6
l:18=) 11 .tt:lt7 1Vt6 [11 ...'ifc6 Shkapenko,Pavel tt:ld4 fe6 9.d3 [9.ed5 ed5 10.0-Q
tt:lb3 13.'ifc6 tt:lc6 14.ab3 ~g7 Gajewski,Grzegorz (10.'ifhSI? tt:lg611.~dS tt:lc212.'iti>d1 tt:la1
hg6±) 12.~g5 W'g7 tt:lb3 Poland t1 2012 (5) 13.~7~) 10 ...c6 11.14 b3 (
14.ab3 'iffh8 15.0-0 1-0 1.e4 eS tt:lc6 3.~b5 a6 4 · 4 12.1e5 ~c5) 12.ab3 el4= Predke-Matinian,
tt:lge7 5 .~b3 dS [6.edS tt:ldS Sochi jr 2012) 9...lZJg6 10.'i!Yg4 ~b4
7.0-Q ~e7 8.l:le1 o-o tt:les 10.l:leS 11.0-Q c6 12.~e3 h4 13.'i!Yh4
Klein,David c6 11.d4 ~d6 12.l:le1 (a Marshall Attack lZJh4 14.~d4 ed4 15. e2 ~cs
Arnaudov,Petar wi1hout c2~ and ... b7-bS) 12... W'h4 13.g3 16.lZJg3 l:lt8 17.f4 ~d7 18.l:lae1
Haarlem 8 2011 (4) W'h3 tt:lf6 1S.'iWf3 ~g4 16.'it'd3 l:lae8 19.l:e2 l:le7 20.l:ltt2 ~d6
1.e4 eS tt:lc6 3.~b5 a6 4. ~a4 ~15 17.W'I1 'i!t'hS 18.13 'i!t'g6 19.'Wf2 l:lae8 21 .lZJf1 de4 [21 ... tt:lg6=) 22.l:le4 cS?
tt:lge7 5.d4 ed4 6.~b3 tt:lg6 20.~e3 bS 21.l:lac1 hS tt:ldS
[7.0-01? ~e7 tt:laS (8 ... tt:ld4 9.'it'd4 23.~dS cd5 24.c3 l:le6 ~14 26.~14
0·0) 9.ttJIS 0-0 tt:lb3 11.ab3 l:e8 l:lfeB 27.l:le5 f6 28.l:le6 l:le6 29.l:le1 'i!Ye8
(11...d6; 11... ~16 d6) ~18 30.l:le6 'it'e6 31.h4 ~ IH2 N.Kosintseva-
13."it'd4 l:e6 14 .~d2 d6 1S .~c3 tt:leS Gopal, Gibraltar 2011) 6 .. ...ie6
16.14 tt:lc6 17.'it'd1± Kulaots-Kosten, Wd7 8.ed5 ~dS 9.lij d5 tt:ldS 10.0-Q
Belfort 2012) 7 ••• ~c5 [8 .~e3 [10.'i!ff3 l:ld8 11 .c3 h6 ~e7]
~d41 9. ~d4 'ifgS 10 .~g7 (10.g3 tt:ld4 10•.. tt:ld4 11 .l:le1 t6 tt:lf3!?
11 .Wd4 'it'c1 ; 10.0-Q? tt:lh4) 10... W'g2 13.'iff3 o-o-o 14.d3 ~cs 15 . ~d5
11 .l:l1 l:g8+ Schoori-Lammens, Amster- 'iWdS= 16.'i!Yd5 l:ldS 17.~e3 ~d4
dam 2012) 8 •.. 0-0 9.0-0 d6 18. ~d4 l:d4 19.l:le3 l:lhd8 20.l:lae1
tt:laS [10 ... tt:lh4!, eliminating the strong cS 21.g3 gS 22.'ifo>g2 'ifo>d7 23.l:le4

23.f51 lDfS 24.g4 g6 25.gf5 gfS 14.~c4 ~c4 15.l:le1 dc5 16.~c5 'ii'd1 14.~e3 g5?! [1 4... ~b8+] 15.hg6
26.l:lh4 ~es 27.lDd2 ~f6 28.l:lh5 lH~ M.Petrov-Arnaudov, Dieren 2011 ] ~g7
bS 29. 1 l:lg7?! 30.l:le21 l:le7 6...~g7 7.tDc3 d6 8.lDd5 h6 9.h4
31.lDf3 'iPd6 32.l:lh6 'iPd7 33.l:lh5 ~g4 10.lDe3 ~d7 11 .h5 lDd4
1-0 12. ~d7 'ii'd7 13.hg6 fg6 14.lDd4
ed4 15.lDd5 h5 16 .~g5 lDd5
17.cd5 c6 18.dc6 bc6 19.'ii'b3 'iif7
20.'i!i'c2 c5 21.'ii'a4 'ii'd7 22.'ii'b3
'itf7 23.Wa4 't!J'd7 24. b3 'ii'f7
A Firm Grip on the Centre ~-~

Fries Nielsen,Jens Ove Kalegin,Evgeny

Stefansson,Hannes Pavlov ,Sergey
Ballerup 2012 (3) Moscow 2011 (5)
1.e4 eS 2.lDf3 lDc6 3.~b5 a6 4. ~a4 1.e4 e5 2.lDf3 tDc6 3 .~b5 tDge7 16.f3?! [16.de5] 16... h5 17.g5 lDf5
tDge7 5.c4 g6 [5 ... lDg6 6.0·0 ~c5 7.a3 4.h4 a6 5. ~a4 d6 6.h5 [6.c3 b5 7.~b3 18.lDf5 ~f5 19.lDa3 ed4-+ 20. ~d4
0-0 8.lDc3 lDd4 9.d3 d6 10.lDd4 ~d4 lDaS 8. ~c2 h5 9.d4 lDg6 1O.de5 lDeS l:lde8 21 . 2 lDd4 22.cd4 l:lhf8
11.lDe2 (Lanc-Bazant, Czechia 2010) ~- ~ Gharamian-Miton, San Sebastian 23 . ~f5 'ii'f5 24.lDc2 'i!fg6 25.'Wd2
1 1... ~g4=; 11...~a7=] 6.d3 [6.d4 ed4 2011] 6... h6 7.c3 f5 8.ef5 lDf5 'li'fS 26.'i!fc3 l:le6 27.lDe1 l:lfe8
7.lDd4 ~g7 8.lDc6 tDc6 9.0-0 0-0 10.lDc3 9 .~c2!? d5 10.g4? tDfe7 11 .lDh4 28.l:lc1 'Wf4 29. 1 ~d4 30.lDg2
d6 11. ~e3 lDeS 12 .~b3 ~e6 13.c5 lDc4 ~e6 12.d4 'i!i'd7 13.l:lg1?! 0-0-0 'ii'g3 0-1

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New Arkhangelsk Variat ion RL 12.6 (C78)

The Yurtaev Variation

by Alexey Kuzmin

1. e4 e5 11 ... 0-0 12 ..:e1

2. tt:Jf3 tt:Jc6 And at the given moment after
3. ~b5 a6 12. ~e3 , apart from 12 .. .: a8
4. ~a4 tt:lf6 h6 14.:el ~e81eading
5. 0-0 b5 to a tran po ition of move ,
6. ~b3 ~c5 12... ed4 13 .cd4 tt:Je4 looks quite
7. a4 ~b8 good .
8. c3 d6 12... h6
9. d4 ~b6 12... ~b7 i a eriou alternative.
10. a5 In the event of 13. ~e3 after
13 ...ed4 14.cd4 tt:lb4 (Nijboer-
Ganguly, Wijk aan Zee 20 I I )
Black can hope to gain counter-
play. A new continuation look
more dangerous - 13.~g5!?
lnarkiev-Kasimdzhanov, Konya Leonid Yurtaev (1959-2011)
13...ie3 .!:taB The main position of the varia-
The interesting trategic plan tion . White has tried a number of
13 ...ed4 14.cd4 d5 i examined moves. The mo t logical of
in the game Ni Hua-Ganguly, them , in my view, i 15 . ~c2, al-
Kolkata 2004. Even so, it doe though even in thi ca e Black
In the FORUM section on page 14 not olve all Bl ack' problems. has quite good counter-chances
I explain why I feel the line 14.tlJbd2 .l:te8 in the forthcoming po itional
6 .. .~c5 hould be named after L4 ... ~b7 would allow White to battle.
the late Leonid Yurtaev. improve the position of hi
The currently fashionable line knight by 15 .tt:J fl! : es . Conclusion
with IO.a5 ftr t occurred in the For the moment, in the variations
game Dolmatov-Sivokho, St. .i.'if • after I O.a5 White has not man-
Petersburg 2000. The Ukrainian aged to set hi opponent any ap-
j. j.j.
grandmaster grabbed the pawn preciable problem if Black
with I O... tt:Ja5?! , but this proved i ~· ~ j. doe not hurry with the develop-
to be a bad decision .
1o... ~a7 11 .h3 ~· ~ ~
ment of hi queen 's bi shop.
However, White has some pa-
The development of the bi hop tial advantage, and the resources
j)__ ~ ~ttJ ~
on e3 on this or the next move in the search for new ideas in this
allows Black additional options ~ ttJ ~ ~ direction have certainly not been
- ll .~e3 ~g4. 1:[ 'iY.ti ~ exhau ted .

A Bad Decision 42.J:I.b5 ~g3 43.J:I.a5 Wg4i] 40.l:!e4 [13... l:!a8 ed4 (14... J:I.e8!
10 ... ~ a5 3 41 .1:!14 Wg2 42.l:!1S+- b4 J:l.e7 16.d5;!; Anand-Shirov, Wijk aan Zee
43.c4 ~d4 44.J:I.aS ~ b2 4S.l:!hS 2010) 15.cd4 tl:lb4 16 .~g5 ! h6 17 .~h4
Dolmatov,Sergey ~c3 46.Wc2 47. J:I.bS l:!d4 tLld3 (17.. .g5?! hg5 1 9 .~g5- )
Sivokho,Sergey J:l.c4 49.Wd3 l:!c8 SO.J:I.1S 18.l:!e3 (18.'i!i'c2!? tl:le1 19.J:I.e1 !1!?)
St Petersburg 2000 (7) Wg2 S1 .tl:lc2 Wh3 ~b4 19.'i!i'c2!i; 19.e5 Bologan-
1.e4 eS 2. ~13 ~c6 3.~ bS a6 4. ~a4 S3.hS l:!c6 S4.l:!bS ~cS SS.h6 ~e3 Caruana, Reggio Emilia 2009/10] 14.cd4
~16 S.0-0 bS 6.~b3 ~cs 7.a4 J:l.b8 S6.l:!hS Wg4 S7.l:!h4 3 S8.1e3 ll:lb4 1S.dS [!? ~e4 16.~g5oo]
8.c3 d6 9.d4 ~b610.aS tl:laS?! l:!d6 S9.Wc4 l:!d8 60.h7 J:l.h8 1-0 1S... ~e3 16.J:I.e3 cSoo

Satka 2008 (11)
1.e4 eS 2.ll:l13 tl:lc6 3. ~bS a6 4. ~a4
~16 S.0-0 bS 6. ~ b3 ~cS 7.a4 J:l.b8
8.c3 d6 9.d4 ~ b6 1 tl:laS
11 ~as 12.deS tl:lg4 13.~gs 16
14.ef6 g16 1S. ~h4 cS 16.h3 hS
17.hg4?! hg4 18.eS! g13 19. ~16
[19.Wd5!? c4 20.~c2!1!?] 19.. .fg2
20.J:I.e1 'i!i'd7 21 .ed6 8=
11 ~as 12.deS tl:lg4 [12 ... tl:le4?!!? [17.'ilf'd2 l:!e8 l:!c8
13.'i!i'd5 ~e6 14.'i!i'e4 ~b3±; 19 .~c2 J:l.c7 Timofeev-lnarkiev,
12...de5?! 13.'i!i'd8 Wd8 ~b7 Moscow 2007; tLld7 18.'i!i'd2 l:!e8 We7 16 .~h8 J:l.h8 17.e5±] 'f!¥16 g6 21 .J:I.ae1 =
13. ~gs 16 [13 ...'i!i'd7?! 14.e61 fe6 Svidler-Pavasovic, Khanty-Mansiysk 2007]
15.tLld4± ] 14.e16 gf6 1S. ~h4!1!? cS 17...1fas 'i!i'b6 19.ll:lb4 cb4
16.h3 hS! [17.~d5! tl:le5 20.W d2 aS 21 .ll:ld4!1!? [21 .'i!i'd4 'i!i'c7 de5 19.Wf3 J:l.b6 20.'i!i'g3-J 22 .~d1 J:l.fe8 23.~e2+% ] 21 ... J:I.be8
17...J:I.b7? [17 ...c4! 18.e5 de5 19.'it'b1 t] [21 ... l:!fe8 22.J:I.ae1 g6!? gf5
18. ~dS [18.e5! de5± ] 18... J:I.g7 24.J:I.g3 w ta 25.'i!i'h6 <;t>e7 26.J:I.f3!1!?J
22 .~c2 g6 23.Wh2 [23.tLlf5!? ~c8
24.'i!i'd4!1!?] 23 ... tLlhS 24.g4? [24.1:!13!\1!1]
24 2S.l:!ae1 l:!c8 26.~b1
22. ~e7 [22 .~h8 'i!i'h3 23.13 'i!i'h1 24.<;tll2 l:!1e8=i= 27.J:I.3e2 tl:ld7 28.14 l:!c4
'i!i'h4 25.Wg1 'i!i'h1 26.WI2 'i!i'h4 27.Wg1 J:l.cc8 30.<;tlg3 tl:lcS 31 .1S
'i!i'h1 ~- ~ Ponkratov-Papin, St Petersburg 'i!i'd8 32.h4 tl:ld7 33.'i!i'14 tl:les
2008] 22 ... Wg7 23.'i!i'13 J:l.h1 24.Wg2 34.16? [ J:l.e5 35 .~d3"F]
'ti'h3 2S.'i!i'h3 J:l.h3 26.J:I.eS c4 34... tl:lf3 3S.'flff3 J:l.eS+ 36. ~d3 ~a6
27.J:I.gS Wf7 28 .~d1 J:l.d3 29 .~ hS [36 ...J:I.c5! 37.'i!i'f4 a4+] 37.'i!i'14 h6
We6 30.~g4 112-112 38.J:I.f2 Wh7 39.'i!i'd2?! [39.h5! g5
40.'i!i'e3 w gB=i=] 39.. .'i fb6 40 . ~ b1 b3+
41.1:!13 a4 42.l:!c3? [42.~d3 +]
42 ... J:I.c3 43 .'~!fc3 b4- + 44.'i!i'c1
19.eS! tl:leS? [19 ...de5± ] ~b7 4S.'i!i'c4 a3 46.hS a2 47.~d3 deS J:l.h6 ghS 48.'i!i'b3 a1 'i!i' 49.J:I.a1 'i!i'e3
22.'i¥13+- J:l.gg6 23.J:I.d1 8 10 ... Aa7 SO.Wg2 J:l.gS S1.eS Wh8 0-1
24.~e6 ife8 2S.~c8 'i!i'c8 26.~16
[26.ll:lf6!+ - l 26...Wg8 27.~gs 'ii'18 Nijboer,Friso
28.'it'18 8 29.~h6 J:l.h6 Ganguly,Surya Shekhar lnarkiev,Ernesto
~b6?! [30 ... ~c7±] 31 .tl:ld7 We7 Wijk aan Zee B 2011 (1 0) Kasimdzhanov,Rustam
32.ll:leS J:l.e6 33.tLld3+ - J:l.d6 34.h4 1.e4 eS tl:lc6 3. ~bS a6 4. ~a4 Turkey It 2012 (6)
W16 3S. 1 W1S 36.g3 aS 37.We2 tLl16 s.o-o bS 6. ~b3 ~cs 7.a4 J:l.b8 1.e4 eS tl:lc6 3. ~bS a6 4. ~a4
l:!e6 38.Wd2 J:l.d6 39.l:!e1? Wg4? 8.c3 d6 9.d4 ~b6 10.aS ~a7 11.h3 tl:lf6 S.0-0 bS 6.~ b3 ~ cS 7.c3 d6
[39... ~12! 40.J:I.e5 Wg4 _ 41 .J:I.g5 Wf3 ~b7 12.l:!e1 0-0 13.~e3 ed4! 8.a4 J:l.b8 9.d4 ~b6 10.aS ~a7

Swvey RL 12.6

11.h3 0-0 12.l:le1 ~b7 13. ~gSI?N ~e3 19.l:le3 tt::le7P=) 1S... tt::le4 (! ~e3 21 .l:le3 d5 20...d5
[ 13.~e3 Nijboer-Ganguly, Wijk aan Zee B [ ~15! 17 .~e2 l:leSoo] 21 .ed5 tt::ld5 22.~7 : an Sergienko-
2011) 13 ... h6 14 .~ h4 ed4 1S.cd4 gS 17.bc3 ~fs 1S. ~c2 ~c2 19. c2;!; Friedel, Pardubice 2011 ] 1S... tt::leS
16. ~g3 l:leS b4! 1t'd7 20.'i!fd3 [!? b4 21 .tt::lb3) deS= 'i!fe7 1S.'tif3 ~d7
tt::ldS 19. ~dS tt::ld4 20 .•. ti'e6 [1S ...~e3 c6 20.l:led1 l:la7
(21.l:ld2 l:ldS) 21...~15 22.'til5 l:ld7=]
19. · 7 l:la7 l:laaS 21 .l:lad1
:ladS= tt::ldS 23.~dS ~e6
24.~e6 W'e6 2S.l:ldS l:ldS 26.l:ld1
l:ld6 27.l:ld6 'tid6 2S.'i!Ye3 cS 29.f3
hS 30.h4 g6 31 .c;t;>t2 c4 32.'iPg3 'iPg7
33.'i!fb6 "ii'd2 34.'i!fa6 'i!fb2 3S.ti'b6
'i!fc3 36.'iVbS 't!fe1 37.c.f.>h3 W'h1
3S.c.f.>g3 W'e1 39.c.f.>h3 'tih1 40.c.f.>g3

Arenas Vanegas,David [20 . ~b7! tt::ll3 21.'i!fl3 l:lb7 21. ~f4 [21 .tt::lh4! b4 22.eb4 l:lb4 Vidarte Morales,Arturo
22.e5f] 20 ...~ds 21 .'i!fd3 'i!ff6! +;!;) 21 ..• b4 22.cb4 l:lb4P= Sitges 2012 (6) ~ b7? ! [22...~e6! 23.'i!fa6 23. ~e3 l:lbS 24 . ~d2 l:lfbS 2S.l:lec1 1.e4 eS tt::lc6 3 .~bS a6 4. · 4
~c5 +] 23.l:lac1 l:lbcS 24.l:lc4?! l:lSb7 26.l:la3 l:lb2= 27.ltc3 l:l2b3 tt::lf6 s.o-o bS 6 .~b3 ~cs 7.c3 d6
[24.<it;>h2 h5 25.h4 g4 26.13P:) 24 ...dS! 2S.l:lb3 l:lb3 29.'Wa6 tt::ld4 30.'Wa7 s.a4 l:lb8 9.d4 · 10.aS ~a711 . h3
2S.l:lb4 de4 26.'i!t'c4 ~aS:f: tt::le2 31 .c.f.>h1 tt::lc1 1t'eS o-o 12.l:le1 h6 13~e3 : as
hS?! [27 ... c5 2S.l:lb3 tfe6:f:) 2S.l:lc1 'i!fc3 'tic1 3S.'iPh2 ~b7 1S.'ili'c2 l:leS [- 14 ... l:le8 15.'ili'c2
h4? [2S ... c5!:f:) 'ili'g6 30. ~es 'i!fc4 36.a6 c.f.>h7 37.'i!fb7 Y.!-Y.! ~7) 16.deS tt::leS
l:le6 31 .ti'b3 'iPh7

The Main Position

14 ... l:re8

Plovdiv Ech 2012 (7)
1.e4 eS tt::lc6 3. ~bS a6 4.lta4
tt::lf6 S.0-0 bS 6 . ~b3 ~cS 7.a4 l:lbS
S.c3 d6 9.d4 ~b6 1O.aS ~a7 11 .h3
o-o 12.~e3 : as h6 17... deS [17...l:le5?! 18. ~a7 l:la7 19.14
32.l:lb71 ~f2 33.'iPf2 e3? [33... ~b7 14.l:le1 l:leS l:le7 (19 ... l:leS 20.e5 tt::ld5 21 .W'I5f) 20.e5
34.'i!fb7 :leeS 35 . ~d4 e3P=) 34.cit;>g1 +- 'ili'eS 21 .tt::ll3 deS (21... ~13? 22.'ifl2!+-)
e2 3S.l:le1 fS [35 ...~b7 36.1i'b7 :leeS 22.fe5± Grischuk·Shirov, Rogaska Slatina tt
37.1i'e7+- J 36.l:lbSI ~dS 37.l:lcS 2011) 1S. ~a7 l:la7= 19.c4 cS?
1-0 [19... 'ili'e7 20.c5 l:laaS=I 20.cbSI abS
2U i'cS : as 22.l:lad1 'ili'e7
23.l:lc1 ± l:laaS [23 24.'i!t'b61l:la6
NiHua 25.1i'b5± ) 24.'i!fbS :labS 2S.'i!faS
Ganguly,Surya Shekhar 'ifdS 26.'ifc3 ti'e7 27.'ifc7 ~aS
Kolkata 2004 (11) 2S.l:lc2 <;l;>fS 29.'i!t'e7 l:le7 30 .~c4
1.e4 eS tt::lc6 3.~ bS a6 4.~a4 l:ld7 31.f3 l:lbdS? ! [3 1...~e6 32.l:la1
tt::lf6 S.0-0 bS 6 . ~b3 ~cS 7 .a4 l:lbS ~b5] g6 33.l:la1 l:lc7 34.b3
S.c3 d6 9.d4 ~b6 10.aS ~a7 11.h3 l:lbS 3S.l:laS tt::ld7 hS 37.h4
o-o 12.l:le1 h6 13. ~e3 ed4 14.cd4 l:lbcS 3S.l:lca2 ~b7 39.l:la7 tt::lb6
dS [14 ...l:leS?!±) 1S.eS [15.ed5!? 1S.deS [15.d5 tt::le7 16.lta2 c6 17.dc6 40.l:l2aS tt::ld7 41 . 2 c.f.>g7 42.c.f.>e1
tt::ld5 16 .~d5 1t'd5 l idS 1S.d5 tt::lc6= 1S.b4 ~e6 19.~e6 l:le6 f6 43.c.f.>d2 tt::lb6 44.l:lbS tt::lc4

45.1Llc4 ~c6? ! [4S ... ~a8] 46Jtc7 J:te8 25.1Llf5 J:tt4 26.1Llg3 il:lc4 46.l:tf1 47.J:td6 'iti>eS 48.l:td8
J:tc7 47.J:tc5+ - J:td7 48 .~c2 ~b7 27.J:ta1 J:te1 28.'it'e1 il:ldS 29.b3 6 49.J:td6 ~es so.J:tda 6 !12·!12
49.b4 ~ h6 SO.bS gS 51 .b6 J:td4 ILleS 30. d2 c6 31 .~e4 'ilfg4
52.hg5 [S2.J:tc7!] 52...~g5 53 . ~c3 32 . ~d5 J:td4 33 . ~f7 34.'it'c2
J:td 1 54.J:tc7 ~a6 55.b7 J:tb1 cS 35. J:te1 g6 36. 1 h4 37.'iti>g1 Kosintseva ,Tatiana
56.1Llb2 ~b7 57.J:tb7 ~g6 58.J:td7 hS 38.J:te4 J:te4 39.1Lle4 'iti>e6 Munguntuui,Batkhuyag
J:tc1 59.'iti>b3 h4 60.1Llc4 J:tf1 40. e2 ~g4 41.f3 Wft4 42.g3 c1 Ulaanbaatar 2010 (4)
61 . ~c3 h3 62.gh3 J:tf3 63.J:td3 J:tf4 43.'iti>g2 gS 44.1Llg5 gS 45.f4 g4 1.e4 eS 2.1Llf3 il:lc6 3. ~b5 a6 4 .~a4
64.1Lld6 fS 65.ef5 'iti>f6 66.J:tg3 e4 46.'ite4 "*f3 47.'itf3 il:lf3 48.'iti>f3 il:lf6 5.()-{) bS 6.~b3 ~cs 7.c3 d6
67 .~d4 e3 68 . ~d5 e2 69.J:tg6 'iti>e7 5 49.'iti>e3 dS SO.'iti>d3 h4 0-1 8.a4 J:tb8 9.d4 · 10.a5 ~a711.h3
1-0 ()-{) 12 .~e3 J:taa 13.1Llbd2 ~b7
14.J:te1 h6 15 ~c2 [!] 15... J:te8
Gashimov,Vugar [- 14... J:te8 1S.~c2 ~7) 16.d5 il:le7
Bologan,Victor Caruana,Fabiano [16...1Llb8 17.~7 J:ta7 18.b3 c5 (18... c6!?
Szabo,Krisztian W ijk aan Z ee 2012 (7) 19.c4 il:lbd7) 19.1Llf1 il:lbd7 20.1Lle3;!;
Rijeka Ech 2010 (11 ) 1.e4 eS 2.1Llf3 il:lc6 3. ~b5 a6 4. ~a4 Arakharnia Grant-Bok, Antwerp 2011 ]
1.e4 eS 2.1Llf3 il:lc6 3. ~b5 a6 4. ~a4 il:lf6 s.o-o bS 6 . ~b3 ~cs 7.a4 J:tb8 17.1Llt1 [17.b4?! ~e3 18.J:te3 il:lg6
il:lf6 s .o-o bS 6 .~b3 ~cs 7.c3 d6 8.c3 d6 9.d4 ~ b6 10.a5 ~a7 11 .h3 (18...1LledS?! 19.edS iLld5 20.J:te1 iLlc3
8.a4 J:tb8 9.d4 ~b6 10.a5 ~a7 0-0 12.J:te1 h6 13. ~e3 J:ta8 21.'ifca Fedorchuk-Shirov, Khanty-Mansiysk
11 .h3 0-0 12. ~e3 J:ta8 13.1Llbd2 h6 14.1Llbd2 J:te8 [14... ~b7 ! J:te8 2009) 19.c4 c6 20.dc6 ~c6f ; 17.~7 J:ta7
14.J:te1 J:te8 15.'it'b1 ~b7 16.'it'a2 16.1Llg3 ed4 17.cd4 il:le7 18.dS ~e3 18.b4 il:lg6 19.c4 bc4 (19...c6!? 20.cb5 cbS
d7 17.de5 [17.dS il:le7 18. ~a7 J:ta7 19.J:te3 "ifd7 20.1Lld4;!; Sebag-Munguntuul, 21 .1Llf1 =) 20.1Llc4 il:lf4 2 1.~4 J:tfB;o:%
19.J:tad1 il:lg6 20.1Llf1 =] 17... 1Lle5! f Ulaanbaatar 2010 (8)] 15. ~c2 ~ b7 Luther-Kazhgaleev, Cappelle Ia Grande 2008]
18.1Lle5 deS [18 ... J:teS!? 19 .~a7 J:ta7 16. ~ b1 [16.dS - T.Kosintseva-Munguntuul] 17...1Llg6 c6oo 19.dc6 ~c6
20 .~c2 J:ta8f] 19 . ~a7 J:ta7 20.J:tad1 16... 1Llb8 20.1Llg4 il:lf4 21 .'iff3
'*'e7 21 .1Llf3 cS 22 . ~d5 ~dS
[22 ...c4!?] 23.ed5 '*'d6= 24.c4 il:ld7?!
[24 ... e4! J:tae7oo] 25.'*'b3 J:tb7 'it& ~
26.1Lld2;!; fS 27.cb5 J:tbS 28 ..-c2 j.j.
"*f6 [28. .. '*'g6 29.1Llc4 e4;!;] 29.1Llc4± ..t£ .. j.
J:teb8 [29 ... e4 30.13±] 30.d6 [30.13!?]
30... e4 3U i'e2?! [31 .J:te3 'iti>h7 32.13±]
31 ...'iti>h7? [31..."iff7;!;] 32.f3 ILleS? ~ .. ttJ
[32 ... J:te8 33.1e4 J:te4 34.'*'c2 J:te6± ] ~ 'ti' ~
33.fe4 il:lc4 34. 'it'c4 J:tb2 35.e5+-
"*g6 36.'ilff1 c4 37.e6 J:ta2 38.J:te2
J:tas 39.e7 1-0 li ttJ w
17.c4!? ed4 18. ~d4 bc4 [18 ... ~d4 21... ~e3? [21...1Llg4 22.hg4 l:te6=]
Fedorchuk,Sergey 19.1Lld4 bc4 20.J:ta3 il:lc6oo] 19 . ~a7 22. f6! 'ilt'f6 23.1Lle3?! [23.fe3! 1Lle6
Shirov,Aiexey J:ta7 20.J:ta3 il:lbd7oo 21.1Lld4 24.-..16 giG±] 23 ... J:tad8=
Khanty-Mansiysk rapid 2009 (2) [21 .J:tae3!? ILleS 22.1fc2 il:ld3 23. J:t1e2 24.J:tad1 'ilt'g6?! [24 ... J:td7] 25.'iti>h2 fS
1.e4 eS 2.1Llf3 il:lc6 3.~ b5 a6 4.~a4 il:lf4 24.l:te1 =] 21 ... 1Lle5! 22.J:tg3 g6f 26. ~b3 'iti>h8 27.1Lld5 [27.-..g3!± ]
il:lf6 5.0-0 bS 6 .~b3 ~cs 7.a4 J:tb8 23.f4!? il:ld3 24. ~d3 cd3 25.f5 gS 27..•te4 28.'ite4 'ife4 29.J:te4 J:tt8
8.c3 d6 9.d4 ~ b6 1 ~a7 11.h3 26.h4 g4 27.J:td3 J:ta8 28.J:tde3 hS 30.f3 il:ldS 31.~d5 J:tc8;!; 32.'iti>g3
0-0 12.J:te1 h6 13 .~e3 J:ta8 29.'ifc1 'iti>h7 [29 ...l:tb8!? 30.1Lle2 ~e4 ~dS 33.J:td5 J:tc6 34.f4 ef4 35.J:tf4
14.1Llbd2 J:te8 15.1Llf1 ed4 16.cd4 31 .1Lle4 il:le4 32.1Ll14 dSf ] J:tes 'iti>g8?! [35 ... J:tf4 36.Wf4 'iti>g8;!;] 36.J:te4
[16.1Lld4 il:ld4 17 .~d4 c5! 18. ~16 (18.eS?! 31 .1Llg3 dS [31...J:taS! 32.1Llc4 l:tbS J:tf6 37.J:te7 J:tf7 38.J:te8 J:tf8 39.J:te6
(Cabrera Trujillo-Vidarte Morales, El Sauzal deS 34.1LleS ~dS 35.1Ll17!] 32.1Llb3 J:tf6 40.J:tf6 gf6 41. 4± 42. 5
rapid 2008) 18...cd4 19.ef6 J:te1 20.-..e1 [32.J:tb3! J:tbB 33.'it'c5!f] 32 •.. de4 'iti>e7?1 [42 ...hS] 43.g4 J:tc8 44.J:td3
~b7 ! 21.fg7 'it'gSl) 18 ...'itf6 19. ~dS c4 33.1Llc5 ~c6 34.b4 'it'd6 3S. 'ifa1 ~ [44.J:td4!] 44 .•. J:tc5 45.'iti>g6 hS?
20.1Lle3 J:tbBoo] 16... J:te4 17.d5?1 ~dS 36.1Lld3 [36.l:td1 J:tae8 37. 'ifc3~] [45 ... J:tgS! 46.'iti>h6 dS:o:%] 46.l:te3+- J:tes
[17.'iid2 'it'f8 18.1Llg3 J:te8 19.J:tac1 oo] 36 ...ed31? 37.'ife5 'ifes 38.J:te5 47.J:te5 feS 48.Wh5 e4 49.'iti>h4
17... ~e3 18.1Lle3 il:leSf 19.1Lld4? C6+% 39.J:td1 J:tb8 40.J:td3 J:tb4 SO.'iti>g3 'iti>eS 51.h4 dS 52.h5
~h3! 20.~c2 J:tt4- + 21 .1Lle2 ~g4 41 .J:ta3 'iti>g7 42.J:te2 ~c4 43.J:td2 53. 4 ~g7 54.g5 <J;n 55.b3 'iti>e6
22.1Llg4 J:tg4 23.J:ta3 "ifd7 24.1Lld4 ~dS 44.J:ta1 il:le4 45.1Lle4 ~e4= 56.h6 <J;f7 57.c4 dc4 58.bc4 1-0

Ru ez Early Divergences after 3 ...a6 4.~a4 RL 13.5 (C8 4)

A Modern Battleground- Part I

by Max Illingworth


2. ttJf3

6.d3 example but al o 3 .. .a6
4 ...ta4 ttJf6 5.d3, 3 ...ttJ f6 4.d3 and
3 ... f5 4.d3, fo r in tance) have be-
4. ..ta4 tLlf6 come fa hionable to the ex tent .l ...
5. 0-0 ..te7 that omeone playing the pani h ... .l .l
a Black i j ust as li kely to face a
~· ~
6. d3 b5
7. ..tb3 d6 set-up with d2-d3, a one of
8. a4 ..td7 White' more ambitiou options. ~
I will not be covering White' and ·~~ ~~~
Black' alternative on move Jl ~ ~: ~

6-8, as I feel that 8 .. JXb and Exercise 1: Black to play
8 ...b4 give White better chances
for an advantage than 8 .....td7, .i ~
and the 6 ... d6 variation ha it
own large body of theory. With
8 .. ...td7 Black doe n' t wi h to .l ...
make any conce sions on the i
queen ide. ln the (almo t) tem ~~
game Pi lnik-Tri funovic, Bueno
Aires 1955, Black met 9.c3 with tD
Ln the not so di tant pa t, varia- the committal 9... a5 and was ~~~
tion of the Ruy Lopez with ul timately outplayed. ~~ ~ \it
d2-d3 were con idered to be It' worth noting that there are a Exercise 2: White to play
completely toothle . However, large number of transpositions in
et-up with d3 (notju t the given thi vari ation , and in the note to Ninth Move Sidelines
the game I have mentioned the White' majn trie agaj n t
variou po ibi litie . 8 .. ...td7 are 9.c3 and 9 ...td2, but
in Sutov ky-Adam , Europ an
Exercises Team hampi on hip 20 I I,
Before continuing with the theo- 9 •..te3 wa played, re ulting in a
retica l material, I wi h to pre ent po iti on in which White had the
a few critica l po iti on a exer- ea ier game and even mi s ed
cise , which de mon trate orne orne chance later on. Bl ack ha
of the key ideas for both side . a impler route to equality with
You can find the olution in the ll ... ba4, opening the b-fil e for
note to the game , but I recom- hi rook.
mend attempting to olve them The move 9. c3 i more com-
fir t. Thi will make it ea ier to mon, but Black can equali ze wi th
a imjlate the analysis and un- 9 ...tLla5 IO...ta2 0-0, a pl ayed in
derstand the midd legame po i- Kryvurochko-Cheparinov. The
Mikhail Koballa tions ari ing from thi line. IO... b4 to Svidler-Carl en ap-

pear even better; while White White succeeded in achieving eded by 9.c3 in popularity, I
obtained a tiny edge in the game, promi ing po ition after9 ... 0-0, u pect White's re ources have
Black ha a number of improve- e.g. in the game Kobalia- not been completely exhau ted
ments and can even gain the Korotylev. However, when Leko yet.
advantage if White play inaccu- introduced 9 ...b4 again t Anand,
rately. It' not urprising that temporarily preventing the de- Conclusion
White' idelines haven ' t re- velopment of the b !-knight, 9.c3 In thi Survey I have ai med to
ceived much attention , a they once again became the main line. comprehensively cover the posi-
are harmle . Navara-Aronian saw White tion after 8 ... ..id7 . ln addition to
attempt to improve on Anand 's collating the ex i ting theory, 1
The Old Line play with 13.d4, even achiev ing have tried to improve on it where
The most popular move in 2007 an advantage before going po ible and ugge t where fu-
wa 9...id2. a tray, but Black hould be able ture developments in thi line are
to equalize with l 3 ... ..ig4 ac- most likely to take place. 9 ...id2
cording to my analy is. In is perhaps due to be revived, a at
Are chenko-Gu taf on I exam- the time of writing Black i hold-
ine White's alternative on move ing hi own in the 9.c3 0-0 varia-
J l and 12, which don ' t cau e tion .
Black any difficulties at all.
Naidit ch-Sanikidze how that
LO.a5 (in tead of I O.c3) i a eri- In Part U of this eries on the
ou try for an advantage, move d2-d3 in the Ruy Lopez
although 17 ... tt:ld5 i an impro- I will put the main line 9.c3
vement over the game. Even 0-0 under the microscope and
though 9 ...id2 has been super- explain the ins and outs.

The (Almost) Stem Game 18.~16 ~16;!;) 13 ... 0-0 14.l:ld1 'fke7 28. 'ilt'e4 tilf4 29.tilf5 +- 'ifd8
9.c3 tt:l a5 15. bd2 (15.lila3 'fkb7! 16 .~g5 l:llb8=) 30.1i'b4 c;f;>g8 31.'ift'dS 'ift'dS 32. dS
15 ...tila5?! [15 ...c4 16.lill1 ~e6 17. e3 8 33. 2 c;f;>e7 34.lilf5
Pilnik,Herman l:lad8=) 1S.tilf1 e4 (16... ~e6 17. ~g5 ! 35. e3 b5 3S. d5 c;t;>es 37.lilf4
Trifunovic,Petar lilc4?1 (17...~c4 18.'ife1 ~b3 19.lile3 4 38. ~d3 tildS 39.g3 <;i;>eS
Buenos Aires 1955 (17) ~c2 20.lilc2;!;) 18.b3 lila5 19.ab5 ab5 40.c;t;>e3 tileS 1·0
1.e4 e5 V.L!f3 tileS 3.~ b5 aS 4. ~a4 20.lile3;!;) 17.ab5 ab5 18. ~g5 ;!; ~eS
tilts 5.0-0 ~e7 S.d3 b5 7.~b3 dS 19.tile3 tile8? [19 ...l:lld8)
8.a4 ~d7 9.e3 lila5?1 1~ 9...0·0
10.l:le1 lila5 11. ~c2 c5 12. bd2 ~c7
13.lill1 b4 14 .~g5 l:llb8 15.til3d2 h6 Ninth Move Sidelines
16.~16 ~16 17.lile3 ~e6 18.c4 ~g5 9 ...1le3
19.lilb3 ~e3 20.fe3 ~- ~ Pilnik·Giigoric,
Buenos Aires 1955 (7)) 10 . ~e2 e5 Sutovsky,Emil
11.d41 [11 .lilbd2 0·0 - 9...0·0 Part II) Adams,Michael
11 ... tileS 12.de5 (12.h3 0·0 13.d5 Porto Carras Ech·M 2011 (4)
(13. ~g5 'fkc7 14.d5 lila5 15.lilbd2 l:llc8 1.e4 e5 2.tilf3 tileS 3 . ~b5 aS 4 .~a4
16.'ife2 b7 17.c4 b4 (Ugrinovic·Siveri, lilts 5.0-0 ~e7 S.d3 b5 7 .~b3 dS
Imperia 1968) 18.l:lle1;l;) 13...lila5 14.b4 8.a4 ~d7 9.~e3 (9.ab5 ab5 10.l:la8
cb4 15.cb4 lilc4 16.tilbd2 lilb6 17.a5 lila4 'i!Va8 11 .lilc3 tila5 (1 1... 'ilt'b8 (Nestorovic·
18. b1 'ifc7 19.~d3 tilh5 20.l:la2 g6 Abramovic, Belgrade 2009) 12.lild5 tild5
21 .l:lc2 'ii'b7 22.~h6 l:llc8= Wang Chen· 20.tild5! ~d5 21 .~e7 'fke7 22.l:ld5 13 .~d5 ().0 14.h3 ~16=) 12.~a2 b4
Zhou Jianchao, Ningbo 2011) 12 ...de5 (22.ed5 16 23.lild4±) 22 ...lile7 23. l:le5 13.lild5 tild5 14 .~d5 c6 15 .~a2 c5
13.'ife2 (13 .~g5!? ~e6 14.ab5 ab5 tileS 24.l:la8 tileS 25.l:lf8 8 16.~g5 b3!? 17 .~b3 b3 18. ~e7 c;f;>e7
15.'ifd8 l:ld8 16.l:la6 lilb8 17.l:la7 h6 2S.tild4 b4? [26 ...'fkd6±) 27.f4 lilgS 19.cb3 l:l b8~ Sion Castro·Biatny, Andorra

Survey RL 13.5

1993; 9.h3 o-o 10.t0c3 (10. ~d2) 10... as 12 .~e3 o-o 13 .~c4 't!fc8 14.aS ~e6 18.eS e8 19. fS! c7 20.lla1
11.~a2 b4 12. dS dS 13.~dS c6 1S.t0d2 ~16 16.c3 ~c4 17.dc4 bc3= tUe6 21 . ~g3 't!fd7 22.'ith a llae8
14.~a2 c5= Brandberg-Andersen, ICCF Palac-Morovic Fernandez, Pula tt 2001] 23.c3 f6 24. e7 't!fe7 2S. ~h4 gS
2010; 9. bd2 0·0 10.lle1 (10.c3) 10... aS 10. · 2 b4 (10 ... cs 11 . dS; 10 ...D-O] 26.ef6 llf6 27 .~g3 llfS 28.lle1 W'f6
11.~a2 c5 12. 11 ba4 (12 ... c6 (Van
Mechelen-Staf, ICCF 2011) 13. e3
14.h3;) 13.t0e3 llb8 14.h3 (Bruzon
11 . e2 cS ~ [11...Q-O 12.t0g3 (12. ~d2
llb8 13.c3 (13. g3 c5 14. h4
1S.t0e4 ~h4 16. d6 ~e6 17.~e6 't!fd6
lle1 32. e1
b4 30. eS
•e6 f4 31 . d7
33. cS 'tlre1
34.lle1 t0fd3 3S. d3 d3 36.lla1
Batista-Bhat, Badalona 2010) 14 ...a3 1S.ba3 18.~a2 ; Dvoiris-Kuporosov, Elista ch-RUS t0b2 37.'itg1 c4 38. ~f2
~e6 16.~e6 fe6 17. ~d2 c6=; 9....e1 1994) 13... bc3 14 .~c3 c5 1S. d2 c6 39.llb1 llf6 40.llb7 'itg6 41. ~d4
0-0 10.~e3 ~e6 11 . bd2 ..d7 12 ....e2 16.aS t0d4 17. c4 ~e6 18.h3 lle8= llf4 42 . ~f2 d2 43.llb6 llf6
J:lfb8 13.~e6 fe6 14.abS abS 1S.d4 ed4 Nestorovic-Pruijssers, Zurich 201 0; 12.c3 44.llb7 llc6 4S . ~e3 e4 46.h3 hS
16.~d4 eS 17.~e3 dB 18.• d3 e6= llb8 13.t0g3 c5 14 .~gS h6 1S .~d2 ~e6 47. 1 g4 48.hg4 hg4 49.aS S
Bartei-Postny, Eilat tt 2012] 9 ... o-o 16.cb4 cb4 17.d4 ~a2 18.lla2 dSI;:t SO.llf7 'ite6 S1.llg7 llc3 S2. ~f4
[9... aS 10 .~ ba4!? 11. ~d2 c5 12 .~aS Hunt·BI!n Artzi, Gibraltar 2012) 12 ... c5 - lla3 S3.llg4 5 S4.ll h4 llaS
'i'aS 13.t0c3 ..b4 14.'t!fd2 0·0= Sabadell 11 ... cS] 12. d2!? [12. g3 0·0 13. h4 SS. ~e3 lla2 S6.g4 'ite6 S7.llh6
I Ximenes-Michael, ICCF 2011] 10.h3 (13 .~gs h6 14 .~d2 c6 1S.lle1 llb8 S8.llb6 aS S9.gS g3 60.'itg1
aS 11 .~a2 cS [11 ...ba4!N 12. c3 16.~c4 aS 17. 11 fS 61. ~f4 c;;g7 62. ~es \Ph7
(1 2 .~d2 c5 13.~as aS=) 12... llb8 Hort-Xie Jun. Copenhagen 1997; 13. 63.g6 'ith6 64.g7 'ith7 6S.ll b8 g7
13...c1 c5=] 12.abS [12. c3 b4 ~g4 1H!t'e1 ~e6 1S. c4 66.ll b7 ~g6 67.llg7 s 68 .~d6

.' .,.i.
(12... ba41?) 13. dS dS 14 .~dS ~c6 Meszaros-Palecek, Brezova 201 0) - d4 69. 1 'ite4 70.'ite1 a4 71.llg3
1S .~c6 c6 16.t0d2 dS 17. b3 de4 Exercise 1 d3 72.'itd1 a3 73.llg4 3 74.lla4
18.de4 c4 19. d2 aS (19 ...c3!? 20.bc3 lla1 7S.\Pd2 a2 76 . ~es llh1
bc3 21 . c4=) 20. 13; Volokitin-Postny, 77.'itd3= lld1 78.'itc2 lldS 79 . ~c3
Istanbul ol 2012] 12 ... abS 13.t0c3 b4 tv lld8 80.lla2
[13... c4 14.d4 b4 1S.deS bc3 16.ef6 ~16 .t.tiii
17.bc3 ~c6=] 14.tUdS lUdS 1S. ~d5
~c6 16 . ~c6 tUc6 17. d2 lla1
18 .• a1 '\!faa 19. c4 [19.W'd1 '*'b7
20.• g4 lla8=] 19 ..... b7 20.• d1 dB
.,.~ · ' '~
21.t4; dS 22. eS f6 23.tUf3 de4 ~
f7 26 .~f2
24.de4 W'e4 2S.lle1
[26.~d4 14 27.lle7 't!fd6!=] 26 ... 't!fb7
27 .• e2 ~d6 28.'iWc4 llc8 29.t0d2 ~ - ~
h6?! [~ 29 ...'ith8] 30. f3?! [30. e4
c;;ha 31 ...,e6! ~18 32.'ith1±J 30 .. .'t!fc6 13... b3! (13... e4 14.de4 ~h4 1S.'t!fd6
31 .lle6 [31 .t0h4!] 31 ... W'd7 32.'i!fdS W'e7 (15 ...b3? 16.cb3 -.e7 17.lld1 ~g4
J:ld8 33.lle4 ~f8 3H Wd7 lld7 18.'t!fe7 ~e7 19.tUIS ~15 20.ef5± Ni
3S.lle8 d6 36.lla8 17-17 Hua-Johannessen, Dresden ol 2008) 80 ... c;.Pe4 81 .lla4 s 82 .~d4 lld7
16. b6 (16.lld1 !?) 16... c6 17 .~e3 d4 83.c;.Pd3 lld8 84.llaS c;.Pt4 8S.lla6
18 .~d4 cd4 19. ~dS llac8 20.'t!fa6 llc2 c;.PgS 86.c;.Pe4 ll b8 87.lla7 llb4
21 .aS ~e6'i" Guseinov-Thipsay, Moscow 88.llg7 c;.Ph4 89.llg8 lla4 90.'iteS
2004; 13...g6 14 .~h6 lle8 1S .~d2 ! (Leko· c;.Ph3 91 . ~e3 ll b4 92.c;.PfS lla4
More Common Kramnik, Miskolc m-6 rapid 2007) 1S... llb8 93 .~f4 lla3 94 . ~d6 lla4? [94 ... llb3;
9.ltlc3 16.t013 W'c7= t::. 17. gS c4) 14.cb3 94 ...llc3; 94 ... lld3; 94 ... lle3; 94 ... ll13;
(14. ~b3 t0b3 1S.cb3 ~g4 16.13 ~e6 94 ... lla5; 94 ...lla7] 9S.ll g3! c;.Ph4
Carlsen,Magnus 17. hiS llb8'i") 14... c6 1S.b4 b4 96.llg2? [96.llb3+-] 96 ... c;.PhS?
Svidler,Peter 16.~c4 e4!N (16... c6 17.tUhfS d4 [96 ...llaS!=] 97.llg8+- c;.Ph6 98 . ~es
Moscow W ch blitz 2010 (30) 18. d4 ed4 19 .~gs; Erenburg-Kaufman , lla7 99.llg1 1-0
1.e4 eS 2. f3 tUc6 3 . ~bS a6 4 . ~a4 ICC 2011) 17.de4 ~h4 18.'t!fd6 c2
f6 S.0-0 ~e7 6.d3 bS 7 . ~ b3 d6 19.llb1 ~e6 20.'\!fda lladB 21.~e6 fe6'i"]
8.a4 ~d7 9. c3 aS [9... b4 10. dS 12 ...~e6 [12 ... 0·0 13.14] 13.f4 [13 .~e6 Kryvoruchko,Yuriy
(1 0. e2 tUaS (1 0...0·0 11 . g3 aS fe6 14.14 b6 (14 ... el4? 1S. 14 't!fd7 Cheparinov,lvan
(11... ~g4 12 .~e3) 12 .~a2 c5- 9... aS) 16.'t!fl3 c6 17. h3 d4 18.c3±) 1S.feS Khanty·Mansiysk 2009 (13)
11. ~a2 - 9... tUaS) 10... dS (10 ... tUaS!? deS 16. 13 c4 17.'ith1 g4 18.d4 0-0;:t] 1.e4 eS 2.t0f3 c6 3 . ~ bS a6 4 .~a4
11 . b4 cS 12.t0a2 b3 13.cb3 0·0!1!1 13 ...~a2 14.lla2 0-0 1S. f3 t0c6 f6 S.0-0 ~e7 6.d3 b5 7. ~ b3 d6
Morais-Pinho, ICCF 2010) 11.~dS llb8 16. g3 ef4 17. ~f4 d5?! [~ 17...g6=] 8.a4 ~d7 9. c3 aS 1 O . ~a2 0-0
[10 ...b4 11.l0d5!? l0d5 12 .~d5 (12.ed5 29. tt'e3 'i!t'b7 30.f3 ~d5 31 . ~d5 [10.l0c3 l0a5 11. ~a2 - 9.l0c3; 10. a3
0-0 13.%:le1 c5! 14.dc6 c6 15.d4 ~g4=) tt'd5 ~g4 11 .c3 b4 12.l0c4 %:b8 13.%:b1 h6
12... c6 13.~a2 c5 14 .~d5 (14. ~e3 b3! 14.h3 ~e6 15.%:le1 %:reB 16.a5= Saltaev·
15 .~b3 b3 16.cb3 %:b8= Jaderholm- Yuldashev, Ashkhabad 1996; 1O.h3 h6
Begliy, ICCF 2010) 14... %:b8 (~ 14... ~c6 (1o.. :it'b8 11 . c3 tOa5 12. d5 tOd5
15.~c6 c6 16.l0d2 0-Q=) 15.l0d2 0-0 13. ~d5 b7 14.~g5 ~g5 15.l0g5 ~e8
16.l0c4 l0c4 17 .~c4 'itcB 18.14 ef4 16.14 h6 17.t013 c6 18. ~a2 el4 19.l0h4
19.~14 ~e6= Movsesian-Tomashevsky, ~d7 20.l0g6 : ea 21 . 14 tOdB 22.'ilt'f3i
Eilat tt 2012] 11. ~d2 (11 .'ite1 b4 Naiditsch·Bindrich, Deizisau 2011 ; 10... b4
(Morcin-Nemec, Internet 2010) 12.l0d5 11 .c3; 11 .%:le1 W'eB 12.c3) 11 .ab5 (11 .%:le1
l0d5 13.ed5 c5=; 11 .ab5 ab5 12 .~g5 b4 12.a5 %:b8 13 .~a4 : ea 14 .~e3 ~18
(12.l0e2 c5 13.l0g3 (Chiari-Cuellar, Cali 15. bd2 l0e7 16.~b3 c5 17.c3 c6
2011 ) 13... h6 14 ~d2 c6=; 12 . ~e3 b4 18. c4 ~e6 19.~a4 1/c7 20.t0b6 bc3
(12...c6? 13.b4 b7 (Andrucis-Sternik, 21 .bc3 %:ed8 22.~c6 'ilt'c6 23.d4 cd4
FIGGS 2011 ) 14.h3;!;) 13.l0d5 l0d5 24.cd4 "it'e4oo Kasimdzhanov-Kamsky,
14 .~d5 (14.ed5 b3!) 14... c6 15.~a2 'i!t'bB 32.%:la1? : aa? ! (32 ... : ca 33.'i!t'l2 Mainz 2010) 11 ... ab5 12.%:la8 W aS 13.t0c3
16.l0d2 : as 17.h3 (17.14 ef4 18.~14 e4!+] 33. %:la7 %:a7 34.W a7 Wg8 l0a5 14.l0d5 l0d5 15 .~d5 c6 16.~a2
~16= ; 17.Wh5 'ii'a8 18.%:ac1 b3!? 19. ~3 35.l0g3 W c6 'f 36."tli'f2 f6 37.c3 d5 l0b7 17...Wa1 tOeS 18.b4 ~e6 (18... l0e6=)
l0b3 20.l0b3 15~) 17...'ii'a8 18.c3 bc3 38.l0e2 ~d6 39."it'a7 ~c7 40. 1 19 .~e6 e6= Chuprov-Gajewski, Pardu·
19.bc3 d5= Sanchez-Silva, ICCF 2011) l0d8 41. c1 ~ b6 42.'i!t'b8 W c7 bice 2008] 1o...ab5 11 . c3
12...c5 (12...b4 13 .~16 ~16 14.l0d5 c6?! 43. 'tlfa8 b7 44.Wa2 l0e6 45.c4
15. b4 %:la7 16.c3;!; Chouraqui-Beskov, dc4 46.dc4 bc4 47.1fc4 tt'd7
ICCF 2006) 13.l0d5 l0c6 14.l0e7?! 48.t0d3 Wh8 49. ~c3 l0c7 50. ~e1
~ :i ...
( 14 .~16) 14... 'ii'e7 15.h3 h6 16 .~h4 l0b4 ~d4 51. ~f2 lObS 52.~ d4 l0d4 .t..ti..t..t..l
17.~b3 %:a1 18.'ii'a1 ~e6 19 .~e6 ..We6 53.l0c5 W f5 54. tt'd3 • f4 55.l0b3 ~.~. ~
20.'i+'d1 h5!'f Bajarani-Bindrich, Chotowa l0f5 56. d2 'Wb4 57.1!t'f5 W d2
Wch-jr 2010; 11.~e3 b4 (11 ...c5 12.ab5 58. 'ii'c8 Wh7 59.Wt5 w ga 60.'tlfc8
.t. .t.
ab5 13. d5;!;) 12.l0d5 l0d5 13. ~d5 c6 7 61.1!t'b7 w ta 62 ....a8 ~f7 ~
14.~a2 ~g4 (14 ... b3!? 15.cb3 %:b8 16.d4 63."it"b7 ~fa 64."it"a8 <j;e7 65."tli'g8 ~ l2J ~ l2J
ed4 17.l0d4oo) 15.h3 (15.d4 ed4 16.'itd4 't!t'd1 66. 2 'ii'c2 67. 1 1tb1 ~~. ~ ~ ~
b3 17.cb3 c5 18.'i!t'd3 ~13 19.gf3 l0c6=)
15... ~13 16.'iff3 %:b8 17. ~c4 • cs
68. ~f2 'i+'c2 69. 1 't!t'g6 70 . ~f2
'ilt'f7 71 ."it'h8 tra2 72. Wg3 fj;f7 n 'if J:r ~
18.W e2 Wb7 19. ~d2 c4 20.dc4 %:feB 73."tli'c8 Wa4 74 ...Wb7 Wg6 75.h4
21 .b3 d5= Safarli-lordachescu, Nakhchivan "it'f4 76.Wh3 'tiffS 77.g4 'tlfd3 11... a5 [11 ... %:b8 12.h3 1/cB 13.~g5
2012] 11...h6 (11 ...b4 12.l0e2 (Dvoiris- 78.Wg3 h5 79.gh5 Wh6 80. t7 l0b4 14."it'e2 h6 15.~d2 ~e6 16.d4 ~b3
Kuporosov, Elista ch-RUS 1994) 12... c5 W f5 81 .'tlfe8 Wh7 82.Wg2 't!fc2 17.cb3 "tWeB 18.%:ac1 ~dB 19.d5;!;
13.l0g3 l0c6 14.c3 %:b8=; 11 ...c5 12.l0d5 83.Wg3 W b1 84.Wg2 't!fd3 85.Wg3 N.Kosintseva-Shen Yang, Nizhnij Novgorod
c6 (12 ... l0d5 13.~d5 l0c6 14.ab5 ab5 "it'c2 86.Wh3 "it't5 87.Wg2 'i!t'b1 RUS-CHN 2007 (3); 11 ...l0d4!? 12. d4
15.%:a8 W aS 16.b4 cb4 17. ~ "tli'a7 88. 2 • c2 ~-~ %:a1 (12... ed4 13. e2 c5 14. 14
18.~d2 ~16 19....aa Lie-Kovachev, ( 14 .~g5 ! ?) 14...~c6 15. e2 't!fd7 16.c3
Gausdal 2008) 13.c3 (13.ab5!? ab5 14.c3;!;) dc3 17.bc3 %:a1 (17...c4 !?) 18.%:la1 : as
13...ba41 14.l016?! (14. e7 l0e7! 15 .~g5 19.%:la8 ~as 20.~c a) 13....a1 ed4
l0g6=) 14... ~16 15.~d5 %:b8 16.%:la4 l0e7 14. e2 c5 15 .~g5 d5 (15 ... "tli'c7 16 .~16
17.%:la2 l0d5 18.ed5 ~15'f Hernandez The Old Line ~16 17 .~d5 ;!; ; 15 ...l0g4 16.~d2 '*i'cB
Guerrero-Bindrich, Khanty-Mansiysk ol 9 .~ d2 17.'i+'a2i) 16 .~d5 ~g5 17. a6 't!fc7
2010] 12.%:le1 %:e8 13. d5 (13.ab5 ab5 18.14 ~h4 19.g3 ~16 20.b3 %:reS 21 .%:la1
14.b4 15. b5 l0b4 16 .~17 coW Kobalia,Mikhail g6 22.Wf2 Wg7 23.l0g1 ~e7 24. 13 %:b8
17.%:la8 W as 18.l0c7 'i+'a4 19.l0e8 ~eB=] Korotylev,Aiexey 25.h4;!; Rodshtein-Gustalsson, Khanty-
13.-.lOdS 14.ed5! (14 .~d5 c6 15.~a2 Krasnoiarsk 2007 (10) Mansiysk 2007; 11 ... %:a1 12. a1 WbB
l0b7=] 14... l0b7 15.ab5 ab5 16.b4 1.e4 e5 2.l0f3 c6 3.~b5 a6 4.~a4 13.l0d5 l0d5 14 .~d5 l0d8 (14... ~16 15.h3
~16 17.~c3 c5 18.dc6 ~c6 l0f6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.d3 b5 7 .~ b3 d6 l0e7 16.~b3 "it'aB 17.l0g5 ~g5 18.~g5
• 19.~b3ti= 'i+'c7 20. %:la8 (20. d2!?] 8.a4 ~d7 9 . ~d2 0-0 (9 ... b4!; 9... ~g4? ! l0c6 19.c3 ~e6 20.~e6 fe6 21 .'tWd1 h6
20 ... : aa 21 . ~b2 lOdB 22.l0d2 l0e6 10.c3 0-0 11 .h3 ~d7 12.~a2 (12.ab5 ab5 22 .~c1 "tWa4 23.'i!t'g4 %:16 2H!t"h5 i+'aB
23.t0e4 ~e7 24.W g4 tt'd7= 25. g3 13.t0a3;!;) 12... h6 13.b4 : ea 14.l0a3 • ba 25 .~e3;!; Galkin-lvanchuk, Khanty-Mansiysk
~f8 [25 ... WIB 26.l015 ~16=] 26.l0h5 15.l0c2;!; T.Kosintseva-Shen Yang, Nizhnij 2007) 15 .~e3 c6 16.~b3 e6 17.1!t'a2
WhB 27.h3 : ca 28.'it'g3 : ea Novgorod RUS-CHN 2007 (7)] 1 O.ab5 (17.c3 "it'b7 18.d4 : as 19."*'d1 ed4

Survey RL 13. 5

20.cd4 ti::.fS 2t .h3 c5 22.dcS deS 23...Q.dS 34.gf5 : a7 3S.: d6 ..Q.t4 36.: da g6 (17. bd2) t7 ... deS c4=) t6.'it'f3
~c6 24. eS ..Q.dS 2S.edS ..Q.d6 37. 3 3B.tg6 w gs 39.: ga b3 t7.:a2 g4= tS. d2 bc3 t9.bc3
~g6= Efimenko-Bacrot, Germany Bundes- h7 40.: ca Wg6 41 .: cs f6 tl:le3 (~ t9 .....Q.f6=) 20.'tlt'e3 ..Q.f6 21. 13
liga 2007/0S) t7... cS tS...Q.cs deS t9.h3 42.Wg3 Wh5 43 ...Q.e6 ..Q.h4 44.Wg2 : es 22.:bt cS (Carlsen-Svidler, Gjovik
g6 20.:at Wg7 21. a7 -..d6 22. b6 Wg6 45. J:lc8 46.Wg3 ..Q.d2 2009) 23.: ab2 c4 24.dS;t] 14...Q.f1 c5!
'fdkovenko-Aronian, Khanty-Mansiysk 2007] 47 ...Q.f5 ~g7 48.Wg4 J:le7 49.h4 15.cb4 [tS.deS deS t6. eS ..Q.e6g?j
12.ll ld5 tt:\d5 13...Q.d5 c6 [t3 ... tl:lc6 ..Q.e1 50.f3 51 .: cs 7 52. ~ h5 15 ...cb4 (Exercise 2]
t4.J:laS 'it'aB tS.c3;t; tS.d4!?] 14...Q.a2 ..Q.d2 53. J:lc2 ..Q.e3 54. J:le2 ..Q.c1
<tlb7 (t4 .. :*'c7 tS.h3 (tS. gS ss.: g2 : c7 56 ...Q.g6 w e6 57.: a2
t6 ..1lg5 c5 t7.f4!) tS ... h6 t6. h2 tl:lb7 : g7 58.J:la5 ..Q.e3 59 . ~f5 We7
g~ g ...
tHit'hS : a4 ts.:tet cS t9 ...Q.h6 ..Q.f6 60.: a3 ..Q.d2 61 .: a7 Wf8 62.J:la6 .t.t~~~
20.b3 : as 2t.b4 gh6 22.bcs 'Wa71
23.'it'h6 ..ig7 24. d6 ..Q.e6= Dietrich-Kahl,
We7 63 ...Q.e6 ..Q.f4 64 ...Q.f5 .lle3
65 ...Q.g4 ..Q.d2 66.: a7 8 67.J:la8
~ ..
Internet 200S; t4 ... cS tS ...Q.d5 tl:lc6 t6.:as We7 68 ...Q.f5 ..Q.c1 69 ...Q.g6 ..Q.e3
(t6.c31? : at t7.'it'at WhS t S.b4!) 70.: as ..Q.d2 71.: ts ..Q.c1 72.f4 : ga ~~
t6 ...'i!faB t7.c3 (t7.b4 cb4 tB ...Q.b4 1fa7 73.Wh6 : ha 74 ...Q.h7 : da 7S.w g7 ttJ
t9.~d2 .1116 20. at 1fc7 21.'i!ra6 tl:le7 : d3 76.h5 J:lf3 77.h6 1-0
~ ~~~
22 ..1lb3 .llc6= Lie-Kovachev, Gausdal 200S)
t7... ~f6 t8.'it'b3 (tS.b4!?; tS. gS h6 ~ ~~
t9. 17 J:lf7 20.'it'b3 'it'eS 2t ...Q.f7 '1it'f7
22.1fbS ) tB ... 'it'a4! t9. a4 ba4 20.J:lat Navara,David 16...Q.g5! [t6.deS deS ..Q.e6
11...e7 2t ...Q.c4 J:lbB= Predojevic-Rapport, Aronian,Levon ts ...Q.t4 b3 t at f ] 16... h6
Hungary tt 20t0/tt] 15.b4 llo>h8 Khanty-Mansiysk ol 2010 (10) 17 ...Q.h4 ed4 [tB.ti::.d41? tl:lc6
(15 ... ~g4? 1 t6.h3 ..Q.hS t7.-..e2! ] 16.c4 1.e4 e5 2. f3 c6 3...Q.b5 a6 4...Q.a4 ..Q.fS 20.efS IS (20 ...d5 21.'tlt'd3
[t 6.'it'e2 ts t7 ...Q.b3 ..it6 ts.: as • as tl:lf6 5.0-0 ..Q.e7 6.d3 bS 7 ...Q.b3 d6 1fd7 22. d2 aS 23.:ac t;t) 21. d2! d5;t] 16... bc4 [t6 ...c5 17.cbS .llbS 8.a4 ..Q.d7 9...Q.d2 b4! 10.c3 [to.:et 22 ...Q.a61? (22 ...Q.g3 : as 23.:ct J:ltcs
tB ..IldSI : at (t8 ... ..Q.d3 t9 ...Q.b7 : at 0-0 t1...Q.e3 aS t2 ...Q.a2 cS t3. bd2 24.: c6 : c6 2S.J:le7 'tlt'c2 ) 22... e4
20.1fat ..Q.ft 21.'i!fft cb4 22.'Wc4 W'b6 '*'c8 t4. c4 c4 tS...Q.c4 ..Q.e6= Pardo 23 ...Q.e7 'Wf2 24.Wht Ci.,e7 25.tLJe4 de4
23..1ldS±) t9.'it'at 'Wb6 20. bt;t] Simon-Biazeka, Kemeri 2009; tO.h3 0-0 26.J:le4;t] 18... g5 19.e5? [t 9..1lg3 hS
17..1lc4 ..Q.g4 (17 ... : at ts. at ..Q.g4 tt.c3; tt .:et (Rohde-Tonne, Internet 200S) 20.eS! ( deS 21.'tlt'hS : b61=)
(tS .. .fS!? t9 ....a6 '*'c7 20.J:lct ;t) t9 ....a7! tt...: bs; tt ...Q.e3 tl:la5 t2 ...Q.a2 b3 (t2 ...c5 20... tl:lg3 2t .hg3 : es (21... J:ldS?! 22.:ct
~13 (Kobalia-G.Giorgadze, Spain tt 2007) ..Q.e6 t4 ...Q.e6 fe6 tS.c3 J:lbS 'tlt'b7 23.ed6 ..Q.d6 24.ti::.e4 ..Q.e7 2S. fgSII
20.'i!fb7! ..Q.gS (20... dS 2t .edS ..Q.dS t6. e2=) t3 ...Q.b3 (t3.cb3 J:lbSg?) hgS 26.: csl±; 2t ... deS 22.tZJes : b6
22...Q.ds cdS 23.: ct±) 2t ...Q.e3 dS t3 t4.cb3 : bs c5g?] 23...Q.d3!) 22.ed6 ..Q.d6 ..Q.e7
(21.....Q.e3 22.fe3 dS 23...Q.a6 ..Q.e2 24.J:lf2 1o...o-o [to ... bc3?! tt .bc3;t; to ... : b8 24.: ct 'WdS 2S. eS! : b6 26. d7
~h5 2s:*'c6 de4 26.'We4±; 21.....Q.e2 tt ...Q.c4 (tt .: et 0-0) t1...'it'c8 ( (26 ...Q.d31?) 26 ... 'Wd7 27. cs ..Q.cS 2s.:es
22.J:let ..Q.e3 23.fe3 d5 24 ...Q.d5±) 22 ..1lc5! t2 ...Q.b5) t2.cb4!N (t2.: et 0-0) t2 ... tl:lb4 'it'eS 29.:cS tl:lb7 30.:dS;t] 19... gh4
(22.gf3 ..Q.e3 23.fe3 '1it'gS 24.Wht dc4 t3.'llt'b3 dS t4.edS bd5 tS.'1it'a2;t] 20.ef6 ..Q.f6 21 . e4 ..Q.g7
2S.dc4 'i!fe3=; 22.edS ..Q.e3 23.fe3 ..Q.dS=) 11.: e1 [tt.cb4 J:lb8 t2.bS (t2.Wet ..Q.g4 '1it' d8 ! ~ 23.g3 (23.'1it'hS tLJb3 24. J:ladt
22... J:leS (22... ..Q.f4 23...Q.e7 'i!fcS (23 .. :twas t3 ...Q.dt dS!1) t2 ... abS t3.abS J:lbS=] cS 2S. d6 'tlt'gS 26.'tlt'gS hgS 27. hiS
24.1faB : as 25.gf3 dc4 26.dc4 : a2 11 ...: ba [tt...'1it'cS!? t::. t2.a5 (~ t2.d4) ..Q.f6f] 23 •..J:lb6 24 ...Q.d3 (24. g21?
27.: dt+-) 24 ....c8 : cB 2S.gf3 dc4 t2 .....Q.e6] 12 ...Q.c4 13.d4 [t3.h3 J:les 2S. 14] 24 ...: ea 25.,..f3 : es
26.dc4±) 23 ...Q.b3 ..Q.e2 24.:at ..Q.d3 ..Q.e6 (t3... h6!?) t4 ...Q.e6 e6 tS.d4 26.'tlt'f4 ..Q.e6 27.J:lad1 J:lc6 (27... b3!
25.ed5 cdS 26...Q.dS±] 18.J:la8 [tB.'tlt'e2!? (tS.c41? d7 t6 ...Q.e3 IS t7.efS 'it'fS 2s. t3 : ts 29:tlt'h4 h4 30. h4 : as
J:lat (tS... fS t9 ...Q.e6;t) t9.: at dS t8. '11t'e2=) tS ... ed4 tl:ld4 t7.cd4 dS 3t . d2 d2 32.J:ld2 J:la4+] 28. f3
20..1lb3;t/=] 18...'iraa 19.h3 ..Q.h5 (17 ...cs tS...Q.f4 tl:ld7 'tlt'f6 J:lfS 29.'1it'h4 b7 30 ....d8 dB
[t9 .....id7 20. g5 tl:ldS 2t .'tlt'b3 20. g4) tB.edS (tB.eS d7 t9 ...Q.e3 cS 31 ...Q.e2 : ds 32.b3 w ta 33. ed2?
(2t .,..hSI? 22 ...Q.g5 d5 23.edS cds 20.dc5 ..Q.cs 2t . d2 ..Q.e3 22.:e3 d4) (33 ...Q.c4! J:la5 34. d4 ..id4 3S.:d4 ..Q.c4
24 ...Q.b3!) 21...fS 22.:ca] 20.g4 ..Q.g6 tB ...'tlt'd7 t9.'it'e21? (t9 ...Q.g5= Anand-Leko, 36.bc4 tl:le6+] 33 ...d3-+ 34 ...Q.f1 : c3
21.'i!fa1 ! J:lb8 (21...'tlt'c8 22. a7 hS Wijk aan Zee 200S) t9 ... : teS 20.'tlt'a6 35.: e3 b7 36. c4 : b3 37. fd2
23...Q.a6 hg4 24. h2 gh3 2S.'tlt'b7+- l 'Wd5 21...Q.e3! (2t .'Wd3 cSf; 21...J:lbdS) : c3 38 ...Q.g2 ..Q.d4 39.: e4 cS
22.:b1 ti::.d8 23.'it'a8 J:la8 24.b5! 21... e4 22.13 tl:ld6f ] 13... aS 40. J:lh4 ..Q.f6 41 . ~d5 ..Q.d5 42.: h6
cbS [24 ... : b8 2S.b6±] 25.J:lb5± h6 [t3 ... ..Q.g4 t4 ...Q.e3 (t4.d5 tl:la5 tS ..Ilft <;Pg7 43. e3 ..Q.e6 44.: hs b3
26.J:lb6 Wh7 27.Wg2 : a4 28 ...Q.d5 cSI=) t4... as (t4 ... bc3 tS.bc3 tl:la5 ..Q.ds 46.: ds b2 47. b1
J:la3 29.d4 ed4 30. d4 tl:le6 31. f5 t6 ...Q.d3 b3 t 7.J:la2 ed4 tS.cd4 cS ~) J:lc1 48.J:lf1 a4 49.: d6 c3 32 ...Q.e6 ..Q.d2 33 ...Q.d5 ..Q.f5 tS..Ild3 ..Q.t3 (tS ... bc3 t6.bc3 cS t7.deS 50. d2 e4 0-1

Areschenko,Aiexander ti:)b4 18.'ifd2oo) 16... ~h3!? (16 ...~16 13.ed5 ti:)d5 14 .~c6 ~c6 15.ti:)e5 ~8'i';
Gustafsson,Jan 17.de5 e5 18.ti:)e5 ~e5oo) 17.gh3 ti:)h3 11.~e3 'i!fc8 {11...ti:)g4!? 12 .~d2 ti:)l6=;
P1ovdiv Ech plot 2008 (1) 18.<.ti?h2 t;:)f2 19..-e2 'i!fh3 20.<iPg1 1fg3 11...Wh8 12.h3 ~ea 13.ti:)bd2 h6 14.ti:)c4
1.e4 eS 2.t;:)f3 t;:)c6 3.~b5 a6 4. · 4 21.Wt1 ti:)g4 22.'i!fg2 'it'l4 23.<li'g1 ti:)e3 ti:)h7 15.d4 15 16.el5 {16.de5 le4 17.ti:)d4
t;:)f6 5.0.0 ~e7 6.d3 b5 7.~b3 d6 24."i!fh2 'i!fh2 25.<li>h2 t;:)c2 26.de5 deS ti:)d4 18.'it'd4 d5 19.ti:)d2~) 16... e4 17.ti:)h2
8.a4 ~d7 9.~d2 b4! 1O.c3 0.0 27.~a6 l:tld8+="] 11 ...l:tb8 12. ~c4 d5 18.ti:)e5 l%15 (Pogonina-Zhao Xue. St
11 .h3 [11.l:te1 l:tb8 12.h3 bc3!? (12... .-ca [12.l:te1] 12...'iVc8 13.a5 [13.l:te1] Petersburg RUS-CHN 2012) 19.ti:)hg4 ti:)e5
13.a5; 13.d4 ~h3 14.gh3 bc3 15.~c3 'ifh3 13...~e6 14.l:te1 h6 [14 ... l:td8 15.l:ta4?1 20.ti:)e5~) 12.h3 ~e6 13.ti:)bd2 ~b3
16.ti:)bd2 ti:)g4 17.d5 ti:)d4 18.~c4 t;:)f2 ( 15.~e6 ..e6 16.c4'i'/=) 15 ...d5! 16.ed5 (13... h6=) 14.ti:)b3 d5 (14...'i!fe6!? 15.l:te1
Jensen-Douglas, ICCF 2010; 12 ... ti:)h5 ~d5 17.ti:)e5 ( 17.~d5 l:td5 18.d4 ed4 l:tld8 16.d4 d5=) 15 . ~g5 l:td8 16.~16 ~16
13.~c4 (13.d4 bc3 14.~c3 ed4 15.ti:)d4 19.cd4 'it'd?+) 17...ti:)e5 18.l:te5 ~c4 17.ti:)ld2 de4 18.ti:)e4 ~e7 19.'i!fl3 'i!fe6=
t;:)l4=) 13... (13... as 14.d4 bc3 15 . bc3~) 19.dc4 bc3 20.ti:)c3 l:tb2'i'] 15.l:ta4 Nepomniachtchi-Korotylev, Moscow 2009]
14.cb4 ti:)b4 15.ti:)c3=) 13.~c3 (13.bc3 [15.'l!+'b3 bc3 16.'iVc3 ~h3! 17.gh3 'i!fh3'i'] 11...l:tb8 12.h3 [1 2.~c4 c8 13.l:te1
5 'it'c8 15.ti:)a3 ~e6=) 15...~c4 16.dc4 bc3 17.~c3 ti:)d8! ~e6 14.'it'a4 ~c4 15.dc4 b7 16.b3 bc3
13... ti:)h5! (13... ti:)b4 14.d4 ( 14.~c4 c6!?oo) 18.b4 ti:)e6 19.ti:)bd2 cS'i' 20.b5! ? 17.ti:)c3 ti:)b4'i' 18.l:teb1 ?! (Saltaev-
14... ed4 15.ti:)d4 ( 15.~d4 ! ? ~e6 abS 21.cb5 l:tbS 22.a6 'it'c6 23.'it'a1 Michalczak, Dortmund 201 1) 18 ...ti:)d3
16.t;:)bd2oo) 15... d5!? (15 ...c5 16.ti:)l3 ~c6 l:ta8+ 24.a7 19.ti:)d5 ~dB+] 12... 'i!fc8 13.J:te1 bc3
(16 ... ti:)h5 17.e5 ~e6 18 . ~e6 leG 19.ed6 14.bc3 ~e6 15.~e6 'it'e6 16 . ~a4
~d6 20.ti:)bd2~) 17.ti:)bd2 d5 (17...ti:)h5!?
18.ti:)e5 deS 19.'it'h5 ~16 20.'it'e2oo)
18.ed5 (1B.ti:)e5 ~8 19.ed5 ti:)bd5 20..-c2 :i i: ~
.S. i i i
t;:)c3 21 .bc3 'it'c7 22.'l!+'l5 (22.l:tab1
l:tbe8oo) 22 ... ~d6 23.~c2 'it'c8oo)
18... ti:)ld5 (18 ... ~d5 19 . ti:)e5~; 18... ti:)bd5
19.~e5 l:tb7 20.~g3 ~) 19.~e5 ( 19.~c4
' '
~ · 'W~

~16 20 .~e5~) 19 ... l:tb7 (19 ...l:tc8 20.ti:)c4 'if ~

n ea 21.~g3~l 20.t;:)e4 l:td7 (20... w ha ~~ ltJ ~
21.~g3 16 22.l:tc1 l:td7 23.'l!+'e2 'it'a5
.t ~~
24.l:tcda) 21 .'ll+'e2 <li'h8!? 22.l:taca)
16.e5 (16.ed5 t;:)bd5 (16... ti:)ld5= 17.~
J:[ ltj .: ~
ti:)b4 18.ti:)c3oo) 17.ti:)l3 ti:)c3 18.ti:)c3 ~d6 24 ... ~d8 [24 ... l:tb7!] 2S.ti:)c4 ~c7
19.'it'c2oo; 16.ti:)d2 c5 17.~b4 de4! 18.ti:)c2 26.l:ta6 'it'b7 27.ti:)fd2 ti:)d4 16 ... d5 17.ed5 'it'dS [17... d5 18.'iifc4
cb4 19.t;:)e4 t;:)e4 20.l:te4 ~16) 16... ti:)e4 28.'it'a4?! [28.l:ta2'i'] 28 ... ti:)d7 (18.ti:)d4 ti:)d4 19.cd4 ~b4! 20.l:te5
17.e6 (17.ti:)d2 ti:)cS; 17.~d5? ! ti:)f2+) [28... d5!] 29.'it'a2 ti:)b6 30.ti:)b6 l:tb6 'i!fd6'i') 18 ...ti:)l4! 19.'tl'e6 ti:)e6 20.ti:)e5
17...~e6 18.ti:)d2 (18.ti:)e6 leG 19.l:te4 de4 31 .l:ta4 ti:)bS 32.~a5 'it'a7-+ ti:)e5 21 .l:te5 ~16=] 18 . c4 [ 18. ~g5 ti:)d7
20.'it'g4 ~16+) 18... ti:)c3 19.bc3 ti:)d3 33.'it'c4 l:ta6 34.'it'b5 n as 35.l:ta5 19 .~e7 ti:)e7 20.d4 c6 21.ti:)bd2 ed4
20.l:te3 (20.l:te6 leG 21 . 6 'it'd? 22.ti:)l8 'it'as 36.'it'd3 c4 [36 ... 'it'b4!] 37.'i!fc2 22.ti:)d4 ti:)d4 23.'tl'd4 ti)l6 24.ti)e4
l%18=) 20... ti:)14 (20... t;:)c5 21.ti:)c6 'i!fd6 ~b6 38.l:tc1 ~d4 39.ti:)c4 'iVcS+ (24.'i!fd5!? ti:)dS 25 . ti)e4 ~) 24...'ir'd4
22.ti:)b8 ~g5 23.l:te2 l:tb8 24 .~c2=) 40.'i!fe2 l:ta1 [~ 40... 15] 41.l:ta1 ~a1 25.cd4 ti:)e4 26.J:Ie4 J:lb5 27.llc1 l:ta5
21.ti:)c6 'it'd6 22.ti:)b8 l:t b8~) 14.~c4 42.ti:)e3 ~d4 43.ti:)f5 'ifc1 44. ~h2 28.l:tc7 l:td5 29.13 g6~ Kobalia-Harikrishna,
(14.d4 ed4 15.t;:)d4 ti:)d4 16 .~d4 ~16! 'i!ff4 45.Wg1 ~cS 'i' 46.g3 'i!fc1 Kallithea tt 2008] 18...'ir'd6 19.ti)c3
17.~16 'it'l6 18.ti:)c3 ti:)l4 19.l:te3 ~e6'i') 47.Wg2 g6 48.ti:)e7 8 49.ti:)d5 ti)b4 [1 9...l:tlc8!?+="; 19... l:tfd8] 20.c5 !
14... ti:)14 (14 ... a5 15.ti:)e5! ti:)e5 16.'it'h5~) <li>g7 50.h4 h5 51 .'it'f3= fS 52.ef5 'ireS [20 ... 'i!fd8 21.ti)e5 ~c5 22 .~e3
15.ti:)bd2 (15.~6 15 16.ti:)bd2 ( 16.~b5 gf5? 53.'it'f5+ - 'i!fh6 54.'it'd7 <li'h8 ~e3 23.l:te3~] 21 .l:te5 'i!fd6 22.l:tae1
'i!fea 17.~d2 le4 18.de4 t;:)g2 19.<li>g2 55.'iVe8 Wg7 56.'it'e7 ~ h8 57.ti:)f6 ~d8 [22 ... J:IIe8 23 .d4 ~] 23.d4 ti)d3
'i!fg6 20.Wh2 t;:)d4 21.~d7 t;:)l3 22.<li'h1 d5 58JWe5 ~d6 59.'i!fd6 1-0 24.l%1e3 l:tb4 25.'iifa1 ti)eS [25 ... l:td4
l:tb2-+) 16 ...'it'e8 17.~c4 ~h8 18.ti:)l1 26.ti:)b5! ab5 27.'i!Vd4 ti)e5 28.l:te5 ~e7
'l!+'g6 19.ti:)g3 h5!? (19 ...ti:)h3 20.gh3 14 29.J:Ie7! 'ilfe7 30 .~b4 ±] 26.de5 'ilfc6
21 .Wg2 fg3 22.fg3 'it'h6~) 20.h4 (20.ef5 Naiditsch,Arkadij 27.ef6 ~f6 28.'it'e 1± l:tfb8 29.".,e2
~15 21.~d2 ~d?'i') 20 ... fe4 21 .de4 ~g4 Sanikidze,Tornike h6 30. e4 J:lb1 31 . ~ h2 ~a1
22.l:te3 ~13 23.l%13 ~h4oo) 15... 'l!+'c8 France tt 2011 (6) 32.ti:)h4 ~es 33.ti:)g3 ~f4 34.t!)ts
(15.. .<iPh8 16.~a6 15 17.ti:)f1 'it'ea 18.~b5 1.e4 eS 2.ti:)f3 ti:)c6 3.~b5 a6 4. ~a4 'i!fa4 3S."ijj'g4 ~g3 36.l:tg3 'l!+'g4
'it'f7 19.ti:)g3 le4 20.de4 ti:)h3 21.gh3 'l!+'l3 t;:)f6 5.0.0 ~e7 6.d3 b5 7.~b3 d6 37.l:tg4 g6 38. e7 ~h7 39.J:If4 fS
22."i!fl3 l%13 23.<li>g2 l%17 24.ti:)l5~ ; 8.a4 ~d7 9 ~d2 b4! 0.0 40.J:Ic4 l:td8 41 .~f4 J:ld7 42.J:Ic7
15...'it'e8 16.d4 ed4 17.ti:)d4 ti:)e5 11.c3 [11.~a4 l:tb8 12.'i!fe1 d5 (12 ... l:te8 l:tc7 43 .~c7 J:lb7 44.ti:)d5 l:tbS
18.'it'c2oo) 16.d4 (16.ti:)l1 ~e6 17.ti:)e3 13.~c6 ~c6 14 .~b4 d5 15.ti:)e5 ~Boo) 45.ti:)f4 g5 46.ti:)e6 f4 47. ~b6 1-0

Ru ez Open Variation RL 27.1 1 (C83)

Unpleasant Pressure
by A.C. van der Tak

1. e4 e5
2. lt)f3 lt)c6
3. ~bS a6
4. ~a4 lt)f6
5. 0-0 lt)e4
6. d4 bS
7. ~b3 dS
8. deS ~e6
9. lt)bd2 lt)cS
10. c3 ~e7
11 . ~c2 d4
12. lt)b3 d3 Here too we ee that White ha
pleasant pl ay - Black' advanced
d-pawn will almo t alway be
:i tv• .i
lost. However, the question re-
.l mains how substantial White' ad- Erwin I'Ami
~ j_
' ·~ 1:3:,
vantage actually is. In any case,
the statistics show a good score for
White (a they do after l
Adams-Smeets, Londo n 2007,
White is a little better fo r a long
time and Black eventuall y col-
The game Caruana- I' Ami , lapses under the pre ure.
Rey kjavik 201 2, give a good
picture of the battle: Black po- Conclusion
ition is not really bad but White Bes ides, 1 3. ~b I al o
In Yearbook 77 we can find a does have the upper hand and looks good fo r Wh ite. T he en u-
Survey in which Efstratios eventually Black co llapses. AI o ing positions are a littl e di fferent,
Gri vas wrote about this Line. illustrative are the games but after 1 3. ~b I Blac k does not
After dc2 1 4 .~d 8 l:td8 Ganguly-Naer, Moscow 2005 , have an easy life either. fe6 'The remaining and Da -A hton, Ha ting 20 !0/ Grivas ' remark about in
pawn structure will be in White's II , in both of whi ch Black had to Yearbook 77 also perfec tl y ap-
favo ur, but the que tion remain fi ght long and hard for the draw. plies to 1 3.~bl : ' ... can White
if White's advantage will be get omething better than the
enough for more than the better An Encore better half of a draw? ... White
half of a draw.' As an encore we will give you can pres as long a. he wi hes,
Since then the move 1 3 .~b I in - two new games with In retaining a slight endgame ad-
stead of has been tried in the 4th match game Hou Yifa n- vantage ... And we mu t keep in
a quite signifi cant number of Koneru , Tirana Wch 2011 , mind that a human bei ng, unlike
game , of which there were hard- White is in charge during the en- a computer, tend to crack under
ly any examples in 2005 . tire game, but Black escape . In continuous pre ure! '

Pleasant Play 2S.J:td2 1fe3 26.~g2 ± Smeets-J.W. de Gorica 2002] 19.cd4 [19.ttJd4 ~g6 20.b4
13.~b1 Jong, Netherlands tt 2008/09] 23.ttJd6 c5 (20... ~b4?! 21.~a2 'ili'b7 22.e6±)
'i!t'g6 24.h4 ~h4 [24 ... ~h6 2S.~h2 21 .bc5 ~c5 (21 ...b4? 22.c6 bc3 23.bc3±
Caruana,Fabiano (2S.hS! W hs 26.l:td2 "ifes 27.J:tdS;t Giaccio-J.Fernandez, Mar del Plata 1998)
I'Ami,Erwin Rybka) 2S...f6 26.e6 J:tad8 27.e7 J:td6 22. ~ Wb7 23.'i!fg4 Wb6?! (23... ~d4
Reykjavik 2012 (4) 28.et8W ~8 29.J:ta1 1t'd3 30.14 g6~ 24.cd4 J:tac8 2S.e6 J:tc2;:o) 24.e6 ~d4
1.e4 eS V (:lf3 ttJc6 3.~b5 86 4 . ~84 Stellwagen-Svelushkin, Dresden ol 2008; 2S.cd4 d2 26.ef7 c;t;>f8 27 .dS± Karapats-
ttJf6 s.o-o e4 6.d4 bS 7. ~b3 dS 24 ... ~14 2S.hS!? W e6 (2S ...'i!t'hs Stushkin, cr 2002] 19... c5 20. ~d3 cd4
8.de5 ~e6 9.ttJbd2 ~e7 10.c3 ttJcS 26.J:te4 ± ) 26.ttJe4 ~es 27.1fd2 J:tad8 21. J:te2 'i!fe6 22.h3 l:t8c8 [22 ... J:tdS?!
11 . ~c2 d412.ttJb3 d3 13. ~b1 ttJb3 28.W'e3;t;] 25. J:td2;t ~e7 [2S ...~g3 23.ttJe1 ! aS 24 .~1S ~IS 2S.ttJd3±
14.8b3 ~ts 15. ~e3 o-o 16.~d4 26.fg3 W g3 27. h1 "it'es 28.We2;t; Topalov-Piket, Antwerpen 1997] 23.ttJe1
W'd517.J:te1 d2 2S ...J:tad8 26.J:td3;t] 26.J:td5 [26.J:ta1 ;t; [23.'i!fb1 ~d3 24 . ~d3 'ili'h6!?= Motylev]
26.W'e1 ;t] 26 ... f6 27.e6 fS 28.W d3 23 ... J:tc6 [23...~gS!?J 24.W b1 ~d3
W'e6 29.ttJf5 l:t8d8 [29 ... g6 30. e3 [24...~g6 2S.f4;t; 24 ... ~h3!? 2S.gh3
'tlfe3 31 .ttJe3;t] 30. W'e3! We3 31.ttJe3 W'h3oo] 25.1t'd3 h6 [2S...1t'h6!= Motylev]
J:tdS 32.ttJd5 ~dB [32...~d6 33.J:ta1 26.f4?1 [26.J:td1) 26 ... ..-c81
J:td8 34.ttJb6;t] 33.f4 [33.J:ta1!? aS
34. J:te1 ; 33.J:td1 !?] 33... 34. ~g2
J:te8 35. J:te6 36.g41? [36.J:th1 ; tf.i
36.c4] 36 ... J:td6 37.J:td1 h6 38.f5 g6 .i. l.l.
39.fg6 c;t.?g7 [39 ...J:tg6 40.ttJI4±] I.
40.c;l;>e4 ~gs [40 ... ~c7 41 .c4;t]
41 .c;t;>eS J:tc6 42.J:tf1 J:tg6?! [42 ... c;t;>g6]
43. c7! ± ~e7 44.ttJe6 c;t;>gB 45.J:tf4 I. £::,
hS 46.gh5 J:tg2 47.h6+- J:tb2 £::, 'if £::,
18.J:te2 [18.J:te3 ~b1 19.J:tb1 ttJd4 48.J:tg4 c;l;>h8 49.ttJf4 c;l;>h7 SO.J:tg7 £::, 1::[ £::,
20.cd4 ~ 21 .J:td3 c5 (21 ... J:tae8 22."it'c2
t6f) 22. d2 c4 23.bc4 bc4 24.J:th3 W d4
~h6 51 .J:te7 J:tb3 52.ttJd5 J:tb1
53.c;t;>d6 c4 54.l:t87 l:t81 SS.c;t;>cS 1:1 ttJ w
2S.Wc2 h6 26.ttJc4 J:tac8 27.J:tc1 c;t;>gS 56.c;l;>b6 J:td1 57.ttJb4 J:tc1
J:tfd8~/oo Rodriguez Cespedes-Baran 58. 82 1-0 27.ttJf3? [27.J:tc2 J:tc2 28. c2 16!=
Rodriguez, Spain tt 200S; 18. ~1S?! de1 W Motylev] 27... J:tc1 28.J:te1 W'c2 !
19.W'e1 Wb3 20.W'b1 g6 21.~e4 ~e6'c2 [29.1t'f1 J:ta1 30.J:ta1 d3-+]
22.Wa2 d4 23.~8 ttJb3 24 .~dS 'ifdS Svidler,Peter 29 ... J:tc2-+ 30.e6 fe6 31.J:te6 ~cs
2S. d4 W'es 26.W'b3 ~c5 + Amonatov- Motylev,Aiexander 32.c;l;>h2 d3 33.J:td1 d2 34.c;l;>g3 J:td3
Svetushkin, Moscow 2007; 18."it'd2 ~ 1 Moscow ch·RUS 2004 (9) 3S.c;l;>g4 ~b4 36. J:te8 c;l;>h7 37.f5
19.J:tab1 W'b3 20.e6?! (20.W e3 J:tfd8 1.e4 eS 2.ttJf3 ttJc6 3. ~b5 86 4 .~84 J:tc1 38. eS J:te3 0 -1
21 .e6 W'e6 22.W'e6 fe6 23.J:te6 ttJd4 ttJf6 5.0-Q e4 6.d4 bS 7. ~b3 dS
24.ttJd4 ~16= Borst-Kerekes, cr 2002) 8.de5 ~e6 9.ttJbd2 ttJcS 10.c3 ~e7
20.. .te6 21 .J:te4 J:tad8 22.We2 ~16 11.~c2 d4 12.ttJb3 d3 13.~b1 ttJb3 Frolyanov,Dmitry
23.J:te6 ttJd4 24. d4 ~d4 2S.cd4 J:td4 14.8b3 ~fS 15.~e3 o-o 16.J:te1 Vokarev,Sergey
26.J:te7?! (26.J:ta6) 26 ... W dS+ Brkic- 'ilt'dS 17. ~d4 J:tfd8 [17 ... ttJd8 18.e6 Khanty-Mansiysk 2011 (4)
lo[dachescu, Plovdiv Ech 2008] 18... ~b 1 (18.b4 ttJe6 19.~d3 ~d3 20.W d3 J:tfd8 1.e4 eS 2.ttJf3 ttJc6 3. ~ b5 a6 4. · 4
19.J:tb1 [19.Wb1 ttJd4 20.cd4 ~b4 21.~e2 ~b4 22.cb4 ttJd4 23.ttJd4 W d4 ttJf6 5.0-0 e4 6.d4 bS 7 . ~b3 d5
21 .ttJd2 W d4 22.ttJI3 W ds 23.ttJgS g6 24.e6;t) 18...fe6 19. ~d3 ~d3 20.J:tes 8.de5 ~e6 9.ttJbd2 ttJcS 10.c3 ~e7
24."it'e4= Lubas-Csaba, cr 2011] W d7 21 .'tlfd3 ttJt7 (21... c5?! 22.W e4 cd4 11. ~c2 d4 12.ttJb3 d3 13 . ~ b1 ttJb3
19... d4 20. d4 [20.cd4?! ~b4 :f] 23.'ilt'a8 ttJc6 24."it'a6 J:tf3 2S.J:tbS J:tt6 14.ab3 ~f5 15.~e3 0-0 16. ~d4
20 ... ~g5 21 .g3 [21 .b4 aS (21...l:tfe8) 26.J:tb7±) 22.J:te3 c5 23.~es d3 'i!fds 11. ~d3 ~d3 18.W d3 W b3
22.baS J:tas 23."tlfc2 (23.g3) 23... J:td8 24.J:td3 J:tfd8 2S.J:td8 ttJd8 26 .~14 ;t 19.'fi'e4 "i!t'e6 [19... d4 20. d4
24.J:td1 c5 2S. 13 ~h6 26.h4 J:ta7 Grischuk-Sorokin, Sochi tt 200S] 18.J:te3 (20.cd4!? W'b2 (20...c5 21. ~b?;t) 21 .J:tlb1
27.ttJh2?! (27.ttJgS) 27... J:tad7f Solleveld- [18 .~d3 ~d3 19.'tlfd3 Wb3 20.e6 te6 "it'c3 22.J:tc1 b2 23.J:tab1 "it'a3
J.W. de Jong, Hilversum ch-NED sf 2006] 21 .'ili'e4 "it'c4 22 .~g4 ttJd4 23.cd4 ~16 24.l:tc?;t) 20... ~ b2 21 . IS (21 .e6!?;
21...c5 [21 ... g6?! 22.14 c5 23. c2 ~e7 24.J:tac1 W dS 2S.J:tc5 "it'd? 26. eS= 21 ."it'f3!?) 21 ... J:tae8 22.J:ta6?! (22."it'c6)
24.J:td2 (24.c4!?±) 24 ... Wb3 2S. e3 1fd1 Malutin-Sardella, cr 2010] 18... d4 22 .....-c3 23.J:tc6 ~c5+ Maus-Pieper
26.J:tbd1 J:tfd8 27.ttJdS± A.Zhigalko- [18 ... ~c5? ! 19 .~cs "it'cS 20.b4 W c4 Emden, Germany Bundesliga 1988/89;
Holzke, Plovdiv Ech 2012] 22.ttJf5 "it'd3 21 .~a2 W t4 22.g3 Wh6 23.e6 ~e6? ! 19...'*'c4 20. d2 1t'e6 21 .14 d4 22.cd4
[22 ... J:tad8?! 23.14 ~d3 24.ttJd6 ~e7 24 .~e6 fe6 2S.J:td3± Palac-Luciani, Nova J:ttd8 23.J:tfc1 (23.1S ~dS 24 .~dS J:tdS

Survey RL 27. 11

2S. b3 c5=) 23 ...c5 24.dc5 llac8=] 24.1%81 "tfd5 [24 ... aS] 25.1t'b3 e7 (22 ... fi.g4 23 .~e4 ~d7 24.lld3 fi.eB
20.~e3 [20."i!VI4 llld8 21.llle1 aS [2S ... 'ite6] 26.W'd5;!; 1-2-1-2 2S.lld8 lldB±) 23.~c2
22.llad1 a4 23.h3 tt:laS 24. gS "i!Vc4? (23.~e4! ±) 23...~13 24.1%13 eS
(24...~gs 2S."i!VgS c4=F) 2S.e6± 2S.llh3;!; Ka~akin-Mamedyarov, Khanty-
Michalczak-Zarges, Recklinghausen 2002] G8nguly,Surya Mansiysk 2009; 17.h3 (17.M!?
20 .. .f5 21. "i!Vf4 85= 22.llfd1 llfd8 Naer,Evgeny Bacrot) 17...aS 18.baS llaS 19.llaS li:laS
23.h4 lld1 24.lld1 lld8 25.lle1 Moscow 2005 (4) 20.e6 le6 21 .lle6 (21. d4 fi.c5 22 .~d3
[2S.lld8 ~dB 26. d4 li:ld4 27."i!Vd4 1.e4 e5 2. f3 tt:lc6 3.~ b5 86 4. · 4 fi.d4 23.cd4 1t'd4 "i!Vd1 2S . ~e6
~e7=] 25 ... lld5 26. ~c1 lld8 27.~e3 f6 5-0-0 tt:le4 6 .d4 b5 7. · 3 dS ~17= Bacrot) 21 ... c5 22.'i!Ye1 fi.l6 23 . ~14
l:td5 28. ~c1 112-1-2 8.de5 ~e6 5 10.c3 fi.e7 c4 (23...lLlb71?=F Bacrot) ~17
11 ~c2 d4 d3 13 · 1 b3 ~e6 26 . ~g7 ~17 27 .~16 W'l6 I=
14.8b3 fi.f5 15 .~e3 0-0 16. d4 Shirov-I'Ami, Wijk aan Zee 2011 ] 17.h3
d4 17.cd4 c5 18.~d3 [18.dc5 "i!Vc7 ~g6
Smirnov,Pavel 19.b4 W'es 20.~d3 (20.1t'd2 ~16=)
Khanty-Mansiysk 2008 (3)
1.e4 e5 2.lo f3 tt::Jc6 3 .~b5 86 4. · 4
20 ... llad8 21.lla3 aS 22.W'c2 ab4 23.llb3
lld3 24.lld3 ~c5 2S .• c5 ..c5
¥..-¥.. Figlio-Van Wieringen, cr 2001] A~.tiAi
i: *
li:lf6 5.0-0 tt:le4 6 .d4 b5 7. ~ b3 d5 18 ... cd4 [19.~14 'i!fd7 20.1t'b1
' .. .t
8.de5 ~e6 9. bd2 ~e7 10.c3 tOeS
11. ~c2 d412.l0b3 d3 13.~ b1 tt:lb3
14.8b3 ~f5 15. ~e3 0-0 16.lle1
~g6 21 .fi.d2 ~d3 22.'itd3 f6 23.llle1 le5
24. lleS ~16= Luther-V.Mikhalevski, Port Erin
2003] 19 ... "i!Vd4 20.~f5 1t'b2 [20 ... ~c5
~ ~
W'd517.b4 21."i!Ve2 llaeB 22.llle1 g6 23.llad1 W'f2
~· ttJ ~
24."ilrf2 fi.f2 2S.It;>f2 gfS 26.\t;>f3 lle6
~ ~ ~
27.\t;>f4 16 28.ef6;!;/= Karjakin-Yusupov,
Amsterdam 2007] 21.1t'd5 [21.14 llldB l:t ~ ~~l:t ~
A 22.W'I3 aS 23.1t;>h1 ~oo/= Ulibin-Daniliuk,

' A .. ~ ~ .t
Krasnodar 1997] 21 ... llfd8 lla7
23.e6 lt;>h8 24. W'f3 W'f6 [24 .. .fe6 ~c5 lliB 27."i!Vc6 ~12 [ lt;>h8 aS 20.baS
llaS 21 .b4 lla4 22 .~b3 lla1 23."i!Va1
dB= Shirov-Caruana, Wijk aan Zee 2010]
2B.It>h1 ;!;] 25.W'e3 ll8a8 26.~c6 18 ... 85 19.b85 ll85 [19... a5 20.e6 le6
~ j. ·ttJ llab8 27.ef7 'itf7 28.1%86;!; ~f6 21 .li:leS W'd5 22. g6 hg6 23.l:te5 W'c6
~ ~ ~ ~ 29."i!Vf3 lld6 30.W'h3 [30.lle1 !?; 24. 'tlt'g4i ] 20.e6 fe6 21 .1%85 5
30.lld1 !?] 30 ... "i!fe6 31 .1t'e6 lle6 22. e5 d5 hg6 24. ~c7
l:t . l:t ctt> 32.lld1 b4 33.g3 g6 34.lld7 lld8 [24.lleS it'c6 2S."i!Vg4 1t'c4 26.'ite6 "tfe6
35.l:t88 ll88 36. · 8 ~c3 37.1t>g2 27 .lle6 fi.c5 28.lle5 ~b6 (
17... llfd8 [17 ...aS?! 18.baS llaS 19.lla5 lle2 38 .~c6 llb2 39 .~d5 lld2 40.h4 29.llb5;!;) 29.g3 c4 30.llb5 d2 31 .lld5
tt:laS ~96 21 .~d3 ~d3 (21 ... lld8 ~d4 41 .llf7 ~f2 42. l:tf2 lld5 43.llf4 c6 32.lld3 lt;>h7 (32 ... g5 33.fLa2;!;)
22 .~g6 hg6 23. e2 b4 24.e6 le6 lld2 44.1t;>h3 h5 45.llb4 1t;>g7 46.llf4 33.fLa2;!;] 24... ~c5 25 . ~ g3 [25.1%11
2S.~I4+ - Cheparinov-Yusupov, Amster- llb2 47.b4 lt;>h6 48.llc4 lt;>g7 49.g4 c4 26.b4 llf2 27.llf2 ~12 28.\t;>f2 d2
dam 2008) 22.-.d3 tt:lc4 23.b3 tOeS llb3 50.It;>g2 hg4 51.llg4 lt;>h6 29 .~a2 b2=] 25 ... lld8?! [25... d2
24."i!VbS± Friedei-J.Torres, Miami 2007] 52. lt;>h5 53.lld4 g5 54.hg5 lt;>gS 26.l:te2 lld8- game] 26.b4?! [26.lle5!±]
18.~82 'itd7 1 9.~g5 [ li:ld4 55.1t>e2 5 56.1t;>d2 lt;>e5 57.1t;>c2 26 ... d2 27.lle2 "i!Vb3 28 . ~c2 "i!Vc3
20.~d4 ~b4 21 .e6 ~e6 22.lle6 le6 112-112 [28 ...'t!Vc2 29.1t'c2 d1 'i!t' 30.'tlfd1 lld1
23.W'g4 lt>hB 24 .~e6 W'e7 2S.cb4 lld4 31 .1t;>h2 ~b6 32.ba5 fi.a5;!;]
¥..-¥.. Robson-S.Ernst, Hoogeveen 2008] 29.bc5 "i!Vc2 30. c2 d1 'tiV 31:tli'd1
19 ... h6 [19... ~gS d2 21 .lle3 Das,Arghyadip lld1 32.1t>h2 b3 [32 ...l:tc1 33. ~d6 ;!; ]
~c2 22. 171 ~d1 lt;>IB 24. e6 Ashton,Adam 33.c6 d2 34.h4 f1 35.1t;>h3 g3
lt>e7 2S.lld1 ±; 19...~g4 ! ? lordachescu] Hastings 2010/11 (6) 36.1t;>g3;!; 37.llc2 lld8 38. 4
20. ~e7 -.e7 ~e6 22.f4 1.e4 e5 tt:lc6 3. ~b5 86 4. · 4 llc8 39.\t;>eS lt;>e7 40.f4 [40.13!?]
~82 [22 ... as 23.~e6 W'e6 24.1t'l3 ab4 li:lf6 5.0-0 e4 6.d4 b5 7. ~b3 dS 40 ... b4 41.llc4 b3 42.llb4 llc6
2S.lla8 lla8 26.fS 'itd7 27.e6 le6 28.fe6 8.de5 ~e6 9. bd2 ~e7 10.c3 tOeS 43.llb7 8 44. llb3 7 45.ll b7
W'd6 29.1117 lt>h7 30.e7 bc3 31 .bc3 tt:le7 d4 d3 b1 b3 lt>g8 46.g4 llc1 47.llb8
32.W'e7 e7 33.lle7 lla2= lordachescu] 14.8b3 ~ts 15.b4 o-o 16.lle1 W'd7 48.llb7 lt;>g8 49.1t;>e6 lle1 50.It;>d5
23.1%82 W'e6 [23 ...aSI 24.W'13 ab4 [16 ..."tfd5?! 17.h3 llldB 18.g4 ~e6 llh1 51 .llb8 lt;>h7 52.g5 lld1
2S.lla8 W'c5 26.\t;>l1 llaB 27.W'd3 lld8 ( 18... ~g6 19 . ~a2 W'd7 20.~14±) 19.lle3 53.1t;>e6 lld6 54. lld7 55.1t;>f8
28. e4 lld3 lld2= lordachescu] hS 20."tfd3 1t'd3 21. ~d3 hg4 22.hg4 ~dS llf7 56. [stalemate] ¥..-¥..
Kosteniuk,Aiexandra l:g4 48.l:g6 5 49.l:g8 l:gS 46.l:f6 'iti>g7 47.l:g6 'iti>h7 48.l:g5
Kosintseva,Nadezhda SO.l:gS c;l;>gS 51 .'it;>g2 c;f;>g4 ~-~ l:a4 49.h4 l:a3 50.¢>g4 tt:lg2 51 .h5
Sochi tt W 2012 (3) tt:le3 52. 4 tt:ldS 53. 5 : as
1.e4 es 2. f3 tt:le6 3. ~b5 a6 4. ~a4 54.l:g1 l:a2 : as 56.'iti>e4
tt:lf6 S.G-0 tt:le4 6.d4 bS 7.~ b3 dS tt:le3 57.'it;>d3 tt:ldS 58.'it;>e4 ~-}7
8.de5 ~e6 tOeS 10.e3 ~e7
11.~e2 d313 . ~b1 tt:lb3 An Encore
14.ab3 ~fS 15.l:e1 o-o 16.b4 'it'd7 13 JL: C5 Adams,Michael
17.h3 l:fd8 Smeets,Jan
Hou Yifan London 2007 (3)
Koneru,Humpy 1.e4 eS 2. f3 e6 3. ~ b5 a6 4 .~a4
Tirana Wch m 2011 (4) tt:lf6 S.G-0 tt:le4 6.d4 bS 7. ~b3 dS
1.e4 es tt:le6 3. ~b5 a6 4. ~a4 8.de5 ~e6 eS 10.e3 ~e7
tt:lf6 S.G-0 tt:le4 6.d4 bS 7. ~b3 dS 11. ~e2 d4 d3 13. 5 de2
8.de5 ~e6 tOeS 10.e3 ~e7 14."ii'd8 l:d8 15. e6 fe6 16. ~e3
11. ~e2 d4 d3 de2 l:dS 17.l:fe1 tOeS l:eS
14.1i'd8 l:d8 fe6 16. ~e3 19.~d4
l:d5 17.e4 bc418.l:ae1

18.~f4 [18.g4 ~g6 (18... ~e6?! 19. ~14

hS 20.l:e3 hg4 21 .hg4 ~g4 22.'ifd3 W'd3
23 .~d3 ~e6± Krakalovich·
R.Haag, cr 2011 ) 19.~ 1t'c8 20.~gS
(20.e6 16=) 20... as 21 .baS ~gs
~as 23 .~17 (23.e6!? tt:lc4 24.el7 ~17
2S.t017 c,Pt7 26.W'I3 c;t;>gS 27.l:ed1;!;)
23...~17 24.t017 <;1;>17 2S.e6 c;l;>gS 26.e7
l:eS 27.1t'd3 tt:lb7 28.l:a8 'ifaS 29.W'bS 19... l:g5 [19 ... l:e2 20.c;t;>l1 l:d2 21. ~e3
tt:ld6 30.'it'c5 1t'b7 31 .c4 tOeS 32.b4 c6 18... b4 [1 8... eS Svidler·Kaidanov, l:d7 (21 ... l:d5 22.l:c2 0·0 23.a4;!;
33.l:e6 tt:le7 34.l:e3 1t'd7 3S.bS cbS Moscow 2003 - YB/77·118] 19.a3 tt:ld3 Y.Gruenleld·Greenleld, Biel 1999) 22.l:c2
36.cbS 1i'b7 37..-c4 <;1;>18 38.1i'14 ~-~ 20.l:e2 c;f;>d7 21.~d4 [21. ~c1 l:bS=] ~16 23.c4 (23.a4!?) 23 ... b4 24.'it;>e2 c,Pt7=
N.Robson·Hartl, cr 2010] 18 ... a5 19.g4 21 ...l:b8 22.~e3 [22.h3 h6 (22 ... g6 Ganguly·Das, New Delhi 2009] 20.l:e2
[19.baS l:as 20.l:as as c5 23.~c3 h6?! 24. d2 tt:lb2?! 2S.l:b1± c;l;>f7 21 .~e3 [21.a4 l:dS 22.abS abS
( 22.e6 le6 23. ~1S eiS 24.'it'd3 J.Bucker·Barkwell, cr 1998 - YB/77·116) 23.g3 l:hd8= Benjamin·Kaidanov, San
'it'd3 2S.~d3 l:d3 26.l:e7 c6 27.b3 l:d1 23.l:c4 c5 24 .~c3 tt:lb2 2S.~b2 l:b2 Diego ch·USA 2004] 21 ... l:g4 [21...l:d5
28.¢>h2 tt:ld2 29.h4;!;) 22.e6 le6 23.t01S 26.l:a4 l:b6 27.l:c1 c;t;>c6 28.'it;>l1 ~-~ Le 22.c4 bc4 23.l:c4 ~d6 24.b3;!; Nisipeanu·
eiS 24.'it'd3 •d3 2S.~d3 l:d3 26.l:e7 Bled-Van Wieringen, cr 2006] 22 ...e5?! Svetushkin, Predeal tt 2007; 21 ... l:eS 22.c4
l:d1 27.c;l;>h2 l:b1 28.~e3;!;] 19 ...d2 [22 ... ~c5! Mikhalchishin] tOeS b4 23.l:d1 l:d8 24.l:d8 ~dB 25.l:d2 'iti>fS
[19 ... ~g6 20.baS l:as 21 .l:as (21.~a2 24.f4 [24 .~es l:eS 2S.t0c4;!;] 24 26.'it;>l1 ~g5= 27.l:d3 ~e3 28.l:e3 l:e3
1t'c8oo) 21... aS 22.e6 le6 •ds ~f6 26.l:e1 ~d4 27. ~d4 29.fe3 'it;>d7 30.'it;>e2 N.Kosintseva·Koneru, hg6oo compare Das·Ashton, l:d4 [27 ...cd4 28.h3 ~16±] Kazan 2012] 22.b3 [22.l:d2;!;] 22 ... l:d8
Hastings 2010/11] 20.~d2 [20..-d2!? 28.h3 tt:lf6 'iti>d6 23.g3 eS 24.'it;>g2 l:g6 25.e4 l:e6
•d2 21. ~d2 ~b1 22.l:eb1;!;] 20 ... ~b1 c;l;>d7 'iti>d6 [32.b4!? 26.l:ae1 b4::/;!; 27.e5 l:f6 28.l:e4
21. W'b1 ab4 22.l:a8 l:a8 23.eb4 cb4 33.l:c6 'iti>dS 34.l:a6 l:c8 3S.l:aS aS 29.l:e4 l:dS [29 ...l:e6] 30.a3 [30.c6
~b4 24. ~b4 tt:lb4 25."ii'e4 1t'd5 'it;>d6 36.ab4 l:b4 37.l:a6± Mikhalchishin] ~d6=] 30 ... ba3 31.l:a4 l:d3 32.l:a3
26 ..-dS dS 27.l:e1= b4 32 ... 'it;>d7 33.l:e5 l:b2 8 a4 [32...l:c6!? 33.'iPf3 l:c5=] 33.l:a4
hS 29.e6 fe6 30. e6 hg4 31 .hg4 [34 ... 'iti>d6 35.l:c6 c;f;>dS? 36.l:a6 l:dd2 l:b3 34.h4 l:d3 [34 ... l:c6 3S.l:e4 ~16=]
l:e8 32.l:e6 l:e7 33. 1 ¢>f7 37.l:aS+-] [35.l:c7±] 35 ... l:e4 35.l:a7 l:e6 36. 3 e6 37.'it;>e4 g6 35.b3 l:eS l:e4 36.l:e4 tt:le4 37.l:e5 [37.l:c6±] l: b3 38.l:e4 l:bS 39.l:a1 h5?!
37.g5 l:e6 38.l:e4 l:b6 39.l:e4 l:e6 37... e3 38.l:e6 8 39.l:a6?! 40.l:a2 ~f6 41 .l:a8 ?
40.l:d4 l:d6 41 .tt:lb4 tt:lb4 42.l:b4 [39.15!?; 39.'it;>h2!?] 39 ... tt:le2 40.c;f;>h2 42.l:ea4± c;f;>e6 43.l: h8 g6?!
'tte6 43.l:t4 c;t;>es 44.l:f7 l:b6 tt:lf4 41.'it;>g3 tt:lg2 42.l:e6 h6 44.l: h6+- 45. dS l:eeS
45.l:e7 l:b3 46.l:f7 l:b4 47.l:f6 l:a2 44.a4 g5 45.l:h6 e1 46.~e5 c;t;>g7 47.l:a6 1-0
Scotch 0 Four Knights Variation SO 3.1-2 (C47)

It's Equal, but ...

by Glenn Flear (special contribution by Vladimir Kramn ik)

1. e4 e5 complication which Kramnik home i the mo t preci e. Con-

2. tLlf3 tLlc6 wo n ( ee the econd part of thi tinuing in tead with .. .c6, ... l:tb8,
3. tbc3 lLlf6 Survey). and ... ~d6 eem to be the way
4. d4 ed4 The ir econd encounter, in the to achieve a ati fac tory po i-
5. lLld4 Ta l Me morial, looked a if it wa lion , a in Chadaev-Adam .
heading for the main line Even here, Black i the one who
s.....tb4 6.tbc6 bc6 7.~d3 0-0 has to be the mo t prec i e and, a
8.0-0 dS 9.ed5 cdS, until u ual in the Scotch Four Knight ,
Kramnik pl ayed the urpri ing winning chance are limited.
10.h3. A quiet move in a notori - Vladimir Kramnik ' comment
ou ly dry variation (SO 5. 2) may about these line i · notable:
not eem to be that pro mi ing, 'The computer con iders it to be
but Kramnik was till able to ob- equal, but when yo u begin to
tain an advantage. move piece , it become cl ear
that it i ea ier to pl ay with
G neralizing, one ould add that
Vladimir Kramnik recently had a there are a number of opening
couple of games a White in the variation that are 'objecti vely'
cotch F ur Kni ghts against equa l, but ' ubjecti ely' more
Levon Aronian . Ln the fir t of plea ant to handl e fo r one ide.
the e meeting the Armenian Mainta ining 'theoretica l' equal-
aried with an earl y 5 ... · c5 (SO ity can thu vary in di ffic ulty
5. 1), and the game oon entered from ca e to case. e en if th
computer is more or le right,
So how should Bl ack react? Kramnik eems to be implying
Aronian didn ' t find a particu- that orne po itio n are more
larl y convinc ing way of com- equal than other !
pleting hi development, but hi s Vl adimir Kramnik li ke to u e
odd-1 king ( IO.. J:le8 I l.~f3 such it 's equal, but ... idea from
c6 1 2.~ f4) 12 ... ~d7 may not be time to t.ime. Here i an example
that bad. Instead, plac ing the from almo t a decade ago.
bi shop on the more advanced
e6- quare has been tri ed a few Kramnik,VIadimir
time . The downside i that it Ponomariov,Ruslan
encourage tbc3-e2-f4, when Linares 2003 (9)
White eem to have the more 1.e4 es 2.lo f3 c6 3 .~b5 a6
comfortable game. 4.~a4 tt:lf6 5.0-0 ~e7 6.l:le1 b5
At the time of writing the mo t 7.~b3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 aS
recent game ugge t that leav- 1o.~c2 cs 11 .d4 tt:ld7
ing the light- quared bi shop at 12.'iPh1 !?
Vladimir Kramnlk

j_'ij' • Will I O.h3 in the Scotch Four
Knight have the arne impact in
~.i.iii the future? In any case, it look

' '~~'
like yet another way for White
to pre for an edge without
much ri k . Which bring u to
the econd part of my di cu -
~ ttJ ~ sion.
~~j;_ ~~
l::tttJ~'iHl::t <;t> More Life?
Those who like ' more life' in
' How can thj be the be t move in their games may prefer to inves- The few games that have reached
th po ition?' or, ' How can uch a ti gate the approach that A ron ian thl po ition uggest that White i
non-de cript move lead to a White attempted in their previou better, as ummarized in the note .
advantage?' are natural reaction . encounter (Zurich 20 12, 3rd
Neverthele , in reply Black has match game). That game began Conclusion
'to h w ruhand', and then fol- with So the choice come down to the
low up with a eries of good 1.e4 e5 2. f3 c6 t{)f6 'dynamic, but lightl y ri ky '
moves. It seems that t:hj is not a 4.d4 ed4 ~c5 5 ... ~c5, or ' the cauti ou , but
particularly easy task, a everal when Kramnik had prepared the dull ' 5 ...~b4 . Your computer
notable names playing Black have following ... w ill tell you that the latter option
been outplayed from here. 6.~e3 ~b6 7.'i!t'd2 0-0 8.0-0-0 i equal , but...

A Quiet Move 17 . ~e l l:l.b8 ~d7 19. e2

10.h3 l:l.e6 20.b4 l:l.be8 2 1.c4 l:l.g6 22.c5
'i!t'e7 23.l:l.b3 aS 24.a3 t{) f6 25.'i!t'd2

Moscow 2012 (4)
1.e4 e5 2.tijf3 it)c6 t{)f6
1 e3 26.ti'e l:l.e3 27. ~ f2 l:l.e8
28. ba5 it)e4 29. ~e4 fe4 30.l:l.b7 e3
3 1.Wf3 ~ fS 32.l:l.c7 ~e4 33 .<;t;le3
~g2 34. f2 ~fl 35.Wfl l:l.ge6

4.d4 ed4 ~ b4 36.~c3 l:l.e2 37.l:l.g7 Wf8 38.l:l.h7 ~

bc6 7.~d3 0-0 8.0-0 d5 9.ed5 l:l.c2 39.l:l.h8 Wf7 40.l:l.e8 We8 ~ ~j;_ ~
cd5 4 1.~b4 Wd7 42.Wg l V2-Wfin ley-
~ ~ ~
Em.Lasker, Leipzig imul 1894.
10... l:l.e8 l::t l:r<tt>
Recent game ugge t that I O... c6
ll.'i!t'f3 l:l.b8 (or imilarly ll. .. ~d6 14... it)e4?!
1 2.~f4 l:l.b8) could be more pre- Thi i perhap the 'bad apple in
cise. Black 's barrel.
11.ti'f3 c612.~f4 ~d7 After 14 ...11l'a5! it's not . o evident
Slightly clum y, but maybe not . o for White to mobilize both hi
bad. Aronian' idea i to meet r ok or u e hi bi shop pair, e.g.
13.l:l.fe l l:l.e l 14.l:l.e l with 14 ... 'i!t'f8. IS.l:l. fb I (or 15.c4 ~e6 (Kramnik)
In tead, after 12... ~d6 13.l:l.fe I 16.cd5 ~dS 17. g3 ~e4= a
~e6#,/= White ha the more plea - Black ha ufficient a ti vity)
ant game if he manoeuvre hi 15 ... it)e4 (rather than 15 ... l:l.ac8?!
10.h3 knight to d4 or f4. 16.l:l.b7 cS 1 7 .~g5! ~c6, becau e
Make no mj take- the quiet move 13.a3 ~c3 of 1 8 .~ 7! Wh7 1 9 .~ f6 with a
• ha been played before... even in Keepi ng the ten ion with the pa - wi nning attack) 16.c4 it)cS=.
the 19th century: I O.h3 c6 I sive 13.. .~ f8!? i piau ible, but 15.l:l.fe1 ti'f6
l:l.e8 12.c3 ~d6 13. d4 ~c7 White then mu t surely have a pull. Alternatives are not fu lly ati sfac-
1 4 .~g5'ii'd615 .f4 it)e4 16 .~4f5 14.bc3 tory either: IS ... ~ fS 16.c4 f6
Survey SO 3. 1-2

17.i.e3 !;!; (bi hop pair); and 22 ....1:tad8 23 ..id6 .l:td7 24 ..1:td7 23 .~h7! +- Wh8 24 ..1:th5 e7
15...tDc3 16..ih7 Wh7 17. c3;!; What K.ramnik had mi ssed in hi 25 ..te4 r;i;>g8 26 ..id5 f6 27.c4
( afer king, dar k-square bind). preliminary calculations is that .itS 28. g5 i.g6 29. f6 gf6
16 ..te4 de4 17. e3 aft er 24 ..1:te4 'i!fe4! 25. e4 .l:te4 30 ..1:th4 .l:td6 31 ..tf7 1-o
Black' po ition i already diffi- 26 ..1:td7 Bl ack ha 26 ... .tc4
cult - K.ramnik. 27 ..1:ta7 .!:te l (27 ....ib5;!;) 28.Wh2
17....te6 18..1:tad1 'i!ffS 19..1:td4 .l:te2;!;/= which is drawish. Kontic,Djordjije 3
f6 24 ... 'i!fd7 25.-tcs b7 26 ..1:te4 Pajkovic,VIadimir
A fter 26.'i!fb3 (Kramnik) Cetinje ch-MNE 2012 (5)
26 ... 'i!fc7, Bl ack i past the worst. 1.e4 es 2. f3 tDc6 3. c3 f6
26 ....1:te4 27.'i!fe4 'i!fb1 28.Wh2 4.d4 ed4 5. d4 .ib4 6. c6
~b8 29.g3 ~aS!? bc6 7 ..td3 d5 8.ed5 cd5 9.0-0
or doe Black have much to 0-0 1O.h3 c6 11.1!t'f3 .l:te8
worry about after the straightfor- 12.i.f4 .id6 13..1:tfe1 .ie6 14.a3
ward 29 ... ~c7. 14. e2!? 5 15 ..1:tadl ;!;/=.
30 ..td6 ~e8 31 .1!t'e8 .ie8 14... b8
32.cifi1g2 .ig6 33.Wf3 .ic2 Or 14....if4 15. f4 b8 16. b8
34.We3 35.Wd4 cifi1 e6 .!:tab 17.b4!/=.
36.Wc5 .id3!= 37.~b8 a6 15..id6 d6 16.b4 d7
38.h4 h5 39.Wc6 .ic4 40.Wc5 17..1:tab1 .l:ted8
.ibS 1h-1h
20 ..1:tb1!
Control and penetration potential
are more important than obtaining Muzychuk,Mariya 2
a nominal material advantage, not- Zhao Xue
ing that after 20 ..1:te4 .if7;!; the ex- Istanbul oi-W 2012 (3)
tra pawn isn' t worth a great deal. 1.e4 e5 2. f3 c6 3. c3 f6
20 ...-tdS 21 .c4! 4.d4 ed4 5. d4 .ib4 6. c6
Even better than 2 l ..l:tdb4!? .l:te7;!;. bc6 7 ..id3 d5 8.ed5 cd5 9.0-0
21 ....tf7 0-0 1O.h3 .l:te8 11.1!t'f3 c6
A ri tical point of the game. 12..if4 .ie6
~ 12 ... .td6!? 13. e2 !? .l:tb8.
13.tDe2 i.d6 14..1:tfe1 c5
15..1:tad1 b6 16..id6 d6 18.a4!?
17.tDf4;!; .l:tab818.b3 b6 18. e2! e5 19. g3 d
ot 18...~d 7? due to 19 ..1:te8 .l:te8 20. d6 .l:td6 2 1.cd3;!;.
20.tbd5 !. 18... h6 19.a5 .l:tab8= 20.~g3
19..1:te5 d6 20 ..I:tg5!? g3 21.fg3 Wf8 22.g4 cifi1 e7
20..1:te2 b6 2 I .c3 .l:tbd8 23. e2 c5 24.bc5 c5 25. d4
22 ..1:tdel ;!;. .l:tb1 26 ..1:tb1 .l:tc8 27. 2 .id7
20 ....1:tbd8 21 . g3 ~f8? 28.'tfi;1e3 g6 29 ..te2 .ia4
In tead 2 1. .. g6!oo avoid all the 30.i.b5 .ibS 31. b5
22. h5 tDhS
22 ..1:tb7?!
.l ~ .l
tronger i 22 ..1:td6! . · ow Black
ha a very unplea ant po ition', e.g. 'fj' ~ .l.l
22 ....1:tab8 (if22. ...ic4 23 ..1:tb7 .ie6 .l.l.l ~ttJ ;iJ.l
24 ..1:tc6 .l:tac8 then 25. a7!± as .t ~
25 ... .1:tc6 26 ..1:tg7 Wh8 27.g4 .l:ta6
2 .'i!fc7 .l:tc6 29. c6 f4 30.'i!fe8
.l.l J:I ;iJ w ~
ri;g7 3 1. e6 c I 32.Wg2 'i!fc2 ~ ~
33. e7 Wg6 34. e8 Wg7 35. d7 ~ ~ ~ 1::[
Wg6 36.a4 i probabl y winning for ~ ~ ~~
White) 23 ..1:tb8 .l:tb8 24 ..1:tc6 .l:tb I
25.Wh2 h5 26 ..ig3±.
1::[ w 31 ... w d7?
3 1... a6 32. d4 d7=.
32.l%f1 ?! Soors,Stef 5 32 ... h5 33.~f7 h4 34.b5 g41! l%a8 33.l%b5 d4 34.r.Pe2±. Gelrnaert,Steven 35.~h5 gh3 36.gh3
32 ... r.Pe6? Antwerp 2012 {9)
32 ... a6! 33.l%t7 'iPe6 34.l%c7 l%c7 1.e4 e5 li.Jc6 li.Jf6
35 .li.Jc7 WeSt. 4.d4 ed4 ~b4 l%a8 cJ;>d6 bc6 7.~d3 d5 8.ed5 cd5 9.0-0 l%a5 36.l%f7 l%a3 0-0 1O.h3 l%e8 11.1!t'f3 c6
37.'iPe2 l%g3 38.'iPf2 li.Je4 12.~f4 ~d6 13.l%fe1 l%b8 14.b3
39.'iPg1 l%e3 40.l%g7 '>PeS l%b7 w f6 42.l%c7 l%e2?! Heading for e7, a more olid
42 ... li.Jd6 43.l%c6 cJ;>e6±. quare than b4.
43.l%c6 cJ;>g7!+- g5 15.l%e8 li.Je8 16.l%e1 l%e7 <M7 46.c4! 17.l%e3!? 'Ot>e8 Wd7 48.l%a6 17.l%e2; 1 7.l%e7'ife7 l 8.11i'e3 ~c5
l%c2±. 19.1!t'e7 ~e7!?t/=.
46 ... dc4 cJ;>e7 17... ~f4?! 36 ...a6! 37.c3 ab5 38.ab5 dc3
'iPf7 49.l%c4 cj;>f6 50.'iPJ1 li.Jd2 17 ... li.Jc7! t::. l8.l%e7 'ife7 l9.'ife3 39.<;Pc3 f4-+ 40.b6
51.'iPe2 li.Jc4 52.cJ;>d3 li.Je5 1We3 20.~e3 c5=. 40. cJ;>d3 ~d5 4 1.'Ot>c3 ~e6 42. Wd3
53.We4 li.Jc4 54.cJ;>d4 li.Jd2 18.~f4 l%e3 19.'ife3 d4 ~f5-+; 40. ~g4 ~d5 4 1.cJ;>d3 li.Jb3 56.We3 li.Ja5 20.1Wd2 'ifaS Wc7 42.Wc3 r.Pb6-+ . 'Ot>g6 58.g3 li.Jc6 59.h4 20 ... dc3?? 2 1.~h 7 'Ot>h7 40 ... <;Pc6 41.~g4 'Ot>b6 42.Wc4
li.Jes li.Jg4 61. 4 cJ;>hS 22.1!t'd8+-; 20 2 l .li.Je2 li.Je6 cJ;>c6 43.~f5 ~a6 44.cJ;>c3 'iPd6 li.Jf6 63. 5 li.Je8 22 .~c4 c5 23.b4 !t. 45.~g4 ~b5 46.~f5 ~e2
Wh6 65.g4 li.Jd6 66.r.Pe5 1-o 21 .li.Je4 'iWd2 47.~g4 Wd5 48.~h5 ~f1
2 1. .. 'ifa2 22.'ifg5! (threatening 49.~g4 ~g2 50.~c8
23.1!t'd8) 22 ... f6 23. ~c4 cJ;>h8 50.Wd3 c4 51.cJ;>c3 Wc5 52. ~e6
Soors,Stef 4 24.1Wc5+-. ~f3 53. ~c4 ~g2-+.
Zelbei,Patrick li.Jd6 50 ...c4 51 .'.Pd2 Wd4 52.'0t>e2 c3
Antwerp 2012 (7) 53.~f5 w es 54.~g4 ~f1! G-1
1.e4 es li.Jc6 li.Jf6
4.d4 ed4 ~b4 .t
bc6 7. ~d3 d5 8.ed5 cd5 9.0-0 Chadaev,Nikolay 6
0-0 10. h3 l%e8 11.1!t'f3 c6 Adams,Michael
12.~f4 ~d6 13.l%fe1 ~e6 Konya tt 2012 (2)
13 ... l%b8 !? Soors-Geirnaert, Ant- 1.e4 e5 li.Jc6 li.Jf6
werp 20 12. 4.d4 ed4 ~b4
14.l%ad1 bc6 7.~d3 d5 8.ed5 0-0 9.0-0
14.a3!? Kontic-Pajkovic, Cetinje cd5 10.h3 c611.1Wf3
ch-MNE 2012.
14... l%b8 15.b3 l%b4
15 ... l:tb7 l%be7 1 7 .~g5! .i .ttt' .~ ~
~e5;!; ~c8! ~h 2
20.Wh2 l%e l gf6 22.~h 6
'ifd6 23.~f4 'iff8 24.l:te l l%e l
23.b4! ~e6 f3 (24.a3 ~d5=)
24 ... ~a2 ~d5 26.f3!?t. ' ' ''' ~

.t '
25.~g3 ~g7 26.'ifh4gg. 23 ...c5= li.Je4 25 . ~e4 ~f4 f5 26.~d5 'Ot>f8 27.'0t>e2 w e7
16 ... ~c7!?. 28.cJ;>d3?! ttJ~ ~ ~ 'iWd618.g3 28.f4!=.
~~~ ~~
18.c4 ~d7 19.l%e8 ~e8 20J:le l
~d7 21.'ifg3 'it'b8 22.1We3
28 ...~a6 29.~c4 ~b7 30.f3?!
30.g3. n ~ l:IW
'ifd6;!;/=. 30 ...cJ;>d6 31.b4!?
18...l%b7 19.c4 l%be7 20.l%e2 3 1.h4 cJ;>e5:f. 11.. .~d6
•!? fe6 21.g4!? (2 1.cd5 ed5 31 ... g5 The immediate ll .. ..l:rb8 i similar
22.l%e7 l%e7 23.l%c I=) 2 1. .. e5!. 3 1. .. cb4 32.Wd4 f4=l= . and could transpose: 12.a3
20 ... d4 21.l%de1 ~d7 22.'0t>h2 32.a4? ( 1 2.~f4 ~d6 etc) 12 ... ~d6 13.b4
1h-1h 32.a3!=l=. a5 1 4.b5 ~e5 15 . ~f4 ~c3 1 6. ~ b8
Survey SO 3.1-2

i.a I 17 .l:la I cb5 I 8.i.e5 i.d7= 27.l:lc7!?=. 19.'if;>bl l:a5 2Q ..J:[d7. Black has
Kovanova-Shen Yang, St Peters- 27 .. .'~a3 28.b5 l:l8e5 29.l:lb1 drawing chances, but it 's not much
burg 20 12. l:le8 30.l:lbd1 l:l8e5 31.l:lb1 fun for him.
Karjaki n tried ll ... i.e7 !? in a blitz 'i!t'c3 32.'i!t'c3 dc3 33.l:lfc1 l:[e2 GF: Otherwi se ll ... lDde7 12.lDc6
game: 12.i..f4 i..e6 13.l:lad I lDd7 34.l:lc3 l:la2 35.l:lcb3 l:lee2 'i!Wd2 13.i..d2 lDc6 14.lDd5 al o fa-
14.lDe2 i..f6 15.c3 'i!Wb6 16.b3 c5 36.l:lf3 h4 37.l:lf4 l:leb2 38.l:[b2 vour White lightl y, due to him
17.l:lfe l g6 (17 ...l:lfe8!?) 18.i..h6 l:lb2 39.l:la4 l:lb5 'h-'h obtaining the bi hop pair.
llfe8 19.i..b I 'ita5 ( 19 ... l:lad8! 12.~d8 lDd113. ~c7
20.lDf4 lDe5 2 1.'i!Wg3 i..c8!;!;/= f:>. 1 3.~h4 lDd4 14. d I lD f5 15 ..i.g5
22.lDd5 l:ld5 ! 23.l:ld5 tt)tJ 24.gtJ h6;!;.
lle l 25.Wg2 l:lb l 26.l:ld6 'i!Wb5! 13... ~c7 14.lDc6 lDe3 15.i..b5!
27.c4 e8 28.l:lf6 el 29.'i!Wh2 Dynamic , But Slightly Risky 15.lDb4 i..f4 16.lDd3 ~h6 17.f4
(forced) 29 .. .l:lb2 30. g3 (agai n 5 ... .1lc5 ~f5 18.Wbl l:lac8 Black ha a
the only move) 30 ... l:lb I trong initiative.
31.'i!t'h2=) 20.i..d2 d8 2 1.lDf4;!; Kramnik,VIadimir 7
Chadaev-Karjakin, A tana blitz Aronian,Levon
20 12. Although he wa un uccess- Zurich m 2012 (3)
fu l on thi o ca ion, placing the 1.e4 e5 2. f3 lDc6 3. c3 lDf6
bi hop on f6 at lea t keep the 4.d4 ed4 5. d4 i..c5
game ten e. Better i 5 ... i..b4.
12.i..f4 l:lb813.b3 6.~e3 ~b6 7. d2
Or 13. a4l:[b4( 13... l:le8 14..J:[ae l 7.lDc6 bc6 8.e5 ~e3 9.fe3 d5
.i.e6!? 15 ..i.d6 ~d6 16.'i!Wg3 ~g3 I O.lDd5 cd5 II. d5 h4 12.Wd I
17.fg3 lDd7=) 14.i..d6 'i!Wd6 15.b3 ( 12.g3 b4) 12...l:lb8 wi th com-
Olthof-Mostertman, Den Bo ch pen ation.
20 12, and now 15 ... c5! 16.lDc3 7 ... 0-0 8.0-0-0 l:le8 9.f3 d5
i.d7 17 .l:l fe I h6 18.l:lad I i..c6 10.ed5!N
19.a3 l:lbb8=. I O..i.b5 i..d7 ll.lDc6 .i.c6 and 15... bc6
13... l:lb7!? Black eems to be OK. 15... ~f5 16. d4 ~f4 17.i..e8 lDg2
Or 13. .. c7 14.i..d6 d6 GF: Much better than the follow- 18. f4 f4 19.i..f7 w f7 20.lDf5
15.l:lad I l:le8 16.lDe2 c5 17.l:lfe I ing: I O.lDc6?! bc6 ll..i.b6 ab6 l:ld8 21.b3 and Black is a pawn
i.d7= L.Muhammad- VI.Kovalev, 12..i.c4?! ( 12.ed5 cd5 1 3 .~ b5 down and although he has drawing
then Wch-jr 20 12. i..d7 14.i..d7 d7 15.lDd5=) chance he i still far from the
14.lDe2 l:le8 15.l:lad1 ~f4 12... i..e6 ( 12... b5! 13..i.b3 b4 draw; 15... a6 1 6. ~a4 and it took
16:fi'f4 14.lDe2 e7=i=) 13.ed5 lDd5 me orne time to figure if thi s made
16.lDf4 l:lbe7 17.c4 ifa5=. 14. d5 ~d5 15 .~d5 cd5 a real difference, but even if it does
16... c5 17.lDg3 l:lbe7= 16. d5= Hrvacic- Berebora, plit it wi ll be in White' favour;
1998. 15 ... i..f4? 16. e7! 'if;>f8 17.g3+- .
1o... tDds 11.~gs! 16.i..c6 lDc4
Thi wa a criti cal position.
16... i..f4 17.<tti> b I (the on ly move.
17.l:le l i..b7 f:>. 18 ... g2; f:>.
18... c4) 1 7...~f5 18.i..a8 l:la8
( 18... lDc2 19. f4; 18... i..c2
19.Wa I i..g6 20.i..e4) 19.1:te I ! i..c2
( 19...lDc2 20. f4 a3 2 l.Wc l )
20.Wal l:le8 2 1.l:le3 ; 2 1.g3 !+-.
17. d4
17. b4! .i.e6 i 18.i..e8! l:le8
19.l:le I ! (a very strong move.
18.c3 ifb6 19. d2 · 6 20..i.a6 which I mi ed in my calcu lations)
20. f5 l:le5 21.lDe3 i..d3 22. d3 19 ... i..a5 20.1:te6.
h6=. 11 ... c3!? 17... i..e618.i..a8 ~b6! 19. d3
20 ... "fi'a6 21.b4 cb4 22.cb4 g6 ll. ..f6 1 2 .~c4 lDd4 13.lDd5 .i.e6 19. e4 i..e320.c;i;>d l lDb22 1.'if;>el
23.l:lc1 h5 24. f4 lDe4 25.lDe4 1 4 . ~f6 gf6 15.lDb6 ab6 16. d4 i..d7 22.'i!t'b7 i..b6 23. d2 i..e3
l:le4 26 .~d2 d4 27.l:lcd1 d4 17.i..e6 l:le6 18.l:ld4 l:la2 24.c;i;>e2=.
... j_ j_
,• ......
the position, and I think that if I
were to play this position again I'd
still go for it, as it clarifie. matters.
The computer recommends more
12.h3 tLle5 13.f4 f7
White 's structure is simpler to han-

.,. adventurous ways of playing, such

as 30.b4!? tLlc4 31 .f6 ~e6 32.'t!ff3,
and its asses ment is much better
'iY ~ for White. But close to real time-
~~~ ~~ trouble this i not the way you play.
And it say that a clear win is
<it> l:i 30.'t!fb5 , a move I had seen. But
things are far less clear after
19... l:ta8 30 ... tLlb3 31. ~c2, and now sud-
A strange pos1t1on has arisen. denly 31 ...tLld4 32.cd4 ~d4, and it
19 ...l:td8 20.'W'd8 (20.~d5 l:td5 is quite possible that this will end in
21.'ii'c4 l:td I 22.l:td I ~c4 23.b3 some sort of fortress. There is a fa-
Aronian) 20 ... ~d8 2 1.g3 (to stop mous game between Polugaev ky 14.~d3
all kinds of check ) 21 ... ~b6 and Geller (Skopje 1968) which is 14.Wbl ! t:; 14 ... ~a5 15 . ~c4 ~c3
22.b3 tLle3 23.c3±. very si milar: three pawns against 16.'t!fc3 't!fe4 17.l:thel 't!ff4
20.l:te1 three pawns and queen against two 18.~g3t.
20.b3l:td8 21.bc4l:td3 22.cd3 'it>f8 bishops on one flank (because the 14... ~a5 15.l:the1 d6 16.~c4
23. ~c2 ~d4= Aronian. rook wi II probably be exchanged). ~e6 17.'t!fd3 Wh8 18.~f2
20 ... l:td8 21.'W'e4! g5?! 30 ... l:te8 31.'t!fd5 l:td8 32.'t!fb5 l:tb8= 19.l:te2 tLld8!? 20.~a7
21...l:td4 22.'t!fc6 l:td8 23.l:te6! fe6 l:td6 33. ~c2! 20.'i9bl !?
24.'ii'e6 ~f8 (obviously I cannot 33.b4 ~e3 34.Wc2 tLlc6. 20 ... l:ta8 21.~f2
take the knight because of24 ... ~e3 33 ..• <iti> g7 21 .~e3 ~c4 22.'t!fc4 ~c3 23.-egc3
and mate) 25.a4 tLle3 26.~b I tLlg2 33... ~d8 34.'t!fe8 <iti> g7 35.'t!fe5 't!fe4oo.
27.a5 ~e3 28.c4±; but it was better l:tf6 36.b4 tLlc6 37.'t!fe4 ~c7 38. b5 21 ... ~c4 22.-egc4 ~c3 23.'t!fc3
to play 21 ...g6 or 21 ... h6. tLle5 39.c4±. l:ta2
22.c3 34.b4 tLlb7 35.c4! 23 ... tLle6!?24. ~e3l:ta2 25.'t!fc4=.
Prophylaxi s. Exploiting the loose positions of 24.e5! fe5
22 .•. ~c5 23.l:te2 the black pieces. 24 ... l:tai25. Wd2 l:tdl26 .~dl fe5
23.h4. 35 ... l:tf6 36.g4 tLld8 37.c5 ~c7 27.fe5 d5=.
23 ... h6 24.g3 38.'t!fd7 tLlc6 39.b5 tLla7 25.Wb1 l:ta6 26.fe5 f7 27.e6
Preparing for 25.f4. 40.'t!fc7 tLlb5 41 .-eges e5 28.~d4 't!fe6 29.b3 l:te8?
24 ... a5 25.f4 a4 26.f5! ~d5 4 1.'t!fd7 l:tc6 42.f6 ~g6 43.-egd3 29 ... l:t fa8 30. ~e5 deS 31.J:lde I
27.'t!fd3 ~f6 44.'t!fb5+-. 't!fg6 32.'t!fe5 h6=.
The po. it ion is difficult for Black. 41 ... tlJa7 4Vit;>d3 1-o 30.~e5 deS 31.l:te5! 't!ff7
27 ... ~b6 28.b3! ab3 29.ab3 Kramnik 32.l:te8 't!fe8 33Jle1 't!fg6?
tLla5 M/12·4·78 :?!:: 33 .. .'~ f7±. \12-\12 is incompre-
hensible, viz. 34.'t!fd3! l:ta8

... • Debray,Christopher
(34 .. .'t!fd3 ?? 35.l:te8X) 35.'t!fg6
hg6 36.l:te6+- .

.,. j_
Lille 2012 (5)
1.e4 e5 2.tLlf3 tlJc6 3.tLlc3 tLlf6
4.d4 ed4 5.tLld4 ~c5 6.~e3
~b6 7.'W'd2 0-0 8.0-0-0 tLlg4!? Xu Huahua 9
~ ~WI ~ Varying from 8... l:te8 9.f3 d5 Hajnai,Zoltan
IO.ed5 tLld5 ll. ~g5! Kramnik-
l:i ~ Kecskemet 2012 (8)
Aronian, Zurich 20 12 m-3. 1.e4 e5 2.tLlf3 tlJc6 3.d4 ed4
<it> 9.~g5 f6 1O.tLlc6 bc6 11. ~h4 4.tLld4 tLlf6 5.tLlc3 ~c5 6.~e3
'W'e8 ~b6 7.'t!fd2 tLlg4!?
30.l:te8 Possibly ll...'t!fe7!? as if 12.h3 Instead 7.. .~a5?! lose. time: 8.f3
An interesting moment in the tLle5 13.f4 tLlf7 14.~f2 ~f2 d5 (8...0-0 9.0-0-0 d5 I O.tLlb3±)
game. This is the human solution to 15.'t!ff2, Black then has 15 ... 't!fb4. 9.0-0-0! with initiative.
Survey SO 3. 1-2

8.~gS f6 bc6 28 ... tt:lc4 29.'ii'c1 tt:lb2 30.'iPe2 13... cS?!
9... dc6 I O.'i'd8 'iPd8 I l ..ih4 .ie6 "it'c4 31.~f2 J:lf6 32.'iPg3 'i'c3 14.f4t
1V t:Ja4J:le8 13.0-0-0 'iPc8 33.~g2 J:le6?! 14."it'd2 Was 1S.a3 a6 16.gS
ab6 15.a3 J:la4 Andre Mendez- Better is 33 ...J:lfl 34.J:lfl tt:la4=F. tt:ld7 11.14 bS 18.fS .ic4 19.g6
Sorin, Argentina 2000, 16.h3 tt:le5 34."it't4 "it'c2 3S.J:lf2 J:le2 36.J:lf1 19 ..ic4 bc4 20.Wd6 e5 2 1.J:ld5
17.f3;!;. tt:la4 "it'd8 22."it'c5+- i a line men-
10.~h4 d6 11.h3 tt:leS 12.f4 36 ... tt:lc4!? 37.g5! (37.a5?! tt:la5 tioned by Daniel Kin g.
ttlg6 13..it2 fS 14.0-0-0 fe4 38.Wb4 tt:lc4+) 37..."it'e4 38."it'e4 19.. .fg6 20 ..ic4 bc4 21.fg6 h6 0-0 16.g3 .itS17 ..id3 J:le4 39.gh6 b3 (39 ... J:le7 40.J:lt7! !) 22."it'd6 tt:leS 23.J:ldS "it'd8
Better is 17..ig2!i. 40.J:lf8 'iPh7 4 1.hg7 'iPg7 42.ll8t7 24.Wcs
17...h6 'iPg6 43.J:l7f6 'iPg7 44.J:lt7=. 24.'ii'd8 J:lad8 25.J:lc5+- .
37."it'b4 tt:lcS 38."it'f4 J:lt2 39.J:lt2 24 .. .'.-h4 2S ..I:tdd1 J:lacB
"it'e4 40."it'e4 lt:le4 41.J:le2 dS 26.Wa7 'ith2 c3
41. .. tt:lf6 42.J:le7 tt:ld5 43.lld7 c5 28.bc3?!
44.'iPf2 c4oo.!+-.
42.J:la2 'iPf7 43.J:la7 cS 44.J:lc7 28 ... Wh4 29.J:ldf1 'iPhB 30.Wd4
'iPf6 4S.h4 c4 46.'iPf3 <;PeS!? lt:lc6± ~-~
46 ... tt:ld2 47 .~e2 tt:le4 48 .~e3 g5
49.h5 li:ld6 50.J:lh7 tt:l t7 51.'iPd4
'iPe6 52.'iPc3 (52 .J:lg7 lt:le5
53.J:lc7=) 52 ...'iPf6 53.'iPd4=.
47.J:lg7 c3 48.'iPe2 'iPd4 49.gS Almost a Decade Ago
hgS SO.hgS tt:lg3?? 12 .~ h1
50 ... c2 51.J:lc7 lt:lg5=.
18.J:ldf11? S1. ~d1 w es S2.J:lh7 tt:lts S3.g6 Kramnik,VIadimir 11
18.'iPb l 'fi'd7 (18 ... 'i'e8 19.J:lde l tt:le3 S4.'iPe2 c2 SS. ~d2 ~e6 Ponomariov,Ruslan
"ii'f7 20.h4!?t) !? 'ilft7 S6.J:lh3 tt:lc4 S7. ~c2 eS Linares 2003 (9)
( 19 ....ic5 20 ..ic5 dc5? 2 1..ic4) SB.J:le3 1-o 1.e4 eS tt:lc6 3 ..ibS a6
20 ..if5 "it'f5 2;!;. 4..ia4 tt:lf6 S.0-0 .ie7 6.J:le1 bS
18...We7 "it'f6 20..ifS 7 ..ib3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 tt:las
'i'fS= 21 ..ib6 ab6 22.g4 Wt7 Reefat,Bin Sattar 10 1O..ic2 cS 11 .d4 li:ld7
23.tS tt:les 24.t6?! Hebden,Mark 12.'iPh1 !?
24.'iPb I . Dhaka 1995
24 ... bS! 2S.b3 1.e4 eS tt:lc6 3.d4 ed4
25.a3 b4! . tt:lf6 .icS 6 ..ie3
2S ...b4 .ib6 7."it'd2 0-0 8.0-0-Q J:leB
9.f3 d6?1 1O.g4! lt:ld4 11 ..id4
.ie6 12.J:lg1
12 ..ie2 .id4 I H!t'd4 d5 14."it'f2
"it'd6 15.f4!t Yov ha-J.Benj am in,
New York 2004.

12....ib7 13.dS fS 14.efS tt:lc4 tt:ld2 16.'it'd2 tt:lf6 .idS 18.f4 Wc7
.ie6 20.fe6 tt:lhS 21 .'..dS J:ladB
26 ...J:la4!? 22.fS tt:lg3 23.<iPh2 tt:lts 24.J:lf1
26 ... Wd5 27.'i'd5 cd5 28.fg7 'iPg7 tt:lh4 2S ..igS tt:lg6 26.h4 tt:lf4
29.J:lf8 J:lf8 30.J:ld I c6 3 1.J:ld4=. 27..if4 ef4 28.g3 f3 29.J:lf3 J:lf3
27.ba4 'ifa2 28.'iPd1? 30.Wt3 J:lts 31."it'd3 g6 32.J:lt1
28."itb4 lLJc4 29.Wc3 J:lb8 30.'iPd I oo. WeB 33.J:lf8 ~-~

Scotch 0 Classical Variation SO 5.8 (C45)

The Latest Fashion in the Scotch-

Part I
by Alexander Finkel

1. e4 es eventually lead to positions with as in thi 5.tllc3 line in the Petroff,

2. tllf3 tllc6 the black knight on f6), which i our 5.tllb3 may unfold into a very
3. d4 ed4 Black' most popular way to harp struggle with oppo ite ca -
4. tlld4 ~cs cope with 5.tllb3 , while in the tling (and ju. t a in the Petroff
5. tllb3 second part we will explore the line it is up to Black to choose hi
line with ... tllge7, ... 'i!ff6 and fi - poison, as White is more or le
nally Humpy Koneru 's pet line committed to castling queen-
5 ... ~b4 . ide), or Black may choose to de-
It' very difficultto put a finger on fend a lightly wore position
the preci e game which gave a after going for ... 0-0-0, and ju t a
boo t to the popularity of 5. b3, in the 5. c3 line the lightest dif-
but it was Carl en's appearance in ference in move order can be of
the World Blitz Champion hip in major importance.
Mo cow back in 2009 that drew
the che s world ' attention to this Early Castling by Black
old line. A previous attempt tore- It seem that the most critical
vive 5.tllb3 had been un ucce - position i the one arising after
The present Survey is dedicated fully undertaken by Rublevsky 5 ... .Q.b6 6.tllc3 tll f6 7.'i!fe2 0-0.
to the ' hotte t' line in the Scotch back in 2004 (following which
Game at the moment: 5.tll b3. the 5.tllb3 line returned to the ar-
The fir t part of the Survey will chive , to be withdrawn from
deal with the position arising af- there on ly five years later). How-
ter 5 ... ~b6 6.tllc3 Cilf6 (a well ever, it was Carlsen who ha
as with some tran po ition that given thi line a new lease of life
with a modem twi t, involving
'ti'e2 and 0-0-0, a plan which
yielded Carl en a fantastic vic-
tory over Bacrot back in 20 I0.
Thi s game versus Bacrot was a
sign for the others to join the race,
so we have witnessed quite a few Unti l very recently Black had
top encounters with this line dur- preferred to delay ca tling for
ing the Ia t year, including everal one more move (by playing the
important game from the late t preliminary ... d7-d6), waiting
Che s Olympiad. for the white bishop to come to
The 5.tllb3line reminds me of the e3 in order to refrain from the
line l.e4 e5 2.tllf3 tllf6 3.tlle5 d6 line with 8..Q.g5 (which were
4.tllf3 tlle4 5.tllc3 in the Petroff considered unfavourable for
Defence, which for a couple of Black). However, at the Olym-
years became a platform for piad , Aronian introduced the in-
Magnus Carlsen countless top-level clashes. Ju t teresting novelty 8... d4 (whi ch

Survey SO 5.8

had previously been tried on ly opt for queenside ca tling. The hasn'tdetermined the position of
after the preliminary 8 .. .h6 critical po ition for thi sub-line hi s king yet.
9.b 4), which erved him well is usually reached via the follow-
in the game. ing move order: 5 ... ~b6 6.ttJc3
I a ume that one of the idea be- ttJf6 7.11t'e2 d6 8 .~e3 'ir'e7
hind the immediate 8 .. .ttJd4 is to 9.0-0-0 ~e6 IO.f3 0-0-0 Il. ~b6
prevent White from playing ab6 12.ttJd4.
9.11t'd3 ?, which wou ld be met by
9...ttJb3 IO.cb3 ~f2!. In the
game Wang Hao-Aronian White
failed to cause Black any prob-
lems, but he could have tried to
do so by opting for 13.0-0-0 in-
lead of 13 .f3 , with the idea of
playing 14 .'it'd4 after 13 ... c6. For thi s reason Black will enjoy
Another point behind immediate comfortab le equality by just
castling can be found in the game playing .. .h7-h6 and .. .g7-g5 ,
Caruana-Naiditsch (which wa followed by queen ide ca tling,
played in Dortmund in July), as the white bishop ha nothing
where the German grandmaster It eems that the most accurate much to do on g3 .
introduced a very interesting reply for Black is 12 ... ~ b8
idea after 8. ~e3 l:Ce8 9.f3 by opt- (rather than the capture on d4, Conclusion
ing for 9 ... d5 !?. The ub equent which offers White some attack- It eem that the ball is c urrently
II ... e5 ?! wa hardly a good ing chances). White tried in White' court, o he'd better
idea, but II .. .'ii'd6!? instead 13.'it'e3 in all the game , which come up with some improve-
de erves very eriou attention. appears to be a perfectly natural ment in order to et Black tangi-
In the event that Black prefer to move, as White need to develop ble problems in the line wi th
play the more conventional his light-squared bi hop, while ... f6. The current tate of af-
9... d6, thing · are not absolutely Black may choose between fairs in thi line is entirely atis-
clear either, but it eems that 13 ... d5 , 13 ... ttJd4 and 13 .. .l:Che8, factory for Black, even though
White enjoys a minimal edge all of which have a right to exi t. there ult tell a slightly different
after I0.0-0-0 ~e6 ll. ~b I ttJd7 Overall, White enjoys a minimal tory!
12.'ii'd2 . edge which hould be ea ily neu-
tralized by Black. In Part ll of thi Survey we
Black Opts for •.. 0-0-0 will explore other lines in the
Another popular plan, which ha White Plays 7.~g5 Clas ical Variation after
been u ed by Yakovenko, Committing the bi shop to g5 5.ttJb3, including Humpy
Malakhov and Zviagint ev, is to seems to be premature, as Black Koneru' pet line 5 ... ~b4.

Early Castling by Black lle8 (1 0...h6!? 1 1. ~e3 lle8 ( 1 1... ~e3

7 .. .0-0 8 .~ 5 12.1fe3 lle8 13.0-0-0 'it'e7oo) 12 .~b6
ab6 13.13 dS 14.0·0·0 c6 15.ed5 dS
Wang Hao cdS 17.q;,b1 tt'l6=) 11.Q-O-O h6
Aronian,levon 12.~16 ( 12.~h4? ! tt:le4 13.~d8 d2
Istanbul ol 2012 (7) 14 .~c7 tt:lb3 15.ab3 ~c7~) 12 ... 1fl6
1.e4 e5 2.1t::lf3 c6 3.d4 ed4 'ifg6~] 10 ... h6 11. ~e3 ~e3
~c5 ~ b6 6. c3 tt:lf6 7.W'e2 12.1fe3 lle8 13.13 [13.0-0·0!? c6
o-o 8. ~g5 [8.~e3] 8 ... tt:ld41? 9.W'd2 14.1fd4 'it'b6 15.13;!;] 13 ... c6 14.0-0-0
[9.W'd3? tt:lb3 10.cb3 ~12 11.q;,12 g4 d5'c5 tt'b6= 16.Wb6 ab6
12.q;,g1 1fg5+ ] 9 ... tt:lb3 10.ab3 [10.cb3 17.ed5 lla1

18.'i\>d2 lld1 19.'i\>d1 lld8 20..i.c4 39.llf7X Bosch] 30.e6 lltg7 31.tS ti)e7 .i.b4 2S ..i.e2 .i.d6 26.'*e3 ti)d7
I20 ..i.d3 dS 21.ti)dS lldS 22.'i\>e2 <l.>f8 32.t6?! 132.W'c7! lle8 33.16 llth6 27 ..i.h4 llb8 28 ..i.e1 .i.eS 29 ..i.d2
23.b4 .i.IS= 24 ..i.IS J:liS 2S.lla1 lleS 34.1e7±] 32... 33.llhf1 llte6 .i.g7 30.llhf1 ~d6 31. '*Yh3
26.'i\>d2 J:ldS 27.'i\>e3 lleS 28.'i\>d3 lldS 34.'*Yg4 ti)fS 3S.llfS gfS 36.'*Yg6
29.'i\>e3 lleS 30.'i\>d3 lldS 31 .'i\>e4 17·17 llte7 37.'*Yg7 llte6 38.'Wg6 'i\>e7
Bruzon Batista-Fressinet, Istanbul ol 2012 39.'*YgS llte6 40.'*Yg6 liteS \'.!-\'.!
(8)] 20 ... bS 21 ..i.d3 ti)dS 22. dS
J:ldS 23.'i\>e2 8 24.b4 'J;e7
2S.lla1 'i\>d6 26.c3 J:leS 27. ~ lldS Wang Jue
28.'i\>e2 J:leS 29. 2 lldS 30.IIte2 Sachdev,Tania
liteS \'.!-\'.! Zaozhuang tt 2012 (1)
1.e4 eS 2. f3 c6 3.d4 ed4 4. d4
.i.cS s . b3 .i.b6 6.ti)c3 ll)f6 7.'*Ye2
Darini,Pouria 0-0 8 ..i.gS h6 9 ..i.h4 ti)d4 1O.W'd3
Bruzon Batista,Lazaro b3 11 .cb3!? lle8 12.0-o-o d6
Istanbul ol 2012 (4) 112 ... c6 13.14 dS 14.eS gS!
1.e4 eS 2. f3 ti)c6 3.d4 ed4 4.ti)d4 31 .....-es l31...lle4 32 ..i.l3 lld4 33.c3
.i.cS S. b3 .i.b6 6. c3 ll)f6 H !t'e2 lld3 34. g2±] 32 ..i.c3 ,.-e7 33 ..i.d2
o-o 8 ..i.gS ti)d4 9.'Wd2 ti)b3 10.ab3 '*Ye4 34.gS hgS 3S.,.-d7 lle7
h6 11 ..i.e3 .i.e3 12. ~e3 dS!? 36 ...-h3 '*Ye2 37.llde1 WhS
l12 ... lle8] 38. W'hS lle1 39.lle1 ghS 40..i.gS
.i.f8 41 ..i.f4 .i.d6 42 ..i.d6 cd6
43.lle7 'i\>g7 44.c4 bS 4S.'i\>c2 6
46.lld7 ll b6 47.h4 aS 48.11tc3 bc4
49.bc4 a4 SO.IItd4 lltg7 S1 .lld8
lltf6 S2.lld7 lltg7 S3.lld8 \'.!-\'.!

1S.fgS lleS 16.gl6 .i.e3 17.lld2 .i.IS Bacrot,Etienne
18.1t'e2 d4-+l 13 .~ c2 c6 14..i.c4 Nanjing 2010 (1)
W'e7 1S.llhe1 .i.c7 16.t3 l16.11tb1 !?] 1.e4 eS 2. f3 c6 3.d4 ed4 4. d4
16... a6 17.g4 ~eS?! l17 ... bS 18 ..i.d3 .i.cS S. b3 .i.b6 6.ti)c3 f6 7 ...-e2
.i.e6 19.11tb1f] 18.'*Yd2 bS 19..i.d3 0-0 8 ..i.gS h6 9 ..i.h4 l9.h4?! d6 10.13?
13.0-0-0 g4!? l13 ... c6?! 14.edS dS .i.aS? 20..i.c2 .i.b7?! 120... g4 21.fg4 hgS 11 .hgS g4 12.fg4 'ilt'gS 13.'iWI3 .i.g4
1S.ti)dS cdS 16.'*Yd4;!;] 14.'ilt'g3 l14.'ilt'd4 .i.g4 22 ..i.g3 '*YhS 23..i.d6 .i.dB 14 ...-g3 eS+ Rublevsky-Anand, Bastia
'*YgS 1S.IItb1 de4 (1S ... c5 16.1t'c5 de4 24. d3±J 21 ..i.g3+- ..-e6 22 ..i.d6 2004] 9 ... aS 1O.a4 d4 11. 'ilt'd3 b3
17.'WgS hgS 18. e4 .i.IS 19.h3 J:ladB J:lad8? 23.eS! .i.c3 24.bc3 1-0 12.cb3 lle8 13.0-0-0 d6 14.'Wc2
20.lld8 lld8 21 .<;1;>c1 e3 22.fe3 .i.e4 .i.d7?! l14 ... c6 1S ..i.c4 (1S ..i.g3 dS!
23.llh2;!;) 16. e4 ~eS 17..i.c4;!;] 16.eS? hS- +) 1s... ..-e7 16.llhe1f .i.e6
14...d4 1S.ti)bS cS 16..i.e2 f6 Bok,Benjamin 17.14 .i.c4 18.bc4 e6; 14 ... gS 1S ..i.g3
17. d6 .i.e6 18.eS I1B.ti)b7 '*Yb6 (R R Avrukh,Boris hS 16.eS g3 17.hg3 lleS 18.llh6 .i.IS
18 ...'*Ye7 19.ti)d6 J:lldB~ Bosch) 19.ti)d6 Biel 2012 (7) 19 ..i.d3;!;; 14 ....i.e6 1S.eS gS 16 ..i.g3 hS
aSf] 18... dS?! 118... e8!] 19..i.c4 1.e4 eS 2. f3 c6 3.d4 ed4 4. d4 17 ..i.bS ~d7 18..i.c4±] 1S ..i.c4
b4 20.c3 .i.c4 I~ 20... c6 21.14 .i.c4 .i.cS s . b3 .i.b6 6. c3 ll)f6 7 . ~e2
22. IS g6 23.bc4 llth7 24.ti)d6 dc3 2S.bc3
'Was Bosch] 21 .bc4 l21.ti)IS ~gS!
0-0 8 ..i.gS h6 9 ..i.h4 lle8 10.0-0-0
d6 11.f3 l11.h3 gS? 12 ..i.g3 aS 13.a4 'if
i i .i. •
22.1fgS hgS= Bosch] 21 ... dc3 22.bc3
c6 23.t4 123. 17! Was 24.ti)h6 llthB
2S.lld7 e7 26. g4±] 23 ...~aS
.i.e6 14.h4 .i.b3 1S.cb3 d4 16. ~c4 ±
Ducarmon-K.Larsen, Paris 2012] 11 ... .i.e6
12.11tb1 ~e7 13.g4 llad8 14- ~e1
' '' '
.i. ~
24.ti)fS ~a3 2S.IItc2 'ilt'a2 26.11td3
J:lfd8 27.11te3 g6 28. h6
• 29.ti)f7! Q;>f7 l29 ... lld1 30.lld1 <l.>fl?
I14.W'g2!?] 14... ti)eS 1S..i.e2
16..i.g3 .i.b3 17.ab3 dS 18.edS
.i.aS 19..i.c4 W'f8 20.'*Yf2 a6
~ ~
~ Cij
~ ~

(30 ...'ilt'c4) 31 .e6! llte6 32.W'h3 lltl6 21 . e4 l21.d6!? cd6 22.ti)e4 e4 23.1e4
~~ ~ ~ ~
33.lld6 lltg7 34.lld7 llt16 3S.'Wh4 llte6 eS 24 ..i.eS J:leS 2S.lldl1±] 21 ... e4
22.fe4 eS 23.W'fS g6 24.,.-f4 ±
<;t>l:[ 1::[
36.1t'g4 <l.>f6 37.'ilt'gS llte6 38.,.-dS llt16
Survey SO 5.8

15 ....b 6 16.llhe1 1He7 [16 ...~c4 14.lLld4 d4 15.'tifd4 "it'f6 16. ~e2
17.bc4 gS 18. ~g3 lle6 19.<.tb1 hS b5 17.llhe1 1t'h6 [17 ...lLlb6 1B.g3
20.eS±] 17.e51 deS 18.lle5 1if8 lladB 19.14 ..-d4 20.lld4 ~cB=] 18.g3
19 . ~f6 gf6 20.lle21 1ig7 21 . ~e6 b6 19.f4 llad8;:t 20.e5 c5 21. Wf2
J:le6 22.lle6 fe6 23.lld3! q,ha deS 22.fe5 lld1 23.lld1 d7 24.h4
24.llg3 W'h7 25.W'd2 ~cs 26. e4 'tifg6 25 ..-f4 f6 26.ef6 lLlf6 27. ~d3
~e7 27.llh3 q,g7?1 [27 ... q,ga 28.1t'd7 'tiff7 28.a3 ~g4 29.llf1 ~ h3 30.lld1
"i'e4 29 ...-e7 1He1 30.q,c2 'tife4 ~g4 31 .llf1 ~ h3 32.lld1 ~g4 ~- ~
31.q,d2± ; 27... lld8 28.llh6 lld2 29.llh7
<.th7 30.q,d2] 28 ....d7! +-
29. gs fg5 30.llf3 q,ga 31.We6 Panarin,Mikhail
<.thB 32.llf7 ~d6 33.llh7 Wh7 Khalifman,Aiexander
34 ..-f7 q,ha 35.g3 lla6 36.q,b1 Tiumen 2012 (2) 15.f5 (1S.eS!? e4 16. e4 de4
~b4 37.f4 gf4 38.gf4 1-0 1.e4 e5 2. f3 c6 3.d4 ed4 4. d4 17.Wb1 ;!;] 15... lL!e5 16.ed5 b5 17.a3
~c5 5. b3 ~b6 6.lLlc3 lLlf6 7 ..-e2 c4 18. ~c4 bc4 19. d2 b5
0-0 8. ~e3 lle8 9.f3 d6 10.0-0-0 20.g4?! [20.1lc5!?] 20 ... b4 21 .ab4
~e6 11 .Wb1 d7 12.'. -f2 ~e3 lla1 22.lLldb1 lLle4 23.lLle4 lle4
13. e3 a6 14. ~e2 [14.h4!? bS 1S.g4 24.f6?1 [24.d6!?] 24... aS<= 25.-.r3
Early Castling by Black lLldeS 16.gS c4 17.'tiff2;!;] 14... b5 .-ea 26.Wc3 as 27.-.f3 .-ea
7 ... 0-0 8 .~ e3 15.llhe1 ?! b6 16.1t'f4 e5 28.llhf1 g5 29. g3 lle3 30.llf3
17. ~f1 h6 18. d4 1ig5= lle2 31.llf2 ~a4 32.-.f3 ll b1
Hansen,Sune Berg 33.w b1 ~c2 34.w c1 ~d1 35.w d1
Georgiev,VIadimir lle3 36.1t'f5 h6?! [36 ...lle1 ! 37.Wc2
Istanbul ol 2012 (9) 'tifa4 38.q,c3 'tifb3 39.'itd4 lld1 40.q,c5
1.e4 e5 2. f3 c6 3.d4 ed4 4.lLld4 'tife3 41.q,c4 1fd4 42.q,b3 lld3-+]
~c5 5. b3 ~b6 6. c3 lLlf6 7."it'e2 37.b5?! [37.lll1 lle2+] 37 ... lle5?1
0-0 8.~e3 lle8 9.f3 d6 [9 ...~e3 [37 ...lle1!- +] 38.'tiff3 'tifb5 39.lle2
10."it'e3 d6 1l.O·Q-O a6 (11...~e6 12.g4 a6 'tifd5 [39...lle2 40.We2 • ds 41 .q,c2'f]
13.h4 bS 14.h5 b4 15.lLle2 ~b3 16.ab3 aS 40.Wd5 lld5 41 .'itc2 lld6 42.lle8
17.h6;!; Okkes-I.Timmermans, Netherlands Wh7 43.lle7 llf6 44.llc7 llf4
n 2010/11) 12.g4 bS 13.gS lLld7 14.h4 45.q,c3 q,g6 46.llc4 llf3 47.q,c2
b6 1S.hS eS 16.h6;!; Ka~akin-Zubov, llh3 48.b4 h5 49.gh5 llh5 50.b5
Alushta 200 1] 10.0-0-0 ~e6 11 .q,b 1 llh8 51.b6 llb8 52.ll b4 6
[ 11.~b6 ab6 12."it'd2 lLld7 13.~bS lLlcS 53.'itd3 6 54.b7 w d6 ss.w e4
14.lLld4 ~d7 1S.'itb1 d4 16. d4 ~bS 19.lLle6 fe6 20.Wg3 llf8 21. e2 'itc6 56.Wf5 llb7 57.llb7 Wb7
17.lLlbS 'tifd7= Carlsen-'r'dkovenko, Moscow llae8 22.b3 • g3 23.hg3 g5'f 24.c3 sa.w gs w c6 59. 6 q,ds 60.
Wch blitz 2009] 11... d7 [11 ... eS 25. d4 q,g7 26. ~e2 g6 ~- ~
12.'tifd2 c4?1 13.~c4 ~c4 14.g4 lLld7 27.llh1 d7 28.c4 b4 29. c6 aS
15.g5 'tifbB 16.h4 ~e3 17.'tife3 bS 18.hS- 30. aS ge5 31 .c5 c5 32. c4
Rudoii-Kashlinskaya, Paks 2011] 12. 'i+'d2 c4 33. ~c4 lla8 34.lld4 lla5 Muzychuk,Anna
[12.~ ab6 13 ...-d2] 12...~e3 [12...aS 35.llc1 6 36. ~e2 llfa8 37.lld2 lahno,Katerina
13.lLld4 d4 14 .~d4 a4 1S . ~b6 b6 w es 38.llc4 llb8 39.lldd4 llba8 Rostov 2011 (3)
16.a3 ..-d7 17. d4;!; Shyam-Saptarshi, 40.lld2 llb8 41 .lldd4 ll ba8 ~-~ 1.e4 e5 2.lLlf3 lL!c6 3.d4 ed4 4.lLld4
Aurangabad ch-INO 2011] 13.We3 a6 ~c5 5. b3 ~ b6 6. c3 lLlf6 7.'. -e2
d6 8. ~e3 0-0 9.0-0-0 ~e3 [9... lle8
Caruana,Fabiano 10.13 ~e6 1l.~b6 ab6 12.Wd2 ~b3
Naiditsch,Arkadij 13.cb3 1He7 14 . ~bS 1Hes 1S.q,b1 lledB
Dortmund 2012 (1) 16.a3 e7 17 .14;!; Carlsen-Naiditsch,
1.e4 e5 2.lLlf3 lLlc6 3.d4 ed4 4. d4 Moscow Wch blitz 2009 (36); 9... ~e6 10.13
~c5 5. b3 ~ b6 6. c3 f6 7.We2 d7 11 .g4 deS 12.llg1 ~c4 13.'tWf2
0-0 8 .~e3 lle8 9.f3 d5!? 10.0-0-0 ~11 14.llgl1 lLlc4 1S.~b6 ab6 16.'itb1
~e6 11.'i+'f2 [11 .q,b1!? d4 12. a4 4aS 17.14;!; Nakamura-N.Kosintseva, Cap
1t'd6oo] 11... e5?! [11... d6!? 12.g4 d'Agde 2010] 10.-.e3 a6 [10 ... as 11. d4
lladB 13.gS e4 14.fe4 (14.lLle4 ~e3) "it'e7 12 .~bS d4 13.'i!fd4 'iifeS 14.13
14 ...d4 1S. d4 lLld4 16.q,b1 'tifeS;:tJ ~e6 15."it'eS deS 16.lLla4 lladB 17.lLlcS;!;
12.h3 g6 13. ~ b6 ab6 14.f4;!; ~d7 Carlsen-Ponomariov, Moscow Wch blitz
2009 (B)] 11.13 bS 12.g4 b4?! 16.W'h5+-) 15.W'g4 g5 16 ..ig5 't!fcB
13.t.tJe2 .Ilea 14.gS t.tJd71S.I.tJg3i 17.'t!fc6 .!lacS 1B ..ih6 .ie6 19./.tJe4±]
14... hgS 1S.t.tJe4 .itS [~ 15... W'd5
16..ic4 it'IS 17 ..ie6 fe6 16.h4±]

i: 'ifi: •
.t.i.t. i.t.
.i.~ ~
.i. .t. ~
.t. tb
14.f4 t.tJc4 1S.'* 'e2 /.tJb6 [1S ... .Ille6
16.llhe1 aS 17.eS! (17.1S t.tJa3 16.ba3
(1B.IiPc1 .ic4 19.1!fe3 /.tJbS 20./.tJdS .idS
1S...aS 16..ibS .ib7 17..ic6!? .ic6 21 ..1ld5 a4o:t) 1B ... .ib3 19.\iPb2 .ia4
1a./.tJd4 .ib7 19./.tJdfS g6?! 20./.tJh6 20.'i!t'c4 .lle5oo) 17...de5 1B ..id5 t.tJb6
a 21.f4± 1!fe7 22.1!fd4 1!fe6 19 ..ic6 bc6 20.1!fe5i] 16..1lhe1 .llfea 16.h4!! .ie4 17.hgS .ih1 1a..id3
23.'iPb1 /.tJb6?! 24 ..1lhf1! liPe7 2S.fS 17.eS! deS 1a..ic6 bc6 19.W'eS gf6 19..1lh1 a 20.W'h6 li>e7
1!feS 26.1!feS deS 27.fg6 fg6 2a ..llf1 W'es 20 ..Iles .ib3 21 ..1le8 .Ilea 21.'t!ft6 \iPd7 22 ..itS .lle6'f7
1-0 22.cb3;!; hS [22 ...15!?] 23.b4 a W'e7 24 ..ie6 liPd6 2S. f4 t.tJeS
24.a4 .lle3 2S.\iPa2 t.tJc4?! 26 ..1lc1 26 ..1lh6 .llta 27 ..ifS 'iPdS 2a. e4
lld3? [26 ... .1le6] 27.t.tJb1 .lld4 li>c4 29 ..ie6 'iPb4 30.'ifes 1-0
Solodovnichenko,Yury [27 ... t.tJe3 2B.llc6 t.tJd5 29 ..1lc4±]
Georgiev,VIadimir 28.liPb3 t.tJe3 29 ..1lc6+- t.tJdS 30.b5
Fagernes 2012 (9) <;Pea 31.t.tJc3 'iPd8 32 ..1la6 t.tJe3
1.e4 eS 2.t.tJt3 t.tJc6 3.d4 ed4 4.t.tJd4 33 ..1la7 .lld2 34.aS t.tJts 3S.a6 /.tJd4
.icS S.l.tJb3 .ib6 6.t.tJc3 l.tJf6 7.1!fe2 36.1i>a2 1-0 Another Popular Plan
d6 a ..ie3 .ie6 9.g3 0-0 10.0-0-0 ...0-0-0
.Ilea 11 ..ig2 .ig4 12..it3?! [12.13
.ie6 13.g4oo] 12... .if3 13.1!ft3 .ie3 Negi,Parimarjan Vajda,Levente
14."it'e3 t.tJe4 1S.t.tJe4 fS 16./.tJbd2 Adhiban,Baskaran Torre,Eugenio
fe4 17.t.tJe4 W'e7 1a.1!fb3 W'e6 Bad Wiessee 201 1 (9) Istanbul ol2012 (11 )
19./.tJc3 [19.'i!t'e6 .lle6 20.t.tJc3 .llcB 21.14 1.e4 e5 2./.tJf3 t.tJc6 3.d4 ed4 4./.tJd4 1.e4 eS 2.t.tJf3 t.tJc6 3.d4 ed4 4./.tJd4
liPI7=] 19...W'b3 20.ab3 t.tJeS 21 ./.tJdS .icS 5./.tJb3 .ib6 6./.tJc3 d6 7.'i!t'e2 .icS S.t.tJb3 .ib6 6.t.tJc3 t.tJf6 7.W'e2
.llaca= 22.f4 t.tJg4 23 ..1lhe1 .lle1 /.tJf6 a ..ie3 .ie6 9.g3 dS 10.0-0-0 d6 a ..ie3 .ie6 9.0-0-0 e7 10.f3
24..1le1 <;Pta 2S.h3 t.tJt6 26./.tJts gf6 d4oo 0-0-0 11 ..ib6 ab6 12./.tJd4 t.tJd4?!
27.g4 2a.b4 a6 29.\iPd2 hS 13..1ld4 \iPba 14.1!fe3 [14. d2 t.tJd7
30.gS h4 31 ..1lg1 cS 32.llg4 .llha 15 ..ib5 t.tJe5 16 ..1ld1 g5 17 ..ie2 16
33.'iPc3 fS 34.g6 li>g7 3S ..IlgS cb4 16 ..1la4 W17= Tomazini-Pagnutti, Nova
36.'iPb4 .Ilea 37.c3 .llcS>b3 aS Gorica 2012] 14....1lhea 1S..ibS c6
39.c4 dS 40.cdS .lldS 41.\iPc4 .lld2
42.b3 .llc2 43.\iPd4 ll b2 44 ..1lfS .llb3
4S ..IlaS 'iPg6 46.\iPe4 .llh3 Y2 -Y2

France tt 2011 (7)
1.e4 eS 2./.tJf3 t.tJc6 3.d4 ed4 4.t.tJd4 11 ..igS [11 ..ig2 .ib3 12.ab3 t.tJd7
.ics s.t.tJb3 .ib6 6.t.tJc3 t.tJt6 7.W'e2 13..ih3 0·0 14 ..if4 t.tJcSoo] 11 ...0-0
• d6 a ..ie3 0-0 9.0-0-0 .ie6 1 O.g3 12.eS .Ilea? [ ~ 12 ...h6 13..ih4 g5 14.ef6
/.tJd7 11 ..ig2 t.tJdeS 12.1i>b1 .ie3 W'f6 15.t.tJe4 'ifg6 16..ig5 hg5 17.h4 .idS
13.'i!i'e3 'i!t'f6 [13 ... t.tJc4 14.1!fe2 W'l6 1B ..ig2 .llaeB.,.] 13.ef6 h6'hS! 16 ..1lhd1 ! dS [16...cb5 17./.tJbS t.tJd7
1S.I4] [14..ih4 .ib3 (14... g5 15./.tJe4 .if5 (17 ... .id7 1B./.tJd6 llfB 19.eS .icB
Survey SO 5.8±) 18.J:l4d2 (18....a3? 'ifgS-+) ~ h3 28.<,i;>d2 h6 29.J:le1 Demchenko,Anton

18... c5 19.'ifa3 tt:la6 J:ld6 <,i;>d6 30. ~g6 <,i;>c7 31 .c3 tt:lg4 Zvi8gintsev,Vadim
(20 ...J:ll8 21 . b7 'ifa3 22.J:ld8 <,i;>b7 J:le1 33.<,i;>e1 ~g4 34.<,i;>d2 St Petersburg 2012 (8)
23.ba3 J:ld8 24.J:ld8±) 21 .'ifd6 'ifd6 <,i;>d6 35.<,i;>e3 <,i;>e6 36.~d3 h5 37.83 1.e4 e5 tt:lc6 3.d4 ed4 4.ll:\d4
22.J:ld6 <,i;>c7t ; RR 16... 'ifc7!? Bosch] ~f5 38 •.ie2 g6 39.~f3 ~d6 ~c5 ~b6 6. c3 d6 7.W'e2
17....f4 <,i;>c8 [17......c7! 18....c7 <,i;>c7 40 .~g2 ~e6 41 .<,i;>d2 b5 42.<,i;>e3 ~e6 8 .~e3 f6 9.0-0-0 W'e7 10.f3
19.edS tt:ldS ~dS 21. J:ldS cdS ~e7 43.~f1 ~d7 44. ~e2 ~ 0-0-0 11 .~ b6 8b6 <,i;>b8
22 .~e8 J:le8 23.J:ldS J:le2 24.J:lgS g6;t] 45. ~f3 ~e6 46. ~e2 ~d7 47.b3 b6 13.W'e3 d4 [13 ... J:lhe8 14 .~bS
18.J:l84 'iWc7 19.e5 tt:ld7 20.J:l88 48.b4 ~5 49.~f3 ~e6 50. ~e2 ( We6 1S.'ifd2 W'es 16 .~c4 J:le7
tt:lb8 21.'iWd4 [21. ~d3;t] 21...~f5? ~d7 51 . ~f3 ~e6 52.~e2 !h-¥2 17. dS dS 18.edS tt:la7 19.J:lhe1 W16
[21...cbS! 22.ll:\bS ...cS 23 ....a4 <,i;>d7!oo] 20.J:le7 'ife7 21 .J:lel t E.Berg·Carl·
22.g4 ~g6 23.f4 ~e4? [23 ... cbS 24.1S hammar, Gothenburg 2010) 14... ~d7
'l'es 2S.'ifb6 ~IS 26.giS • e3 27....e3 'ifes 16.'iWI4 'ifl4 17.ll:\14 tt:leS
l:le3;t] c5 Carlsson,Pontus 18. ~d7 J:ld7 19.b3 c6 20.a4 <,i;>c7=
25 ....e3 J:le6 g5 Rzaev,Bahruz Carlsen·Tkachiev, Moscow Wch blitz 2009;
de4 28.J:ld8 'ifd8 29.'ife4 gf4 Albena 2012 (6) 13... dS 14.edS ll:\dS J:ldS 16. c6
30.~c4 J:le7 31.e6 'ifd6 32.'ifh7 1.e4 eS c6 3.d4 ed4 4. d4 bc6 17 .~c4 ~- ~ Yu 'fclngyi·Malakhov,
l:le8 33. 'iWf7? [RR 33. 'ifIS! le6 ~c5 ~b6 6.'ife2 d6 7.~e3 Chaongqing It 2011 ] 14.J:ld4 J:lhe8
34 ....17+- Bosch] 33 ... J:ld8 34.b3 tt:lf6 8. c3 We7 9.o-o-o ~e6 10.f3 15.g41? h6 16.h4 d5
'l'd2? [RR 34...'ifeS!= Bosch] 35.<,i;>b2 o-o-o 11 ..ib6 8b6 d4
'l'd4 36.<,1;>83 1-0 [1 2... <,i;>b8] 13.J:ld4 c6?1 [13 ... J:lhe8]

Wang Hao
St Petersburg RUS·CHN 2012 (1)
1.e4 e5 ll:\c6 3.d4 ed4
.ic5 5. b3 ~b6 tt:lf6 7.1fe2
d6 8 .~e3 'ife7 9.f3 ~e6 10.0-0-0
o-o-o [10...h6 11.<,i;>b1 ~e3 12.1fe3 a6
13. d4 tt:ld4 14.'ifd4 o-o 1S .~c4 J:lles
16..ie6 'ife6 tt:ldS 18.'ifdS 'ifdS 17.g5 [~ 17.~s c6 18.gS] 17... h5
Y.!·Y.! Fercec·Erdos, Rijeka Ech 2010] 18. ~b5 [1 8.edS g3 19.~bS IS
11 .tt:ld4 [11. ~b6 ab6 12. d4] 14.W'e3 d5 15.ed5 'ifc5 16.ll:\84 (1 9... J:lh8!? 20.de6 h1 21 .J:ld8 J:ld8
[16.b4 'ifd6 17.Wd2 J:lhe8 18.a3 ~dS 22.Wg1 hgS 23.Wh1 gh4oo) 20.We4 cdS 20.~bS ;t] 16•.• dS J:lh8.,.] 18... c5 19.J:l84 d4 20.W'd2
17.W'e6 fe6 bc5 19.J:le4 hg5 21 .W h2 tt:lf4 22..ie8 [22.hgS WgS
J:lhe8 20.J:le5 ~d7 21 .g3;t <,i;>d6 23.~e8 dc3 24 .~bS J:ld2 2S.Wh8 <,i;>c7??
22.f4 b5 23.c4 bc4 24. ~c4 J:lf8 (2S... J:ld8=) 26.J:la8+-] 22 ... dc3 23.hg5
25.J:lhe1 J:lf6 26.84 J:l88 27.b3 J:l87 Wg5 24. · 5 J:ld2 25.W h4??
28.J:l1e2 h6 29. ~d2 J:l88 30.<,i;>e1 [2S.Wh8 ~c8 26.<,i;>b1 tt:lg6 27.'ife8 J:lh2
J:l87 31.h4 J:lg6 32.~ J:lf6 33.<,i;>g2 28.J:ll1 J:lc2 29.bc3 • d2!l!?] 25... e2 0-1
J:la8 34.<,i;>t3 J:l87 35.<,i;>g4 J:lg6
36. 3 J:lf6 37.J:l2e4 J:l88 38.<,i;>g2
J:l87 39.<,i;>h2 J:l88 40.J:le2 J:la7 Movsesian,Sergey
41.J:l5e4 J:la8 42.<,i;>h3 J:la7 43.J:ld2 Avrukh,Boris
J:l88 44.J:l82 c3 45.J:ld2 tt:ld5 Biel 2012 (5)
11 •.. tt:ld412.~d4 J:lhe8 13.~ b6 ab6 46.J:le3 J:la7 47.<,i;>g4 J:lg6 48. 3 1.e4 e5 2. f3 c6 3.d4 ed4 4. d4
14.'ife3 d5 15.e5 [1S.edS dS J:lf6 49.J:le4 J:l8f7 [49 ... gS!?J 50.<,i;>g2 ~c5 5. b3 ~ b6 tt:lf6 7. '1'e2
~dS 17.'ife7 J:le7=] 15.•• d7 16. b5 J:lg6 51.<,i;>h3 J:la7 52.J:la2 J:la8 d6 8. ~e3 'l'e7 9.o-o-o ~e6 10.g3
[1 ~dS 17.J:ldS tt:leS 18.J:ld8 J:ld8'f] 53. J:lae2 J:lf6 54.J:ld2 J:l87 55.<,i;>h2 0-0-0 11. ~g2 J:lhe8 12. d4 d4
16... f6 17.ef6 tt:lf6 18.'iff4 c6 J:l88 56.<,i;>g2 J:la7 57.<,i;>h2 J:l8f7 13.~d4 d7 14.f4 f5 15.J:lhe1 'iWf8
19.ll:\d4 ~d7 20. ~d3 'ife5 21. 'ife5 58.<,i;>g1 J:la7 59. ~ J:l8f7 [S9 ... gS!?J 16.'ii'f3 c6 17.ef5 ~f5 18. ~b6 b6
J:le5= 22.f4 J:le7 23.J:lde1 J:lde8 60.<,i;>g1 J:l87 61.<,i;>h1 J:l88 62.<,i;>h2 [18 ... J:le119.J:le1 tt:lb6 20.g4 ~d7 21 .Wg3
24.J:le7 J:le7 <,i;>c7 26.g3 c5 J:l87± [time?] 1-0 dS 22.1S hS=] 19.g4 ~d7 20. ~f1 d5

21.~d3 d4!? [21 ...l:e1 22.l:e1 d4 Wg7 16. ~bS ..-c8 17.'f/c8 l:ec8= Lahno,Katerina
23. e4 ..-b4 24 .'~Wg3 tiJa4 2S.b3 tt'a3 18.tiJd4 ~d4 19.l:d4 a6 20. ~e2 Bok,Benjamin
26.<~d2 ..-b4 27.<;1;>e2 tiJc3 2S.tiJc3 W'c3 .l:te8 21 .h4 l:e7 [21...c5! 22.l:dd1 Germany Bundesliga 2010/ 11 (3)
29.<;t>ta ) 22.l:e8 l:e8 23. e4 tiJdS (22.dc6 tiJc6 23.hgS hgS 24.l:d2 e4+) 1.e4 eS 2. f3 tiJc6 3.d4 ed4 4.tiJd4
24.fS l:eS [24 ... tiJe3 2S.1t'f4 l:e4 22 ... tiJe4 23.hgS hgS 24.l:h3 fS'l') 22.hgS ~cS S. b3 ~b6 6. c3 f6 7 .~gS
26 .~e4 tiJd1 27.<;1;>d1 ! ) 2S. ~c4 1t'b4 hgS 23.f4 g6 24. ~d3 gf4 2S .~f4 h6 8.~h4 d6 9 .~d3 gS [9...~e6
26.a3 W'aS 27.b4 ..-b6 28 .~dS cdS f4 26.l:f4 l:ae8 27.<;1;> d2 e4 10.tiJa4 (10.~g3 'fie? 11.0-o o-o-o
29. cS W'h6! 1-0 28. ~d1 .l:teS 29.l:g4 gS 30.c4 12.l:e1 eS 13.tiJa4 gS 14.tiJb6 cb6
l:h8 31 .l:f1 aS 32.<;1;>c2 f6 33.Wc3 1S.tiJd4 hS;::t Santiago-Matsuura,
34.l:gf4 l: h6 3S.a3 w e7 36.b4 Campinas ch-BRA 2011 ) 10 ...gS 11.~g3
ab4 37.ab4 l:e3 38.<;1;> d4 l:g3 tiJd7 12 . ~S W'f6 13.~c6 bc6'd2
Premature 39.l:e1 c;f.>d8 40.cS l:g2 41 .l:a1 tOtS 1S.eS deS 16 ...-c31 Paikhadze-
7. ~ 5 l:h3 42.<;1;> c4 deS 43 .~fS l:f3 Javakhadze, Tbilisi ch-GEO·W 2012)
44.l:f3 tiJf3 4S.bcS tOeS 46.<;1;> c3 10.~g3 W'e7 11.h4 l:g8 12.hgS
Sethuraman,SP l:g3 47.«Yd4 <;1;>e7 48.l: h1 f3 hgS 13 ...-d2 ~e6 14.0-0-0 0-0-0
Mulyar,Michael 49.<;1;> c4 tOeS SO.<;f;>b4 l:f3 S1 .l:h7 1S. dS? I
Philadelphia 2012 (2) <;f;>d8 S2 . ~e6 l:f4 S3.<;1;>a3 l:f3
1.e4 eS 2. f3 tiJc6 3.d4 ed4 4.tiJd4 S4.<;1;> a2 l:f2 SS.<;f;>b1 l:d2 S6.l: h8
~cS S. b3 ~b6 6. c3 f6 7. ~gS <;1;> e7 S7.l:c8 fS [ ~ S7...c6 58.l:c7 <;f;>fS
h6 8 .~ h4 d6 9.".-e2 ~e6 [9 S9.d6 IS) S8.l:c7 6 S9.l:b7 f4? [ ~
10. ~g3 W'e7 11.h4 l:gS 12.o-o-o ~e6 S9 ...l:d4±) 60.l:b8? [60.c6 c6 61 .l:f7
13.hgS hgS 14 ...-e1 o-o-o 1S .~bS eS WeS 62.dc6 <;f;>e6 63.C7+-) 60 .. .f3?
16. a4 ~d7 17.tiJb6 ab6 18.~d7 tOed? [60 ...l:d4 61 .l:fS <;f;>e? 62.l:fS ±) 61.c6 f2
19.13! M.Brunello-Miturova, Sibenik It 2012) 62.~ h3? [62.l:fS +- J
10. dS [10.0·0·0 gS (10 ...0·0 11 .<;1;>b1
l:eS 12.13 tOeS 13.tiJd4 g6 14 .~12 c6
1S.'ifd2 dS= Cemhan-Coimbra, Gaziantep
2012) 11. ~g3 'fie? 12.13 0-0-0 13.~12 dS
14 .~b6 ab6 1S.edS tiJdS 16.tiJdS l:dS
17.l:dS ~dS 1S.W'e7 lH~ Radulov- 1S ... dS 16.edS ~ dS 17 . ~ h7
Smyslov, Hastings 1972/73) ~ g2 18.l: hg1 ~f3 19. l:de1
'f/f6?! [19 .. .'f/fS 20 .~gS 'figS 21 .'i'd3
~g4 'l') 20 . ~ g8 l: g8 21. ~ h4 1 ! gh4
22.l: g8 <;1;> d7 23.c4 d4 24.l:ge8
e6 2S ..l:t8e6 fe6 26.cS h3
27.cb6 ab6 28. d4 [2S ...-d3 'f/h6
29. d2 ~g2 30.Wg3± ) 28 ... ~ ds
62 ...tiJc6? [62 ... l:d3 63.l:b2 .l:th3 64.l:l2 29. e2 h2 30. g3 'f/ h4 31 ...-e2
<;f;>e?=) 63.dc6+- l:d1 64.<;1;> b2 l:d2 1t'h6 32.'*'e3 'fl h3 33.b3 1t'h8
6S.<;f;>c3 l:d1 66.Wc4 l:c1 67.<;1;>dS 34.<;1;> c2 tt' h7 3S.Wb2 'i!t' hB
7 68.l:b7 Wd8 69.l:d7 36.Wc2 tt' h7 37.<;1;> b2 tt' hB
70.l:h7 8 71 .l:f7 l:d1 72.c;t;>cs 38 ...-c3 f8 39. tt'd4 cS 40.'*'e3
l:c1 73.Wb6 l:b1 74.Wa7 l:c1 'i!t'h8 41. <;1;> c2 tt' h7 42. d3 ..-f7
7S .~g2 l:c2 76.<;1;> b6 l:b2 77.<;1;>a7 43.f4 c;t;>c6'e3 g6 4S.Wd2
10 ...gS 11. ~g3 0-0 12.0-0-0 ~dS l:c2 78.~dS We8 79.Wb6 l:b2 'f/g7 46.<;1;> c2 1t'g6 47.<;1;> b2 '*'f6
13.edS .l:te8 14."it'f3 eS 1S.W'fS 80.Wc5 l:c2 81. 6 .l:td2 82.l:fS 1-0 48.1Pc2 W'g6 11.2 -11.2

Kin 'sPawn 0 s Centre Game KP 2.6-11 (C22)

The Jocha (Counter-)Gambit!

by Andras Adorjan and Endre Vegh

1. e4 e5 few moves from the initial posi-

2. d4 ed4 tion . Still thi s is true. I cou ld give
3. 'i!fd4 ltJc6 a bunch of examples. But for a
4. 'i!fe3 tart let me give only one:
Ermenkov-Adorjan, Budape t zt
l::[tLJ~~ ~t[Jl::[ 1993: l.e4 c5 2.f4 d5 3.ltJc3?!
(on 3.ed5 d5 or even 3 ... f6 is
~~~ ~~~ OK) 3 ... de4 4. e4 'i!fc7 5.ltJ f3
~ f6! 6.ltJf6 ef6 7.g3 i..e7 8 .~g2
~ 0-0 9.0-0 ltJc6 I O.d3 i..g4! I l.h3
i..e6 and Black went on to win
hi better position .

The Main Line

More than 5, available games
(MegaBase) were played with 'Uncle' Bela Papp
a brilliant teacher
The name 'Centre Gambit' for the 'Centre Gambit '. Among the
this opening line, common in white player , rather surpris- times. Both moves gave Black an
German (Mitre/gambit), Dutch ingly, there were some leading advantage, but in both ca es he
(Middengambiet) and Hungarian players, like Judit Polgar and my has to play carefully, ince the
(kozepc el), is ju t wrong. One co-author Endre Vegh ... key po ition is very sharp. Peo-
would expect orne sacrifice in a No wonder it was hard to select the ple desperately follow fa hion
variation with such a name. At least mo t important games. The mo t and want to win at home. Some-
a pawn - or even a piece like in the popular is, of course, the main line times, however, they meet a
Polerio/Muzio Variation of the - l .e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.'i!fd4 ltJc6 strong novelty and then they can
King's Gambit or the Traxler! I 4.'i!fe3 ltJf6 5.ltJc3 ~b4 6.i..d2 0-0 go home ooner than they bar-
analy ed both opening in depth at 7.0-0-0 l:te8 8. 'it'g3, gained for ...
the age of 11 - 12 (1 was born in I would advise the readers to
1950). In my notes !!! (three excla- study lesser-known variations.
mation marks) were not rare and all Or, even better: try to repair
the variation ended in mate ... those lines that have a bad repu-
tation . I' m not talking about the
A Queen into the Fray present ca e only.
The opening White play is a
kind of gamble. It is rightly writ- The Jocha!
ten: Do not throw your queen Let get back to our subject!
into the fray too early, for your The first time I met thi s so-called
opponent will gain tempo by gambit wa when I attended the
cha ing it! Somehow most peo- lecture of the brilliant teacher
ple cannot even imagine that and here both 8 ... l:le4 and Bela Papp. He was a wild attack-
White can be worse after ju t a 8 ... ltJe4 have occurred many ing player and played the Centre

Gambit too, with the intention of that I tried it out agajnst my for- Roman Hernandez Onna (Las
building up omethj ng like mer team mate Laszlo Antal (the Palmas 1977), Ljubomir Ljubo-
c2-c4, .id2 and ttJc3. Somehow father of IGM Gergely Antal), jevic (Szirak izt 1987) and Alex-
he often managed it too! I ad- and with uccess. Another 2 1( !) ander Oni chuk (Aiushta 1994).
mired Uncle Bela, but I did not year went by till BP's other pu-
follow hi example. Just the op- pil Z olt FU thy u ed the line
posite: I created a real (coun- again . Although both experi-
ter-)gambit with 4.'it'e3 f5!. ments bore fruit, I cannot guar-
antee that the series wi ll be
continued. But one thing I can
ay. If a boy aged 12 could create
something of hi own, then any-
body can fo llow this example.
Otherwi e the line connected
with an early ... ttJ b4 are of orne
interest - thi wa already
pointed out by Jeroen Bo ch in All these prove that careles play
Volume 12 of hj SOS series. by White may lead to trouble !
Black took over the initiative at
Another Early Queen Outing an early tage of the game. See
Thi was baptised the Jocha, Finally I pre ent three games be- the analysis in the opening phase
which was my family name till ginning with l .c4 c5 2.ttJc3 g6 of the e samples at the end of thi s
1967. It was a funny coincidence 3.d4?! cd4 4.'ii'd4 ttJ f6 - v . Survey.

The Jocha Gambit 10.'ti'h3 li:lgeS ( 11 .li:le6 iL.e6 20. d2 c6 iL.b8
4 ... f5 12.fe6± ) 11 .g4 iL.h4;t] 10.l:te1 l:te6 23.lld1 [23.iL.gS l:tg61] 23 ... l:tg6
li:lg4 1U it'f3?? [:<:. 11 .tfg3 ceS 24 .~ h1 [24.g4 hS 2S.f3;!;; 24. ~11]
Antai,Laszlo c6 (12 13.cd3 iLlS 14. IdS 24 .•. b5
Jocha,Andras l:tae8 1S.iL.I4 'it'd? 16.h3 16 17.l:te7
Hungary tt 1965 l:te7 'ti'e7 19.iL.c7+-)!
1.e4 eS 2.d4 ed4 3."ti'd4 li:lc6 (13.h3 li:ld3 16 1S.'ti'l3±) ~ .ld:
4.'ti'e3 13...cdS 14.iL.I4 i£.16 1S.'ti'g4+-J ~~.ld: ~
11 ••.li:lce5 12.'ti'd5 'ti'dS 13. dS ~ ~ ~ tt:J ~
iL.cS? [:<:. 13...iL.h4! 14.iL.e3 iLlS 1S.iL.IS
l:tiS 16.l:tl1 (16.iL.c5 ll12!; 16.l:te2 c6
17.h3 cdS 18.hg4 li:lg4; 19.iL.d4 ~
i£.12! 20.iL.I2 (20.l:tl2 li:\12 21 .iL.I2 ~
l:tal8-+) 20 ...l:tal8 21 .li:lc3 12-+)
16... c6 17.h3 cdS 18.hg4 li:lg4=i= ] 14.iL.e3
li:ld3? [:<:. 14... li:le3 1S.Ie3 c6 .a
l:tb8 iL.e6 18.fe6 l:tbd8 19. c3
li:ld3 20.cd3 l:td3 21.llad1 l:te3 22.~h1 25. b2? [2S. eS eS 26.deS iL.eS
l:te1 23.lle1 l:td8 24.g3 Wt8=i=] 15.cd3 27.iL.d4=] 25 26.l:tb2 b4
iL.d6 [1S 16.fe3 iLlS 17.d4 iL.d6 [26...iL.h3 27.13 (27.gh3 l:tl3-+) 27... l:te8
18.e4 iL.e6±] 16.h3 [16.iL.I4 28.iL.c1 iL.IS=i=] 27. a4 iL.e4
4 •.• f51?N [Jocha/AA] 5.ef5 [ li:\16 iL.cS 17.iL.g3 iLlS ~h8 19.h3;t] [27 ...iL.h3!+] 28.l:tg1? [28.14 l:tg3 29.l:te1
(S.. .fe4 6.'ti'e4 'ti'e7 7.'ti'e7 iLe7 8.iL.I4;!;) 17.d4? [17.iL.I4± ; 17.16±] l:th3 30.~g1 l:th4 31 . c5 i£.14 32.iL.I4
• le4 li:le4 8.'ife4 'ti'e7=] 17... d3 18.l:te2 iL.f5 [18 ...c6 19. dc3 l:tff4 33. a6 l:tl6! (33 ...iL.dS 34. b4 l:td4
5 ...iL.e7 6.iL.d3 li:lf6 [ 0-0 iLlS l:tae8~] 19.b3 [19. a3! cdS=i= ; 3S ...l:td5 36.l:te8 ~
8.0-0 dS~] 7...0-0 8.0-0 dS [8... b4 li:lb2 li:lc4 21 .li:ldc7 iL.c7 22. c7 37.l:tc8=) 34. b4 aS+ ] 28 .. .l:tf3 29.l:tc1
See Havasi·Fusthy] 9. f4 'ti'd6 [9 llacB (22 ... l:tad8) 23. dS;t] 19..• l:tae8 l:th3 30 . ~g1 ..if3 0-1

Survey KP 2.6-11

Havasi,Janos 13 . ~b3 d6 14.h4 ~fS l%e8 ~e6 [15 ... tt:le3
Fi.isthy,Zsolt ~gS? 16.hg5 'it'e8 17.l%de1 'ilt'c6 16.'tlt'e3 e4] l%ad8 17.'ilt'e5
Hungary tt 19B6 18.~c3 l%ae8 19.'it'd2 'it'g2 20.'ilt'd4 'ilt'g6 18.~1 ~f5 [18... tt:le3 19.'ilt'e3
1.e4 eS 2.d4 ed4 3.'tlt'd4 tt:lc6 [20.l%eg1 'it'l3 21 . ~d5 ~e4 22 .~e4 'it'e4 (19.fe3 ~c4 20.'ilt'g5 ~e2 21.~e2 ..-d3
4.'tlt'e3 fSI? 5.ef5 ~e7 6. ~d3 [ 23.g6± ] 20 ...c5 [20 ... b5! 21.~d5 (21.14?! 22 .~12 l%d5 23.... f4 g5 l%f5-+)
<016 (6...d5!?) 7.~d2 (7 .~d3 d5 8.'tlt'g3 c5 22.'it'd6 c4) 21...c5 22..ig2 cd4 23.~d4 19... ~c4 20 .~c4 l%e3 21 .fe3 ..-f5'f]
(}() d4 t) 7...0-Q (7... d5!?) 8.0-0-0 l%cB+=t} 21 .'it'd6 'it'gS 19...-g3 'it'f6 20.l%e1 tt:le3 21.fe3
dS 9.'tlt'e1 (~ 9 .~e1 ~f5 (9...d4 10.'* h3) ..-b2 22 ...-f4 ~g6 23. ~ l%e4 d5 11.~c4 ;!;) 9... ~f5 10.13? (not 24 ...-c7 [24 ...-g5 l%de8] 24... l%de8
a move in gambit spirit...) 10... tt:lb4 11 .g4 25 . ~g3 ... b4 [25 ...h5!?; 25... h6]
.ic2 12.'ilt'e6 ~h8 13.l%e1 ~d6 -+ ) 26 .~d1 h6 27.~b3 aS 28.l%e2 a4
6... tt:lf6 0-0 8.0-0 tt:lb4 [8 ...d5 29 ..ic2 l%g4 30. ~ ..-c4 31.~g6? 'ilt'd6 10.l%e1 tt:lg4 11 .'ilt'f3 tt:lce5 [31.g3!± and if 31....ic2 then 32.l%c1 ;
12.W'd5 'ilt'd5 13. d5 ~c5 (~ 13... ~h4 !) 31.~d1}
14.~e3 - See: L.Antai..Jocha/Ado~an ,
Hungary It 1965] [!? d5
(9...b6 10. c3 ~7~) 10.'ilt'h3] 9 ... d5
[9... b6!?] tt:lg4 11.'tlt'd4 tt:ld3 L1L1 \t>l:: L1
12.'tlt'g4 [12.'tlt'd3 tt:lh6} 12... tt:lc1 [~ Ci:JL1
12... e5] 13.l%ac1 g6 ~fS l%f5 16.l%cd1 ~d6 17.l%d3
[1 7.c4!?} 17... 'ilt'f6 18.c3 l%e8 [18... l%f8!]
22.l%e3?? [22.14 ...14 23.~1 lOgS
24....c5oo] 22... tt:lg4? [22.. ..Q.e4!+] 23.l%g1
l%d8? [23....Q.g6} 24...-e7 ..-e7 25.l%e7 j. ~
• 'if'

tt:lf6 26.l%gg7 ~g6 27.l%g8 Hl j.j. 'if i

31 ... l%g21 32. ~g2 'it'e2 33 . ~g3 fg6
34.l%e1 r ~ 34 ....b7 l%e3 35....c6 'tlt'a2
4 ... ~ b4 36.'ilt'g6'f} 34...'it'a2 35.l%d1? [35.'it'b7]
35 ... 'it'e6 [35 ... l%f8!-+} 36.'tlt'b7 'ilt'f6
Thorhallsson,Throstur 37.l%c1 l%e3 38.'ilt'c6 l%f3 39.'ilt'f3
Hebden,Mark ..-gs 40 ...-g4 ..-c1 41 ...-a4 'ilt'g1
Cappelle Ia Grande 2005 (4) 42 . ~ h3 ~h7 +/- + [Black's win is only a
1.e4 es 2.d4 ed4 3.'ilt'd4 tt:lc6 question of time] 43.'ilt'd7 hS 44.'it'e6 [A bad mistake. After 19.'ilt'a4 4 ...-e3 tt:lb41? 'ilt'f1 45. ~g3 gS 46.'it'e7 'it'g1
White has a normal position] 19... l%f21 -+ 47. ~ ...g4 48. ~ 'ilt'f4 49. ~g2
20.l%f3 [20.1%12 l%e1 - +} 20... l%f1 g4 SO.'it'e8 'ilt'f3 51. ~g1 g3 52.hg3
21 .l%f1 [21. ~f1 'tlt'e7 22.g3 (22.~g1 ...g3 53. ~h1 'ilt'f3 54 .~g1 ...,5
W'e1 23.l%f1 .ih2-+) 22 ...c5-+] 55. ~h2 'tlt'g6 56.'tlt'd8 ~ h6 57....d2
21... ~h2 0-1 ..-gs 58.'tlt'd6 'tlt'f6 s9. ..-b8 gs
60.~g2 h4 61 .'it'e8 ..-b2 62. ~g1
'tlt'd4 63 . ~h1 W'dS 64. ~g1 ~g7
Jakubiec,Artur 65.'it'e7 ~g6 66.'it'e8 ~5 67 •..-c8
Gross,David 4 68 . ~h2 W'eS 69. ~g2 W'e2
Czech tt 2000/ 01 (B) 70.~ h1 g4 71.'ilt'c1 ~g3 72 ...-e3
1.e4 eS 2.d4 ed4 3.'ilt'd4 tt:lc6 ...f3 0-1
4.'ilt'e3 fS [5.e5 tt:lh6!] 5
6. ~d2 ~e7 [6 ... fe4 tt:le4 8.'tlt'e4
'ilt'e7=} 7.0-0-0 fe4 [7 .. .0.01? B.ef5 d5] tt:lf6 6.e5 tt:lfd5 7.'ilt'e4 d6 lvic,Mateo 0-0 9.~c4 ~h8 [9 ...d5 10.~c3 8.c3?1 [B.ed6 ~e6 9.dc7 'it'c7±] Pinter,Jozsef
~h8 11. ~16 ~f6 12.l%d5 'tlt'e7 8... de51 9.cb4 ~b4 10.~d2 ~d2 Sibenik tt 2007 (B)
~e6 14.l%c5 ~c4 15.l%c4 'ilt'f7 16.'tlt'e2± ] 11. ~d2 0-0 [ 12.'ilt'd3 'tlt'e7 1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.'it'd4 tt:lc6 tt:lg4?! [10 ...d5 11 .tt:lf6 ~f6 13.~e1 0.0 l%d8 15.'it'a3 c5'f] 4 ...-e3 tt:lb41? [5.'tlt'e2 ~c5
12 . ~d3 (12. ~c3 d4!) 12... 'tlt'd6 and Black 12.~e1?1 [12.l%e1 tt:lf6 13...-d3 'ilt'e7~] d6 tt:lf6 8.a3 tt:lc6 9.b4 .ib6
is OK} 11.'ilt'e2 tt:lgeS tt:le5 12... c6 13. ~e2 'it'f6 [13 ... l%e8!?] tt:ld5 (10...0-0?! 11.~g5 might be

disturbing for Black) 11.ed5 tt:leT~] .lle7-+ 26.i.e4 i.e4 tt:lc5 Wh7 16.W'g4 tt:lc2 17.'itd2 a1
5 ... 1t'e71? [5 ...b6 6.i.d2 (6.c3 tt:lc6 28.1t'h4 h5 29.i.c3 i.d4 30.Wh1 18.'it'f5 'itg8 19 . .1la1 Wh4 20. .1lc1
7. ge7 (? ... tt:\16 8.e5 tt:ld5 9.We4;t) .lle4 'itg7 32.• de .llda .lle4 21.g3 ife7 22.b3 [ .llc4\13 tt:lg6 9.i.e2 i.b7 10.1).0 Wt6 i.c3 34.bc3 .llc4 35 . .1le1'd3 b5+] 22 ... .1le2 0-1'd3 (11 .e5 We6) 11...i.e7 12 ..1le1 4 36 ..1le7 37. .1lf7 'ite5
and White is slightly better) 6...i.b7 7.i.c4 38 ..1lg7 5 39. .1lf7 'ite4 c5
We7 a.I}I}O 1}0.0 9.13 (!? tt:lh6 41 . .1lf6 .llc3 42 . .1lg6 c4 43.g4 .llc1 Meessen,Rudolf
(9 ... We4 10.1t'e4 i.e4 11 .tt:le5±) 44.'itg2 c3 'itf4 Ziatdinov,Rashit
10..1lhe1 tt:lg4 11 .-.14 (11 .We2 16) 'ite5 c2 'itd5 Moscow 2009 (8)
11... 12 12.i.b4 Wb4 13 ..1ld4 i.d6 49. .1lg5 'itd6 50 . .1lg6 'ite7 51 .gh5 1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.1t'd4 tt:lc6 4.1t'e3
(13...i.c5 14.Wh4 (14.e5 .lld1 52.h6 c1 1t' 53.h7 1t'c2 0-1 tt:lf6 3 tt:lb4 6.We2 b6 [6 ... d6
i.c5) 14 ... i.c5 15.WI2 i.d4 7.i.14 i.e? a.I}I}Q 1).0 9.e5;t ea 10.a3
.llheaoo) 9... d5 10.i.b4 Wb4 11 .i.d5 i.d5 c6 11 .tt:ll3 i.g4 12.h3 i.l3 13.W13
12 ..1ld5 .lld5 13.ed5 tt:\16 i.c5 14.ed6 d6 i-14 16.W'I4 .Ilea
15 ....d3 'ilt'a5 16. c3? (16..1ld1 i.a3 cd6 1a.i.c4 tt:le5 19.i.b3 1t'c7
(1 6... .1lda W'a2 1a. c3) 17 ....a3 ~- ~ A.Smith·Gormally, England tt 2003104;
Wa3 1a.ba3 .Ilea!!!?) 16 ...i.a3 17.ba3 1fa3 4 ... tt:l f6 5. tt:l c3 tt:l b4 6...d5 7.i.g5 i.e? (7 ... h6 a.i.l6 W16
18.'itb1 .llda'c4 a6 20..1ld1 b5 9.ed5±) a.a3 d4 9.i.l6 i-16 10.e5 i.e?
21 .1t'c6 .lld6 (21...'itb8) 22.1t'aa 'itd7 Schmidt,R8If (1 O... Q.O 11 . e4 d3 12.cd3 i.e5 13.ab4
23 ..1ld3 1t'b4 24.'ita1 1t'14'f 25.'itb1 1t'b4 Karim,lsmael .Ilea 14.g4±) 11.ab4 dc3 12.bc3;t; 6... We7
26.'ita1 '*'c5 (26 ... '*'14+) 27.'itb2 (~ Malaga 2009 (2) 7.i.l4] 7.Wd1 ? I [7.e5 i.a6 (7... tt:lld5
27.1t'la) 27 ... b4 tt:le4 29.1e4 .ll16 1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3. 'it'd4 tt:lc6 tt:ld5 9.We4 i.b7 10.i.c4 1t'e7
30..1ll3 Wd4 31.'itc1 '*'e4 32 ..1ll6 We1 4.W'e3 tt:lf6 tt:lb41? [5 ...i.e7\13;t) a.Wd1 i-11 9.Wt1 g8
33. b2 Wc3+ G.Papp-J.Pinter, Balaton· 6.i.c4 d6 i.e6=] 6.i.d3 tt:lc6 11 .g3 i.c5 12.Wg2 tt:lge7 13..1le1 ;t]
lelle 2006; 5...i.e7 6.i.d2 tt:lc6 7.h3 d6 7 ...i.c5 8.a3 [8.e5 We7'f] 8 ... tt:lc6
a.i.c4 tt:\16 9.0·0·0 0·0 10.i.c3 tt:ld7~ ; 9.i.g5 h6 1 O.i.h4 o-o 11 . f3 .Ilea
5... 16 6.e5 tt:lld5 (6 ... tt:lg4 7.1t'e2 [11...g5] 12.i.c4? g5 [13.i.g3
(7.We4) 7... d5 8.ed6 i.e6 9.Wb5) 7.1t'e4 tt:le4 14M tt:lc3 15.bc3 W16+J 13... hg5
d6 a.c4 (a.c3 deS!; a.ed6 i.e6 9.dc7 14.i.g5 e4? [14] 15.i.f7
1t'c7!1!?) a ... tt:le7 9.ed6 W'd6 Wda 'itg7 16.i.d8 i.f2 17. 1 i.a6
11.c5 a6!] 6.c3 [!? d5 7.e5 tt:lc6 .llad8 19.i.e8 d4 20.i.h5
a.i.e2 h6 (a .. .l6 9.el6 tt:\16;t) tt:lf5 21. Wc1 .llh8 22.g4 tt:le3
9.0.0 i.e6 (9 ... tt:lg4 10.Wb3 tt:lce5 23.'*'e3 i.e3 24.'itg2 tt:lf2 [24 .. -i.b?]
11 .i.l4±t1) 10.W'b3 I}Q.Q 11 .tt:lb5oo] 25. ~ ? [25..1lhl1±] 25...i.c5
6 d6 8.i.d3 g6 9.f4 26. .1lhe1 [26 ..1lhd1!] 26 ... .1lf8
[9.W'g5!? 16 10.W'h4 h5!] 9 ...i.g7 tt:lf6 11.h3 o-o 12.o-o .Ilea
13 . .1le1 Wd8 14.1t'f2 b6 6 ...d5!? [6 ...i.e7 7.e5 (~ d6 a.Q.O
o.o 9.a3) a:• e4 d5 9.ed6 Wd6
10.i.l4 1t'c5 11 .i.g3 tt:ld3 12.1t'd3 0-0
13.1t'b5 i-15 14.h3 tt:\16 15.Wc5 i.c5
16.0.0-0 .llfea'f Sanleliu Fabregas-Hebden,
La Pobla de Lillet 2005] 7 .tt:ld5 [7.ed5
i.e?\13 tt:lld5 tt:ld5 10.We2Q.O
11 .1).0::/;t] 7 ... tt:lfd5 8.ed5 i.e7 9.c4
o-o i.c51 11 .Wg3 [11.Wd2
b5 ( 12.W'd3 .Ilea 13.1).0 i-15!1!?
(13 ...W'I6 14.i.e3 Wb2 15.i.c5 1t'e2
16.W'e2 .lle2 17 ..1lae1 .lle1 1a ..lle1 i.d7 27.'itg3? [ tt:lh3 2a ..llad1 'ith6+
19 ..1le7 .Ilea 20..1lea i.ea 21.i.a7;t) (2a 29 ..1ld7 'ith6 30..1lf7 tt:lh5
14.W'I5 .lle2 15.b4 i.b4 16.Wd3 .lle7 31 ..1le6 Wg5 32 ..1le5 'itg6 33..1lla i.b7
15.c4?1 [!?] 15...i.b716.i.d2 17..1lb1 W'd6 1a.a3 i.c5 19 ..1lb7 .llaea!!!?) 34.'ite2 tt:lg3 35.hg3 36..1lea i.d6'f)
• 86 tt:lb4 18.i.b1 a5 19.83 12.1).0 .Ilea!!!?] 11...i.d6 12.i.f4 i.f4 29..1lea i.b7 30.Wg3 tt:\14 31 ..1lla tt:lh5
tt:la6 20.e5 deS 21 .fe5 tt:ld7 .Ilea i.g4 [14 ...W'e7! 32.gh5 33 ..1ld7 i.d6 34.'itl2 i.h2+]
tt:le5 23 . .1le5 .lle5 24. W'f7 [ 15.a3 tt:lc2 16.'itd2 tt:la1 17..1la1 i-15 27... tt:le4 28.'itg2 .llf2 29.Wh3 ~e2
W'f8 i.e5+] 24... 'ith8 25.Wf4 i.d3 19.Wd3 a6-+] 15.i.h7 0-1

Survey KP 2.6-11

The Main Line 18.~c3 a5 19.~e3 ~e6 (19... ab4!? 20.c;t;>d2 ~e6=1'i') 13... h6 14.~e4 de4 15.~e3
a. it' 3 d6 .lla5-+) 20.~c2 ab4 21 .c;t;>d2 "i!t"a2 22..1lb1 (15. e5 "i!t"d5~) 15... "i!t"e8 16. l0a5~
'tli'd5 (22...1t'a5- + ) 23.~ b3 24.l014 Nepomniachtchi·Raetsky, Biel 2007] 11 .f4
Nepomniachtchi,lan 1t'a5 25.~e2 l0e5? (25...1t'b4) 26.l0e6 [11 .l0f3 d6 12.h3 l0e5'i'] 11...d5 12.l0f3
Li Chao .lle6?? (26 ... fe6 27.1t'e4 liJd3 28.1t'd3 'iit'e5 [12.~d3 ~h4 13.'i lt'f3 .lle8'1']
St Petersburg It rapid 2012 (1) 29.13;!;) 27..1la1 1-o Paragua·Neelakantan,
1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3."i!t"d4 l0c6 Mumbai 2012] 13.~b1?! [13.~e3 ~g4?
4.'tWe3 l0f6 5.l0c3 ~b4 6 .~d2 0-0 (13 ... .1lg4 14 .~d4 .lld4 15.c3 (15.1t'e3 ~15
7.0-0-0 .Ilea 8. 'i!i"g3 d6 9.a3 ~c3 16.~15 .lld1 17..1ld1 'ifl5'i') 15... ~c3 16.bc3
10.~c3 ~d7 [~ 10....1le4 11 .h3!?] 11 .f3 .llg4 17."i!t"f3 'tli'c3 18.~c2 1t'a1 19.c;t;>d2
%:1 b8 12. e2 b5 13.l0f4 as 14.l0d5 .lld4 20.~ .lld1 21..1ld1 1t'a2 22..1ld2
~ h5 15. W'e1 b4 16.ab4 ab4 1t'c4 23.~d3 W'h4 and Black has a good
17. b4 .!laS 18. ~ b1 l0b4 19. ~b4 game - Kortchnoi; 13...~3? 14.1t'h3 .llh4
~e6 20.1t'e3 'ifd7 21. ~c3 W'a4 15.~d4 1!rd4 16~7 .llh7 17.1t'h7 ~h7
22 .~c1 d5 [22 ... l016 23 .~d3;!;] 18.lld4+-;, 13... 15 14.1t'f3 .lleS 15.~15
23."i!t"g5 [23.1t'c5! ± ] 23 ••• de4 24.~b5 1t'l5 16.l014 c6'i') 14. g5 .lle3 15.1t'g4
'l"a1 25. ~d2 .!ladS 26. ~d3 1t'a4 lOe2 16.~e2 .lle2 17.l0e4 .lle4 18.W'e4
27.fe4 "i!t"e4 28..1lhf1 'tli'g5 19.14 'tWb5 20.c3 ~c5 21.llhe1±
Mieses-Capablanca, Berlin 1913] 13...l0e2 12... ~f5! 13 . ~d3 'iit'd7 14 .~e4 ~e4
14."i!t"t3 15. ~e3 l0a5 16. ~d4 [16. d2
~g6 -+ ; 16.l0g5 ~g5 17.1g5 1t'a4-+]
16... ~f8 [White's position is almost
hopeless] 17.b3 1t'b5 18. ~b2 c5
19. ~e5 l0c4 20 .~a1 e3 21.l0g5
1t'e2 22 ..1lc1 l0c2 23 ..1lc2 ~c2
24 ..1le1 1t'd3 25."i!t"g4 "i!t"f5 0-1
ill l
28 ••• h6? [28 ....1ld5 29.1t'h5 "i!t"d3 30.cd3
Advantage for Black
a.w 3 l:te4
%:1 h5 31.h3=] 29.1t'h5 1t'g2 30.1t'e2
'l"e2 31. ~e2 ~g4 32.~ ~d1 14... ~a3!! 15.ba3 [15.c3 l0c3 16.~c2 Polgar,Judit
33 •.1ld1 ± f5? 34 ..1lg1 + - g5 35.h4 l0e2 17 .~e4 1t'b2 18. ~d3 ~d7 - + ; Hort,VIastimil
g4 36.h5 .llf8 37.~g3 f4 38. ~g4 f3 15 .~c1 1t'l3 16.gf3 .Ilea 17.l0g5 h6 Prague It 1995 (8)
39.~c4 ~h7 40. ~h3 1-0 18..1lhe1 hg5'i'] 15...l0c3 16. ~c1 l0a2 1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.1t'd4 l0c6
17. ~b1 l0c3 18. ~c1 ~h3 19. ~e4 4.1t'e3 l0f6 5.l0c3 ~b4 6. ~d2 (H)
~g21 -+ [Now the game is practically 1 .0-0-0 .Ilea 8.1t'g3 .lle4 9.a3
over] 20.1t'g2 1t'f4 21. ~b2 l0e4
22 •.1ld4 1t'f6 23. 1t'e4 c5 24..1le1 h5
Advantage for Black 25.1t'f4 W'd4 26.W'd4 cd4 27..1le7 l:ItLJ ~ 1;1 ~
a.w 3 tt:J e4 b6 28.a4 g5 29. ~ b3 ~g7 30 ..1lc7 ~ ~~ ~~~
.Ilea 31 ..1la7 .lle2 32 •.1lb7 .llf2
33 ..1lb6 .llh2 34.a5 .lle2 35.a6 .Ilea
'if tLJ ~
Vallejo Pons,Francisco 36.a7 .!laS 0-1
Moscow 2007 (5)
1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.1t'd4 l0c6 4.1t'e3 ~ ~
~16 5.l0c3 ~ 6~d2 (H) 7.0-0-0 Rudd,Jack ll.t. .t.l.t.l
: ea s.W'g3 9.tOe4 .lle4 1o.~t4
'tWf611.lOh3 d612.~d3 l0d4 [12 ....1le8
13.~g5 W'e6 14.c3 W'a2?! (14... ~c5
15..1lde1 l0e5 16.1lh1 W'g4 17.14 W'g3
London 2010 (2)
1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3. 1t'd4 l0c6 4. 1t'e3
l0t6 5.l0c3 ~b4 6.~d2 !Hl 7.0-0-0 9... ~c3
• 'i+'.i. K
[9...~c5 ! ? 1o .~g5! ? .lld4
18.hg3 h6 19.fe5 hg5 20.b4 1lb6 21.ed6 .lle8 8.1t'g3 l0e4 9.l0e4 .lle4 10.c3 (10... .1lg4? 11.~16 .llg3 12 . ~d8 .llc3
~ 22..1le8 .lleS 23.gh3 cd6'i') 15.1t'h4? ~e7 [10 ... ~d6!? 11 .14 ~18 12.~d3 d5 13 . ~c7+- ; 10 ... .1le8 11.l0d5 ~e7 12 .~16
( 15~16!?) 15...h6 16.cb4 W'a1 17.<oPc2 W'a4 13.l013 (13.~e4 de4 14 . ~e3 W'f6 15.l0e2 ~16 13.1t'c7;!;) 11. ~d3 ~d6! (11...h6

12.~16 W'l6 13.tilge2 ~d6 14.W'e3~) [Other continuations: 1O.h4 dS 11 .13 l:teB 10.f4 l:te8 11. ~d3 ~f8 12.tilf3 d5
12.'it'e3! ~e7 (12 ...h6?! 13.~16 W'l6 12.hS tild4 13.~d3 c6 14. ~h6 tile6 13.l:the1 (13.l:tde1 d4 14.l:te8 WeB
14.tilge2 ~es 1S.g3!±) 13.tilge2 l:td6 (14... tilg4!?) 1S.~g7 ~c7 16.~16 ~g3 1S.l:te1? (1S.tilbS WdB 16.tilgS!? tile7
14.W'h3 tileSO (14 ... g6 1S.~f4 l:te6 17.~d8 l:tdB 18.~1S ~eS=R= Paragua· 17 .~c4 tiledS 18.tild4 h6 19.tilgl3 a6':f 6
16. ~c4 d5 17.tildS±; 14... h6 1S.~f4 l:te6 Korneev, Seville 2002; 10.13 l:teB 11 .tilge2 ... cS, ... bS M.Pap) 1S... dc3 16.~c3 WdB
16.~1S±) 1S.~IS g6 (1S... l:td1 16.l:td1 d6 d6 12.h4 tilhS (12...tile7!?+) 13.W'h2 (~ 17.~16 W16 18.l:te8 h6-+ Kislinsky·
17.~16! ~IS 18.~e7 'it'd7! 19.W'hS tilg6 13.W'gS) 13...fS 14. ~gs Wd7':f/+ Straka, Senica 2011 ] 13... l:te1 (13 ... tile7
20.~d6 (20.~16!) 20 ... cd6;!;) 16.14 tilc6 Shabalov·Martinovsky, Chicago 1996; 14.tiles (14.Wf2 tillS 1S.l:te8 -.ea 16.h3
(16 ... tilc4 17.~d3~) 17.~16 l:t16 ( 17...~16 10.~d3? l:tg4 11 .W'h3 tileS! 12 .~e2 d6 tild6 17.l:te1 W'dB 18.g4 b6':f) 14 ... tilfS
18.l:td6 cd6 19.~d3~) 18.~d7 l:td6 13.14 (13.13 l:tg6 14.g4 hS!-+) 13... l:tf4 1S.'it'l3 tild4 16.Wf2 c5 17.h3 tilc6 18.g4
19 .~c8 'it'cB= analysis by J.Petronic] 14.Wg3 l:td4 1S.till3 ~c3!-+ Zakic· c4 (18... g6!?) 19 .~11 tileS?! (19 ... l:te6)
10.~c3 d5 (10 ...d6 11 .13 (11.~d3!? l:teB D.Nestorovic, Kladovo 1996; 10.14 d6+ ; 20.feS tild7 (20 ... tile4 21 . e4 de4 22 .~c4
12.h4~) 11...l:te8 12.tile2 ~IS 13.'it'f4 10.b4? l:tg4! 11.'it'd3 ~ 12.13 l:td4 ~e6 23.~e6 l:te6 24 .~14 W'as 2S.l:te4
~e6 14.~16 W16 1S.'it'l6 gf6 16.till4 IS 13.We2 l:td6 6 ... l:te6, ... dS+ Nestorovic] l:tcB;!;/±) 21 .tildS tileS 22.~14 ~d6
17.tilhS~ Paragua·Kravtsiv, Beijing blitz 10... ~c3 (10... l:tg4 1 1.~16 l:tg3 12 .~d8 23.Wg3 1·0 Thorhallsson·Lagerman, Bolun·
2008] 11 .f31? (11.~e2 d4! Ado~an/Vegh] l:tc3 13.~c7 l:ta3 14.ba3 ~c7 1S.till3 d6 garvik ch·ISL 2009] 14.l:te1 tile7
11 ... l:te6 (11 ...l:te3 12.tile2 We7 16.~c4 ;!; Paragua·Baron Rodriguez, Unares
13. Wh4~ Adorjan/Vegh] 12.tile2 d4?1 2000] 11.W'c3 h6 (11...d6 12.~d3 l:teB
(12 ... l:td6 13.tild4 (13.Wh4!?) 13...tild4 13.til13 (13.tile2 tileS) 13... h6 14.~ ~e6
14.~d4~ Paragua·Solleveld, Groningen 1S.l:the1 gS 16.~g3 tilhSoo] 12.f3
1999] 13.tild4 l:td6 14.W'h4 ~e6 [12 . ~16! ? W'l6 13.W'I6 gf6 14.tile2~]
[14 ... tilds 1S.Wd8 l:tdB 16.tilc6 bc6
17.~d4±; 14...tileS 1S.l:te1 tilg6 16.W'f2i;
14... ~1SI ? 1S.~S tild4 16.~d4 c6 17. ~c4 l:[lLJ ~ l:[~
tild5i] 15.~e2 (1S.~S ! ? tild4 16.~d4 i] ~ ~ ~~
15 ... tild516.W'd8 l:t8d817.tile6 l:te6
(17... tilc3? 18.tild8 tile2 19.c;to?b1 tild8
~ 'if ~
20.l:td6 cd6 21 .l:te1+-] 18.~c4 l:ted6
19 .~d2 tilb6 20.h 2 tild4 21 .l:the1
tiltS (21 ... c5!? 6 22.l:te7 c4+="] 22.b41 c6
23.c3 h6 24.~b3 l:t6d7 25.84 tildS
• •
.t..l .l.l.l.t.
15.'iWh4 (1S.tiles ~ (~ 1S...c5) 16.~
tillS 17.W'd3 tile7 18.g4 c6 19.g5 tild7
26.85 86 27.l:t84 g5 28.g3 tild6
29.l:td4 tilbS 30.l:td3± tildc3?
[30... tilf4?! 31 .l:td7 tile2 32.c;to?b2 l:td7
33.c4 tilbd4 (33 ... tilc7 34.~gSI l:td1
• 'ir.i. .I
12 ... l:te8?1 [~ 12 ...l:teSoo] 13.~f6 Wf6
20.tilg4 (20.tilf7 tileS (20... q,m! 21 .W'h7-)
21 .tild8 tild3 22.cd3 l:tdB=I':f) 20...g6
(20... tilc5 21 .W'I3 tiliS':f) 21 .h4 ~g7 22.h5
tillS 23.'it'h3 b5 24.tile2 a5 25.tilg3 tilg3
35.~d1 +- ) 34.~e3 ~ 35.l:td2! 6 14.'i1Vf6 gf6 15.tile2 l:te5 [1S ...tile7!?] 26.'it'g3 b4 (~ 26...tilc5) 27.15 ba3 2B.Wa3
36.~d1 +-; ~ 30... tile7± 30... tilbc7 16.tilc3 tile7 17.f4 l:tfS 18. ~d3 l:tc5 gfS? 29.tilh6+- ~ 30.g,G W'l6 31 .'i1Vg3
31 .~e3 tile6 32 .~12 (32.~dS l:tdS 33.l:td5 (18... l:tf4? 19.l:the1 ±1+-] 19.tile4 l:tc6 ~ 32~g5 W'd4 33...d6 16 34...d7 fgS
l:tdS 34.l:tdS cdS;!;) 32 ...c;t,?18 33.c;t,?c2;!;] 20.~b5 l:te6 21.tilc5 d5 22.tile6 fe6 35.l:te8 1-0 Kapnisis-Lemos, Greece ch-jr
31 .l:tc3 tilc3 32.~c3 l:td1 33.~d1 23.l:t he1 ± c6 24. ~e2 ~d7 25.~g4 2001] 15... tilts 16.Wf2 c5 17.h3 d4
l:td5 34.~c2 ~ 35.~e4 l:td7 ~ 26. ~h5 c;to?g7 27.l:td3 c5 18.tile4 tild5 19.g4 tilfe3 20.tileg5 g6
36,~f5 l:tdS 37.g4+ - ~7 38.c;to?c2 28.l:tg3 ~8 29.l:tge3 l:tc8 30 .~g4 21.f5 c4? [21...W'f6':f.] 22.fg6 fg6
f6 39.c;to?b3 l:teS (39 ... l:td1 40.M + - l f5 31. ~f3 b5 32.l:te6 ~e6 33.l:te6 23.tile5 (23.tild4!+- ] 23... W'e7 24~c4
40.c;to?c4 c;to?d6 41 .~84 l:te6 42 .~e1! tilgS 34.~d5 b4 35.l:te5 tile7 tilc4 25.tilc4 ..f6 26.'i1Vf6 tilf6 27.tilf3
l:te7 43.~g3 c;to?d7 44.c;to?c5 c;to?dS 36. ~e6 l:tc6 37. ~f5 b83 38.b83 c4 b5 28.tilce5 ~cS 29.tild3 ~
45.c;to?b6 l:td7 46.~f5 l:td4 47. ~e1 39.~e4 l:td6 40. l:tc5 l:td4 41.l:te5 30~g5 tildS 31.tilde5 ~7 32.tiJd7
(47 ...l:td1 48.~c3+- Partly based on notes c3 42.c;to?b1 tileS 43.g3 tilb6 44 . ~d3 ~c7 33.tild4 a6 34.tilf6 tilf6 35~f6
by P.Biatny] 1-0 l:td7 45.l:tc5 1-0 ~d8 36.l:te8 [36...~ 37.l:td8 ~ 38.l:td7
~e4 39.l:th7±1+ - ] 1-0

K8pnisis,Spyridon Paragua,Mark
M8rkidis,Konstantinos Greet,Andrew Nepomniachtchi,lan
Greece tt 2000 (1) Beijing rapid 2008 (8) Harikrishna,Pentala
1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.W'd4 tilc6 4. W'e3 1.e4 e5 2 .d4 ed4 3. W'd4 tilc6 Moscow 2007 (1)
tilf6 5.tilc3 ~b4 6. ~d2 o-o 7 .o-o-o 4.We3 tilf6 5.tilc3 ~b4 6 .~d2 o-o 1.84 e5 2.d4 ed4 3 .Wd4 tilc6
l:teS 8.W'g3 l:te4 9.83 b 5 10. ~g5 7.().().() l:teS 8 .'i1Vg3 l:te4 9 .83 ~d6 4.'i1Ve3 tilf6 5.tilc3 ~b4 6. ~d2 o-o

Survey KP 2. 6-11

1.o-o-o : ea a:.-g3 l:[e4 9.a3 13.Wc3 l:[e4 14 .~d3 : ea 15.~g5 d5 14.~g6 hg6 15.~g5 d6 16. ge2t)
.id6!? 1O.t4 : es 11 . ~d3 ~fa (15...h6!?) 16.l:[he1 : e1 11.: e1 ~e6 13.~g6 hg6 14....e2 (14.tiJI3? d4)
[11....ic5 12.liJI3 d5 13.15 (13.: he1 0.e7 18.W'd2 ( 18. ~a6! 0.a5 (18... ~c8 19. ~16 14...~e6~ 15. 13 a6 (6 ...b5-b4 >%1l)
14.0.e5 0.15 15.W'I3 c6'!') 13...~d7 gl6 20.WcS;t; 18... Wc8 19..il6 gl6 16 .~g5 b5 17.0.e4 ~e7 (17 ...b4 18.a4!)
( 13...~d6! ? 14.W'h4 0.e5 15.0.e5 ~e5 20.~b5±) 19.Wa5 ba6 20.Wa6 c5 18. 16 gl6 19.~e3 b4?! (19...W'I8!?
16.g4 cS:f 17.g5?! c4!) 14.: de1?! (~ 21 .Wb7!) 18...: c8 19.W'I4 Wd6 20.Wh4 20.~b1 l:[b8 >%) 20.ab4 b4 21.0.d4±
14..ih6) 14 ...0.d4?! (~ 14...~d6) 15.~h6 l(Je4 2 1. ~e4 Y.z·Y.z Kulaots-Gen.Timo- Varavin-A.Gusev, Tula 2001) 11 ••.: g6
lle1 16.l:[e1 W'l8 17. ~g5 0.13 18.gl3 schenko, Chemnitz 1997) 12.We1 l:[g6 [1 1...l:[d41? 12.0.ge2 d5!? (12...l:[d6
lle8oo Rudd-Jirka, England It 2011 /12; [12... l:[d4 13.0.13 l:[d6 14. ~c4t] 13.g4 13.0.14 g5?! 14.0.d3 h6 15.h4 g4 16.fg4
1 1...~e7! ) 12. f3 d6 13.15 [13.h3 0.e7 d6 [ ~ 13...l(Je8 14 . ~c4~) 14.~d3 0.e5 0.g4 17.W'g3 l:[g6 18. 14 ce5?
14.: he1 0.15 15.: ea 16.W'I2 d5 15.~g6 hg6 16. ~g5 [ 16 .~14 !?) (18...~d6 ±) 19.0.g6 lg6 20.~14 +­
(16 ...h5!? 17.l:[g1 0.h6oo) 17.l:[e1 W'd8 16.•.~d7 17.f4 c4 18.0.d5 ~c6 Kislinsky-Janocha, Wroclaw 2011 ) 13. d5
18.g4 0.d6 19.W'h4 ~e6 20.0.g5 h6 19.0.b6 [19.0.e7!? ~18 (19... We7 l:[d5 14 . 14 ~) 12.W'f2 d5 13.~d3 d4
21.0.e6 le6 22.:e6 0.1e4 23.W'd8 20.We7 : ea 21 .We8 IDeS 22.:h2 ~e3 14. ~g6 hg6 15. ~g5
(23.-..h5!?±) 23 ... : ds 24.0.e4 0.e4 23.~b1 16 24 .~h4 ~14 25.: e2 g5
25..ie4 de4 26.l:[e4;!; Paragua-Samhouri, 26 .~12oo/±) 20.0.c6 bc6 21 ....c3;!;)
Cebu 2007) 13... d5 14.l:[he1 [14.~g5 ! ?] 19...ab6 20.l:[h2 d5 21 .: e2
14... l:[e1 15.l:[e1 d4 16.0.b5 a6 [21. ~b1 !? : a5 22.l:[d3 l:[b5 23.l:[b3;!;)
17.0.c7 ~d6 [17 ...: a7!?'!'] 18 .~f4 21 ... W'd6 22. Wc3 [22.l:[d3 ~5
.if4 [1 8...0.h5 19.Wh4 ~14 20 .<~b1 16 (22 ...b5 23. ~b1 ;!;) 23.l:[b3 ~Goo]
21.W'I4 l:[a7 22.g4± ) 19.W'f4 l:[a7 22 •.. b5 [22... 0.d7 23.l:[e4! -.cS 24 .~e7
20.g4 h6 21.g5? [21 .l:[g1 !±) 21...hg5 Wb5 25.: ee1;!;) 23 .<~ b1 0.d7?!
22.W'g5 [22. g5 b6 23. ce6 le6 [23... l:[a4!? 24 .~16 gl6 25.15 g5oo]
24.fe6oo] 22 ... Wc7 23.l:[g1 0.e8 24.Wb4 f6 25.W'd6 d6 26 .~h4
24.l:[e1 0.f6 [24 ...Wd7 25.0.h4~) l:[a4 27 .~g3 [27. ~e1 !? 1:[14 28.~g3
25.l:[g1 0.e8 26.l:[e1 0.f6 ~-~ : a4 29.0.13;!;) 27... e4 28.~ h2?!
[28. ~e 1;!;) 28 ... b4 29.ab4 l:[b4
30.: e3 [30.~c1 : a4 31. ~b1 l:[b4 15...W'e8 [15 ... W'e7!?] 16.~f6 gf6
32 .~c1 l:[a4=) 30 ...0.b6 [30 ...d4131 .l:[b3 17. b5 ~h6 18 .~ b1 ~e3 19.W'g3
Vegh,Endre l:[a4 32.0.e2 0.dc5 33.l:[a3 l:[a3 34.ba3 ~f5 20. c7 W'd7 21 . aS ~c2
Lyeii,Mark ~b5 35.0.d4 0.c3 36 .~c1 0.d1 37. b5 22.<t>c2 W'f5 23.Wb3 '*'d5 24.~c2
Zalakaros 2010 (4) 0.12 38 .~g1 0.ce4 39 .~12 0.12 40.<.1;>d2 'Wf5 25.~b3 ~-~
1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.Wd4 0.c6 ~17 41 .0.c7 h3 42 .~e3 ~e7=)
4.'* 'e3 0.f6 5.0.c3 ~ b4 6. ~d2 o-o 31 .l:[b3 l:[c4 32.l:[e3 [32.l:[a3)
1.0-0-0 : ea 8.Wg3 l:[e4 9.a3 l:[g4 32 ...l:[b4 [32 ... l:[c5!? 33.0.13 0.c4=]
10.We3 ~a511 . h3 33.l:[b3 l:[c4 34.l:[a3 ~a4? [34 ... l:[b4)
35.b3 0.c3 36. ~c1 0.d1 [36 ...l:[e4 Another Early Queen Outing
37.ba4 0.d1 38.~d1 0.a4 39.0.e2 0.b2 1.c4 c5 V iJ c3 6 3.d4
40 .~e1 ±) 37.bc4+ - 0.f2 38.c5 0.d7
39.l:[a4 0.c5 40.l:[a8 ~f7 1-0 Onischuk,Aiexander
Alushta 1994 (5)
Nepomniachtchi,lan 1.c4 g6 2.0.c3 c5 3.d4 cd4 4. W'd4
Aronian,Levon f6
Mainz rapid 2009 (4)
1.e4 e5 2.d4 ed4 3.Wd4 c6
4. We3 0.f6 5.0.c3 ~b4 6 .~d2 o-o
7.0-0-0 : es 8.Wg3 l:[e4 9.a3 l:[g4
10.We3 [10.W13 ~cS 11 .h3 l:[d4
11....ib6?1 [11...l:[g6 12.~d3? ! (12.g4?! (11...l:[g6) 12.g4 0.e5'g2 c6 14.14
d5!'!'/+ ; 12.We1 !?; 12.W'I4!?) 12... ~b6 l(Jc4 15 . ~c4 l:[c4 16.g5 0.e8 17.0.13
13.W'I4 l:[g2 14.0.13 d5 15.l:[dg1 0.h5 (Filipovic-Kosteniuk, Leukerbad ch-SUI
16 .~h7 ~18 17.Wa4 l:[g1 (17 ... : 12- + ) 2011 ) 17...d5!:f 18.0.e5 0.d6 19.0.c4
18.l:[g1 W'l6 19.0.g5 W12 20.: e1 0.16 0.c4- M.PapJ 1o... ~ts 11.f3 [11 .h3
21.~d3 ~d7-+ Paragua-lrwanto, Ho Chi l:[g6 (11...l:[d4?! 12.0.13 l:[d6 13. ~c4t)
Minh City 2003; 11...l:[d4 12.0.13 ~c3 12.~d3 d5!?N (12 ... l:[g2 13.W'I3 l:[g6

5.b3?1 [5.e4 ~g 7 6.W'd2 0-0 7./tJI3 d6 ~13 15.gf3 ttJe5 16. ~e2 '*'16 d5 11 .cd6 (11 ./tJd5 ~h3 12.ltJI6 ~16
8. ~e2 b6 (8...~g4 1 ? 9.0-0 ttJc6 10.h3 17.<J;l11 '*'15!f 13 . ~h3 f ; 13.'Wid8 ~g2 ! 14.1t'd3
~13 11. ~13 ttJd7= ) 9./tJd4 ~b7 10.13 ttJe5-+) 11 .../tJd6f] 9 ...d6 1 o.o--o
c6 (1 0... /tJbd71? 11 .b3 a6 12.0·0 llc8 ~g4 1 11.b3 d51 12.cd5 [12.lld1 ?1
13 . ~b2 lle8 14.llld1 'W/c7 15.ltJd5 1t'c8] 12..."i!fc8 [12... ~h3 13 .~h3 ttJd5
'Wib8=) 11 .ltJc6 ~c6 12.b3 e6 (12 ... a51?) 14. d5 ~a1 15.lld1 c6 16.~a3 ~e5
13.~a3 ttJh5 (1 3... /tJe8 14.0-0 'W/16 17.'ilfe4 ~d6 f; 12 ... llc8?! 13.~d2 ~h3
15 .~b2 'iVd4=) 14.g3 'iVI6 15. ~b2 llad8 14 .~h3 llc3! 15 . ~c3 ltJd5 16. ~a50 ltJf4
(1 5... llld8 16.lld1 'ife7 17.0-0 llac8 (16 ....-a5 17.11t'e4 ~a1 18.lla1=) 17 .~d8
18.14 ltJI6 19 . ~13 a6 20 .~a3 'iVb7 ltJh3 18.<J;lg2 ~ 1 19 . ~e7 lle8 20.~c5
21 .llle1 b5 22.cb5 ab5 23 .~b4 'ifa8) ~16 21 .<J;lh3 lle2 22 .~a7 lla2 23 .~c5=]
16.0-0-01? 'ife7 17.llhe1 a6 18.g4 ltJf6 13.,..b4o ~h3 14 ..-as b6 [ 14... ~g2
19.g5 ltJd7 20.14 (20.'iVd6 'ifg5 21.<J;lb1 15.<J;lg2 b6 16."*'b4 a5 17....c4 '*'c4
ttJe5 22.'ifc7 llb8'f) 20 ... /tJc5 21 .~11 18.bc4 llac8=] 15.1t'b4 ~ g2 16.Wg2
( ~- ~ Hernandez Onna-Ado~an , Las aS [16 ... /tJd5? 17.ttJd5 'ilfb7 18.'iVe4+-]
Pal mas 1977) 21 ...'iVb7'f; 5.g3 - Ljubo- 18.14 W'h3 19.<J;lg1 ltJ13 20 . ~f3 1t'f3 17.W'c4 b51? [17 ... 'ilfc4 18.bc4 llac8
jevic-Ado~an , Szirak izt 1987] 5 .. .~ g7 21 .h3 llc5 22.b4 lld5 23.lle1 ll1d8 19 .~d2 llc4 20.llab1 d7 21.lllc1 lllc8
6 . ~b2 0-0 7.ttJ13 ltJc6 8.W'd2 d5! 24.'ife2 'ife4 25...-g4 lld3 26 ....g2 22.ltJb5 llc2f] 18.'W/d3? [1 8.'ilfc8 llfc8
[8 ... "ifa51? 9.llb1 (9./tJd5? W'd2 10.ltJd2 'ife7 27.lla1 lld2 28.<J;lh2 W'h4 19.ltJb5 ( 19. ~b2 b4 20. a4 llc2!f)
ttJd5 11. ~g7 <J;lg7 12.cd5 ttJb4-+; 9.e3 29.llh11 ll8d3 30.1t'13 1it'e7 31 .<J;lg1 19.../tJd5 20.llb1 llc2 21.e4 16 22.llb2
ttJe4! 10./tJe4 'ifd2 11 ./tJed2 ~b2 1t'd7 32.ll1c1 llb3 33.lld 1 lla3 llac8 23.llc2 llc2 24.lle1 lla2=; 18./tJb5
12.llb1 ~g7 +) 9... d51 10.cd5 (1 0./tJd5 34.<J;lg2 lla1 35.lla1 a6 36.llc1 ttJd5 19.llb1 {19.'iVc8 lllc8 20.llb1
'ifa2+) 10 ...lld8 (10 ...~15? 11 .e4! 'ilfd5 37.llc7 W'f3 38. 3 b5 llc2gg) 19...'iVb7! 20.e4 (20.<J;lg1 lllc8
(11 .dc6 ~b1 12.ltJb1 "ifa2 13./tJc3 39.lla7 Y2 -Y2 21 .1ta4 llc5) 20... /tJb4 21. a3 (21 .a4
'iVb3'f/+; 11 .llc1 llad8!?+) 11 ... /tJe4 Adorjan/Gy. FeherIV egh llac8 22. We2 15.:; 2Uit'e2 ttJa2
12./tJe4 ~e4 13 .~g7 <J;lg7 14.dc6 'ifd2 22 .~b2=) 21 .../tJa2 22 .~b2 ~b2 23.llb2
15./tJd2 ~b1 16.cb7 llab8 17.ltJb1 llb7 ltJb4=] 18 ... lld8 19 .~ b2 [19.e4 b4
18 .~c4±) 11 .e4 e6 12 .~c4 ed5 13.ed5 Ljubojevic,Ljubojevic 20. ~a4 d5 21 .ed5 ~a1 22. b6
~g4t] 9.cd5 [9./tJd5 ltJe4 10."ifc1 "ifa5 Adorjan,Andras "*'a6-+] 19 ... b4 20. a4 ttJd5 t
11.ltJd2 ttJd2 (11 .. .e6? 12. ~g7 <J;lg7 Szirak izt 1987 (16) 21 .1t'f3 ~ b2 22.ltJb2
13.'iVb2 16 14.b4 'iVd8 15./tJe4 ed5 1.c4 c5 2.g3 g6 3.d4!? cd4 4 ....d4
16.cd5 1t'd5 17.ttJc3;!;) 12 .~g7 ltJf3 ttJf6 5./tJc3 ~g7 6 . ~g2 ttJc6 7 ....d2
13.<J;ld1 <J;lg7 14.ef3 lld8 15.<J;lc2 ~e6 + ] 0-0
9 .../tJdS 1 0./tJdS [10.llc1 ttJdb41+]
1 O...~ b2 11.ttJe7 [11. ... b2 W'd5 12.e3
(12.lld1 'ifa5 13 ..-d2 (13.ltJd2 ttJb4-+)
13 ... /tJb4! 14.llc1 lld8 15.1it'c3 ~e6-+)
12 ... lld8 13.a3 (13 .~c4 "ira5 14.<J;le2
~g4 15.h3 (15.llhd1 ... h5-+) 15... ~13
16.gl3 1t'h51 17.h4 ttJe5 18.llh3
llac8-+) 13... ~h3 1 14 .~c4 'iVh5 15. ~11
(15.0-0 ~g2 - +) 15 ... lld6 16.b4 llad8+]
11 ... "ire7 12."irb2 ~g4 [12 ... /tJb41?
13.e3 ~15 14./tJd4 llac8 15./tJf5 (:S; 22 ... lla61 [Black has lhe initiative]
15.llc1 llc1 16.'ifc1 llc8 17.W'b2 23 .~a4 [23.llle1 ll16!] 23 ... llf6
ltJc2-+) 15... gl5 16.llc1 1it'e4 (16 ...llc1 24.'iVe4 lle6 25.-.-13 'i1Vc2 26.ll1e1
17 ..-c1 ltJa2 18."ird2 is about equal) 8.ttJh3? [8.b3 d51? 9.cd5 ttJd5 (9.../tJb4 llf6 27.llec1 W'd2 28.lld1 W'g5
17 .~e2 "irg2 18.lll1 llld8'f] 13.a3 10.e4 ttJid5 11 .ed5 ~!5 12.<J;ll1 llc8 29.W'e4 lle6 30.1t'13 lle2 31. W'e2
[13.e3 ~13 14.gf3 W'b4! 15.W'd2 llld8 13./tJge2 W'a5 14.~2 ltJd3 15.g4 ltJb2 ltJf4 32. 1 ttJe2 33.lld8 <J;lg7
16.'iVb4 /tJb4 17.llc1D ltJa2 18.llc7 16.gf5 ~c3 17./tJc3 W'c3 18.1t'c3 34.lle 1 ttJc 1 35.h4 1t'b5 36.Wg2
llac8 19.llc8 (19.llc4 b5 20.llc8 llc8 llc3=1f) 1o.~d5 ~c3 11.~17 llf7 1t'c6 37.Wg1 1t'c2 38.lle7 ltJd3
21.<J;ld2 llc3 22 . ~b5 llb3+) 19 ...llc8 12.'*'c3 ltJd4 13.~e3 e5 14.lld1 llc7 39.lldd7 W'f2 40.Wh1 1t'f3 41.Wh2
• 20.'iPd2 ttJb4 21. ~c4 b5 22. ~b5 llc2 15 .~d4 (15.'iVb2 llc2 16.lld4 1t'a5! 17.b4 Wf2 42.Wh1 W'15 43.llf7 Wf7
23.<J;ld1 llb2 24.llf1 a5'f] 13 ... llac8 llb2 18.ba5 ed4-+) 15... llc3 16.~c3 44.llf7 Wf7 45.ltJb6 c1 46./tJc4
[13... ~!3 1 ? 14.gl3 ttJe5 15.0-0-00 W'e6!? 'i!Ve7+] 8 .../tJaSI 9.1t'14 [9.b3 d5! 10.cd5 We6 47./tJaS Wd5 48.Wg2 We4
16 . ~h3 ..-h3 17.'iVe5 ..-h4'f] 14.e3 ~h3 11.~h3 ttJd5-+ ; 9.c5 ttJc4 10 ...-d3 49.Wh3 Y2 -Y2
Slav Defence
Chebanenko Variation SL3.1 (015)

Bishops Are Worth Preserving

by Sergey Kasparov

1. d4 d5 tru t the Databa e, the tatJ ttcs

2. c4 c6 for 2010-2012 are depre ing for
3. t0f3 t0f6 Black: + 19=21-6.
4. t0c3 a6 Problems in the main line have
5. e3 b5 touched me personally, too, in a
6. b3 ~f5 game against a strong Ru sian
woman chess player. For the
ake of an objective illustration
of Black's difficultie , I will
how it here - with tear in my

Lipetsk 2010 (1)
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.t!Jf3 t!Jf6 VIctor Bologan
4.t!Jc3 a6 5.e3 b5 5 ... e6. 6.b3
~g4 7.~d2 t!J bd7 8.h3 ~f3 took place later. 13 ... ~d6
One of the mo t popular systems 9.'iff3 b410.t!Ja4 e5 That was 14.'it'd4 Time: 1: 3 1- 1:30. She
in the Slav Defence is the prepared, but Romanko's reac- didn ' t spent time on the strong
Chebanenko Variation. The tion really urpri ed me. Practi- queen tran fer 'it'f3 -f4-d4! .
move 4 ... a6, strange at first sight, cally without thinking she 14... 0-0 lntere ting, but, appar-
is multi-purpo e. Its en e i re- successfully parried my enter- ently, not enough for equality is
vealed in the intere ting mono- pri e. 11.cd5 0 minutes. 14 .. .t0c6!? 15.'it'b6 ( 15.'i¥b2! ?)
graph The Chebanenko Slav 11 ... cd512.de5 t!Je513. 'it'f4! 15 ... 'it'b6 16.t0b6 .l:tb8 17.t0a4
According to Bologan (New In aS 18..l:tc l t. 15 . .l:tcH t!Je4?!
Che 2008). One of the ideas 15 .. ..l:te8; 15 .. .'it'e7 16 .~e2 a5
behind 4 ... a6 consi ts in claim- 17.0-0 ( 17.t0b6 .l:tad8 18.t0d5
ing pace ( ... b7-b5). Addition- t0d5 19.'i¥d5oo) 17 ... ~b8!
ally, Black attacks the enemy 18 . ~c5t Ponomariov-Ni Hua,
pawn on c4, forcing a new defi- Saratov 20 II (Y2-!12, 53).
nition of the pawn tructure on 16.~e2 Even stronger i
the queenside. 16.t!fd5! t!fh4 17.g3 t0g3
5.e3 b5 ( 17 ... t0f3 18.<ote2 ~g3 19.fg3
Here, if he wishes to maintain the t0g3 20.<otf3 tUfl 2 1.l:thfl l:tad8
tension, White plays 22.'it'f5 .l:td2 23 ..l:tc4±) 18.fg3
6.b3 'ifg3 1 9. ~e2±. 16... 'iff6
Till now the main continuation At that point in time this seem to 16 .. .t0g6 17.0-0 t0h4 18. ~elt.
for Black has always been have been a novelty according to 17.0-0 t!Jd2 17 ... t0g4 18.'iff6
6 ... ~g4 (for example, see my databa e. Only one more tUgf6 I9 ..l:tfd lt. 18.'it'd2 l:tad8
Yearbook 95). However, if we game between eliteche players 19.'it'd4 as 20.t!J b6±

6... ~f5 White carries out e3-e4, the
Bologan cover this line in hi prick ... b5-b4 can follow, to
book, but just briefly (p. 137 in cha e the knight away from c3,
English edition, p. l49 in the in order to weaken White 's con-
Russian edition). Thu it is rea- trol over the key point e4. Natu-
sonable to assume that the given rally, a sharp tactical fight ari e
continuation ha gained in popu- in the centre. It eems to me that
larity e pecially within the last Black's chance in these muddy
two years. waters are not below 50 per cent
White ' replie to 6 ... .Q.f5 may be (Niel en-Postny, 2011; Stellwa-
divided into two line . gen-Bacrot, 20 I 1112).
20 ... ~b8 21.lbd5 'i!fd6 White can al o operate more cir-
22.l:tfd1 lbg6 23.g3 lbe7 cumspectly, but thi provide the
24.lbf6! ..ti>h8 25. 'it'd6 ~d6 opponent with time to conve-
26.lbe4 ~b8 27.lbg5 l:td1 niently fini sh his development
28.l:td1 lbc6 29.~c4 lbe5 and obtain counterplay (Speel-
30.lbf7 lbf7 31.~f7 g5 man-Hodgson, 1995/96).
32.~c4 h6 33.l:td7 ~es 34.f4 Another typical idea, relea ing
~f6 35.l:tf7 l:[f7 36.~f7 ..ti>g7 the tension in the centre (c4xd5)
37.~h5 ~c3 38.'1t>f2 ~d2 and ubsequently gaining con-
39.'1t>f3 ~f6 40.e4 ..ti>e6 41.e5 trol of the c-file, gives White a
~e1 42.'1t>e4 ~g3 43.f5 1-o chiefly moral advantage. Play-
ing the white piece may cau e
After this disaster I began A) exchange of bi shop one to stick out hi belly and give
earching for improvements. B) aggressive approach himself important airs, but it will
Let' try to stay logical. After To start with I will note that other be difficult to win . After he has
6 ... ..ig4 it's highly probable that, plans hardly create problems for carried out an accurate regroup-
ooner or later, White will play Black, for example Oms ing, Black will usually neutralize
h2-h3. If we retreat to h5 , then Palli se-Burmakin (20 II), the thi s temporary initiative (Arun
g2-g4 ..th5-g6 and lLlf3-e5 are last example in the Game Section. Prasad-Wirig, 20 I I).
likely to follow and if he wants, A2) The move 7 ...e6, protect-
White can eliminate this bishop Exchange of Bishops ing the bishop on f5, looks more
(lLle5xg6) at a well-chosen mo- The most straightforward idea is principled. It i a display of
ment, or try to haras it by h2-h4. to exchange the ju t developed strong will on Black' part not to
He already ha a pace advan- bishop by means of 7. ~d3 . make any concessions in the cen-
tage as well. This may look strange, as its neg- tre.
lf on h2-h3 we reply at once ative consequences are obviou . The drawback of thi s continua-
... ..tg4xf3, the opponent gets the Due to the arrangement of all tion i obvious- after the proba-
advantage of the two bishops black pawns on light squares, the ble ..td3xf5 , e6xf5 Black' pawn
like Romanko did. exchange of the light- quared tructure is con iderably spoiled.
bishops seems favourable for Meanwhile the opponent does
Thus we arrive at the idea of de- Black. not necessarily manage to ex-
veloping the bishop to another Another rule of thumb is also ploit this weakening. With the
quare. well-known. For the constrained pawn on f5 Black obtain total
Certainly, it is not desirable to party (in this case, usually control over quare e4, and over
play 6 ... e6, making the bi hop Black) any exchange is mostly the e-file in general. Hi pawn
bad. Accordingly, only .. ...ic8-f5 favourable. are placed on light squares while
remains. I suppo e that the main objective the bi hop supervi ses the dark-
Having con ulted the databa e, of the exchange is the struggle squared part of the board. All
we ee that this move ha been for point e4. pieces are placed quite harmo-
applied from time to time by In tum Black has a nice choice: niou ly.
strong chess players over the last A I) It is acceptable and nor- The transition into an ending i
few year. mal to exchange on d3. Now, if harmless (Hammer-Solak,

Survey SL 3. 1

20 II). Usual ly, after c4xd5 The idea for White i to gra p has sufficient play for equality
White begins playing on the space by everaJ harp pawn (the author's game against
queen ide. But here the margins moves on the k.ingside, in order to Fauland, 20 I0).
are narrow enough. In reply to besiege the enemy bishop. Proba- The modest 8.cd5 cd5 9.a4 b4
a2-a4, ... b5-b4 can follow, clos- bly it is rea onable for Black to does not draw special dividend .
ing the a- and b-files (Radjabov- provide an e cape quare with The c-file i n't enough for any-
lvanchuk, 2003). But even if thi s 7 ... h6. This i what the majority thing real (Biagojevic-B.Kova-
doesn't happen, Black has uffi- of strong che s players do. Other- cevic, 20 I 0).
cient resources for equality wise, after g2-g4, ~f5-g6, h2-h4 So we can conclude that\e5
(Sargi ian-Solak, 2011). Black's a move like h4-h5 will be a threat. h6 8.g4!? can be regarded as the
pro pects are not so rosy in ca e And now the pawn moves mo t ambitious. A typical et-up
of ... b5xc4, a then the a-pawns ... h7-h5 or ... h7-h6 are extremely for Black i : bi hop retreats to
remain on the board (Grit ak- undesirable becau e of tt:\e5xg6. h7 , rook goe to a7 (preparing to
aer, 2005) The only reply, .. .f7xg6 , will operate on the 7th rank), knight
The treatment of the position irreparably spoil Black's pawn goes from f6 to e4. making way
with a imilar structure, but two structure. for the pawn ( ... f7-f6) to bani h
bi hops in White' hands is Garry Kasparov (whose games, the trong enemy piece from e5.
rather interesting (Zoler-Sakaev, of cour e, have the mark of qual- The second knight remains on
2003). The game become very ity) tried 7 .. .e6 in 2002, obtaining b8, guarding pawn c6.
pectacular with mutual an acceptable po ition. Practice confirms the vitality of
chance . this plan (Kiriakov-Korotylev,
2005; Grandelius-Shimanov,
Aggressive Approach 20 I0/11 ). The move ... f6-d7 is
The knight leap to e5 looks more also po sible, with the arne idea
principled for White. U ually it (Grischuk-Morozevich, 2004).
occurs at once: 7.CiJe5, but varia- A slightly different arrangement
tion are po ible. of piece is worthwhile too:
...~e7, ... 'ir'c8 (protecting c6),
... b8-d7 (Sakaev-Saltaev,
~ tt' * .i. K 2006/07).

' ''''
~i ttJ .i. However, it i nece ary to notice
that White did not try making u e
The variation 6 ... ~f5 has a right
to life. White till hasn't managed
of the opportunity of 8.g4!?. to refute it. And compared to the
~ttJ ~ White can arrange hi s pawn in torments in the main line
~ ~~~ the tyle of the Dutch Defence: (6 ... ~g4), it can be recommended
~ ~'iYwjl ~ f2-f4 without g2-g4. Then, by as a way to avoid the opponent 's
leaning on the e4- quare, Black opening preparation at the lea t.

Variation A ~16 13. ~a3 [Logically played. Pawn c3 managed to prevent an attack on his king,
Exchan e of Bisho s won't escape and White prevents the but now White has a definitie initiative]
opponenfs castling] 13.. .'*'a5 14. ~d6 20.l:!fd1 21. d4 l:!he8 22.Wf1
Nielsen,Peter Heine tiJd7 15.l:!ac1 cSI? [An original move. l:!e4 23. e2 d4 24.f3 l:!e2! 25.We2
Postny,Evgeny With White's king stuck in the centre, Black [An interesting situation. The two connected
Khanty·Mansiysk 2011 (1 .1) opens it] 16.cd5?1 [16.l:!fd1] 16... cd4 passed pawns look dangerous. White's king
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.tlJc3 f6 4.e3 a6 17.de6 fe6 18.'We4 [The natural would like to block them on d3, but then
5. f3 bS 6.b3 ~fS 7. ~d3 ~d3 18.tiJd4 is bad because it loses a piece to Black, after driving the bishop away from
8. 'Wd3 e6 9.0-0 ~e7 1O.e4 b4 18...1t'd5] 18... W'd5 19.'Wd5 edS [At d6, will have a few unpleasant blows
11.e5 [Blow for blow] 11 ... bc3 12.ef6 the cost of a broken pawn chain Black has (... tlJd7-c5/e5)]

active attacking enemy piece] 16.tllg7 Wf7 27.de5?1 [A significant advantage could
17.'ilt'e3 'tli'dS! 18.dc5 l:thg8=i= [The have been achieved by 27.d5! W'bS
in~iative seems to have been warded off, 2B.~e3 ± ] 27...fe5 28 . ~e3 l:t4g6
however White hasn't crossed the fatal line
yet] 19.W'c3 l:tg7 20.g3 W'c5 21.W'c5
~c5 22 .~b2 l:tg5 23.>ftg2 l:td8
24.l:tad1 l:tgd5 25J:td5 l:td5 26.~f6
Wf6 27.l:tc1 aS 28.l:tc2 ~b4 29.h3 ..
[28 ...tllf6? 29.l:tc4± ] 29.l:td5 f6

5 30.l:tc7 h6 31.l:th7 >ftg6 32.l:ta7
l:td2 33.l:ta6 >ftg7 34.a3 ~cs 35.l:ta5
'if iX
~ ~.

25 ••• We6
27. ~12 d3 28.
[25 ...a5] 26.~g3 t!JcS
l:tf2 36.>fth1 l:tf1 37.>ftg2 l:tf2
38.>fth1 ~d6 39.l:ta7 40.l:ta6
>fte7 41.l:ta7 Wf6 42.l:ta6 l:td2 43.b4
' ~

1 [Unfavourable is w es 44.l:tc6 l:td3 45.l:tc4 5

28.l:td3 tlld3 29.Wd3 l:td8 and the rook 46.l:th4 ~g3 47.l:th6 ~f4 48.l:tc6
interferes on the second rank] 28 ... c2 We4 49.>ftg2 l:ta3 50.l:tc4 'l9e3
29. ~c5 cd1 l:t 30.l:tdU l:tc8 31 .b4 51.l:tc2 ~es 52.l:tf2 l:ta8 53.l:tt3
l:td8 32.Wf2 ~c3 33.We3 d2 34.We2 54.l:tb3 l:tg8 55. 1 >ftd4 56.h4 30.'i+'f5 [ ~ 30.l:tcd1 b8 31 .l:td6± ]
l:tb8 35.~d3 ~b4 36.~ b4 l:tb4 >ftc4 57.l:th3 Wb4 58.h5 w cs 59.h6 30 ...tllb6 31. ~b6 1!t'b6 32.l:th1 c3
37.l:td2 h5 38.<J>,c3 l:tb1 39.l:tb2 l:tg1 >ftd6 60.>fte2 We6 61. 3 Wf7 33.l:td7 h6 34.'ti'h3 l:tf8 35.'tlt'f5
40.<;t;>b4 >ftd5 41.a4 >ftd4 42.>fta5 62.>fte4 We6 63.h7 l:th8 64.l:th6 ~f6 l:tfg8 36.1t'h3 l:tf8 37.1!Yh6 l:th6
>ftc3 43.l:tf2 l:ta1 44.l:te2 g5 45.g3 65. 4 Wf7 66. 5 ~g7 67.l:th1 38.l:th6 >ftg8 39.l:tg6 c;t;>h8 40.l:th6
h4 46.gh4 gh4 47.l:te3 >ftc2 48.l:te4 l:tb8 68.l:th5 ~h8 69.>ftg5 l:tb5 >ftg8 41.l:tg6 >fth8 J.1!-J.1!
h3 49.>fta6 l:th1 l:th2 51.l:th4 70.>ftg4 l:tb1 71. 5 l:tf1 72.>ftg5
>ftd3 52.>ftb7 l:tb2 53.>ftc7 l:tc2 >ftg7 73.l:th3 l:tb1 74.l:th5 Wt7
54.>ftb6 l:tb2 55.>ftc5 l:tc2 56.>ftb5 75. 5 l:tb4 76.c;f;>g5 ~f6 n. 5 Arun Prasad,Sabramanian
l:tb2 57.>fta6 h2 58.>fta7 >fte3 59.f4 l:tb8 78.l:th6 J.1!- ).1! Wirig,Anthony
Wf3 60.f5 >ftg3 61 .l:th8 l:tb5 62.a6 Paris ch-city 2011 {5)
l:tf5 63.>ftb7 l:tf7 64.>ftb6 >ftg2 65.a7 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. f3 lt.Jf6 4. c3
l:ta7 66.l:th2 >fth2 67.>fta7 J.1!-J.1! Speelman,Jonathan a6 5.e3 b5 6.b3 ~f5 7. ~e2 e6 8.0-0
Hodgson,Julian bd7 9.~b2 h6 10. ~d3 [After
Hastings 1995/96 {8) ...h7-h6 the exchange of bishops looks
Stellwagen,Daniel 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.tllc3 f6 4.e3 a6 logical] 1o .•.~d3 11 .'tW d3 ~e7
Bacrot,Etienne 5.tllf3 b5 6.b3 ~f5 7 .~d3 ~d3 12.cd5 [This seems modest, but what can
Germany Bundesliga 201 1/12 {4) 8.'itd3 e6 9.0-0 ~e7 10.a3 0-0 White do? 12.e4 b4 13.e5 is unclear]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. f3 f6 4. c3 11 .l:td1 bd7 12 .~d2 dc4 [Here 12... cd5 13.a4 b4 14. e2 0-0
a6 5.e3 b5 6.b3 ~f5 7 . ~d3 ~d3 there is still a way to maintain the tension in 15.l:tfc1 11t'b6 16.l:tc2 l:tfc8 17.l:tac1
8.'ii'd3 e6 9.o-o t!lbd7 1 o.e4 b4 the centre, for example 12... l:tc8 13.c5 eS 1!t'b7 18. e5 ~d6 19.f3 l:tc7
11.ed5 cd5 [11 ...bc3 12.de6 fe6 with standard counterplay] 13.bc4 b6 20.l:tc7 ~c7 2U i'c2

13.l:tet oo] 12.cd5 [A critical decision; 14.tlle5 [14.cb5 is illogical. After any
12.tlle2] 12 ... bc3 13.de6 fe614.tllg5 capture on bS Black will have the more
pleasant position] 14•.. ~d6 15. c6
~ h2 16.>fth2 'itd6 17.>ftg1 [17.tlle5?
'if.t. .. l.i
tllg4 18.>ftg1 tlleS 19.c5 tlld3 20.cd6 tllb2
, .. i
21 .l:tdb1 tll2c4+ ] 17... bc4 18.tlle4 i tb
'itc6 19.tllf6 gf6 20 ...-e2 [Each side
has an ace up his sleeve. Black's position
seems preferable to me. The pawn on c4 is
~ ~
dangerous, and besides ifs a plus pawn] tb ~ ~
20 ... >fth8 [Probably it would be more ~
accurate to take control of square e4 by
20...f5!? 21. ~b4 (better is 21 .l:tac1 l:tfcS) [White commands the c-file, but it doesn't
21 ... l:tfc8 22.'tih5 f6=i= . The knight goes to bring any special benefits] 21 ... ~b6
dS, consolidating pawn 16] 21 .e4 l:tg8 22. d7 tlld7 23.'. -c6 1Wc6 24.l:tc6
14...~e7 [14 ...tllc5] 15.tlle6 tllc5 [A 22.l:tac1 l:tg6 23.g3 l:tag8 24. "*'f3 8 25.tllf4 aS 26. d3 c;f;>e7 27. 2
reasonable desire to exchange the most tlld7 25.>ftg2 l:tg4 26. ~f4 e5 l:ta7 28.tlle5

Survey SL 3. 1

Hammer,Jon Ludwig o-o 12. e2 tt:lbd7 13.cb5 cbS 11 .~d2 :tea 12.a4 bc4 [12 ... b4]
Solak, Dragan 14.a4 W'b6 15.:tfc1 tt:le4 16.tilc3 13.bc4 tt:lb6 14.c5 tilc4 15.a5 ~g7
Rogaska Slatina tt 2011 (1) df6 tt:ld2 17.W'd2 l:lbB
1.d4 c6 2.c4 d5 3. c3 tt:lf6 4.e3 a6 [18.W'd3!? l:lb5 19. b6±] 18... :tb7
S.tilf3 b5 6.b3 ~f5 7. ~d3 e6 8.0-0
~ bd7 [8 ... ~d6] 9 .~f5 ef5 10. e5
e5 [10 ... ~d6] 11 .de5 tile4 12. e4
i i
19.:tab1 0·0 [20. e1 !? with an
idea to harass pawn a6, by tt:le1 ·d3·b4,
W'd3 ... ] 20 ... tile4 21.l:lb7 tt:ld2

de4 13.~b2 ...d1 14.l:lfd1 <Rh8
i i
~ ~~
~ ~~~
1;1 ~

[Black's pieces are placed quite

harmoniously. The pawn on b5 is indirectly
protected and won't drop] 17.ab5 tt:lc3
18 .~c3 '*'b5 19.W'b5 ab5 20.tile5
:tfc8 21 .:ta8 :taB 22. d3 8
[Black lags in development, but on the other 23 .~e1 [23. ~ ~b4 24. b4 :ta3 [A non-standard balance of forces has
hand his pawns are on the righl squares (of 25.l:lb1 e4+%] 23 ...:ta3 24.l:lb1 <Re7 emerged] 23 ... ..-as [Black could have
lhe opposite bishop's colour)] 14...bc4 25.f3 tileS 26. ~b4 ~ b4 27. b4 tried to open up the game with 23 ... ~d4
15.:tdc1 [15.bc4 ~c5] 15...cb3 <Rd6 28. tt:lc7 29.<Re2 a6 24.ed4 W'd4+%] "*'a4 25.:tc7
16.:tc6 ba2 17.:ta2 <Rd7 [17 ... a5!?] :ta2 31 .<Rd3 b8 32.:ta1 aS 26. c6 '\!fb5 [26 ... "ii'a2]
18.:tca6 :ta6 19.:ta6 ~c5 = 20.e6 :ta1 tt:lc6 34. c2 b4 a4 28. f7 :tf7 29.:tf7 '*'c6 30.:tb1
fe6 21 .~g7 l:lb8 22.g3 l:lb1 23.<Rg2 35. e1 tt:laS 36.<Rc2 tt:lc6 37. d3 <Rg8 31.:ta7 f4 32.:tba ~f8
llc1 24.:ta8 :tc2 25.~ h6 e5 f6 38.h4 g5 39 . ~d2 gh4 40.<Re2 33.:taaa 1fe4 34.:tta ~g7 35.h3
26.l:lh8 f4 27.:th7 <Rc6 28.gf4 ~e3 <Re7 41 . 2 ~d6 42. ~e2 ~e7 fe3 36.fe3 'i!fe3 37.:tf2 1t'd4 3a.c6
29.fe5 :tf2 30. ~g3 l:lf3 31.<Rg4 43. ~d2 <Rd6 44.<Rd1 <Rd7 45.<Rc2 "ii'd1 39.:tf1 'i!fd4 40 . ~ h1 "*c4
.ih6 32.l:lh6 <Rd5 33.e6 ~d6 34.e7 <Re7 46. ~c1 <Rd7 47. f4 <Rd6 41 .:ta7 Wh6 42.:tff7 "*c1 43.<Rh2
we7 35.:tg6 l:lf6 36.:tf6 6 48. ~c2 tt:le7 <Re6 50.<Rd2 "ii'c6 44.:th7 <Rg5 45.:thd7 ..-cs
37.Wf4 e3 38. ~e3 J.7-J.7 51. f4 <Rg7 52.<Re2 46.h4 <Rh4 47.:ta4 <Rg5 4a.:td3
53.<Rt2 <Res 54. d3 c6 55.<Rg1 6 49.l:lf4 <Rg7 50.l:lh4 "*c7
<Rd7 56.<Rh2 tt:la5 <Re6 51 .:tg3 ..-es 52.:tg4 • hs 53.<Rg1
Radjabov,Teimour tt:lb3 59.<Rg1 tt:ld2 60.<Rt2 ..-cs 54.<Rh2 Yl·Yl
lvanchuk,Vasily c4 61. f4 <Rd6 62. h5 <Re7
Wijk aan Zee 2003 (7) 63.<Re2 64.<Rd3 tt:lb2 65.<Rd2
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 tt:lf6 4.e3 a6 c4 66.<Re2 tt:lb6 67. f4 <Rg7
5. f3 b5 6.b3 ~f5 7 .~d3 e6 8 .~f5 68. 1 69. 2 ~g7 70.<Re1 Zoler,Dan
efS 9.0-0 ~d6 10."ii'c2 g6 11. ~d2 71 .<Rd2 <Re7 72.<Rc3 <Rd6 Sakaev,Konstantin
0-0 12.:tfc1 bd7 13.cd5 cd5 tt:lc4 74.<Rd3 <Re7 Rethymnon It 2003 (7)
14.a4 b4 15.tile2 :tea 16."ii'd3 W'b6 b6 76.w e2 77. d3 w g6 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. c3 f6 4.e3 a6
17.:tc2 W'b7 18.:tac1 tt:lb6 19.tile5 78. 2 79. f4 <Rg7 80.tile2 bS 6.b3 ~f5 7. ~e2 e6 8.0-0
llc2 20.:tc2 :tea 21.f3 tt:lbd7 <Rt7 <Re6 82. b5 <Rd7 bd7 9. ~b2 ~d6 Wba
22. d7 [Vasily managed to solve the <Re6 84.tile2 <Rf7 11 .tt:lf5 ef5 12.cd5 cd5 13.h3 o-o
opening problems easily] J.7-J.7 85. 14 J.7-J.7 14. ~d3 g6 [Black's pieces are rather
active, the drawbacks of two bishops in a
static position make themseltves felt]
Sargissian,Gabriel Gritsak,Orest 15.:tc1 :tea 16...-f3 "*b7 17.g4 tg4
Solak,Dragan Naer,Evgeny [17 ...b4] 1a.hg4 tt:le4 19."ii'g2
Rogaska Slatina tt 2011 (5) Warsaw Ech 2005 (2) [19. e4 de4 20."ii'g2 a5+%] 19... df6
1.d4 c6 2.c4 d5 tt:lf6 4.e3 a6 tt:lf6 2.c4 c6 3.tilc3 d5 4.e3 [Obviously, this knight intends to replace its
S.tilf3 b5 6.b3 ~f5 7. ~d3 e6 8 .~f5 a6 5.d4 b5 6.b3 ~f5 7 . ~d3 e6 colleague in the centre, after c3:
efS 9.0-0 ~d6 10.'i!rd3 g6 11 .~d2 8.~f5 ef5 9.W'c2 g6 10.0-0 bd7 ... f6-e4] [This manoeuvre is

intended to prevent the knight exchange, S2.Wb7 l:la3 S3.l:lhS c;t.>g6 S4.l:lcS
however now Black's chances are a little l:lg3 SS.hS c;f.>h6 S6.l:lc6 Wh7
better] 20...'ti'd7 21 .gS tilhS?! [~ S7.l:lc4 c;f.>h6 S8.c;f.>a6 'OtJgS S9.'1t>b6
21 ... tilg4 22.tilf4 (22.tilc3 tilef2 23.l:lf2 l:ld3 60.c;f.>c7 l:ld1 61.c;f.>c8 l:ld2
l:le3 24.l:lf3 l:laeB 25.l:lcf1 l:lf3 26.l:lf3 62.l:lc7 cot.g4 63.h6 l:lh2 64.h7 'lt>gS
l:le1-+) 'ilrf5 23.tilh3 l:lacB'f] 22.f3? [~ 'h-'h
22.tilc3] 22 ... tileg3 [22 ... tild2 23.l:lfd1
'iie7-+ ] 23.tilg3 ~g3 24.e4 ~f4
2S.l:lce1 ile7 26.i lg4 'ilrgS [~ Blagojevic,Dragisa
26... ~g5] 27.'ilrgS ~gS 28.edS Kovacevic,Biazimir
Zagreb 2010 (7)
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 tilf6 4.e3 a6
13. ~e2 [Of course not 13.de5? 'ilrd3 and S.tilf3 bS 6.b3 .i.fS 7. eS h6 8.cdS
White would stand worse] 13...tilc4 [I doubt that such an exchange can create
14 . ~c4 bc4 1S.'ita4 o-o 16.'ilrc4 cS serious problems] 8 .•.cdS 9.a4 b4
17.dS [17.dc5 looks doubtful: 1 e6 11 .~ b2 ~d6 12.tilg3
1B.tile4 l:lcB 19.'ilra6?! tileS (19 ...tile5!?) ~h7 [Black's position still doesn't show any
20.tilc5 l:lc5 21.l:ld1 l:ld5?] 17...tild7 weaknesses. Square c6 is under control]
[17 ... ed5?! 1B.tild5;!;; 17...t!i'd6] 18.de6 13•.i.d3 .i.d3 14.-.d3 o-o 1s.o-o
tileS 19.ef7 [In reply to 19.'ti'd5 an l:la7 16.l:lac1 'ili'b6 17.l:lc2 l:lc7
unpleasant blow follows: 19... tild3 20.We2 18.l:lc7 'Wc7 19.l:lc1 'ili'b7 20.'ili'c2
fe6 21.'ilre6 c;f.>hB?] 19...l:lf7 20.'t!fdS l:le8 21.tile2 l:le7
tild3 [An analogous variation] 21 .'1t>e2
28 ..• tilf4 [ ~ 2B... ~e3 29.c;f.>h2 l:ladB+ ]
29.l:le8 l:le8 30. ~c1 l:ld8 31.~f4
~f4 32.a4 l:ldS 33.abS abS 34.l:le1
8 3S.c;f.>f2 hS 36.l:la1 b4 37.l:la7
tilf2 22.l:lhf1 '*IdS [22... ~h4 23.l:lac1
(23.'ilrc4 'ti'g5 24.g3 'ti'f5! 25.gh4?
l:ldB-+) 23... 'ti'd5 24. d5;!;] 23.tildS
tile4 24.l:lf7 Wf7 2S.l:lf1 ~f6
• .t.
l:ld4 38. ~c4 fS 39.l:lf7 c;f.>e8 40.l:lb7 26.-i.aS l:lb8 [26... l:leB 27.'0tJd3 l:le5
l:ld2 41 .c;f.>e1 l:ld6 42.c;f.>e2 h4 2B.tilf6 gf6= ] 27.c;f.>d3 tild6
i lL)
43.l:lb4 c;f.>e7 44.l:lb7 6 4S.l:lh7 ~
l:ld2 46.c;f.>e1 c;t.>gS 47.l:lh8 l:lb2 ~
48.~f7 c;t,>f6 49.~c4 c;t.>g7 0-1
lLJ~ ~ ~

[Even this is possible, the rook rushes to

Variation 8 c7] 22.'ilrc8 'ti'c8 23.l:lc8 l:le8
A ressive A roach 24.l:lc2 l:le7 aS 26.f3 l:lc7
27.l:lc7 ~c7 28. ~c1 c6 29.~d2
lvanchuk,Vasily 8 30. ~e1 d7 31. ~g3 ~g3
Kasparov,Garry 32.tilg3 f6 33. 2 Wf7 34.h4 gS
Prague 2002 (3.2) 3S.hgS hgS 'h-'h
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.tilf3 tilf6 4.tilc3 28 •.i.c3 [2B. ~c7? ! c4 29.c;f.>e2 l:lb2;!;;
a6 S.e3 bS 6.b3 ~fS 7.tileS e6 2B.tilf6 gf6 29. ~c7 l:lcB 30 .~d6 l:ldB=]
8 ..i.d2 [B.g4 ~g6 9.h4 tile4 10.tile4 .i.e4 28 ...c4 29.c;f.>c2 tile4 30. ~f6 [30.g4 Fauland,Aiexander
11 .13 16 12.tild3 (also good is 12.fe4 fe5 c;t.>g6 31 .~f6 tilf6 32.tilf6 gf6 33.l:lf4 l:leB Kasparov,Sergey
13.cd5 cd5 14.~g2 .i.b4 15.~d2;!; ) 34.l:lc4 l:le3=] 30 ..• gf6 31.l:lf4 [31.g4 Graz 2010 (7)
12...~g6 13.h5 ~17 14.c5 tild7 l-2-l-2 l:lb5 32.l:lf4 l:ld5 33.l:le4 l:la5= ] 1.tilf3 f6 2.c4 c6 3.d4 dS 4.tilc3
Khuzman-Bareev, Haifa 2000, 15.a4!?;!;] 31 •..c;f.>e6 32.l:le4 WdS 33.l:ld4 c;f.>cS a6 S.e3 bS 6.b3 ~fS 7.~e2 h6
8 •..tilfd7 9.tild3 [A typical device in 34.Wc3 l:lb4 3S.l:lf4 l:la4 36.l:lfS 8. eS e6 9.0-0 .i.d6 1 O.f4 0-0
positions with a space advantage - NOT to 'OtJd6 37.l:lf6 'OtJeS 38.l:lh6 l:la2 11. ~d2 li:le4? ! [ 1 1... ~a3 12.g4 (12..i.c1
make exchanges. More principled was 9.g4 39.g4 l:la3 40.c;f.>c4 l:le3 41.h3 l:lg3 ~d6 13..i.b2 +0.17; 13.c5) 1 2... ~h7
• ~g6 (9... e5? 1O.gf5 tiled7 11.fe6 fe6 42.l:lh7 6 43.c;f.>b4 c;f.>g6 44.l:lh8 13.15?! tilfd7'f; 11 ...'t i'c7!? with normal
12..i.h3±) 10.tilg6 hg6] 9...~e7 c;f.>g7 4S.l:lhS c;t.>g6 46.c;f.>aS l:la3 play: 12.g4 ~h7 13.g5? (13.c5 ~e7 14.g5
10. ~e2 dc4 11.bc4 ~d3 [11...bc4 47.c;f.>b4 l:lg3 48.c;f.>aS l:la3 49.c;f.>b6 hg5 15.fg5 tilfd7 16.g6 fg6 17.l:lfB fB )
12.tilf4 tilb6 13.e4f] 12.~d3 tileS c;t.>g7 SO.l:lgS c;f.>h6 S1 .h4 l:la41 13... hg5 14.fg5 ~e5 15.de5 tilfd7+ ]

Survey SL 3. 1

12.1o e4 ~e4 13.'it'e1 [13 .~f3!J played, with the idea to keep the knights on seize the initiative, but this doesn't work out
13.. .'.-e7 14.t0d3 t0d7 [14 ...dc4 15.bc4 the board when he chases the enemy knight well] 17.dS edS 18. d4 'it'c2
bc4 16.t0b2 t0d7 (16...c5 17. c4 t0c6=) from e5 by ...17·16. 20... t0e5 21 .de5=] [1 8...~c5 19.• d2 •g4 20. b5oo unclear]
17.t0c4=] 1S.cS! ~c7 16.t0b4 21.'it'c2 f6 g6 'it'ds 23.ts [The 19.t0c2 l:lc8 20. d4 b4 21.l:ld1
negative side of the advance ...17-16 - ~ has ~e7 22 .~f1 ~g6 23 .~ b2 a6?!
weakened the light-square complex (g6, f5, (23 ... t0c6 24.t0c6 l:lc6 25.l:ld5 l:IC2;%]
e6)] 23...t0d7 24.t0f4 ~f4 2S.l:lf4 a4 24.~ bS ~e8 2S.tOfS ~f8 26. ~e8
26.• e4 ab3 27.ab3 'it'b3 [We can l:le8 27.l:ldS;t
conclude that Black has gained some
initiative] 28.l:lf2 (28.l:lb1] 28 ...'it'dS
29.•c2 (29.'it'd5 ed5f. The a-file and the
passed pawn on b5 are serious arguments,
though the knight still has to be employed]

•.a •i
i i
29...efS 30.l:lfS 'it'e6 [In reply to
1:[ Cjj
30...•e4!? 31 .• e4 l:le4 the breakthrough
32.d5 may have seemed scary] 31.l:le1 i i ~~
f8 32.h3 h7 33.h4 [Otherwise after ~ ~
[Unpleasant but not deadly would have ... tOh7-g5-e4 his position becomes hopeless]
~11.. ~
been 16.a4] 16... 'it'e8 17.t0c6 (17.a4 33...t0f8 34.dS?! cdS 3S.'it'd3 l:la4
~f6=] 17... t0cS 18. ~b4 d3 (;,:. 36.~d4 t0g6 37.hS
1:[ ~
18... Wc6 19 .~c5 l:lfe8 20.b4t; 20.a4
ba4=] 19.~d3 ~d3 20.~f8?! (lfs strange that Black won from this
(20.Wc3! ~f1 21 .l:lf1!; 20.l:lc1] 20... ~f1 position... ] 27...tOcS 28~d4 t0d3
21 . 1 Wc6 22.l:lc1 ~-~ 29.l:ld7 l:lac8 30.l:lf1 l:lc2 31.gS?
[The beginning of the end; 31.l:la7] 31 ... hgS
32.fgS l:la8 33.l:la1? l:laS 34.t0g3
Kiriakov,Petr l:lgS 35.l:lf1 l:lg4 36.q,h1 l:lh4
Korotylev,Aiexey 37.<;1;>g1 l:lhh2 38.t0e4 l:lcg2X 0-1
Sochi tt 2005 (7)
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.t0f3 t0f6 4.e3 a6
M 1c3 bS 6.b3 ~fS 7.t0eS h6 8.g4 Grischuk,Aiexander
~h7 9. ~g2 e6 10.1)-() ~d6 11. ~b2 Morozevich,Aiexander
o-o 12.l:lc1 l:la7 13.cS ~c7 14.t0e2 Sochi tt 2004 (8)
aS;% 1S.t0g3 l:le8 16.f4 t0e4= [In 37 ... t0f8?! [Stronger was 37... t0e5, for 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 f6 4.e3 a6
accordance with the plan ... 17-f6] 17.t0d3 example 38.'it'd1 (38.• b5 l:ld4 39.ed4 S.t0f3 bS 6.b3 ~fS 7. eS h6 8.g4
(17.t0e4 de4 18.a4 16 19.t0c6! t0c6 t!)f3 40.1:113 'it'g4 41 ...W ·h4-+) ~ h7 9. ~g2 e6 10.1)-() ~d6 11.~ b2
20.ab5~] 17... t0d7 (17 ... t0g3!? 18.hg3 38... t0c6-+] 38.l:lef1 l:lc4 39.l:lb1 b4 o-o 12.l:lc1 l:la7 13.cS ~c7 14. e2

~d7, trying, if possible, to get to e4] 40.'it'f1 t0d7 41 .• g2 tOeS 42 •• dS aS 1S.f3 t0fd7
18.l0e4 ~e4 19. ~e4 de4 • ds 43.l:lds tOe& 44. 2 tOd4
4S.ed4 l:le4 46.l:ld8 q,h7 47.l:la1
l:lcd4 48.l:lb8 l:lf4 49. 3 l:lde4
so.q,d3 l:le7 S1 .l:laa8 gS S2.l:lh8
.a~ ii q,g7 S3.l:laf8 l:lg4 S4.l:lhg8 q,h7
i i i SS.l:lh8 q,g7 S6.l:lhg8 Y.l-11.!
ii ~
~ i ~~ Grandelius,Nils
Cjj~ Shimanov,Aiexander
Stockholm 2010/11 (8)
1.c4 c6 2.t0f3 dS 3.e3 t0f6 4. c3
a6 S.d4 bS 6.b3 ~fS 7. eS h6 8.g4
~h7 9. ~g2 e6 10.1)-() ~d6 11.f4 [A typical manoeuvre, chasing away the
[NCNi the pawn structure is essentially o-o 12.• e2 t0e4 (12 ... b4!?, kicking back knight on e5] 16.f4 f6 17.t0d3 a6
different. It looks slightly preferable for Black, the knight that controls square e4] 13.t0e4 18.a3 b4 19.a4 l:le8 20 .• d2 ~ b8
as Wh~e·s pawns are on squares of his own [13 .~b2] 13...de4 14.cbS abS 21. g3 es 22.ts q,hs (22... e4
bishop's colour] 20. S b8 [Creatively 1S.Wc2 f6 16.t0c6 • cs [Black tries to 23. f4;!;] 23.e4 [White's pieces are better

developed for an opening of the game, but 3S.a41 [Threatening to create two Other Plans on
as usual he can't draw any real benefit from connected passed pawns on the c- and the Move 7
it] 23 ...de4 ed4 2S . ~d4 b·file] 3S ... ~es 36.l:eS "tib8 37.l:e6
~g8 26. ~12 1-2-1-2 [37 .~e6 ~e6 38.l:e6 g4 39."tte3±] Oms Pallisse,Josep
37 ••• l:e6 38 . ~e6 "ttf4 39.~f7 Wf7 Burmakin,VIadmir
40."ttd7 8 41.1t'd8 c;tt7 42."ttdS Balaguer 2011 (5)
8 43.abS a4 44.b6 "ttc1 4S.'itg2 1.d4 c6 dS 3.c4 f6 a6
Sakaev,Konstantin "ttd2 46.'itf3 "tif4 47.'itg2 "ttd2 S.e3 bS 6.b3 ~fS 7.~d2 e6 8. h4
Saltaev,Mikhail 48.Wh3 "tte3 49.'itg4 "tif4 SO.WhS ~g4 [Disrupting the harmony in WMe's
Germany Bundesliga 2006/07 (9) "tth4 S1 .'itg6 "tth6 S2.'itfS "titS camp] 9."ttc2 ~e7 10.h3 · s 11.g4
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 tt:lf6 S3.'ite4 "ttf4 S4.Wd3 "ttf1 SS.'itc2 fd7 12.ghS [12. f3 ~g6] 12...~h4
a6 S.e3 bS 6.b3 ~fS h6 8.g4 "tte2 S6.'itb1 "ttd1 S7.'ita2 "ttc2 [What will turn out to have more weight:
~ h7 9.~g2 e6 10.0-0 ~e7 11.~b2 S8.'ita3 "ttd3 S9.'ita4 "tta6 60.Wb3 White's bishop pair or the defects of his pawn
l:a7 12.cS [As a result of the closing of "ttd3 61.Wb2 "tte2 ¥.!-¥.! structure?] 13.cdS cdS 14.a4 b4
the centre Black's bishop stays on e7, aS l:a7 17.l:c1 0-0
instead of c7] 12.. .'it'c8 13.f4 tt:lbd7 18.~d3 h6 19. 1 ~e7 20.'it'd1 ~d6
[13 as 15."tte2 b4 [The bishop's transfer to d6 is logical in liaison
with approximate equality] 14.gS [A Wiersma,Eelke with the manoeuvre ...l:a8-a7-a8] 21.'it'f3
controversial decision] 14..•tt:lg8 [14 ... hg5 Kasparov,Sergey l:c7 22.l:c7 'it'c7 23.'itg2 tt:lf6
15.fg5 tt:le5 16.gf6 d3 17.fe7 tt:lb2=] Hoogeveen 2012 (8) 24.l:c1 "tib7 2S. · S l:c8 [In turn the
1S.g61 [This leads to White's advantage] 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 tt:lf6 Russian GM dislodges White's rooks from the
1S.•. fg6 16.e4 tt:lgf6 17.edS tt:ldS a6 S.e3 bS 6.b3 ~fS h6 8.g4 c-file] 26. d3 l:c1 27.~c1 tt:lbd7 cdS [The problem is that the ~ h7 9. ~g2 e6 10.0-0 ~d6 11. ~b2 28. · 2 "ttc7 29."ttd1 30.~d7
following line is not good: 18...ed5 19.'ilt'g4 0-0 12.l:c1 l:a7 13.1t'e2 l:e8 tt:ld7 31. "tte2 'itg8 32. 1 tt:lf6
l:c7 (19...0-0? 20."tte6+- )±] 14.l:fd1 "tte7 1S.h3 l:d8 16.a4 b4 [19.~h3;!;] 19••. "ttd7 20."tte2
l:ts 21.l:ae1 ~g8 22.~h3 l:f6 [Black
has been building a solid fortress, but the
difference in strength of the pawns on e6! [] 17...aSl' 18.cdS
cdS 19."tibS tt:le8 [19 ... tt:le4!?] 20.~f1
hS 21.'itg2 hg4 22.hg4 f6!
: ~ 'if
.li • i
and c5 is tangible] 23.l:f3 l:c7 24. ~c1
~f7 2S •.b 3 8 26. ~f2 l:c6
27.~ h4 gS 28.fgS l:f3 29.'ilt'f3 hgS
30. ~g3 ~f6 31. ~eS "tte7 32. ~g4
~ .i~
if i.t
• i
~ i
~ '

[As a result of the exchange operation
i 'tW i tt:J ~ 'tW~
White's position has become even more
attractive] 32 .•. 'itg8 33.'i t'h3 "ttd8 ~ i ~ ~ 1 ~
34.b4 aS? [This looks like a blunder] ~ ~
tt:J..t ~~ [A model game. White's initiative was
gradually stifled, his static weaknesses (h5)
I;! I;! ~ remain] ~cs 34.dcS "ticS
3S.'i!t'bS "ttc2 36.'it'b8 Wh7 37. ~f6 ['; 23 .~d3!? ~d3 gf6 38.'itg2 'it'e4 39.'itg1 "tiffS
(23... fe5 24 .~h7 Wh7 25.de5 ~c7 26.f4 40.'it'c7 'itg7 41.'it'aS 'it'b1 42.Wg2
tt:ld7 27.l:h1 'itg8 28 .~d4 l:aa8 W'b3 43."ttc7 [43.'it'b5 'it'c4] 43 •.. 'it'a4
29.1t'd3!!!?) tt:lc7 (24 25.14) 44.'it'g3 Wh7 4S .'~fc7 ..-e8 46."ttb7
25."ttb6 l:a6 26."ttb7 'it'd? 27. ab4!? 'it'f8 47. 1 Wg7 48 .'~ b6 'it'e7
ab4 : as 29.l:h1 =!"] 23 .•. tt:lc6 49.We2 fS SO.Wd3 'it'h4 S1 .f4 'it'hS
24.l:c6 fS! -+ 2S . ~e2 fg4 26 . ~g4 S2.Wd2 'ilt'h3 S3.'it'd4 'ith7 S4.'it'b4
"tigS 27.f3 ~fS 28.We2 tt:lf6 0-1 1t'g2 0-1

Botvinnik Variation SL 7.8 (044)

To Retreat Or Not To Retreat?

by Rene Olthof

1. d4 d5 tion to the problem, ince the

2. c4 c6 main move after 16 ... 'it'b5 i
3. tiJc3 tiJf6 17.a3, when it's Black to move ...
4. lLlf3 e6 17 .. .ed5 was een in another
5. ..tg5 dc4 postal game (Baturin ky-Kuusk-
6. e4 b5 maa, 9th Soviet Championship
7. e5 h6 1969-70) and Shirov wrote that
8. ~h4 g5 ' 17 ... b3 isn' t a serious idea' .
9. tiJg5 hg5 Thi s leave us with 17 ... ~d5! .
10. ~g5 tiJ bd7
11. ef6 ~b7
12. g3 c5
13. d5 'it'b6
14. ~g2 0-0-0
15. 0-0 b4
16. tiJa4 Loek van Wely

fare too well in the early 1990's

with 18 ... ed5) 19.ab4 ( 19.tiJc5
..tc5 20.ab4 ..tf2 2I.l:tf2 l:td5 ,
first seen in 1995, seem to ju -
In Fire on Board he revealed that tify Black' previou play)
he was informed about this move 19 ... l:td5 20.'ii'e2 cb4 2J.tiJc3.
by his compatriot Alexander
Shabalov at the end of 1993.
Then, in the ummer of 1994,
.t. • .i.

Although 16 ...1¥b5 i by far the

both Latvian vi ited their home-
land and 'before going back to
the US Shabalov mentioned it
· ~~
most frequently played move in again'. Shirov analysed the line
thi standard position, the olde t
reply is actually 16 ... 'it'a6.
with the Latvians Bagirov and
young Fridman. In July, Shirov
and Shabalov met again (in
History North Bay, Canada) and ex- ll ll~
The fir t record with 16 ... 1¥a6 1 changed idea which finally
cou ld trace goes back a long convinced Shirov to give it a go In New In Chess Magazine
time. In the postal game in the top tournament in 199417 Jeroen Piket gave a
Hugolf-Paul, EU/M 1961, 17.a3 Novgorod again t Ivanchuk: slightly different account when
was answered by 17 ...1¥b5, later 1 8.~d5 tiJe5! (this is the idea. commenting on J6 .. ."~a6:
al o repeated by Gata Kam ky. The Ukrainian correspondence 'Though it was played a few
Thi move can never be a olu- player Vladimir Bratsev didn ' t times in the eventie it wa not

taken eriou ly until very re- there i no difference with the De pite hi win there is little evi-
cently. If my ource are correct old 2l ... 'ifc6, owe fir t have to dence to be found of an advan-
Dmitry Gurevich is responsible get the reasoning behind this tage for White. In practice Black
for this revival, as he played it in novelty clear. Here Kortchnoi has used no fewer than four
the Moscow and New York PCA comes to the rescue. He already moves to maintain the pre ure.
rapid tournaments. After that pointed out in 1994 that captur- In Sharavdorj-Rob on, World
orne fellow ex-Soviets played ing on d5 is not obligatory with Open, Philadelphia 2009, White
16 ...1i'a6 in the Philadelphia the queen on c6. He had intended did retreat his bishop to e3 and
Open in July thi year. During to play the venomous 22. ~f4!?. after 24 ... ~c5 25. ~c5 'ii'c5 had
the tournament in Amsterdam I Although White is not forced to to choose between g2 and h I to
had a look at this line with Loek take on d5 after 2l ... 'ii'd6 either, tuck his king away.
van Wely and felt ready to play in this case the alternatives, in-
it.' cludjng 22.l:la7, are not power-
I have never seen the games ful enough to care Black off, as
Piket refers to. He wa succes - becomes apparent from the notes
ful with 2l..J:C a5 in a rapid game to the game Vachier-Lagrave-
again t Chri topher Lutz, which Solodovnichenko. As is com-
was televised live on the nation- monplace in the Botvinnik Vari-
wide network WDR in Germany. ation, most line peter out to a
A few day earlier, 2l...'ifc6 was forced draw.
played in what i habitually
called the stem game: Ivanchuk- To Retreat Or Not To Retreat
Shjrov, Novgorod 1994. We return to our recent addition
2 l .. .'ii'd6. After d5 'ii'd5 This po ition was already exam-
A Third Alternative 23 .f3 .ic5 White must decide ined in Yearbook 39 ( 1996). The
Then suddenly, apparently in whether or not to retreat hi verdict has remained virtua lly
2009, a third alternative saw the bishop to e3. In our Main Game the same - Black ha counter-
light of day: 2l...'ifd6. Ernst-Smeets from the Dutch play for the exchange on the ba-
League 2012/13 White didn ' t sis of the strong knight on d3
and chose 24.~g2 tt:ld3 25 .h4. and his queen ide majority.
Kaufman believes White retains
a sma ll edge, but practice hardly
confirms this evaluation. No
matter where White puts hi s
king, Black can retain the initia-
tive by occupying the d-file with
26 ... l:ld8 or 26 ... 'ii'd4, or he can
tart pushing hi s queenside
pawns (26 ... a5).

After d5 'it'd5 (' I like this Conclusion

exchange sacrifice' - Shirov) The Botvinnik is ali ve and well!

Not Retreat 8. ~h4 g5 hg5 10. ~g5 tt:lbd7 cb4 21. c3 'ird6 22. d5 'ird5
24/25 .h4 11.g3 ~b7 12. ~g2 '*'b6 13.ef6 c5 23.13 ~cs 24.'it.>g2 [24 .~e3 tt:ld3
14.d5 o-o-o 15.0-0 b4 • as 25 .~c5 'ireS 26.'it.>g2; 26.'it.>h1) 24 ... tt:ld3
Ernst,Sipke 17.a3 ~d5 18.~d5 tt:le5 19....e2 [24 25.h4 'irg5 26.fg4+-] 25.h4
Smeets,Jan [19. ~e6? ! 'ire6 (the point of 16......a6) lld8 26.llfd1 'it.>b7 [26 ...b3 27.llac1
Nederland tt 2012/13 (1) 20 ....e2 lld3 (20 ...llh2? 21 ....e4! lld5 'it.>b7 28.'ire4 1!Ve4 29.fe4 ~b6 30.llb1]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 tt:lf6 22.llfd1 tt:ld3 23....e6 fe6 24.'it.>h2 llg5 27.lla5 [27.lld2 and Black probably
e6 5. ~g5 dc4 6.e4 b5 7.e5 h6 25.lld2±) 21 .llae1 !oo] 19..• lld5 20.ab4 doesn't have full compensation for the

Survey SL 7. 8

Kaufman] 27...1t'd4
2S.llda1 (2S.llc5 ~cS 29.lla1
~bS 30.lla7 : as 31 .llaS (31 .ll17 lla2-+)
31..."ifaS) 2S ... ~c6 29.lla6 (29.lld1
38.lld7 w aG 39.ll17 ~d4 40.g4
41.~c1 !+- Smeets) 33.llb1 ! (33.h7 tiJf4
34 .~f4 "it'e2 35.lle2 lld1 36.llb2 lldS
37.llb3 llhS) 33 ... "it'c1 34."it'd1 llhS

... ~
<j;b6: move repet~ion) 29 ...~b6 30.lla7 3S.lld3 (35.g4!?) 3S ... "it'gS 36.h7 "it'fS
(30.lld1?! ~bS 31 .llaa1 aSt Smeets) {36 ... llh7?! 37.lld7 w eB 38.lle7 "it'dS
~ ~
30... ~a7 31 .lla7 c3 32.bc3 b3gg; 27 ... b3? 39."it'dS edS 40.llb2 ~cS 41.lleS ~d4 .t..t.
28.~e3!+- ] 28.b3 ~b6 (2S ...cb3? 42.lleS w d7 43.lle7 t;. 44.llb3+- ) t2J ~
29.l:lc5! 1t'c5 30.lld3 lld3 31 .1t'd3 b2 37.lld7 w eB 38.'ifd3 "it'h7 39."it'h7 llh7
~ '(W~ ~
32.'ife4!+- Smeets] 40.lldd1 llh6 41 .llb2 llf6 42.llb3± ]
1:[ l:t\t>
32 ... lld5 (32 ... b3!?; 32...~c7 33.h6 1t'c5
34.f4 1t'fs 35.1t'g2 w b6 36.llb2 tiJb2
37.lldS ~d8 38.1t'b2 aS 39."it'd4 rj;c7 22.tiJd5 [With the queen on c6 White is
40."it'eS w eB 41 ."it'fS efS 42.h7 b3 not forced to take on dS, as Kortchnoi
43.hS'if b2 44."it'eS bt "it' 4S.1t'l7 "it'c2 already pointed out in 1994: 22 .~f4 ! ? bc3
46.Wh3 "it'c6 47.1t'a2 "ifht 4S."ifh2 (22 ...tiJd3 23.~dS "it'dS 24.~e3 (Black is
1t'd1 =] 33.h6? [33.lld3 aS 34.h6 b1 1t' struggling) 24 ... ~c5 2S.llaS "it'e4 26."it'd2!
3S.llb1 "it'd3 36."it'd3 lld3oo] 33 ... llg5 (26.llc5 tiJcS 27.llc1 tiJd3 2S."ifc2 c3
34.lld3 29.lld1 tiJcS 30."it'e4 tiJe4 31 .f3 (Fabian·
Arango, Mar del Plata 2012) 31 ... lldS!+ )
26...~e3 27.fe3 lldS 2S."ife2 w b7;t 29.h4
lldS 30.lldS edS 31 .hS) 23. ~es lld2
(23 ... cb2 24.lla7! (24."it'b2 "it'bS 2S.'ifa2
29.l:la2! (29.llb5? cb3!-+ 30.llb4 1t'b4 aS 26.llfb1 ~ 27.llb4 1t'b4 2S.llb1
31.l:ld3 b2 32.lld8 ~d8 33.~d2 1t'b6 1t'b1 29.1t'b1 lleS 30.1t'b6;t) 24 ... c3!
34.'l'e4 ~ 35.1t'c2 ~c7 36.1t'b1 ~es 2S .~c3 ~cS 26.1t'a6 "ifa6 27.lla6 ~12
3a g5 'l'as 38.1t'h7 1ra2 39.1t'g8 w b7 2S.wg2± ) 24."it'e1 ! (24.1t'e3 ~cS
40.'ifl7 ~c7 41.1t'd7 b1 1t' 42.~d2 'ifbb2 (24 ... cb2 2S.'ilt'd2 bat 'ilt' 26.lla1 ;t
43.~h3 'ifdS 0-1 Upinsky-Naumann, Kortchnoi) 2S."it'c3 lld3 26."it'c2 "it'e4
Germany 11-jr 199419S] 29 ... cb3 (29 ... c3 27."it'a4 (27.llac1? ireS 2S."it'c4 was
30.h5 f4 (30 ... as 31 .Wh2 'ifdS 32.1t'e4 what Kortchnoi had calculated originally - it
~7 33.1t'dS lldS 34.g4 a4 35.lla4 c2 loses to 2S ... "it'g3 29.hg3 llg3X) 27 ... "it'eS
36.l:ld3 lld3 37.llb4 lld4) 31.~f4 'it'd! 34... llh5? (34 ... lldS! 3S.h7 '*'d3 36.lld3 2S."ifc6=) 24... ~c5 2S.bc3 !:;. 26 .~d4 ±]
32.'ifa6 Wc6 33.1t'a4 w b7 34.1t'b4 1t'g1 bt "it' 37.hS"it' "it'gt 38.wh3 "ifht 39."ifh2 22 ..."it'd5 23.f3 tiJd3 24.h4 ~c5 [~
35.~h3 'ifht 36.¢>94 llg8 37.~gS 1t'b1 "it'ft 40.wg4 "it'd3 41 ."it'Sh7 "it'd4 42.14 24 ... b3 2S.wg2 w b7 26.lla4 ~b4 27.~d2
38.l:laS Wb8 (38 ...c2 39.1t'e7! ~c7 40.llc5 "it'f6+; 34... ~c7 3S.f4 llg6 36.h7 llh6 ~cS 28. ~e3 llgS 29.~gs 'ifd4 30.llb1
l:lg5 41 .Wg5 c1 1t' 42.llc1 1t'c1 43.14 1t'e3 37.~ llh7 38.llb1 "it'c6 39."it'f3 "iff3 w c6 31 ."it'd2 ~b6 32.wh3 eS 33.~e3
44.'iff7 'ifg3 45.wh6±) 39.1t'f4 w b7 40.<.Pf3 ~ 41 .llb2 aS=] 35.w g2 w a6 "it'e3 34.llc4 WdS 3S."it'e3 ~e3 36.llc3
40.l:la4 1t'd3 41 .llc4 c2 42.wh4! llc8! 36."it'b2 llh6 37.lla1 w b5 38.1t'e5 e4 37.lla1 w es 38.llas Wf6 39.fe4 12
43.l:lc8 ~ 44.1t'c4 (44.1t'e4 1t'e4 4S.fe4 1t'c5 39. "it'e2 'if>?c6 40.1t'd2 "it'h5 40.<;f;>g2 tiJg4 41 .llc6 w g7 42.<;f;>f3 w h7
~d4 46.~c1 ~16 47.Wg4 ~es 48.Wf3 fS 41 .lld6 w c7 42. lld7 w c6 43. llc1 43.llc7 ~b6 44.llhS tiJh6 4S.llc6 llg6
49.ef5 efS 50.g4 fg4 S1 .Wg4 Wd7 ~c5 44. 1t'd6 Wb5 45.llb7 w a4 46.llg6 fg6 47.llbS w g7 48.g4 tiJI7
52.o;t;>IS± ) 44 ... 1t'c4 4S.bc4 ~d4 46.wg4 46.lla1 'if;>b3 47.1t'd3 1-0 49.eS;t Khalifman-lvanchuk, Elista 199S; ~
~16 47.~c1±] 30.llad2 b2 31.h5 24...~d6 2S.Wg2 aS (2S ... ~b8 26.llfd1
(31 .lld3 1t'd3 32.lld3 b1 1t' 33.'ife4 lldS 27."ife4±) 26.b3 ~c7 27.llfd1 "it'd6
(33.l:ld8 ~d8 34.1t'bS ~) 33... lldS Bukai,VIad imir sr 2S.f4 'ilt'c6 29.'ilt'f3 <;f;>b7 30.bc4± ]
34.lld5 1t'e4 35.fe4 edS b3 37.~c1 Pavasovic,Dusko 25.rj;g2 w b7 26.llfd1 [26.b3 c3?
~e3 38.~2! (38.e6 ~ct 39.e7 b2"if Bled 1995 (8) (26 ... cb3 27.llfd1 lldS 2S.lld2 b2 29.llad1
bt "it' 41 ."it'l7 Wc6 42."it'e6 Wc5 43.17 ~h6 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3 .tiJc3 c6 4. f3 "it'c4 30.llb2 (30.lld3 lld3 31 .lld3 ~d6 +;
44."it'e7 Wc6 4S.fS"it' ~fS 46."it'fS "it'e4=) tiJf6 5 .~g5 dc4 6 .e4 b5 7.e5 h6 30.hS?! f4 31. ~f4 "ife2 32.lle2 lldt
38... as 39.e6 fe6 40.hS m 41 .17 d4 a .~ h4 gs 9. gs hgs 1 o .~gs tiJbd7 33.llb2 aS-+) 30... tiJf4 31.~14 "ife2
42.~c1 ~18 43.h6 d3 44.h7 b2 4S.~2 d2 11.g3 ~ b7 12 .~g2 "it'b6 13.ef6 c5 32.lle2 lld1 33.hS aS+) 27.llfd1?
46.h81t' d11t' 47 .~d4 "ifc2 48. ~12 "it'c6 14.d5 o-o-o 15.Q-O b4 16.tiJa4 "ifa6 (27.llaS! lldS 28. ~e3 "ireS 29.llc5 c5
49. ~g1 "it'd6;t] 31 ... "it'c4 32.Wh2?! 17.a3 ~d5 18. ~d5 tiJe5 19.ab4 30."it'bs w as 31 ."it'c5 lld2 32.Wh3+- )
[32.h6! b3 (32...ttlf4 33.~f4 "it'e2 34.lle2 lld5 20."ife2 cb4 21 .tiJc3 "it'c6?1 27 ... lldS 2S.llaS w b6 29."it'a2! (29.llcS
l:ldt 3S.llb2 aS 36.h7 lldS 37.lld2 llhS (21 ... llaS is not covered in this Survey] w cS 30.'ilt'e3 'if;>bS 31 ."it'a7 : as 32."it'e3

lld8 33.'Wa7 Yl-Yl AI. Kharitonov-Shabanov, ~b712.g3 Wb613.~g2 0-0-0 14.o-o 14.dS o-o-o 1s.o-o b4 16. a4 Wa6
Moscow 1995) 30 .~14 Wd1 cS 1S.dS b4 Wa6 17.a3 ~dS 17.a3 ~dS 18.~dS eS 19.ab4
31 .lla7 Wg1 32.<it>h3 Wt1 33.<it>g4 Wb5 18.~dS tt:Jes 19.ab4 lldS 20.We2 lldS 20. • e2 • b7 21 .tt:lc3 cb4
34.h5 ~d6 3S.lll7 WIS 36.<it>h4 ~14 cb4 W'd6 WdS 23.f3 WdS 23.f3 tt:ld3 24.h4 ~cs
37.Wa7 li>c6 38...a6 li>dS 39.WbS li>d4 ~c5 24.1Pg2 tt:ld3 2S.h4 lld8 2S.Wg2 ~d4 26.llfd11 [26.llab1?!
40.W'b4 li>d3 41 ...c4 li>e3 42.Wt4 Wt4 26.llfd1 [26.lla5 Wd4 27.llfa1 ~ ~b6 27.We4 li>b7 28.llfd1 lld8 29.hS
43.gf4 llc8 44.lla7 c2 4S.lla1 \1;>14 28.ll5a4 lld5oo 29.lld1? lleS!- + 30.Wd2 li>a6 30.h6 \PbS 31.b3 We4 32.fe4 (Ovod-
46.llc1 + - ; 26.llaS Wd4 27.b3 ~b6 ..b2 31.Wb2 tt:lb2 32.llb4 tt:Jd1 33.llc4 Novikova, Sochi tt-W 2007) 32 ... llg8
28.lla2 c3 29.lld1 lld8 30.hS (30.1Ph2 li>b7 0-1 Mclaughlin-Arnanov, StLouis 2011] 33.lld3 cd3 34.llh1 ~d4 3S.h7 llh8
WdS 31. ~e3 1-0 Kuhne-Sielaff, cr 1994; a 26... Wd4 [26 ...1Pb7] 27.lld2 li>b7 36.1Pf3 aS+='] 26 ... tt:lb2?! [26
strange result in view of 31 ...W'b3!+ ; 28.We4 27.lld3 cd3 28...d3 li>b7 29...e2!±]
31.We4:) 30 ... as 31 .g4 tt:lf4 32 .~14 • d1 27.llac1 ?! [27.lld4! Wd4 28. ~e3 W!6
33.Wd1 lld1 34.h6 (lvanchuk-Shirov, 29.lla7+ -; 27.llaS!? Was 28.lld4 Wa2
Novgorod 1994- YB/39-104) 34...eSI 3S.h7
(35 .~eS? lld2 36.1Ph3 lla2 37.h7 c2
38 .~14 ~c7 -+ ; RR ~ 3S.~gS!=)
35 ...lld8 36 .~eS llhB+ Shirov] 26 ... lld8
•• 29. ~c1 ! lld8 30.lld8 li>d8 31.Wd2 6
32.~b2+ -] 27 ... \i>b7 28.~e3 tt:ld3
29. llc4 Wc4 30.lld3 lld8 31 .Wd1
eS 32.hS Wa2 33.\i>h3 We6 34.1Pg2
27.llaS Wd4 28.hS [28.b3 - Ernst- Wf6 3S.h6 as 36. We2 ll h8
Smeets] 28... llg8 [28 ... lldS] 29.f4 li>b6
30.llcS [30.llda1 li>c7 31 .h6 ~b6
32.lleS (32.llSa4 aS 33.llaS (33.WhS?
llf8!+) 33... ~S 34.llaS li>b6'f) 32... tt:JeS Wes 34.feSoo llgS!? 3S.h7 llhS
36.llh1 llh7 37.llh7 li>c6 38.1%17 c3
• l
'if ~
39.bc3 b3 40.llh7 aS 41 .17 ~cS 42. llh8 28...1Pb6?! [28... 'We4 29.1e4 aS!?
li>b7 43.llh1 (43.llh7 ~18 44.llh8 ~c5=) (29 ...1Pc6 30.1Pf3 ~d4 31 .llad1;!;) 30.llaS .a
43 ... a4 44.llb1 li>a7 45.g4 a3 46.llb3 a2 (30.llc1 ~d4 31 .llc4 ~2 32.1Pf1 ~c3 l::t: ~ ~ ~
33.lld1 a4oo) 30... ~d4 31 .h5 (31.lld3 cd3
47.llbS a1 W 48.llc5 ..b2 49.1Pg3 Wb8=J
30 ... Wcs 31.h6 Wds 32.~d2 li>b6 33.lla4 IPc5 34 .~ IPb5
'iY <it>
35.b3 ~e3 36.1Pf3 d2 37.~d2 ~d2 38.lla7
llf8oo) 31 ...c;t>b6 32.lla2 IPb5 33.lld3 cd3
34.b3 ~c3 35.~d2 ~16 36.1Pf3 ~c3oo] 37 . ~d4? [37.lld4 ed4 38.WbS Wc8!
29.llad1 [29.Wh7! Wd7 (29 ... lld7?! 39.Wc5 li>b7 40.~d4 Wh6 41 .Wds li>a6
30.Wg8 li>b7 31 .lle2!+- 6 32.~e3+-) 42.'Wc4 Wb7 43.W17 li>c6 44.Wc4 Wb7
30.h5 a5 31 .h6 eSJ 29... We4 30.fe4 b3 4S.Wbs w ca 46.Wc5 li>b7=; 37.h7 We6
31 .hS ~ 32.lld3 cd3 33.h6?! 38.lld4 ed4 39.Wbs w ca 40.Wc5 li>b7=]
[33.~e3 \PbS 34.g4 a5 35.g5 a4 36.g6 ~c3 37... ed4 38.We4 Wb6? [38 ... Wc6!
37.~gs ~2 38.g7 a3 39.h6 llg8 40.1Pf3 39.Wd4 llh6-+] 39.h7 c;t;>cS? [39 ... lld8
a2 41.h7 llg7 42.h8W llgS 43.'We8 Wb4J 40.lld2!; 39... llh7? 40.'i+'h7 Wg6 41.Wg6
33... \i>cS 34.~e3 1Pc4 3S. [35.~7 fg6 42.g4! (or 42.14!) 42 ... a4 43.lld4+- ]
d2 36.1Pf3 IPd3 37.~e3] 3S 36.g4 40.g4! + - a4 41.lld1! b3 42.llc1
a4 37.llc1 \PbS 38.llb1 [38.g5 a3 li>b4 43. • ds w a3 44.lla1? [44.'Wc5!
32.Wf3? [32.\i>h2 lld8 33.~ aS 34.g4 39.ba3 ~3 40.lld1 IPc4 41 .\i>g4 b2 42.g6 Wb2 4S.llf1 !+ - 6 46.llf2 +- l
a4 35.~12=] 32 ... Wf3 33.\i>f3 tt:lb21 fg6 43.1Pg5 li>c3] 38...1Pc4 [38 ...~c3! ? 44 ... c;t;>b4? [44 .. .<.t>b2! 4S.lla4 d3=]
34.lld7 [34.lld6 li>c7 35.lle6 tt:Jd3! 39.g5! (39.bc3? li>c4!- + ) 39...a3 (39... ~2 4S.llc1 w a3 46. lla1? Wb4? Y:!-Y2
36.lle4 b3 37.llc4 c;t>bS-+ 1 34... tt:ld3! -+ 40.llb2 IPc4 41.llb1 a3 42.llc1 ) 40.ba3
3S. 3 b3 36. 2 b2 37.1Pc2 li>c6 li>c4] 39.llc1 \PbS 40.llb1 Y:!- Y2
38.llf7 llb8 39.\i>b1 c3 0-1 Zimmermann,Uirich
Pedersen,H Oberhof ch-GER U18 2012 (3)
Kislik,Erik Petersen,Steen 1.d4 dS tt:Jf6 3.c4 c6
Antai,Tibor Copenhagen BSF-8 1995 (8) e6 s. ~gs dc4 6.e4 bS 7 .es h6
Kecskemet 2012 (3) tt:Jf6 2.d4 dS 3.~gS e6 4.c4 s. ~h4 9 s hgs 1 o.~ 9 s tt:Jbd7
1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 c6 tt:Jf6 c6 S. c3 dc4 6.e4 bS 7.eS h6 11.ef6 ~b7 12.g3 cS 13.dS • b6
S.~gS dc4 6.e4 bS 7.eS h6 8.~h4 8. ~h4 gS hgS 10. ~gS bd7 14.~g2 o-o-o 1s.o-o b4
gS 9. gS hgS 1 O~gS tt:Jbd7 11.ef6 11.ef6 ~b 7 12.g3 Wb6 13. ~g2 cS Wa6 17.a3 ~dS 18. ~dS eS

Survey SL 7. 8

19.ab4 lldS 20.1t'e2 cb4 21.lllc3 the critical response to 26 ... llhS, but there 29.1t'h7! lld7 30.lle6!+ -; 28 ... lleS?
'i'c6 22. dS 1t'dS 23.13 ~cs seems to be little wrong with the text move] 29.'i!fa8 '1Yd7 30.lla7+-l 29.llfa1
24. 2 llld3 2S.h4 1t'd4 26.llab1 28 ... lleS 29.'i!fa2 aS 30.1t'a4?! lt;>b8? !29 .. ."..121 30.'1Yh3 (RR 30.'1Yh1
!26.b3 cb3 27.llad1 lld8 28.hS b2 29.h6 !30.h4;!;; 30.1t;>h1;!;] 30...1t;>c7? !30...lle2! 1t'b2 31 .lla7 lt;>b6 32.'tit'e3 1t'd4= Van
'i'dS! (29 ...1t'c4? 30.lld2!+- R.Vedder) 31.'1Yh1 (31 .'1Yh3? 1t"f6 32.1t"c6 lt;>d8 DelfVRis) 30... 1t"d2 31 .lla7 '1Yb8 32.lla8
30.l%d3 1t'd3 31 .1t'b2=] 26 ... 1t;>b7 27.b3 33.1t'd6 lt;>e8-+) 31 ...lll12 32.ll12 1t'12 (RR 32.'i!fh7 lllf2 33.1t;>g2 (33. h4
c3? !27 ... lld8 28.llfd1 aS 29.bc4 (29.hS) 33.1t"c6 lt;>b8 34.1t"bS= Van DelfVRis] WgSX) 33 ... lllg4 34.'1Yh1 12= Van
29 ...1t'c4 30.1t'e4! 1t'e4 31.fe4±; 27 ... 1t'eS] 31.lla2! lllb2 32.1t"e8 lllc4 33.llc2? DelfVRis) 32 ... lt;>b7 33.ll1a7 lt;>b6 34.lla6
28.l%bd11 +- lld8 29.hS WdS 30.h6 !33.llc1! b3 34.1t'f7 w b6 3S.lll2+-l lt;>b7=] 30.1t"h71 +- tOeS 31.lla7
'i'gS 31.lld3 lld3 32.1t'd3 W'h6 33... b3 34.llc4 1t'c4 35.'i!ff7 lt;>b6 1t'a7 32.'i!fg8 lt;>b7 33.lla7 lt;>a7
33.l%d1 1t"f8 34.1t"e4? !34.1t'bS! lt;>a8 36."ite8 lle2 37.1t;>h3 'i!fdS? !37...1t"d3=] 34.f4 lld2 3S. '~Yh3 d7 36.'i!ff7 c3
35.l%d7 WeB 36.llf7+-l 34...1t;>c7 38.1t"b8? !38.'ifg6!±] 38... c;t;>a& 39.g4 37.bc3 b3 38.1t'e6 b2 39.1t'a2 'IYb6
35.'i'c4 lt;>b8? !35.. .<.t>b6!=] 36.lld7! e5 40.1t"c8 lt;>b6 41.'i!fb8 lt;>a6 40.f7 c;t;>cs 41.g4 '1Yd6 42.gS lt;>e7
.Qb6 37.1t'f4 !37.1t"e4! 1t"c8 38.llf7 c2 42.W"c8 c;t;>b6 43.W'b8 Y.! -Y.! 43.g6 1-0
39.'i'f4 lt;>a8 40.1t'c1 +-l 37...1t;>c8
38.l%e7 1t'd8 39.1t"c4 lt;>b8 40.1t'f4
q,>ca 41 .1t'c4 c;t;>b8 42.g4 !42.1t'e2!+-J Harikrishna,Pentala Shyam,Sundar M
42 ...W"c8 43.1t'f4 lt;>a8 44.1t'e4 '1Yb8 Van Wely,Loek Anwesh,Upadhyaya
45.l%f7 c2 46.W'f4 c;t;>aa 47.'i!fe4 lt;>bS Philadelphia 2011 (7) Athens W ch·jr 2012 (11 )
48.W"f4 '1Ya8 49.1t"e4 '1Yb8= SO.llb7? 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. f3 lllf6 4.lllc3 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.lllf3 lllf6 4 . c3
'i'b7 S1 .1t'c2 IS1 ...1t'd7!+ S2.gS W'dS e6 S . ~gS h6 !S ... dc4 6.e4 bS h6 e6 S. ~gS h6 6. ~ h4 dc4 7.e4 bS
53.W"g6 ~cS 54.1t;>g3 'i!fb3 SS."We4] Y.!-Y.! 8 . ~h4 - game] 6 . ~ h4 dc4 7.e4 bS S.eS gS 9.lllgS hgS 10.~gS bd7
!7 ...gS 8 . ~g3] S.eS gS 9. gS hgS 11.g3 ~ b7 12. ~g2 1t'b6 13.ef6
1 o. ~gs lllbd7 11.g3 !11.ef6] Q-0-0 14.o-o cS 1S.dS b4 16. a4
11... ~b7 l11 ... llg8!?] 12 . ~g2 b6 1t'a6 17.a3 ~dS 18 . ~dS eS
13.ef6 o-o-o 14.o-o cs 1S.dS b4 19.ab4 lldS 20. 1t'e2 cb4 21 . c3
Retreat 16.llla4 'i!fa6 17.a3 ~dS 18 . ~dS 1ifd6 22.llldS 'i!fdS 23.f3 d3
24 ..Q.e3 & 26. ~ g2 eS 19.ab4 lldS 20.'i!fe2 cb4 24. ~e3 ~cs 2S.~cs .-cs 26.'1Yg2
21 . c3 1t'd6 22.llldS .-ds 23.f3 _.d4 !Shirov] 27.b3 cb3 28.llad1
Sharavdorj,Dashzeveg ll\d3 24.~e3 ~cs 2S. ~cs 'i!fcS lld8 29.h4 aS 30.hS 1t'eS?
Robson,Ray 26.'1Yg2 lld8 27.lla6 !27.llad1 !?; l30 ... 1t'c3=] 31. twes eS 32.lla1?
Philadelphia 2009 (B) 27.llfd1 lldS 28.b3 {28.h4!? Kaufman) !32.lld8! lt;>d8 33.lla1 lt;>c7 34.h6 lt;>c6
1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3 .lllf3 lllf6 4.lllc3 28 ... cb3 29.lld2 b2 30.llad1 was seen in 3S .'~Yf1 lt;>bS 36.lle1 g6 37.'1Ye2 a4
c6 s . ~gs dc4 6.e4 bS 7 .es h6 Efremov·Yasinsky, Moscow 199S 38.'1Yd2 a3 39.'1Yc1 lllf8 40.g4 lt;>c4
8 .~h4 gS 9. gS hgS 1 O .~gS lllbd7 YB/39·1 OS and now 30... b3! would have 41 .lle4 lt;>c3 42.lle3 '1Yc4 43.g5+-l
11 .g3 ~b7 12. ~g2 1t'b6 13.ef6 cS been very strong; 27.1t'e4 lt;>b8 28.llad1 32 ... lldS l32...lld2 33.'1Yh3 lla2
14.dS o-o-o 1S.o-o b4 16.llla4 1t'a6 lt;>c7 29. lld2 aS 30.llfd1 Kaufman; 27.h4 34.llad1 ] 33.llfb1 !33.h6 lt;>b7 34.h7
17.a3 ~dS 18 . ~dS tOeS 19.ab4 lldS 28.'1Yh2 Kaufman] g6;!;) 33 ... lld2 34.1t;>h3 lla2 3S.llc1
l%d5 20. W"e2 cb4 21.lllc3 1t'd6 lt;>b7 36.llab1 f3 37.llb3 llh2!dS W"dS 23.f3 llld3 24. ~e3 38.1t;>g4 d4 39.lld3 !39.llbb1 fS!;!;]
.ics 2S .~cs Wcs 26.'1Yg2 39 ... es 40.llcS '1Yb6 41. lleS c6
42.lle1 a4 43.lld7 a3 44. llf7 a2
4S.llf8 I4S.llfe7!?] 4S ... llleS 46. S
llhS 47.1t;>e6

27 ... lldS 28.1t'e4 l28.llfa1 lleS

(28 ....-d4 29.lla7 lleS 30.lla8=) 29.'i!ff1
(29.1t'd2 W"d4 30.lld1 lt;>b7 31.llaa1 aSt)
26... llhS?I 27.b31 ± 1t'd4 !27...lleS 29 ... 1t'd4 30.lla7 'i!fb2 31.'1Yh1 lle2=;
28.W"c2!] 28.bc4 [Van DelfVRis call 28.14! 28.h4 Kaufman] 28 ... 1t;>b7 I28 ...'1Yb8?

47. A .)c6? [47... ~13=] 48.1:88 ll8S? Grischuk,Aiexander 8.~h4 gS 9.t0gS hgS 1 O .~gS t0bd7
[48... ~d4 ±] 49.ll8S coY8S SO.'OYd6? Shirov,Aiexey 11 .e16 ~b7 12.g3 cS 13.dS 'ifb6
[SO.'OYd7+-; so.lldt +-1 so... ~da Porto Carras Ech·tt 2011 (7) 14. ~g2 o-o-o 1S.O-O b4 16.t084
S1.'0Ye7 b3 S2.'0Yd8 b2 [S3.17 b1 'it' 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.~f3 ~16 4.~c3 'it'86 17.83 ~dS 18.~dS tOeS
54.llb1 abt 'it' SS.t8'it' 'it'd3=] Y.d2 e6 S. ~gS dc4 6.e4 bS h6 19.8b4 lldS 20. 'it'e2 cb4 21.t0c3
8. ~h4 gS 9. ~gS hgS 1 O. ~gS ~bd7 'ifd6 22.lla7 fl forgot my analysis' -
11.e16 ~b7 12.g3 cS 13.dS 'ifb6 MVL; 22.lla6; 22.t0e4] 22 ... bc3
14. ~g2 b4 1S.O-O o-o-o 16 .~84
24 ...1le3 & 26 .~ h1

'it'86 17.83 ~dS 18 . ~dS tOeS
19.'it'e2 lldS 20.8b4 cb4 21.t0c3
'it'd6 22.tOdS 'it'dS 23.f3 ~cs
24. ~e3 t0d3 2S .~cs 'it'cS 26. ~ h1
~ •..... .t.... ~
Sveshnikov,Evgeny 'it'd4 27.ll8S [27.b3 cb3 28.lla7 'it'a7
~ ~
Reykjavik 2011 (6) 29.'it'd3 'it'a2 30.llc1 (30.'it'c4 ~b7
1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3 .~c3 ~16 4. ~f3
c6 S.~gS dc4 6.e4 bS 7.eS h6
8. ~ h4 gS 9. ~gS hgS10. ~gS ~bd7
31.'ifb4 1Pa6 32.'it'c4 ~b7 (32... ~as
33.h4) 33.h4 llc8!o:t) 30... ~b8 31.'it'd6
~aB 32.'it'c6 ~b8 lH7 Gupta-Arun
... ~
~ 'if~ ~
11.e16 ~b7 12.g3 cS 13.dS 'it'b6 Prasad, Aurangabad ch-INO 2011 ]
14.~g2 o-o-o 1s.0-0 b4 16.lo84 27 ... lld8 [27 ... t0b2 28.llb1 (28.llfa1 b3 ~~
'it'86 17.83 ~ds 18. ~ds ~es 29.lla7 t0d3=; 28.llgS!? Schandorff)
19.8b4 lldS 20.'it'e2 cb4 21. ~c3 28 ... t0d3 (28 ... c3? 29.'it'a6) 29.'ifa2 ~b8 23.llf81 [23.lla8 (the safest route to
'it'd6 22. ~dS 'it'dS 23.f3 ~d3 30.llbS (30.'it'a4 'it'f2 31 .'it'bS 'it'b6=) perpetual check) 23...'0Yd7 (23... '0Yb7
24.~e3 ~cs 2S . ~cs 'it'cs 26.'0Yh1 30... ~a8 31 .'ifa6 'it'd? 32.lla1 t0f2 24.llfa1 t0c6? (24 ...'it'b4!= - game;
33.'0Yg2 t0g4 34.fg4 'it'd2=; 27 ...'it'b2? 24 ...'it'b6? 2S.bc3! ... b3 (25 ... t0c6 26.~14)
28.'it'b2 t0b2 29.lla7+-l 28.llfa1 lld7 26 . ~14 'it'c3 27.~es lle5 28.'it'a2+-)
[28 ... 'it'b2!? 29.1fe3 (29.llc5 ~d7 30.lla7 2S.bc3! ~c7 26.~e3! + - ) 24.lla7 ~e8
~d6=) 29 ...'it'd4] 29.h4 b2 30.hS 2S.lla8 ~7 26.lla7 'OYeB 27.lla8 17-17
t0d3 31.h6 b3? [31...'ili'l6! 32.h7 'it'h6 Ganguly-Shirov, Spain tt 2011] 23 ... 'it'b4
33.'ifh2 t012 34 . ~g2 t0h3! 3S.ll1a2 'ifh7 [23... c6!? 24.1:17 aS (24... b8!? 2S.h4
36.llc5 (36.'ifh3 'it'h3 37.'0Yh3 b3) cb2 26.'it'b2 'it'c6 27.llb1 ~d6 28.llb7
36... 1Pd8 (36 ... llc7 37.llc7 ~c7 d7 29.17 (29.'it'a1 lld1 30.lld1 ~b7
38.g4! +-) 37.g4 b3oo] 32.h7 lld8 31.17 llfB 32.'it'd4 '0Yc7 33 . ~d2 ~c5
[32...'ifl6 33.1Pg2!+-] 33.'0Yg2 b2 34 .~a5 '0Yc8 3S.'itl4 b6=F) 29... 1:18
34.llh1? [34.lld1 ! ~b8 (34... 'it'f6 30.~h6 ll17 31 .'it'h8 ~f8 32.~f8 'it'b7
35.'it'e4+ -; 34 ... 'it'b6 35.llgS+- ) 33.llb7 llf8 34.'it'b2 c3 3S.'ifc3 ~b?f)
3S.llgS+-I 34...~c7? [34 ...llh8! 2S.h4 (2S.~f4 cb2 26.'it'b2) 25 ...cb2
26... 8S [26 ... lld8 27.'it'e4 (27.lla4;!;) 35.llbS (3S.'it'c2 llh7!) 35...~c7!] 26.'it'b2 llgS 27.1:18 llf8 28.hgS 'it'dS
27 ...coYb8 28.'it'h7 lld7 29.'it'g8 '0Yb7 3S.llgS? [3S.llb1!] 3S ... t0c1 36.'it'c2 29.'it'b6 llh8 30.13 t0b3 31 .1fa6 ~c7
30.'it'e8 'it'c6 31 .'it'f8 (31.h4!?) 31 ... 'it'bS 'it'd2 37.'it'd2 lld2 38 .~ h3 lld8 32.'it'a7 ~d6 33.lla6 ~es 34.'it'c7 ~fS
32.lla2 as 33.llta1 'it'd5 34.'0Yg2? (34.llaS 39.llg8 b1 'it' 40.h8'it' 'it'fS 41 .~ h4 3S.g4 ~gS 36.'it'g7 coYt4 37.'it'h8 'it'd!=;
'it'f3 35.'0Yg1=) 34 ... ~eS? (34...'it'hS!-+) [41 .g4?? 'it'f3-+] 41...llg8 42.'it'g8 23... llb5!? 24.lla8 llb8 2S.llb8 '*'b8
35.1:11 ? (35.llaS 'it'f3 36.'0Yg1=) 35... c3-+ 'if16 43. ~ h3 'it'h6 [43...1ff3 44.llc1 26.bc3oo] 24.1:88 [24.~f4 cb2 2S.lla8
Hetey-Thesing, Germany Bundesliga 'ifhS 4S.'OYg2 'it'e2=] 44. ~g2 'it'd2 ~b7 (25 ... '0Yc7? 26 . ~e5 ! lle5 27.1fe5
1997198] 27.b3 lld8 28.bc4 '0Yc7 [:?: Y2· Y2 ~d6 28.ll 1a7 ~ b6 29.lla6 ~c7 30.lld6
28 ... b3] 29.1Pg2 IPb6 30.llfd1 'it'c4 'ifd6 31 .lla7 '0Yc8 32.'ili'd6 bt 'if 33.~g2
31 .'it'e3 IPbS 32.llac1 [32.lld2! 'it'd4 'ilre4 34 .~f1 '*'ht 3S.~e2 '*'e4 36.~d2
33.'it'd4 lld4 34.llda2+-] 32 ...'it'd4 c3 37 .~c3 +-) 26.ll1 a7=; 24.bc3 'it'c3
33.lld3 [33.1t'e2! a4] 33 ...'it'd3 2S.~e3 ~c5 26.~c5 f3 27 .~11 llc5
34.'it'cS ~84 3S.ll81 IPb3 36.'if8S A Forced Draw 28.lla8 coYc7 29.ll1a7 ~b6 30.lla6 'OYbS
'it'c2 37.'0Yh3 llh8 38.~g4 llg8?1 22 .l:l a7 31 ....d1 t0h2 32 . ~g2 'iWf3 33.'iWf3 f3
[38 ... 'it'g6! 39.'it'g5 (39.coYt4 'it'f6 40.~e4 34.lla5 '0Yb6=] 24 ... ~ b7 2S.ll887
'it'l5 41. 'iffs efS 42.~f5 '0Yc2 43.c;Yf6 b3 Vachier-lagrave,Maxime [25.ll1a7 ~c6 26.llc8 ~d6 27.lld8 ~c6
• 44. ~ llh2) 39 ... llg8 40.'it'g6 llg6 Solodovnichenko,Yury 28.llc8 17·17 Rotella-Schachinger, cr 2009;
41.coYt4 ~c2] 39.~h3?1 [39.coYt4!=] Mulhouse tt 2011 (2) 25.~e3 cb2 26.ll1a7 ~c6 27.llc8 ~d6
39... llh8 40.'0Yg4 llg8?1 41.~h3?1 1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3.t0c3 t016 4.t0f3 28.lld8 ~c6 29.llc8 ~d6=] 2S ... 'OYc8
llh8 42.~g4 Y2·Y2 c6 s . ~gS dc4 6.e4 bS 7 .es h6 26.lla8 '0Yb7 27.ll8a7 Y2· Y2
Slav Defence
Schlechter Variation SL 10.3+8 (094)

Solid and Complex-

The Schlechter Variation - Part I
by Sundararajan Kidambi

1. d4 d5 I. To play an early ... e7-e6 and

2. c4 c6 then try to develop the c8-bi hop
3. lLJc3 tbt6 with ... b7-b6 and prepare for the
4. e3 g6 eventual freeing break ... c6-c5.
5. lLJf3 ~g7 2. To play ... ~g4, exchange
the light-squared bishop for the
knight and erect a pawn wall on
~.i.'if* K the light quares.
ii AA.i.i 3. To play ... a7-a6.
A ,.A 4. To play ... b7-b6 without
A committing himself to .. .e7-e6.
~~ 5. To play an early ... dc4 and
follow it up with ...~g4 and/or
tb ~tb ... lLlbd7, with an eventua l
!!:, ~ ~~~ ...c6-c5, a in the Gri.infeld
~ .iil1W~~ ~ Defence. Carl Schlechter
Each of the e plans leads to a
The Schlechter System in the specific and different kind of and Bu Xiangzhi. I have tried
Slav Defence is named after the struggle and on the whole every thi line a few time and found
legendary Austrian player Carl one of them i very rich in plans the resulting positions to be orig-
Schlechter, who tried this de- and ideas. In this Survey, I aim to inal and intere ting .
fence in the famou final game of elucidate only the first plan with It i important to note that thi s
hi 1910 match again t World ... e7 -e6. The other alternatives line can be reached via various
Champion Emanuel La ker. This will be covered in later Surveys. move orders in which ... e7-e6 is
variation i very solid and at the played before ... g7-g6, for exam-
arne time leads to a complex A Bit of History ple l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. c3 tDf6
truggle, as most of the pieces re- Historically, the first top player 4.lLlf3 e6 5.e3 g6.
main on the board for a long to try this et-up on a regular ba-
time. This opening can be con-
sidered a hybrid between the
sis was former World Champion
Yasily Smyslov. Being a pioneer
,..i.'f.W*.t. K
Slav and Grtinfeld Defence : it in many different Slav set-up ,
Ai ' '
ha the olidity of the Slav and
the dynamism of the Gri.infeld.
he tried the one with ...e7-e6 as
early as the 1940s! The legend-
ary Yiktor Kortchnoi has also
' ' ·~·
~ ~
Ways To Play played this set-up a few times
The variation most common ly (even relatively recently, again ·t
tb ~tb
starts with l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.lLJc3 Radjabov in 2003!). ~ ~ t!:,~~
ttJf6 4.e3 g6 5.lLJf3 ~g7. Black In current time thi line seem ~ .ii!.'iY~~ ~
has lot of different way to play to be a hobbyhor e of Indian and
the resulting positions. The dif- Chine e players, viz. Sasikiran, This gives the additional possi-
ferent po ibilities are: Harikrishna, Negi, Yu Yangyi bility of sometimes avoiding the

well-trodden path of the Meran Sundararajan (201 1) White went
and Anti-Meran variations. for calm development with
Let u look at the various plans b2-b3 and ~b2 without going for
for White against this set-up. the quick central break e3-e4. In
that game I managed to use a nice
Developing the Light-Squared strategic exchange of bishop for ~~ttJ
Bishop to d3 knight and later play for control
From the above diagram White of the dark square with my
continues with 6. ~d3 0-0 7.0-0 knight against White's light- ~~WI j;_~~~
e6 (SL 10.3). squared bishop. This middle- l:I ~l:I ~
game motif was borrowed from
the earlier game Sriram-Sa i- Initially I thought that Black 's
kiran, Indian Team Champion- most accurate choice wa to play
ship 20 I 0, which I had witnessed ll ... 'ti'c7 instead of taking on e4
live, as I happened to play for the (check the game Narciso-
same team! Sundararajan (20 12) and I ma-
gambetov-Harikri hna (20 12)).
Developing the Light-Squared But the notes to the game
Bishop to e2 Turov-Harikrishna show that
Once White decides to develop this set-up may not be the best. It
his bi hop to e2 (6. ~e2 0-0 7.0-0 is probably better for Black to
e6, SL I 0.8), he still has a choice play 12 ... ~ f6 instead of
White aim for a quick e3-e4 in between three different plans: 12 ... lLJf6. Check the games
order to make use of hi slightly Yaganian-Smyslov ( 1978) and
better development, and also
with the intention of exploiting
Black's weak d6-square. Black

.t. .t. .t.
Koneru-Shen (20 I 0).
Later I came to the conclusion
that ll ... lLJe4 was in fact fully
hould not al low White to de-
'~' playable. Check the notes to the
velop hi dark- quared bishop to
f4, which means that he has to
play .. ."file? at the earliest avai l-
able opportunity. See the note to
' ~ttJ
blitz game Gelfand-Chadaev
(20 12), where 1 have indicated
the variou nuances that Black
must know to get a fully playable
the games Tukmakov-Serper ~~ Ji..~~~ position. In ca e Black does not
and Sriram-Sasikiran. Black l:I ~'if l:I<;t> want to allow an immediate
seem to be doing fine here. e3-e4, he can al o try and post-
Probably a better try for an ad- A) He can choose to play qui- pone playing ... b7-b6 with an-
vantage would be to capture on etly with b2-b3 and ~b2. Thi other u efu l move like 9 ...J:.e8,
e4 with the bishop rather than the eems to lead to a manoeuvring a · in the game Me lkumyan-
knight, aiming to exploit the game in which White objectively Negi, Dubai 20 I 0.
weak d6- quare in case Black doe n' t have an advantage but White can al o go for I O.a4 after
exchange ... lLJe4, or to keep can play on. Check Botvinnik- 8.'ti'c2 and 9. J:.d I.
more piece on the board in case Smy lov ( 195 1!) and Medvegy-
Black does not swap White's
light-squared bishop. Check the
B) He can go for 'ti'c2 and
x .t. 'ti' x•
note to the game Alexandrov-
Stripun ky ( 1995). It seems to
J:.d l . This is probably the most
critical set-up for White. Here,
'' , ...t..!.t.
me that Black should play
9 ...'fic7, a in the game
Baginskaite-Shiber (2003). But
• these are the only two games
too, he goes for a quick e3-e4,
but contend that he i better pre-
pared for the opening of the cen-
tre with the preparatory J:.d I. A
t2J ~ttJ
played in thi variation and it piau ible move order is 8.'ti'c2 ~'i}Y j;_~ ~ ~
definitely require further practi- b6 9.J:.dl ~b7 IO.e4 de4 l:I ~l:I ~
cal tests. In the game Berrios- 1 I .lLJe4.

Survey SL 10.3+8

I could find only one game with cate that Black get a good game. dS 2.c4 c6 3.ltJc3 liJ f6 4.ttJf3 e6
thi (Arun Pra ad-Zeng, 20 II) It make en e for Black to 5.e3 g6 6.b3 ~g7) . If Black de-
in which White outplayed his choo e this et-up against b2-b4 cide to play ... g7-g6/... ~g7 and
opponent in a game of cat and rather than remain passive with ... 0-0 before playing .. .e7-e6,
mou e. This line requires further ... b7-b6, although objecti vely White doe not have thi s option
testing. that might be sound, too. (SL 8.1).
C) White can choose to ex-
pand hi queen ide with b2-b4. White Plays an Early b2·b3 Conclusion
In my opinion it hould not be Yu Yangyi played two interest- With thi I conclude the first part
wrong for Black to continue nor- ing game again t Kasim- of my Survey on the Schlechter
mally with ... b7-b6 and ... ~b7 , dzhanov and Sasikiran in 20 10 System, dealing exclusively
but this leads to a sli ghtly pa sive with ... ttJe4 and ... f7-f5, a in the with the set-up involving
po ition. The games Ka parov- Dutch Stonewall, and drew both .. .e7-e6. I hope that fre h idea
Timman ( 1991 ) and Pono- his games. Thi definitely re- will by shown by both sides with
mariov-Daniel en (20 I I) show quire further test . But it eem thi s line in the future .
the danger lurking for Black in that the trong Chinese player
these eemingly innocuous po i- tru t Black' po ition, as he wa In Part II of thi serie I plan
tions. Black could al o choo e to happy to repeat hi choice in the to investigate Plans 2 and 3
play in Meran sty le with the im- game against Sasikiran. ( ... a6 and ... ~g4). ln the third
mediate ... dc4 and .. .b7-b5. The Plea e note that thi variation and final part I would like to
game Nielsen-Negi (20 I 0) and on ly works for White again t the cover the remaining two plans
Fre inet-Balogh (20 I0) indi- early .. .e7-e6 move order (J.d4 ( ... b6 and ... dc4).

Development to d3 16.h41 g4 [16 ... 14 17.hg5 hgS (17 .. .fe3

6 .~ d3 1B.'it'e3-+) 1B...id2-+] 17...ih6+- tt:lf6
[17 ...gl3 1B...ig7 'it>g7 19..-gS 'it>f7
Konstantinopolsky,Aiexander 20.l:le6+- ] 18...ig7 -.g7 g3
Smyslov,Vasily 20.fg3 tt:lg4 21 ...f4 ..f6 22 ...id1
Moscow ch·URS 1945 'it'd4 23 ..-d4 cd4 24 •..ig4 fg4
1.d4 tt:lf6 dS 3.c4 c6 4.e3 e6 2S.l:lad1 l:ld8 26.l:ld3 bS 27.cbS
S.ft~ bd2 g6 6 ...id3 ..ig7 7.0-o o-o l:lb8 28.l:le4 l:lbS 29.l:led4 l:lbdS
B.e4 de4 tt:le4 10•..ie4 .-c7 30.l:ldS edS 31.l:ld4 .itS 32.'it>f2
11 ...igS h6 [With the benefit of hindsight 'it>g7 33.'it>e3 6 34.l:la4 l:ld7
we can conclude that Black would be better 3S.'it>d4 ..ib1 36.:ta6 S 37.l:laS
off a110iding weakening pawn moves on the 'it>g6 38.b4 l:lc7 39.l:la6 S 40.l:laS
kingside: 11... tt:ld7!] 12...ie3 tt:ld7 l:lc4 41.'it>dS l:lb4 42.a3 l:lb2
13.1t'c1 fS 14...ic2 gS [Black's kingside 43. ~d4 'it>g6 44.l:la6 'it>g7 4S.l:la7 13 ...l:le8?1 [13... ed4! 14...ifB (14...id6
weakness is energetically exploited by 'it>g6 46.l:la6 'it>g7 47.hS l:lg2 48.h6 .-as (15.l:le1 l:leB 16...id3 l:le1
White with some incisive play] 1S.l:le1 cS 8 'it>f7 SO.l:lf6 'it>g8 17.'it'e1 .-dB=) 15... 'i+'b4! wins material)
S1 .tt:lgS ..ic2 S2.l:lc6 8 S3.l:lc7 14... fB with the idea ... ..ig4 and ... tt:le6.

•.t ..ib1 S4.h7 1-0 The strong passed d-pawn gives Black
compensation for the exchange] 14...id6
'it'aS [14 ... ..-dB 15.de5 e5 16. e5 ..ieS
17...ie5 .-d1 1B.l:lad1 l:le5 19.l:ldB 'it>g7
Tukmakov,VIadimir 20...if3 l:lc5 21 .l:le1 b6 22.b4! l:lc4 23.h3
Serper,Grigory ..ib7 24.l:laB ..iaB 25.l:le7± ] 1S.-.b3
Amsterdam 1990 (3) 'it'd8 16•..id3! e4 17...ic4 ef3
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 c6 dS 4.e3 g6 18...if7 'it>h8 19...ie8 'i+'e8 20.l:lfe1 ..ig7 6...id3 o-o 7.0.0 e6 8.e4 'it'g8 21 •.-g81 'it>g8 22.l:le8 'it>f7
de4 tt:le4 10...ie4 .-c7 23.l:le7 ~g8 24.l:le8 2S.l:lae1
11 •..igSI? tLld712.cS eS13 •..ie7 ..if6 26.g4! aS 27.h3 hS 28.'it>h2

h4?! (28 ... ~h4 29.~f4 ! ± ; 28 ... a4 29.'0t>g3] lld2 41.Wc3 'Ot>h6 42.Wf3 Wf3 8.b3 t?lbd7 9.~ b2 b6 10.We2 ~b7
29.ll8e3 ~gS 30.llf3 t?lf6? 43.gf3 'Ot>g5 44.llb1 lla2 45 . ~g2 aS 11.llfd1 lle8 12.llac1 -..e7 13.e4
(30 ... '0t>g7±] 31 .lle5! 1-0 46.lld1 t?le2 47.'0t>h1 t?ld4 0-1 (Probably this is too early as Black is well
prepared to meet this central break. 13.h3!?
lladB] 13...de4 14.t?le4 t?le4 15 . ~e4
Sriram,Jha Alexandrov,Aiexey f6 16. ~b1 c5 17.dc5 bc5 18. ~e5
Sasikiran,Krishnan Stripunsky,Aiexander llad8 19.h3 ~f3 20. Wf3
India tt 2010 (9) Nikolaev zt 1995 (11)
1.d4 t?lf6 2.c4 e6 3.t?lf3 d5 4.t?lc3 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.e3 t?lf6 4.t?lc3 e6
c6 5.e3 g6 6. ~d3 ~g7 1.o-o t?lbd7 5.t?lf3 t?lbd7 6 .~d3 g6 7.o-o ~g7
8.e4 de4 9. e4 e4 10. ~e4 1fc7 8.e4 de4 9.~e4! [Right now this seems
11. ~e3 (11. ~g5 0·0 12.c5 e5] 11...()-0 to be the best try for a white advantage]
12.llc1 c5 13.'. ,d2 t?lf6 14 . ~b1
lld8 15.~f4 1fe7 16 . ~e5 b6
17.1fc3 ~b7 18.dc5 bc5 19.Jlcd1
llac8 20.h3 ~f3! 2U IVf3 t?lh5
22 .~g7 '0t>g7+

20 ... t?lh5! [The same exchange operation

as in the game Sriram-Sasikiran] 21. ~g7
'Ot>g7 22.a3 e5 23.g3 f6 24.-..c3
lld4 25.b4? "ilrd7! [A double threat on
the h-pawn and on the d-file. White is
9 ...o-o (9... Wc7 10.~c2 0-0 11 .lle1 b6 completely lost] 26.lld4 cd4 27.-..e1
(11...lld8 12.We2 b6!?) 12 .~g5 (12.g3 e4!? [27...W'h3!-+J 28.lld1 '*'h3
t?lh5!?) 12... h6 13.~h4 h5 14 .~e7 lleB 29. f1 "ilrd7 30.-..e1 d3 31 .-..c3
1 5 .~3 ~b7 16.-..d2 lladB 17.llad1 a6 Wg4 32.lle1 lld8 33. • d2 1fh5
(17 ...c5=) 18.b3 c5 19.d5 e5 20.t?lh4 fB 34.'0t>g2 ...f3 35.'0t>g1 t?lg4 36 ....f4
[Black has exchanged his seemingly 21 .g3 f5 22.t?lg6!? t?lg6 23.~f5 t?lfB d2 0·1
powerful light-squared bishop for White's 24.t?le4 Wf7 25.~h3 t?lf6 26 . ~c1 t?le4
knight. But this is a nice strategic finesse. 27.lle4 lld6 ( ~ 27... t?lh7) 28.~2 'Ot>hB?!
He has combined this with the exchange of 29.1fe2 llddB 30.lle1 ± t?lg6 31 .f4 ~ca
the dark-squared bishops too. This means 32 .~c8 llc8 33.fe5 llfB 34.e6 We7 Zhou Weiqi
that his knight is a much more superior 35.llg4 ~b2 36.Wb2 'Ot>h7 37.1fc2 W16 Sasikiran,Krishnan
minor piece than White's remaining bishop. 38.d6 1ff5 39 ....f5 llf5 40.d7 lldB 1-0 Moscow 2010 (3)
In this position an important role is also Baginskaite-Shiber, Seattle 2003] 1O .~f4! 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. f3 f6 4.e3 g6
played by the black pawn on c5. Black's two t?lh5 11 . ~d6 lle8 12.c5 e5 13.d5! 5. c3 ~g7 6. ~d3 e6 7.o-o bd7
pawns on the queenside effectively hold t?ldf6 14.dc6 t?le4 15.c7 "*'d7 8.b3 dc4 9.bc4 o-o 10. ~a3 c5
White's three whereas his kingside majority 16.t?le4 Wc6 17.lle1 t?lf418.a4 ~f5
can slowly expand unhindered with the 19.t?lg3 ~g4 20.b4 g2 21 .'0t>g2 e4
support of his knight. It was probably not 22. e4 lle4 23.b5 WeB 24.lle4
easy for White to realise that his position 1fe4 25.lla3 -..ts 26.h4 ~h6?!
was very difficult in the strategic sense after (26 ... lle8 27.lle3 lle3 28.fe3±]
this trading operation] 23.b3 e5 24 .~f5 27. -..d3+- • hs 28.~g3 llea
llb8 25 .~g4 t?lf6 26.'i lre3 lld4! 29.'ilt'd8 llf8 30 ....f6 ~g7 31.-..gS
[Another positive side of the c5· and e5· "ilrg5 32.hg5 f6 33.lld3 ~c8
pawns is that it provides a great entry point 34.lld8 h6 35. ~d6 1-0
for the rook on the d-file] 27. Jlfe1 lle8
28. ~f3 -..c7 29.-..c3 h5 30.lle3 e4
31 .~e2 lled8 32.lle1 • f4 33.~f1 Berrios Echevarria,Gabriel
lld2 34.f3 ll8d4 35.fe4 1ff2 Sundararajan,Kidambi
36.'0t>h2 h4l - + [Complete domination on Orlando 2011 (7) 11 . a4 [11 .We2!? b6 12.llfd1 ~b7
the dark squares] 37. Wc1 t?lh5 1.c4 c6 2. f3 t?lf6 3.d4 d5 4.e3 g6 13.llac1] 11...b6 12.dc5 'iie7 (Black
38.ll3e2 Wf4 39.'0t>g1 g3 40.lld2 5. c3 ~g7 6 .~d3 0-0 1.o-o e6 takes his time to regain the pawn on c5, but

Survey SL 10.3+8

he seems to have reasonable counterplay 8.0-0 0-0 9.b3 b6 10 ..ib2 .ib7!f6 (12 ..ig5 .ib7 13. 16 16 14.c5
all through] 13.llb1 eS!d2 e4 11 .llfd1 llc8 12.e4 de4!e4 bc5 15.dc5 lt:!d5 16.llac1 llabS 17.'it'd2
1S ..ie2 lld8 16.'i!fc2 lt:!eS!c3 ~e4 14.'i!fe4 'i!fc7 1S.'i!fc2 cS .icS 18.b3 eS 19 ..ih6 16 20..ic4 lldS
.its 18.~ce4 lt:!e4!e4 hS 20.f3 16.dcS (16.d5 edS 17..ig7 <itg7 18.cd5 21..ig7 g7 22.h3 .ie6 23.1fe1 lt:!f4
bcS 21.llbd1 lt:!g4 22 ..ic1 'i!feS 'i!fd6=] 16 ... bcS 17 ..ig7 <i>g7 24 ..ie6 e6 25.'i!fe2 14 26.'*'e4 d5
23.fg4 .ie4 24.'i!fa4 hg4 2S ..ig4 18.'i!fc3 eS 19.a3 aS 20.b4 ab4 27.1fe1 a5 28.llc4 lt:!b4 29.a3 lt:!d3
'i'gS 11.1 -11.1 21.ab4 cb4 22.'i!fb4 lt:!cS 23. JlaS 30.Wc3 lt:!t4 31 .'i!fc2 lld1 32.'i!fd1 -.ds
.if3 24 ..if3 b3 2S.lla4 llb8 33.'i!fd6 'i!fd6 34.cd6 Wf7 35.llc6 llb3
26.'i!fe1 lt:!d4 27 ..idS llb2 28.g3 36. d2 lla3 37. c4 lld3 38.llc7 <i;>e6
Jlfb8 29.llda1 Wd6 30.lla6 'i!fdS 39.llh7 lld4 40. a5 lld6 41 . c4 lld1
31.cdS lt:!f3 32.<i>g2 lt:!e1 33.lle1 42.<ith2 ll11 43.<itg3 e2 44.wt3 lt:!d4
Development to e2 - A lld2 34.lla3 llbb2 3S.Jlf3 lldS 45.We3 lle1 46.Wd3 lle2 47.14 llg2
6 . ..1ie2 48.fe5 feS 49.llh8 c6 SO.lleS Wf6
51 .llf8 <itg5 52.llc8 b4 53.We4 lle2
Botvinnik,Mikhail 54.<itt3 lle1!d2 d5 56.<itf2 lld1
Smyslov,Vasily!f3 ~6 ss.llc6 w ts 59. h4 c;f;>gs
Moscow training m2 1951!f3 c;f;>f4 61 .llg6 e4 62.llg4 ~5
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6!c3 lt:!f6 4.e3 g6 63. h4 c;f;>e5 64.llg5 c;f;>d4 65. 13 ef3
S.ct:lf3 .ig7 6 ..ie2 0-0 7 .0-0 b6 8.b3 66.c;f;>t3 lld3 67.c;f;>g4 c;f;>e4 68.llg6 c;f;>e5
.ib7 9 ..ib2 e6 10 ..-c2 lt:!bd7 69. lla6 lt:!f6 70.<i>h4 e4 71 .<i>h5 llg3
1Ulfd1 'i!fe7 12.e4 de4!e4 cS 72.lla5 c;f;>e6 73.lla4 lt:!d6 74.llg4 lla3
14. f6 lt:!f6 1S.dcS "*'cs (15 ... bc5 75.Wg5 ll13 76.lla4 17 77.c;f;>g4 eS
16.ct:le5 Jlad8=] 16 ..id4 'i'e7 17. eS 78.c;f;>g5 JlfS 79.c;f;>h4 ll13 SO.c;f;>gS lt:!f7
llfd8 18 ..if3 g4 19 ..ib7 .. b7 81 .c;f;>g4 llb3 82.lla6 d6 83.h4 llb4
20. f3 .id4 21 .lt:!d4 'i!fc7!f3 84.c;f;>f3 w es 85.h5 llf4 86.c;f;>e2 llh4
J:ld1 23.lld1 lld8 24.lld8 'i!fd8 36.g4 llb4 37.h3 e4 38.llfe3 fS 87.h6 llh3 88.h7 15 89.lla8 Jlh7 90.lle8
25.h3 lt:!f6 26. 1 'i!fd6 27.<ite2 eS 39.gfS gfS 40.f3 lleS 41. <itg3 <itf6 c;f;>dS 91 .lld8 lt:!d6 92.c;f;>f3 w e5 93.lla8
28.W"d2 'i'cS (28...'i!fe7!?] 29.'i!fgS 42. lla1 lldS 43.fe4 fe4 44. lla8 lld3 Jlh3 94.<ite2 lt:!c4 95 . ~2 ~4 96.ll18
d7 30.'i!fd8 lt:!f8 31 .'i!ff6 d7 4S.lld3 ed3 46.lld8 llb3 47.Wf4 d2 <ite4 97.lla8 llf3 98.we2 llb3 99.<itf2
32.W"d8 lt:!f8!gS 11.1 -11.1 llb4 100.llh8 llb2 101 .c;f;>g3 d6
102. llh4 c;f;>e3 103.lla4 lt:!e4 104.c;f;>g4
llg2 105.c;f;>IS llg5 106.c;f;>e6 Wf4 107.lla1
llg6 108.<itd5 lld6 109.<i>c4 lldS
110.llh1 d2 111.c;f;>c5 13 112.c;f;>c6
Development to e2 - B c;f;>eS 113.<itc7 llgS 114.llh5 <i>d4
6.~e2 115.llh1 <itd5 116.lla1 llg7 117.<i>b6
llg6118.c;f;>c7 llc6 119.<i>b7 llc2 120.llh1
Turov,Maxim d4 121 .lld1 llc4 122.llh1 c;f;>d6
Harikrishna,Pentala 123.llb1 c;f;>d7 124.c;f;>b6 llc6 125.<ita5
Biet 2012 (6) c;f;>c7 126.llh1 JlcS 127.wb4 <i>b6
1 .d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 f6 4. f3 128.llh6 lt:!c6 129.<itb3 <itb5 130.llh4
e6 S.e3 bd7 6 .-.c2 g6 7 ..ie2 eS 131 .llh8 lld5 132.<itc3 lld3
.ig7 8.0-0 0-0 9. lld1 b6 10.e4 de4 133.<itc2 lle3 134.llc8 c6 135.Wd2
33...<i>g7? (33 ... -.a3!=]!e41 11. e4 "*'c7 ~- ~ lsmagambetov-Harikrishna, Zaozhuang
'i'a3?! (34...'i!fc6!d6 <i;>gS 36.'i'e7 2012 - flawless defence by White!]
'i'd7 37.W'e5±] 3S.-.f6 c;f;>g8!d61 12!f6?1 (12 ....if6 is probably a better
(36...'i!fa2 37.<i;>l3 'i!fb3 38.Wg4 hS .t .~ . try] 13. ~eS ! (13.c5 d5 14 ..id2 bc5
39.<i>h4+- I 1-o '
''tf... ,.,., i.ti 15.'i!fc5 'i!fb6 16..-a3 as 17.llac1 .ia6
18 ..ia6 lla6 19.llc4 lldS 20.b3
21 .lldc1 .itS 22.'i!fa4 'i'bS 23.a3 "*'a4
24.ba4 lt:!d5 25.llc6 llc6 26.llc6 .ia3

Medvegy,Zoltan 27..ia5 ~- ~ Narciso Dublan-Sundararajan,

Kasimdzhanov,Rustam Forni di Sopra 2012] 13 ... d7 (13 ....ib7
Germany Bundesliga 2011/12 (14) 14 ..if4] 14. c6 .ib7 1S.dS (15. e7!
1.c4 c6!c3 dS 3.e3 lt:!f6 4 .d4 e6 c;f;>hS 16.d5 .ieS 17..ig5 (17 ...d2 .ih2!f3 lt:!bd7 6 ..-c2 g6 7 ..ie2 .ig7 18.<itf1 .ie5 19.d6 'i!fdS 20.llb1 ;!;; 17. c6

~c6 18.dc6 b8) 17...f6 ( 17... ~h2 Koneru,Humpy 16.~g7 ( ~f6) 16 ... q;>g7=) 15... e5
1S.q;>h1 ~es 19 .~f3 edS 20.~d5 ~ds Shen,Yang 16.de5 ~es ..-e5=] 14......c8
2U1d5 ~f6 22.l:1d2 l:1ad8 23.l:1e1 ± ) Ulaanbaatar 2010 (1) (14 ...c5! 15.d5 edS (15... ti'd8 16.• c2 edS
18 .~h6 l:1fe8 19.de6 l:1e7 20.l:1d7 l:1d7 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 . ~c3 f6 4.e3 g6 17.cd5) 16.cd5 '*'dB 17.lic2 a6=) 15.c5
21 .ed7 l:1d8 22.l:1d1 l:1d7 23.l:1d7 . d7;!; 5. ~f3 ~g7 6 .~e2 0-0 7.0-0 e6 ~f6 16....c2 ~a6 17.~a6 • as
Black does not have enough compensation a.-.c2 ~bd7 9.l:1d1 b6 10.e4 de4 18 .~e5 l:1ac8 19. c4 d5 20 .~e5
for the lost pawn] 15.•.~c6 16.dc6 11. ~e4 .-c7 12 .~f6 ~f6 13.~g5 bc5 21 .~g7 q;>g7 22.dc5 l:1b8 23.a3
~ b8 17.~e3 ~-~ ~g7 (13... ~g5 14 .~g5 ~b7 15.c5 ~f6 Wb7 24.b4 'W/e7 25.l:1d3 -.ts
16 .~e4 ~e4 17....e4 l:1ad8 Black is close 26.l:1e1 ± l:1bc8 27.l:1f3 • d4 28.l:1d1
to equality, although White's position seems 'W/h4 29.-.b2 w ga 30. d6 l:1b8
more pleasant and easier to play] 31 .l:1d4 'W/h6 32. c4 ti'g7 33.-.d2
Vaganian,Rafael 14.l:1ac1 l:1e8 15.h4 e5 16.d5 ~cs l:1fd8 34.l:1fd3 l:1d7 35.h4 l:1bd8
Smyslov,Vasily 17.d6 18. ~e7 t aS 19.'i!fd2 36 .~d6 h5 37.l:1e4 tt'a1 38.l:1e1
Lvov z11978 (13) ~f5 20.'ilfe3 l:1a7 21.h5 W'c8 22.h6 • ts 39.g3 'W/g7 as 41 .ba5
1 . ~f3 d5 2.d4 f6 3.c4 c6 4.e3 g6 ~f8 (22 ... ~h8 ! ?] 23 .~f8 8 24 .~e5 l:1a8 42. c4 l:1b7 43.Wd2 l:1b5
5 .~c3 ~g7 6.~e2 0-0 7.0-0 e6 (24.~d2;!;) 24... f6 25.d7 li:ld7 26. d7 [44.1%131;!;) 44 ... l:1aa5 45.a4
8.'ilfc2 bd7 9.l:1d1 b6 10.e4 de4 l:1d7 27....a3 c5 28. ~f3 -.c7 29.g3 l:1c5 46.~d7 l:1c3 l:1d3
11.~e4 'ilfc7 12. ~f6 ~f6 13.~ h6 l:1e5 30....c3 ~e6 31 .l:1d7 'i!fd7 48.'iid3 (48.-.aS=) 48 ...l:1a4 49.W'b3
[13....e4 ~b7 14 .~f4 c51= You will find a 32.l:1d1 • e7 33.a3 34.... b3 l:1a8 50.'iib7 l:1f8 51 .'W/c6 li:le7
similar motif in the notes to the game '*'c7 35 ....d3 "ilfe7 36.b3 ~ts 52.'iic5 li:lf5 53.l:1d1 l:1a8 54.l:1d7
Gelfand·Chadaev below] 13•.•l:1e8 14.c5 37.~d5 ~e6? [37...'l.>f8;!;) 38.f41 +- • •a ss ...,c7 l:1a1? [55... h6=)
(14. ~g5 c5 15.~13 (15.d5 edS 16.cd5 l:1d5 39.cd5 ~ts 40.d6 ~d3 41 .de7 56.q;>h2 • as? [56 ... l:1a8 57.1%17±) 15... ~b7 16 .~b7 '*'b7 17 .~e4 cd4 ~c2 42.l:1d6 b5 43.l:1f6 q;>e7 44.l:1c6 57.l:1d8 Wd8 58."i!fd8 [58.'ilff7 WhS
18 .~d6 '*'c6 19. ~e8 l:1e8~) 14...bc5 ~ b3 45.l:1c5 b4 46.ab4 1-0 59 .~g6X] 58...Wg7 59.lkd7 h6
(14 ...e5! 15.cb6 ab6 16.d5 c5 17.d6 60. 'i!fd4 l:1a2 61. g4 1-0
-.b7=) 15.dc5 l:1b8 16.l:1abU ..Was
17.~d4 '*'c5?1 18.1t'c51 c5 Gelfand,Boris
19.~c6 l:1b6 20. ~e3 l:1c6 21. ~b5 Chadaev,Nikolay Radjabov,Teimour
~d7 22 .~c6 ~c6 23.~c5 ~e4 Astana Wch blitz 2012 (19) Kortchnoi,Vilctor
24.b4 ~b1 25.l:1b1 a6 26.a4 ~e7 1 .~f3 f6 2.c4 c6 3. c3 d5 4.e3 Enghien-les·Bains 2003 (2)
27 .~e3 l:1b8 28.b5 ab5 29.ab5 8 g6 5.d4 ~g7 6. ~e2 0-0 7.0-0 e6 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. c3 f6 4.e3 g6
30.b6 l:1b7 a.-.c2 [S.b4) a... b6 [8... bd7 9.l:1d1 b6 5. ~f3 ~g7 6 . ~e2 0-0 7.0-0 e6
10.e4 de4 11. e4 e4 12Jit'e4 ~b7 - 8 •..Wc2 bd7 9.e4 de4 e4
game] 9.l:1d1 ~b710.e4 de4 11 . ~e4 11 ."i!fe4 c5
~e412 ....e4 ~d7

31.g4 q;>ea 32.g5 q;>d7 33.q;>g2 ~d6

34.h3 q;>cs 35.l:1c1 q;>ds 36. ~ es
37.l:1d1 q;>c6 38.q;>e4 J:1e7 39.f3 l:1e8 12 .~e3 (12. ~g5 'W/b6 13.l:1fd1 cd4
40.l:1a1 ~b8 41 .l:1c1 q;>b7 42.l:1d1 13 .~g5 (13.1t'f4 l:1e8; 13.~f4 l ie7 14 .~d4 ~cs (14 ... 'ilfb2 15.l:1ab1 'W/a2
q;>cs 43.h4 l:1t8 44.h5 gh5 4S.q;>fs (13......c8 14....e3 c5 15.d5 edS 16.cd5 16.l:1a1 • b2 17.l:1ab1 ti'a3 18. bS lieS
~d6 46.l:1c1 'lt>b7 47.l:1h1 l:1a8 ~b2) 14.h3 (14 .~e5 ~es 15.de5 cs 19.~e3 lke7 20. d6 16 21 ...W13 eS
48.l:1h5 l:1a3 49.q;>e4 'lt>c6 50.l:1h1 16....e3 l:1ad8 17.l:1d6 l:1d6 18.ed6 1t'd7=) l:1ac8 23.l:1b7 l:1c7 24.l:1b5)
l:1a4 51 . 5 l:1a3 52.l:1e1 ~b4? 14... l:1ae8 15.~f1 eS 16.de5 ~es 17 .~e5 15...Wh4 ~d7 16.l:1ab1 eS 17.b4 a4
[52 .. .c;f;>b7;!;; 52 ... l:1b3;t) 53.l:1c1 1 l:1c3 ~es 18.'.-eS • es 19.~es l:tes 20.l:1d7 18.c5 -.c7 19.'.,g3 a6 20.~c4 'ilfcS
54. ~ 1 l:1c1 55. ~c1 e4 56.fe4 q;>b6 l:1b8=] 13......c7 14. ~f4 [14 .... h4 l:1fe8 21 .~e2 ~fS 22.l:1b3 aS 23.l:1c1 e4 24.ba5
57.~ ~c3 58. ~f4 1-0 (14...c5 15.l:1d2;!;) 15.l:1d2 (15.~h6 c5 l:tas 25.l:1b5 l:1b5 26 .~b5 Was ~-~

Survey SL 10.3+8

Sundararajan-Neelotpal, Bhubaneswar 201 0; who prefer manoeuvring play in semi-closed 29. 13 ll:lf6 30.tbe5 tbd7 31 . c6 ~a6?
12J:Id1 cd4 13.1Lld4 a6 14.1Llb3 'i!fc7oo] positions] 1 o... as 11.b3 l:le8 (31... b8 32 .~f8 'it.>fB 33.'it'b4 'it.>e8
12... cd4 13. ~d4 ~d4 [13 ... e5 14.~c3 [11...~7 ! ? 12 .~a3 cS] 12. · 3 ~a6 34.1Lla7 'iit'a7 35.'it'd6±) 32:.-c1 1·0
: es 15.:ad1 W'e7=] 14. d4 [14.W'd4 13.l:lac1 W'b8 14. ~d3 l:lc8 15.'it'e2 Kasparov-Timman, Tilburg 1991 ] 10.'it'b3
e5 15.W'c3 W'c7 16.l:lfd1 e4 17.1Lld4 a6=] ~ b7 16.l:lc2 cS 17. bS e4 ~b7 11 .l:lfd1 l:le8 12.l:lac1 W'b8
14... W'b6 15.l:lab1 [15.b3! ILleS (15... e5 18.l:ldc1 l:le8 19.1Lld2 ll:ld2 20.'it'd2 13.h3 aS 14.a3 ab4 15.ab4 l:lc8
1M )b5 f6 17.1!i'e5 l:leB 18.1!i'b2! -this [White has kept on improving ever so 16.cd5 cdS 17. 4 ~c6 18.b5
is the difference compared to the game) slightly whereas Black has been struggling ~b7 19.l:lc8 ~c8 20. e1 ~t8
16.'i'e3 ~d7 17.l:lad1 ;!;) 15...e5 to find a proper plan] 20 ... ~f8 21 .~e2 21. d3 ~b7 22. b4 ~d6 23. c6
16. bS ll:lf6! 17.'i!fh4 a6 18.tbc3 l:ld8 22.1!t'e1 1t't8 24 .~d3 l:lc8 25.l:lc1 l:lc7
.if5= 19.c5 'i!fc6 20.l:lbd1 l:lad8 26.l:lc3 'it'a8 27.'it'c2 8 28.f3
21 .b4 'it.>g7 22. W'g3 'iit'e6 23.1t'e3 'it.>g7 29.e4 ~g3 30 .~a3 hS 31 .e5
: tea 24.h3 hS 25.l:lfe1 e4 26.b5 tbe8 32. 1 h4 33. ~b4 ~f4
abS 27.1Llb5 l:ld1 28.l:ld1 1ra2 34.'it.>e2 ~g5 35.'it.>f2 ~f4 36. e7 l:leS 30 .~c4 • c2 31 .l:lc1 l:lc3 37. c3 '*'a1 38.'it'b1 'it'b1
'i'b2 32 ~f7 ~e6 33. ~e6 l:le6 39. ~b1 g5 40.tbe2 ~h2 41.f4 gf4
34.n d1 W'c2 35. 'iit'd4 -.b3 36.c6 42. 3 f6 43. f4 feS 44. e6
bc6 37.1!t'a7 'it.>h8 38.1Llf7 'it.>g8 45. d8 ~as 46. ~t5 tbc5 47.dc5
39. h6 'it.>h8 40. f7 'it.>g8 41. h6 'it.>e7 48. c6 6 49 .~d7 bcS
1-2-1-2 so. ~cs d6 51 .b6 ll:le4? [51...~g3]
52 .~e7 [52 ...'it.>g6 53. dB f6
54.~c6 +- l 53 .~ h4! cS 54. d8
Melkumyan,Hrant 8 55 .~c6 e4 56.'it.>e2 ~c6
Negi,Parimarjan 22 ...e5?1 [Opening the centre at an 57. c6 'it.>e8 58. ~f2 'it.>d7 59. b4
Dubai 2010 (5) inopportune moment] 23.l:ld1 ?! [23.de5! 'it.>d6 60.g3 d4 61.h4 e3 62. ~e1
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.tbc3 tbt6 4.e3 g6 tbe5 24.f4 li:ld7 25.cd5 ~d5 26.~b2 ±] e4 63. ll:lf6 64. c2 'it.>dS
5.l!)f3 ~g7 6. ~e2 o-o 7.o-o e6 23 ...~c6?1 [23 ...ed4 24.ed4 cd4 25 .~f8 65.b7 d7 66.'it.>g2 1-0
8.'i'c2 bd7 9.l:ld1 l:le8 10.b3 b6 l:lf8 26.l:ld4 ILleS] 24.de5 eS 25.f4!?
11.~b2 ~b7 12.b4 dc4 13.~c4 bS [25.l:lcd2!?± ] 25 ... dc4 26.l:ld8 W'd8
14 .~e2 aS [Negi goes for the same 27.te5 cb3 28.l:ld2 1!t'g5 29.~c4 Nielsen,Peter Heine
recipe as in the 8.b4 - Variation C below] ~h6 30.'it.>h1 l:ld8 [30 ... ~5 31.~b5 Negi,Parimarjan
15.ba5 ..WaS 16.tbe5 l:led8 17.1Lld7 1t'e5 32.~c4 l:lf8 33.~b2 1t'e3 34.l:le2 Greece It 2010 (7)
: d7 18 .~f3 b4 19.1Lle2 cS 20.~b7 1!i'f4 35.l:le4 1!t'd2 36.1!t'd2 ~d2 37.~±] 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3. c3 f6 4.e3 g6
: b7 21 .dc5 l:lc7 [From an equal 31.1Lld6 'it'e3 32.l:le2 lfh3 33.1Llf7 5. t3 ~g7 6. ~e2 0-0 7.0-0 e6 8.b4
pos~ion , Black uses his trumps to ~g7 34.1Lld8 ~f4 35.1Lle6 1·0 dc4 9. ~c4 bS [Negi goes for a forcing
perfection. He puts a knight on the continuation which he had possibly
advanced outpost on c3 and after some analysed well] 1 o .~d3 aS 11 .ba5
mistakes by White he transforms it into a
win] 22.c6 tbdS 23 . ~g7 'it.>g7
24.W'c4 l:lac8 25. d4 [ ~ 25.a3 ba3 Development to e2 - C
26. ] 25... c3 26.l:ld2 eS 27. b3 6 ...lte2
'i'b6 28.a3 l:lc6 29.W'b4 W'c7 l:lb81 - + 31.W'g4 tbb1 Ponomariov,Ruslan
32.: d1 l:lc1 33.h4 W'c2 0·1 Danielsen,Henrik
Porto Carras Ech·tt 2011 (8)
1.d4 c6 2.c4 dS 3.tbc3 f6 4.e3 g6
Arun Prasad,Subramanian 5.1Llt3 ~g7 6. ~e2 o-o 1.o-o e6 8.b4
Zeng,Chongsheng ll:lbd7 9.~ b2 b6 [9 ... dc4 10.~c4 b6
New Delhi 2011 (2) 11 .a4 ~b7 12 .~a3 l:lcB 13.l:lb1 l:le8
1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.1Llf3 f6 4.e3 g6 14.1Ve2 ll:ld5 (14... ~f8! 15.l:lb3 c5 16.bc5 ~g7 6 .~e2 o-o 7.0-0 e6 ~f3 17.-.13 bc5 18.dc5 tbc5 19.~c5 l:lc5 11...'i!fa5 [1 1...b4!? 12.1Lle4 (1 2. e2 c5
8.W'c2 ll:lbd7 9.l:ld1 b6 1O.a41?N [A 20.~b5 l:lf5=) 15.1Lld5 cd5 16 .~b5 l:le7 13.a3 l:la5 14.l:lb1 ll:lc6 15.ab4 cb4
new move in the given position and a very 17.a5 l:lc7 18.l:lfc1 1Llb8 19.a6 ~c8 (15...1Llb4) 16.~d2 ~b7 17.l:lb4 b4
rare plan. This definitely requires further 20 .~d3 l:lc1 21 .l:lc1 l:lc7 22.b5 l:lc1 18 . ~b4 l:la7 19 .~f8 ~fB~ The engines
practical testing. The present game shows 23 .~c1 1t'c7 24.~d2 f5 25.-.e1 d7 evaluate this position as equal, and
that this can be a good choice for players 26.~b4 ~f8 27.h4 f6 28.1Lle5 tbd7 probably Black has enough compensation

for the pawn in the form of the bishop pair 42.J:te7 <;t.>ta 43.J:tf7 <;Pea 44 .~6 J:tb5±J 2S.efS gfS 26.J:tas J:thc8 27.~ c4
and better coordination. But the game 38 ... tt:lea?l [38... tt:ld5 39.e6 fe6 40.J:te6±] 28.bc4 J:tc4 ~c8 30.hS ~
continuation played by Negi looks more 39.J:ta1 [39.~e3! +-] 39 ••• tt:lc7 40.J:taS 31 .tt:lc6 J:tc3 w e7
natural) 13.~e4 J:ta5] 12. ~d2 tt:le6 41.~e3 J:td8 42.b6 tt:ld4 ~ 34.g4 fg4 3S.J:ta4 <;Pg7 36.J:tg4
'i!fa3 13.'i!fb3 tt:lbd7 tt:ldS [42 ... J:td1 43.~ l:tb1 44.J:ta6±] 43 .~d4 Wh6 J:tb8 <;PhS
1S.J:tfc1 eS 16.'i!fa3 J:ta3 17. ~f1 [43 ...J:td4 44.b7 <io>IB 45.J:ta8 J:tdd8 Wh6 <;PhS 41 .tt:lf6
ed4 18.ed4 ~ b7 19.J:tc2 J:ta4 46.<;t.>e2+-; 43.~d5!+-] ~- ~ w h6 42.J:td2 J:tb1 43. g8 ~-~ ~a8 21 .l:te1 ~d4
~g7 23. d6 tt:lb4 24. ~ b4 J:tb4
2S .~c4 cS 26.a3 J:ta4 27.~ bS J:ta3 Sasikiran,Krishnan
28.~d7 ~f3 29.gf3 J:td3 Yu,Yangyi
J:td7 31 .tt:lg7 <;Pg7 32. J:tcS J:tfd8 Only After An Early ... e7-e6 Olongapo City 2010 (9)
~-~ 6.b3 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 tt:lf6 4. c3
e6 S.e3 g6 6.b3 ~g7 7 .~a3 tt:le4
Kasimdzhanov,Rustam 8.'ifc1 tt:ld7 9.~d3 fS 10.0-0 a6
Fressinet,Laurent Yu,Yangyi gS df6 13 .~e4
Balogh,Csaba Moscow 2011 (9) de4 14.f3 ef3 h6
Bastia rapid 2010 (2) 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 tt:lf6 'i!fc7 17.'i!fe1 b6 18.J:td1 cSoo [The dS 2.c4 c6 3.e3 tt:lf6 e6 S.e3 g6 6.b3 ~g7 7.~a3 tt:le4 position remains very tense and it is easy
g6 S.d4 ~g7 6 .~e2 0-0 7.0-0 e6 8. 1t'c1 tt:ld7 9.~d3 fS for either side to go wrong] 19. g6 J:tg8
8.b4 dc4 9.~c4 bS 10. ~e2 aS 20.dS [ ~b7 21.d5 0·0·0 22.de6
11.baS 'i!faS (11 ... b4 1t'a5 g4 23.'ife2 l:td1 24.l:td1 ~f6oo] tt:lbd7 'i!fc7 15.'i!fc2 ~6 .i.'i¥* 20... tt:le4 21.h4 edS 22.cdS ~eS
16.~6 : as 17.~d2 J:ta4 18.J:tfc1 l:tcB=J
12.1t'c2 tt:lbd7
14.J:tab1 (14.l:tfb1 ~7] 14...~b7
13 .~d2 'i!fa3 '' ' ~ ' 'i!feS 24.b4 ~d7 2S.bcS
bcS ~bS [26 ... gh4!? 27.'i!fh4
'i!fc3 (28.'i!i'h5 <;t.>d8 The king
1S.J:tb3 'i!fe7 16.J:tfb1 J:tfc8 17.1t'd1
eS 18.a4 ed4 tt:lcS 20.J:tb4
tt:lce4 (It is very hard to believe that Black
' '
~~ ~
~~ Ci:J j)_~Ci:J
remains relatively safe on this central
square) 28 ......e3 29.<;Ph2 'i!i'e2 30 ....h3
O·O·O'i'] 27. d3 'i!i'c3 28.J:tfS 'i!fa3
achieves an overwhelming position with the
~ ~ ~ ~ 29.J:tes <;Pd7 30.'it'e2 tt:ld6 31.'i!fc2
not so obvious 20...liJa6! 21 .l:t4b3 b4 (22 .~c4 c5 J:td8-+; 1:r 'if w 1:r c4 32. f2 w c7 (32 ... J:tae8 33.J:te6
WeB-+] 33.W'h7 <;t.>b6 34.J:te6 J:tae8
22.~13 c5 23.~7 'it'b7 c4 3S.e4 gh4 36.eS
25.J:t3b2 1t'e7 26.J:tc2 b3 27.J:tcc1 [Black creates a Stonewall structure with his
tt:lb4- + ) 22 ...J:tcb8 c5 and White bishop on g7. He also cannot castle so
totally lacks any form of coordination. If easily on the kingside. It looks like White
24.~c4 J:td8] tt:le4 22 . ~e1 cS should be clearly better, but it is not all that
23.J:tbS ~a6 [24.J:tb6 ~e2 easy. First of all, it is not so easy for White
(24...cd4 25.~a6 de3 26.~c8 el2 27.~12 to open the centre. Secondly Black will
: ca
12 28.<;t.>l2 29.<;t.>g1±) c4;!;J probably be able to play ... <;t.>f7 and ... : ea
24.... · S 2S.abS J:tab8 26. 'i!fc2 c4 and castle by hand in many situations.
27. d4 ~d4 28.ed4 c3 29.~f3? Objectively I feel that Black has some
[29.~d3=] 29 •••tt:lgS? [29 ... tt:ld6!-+] trumps too and probably it is only slightly
30.~c6 tt:le6? [30 ... l:tc6! 31.bc6 l:tb1 better for White] 10.0-0 a6 11. d2
32.'i!fb1 c2 33.'i!fc1 'i!fe2 34.c7 'i!fc4+] tt:ldf6 12 .~e4 tt:le4 13. f3 'i!faS
31 .~c3 tt:lf4 32. 1 [32.J:te1±] ~d7 ~eS 16.deS
32 ••• 'i!fd6 33.g3 tt:ldS 34.~d2 'i!fe6 dc4 17.J:td1 cS 18.h4 bS [18 ...0-0·0!? 36 ...'it'g3? [Probably Black was short of
3S.J:te1 1t'd6 36.1t'e4 [36.'i!fc5 1t'c5 19.13 ~c6 20.J:td8 l:td8 21.1e4 J:td2 time. He misses a win here with 36... J:tg2!
37.dc5 J:tc6 38.bc6 : ca 39.<;Pe2 J:tc6 J:td3 23.~b2 cb3 24.ab3 'it'b4 (36... J:te6 37.'i!fg8 J:te5 is also enough)
40.J:tc1±] 36... f6? (36 ... J:tc6 37.bc6 leads to a complex position which is not 37.<;Pg2 'i!i'g3 38.<;Ph1 (38.<;t.>l1 c3 39.l:td3
1t'c6;!;] 37.'i!feS?! [37.'i!ff4] 37 •..1t'es altogether clear] 19.f3 b4 20.fe4 ba3 J:te6 40.de6 c2-+) 38 ... J:te6-+] 37. J:td6
[37 38.~f4 ! +-] 38.deS [38.J:te5 21 .J:td6 cb3 22.ab3 'it'b4 23.W'a3 w as 38.'i!fc7 w a4 39.l:ta6 ~a6
J:td8 39.d5 tt:ld5 40.~g5 16 41.~d5 <;Pg7 [!±] 23 ...'*a3 24.J:ta3 <;Pe7 40.'it'd7 <;PaS41.'Wc7 <;Pa4 ~- ~

Catalan 0 Accepted Variation CA 3.4 (E04)

A Main Role for the White Knights

by Jozsef Horvath and Kristof Juhasz

1. d4 f6 Que tioning the g5-bi hop with 1980 in another atalan line. Af-
2. c4 e6 7 ... h6 i too direct to be really ter 8 ... b5 9.a4 ~e7 IO.ab5 ab5
3. g3 d5 good,a after8.~ f6 f69 . c3! I l.b3 cb3 12. b3 (Ribli-
4. i..g2 dc4 (Lenderman-Panchanathan, La Kramer, Au tria Bunde. liga
5. f3 a6 Vegas 20 I 0, and Khuzman- 20 I 0/11 ) White has compen a-
6. 0-0 ttJc6 Mikhal v ki , Israel 20 I 0) White ti on for the pawn due to hi posi-
7. ~g5 ha. a lead in development and tional pre sure on the queen ide,
go d compensation for the mate- but no more.
rial. oner or later he can win In the diagram po ition White'
back the c4-pawn when, typi - mo t ambitiou try is 8. bd2!.
ca ll y of the Catalan, the g2- Black should take up the gauntlet
bi hop will be trong and in with 8... d4, and after 9. c4
many line the black queen will tbf3 I O.i..f3 (Buhmann-Khenkin,
be mi placed on f6. Vienna 2011 , and D.Bercze -A.
Horvath, Za lakaros 20 I 0) White
Leaving The Catalan Diagonal i in the driver' eat, becau e he
More logica l the move ha clear ompen arion for the
7 ....1:lb8. pawn and can play on without any
danger of losing.
Thi atypica l bi hop move, K.i.'f!¥.1. i!
' .,. ,.,.
which ha recently become pop- A Natural Developing Move
ular at grandmaster level wa i.l i.l.l A in many clas ica l po ition ,
first played in the game here, too, the main ontinuation
Rotariu-Suta in the 1973 Roma- ~ i the natural de eloping move
nian Championship. White doe 7 ... ft..e7, when after .e3 Black
not care about recapturing the ha different choice .
c4-pawn. He calmly continue
de eloping, and hi general idea
i to play e2-e3 with a afe cen-
tral po ition. After thi s trategy
ha been executed he tart to Black leave the Catalan diago-
con ider the c4-pawn. It eem nal with hi queen 's rook and
ea y from Bla k's point of view wi ll have the po ibility to play
at fir t ight - he ha everal po - ...b7-b5, keeping hi materi al ad-
ibilitie . But in modern tourna- vantage. Here, if White follow
ment practice thing are not o hi main strategy with 8.e3, thi
clear. Either White can wi n the i too low, even though it wa.
c4-pawn back with po itiona l played by a good Catalan expen
pre ure on th queen ide, or at like the Hungarian Zoltan Ribli , After 8... h6 9.i..f6 ~ f6 I0. fd2!
lea the wi ll have good compen- who managed to beat World (Yakovenko-Belov, Soc hi 20 I0)
at ion for it. Champion Anatoly Karpov in White ha the upper hand .

The natural developing move The Real Main Line
8 ... 0-0 does not contribute to the The real main line is 8 ... tt:\d5
battle for the centre, and after where Black forces the exchange e5! ed4 of the dark-squared bi hops and
tt:ld4 12.'it'd4 (l2 ... £ e6!?) drive the king knight to the
12. .. d4 L3.ed4 leads to a typi - queenside. After the forced
cal light advantage for White 9.£ e7 Black' main reply is
without ri sk (Ponomariov- 9 ... ~e7 (but 9 ... tt:lce7!? comes
Morozevich , Moscow 2009). seriously into consideration -
The rook move 9 .. .J::tb8 is moti- Pelletier-Fre sinet, ovi Sad
vated by the arne idea as 8 ... l:b8 2009). Here b5 ll .b3
was. Here, after 9. cl!? b5 cb3 l (David-D'Costa,
IO.b3 (D.Berczes- Holm, Ore - Rethymnon 2010) give White
den 201 1), White usually ha good compensation for the
trong positional press ure on th pawn. More intere ting is
queens ide. I0. c I tt:l b6 I I .tt:lfd2 b4 David Berczes
12.a3 b5 I 3. tt:lc3 (Kamsky-
Another Try Gelfand, Nalchik, 2009, and that we do not have enough prac-
Another try forB lack is 8 ...£ d7 , Landa-Vallejo Pons, Lugo tical experience yet. Considering
after which he has several 2009) and White has more than the latest trend in the variation ,
option : (Kamsky- enough compensation for the we can draw the conclusion that
Bellaiche, Philadelphia 20 I0), pawn. White takes a healthy risk, and if!? l:tb8 (Tukmakov- he cannot win back the pawn im-
Hrabinska, Aghio Kirykos Conclusion mediately. he will have danger-
2009)!? 0-0 (Ftacnik- Though the fir t game of the ou compensation for it. We are
Potkin, Germany Bunde liga variation was played almost 40 quite sure that we will have more
2009/10 and Gri chuk-Potkin , year ago, the line became popu- material on thi line in the near
Villarobledo rapid 2009). lar only after 2009, which mean future .

Too Direct ()..()-() 12.tilc4 16 13. b3 (13.l:tc1) 13...~b5 16... l:tle8!? 17.tild6 cd6 1B.tild2 f5]
7 ... h6 14 .~b5 ab5 15.tilcd2 e5 16.de5 tileS 17.tilh4 ~d7? [17...'tWdB 1B.tb15t; 1B.f4t)
17.tile5 le5 1B.llld1 ~e7= Holscher-
lenderman,Aiex Kaminski, cr Email 2001 ; 9.....Q.b4) 10.~a4
Panchanathan,Magesh o-o 11 .~c4;!; e5?! [11.....Q.rf7!? even .i E~
Chandran though after 12.llld1 Wh~e is simply better) ~.t..t.'ii' .t..t.
Las Vegas 2010 (5) 12.tile4! 'i!fe7 13.d5 [13.tild6 cd6 .t. .t.
1.d4 tilf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.tilf3 dc4 (13 ... ~d6 14.d5 tile? 15.l:tac1 c6 16.dc6
5.~g2 a6 6.o-o tilc6 7 ...Q.g5 h6 [This
move, although ~ comes into consideration, is
tilc6 17.l:tld1 ;!;) 14.d5 tila7 15.l:tac1 ..Q.d7
16.~b4 ~5 17.l:tle1 l:tac8 1B.llc8 l:tc8 .t ~ tLl· tLl
probl<iliy not the best one, Black should have 19.tild2 l:tc7=) 13 ... tila7 [13... tilb8 1i'~
some more useful possibilities] 8 ...Q.f6 f6 14.l:tac1 tilrfl 15.tild6 cd6 16.~c7±; ~~ ~~~~
9.tilc3! [This is the best try for WMe. He 13... tild8!? 14.tild6 cd6 15.l:tac1;!;)
will have the opportunity to play tile4 in some 14.l:tac1± ..Q.d7 15.'*¥b3! ..Q.b5 ~ ~~
cases, chasing the black queen with tempi. 16."We3! ..Q.b4? [16 .....Q.rf7 17. d6 cd6
9.e3!? e5! 10.d5 tilb4 11.tilfd2 (11.tilc3!?) 1B.l:tc7±; 16... b6 17. d6 (17 ...Q.h3!?) 18.tilf6!? [1B.I4!? f5 (1B ... c6 19.d6 ~d6
11 ... b5 12.tilc3 ..Q.f5 13.tilde4 ~g6 17...cd6 1B.tild4! ~rfl 19.tLlc6±; 16...!5 20.~d2 l:tadB 21.l:tld1 +-) 19 .~ b3! fe4
14.b3!?oo D'Costa..Janssen, Haarlem 2011) 17.tild6 cd6 1B.tild4! ..Q.rfl (1B ...f4? 19.gf4 20.d6 "WI7 21 . b4 cd6 22.fe5 't'J'a2
9 ... ..Q.d6 [9 ... llb8 1O.e3 b5 11 .a4! ..Q.rfl l%14 20.tile6±) 19.tile6 (19.l:tc7 ~dB 23.ed6+-) 18... gf6 19. ~e4! [19.'.,h6?!
12.tile4 ~dB 13.ab5 ab5! tiles 20.tile6 ~e6 21.llb7 ..Q.c8 (21...!4) 22.lla7 't'J'g4 20.'t'J'I6 ..Q.e2; 19.a4!? ~a4 ( 19... ~g4
15.de5 ..Q.e7 16. ~g4 ().() 17.l:tfd1-; 14 23.gf4 ef4 24.'&'e7 l:ta7 25.'ifa7 'ifg5 20.ab5 tilb5 21 .'t'J'h6 't'J'g5 22.'t'J'g5 lg5
9.....Q.d7!? 10.tile4 ~15 (10 ... ~g6) 11 .tiled2 26.Wh1 '&'e5!!!!?; 19.14!?) 19.....Q.e6 20.de6;!;; 23.J:tc4±) 20.l:tc4 b5 (20 ... ..Q.d6
Survey CA 3.4

21 .'i'h6+-; 20 ... .Q.e7 21.'ii'h6+-) 10.tLle5!? (making use of the unstable 41 .'llt'c2 'i!fe8 42.g4! l:lc5 43.dc5 g6
2UXb4+-] 19...'ii'g4D [19 .. .15 20.tLlf5 b4-bishop) 10... tLle5 11.de5 'flle7 44.c6 'i!i'e6 45.'\!i'cS! l:ld8 46.'i!fb4
(20.'i'h6 fe4 21.'ii'g5 <J,;lh7 22.'ii'h5=; (11 ... 'flte5?? 12.'fl/a4+-) 12.'fltd4 0·0 fg4 47.<J;g3 h5 48.'fltb7 [48.'llt'a3!? g5
22.1i.:lf5? f6 23.'i!fh5 <J,;>g8 24.'i!fg6 <J,;lh8 13.'i!ic4 b5 14.'i!fb3 l:lb8 15.l:lfd1 c5oo; 49.'i!ia7 <J,;>g8 50.c7 l:lcB 51.'ili'c5 gf4 52.ef4
25.'i'h6 'ii'h7-+) 20.. .16 21 .a4!+- ; 15....Q.c5 16.'fllc2 .Q.b6 17.tLle4] 10...0-0 h4 53.<J;f2+-J48 ...<J,;lg8
21 .'i'h6±-J 20.tLlf5 'i!ih5 [20 ... 'ili'g5 [1 o... l:lb8! o-o .Q.d7
21.14] 21 .g4! [The point of White's play] 13. c2;!;] 11.'flte2 tl:la5 [11...e5 does
21... 'i'g5? [21... 'tll'g4! was the only not work, of course, in view of 12.tLld5 :i ~
chance for Black to survive: 22.<J,;lh1 'jjff4D 'fl/d6 13.tLle5+-; 11....Q.d7 12. c4 .Q.d6 ~ -
23.1i.:lh6 <J,;lh8 24.l:lc7 e3 25.fe3 .Q.e2 (L6tscher-P6tsch, Dortmund B 2012) 15. 'iV .t.
26.J:U6 .Q.h5! 27.l:lb7 tLlb5 28.tLlf5oo]
22.1i.:lh6 <J,;>g7 [22 ... <J,;lh8? 23.'tll'h3+-]
13.tLle4;!;; 11...'ili'e7 12.'i!fc4 tl:la5 13.t+'e2
c5 (14.a3 .Q.c3 15.bc3 cd4 16.cd4
ttJ i
23.1i.:lf5 <J,;> g8 .Q.d7=; 14.tLle5) 14... cd4 15.a3 .Q.d6 /5. .1.
16.tLld6 (16.b4 tl:lc6 17.ed4 l:ld8 18.l:lfd1 .t. /5. 15. ~
.Q.d7 19.tLlc5 .Q.e8=) 16... 'i!id6 17.l:lad1 e5
.i r I

:i ~ 18.ed4l] 12.tLle5;!;
15. 15.
tll .t..t. .t. i.
.t. .t. 49.c7? [A big mistake, giving some
.i. 8 .t. tt:J 'i¥ counterchances to Black. 49.'fl/c7!? 'i!i'f6
.i. ~ 15. 50.tLld7 'i!i'e7 51.e4 g5 52. e5!+-J
~ 49... l:lc8;:t 50.tLlg6 <J,;> g7? [Black doesn't
take his chance. 50 ...'ili'e3! was, unsur-
~15. 15.15. 15. prisingly, the move: 51.Wh4 'i!i'f2 52.~
~ Jd.~ 'ili'c5 53.15 (53.<.Pf6 'fl/d6 54.<J,;>g5 'ii'c5=;
53.tLle5 l:lc7 54.'i+'a8 r.Ph7 55.'i+'e4 <J;gB
24.'t!th3? [24.14! ef4 25.'ii'13! was even 56.Wh5 c2 57.'i+'d5 c.&>g7=) 53...l:lc7
better. White has threats like 26.l:lc7 and 54.'ili'e4 c1 55.1t>h5 l:lh7 56.r.Pg4 'i'g1
26.h4, which are very unpleasant for Black] 57.<J,;lf4 'i!i'h2 58.1Pg4 'ili'g1 59.1i!tf4 'i'f2=]
24...J:tfc8! 25.e3!? [White does not really [White has achieved everything he was [Now everything is protected, WMe
care aboU1 the material] 25....Q.f1 26.l:lf1 aiming for] 12... .Q.d6 13.f4 [Simpler is is winning again] 51 ...'i!ff5 52.'i!i'c6 h4
[White has pressure on the light squares, 'tll'e7 14.tLlc4;!; with a small but 53.Wh4? [It is unnecessary to enter an
planning to play f2·f4] 26 ....Q.d6 [26 ... .Q.c5! lasting advantage for White] 13 ...l:lb8 endgame. After 53.Wg2 Black doesn't have
was the move, with the idea of preventing Wie7 15.tLlc4 tl:lc4 16.'flic4 any counterplay at all] 53 ...'i'f6 54.'iWf6
the f2·f4 push: 27.<J,;>g2 .Q.d6! 28.<J,;>g3! b5 17.'fltc2 .Q.b7 18.l:lfc1 aS 19. c5 55. c4 l:lc7 56.tLla3± [Whije has
Working on f2·f4. 28.f4? ef4 29.ef4 .Q.f4-+] [!? cd6 2o...-c7 i ic7 21 .l:lc7 .Q.g2 good winning chances] 56... 5 [56 ... l:la7
27.'i'g3 8 28.f4 ef4? [28 ...'i!ig8!? 22.<J,;lg2 l:lfcB 23.l:lac1 l:lc7 24.l:lcn 57.tLlc4 l:la2 58.e4 l:lh2 59.r.Pg4±]
29.'i'h4 tl:lb5 30.a4 ef4 31.'i!fh6 <J;e8 entering a pleasant endgame for White] 57.tLlc4 l:lh7 58.r.Pg3 l:lh3 59.r.Pg2
32.'i'f6-+] 29.ef4 'i!fg8 [29 ....Q.c5 30.<J,;lh1 19....Q.d5 [19 ....Q.g2 20.'ili'g2;!;] 20.tLld3 r.Pe4? [:2:. 59 ... l:lh8 60.a3 l:ld8 61.b4±]
'i'g6 31 .'i!fh4+-] 30.'i!i'h4 <J,;le8 [20.e4!? .Q.a8 21.e5 .Q.c5 22.'ii'c5 Wc5 60.a4 l:lh8 61.a5+- l:lb8 62.r.Pg3
[30 ...1i.:lb5 31 .'ii'h6 <J;ea 32.'i!if6 li!tf8 23.l:lc5 .ig2 24.<J,;lg2;!;] 20 .. .f5!? r.Pd5 63.tLlb6 64.b4 5 65.b5
33.Wh1!] 31 .'l!Yf6 'i!ig4 32.<J,;lh1 +- 21.'i!id2 [21 ..Q.d5 ed5 22.tLle5] 21...a4 l:lh8 66.a6 J:th3 67.r.Pg2 l:lh7 68. 4
'i'e2 33 ..Q.d3! .Q.e7 34.tLlg7 [34.tLld6 22..Q.d5 ed5 'fl/e6?! [:2:. g3 69.hg3 r.Pg4 70.b6 l:ld7 71.a7
cd6 35.'tll'h8 <J,;ld7 36.'tll'h3+-J 34... 8 23....ie5 24.de5 (24.fe5 l:lb6 25.l:lc2 c6 l:ld2 72. 1 1-0
35.'i'h6 .Q.g5 36.fg5 [!+-l 26.l:lf1 ;!;) 24 ...'i'd7 25.l:lc5 c6 26.l:lac1
36 ... 'i'd3 37.tLlf5 <J;e8 38.l:le1 1-0 l:lb6 27.'ili'c2 l:lcB 28.b3;!;] 24.l:lc6! l:lf6
25.l:lac1;!; Wh7 26.Wig2 l:ld8
27.'flte2± b4 28. a6 a3 29.b3 'ili'e8 Leaving The Catalan Diagonal
Khuzman,Aiexander 30.Wg2 'i!i'h5 31.Wif1 'i!t'e8 32.'i'b5! 7 .. J:tb8
Mikhalevski,Aiexander 'i!fh5 33.l:l6c2 [There is no way to defend
Israel tt 2010 (3) the d5-pawn - Black is lost] 33 ... 'i!fe8 Ribli,Zoltan
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.tLlf3 tLlf6 4.g3 34.'i!i'd5+- c5 35.l:lc5!? [An elegant Kramer,Martin
dc4 5..Q.g2 a6 6.0-0 tl:lc6 7 •.Q.g5 h6 solution, even though the simple 35.'i'c6 Austria tt 2010/11 (9)
8.~f6 'i'f6 9.tLlc3! .Q.b4 1O.e3!? [The also comes into consideration] 35 ....ic5 1.c4 e6 2.tLlf3 d5 3.d4 tLlf6 4.g3
idea is simply to play 11 .'i!ie2 then take the 36.'tll'c5 'flth5 37.Wic2 J:tff8 38.'i'd3 dc4 5..Q.g2 a6 6.0-0 c6 7 ..Q.g5
c4·pawn. An interesting move would be <J;g8 39.l:lc5 l:lc8 40.'i'c4 <J,;lh7 l:lb8

Buhmann,Ra1ner rj;f7 ( 16...~c4? ! 17.l:.c4 c6 18.l:.d4±; 16... c6
Khenkin,lgor 17.~g4! ~c4 ( 17...~d5 18.tiJb6 .i.a2
Vienna 2011 (7) 19.l:.a1 ~d5 20.tiJd5 cd5 21.l:.e1 ±) 18.l:.c4
1.tiJf3 d5 2.d4 tiJf6 3.c4 e6 4.g3 ~e7 19.l:.e5±) 17.~d5 ~d5 18.l:.d5i ]
dc4 5.~g2 a6 6.0-0 tiJc6 7. ~g5 16.l:.e5?1 [It was better to immediately
l:.b8 8.tiJbd2! capture the pawn with 16.l:.g5 0-0 (16... -.1tf7
17.l:.e5 <;t;>f6 18.a3 ~e7 19.l:.ce1 l:.e8
20.-.1tg2;!; with a very pleasant endgame for
White) 17.~d5 ~8 18.tiJe5 c6 (18... ~d2
19.l:.h5! g6D (19 ....i.c1?? 20. g6X) 20.tiJg6
Wg7 21 .tiJf8 ~c1 22.tiJh7 Wg6 23.~13
.i.b2 24.tiJg5;!;) 19.l:.c4! cd5 20.l:.b4 ~e6
[This move seems to be very logical: Black 21 .l:.b6i] 16..•1.W7 17.a3 $Le7 18...Q.d5
leaves the long diagonal in order to avoid - 19.l:.ce1 l:.e8?? [A terrible blunder.
facing the g2-bishop. His idea is simply to After 19....i.c5 Black seems to be OK: 20.b4
play 8... b5 and defend his extra pawn] 8.e3 (20.l:.e6 ~e6 21 .l:.e6 w ts (21...rj;f???
[A quiet move, but not the best one. 8.e4?! 22.tiJe5 ~ 23.00 Wf7 24.tiJc5+-)
(this ambitious move closes the Catalan 22.l:.e5 <;t;>f6 23.l:.e6=; 20..i.g2 .i.d4 21 .l:.d5
diagonal) 8...h6 9.~f6 'tff6 10.tiJc3 ~b4 ~7 22.tiJd61 l:.f8 (22 ... cd6? 23.l:.d6 Wf7
11 .l:.c1 b5 12.b3 tiJaS 13.tiJe5 c5 14.bc4 [This is the best way to meet Black's 7... l:.b8. 24.~d5+-) 23.tiJe4 ~6 24.l:.g5 -.1th6
cd4 15.'it'd4 tiJc4+ Gedevanishvili-Rogers, This is a dynamic pawn sacrifiCe, which is 25.h4 .i.f5=) 20... ~7! (20 ... ~d4 21.l:.e8
Canberra 1988] 8...b5 [8 ... ~d7 9.tiJbd2 b5 dangerous to accept, but still Black has to, (21.l:.e6!? .i.e6 22.l:.e6 ~5 23.g4 ~
10.b3 cb3 (10...c3? 11 .tiJe4 b4 12.tiJe5±) otherwise he will end up with a worse 24.l:.e4 ~5 25.l:.d4 l:.heB=) 21...l:.e8
11 .tiJb3 (11.ab3) 11...~3 12.tiJe5 tiJe5 position] 8...tiJd4 [The first question is, of 22.l:.e8 b6 23.tiJe3 aS 24.$i.e6 ab4 25.ab4
(12...l:.b6? 13.tiJd7 'it'd7 14.tiJc5±) course, 8...b5 (with the idea of keeping the .i.e6 26.l:.b8 -.1te5 27.l:.a8;!;) 21 .l:.e7
13.de5t Hernandez Carmenates-Vehi Bach, extra pawn) 9.tiJe5! tiJe5 (9... 5 10.tiJe4 (21 ..i.e6 Wg6 22.$i.c8 l:.bcB 23.l:.e6 ~h5
Barbera del Valles 2011] 9.a4 [9.tiJfd2 tiJb4 .i.b7 (10... ~e7 11.tiJc5 0-0 12.b4 cb3 24.-.1tg2 l:.hf8=) 21...l:.d8 22.l:.f7 -.1tg6
(9... tiJa5 10.b3 ~b7 11.~b7 l:.b7 12.bc4 c5 13.tiJb3 tiJb3 14.ab3 with dangerous 23.tiJe5 IPI16 24..i.f3 .i.b6 25.tiJc4 g4
13.cb5 ab5 14.tiJb3 cd4 15.tiJd4 ~e7 compensation) 11.a4 b4 12.l:.c1 c3 13.bc3i) 26.tiJb6 cb6 27.$i.g2 .i.d7 28.l:.ee7 iLeB!
16.tiJc3 b4 17.1Wa4 l:.d7 18.~16 ~16 10.de5 (now the play becomes forced) 10... h6 29.l:.g7 J:.d1 30..i.t1 31 .l:.h7 -.1tg6
19.tiJcb5 ~e7 20.a3 ba3 21 .tiJa3 0-0 11.~c6 ~d7 12.~16 gf6 13.~d7 'ii'd7 32.l:.hg7 -.1tf6 33.l:.gf7 -.1tg6 34.l:.g7=]
22.l:.fd1 ~a3 23.l:.a3 tiJb7= Dziuba· (Kasyan-A.Barsov, Tashkent ch-UZB 2012;
G.Meier, Lublin 2010) 10.b3 cb3 11 .tiJb3 13... Wd? 14.tiJc4 -.1te8 15.tiJa5 'i!fd1
~b7 12 .~b7 l:.b7 13.tiJc3 tiJbd5 14.tiJd5 16.l:.fd1 fe5 17.tiJc6 l:.cB 18.a4t) 14.tiJe4! :i.t
'ifd5 15.~f6 gf6 16.1!t'c2 15 17.tiJa5 l:.a7 ~e7 (14... 'ilfd1 15.tiJf6! (this intermediate ii
18.tiJc6 l:.b7 19. 5 l:.a7 20.tiJc6 l:.b7 move is the point) 15...-.1te7 16.l:.fd1 l:.dBO
21.tiJa5 ~- ~ Dziuba-Landa, Bratto 201 OJ 17.tiJh5! l:.d5 18.14;!;) 15.ef6 .i.b4 16.'ii'c2
9....i.e7 10.ab5 ab5 11.b3 cb3 l:.dB 17.l:.fd1t] 9.tiJc4 tiJf3 10.~f3 'ifd1
12.1i'b3 0-0 13.l:.c1 tiJb4 [13 ...l:.b6 11 .l:.fd1 gg [Usually two tempi are worth a
14.tiJc3 tiJbB 15.tiJe5 tiJfd7 16.~e7 'it'e7 pawn. Well, here WMe is much more ahead
17. 3gg Kir.Georgiev-Luther, Marrakesh in development than two tempt1 11... 5
2010; 13....i.b7 14.'it'b5? (1 4.tiJfd2gg) [11...~e7? 1 12.~f4! ~dB 13.tiJb6!±;
14... tiJd4 15.tiJd4 ~g2 16.'it'c4 ~d5'F 11...~d7?! 12.~14 ~ 13.~c7 l:.cB
17.'it'c2 c5 18.tiJe2 ~e4 19.'it'd2 l:.b1 0-1 14.tiJd6 ~d6 15.~d6±] 12.e4 f6 13.ed5
lskusnikh-Ghaem Maghami, Pardubice 201 0] fg5 14.l:.ac1 [White has brought all his 20.l:.e6! +- .i.e6 21 .l:.e6
14.tiJc3 ~b7 15.'ii'b1 [15.l:.a5 c6] pieoes into play. His position has to be good. [21...Wf5 22.tiJe3X] 22. e5 [22 ... ~f8
15•.. tiJbd5 [15 ...c5!? 16 .~14 (16.dc5 ~c5) 14.d6!? Berczes-A.Horvath, Zalakaros 2010] 23.tiJd7 Wg8 (23...Wf7 24.l:.f6X)
16... l:.c8 17.dc5 ~c5 18.tiJb5 ~e4 19. b3 14...ed5 [14 ...~e7 15.d6 cd6 16.tiJd6 ~d6 24.tiJb8+-] 1-0
'i!fb6=] 16.tiJb5 h6 17 ...Q.f6 tiJf6 17.l:.d6 ~7 18.l:.cd1 (18.l:.d3 J:.dB 19.l:.c7
18.'ifd3 c5= 19.1t'e2 cd4 20.tiJbd4 l:.d7 20.l:.dd7 ~d7 21 .l:.b7 l:.b7 22..i.b7 21 .'i¥b5 [21.tiJe5 ~g2 22 .<~>g2 aS= Shyam-Vaibhav, New Delhi ch-INO 2010) Berczes,David
'ifd5 23.tiJdf3=] 21 ... l:.c1 22.l:.c1 'ifa8! 18...e5 19.J:.b6gg Gleizerov-Nezad, Biel 2011 ; Horvath,Adam
• 23.tiJc6 ~c6 24.1t'c6 'ifc6 25.l:.c6 14...e5 15.d6! (15.tiJe5 ~d6 16.tiJc4 0-0 Zalakaros 2010 (9)
l:.d8 26.l:.c1 ~a3 27.l:.a1 ~b2 17.tiJd6 cd6=) 15... ~d6 16.tiJd6 cd6 17.l:.d6 1.d4 tiJf6 2.c4 e6 d5 4.g3
28.l:.b1 ~c3 29.l:.c1 ~b2 30.l:.b1 0-0 18.~d5 -.1th8 19.l:.c7;!;] 15.l:.d5 ~b4! dc4 5..i.g2 a6 6.0-0 tiJc6 7 ..i.g5
~c3 31.l:.c1 \7-Y2 [Problably the best choice. 15...~e6 16.l:.g5 l:.b8 8.tiJbd2 tiJd4 9.ti)c4 tiJf3

Survey CA 3.4

1 o . ~f3 'i!t'd1 11.llfd1 tQdS 12.e4 f6 32.llg7 J:td2?T (32.!.e3! (after this move (Black has to do something, otherwise his
13.ed5 fgS Black is even slightly better) 33.Wf1 position is clearly worse. 10... 0·0 11 .tQc4
(33.~f3? e2! 34.J:tg6 <l;e7 35.llc6 e1 'if ~d7 12.tQc3;t] 11.d5 tQe7 (11...e4?
36.a7 lla4 (36 ...'ifa5 37.llc7 'i!t'c7 12.dc6 j.b2 13.cb7 ~b7 14.tQa3! ~a1
38.a81V=) 37.llc4 J:ta7 38.lle4 'ife4 15.'i!t'a4! 'ilfd7 (15 ... Wf8 16.tQac4+-)
39.~e4 Wf6+ ) 33 ... ~5! 34.<J;;e1 16.'. -d7 Wd7 17.lla1 f5 18.tQac4± ;
(34.Wg2 lld2 35.llf7 e2'f; 35 ...llf2 36.llf2 11...tQa5 12.'ifa4 c6 13.tZ.le4 b5 14.tQf6
ef2 37.Wf2 ~a6=) 34 ... e2 35.~e2 lle4 gf6 15.'ifa3 cd5 16.tQc3gg] 12.tQc4 lQfS
36.llb7 ~e2 (36 ... lle2 37.Wd1 J:tes 13.tQbd2 tQd6 14.'i!Vb3;t 0-0
38.llh7=) 37.Wd2 ~f1 38.llb6 <i;eS 39.14 15.tQe4! [15.llac1?! ~f5 16.tQd6 cd6
gf4 40.gf4 llf4 41 .llh6=] 33. 1 lla2 17.tQe4 ~e7] 15 ... tQe4 16,j.e4
34.a7± (The a-pawn is dangerous now]
34 ... Wc5 35 .~f5 Wd4 36.llc7 ~bS
37.Wg1?! 1~ 37.We1 ±] 37 ...e3? :i~
[37... ~e2 !~ 38.j.g4 (38.lld7 w es ~~
14.d6!? (An ambitious try. 14.llac1
Buhmann-Khenkin, Vienna 2011]
39. ~g4 j.g4 40.hg4 - 38.~g4) 38... ~g4
39.hg4 e3 40.lld7 w es 41 .lle7 (41.fe3
.a ~
14 ...~d6 15.tQd6 cd6 16.lld6 <J;;e7 We4 42.lle7 Wf3=) 41...Wf6 42.lle3 lla7
~ ~
17.llad1 gg aS 18.® g2 [White problably 43.Wg2;t] 38.fe3 w e3 39.J:te7 Wd4 ltJ ~
has a very small plus here. Precise 40.~e4 lla1 41.Wf2 lla2 42.We1 'iV ~ ~
endgame play is needed in this position] J:ta1 43.Wd2 J:ta2 44.Wc1 J:ta1 ~ ~ ~ ~
18 ... b5 [Black tries to get rid of his 45.<Ji;b2 [45.<J;;c2!? lla7 46.lla7 We4
weaknesses. 18 ... e5?! 19.ll6d5 <Ji;f6 47.Wd2±] 45 ... J:ta7 46. lla7 ® e4 1:. ld: ~
20.lla5 lle8 21.~e4;t; 18... llf8 19 . ~e4 47.J:tf7± We3 48.Wc3 (48.g4?! ~c6
h6 20.b3gg; 18... h61? 19.ll1 d3 b6 20. ~e4 49.llf6 j.g2=] 48 ... h5! 49.llf5? [This 16... b5?! [After this move the c6-square
(20.~c6 e5 21 .ll6d5 ~fS 22.J:te5 <J;;f6 move throws away the advantage. 49.llg7! will be weak. 16.. .'iYe7 17.llac1 a5 18.llc2
23.llde3 llhd8=; 20.llc6 lld8 21 .llc7 lld7 j.f1 50.h4 gh4 51 .gh4 .ie2 52.lle7 ® 12 a4 19.'ifa3;t] 17 .tQaS 'i!Vd6 18.l:tac1
22.lldd7 ~d7 23i c6 lld8 24.llb7 g4 53.Wd4 ~g4 54.J:te3! .if3 55.llc3 ~g4 ~d7 19.tQb7 (19.llc2!? ~d8 20.tQb7
25.a4 <J;>e8 26 .~d7 lld7 27 .llb6 J:td4 56.We5 ~d7 57.<:0>f4 <i;g2 58.llc7 ~e8 'lib6 21 .tQd8 llad8 22.llfc1 llcS 23.llc5
28.b3 <.Pe7=) 20 ... <J;>f6 21 .h3gg; 18... b6!? 59.J:tc2 Wh3 60.Wg5 ~17 61 .llc7 ~e8 f5 24 .~g2 '\id6 25.llc7 llc7 26.llc7 e4~ ]
19.b3 ~a6 20.J:td7 Wf6 21 .lla7 ~b5 62.l:te7+- ] 49.. ,j.d7! SO.llgS ~h3 19...'\ib6 20.tQc5 (20.d6?! cd6 21.'\id3
22.a4 ~e8 23.lld6gg] 19.llc6! J:td8 51.llh5 ~g4 52.llg5 Wf3 53.Wd4 lla7 22.tQd6 lld8=] 20... ~g4 21 .tQd3
20.llc7 J:td7 21 .lldd7 ~d7 22.lla7 <J;;g3= 54.® e3 Wh3 55. 4 ~d7? j.d7 22.'ifc2 J:tac8 23. cS j.h3
(22 .~c6 ! <Ji;d6 23.l:td7 Wc6 24.J:tg7 [The wrong diagonal. 55... ~e2= ; 55 ....id1 =] 24.j.g2 (Also good is 24.~h7 Wh8
ll d8~] 22 ... J:tc8 23.J:ta5 llc2 24.b3 56.l:tg3+- ® h2 [56 ... Wh4 57.l:tg7+ - l 25.j.f51 ~f1 26.Wt1 llcd8 27.tQd7 J:td7
h6 25.lla7 <Ji;d6 26.h3 lld2 (26 ... b4!?. 57. 3 .ie6 58.Wf2 j.a2 59.lla3 28.~d7 'ifd6 29.'iYc6 leaving White with a
This is probably a better move. After j.b1 60. llb3 1-0 pleasant game] 24 ... ~g2 25. g2 llfd8
27.llb7 l:ta2 28.llb4 e5 29.g4 lla7 [Black has an acceptable position; he would
30.llb8 White has a very small advantage, like to play ... c7-c6] 26. fS!? (26. e4?!
but it is hard to see how he can win the c6! 27.llfd1 cd5 28.lld5 J:td5 29.'Wd5 'ifc6
game] 27.a4 ba4 28.ba4 J:td4 30.'\ic6llc6 31 .b4 e4=] 26 ... g6 27.'\ih3
(28 ...lla2!? 29.a5 lla3 30.~e4;t ; 30.lla8 A Natural Developing Move (27.'iff3 e4! 28.'i!t'e4 j.b2 29.llc2 c6! 30.d6
~b5 (30 ...llf3?? 31 .lla6! (31.<j,>f3?? 7 ... $1..e7 8.e3 lld6 31.'ife7 lld5D 32.e4 .!:tcS 33.'i!fc5
~c6-+) 31...~c6 32.llc6 Wc6 33.Wf3 ...c5 34.llc5 .id4 35.llc2 c5=]
<J;>bS 34.We4 w as 35.<J;>e5+-) 31. ~b7 Yakovenko,Dmitry 27...~g7?! [Better is 27...~e7 with the
<J;>cs 32.a6 e5=] 29.a5 eS 30.a6 e4 Belov,VIadimir idea of 28.b4 (28.tQe4 Wg7 29.l:tc6 'i!t'b7f )
[30 ... lla4!? 31.~7 (31. ~a8 ~b5 32.llg7 Sochi tt 2010 (2) 28... c6! 29.d6 ~d6 30.'it'h6 j_fS=]
lla6 33.llg6 <J;>cS 34.lla6 ~a6=) 31 ... ~b5 1 .d4 tl)f6 2 .c4 e6 3.tQf3 dS 4.g3 28.llfd1 t [Now all white pieces are placed
32.l:ta8 <.PeS 33.<j,>f3 (33.llg8 ~a6 dc4 S.j.g2 a6 6.0-0 tQc6 7. ~g5 well] 28... lle8?! [28 ... c6? 29.d6± ;
34.llg7 ~7 35.llb7 e4=) 33...~f1 34.llc8 ~e7 [This is our main line. Black wants to 28 ... ~18 !? 29.tQd7 'i!t'd6 30.tQf8 'i!t'f8
Wd4 35.J:td8 ® c3 36.lle8 ~a6 37.~a6 castle and in some cases play ... tQd5. But 31 .'i t'g4;t] 29.tQd7! 'i!t'b7 30.llc6+-
lla6 38.lle5 <J;>d4 39.l:te7 g6=] 31.~g4 life is not that easy for him] 8 .e3 [Biack has no counterplay, he is lost]
t (31.~e2!? lld2 32.<j,>f1 lla2 33.We1 g6 [Undoubtedly the best choice] 8 ... h6 30... llcd8 31 .lldc1 b4 32.ll1c5 J:tc8
(33 ... ~h3? ! 34.llg7t) 34.~c4 lla1 [Again, this move is not the best one] 33.b3 aS 34.Wg1 Wh8 35 . .!:ta5 J:ta8
35.<.Pd2 ~h3 36.llg7 w cs 37.llc7 ® b6 9 ..if6 j.f6 10.tQfd2! [10.tQc3 0·0 36.tQc5 '\ib8 37.lla8 'ii!Ya8 38.'\id7
38.llb7 <J;>cS 39.J:tc7=] 31 ...~c6!= 11 .tQd2 e5! 12.d5 tQa5oo] 10 ... e5!? llf8 39. 6 'i!fb7 40.d6 1·0

Ponomariov,Ruslan 19 ....i.e2 (1 9... -i.cS!? 20.l:tac1 .i.e6 20.W'b7+-) 19.l:ta2 .i.d6 20.W'a1+-]
Morozevich,Aiexander 21..i.f6 gf6 22.l:tb7 l:tb7 23 ..i.b7 aS gf6 16•.i.f6! ~f6 17.~C7 +­
Moscow 2009 (9) 24.l:td1 ;!;] 20.l:tb7 l:tb7 21 ..i.b7 tlld7 (There is no defence, Black loses material]
1.d4 tllf6 2.c4 e6 3.tllf3 dS 4.g3! l:ta4 23.l:te1 .i.bS [23 ... .i.g4!? 17... 0-0 18.W b6 tllb3 19.l:ta2 aS
dc4 S•.i.g2 a6 6.0-0 tl:lc6 7.-i.gS <;t;>hS 2S.tlldS±] 24.l:te81+- h6 20. W bS tl:lcS 21 .l:taS [The easiest way.
.i.e7 8.e3 0-0 (Tournament practice 2S ..i.e7 g6 26.b3 l:tas 27..i.b4 1-0 21.l:tc1 +-] 21...-i.aS 22.Wcs 'ti'd8
shows that this is not the best move either] 23.liJc6 .i.b6 [24.Wb4 W c7 eS!? [9 ...bS tl:leS 2S.dS+-] 24....i.cS 2S.tlle6 .i.e6
11 ..i.f6! gf6 12..i.a8] 10.tllc4 [ ~ Berczes,David 26.dcS l:tc8 27.c6 <;t;JfS 28.f4 <;t;>e7
tl:leS 11 .deS tl:lg4 12..i.e7 'i!fe7 Holm,Sejer 29.l:tc1 <;t;>d6 30.e4 f6 31 .eS feS
tl:leS 'i!feS 1S."i+'b3 c6 16.14 e7 Dresden 2011 (1) 32.feS <;t;>es 33.l:te1 <;t;>d6 [34.l:te6!
17.:tad 1 .i.e6 18. c3 l:tad8= Shirov· 1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 tllf6 4.g3 <;t;>e6 3S ..i.h3 <;t;>d6 36..i.c8+-] 1-0
Morozevich, Jurmala 2012] 10... ed4 dc4 S..i.g2 a6 6.0-0 tl:lc6 7 ..i.gS
11.tlld4 tlld4 12. d4 'it'd4 .i.e7 8.e3 l:tb8 9.'lWc1 !? [9.tllfd2 is the
[12... .i.e6!? seems to be a good alternative alternative for White, but after 9... eS! Black
for Black: (13.l:tfd1? ! ~d4 14.l:td4 got some activity in the game Another Try
h6) 13... h6! 14.'it'd8 l:tad8 1S..i.f4 tl:ldS Sarakauskas-Sulskis, Nemencine 2011 ] 8 ... .id7
16.tllb7 l:tb8 17.l:tfd1 tllf4 18.gf4 .i.c8 9 ... bS [This is a forced answer, otherwise l:tb2 20.tllc4 l:tc2 21 .l:tdc1 l:tc1 White wins back the pawn with a better Kamsky,Gata
22.l:tc1 = Gleizerov-Vaibhav, Visakhapatnam position] 1O.b31 (The point of White's play] Bellaiche,Antony
2011 ] 13.ed4;!; [White has the better 10... tl:laS!? [10 ... 0-0 11 .bc4 bc4 12 .~c4 Philadelphia 201 0 (2)
position due to his strong g2-bishop] tl:laS 13.'ti'c2 .i.b7 14..i.f6 .i.f6 1.d4 tllf6 2.c4 e6 3.tllf3 dS 4.g3
13 ... l:td8 [13... h6 14.l:tfe1 ! (14..i.f4 .i.e6;!;; 10....i.d7 11 .bc4 0-0 12.tllbd2 dc4 S..i.g2 a6 6.0-0 liJc6 7 ..i.gS
1S.l:tfe1 ( dS=) 1S ....i.b4 16.l:te6 h6 13..i.f6 .i.f6 14.l:tbl;!;; 10... h6 11 ..i.f6 .i.e 7 8.e3 .i.d7
fe6 17..i.b7 l:tad8oo) 14... .i.e6 1S.dS! tlldS .i.f6 12.bc4 b4 0-0 14.l:tb1 aS
16..i.e7 tl:le7 17..i.b7 :tabS;t] 1S.tlle4t ] 11.tllbd2 [11 .tllfd2?! h6!?
14.l:tfd1 [14.l:tad1 .i.g4 1S.l:tc1 (1S.l:tde1 12..i.f6 .i.f6 13.bc4 c5! cd4
.i.b4=) 1S ... c6 16. b6 :tabS 17..i.f4 .i.d6 1S.tllf6 ~f6 16.cbS 0-0 was good for Black
18.-i.eS .i.e6 (1 8... -i.eS 19.deS tlld7 in Doric-Savic, Paracin 2011 ] 11 ... cb3?
20.tllc4 .i.e2 21 .l:tfe1 .i.c4 22.l:tc4 tllf8=) [Practically the losing move. It was better to
19..i.f6 gf6 20.dS cdS 21 .-i.dS .i.eS play 11...0-0, although 12.bc4 .i.b7
22..i.e6 fe6 .i.d4 24.l:tc2 l:td7= (12 ... bc4 c5 14.tlldc4 cd4
Moradiabadi-P.H.Nielsen, Greece II 2010] 'tWaS 16..i.f6 .i.f6 'it'c7
14•.. .i.g4 [14 ...c6 1S.tllb6 l:tb8 16.dS!; W ba 19.l:tb1 Wd6 20.~c6;t) 13.l:tb1
14... .i.e6 h6 16..i.f4 tlldS 17.tllb7 tl:lc4 bc4 1S.'it'c4 .i.dS 16 .~a4
l:tdb8 l:tb2 19..i.c7 tl:lc7 20 ..i.a8 seems to be better for White] 12.ab3
tl:la8 21 .l:tab1 t] 1S.l:te1 .i.b4 .i.b4 13.tlleS± l:tb6 [13 ... c5!
16.l:tec1 ;t [White has a better endgame] .i.b7 1S.dcS tl:lb3 16.'it'b2 tl:la1 9.tllbd2 [9.'it'e2 bS 10.l:td1 (10.l:tc1 l:ta7
17.tlld6+-] 14.tlle4! 11 .tllbd2 0-0 12.a4 h6 (12... tl:ldS) 13..i.f6
.i.f6 14.abS (14.b3 cb3 1S.tllb3 b4
~ 16 .tl:le1 ~) 14 ... abS 1S.l:ta7 liJa7 16.b3 cb3
.l.l.l .t'if• :i 17.liJb3 .i.c6 18 .'~c2 Was 19.tlle1 .i.g2
~ .l .l.l.l.., 20.tllg2 .i.e7 (20 ...l:tc8; 20... eS) 21 . c7

~ .l K .l ~ .i.a3 22.l:ta1 b4 23.liJf4 liJbS 24.i+'es

i+'c6 2S.liJc5;t Piasetski-Steingrimsson,
.t ttJ8 .t ~ .l ttJ ~ Hilversum 201 0) 10...0-0 11 ..i.f6 .i.f6
8 .t 8ttJ 12.liJc3 l:tb8 13.tlle4 .i.e7 14.b3 cb3

8 8 8 JJ.. 8 8 8 8 1S.ab3 16.l:tdc1 l:tb6 lH!! Pelletier-

1::[ n w I:[ 'iY I

8 Yl. 8
lstratescu, Switzerland 2009] 9 ... bS 1 O.b3
[10.liJeS?! (this is too direct) 10...liJeS
11 ..i.a8 (11 .deS tlldS 12..i.e7 ~e7=i=)
16... l:tab8?! [16 ...c6 17..i.f6 gf6 18.dS 11...liJd3 12..i.f6 .i.f6 13..i.e4 tllb2
:tabS (18...cdS?! 19.tllb6±) 19.dc6 bc6 14... h6?? [14 ... tllb3 1S.'it'b2 liJa1 14 .'~c2 tl:la4=i= Tratar-Danner, Austria 2010; .i.d7 21 .l:tc2 .i.f8 22.b3;!;] 17.a3 16.'iVb4 and the at -knight is trapped; 10..i.f6 gf6 (10....i.f6 11 .b3 c3) 11 .b3 liJa5
.i.f8 l:td4 19.l:tc7± [19..i.f6?! 14....i.b7 1S.liJf6 gf6 16..i.f6 'ii'f6 17..i.b7 12.'t!Yc2 :tea 13.l:tfd1 c5 14.dcS .i.c5
gf6 20.tllg4 l:tg4 21 .l:tc7 l:td4o:t] l:tb7 18.l:taS l:tb6 (18... -i.aS 19.1i'c6 <;t;Je7 15.tlle4 .i.e7= Carron-Kosteniuk, Flims

Survey CA 3.4

ch-SUI 2012] 1O••• c3 1 1 .~f6 ~f6 'i¥16 1S.J:rd7 tt:ld40±) 17.'ifc2 13 .~d 5 [13.'i+'d4!? ~c6 ( 13...~c3
12.1Zle4 b4 gf6 [13...1!t'f6? de3 1S.fe3t] 15.~e4 ~e7 [It was better to 14.'tlic3 .!labS 15..1lfd1 b5 16.b3oo)
14.t0e5] 1 [With the plan of play 15... ~c6, even though after 14.'tlic4 ~b4 15.J:rfd1 b5 16.'i!t'e2 ~g2
t0d3-c5. White has lasting compensation. : as 17.J:rac1 e7 1S.e4 Whtte has strong 17.Wg2 J:rfdS 1S.a3 tt:lc6 19.f4;!;J
14.d5 t0e7 15.de6 ~e6 (15.. .fe6 compensation) f6\d7 'fld7 13...ed514.'iWd5 ~c6 ! 15.'fla5 ~g2
16.'i'e2 c5 17.J:rfd1 'tlib6 J:rb8 ~cs [1S...1!t'c8?! 19.'ifd2! tt:ld5 16.Wg2 b5= 17.a4 twes 18.ab5
(18... l:tc8) ttld5 20.a3oo Fluvia 20.e4 tt:lb6 21.~h3±] 19.dc5 'ife7 'tlidS 19.Wg1 [19.e4 'ii'e4 20.13 'tlid4
Pcyatos-Vehi Bach, Sabadell ch-CAT 201 OJ 21 .ba6 .llfbS!=J 19... ab5 20.'i'c7 g6:f
14... l:tb8\d3 tt:le7 · 5 21 .'ifb6 .llfb8 22.J:rad1 'i'h1 !? [Black
17.l:te1 aS 18.a3 0-0 19.ab4 ab4 .i enters an endgame with slightly better
20..-g4 t0g6 21 .d5! [White is playing on
both wings] 21 ... d6? [21 .. .15 22.'ifb4
.itt 23.•c3 ~g2 24 .<~g2 'ifdS 25.e4 fe4
26.l:tad1 'i'c6 27.J:re3 J:rfcS\e4;!;;
' chances] 23.Wh1 J:rb6 24.'it;tg2 J:ra2
25 ..1ld8 Wg7 26.J:rb1 Wf6 27.g41?
w e7 28 ..1ld5 b4 29.J:rd4 J:rc6
30.Wg3 [30 ..1lc1 b3 31 .J:rdc4 J:rc4
21 ... ~d7 22.de6 ~e6 (22 .. .fe6 23.J:red1+-) 32.J:rc4 J:rb2 33.J:rb4=i=J 30 ... h6 31 .h4

23.t0e6 'ilt'd7 24.J:ra6 (24. ~d5 .llb6!) b3:f 32.g5 hg5 33.hg5
24...fe6 25.J:rd1 'tlif7 26.J:re6 J:rbdS~J
22.1i'b4!± ~f1 23.'ifc3 ~g2 24.<j;>g2
'i'dS 25.e4 'tlic6 26.J:rac1 [26.J:rec1±]
26...f5 27.h4 fe4 28.h5 tt:le7 29.h6

[Black's position is really not nice at all, but 20.'ifg41t aS? [20... c5 21.'ife6 'it;thS
he could still fight on: 29...e3 30.13 f6 22.J:rac1 e5 23.'ilt'e5 fe5 24.J:rc7:!:;
31.'it'e3 e5 32.J:red1 ±I 1-0 20... tt:lc2!? 21 ..1la6 f5 22.1!t'h4 h4
(22 .. .'~c5?? 23.J:rc6+-) 23.gh4:!:J i Jl
21.J:ra5 'ilfc5 22.'ife6?! [Much stronger .t. ~ ~
Tukmakov,VIadimir was 22 ..1ld7! J:[f7 (22 ...g6 23.'ifh4 h5
~ ~ ~
Hrabinska,Myroslava 24.'i+'e4!+-) 23.1!t'e6 'it'fS 24.J:rc7+-l
Aghios Kirykos 2009 (3) 22 ... Wh8 23.J:raa1 .llbe8 24.'ifd7
1.d4 tt:\f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 dS 4.~g2 .lle7 25.'ifd2 .lle5 26.J:rdc1 'it'e7
dc4 a6 6.0-0 tt:lc6 7. ~g5 ~e7 27.J:ra7± : cs 28.J:rd1 J:rc2 33 ...J:rb2?? [What a blunder. Black even
8.e3 ~d7!? J:rb8!? [Black [2S ... tt:lc6!? 29 .~c6 J:rc6 30.'ifa5±] loses the endgame. 33 ... J:rcS!?'f] 34. J:re4
prepares 10...b5 before castling] 10.'ilfe2 29.'i!r'd7 'i!r'c5? [29 ... 'i'd7!? 30.J:rd7±] [34.J:rb2 c3 35 ..1le4] 34 ... Wd6 [34 ... WfS
[Again, the usual comes into 30.J:rb7 [30..1laSI .!laS 31. ~a8+-J 35.llb2 c3 36.J:rb3 c2 37. J:rbS Wg7
consideration: 10... tt:le5 11 .de5 tt:\d5 30 ... .1lg8 31 .J:rb5 'ii'c3 32. ~e4 +­ 38.J:reeS+-I 35 ..1lb2 c3 36.J:rb3 c2
(11 ... tt:lgS 12 .~e7 tt:le7 13.'ilt'g4 0·0 J:rc1 33. ~ h7! tt:\d3 34. ~d3 J:rd1 37 ..1ld3!+- [Problably Black forgot about
14..1lfd1;!;) 12 .~e7 'fle7 ed5 35.Wg2 f5 36.J:rf5 g5 37. J:rg5 1-0 this check ... ] 37... Wc7 38.J:re7 'it;tb6
14.'f/d5 0-0 15.J:rfd1 ~e6 16.'f/a5 bSooJ 39. J:rb3 'it;tc5 40.J:rc3 Wd6 41 .J:rc2!
10... b5 1U[fd1 [11 .a4 0-0 12 .~f6 ~f6 1-0 e5!? with good play for Black] Ftacnik,Lubomir
11 ... 0-0 [Black has developed all his Potkin,VIadimir
pieces, his position seems to be OK. Germany Bundesliga 2009/10 (13) Grischuk,Alexander
11...l0d5 12.~e7 'fle7 0-0 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 tt:lf6 4.g3 Potkin,VIadimir\c5oo] 12 .~f6 [ tt:\d5! 13.~e7 dc4 5 .~g2 a6 6.0-0 tt:lc6 7 . ~g5 Villarrobledo rapid 2009 (6)
'tlie7 'i'd7 (14 15.bc3 'i+'d7 ~e7 8.e3 ~d7 [This is a serious option, dS 2.c4 e6 3.d4 tt:lf6 4.g3
16.a4 tt:le7 17.ab5 ab5oo) 'i+'e7oo] as Black is planning to play ... b7-b5 at dc4 5.~g2 a6 6.0-0 c6 7 .~g5
12...~f6 13.b3 cb3?! [13 ... b4 some point]!? 0-0 [9 ... h6 10 .~f6 ~e7 8.e3 ~d7 9 . ~c3 0-0 [9 ... h6
c3 15.a3 ( ~c8 16.a3 as ~f6 11 .tt:le4 Q-0 12.'ii'e2 b5 13.b3 cb3 10.~f6 ~f6 11 .tt:le4 (\d2 b5 12.a4
'tlieSoo) 15...a5 16.d5!? ed5 17..1ld5 a4!oo; 14 .ab3~ ; 9... J:rbS Tukmakov-Hrabinska, .llbS) 11 ...o-o 12..1lc1 ~e 7 13..1lc4:!:
13... tt:la5 ~c6 (14...~e7 Aghios Kirykos 2009]!? Goslawski-Oolukhanova, Warsaw 2010]\16 'i¥16 16..1lac1 cb3 17.ab3 ~13 [10.J:rc1!? Grischuk-Potkin, Villarrobledo 1o.: c1 [10 .'~e2 b5 11/l leS (11 .a4 J:rb8)
18.~13 tt:lb3 19. J:rc7~; a very interesting rapid 2009] 1o ... tt:le5 [Black has to accept 11 .. .tt:le5 12 .~aS (12.de5 tt:ldS'f) 12... tt:ld3
possibility is the dynamic 13... e51? 14.bc4 the challenge. 10... tt:\d5?! 11. ~e7 'i!r'e7 13.~g2 h6 14. ~f6 ~f6 15.J:rad1 e5=J
ed4 15.cb5 (15.ed4?1 ~g4! 'f) 15...ab5!:] 11 .de5 tt:ld5 [11! 1o... : ba 11. ~t6 ! ? ~t6 [11 ... gf6!?
16.ed4 :es 17.'f/c2 g6=J 14.ab3~ tt:lb4 12.~e7 '*ie7 13.~b7 J:rbS 14. ~6 .llb2 (12.'ii'e2 b5 13.J:rfd1 ~d6 14.e4
[14 ...e5 15..1la6 ed4 (16.ed4 'ilfcS 15 .~c4;!;] 12. ~e7 'ife7 [12 ... tt:le7 e5=) 12 ... b5 13.b3 15! ~cs 15.dc5
17.J:ra2 J:reB=) 16....1leS (16 ...de3?\16 13 .~b7 J:rbS 14 .~a6 J:rb2 15.~c4 :!:] 'ife7 16.bc4 bc4 17.J:rc4 J:rfdB=J 12. 4!

bS [12... e5?! 13.de5 tOeS 14.l016 gf6 24 ...::tda8! 25.::ta7 [2S.::tb6? ::ta1
(14 ... ~16? 1S.tiJeS ~eS 16.1Wd7+-) 26. ~f1 cb6-+] 25 ... ::ta7 26.::ta3 h6
1S.l0e5 fe5 16.%:tc:4j;; 12...~e7 13.%:tc4;i;] 27.1t'a1 ::ta3 28.'i!i'a3 l0e7= 29.'i!i'a6
13.b3 [n is better to play first 13.l016 1!*'16 ~g2 30.Wg2 'i!i'c6 31 .1fc6 l0c6
and then 14.b3!f] 13...~e7! [13 ... cb3 14.l016 l0d4 33.l0c7 8 34.14
16 1S.ab3 1!t'e7 16.::tc5~] 14.bc4 bc4 ~e7 35. ~12 ~d7 36.l0a6 lOtS
15.::tc4 lOb4 [1S ... l0a5! 16.::tc1 ~ 37. ~13 ~e7 17-17
17.::te1 ~ 18.l0c3 'We? 19.tiJeS c5=]
16.a4 1t'e8 [16 ...M 17.l0e5 .i.d5 18.::tc1
i.d6 19.l0c5 .i.eS 20.de5 lLla2 21.e4!? l0c1
22.ed5;i;] 17.l0c3! [17.::tc7 l0d5 18.::ta7 David,Aiberto
~ 19."i!fa1 ~] 17... l0c6?! 18.d5! D'Costa,Lorin
edS 19.l0d5t [Whtte has active piece play 9.~e7 l0ce7!? [This is not lhe main move, Rethymnon 2010 (4)
and lhe c?-·pawn is weak] 19...~d6 txJt Whtte hasn~ prowd a dear advantage 1.l0f3 l0f6 2.c4 e6 3 .g3 dS 4 .d4
20.'Wc2 [20.l0g5!? h6 21 .l0e4;i;] against tt so far] 10.l0e5!? [10.1t'e2 b5 dc4 s. ~g2 a6 6.0-0 l0c6 7.~g5
20... 5? [20... h6!? 21.::tc1 l0b4 22.l0b4 11 .b3 cb3 12.ab3 ~7 13.::tc1 ::ta7 14.l0bd2 ~e7 8.e3 dS 9 ..i.e7 'i!i'e7
::tb4 23.::tb4 ~ 24."i!fc7 ~ 2S.l0d4;!;] 1S.e4 (}.() 16.'We3 'i!i'b8 17.'i!i'c3 l0ec6
21.::th4! h6 [21 ...15 22.'Wc3! lOc6 23.l0g5
h6 24.l0c7! 1!t'g6 (24 .. ..i.c7 2S.~d5 ~
18.l0f1 a5f Kunte-Alexandrov, Mumbai 2010;
1O.a4!? ::tb8 11.l0bd2 c3 12.bc3 lOc3 .i
.t *
iV i.t..t.
26.::th6X) 2S.'ifc4 ~ 26.~c6+-]
22.::th6! +- fS [22 ...gh6 23.l016+- ]
23.::th4 l0b3 24.l0c7 ~e7 25.l0g5
'it'gS 26 ~d5 ::tf7 27.'ifc4 ::tf8
13.'i!i'c2 l0cd5 14.::tfc1 lOc6 1S.l0e5 tOeS
16.de5~ Karavade-Kosteniuk, Khanty·Mansiysk
o1 w 20101 1o...bS 11.b3! [This typical
pawn sacrifice seems to be good here too]
' ... ... ...

28.'ilt'b3 ~c7 29.::td1? [29 ..i.f7 ::tf7 11 ... cb3 12.ab3~ 0-0 13.1t'c2 .t. 8
30.::th8! ~hB 31 .tm 'ilt'd8 32.::td1+-J [13.l0d2!? ~7 14.::tc1 was also interesting, 8tt:J8
29.. ~e8 30.1t'c4 with lhe idea of putting lhe d2·knight on c5]
13... . 7 14.l0d3 'i!i'd6!? [14 ... a5
88 8~8
1S.'Wd2 a4 16.l0c5 M 17.ba4 ba4 18.::tc1
.U tt:J 'iV 1:[
.t ... "i!fe8 19.e4~] 15.'Wb2 "i!fb6 16.e4
[16.::tc1 l016! 17.~7 1Wb7 18.b4!?oo]
16 ... l0f6 17.l0c5 ::tfd8 18.l0c3 ~c6
10.l0fd2 [10.e4?! l0b6 (10... l016!?) 11 .dS
l0b4 12.l0c3 0-0 13.l0d2 edS 14.edS ::tdB
[18 ...::td4!? 19.l0b7 'l!Yb7 20.e5 l0fd5 1S.::te1 'WfB 16.::tes l0d3 17.::te3 l0b2
~ i iV 21.l0d5 ::td5 22.~d5 lOd5 23.::tfc1 aS=] 18.'WhS ~d7 19.l0de4 h6 20.'i!i'eS ::tacB+
'iV ~ 19. b4!?~ [Whtte is planning to play ::tas Bates-Adams, England II 2010/11 ; 10.l0bd2
8 8 and then cloul)e his roo1<s at lhe a-file, l0b6?! (10 ... bS! 11 .'Wc1 0-0 12.b3 c3
8 8 pressing lhe a-pawn] 19.. ~e8 [19 ... l0e81? is
a move worth considering, with lhe idea of
13.l0b1 b4 14.a3 aS 1S.ab4 ~a6 16.bS
~bS 17.%:td1 ~e2 18.::te1 .i.f3 19 ..i.f3
1:[ ~ ...l0d&c4] 20.e5! lOfdS 21 .l0d5 lOdS l0cb4=) 11 .'i!i'c1 1 0-0 12.l0c4 l0c4
22.::tas ~c6 23.::tfa1 ::ta7 [23 ... ~7 13.'i!i'c4 eS 14.d5 lOdB 15.l0d2 c6 16.e4;i;
30... ~e5?? [Black blunders a piece. 24..i.e4 ::ta7 2S.::t1a3 h6 26.h4~] 24.::ta6 Kurukin-Delorme, Moscow 2011] 1 O.••bS!?
30 ... ~d8 ! 31 . a6 f6 32. b7 gS [An interesting idea would be to keep lhe [10 ... l0b6 11 .'i!i'c2 (11.'Wc1 - transposition
33.::tc4 -.hs 34.~f7 ~f7 3S.::tcc1 ±] pressure on Black and try to generate some to the line 10.'Wc1 l0b6 11.l0fd2)
31.14+- 'ife7 32.fe5 eS 33.'ilt'd4 activity on lhe kingside. 24...d2!? ::tdaS 11 ... l0b4 12.'it'c3 l04d5 13.1t'a5 0·0
1t'e7 34.::tf4 g6 35.e4 1-0 25.~e4~] 14.l0a3 ~d7 15.l0ac4 l0c4 16.l0c4;i;
Kohlweyer-Oms Pallisse, Balaguer 2010]
11 .b3 cb3 [11 ... c3? 12.l0c3 lOc3

* 13 . ~c6 ~d7 14.'i!i'f3±] 12.l0b3

The Real Main Line
8 ... tt:l d5

n tv.t
i tt:J .-. 8
' ''' [12.ab3?! 0·0 13.l0e4 eSf] 12 ... ::tb8
[More natural would be 12 ... 0·0 13.'i!i'c1
~d7 (13... ~b7 14.l0c5) 14.l0c3 'Wd6
1S.l0e4 'ilt'e7 16.'i!i'c2~] 13.'i!fc1
Fressinet,Laurent 8 8 [13.l0c3 l0c3 14.1t'c2 lOdS 1S.'it'c6 ~d7
Novi Sad Ech·tt 2009 (3) 16.'ii'c2 0·0 17.::tfc1 ::tbcB 18 .l0c5~]
1.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3.l0f3 l0f6 4.g3 13 ... ::tb6 14.l0c3 [14.e4!? l0f6 15.eS
dc4 s. ~g2 a6 6.0-0 l0c6 7 . ~g5 lOdS 16.l0c3 'ill'dB (16 ... l0cb4 17.a3 l0c3
~e7 8.e3 lOdS 18.'i!i'c3 lOdS 19 .~dS edS 20.lOaSf)

Survey CA 3.4

17.~d5 edS 18.'i!rc5 ~e7 19.1:tac1 1:tc6 not the right moment. 14...'ilt'bS?! 1S.lf:lc5! Landa,Konstantin
20.'i'a7~] 14... 'i!rd6 15.e4 (1S.lf:le4 (1S.'iWc2 0-0 t'I S... li:laS 16.b4! lf:lc6 Vallejo Pons,Francisco
1i'd7 16.~ec5 'ii'd6 17.e4 li:lde7 (16...cb3? 17...-c?+-) 17.1:tfc1 0-0 Spain tt 2009 (1)
18. l:d1 ~] 15...lf:lc3 16. 'i!rc3~ b4 lf:lc4 19.'Wc4 'i!i'c4 20.1:tc4± ) 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.lf:lf3 lf:lf6 4.g3
17.'i'c4 e5 [17... ~b7!? 18.1:tfd1 0-0 16.a4 li:lb4 (16... 'i!i'b4 17.lf:lgS fS 18. ~c6 dc4 5 .~g2 a6 6.0-0 lf:lc6 7. ~g5
1 9.~c5 tt.:laS 20.'irc2 'i!re7 21 .1:tac1 ;!;:] bc6 19.aS lf:ldS 20.lf:lc4i) 17.'Wb1 (17.abS ~e7 8.e3 lf:\d5 9.~e7 'it'e7 10.'i!fc1
18.f4! ed4?! (18 ... 0-0!? 19.dS! (19.feS lf:lc2 18.1:tac1 lf:lb4 19.lf:lc4 li:l6dS 20.b6 li:lb6 [10 ...~d7 11 .'~'c4 0-0 12.lf:lc3 fi'b4
'i'e7 20.l:ac1 aSoo; 19.deS 'i!re7 20.1:tac1 li:lb6 21 .lf:lb6 cb6 22.lf:ld6 1:td8 23.lf:lc8 13.1il'b4 lf:lcb4 14.lf:les ~bS 1S.1:tfc1 f6
aS 21.l:fd1 ~g4 22.1:td2 a4 23.lf:lcS lf:laS n ac8 24 .~b7 n et 2S.1:tc1 Wf8=) 16.lf:lbS abS 1:tfc8 18.a3 li:ld3
24.'i'd3 b3.,) 19... ef4!? (19... lf:le7 20.feS 17.. .'ti'hS (17... li:la4? 18.lf:lc3!+-) 18.aS 19.1:tc2 lf:\3b4 20.1:td2 lf:la6 21 .e4 ±
'i'eS 21 .1:tac1 c6 22.'i!rcS l:tbS 23.'i!rd4;!;:) lf:l6dS 19.lf:lc4;!;:) 1S... O-O 16.b3 cb3 Grabuzova-Dolukhanova, Puschino 2011 J
20.dc6 fg3 21 .es Wes 22.hg3 'it'g3 17.1:tb1 lf:la5 18.lf:ldb3±; 14... 0-0 'iVb4 12.a3 'iWb5 13.lf:lc3
23.l:ae1 ;!;J 19.e5- ~e6 20.'ilt'c1 lf:le5 li:ldS 16.'it'd1 'it'd! 17.1:tfd1 ;!;:] 15.lf:lc4 ..-fs [This is the first new move. 13...'it'hS
21.fe5 'ilt'e5 22.1:te1 ± 'ilt'd6 lf:lc4 16.'it'c4± ed4D [16... 0-0? was played in the game Kamsky-Gelfand,
23.'ilt'c4!? d3 24.1:tad1 0-0 25.'ilt'd3 17.dS+ - J Nalchik 2009] 14.lf:lce4 e5!? [14...0-0
'i'd3 26.1:td3 g6 27.lf:lc5 (~ 27.1:td2± ];!;:J 15.lf:lc4 lf:lc4 16.1i!'c4 ed4
27... ~a2 28.lf:ld7 b3? (28 ...1:td8 17. d6! cd6 18 .~c6 <J;e7 19. ~d5 !
29.~f6! <i;g7 30.1:td8 Wf6 31 .1:tf1 w es [19 .~g2 1i!'cS 20. d3 transposes to our
and White should be winning, but still, it is previous game, Kamsky-Gelfand] 19... ~e6
not that easy] 29.lf:lb6 cb6 30. ~d5 +- [19... ~d7?! 20.'it'd4±] 20. c7 Wf6
1-0 21.e4! 'i!rhSD 22. d6 1:thd8
[22 ... 1:tad8!? 23.'it'b6 (23.1!t'f4 Wg6! and
~ .t. tt:J Black has chances to escape) 23 ... 1:tdS
~ ~ ~ 24.edS 'iWdS 2S.1:tac1 1:td8 26.1:tc7 d3
~ ~~~ 27.1:td1 ± ] 23.'it'f4
Nalchik 2009 (6) J:[ l::l \t>
1.c4 e6 2.d4 lf:lf6 3.lf:lf3 d5 4.g3
dc4 5. ~ g2 a6 6.0-0 lf:lc6 7.~g5! cd6 18.~c6 '1Pe7 19 .~g2
~e7 8.e3 li:ld5 9 .~e7 'ft'e7 10J Wc1 [White has a traditionally strong Catalan
~ b6 [10...bS 11 .b3 lf:laS 12.lf:leS 'it'b4? bishop on g2, while Black's king's position is
(12.. .16!? 13.bc4 (13.lf:lc4 bc4 14.bc4 li:lb6 rather dubious] 19... c5 (19... de3?!
1S.~a8 lf:la8 16.c5oo) 13... feS 14.cdS ~b7 20.'ilt'c7 ~d7 21 .1:tfe1 1:thd8 22.1:te3 </;;f8
1S.de6 ~g2 16.'1Pg2 1:td8<=!) 13.bc4 2Hil'd6 <itg8 24.1:td3+- ; 19... 1:td8
( 13.~d2 c3?±) 13 ... lf:lc4 14.lf:lc4 20.'it'd4±] 20.'ii'd3! de3 [20...~e6
(1 4.a3 'it'd6 bc4 16.'it'c4;!;:) 21 .ed4 'it'bS 22.'ii'f3!±] 21.1:tae1 ~e6
14 ...'i!rc4 1S...-c4 bc4 16.lf:ld2 c3 17.lf:le4 22.1:te3 </;;d7? [22 ... 1:tab8!? 23.1:tfe1
~b7 18.1:tfc1 0-0-0 19.lf:lc3 lf:lc3 20.1:tc3 1:the8 24.b4 'ilt'hS 2S .~dS±] 23.1:td1!
~g2 21 .Wg2;!;: Gelfand-Savchenko, (23.~b7 ::tabS 24.b4 (24.'it'a6 ~c4 23 ...We7 (23... Wg6!? might be an
Moscow blitz 2011 ] 11 .li:lfd2 [11 .lf:lbd2 2S.~c6 ,._c6 26.1:te7 '1Pe7 27.'i!i'c6 ~f1 improvement on the game: 24 .~7
'it'b4 12.a3 (12.'ilt'c2) 12...'it'bS 13.'i!fc2 28.</;;fl 1:tb2 29.'i!i'e4 <itd7 30.'ilt'g4 w e7 (24.1:tae1 1:td7! and Black defends)
0-0 14.1:tfc1 eS (14...lf:laS 1S.1:tab1 !; 3Uii'g7±) 24... 'iWc4 2S.~a6 'it'd3 24... 1:tab8 (24 ... 1:ta7? 2S.eS! 'ii'gS
15.lf:leS f6 16.lf:lec4 lf:lbc4 17. ~f1 'ilt'b2 26 .~d3±] 23 ... 1:tab8 24.b4 (24.h4!?±] (2S... 1:tb7?'e4 'i!rfS 27.'it'b7 'ilfes 'it'c2 19.1:tc2 li:lc4 20.~c4 c6 24 ...'i!i'b6 25.'it'c3 1:thg8 26.1:ted3 28.1:tfe1 +-) 26.~e4 ~fS 27.'i!i'f3
21.a4~) 1S.a4 'i!i'aS 16.lf:lgS (16.lf:lc4 lf:lc4 <ite7 27.a4 (27.1:td6?! 'it'd6 28.1:td6 <itd6 (27.1i!'gS 'iPgS 28.f4 Wg6 29. ~13 ~c2 !<=!)
17.'it'c4 ed4 18.lf:ld4 li:ld4 19.ed4 (19.'iWd4 29.'~'d3 <ite7 30.'it'h7 bS 31 .'it'hS;!;:J 27... ~e4 28.'iWe4 'tiffS 29.'fl'c6 'it'e6
c6 20.b4 'i!i'd8) 19... c6 20.dS;!;:) 16... g6 27... 1:tbc8 28.'li'd2?! (28.'it'e1 ! 1:tcd8 30.'it'c5;!;:) 2S.~a6 (2S.eS ~fS!) 2S... 1:tb2
17.lf:lc4 (17.dS li:ldS 18.lf:lc4 'it'cs 19.'i!i'e4 (28 ... 1:tgd8 29.~dS ±) 29. ~dS 1:tge8 30.aS 26.~d3 1i!'gS 27.'\!i'gS WgS 28.a4± and
~db4 20.'i!fh4 hS 21. ~c6 lLlc6 22.lf:le4 1i!'c7 31 .1:tc1 'it'd? 32 .~e6 fe6 33.'it'e4±] White ends up with a better endgame]
We7 23.'i!fe7 lf:le7 24.lf:leS;t) 17...lf:lc4 28 ... 1:tgd8 29.a5 ifc7 30.'ii'e3 8 24. c7 WfB 25.1:tfd1 1± 1:tac8 [It was
18.'Wc4 ed4 19.~dS~ Cernousek-Cobb, 31.ife4 g6 32. b7 'li'b7 33 . ~b7 better to fight on with 2S ... ~dS . After
England It 2011 /12] 11...'ilt'b4 12.a3 1:tb8 34. · 6 1:tb4 35.1:ta3?! [3S.1:td4!? 26.1:td4 n ac8 (26...'0Pg8 27.edS l:tdS
[12.lf:la3 lf:laS=] 12... b5 13.lf:lc3 1:td4 36.1:td4;!;:] 35... ~c4!= 36.~c4 28.1il'b7±) 27.1il'as 'lWf3 28.1:tdS n ee
'i!Vh5 (13... 'ilt'fS] 14.lf:lce4 e5?! [It is 1:tc4 37.a6 1:tc7 38.a7 ::taB 39.1:tda1 Black is a pawn down but has some
understandable that Black would like to d5 40.'1Pg2 d4 41. 3 1:te7! chances to survive] 26.'i'b7 ~d5
break out of his passive position but this is [41...</;;e?? 42.<ile4 <itd7 43.<itd4±] Y2 -Y2 27.'it'b4! c;PgB 28.'it'd4 1:td6 1-0

Nimzo-lndian Defence ~
Classical Variation Nl 20.2 (E32)

The Black Queen Is Hiding

by Alejo de Dovitiis

1. d4 ttJf6 ... b7-b6, ...~b7 and ... ttJe4 or

2. c4 e6 pre on the queen ide with
3. ttJc 3 ~b4 .. .a7-a5-a4, followed by .. .b7-b5
4. l'i'c2 0-0 (see the game Pataki-Berczes).
5. a3 ~c3 B) 7.b4: An extended fian-
6. c3 "f¥e8 chetto that provide White wi th
more space. Black can either
:i.,..i. 'if:i ~ choose the same set-up as
again st 7.b3 ( ...b7-b6, ... ~b7 ,
... .,..l.l.l ... ttJe4, ...f7-f5 and o on) or im-
mediate ly attack the centre and
the queenside with ... d7-d5 and
... a7-a5, a the game Hil verda-
Epi hin how .

Developing the Kingside Raymond Keene

C) 7.e3: A standard move that
loses flexibi lity, because White F) 7.g3 : A fleJtible and popular
When I was analysing this posi- has less plan. for the future . The move. Black has a choice: to play
tion on the board, I di covered typical set-up (... b7-b6, ...~b7 , on the dark squares with ...d7-d6
that White dark- quared ... ttJe4, ... f7-f5 and maybe and .. .e6-e5 (see the game
bi hop need a new pl ace to do a ... a7-a5) is perfect for Blac k ( ee Charachkina-Delorme) or search
good job. Thi line, originating the ga me Nadera-Gelashvili). for counterplay on the light
fro m the 1970s when it wa first D) 7. c2: A plausible queen square wi th ... a7-a5-a4 and
played by Raymond Keene, has retreat that does not prevent .. .b7-b5 ( ee Mista-Gharamian).
no more than one hundred games Black from carrying out his G) 7.t3: The most dangerou
in big databa e , but Black ha a pl ans. The moves ...b7-b6, move for B.lack.
core of about 45 %, which is not ... ~b7 , ...ttJe4 are simple and
bad at all. good again (see the game AI :i.,..i. ~:i ~
We di tingui h the following Sayed-Spa ov).
lines for White:

Different Paths for ~c1

E) 7.ttJf3 : After this move I
will fir t show you a line with
7 ... d6 (see the game Ly yj -
i .,
A) 7.b3: Thi quick fianchetto Kiriakov) and then we wi ll tudy
is a good way to fi nd a place the line wi th 7 ...b6 (see the game
where the dark-squared bi hop Ghane-Hou Yifan). In fact, Tpre-
can become aggre ive. I prefer fer 7 ... b6 firs t, because the ~c8
thi move to 7.b4 becau e it doe not have a better square
keeps Black' light-sq uared than b7 , but the d7-pawn can
bi shop from a4 and b5 . Black postpone the deci ion of whether Here he does not have the out-
can play for the centre with to advance one or two steps. post on e4 and White will soon

Survey Nl 20.2

be able to extend hi centre with Conclusion 7 ... d5 a a rea onable mea ure
e2-e4. Black can reply with 6... e8 i a good, flexib le move again t 7.f3 only.
7...d5. In that ca e 8 ...ig5 i the for Black who then ha two ba- In my opinion, Black can reach
tronge t move ( ee the game ic plan : to play for ...b7-b6, equality in all line , but ifi had to
ikolov-Pantev). On the other .. ...ib7, ... lbe4 and ... f7-f5 (thi choo e a general pl an, I would
hand, Black u ually play 7 .. .d6, plan i po ible and recom- prefer the ' Queen' Indian
followed by ... 6-e5; al o then, mended again t mo t of th et-up' with ... b7-b6, .....ib7 ,
White can answer with 8 ...ig5 white replie except again t ... lbe4 and ... f7 -f5 a the main
followed by 9.e3 ( ee the game 7.£3) or to set up hi central line. A for White, he can battle
Ri -Em t), or put pre ure on the pawns a fo ll ow : ... d7-d6 com- for orne advantage with 7.f3,
centre with the quick 8.e4 ( ee bined with ... e6-e5 and perhap but I do not think that White can
the game Matlakov-Nogly). ...a7-a5. In tead, Black can play get an edge in the other line .

Different Paths for the ~c1 ..-es t9 .~d7 'ifb3 20.c.t•f2±] 16 -~es ~d3 19.%td3 liJc4 20.'\Wb3 liJd6
6 ... 1t'e8 liJee5 17.deS tOeS (17 ... liJe5!?] 18.e6 21.g3 b5 22.%tb1 ... b3 23.%tbb3
(Necessary sooner or later] 18... 'ife6 %tc1 24.<j;>g2 : ae8+ (A clear advantage
Pataki,Gyozo 19. ~e4 -.f6 20.%td1 'ifc3 21 . 2 for Black. The pawn on a3 is weaker than
Berczes,David %tbe8 (21...l0b3?? 22 .~17 %tf7 the one on b5] 25.%td2 f6 26.%ta2 : as
Zalakaros 2010 (2) 23 ....c3+- l 22.'ife7 liJb3 23.~b3 27.liJg1 %te4 28.ltJe2 : ac8 29.liJf4
1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 e6 3.ltJc3 ~ b4 Wb3 24.liJe2 [24.'ifb7 dt] 24...~a6 ~f7 30.liJd3 [30.h4] 30 ... %te2 31.%te2
4.'i'c2 o-o 5.83 ~c3 6.'ilt'e3 'ilt'e8 25.liJd4 'ifb2 26.<j;>g3 (White does not : e2 32.a4? [A good plan. but wrong
mind the placement of his king. I prefer tactically] 32 ... ba4 33.%ta3 liJe4!
Black but the position is unclear] l-11- !-11 34.%ta4 ttJe3 35. 3 f5 - + 36.g4
ttJh4 37 .~e3 liJg2 38. 3 %te3
39 . ~e2 (39.<j;>g2 %td3-+ ] 39 ... g5
Hilverda,Aiexander 40.%ta7 ~g6 41 .liJc5 f4 42 .~d2
Epishin,VIadimir %te4 43.liJd7 [43.~e3 e5 44.liJb3 %tc3]
Werther 201 1 (2) 43 ...%td4 44.<j;>e1 f5 45.ttJf8
1.d4 liJf6 2.e4 e6 3.liJe3 ~b4 46.liJh7 <j;>eS 47.liJg5 f g4 48.liJf7
4.'t!fe2 o-o 5.83 ~e3 6.'ifc3 '*'e& <j;>e4 49.ttJg5 5 50. f7 %tb4
7.b4 (An extended fianchetto: it gains more 51.liJh6 ~g6 52.liJg8 [52. g4? liJg2
space but also allows Black to attack 53.<j;>ft %tg4- + ] 52 ... %tb1 53 .~d2
White's queenside pawn structure more %tb2 (54 .<~e3 e5 with the idea of 55...%te2
easily] 7... d5!? [7 ...d6 8.~2 b6 checkmate!] 0-1
7.b3 [A good diagonal because the (8... liJbd7 9.e3 aS tO. ~d3 liJb6 tt .'ifc2?!
dark-squared bishop does not have an (t1.l013) t1...'ifa4 t2.'ifa4 liJa4 t3.~ct?
opponent on the squares of that colour; (t3.D-0-0) t3 ... ab4 t4.ab4 ~d7? (t4 ...liJc5!
7.b4 is a reasonable alternative, which I will t5.~h7 ~h7 t6.%ta8 liJd3 17.<j;>ft
demonstrate in the next game] 7 ...b6 (t7.<:0>e2? liJct t8. ~d2 liJe4 t9.<i>ct Developing the Kingside
[7 ... d6 8.~b2 aS 9.g3 (9.13 ttJfd7 t O.liJh3 liJf2- +) t7 ... liJc1+) t5.liJe2 b5:j: Arlandi- 6 ... 'i!Ve8
e5 t1.liJf2 tOeS t2.d5 liJe7 t3.g4 tOeS Tatai, Chianciano ch-ITA t989) 9.'iff3 d5
14.e4 c6= Broekman-Wirig, La Fere 2009) t0.%tct c6 tt .e3 aS t2.ba5 baS t3.'ifdt Nadera,Barlo
9...a4 tO.b4 b5!? t1. ~g2 %ta7 t2.c5 ~b7 ~a6 t4.liJI3 liJbd7 t5.~d3 liJb6! t6.ttJd2 Gelashvili,Tamaz
t3.13 ~d5 t4.liJh3 ~c4 t5.e4 ltJc6 %tb8 with real counterplay in Zhu Chen-Hou Manila 201 0 (2)
t6.'i'e3 :as 11.o-o-o e5;:t N.Brunner- Yifan, Nalchik 20t0] 8.e5 (With 7.b3 White 1.d4 liJf6 2.e4 e6 3. e3 ~b4
Bauer, Metz 2006] 8.f3 [With the idea of can maintain the pressure on c4] 8... 85 4.-.e2 0-0 5.a3 ~e 3 6. e3 'ife8
e2·e4] 8...d5 [Stopping that move] 9.e3 9.~f4 'iV84 [9 ...ab4 tO.ab4 liJe4 tt ....b2 7.e3 (A solid move that can transpose to
liJbd7 10.ed51? (tO .~b2] 10...liJd5 : at liJa6!?] 10.b85 liJe6 the fianchetto systems (b3 or b4)] 7 ... d6
11 .'ife6 %tb8 12.e4 ~ b7 13.'i!i'e2 11.liJf3 liJe4 12.'t!fb2 tOeS 13 .~e7 (7 ...b6 8.b3 (8.liJf3 ~b7 9.b4 aS 10.~2
liJe7 14.'ife7 [Consistent with the liJb3 14.%td1 ~d7 15.e3 %tfe8 ab4 tt .ab4 : at t2.~at c6 t3.b5 liJa5
previous moves] 14... liJe6 15. ~14 e51 16. ~d6 liJe85 17. ~d3 ~b5! [The t4 .~e2 d5 t5.c5 liJe4;:t Winants-Carlier,
[t5 ...liJd4 t6.%tdt e5 t7.%td4 ed4 t8.~b5 light-square battle is won by Black] 18.o-o Rotterdam 1990; 8.13 d6 9.b4 e5 tO.de5

deS 1 U~b2 tt::lfd7 aS 13 .~e2 ab4 <;i;>g8 (61...<;i;>e8 62.'it'b8] 62 .~g3 tt::ld3 {!?] 11 ..•tt::le4 12.d5? ! (12.~d3
14.ab4 l:a1 1S. ~ 1 ..,e7 16.0·0 tt::la6 63.<;i;>c3 'it'f3 64.Wg6 ~ h8 65:ifh6 fS] 12...ed5 13.cd5 ~dS ! 14.'it'c7
17.l:b1 l:e8 18. 12 tt::lf8 19.'it'a3 tt::lb8 ~g8 66.'lWg6 8?? [I suspect there 'ifc6 15.l:c1? (1S.'ifc6 tt::lc6'i']
20 .~c3 tt::lg6 21. ~e1 ~fS 22.l:d1 1Hz was big time trouble on both sides: 15 ... 'it'c7 16.l:c7 tt::lcS! [Trapping
Drasko-Tatai, Formia 199S) 8...~b7 9.13 d6 66... ~h8 leads to a draw] 67 ...f6?? White's rook] g6 18 .~ b5 [18.13]
10.~b2 c5 11 .dc5 bc5 fie7 (Incredible! 67 .~d6X] 67... f6 68.gf6 18... ba6?1 [Without any sense of
13. ~e2 tt::lc6 14.0·0 aS 1S.l:ad1 17·17 tt::lc1 69. ~d1 ~c8 70.f7 (70.~c7] danger: ~ 18... hS] 19.l:e7? [White
Clarke-Piasken, Brighton ch-GBR 1977] 70 ... ~g7 71. ~h5 1·0 misses out on a great opportunity to get the
8. f3 [8 .~d3 eS (8 ... b6 9. e2 ~b7 advantage:! l:fe8 {19... ~c6
10.13 eS 11.de5 deS 12 .~c2 aS 13.b3 20.l:c6±; 19... c7 is impossible:
bd7 14.0·0 e4;::t Danelia·Richard, Vung AI Sayed,Mohamad 20. e7 l:e7 21 .l:e7 <;i;>f8
Tau City jr 2008) 9.deS deS 10. e2 aS Spassov,Luben 22. ~f6 e4 23 .~h4 g5 24.l:e4 ~e4
11.b3 bd7 12.0·0 b6 13.~b2 ~b7 Golden Sands 2012 (5) 2S.~gs ~g2 26.l:g1 ~e4 27.~f6±]
14. g3;t Knoth-Polzin, Kassel 1992] 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 ~ b4 19...l:fc8! [6 20... <;i;>f8] 20.e4 tt::le4
8 .•. b6 9.b4 ~b7 10 .~ b2 tt::le4 4:\!rc2 0-0 5.a3 ~c3 6.1t'c3 W'e8 (20... <;t;>l8 21.edS <;i;>e7 22.~d2 White has
11 ....c2 f5 7.fic2 d6 some positional compensation] 21 .~a6
(21.13 tt::lec5+] 21 ...l:a6 22.0-0? [22.13
was necessary] 22 ... ~f8 [Black wins the
.,..i. ~g · exchange] 0-1
~~~ i~i
i Kiriakov,Petr
~~~ .,. Novokuznetsk 2008 (5)
~ ~{ij 1.d4 e6 2.c4 tt::lf6 3. c3 ~ b4
4.'it'c2 0-0 5.a3 ~c3 6.Wc3 '\!rea
~ ~~~
~ .i ~

(A typical set-up for Black in this pawn [8. ~gS bd7 (8... fd7 9.e4 (9.e3
structure] tt::ld2 13.Wd2 a5 eS 10.dS?! { aS 11.deS deS 12. c3
14.b5 tt::ld7 15.13 fie7 16. ~d3 f6 13.~h4 tt::lc5 14.13 ~e6 1S.~I2 a4'i'
l:ae8 17.0-0-0 c6 {17 ... eS] 18 .~ b1 Nijs-Wirig, La Fere 2008) 10.. .1S! (now
l:c8 19.l:c1 e5 20.l:hf1 e4 21 .~e2 White's dark-squared bishop is In trouble)
cbS 22.cb5 ~dS 23.f4 tt::lf6 24.h3 11.g4? {11 .h3 h6 {11 ... hS
1t'e6 25.l:c8 l:c8 26.l:c1 l:c1 12. ~h4 gS 13 .~g3 f4+) 11...h6 12 .~h4
[26 ... ~c4? 27.dS ~dS 28.l:c8 'it'c8 gS 13.gfS gh4 14.e4 1:17 l:g7
29.~16 winning a piece] 27.Wc1 d7 16. h4 fif7 f8+ Huang Qian·
28.fic2 b7 (28 ... hS] 29.g4 g6 Hou Yifan, China n 2011) 10.dS aS
30.g5 tt::le8 31 .a4 32.~c1 ~e6 11.l:d1 a4 12 .~e3 : as tt::lc5
33 . ~d2 <;i;>d7 34.<;i;>b2 tt::lc7 35.h4;t Kharlov-Ward, Gausdal 1992) 7 ... d6 [I would prefer 7.... b6 first, because
• as 36.h5± (Black has no counterplay] 9.e4 h6 1O.~d2 eS 11.dS aS 12.b3 tt::lc5 the ~c8 does not have better squares than
36 ...gh5?1 [36 ...'it'g8] 37 . ~h5 ..g8 13.13 tt::lhS 14 .~e3 fS 1S .~c5 deS 16.~d3 b7, but the d7·pawn can choose to advance
38 . ~e2 'ife6 39. ~e1 • ga 40.~f1 tt::lf4'i' Black has a more active position: one or two steps] 8.g3 (8.b4!? (stopping
'it'a8 41 . ~d2 ~g8 42. ~e2 tt::ldS Anelli·Valerga, Buenos Aires n 200S; 8.e4 Black's plan ...a7-aS, ... aS-a4, ...b7·bS)
43 . ~c4 tt::le7 44 .~e2 ~e6 45.<;i;>a3 eS (8 ... tt::lc6 eS 1O.dS tt::ld4 11 .tt::ld4 (8... b6 9.e3 ~b7 10. ~b2 tt::lbd7
~d5 46.<;i;>b2 'it'f8 47.~e1 h6 ed4 12.~d3 tt::le4 13.0·0 fS 14.l:e1 • f7 11. ~e2 e4 12.W'c2 fS 13.0-0 c5
48.~h4 tt::lg6 (48 ...hgS] 49. ~g3 'ifg7 1S.f3 tt::lc5 16.b4 tt::ld3 17.'i!fd3 aS 18.bS 14.l:ad1 l:d8 Black's position is quite
50 .~c4 1 ~b7?! [Playing for a win in a ~d7 19.'it'd4 b6 20.~b2 ;t Romanko-Arun playable: Shemeakin-Zubov, Alushta n 2009)
wrong way: 50 ... ~c4 S1 .1t'c4 tt::le7 S2 .~h4 Prasad, Moscow 2012) 9.dS aS 10.b3 tt::la6 9.bS tt::lbd7 10 .~b2 cS 11 .bc6 bc6 12.g3
hgS S3 .~gS 'it'g8!=] 51 ...h2 hg5 11 .l:b1 tt::lc5 12.b4 ab4 13.ab4 fia4 ~a6 13.'ifc2 l:b8 (14. ~g2 ~c4)
52.fg5 dS 53 . ~b3 'it'e7 54. • h6 f4 (13... tt::lce4 14.13 ~fS 1S.fe4 ~e4 16 .~d3 1S.~g2 c5 16.deS {16.dS) 16... tt::leS
• 55 .~e1 'it'e6 56.ef4 tt::lf4 57.1t'h7 ~d3 17.1t'd3+-) 14.fia4 tt::la4 1S.f3 17.0·0 'tlt'e6t Cs.Horvath-Sjoberg,
~ea 58.1t'h8 ~e7 59.1t'g7 fif7 tt::le8 16.~d3 fS fe4 18.fe4 17·17 Kecskemet 1992; 8.e3 c6 9.b4 eS 10.deS
(S9...~e8 60.Wb7 tt::ld3 61. ~b1 tt::le1 Sisatto·Salimaki, Jyvaskyla 2006] a ... as deS 11. ~b2 e4 12. d2 {
62. ~dS+-] 60.'\'r'eS 8 61 .f/d6 9.b3 b6 10. ~ b2 ~ b7 11 .e3 12... 'ife7 13.bS tt::lb8 14.a4 l:e8 with a

Survey Nl 20.2

difficult position to assess: Gladyszev- [Black does not have any 17.dS? [Closing the centre eases Black's
Bagaturov, La Fere 2006] 8..•b6 [B ...aS compensation for •the pawn] 19...~g2 attack considerably: 17.c5! bc5 18.de5 deS
9.b3 a4 10.b4 bS 11 .c5 (11 .cbS tt:ldS 20.Wg2 l%f7 21.f3 'Wb7 22.e4 l:taf8 (18... tt:les ..-es 20 . ~b2)]
(11 ...l%a7 12.'irc2 ~b7 13 .~gS ~e4 23. ~a3 tt:lfd7 24.l%e3 1¥a8 2S.l%ce1 17.....-hS l:tg6 19.'ii'd3
14.wt'b2 tt:ldSg? Kolev-Pavlovic, Vrnjacka gS g4 27.f4 eS 28. ~b2 [] 20.l%d1 ~c8
Banja 1990) 12.1t'c2 IS 13 . ~g2 tt:ld7 tt:le6 tt:lf6 30.fS 31 .l%e4 [Pointing all his forces at White's king]
14.D-O tt:l716 1S. d2 ~d7 16.e4 fe4 tileS tt:le4 33.l%e4 l%fS 21 .l:ta2 l%h6 22.h3 ~h 3! 23.gh3
17.t0e4;t Elsness-Satyapragyan, San 34.1rc4 Wh8 3S.l%f4! -.ea [3S ... l%f4 tt:lh3 [24.Wf1 12 2S .~I2 'Wh4
Sebastian 2012) 11... ~7 12 .~g2 ~dS (I 36.gf4 l%14 37.'ili'f4+- ] 36.'ire4 l%f4 26 .~11 'it'h1 27.WI2 l:th2X] 24...1t'h3
prefer this move to 12... ~e4 because on 37.gf4 Wg8 38.'ili'dS w g7 39.feS 2S .~f1 1t'h1 26.Wf2 l:th2 27. ~e1
this square it cannot be harassed by 12-13; ..-gs 40.ed6 Wh6 41. ~c1 [4 1...Wg7 l:ta2 [A powerful attack after a conceptual
12...~e4 13.0-0 tt:ldS 14.'ird2 IS 42.dc7 'irc2 43.~d2+-J 1-0 mistake by the opponent] 0-1
t016 16.13 ~dS tt:lc6 18.~b2 l%d8
19.cd6 cd6 20.l%ae1 ~c4 21 .e4oo Borzov-
Tukhaev, Alushta ch-UKR 201 0) 13.0-0 tt:lc6 Ghane Gardeh,Shojaat Charochkina,Da ria
14.l%e1 t0e7 1S.'ird3 ~e4 16.1t'd1 dc5 Hou Yifan Delorme,Axel
17.dc5 l%d8 18.~d2 tt:lc6= Medancic· Bangkok 2012 (3) Moscow 2011 (2)
Kosten, Amantea 1992; 8... tt:lc6 9..i.g2 aS 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 ~b4 4.Wc2 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.t0c3 · 4 4.'ii'c2
10.b3 (avoiding ... aS-a4 followed by ... tt:laS) 0-0 S.a3 ~c3 6.Wc3 W'e8 7. f3 b6 0-0 S.a3 ~c3 6.'lit'c3 e8 7.g3 [An
10... e4 11 .1t'c2 IS 12 .~b2 ~d7 [To me this is the best reply. Black's light· interesting move to put pressure along the
t0d2 14.1t'd2 'it'g6 1S.O-O l:taeB;t squared bishop will be very useful on the long h1 -a8 diagonal] 7 ...d6 8 . ~g 2 [ aS
Dokuchaev-Lehtivaara, Uusikaupunki 1991] diagonal] 8.e3 [A mediocre move. I think that 9.b3 a4 10.b4 bS transposes to the
9 .~g2 ~b710.0-0 Whtte needs to perform a kingside fianchetto. line, see: 11.c5 ~b7 12.~g2 ~e4 13.'ii'e3
8.g3 d6 U.g2 ~7 10.0-0 t0bd7 ( 'Wc6 14.~b2 1t'dS Hauchard-Bauer,
11 .b3 tt:lbd7 12~2 e4 13. c2 IS Narbonne ch-FRA 1997] [B... as tt:ldf6 tt:ld7 16.13 SchOn· 9. 13 a4 10.0-0 tt:lc6 1 1.~14 tt:laS
Rechmann, Porz 1990) 11.b4 (11.~e3 e4 'ili'e7 13.e4 hS 14. ~e3 e5 15.deS (1S.d5)
12.Wc2 IS (Black executes the same plan in 1S... deS 16.b4 ab3 17. b3 tZlb3 18.'lit'b3
many variations) 13.l%fd1 tt:ldf6 h6 lOIS= Chabanon-Storing, Gifhorn 1992; ~e4 16..i.e4 fe4 (16... tt:le4 17.d5) 8... tt:lbd7! c5 10.0-0 'ilie7 11.l%d1
17.h3 tlig6 18.Wh2 l%17= Kahn-AI.Khasin, eS 12.deS tileS .i.fS 14. S tt:ldS
Budapest 1991 ; 11.b3 tt:le4 12.Wc2 IS 1S .~dS l:tad8 16.b3 ~e6;!; P.Carton-King,
13.~2 'i!fh5 l%16 1S..i.c1 l:tafB Blackpool zt 1990] 9.deS [ e4
Black is OK: P.Schwarz-M.Schafer, Sch6neck (9... t0c6; 9... tt:lbd7) 10. d2 ~IS c6
1992) 11...l094 12.'lit'c2 IS! 12..i.f4 'itd7 ~e6 14..i.gS dS
(13.~2 tt:ldf6 14.l%ac1 'lit'hS tt:ld2 1S.~I6 gf6 16.0-0 IS 17.13± Vera
10... as [10 ... tt:le4 11 .'ilic2 IS 12.dS (a 16.1rd2 .i.g2 17.w g2 tt:le4 with easy play Gonza!ez-Salgado Allaria, Terrassa 199S;
typical pawn sacrifice) 12... edS (12 ...eS for Black: Norri-Undberg, Espoo 1991) 9.e3?! ed4! 10.'lit'd4 tt:lc6 11. d1 eS
13.t0h4! g6 14 .~h6± ; 14.g4 is also very 13...'lit'g6 14. h3 e5 1S.I3 16 12.b3 ~IS d3+ Houriez-
interesting) 13.cdS ~dS 14.l%d1 (14.'Wc7? Kortchnoi-Lemer, Lugano 1989] 8... · 7 Aib.David, Fournies 201 0; 9.d5?! aS 10.b3
~c6 t:. 1S ... tt:la6- +) 14 ...c6 (14... ~7 9..i.e2 d6 10.0-0 tt:lbd7 11.b3 tt:le4 bd7 1 1.~2 tileS 12....c2 bS! 13.b4 4
1S .~gs 'We7 16.1t'c4 WhB ~a6) 12.'itc2 fS l%f6 14.f3 lOgS 14.c5 ~IS! and Black has the better
1S.t0d4 aS (1S ... 1rf7 16.13 tileS 17.e4 fe4 1S.e4 [ e5 16.deS deS 17.h4 tt:lf7 prospects: Nicoara-Skripchenko, France It
18.fe4 ~3 b3 20.l%b1 tt:lc1 18..i.d2oo] 1S•..f4 eS 2011) 9 ... deS
21 .l%bc1 g?) 16.13 tileS 17.~14 'i!fg6?
18.~h3! W16 19.'i!ffS± 1t'e7 20.Wc2 l:tf4
21 .gf4 'ire3 22.Wh1 tt:le4?! 23.~e6! 1·0
i .i. i ~
• ~ :i~

.' ''
' ~ '~ '~ · ''
Ree-Timman, Amsterdam 1973; 10...~e4
11 .b4 Wc6 12 .~b2 tt:lbd7 13.l%ac1 : aca .i
14 .~h3! ~13 (14 ... h6) 1S.ef3 dS 16.c5;!;
Michaelsen-Vonthron, Germany Bundesliga
1989/90] 11.b3 ~e4 12.l%e1 Wc6
13. ~b2 tt:lbd7 14.l%ac1 bS? I ~ ~ ttJ ~ ~ ~
~ '~
[14... 1t'b7 t:. ...: tca and ... bSJ 1S.dSI
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-~
Wb6? [1S ...edS 1i'b6 17.cbS]
16.de6 fe6 17.cbS cS 18.a4 ~dS n ~ nw It ~ ~ ttJ l::t
1O.t0f3 [10.b4 aS 11 .t0f3 ab4 12.ab4
t0e4 13.W'b2 lla1 14.'i!Ya1 'i!Ye7 1S.O-O
lleB 16.~b2 16 17.cS! b. 18.'i!Yb1 : .i
. ~
, 'if& •
17.•• cd5 18.t0f4 t0b6 19.llfe1 ~e6
20.b3 "Wb5 21 .t0e6 fe6 22.lle3±

S.Atalik-Frendzas, Komotini 1993; 10 .~e3 ..t ~,

:a •
e7 11 . f3 t0c6 12.b4 lle8 13.0-0 ~IS
14.llad1 h6 1S.t0h4 ~h7 16.bS! Fleer-
King, London 1990] 1 O.•.t0c6 11 .~e3
[11 .b4 t0e4 12.'ili'c2 t0d613.~b2 16 14.cS ~ '

'iV '
t0f7 1S.O-O ~e6 b. ... 'lWcB and ... ~h3 :
Golichenko-Piorun, Wroclaw
11 ... t0e4 [11..."We7] 12.W'c2 t0d6
13.lld1 ~f5 14.1!t'c1 ~e4 15.b4
~ {jj ~ ~~~
w :a ~~
li ~

IL?h8 [1S ...a6] 16.0-0 f6 17 .~c5 lld8 15••. c3 [A risky decision. 1S...edS 16.~f6
'if ~ ~
18.1ii'e3 f5 [An active decision. 18...~c2 ; 1!t'e3 17.fe3 gf6 18 .~dS c3 19.t0e4 c6'F] ~ ~
18... ~g6] 19.'i!Yc3 b6 20. ~e3 f4 16.'i!Ya7 [Challenge accepted. 16.~c3 edS
21 . ~c1 ~f3 22 . ~f3 fg3 23.fg3?! 17. ~f6 1!t'e3 18.fe3 gf6 19 .~dS t0d7=] [Better pawn structure and better minor
[23.hg3] 23 ...t0d4 24.1L?g2 W'g6 25.c5 16... cd2 17.Wd2 1!t'b5 18. ~f6 "We2 piece] 22 ...llac8 23.llae1 llfe8 24.a4
t06f5 26.1Ph1 e4 27 .~e4 t0g3 19.Wc1 1!t'c4 20.IL?d2 [20.Wb2 1t'e2 'i!t'c6 25.We2 26.14! [Fixing the
28.1!t'g3 1ii'e4 29. 'i!Yg2 llf1 30.llf1 (20 ... t0d7 21. ~f1 "WdS 22 .~a6 tOeS e6-pawn. Moreover, Black's knight cannot
'ili'g2 [30 ... 'l!ie2 31.'i!t'e2 t0e2 32 .~gS 23.llhd1 'i!fb3 24.Wc1 gf6 - a very sharp reach the e4-square easily] 26 ... W c2
llc8 (32 ... lle8 33.llf7 with enough position but Black cannot win) 21 .Wc1 27.1!t'h5 1!t'g6 [27 ...1PgB 2B.fS!] 28.Wg6
counterplay) 33.llf7] 31 .1L?g2 bc5'F Yl!-Yl! 1!t'c4=] 20 ... 1!t'd3 21.1Pc1 W c4 IL?g6 29.lle6 lle6 30.lle6 5
22.<it.>d2 1!t'e2 23.1L?c1 Yl!-Yl! 31.lle5 4 32 .~g3 g4 33 .~e1
g5 34.h3 ~PhS 35.g4 <itg6 36.lle6
Mista,Aieksander Wf7 [36 ... Wg7 37.a5+-] 37.llh6 llc1
Gharamian,Tigran Nikolov,Momchil 38.<;t.>f2 llc2 39. 1 d7 40.llh7
France 11 2012 (1) Pantev,Veselin We6 41 ..i.b4 t0b8 [41 ... llb2 42.lle7]
1.d4 t0f6 2.c4 e6 3.t0c3 ~b4 Bankia ch·BUL 2011 (9) 42.lle7 43.llb7 ~c6 44 ..i.c5+-
4.'i!t'c2 0-0 5.a3 ~c3 6. 'i!t'c3 'i!t'e8 1.d4 t0f6 2.c4 e6 3.t0c3 ~b4 t0a5 45.llb5 t0c6 46.b4 llc4 47.llb7
7.g3 aS [7 ... d6 8. ~g2 (8.t0f3 t0c6 9 .~g2 4.'it'c2 0-0 5.a3 ~c3 6.'it'c3 e8 t0d4 48.~a7 ~PeS 49.a5 [49.~d4 Wd4
aS 10.b3 eS 11 .deS deS 12 . ~e3 'i!t'e7 7.13 d5 8. ~g5 [B.cdS?! tLldS 9. 'ilfc2 50.a5] 49 ... t0c6 50 .~e3 t0b4 51. ~g5
13.0-0! Cilia Vincenti· Thorfinnsson, 'it'c6! 10.'i!Yb3 'i!Yb6 11 .1!t'b6 ab6 12 . ~d2 d4 52 . ~d2 t0d5 53.a6 lla4 54.a7
Glasgow ch-SCO 2012) 8...t0bd7 9.e4 (12.e4) 12... t0c6 13.e3 eS 14.deS tOeS IL?e4 55. 2 t0c3 56 •.i.c3 dc3
(9.t0f3 t0e4 10.'ii'c2 IS 11 .0-0 'it'hS 12.b4 1S.e4 t0e7 16.~c3 t07c6 17.Wf2 ~e6=
t0df6 13.cS ~d7= Saldano Dayer-Valerga, Romanko-Hou Yifan, Antakya Wch 2010;
Mar del Plata 1994) 10.dS bS 11 .cbS 8.~f4 dc4 9.e4 bS 1o . ~c7 'i!fc6 11.~f4
tOeS 12.b4 t0a4 13.Wc2 'it'bS 14 .~11 ~b7 12.t0h3 t0bd7 13. ~e2 llfcB 14.0-0
'it'd? 1S .~gS aS 16 .~f6 gf6 17.t0f3 fS t0b6= Lorparizangeneh-Turova, Jermuk
18. ~h3 'it'bS 19.'it'd2 f6 unclear but Black 2011] 8 ... t0bd7 9.e3 [9.cdS tLldS
won in Jakobsen-Conquest, Copenhagen 10. b3 c5 11 .e4 t0e7 12.dc5 tOeS
1990] 8 .~g2 [8.tLlf3 d6 9.b3 a4 10.b4 bS 13.'it'c2 b6!?] 9 ... h6 10. ~h4 dc4
11.~g2 (11.cS or 11 .cbS are more [10 ... b6 11 .cdS tLldS 12. d2 ~b7 13.e4
common) 11...bc4 12.'it'c4 lla7 13.0·0 t0e7 14.llc1 llc8 1S .~b5! Llanos-
tLldS 14.1ii'c2 fS with a comfortable game Tempone, Buenos Aires 1994] 11 .~c4
for Black in Dzevlan-Sjoberg, Stockholm t0d5 [11 ... c6 12.e4 eS? 13.~f6 gf6
1993/94; 8.b3 d6 9. ~g2 h6 10.t0f3 a4 14.t0e2 t0b6 15 .~d3± Enchev - Pantev,
11 .b4 bS (once b2-b4 is played, Black often Blagoevgrad ch-BUL 2009] 12.1li' d2 57.llb4! llb4 58.a8 c;t.>d3 59.'i!ff3
uses this plan) 12.tLld2 lla7 13.0·0 ~b7= [12 .~dS?! edS 13.t0e2 b6 14.Wf2 cS c;t.>c2 60.g5 Wb2 61 . f6 IL?b3
O.Moor-Pelletier, Switzerland tt 2006] 1S.dcS bcS 16.llhd1 ~ b7 17.b4 llcB= 62.We2 lle4 63.Wd3 1-0
8 ... d6 9.b3 [9. f3 t0bd7 (9...a4!?) Rusev-Pantev, Bankia ch-BUL 2011 (2)]
10.0-0 a4 11 .lle1 t0e4 12.'i!t'c2 fS 13. d2 12...t05b6 13. · 2 e5 14.t0e2 ed4
t0d2 14 .~d2 eS 1S.e4 f4 16.c5 deS 17.deS 15.ed4 c6 16.0-0 t0d5 [There are no Ris,Robert
13- Triboulin-Spassov, Varna 2012] other useful moves for Black] 17. ~d5! [A Ernst,Sipke
9 ... lla7 1o. ~b2 b5 11.t0f3 [11.a4!?] difficult but thoughtful measure: the Netherlands II 2011 / 12 (1)
11 ..• a4 12.t0d2 ab3 13:i!t'b3 ~a6 presence of opposite-coloured bishops will 1.d4 e6 2.c4 t0f6 3.t0c3 .i.b4
14.d5 bc4 15.'i!fe3 [1S.t0c4 tLldS] lend to the game a sharper character] 4.'ii'c2 0-0 5.a3 ~c3 6.'ii'c3 'ii'e8

Survey Nl 20.2

7.13 d6 8..tg5 liJfd7 [8 ... liJbd7 9.0-0-0 17..te3 liJcb7 18.c5 dc5 19.liJd3 Dubai 2010) 9.. .liJc6 (9 ... liJbd7 10.liJe2
eS 10.e3 b6 (10... as 11..i.d3 c6 12.l0e2 [19 ..-tcS] 19...b4 20.'ike5 'ii'c8 a511 .b3 c612.liJg3 dS 13.cdS cd514.de5
e4oo Remlinger-Ostenstad, Gausdal 1992) 21 ..tf4 ba3 22.'it'c7 ab2 23.'ii'c8 'tlt'eS 1S..td4 'i!r'e6 16..i.d3 de4 17.fe4 b6
1t.td3 .tb7 12..-tts e4 13.'it.>b1 h6 l:tfc8 24.liJe5 .tea 25.Wb2 c4 26.d6 18.0·01 Joe Watson-Salgado Allaria, cr
(13... ef3 14.gf3 e4 1S..te4 .te4 16.'it.>a1 a3! 27.<i\>c3 [27.'it.>a3 l0c6 28.<i\>b2 c3 1997) 10.dS (10.liJe2 as 11 .dS liJe7 12.h4
(16.fe4 'i!r'e4 17.'ikd3 h1) 16.. .16 17..tf4 29.'it.>c2 tOeS 30 ..-tes .ta4 31.Wc1 .td1 a4 13.hS liJd7 14.g4 b6 15.liJg3 tOeS
'i'hS 18.l:tf1 .tb7oo SOrensen-Salgado 32.Wd1 c2- +] 27 ... liJd6 28.l:td6 a2 16.l:tc1;!; Gulko-Adams, Hastings 1989/90)
Allaria, cr 1995) 14..th4 g6 1S..th3 bS 29.l:td1 f6 30.l:ta1 [30.liJc4 .tf7] 10... liJe7 11.l0e2 liJd7 12.g4! (one of the
16.dS gS 17..tg3 bc4 18..td7 liJd7 19.h41 30...fe5 31 ..te5 liJb3 32 ..tc4 .tf7 benefits of 7.13) 12... aS 13.b3 b6 14.h4;!;
Bareev-Bischoff, Novi Sad ol 1990] 9.e3 33.<i\>b3 l:tc4 34.'it.>b2 J:ta5 35 ..tg7 Akhsharumova-S.Walker, Thessaloniki oi-W
[9.e4 eS 10.dS (10.deS tOeS 11 .0-0-0 h6 l:tb5 36.<i\>a3 l:tc8 [Excellent tactics] 0·1 1988] 9..te3 e5 1O.liJe2 [1 o..td3 ed4
12..te3 15 13.efS .tiS 14.liJe2 liJbc6 11..i.d4 tOeS 12..tc2 bc6 13..te3 .te6
15.l014 b6 16..te2 'i!r'f7 17.J:the1 S.Ernst· 14.c5 liJc4 15..tf2 IS 16.0·0-0 Baburin·
Reeh, Germany Bundesliga 2008/09; Matlakov,Maxim Arkhipov, Oberwart 1991] 10... a5
10.l0e2 15 {1 0...liJc6) 11.de5 fe4 12.ed6 Nogly,Christoph [10 ...cS?! to close the centre totally is very
~c5 13.0.().() liJd3 14.l:td3 ed3 15.liJg3 Rogaska Slat ina tt 2011 {3) dangerous for Black because White can
cd6 16..i.d3 liJc6 17.l:te1!1:? Valerga-Diaz 1.c4 e6 2.d4 f6 3.liJc3 .i.b4 initiate a kingside pawn storm: 11 .dS it'e7
Hollemaert, Villa Martelli 2010) 4.'it'c2 0-0 5.a3 .tc3 6.'i!t'c3 'i!fe8 (11...bS!? 12.g4 bc4 13.liJg3 b6 Yahya-
11..i.e3 (11.b3 tOeS 12..i.d3 15 13.ef5 liJd3 7.f3 d6 8.e4 [A logical move after 7.13] Kekelidze, Abu Dhabi 2007) 12.liJg3 g6
14.'i!r'd3 .tiS 15.'i!fd2 e4f PI.Dimitrov- 13..td3 16 14.h4 l:tf7 1S.O·O·O± Drasko·
Pantev, Bulgaria tt 2001) 11...'i!fe7 12.b4 Tatai, St Vincent 1999] 11.b3 liJc6
ab4 13.ab4 l:ta1 14.'i!fa1;!; H.H.Sonntag- i.~.i. 't!fi. . 12.l:td1 1 [A good way to make the
Rechmann, Germany Bundesliga B 1989/90] 1.1.1. l.l..t. opponent's counterplay more difficult. 12.dS
9...e5 [9.. .15 10.0.Q-O e5 11 ..th4 aS l..t.~ liJe7 13.g4 c6] 12.. .f5 [12 ... ed4 13.liJd4
12..i.d3 a4 13.liJe2 c6 14..tf2 liJa5= lOdeS] 13.ef5 ed4 14.liJd4 liJd4
Getz-Grover, London 201 0] 1o.o-o-o 15.l:td4 l:tf5 16.l:te4 l:te5 17..td3
[10.d5?! (I think this is inconsistent with 9.e3) l:te4 18•.te4 liJf6 19•.tc2 b5
10...1s 11.0.().() as 12.liJh3 tOeS 13..th4 20.0-0± [The pair of bishops in an open
.i.d7 14.l:tg1 ba6 15.g4? (15..i.d3) position]
1S.. .fg4 16.fg4 .ta4 17.l:te1 liJe4 0-1
Claassen-Rechmann, Porz 1990] 1O...a5
[10 ... a6 11 ..td3 bS 12.l0e2 (12.cb5 abS
13..tbS .ta6) 12... bc4 13.'i!fc4 J:ta7 8... liJfd7 [8 ... e5 9..te3 (9.dS liJfd7
14.'tlt'c2 h6 1S..th4 liJb6 Astrom-Undberg, (9 .. .as 1O.b3 c6 11..i.d3 b5!? 12..-tgs bc4
Haparanda ch-SWE 1994] 11 .liJe2 13.bc4 liJfd7 14.liJe2 tOeS 1S.O·O
[11..i.d3 c6 12.liJe2 b5!?] 11...a4 12.e4 (1S ..tc2) 1S....ta6 16..te3 liJd3 17.'i!t'd3
liJc6 13.d5 5 14.<i\>b1 liJc5 15.g4 cdS 18.'i!fdS 'i!t'c6'aS .tc4 20.'i!t'd2
.td7 16.liJc1 b5<=t 'i!fa6'F Harmon-Shabalov, Philadelphia
2012; 9... liJbd7 10.l0e2 a5 11 .g4 a4
12.gS?! (12.l0g3) 12... liJh5 13.liJg3 16!
Tesic-Sher, Pula 1990) 10.g4 aS 11 .b4 ab4
12.ab4 l:ta1 13.'i!fa1 liJa6 14 ..i.d2
Duebaii-Keene, Dortmund 1973 20 ... bc4 21 .bc4 .te6 22 ..i.d4 '*lff7
apparently the stem game of 6... 'if e8; 23.c5! dc5 24.1Wc5 .i.b3 25 ..i.f6
9.liJe2 liJfd7 (9 ...cS?! 10.dS <i\>h8 11 .g4 .tc2 26 ..tg7! .i.d3 27.l:tc1! l:te8
liJg8 12.liJg3 16 13.h4 g6 14.hS gS [27 ...'it.>g7 28.'it'd4; 27... 'it'g7 28.'i!r'dS]
1S.b4± Golod-Lerner, Tel Aviv rapid 200S) 28 •.tb2 'i!r'e6'c3 it'e3 30.<i\>h1
10.g4 aS 11..te3 a4 12..tg2 liJc6 13.0-0 J:te7 31 .h3 c5'h8 <i\>f7'g7
b6 14.l:tfd1 .ta6 1S..tf1 liJaS 16.liJg3 w ea 34.'i!i'g8 <i\>d7 35. ~d5 q;.ea
l0b3 17.l:tab1 c5!= Kotanjian-lordachescu, 36.l:tc5 1-0

Bo ian Defence
4..i.d2 .i.e7 Line 011.3 (E08)

A Hedge in the Centre-

New Ways in the Bogo-lndian
by Krzysztof Panczyk and Jacek llczuk

1. d4 tLlf6 Black and White

2. c4 e6 ln order to obtain a better view of
3. tLlf3 ~b4 the pre ented materi al we have
4. ~d2 ~e7 decid d to as ume the former a
5. g3 d5 the tarting po ition for our
6. ~g2 0-0 discu ion, so it i categorized
7. 0-0 c6 under the Bogo- lndi an Defence
8. c2 b6 (QI 1.3).
9. ~f4 ~b7 White decide to exchange hi
10. l:[d1 tLlbd7 dark- quared bi hop for hi op-
11. tt:lc3 dc4 ponent kni ght. A a re ult, a
12. tLld2 tLld5 li ghtly trange pawn structure
13. tt:lc4 tLlf4 in the centre appear : d4-e3-
14. gf4 f2-f4. I ts undoubted advantage i
the fact that it reduce the po i-
bility of acti ve counterpl ay fo r Eflm Bogoljubow
Bl ack. White dominate in the
centre, controlling the e5- of the light- quared bishop . On
quare. I f he manage to pl ay the other hand th is exchange
b2-b4, the ...c6-c5 breakthrough weaken the light quare around
will be difficult to carry out a White' king. The pawn truc-
well . Hence, White ha (at lea t ture d4-e3-f2-f4-h2 cannot be
for the time being) far more con idered a good shelter for the
pace, and thu more freedom white king. Bl ack can al o try to
for manoeu res on both fl ank . exploit thi weakne w ith the
Black, on the other hand, ha hj manoeuvre .. .tt:l f8-g6- h4, till
The po ition that i the subject of a et too. Above all, hi po i- before the exchange of the bi h-
this Survey can ari e in two vari- tion i very olid (especiall y the ops. I f he ucceeds in exchang-
ation of di ff rent length and pawn tructure), w ithout any ing hi kni ght for the g2-bi hop,
w ith many di fferent move weakne se . The c6-pawn can- ... c6-c5, opening the a8-h I di ag-
order . In the Bogo- lndian not be regarded a a seri ous onal, will probabl y fi ni h the
Defence: l.d4 tt:l f6 2.c4 e6 weakne , especially ince game oon ... Therefore White
3. f3 ~b4 4.~d2 ~e7 5.g3 dS Black want to pl ay ... c6-c5, u uall y ha to wi thdraw hi
6.~g2 0-0 7.0-0 c6 8. c2 b6 freeing hi po iti on and gaining li ght-squar ed bishop to hI .
9.~f4 ~b7 lO.l:rdl tt:lbd7 pace. Moreover, Bl ack ha. the Black can ometime take ad-
11.tLlc3 dc4 12.tLld2 tLldS bi hop pair. Obviou ly, the vantage of the weakened pawn tt:lf4 14.gf4 or in the power of the bi hop pair i tructure near Wh ite's k ing to
Clo ed Catalan: l .d4 tLlf6 2.c4 revea led onl y in open po ition give perpetual check.
e6 3.g3 dS 4.~g2 ~e7 0-0 and thi can onl y be achieved by It is worth adding that after the
6.0-0 c6 7. c2 b6 8.~f4 etc. the ... c6- 5 breakthrough which potential breakthrough ... c6-c5
(CA 4.7- E08). i connected with the exchange Black, in some case , mu t

Survey Q/1 .3

reckon with the pu h d4-d5. This and u ually lead to the 14.. .'ifc7 tions yet. Now White does not
often lead to exchange with an variation with a different move have much chance of an advan-
equal po ition but sometimes order. An exception here i , for tage after 15.ltJe5 or 15.f5
White may get some advantage example, the game Ev eev- (Rod htein-Khi matullin , Mo -
due to hi better minor piece: Rozum, St Peter burg 20 II , in cow 20 I I). Therefore he u ually
White' good knight again t which Black played ... .l:tc7, fol- play 15.e3.
Black' bad dark-squared lowed by .. .'i i'a8.
bi hop, as well a more pace in
the centre, whereas Black' More Freedom for White?
pawn majority on the queenside 14•.•ltJf6 often lead , via a differ-
doe not play a big role. ent move order, to variation
ln the en uing po ition Black can with ... 'ifc7 a well. However, it
play 14 ... g6, 14 ... 1Ic8, 14 ... lLlf6 eem thatthis move give White
or 14 ... 'ifc7. These variations a little more freedom, though the
can intertwine with one another. idea of playing 15.f5 or 15.ltJe5,
followed by f4-f5 (Rodshtein-
Passive Berke , Khanty-Man iy k 2010),
14...g6 (Bauer-Kortchnoi cannot be a big problem for Black,
Enghien-le -Bain 2003) deter- and after 15.e3 both 15...'ifc7 and Thi hould be met by a peaceful
mines the pawn tructure on the 15....1:tc8 (Prizant-Yakovenko, mobilization of force , as the im-
king ide rather too oon. Tiumen 20 12) are very good. The mediate 15...c5 gives White a
latter line has been enjoying great better game (Ramirez-Arnold,
popularity recently, but Fremont 2012). Only now
independently of the question should Black decide where to put
whether White decides on hi rook . One option is leaving
16.l:tacl or 16.a3 lLld5 17.b4, the f8 -rook where it i and play-
Black manage to achieve uffi- ing ... .l:tad8, the other is the cen-
cient counterplay to keep the bal- tralization of both rooks on the
ance. c8- and d8- quare . Both con-
cept have their supporter
The Main Line among the world's top player :
Undoubtedly the main continua- 15..•.1:tad8 could be een in duel
tion here i 14... 'ifc7. It is the like Kam ky-Leko, ingbo
The continuation ... f7-f5 i not mo t flexible move. 20 II , Nakamura-Carl en Mo -
uch a big danger that White im- cow 2012, or Gri schuk-
mediately ha to take seriou Kramnik, Mo cow 2010 and
prophy lactic measures. After 15....1:tac8 in the game
14 ... g6, Black' po ition look Laznicka-A.Sokolov, Germany
playable but a little pa ive and Bunde liga 2007/08, i Hua-
cramped. We think there i noth- Wang Yue, Hefei 20 I l , Wang
ing to force him to react in thi Hao-Almasi, Khanty-Man iysk
way and he would do far better 2010 ... Both ideas lead to inter-
mobilizing hi force to fight in esting po ition with mutual
the centre and preparing the free- chance .
ing ... c6-c5, all the more so be-
cau e in the game cited above Conclusion
White could have achieved orne Black mu t develop his queen The variation di cu sed in this
pre ure after llJe5 on move 15 somewhere, and the c7- quare Survey enjoys great popularity
or 17. look like a good place - where it among top chess pl ayer . Thi i
defend the c6-pawn and attacks strange, con idering the fac t that
A Transposition? the f4-pawn , and the black rooks Black ha a few good plan that
14•.•.1:tc8 protect the c6-pawn do not have to declare their in ten- lead to equal play.

Passive 20...edS 21.ttlb6 l:tb8 22.l:ta1 (22.'i!Yb2 l:tgS 35.'it'd6! 'i!fd6 36. 17 ~g7
14 ... 6 ~d6gg; 22.a4 ~ 23.ab5 ~S 24.bc6 ~c6 l:te6 3S.l:tg4 \PIS 39.l:tgS ~gS 40.l:tg1 Ribli) 22 ... ~d6 23.l:tdb1 ;!;] ~IS 41 .tt:lb7± Ribli] 31.l:tg1 ~ ha
Bauer,Christian 20.tfb3 [ ~6<=<] 20... · 6 32.'i!fd6! 1-0
Kortchnoi,Viktor 21 .tt:le5 'i!fd6 22.l:ta1 [ 'i!Ya3
Enghien les Bains 2003 {8) 23.'i+'c2 tt:lb4 24.'i!Yd2 'i!Ya2 2S.'iWa2 tt:la2
1.ttlf3 d5 2.d4 tt:lf6 3.e4 e6 4.g3 26.l:ta1 tt:lb4 27.l:taS;!;] 22...l:tb8 [22 ...16?
~ b4 5. ~d2 ~e7 6 . ~g2 0-0 7.0-0!+- ; 22... tt:lc3 23.'it'c3 a4
e6 a ."ife2 tt:lbd7 9.l:td1 b6 10 . ~f4 ~7 'ile7 26.'ilb4 'ii'b4 27.ab4 A Transposition?
~ b7 11 .tt:le3 de4 ti:ld5 ~g2 28.~± ; 22... c7 23.l:tdc1 ± Ribli; 14 ... l:tc8 tt:lf4 14.gf4 g6 22 ...'ifd8 23.l:tdc1 ttJc3 24. c3 c5
cd4 26.'it'd4 ~16 27.'ifdS ~d8 2S.l:tab1 ;!;] Bosiocic,Marin
23.'i!Ye2 .tttea 24.llje4 'i!fe7? [24 ... 'it'd8 Elianov,Pavel
2S.l:tdc1 (2S.l:tdb1 l:tb1 26.l:tb1 ~3 Sibenik 11 2010 {3) 16 2S.ttlh7 l:tc7 29.~3 (29.~dS 1.d4 ti:lf6 2.e4 e6 3.g3 ~ b 4 4 .~d2
leS 'i!fdS 31.l:tb8 ~18 32.'it'g6 ~e7 5.ttlf3 dS 6 .~g2 e6 7.'fie2 b6
.ttg7~) 29 ... We8 30.l:tb8 'ii'b8 31.'ii'g6 l:tg7 a . ~f4 0-0 9.0-0 ~b7 10.l:td1 tt:lbd7
32.~e6 ~hS l:tf7 34.ttlg5 lg5 11 .tt:le3 de4 12.ttld 2 d5
35.~f7 'i!YIS 36.'it'hS ~7 37.'i!Yg6 \PhS=; tt:lf4 14.gf4 .:tea ~g7-+ ; 2S.l:tab1 l:tb1 26.l:tb1 -
2S.l:tdb1 ) 2S... l:tb6 26.ttlc5 ~c5 27.'ii'c5
(27.dc5 l:tbb8=) 27 ... l:tbS 2S.'i!fc2 c5! 29.dc5 :i'if .i~
(29.a4 cd4 l:tc6 31 .'it'c6 l:tb6 i.i.
32.'i!Yc5 tt:lc3 33.~13 l:tb2<=<) 29... l:tbc5
15.l:tae1 [!? c8 16.l:tac1 tt:l16 30.'i!Yc5 l:tc5 31.l:tc5 gS 32.~dS edS i.l '
(16... l:tdSi) ti:ldS 1S.e3 tt:lb4 33.l:tac1 gf4 34.el4 h4=] 25.l:tde1 · 5
(Bischoff-Oicayoz, Elista ol 199S) 19.1t'c4 A [2S ... l:tb6±] [26.a4!? ttlb4
20.a3±; 1S.e3 tt:l16 (1S...tfc7!? A 27.'i!fd1 ~6 ~gS (2S ... I6
16... l:tac8) 16.a4 tt:ld5 (16... aS!? 17.Wb3 tt:lc6 30.l:tc6 1i'b7 31.l:te6+-; 2S ... l:t1S
~ ttJd5 tt:lb4 20.l:tac1 tt:lc6 30.l:tc6 'it'a7 31 .l:tac1 ±)
l:tc8oo) 17.aS b5 (17 ... tt:lb4!?) a6 29.fgS±I+-; c5!<=<] 26... ~e5 Franco Alonso-Roa Alonso, Madrid [26 ... a4 27.l:tab1 l:tdS 2S.~I1 ~11 29.l:tb8
ch-dty 2007) 15 ... .ttea 16.e3 ti:lf6 l:tb8 30.\1;>11;!;] 27."fi'e5 a4 [27...16 15.a3 [15.e3 tt:l16 - Prizant· Yakovenko,
[16... Wc7!?!;!;] 17.a3 [!;!; A 28.~!± Riblij 2a.ts [2S.l:tab1 !?] 2a ...gfS Tiumen 2012] 15 ...ttlf6 16. eS ti:ld5 1S.Wa4 aS 19.tlJdS cd5 20.'it'd7 29.~d5 ed5 30.\Ph1 17.e3 f6 [17... ~d6 1S. e4 ~e7
'it'd? 21 .tt:ld7 l:tld8 22.ttlb6±] 19.l:tac1 16 (Laxman·Satyapragyan,
1a.b4 [ ~7? ! (1S ... ~d6! 19.'it'a4 Aurangabad ch·IND 2011 ) 20.ttld3 'ilfd7=]
(19.b4 'ife7 16 21.ttld6 'it'd6=; [!? ~d6 19.'i!fa4 ~bS ~ We7=; ~) 20.ttle2 g5<=<] 1a ... ~d6 [1 S... eS!?]
19...16 ( ~; 20.'it'a7?! feS ~ba 20.l:tae1 e7 21 . b1
21 .ttld5 cd5 22.'tfb7 l:tc1 23.l:tc1 el4~) ~ha fS [22 ...l:tldS!?]
2Q...l:tf7=) 19.'tfa4 a6 ( 20.'i!Yb3 .:tea ? ! [23.b4 ~d6]
21. 4 bS 22. 3 'i+'c7 a4 23 ... g5 24. ~d5 ed5 25. ti:lg2 gf4
2Hi'c2i ; 19...16 (~ 20.'it'a7 leS 26.ef4 'it'f6 27.b4 l:teea [27... l:t17!?
21 .tt:ldS ed5 (21...cdS 22.'i!Yb7 l:tb8 2S.'i!fd3 ~d6 29.l:te1 .ttgSt] 2a ..tte3
23.1t'c7±) 22.Wb7 el4 23.l:tc6 l:tc6 24.'it'c6 ~ea 29.'fle1 ~d7 30.l:te3 [30.ttle1 !?]
fe3 25.fe3 ~gsgg) 20 ... as (20 ... l:taS 21 .e4 30 ....ttga 31 .l:te5 ~e s 32.fe5 'i!fg5
tt:lc7 22.1St) 21.tfb3;!;) 20.'it'b3 l:tc7 'i!fh4 34.l:td 3 l:tg4 35.l:tf3
21 .tt:la4 bS (± Dautov) Wojtkiewicz- 30 ... t6? [3o .. :;;.hs 31 ..ttg1 (31 .'i!Yd6 'ti'd6 e5? [35 .. .'*' h6~] 36.h3 llf4 37.l:tf4
Wolff, New 'rt>rk 1994] 1a...a5?! [1S ... ~g7 32.ttlf7 1Pg7 .:tiS cbS 'fih3 3a.de5 beS 39.be5 d4?!
19.'i!Yb3 (19.ttle4 16 20.Wa4 'i!Yc7oo) 3S.l:tcS 14 36.l:tdS le3 37.1e3 l:t12 38.l:tc1 [39 ...l:tgS 40.l:tl3 d4 (40 ... ~e6 41 .'fid2
19...~6 16 21.ttldS cd5 b4<=<) 31...l:tiS 32.l:tgS! 16 33.l:t1S l:tbeS l:tbS 42.'fid3 'fig4 43.'i!fe3 d4 44.'fil4
'i!fd7 23.b5 ~7oo; 1S... I6!? 19.'it'b3 ~7 (33 ...'it'cS 34.'i!Ye7 'i!fes (34 ... l:tb7 'ii'h3oo) 41 .c6 ~e6 42.c7 ~d5 43.cS'tY
20.~13 ~6 21.~g2 tfd7oo] 19.ba5 baS 3S.'i!Yd6+- Ribli) 35.'ii'eS l:tbeS 36.ttld7 ~13 44.'i!fgS ~gS 4S.'i!fg5 ~ 46.'ii'l6
[19 ... b5 20.~d5 (20.l:tb1 'i!Yc7 tt:lb6 l:t17± Ribli; 33...~e2 !? ~es 47.'ife6=] 40.e6 .:tea 41 .e7 'i!fh6
22.ab6 'i!Yb6 'it'a7 24.ttJcs l:tld8;!;) ~d3 'flc5 36.dc5 ~15 ;!;) 34.l:tl4 42.'i!fd2 l:te7 43.l:td4 'i!fd2 44.l:td2
Survey Q/1 .3

~g7 45.l:td6 .tea [4S .. .<~f7!?J 46.<llh5 .l:IS 3S.a4;!;J 34.... e5 35.l:te5 9h4 22 ..l:tc7 '*'c7 23 .'~e3 .l:tcB=i=) 18... g6
[46.1:16!? l:tc3 47.Wg2 aS 48.a4 .l:tc4 36.a4 '*"97 37.a5 .l:tca 3a.a6 .l:tc1 (18 .. .16!?) 19.a3 'ti'e7f Pressman-
49.-tlhS WgB SO.e6 l:te4 S1 .l:IS .l:te6 39.Wg2 .l:ta1 40.l:te7 Wh6 41 .a7 95 Pogorelov, San Sebastian 2011 ; 19...11i'e8!?J
52.l:ta5;!;J 46 ... Wf7 47.l:th6 .l:tcS 42.e4 '*"96 43.e5 h5 44.e6 16..•.i.d6 [16 ...<llc3 17.'ti'c3 eiS 18..tc6
48.l:th7 <J< 9s 49.l:tha w9 s so.t4 45.l:th7 '*"e6 46 ..l:th5 .l:ta7 ~-~ .i.c6 19.<llc6 'ifd7 20.<lleS 'f/e6 21.'ili'b3
~g451 . ~ -~ .i.d6 (21...'ili'f6!?) 22.'ili'e6 fe6=
P.H.Nielsen-A.Sokolov, Germany Bundesliga
2003104] 17.<lle4 ef5 (17... .i.c7!?=i=J
Evseev,Denis 1a.<lld6 'f/d6 19.'ilff5 .l:taca 20 ..l:tac1
Rozum,lvan More Freedom for White? .l:tc7 [20 ... .l:tcd8!? 21 .e4 <lle7 22.'it'h3
St Petersburg ch-city 2011 (3) 14 ... <llf6 <llg6 23.<llg6 hg6oo] 21.a3 [21 .e4!?J
1.d4 tLlf6 2.c4 e6 3.<llf3 d5 4.93 21 ...<lle7 22.'ifh5 [22.'i+'h3!?J 22 ... 96
.ib4 5..i.d2 .i.e7 6..i.92 c6 H li'c2 Rodshtein,Maxim [22 ....ta6!?J 23.<llc4 'irda 24.'ii'95
o-o a.o-o <llbd7 9.l:td1 b6 10..tt4 Berkes, Ferenc .tea [24 ...<ll1S 2S.'ti'I4;!;J 25.'iff6
.ib7 11.<llc3 dc4 12.<lld2 <lld5 Khanty·Mansiysk ol 2010 (9) [2S.'ii'14!?;!;J 25 ...<llf5 26.'ii'da l:tda
13.ti:lc4 <llf4 14.9f4 l:tca 15.l:tac1 1.d4 <llf6 2.c4 e6 3.<llf3 d5 4.93 27.e3 <llh4 2a ..th1 .i.94 29.l:td3
[15.15 'fie? 16.fe6 (16..l:tac1 !?) 16...1e6 .i.b4 5..i.d2 .te7 6..i.92 0-0 7.0-0 .te2 30 ..l:td2 <llf3 31 ..i.f3 .i.f3
17.'i'e4 1:16 18.e3 (18 ..i.h3 <lliB c6 a.ifc2 <llbd7 9 •.i.f4 b6 10.<llc3 32.<lle5 .i.d5 33. 1 f6 34.<lld3 c5
19.'i'eS'f) 18... l:tg6 (18... bS!?) 19.Wh1 .i.b7 11 ..l:tfd1 dc4 12.<lld2 <lld5 35.b4 [3S.dc5 .i.l3 36.b4 aS=] 35 ...c4
(Butnorius-Nestorovic, Plovdiv Ech 2008) 13.<llc4 <llf4 14.9f4 <llf6 36.<llf4 .i.f7 [36 ...c.f;I7!?J 37.<lle2 95
19 ...bSI; 1S.<lleS l ie? 16.l:tab1 (16.l:td3 [38.13 <J;g7 39.e4 IS 40.dS le4 41 .fe4 ~96
<tlf6 17.l:tad1 l:tldB 18.a3 (18.l:th3 g6 42.<llc3;!;; 37.. .fS!? 38.<llc3 <J;g7=J ~ - ~
19.'i'b3 <lldS<=t) 18... g6 19.e3 'iWbB
( 19...~dS !?) 20.b4 c5 (= Krasenkow)
C.Bernard-Stempin, Paris 1990) 16... <ll16
17.e3 l:tldB (17 ... <lldS 18.l:tbc1 .i.d6 Prizant,Yaroslav
(Rodshtein-Movsesian, Moscow 2011) Yakovenko,Dmitry
19.'i'a4!? 'i+'e7 20.lia7 l:iaa 21 .<lldS cdS Tiumen 2012 (6)
22.'i'b6 l:ta2 23.l:ta1 l:tlaB 24.l:ta2 l:ta2 1.d4 <ilf6 2.c4 e6 3.<llf3 d5 4.93
2S.l:tc1;!;) 18..l:tbc1 cS=J 15... .l:tc7 .i.b4 5 •.i.d2 .te7 6..i.g2 0-0 7.0-0
[1S...'Wc7!?=J 16.<lle5 .i.d6 17.<lle4 c6 a.'ii'c2 <llbd7 9.l:td1 b6 10•.tf4
.ie7 1a.e3 'ii'aa 19.<il95 .i.9S .i.b7 11 .<llc3 dc4 12.<lld2 <lld5
20.f95 cS 21 ..i.b7 'i+'b7 22.<lld7 13.<llc4 <llf4 14.gf4 <llf6 15.e3 .l:tca
l:td7 23.dc5 .l:td1 24 ..l:td1 bcS 15.<lle5 [1S.IS eiS (1 S... '*'c8 16.<lle4 [1S...<lldS!? 16.<lleS (16.l:tac1 .l:teB
25.'ii'c5 'i+'b2 26.ifa7 'i'e2'a4 <ilea (Giemsa-Seils, Germany Bundesliga B 17. b3 g6=) 16... eB (Perrushina-

1994/9S) 17.1e6 'ili'e6 18..l:tac1 ;!;; Severina, Prague jr 2012; 16...16 17.<lld3
1S... <lld5!? 16.fe6 le6<=t 6 17..i.e4?! .i.d6=) ldS cdS 18.'ifc7 .taG 19.<llc6
.i.b4!t) 16.•1S g6 17.'i+'l3 .l:tc8 18.a4 .i.dB 20.'ifd6=; 1S... c7 16.<lleS cS
.taB 19.'i+'h3 .l:te8oo Doros-Stern, Aix-les- {1 6... .l:tac8!? 6 17...c5) 17.dS (17.dcS .i.g2
Bains Ech 2011 ; 1S.a3 'i+'c7 (1S... .l:tc8 - 18.Wg2 .tcs 19.'ili'e2 l:tadB 20.'ti'l3 a6=)
14... .l:tc8) 16.<lleS cS (16 ... .l:tac8!? 6 17...edS 18.<lldS <lldS 19..i.dS .l:tadB=
~ 17...c5<=t) 17.dS (17.<llbS!? 'ili'bB 18..tb7 Butnorius-Vaznonis, Kaunas ch-LTU 2008]
'iY 'ii'b7 19.dc5 bc5 20.<lld6 'f/c7 21.<lldc4 16.a3 [16 ..l:tac1 !? <lldS (16 ... .l:tc7 17.<lleS
~ .l:tldB 22 ..l:td8 .l:tdB=) 17... edS 18.<lldS .i.dS .i.d6 18.<lle4 (1 8.'ii'a4 'flaB 19.a3 h6
~ ~~ ~ 19..i.dS .l:tad8 (= Benkovic) Antic-Benkovic, 20 ..tf3 l:tdB 21.b4 aS<=t) 18...<lle4 19..i.e4
Serbia It 2006] 15... <lld5 [1S ... 'ifc8 'i!i'h4 20.'ii'e2 .l:tfc8 21 ..i.g2 h6= J.Petrov-
l:t ~ 16.<lle4 (16 ..l:tac1 !?) 16... <lldS (16...cs Dizdar, Sibenik It 2007) 17.<lleS {17.'ti'e4f
17.dcS bc5 18..l:tac1 .te4 19..i.e4 <lle4 c5 (Kolaric-A.Smirnov, Nova Gorica 2012)
27... 96? [27 ... 16! 28.gl6 h6!=J 2a ..l:td7?! 20.'i+'e4± Landa-Fedorchuk, Germany 18.'ilfd3 <llc3f; 17.<lle4 q;>ha 1B.a3 .l:tc7
[28.Wg2±J 2a...lif3 29..l:te7 [29.'ifd1;!;] Bundesliga 2008109) 17.<llgS g6 18.e3 (18.. .161?) 19.b4 (19.<llg3=) 19... 1S 20.<llg3
29...l if5 30.h4 f6 [30 ... h6!?J 31 .1!i'd4 <J;g7 19..i.h3 ISoo; 1S... .l:tc8 16.'ita4 'i+'c7 (20.<llc3 gS 21 .<lleS (Kramer-Gyimesi,
e5 32.ifc4 [32.lidS WhB 33.lid7 'ifd7 17..l:tac1 a6 (Shetty-Saptarshi, Chennai Austria It 2010/11) 21....i.d6 t) 20...gS
34 ..l:td7 lgS 3S.hgS l:IS=J 32...Wha 2011) 18.'ii'b3 cS 19..i.b7 'ii'b7 20.dS edS 21 .'ili'd2 .l:tg8<=t; 17.fS cS!? {17 ... .i.h4
33.ife6 f9S [33 ...'ili'b1 34.Wg2 1t'e4 21 .<lldS <lldS 22 ..l:tdS;!;J 16.f5 [16.<lldS 18.<lle4 .l:tc7 19.fe6 (1 9.<llg3 'fie? 20.Ie6
3S.Wg3 lgS 36.'iteS 'ireS 37..l:te5 gh4 cdS 17..l:tac1 .i.d6 18.e3 (1U~b3 16 le6 2Uii'e2?! (21 .<lleS=) 21...cS 22.dcS
38 .~h4 .1:12 39.a4=J 34.'ite5 [34.'ifl5!? 19.<lld3 .1:17 20..l:te1 IS 21 .<lleS .l:tc7 l:tc5f Wojtaszek-Laznicka, Novi Sad Ech-11

2009) 19...fe6;t; 18.bc3 Aix-les-Bains Ech 2011 ; 18.l:tac1 !? 6
el5=) 18.fe6 le6 19.'ife4 l:lt6o:%; 17.a3 c5 19. a4; 17... l:tc7 ~d6 R R~
(17... l:tc7 18.b4 : ea (18...15 ~d6 (19.l:tac1=) 19...~e7 (19 ...16!?) 20.l:tac1 £ .t'i¥~.t .l££ ~a6 21 .li:le5 ~7 ~e7 ~d6 ~-~ VidH·Bakre, New Delhi
16!? (20 .. .'~a8 ~g5 22.1g5 "it'dB\13;t Van Wely-I.Sokolov, Amsterdam
£.l .l
ch-INO 2010; 18.. .16!?)! ~d6 2001) 21 .li:ld3 ( ~a6) 21...'it"d?=]
20.'ifa4 'ifaB?! (20...a6 ~18 18.'it'b3 [18.l:tac1 g5 (18...'it'e8 (Franco
22.1t'b3 16 l:td?oo) 21 .li:le4 ~e7 Alonso-Hollman, San Sebastian 2009)
(Aronian-Aiexeev, Jermuk 2009; 21...~1S;t 19.'ifa4 : as 20.'i+'b3 : ca a6
Krasenkow) 22.15!? 'ifc8 (22 ...el5;t) 19.fg5 ~g5 20.14 ~16 21.'ili'f2
'ifdB ~18 25.'ifb3± Krasenkow) (21 .'ii'd2!? 'i;>h8o:%) 21... l:tc7 (21...'ife71?)
23.fe6 -.e6 li:lc3 25.l:tc3 ~d6 'i;>hB 23.Wh1 ~h4 l:[g8o:% 'it'g4;!;) (18.dc5 l:[cS Gupta-N.Maiorov, Metz 2011] 18..•l:tc7 [1 5.15 c5 (15... l:tad8!?; ~d6=) 1S...~d5 19.dc5 l:tc5 19.l:tac1 g5 [19 ... l:t16!?] g14 15... l:tac8!?; 15... : ae8!?) (16.d5
20.'ifb1 'ifaB 21.~d5 l:td5 22.l:td5 21 .li:ld5 cd5 22.e14 ~16 23.'ife3 ed5 17.~d5 l:tadB 18. ~b7 'it'b7 19.e4
( l:td1 (22...~16= Franco Alonso- l:tg7 24.'0t>h1 Wh8 25. ~11 'ife8 ~16 ~d4=) 16... "i!fb8 17.dc5 li:lc5
Gyimesi, Plovdiv tt 2010) 23.l:td1 16'i') 26.~e2 l:t1g8 27.b5 ~ca 28.l:tg1 18.b4 ~g2 19.'0t>g2 li:la6 20.a3 li:lc7= 6
22 ...'ifd5=; 17.'ili'a4 b5 1S.'it'a7 bc4 21 ... li:ld5; Stupak-Abramenko, Minsk
19.'it'b7 li:lb4 20.a3 l:tb8 21.'tlfa7 : as ch-BLR jr 2009] 15 ... li:le5 16.fe5 l:tad8
22.'ii'b7 l:tb8 23.'ifa7 : as 24.'it'b7 ~-~ .t 'it' X~ [16...l:tld8 17.14 a6 18.e3 l:td7 (18... l:tac81?
Marin-M.Gurevich, Mondariz 2002) 17...~d6 £ R .l 6 ...c5) 19 .~e4 'i;>hB 20.l:td2 (20.l:tac1!?
(17...16 ~d6 (18 .. .15 £ £ .t 6 21 .'~g2) 20 ... l:tadSoo Sloth-Umansky, cr
(19.ti'a4 as l:t16 21 .li:ld5 ed5 Email 2001] 17.14 f6 18.e3 c5 [18 .. .fe5
22.'Wb3;t) 19... ~d6 20.'tlfe2 (20.'ifa4!?)
~ £ tb .l 19.de5 ~c5 20.'iff2 l:td1 21 .l:td1 l:td8
20...~e5 21 .1e5 ~- ~ Berezin-ltkis, ~ ~ 22.l:td8 "i!fdB=] 19."it'b3 ~g2 [19 ... ~c8
Bucharest 1998; 21.de5!?; 18.. .<~>h8 19.'ifa4 ~ 'iY 'i'i'b8 21 .el6 ~16 22.dc5 bc5
a5 20. 'ii'b3 l:tb8 (Berkes-Efimenko, Khanty-
~~ ~ 'i!Vc7 c4oo; 19...c4
Mansiysk ol 2010) 21.e4!? li:lc3 22.l:tc3 'ii'd7 (20...Wc8 21.~7 'i!Vb7
l:teB 23.15 ~b4 (23 ... el5? ~ ~<;t> 22.'ii'c4 le5 23.'ife6 WhS 24.'it'e5 'it'd?=)
24. ab4 25.l:te3 el5=) 19.'ifa4 ~ 21 .'ifc4 ~g2 22.Wg2 l:tcB 23.'t!fd3 l ib? ( .-es 21.l:tc2 g5t 28... ~d7?1 [28... l:tg1 29.l:tg1 l:[g1 24.'.!;>12 le5 25.de5 ~c5g?] 20.'ife6 'i;>h8
Sprenger-A.Sokolov, Germany Bundesliga 30.Wg1 ~d7 31 .a4 e7 32 .~h5 ~eB 21.Wg2 cd4 22.l:td4 [22.ed4 le5 23.fe5
2002/03) 20...15 l:[f6=) 33.~e8 e8=] 29.l:tg7 [29.l:tg3!? h5 (23.de5 l:td1 24.l:td1 l:tl4=) 23...~b4
(1 8.1t'a4 ~ 19.a3 ( cd5=) (29...~c8 30.l:th3; 29 ... ~h4 30.l:th3) 30.h4 (23 ...~a3 24.l:tl1 l:tl1 25.l:tl1 ~b2 2Uf 15
19....-e? 20.b4 16 ~-~ Marin- l:[g3 31.fg3 ~5 32.~b5 'ifb5 33."ir'l3 h6 ~d4=) 24.l:td3 ~c3 25.bc3
Ciluentes Parada, Cala Galdana tt 2001) ~e5 34.'Wh5 '.t;>g7 35.fe5;t] 29 ... l:tg7 l:td4 26.l:td4 'ifc3 27.l:tad1 13 2S.'Ot>g1
18...~ (18...16 'ilfd6 30.a4 'i!fga 31.~h5 ~ea 32. ~ea 'iff2=] 22 ...'t'i'b7 23.l:td5 1e5 24.fe5
l:tc7 ~- ~ Wo~aszek-Jedynak, Thessaloniki 'ii'ea 33.l:tg1 l:tg1 34.'0t>g1 ~es ~c5 25.l:tf1 l:t11 26.'i;>f1 l:[f8
2007; 20... ~6!?) 19.a3 ( ~- ~ Bryneii- 35.'it'e5 Wg8 36."it'c7 "i!ff7 37."it'f7 [26 ... 'i!Va6 27.We1 l:tiB 28.Wd1 "t!Vc4
M.Grabarczyk, Copenhagen 2009) (19.'0t>h1 Wf7 38.Wg2 'i;>g6 39.Wg3 Wh5 29.Wc2 ~b4 30.l:td6 l:[f2 31 .Wc1 l:tl1
'it'e7 20.'ife2 16 21 .li:ld3 15 40.'i;>h3 'i;>g6 41.'0t>g3 'h·'h 32.Wc2 l:tf2=] 27.'i;>e2 h6?! [27..."ft'a6
( (Neelotpai-Bakre, India II 2011 ) 28.l:td3;!;] 28.'i!Vg6? [!?±]
22 ... ~6 l:[l6 24.l:tg1 eSt) 28 ..•~b4 29.'it'd3 "ft'e7 30."ft'e4
22... ~6= Elsness-Johannessen, Oslo 'iff7?! [30 ... ~c3 31 .bc3 'ti"a3'c2
ch-NOR 2011) 19...16 'WeB 21 .li:lg3 "ife7=] 31 .'i;>d3 'iW11 ?! [31... ~c3
( 'Ot>h8 (21 ...'t'i'h5!?) 22.'ife2 'i!fg6o:% The Main Line 32.Wc3 : ca 33.Wb3 'i'ie6 34.'i!fd3;t]
Chapman-P.Cramling, Gibraltar 2011) 14 ... "tfc7 32.Wc2 aS 33.e6? ! [33.a3 ~c3
21 ...'tifg6 (21 ...'i!ff7!?) 'i!fc2 23.l:tc2 34.'.t;>c3 : es 35.'0t>b3±; 33.Wb3±J
~d6= Joh.Gomez-Kotsur, Jakarta II 2011 ] Rodshtein,Maxim 33 .. ."ii'f6?! [33 ... 'ii'a1 34.'it'c4 (34.e7
16... li:ld5 [16 ... ~d6 (17.b4 ~ Khismatullin,Denis l:tl2) 34... ~c3 35.bc3;!;] 34.l:td7 li:ld5 h6 20.l:tac1 15 Moscow 2011 (9) [34.l:td4!?±; 34.Wb3!?±J 34 ...: ea (S.Ivanov-Pogorelov, Moscow 2004) 1.d4 li:\16 2.c4 e6 d5 4.g3 twe6 36.'tWe6 l:te6
21 ... : 16 'it'eBoo) 17...'i¥d6 18.b4 ~ b4 5. ~d2 ~e7 6. ~g2 0-0 7.0-0 [37.Wd3!?±J 37...ab4 38.Wd3 l:tg6
'ii'e7 19.l:tab1 li:ld5= Komljenovic-Pogorelov, li:lbd7 8.'ifc2 c6 9.~14 b6 10.l:td1 39.l:td4 b3 40.ab3 [40.a4;t] 40... l:tg2
Calvia 2004] 17.b4 15 [17...~6!? ; ~b7 dc4 li:ld5 41 .h4 l:tb2 42.'0t>c4 Wh7 43.b4 Wg6
17...'0t>h8 18.'ifb3 ~-~ Shimanov-Hracek, li:l1414.g14 Wc7 'h· Y2
Survey Q/1 .3

Ramirez,Aiejandro J:ld7 J:ld1 24.J:ld1 [16.. .15!?; 16... ~a6! ? 17.J:lac1 tt::ll6
Arnold,Marc g6 '*e7 26.'ilt'e4 'ii'e4 c5 ~16f Giri-Berkes, Germany
Fremont 2012 (5) 27.~e4 aS 28.J:ld6 [28. ~c6 b4=] Bundesliga 2010/11 ] c5
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 28 ... J:lb8 [2B ... tt::la4!?] 29.J:lc6 tt::la4 18.J:lac1 [1B.dc5 ~c5 19.~b7 'itb7
~b4 5 ~d2 ~e7 6.~g2 0-0 7.0-0 c6 30. ~d5 c4?! [30 ... J:ld8 31.~b3 (31 .e4 20.1i"l3 J:ld1 21 .J:ld1 'it'l3]
8."it"c2 b6 9.~f4 tt::lbd7 10J%d1 ~b7 c4=) 31 ... J:ld2=] 31.b3 tt::lc3 32.bc4 b4 18...'ilt'b8 [1B ...l0d5 19.Wg4 (19.dc5 bc5 dc4 tt::ld5 33.J:lc7 tt::ld5 34.cd5 a4 35.d6 J:ld8 20.'it'c4 tt::lc3 21 .'ifc3 16 ~g2
tt::lf4 14.g14 1!fc7 15.e3 c5 [15... J:lld8 36.J:lc4 b3 37.J:la4 ba2 38.J:la2 J:ld6 23.\Pg2 J:ld5=) 19... tt::lc3 20.J:lc3 ~g2
16.a3 (16.J:lab1 a5 (16 ... J:lac8 - 15... J:lacB) 39. J:la5;!; ~g7 40.Wg2 J:ld2 41.Wg3 21. ~g2 ~d6 22.1WI3 ~e5 23.fe5 We7=]
17.J:lbc1 J:lacB 18. e4 tt::lf6 tt::ld7 l:rb2 42.h4 J:lb1 43.Wg2 J:lb2 44.e4 19.dc5 ~c5 20 . ~b7 b7 21 .-.f3
20. tt::lf6=) 16...c5 (16... J:lac8 - J:lb4 45.f3 J:lb2 46.\Pg3 J:lb1 47.J:la2 1Wt3 J:ld1 23.J:ld1 J:lc8
15... J:lac8; 16... a51?) 17.d5 ed5 18. d5 J:le1 48.e5 ~g8 49.J:la5 ~g7 8 25. b5 a6
~d5 19.~d5 J:labB 20...15;!;; 15... 15 50.J:lb5 J:lh1 [50 ... J:lg1 1? 51 .Wf2 J:lh1 ] J:la8 WeB 28.J:lc1 tt::ld5
16.J:lac1 (!?±) 16...J:lf6 51 .J:lb7 Wg8 52.f5 gf5 53.J:lb6 J:le1 ~d6 30. d4 CiJe7 31.Wg2
J:lg6 J:lcB 19.-.e2 (19.'itb3!?) 54. 4 J:lh1 ss.w gs Wg7 56.J:lb7 Y.z-112
19... J:lf8!? (19 ...1i"b8 20.a3 J:lf6 [~ 56.J:lb4] 56 ..•h6 57. 5 J:lh4 58.f4
tt::le5 22.de5 J:lg6 23.J:ld7 J:lc7 24.J:lcd1 (± WgB [5B ... J:lh5!? 59.We4 J:lh1 60.J:lb3
Dautov) Astr6m·Engqvist, Haninge ch·SWE J:lg1 61. ~15 J:lg6=] 59. J:lb1 ~f8 Van Wely,Loek
1997) 20. e5 tt::le5 21 .de5 (21.fe5 14) 60.J:la1 We7 61.J:la7 8 62. J:lb7 Meier,Georg
21...c5 22.~b7 '*b7=; 15...a6 Wg8 63.J:lb1 \Pta 64.J:lg1 We7 France tt 2012 (8)
J:ladB (16 ... J:lld8!?) 17.J:lac1 h6 (17...c5 65.J:lg8 J:lh5 66.We4 J:lh1 67.J:lh8 1.d4 e6 2.c4 tt::lf6 3. f3 d5 4.g3
18.~7 1i"b7 19.11t'e4 'ite4 tt::le5 J:le1 68.Wf5 J:lh1 69. J:lh7 J:lh5 ~b4 5.~d2 ~e7 6 . ~g2 0-0 7.0-0
21 .fe5;!; Siikaluoma-Knostenbergs, cr ICCF 70.Wg4 J:lh1 112-!.7 c6 8.1fc2 b6 9.J:ld1 bd7 10. ~f4
2006) 1B.Wb3 tt::le5 19.fe5 J:lbB 20.d5 ~b7 11 .l0c3 dc4 12. d2 5
(20. 4 c5 2 1.~7 '*b7=) 20...cd5 tt::lf4 14.gf4 VJ!/c7 15.e3 ~d5 22.J:lc7 ~b3 23.ab3 J:lldB= ; J:lad8 16.a4 ~b4 [16 ... a6!?; 16... c5
15... tt::lf6 16.a3 ( J:lacB - Laznicka- 17.d5 ed5 ~d5 19.l:td5 ( 19 .~d51?
A.Sokolov, Germany Bundesliga 2007/08) g6 20.'ii'b3 16 21 .~13 J:ld1 22.J:ld1 J:ld8
16...c5 (16... J:lac8 - Laznicka-A.Sokolov, 14 ... 't!fc7 15.e3 J:lad8 23.J:la1 6 24.a5;!;) 19...t!Jb8 20.J:lad1
Germany Bundesliga 2007/08) lOc6 21 .J:ld8 J:ldB 22.J:ld8 dB 23.1i'l5
(17.d5 d5 ed5 19.~d5 J:ladB Kamsky,Gata (Ave.Grigoryan-M.Arnold, Bastia 201 1)
20.~7 'itb7 21 .J:ld8 J:ldBf };-Yl Barysh- Leko,Peter 23... g6 24.Wd5 1ifcB=J 17.CiJe4 [1nlt'b3
polets-Untchevsky, Krakow 2012) 17...'ifb8 Ningbo Wch-tt 2011 (6) ~c3 18.bc3 c5 19.d5 ed5 20. ~d5 ~d5
18.~7 Wb7 19.dc5 ~c5=J 1.d4 tt::lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 21 .J:ld5 tt::ll6 22.J:ld8 J:ldB 17-}; Miton-
~ b4 5. ~d2 ~e7 6 . ~g2 c6 7.1t'c2 Movsesian, Czech tt 2010/11] 17.•.c5
tt::lbd7 a.O-O b6 9.J:ld1 0-0 1o .~t4 [17... a5!?] e5 19.de5 ~e4
~ b7 11 .tt::lc3 dc4 tt::ld5 20.~e4 Y.z-112 tt::lf4 14.gf4 '*c7 15.e3
g .~ . Taganrog 2011 (11 )
l.i.'i!f~.i.ili 1.d4 tt::lf6 2.c4 e6 3. f3 ~b4 4.~d2
~e7 5.g3 d5 6. ~g2 c6 7.0-0 0-0
l l --='=--·-----.-- 8."irc2 b6 9 .~f4 ~ b7 10.l:td1 tt::lbd7 dc4 d5
tt::lf4 14.gf4 '1Jic7 15.e3 J:lad8 16.a3
16.d5 ed5 17. d5 [17 .~d5! ? tt::l16 c5 17.d5 [ 17.~7 -..b7 18.d5 ed5
1B. ~b7 'itb7 J:ladB (19... J:lld8!?) tt::l16 20. e7 e7 21 .tl:Je5 11t'e6
20.-.a4 a6 21 .1i"c6 J:lbB 22.Wb7 J:lb7 22.J:ld8 J:ld8 23.J:ld1 (Wells-Adams,;!; I.Schneider-Bulski, Germany England tt 2010/1 1) 23... J:ld1 24.-..d1 g6f]
Bundesliga 2010/11] 17..•~d5 18. ~d5 17..•ed5 [ 1 8. ~d5 tt::ll6 19 .~b7
J:lad8 19. ~f3 [19.'itb3!?] 19..• b5 16.".-e2 [16.J:lab1 c5 17.d5 ed5 18. ~d5 'itb7 20.a4 g6 21 .J:ld8 (21.a5=) 21 ... J:ld8 [20.1t'e4 tt::lb6 (20... bc4 21 .tt'e7 tt::ll6 19.~7 1i'b7 20.a4 J:ld1 (20...g6!?) 22.J:ld1 (!?) 22... g7 (22 ... Wc6!?
J:lleB 22.-.d6;!;) 21 .'ilt'e5 J:lcB 21 .J:ld1 J:ldB 22.J:ld8 ~dB= Caruana- 23.J:ld8 ~d8 e6f ) 23.'ili'b3
ab6=] 20• [20 ... c4!?] 21 .tt::lb3 a6 P.H.Nielsen, Amsterdam 2010] J:ld1 24.'ii'd1 1i'c8 (24...Cjje4!?) 25.13

1Wb8= So-Eiimenko, Wijk aan l ee B 2011) 19.<;f;>g2 1!fb7 20.13 l:td2 21 .1!fd2 ~C5=) 25.l:td8 J-2-J.2 Tkachiev-Sargissian, Khanty-
18.•. ~ds 1s.:tds (19 .~ds bs 2o.tud2 18...ed5 19.tUd5 tUdS 20. ~d5 g6 Mansiysk ol 2010) 24.a4 g6 25.ab5 ab5
c4 21.tUe4 tUbS (21...1!fbS=F; 21... tUIS [20 ... ~d5 21 .l:td5 l:td5 22.l:td5 l:tdB 26 .~11 l:td5 27.l:td5 c6 28. ~g2 'ifc7
22.tUc3 (22.tUI6 ~1St) 22 ...1Wc5 23.~13 23.'ifd3 l:td5 24.'ti'd5 'ii'dB 25.tlt'b7 tlt'd1 29.b4 l:tdB 30.l:td8 'ii'dB 31 .bc5 ~c5
(Hamitevici-Golichenko, Kiev 2012) J.2-J.2 Berkes-Wojtaszek, Paks 2011 ) 32.'ii'c5 W'd1 33 .~11 'it'g4 J.2-J.2 Aelalo-
23 ... a5=F) 22.tUc3 ~IS 23. ~e4 ~c3 21.tUe5 ~d5 22.l:td5 l:td5 23.l:td5 Mason, cr ICCF 2011 ; 23.l:te5 ~d6
24.bc3 gS 25.<;f;>g2 tUa4 2S.l:td4 1Wa5 l:td8 24.'ii'c4 l:tdS 25.'ii'd5 ~f6 24.l:td5 ~e7 25.l:te5 ~d6 (J.2-J.2 lonov-
27.l:tc1 +) 19... b5 [19 ... gS 20.1!fb3 lUIS 26.tUd7 <;t;>g7 27.b3 ~c3 28.a4 1Wd8 Emelin, St Petersburg ch-city 2011) 2S.l:tl5
21 .l:td8 l:tdB 22.tUe5 ~18 (De 29.'ti'd6 ~f6 30.<;f;>f1 'i!Ve7 31 .'ird5 J.2-J.2 Vitiugov-Aoiz, Saratov 2011 J 23 ... a6
Schampheleire-lzsak, Brasschaat 2011) ~c3 32.<;f;>e2 'ii'h4;Jd3 ~a1
23.a4;!;) 20.tUe5 lUeS 21.l:te5 ~d6 34.tUe5 ~es 35.'i!Ve5 <;f;>h6 36.'ii'c7
22.l:td5 ~e7 'irf2 37. 1Wf7 1Wt1 38. tj;Je4 'ifb 1
39. 3 'i!fh1 40.'it>g3 'tlr'g1 41. 3
'i!fh1 42.<;f;>g3 'tlr'g1 43.'it>f3 'irh1

Khanty·Mansiysk ol 2010 (9)
1.d4 tUf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.~g2
~b4 5 .~d2 ~e7 6.tUf3 0-0 7.0-0 c6
8.'i!t'c2 tUbd7 9. ~f4 b6 10.l:td1 ~b7 24.l:te5 (24.ab5 ab5 25.b3 g6 26.l:tcd1
11.tUc3 dc4 12.tUd2 tUdS 13.tUc4 (26.'ife2 l:td5 27 .~d5 l:tdB= Barysh-
tUf4 14.gf4 'ii'c7 15.e3 l:tad8 polets-Vysochin, Kiev 2012) 26 ...l:td5
23.l:te5 [23.a4 l:td5 24 .~d5 as 25.ab5 16.l:tac1 c5 (16 ... tUI6 17.tUe5 (17.tUe4 27.l:td5 l:tdB 28.l:td8 ~dB 29. ~11 b4
ab5 2S.b3 1Wd7 27.'ii'd3 (27.l:td1 1Wg4 c5 18.tUe5 ~e4 (18... tUe4 19.~e4 g6=) 30.1!fd1 ~e7 31 .'i1Vd5 'ii'd6 32.1WdS ~dS
28 .~g2 c4 29.bc4 bc4 30.h3 ~c8 J.2-J.2 19.~e4 tUe4 20.'ii'e4 ~16 21.dc5 l:td1 33.<;f;>g2 15 34 .~c4 J.2·J.2 Stigar-Mason, cr
lturrizaga Bonelli-Gonzalez Garcia, Barbera 22.l:td1 'ii'c5 23.b4 'ii'b5 24.tUd7 J.2-J.2 ICCF 2011] 24 ...~d6 25.l:td5 ~e7
del Valles 2011) 27... ~h4 28.15 l:tdB 29.e4 Flumbort-Cs.Horvath, Budapest 2003) 26.ab5 ab5 27.b3 l:tdS 28 . ~d5 l:td8
gS 30.fg6 'ifg4;Jh1 hgS= Evseev- 17... c5 18.1!fa4 ~g2 19.<;f;>g2 cd4 20.tUe2 29.1Wf5 ~f8 30.l:td1 l:td6 31 . ~f3
Emelin, St Petersburg 2011) 23 ...~d6 'tlr'b7 21 .1!fc6 a6 22.tUd4 l:tc8 23. b5 Y2-Y2
[J.2-J.2 Mason-Norman, cr ICCF 2011) 'i!t'b7 24.tUdcS tUd5 25.e4 a6 26.tUe7
24.l:td5 [24.l:tg5 ~e7 25.l:te5 ~d6 J.2-J.2 (26.'tlr'a4!? tUI4;JI3 tUg6 28.l:td7 1t'a8
Maletin-Aiexandrov, St Petersburg 2011) 29.tUe7 tUe7 30.l:tc8 'tlr'c8 31 .l:te7 'i!fc5 Grischuk,Aiexander
24 ...~e7 25.l:te5 Y2-Y2 32.tUc6 15 33.tlt'd4 le4 34.<;f;>g2 'tlr'g5 Kramnik,VIadimir
35.<;f;>h1 1Wc1 36.<;f;>g2 'ii'g5=) 26... tUe7 Moscow W ch blitz 2010 (11 )
27.l:tc8 (27.'ii'd3 l:tc1 28.l:tc1 16 29.tUI3 1.d4 tUf6 2.c4 e6 3. f3 d5 4.g3
tUg6= Blondei-Kunzmann, cr ICCF 2010) ~ b4 5. ~d2 ~e7 6 .~g2 0-0 7.0-0
Nakamura,Hikaru 27 ... 'ii'e4 28.13 l:tc8 29.1e4 ab5 30.l:td6 IS c6 8. ~f4 b6 9. W'c2 ~ b7 10.l:td1
Carlsen,Magnus 31 .l:te6 le5 32.l:te7 l:tc2 33.<;f;>l3 J.2-J.2 bd7 11.tUc3 dc4 12. d2 tUdS
Moscow 2012 (7) Sidenko-Aooms, cr IECG 2002) 17.d5 13.tUc4 tUf4 14.gf4 1Wc7 15.e3
1.d4 tUf6 2.c4 e6 3.tUf3 d5 4.g3 [17.tUb5 'ifbB 18 .~b7 'i!fb7 19.tUbdS l:tad8 16.l:tac1 c5 17.d5 ed5
~ b4 5. ~d2 ~e7 6. ~g2 0-0 7.1Wc2 'tlr'bB 20.dc5 lUeS= Coelho-Leitao, Santos 18 . ~d5 tUf6 19 .~b7 'Wb7
c6 8.0-0 b6 9.~f4 ~b7 10.l:td1 2011 ) 17...ed5 18.tUd5 ~d5 19.l:td5
tUbd7 11.tUc3 dc4 12.tUd2 tUdS (19. ~d5 b5 20.tUd2 c4 21 .tUb1 tUb6
13.tUc4 tUf4 14.gf4 1Wc7 15.e3 22 . ~e4 g6 23.tUc3 ..West Beliavsky-
l:tad8 16.l:td2 [J.2-J.2 Cs.Horvath· P.Schlosser, Austria tt 2011 /12) 19...b5
Tukmakov, Basel 2001) 16... tUf6 [16 ...c5 20.tUe5 [20.tUd2 tUb6 21.l:td8 l:tdB
17.d5 ed5 18.~d5 tUI6 19 .~b7 1Wb7 22.tUb3 c4 23.tUd4 aS=F Lingnau-
20.l:tad1 l:td2 21.1!fd2 g6 22.tUe5 l:tdB Bewersdorll, Germany Bundesliga B
23. ~c2 tUd7=] 17.l:tad1 [17.tUe5 c5 2006/07) 20 ...tUe5 21 .l:te5 ~d6 (21 ...a6
18. ~b7 (18.dc5 l:td2 19.'ird2 ~g2 22.a4 ~d6 23.l:th5 g6 24.l:td5 ~e7
20.<;f;>g2 bc5 21.'ifd3 'ii'b7 22.<;f;>g1 l:tdB=) 25.l:te5 ~dS 26.l:td5 J.2-J.2 Bristol-Silva, cr
18.. .'t!Yb7 19.l:tad1 cd4 20.l:td4 l:td4 ICCF 2011) 22.l:td5 ~e7 23.a4
21.l:td4 g6=) 17... c5 18.d5 [18.dc5 ~g2 [23.l:tcd1 aS (23 ... l:td5 24.l:td5 l:tdB
Survey Q/1 .3

20.84 [20.l::td8 l:td8 21 .l::td1 g6 ~b5) 31...~a4 (31... ~5!?) 32 .~13 _.h3
~g7 23.l::td8 ~d8 24.'tlt'b3= Aswin· 14 .. .'~c7 15.e3 l::tac8 33 .~g2 'ii'h5=] 31 .l::tc8 ~c8 32.h3?!
Anastasian, Dubai 2011] 20 ...86 (20......c8 [32.1t'd4! -.e2 (32 ... b5 33.h3 -.17
21.13 'tih3 22.'tlt'e2 W'e6 23.b3 (Gillam- Dautov,Rustem 34.-.cS! Dautov) 33.h3 34.a4 -.a4
Legemaat, cr ICCF 2012) 23... ~d5 24 .~d5 Tiviakov,Sergey (34 ...-.c6 35.a5 baS 36.ba5! Dautov)
l::tdS 25.l::td5 W'dS 26.l:td1 'tlt'IS 27.~e5 Venlo NED·GER 2000 (1) 35.-..b6! Dautov] 32 ... 'ii'e8 33 ..-c2
~16=] 21.l::td8 l:td8 22 ....b3 ~g4 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4. ~f3 • d7 34.-.t2 • d8 35 .~ h2 ~d7
(22 ... 'tlt'l3!?] 23.e4?1 [23.h3 ...13 ~b4 5.~d2 ~e7 6 .~g2 c6 7.'tlt'c2 36.~f3 a5 37.'it'e1 c.t>g8 [37...~b5!?]
(23... ~16 24.'*'b6 W'l3 25. ~e5 W'h3 b6 8 .~f4 0-0 9.0-0 ~b7 10.l:ld1 38.~h5 8 39. ~f3 ~e8 40.b85
26.'tlt'c6 l:td6 27.W'I3 '*'c8oo) 24.hg4 li:lbd7 11.~c3 dc4 12 .~d2 ~d5 baS 41.'ii'c3 Y-1 - ~
'tig4=] 23 ... l::td4? [23 ... 'tic7 24.~e2 13. ~c4 ~f4 14.gf4 'it'c7 15.e3
(24.e5 'tlt'c6 25.h3 ~12 26.'it;>l2 ~h4 l:t8c8
27 .~e3 W'e6 28.l:tl1 l:td4+) 24... ~h4 Glerstad,Trond
25.'tlt'h3 (25.13 ~12 26.'tlt'b6 W'd7-.) Teeriaho,Tuomo
25...~12 26.<it;>g2 ...d7 27.15 hS 28.W'h5 cr FIN-NOR 2011
~16 29.W'I3 ~d4 30.~b6 -.e7 3Ule1 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4. ~f3
~2f] 24.W'b6?! (24.13 ~16 25.'tlt'b6± ] ~b4 5 . ~d2 ~e7 6. ~g2 0-0 7.0-0
24 ... 'tlt'c8? (24 ... Wb6 25.~b6 ~h4 c6 8 ....c2 ~ bd7 9. ~f4 b6 10.l::td1
26.l::tc2 (26.13 ~12 27.~cd5 l::td2 28.l::tc5 ~ b7 11.~c3 dc4 12 . ~d2 ~d5
~h3 29.'it;>h1 ~12 30.~g1 ~h3=) 13. c4 f4 14.gf4 .-c7 15.e3
26...~12 27.l::tl2 ~12 28.'it;>l2 l:td2;:t] l:tfd8 16.83 l:tac8 17.b4 [17.l:tac1 -
25 .~d5 ~f8 (25 ... l:te4 26. ~e7 l::te7 16.l::tac1 ] 17...~f8 [17... ~16 18.l:lab1
27 .~d6 1t'l8 28.b4+-] 26.f3 ~ h6 ~d5 19 .~e4 ~as 20. ~e5 16 21.~c4 15
27.1t'b3?? [27.~ce3! +-] 27... 1t'e6? 22 .~ed2 ~16= Razuvaev-Bischoff,
[27... 'ifh3 28.W e3 15 29.b3 le4 30.fe4 Dortmund 1993; 1 7...~a6 18 .~e4 c5
1t'e3 31 .~ce3 l::te4 32.l::tc4 l::td4=] 16.l::t8b1 [16.a4 ~16 (16...a5!?oo) 17.a5 19.dc5 ~c4 20.-.c4 bc5 21.'ilfa6 cb4
28.'ifc2?1 (28. ~de3± ] 28 ... ~f5?1 ~d5 (Franco Alonso-Herrera, Madrid 2000) 22.ab4 ~b4 23.-.a7 ~e7 24.'ilfc7 lH~
(28 ... 15;:t] 29...f2 [29.b3!? 'ilfg6 30 .~h1 18.ab6 ab6 19.-.b3 b5 20 . ~e5 l:ta8 D.Evans-Pazderski, cr ICCF 2011]
'*'h6;!;] 29 ... h6?! [29... e7!] 30.b3?1 21 .l:lac1 'ilfd6 22.15±] 16... f6 [16 ...15 18.l:lac1 [18.~e5 16 (1 8... g6 19.l:lac1
[30.~cb6!? ~e7 31.15±] 30 ...l:td3 17.~e2 (17.~e5 l::tl6 18.~e2 ~es 19.fe5 c5= Avrukh) 19.~c4 ~g6 (Zawadka-Hall,
31 .l::tb1 ~d4 32. ~ce3?1 (32.15] l::tg6o:t) 17...l:tl6 18. ~g3 l:tg6o:t] 17.b4 cr Email 2003) 20.~e4 15 21..~h 1 oo ; 18.15
32 ... W'g6? [32 .. .15!+] 33.'it;>h1 [ 17.~e5 ! ?] 17... ~d5 [17 ... l:tld8 18.l::tdc1 el5 ( 18... ~a6 19 .~e5 c5 (Brooks·Zuev, cr
~d5 19.a3 'ifb8 (19... ~18 20.'i!i'd1 'ife7 ICCF 2009) 20.1e6 le6 21. c6!; 18... g6!?
21 .'it'g4 16 22.W'h4 'iff7oo) 20.~e4 19.fe6 ~e6oo) 19.-.15 g6 ( 19... ~d6!?
(Gulko-Begovac, Sombor 1974) 20 ... g6oo] 20.W'h3 -.e7 21.l::tac1 ~b8oo ) 20.~e4
18.83 f5 [18 ... l::tld8!? 19.l:td2 ~18 (20.~e5 ~d6 21. ~13 'it'e7oo Avrukh)
20.'ilfb3 'ife7 21 .l::tc2 W'h4o:t] 19. ~e5 20...~16 21 .l::tac1 '*'e7 22.14 (22 .~e2 ~18
[19.l:tbc1 ~16 20.'iib3 'tlt'e7.,. Dautov] 23.~h1 l:tc7 24 .~14 ~c8oo Wang
19..• ~d6 20.l::tbc1 'it'e7 21 •.-84 86 Hao-Aimasi, Khanty-Mansiysk ol 2010)
22.'it'b3 [22 .~d5 cd5 23.'it'd7 l::tld8 22...~18 23.~e5! Laznicka·Aimasi, Paks
24.1ie7 ~e7= Dautov] 22 ...g5 23.fg5 2010] 18...~g6
[23.~d5 cd5= Tiviakov] 23 ... ~e5
24.de5 • gs 25.<it;>h1 [25.14 • g7
26 . ~d5 cd5 27 .•b2=] 25...~ h8 26.f4
'tlt'h5 [26 ......g7 27.~d5 cd5 28.l::tc8 l:tc8
33 ...... h5?? [33 ... l::tb3=; 33... 't!i'c6oo] 29.'ilt'b2= Dautov; 26... 'ilt'h4 27 .~d5 cd5
34.~g4 'ifh3 35. ~de3?? [35.~e5 28.'ilfb2= Tiviakov] 27. d5 cd5
l:tb3 36.l::tb3 ~b3 37.15+- 6 38 .~14] 28. 'i!i'b2 l::tg8 [28 ... l::tc4!? 29.l:tg1 b5
35 ...~f3 36 .• g2 . g2 37.'it;>g2 ~d4 30.'ti'l2 l::tlc8 31 .l::tc4 (31.~13 'ilt'h3)
38. ~d5 l::tb3? [38 ...l:td2 39.'it;>h3 15 31...bc4 32 .~13 'ilt'l7 33.h3 1Ve7 34.'it;>h2
40.el5 ~15 41.~b6 l::td4+; 38 ... 16 ~c6 (34 ...c3 35.l::tc1 aS 36.ba5 'ilfa3
39 . ~ge3 (39.b4 cb4 40 .~ b4 l::td2 41.~12 37.l::tc2 'ilfas 38.'tih4 'ifd8 39 ..-d8 l:ld8
~e6+) 39 ... ~b3 40.e5 'it;>f7 41 .el6 gl6+] 40.l::tc3= Dautov) 35.'it'd2 l:tg8'F] 29.l::tg1
39.l::tb3 ~b3 40. ~ge3 ~d2 41.e5 l:lc1 30.l:lc1 l:lc8?! [30 ... l:tg7= Dautov;
c4 42. ~c5 43.'it;>e2 ~e3 30...'it'g4= 31 .1t'd2 'tlfg7 6 32 ... d4 19 . ~e4 [ 19. ~h1 '*'b8 (19 ... h6!? 20.~e4
44 . ~e3 c3 ~- ~ Tiviakov; 30... ~c6!? 31 .'ifl2 (31 ..-c2 (20.15 el5 21.'it'l5 ~a6oo) 20... ~h4

183 i.d6 22.'it'e2 W'e7 23.W'h5 15 tt:lbd7 dc4 tt:ld5 Aswin,Jayaram
24.i.h1 l:lc7oo) 20.15 el5 21...,15 tt:lf4 14.gf4 c7 15.e3 Sundararajan,Kidambi
(Filippov-L.Portisch, Warsaw Ech 2005) l:lac8 16.l:lac1 tt:lf6 17.a3 ( c5 Jalgaon 2010 (8)
21...i.a6 tt:le5 23.de5 l:ld1 18.d5 ( tt:le4 (18 ... l:lld8!? 19.dc5 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5
24.l:ld1 i.c4=] 19.•.15 20.i.h1 c5 l:ld1 20.l:ld1 i.e4 21 .i.e4 W'c5 22.Wc5 i.b4 5.i.d2 i.e7 6.i.g2 0-0 7.0-0
[20 ... ~h8 21.'it'b3 (!? tt:le5 22.fe5 l:lc5=; 18... tt:ld5!? 19.'tlt'c4 (19.dc5 bc5 c6 8.'iWc2 b6 9.l:ld1 tt:lbd7 10.i.f4
(22.de5 g5+='; 22...c5 'it'bB 20.11i'e2 l:lldB=) 19...cd4 20 ....c7 l:lc7 i.b7 11 . c3 dc4 tt:ld5
24.i.b7 'it'b7 25.bc5 bc5oo) 22... 'it'd7 21.l:lc7 tt:lc7 22.l:ld4 tt:ld5=) 19.i.e4 i.e4 tt:lf4 14.gf4 'it'c7 15.e3;!;) 21 ... c5 22.d5 i.IB (22 ... ed5 20.W'e4 l:lldB (20 .. .16!? 21 .tt:ld3 W'c6 l:lac8 16.l:lac1 tt:lf6 17.a3 l:lfd8
23.i.d5;t; 22...cb4? 23.d6! 'it'c4 24.W'c4 22.'ilt'c6 l:lc6 23.dc5 bc5 24.b3;!;/=) 21 .b4;!; 18.b4 ( c5 19.dc5 i.g2 20. ~g2
l:lc4 25.de7 l:lgB l:lc1 27.l:lc1 Thomas-Guidici, cr ICCF 2004) 18... ed5 i.cS 21 .l:ld8 l:ldB= Prohaszka-L.Portisch,
i.h1 h6 29.e8W' l:leB (19.i.d5 tt:ld5 i.dS Szentgotthard 2010] 18... b8 19.l:lb1
Avrukh) 23.d6 (Avrukh-L.Portisch, Panormo 21 .l:ld5 l:lcdB 22.l:lcd1 l:ld5 23.l:ld5 (;!; t::. 20.15] 19... c5 (19 ... g6
tt 2001) 23... 'it'b8 c4 25.'*'a2 l:ldB=) 20.i.d5 l:lcdB 21 .i.b7 tt:ld5 21 .tt:le5 (21 . g5 c5 22.dc5
i.h1 ~gB l:ldB 2B. c;1;.>h1 ~ W'b7 22.l:ld8 (22 ....a4 i.l6 23. d7 'il¥13 bc5 23.b5 i.l6 i.g7oo) 21...16
Avrukh) [21 .d5 cb4 22.d6 'it'c4 24.l:ld2 'tlt'g4 25.<i>!1 'it'h3 26 .~g1 'it'g4=) 'llt'c7oo Davis-Kiausen, cr ICCF
23.de7 (23.i.b7 bc3 (23 ... i.d6 24.i.c8 22 ... l:ld8 23.l:ld1 l:ld1 (23 ...l:ld6 24.l:ld6 2005] 20.i.b7 '*'b7 21 .dc5 bc5
l:lcB 25.l:ld6 (Avrukh) 25 ...bc3 26.l:ld3+-) i.d6 25.W'd3 i.e7= Wenninger-Petsch, 22.b5 i.f8 l:ld1 24.l:ld1 a6
24.de7 tt:le7 - 23.de7; 24 ... l:ld1 25.l:ld1 Stuttgart 2010) 24.W'd1 g6= Mahjoob- 25.a4 ab5 26.ab5 tt:ld5 27.-.e4
l:leB 26.l:ld8 ~17 27.i.d5!=) 23... tt:le7 A.Sokolov, Turin ol 2006) 17... d5 l:ld8 28.15
24.i.b7 bc3 25.i.c8 l:lcB 26.l:ld7 tt:ld5~
Avrukh) 21... b8 22.i.b7 'it'b7
23.dc5 W'f3 24.l:ld8 l:ld8 Y2·17

Olginka tt 2011 (10)
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 d5 4.g3
i.b4 5.i.d2 i.e7 6.i.g2 0-0 7.0-0
c6 8.W'c2 tt:lbd7 9.l:ld1 b6 10.i.f4
i.b7 dc4 tt:ld5 tt:lf4 14.gf4 'it'c7 15.e3
l:lac8 16.a3 tt:lf6 (16 ...a5 17.a4 g6 28 ...l:ld6?? [28. ..'.b6 ed5
(17 ... 15!? t::. ... l:ll6-h6; t::. ... g5) 18... 'i!i'd6 (18 ... 16?? ed5 30.l:ld5 'ii'b7;!;) 29.fe6+- fe6
l:lldB (18 ... l:lcd8!?) 19.l:lac1 c;t.>g7 20.b3 h6 20.i.d5+- Lautier; 18... l:lld8? 'iWd7 tt:lc3 32.'it'c6 -.da
21.'iWb1 ~h7 22. c3 15= O'Hare-Giorstad, ed5 20.i.h3± Lautier; 18... tt:lc3?! 19.'Wc3 33.l:ld3 'it'g5 34.'iWg2 'it'h5
cr ICCF 2010; 16...15 17. e5 1:116 'iWd6 20.W'c2 i.l6 21 .tt:lc6± ; 1B ...i.d6?! tt:ldS?? 36.l:ld5 -.ds 37. f6 1-o
(17 ... tt:le5 18.fe5 (18.de5 l:lldB 19.e4 g6oo) 19.'iWa4 tt:lc3 (19 ... i.e5 20.1e5 c5
18...i.h4 g5 c;t.>hB i.c6 22.'ili'c4±) 20.l:lc3 i.eS 21.fe5 16
21 .'iWb3 'iWe7+=') 18.l:ld3 ( (Siger· 22.14 i.aB 23 ....c2!? (23.b4± Dautov; Herrera,Aiex
Jovanovic, Internet 2010) 18... tt:le5 19.1e5 Lautier-Tiviakov, Mondariz Balneario zt Myers,David
l:lh6=) 19.de5 l:lg6 20.e4 c5 2000) 23...1e5 24.de5 c5 25.l:ld6t Lautier] cr ch·USA-18 2009
21 .l:lg3 l:lg3 22.hg3 '*'c6oo Ehrbar-Suto, (19.'ili'a4!?] 19 ... 'it'c7 20.'it'a4 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5
cr ICCF 2011) 17.b4 d5 f6 aS [20 .. .16=] 'i!i'd6 22. W'b3 i.b4 5.i.d2 i.e7 6.i.g2 0-0 7.0-0 ~ h8 20.l:lac1 W'd7 i.d8 23.l:lc2 ( ed5 24.i.h3t) c6 8.'it'c2 tt:lbd7 9.l:ld1 b6 10.i.f4
'ireS i.d6 23.'iWe2 ~-~ 23 ...'i!i'e7?? [23 ...16;!;) 24.l:ldc1 i.b7 11 .tt:lc3 dc4 12. d2 tt:ld5
i.c7 [24 ... l:lc7] cd5 tt:lf4 14.gf4 'it'c7 15.e3
26. c6 i.c6 27.l:lc6 l:lfd8 28.i.f1 l:lac8 16.l:lac1 l:lfd8 (1 6... a6
g5 [28 ... l:ld7 29.l:l6c3+- t::. 30.i.b5] (17.a3 aS!? e5 19.1e5 l:lld8 20.14
Laznicka,Viktor 29.i.a6 gf4 30.~c8 f3 31 .l:lc7 '*'95 i.a6 21 .'ii'f2 i.c4 i.d5 23.i.d5!?
Sokolov,Andrey 32. 1 'it'g2 33. ~e1 'it'g1 34. ~d2 (23.e4 i.a2 a4oo Troia-Makeev, cr
Germany Bundesliga 2007/08 (12) 'it'f2 35 .~c3 ~h8 36. 'ilt'd1 [36.'ili'b6!?) ICCF 2010) 23... l:ld5 (23 ... ed5 24.15;!;)
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 36 ... W'e3 37 .~c2 l:lg8 38.c;1;.> b1 f2 24.15 el5 l:lddB 26.'it'l5;!;)
i.b4 5.i.d2 i.e7 6.i.g2 0-0 7.0-0 39.i.a6 l:lg1 40.i.f1 c;t.>g7 41 . ~a2 17... l:lld8 g6 19.'it'e4 (
c6 8.W'c2 b6 9.i.f4 i.b7 10.l:ld1 1-0 i.aB c5=) 19... c;t.>g7!?=; 19...i.a8?

Survey Q/1 .3

(Bareev-Atlas, Panormo It 2001) 20. ttJe6! 17.a4 [17.15 e5 (17...~6 18...if1 !? ttJeS 21.1i'eS ..id6 22. g5 m 23.'1Ph1 h6
fe6 21.'ii'e6 ..ttf8 22.15-J 17.a3 a6 (18.ltJd2 (Kottnauer-Aiatortsev, Moscow- 24.'ifg4g!? ..idS 25.ttJbS 'iWb6 26.ttJd6 l:ld6
[17... a5 18.'ii'b1 (18.15 ef5 19.W'f5 ~a6 Prague It 1946) 18... ef5 19.'ii'f5 g6=) 27.l:lg1 l:lg6 28.1i'e4 l:le6 29.1i'g4 12-Y.!
20.~11 bS;:t) 18... ~a6 19.'ilfa2 (19 .~11=) 18... ef5 19.ttJd6 (19.'ifl5 g6 20.'i'l3 b5 Querci-Schakel, cr ICCF 2011) 20...il1 b5
19... b5 20.ttJd2 'ii'b6 21.ttJde4 a4 21 .ltJd2 'ii'b6oo) 19...'ifd6 20. ~a6 l:lb8 (20... g6 21.'ii'e4 ..ic4 22...ic4 ttJI6 23.iff3
(21...~b7!?) 22 .~h3oo Mochalov-Hohler, 21.'ifl5 b5 22.a4 ba4 23.~c4g~?) 18.'ii'e4 b5 24 ...ia2i Terreaux-Hafler, cr ICCF 2011 )
Kaunas Ech sen 2012] 18.b4 (18.d5 cd5 19.ttJd5 ~d5 20.l:ld5 ttJI6 21.ttJd2 g6 22.-.-13 'i!ib7 23.~e2 b4;:t; 18.a4
21.l:ld8 l:ld8'F Fey-Mass, Oberhof jr 1999) ..il8 (18...~6!?) 19.15 e5 (19... l:le8!?) 20.d5
18... ~16 19.'ii'g4 ed4 20.ed4 h6oo; cd5 21.~d5 .idS 22.ttJd5 'ii'c6 23.l:ld2 ttJc5
20... b5oo; 17.Wh1 ltJf6 (17 ... b5!? 18.ltJe5 24.l0cb6 l:lb8 25.16 'i!i'e6 26.ttJe7 '~PhS
(18.ttJd2 c5 19.d5 ed5 20.ttJd5 ~d5 27.l:ld8 l:ld8 28.1i'c5 l:ld1 29.l:ld1 Y.!-12
21 ...id5 c4'F) 18... c5 19.dc5 (19.ttJd7 cd4 Ziese-Adelseck, cr ICCF 2011) 18...h6 19...e2
20.l:ld4 l:ld7 21 .l:ld7 'ii'd7 22.l:ld1 c7'F) (1 9.l:ld2 ~6 20.l:lcd1 ~7= Pe~eupold,
19 ...ttJc5'F) 18.ttJe5 c5 19.dc5= Tegsh- cr ICCF 2010; 19.ttJcJ ~18 20.a4 ~6
suren-Shkapenko, Internet blitz 2004; 21.lLle4 ..ib4= D.Evans-Giacchetti, cr ICCF
17. e4 h6 18.'ife2 ~8 19.ttJg3 c5 2010) 19...~6 20.'ii'f3 (20.'\tg4? f5 21.1i'h3
20 ...ia8 l:la8oo Silva-Revuelta Capablanca, c5 22.ttJe5 ttJeS 23.fe5 'i'b8 24.lQcJ ..ic4+
cr ICCF 2007; 17.W'e4 ltJI6 18.'i!fl3 ltJdS Troia-Mergard, cr ICCF 2009) 20...c5 21 .dc5
19.ttJe4 16 20.a3 ~18 21.'ili'g3 'it.'h8 ttJc5 22.ttJe5 16 23.ttJcs ~c5 24.ttJc6 l:ld1
22.'i!fh4 1i'17oo Bajt-Meszaros, cr ICCF 25.'ii'd1 'itd6=; 17... 'ili'b8 18.b4 (18.'\Wb1
18 ...a5 [18 ... ttJI6 19.W'b1 ttJdS 20.ttJe4 2009] 17...ttJf8 18.'i!i'e2 [18.15!?) ~6 19.Va2 (Mochafov-Cvek, Plovdiv tt 2010)
h6 (20 .. .16!?) 21 .ttJe5 ~18 22.l:lc2 18 ... ~a6 19.b3 ttJg6 20.~e4 [20 .. .15 19... g6=) 18.. ~6 (18... 18 (I.Schneider-
(22.ttJc3!? A ttJa4, f5i) 22... W'e7 21 ...ih1 ..if6 22.b4 1i'e7'F) Y2-Y2 V.Atlas, Austria tt 2010/11 ) 19.15!? g6 (1 9... ef5
23.l:ldc1 'ilfe8 24.'ii'b3 f6;:t L6tscher-Atlas, 20.'i'f5 ttJd7 21.'i'e4i) 20.1e6 ttJe6 21.f4i)
Switzerland It 2002] 19.b5 [19.W'b3!?] 19.ttJe4!? (1 9.'i'b3 c5 20.dc5 ..ic4 21. c4
19 ... ttJf6 20.W'b3 cbS 21.ttJb5 W'b8 bc5 22.b5 ttJb6 23.l:ld8 l:ld8 24.'i!t'a2 c4
22.'ilfd3 ..ig2 23.'0Pg2 .. b7 24.'1Pg1 Wang Hao 25.a4 ~ 26.a5 ttJd5oo Vekshenkov-lug<Mli,
'i'f3 25.'ii'f1 l:lc4 26.l:lc4 [26.W'c4? Almasi,Zoltan Krasoo;arsk ch-FUS 2003) 19... h6 20.ttJe5
1Zlg4 27.'ii'f1 ..ih4 28.W'g2 We2 29. c3 Khanty·Mansiysk of 2010 (4) ~7 21.1i'e2 'i!i'a8 (21...l:lc7!?) 22.'i!i'g4i
'i'f2 30.'ii'f2 ..if2 31 .'it.'g2 ..ieJ'F] Y2-Y2 1.c4 lDf6 2.d4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.ttJf3 Troia-Hoffmann, cr ICCF 2008; 17... ttJI6 18.b4
~ b4 5 ...id2 ..ie7 6.~g2 0-0 7.0-0 ttJd5 (18... h6!?) 19.ttJe5 'iWb8 20. 'i'b3 g6
c6 8 ...if4 ttJbd7 9.'i!t'c2 b6 10.l:ld1 21.l:lc2 Wg7 22.l:ldc1 16 23.ttJd3 ..Wd6oo
Ni Hua ~b7 11.ttJc3 dc4 12.ltJd2 d5 Kar1sen-Bennbom, cr ICCF 2011] 18.15
Wang Yue 13.ttJc4 ttJf4 14.gf4 'i!fc7 15.e3 [18.ttJes h (Duzhafkov-V.Neverov, \bronezh
Hefei ch-CHN rapid 2011 (7) l:lfd816. l:lac1 l:lac8 17.a3 2011 ) 19.f5!?t] 18...ef5 19.'i'f5 ttJg6
1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 e6 3.ttJf3 d5 4.g3 20...ie4 ..if6 21 .b4 e7 22.ttJe2
5 ...id2 ..ie7 6. ~g2 0-0 7.0-0 [22.14!?] 22...ttJf8 [22... c5 23.~7 'iltb7
c6 8.'ifc2 bd7 9.l:ld1 b6 10.~f4
g • 24.bc5 bc5 25.d5oo] 23~h1 l:lc7 24.ltJf4
~b7 11.ttJc3 dc4 12.ttJe5 ttJd5 .l.i.' ..ic8 25.'i'e4 ttJe6 26. h5 ~h4
13.ttJc4 ttJf4 14.gf4 'ii'c7 15.e3 .l.l i 27.ttJg3 g6 28.14 ..ib7 29.'ii'c2 ~f6
l:lac8 16.l:lac1 l:lfd8 [29...15!?] 30.lLle5 ..ie5 [30 ...~g7=) 31 .de5
c5 32~b7 l:lb7 33.ttJe4 cb4 34.l:td8
'ifd8 35.l:ld1 'ifc7 36.~a4 [36.ttJI6
Wh8 (36...WIB 37."i!fc7 l:lc7 38.ab4±)
37.'ifc7 l:lc7 38.ab4±] 36... l:lb8 37. b4
[37.ab4!?] 37... l:ld8 38.ttJd6 [38.l:ld8 1i'd8
39.ttJI6 'IPQ7 40.Wf2 "i!fd3 41."i!fe7 1i'd2
42.WIJ "i!fd1 43.Wf2=] 38 ..."i!fc2 39.l:lf1
17...lLlf8 [17... a5 18. (18.15 ef5 (18...e5!? 'ife2 [39...'ifd3!? 40.l:le1 (40...We1 ttJcst)
19.'ife4 ~16 20.d5 cd5 21 .ttJd5 ~d5 22.l:ld5 40...ttJg7 41."i!fd4 "i!fd4 42.ed4 ttJeG'F]
h6 23.W'c2 ttJc5 24.l:ld8 ..id8 25.b3 ttJd7 40...e4 41.'i'd4 'i!fg4 42.'1Ph1
26.a4 ..ie7 27.l:ld1 lH2 Davis-Giaser, cr 'ife2 43.'0Pg1 '*'g4 44.'it.>h1 '*'e2
ICCF 2011 ) 19.W'f5 ~6 (19... b5 20.ttJes 45.'0Pg1 Y2-Y2

GrUnfeld Indian Defence
4.e3 Line Gl 3.1 (DBO)

A Spanner in Black's Works

by Vladimir Georgiev and Petar Arnaudov

1. d4 tLlf6 The y tern with 6.'fi'a3 is solid

2. c4 g6 and po itional , the forced varia-
3. tLlc3 d5 tions are not so many, but more
4. e3 i.g7 importantly, what is needed is a
5. 'ii'b3 good understanding of the po i-
tion arising. The danger in the
6.'fi'a3 ystem lie in the fact that
even the tronge t GrUnfeld
player in our time, Peter Svidler,
failed to equalize again t it with
the black pieces.
The problem that Black ha in
thi variation i that castling i
not immediately pos ible and
that he also ha to try many dif-
ferent way to protect the a3-f8 Dmltry Andreikln
In our computer-dominated era, position. We have included two
where all variation are being The Logical Manoeuvre more back-up lines with analy-
analy ed in uch depth, white One of the main lines occur af- e : the rare but tricky 8. a4 in
player are forced to rotate ter 6 ... tLlc6 and 7 ... tLle7. A a the game Volke-Lutz and the
different ystem , especially rule, such a manoeuvre look most com mon move 8.i.e2, with
against the GrUnfeld Indian De- trange, but it is quite logical. It the idea of LO.b4, which is quite
fence where there is really a lot i very hard for White to achieve com mon nowaday , in the ga me
of theory. an advantage here, but our anal y- Alexand ro v-Syche .
The main ubject of our Survey es in the game Malaniuk-Stohl
i one of the ideline in the proved that after 8.i.d3 and King in the Middle
GrUnfeld Defence, which we be- LOJ:teLN In the game Ivanchuk-Mame-
lieve de erves its place under the dyarov, Black tried to play with
un: 5 ... e6 6.'fi'a3. hi king in the centre with
6 .. .tLlbd7 and ... c7-c6, but after
8.b3 White' position looked
much more promi sing.

A Pleasant Endgame
In the game Eingorn-Bernard the
veteran Ukrainian Grandmaster
proved that the endgame after
6... e7 7. e7! is very pleasant
for White. ln thi game we have
White can reach a promi sing also analysed orne other sec-

Survey Gl 3.1

ond-rate move uch a 6 ... ~f8, Black' game with IO ... c5, but Thi move i much better than
6...tlJd7 and 7 ... c5. AU of the e after the rather logical 13.a3 we Kortchnoi 's 9.c5 and also better
move lead to an advantage for definitively prefer White' than 9. ~d2 , which i another
White. chances. move in thi position. The idea of
The most erious test for the our recommendation is to keep
A Radical Solution 6.'ifa3 line, in our opinion, is the bishop on c I , where it i
In their recent book The Safest 6 ... a5, 7 ...c6 and ... ttJa6-b4. Thi better po ted (it is not hang ing
Grunfeld, grandmaster Delchev line wa prefen·ed by Peter and it can go to b2), and then to
and Agrest offer the radical Svidler in hi s recent blitz game make our u eful move 0-0 and
5... dc4 for B lack. We have exam- against Andreikin and it wa rec- l:td I a oon a po sible. IT you
ined thi line in the game ommended for Black by Bori want to play thi variation as
Lenderman-Grearua , but it Avrukh in hi late t book. White, we recommend you to
eem that Bl ack did not com- After White' 8.~e2? in thoroughl y review our anal y is
pletely equalize there. Andreikin-Svidler Black look here and to periodically check
OK, in pite of the fact that the databa e for new games in
Quite Passive White can probably get orne thi line.
In our Survey we have analysed compen ation for the pawn. We
one game with 5 .. .c6, but this have examined the only plausi- Conclusion
really belong to the Schlechter ble move here, 8.b3, in the game The 6.'ifa3 variation is not the
Defence ( ee the Survey by Ibragimov-Roiz. mo t topical line with in the
K.idarnbi e l ewhere in thl Year- We assert that the only move that Gri.infeld, but it definitely i
book). Thi move eem quite may pretend to an advantage quite tricky, and we recommend
pa siveand White' play is much after 8 ... ttJa6 is 9. ~e2!. that you add it to your opening
ea ier. Our model game for thi repertoire. The fact that uch
variation i Andreikin-Kiimov, player as the current 20 12
which i quite in tructive. Ru ian champion Dmitry
Andreikin , Vasi ly Ivanchuk and
The Main Line Alexey Alexandrov have played
The top game in our variation is thi s line, confirm our opini on
Jvanchuk-Svid ler. The Ukrai- that it de erve serious attention.
nian grandma ter created a won- If you want to reach playable,
derful positional game, which unforced and rather interesting
made quite an impres ion on us. po ition., you hou ld by all
Predojevic tried to reinforce means try the 6.fVa3 variation.

The Logical Manoeuvre

6 .... ti:l c6 & 7 ... ti:l e7

Moscow of 1994 (4)
10.....ib7 11 .cdS edS 12.b4

'if .i.

1. Put the queen on b3 and push a2·a4.
2. Develop the bishop to b2 and try to
create threats along the c-file.
3. If Black plays ... c7 ·C6 or tries to put the
bishop on the c8·h3 diagonal. White can
open the game with e2·e4.
1.d4 lLlf6 2.c4 g6 3.lLlc3 d5 4.e3
i.g7 s.-..b3 e6 6.'ira3 lLlc6 7.lLlf3
0.e7 8.i.d3 [This is not the most popular
move but it is quite sensible and White has
~ ~'
4. The f3·knight has a great square on eS
from where it can focus on c6 and 17.
S. Wait for the appropriate moment to
open the game with e2-e4.
good chances to play for an advantage in ~ ~ ~~ 12... lLle4 (12...a6 13.1t'b3 c6 14.a4 i.c8
this line] s...o-o 9.0-0 b6 1o.J:td1 [A) It
is too early for lO.cdS?! edS 11.lLleS (11.e4
l::t ~ n
<;t> 1S.i.b2 .itS 16.i.IS lLJIS 17.bS! cS 18.dc5
bcS 19.l:tad1;!;; 12... c6 13...ib2 bS 14.1t'b3
de4 12.lLle4 i.b7 13.i.gS lLlf5=) 11 ...i.IS; This is one of the critical positions in our lLlc8 1S.a4 a6 16.e4;!;) 13.i.b2 aS (Black
B) 10.J:te1!N (White is waiting for Black's Survey. It resembles the Carlsbad structure. must play this sooner or later. 13...c6? is
bishop to come to b7 before taking cdS) White's main ideas here are: impossible because the e4-knight is hanging:

14.l0e4 de4 15 .~e4 ; 13... l:l.e8 14.b5; 17.l:l.fd1 h6 18. ~h4 1i'a4+ 19.'ifd6 [15 ...l0d6!? 16 .~d3 f5oo] 16 . ~d3 l0df6
13... l0c8 14.b5! (now ...a7-a5 is no longer ~g4! 20.W'g3? fS! -+ 21.l0d6 ~f3 17.bS gS? [This is quite optimistic]
possible and the a7·pawn can become a 22. W'f3 'ii'd7 23.l0c4 gS 24. b6 18.'li'c2 'ifdS 19. e1 'ii'd7 20.a4
weakness at some point) 14... l0cd6 ab6 2S .~c4 l:l.ad8 26.l:l.d4 ~d4 d6 21 .l0f3 ~f3 22.gf3 lOdS
15.W'b3 l0c3 1 6 .~c3 e4 17.l:l.ac1 a6 27.l:l.d1 bS 28 .~ b3 l:l.fe8 29. 1 23.l:l.ac1 l0b4 24.'it'b1 l0d3 2S.'it'd3
18.a4 ab5 19.ab5 l0c3 20.W'c3) 14.b5 'ii'e6 30.g3 W'e4 31. 'ii'e4 l:l.e4 32.f3 lOtS 26.'it'e4 l0h4 27.<i;;h1 'irdS?
(taking the important c6·square under l:l.e3 33.l:l.d4 l:l.b3 0-1 [27 ... l:l.ac8! 28.l:l.g1 f6 29.l:l.c6] 28.'it'dS
control) 14...l0f5 15.l:l.ac1 l0fd6 edS 29.f4! +- f3 30.fgS l0d2
(15 ...l0ed6 16.'li'b3!) 16...-b3! ; 10... dc4!? 31.l:l.g1 11Je4 32.l:l.g2 l:l.ac8 33. f4
11. ~c4 l0f5! (11...~7 12.e4!!) 12. ~a6 Alexandrov,Aiexey l:l.fd8 34.f3 l0d6 3S.lOdS l:l.e8 36.e4
c5 13.dc5 ~6 14.'ifa6 bc5 15.'ifc4oo Sychev,Kiementy ~ h7 37.l:l.gc2 1-0
White has a better pawn structure, but he St Petersburg 2011 (4)
has some problems developing his pieces] 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 dS 4.e3
10...~ b7 11 .cdS lOedS 12. ~d2 ~g7 s.'ii'b3 e6 6.'li'a3 l0c6 7.l0f3
l0c3 13.~c3 l0e4 14 . ~ b4 l:l.e8 l0e7 8 .~e2 0-0 9.0-0 b6 [9 ... dc4 10.e4
1S . ~a6 'ifc8 16 . ~ b7 "it'b7 17.l:l.ac1 "itd6 11.b3!? (11.'li'a4!) 11...cb3 12.e5 King in the Middle

cS 18.~e1 l:l.ed8 19.dcS lOcS Y-2-Y-2 'ifa3 13.~a3 l0fd5= Holzl·Groszpeter, 6 .. .l!J bd7
Balatonbereny 1989] 10.b4
Volke,Karsten Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar
Lutz,Christopher .i.'iW Beijing blindfold 2011 (3)
Bad Neuenahr ch-GER 1991 (11) 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.e3
1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 dS 4.e3
' .t. ' .,.i.i.i
,.,., ~g7 S.W'b3 e6 6.'i t'a3 bd7 7.l0f3
~g7 S.'it'b3 e6 6.'li'a3 l0c6 7.l0f3
l0e7 8.'li'a4 [This move is less popular
than the main line 8.~e2 , but it is quite f::,f::,f::,
playable in our opinion] 8 ••. c6 [8 ... ~d7!? 'if ttJ t::.ttJ
9.11t'b3 0-0 (9 ...c5 10.cd5 l0ed5 11.l0d5 f::, ~f::,f::,f::,
ed5 12.1i'b7 l:l.b8 13.'li'a7 c4 14. ~e2=)
10.~e2 dc4 11.'li'c4 ~c6 12.0-0 l0e4
.1::[ ~ 1:1~ i
13.l0e5 l0c3 14.'ifc3 d5 15.'ifc5!] f::,f::,
9 .~d3 0-0 1 0.0-0 l0d7 [This is one of the new trends in this line. ttJ t::. CZJ
White is trying to gain some space on the f::, f::, f::,f::, f::,

-*-~ x• queenside and to prepare ~2] 10.•• ~b7

[10 ...dc4! is the best move here now that
White has prevented Black from pushing
~ ~~ 1:1
'' .,..,.,.i.i ... c7-c5: 11. ~c4 ~b7 12 .~e2 (12.l0e5!? 7 ...c6 [7 ...~f8 8.'li'b3 c6 9.cd5 (9.~d3
' i i l0d7 13.14 l0f5 14.l:l.d1 ·~t'e7=) 12... l0ed5 ~g7 10.0-0 0-0 11.l:l.d1 'ii'e7 12 .~d2 dc4
i 13.l0d5 ~d5 14 . ~b2 l0e4 15.l:l.ac1 a5 13.~c4 e5! 14. e5 e5 15.de5 'ife5
f::,f::, 16.b5 l:l.c8 17.l0e5 ~e5 18.de5 l0d2 16.a4 'ii'c7 (16... g4 17.f4 'li'e7 18.h3
ttJ ~t::.ttJ 19.e4 (19.l:l.fd1!? 'ii'g5 20.g3 l013 21.~13 11Jf6 19.a5 ~f5) 17.13 d7?! 18.l0e4 11Je5
f::,f::, f::,f::,f::, ~f3 looks quite dangerous for White) 19 .~c3 l0c4 20.~g7 <i;;g7 21 .'it'c4±
19...l0e4 20.'ii'e3 l0c5= Bocharov- L.Lengyei-I.Molnar, Budapest ch·HUN 1961)
1::[ .i 1::[\t> Cheparinov, Moscow 2011] 11 .~ b2?! 9... ed5 10.~d3 ~g7 11. a3 ~f8 12."i¥a4
[11.c5! l0d7 (11 ... l0e4 12 .~b2 f5 ~g7 13.b4 0-0 14."i¥b3 a6 15.0-0 l:l.e8
11.e4? [11 .'ii'b3! (now it has become 13.l:l.ac1!) 12 .~b2 c6 13.l:l.ab1 e5 14.de5 16.a4 b6 17.~b2 ~b7 18.a5 b5 19.l:l.fe1
difficult for Black to play either ... c7-c5 or l0e5 15.l0e5 ~e5 16.~d3!] 11 ... dc4 l0e4 20 .~e4 de4 21 . d2 'ifh4 22.g3
... e7-e5) 11 ...dc4 (11 ...c5 12.cd5 ed5 12 .~c4 [12.l:l.fd1] 12... lOedS!? 'ifh3 (22... 'it'g4? 23. ce4!± Porat-De
13.'ii'a3 c4 14 . ~e2 a6 15.b3 l0b6 16. d2 [12... ~f3! 13.gf3 l0fd5 14.l:l.ac1 c3 Groot, Buenos Aires ol 1939) 23.l0ce4 c5
~e6 17.l:l.b1! and it seems that White's 15 . ~c3 f5 16 . ~e2 h4 17.Wh1 24.'it'f7 ~ 25.l0g5 <i;;e7 26.l0h3 cb4
play is easier here; 11...e5? 12.cd5 ed4 'ifd5-+] 13. e2 [13.l0d5 ~d5 14 .~d5 27.l:l.ac1 l:l.ac8 28.l0f4!; 7...a6 8.~d2
13.ed4 cd5 14 .~g5! !) 12. ~c4 e5 13.l:l.d1 'it'd5 15.l:l.fc1 l:l.fc8 16.'ifa6! with a slight (8.cd5! ed5 9 .~d3 ~f8 10.'ilt'b3 c6
ed4 14.l0d4 'it'c7 15.e4 b5 16. ~e2 a6 advantage for White. Now White's plan is to 11 .e4!) 8...b6 9.cd5 ed5 10 . ~e2 ~b7
17 .~g5 l:l.e8 18.l:l.ac1 !] 11...cS 12.edS double on the c-file and to jump to e5 with 11 .0·0 ~f8 12....b3 ~d6 13.l0g5 0-0=
cd4! =F 13.l0e4 edS 14.cdS l0b6 the knight at the appropriate moment] Strater-P.Popovic, Germany Bundesliga
1S.'ifa3 lOedS 16.~gS 'ii'd7 13 .•. e4 14.'ii'b3 aS 1S.a3 hS?! 2009/10; 7... c5 8.cd5 ed5 9.dc5 0·0 10.~e2

Survey Gl 3. 1

(10.b4! aS 11..Q.b2 tile4 12.tild5 .Q.b2 and White's position looks slightly better] his more naturally placed pieces. Now Black is
13.'i'b2 ab4 14 .~c4 tildc5 1S.l:ld1 ;!;) 16...tildS 17.tilgS?! [17.~e3! ? c5 without serious counterplay and WhHe can
10...'i'e7 11 .Q-O? (11.b4;!;) 11 ... tilc5= 18.tilc5 tilc5 19.dc5 ~es 20.~d4 ~d4 simply improve his position wHh e2-e4, ~gS,
Ortega Hermida-Kurajica, Las Palmas 2010] 21.tild4=] 17... cs 18.~d3 l:lc6 l:lfd1 , l:lact: 12... o-o 13.~d2 (13.'i'b71tilb4
8.b4 [8.b3!?N ~f8 9.'i!i'b2 tile4 10.tile4 19.'i'h3 h6 20.tilf3 hS 21.~d2 l:lfc8 14.tile5±) 13...a4 14.'it'd1 a3 15.ba3 l:le8
de4 11.tild2 fS 12.c5 The position remains 22.l:lad1 'it'bS 23.b3 c4'l' 24.tilgS c3 16.a4?! (16.'i'b3!) 17.d5 s 18.e4;!;
complex, but WMe's chances seem 2S.'i'f3 f6 26.ef6 tilSf6 27 ~c1 'i'fS O.Jakobsen-Winsnes, Sweden It 2004/05)
preferable] 8•.• dc4 9. ~c4 bS 10.~d3 28.~e2 tildS 29.g3 tilc7 30.h3 7...~g7 8.'i'a3 ~f8 9. b3 c6 10.tilf3
aS 11.~d2 [11 .Q-O! .Q.b7 ( 1 1...~e7?! tilbd7 11.~e2 (11.~d3! ~d6 12.o-o o-o
12.baS b4 13.'i!i'a4 bc3 14.'trc6 l:lb8 15.a6) 13.l:ld1 ;!;. This is what White is aiming for -
12.e4 ~f8 13.-.b2 ab4 14.tile2 with very to reach a Meran-type position where both
good compensation for the pawn] 11 .....We7 sides have wasted a couple of tempos. White
12.l:lb1 o-o 13.o-o eS'l' 14.tile4?! is just slightly better. Also the weakened dark
.ib7! 1S.'it'c1 tile4 16.~e4 ed4 squares around Black's king might be
17 .~c6 l:lac8 18.~ b7 l:lc1 19.l:lfc1 important when the game is opened up.
li:leS+ 20.tileS de3 21 .~e3 ~ b7 White's next move will be e3-e4) 1 1...~d6
22. 6 a4 23.l:lc2 ~d7 24.l:lbc1 a3 12.D-O Q-0 13.'ifc2;!; O.Jakobsen-M.D.
25.l:ld2 ...e6 26.tild4 Tseitlin, Condino Wch-sen 2009] 7.'. -e71
~e7 8.b3;!; l:ld8 9~a3 q;>es 10.l:lc1
c6 11.tilf3 aS 12~e2 ~f8 13.~f8
8 14.tila4 tilbd7 1S.o-o ~e7
30 ... tilbS? [30 ... c21 31 .l:ld3 tilbS 32.d5 16.l:lfd1 h6 17. 1 l:lb8 18.tild3 b6
tileS+ ] 31.dS c2 32.dc6 cd1 'iii' 19.tile5 tileS 20.de5 tild7 21 .cdS
33.l:ld1 tild4 34. 'i!t'e3= l:lc6 3S . ~b2 cd5 22.f4 bS 23.tilc3 b4 24.tila4
'ifgS [35 ...eS!? 36.~d4 l:ld6] 36. gS [~ ~b7 2S. · S l:ldc8 26~d7 l:lc1
36.~d4 e3 37 .~e3=] 36 ...tilt3 27.l:lc1 Wd7 28.J:lcS ~c6 29.l:laS
37 •..tg2 tilgS 38 .~g7 Wg7 39.l:ld7 · 4 30.l:la4 l:lb7 31 .J:la6 'iPc7
6 40.h4 tile4 41.<i>f3 tilc3 42.l:la7 32. ~b8 33.g4 l:lbS 34.h4 Wb7
tila4 43.ba4 l:lcS 44.Wf4 l:lc2 3S.l:la4 hS 36.ghS ghS 37. ~ b6
4S.c;Pe3 l:la2 46.l:laS eS 47.l:la8 ~fS 38.l:la8 J:lcS 39.l:lb8 'itaS
48.aS J:la3 49 .~e2 ~e4 SO.l:lb8
26...~d4 27.~d4 l:ld8 28.h3 hS l:la2 S1 .Wf1 Wf3 S2.l:lf8 ~e4
29. 1 'ilt'fS 30.l:le1 q;>h7 31.13 gS S3.l:lb8 l:laS Y2 -Y2
32. W'f4 33.l:led1 h4 34. ~g1
'.Pg6 3S. l:ld6 36.>Pg1 fS
37.J:ld3 l:ldS 38.l:l1d2 'i'd6 0-1

A Pleasant Endgame
Rakhmanov,Aiexander 6 ... 'i!Ve7
Dagomys ch-RUS jr 2009 (3) Eingorn,Viacheslav
1.d4 tilf6 2.c4 g6 3.tilc3 dS 4.e3 Bernard,Jacques
~g7 s.~ b3 e6 U !fa3 c6 7.tilf3 Geneva 2001 (1)
tilbd7 [7 ...dc4 8.~c4 as 9.~e2 tila6 1.d4 tilf6 2.c4 g6 3.tilc3 dS 4.e3 40.a3 1-0
10.0-0 bS 11.~b3 0-0 12.a3 .Q.b7 13.l:ld1 ~g7 S.'ilt'b3 e6 6.'iYa3 -.e7?! [This
'*le7 14.~d2 tild7 15.e4;!; Vorobiov- exchange is always good for WhHe because
TIIicheev, Moscow 2012] 8.~d3!? dc4 he has an advantage in the ensuing
9.~c4 bS 1O.~e2 aS 11 . b3 o-o endgame. 6... tilc6 7.tilf3 'ife7?! (this move
12.o-o ~a6 13.e4 b4 14. · 6 l:la6 is bad as usual) 8.'it'e7 tile7 9.tilb5;!; A Radical Solution
15.tila4 'it'b8 16.eS [16.l:le1 ! eS Kjartansson-Szeberenyi, Budapest 2008. Now s.~b3 dc4
(16... l:lc8 17.~g5 c5 18.~c4 'it'b7 19.dc5 Black is forced to play 9... Wd8 and wHh this
J:lac6 20.~f6 ~f6 21 .e5 ~g7 22.tild4 l:lc5 king in the centre, White obtained a long-term Lenderman,Aiex
23.tilc5 l:lc5 24.-.b3 tileS 2S.l:lada Black initiative; 6...~18?! 7.'i!fb3 (7.'ifa4! ~d7 Greanias,Steve
definHely has real compensation for the 8.'i'b3 dc4 9.~c4 tilc6 10.~e2 as 11.tilf3 Orlando 2011 (3)
exchange but White still has his chances for ~g7 12.Q-0;!; and it has become clear that 1.d4 tilf6 2.c4 g6 3.tilc3 dS 4.e3
a win) 17.tilc5 tilc5 18.dc5 l:le8 19.~gs WhHe has a pleasant advantage because of ~g7 s. b3 dc4 [This is the variation

which GMs Delchev and Agrest offered in 37.bS 'ife7 38.'ife7 We7 39.bc6 ~f3 20.gf3 lt:la4~ was indicated by
their book against our system (Chess Stars ~d6 40.f3 f6 41 .Wt2 gS 42.g3 gh4 Predojevic) (13 14.~6
2011 )] 6 .~c4 0-0 lt:lc6!? 43.gh4 fS 44...t>e3 fe4 4S. ~e4 aS l:ta6 15.0-0 0-0 ( 16.e4 lt:lc5
[Objectively 7... c5! is the best move here: 46.f4 ef4 47. 4 ~c6 48.~c6 ..t>c6 17.'ii'c4 lt:ld7 18.l:tfd1 0-0 19 .~e3 and
8.d5!? (8.dc5!? 'iVa5 lt:le4 49.c;fo>gS WbS SO ...t>hS ..t>a4 S1 .Wg6 White has some pressure)
(9...e6!?=) 10 .~17 { lt:lc5 w a3 S2.hS Wb2 S3.h6 1-0 14 .~d3 'it'd3 'iff5 bc6
..t>h8 12.1t'c2 ~f5 13.e4 lt:le4 17.'it'c4 - White is a healthy pawn up and
~e4 15.1We4 ~c3 16. ~f1 ~g7oo with a Black should work harder to prove his
very complicated position) 10... ..t>h8 11.14 compensation] 11. ~c4 ~c6
~e5 12.fe5 e6?! ( 13.1t'c4 ~f5oo)
13.0-0 lt:lg5 14 .~e8 l:te8 15.h4i Quite Passive
Alexandrov-Kiimov, St Petersburg 2010; S.'it'b3 c6
8.0-0N cd4 lt:lbd7 1O.l:td1 a6
11 .~d2 e5 (this is the line which the Andreikin,Dmitry
authors of 'The Safest Gninfeld' Klimov,Sergey
recommended, but Predojevic goes deeper Kallithea tt 2008 (3)
in his comments and claims that things are 1.c4 g6 2.d4 lt:lf6 dS 4.e3
far from clear) b5 (12...e4 ~g7 S. ~b3 c6 [Our Survey cannot be
lt:lc5 14.'i!fa3 b6 15 .~e1 ~c7 16.h3 ~b7 complete without including this line, which
17.l:tac1 ;!;) 13.~e2 ~b7 14.a4 e4 could also arise from the Slav Defence]
lt:lc5 16.'iVa3i) 9.e4 lt:lb6 0-0 7. ~d2 e6 [7 ... dc4 8. ~c4
10.~e2 e6 11 .d6 e5 12.'i!t'd1 ( 12 .~e3 lt:lbd7 9.l:td1 lt:lb6 10.~e2 ~e6 1 1.~c2
W d6 13.l:td1 'i!fc7 14.'iVa3 lt:lbd7 ~c4 12.e4 ~e2 V.Mikhalevski- 12.a3 [This logical move was a novelty at
15 . 0·0~) 12 ... ~g4 13. ~e3 ~f3 14.gf3 Kretchetov, Las Vegas 2009] 8.~d3 the time] [12...~f3!? 13.gf3
lt:lh5 15.1i'd2 lt:lf4 16.~f4 ef4 17.1t'f4 lt:lbd7 9.0-0 b6 10.cdS edS 11 .a4! lt:lbd5 1H!t'b?;t is another pawn sacrifice
l:te8~ Kortchnoi-Greenfeld, Ramat Aviv [11.e4 de4 c5 lt:lf6 14.dc5 which is not quite correct] 0-0
2000, with very pleasant compensation for bc5 15.l:tfd1 ~e6=] 11 ...a6 12.aS! bS bc6 1S.ii'c2 ii'e7 16.0-0i
Black] 8. ~e2 d7 13.'fi'a3i l:te8 lt:le4 1S. ~b4 [White has a pleasant advantage, because
fS 16.l:tac1± ~b7 17.l:tc2 'i!t'f6 of a better pawn structure and his two ~f7 19.~e2 gS bishops] 16... cS cd4
l:te6 lt:leS ~es cS l:tfc8 20.l:tfd1 lt:lg4
23.deS l:teS 24.f3 lt:lt6 2S.t4 gf4 21.h3 lt:leS 22. ~e2 c4 23.l:tac1 hS
26.l:tf4 l:tae8 27. ~cs 'i!t'e6 28.l:tt3 24.tLlc3 lt:lb6 lt:ldS
lt:lg4 29.~d4 l:te4 30. ~d3 l:td4 lt:lb6 lt:ldS 28 . ~e1 l:tab8
31.ed4 'ili'e1 32 . ~f1 'i!'e4 33. ~ c3 29 •..t>h1 lt:ld7 30.l:tb1 tZlcS 31.~c4
lt:le3 34.i.d3 'iVg4 [A fine game by the lt:lb6 32.~bS lt:ldS 33.a4 lt:la6
2012 Russian champion] 1-0 34.'*'e2 lt:lab4 3S.l:tbc1 l:tc7 l:tbc8 edS 38.l:tc7
l:tc7 39.b3 ~c3 40.l:tc1 'i!'t6 41 .'it't3
'ires 42.'it'g3 'ifg3 43.tg3 ~es
44.l:tc7 ~c7 4S.Wg1 lt:lc2 46 . ~d2
9.cjS!? [9.D-O!i, when Black's main idea is The Main Line ~ b6 47. d4 48.e4 d3 49.Wf1
just bad: 9...e5? 10.d5 lt:le7 11 .e4± ] 6 ... a5 lt:le3 so.w e1 lt:lg2 S1 .c;t>d1 h4
9 •.. lt:lceS cS 11 .dc6 lt:lc6 S2.gh4 tZlh4 53.b4 ab4 S4 .~b4 lt:lt3 bc6 13.0-0 lt:lb6 14.l:td1 lvanchuk,Vasily SS.aS ~d4 S6 . ~e7 fS 57.ef5 gfS
'ifc7i [The pos~ ion is very close to equal, Svidler,Peter 58 . ~d8 S9. ~b6 w e6 60 .~d4
but White managed to outplay his opponent Moscow 2011 (1 ) lt:ld4 61 . ~d3 1-0
who had 400 less elo points] 1S. ~c2 1.d4 lt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.e3
~ b7 l:tad8 17. ~d2 lt:ldS ~g7 S.'.. b3 e6 6 .'~'a3 aS ~c8 19.l:tab1 l:td6 20.~f1 lt:lc6 8. ~d2 lt:lb4 9.'i!t'a4 ~d7
l:tfd8 21.e4 lt:lb6 22. ~f4 eS 23. ~e3 10.'*'b3 dc4 [10 ...c5! (this move was Andreikin,Dm itry
l:td1 24.l:td1 l:td1 2S . ~d1 ~f8 suggested by GM Predojevic in his Svidler,Peter
26.W'd2 lt:ld7 27.'iVc3 lt:lcS 28 .~cs comments) 11 .dc5 dc4 12.~c4 ~c6 13.a3! Astana Wch blitz 201 2 (3)
~cs 29.'ifcs ~e6 30.a3 c;t>g7 31 .b4 (this is our suggestion. 13.l:td1 ?! lt:ld7 1.c4 g6 2.d4 lt:lf6 3.tZlc3 dS 4.e3
Wf6 32. ~ bS ~d7 33. ~a4 c;fo>e6 0-0 15 .~b4 ab4 16. ~b4; ~g7 5.'il'b3 e6 6.'*'a3 aS
34. ~b3 6 3S.h4 hS 36.~dS ~e8 ~e7 lt:lc5 18 .~c2 l:ta8 19.0-0 [7.~d2 c6 dc4 9.'lli'a4 b5 10. c2

Survey Gl 3.1

a4 Zubov-Krasenkow, Warsaw rapid 2009, lbragimov,lldar 11..te2 0-0 12.0-0 tt:le4 13.l:lad 1 ttld2
and White has some compensation for the Roiz,Michael (13... b6 14.cd5 tt:lc3 15..tc3 tt:ld5 16..td2)
pawn] 7... c6 a..te2? [This already is a Internet blitz 2003 (1) 14.'ilfd2 cd4oo 15.ed4 b6 16.a3 tt:lc6
big mistake, but this was a blitz game, 1.c4 g6 2.d4 tt:lf6 dS 4.e3 17.cd5 ed5 White still has some
where things can easily go wrong] a...dc4 .tg7 S.'i'b3 e6 6.'i'a3 aS c6 chances but Black should be able to
9.b3 [9..tc4?? b5-+ ; 9.9a4! is similar to 8.b3 tt:la6 [This is the variation which GM equalize] 11.a3 tt:la6 12•.te2 [12 ..td3!?
Zubov-Krasenkow] 9... bS 10.'ii'b2 b4 Avrukh recommends for Black in his book] c5 13.cd5 tt:ld5oo] 12... b6 13.0-0 .tb7
11./t.:\a4 c3+ [Black is virtually winning] 9..td2!? [9..te2! is our recommendation: 14.l:lfd1 'i' tt:ld716.l:lac1
9... tt:le4! (9... ti:\b4!? (with the bishop still on l:lfcB 17.cdS edS 18.b4 ab4 19.ab4
c1 this attempt is not so strong) 10.'i'b2 bS tt:lacS 21 .bcS l:la4
tt:le4 (10...c5!? (Avrukh) 11 .a3 tt:lc6 12.0-0 22 ..tb4 l:lcaa 23.l'.ta1 tt:lf6 24.l:la4
0-0 13.l:ld1 b6! (1 4.'ilfc2?! cd4 l:la4 2S.l:la1 l:la1 26.'i'a1 tt:le4
15.ed4 .tb7 16..tf4 l:lcB 17.h3 tt:le7= 27.'i!i'a7 'i'c7 28.h3 .tf6
Avrukh) 14... tt:le4 15.'ilfc2 .tb7 16..tb2
cd4D 17.ed4;!; and White is ready to push
c4-c5 on the next move, with a very
promising position) 11.0-0 c5 12.l:ld1 b6
13.a3 tt:lc6 14.cd5 ti:lc3 15.'ii'c3 9 d5
16..tb2 cd4 17.tfc1!;!;) 10..tb2 (10.'i!i'b2!
0-0 11 .0-0 tt:lac5 (11...c5 12.a3! cd4 13.ed4
and the bishop on c1 becomes active)
12.'i'c2 0-0 13.e4 tt:lbd7 14.0-0 12.ttle4 tt:le4 13.Wc2;!;) 10... tt:lb4 11 .l:lc1
'ffc7 1S..tgS cS 16.l:lad1 .tb7 0·0 12.0·0 b6 13.l:lfd1 oo .tb7 14.cd5 cd5
17.e5 tt:ldS 18.dcS tt:lcS 19.l:ld4 Black's position seems fine; 9.c5?! tt:ld7
liJd7 20.l:lc4 1i'b8 21.ttlcs tt:lcS 1o..ta6 l:la6 11 .tt:la4 0-0 (11...g5?! 12.0-0
22.l'.tc5 l'.tcB 23.l:lc8 'i'cB 24.h4 h6 g4 h5 Wg5 15.'ii'b2 e5
25. ~c1 .ta6 26. · 6 27.hS 16.e4;!; Kortchnoi-Van Wely, Istanbul ol 29 •.•.th4? [29 ...'tfi>g7=] 30.f3! tt:lg3
ghS 28.l:ld1 a4 29.'i'e4 ab3 30.ab3 2000) 12..tb2 'ii'e7 (12 ... l'.te8!=F) 13.D-0= 31 •.tbSl +- cbS 32.c6 tt:le2 33.'i1i'f1
'ffa2 31 .tt:ld4 l:lcB 32.<~i' h2 'i!i'f2 Kortchnoi-Kurnosov, Cheliabinsk 2007] tt:lg3 34.We1 .tdB 3S. b7 tt:lfS
33.l'.td3 'ilff1 34.ttle2 0-1 9... tt:lb4 10.'i!fb2 0-0?! [10 ...c5!N 36.'i!i>e2 f6 37 ..tas 1-0

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Gri.infeld Indian Defence
Exchange Variation Gl4.8 (085)

A Surprising Knight Retreat

by Dam ian Lemos Sarro (special contribution by Vladimir Tukmakov)

1. d4 ltJf6 run White get a very powerful

2. c4 g6 centre.
3. ltJc3 d5
4. cd5 ltJdS A Strong Pawn Centre
5. e4 ltJc3 One of Black' critical replies i
6. bc3 ~g7 9 ... cd4. Here White play
7. ltJf3 c5! which is the key to thi
8. ~e3 aS set-up.
9. lDd2

• :i
i i .i. i
'' '
Vladimir Tukmakov

~ t{J ~~~ after I O.l:r.b I .ia4 I I. a4 a4

: ~~ ~ : 12.i.b5 i much better for White.
Now it turn out that after Black hould try 10... c3 in-
owaday the Griinfeld Indian 10... c3 White traps the queen stead, a ugge ted in the notes to
Defence i one of the mo t popu- with ll.i.d2, and after 10 ... · d8 Mel.kumian-Khalifman in the
lar replies to J.d4, and not onl.y at I l .cd4 White keep hi strong Game Section .
elite level. Finding a line to fight centre and the tt:lc4 become a
again t the Griinfeld may become very trong piece, controlling the Conclusion
a real headache for white player aS- and e5- quares. look like a promi ing
ometimes. In thi Survey we are After 9 ... tt:ld7 the move lO ..:Cc l , line and we will need a lot more
going to examine an intere ting used by Lima against Svidler, is game to get a clear as e sment.
line for White in the f3 line intere ting, although I think After 9 ... cd4 I simp ly prefer
tarting with the move!?. White can do even better without White because he gets a tronger
Thi knight retreat, fir t een in acrificing a pawn by mean of centre and Black won ' t be a
the early 1980's, ha been tried by IO.'it'c2, followed by i.e2 and pawn up, compared to other
trong grandma ters like Laz- ca tling, as in Laznicka-Kiilaots. Griinfeld Exchange lines . Alter-
nicka, Kasimdzhanov, Shulman, 9 ... 0-0 i the most logical try, natives like 9 ... tt:ld7 or 9 ... 0-0 are
and many others. Of cour e, when I prefer White' position better, in my opinion. I strongly
Black ha orne intere ting re- because being a pawn down or recommend the reader to rudy
plie - in orne line he can even not White always maintains hi s the Game Section closely,
" play with a paw n up, as in the trong centre. e pecially the games Ka im-
game Lima-Svidler analysed in 9 ... .id7 is the new fashion dzhanov-Navara Lima-Svidler
the Game Section. But in the long although the en uing endgame and Mareco-Berkes.

Survey G/4.8

A Strong Pawn Centre [] 32. ~ b4? tt:lf5-+ 33 •..i.g5 35 ... %lb7 ..i.bS\d6 %lc2
9 .. .cd4 e4 [33 ... h6-+] 34.fe4 ~e4 35.h3 38.a4 ..i.c6 39..l:tb4 6
3 36.g3 ~ 37. ~c5 tt:lf1 38 ...i.f4 ..i.e4 41 . .1:te4 h5 42 ..1:tb4 aS 43 •.l:tb5
Shulman,Yury tt:lg3 39 •..i.b8 aS 40.~ b5 ~g2 41.h4 .l:tc1 44. ~h2 .l:tc4 45.l:ta5 .l:th4
Robson,Ray tt:lf5 42.h5 ghS 0-1 46.~g3 .l:tb4 47 ..1:ta7 5 48.a5
Lubbock A 2011 (10) :lb3 49.f3 %la3 50.%la8 .l:ta2 51.a6
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cd5 ~f6 52.f4 ~g7 53. ~ h3 .l:ta4
/Cd5 5.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 ~g7 c5 54. ~g3 %la2 55.%la7 ~f6 56.%la8
8..b 3 'if aS cd4 Predojevic,Borki ~g7 57. 3 ~h7 58 ..1:ta7 ~ h6
'I'dB 11 .cd4 fS Brkic,Ante [Wrong result? nme?] 0-1
Jahorina tt 2012 (3) tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 d5 4.cd5
X tt:ldS 5.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 ..i.g7 7.d4 cS Babula,VIastimil
.t..t 8. ~e3 'tWaS cd4 Hoffmann,Michael
'iiY dB 11 .cd4 fS 12.d5 [This looks like a

Germany Bundesliga 2011/12 (11)
weird try to me. Although it's true that White 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 d5
has some compensation if Black accepts ..i.g7 5.cd5 tt:ldS 6.e4 tt:lc3 7.bc3 c5
the offer of the %la1] 12 ... 0-0 [The logical 8. ~e3 'if aS cd4
continuation for Black. Taking the rook 'ii'd8 11 .cd4 0-0
means taking unnecessary risks: 12... ..i.a1
13.'ifa1 0·0 14 .~e2 and White's position is
full of venom] 13...i.d4 [13...i.e2 bS ..i.a1 1S.'ifa1 fe4 'ifdS
12./Ces [After this Black has the chance 17. ~f3 (17...i.h6 eS and I think that Black's
of playing an unbalanced but playable defence holds up) 17...%%13 18.gf3 c6-+]
endgame. Being White I would try 13.. .fe4 14...i.g7 ~g7 15.'ifd4 ~g8
something like 12.%lb1 (this has also been (1S ... %lf6 (this weird-looking move also
tried) 12.. .fe4 (12...0-0- 11 ... 0-0) 13...i.e2 looks interesting) 16...i.e2 (16.'ife4 bS,
~e6 14.%lb7 0-0 1S.O-O (1S.'ifa4!) followed by a check on aS or ..i.b7. Black
1S... tt:lc6 tt:leS 17.deS ..i.dS? takes the initiative) 16... tt:ld7 17.0-0 b6,
(17...~es 18.'ti'd8 %lfd8 19.%le7;!;) followed by The game is unclear]
1B.I:te7! 'tie? 19.'ifdS ~hB 20.e6± 16.%ld1 tt:ld7 17...i.e2 tt:lb6 [2
Kuljasevic-Neubauer, Sibenik 2012, or 17... tt:lf6] 18.d6 ..i.e6 19.'ii'e4 ~f5 12 ..1:tc1 [12 ..1:tb1 fS 13.efS ( ..i.eS
12.%lc1 0-0 - 11...0-0; 12.efS ..i.fS 20.'ilt'd4 ..i.e6 21.'ife4 ~f5 22.'ii'b7 14.deS 'ilt'd1 1S.%ld1 ..i.e6 I consider this
13.'i!i'b3?! (13.%lc1)! 14.%ld1 [22.'ifd4=] 22 ...ed6 23. d6 ..i.c2 endgame playable for Black, although we
'i!i'dS 1S.'ifb7 :lbB 16.'ifa6 (16.'ilt'c7 24.%ld2 'iff6 25.0-0 'ifc3 26 ...i.c4 need practical examples) 13.....i.fSI 14.%lb7
0-0+) 16... tt:ld4 ~fB 18.'ifa4 [±] 26 ... tt:lc4 27.'ti'd5 ~g7 tt:lc6 1S.dS ..i.c3 16.~d2 tt:ld4
(18.'ilt'a7 :ldB 19.%ld2 'ilt'c6!+) 18... %ld8 :ladS?! (28 ...%lac8]\d6± (17 .~c3? tt:lc2 18 . ~d2 ( 18. ~e2 'ifcB+)
19.%ld2 .-e4 20.'i!i'd1 (20 ..-a? 'ifc6!+) ..i.a4 30.'ifd4?! ._d4 31.%ld4 a6 18... 'WdS 19.~c1 'ifb7 'ifc6
20 .....i.f6 21 .%lg1 ~h4 22.g3 tt:\f3 (22 ... ..i.f6 32.h4 %ld7 33.%lb1 %lfd8 34.%lb6 21.~c4 e6 22.'i'd2 .l:tabB 23.'Wh6 tt:ld4
23.~g2 .-e6-+) 23..-f3 'i!i'f3 24.%ld8 24 ...i.d4 .1:17 2S.Wf4 .l:td7 26 .~d2 .l:td6
~g7 2S.%lh8 ..i.f6 26.%ld8 ..i.c3 27.%ld2 27.1:tc1 'Wd7 28. ~e3 :ldB 29.%ld1+)
~g4 28...i.d4 ..i.d4 0-1 A.Volodin·Popilski, 17... aS 18.~c3 'ifc3 19. d2 a1
Eilat It 2012] 12.•...i.e5 13.de5 'ifaS 20.'Wd1 'ifc3 21 .'ifd2 'ifa1 22.'ifd1 ~- ~
[13... .-d1 14.%ld1 'OW 1S.efS gfS 16...i.e2 Avrukh-Kovchan, Mulhouse tt 2011] 12 ...f5
/Cc6;!; Jankovic-Zhou Jianchao, Moscow [12... bS ..i.b7 14.13 'Wd6 1S.'ifb3
2012] 14.'ird2 'ifd2 15...i.d2 ~ a6 16.a4 ..i.eS 17.deS 'ifes 18.abS abS
16.ef5 ..i.fS 17. ~c4 ..i.e6 18...i.e6 19 .~bS ~a6 20 ...i.a6 :laB 21.0-0;!;
\Pe6 (In the ensuing endgame I don't think Hajiyev-Haessel, Toronto zt 2006; 12... b6
that Black is in danger of losing] 19.%lb1 13...i.e2 ~b7 14.dS d7 1S.0-0;!; Yuffa-
tt:lc6 20.%lb7 %lhb8 21.%lb8 %lb8 VJ.Artemiev, Tiumen 2012] 13.1t'b3 ~ h8
22 ...i.c1 :lb1 23 . ~d2 tt:lb4 24.%ld1 (13 ... e6 14.efS gfS f4 16...i.d2 'i!i'd4
[24.a3=] 25 ...i.a3 tt:lc3! (Now 'ife4 18...i.e2 and 19..1:tc4 is
Black takes the lead] 26.%lc1 tt:le4 34 ...%lc8?? (34 ... ..i.bS 3S.f3 ( coming. I like White's position]
27 .~e3 %lc1 28 ...i.c1 ~es 29.f3 %ld4 %ld4 37.%la6 %lh4) 35... ~g8 ..i.eS 15.de5 tt:lc6 16..1:td1 Was
tt:ld6 30. ~d3 ~dS 31 .~c3 e5 36.~12±] 35.%lb7?? [3S.%la4+-l 17 ...i.d2 'i1Yb6 18 . ~c4 fe4 19.0-0

W'b3 20oab3 ~g4 21 .l:lde1 l:Ud8 cS 8 o ~e3 9 o~d2 cd4 1 Oo.!Lc4
22 o~c3 ~fS 23oh3 ~d4 24ol:ld1 bS W'd8 11 ocd4 bS 12 o ~ d2 0-0
2Sol:ld4 bc4 26ol:lc4= l:lab8 27ol:la1 13o ~ b3 a6 14ol:lc1 fS 1SoefS
l:lb7 28ol:lb4 [28.e6!? \Pg8 29ol:lc6] [15 .~d3;!;] 15... ~fS 16o ~e2 ~e4
28ooo l:ldb8 29ol:lb7 l:lb7 30ob4 1Pg7 17o0-0 c6 180 cS ~dS 19o ~ Q4
31 o ~d2 32o ~e3 l:lb4 33ol:la7 'ilt'd6 200 d7
~ca 34ol:lc7 · 6 3Soh4 l:lb7
36ol:lb 7 Vo!- V2

Schwarzach 2012 (9) [Although the position remains unclear, I
1od4 ~f6 2o ~f3 g6 3oc4 ~g7 4o ~ c3 think White is in the lead] 1S o. o ~ b6
dS SocdS ~dS 6oe4 ~c3 7obc3 cS 16 o ~e2 ~d7 17ol:lhd1 l:lad8
8 o~e3 9 o ~d2 cd4 1 O o~C4 180..-a3 ~e6 19ol:ld8 l:ld8 20ol:ld1
1t'd8 11 ocd4 0-0 1201t'd2 c6 l:lc8 21 ol:lc1 l:ld8 22 0W'b2 f6
13ol:ld1 e6 14 o~e2 bS 1So a3 a6 23 o ~c4 1 ? [23.a4±] 23 o o o ~c4 24ol:lc4
1600-0 '*'as 17o1t'as ~as 18odS ~es 2So1t'b3 .!Lc4 26o1t'c4 'otf8
~d7 19 o~ b6 ~ b2 20o ~aS ~a3 20000 ° 2 [20oooh5 21.~h3 l:ll7 22. b6 [26.. olt>g7 27.e5 l:ld7;!;] 27olt>e2 l:ld6? !
21 ol:ld3 ~cs 22ol:lc1 l:laca 230 1 l:ld8 23. dS W'dS 24.1i'b3;t] 21 0 f8 28o1t'c8 'iPg7 29oeS feS 30o1t'b7±
fS [23 .. oed5 24.l:ld5 ~e7 25.l:lc8 ~c8=] l:lf8 22 o1i'd2 [22.l:la1 ~c4 23.l:la6 ~11 6 31 01t'f3 1Pg7 32 01fe4
24oeS [24.ef5 l:ll5 25.l:ldc3 l:ld5 26.a3;!;] 24oiPI1 'ilt'd5 25.\Pg1 eS 26ode5 1t'd1 33og4 h6 34oh4 6 3Soa4 ~c7?
24 ooo ~e7 2Sol:lc8 l:lc8 26od6 ~gS 27 .~d1 ~eS;t] 22oo o ~c4 23ol:lfd1 eS 3601t'a8 ~ b6 37o"*tf8 \Pe6 38o1i'h6
27 o~c7 ~f4 28 o ~f3 ~es 29 o~ b7 24 odeS W'd2 2Sol:ld2 eS 26o ~e2 'otdS 39o1t'f8 1-0
l:le8 30og3 b4 31 o · 6 l:la8 32 o ~c4 aS 27 o~CS l:la8 [27... ~h6 28. ~18 ~d2
33.f4 ~c3 34o ~e2 l:l a3 3SoWd1 29.l:ld1 ~e2 30.l:ld2 ~c4 31 .~d6 d3=]
l:la8 36olt>c1 6 37ol:le3 h6 28ol:le1 l:lc8 29o ~d6 ~e2 30ol:lde2
38olt>d1 gS 39o ~e2 l:lg8 40ol:lf3 ~ c4 31 ol:le8 l:le8 32ol:le8
~d4 41 oa3 ba3 42ol:la3 l:le8 33ol:le7 6 34o ~cs ~fa 3Sol:lc7
43olt>d3 eS 44ol:laS gf4 4Sogf4 ~cs 36ol:lcs ~a3 37o f 1 'iPe6 9oo otb d7
38o'iPe2 'iPd6 39ol:lc8 ~c4 40o ~d3
~dS 41o'iPc3 d6 42ol:ld8 \PeS Vanheste,Jeroen
43ol:ld7 e4 44olt>b3 a4 4So ~a2 Tukmakov,VIad im i r
[45o'iPa3! \Pc4 46.l:lc7 ~cS 47.14 b4 Ostend 1990 (3)
48.\Pa2 6 49ol:lh7±] 4Sooo b4 46.f4 1od4 ~f6 2oc4 g6 3o c3 dS 4ocdS
[46.l:lh7 ~c3 47.'iPb2 ~d1 48.'iPc2 12=] dS Soe4 c3 6obc3 ~ g7 7o f3
46 ooohS 47ol:lg7 'iPc4 48ol:lg6 c3 cS 8 o ~e3 aS 9 o ~ d2 1 ? d71?
49olt>a1 a3 SOol:lc6 'otd3 S1 ol:lb6D [9... ~c6 10 .~ b3 1fc3 11. ~d2 W'b2
'iPc4 S2 ol:lc6 \Pd3 S3 ol:lb6 Vo!-Vo! 12 o~c1 1fc3 13 . ~ d2 '*'b2 1 4 .~c 1 =]
10 o ~ b3 1i'c7?! [1 0... 1t'c3 11 .~d2
"*tb2 12 .~c 1 1fc3 lH~ Marinkovic-
Kostic, Kladovo ch-YUG 1992; 10.. .W'a4
Lemos Sarro,Damian 11. ~e2;!;] 11 o ~ bS [ 11. ~e2 ;!;] 11 000 0-0
4S o o o ~c6? [45...~b2 ! =] 46o ~bS! ~e4? Pierrot,Facundo 1200-0 [ 12 .~d7? ! cd4 ! 13 .~c8? (13.cd4
[46... ~5 47.l:lb5 1Pe6 48.1e5 ~12 La Plata ch·ARG 2012 (3) 1t'd7! 14.0-0 b6=F) 13... de3 14 .~g 4 1t'c3
(48...~g1? 49.l:lb7! .i.l2 50 .~a5 ~h4 1od4 ~f6 2oc4 g6 30 ~13 ~g7 4 o ~ c3 15.'iPI1 l:lld8+] 12oo olllf6 13of3
51. ~c3+- ) 49.l:lb2 ~h4 50ol:lg2 l:lh8±] dS SocdS ~dS 6oe4 ~c3 7.bc3 cS [ 13 . ~c5 b6?! (13.00 g4! 14.g3 e3
47olt>c4 l:lc8 48o ~a6 1-0 8o ~e3 "*fas 9 o ~d2 cd4 100 c4 de3 15.fe3 b6 16 . ~a4 ~b 7~) 14. a6
[An interesting queen sacrifice] 110 aS W'c3? ! ( 1 4... ~a6 15 .~a6 e4 16.l:lc1 ;!;)
~c3 12o'iPe2 ° S 13...-a4 [1301Pe3 15.l:lc1 aS 16 o~c7 ! l:lb8 17.e5±]
Berkes,Ferenc 0-0 14 .~b5 a6 15..i.a4 bS 16.1t'd5 l:la7 13oooa6 [13... c4 14 .~d2 a6 15 .~c4 bS
Abdyjapar,Asyl 170 ~3± Aronian-Sutovsky, Ningbo Wch-tt 16 .~d3 1t'c3 17. b3±] 14o ~ e2 c4
Istanbul ol 2012 (1) 2011 ] 13 o oo ~c6 14.fe3 [14.'ote3!? ~b6 1S o ~d2 bS 16of4 [16.a4!? ~d7 17.14
1od4 ~f6 2oc4 g6 3 o ~ c3 dS 4ocdS 15.'otl4 is also very interesting] 14ooo0-0 ba4 18 0~13 e6oo] 16 oo o ~ b7 17 o ~f3
~ dS Soe4 c3 6obc3 ~g7 7o f3 1S.'iPf2 ~ d7? [6 18 .. .15] 18ofS [1 8.g4 15 19.gf5

Survey Gl 4.8

gf5 20.ef5 (20.e5 ttJb6) 20... ttJf6] 18...eS! Lima,Darcy 24.ttJgS l:le8 2S.hg6 hg6 26 .~d3
l18...gf5 19.ef5 ttJI6 20.~g5 ttJdS 21.~d5 Svidler,Peter ttJ18 27.'1Wb1 l:le7 28 . ~g6? l28.l:lf3]
.idS 22.W'h5±] 19.1e6 l19.d5 gf5 20.ef5 Khanty·Mansiysk 2011 (1) 28 .•.~c4 -+ 29. ~h7 ~ h8 30. ~e4
~16 21.~g5 (21 .d6 W'd7 22. ~b7 W'b7 1.d4 (L)f6 2.c4 g6 3.ttJc3 dS 4.cdS ~dS? I30... 'ifa4-+] 31 .g4 1~ 31.~d5
23..ig5 W'b6 24.<i>h1 ..d6) 21... ~d5 ttJdS S.e4 ttJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. f3 c5 ed5 32.g4+ ] 31 ...~e4 32.ttJe4 b3
22.-idS ttJdS (22 ...'tirc5! 23.~ h1 ..d5) 8 · 3 Was 9.ttJd2 ttJd7 10.l:lc1 !An 33.l:lh2 ~g8 34. 16 ~16 3S.ef6
23.ttJe4 ttJf6 24 .~16 Wb6 25.<i>h1 ~f6 interesting try by WMe, rut perhaps there's no l:lb7 36.'1We1 b2?? l36... l:lab5-+]
26.W'h5±] 19.. .fe6 20.eS l20. ~g4 e5 need to give up the a2-pawn. I like the 37.'ii'as b1 'it' 38.l:lb1 l:lb1 39.
21.d5 ttJc5 6 22 ... ttJd3<=] 20 .. ~13! approach used by Laznid<a in the follo.ving l:lb2 40. ~g3 l:l h2 41 . ~ h2 1i'13 Y2·Y2
l20... ttJb6 21 .ttJe4 ttJd5 22.~g5 h6 game; 10h 2 'ii'c3 11.l:lc1 'it'as 12.dc5 and
23.~d2;!;] 21 .ttJ13 12U:tf3 Wc6 22.l:lf8 here I think that after 12...ttJe5 Blad< is doing
l:lf8 23.W'g4 b6 24.ttJe4 ttJdS 25.~d2 fine oornpared to other lines, one of the Mareco,Sandro
b4! 26.cb4 c3 27.l:lc1 W'c4! 28.ttJd6 cd2! reasons being his better pa'M1 structure; Berkes,Ferenc
29.l:lc4 ttJe3 30.-.e6 ~h8 31 .ttJI7 l:l17 10.'ir'c2 0.0 1U.e2 ttJI6 12.0.0 ttJg4 13.~f4 Khanty·Mansiysk 2011 (1)
32.l:lc8 ~f8 -+ ] 21 .•.'11t'c6 22.-.c2 od4 14.od4 e5 1S.ttJc4 W'c7 16...ig3 b5 17.h3 1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 g6 3 . ~c 3 dS 4.cdS
~ b6 23.ttJgS ttJdS 24.W'e4 ~ h6! (17. 3 W'c2 18.ttJc2 ed4 19.l:lad1 a6 ttJdS S.e4 ttJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7.ttJf3 c5
20.ttJd4 ttJeSoo) 17... ttJI2 (17 ...ttJh6 is hard to 8.~e3 Was 9.ttJd2 d7 1o.l:lc1 G-O

.\ 'iW
•.\ .l
play, rut would have been best: 18.ttJes 'ifc2
19.ttJc2 ed4 20.l:lad1, folla.ved by 21 .ttJd4.
The resulting endgame is better for WMe)
18.l:lf2 bc4 19...ic4 ~7 20.'it'd3 'iPh8
11 .~e2 'it'a212.G-O 'tt'aS13.e5 'it'd8

.\ ~~
.,. ~ ttJ 21.l:lc1 l:lac8 22.d5 15 23.l:lfc2 Wd6 24...ib3
l:lc2 25.Wc2 l:lc8? 26.'it'c8 ~ 27.l:lc8
~18 28.l:lf8 Hl Laznid<a-Kulaots, Gibraltar
~ ~ 2012] 10...'it'a2 11 ~e2 G-O 12.G-O
W'aS !Here I think WMe can get a better
~ ~~
version of the game by advancing his e-pawn]
n n~ 13.dS l13.e5 'ifc7 14.ttJ94. The ensuing
position is double-edged. Blad< has an extra
2S.l:lf6?! l25.~d2 b4!; 25.h3] 2S •..'ir'd7 pa'M1 rut at the same time WhHe has good
l25 ... l:lf6!? 26.ef6 ~g5 27 .~g5 Wf7] attad<ing chances, and ~g7 is currently
26.l:la11 l26.l:lg6 hg6 27.Wg6 W'g7 lild<ed. We'll see this move in the next game] 14.14 !After this it looks like Black is
28.W'e6 <i>h8-+; 26.l:lf8 l:lf8 27.l:lc1 +] 13...bS 14.c4 b4 1S.f4 W'c7 16.eS aS already better. White can try 14.ttJe4 cd4
26•..ttJf6 126... ~g5 27.l:lf8 l:lf8 28.l:lf8 17. a4 !Now WhHe's very strong centre 15.cd4 ttJb6 and after the simple 16.-.d2,
'iPI8 29 .~g5 • 17+] 27.ef6 ~gS! is oompensated for by Black's nice queenside trying to trade bishops on h6 or play ~g5 , I
l27... 'ir'd5? 28.17 l:l17 29.ttJI7! 'tlre4 pa'MlS] 18.l:la1 a3 19.l:la2 l:laS 20Jlfb3 guess the position is unclear, with chances
30. h6 ~g7 (30... ~h8 31. ~g5) 31 .l:ll7 21.h4 for both sides] 14.•. cd4 1S .~d4 l15.cd4
<i>h8 32 .~g5 'Wet 33.l:lf1 'ii'f1 34 .~f1 ttJb6, followed by 16... d5, also looks
<i>g7oo] 28.17 l28.~g5 W'd5 29.W'h4 better for Black] 1S..•ttJb8! 16 . ~13 'tt'c7
l:la7-+] 28 ... l:lf7 I28 ... W'I7 29.l:lf7 ~e3 17.l0e4 ttJc6 18.Wa4 ~d7 19.Wa3
30.W'e3 ~ 31 .Wf3 ~g7 32.W'c6=i=] l:lad8 20 .~e3 ~c8 21 .c4 ~ h6
29.'ir'a8 "*'dB 30.'it'd8 l30.-.e4? 22.l0c3 l:ld3 23.'ir'cS Wes 24.ttJd5
'it'dSI- +] 30 ... ~d8 31.l:lf7! l31 .l:le1 'tt'd6 2S . ~e4 l:lb3 26 .~c2 l:lb2
l:lf5-+] 31... 32. 2 ~c7 l26 ... l:la3!?+]
33. ~e7 34.h3 <i>d6 3S.'i>e4
~c6 36.g4 ~g31 37 . ~d2 <i>d6?T
l37... a5! 38.~13 (38.a3 ~d6 39 .~c1 ~c7
40.~d2 ~g3!-+) 38 ... ~d6] 38. 3
~ h4 39.':te4 139.g5 <i>dS 40.~g4 ~12
41 .'iPI3 ~g1 42 .~g2 ~d4 -+ ] 39 ..• ~16
40. ~14 ~c6 41 .gS? l41. ~d2 g5! 21 ...e6 lin this uncommon position the
42 .~e3 b4 43.cb4 ~b5 44.~d2 ~a4 -+] engine suggests Black should play 21...f6
41 ...~e7 42 . ~c1 ~d6 43.a3 ~g3 ! and the key comes after 22.e6 (22.h5 fe5
44 .~d2 aS 4S . ~e3 ~e1 46 .~eS 23.ttJg5 ef4+) 22 ... 15 23.ed7 fe4 24 .~g4
<i>d7 0·1 l:lf5!. In this fabulous position Black seems
Tukmakov to be winning!] 22.de6 1e6 23.hS 'ii'c6
27.~a4! [Now White has some 13... tt:lc6 [13... tt:la6 14.J:tc2 '\!t'a5 W e1 34.'ii'a3 J:tb8 35.'t!fc1 J:td8
counterplay] 27 •.. ~g7 28 .~c6 'ii'cs 15.'ii'b1 'tlt'dB 16.J:tfc1?! ( 16... b6? 36 . ~f3 't!fc1 37.J:lc1 J:td2 38. J:te1
29 .~c5 bc6 ,.;.h8 31 . ~a7 (16... ~d4 17.J:tc8 J:tcB 18.J:tcB WeB Y2-Y2
~e6 32.l:Ud1 J:tb7 33. ~c5 J:te8 19.~d4 J:tdB 20 .~e3 tt:lc5oo) 17.Wa1!
34.J:tb1 J:tb1 35. J:tb1 ~c4 tt:lb4 1B.J:lb2 f5 19.g3 e5 20.de5 tt:ld3
hS [After this White should hold 21 .~d3 'ii'd3 22.J:tb6! fe4? (22 ... ab6
the draw without much difficulty] 37 ... ~d5 23.'\!t'aB ~e6 24.'iVc6 'it'd? 25.f4 b5±)
38.J:td1 ~e6 39 .~d4 ,.;.g8'a2 ,.;.ha 24.J:ld6+- Laznicka-Navara, The New Fashion
~f8 41 .h3 J:tc8 ~e7 43. ~f2 Novy Bor m-3 2011] 14.J:lc4 'ii'aS 15.d5 9 ... ~d7
J:ta8 ~f6 45 . ~d4 ,.;.g7 tOeS 16.J:ta4 W c7 17.f4 bS 18.J:ta3
46.J:td2 J:ta4 47. ~c8 48 •.i.f6 tt:lc4 19.'it'c2 [ bc4 20.e5 Melkumian,Hrant
q;,t6 h4 so.,.;.e3 J:ta3 followed by 21 . d4. It looks like life is Khalifman,Aiexander
51. 2 J:ta4 52.,.;.e3 ~ b7 53. 2 easier for White in this line] 19...e6 [After Moscow 2012 {9)
~a8 J:ta3 55.J:td6 5 this Black seems to be holding without 1.d4 tt:lf 6 g6 3.c4 ~g7
56.J:tb6 J:ta2 57. J:tb5 6 58.J:tg5 much trouble] 20.~c4 bc4 21 .'ii'c4 dS 5.cd5 tt:ldS 6.e4 c3 7.bc3 cs
~b7 59.,.;.e3 J:ta3 6o.,.;.t2 ~a6 'it'd8 22 .~d4 edS 23.ed5 ~b7 8.~e3 W as ~ d 7!? [The new J:ta4 62.,.;.e3 ~b7 63.J:tg4 24. ~g7 w g7 25.'ii'd4 W f6 26.'it'f6 fashion in this line. This original move
J:ta3 64.,.;.f2 J:ta2 65.,.;.g1 J:ta1 Y2-Y2 deserves attention]
66 .~ J:ta2 67.Wg1 J:ta1 68. 2
Chojnacki,Krzysztof :i~ ~ g
Poznan 2011 {5)
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cd5 ''
tv '
The Most Logical Try
9 ... 0-0

tt:ldS ~g7 6.e4 tt:lc3 7.bc3 cS
8 .~e3 W as o-o 1 o . ~e2 b6
[Another idea. Although it looks like White is
/j, /j,
at least slighly better by simple means, /j, tO /j,~ /j,
Navara,David because he gets the bishop pair] 11 .0-o
Wijk aan Zee 8 2009 {2) ~a6 1 V l:l c4 ~c4 13 . ~c4 tt:lc6
;:[ 'if~ ~ l:I
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 14.J:tc1 e6
~g7 5.cd5 tt:ldS 6.e4 tt:lc3 7.bc3 cS 1O.J:tb1 [ 'i!fc3 11.~d2 Wb2
8 .~e3 'ii'aS 0-0 1 O. ~e2 12 .~c1 'tlt'c3 13.~d2 Wb2 14. ~c1 'i!fc3
[ 'ii'c3 11..~.d2 '\!t'b2 12 .~c1 'tlt'c3 12·12 Shulman-Dominguez Perez, Lubbock A
13. ~d2 12·12 Keene-Ado~an, New York 2011 ] 10... 4 [Another line to investigate
1981 - the stem game] 10...'ii'c3 would be 10...'iVc3 11 .dc5 a6 12.~a6
[10 ... cd4 11 .cd4 tt:lc6 12.0-0 J:tdB 13.d5 (12.J:lb7 tt:lcS=F; 12.~c4 ~c6 13.Q-O Q-0)
~a1 14.Wa1 bB 15.~h6 (!?) 12...ba6 13.J:tc1 'tlt'f6 and White should not
15... f6 16.e5 tt:ld7 17.ef6 ef6 J:teB underestimate the bishop pair] 11 .fi a4 tt:lf6 20.W f6 Wc7 21. ~b5± ; -.a4 12.~b5 bS 13.J:lb 5 [White has
10... J:td8 11.Q-O c7 12.J:tc1 e6 13. ~g5 a nice endgame without any chances of
J:teB 14.e5! tt:ld7± Michalik-Csiba, losing] 13... b6 [13... cd4 14.cd4 b6
Zajezova 2011] 11 .J:tc1 'ii'a3 12.J:tc5 15.,.;.e2:t] 14.dc5 ~c3 15.We2 ~d2
W a2 13.0-0 16.Wd2 tt:ld7 17.c6 [White can also try
15.~b3? [After this Black can free his 17.J:tc1 tOeS (17... o-o 1B.c6 16 19.13±)
position, I think the best way for White to 18. ~c5 bc5 19.J:tcc5 Q-0 20.J:lc7 and White
play was 15.dc5 bc5 16.'\!t'c2 and despite can still fight for the win in this endgame]
the fact that Black is very solid, I think 17... tt:lf8 18.J:tc1 [As the engine suggests
White is at least a bit better here. 15.d5!? is 1B.J:ld5 is more accurate. Now Black cannot
also interesting] 15 ... cd4 16.cd4 tt:ld4 castle queenside and his defence is very
17. ~d4 J:tfd8 18. ~b6 W b6 19.'\!t'e2 difficult, e.g. 18... tt:le6 19.J:lc1 J:lcB 20.a4±]
aS 20.J:tfd1 a4 21.J:td8 'i!fd8 22. ~c4 18...0-0-0 19.We1 tt:le6 20.a4 tt:ld4
J:tb8 23.g3 J:tb2 24.J:tc2 a3 25.Wg2 21 .J:td5 J:td5 22.ed5 fS 23.a5 tt:le3
~d4 26 . ~d3 W b6 27.'it'd2 Wg7 24.fe3 J:td8 25.ab6 ab6 26.e4 fS
28. ~c4 hS 29.h4 ~f6 30. ~e2 Wcs 27.J:tc4 fe4 28.J:le4 J:td5 29.J:te7 hS
31. ~d1 'ii'es 32.Wd3 W as'd6 30.J:tb7 bS Y2-Y2

Grunfeld Indian Defence
Exchange Variation Gl 4.16 (085)

The Chiburdanidze Variation

by Tibor Karolyi (special contribution by Fabiano Caruana)

1. d4 ltJf6 with her bi hop. She probably felt

2. c4 g6 that firmly topping d5-d6 a well
3. ttJc3 dS as preventing the upporting
4. cdS ltJdS c3-c4 for the time being wa more
s. e4 ttJc3 important than keeping the
6. bc3 ..ig7 bishop on the long diagonal with
7. ltJf3 cS 13 ... ~g7 or more sophi ticatedly
8. .l:tb1 0-0 13 ... ~8 . Let me remind you that
9. ~e2 ttJc6 this game was played toward the
10. dS tOeS end of their match under enor-
11 . tOe S ~es mous pressure. After the fighting
12. fid2 e6 draw (7:7) Chiburdanidze man-
13. f4 ~c7 aged to win Game 15, retaining
her title with one game to pare.
Who can blame her for lo ing
concentration in the final game? I Mala Chlburdanldze
wonder if Anand and Gelfand
have been able to produce an rather closed, so that may be the
opening in their match that will reason. White has many way to
still be discus ed in 2043 ... play and, interestingly, both
Vi a our mutual friend Natalia kings can come under fire .
Edzgveradze I asked Maia about White ' d-pawn can ea ily be-
the birth of the novelty. To my come a powerhouse, but it can
urpri e she had found it over the al so become a target. AI o there
board, as Alexandria's 12.fid2 are more exchange acrifice
According to my databa e, it was wa itself a novelty. Maybe the here than in most opening lines.
Leonid Shamkovich who intro- urprise element al o generated Caruana beat Li Chao as Black in
duced 8.l:tb I against Gbeorghiu the idea to choose the les obvi - 20 12. That game generated our
in 1975. Four year later, in the ous continuation. fre h look at the line. Fabiano,
game Kozlovskaya-Veroci, the however, did not like his po ition
position after 9 ... ttJc6 IO.d5 tOeS Exchange Sacrifices Galore too much. The Chinese grandmas-
wa fir t reached. After ll .ltJeS Thi i the fourth coverage of the ter played a move that had been
~e5 the game Alexandria- line in the Yearbook. The Ia t played once in the Email game
Chiburdanidze (Borzhomi/ one was published in Volume 77 Bormida-Peto, 200 I. Li Chao ac-
Thili i 1981 ) aw thedebutofthe in 2005. rificed an exchange in a different
move 12.fid2. In her biography In this article I bare my opinion way and his play looks dangerou .
(partly in Ru ian partly in Geor- on the game that have been The Italo-American grandmaster
gian) Nana Alexandria called thi played ince. Interesti ngly suggests an improvement. A lot
the be t move of their world enough, much lower-rated play- depend on that game, a in the
champion hip match. After ers are often able to hold the other line Black eems to do all
l2 ... e6 13.f4 Maia returned to c7 game with black. The po ition i right.

Stopping d5-d6 l:ta3 46. 4 l:ta4 47. 3 l:td4 20.l:tb2 abS 21 .l:tbS l:tbS 22.iJ..bS l:ta8
13 ... ~c7 48.l:tf6 ~g7 49.l:tc6 l:td7 SO.gS bS (Landau-Mallee, Germany tt 2007/08)
51 .h5 b4 52.h6 ~g8 53.l:tc8 23.iJ..c1 c4 24 .~c4 ;t) 1 7 .~dS bS 18.abS
Cech,Pavel 54.g6 1-0 abS 19 .~h1 (19.1S!?; 19.c4;t) 19... ~e6
Cernousek,Lukas 20.~e6 fe6 21 .W'e2 c4= Gareev-Seel,
Rakovnik 2011 (6) Internet 200S] 15.l:tb5 e5 16.o-O ef4
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3. ~c3 dS 4.cd5 Laxman,Rajaram H .l:tb2 (17.'i!t'd3 gS 18.iJ..a3 iJ..d7
~dS 5.e4 ~c3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. ~f3 cS Li Chao B 19.J:tcs ~b6 20 . ~h 1± ; 17.l:tb3!?]
8.l:tb1 0-0 9. ~e2 c6 1O.dS ~es Dubai 2008 (3) H ... gs 18.-.d3 ~e5 19.~h1 (19.g3
11 . eS ~e512. 1fd2 e613.f4 iJ..c7 1 .~f3 f6 2.c4 g6 3 . ~c3 iJ..g7 4.d4 fg3 20.hg3 h6 21. ~g2 d7 22.l:th1 1t'd6
d5 S.cdS ~d5 6.e4 c3 7.bc3 c5 23.1fe3;t] 19... '*'d6 20.g3 i1..h3
8.l:tb1 0-0 9.iJ..e2 c6 1 O.dS ~es 21 .l:tff2 fg3 22.hg3 h6 23.iJ..f4 f5
11 . es ~es 12.'*'d2 e6 13.f4 iJ..c7 24.iJ..e5 1fe5 25.d6 ~ h8 26.'t!i'd5?
14 .~c4

i i
(26 . ~h2 ~g4 27.efS± ] 26 ... 'tte4=
27 .~ h2 ~g4 28.d7 '*'d5 29.iJ..d5
J:tad8 30.l:tb7 f4 31 . ~c6 a6 32.gf4
gf4 33.l:td2 l:tf6 34.l:tc7 ~g7
35.iJ..b7 aS 36.l:tg2 l:tg6 37.l:tc5 h5
i i 38 . ~e4 f3 39.iJ..g6 fg2 40.iJ..h5 ~d7
41 . ~ g2 iJ..e6 42.a4 l:td2 43. 3

~· ~ ~~ 6 44 . ~e3 l:ta2 45.l:ta5 ~d7

46.iJ..d1 ~e7 47.~d3 ~d6 48.c4
~ ~c6 49.c5 ~f5 50. ~c3 l:tf2 51. ~h5
14.de6 (14 . ~3 edS 1S.edS iJ..d7 52 . ~d4 l:tf4 53. ~e3 l:tc4
~ ~
(1S... iJ..IS 16.l:tb7 iJ..b6 17.d6 iJ..e4 18.l:te7 54.iJ..f3 ~c7 55.l:ta7 ~c8 56.l:ta8
l:te8=) 16.g3 W'h3 17. ~12 (17.~c5 l:te8 n~ ~c7 57.l:ta7 ~c8 58.a5 l:tc3
18 . ~12 b6 19.iJ..b4 iLlS 20.l:tbe1 bS 59. 4 l:tc5 60.a6 iJ..c6 61 . ~g4
21. ~c5 iJ..e4~) 1 7... ~d6 18.iJ..f3 l:te8?! 14...b5 (14 ...edS 1S.iJ..dS h4 16.g3 ~ b8 62.l:tg7 l:ta5 63. ~e2 l:ta4
(18... b6 19.c4 iLlS 20.l:tbe1 16=) 19.iJ..g2 (16.'*'12 ...12 17 . ~ l:tb8 18.c4) 16... 1fh3 64. 5 iJ..d5 65.iJ..d3 iJ..c4 Y2-11!
1fhS 20.l:the1 l:te1 21 .J:tea Kunze· 17.c4 iJ..g4 (17... l:tb8 18 .~12 iJ..e6
Maruejols, Naujac-sur-Mer 2008] 14.•.iJ..e6 19 .~b2 ;t) 18 .~12 gS 19.l:tb7? ( 19 .~b2 !
[14 ... 1fd2 1S.~d2 iJ..e6 16.c4 J:tad8 gf4 20.W'c3 fg3 21 .hg3+-) 19... ~14
17.l:tb7 ~ 18.iJ..c3 l:tle8 19.eS (19 .~16 20.gl4?? (20.'ttc3± ) 20...'ttl3 21.~g1
l:td6 20.eS l:td4 21 .0-0 ~c4=) 19... l:ta8 ~h3 22 ...-e1 'ii'g2X 0-1 Slavin-Kilpatrick,
20.0-0 ~c8 21 .i1..13 iJ..b7 22.iJ..b7 l:tab8 Newport Pagnell rapid 2010; 14 ... eS 1S.O-O 14.0-0
23.iJ..dS= Hanko-Chovanec, Slovakia tt (1S.'ii'l2 a6 16.a4 ~as 17.iJ..d2 ef4
2004fOS] 15.o-O [15.l:tb7 ~b6 16.'*'d8 18...-14 ~c7 19.'i!t'l3±) 1S...el4 16.'ii'12 Dobrov,VIadimir
l:tad8 17. ~e3 l:tfe8 18.1Pf2 (18. ~bS ~c8 '*'16 (16 ...gSoo) 17. ~14 i1..14 18.'i!t'l4 '*'c3 Sutovsky,Emil
19.l:tb6 l:te4=) 18...~c8 19.l:tb8 l:te4 19.eS bS 20.l:tbS 'ttd4 21.'i¥d4 cd4 Internet 2006 (4)
20.l:td1 l:tde8 21.iJ..bS l:te3 22.l:tc8= 22.l:tc5! (22.d6 iJ..a6 23.l:tcS iJ..c4 24.l:tc4 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 d5 4.cd5
Hirscheider-Rower, cr Email 2005] J:tae8 2S.l:te1 (2S.l:tc5!?) 2S ... l:te6 26.l:td4 ~ d5 5.e4 ~c3 6.bc3 iJ..g7 7 . ~f3 c5
15...1fd2 (1S ... l:tb8 16.1S ...d2 17 . ~d2 l:td8;t Solomon-Feldman, Auckland zt 200S) 8.l:tb1 0-0 9.iJ..e2 ~c6 1 O.d5 e5
gfS 18.eiS iLa2 19.l:ta1 ~dS 20.c4 l:tle8 22...~1S 23.d6 l:tac8 24.l:tc8 l:tc8 2S.l:tiS 11.~e5 iJ..e5 12.'t!i'd2 e6 13.f4 iJ..c7
21. ~d3 iJ..c6 22.l:ta7 l:ta8 O.B.Andersen- 1-0 Taboas Rodriguez-Moreno Ruiz, Madrid 14.0-0
Mikkelsen, Bronshoj 2010] 16.~d2 l:tfd8 ch-city 2012; 14... a6 1S.a4 l:tb8 (1S ..."ir'e8
17.iJ..e3 b6 18.l:tb2 f6 19.f5 gfS 16.'tta2 (16.iJ..b3 bS 17.0-0 c4 18.iJ..c2
20.ef5 iJ..f7= 21.iJ..f4 ~f4 22.l:tf4 'ttd7 19.iJ..a3 l:td8 20.l:tbd1 ~b7 (20 ...edS
l:te8 23.i1..c4 J:tad8 24.l:tg4 8 21.fS (21 .edS iJ..d6) 21...~d6=) 21 .d6 ~b6
25.iJ..f7 26.l:th4 ~g7 27 .l:tg4 22. ~h1 ~c6oo Ribeiro-Piant, cr Email
8 28.l:th4 l:te7 29. 2 l:tdS 2006) 16...J:tb8 (17.de6 ~e6 18.0-0
30.l:tf4 l:teeS 31.g4 l:td3 32.l:ta4 iJ..c4 19.'i!t'c4 bS 20.abS abS 21.'ttdS 1fd8
l:te7 33.l:te2 J:ted7 34.l:te3 l:td2 12-12 Kund-Turko, cr Email 2007) 17... edS
35.l:te2 l:td1 36.l:tae4 37.l:te8 18.iJ..dS iLlS 19.'tte2 (19.'ttc4 iJ..aSoo)
l:th1 38.~g2 l:tc1 39.l:th8 ~g7 19... ~e6 20.iJ..e6 'tte6'f McDonough-
40.l:the8 J:tc3 41.l:t2e7 l:te7 42.l:te7 Masse, Montreal 2006) 16.0-0 edS (16 ... b5
~h6 43.h4 l:tc2 44. 3 l:ta2 45.l:tf7 17.abS edS 18.edS 'i!t'd6 19.~a3 ~IS

Survey G/4.16

14...ed5 [14... l:le8 15.~b5 [15.c4 ed5 20.l:lb7 ~c3 + 21 .~b2 ~b2 22.l:lb2 8.l:lb1 0-0 9 .~e2 c6 1O.d5 ~e5
16.ed5 a6 17.~d3i) 15...l:le7 16.c4 l:ld6 23.W d6 'it'b2 24. ~f1 W f2 11.~e5 ~e5 12.'ifd2 e6 13.14 ~c7
(1U c4!?) 16...~5 17.'it'f2? ed5 18.ed5 25.a3 l:le1 26.l:le1 'ife1 27.'t!kb8 14.0-0 ed5 15.ed5 ~a5 16.llb5 b6
(K6nig·Aietveld, Maastricht 2008) 18...~15+] 1Pg7 28.'tlfe5 't!ke5 29.fe5 f6 30.ef6 [1 6... a6 17.l:laS 'iVaS 18.15 16 (1 8...c4??
15.ed5 [15.'ifd5 ~b6'd8 l:ld8 \Pf6 31 .1Pg1 w e5 32. 2 1Pd4 0-1 19.16 (1 9.'ifd4 16 20.~h6 l:ll7 21.fg6 hg6
17.~e3 ~d7 ~-~ Van der Plas-Pruijssers, 22.l:ll6+-) 19... 'ifc5 20.1Ph1 l:ld8 21.~13
Hoogeveen 2005] 15... · 5 [15...l:lb8 16.c4 ~IS 22.'ifh6 'i!fl8 Krivoshey-Seel, Internet
.ia5 17.'it'c2 b5 18.l:lb5 l:lb5 19.cb5 Wang Vue 2005; 18... l:ld8 19.d6 (19.\!Vh6 c4 (19... ~1S
'i'd5= Nabavi-Schulz. Germany It 2006107; Bulski,Krzysztof 20.l:l1S 'ifc3 21 .l:ll3oo) 20.~e3+- )
15...c4 16.~c4 ~15 ( 16... ~b6 17.1Ph1 Shenzhen 2011 (4) 19... 'ifb6 (19... 'i!fa4 20.~b2 'ifh4 21.fg6
(17.l:lb6 'Wb6 18.1Ph1 ~15=) 17...~1S 1. ~f3 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3 .~c3 d5 4.cd5 hg6 22.c4 ~IS 23.g3+-) 20.fg6 hg6
18.llb3 (18.~a3 ~b1 19.~18 ~a2=) ~ d5 5.d4 ~g7 6.e4 ~c3 7.bc3 c5 21.~c4+-) 19.fg6 hg6 20.d6 ~e6
18...llc8 19.~e2i) 17.l:lb7 ~b6 18.1Ph1 8.l:lb1 0-0 9 .~e2 ~c6 1 O.d5 ~e5 21 .Wh6 l:lf7 (21...~17 22.l:ll3+- ) 22.'t!i'g6
'i'c8 19.~6 'i!Vc5 20.c4 ~c8 21 .'it'c3± 11 .~e5 ~e5 12.'i!Vd2 e6 13.14 ~c7 l:lg7 23.'ifl6± Kiese-Jordan, Bad
Pein·Gormally, London 2005; 1S...l:le8 16.c4 14.0-0 ed5 15.ed5 ~a5 16. ~f3 Lauterberg 200S] 17.l:lb3 [17.l:laS baS
~as 17.'i!fc2 ~Is (17...'i!Vd6 18 .~d3 ~ds 18.c4 l:lb8 19.~a3 ( 19.~b2 ~IS 20.g4
19.15± 1-0 Mantovanelli·Faust, cr Email ~e4 21.'lli'c3 16 22 .~a 1 ~) 19... l:lb4
2006) 18.~d3 ~d3 19.'it'd3 it'e7 .i .i.'if g ~ (19... 't!ke7 20.~13 l:ldS 21.'ilff2 ~a6
(19...'i'd7 20.1S±) 20.1S ~c7 21. ~b2 'tlfe4 .l.l .l i 22 .~c5 'tlfc7 23.d6 l:ld6 24 .~d6 'tlfd6
22.'Wh3± Ehlvest-Wang Puchen, i 25 .~dS i) 20.~b4 ab4 21 .~d3 't!i'l6
Philadelphia 2011 ; 1S...~IS 16.l:lb7 ~ 22.'tlfl2 'tlfc3 23.l:ld1 ~d7 24 .~11 l:lc8=
17.d6 c4 (17...'it'l6 18.c4 (18.l:ld1±)
.i. .l l!:, Dos Santos-Kudrin, Buenos Aires 200S -
18... "Wd4 19.'ifd4 cd4= Benoit Deschamps· !!:, YBn7-188] 17... d6 18.'tlfe3 ~f5
LYe, Montreal 200S) 18.\Ph1 ~c5 19.l:ld1 8 ~ 19.c4 [19.'i!Ve5 l:lad8 20.'t!i'd6 l:ld6 21 .c4
llc8? (19...l:lb8 20.l:lb8 'iVbS 21.~c4 ±) l:le8 22.1PI2 16=] 19... ~ c2 20.l:lb2
!!:, 'iY !!:, !!:,
20.d7 l:lc6 21.'itdS l:lb6 22.l:lb6 1-0
Strebkovs·Zakharchenko, Litomysl 2008; l:I~ l:tw l:lfe8

15... b6 16.c4 (16.l:lb3 'ir'd6 17.c4 ~d8

18.1S ( 18.~2 ~16 19. ~16 'i!VI6 20.15±) 16•..l:lb8 [16 ... b6 17.d6 l:lb8 ( 17... ~1S .i g ~
18... ~16 19. ~2 ! (Hagemann·S.Schulz, 18 .~a8 ~b1 19 . ~dS ~IS 20. ~b2 b5 .l i .l
Germany It 2006107) 19 ...~2 20.'it'b2 ~d7
21.l:lg3i ) 16... ~d6 (16...'i!Vd6 17.~2 16
(20 ...'t!kd7 21 .h3 l:ldS 22.l:ld1 ~e6 23.1S
~dS 24.Wd5 't!kl5 25.'ti'IS gl5 26.c4i)
.l if i
18.~d3 ~d7 19.'it'c2 l:lf7 20.g3 l:le7 21.Wh1 'it'l6 22.l:le1 l:ld8=) 18.l:ld1
.i. .l l!:,
21.15!) 17.~d3 ~e7 18 .~b2 ~16 19.~e5 ( 18.~b2 ~e6 (18 ...~7? 19.15) 19.l:lle1 !!:, !!:,
~g7 20.l:lbe1 ± Svetlov·D.Zaitsev, Kstovo ~a2 20.l:lbd1 'i!VI6o:t) 18... ~1S 19.l:lb3 'iY
2007] 16.Wh1 [16.g4 'iY16 (16...'i!Vh4 17.1S 't!kd7 20.l:la3 ~g4 (20 ... l:lfe8 21 .'t!kf2 t!:, I:[ .i. ~ !!:, !!:,
giS 18.llf4oo) 17.~2 c4 18.1S giS (18 ...b5 l:lbd8 22.c4 l:le6 23.~b2 l:ld6=) 21 .'ite2
19.1g6 'i!Vg6 20.\Ph1 ~b6o:t) 19.~c4 'i!Vh4 (21 .~g4 'it'g4 22.'it'dSi) 21 ... ~13 22.'i!VI3 ~ l::t<it>
20.gls 'it'g4 (Aajlich·Boros, Budapest 2006) l:lle8 23.c4 l:le6 24.llad3 llbe8= Mulyar·
21.'Wg2±] 16...'iVf6 17.l:lb3 ~f5 Gopat, Philadelphia 2008] 17.~a3 ~f5 21.'it'f2? [21 .'ifl3 ~e4 22.'tlfg3 't!kl6"i']
18.l:lbc1 b6 [18 ...'it'd6 19.l:lfe1 b5 21...~c3! + 22.'t!kf3 ~d4 23.\Ph1'e3 ~b6=] 19.l:lfe1 'i!Vd6 20. it'e3 ~e4 24.'i!fg3 ~d5 25 . ~d3 ~ b2
f6 21.'ife7 'ife7 22.l:le7 l:lf7 23.l:le3 26.~b2 ~b7 27. ~e5 'tlfe6 28.l:le1
l:ld8 24.l:lce1 [24.g4 ~c8 25.l:lc2 \PIS=] f5 29.h4 l:lad8 30.h5 ~e4 31 .l:le4
24 ... ~c8 25. ~b2 ~a6= 26.l:le8 l:lfS l:ld3 32.'t!Vd3 fe4'e4 l:ld8
27.l:l8e7 l:lf7 28.l:le8 l:ltS 29.l:ld8 34.hg6 hg6 35.\Ph2 w f7 36.'ilfb7
l:ld8 30.l:le7 ~c4 31.h4 ~d5 l:ld7 37."i!fe4 'iVg4 38.\Pg1 l:ld1
32.~d5 l:ld5 33.c4 l:ld6 34.l:la7 39.1Pf2 W'h4 40.g3 'i!fh2 41.1Pf3
~- ~ 'tlt'h1 0-1

Rosko,Lubos Foldi,lstvan
Wieczorek,Oskar Fodor,lstvan
18.d6? [18 .~b2 b6 19.c4 ~d2 20 . ~16 Marianske lazne 8 2010 (7) Hungary tt 2009 (7)
l:lle8=] 18... l:lad8 19.l:ld1 [19.l:lb7 l:ld6 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3. ~c3 d5 4 .~f3 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3 . ~c3 d5 4.cd5
20.We3 l:le6 21.Wf2 ~c3+ ] 19...l:lfe8 ~g7 5.cd5 ~d5 6.e4 ~c3 7 .bc3 c5 ~d5 5.e4 ~ c3 6.bc3 ~g7 7. ~f3 c5

8J%b1 0-0 9. ~e2 tt:lc6 10.dS tt:leS ~es 12.'i!i'd2 e6 13.f4 ~c7 W'c5 21 .:!12 ~d5 22.c4 ~c4 23.~c4 ~es 12.'iid2 e6 13.f4 ~c7 14.0-0 edS 1S.edS ~as 16.:tb3 'i!Vc4 24.d7±] 20 .~dS ~dS 21 .'itdS
14.0-o edS 1S.edS ~as 16 .~ b2 'ilt'f6 22.c4 [22. ~a3 :tc3 23.d7+-]
22 ... :tcS 23.'ii'd3± :td8 24.:td1
'ilt'e6 2S .~ b2 :tc4 26.:tbS :te4
27.:tes :tes 28.feS ~b4 29.:tf1
'ilt'a2 30 .~a1 ~cs 31 .q;,h1 'ilt'e6
32.'il*'b1 aS 33.h3 a4 34.:tf6 'i!VdS
3S.:tf1 a3 36.'i!Vc1 bS 37.:td1 'it'b3
38.:te1 'i!Vg3 39.:tf1 'ti'e3 40.'iid1
'i!Ve4 41 .'ilt'b3 W c4 42.'ti'f3 'i!Ve6
43.:tc1 ~b4 44.'ilt'b7 ~d2 45.:td1
~t4 46.".-bS : as 47.'i!VbS hS
48. W'c6 :tea 49.'it'e4 :tc1 SO.:tc1
~c1 S1 .'it'd3 ~gS S2.'i!Va3 'iic4
16... b6 [16 ...'t i'd6 17...d3 ~15 18...13 S3.'1\>g1 'i!Ve2 S4.'i!Va8 'it>h7 SS.Wt3
16... ~fS [16 ... 'it'd6 17.:tbd1 ~d7 c4 19 .~a3 ~ 20.'1\>ht ~c5 Gillain- 'ti'e1 S6.q;,h2 Wa1 S7.'i!i'f7 'it>h6
( 17... ~15 18.~a3) 18.W'c2 (18.'1\>ht :!adS Kauleld, Belgium It 2006/07; 16...a6 17.15 S8.'i!Vf8 ~-~
(18... :tle8 19.W'd3 ~15 20.'*'13 'ilt'b6 (17.d6 b5 18.~3 c4 19.:tbb1 ~15
21.~a1 ~c2 22.:td2 ~e4 =F) 19.'*'c2 ~15 20.:tbc1 'i¥16=) 17... :tea 1B.tg6 (18.16
20.'ti'c1 :tleS:f Chatte~ee-Konguvel, New 1i'd6 19. h6 'it'tS 20.'*'18 <;\>18 21 .'1\>12 Pelletier,Yannick
Delhi 2009) 18... c4 (18 ... ~15 19.'it'b3 :tieS ~dB 22 .~e3 c4 23.~c4 b5=) 18... hg6 Ni Hua
20.~13 c4 21.'i!i'c4 :tac8!!!?) 19.'1\>ht :tac8 19.'*'14 (19.a4 b6 (19 ...:te4 20.d6;!;) 20.d6 Kallithea tt 2008 (7)
20.'ilt'c1 :tleS=F Demuth-Vitoux, Aix-les- ~e6=) 19... ~15 20.~13? (20.'t i'l3 b5 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.cdS
Bains ch-FRA 2007] 17.:tbd1 '*'d6 21 .c4=) 20... b5 21 .d6 c4+ Sandager- tt:ldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 ~g7 cS
[17 ... Wd7 18. ~13 (18.d6 :tieS 19.:tle1 Kamsky, Philadelphia 2010; 16...:te8 a.:tb1 o-o 9.~e2 c6 10.dS tt:les
:!adS 20.~13 :tel 21 .:te1 1i'd6 22.:te8 17 .~b5 :te4 18 .~d3 :te7 19.~c4 ~- ~ 11 .tt:les ~es 12.W d2 e6 13.f4 ~c7
'it>g7=) 18... :tle8 19.:tle1 c4 20.'1\>ht Nenciulescu-Koslowski, cr Email 2006] 14.0-0 edS 1S.edS ~as 16. ~a3
~d3;::t Bravo-Delchev, Dresden ol 2008; 17.1i'd1 [17.~b5 ~d7 18.~d7 ..d7=;
17...:te8 18. ~5 :te4 19.:tle1 '*'b6 17.d6 ~e6 18.~13 : ca 19.:tb1 'it't6
20.:te4 ~e4 21 .a4 (21 .~c4 'i!i'd6=) 21 ...c4 20. ~2 :!IdS=; 17.:ta3 :tb8 18.:ta5 baS
22.'it'l2 ~d3 + Egorov-Kosarev, Peterhol 19.c4 1i'l6 20. ~3 (20.15 20... : ea
2009; 17... -.b6 18 .~13 :tieS 19.:tle1 21.~13 :tb4 (21...~a6 22.d6 ~c4=)
:!adS 20.g4 c4 21.'1\>ht ~d3 22.:te5 16= 22. ~b4 ab4 23.d6 (23.'ti'l2 W'd6) 23 ... :td8
Brastein-Haug, Heisinger 2011] 18.W c1 24.:td1 ~e6= lzoria-Thorfinnsson, Warsaw
[18.'1\>ht : tea 19 .~5 (19.~13 c4 20.'ilt'c1 Ech 2005- YB/77-188] 17... c4? [ 17... ~15
bS=F) 19... :te7 20.:tle1 ~e4 =F 21 .15 (21 .a4 18.c4 :tea (18...• d7 19. ~b2 :taea
:!dB 22.~c4 ~c7=F) 21... ~c7 (21...a6 20.~d3;!;) 19. ~2 W'e7 (19 ... 'iid6
22 .~11 :tae8-+) 22.'i!i'h6 gl5+ B6dicker- 20.~d3 ~d3 21 .'ii'd3 :!adS 22.15±)
Tiggelman, Vlissingen 2007] 18••. :tfe8 20.~d3 1t'e3 21 .q;,h1 ~d3 22.:td3 'i!i'e2
19. ~bS [19 .~13 c4 20.q;,h1 b5+] 23.~16± Bae-T.Oialsson, Copenhagen
19...:te7 20.c4 :te2 21.:tf2 :tt2 2005; 17...~d7 18.c4 (18.:ta3 c4 19 .~c4 16.. .b6 [16... W16 17.:tbc1 (17.~c5 ~c3
[21... ~g4+] 22. a6 23.~a4 bS : ca (19...b5 20.~e2 : ca 21. ~b2 :teS!!!?) 18.We3 ~15 (18...b6 19.:tb3 bc5 20.:tc3
24.~eS 'ilt'e7 2S.~b3= '*'h4 26.'it>g1 20 .~a6 :tc3 21. ~b2 (21 .tfd4 b5 22.:tc3 (20.'i!i'c3 'ti'd6 21 .We5 :!dB=) 20... ~b7
:tea 27.d6 ~d7 28.:tf1 f6 29.cbS ~c3 23.'ilt'c3 tfb6 24.:!12 'ti'a6 25. ~b2;!;) 21 .:tc5 :tieS 22.'i¥12 '*'d6 23.~13 'i!VI4
q;,g7 30.g3 1i'h3 31 .~f6 21 ...:ta3 22.~3 (22.-.d4 ~c3) 22 ... :te8 24.d6;!;) 19.:tb7 :tieS 20.:ta7 (20.:te7
32. 'it'b2 S 33.'*'c2 34. '*'b2 23.~b2 bS:f Plachkinova-Bezemer, :te7 21. ~e7 ~d4) 20... :tad8 21 .:te7 :te7
s 3S.W c2 36.-.b2 ~-~ Vlissingen 2009) 18... ~a4 19. ~b2 ~b3 22 .~e7 'i!i'd4;!;) 17... b6 (17 ... 'ti'd6 18.'ilt'e3
20.ab3 '*'e7 21. ~e5 (21 .'1\>ht :!adS 22.15 'ilt'd5 19.:tld1 'ilt'e6=) 18.15 'ti'e5
'i!Ve3 23.~d3 ~d2=F) 21 ... ~c3 (21 .. .16 (18 ... 'i!Vd6 19.'i th6±) 19.16 (1 9.1g6 hg6
Del Rio de Angelis,Salvador 22.d6 'ilt'e8 23. ~b2 'ilt'e3 24.q;,h1 'i!i'd2+) 20. ~b5 ~7 (20 ... ~15 21 .~c6 :!adS
Popilski,Gil 22.d6 'i!Ve8 23.d7= Kuzubov-Zinchenko, 22.~2 ~e4o:t) 21.:tld1 :tadB=F) 19 ...:tea
Arinsal 2011 (8) Lviv ch-UKR jr 2005- YB/77-188] 18. ~c4 (19 ... '1\>hB 20.~b2 ~15 21.:tcd1 :!adS
1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4.cdS ~ b7 [18 ...• c7 19.~b5 ~d7 20.~d7 22.:!12 ~d7 23.'. ,h6;!;) 20. ~b5 'i!Ve3
tt:ldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 ~g7 cS '*'d7 21.c4±J 19.d6 [19.~3 :tea 21.'ti'e3 :te3 22 .~c6 :tb8 23.:tle1 :tel
8.:tb1 0-0 9. ~e2 tt:lc6 10.dS tt:leS 20.d6±J 19... :tca [19 .. :.-ca 20.~b5 24.:te1 ~15 25. ~2± Danelia-Babujian,

Survey G/ 4.16

Tbilisi 2010] 17.l:lbS (17.~13 't!rl6 31 .W'e1 'ifcS 32.\.t;>h2 't!rd6 33.\.t;>h1 Lund 2010) 20.c4 a6 21.l:lb7 ~as 22.1i'a5
( 1 7... ~15 18.J:Ibd1 'ii'16 19.~b4 ( 19 .~b2 l:ld2 34.'i!fe4 w hs as.l:lt1 l:ld1 (22.'it'd1 .-e5 23 .~g4 ~g4 24.1i'g4
c4 20.J:IIe1 b5 21 .J:Ie5 ~b6 22.\.t;>h1 36.l:ld1 'ifd1 37.w h2 't!rd6 38.g3 ~c3=) 22 ...J:Ie2 23.~b2 J:lc2 24.'ili'a4
'it'd6=) 19... ~b4 20.cb4 1fd6= Genutis- 't!rd2 39.\.t;>h1 'it'c1 40.\.t;>h2 1i'b2 (M.Becker-Brkic, Dresden Ech 2007)
Feldman, Beijing rapid 2008) 18.~b2 ~15 41 .w h1 W'a3 42.'ifes 'ifta 43.w h2 24 ... J:Ib8=]
19.l:lbe1 J:laeB 20.J:Ie3 ~d7 (20...'itd4 a4 44.h4 gh4 4S.gh4 'i!fg4 46.'ife3
21.'ifd4 cd4 22.J:Ie8 J:leB 23.cd4 ~d3= ; \.t;>hS 47.'ifcS w h4 48.'ii'e7 'i¥g3
20 ...c4 21 .J:Ife1 J:le3 22.'t!re3 ~b4=) 49.\.t;>h1 'it'f3 SO.\.t;>h2 'it'f2 S1 .\.t;>h1
21 .J:Ie8 J:leB Mekhitarian-Fier, Santos 2007; w ga s2.'ifes 'ift4 sa :~l'e1 w g4 . 1::[
17.~b4 ~b4 ( 1 7...~15 18.J:Ibd1 cb4
19.cb4 J:lcB=) 18.cb4 'itd6 19.bc5 't!rc5
S4.'ii'e7 f3 0-1 W'
20.\.t;>h1 J:ldB 21. ~13 ~b7 22.l:lbc1 't!rd6=;
17.J:Ibd1 "ii'16 (17...t!i'd6 18. ~b2 ~d7
19.J:IIe1 b5=) 18. ~b2 ~15 ( 18... ~d7 ~
19.15;t) 19 .~b5 (19.h3 J:ladB 20. ~b5 ~d7
~ ~ ~~
21. ~d7 J:ld7 22.c4 '*'dB 23.'i!fc2=) 19... c4 16.f5
(19...a6 20.~c6 J:lacB 21.'\!i'e3 J:lc6 22.dc6 ~ ~~
'i'c6 23.c4 'i!fe6=) 20.~c4 b5 21 .~b3 Smith,Axel
J:lacB;t Kigei-Neubauer, Plovdiv Ech 2012; Sutovsky,Emil 18...~c8 (18... J:Ifb8 19.l:lb8 (19.J:Ib3 l:lb3
17.d6 ~15 18.J:Ibd1 W'd7 19 .~13 J:ladB Rogaska Slatina tt 2011 (5) 20.ab3 J:le8 21 .J:Ie1 J:le5 22.J:Ie3 ~c7
20.J:Ife1 (20.~b2 J:lle8 21 .J:IIe1 b5 22.J:Ie8 1.d4 llJf6 2.c4 g6 3.llJc3 dS 4.cdS 23.g3 h5 24.J:Ie5 (24.'it'e2 h4 25.J:Ie5
J:le8 23 .~a3 c4= Sadowski-Piant, cr Email llJdS S.e4 llJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7.llJf3 cS 'ili'e5 26.'ife5 ~e5= Bubir-Tinture, cr Email
2006) 20...J:Ife8 21 .J:Ie8 J:leB 22.g3 8. J:Ib1 0-Q 9. ~e2 llJc6 1O.dS llJeS 2007) 24 ... 'ife5 25.'it'e3 ~- ~ Zacks-Etaoin
Marusiak-Bauer, cr Email 2006; 17 .~b5 11 .llJeS ~es 12.'ii'd2 e6 13.f4 ~c7 Shrdlu, Internet 2007) 19... J:Ib8 20.'ifg5
~b7 (17...~d7 18.~d7 'ifd7 19.15;t) 14.o-O edS 1S.edS ~as 16.fS (20.'ife2 l:lb1 (20... 'it'd7 21. ~14 J:le8
18.J:Ifd1 (18.d6 W16 19.~b2 a6 20 .~e2'd2 'ti'a4 23 .~b3 'ife4 24.d6 c4oo)
'i!fd4 (20... J:Iad8 21 .J:Ibd1 b5 22.15 W'e5oo) 21. ~d3 (21 .g4 ~d7 22.'ti'l3 ~eB
2Ui'd4 cd4 22.cd4 J:lld8 23.~a3 J:lac8=) 23 .~14 ;t) 21... ~c7 22.g3 ~d3 23.'itd3
18... a6 19.~4 W16 20 . ~b4? (20.'t!re3 b5 J:la1 (23 ... l:lb8 24.~14 'it'b6 25.'i!fl3;t)
21. ~c5 J:lfe8oo) 20 ... ~b4 21 .cb4 c4+ 24. ~14 ± Pavlidis-Zaslavsky, Vung Tau jr
Sanga-Bendig, cr Email 2006] 17... ~a6 2008; 20.'ife1 l:lb1 21 .g3 ~c7 22.1i'e8
[17 ... J:Ie8 18.J:Ia5 ba5 19 .~c5 ~15 'iVI8 23.'iVIB \1;>18 24 .~e3 ~d6 ~ - ~
( 19...~b7 20.~13 ..d7 21 .J:Id1 'i!fb5 Lilleoren-Rinesi, cr Email 2006) 20... J:Ib1
22 ...d4;t) 20.c4 (20.~b5 J:le4 21 .h3oo; (20... ~c3 21 .J:II5 ~d4 22.\.t;>h1 l:lb4
20.J:Id1 J:lc8 21 .~12 • d6 22.c4;t) 23. ~3 16 24.1i'g4 ~es 25.~c4 ~d4= ;
20... W16 El Debs-Fier, Sao Paulo 2007 25... J:Ic4=) 21. ~14 J:l11 22.\1;>11 'i!fb6
(20 ... J:Ic8 21 .~d4 W'e7 22.J:II2 'i!fb4oo) 23 .~e5 'i!fb1 24.11;>12 'i!fc2 25.\.t;>g1 1fb1
21 .l:ld1 ;t] 18.J:IaS ~e2 19.'ife2 baS 26.wl2 'ili'c2 27.\.t;>g1 'iWb1 ~- ~ Bacrot-
20. ~cs lfdS (20 ... J:Ie8 21 .'t!rd2 'ifd7 16... ~fS (16 ... g15? 17.'i¥h6 \.t;>h8 (17...16 Sutovsky, Khanty-Mansiysk 2005; 18... 1fe5
22.15 J:le5oo] 21. ~f8 J:lf8 22.fS J:lc8= 18.d6 ~c3 19.l:lb3 ~d4 2o.wh1 w h8 19.J:Ie1 (19.J:I13 'ite4 (19 ... ~c8 20.J:Ib3
21 .l:lh3 l:lf7 22.~c4 l:lg7 23.'ifg7 w g7 ~15 21 .'i!fl4;t) 20.J:If4 (20.'iWI4 J:lle8
24.J:Ig3 \.t;>h8 25 .~h6+- ) 18.J:I13 16 (20 ... J:Iae8 21. ~d2 'iWc2 22.'iWh6 'ifd1
19.J:Ih3 J:lf7 20. ~h5 J:lg7 21 .J:Ie3 ~d7 (22 ... ~g4?? 23.~d3 +-) 23 .~1 1 J:le2
22.J:Ib7+- Gab.Kovacs-Farkas, Hungary tt 24.J:I15 (24 .~c1 J:le1 =) 24...'i!t'd2=) 21.g4
2004/05; 16... 'ifd6? 17.16 (17.'iVh6! J:le8 'ifl4 22.J:I14 ~g4 23 .~d2 ~15 24 .d6~)
18.fg6 hg6 (18...fg6 19 .~b5 J:le5 20... 'ti'e5 21 .J:II3 J:lfb8 22.J:Ib8 l:lbB
20.J:II7!+ -) 19 .~b5 ~d7 20.~g5+-) 23.'iWI4 (23.d6 ~e6 24. ~e6 le6 25.J:Ie3
17... J:Ie8 18.J:Ib5 ~d8 ( 18...~c3 19.'it'c3 'if15oo) 23... ~c7 24.'i!fe5 ~e5 25 .~14=
l:le2 20.J:Ic5 ~15oo) 19.c4 ~16 20 .~b2 ~- ~ Wells-Howell, Halifax rapid 2009;
~b2 21 .J:Ib2 b6 Jedynak-Panocki, Warsaw 19. ~b2 J:lfb8 20.l:lb3 ~c7 21 .g4 (21.g3 a5
rapid 2007] 17.J:Ib7 _.d6 18 .~c4 (21 ... J:Ie8=) 22.J:Ie1 'ilt'l6=) 21...'ilt'e4
(18.J:Ib5 ~c7 19.g3 (19.'i!fl4 J:lfe8 20.'\!i'd6 22.1fe2 e2 23 .~e2 ~c2 24.l:lb8 l:lb8
~d6 21. ~c4 J:le4 22.~d3 ~h2=) 25 .~a3 ~d6 Spacek-Cernousek, Czech
23.'iff2 J:lc3 24.'ifa7 J:lc2 2S.'it'b8 19... J:Iae8 (19 ... c4 20.J:If5 (20 ..-h6 l:llb8 Republic tt 2011/12) 19....-16 20.~b2
l.t;>g7 26.f6 w h6 27.-.g3 gS 28.a3 21.~14 'ife7=F) 20... gf5 21. ~a3 'ii'a3 (20.J:Ib3? 'i!t'M! 21. ~11 c4 22.l:lb5 ~b6
J:ld2 29.h3 l.t;>g6 30.J:If3 l:lb2 22.'ifg5 \.t;>h8 23.'iVI6 ~- ~ Collett-Lindh, 23.\.t;>h1 ~c7 -+ Obodchuk-Sutovsky, Turin

ol 2006) 20 ... :trbs 21 .l:tee7 l:tb7 22.l:tb7 Kristjansson, Budapest 200S - YB/77·185; 1S .. .'.-d7 19...Q.b2 :taeS 20...Q.r3 r6 21 .l:td1
1i'd6 Johannessen-Sutovsky, St Vincent tt 1S... 'ifeS 19.l:te3 (19...Q.c4 l:tfb8 (19 .....Q.e4 <Jiil g7 22.h3;!; Porat·Baron, Givataim 2007]
200S - YB/77-1SS] 19.l:tb3 ..Q.a6 20.1i'e1 : aeS 21 .l:te3 ..Q.b6 22.a4 (22.h3 17.l:tb7 1}'f6 18.l:td1 [1S...Q.b2 :trbs
[19 ...l:teS? 20.1}'h6±] 20.'.,d3 ..Q.c4 'iWrs (22 ...hS 23.d6+- ) 23.d6 ..Q.b7 19.l:tb3 'i!l'e6 20 ...Q.f3 l:tb3 21 .ab3 l:tdS
[20... ..Q.b6 21...Q.r4 lfd7 22 .~h1 ..Q.c4 24.l:teS±) 22 ...<JiilhS (22 ...1t'rs 23.aS 22.l:ta1 l:td6 23.'it'f2!] 18•.. ..Q.c3
23.'it'c4 : res 24.l:tbb1 :tadS 2S.d6!] 24.l:ta7 ..Q.b6 2S.l:tb7 26.l:te2±) 19...Q.b2 ..Q.b2 [19 ...1t'd4 20.1t'd4 cd4
2H ifc4 ..Q.b6 22 ...Q.f4 'i!Vd7 23.l:tbb1 23...Q.a3 1}'r4 24.aS+- Zschoch-Eckhardt, cr 21 .g4 ..Q.e6 22 ...Q.c3 dc3=] 20.'it'b2 'Wb2
[23.a4! : res 24.l:tbS±] 23 ... l:tfe8;!; 1-2-\12 Email 2006) 20.l:te3 (20.l:tb8 l:tb8 21 .d6 21 .l:tb2 :tabS 22.l:tb5 l:tb5 23 •..Q.b5
l:tdS 22.l:te3 Wf6 23.l:te7±) 20...1t'd6 l:tb8
21 .l:tbe7 : rs 22.:te1 ..Q.d8= Koskinen-
Halme, cr Email 200S) 19.....Q.e4 (19...1i'd6
Grandelius,Nils 20 ...Q.c4 :tfb8 21.:tbe7 : rs 22.h3 ..Q.dS=)
Barbosa,Evandro Amorim 20...Q.f3 (20...Q.c4 l:tfb8 21 .l:tb8 l:tb8 22.d6;!;)
Chennai Wch-jr 2011 {4) 20.. .fS 21 .l:te4? (21.d6 l:tadS 22 ...Q.e2 1i'dS
1.d4 tiJf6 2.c4 g6 3.tiJc3 d5 4.cd5 23.l:te4=) 21 .. .fe4 22.'iWh6 ..Q.c7 23...Q.e2
tiJdS 5.e4 tiJc3 6.bc3 ..Q.g7 7.tiJf3 c5 it'c3-+ Eames·D.Howell, Hastings 2009/10]
8.l:tb1 0-0 9 ...Q.e2 tiJc6 10.d5 tiJeS 19•..Q.c4 l:tfb8 20.l:tb3 [20.l:tb8 l:tb8
11 .tiJe5 12.1}'d2 e6 13.f4 ..Q.c7 21.1t'e1 ..Q.c7 22 ...Q.r4 W'd7 23.'.,d2 l:tb1=
14.0-0 ed5 15.ed5 16.f5 ..Q.ts Bokar-Taylor, cr Email 2006] 20 ... l:te8
17.l:tb7 W'f6 [20 .....Q.e4 21 .l:te3 22.g3 ('e1 ..Q.c7
23.g3 (23... f6 24.:te7 ..Q.d6=)
24.'it'e2 (24.l:tb8 l:tb8 25.l:te7 ..Q.d6 26.l:ta7
X~ l:tb1 ~) 24.....Q.d6 2S ...Q.d2 aS Winz-Bauer, cr 24.a4 [24.d7 l:tdS 25.l:td6 w rs 26.a4 aS

i i Email 2007) 22 .....Q.c7 23...Q.a3 l:teS (23... as 27.l:tdS ..Q.e6 2S.l:tcS ..Q.d7= Kuzubov-Miton,


24.1}'12;!;; 23.....Q.dS 24.:tes <Jjjlg7 2S....e3 Aarhus 200S - YB/77·1S6] 24... 8
..Q.gS=) 24.l:tb7 l:teb8 2S.l:tb8 l:tb8 [24 ... <Jiilg7 2S.l:tdS l:tdS 26.d7 (26.:tcs l:td6
·~ 26...Q.b3;!; Quednau-Hirscheider, cr Email
200S] 21 .'*f2 l:te4 22 ...Q.d3 [22.:tr4 ..Q.c7
27.l:tc7 a6=) 26 ... c4 27.<Jiilf2 c3 2S.<Jiile3
<Jjjlf6 29.l:td6 w e7 30.l:ta6 : as 31 ...Q.c6
~ 23.g3 l:tc4 24.l:tc4 l:teS'i'] 22 ... c4 l:tbS=] 25. 2 a6 [2S ... l:tdS 26 .~e3]
~ ~ ~~ [22 ...'it'dS 23.c4 '*'e6 24 ...Q.e4 ..Q.e4~] 26 ...Q.a6 ..Q.c2 [26.....Q.d7 27 ...Q.bS ..Q.bS
23 ...Q.e4 ..Q.e4 24.l:tb5= ..Q.b6 25.l:te3 2S.l:tb1 <JiileS=] 27.l:ta1 l:td8? [27 ... l:tb2
~ ~ ..Q.d5 26.h3 ..Q.c6 27.l:tbe5 'it'd1 2S.<Jiile3±] 28.a5+- ..Q.e4 29.l:td1 f5
28.'. f1 '*f1 29. 1 ..Q.e3 30 ...Q.e3 a6 30 ...Q.b5 7 31 .h3 <Jiile6 32.d7 ~e7
18.l:tf3 [1S...Q.b2 :tabS 19.l:tb8 (19.l:tb3 Y2-Y2 33.g4 l:tb8 34.gf5 gf5 35.d8 l:td8
W'd6 20.W'r4 1}'r4 21.:tr4 ..Q.c7 22.:tr1 36.l:td8 <Jiild8 37. ~e3 ..Q.d5 38. ~d3
..Q.c2=) 19... l:tb8 20.g4 Wb6 21.gfS (21...Q.c1 rJ;;c7 39.<Jiilc3 h6 40 ...Q.c4 ..Q.g2 41 .h4
c4 22.:12 ..Q.e4=) 21...Wb2 22.'i!t'b2 l:tb2+ <Jiilc6 42 ...Q.d3 ..Q.d5 43 . ~d2 ..Q.e6
Dziuba·Bobras, Krakow ch-POL 2006; 44.<ilfe3 <Jiilc7 45 ...Q.b5 <Jiilb7 46.rJi;d3
1S.:tb3 : rea 19...Q.d3 c4 20...Q.c4 :tac8 ..Q.d5 47 •..Q.c4 ..Q.e4 48.<Jiile3 ~c6
21...Q.bS l:te4 22.1}'gS (22...Q.d7 ..Q.c3 16.d6 49 •..Q.e2 ..Q.b1 50. ~d2 ..Q.e4 51 .<Jiilc3
23.l:tc3 l:tc3 24 gfS 2S.d6=) 22 .....Q.b6 ..Q.d5 52 •..Q.d3 ..Q.e6 53 ...Q.c4
23.<Jiilh1 Wes 24 ...Q.r4 'it'dS+ Aminta-Kund, Kuzubov,Yury 54.<li>b3 ..Q.d7 55.<Jiilc2 56.<Jiild3
cr Email 200S; 1S.g4 ..Q.c3 19...Q.b2 ..Q.d2 Tukhaev,Adam ..Q.d7 57.<Jiilc3 ..Q.c8 58 ...Q.e2 ..Q.e6
(19... ..Q.b2 20.l:tb2 c4 21 ...Q.c4 Wh4 22.:tr4 Poltava ch-UKR 2006 {1) 59 ...Q.f1 ..Q.d5 60 ...Q.c4 ..Q.e4 61 .Wb3
..Q.g4 23.'ifd4± Shabalov-Areschenko, Port 1.d4 tiJf6 2.tiJf3 g6 3.c4 ..Q.g7 4.tiJc3 ..Q.t3 62 ...Q.d3 ..Q.d5 63.<Jiila4 ..Q.e6
Erin 200S - YB/77-184) 20...Q.r6 : rea? d5 5.cd5 tiJdS 6.e4 tiJc3 7.bc3 c5 64 •..Q.b5 <Jiilb7 65 ...Q.e2 ..Q.d7 66.<Jiilb3
(20... ..Q.e4 21 ...Q.f3 : reS 22.<Jiilg2 ..Q.r4oo; 8.l:tb1 0-0 9 ...Q.e2 tiJc6 1O.d5 tiJeS <Jiil c6 67.<Jiila4 ~ b7 68 ...Q.b5 ..Q.e6
20... ..Q.c8 21 .l:te7 c4 22.d6 ..Q.b4 23.l:td1 11.tiJe5 12.'*d2 e6 13.f4 ..Q.c7 69 ...Q.e8 w as 70 ...Q.c6 ..Q.c4 71 ...Q.d7
..Q.e6=) 21.grs l:te2 22.d6± Svetlov-Simonov, 14.0-0 ed5 15.ed5 16.d6 ..Q.ts ..Q.d3 72 •..Q.c8 ~a7 73.<Jiil b3 Wb8
Vladimir 2009] 18.. .'it'd6 [1S ... hS 19.1t'h6 [16.....Q.b6 17.c4 (17...Q.a3 (1 7... : es 74.rJi;c3 ..Q.e4 75 ...Q.e6 w c7 76.<Jiilc4
: res 'it'g7 21 .1t'g7 <Jiilg7 22 1S.l:tbd1 (1S...Q.r3 l:tbS 19.:tre1 <Jiilc6 77.a6 <Jiilb6 78.a7 <Jiila7 79. ~c5
(22.:trs gfS 23...Q.hS l:tf8 24.c4=; 22 ...Q.d3 20.l:tbd1!) 1S... ..Q.d7 19...Q.f3 ..Q.a4 <Jiilb8 80.<Jiil d6 ~ b7 81.<Jiile5 <J;c7
..Q.c3 ..Q.d4 24.<ilir1 gfS 2S.d6 20.l:tde1 c4 21.Wh1 d?;!;) 1S.l:tbd1 : es 82 •..Q.f5 ..Q.t3 83. 6 <Jiild6 84 ...Q.e6 h5
(2S ...Q.e7 c4 26.d6 c3=) 2S... l:teb8 26.l:tb8 ..Q.d7 20...Q.c4 it'r6 21.fS 85 ...Q.t7 ..Q.d1 86 ...Q.g6 ..Q.e2 87.Wg7
l:tb8 27.:trS!) 22...l:te1 23.<Jiilf2 l:tb1 22.'i!t'dS l:tad8=) 17... 1S.l:tb3 (1S.l:tbS ..Q.g4 88.f5 w es 89.f6 ..Q.e6 90 •..Q.h5
24 ...Q.r4 l:tb2 2S.<Jjjlf1 ~- ~ Dearing· a6 19.l:tb3 20.-.ds bS 21.l:te3!) 4 91 ...Q.t7 1-0

Survey G/4.16

Akobian,Varuzhan Poweronoff 21...~13 22.'ilt'l3 l:tfeB 23.c4 l:te6 24.l:tad3

Gopai,Geetha Narayanan Simplicissimus l:tbe8= Mulyar-Gopal, Philadelphia 2008;
Dresden ol 2008 (9) Internet 2007 (2) 24 ... b5=; 18.~3 ~15 (18 .. .'~16 19 .~b4
1.d4 llJf6 2.c4 g6 3.llJc3 dS 4.llJf3 1.d4 llJf6 2.llJf3 g6 3.c4 ~g7 4.llJc3 (19.~2 ~15 20.l:tbd1 c4 21 .'ifd4 'ilt'd4
~g7 S.cdS llJdS 6.e4 llJc3 7.bc3 cS dS S.cdS llJdS 6.e4 llJc3 7.bc3 cS 22.l:td4 b5=) 19... ~15 (19 ... cb4 20.cb4 l:td8
8.l::lb1 0-0 9 . ~e2 llJc6 1 O.dS llJeS 8.l:tb1 0-0 9.~e2 llJc6 10.dS llJeS 21.l:tbd1 ~6 22.l:tf2 l:td7 23.ba5 l:tbd8=
11 .llJeS ~es 12.'ifd2 e6 13.f4 ~c7 11.llJeS · S 12.'ifd2 e6 13.14 ~c7 Janosi-Neven, cr Email 2005) 20.l:tbc1 c4
14.D-O edS 1S.edS · S 16.d6 b6 14.0-0 edS 1S.edS ~as 16.d6 b6 (20 ... ~b4 21.cb4 l:tld8 22.l:tld1 a5 23.bc5
17.~f3 ~fS 18. ~a8 ~b1 19. ~c6 bc5 24.l:tc5 l:tb2=) 21.~a5 baS 22.~e2
~ts 20.l:te1 'ilt'f6 21 .~b2 l:td8 (22.1t'd5 l:tldB 23.'ilt'a5 'ifd6 24.'ijfa7
22.l:te8 l:te8 23 .~e8 a6 [23 ...'ifd4 l:tb2=) 22... ~d3 23.~d3 'ifd6'i' Marzolo-
24.cd4 ~d2 25.d7 ~d7 26.~d7 c4 27.~4 Brkic, Dresden Ech 2007) 19.l:tbd1
b5 28.~c2 b4 29.<l;>i2 c3 30 .~e2 ~14 (19.l:tbc1 'ijfd7 20.~b4 cb4?! (20... l:tld8
31.g3 ~g5 32 .~1 15 33.~3 14 34.gl4 21.l:tld1 (21.l:tcd1 ~ 22.cb4 c4=) 2Lc4
~14 35.h3 c;t,>l7 36.~c4+- Varga-Bednay, 22.~a3 'ifa4;::t) 21 .cb4 l:tld8 22.l:tld1
Balatonlelle 2006] 24.a4 'ifd8 [24 ...'ifd4 l:tbc8 (22 .. .'ijfd6 23.'ifd6 l:td6 24.l:td6 ~b4
25.cd4 (25.'ifd4 cd4 26.cd4 <Jf~S 27.d7 25.l:tdd1 ~c5 26.~11 ~e6;!;) 23.ba5 l:tc1
~e7= Kleiser-Atakisi, cr Email 2006) 24.'ifc1 'ife6 (24 ...ba5 25.'ifc5;!;) 25.ab6
25... ~d2 26.d7 ~d7 27. ~d7 c4 28.~a3 c3 ab6 26.'ilt'd2± Henrichs-Aangeenbnug,
29.a5 c2 30.ab6 c1'if 31.~c1 ~c1 32.15 Vlissingen 2011 ; 19.l:tbe1 'iff6 20.l:te5
~e3 33.~h1 ~g7 34.b7 Yz·Yz Strang- l:tbd8 21 .l:td1 ~d7 22.g4 h6 (22 ... ~a4
17. ~b2 ~fS 18.l:tbd1 'ifd7 muller-Haug, cr Email 2005] 2S .~c6 ~d7 23.g5±) 23.'ife3 ~4 24.g5 hg5 25.fg5
[1 8... 'ifl6 19.'ifc1 (19.h3 l:tad8 20 .~b5 26.~d7 'Wd7 27.'ifdS [27.15 b5 28.ab5 'ifhB'i' Rossler-Janzen, cr Email 2006)
~d7 21 .a4 (21 .c4 W e6 22 .~d7 l:td7 ab5 29.g4 gf5?? (29 .. .'ijfc6 30.d7 (30.g5 c4) 19.. .'\!t'f6 20.~ (20.~2 c4 21 .'\!t'd4 W'd4
23.1t'd5 l:teB=) 21 ... a6 (21 ... l:tle8 22.15;!;) 30... ~d8=) 30.'ifg5 <Jf~S 31.'iff6 1-Q 22.l:td4 b5 23.l:td5 l:tldB'i') 20... ~b4 21 .cb4
22 .~d7 l:td7 23.15 l:tld8;!;) 19.. .c4 S.Ernst-Henrichs, Netherlands tt 2006/07] c4 22.'ilt'd4 'ilt'd4 23.l:td4 ~d7 (23 ... b5
20 .~c4 l:tac8 21 .~b3 ~c3 22 .~c3 l:tc3 27... ~g7 28.c4 f6 29.h3 hS 30.'~!fd3 24.l:ta1 l:tld8 25.a4 a6 26.a5 h5 27.~12=;
23.'ifb2 ~g7 24.l:tle1 b5 25.'ife2 (25.h3 [30.h4 ~b4 31 .<l;>i2 ~a5 32 .~e3 ~e1;::t] 23... l:tfd8 24.b5 l:tbc8 25.~c6 ~d7=)
h5) 25 ... l:td8 26.'ifb5 ~ -Yz Nedobora· 30 ... h4 31-'ill'dS 'ife8 ~ -~ 24.l:te1 c3 25.l:tc1 l:tbc8 (25... l:tlc8=)
Popilski, Tel Aviv 2009] 19. ~f3 l:tad8 26.~7 l:tb8 27 .~a6± Tripoteau-Aguirre,
[19 ... l:tae8 20.l:tle1 b5 (20 ... c4 21. ~a3 France 2009] 18... ~f5 [18... ~e6 19.~e4
l:te1 22.l:te1 ~e6 23.h3 b5 24.g4;!; Krylov,Mikhail (19.l:tle1 b5 (19... ~ 20.l:ta1 ~e6 21 .l:te5
Tarnopolsky-Popilski, Israel tt 2008/09) Khairullin,lldar (21.~c6 b5) 2L'ifl6) 20.l:tbd1 c4 21.~h1
21.h3 (21. ~a3 ~ b6 (21 ... c4?? 22.l:te7) Moscow 2012 (4) ~ 22.d7;!;) 19.. .'ifh4 (19... ~a2 20.l:ta1
22.l:te8 l:te8 23.c4 bc4 24 .~ b2 ;!;) 1.d4 llJf6 2.c4 g6 3.llJc3 dS 4.cd5 ~c4 21.15 (21.l:tf2 'ifd7 22.15 l:tle8)
21 ... l:te1 22.l:te1 l:te8 (22... ~c7?? 23.c4 llJdS S.e4 llJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7.llJf3 cS 2Ll:te8 (21...~11 22.l:tl1 c4 23.16) 22.fg6
b4 24.g4 ~e6 25.15+-) 23.g4 (23.l:te8 8.l:tb1 0-0 9. ~e2 llJc6 10.d5 llJe5 hg6 23.~d5±) 20i d5 ~15 21.l:tbe1 b5
WeB 24 .~ h2 c4 25.'ifd4 ~b6 11.llJeS ~eS 12.'ifd2 e6 13.14 ~c7 22.~e4 ~d7 23.15 c4 24.fg6 hg6 25.~d5±
26.1t'e5;!;) 23 ... l:te1 24.'ife1 'ife6 14.D-O edS 1S.ed5 ~as 16.d6 b6 Fagerstrom-Urbanek, cr Email 2007]
25.1t'e6 (25.1t'e5!?) 25... ~e6= Onischuk- 17.~f3 l:t b8 19.l:tbe1 [19.l:tbd1 b5 (19... c4 20.1t'd4 b5
Mikhalevski, Lubbock 2008] 20.l:tfe1 21. ~h1 'ifd7 (21...~ 22.'ifd5 ~e6
l:tte8 21 .h3 c4 [21 ... h5 22 .~h2 l:te1 23.'ilt'e5 l:teB=) 22.~3 l:tle8 23.l:tle1 ~b6
23.l:te1 ~e6= Kavutsky-Matlin , Internet 24.'ifd5 l:te6= Raznikov-Popilski, Petah
2011 ; 21... ~e6? 22.g4! ~a2 23.15 ~c4 Tiqwa 2007) 20.g4 ~d7 21.15 c4 22. h6
24.1t'l4! b5 25.16 l:te6 26 .~c6 !! 'ifc6 gf5 23.~d5 (23.l:tde1 l:te8 24 .~d5 ~h8
27.l:te6 le6 28.17 ~18 29.l:td2 1-0 25.~h1 ;!;) 23...~h8 24.gl5 l:tgB 25. ~h1
Nestor-Mustonen, cr Email 2006] 'ifg5 lg.Jelen-Jaracz, Nova Gorica 2005]
22 . ~a3 bS 23.l:te7 [23 .~h2 h5 19...b5 [19 ... 'iff6 20.l:te7 (20.g4 ~e6
24.l:te7±] 23 ...'ifc8 [23 ... 'ife7! 24.de7 21.15 gf5 22.gl5 ~c4 23.l:tf2 ..t>h8 24.l:tg2
l:td2 25.l:td2 b4=] 24. ~dS [24.l:te8! .,,5 25.~e4 'ilt'f6 26...t>h1 ;!;) 20...l:tbd8?
l:te8 25.d7+-] 24 ...l:te7 2S.de7 l:te8 (20 ... c4 21.~e4 l:tfd8 22.l:td1 ~e4 23.l:te4
26.g4 ~d3 27.fS 'ifd7 28. ~g2 b4 b5=) 21 .l:td1 ~e6 22.l:ta7± Niendieker-
29.f6 ~ h8?? [29 ... 'ifd6] 30J!t'h6 Bejaoui, Werther 2005; 19... c4 20 .~a3 'ilt'f6
l:tg8 31.l:te1 ~e2 32. ~b4 ~ b4 18.~b2 [18.l:td1 ~15 19.l:tb3 'ifd7 21 .l:te5 l:tldB 22.'ifd4 b5 23.~c5 ~b6
33.cb4 c3 34.l:te2 c2 3S.'ifc1 'ifd4 20.l:ta3 ~g4 (20 ... l:tfe8 21.'iff2 l:te6 22.g4 24 .~b6 l:td6 (Berry-Neave, Oban 2006)
36. ~ h1 'Wd1 37.l:te1 1-0 ~e4=) 21 .'ife2 (21. ~g4 'ifg4 22.'ifd5;!;) 25.l:tl5 gl5 26.'t!i'f6 l:tl6 27. ~a7+- ] 20.g4

~e6 21.fS gfS [21 ...~c4?? 22.J:le7! ~12 28.J:lf1 ~fS 29. 'iff6 ~e3 30.~dS Wfl) 24 ... W'c6! (24...~c3? 25.d7 'ife1
'ti'b6 (22...~11 23.16 ~ h8 24. ~ h6 J:lg8 ~e4 31.~e4 J:le4 32.fS J:lbe8 33.h3 26.!:111 ~d4 27.'ifd4 'ifl1 28.WI1 cd4
25.l:tf7) 23.16 ~ h8 24. ~e4 l:tg8 25.l:t13 ~h6 34.~b4 ~g7 3S.'ti'gS h6 29 .~g5 +-) 25.'ifc6 bc6 26 .~e3 ~c3
~d3 26.'ti'h6 c4 27. ~g2 ~e4 28.l:te4 1-0 36.'ifd2 gfS 37.'ti'12 f4 38.'ifcs ~es 27.~c5 ~e5 28.J:la4 l:tdS=] 23 ... J:le1
Pelletier-Bu Xiangzhi, Khanty-Mansiysk 39.'ifdS J:le3 40.a4 ba4 41.'ifc4 aS 24. gSD [24 ...J:lc1? 25.fg6 hg6
2009] 22.'iVh6 c4 23J:teS? [23.<~>h1 !1 42 . . s ~h8 43.J:ld3 J:ld3 44.'ifd3 26.'ifl7 Wh8 27.'ifg6+ - l 2S.f6 h6
~h8 (23... ~d6 24.gl5) 24.l:te5 1t'd6 'ifd6 45.'ifd6 ~d6 46. · ~c7 26.'i!rfS! +- [26.~e1 ? ~c3 27 .~d2 ~d2
25. ~16 ~g8 26.gl5+-] 23... ~d6 47.J:la1 J:la8 48.~g1 ~g7 49.~ 28.1t'd2 gf4 29.'iVI4 'ifa5+] 26 ...'ifd6
24.'ti'gS ~ h8 2S.'ti'f6 ~g8 26. ~gS so.~e2 ~es S1 .~d3 ~ds [26 ...l:tc1 27 .~d3 t::. 28. ~ h7; 26... J:ld1
[26.gl5 ~d8-+] 26 ... ~h8 27.'ii'f6 S2.J:ld1 ~es S3. ~c2 ~c4 54.J:le1 f6 27.J:lg4; 26 ... <io1th8 27 .~d3 'i!fg8 28.!:113
~g8 28.1t'gS 112-112 SS.J:le4 WbS 56.~b2 J:lg8 S7.J:le2 J:lc1 29.l:th3 'i+'g6 30. g6 lg6 31.J:lh6
J:lg3 58.!:112 hS S9.~a2 J:le3 60.~b2 <io1tg8 32 .~c4 WIS 33.J:lh8X] 27.We1
J:le1 61.~a2 ~c4 62. ~a3 J:la1 J:ld8 [27... ~c3 28.<i1te2 J:ld8 29.~d3
63.~b2 J:ld1 64. ~a3 J:le1 6S.~aS (29.1'111!?+-) 29 ... <io1tl8 30.'ifh7 J:le8
~d3 66.~a4 J:le2 0-1 31 .<io1tf2! ~d4 32.WI1 ~16 33 . ~h6 w e7
16 ... l:lb8 34.!:113]

Pelletier, Van nick Li Chao

Caruana,Fabiano Caruana,Fabiano
Biel 2011 (7) Malmo 2012 (5)
1 .d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 3 .tt:lc3 dS 4.cdS 1.d4 tt:lf6 g6 3 .c4 ~g7 4 .tt:lc3
tt:ldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6 .bc3 ~g7 7 .tt:lf3 cS dS S.cdS ti:ldS 6 .e4 tt:lc3 7.bc3 cS
8.l:tb1 o-o 9.~e2 tt:lc6 10.dS tOeS 8. J:lb1 0-o 9 .~e2 tt:lc6 10.dS tOeS ~es 12.'ii'd2 e6 13.14 ~c7 11 .tt:le5 ~es 12.'ifd2 e6 13.14 ~c7
14.o-O edS 1S.edS ~as 16.d6 l:tb8 14.0-0 [14.c4?? ~5-+J 14...edS
1S.edS ~as 16.d6 l:lb8 17.J:lbS
~d7 [RR 17 ... b6 18.J:la5 ba5 19 . ~a3
~e6 (19 ...c4; 19 ... 'ifb6; 19... ~15- 17. ~a3
~15 18. J:lb5 b6 19.J:la5 ba5) 20.~c5
'ti'd7 21 .c4 J:llc8 22. ~d4 '*'a4 23.'l!Ve5 28. 2? [28.~e2! ~c3 29.<io1tl1+-]
J:lc5D 24.'ifc5 'ti'a2;t 25.'ti'a7 J:lb2?1 28 .. ."i!i'd1 29.~c4 [29. ~e3? gl4- +]
Cheparinov-Areschenko, Burgas 2012 29 ...<io1th8 30.J:lf3 ~c1 31. ~d3 'ifd2
26.15!; 17... a6? 18.J:la5! 'i!t'a5 19.15 c4 32.<io1tf1 [32.Wg3?? 'ife1- +] 32 ... 'ifd1
20.16± ~h8 21 .d7 ~d7 22.'ifd7 'ti'a2 33. 2 ...d2 34. 1 ~d1 112-112
23.~13 +- Peralta-Barbero Senidic, aruana
Barbera del Valles 2012] 18.fS! [18.J:la5 M/ 12-4-87
'ti'a5 19.15 c4! 20.16 'ili'c5 21 .<iotth1 ~h8
22.'ifh6 l:tg8 23 .~g5 'ife5 24. ~c4 ~c6
17 . 2 [17.g4 b5 (17 ...c4 18.15 (18.~3 25.~17 'ife2 26.J:lg1 ~92 27.l:lg2 'ti'l1 =] Gajewski,Grzegorz
~ 19.~ W 20.~13 l:te8oo) 18...~d7 18 ...~ bS [18 ... ~15? 19.!:115 gl5 20.l:ta5 Sutovsky,Emil
19.~~) 1s.m (1s.t5 J:tb6 (1 s ...c4 'iVa5 21.'ifg5 ~h8 22.'ifl6 ~g8 Rijeka Ech 2010 (8)
19.~3 l:te8 20.~13 ~7oo) 19.l:td1 ~d7 23 .~h6+-] 19.~ bS 'ifh4 [19 ... a6? 20.16 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 dS 4 .cdS
(19 ...~7 20.d7 b4 21 .c4;t) 20.~13 ~f6oo) ~c3 21 .'ifc3 ab5 22.'ife3 <io1th8 23.'ifh6 tt:ldS S.e4 tt:lc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7 .tt:lf3 cS
18.....h4 19.15 (19.d7 ~b7 20...d6 c4 J:lg8 24.!:113 t::. 25.'ifh7] 20.J:lf4 [20.g3 8.J:lb1 0-0 9.~e2 tt:lc6 10.dS tOeS
21.~3 ~ 22.~c5 ~c5 23.'*'c5 a6=) 'ife4!] 20 ... 'ili'gs [20... W'h6!?] 2 U ii'e1 11.t0es ~es 12.'ifd2 e6 13.f4 ~c7
19...~7 20.~14 c4 21.~13 g5 22.'ti'g3 'i!rd8?! [21...a6 22.fg61 (22.~c4 J:lbe8<2) 14.0-0 edS 1S.edS ~as 16.d6 l:lb8
'ti'g:H Kovacs- Y.Vovk, Szombalhely 2008] 22 .. ."i!i'g6 (22 ...ab5 23.gf7 Wh8 24.!:113 17 . ~a3 ~fS 18.J:lbS a6 [18 ... b6
17... b5 18.J:lbd1 ~d7 [18 ... ~e6 19.~13 Wh5 25 .~14 !:117 26 .~e5 <io1tg8 27.l:lg3 19.J:la5 ba5 20.~c5 Wd7 21 ."i!t'd4 (21.c4
c4 20.~h1 ; 20.d7? 1t'b6 21.~h1 l:tld8+] ~18 28.d7!) 23. ~d7 1 <io1th8 24.~15 .... ] J:lleB 22.J:lc1 J:lbd8 23.~11 J:le6 24 .~a3;!;)
19.~13 c4 [19 ...~ 20.l:tle1 b4 21 .J:le7 22. ~eS [:2:. 22.fg6 hg6 23.W'e5 l:te8 21...J:lle8 22.~13 l:tb2 23.c4 J:la2 24.~a7?
c4 22.~h1 ~] 20.~h1 ~fS 24.'ifd5 l:te1 25.WI2 J:le6! - +] 22 ... J:le8 (24 ....16 WdB 25.'ifd4 Wd7=) 24... ~h3?
21.1t'd4 [21.~d5 ~e6 22.~e5 l:te8 [RR 22 ...a6? 23.fg6 hg6 24. ~c4 b5 (24...~g4 !+) 25.~b6? (25.15 ~15
<, 23.l:tfe1 ~d7=] 21 ... . 22.'ifdS ~e6 25 .~d5+- Nishant-Kilpatrick, Athens 26 .~c5=) 25 ... ~g2!!-+ 26.~g2 J:lee2
[22 ... l:te8 23.~3 ~d7 24.J:lle1 ~e3 25.g3 Wch-jr 2012] 23.'ifdS! [23 .~e8 WeB 27.~13 'ifg4! 0-1 Fahnenschmidt-
a5=] 23.'iVeS 'ii'd7 24. · 3 J:lfe8= 24 ....d5 (24.'ife8 J:le8; 24 .~e7 'ife7 M.D.Tseitlin, Bad Homburg Ech sen 2005]
2S.J:lfe1 ~12 26.J:lf1 ~b6 27.J:lfe1 25.de7 16 26.fg6 hg6 27.!:116 ~c3 28.l:lg6 19.J:lcS [19.J:lb3 b5 20 .~c5 ~6 21. ~b6

Survey G/4.16

._b6 22.~h1 l:lbdS 23.l:ld1 :lieS 24.l:lb4 ~dS 22.l:lc2 ~g5oo) 20 ... ~5 21 .l:lf2 21 .c4 (21 .g4 l:lleB 22. ~13 ~e4 23.c4 • h4
(24.c4 l:le6) 24 ......e3=] 19..•~b6 'ilt'd7 22.15 l:lld8= Etaoin Shrdlu-Rajlich, 24 ....e3 ~c2=) 21...W'e6 22 .~13 l:ld6
20. ~h1 ~cs 21.~cs • d7 22.~b6 Internet 2007) 19 ... b5 (19 ... 'ilt'd7 20.h3 23. ~d5 • e7 24.l:lle1 ~e1 25.l:le1 l:le6=
[22.c4=] 22... ~e4 23....d4 l:lbe8 • a4 21 .'ili'b2 :lidS {21...'ilt'l4 22 .~b7 Touzane-Gozzoli, France tt 2010; 19.g4
24.~d1 ~c6 [24 ... l:le6! 25 .~c7 • c6 ...d6 23.~c8 l:lc8;!;) 22.l:lcd1 b5 23.~d5 ~d7 20.15 ... h4 21. ~13 l:lbeB 22. ~2 b5
26.'it'd2 l:ldS+] 25.f5 gfS 26. ~c2 ~e4 l:ld7=) 20.g4 (20.~h1 ! ? ...d7 (20 ......16 (Q-1 Guzy-Cipolli, cr Email 2007) 23.W'f2
27.~b3= h6 28 ....f6 ~ h7 29. l:lg1 21 .g4 ~d7 22.15 ~c6 23....d3 a6 24.d7 •12 24 .~2 c4 25.¢>g3 gl5 26.gl5 l:le5=;
%lg8 30 ....f7 l:lg7 31 ....d7 l:ld7 l:lcdS 25.g5 ~13 26....13 • es 27.l:lcd1 ;!;) 19.h3 ~d7 20.~b4 (20.~b2 b5 2 1. ~13 c4
32.l:ld1 ~c6 33 . ~g1 l:le2 34.~f2 21 .l:lle1 :lidS 22.l:lcd1 ~e6 23.l:le5!;t) 22.l:lle1 ~15 (22 ... l:le8 23.l:le8 • ea
ci>g6 35. 1 l:le4 36.c4 aS 37.a3 20... ~d7 21.15 • h4 {21...gf5? 22.'ilfh6 c4 24.l:le1 ~e6 25.15± ; 22...~b6 23.¢>h2
38.l:ld2 a4 39. ~a2 bS 40.c5 b4 (22 .. .fg4 23.c4!) 23.¢>h1 ~hS (23 .. .tg4 • h4o:t) 23.l:le5 ~d3=) 20... ~a4 21 .l:lb1
41.~d4 l:ld4 42. l:ld4 ba3 43.l:lb4 24 .~d5) 24.l:lle1 l:lgS 25.l:le7 1-0 • 16 22 .~5 l:lbdS 23.15 'it'd6= Salcedo
<i>eS 44.l:lb6 ~e4 45. 1 l:la7 Pierzak-Van den Bos, cr Email 2007; Mederos-Cipolli, cr Email 2007) 19......16
46.l:lb4 ~g2 47. l:lc4 ~c6 48.l:lc3 21... ...16 22.1g6 hg6 (22 .. .'it'g6 23.~h1 20.~2 b5 21. ~13 c4 22.l:le5 ~d3
ci>d4 49.l:lc4 ¢>d3 50.l:lb4 l:lg7 (23.h3 ~dS 24.l:lcd1 ;!;) 23...~dS 24.l:lcd1 23 .~a3 :lidS 24.l:lde1 l:ld6 25 .~d6 • d6
5U i b6 ~e3 52. 1 ~g2 53.¢>e1 ~16 25 .~b7 l:lb8 26.~d5;!;) 23.¢>g2 26.W'b2~ Przezdziecka-Nebolsina, Rijeka
~e4 0-1 (23.~b7 'ilt'M 24 .~ca • 94 2s.'ilt'g2 : ca Ech W 2010; 18 ......16 19 . ~c5 ~c3
26....g4 ~g4 27.l:lle1 oo) 23......e6 20.~d4 (20.'it'd5 b6 2 1. ~12 l:lldB 22.a3
24.l:lce1 • c4 25.~2 ~c6 26.~c6 {26.h3 ~e6 23.W'I3 ~15=) 20... ~d4 21 .'trd4
Del Rio de Angelis,Salvador :lidS) 26... l:lc6 27.l:l14 • a2oo Bieder- • d4 22.l:ld4 b5 23.l:lc1 ~e6 24.l:ld2
Kasimdzhanov,Rustam mann-Pawlowski, cr Email 2007) 22.l:lce1 :lidS 25.l:lc6 b4 26.l:la6 l:lb6= Mikha-
Spain tt 2011 (7) b4 (22... ~dS 23.¢>h1 (23.~c1 b4 24.c4 levski-Ftacnik, Bellevue 2006] 19 .~f3
1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 g6 3.ttJc3 dS 4.cd5 ~16= ) 23...~16 24. ~d5 gl5 25.gl5 ~hS;!;) [19.g4 ~d7 20 .~13 b5 21.15 16 22 .~b2
1!\dS 5.e4 ttJc3 6.bc3 ~g7 7.ttJf3 cS 23.cb4 (23.~2 :leeS 24.fg6 hg6 25.l:leS c4 23.¢>h1 l:lceB 24.l:lde1 ~ 25.~a3
8.l:lb1 o-o 9.~e2 /Oc6 1 O.dS ttJeS l:leS 26.cb4 cb4 27 ....14;!;) 23... cb4 l:le1 26.l:le1 h5= Sakhabeev-Chovanec, cr
11./0es ~es 12 ....d2 e6 13.f4 ~c7 24 .~b4 ~b4 25 .... b4 ~15 Van Seben- Email 2005]
14.o-o edS 15.ed5 · 5 16.d6 l:l b8 Neven, cr Email 2005] 19.g4 [19.~
17. · 3 ~fS 18.l:lbc1 l:leS 20 .~5 baS 21 .l:lle1 l:lb6 22.l:lcd1
...d7=] 19... ~d7 20.f5 ... h4 21. ~t3
l:lbd8 22.fg6 hg6 23. 'it'f4 [23.~b2 b5
(23 ... l:ldeS 24.l:lce1 l:le1 25.l:le1 'ilt'l6=)
24 .~a3 ~b6 25.c4 b4 26 . ~b2 l:ldeS
27. ~a1 ~dBoo] 23 ... 1t'h8 [23 ... g5
24.'ilt'e5 l:ldeS 25 ....d5 ~g4 26.~2
~h3 +] 24 . ~ b2 ~e6 25.l:lf2 [25.h4
• h4 (25... b5 26.h5) 26.l:lc2±] 25 ... c4
26 .~a3 bS [26... ~c3 27.l:lc3 ...c3
2S .~b2 'ilt'e1 29.l:ll1 'it'h4 30.~16 • h7~]
27.~c5 ± ~ b6 28 . ~b6 ab6 29. l:lb2
'it'h3 30.l:ld1 ~d7 31 .l:le2 b4 19 ......f6 [19... b5 20.l:lle 1 (20.Wh1 •16
32.cb4 c3 33.l:lc1 l:lc8 34.l:le7 ~bS 21 .d7 l:lcdB 22 .~c5 l:ld7=) 20 ...b4 2 1 .~b2
18 ... b6 [1S ... l:leS 19 .~13 (19.g4 ~d7 35. ~d5 • h7 36.d7 l:lcd8 37.l:lc3 bc3 (21...c4 22.¢>h1 • b6 23.l:le7 ~d3
20.15 c4 21 .~c4 ~b6 22.¢>h1 l:le5 ~d7 38. • f6 ~e8 39.l:le5 ~d7 24.d7 l:lcdB 25.l:lde1 "tfd6 26 .~g4 h5
23. ~e2 ~e3+) 19... b6 (19 ... l:le6 20.l:lld1 40.l:lg5 ~e6 41.l:ld3 'i!Vg7 ~-~ 27.~h3;!;) 22.~c3 ~c3 23.'Wc3;!; El
b6 21 .d7 l:le7 22 .~c6 l:le6 23. ~b5 : as Debs-Fusco, Campinas 2009] 20.d7
24.l:le1 ;!;; 19... ~b6 20.l:lcd1 ~d3 21 .c4 [20.~7 ~c3 21 .'ilt'd5 ~e6 (21...~d4
~11 22.l:ll1 l:le6=) 20.g4 ~d7 (20 ... ~e4? Sharavdorj,Oashzeveg 22.l:ld4 'ilt'd4 23.... d4 cd4=) 22.'ili'e4 ~d4
21 .d7 l:le7 22.~e4 l:le4 23.l:lle1 ±) Mammadova,Gulnar 23.l:ld4 • d4 24.'ilt'd4 cd4=] 20 ... l:lcd8
21.~2 'ifl6 22.g5 (22.15 gl5 23.gf5 Moscow 8 2011 (1) 21. ~c5 l:ld7 22. • e3 l:lc8 23.l:ld7
l:le5oo) 22 ......15 23.l:lle1 c4 Janos-Bauer, 1.d4 ttJf6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 dS 4.cd5 [23.~d4 ~b6 24.~ 'ifb6=] 23...~d7
cr Email 2006; 1S... l:lc8 19.~13 (19.g4 /OdS 5 .e4 c3 6.bc3 ~g7 7.ttJf3 cS 24. ~d4 • e6= 25.'ifd2 c4 26.l:lf2
~d7 (19... ~e4 20.15 l:lc6 (20 ... c4 21.~13 8.l:l b1 0-0 9.~e2 ttJc6 1 O.dS IOeS ~fS 27 .~ b7 l:lb8'e3 'ifc7
~d3 22 .... h6 ~11 23.d7 l:lbS 24.l:ll1 ~c3 11 . eS ~eS 12.'ilt'd2 e6 13.f4 ~c7 29.l:le2 ~e6 30.f5 l:lb7 31.fe6 l:lb1
25.1g6 hg6 26 .~d5± ) 21.fg6 l:ld6 {21 ... hg6 14.0-0 edS 15.ed5 ~as 16.d6 l:lb8 32.l:le1 l:le1 33.tfe1 fe6 34. 'ife6
22 ....14 15 23.W'h6±) 22.gf7 l:lf7 17. · 3 ~fS 18.l:l bd1 l:lc8 [1B ... b6 8 35.'iff6 'iff7 36.'ith8 'ilt'g8
23....e3;!;) 20.~13 (20.15 • h4 21. ~13 19.l:lle1 (19.'ilt'c1 'iWI6 20.~b2 l:lbdB 37.'ife5 1-0

GrUnfeld Indian Defence Gl 7.4 (0 90) .ig7 5. a4 Line

Just a Check, Don't Worry - Part II

by Endre Vegh

1. d4 tLlf6
2. c4 g6
.H.,..t.'i¥• g
3. ttJc3 dS ii iii.i
4. ttJf3
5. a4
~g7 i
.,. i
.,.i.~· g ttJ ttJ
''' .,.,
iii.i !::,!::,
l:t ~ ~ ·

Among the option , I don' t think
7... ttJc7 i. very seri ou . White
ha the upper hand here.
It eem more logica l to take the
knight on c3, becau. e the third Vlktor Kortchnol
possibility 7 ... tLlb6 lead · to a
In thi Part I will deal with tho e pa ive po ition for Bl ack, iJTe- The Line 5 ....id7
vari ation which occur le fre- specti ve of whether the queen re- ln the line after 5... ~d7 6. b3
quentl y after the queen check. treat to d I or to c2. By the way, I dc4 7. c4 0-0theo lder continu-
There are 15 main games and an- would choo e 7. c2. Thi doe ation 8.e4 (8.~ f4 wa the main
other 46 game ba ed on the e not mean that White' ta k is ubject of the fi r t part) went out
minor line . Black replies mostl y easy, but Black ' positi on i of fashion, whi ch i not a ur-
with 5 .. .~d7 or 5 .. .c6 after the simply defensive. pri e since Bl ack has a very
check. 5... tLlc6 i very rare and I Let's talk about the knight swap trong repl y at hi disposal:
would propose to meet it with on c3. After 7 ... ttJc3 8.bc3 0-0 8... b5!.
6 . ~g5 . The example how that
White has orne advantage.
the mo t olid and cia ical
et-up - placing the two bi hop g.,. x•
Hardl y worth menti oning are
5 ... tLlbd7 ?? 6.cd5 or 5... d7?
6. d7 and 7.cd5. Summarizing
briefl y, the e continuati on are
on e2 and e3 - eem to be the
be. t for White. Other mo e , like
9 . ~a3 or 9 . ~g5 , are not o effec-
ti ve in my opinion. Especiall y in
' ii.iii.i .,.,
non en ica l, although I found the first case the bi hop on a3
game with the e moves too ... will ooner or later be mi pl aced,
doing it j ob ju 1 temporaril y.
The Line 5 ...c6 9. a3 is an intere ting and rea-
After the minor van at1on onable alternative. Kortchnoi,
5... c6 I checked the lines with with hi enormous experi ence
5 .. .c6, and now we will deal ex- recently cho e thi move, w ith Garry Ka parov won with bl ac k
clu ively with the 'exchange' ucce , in an exhibiti on match in a convincing way aga in t
continuation 6.cd5 ttJd5 7.e4. agajn t the Geneva Che s Club. HUbner quite a long time ago -

Survey Gl 7.4

one of hi cla ical games in the We hou ldn ' t forget that Black written ources leave the whole
Gri.infe ld. According to the lat- can dev iate on the 6th or the 7th concept of 5. a4 out o f consid-
e t theory, thi is not much fun move, which I have al o analysed eration. Or maybe I am slowly
for White. The mo t he can after 5 ... ..td7 6. b3. going blind ... So I hope that my
achieve (with accurate play!) i two-part Survey has achieved
to hold the balance, which un - Conclusion the goal of covering the exi sting
der tandably i not everyone' Finally I mu t ay that to my gap in the theory of thi s varia-
cup of tea. great surpri e, some important tion .

Very Rare 16... ef3 17..if3 'it'h4 1S.cb7 l::tb8 19.bc8'i:V l0b6 [7... l0c7 S..ie2 0·0 9.0·0 l0d7
5 .. . ttJ c6 l::tfcB 20.'i'ic2;t;) 17..ie7± Cordes·Schlick, 10..ie3! l0b6 11 .'it'c2± Bukic] 8. c2
Germany Bundesliga 1983184] 11 .l0d2 .ig4 9.l0e5 .ie6 1 3 l08d7
Kavalek,Lubomir [11..ie2 'it'b5 12..ib5 l::tfeB 13.l0d2 a6 11.l0f3
Westerinen,Heikki 14..id3 s 1S.~e2 c5 16.a4 cd4 17.cd4
Venice 1971 (4)
1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 d5 4.l0f3
.idS= Wojtaszek·Navara, Wijk aan lee B
2011] 11...l::tfe8? [11.. .'~'b5 12..ibS f6
B .,.,,.i. •B
.ig7 5.'ilt'a4 l0c6 13..if4 l::tacB 14.o-o .if7 1S.l::tfd1 =/;!;]
12.'ilt'd5± .idS 13.e4 eS [13 ....ie6
14.d5 l0b4 1S.cb4 .ia1 16.de6 f6
.,. • .i. '
t3:,!3, c
R l2J .i ttJ
•••.,. .t.•, Wf
~ ~~
t::,f3, t::,
11.. ..ic4 [11....ig4 12.l::td1 e5 13.de5
t::, t::, 'it'e7 14 ..ie2 .if3 15..if3 lbeS 16 ..ie2
t3:, 0·0 17.0·0 l::tfdS 1S.'it'b3 ..e6 19.'it'e6 fe6
l2J t::,t::,t::, 20.b3 Wf7 21 .l0b1 .if6 22.14± l::td1
6..ig5 [6.lOeS o-o (~ 6....id7 7/i"Jd7 "it"d7
8.e3 D-0) 7.01:JJ bc6 8.'iVc6 .ie6 9.e3 l::tb8 ~~ n 23.l::td1 l0ed7 24.a4 l::tdS 25.l::tc1 c5?
26.aS lOeB 27.e5 .ie7 2S ..ib5 (2S.l0d2)
10..ie2 '*'d6 11.1!t"d6 cd6 12.cdS lOdS 28 ... b6 29.a6 lObS (29 ... gs 30.l0c3 gf4
13. S .idS 14.D-O e5 1S.l::td1 ed4 16.ed4 14.0-0-0! .ia2 15.d5 h6 16..ie3 31 ..if4 lOIS 32.l::tf1 lf.?g7 33..ic4±)
l::tb4 17.b3 l::td4 (17 ....id4 18..ia3 .ia1 l0e7 17.c4 bS 18.cb5 l::teb8 19..ic5 30.l0d2 hS 31.tLle4 lf.?g7 32.g3 l::tfS 33.h4
19..ib4+-) 1S..ie3 l::te4 (1S ...l::td1 19.l::td1 lOdS 20.ed5 .idS 21 .l0c4 c6 l::tdS 34.~12 q;>f7 3S.lf.?e2 (3S.b4+-)
.ie6 20.l::td6+-) 19.l::tac1 l::teS 20..if1± 22.l0a5 .ig2 [22 ... l::tcS 23 .~b2 .ie4 3S ....ifS <i;e7 37.b4 1·0 Payen·
PaJac-Trbojevic, Sibenik tt 2011] 6 ...l0e4 24.13 cbS 2S.fe4 l::tcS 26.l::td7±/+-] lder, lssy les Moulineaux 2009; 37.l::tcSI bcS
7.cd5 l0c3 8.bc3 'iVdS 9.e3 o-o 23 ..ig2+- l::t b5 24.l0b7 l::tb7 38 ..ic5 ti:ld6 39.ed6 ~f6 40 ..i.d4 lf.?fS
10..-bS .ie6 [10...'it'bS 11..ibS f612 ..if4 25 ..ic6 l::tc8 26 ..ib7 l::tcS 27.Wd2 41 .<i;f3+-] 12..ie2 [12.l::td1 .if1 13.<i;f1
e5 13..ig3 .ie6 14.o-o ed4 (14 ....idS .if6 28.'it.'e2 .ig5 29.h4 1-0 0·0 14.g3 'ireS 15.<i;g2 t!..c4 16 ..ic1 eS
1S.l::tfd1 ;!;) 1S.cd4 l0b4 16..ia4 l0a2 17.b3 ed4 1S.l0d4 lOceS (18 ... tLlcb6)
17.l::tfb1 l0c3 1S.l::tb7;t;; 10... 'ii'd6 11..if4 19..ia3 c5 20.l0db5 'it'cS 21.lLJd5 WhS
(11..ie2!?) 11...'ii'd7 (11...'ii'a3 12.'it'b3 22.14 l0g4 23.l::the1 (23. e2+-) 23 ... b6
Was 13.l0d2t ) 12..ic4 a6 (12 ... es 13.l0es Solid 24 ..ib2 tl:lgf6 2S.l0d6 'it'c6
tOeS 14..ieS 'it'b5 1S..ib5 .ieS 16.deS;!;) 5 ... c6 Jaracz-Lavendelis, Warsaw 201 OJ
13.Wc5 (13.'iWb2!? eS 14 ..ig3 b5 1S..ie2;!;) 12 ....ie2 13.'it'e2 ( 16 14.0·0
13...e6 (13...'it'fS!?=I;t; is more active) 14.o-o Pachman,Ludek 0-0 1S.l::tad1 'i'icB 16.l0f4 ll.Jg4 17..ic1 eS
b6 1S.'iV a3;t; Ramesa·Bosiocic, Kostrena Fletzer,Gino 1S.l0e5 tOeS 19.de5 .ieS 20.tLld3 .id4
2004; 10... Wd7 11 ..ie2 eS (11...a6 12.'it'b2) Venice-Prague m 1949 (2) 21 .l0c5 .ics 22.'ii'cs 'ilt'e6 23..ih6 l::tfeS
12.o-o a6 13.'it'b3 (13.'irb2!?) 13...'irfS 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 d5 4.l0f3 24.l::tfe1 l::tadS 2S.l::tdS l::td8 26.'ira5 l::taS
14 ..ih4 Whs 1S.d5 e4 16.dc6 bc6? (~ .ig7 5.'i 'ia4 c6 6.cd5 l0d5 7.e4 27.14 f6 2S.f5 d6 29. c3 cS 30.fg6 hg6
3UU1 'ifeS 32.J:116 '*'e4?? (32 ... '*'c3 23.'i!ibS 'ife7 24.'it'a6 J:tc7 (24 ...l0c4 13.0-0 .Q.cB 14.'ifc2 tiJid7 1S.J:tad1 e6
33.bc3 J:teB 34 ..Q.e3 Wg7 3S.J:td6i ) 2S..Q.a7 tiJcS 26.'i!ic4 'i!ia7 27.tiJbS±/+ - ) 'it'eB 17.J:tle1 h6 18..Q.c1 'it'e7
33.J:118 1-0 Lilienthai-Gereben, Budapest tt 2S.t0bS J:tc4 26.b3+- Flohr-Tolush, 19.a4;!;/± D.Kosic-Radic, Banja Luka 2004]
1949] 13... 'i!ic7 14.0-0 0-0 1S.J:tac1 Moscow ch-URS 1944] 14.t0gS [14.h3 .Q.f3 9 ..Q.e3 0-0 [9 ... .Q.f3 10.gl3] 1o..Q.e2
J:tac8 16.J:tfd1 J:tfd8 17.b4 bB 15..Q.f3 eS 16.deS (16.l0e2!?) 16... lfJeS tiJ8d7 11.a4 [11 .0-0 .Q.f3 12..Q.I3 t0c4
18.a4 lOtS 19.'ifa2 'i!id6 20.aS t0a8 17..Q.e2 tiJec4 18..Q.c1 'ife7 19.Q-O aS 13..Q.gS h6 14..Q.c1 c5 15.d5 'i!t'aS 16.'i!t'c2
21.bS cbS 22.lfJbS W'a6 23.l0c3 (19 ...J:tad8) 20.l0b1 l0d6 21 ..Q.e3 lObcB bS 17..Q.e2 t0db6 18.a4 a6 19.J:ta2 lHz
t0c7 24 ..Q.gS 'ifd6 2S.eS 'ifd7 26.dS 22..Q.d3;!;/± Shomoev-Matlakov, St Peters- Gustalsson-Seger, Germany Bundesliga
lOeB?! [26... h6 27 ..Q.e3 lObS 2B.t0e4i ] burg 2011 ] 14....Q.e2 1S.l0e2 J:tac8 2007/08] 11 ..•.Q.f3 [11...aS 12.'i!t'b3
27.d61 l0d6 28.'i!ib3?! [28.1!fa1!±/ 16.14 e6 17.0-0 t0f6 18.Wh1 'i!ie7 (12.eS!?) 12....Q.e6 13.ft'c2 t0c4 14..Q.I4
+-] 28 •.. .Q.eS? [2B ... h6 29.ed6 (29 ..Q.e3 1S.l0c3 l:tfd8 20.tiJf3 t0c4 21 ..Q.g1 'it'bG 1S.0-0 t0d6 (1S... .Q.d4 16. d4 'ifd4
W'e6 30.'i!fe6 l0e6 31 .ed6 .Q.c3 32.de7 'ilfc7 22.'ife2 lObS 23.tiJeS l0bd7 17.J:tld1 'ifcs 1B.l:td7!? .Q.d7 19.l0a2 bS
J:td1 33.J:td1 34.J:td7 16 3S.J:tb7 24.l0d3 'tWaS 2S.b4 'i!t'a3 26.'ii'c2 20.b3oo) 16..Q.e3 .Q.b3 17.'ifc1 tiJc4oo
.Q.b6=) 29... hgS 30.de7 'ife7 31 .lfJdS 'i!fe2 tfa6 27.'it'b3 b6 Uhlmann-Timman, Amsterdam 1971 ]
32.J:tc8 J:tcB 33.lfJgS J:tc4=] 29.lOeS+- 12.gf3 e6 13.'ilt'b3 l:tbB 14.h4 l0f6
'iffS 30 ..Q.e7 W'es 31 ..Q.d8 J:tdB 1S..Q.f4 [1S.O-O-O!?] 1S.•.'\!fd4 16.l:td1
32 ...dS 1-0 'i!icS 17..Q.d6 'tWaS 18..Q.b4 't!feS
19 ..Q.d6 aS 20..Q.b4 'ii'es ~- ~

Ruck,Robert Flohr,Salo
Germany Bundesliga 2010/11 (15) Zhivtsov,A
1.d4 t0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 dS 4.l0f3 Moscow ch-city 1945 (17)
.Q.g7 S.'ii'a4 c6 S.cdS lfJdS 7.e4 lObS 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 dS 4.l0f3
8.'i+'c2 .Q.g4 [B... t08d7 9..Q.e2 Q-0 10.D-O .Q.g7 S.Wa4 c6 6.cdS lfJdS 7.e4
eS 11 16 (11....Q.I6 12..Q.I6 'i!il6 t0c3 8.bc3 0-0 9•.Q.a3
13.J:tld1 J:teB 14.h3 ed4 1S.J:td4 tOeS
16.lfJeS 'ifeS 17.tfd2i ) 12..Q.e3 ed4 28.fS efS 29.efS 'ifb7 [29... J:te8]
13.t0d4 tOeS 14.1!i'b3± WhB 1S.I4 30.J:tde1 [30.Ig6 hg6 31.l0e4!+-J i:~.t'if :i ~
(1S.a4!?) 15...c5 (15...l0g4 16..Q.g4 .Q.g4 30 ...J:te8 31.lOeS l0f8 32 ..Q.e3 lfJdS? .i.i j. j.j_ j.
17.1S± ) 16.l0e6 .Q.e6 17.'ilfe6 J:teB 1B.'ifb3 [32 ...giS 33.J:11S 'ife7 34.J:tel1 ± ] 33.fg6 j. .i
c4 19.'i!ibS t017 (19 ...tiJed7 20..Q.c4 a6 fg6 34.bS!+ - 3S.bc6 'it'c6
21 .'i!ib3±1+-) 20.J:tad1 "iic7 21..Q.b6 36.lOdS .Q.g7 37.t0e7 1-0
"iibG 22.1!fb6 abG 23.J:td7 lfJdB 24 ..Q.c4
.Q.IB 25.J:tld1 + - Flohr-Rotunno, Montevideo
tt 1954] 9.lfJeS .Q.e6 10•.Q.e3 0-0 Saric,Ante
11.J:td1 t08d7 12.t0f3 [12..Q.e2 tiJeS Ruck,Robert
13.deS 'i!icB 14.14 l:tdB 1S.O-O .Q.c4? Neum tt 2005 (2)
(1S ... J:td1 16.l:td1 i) 16..Q.b6 J:td1 17.J:td1 1.d4 t0f6 2.l0f3 g6 3.c4 .Q.g7 4.tiJc3
.Q.e2 1B.l:td8 dB 19..Q.d8 J:tdB dS S. a4 c6 6.cdS lfJdS 7.e4 lObS 9 .•.t0d7 [9 ... bS!? was an interesting
20.'ilfe2+- Chistiakov-Kortchnoi, Riga It 8.'i!t'd1 option, with aclive play for Black: 10.W'c2
1954] 12....Q.g4 [12... c7 13..Q.e2 (10.Wb3 .Q.e6 11 . c2 (1 1.1t'b2 l0a6
(13.b3!?) 13....Q.c4 14.0-0 J:tacB 1S.J:tc1 12..Q.e2 J:tbB;:::t) 11...l0d7 (11....Q.g4!?)
J:tfdB 16.J:tld1 tOIG 17.lfJeS .Q.e2 18.1!fe2 ~~j_~ ~ ~ 12..Q.e2 (12.tiJgS .Q.d4!) 12...cS!;:::t)
'iJ'bB 19.b4 lOhS 20.14 e6 21 .g4 (21 .a4!?i) .i.i j.j. j_ j. 10....Q.g4 11 ..Q.e2 cS 12..Q.cS .Q.I3 13..Q.I3
21...l016 22.h3 tiJid7 23.l013 'ifdG 24.a3 ~ .i .i l0a6 14..Q.a3 J:tcB~; 9... J:te8 10..Q.e2 t0d7
l:teB 2S.'i!fa2 'ife7 26..Q.f2 h6 27..Q.h4 11 .l:td1 eS 12.deS (12.0·0 ed4 13.l0d4
'ilfd6 28..Q.g3i M.Andersen-N.Veinberg, 'i!ih4!oo; 13... J:te4?! 14..Q.I3~ Razuvaev)
Albena jr 2011 ; 12...ti'c8 13.h3 IS 14.lfJgS 12... 'i!t'b6 13.0-0 tOeS 14.l0d4 l0d7
(14.eiS!?i ) 14...l016 1S.f3 (1S.l0e6!? 'ii'e6 1S.'ilt'c2!? (1S.f3? tOeS 16.'t!fc2 l0e6:f;
16.eiS) 1S... Wh8 16.l0e6 W'e6 17.'it'b3 1S.t0b3!? .Q.c3oo Garcia Gonzalez-
'ilfb3 18.ab3 le4 19.fe4 liJhS= R.Rodriguez- Beliavsky, Leningrad 1977) 1S... W'c7
Larsen, Riga izt 1979] 13..Q.e2 'i!fc7 (15...tiJc5? 16.l:tb1 !+-) 16.14 tiJI6 17.eS
[13 ...e6 14.0-0 'ife7 1S.h3 .Q.f3 16..Q.f3 lfJdS 18..Q.d6 W'aS 19.J:td3i Razuvaev]
J:tacB 17. b3 l:tldB 18.J:tle1 'i!t'IB 19.eS!± 8 ....Q.g4 [B ... tiJBd7 is more passive: 9..Q.e3 10.l:td1 [10 ..Q.e2 bS 11 .'t!fc2 cS 12.dc5
c5 20..Q.b7 J:tbB 21..Q.I3 cd4 22 ..Q.d4 J:tdcB l016 10.h3 0-0 11 ..Q.e2 .Q.e6 12.b3 aS (12.0-0 a6 13.d5 'ii'b6 and Black seems to

Survey Gl 7.4

be OK) 12...'it'aS 13.~b4 'tic7 14 .~S 10.~e2 tOeS; 10 .~b5 ~g4) 10... ~g4) 22 ...l0f6?! (22 ...bc4) 23.cb5 (23.d6!±)
~c5 1S.O-O ~b7 with excellent play for the 10.l:td1 bS 11.'tia3 'it'd6 12.'tic1 23... lOdS 24.~c4 l0b6? (24 ... l:te1 25.l0e1
pawn, Koneru-Vakhidov, Chennai 2004) ~g4 13.~e2 l0d7 14.0-0 'it'e6 l016;l;) 25 .~b6 ab6 26.l:td7 +- Giffard-
10... l:te8 [10 ...bS!?) 1U!t'b3 'it'b6 [14 ... e5!? 15.de5 (15.d5 l0b6) 15... Wc7 Bouton, lssy les Moulineaux 201 0]
12 .~c4 W b3 [12 ... e6 13.0-0;!;) 13. ~b3 16.c4oo] 1S.c4 l0b6?! [15 ... ~13!? 16.gf3 10.~e3 b6 [10 ... c5 11.~e2 l0d7
b6 [13 ... h6!?) 14.lOgS! e6 1S.eS! ~a6 (16.~f3 bc4 17.h3 l0b6 18.e5~) 16... a6oo] 12.l0d2;l;) 11.l:td1 ~b7 12 . ~e2 l:te8
16.f4! [Energetic play!) 16... ~h6 17.h4 16.cbS cbS 17.~bS l:tec8 18.1i'f4 13.0-0 cS 14.dS l0d7 1S.'ifc1 e6
: adS 18.c.Pf2 ~gS?! [This makes [18.'\i'e31?] 18...~f3? [18 ... 16!? 19.d5 fg5 16 . ~f4 eS [16 ...l0e5 17.l0e5 ~es 18.d6
White's task easier, but it was already 20.lOgS ~e5 21 .l0e6 ~14 22.l0f4 ~d1 ~14 19.'iff4 'it'c6 20.'ifg5;l;) 17 . ~h6 c4
difficult to find a good move] 19.hgS cS 23.l:td1 l:tc2 24 .a4~] 19 .".f3 a6 [19 ...16 18.h4 tOeS 19. ~g7 c.Pg7 20.'ife3
20.g4 c4 21.~c2 ~b7 22.l:th3 bS 20.dS+-] 20.dS '\i'eS 21 .~f4 +- 'ilt'f6 ~a6 21 .l0d2 l0b7 22.hS l0d6
23.l:td2 'iPg7 24 .<~e1 aS 2S.l:tdh2 [21...'ifc3 22 .~c6+-] 22.~c6 l:tc6 23."iig3 -.e7 24.l:tde1 l:tac8
~f8 [2S ... l:th8 26.1S+-) 26.~f8 8 23.eS l:tc3 24.ef6 l:tf3 2S.gf3 ~f6 2S. ~g4 : cs 26.f4 ef4 27."iif4
27.l:th7 w e7 28 . ~g6 l:tf8 29.~f7 26.d6 e6 27.d7 lOdS 28.h6 'itg8 29.'it'f6 [29 .~d7 'ifl4
: f7 30.g6 l:tf8 31.l:tf7 l:tf7 30.l:tf4 l:te7 31.~c6;l;) 29...'it'f6 [~
29... ~c8) 30.l:tf6 l:tdS [30 ... ~c8 31 .~c8
tOeS 32.d6+-; 30... l:td8 31 .e5±1+-l
31 .edS l:te1 32. 2 l0e4 [32 ... l0e8
33.l:tc6 l:teS 34.d6±/+-l 33.l0e4 l:te4
34.d6 : ea 3S. ~f3 ~c8 36 .~c6
l:td8 37.d7 ~a6 38.l:tf3 1-0

Van der Nat,Nicholas
Turin ol 2006 (1)
1.d4 l0t6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 d S 4.l0f3
28.l:tdS! edS 29. ~ h6! ~c3 30.l:tc1 ~g7 S.'it'a4 c6 6.cdS dS 7.e4
32.l:th7 ~e4 33.l:tf7 w eB 34.l:tf6 b4 1-0 l0c3 8.bc3 o-o 9.~e2 [9.h3!?) 9 ... cs
35.fS efS 36.g7 ~dS 37.e6 1-0 [9 ... b6 10.0·0 ~b7 11.~gS c5 12.dc5
(12.eS l0c6 13.l:tfd1 'Wc7 14.l:tac1 e6)
Kortchnoi,Viktor 12... 'Wc7 (12 ...l0d71?) 13.cb6?! (13.e5!?
Krasenkow,Michal Dubessay,Bastien 'Wc5 14.l:tad1) 13... ab6 14.'Wc4 'it'c4
Fernandes,Antonio Geneva tt 2012 (2) 15 .~c4 e6 16.l:tab1 l0d7 17.l:tfd1 ~e4
Batumi Ech·tt 1999 (1) 1.d4 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 dS 4.'\!ka4 18.l:tb4 tOeS 19.l:tb6 l:tfcS (1 9... l0a4!?)
1.tof3 l0f6 2.c4 g6 3.l0c3 dS 4.'it'a4 c6 S.cdS lOdS 6.l0f3 ~g7 7.e4 l0c3 20.l:tbd6 l0a4 21 .l:td8 l:tdS 22.l:td8 l:tdS
c6 S.cdS lOdS 6.d4 ~g7 7.e4 l0c3 8.bc3 0-0 9.'it'a3 23.~d8 l0c3 24 .~a5 ~b1 2S.l0d2 ~a2
8.bc3 o-o 9 . ~gS [9 .~e3 l0d7 (9 ...c5
10.l:tc1 cd4?1 (10 ... ~d7!? 11 .Wb3 cd4
12.cd4 'ifaS) 11 .cd4 e6?1 12 .~bS! b6
13.~gs 16 (13 ... 'it'd6 14.e5 'tidS 1S.~e7± .l.l
.. .t'if E.
26.~c3 ~c3 27 .~a2 ~d2 \7-\7 E.Levin-
Maslak, Sochi tt-2 2008) 10.0-0 l0c6
[10 ...cd4 11 .cd4 tOeS 12 .~e3 ~g4
13.l:tad1 (13.e5 'it'aS (13 .. .'t!fd7!?=)
Hort) 14. ~e3 ~b7 15.dS!± Hort- .l .l 14.'it'b3 'it'b4 15.'t!fd1 (1S.'ifb4 l0b4
W.Schmidt, Warsaw tt 1978) 10 .~e2 'i!fc7 16.l:tab1 !?t) 15... l:tad8 16.l:tb1 'it'a3
11.l:tc1 e6 12.c4 cS 13.dS tOeS 14.l0d2 fS 17.l:tb7 ~13 18.~13 tOeS 19.~e2 tOeS
15.14 ~h6 (15 ... l0g4 16 .~g4 fg4 17.e5 g5 20.d5 't!fa2 21.Wc1 (21.~13 eS 22.l:te7
18.Q-O (18.g3!?) 18... gf4 19.d6 'it'd7 l013 23.'t!fl3 'it'd5=; 21 .dc6!? l:td1
20.'ii'd7 ~d7 21.~14 ~c6 22.l:tce1 l:tfS 22 .~d1 oo) 21 ... l0d4 22 .~d4 ~d4 23. ~c4
23.g3;l;) 16.'it'a3 l0g4 17. ~g4 (17.e5!?) W as 24.l:te7 'it'c5 25.l:te4 l:tfe8= Gunina-
17... fg4 18.'it'c5 ~f4 19.Wf8? ! (19.g3!?) Ding Yixin, St Petersburg 2012; 13.l:tfd1 a6!
19... 20.~f4 'it'f4? (20 ... 'it'c5!? 14.l:tac1 (14.l:td2!? b5 15.'t!fd1 l0a5
21 .l0b3 W'b6oo/+ with a complicated 9 ..•'i!Vc7 [9... l0d7 10 .~gs c5 11. ~d3 b6 16.l:tc1 l:tc8=) 14 ... b5 15.'i!Va3 ~f3 16. ~13
position, but rather in Black's favour) 21 .l:tf1 12.0-0 ~b7 13.l:tfe1 h6 14 .~d2 e6 l0d4 17 .~d4 ~d4 18.e5 l:ta7 19.r,t;>l1 l:td7
'it'l1 22.'itf1 e5 (~ 22... ~d7) 23.c5± 1S.l:tad1 'We7 16.h3 l:tfdS 17.d5 edS (19 ... e6!=F) 20.'iVa6 ~e5 21.'it'b5=
Damljanovic-Lasinskas, Kavala 2012) 18.ed5 'it'd6 19.c4 bS 20.'ifc1 'illS Uhlmann-W.Schmidt, Aarhus 1971 ; 13.d5!?
9...l:te8 [9 ...c5!? came into consideration: (20 ...bc4 21.~c4 gs 22.h4 t) : es ~a1 14.dc6 bS (1 4... ~g7 1S.cb7 l:tbS
10.l:tc1 (10.l:td1 l0c6 11.~e2 ~g4 ; (~ 21 ...l0b6) 22.~e2 (22.'Wb1 ;l;) 16.~a6±) 15.~b5 ~g7oo) 13 .. .'t!faS

(13 ... a6!?) 14.'tlt'b3 ~13 1S .~I3 'it'b4 't!i'as 20.c4 ~g4 (20 ... ~bS!? 21 .cbS c4+) rapid 2004; 18... bS! 19. ~c5 tfc61 20.q;>b1
16.W'b4 ~b4 1Hld2 b6?! (17 ... l:tac8!? 21 .13? (21.l:tdS!? ~e2 22.~d6) 21...~e6 'i!t'f3+] 9.~c6 bc6 10.'Wb7 ~a6
18.l:tb1 aS) 18.l:tb1± ~c6 (1 8... ~a6 22.l:tc1 (22 .~d6 ~c4 ! 23.~c4 'ii'a6+) 1U !t'c6 e5 12.de5 ~ b4 13.1!fa4
19.eS±) 19 .~e2 (19.l:tc1!? ~as 20.eS 22... ~c4! 23.l:tc4 a6 24.l:ta4 (24. ~d6 ~g4 14.cd5 ~e5 15. ~e2 'tli'f6
l:tac8 21.l:tdc2±) 19... l:tld8 20.dS ~es bS-+) 24 ... 'ifbS 2S.'ii'bS abS 26.l:ta8 16.~e4 'ilit5 17.f3 ~ h2 18.a3 ~ d5
21.l:tc2 ~18 22.l:tbc1 ~d7 23.l:tc7 ~c5 ~d4 0-1 Wedberg-R.Akesson, lidkoping 19.g4 'ilie6 (19... ~!3 20.~ 'ifg4
24.eS l:tac8 2S.l:tc6 l:tc6 26.dc6 e6?? ch-SWE 1999] 10.•.'i!t'c7 (10 11 .l:td1 21. ~13 'it!S 22.~cS±] 20.f4 ~f4
(26...~e6;t) 27.~c5 ~cs 28.~a6 1-0 (11. ~gS 'ifc7) 11...ed4 12.cd4 l:te8 21.ef4 ~g4 22. ~d2 [22.'tli'd4!+-]
V.Mikhalevski-M.Koolhoven, Vlissingen 1999] 13.'i!t'b3 ~b6 (13 ... l:te4 14.~c4t) 14 .~gS 22 ... l:tfe8 23.0-0-0 tlJge3 24 . ~ g5
11 . ~e3 ~d7 12.'ifd1 'iii'a5 13.d5 ~e6 (14 ...1t'e7!?) 1S.~e6 l:te6 16.eS;t 'i!t'f5? (24 ... W'b6] 25.l:th7 ~ b4
(13.l:tb1 !?] 13...~e5 14 .~d2 Shyam-Padmini, Aurangabad ch-INO 2011 ;
10... ~b6 1Ui'c2 ~g4 12.l:tb1 'W/c7
13.l:td1 l:tfe8 14.h3 ~13 1S. ~f3 eS
16.'tli'b3 c5 (16 ... ed4!? 17.cd4 c5) 17.dS
:i i * 1::(
~!8 18.1!fbS l:teb8 19 .~e3 ~c8 20."it'e8 i
~-~ Cs.Horvath-Groszpeter, Zalakaros
2001 ; 20.h4!?f] 11.l:te1 b5 12.tfc2
'if ttJ
~ b6 13.~e3 ~e6 14.'tli'd2 ~

26.1t'b3?? [26.ab4 ab4 27.l:tdh1 l:ta4

14•.• ~a4 [Black should have taken his 28.l:th8 q;>g7 29.l:t1h7 q;>l6 30.l:tf7X]
chances, grabbing the pawn: 14...'tlt'c3!? 26... ~a2 (27.1t'a2 1!fc2X] 0-1
1S.l:tc1 'Wa3 16.~cs 1t'a2 17 .~e7 (17.14
~a4 18.'ii'e1 ~d7oo) 17... l:tlc8oo]
15.'ii'c1 ~d7 16.l:tb1 b5 [16 ... l:tab8 Doroshkevich,Vladimir
17.c4 b6 (17... bS 18.cbS ~bS 19.~bS l:t bS Gulko,Boris
20.l:tbS 'itbS 21.'tlt'a3;t) 18.~14 l:tb7 Erevan ch-URS 1975
19 .~13;t] 17.c4 a6 (17 ... b4 18.14t] 18.f4 14... ~c4 (14...~c4 1S.~c4 ~c4 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3. ~c3 d5 4. ~f3
l:tfc8 [18...~d4 19. ~13;!;] 19.e5± f6? 16 .~h6=1;!;] 15 .~f4 'ifd7 16.~d1 f6 ~g7 5.'ifa4 ~d7 6. b3 dc4 7.'*'c4
(19 ... l:tab8 20. ~g4±/+-] 20.e6 ~ b6 17. ~c2 e5 18.de5 fe5 19.'tli'd7 ~c6 8.~e5 [8. ~!4 ~13 (8... 0-0 - see
21.151 bc4 22. ~c4 ~c4 23. ~c4 ~d7= 20. ~e3 l:tfb8 21.l:ted1 l:tb7 Part I) 9.gf3 c6 10.e3 bd7 11. ~e2 0-0
l:tab8 24.'f!fa3 l:tb4 25.'f!fd3? 22.l:td6 l:tc8 23.~ b3 ~b3 24.ab3 12.0-0 as 13.~g3 'ifts 14.'tli'b4 c5
[2S. ~d2 'i!fb6 26. ~b4 cb4 27 .~ h1 ba3 ~fa 25.l:td2 ~f6 26. ~e5 ~e4 1S.dc5 Y.!-~ Zhukova-Kulaots, Aix-les-Bains
(27...~c2 28.l:tb4+-) 28.l:tb6 l:tc4 27.l:td7 l:td7 28.~d7 ~g7 29.l:ta7 Ech 2011 ] 8...0-0 9 . ~g5 [9.tlJc6 ~c6
29.l:tb8 ~!8 30.d6+-l 25 •.. l:tc4 ~c3 30.g3 1'2-112 10.e3 eS 11 .dS tlJe7 12.e4 c6 13.dc6 ~c6
26."it'c4 ~b5 27.'tlt'c2 (27.'ii'b3 ~!1 14 .~e2 ~d4 15.0-0 l:tc8 16.'tli'd3 'ifb6
28. ~ 1±] 27... ~f1 28.l:tf1 [2S.q;>f1 c4] 17 .~d1 l:tld8~ O.Moiseev-Kortchnoi,
28 ... gf5 (28 ...c4!] 29 . ~d2 'i!t'a3?? Erevan 19SS] 9 ... ~d5 (9 ... tlJfd7 10.~c6
[29 ... 'tlt'b6; 29...'i!t'bS] 30.l:tf3 1-0 ~c6 11 .e3 ~b6 12.1!fb3 h6 13 .~h4 aS
5 ... .id7 14 .~bS a4 1S.1!fa3 gS (~ 1S... 'i!t'd6)
1 6.~g3;t L.Popov-Radev, Sofia ch-BUL
Gustafsson,Jan Van Wely,Loek 1982] 10.'tli'd3 [10.~dS 'ifdS (10...~dS
Hort,VIastimil I'Ami,Erwin 11 .0-0-0 (11.~13 ~c6 12.e3;!;) 11...aS
Dieren 1999 (7) Leeuwarden ch-NED 2004 (2) (11... ~b6!? 12.'i!t'b3 aS 13.~13 ~c6 14.a3
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3. ~c3 d5 4. ~f3 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3. ~c3 d5 4 .~f3 a4 1S.'ifc2 h6 16.~14 gSoo) 12 .~h4
~g7 5.'ifa4 c6 6.cd5 ~d5 7 .e4 ~g7 5.tfa4 ~d7 6.'ii'b3 ~c6 7.e3 ( 12 .~131?) 12... l:ta6 13.e4 (13.q;>b1?
~c3 8.bc3 ~d7 9. ~e2 0-0 10.0-0 0-0 8. ~e5 a5 (8 ... b6 9.cdS ~dS 10.~dS ~eS-+) 13...~!4 14.g3 ~ hS (14 ... l:td6!)
(10.~3 l:te8 11 .l:td1 eS! 12.deS (12.dS?! W'dS 11.~c4? ! ( 11.~e2!? e6 12.0-0;t) 1S.'i!t'c3 l:td6 16.~c4 ~c6 17 .~c6 l:tc6
~b6 13.'i!t'b3 cdS 14 .~bS (14.edS 11...'i!t'g2 12 .~17 ~h8 13.l:tf1 ~c6 18.eSt Likavsky-Di Paolo, Eger 200S) 11 .e3
~d7 -+) 14... ~d7+) 12...'t!i'b6 13.0-0 14 .~c6 'i!t'c6 1S .~d2 l:tad8 (1S ... tf131?f) c5 12.'ifdS?! (12.~!6!? 1!fc4 13.~c4 ~16
~es 14 .~d4 ~g4 1S.~I3 'ifc7 16.g3 16.~b4 (16.13 ~hS!t) 16... 'ife4 17.0-0-0 14 .~dS a6 1S .~b7 l:ta7 16.~e4 cd4
~d7 17.'tlt'b3 ~es 18.~g2 c5 19.~ bS aS 18. ~a3 cSoo Van Wely-Svidler, Monaco 17.ed4 ~eS (17 ...l:td8 18.0·0·0) 18.deS

Survey Gl 7.4

li:Jd7 19.e6 (19.14 l:bB 20.D-O-O J:b4gg) 13.~eS 'ii'd4 14.~d4 lllc3 1S.bc3=1'F
19...fe6 20.l:c1;!;) 12... llldS 13 .~c4 e6 Doroshkevich-Zilberstein, Briansk 197S]
14.~13 lllb6 1S .~bS lll8d7 (1S ... cd4!? 8 ... c5?! [8 ... 0-0!? was the right
16.ed4 (16.llld4 l:c8'F) 16 ... a6 17.~e2 continuation: 9 .~e2 c5 10.dS e6
~=F) 16.0-0-0 (16.l:c1 a6=/=F) 16...cd4 transposing to the Prins Variation: S.'ifb3
(16... lllf6!? 17.~d3 (17.dc5 l:fc8) dc4 6.'ifc4 0-0 7.e4 llla6 8.~e2 c5 9.dS
17...l:ac8=/f) 17.llld4 llleS (17 ... lllf6!?) e6] 9.e5 lllg4 1 O.h3 cd4 [10 ... lllh6
18.~b1 lllec4 19.l:he1 l:fc8 20.l:e2 11 .dc5 'it'as (11...l:c8 12.b4+-) 12 .~h6
flc5=/=F S.A1alik-T.Patton, Stillwater 2011] ~h6 13.l:d1 c5 (13 ... l:c8 14.'i!fh4 ~g7
10 ... ~c6 11.e3 [:2::. 11 .e4 lllb4 (11 .. ~e4 1S .~c4±) 14.'ti'h4 ~g7 1S.~a6 ba6
12. lllb4 13.'ii'b1 1i'd4 14 .~ ~f6 16.llldS±] 1 H it'd4+- Was 12.hg4
1S.lll13 'it'b6 16.a3 ~2 (16 ...llldS 17.lllf6 lllb4 13.'tlfe4 ~c6 14.'ii'b1 0-0-0
ef6 18. ~c4 l:fe8 19.~ 1±) 17.ab4 ~a1 15.a3 ~f3 16.gf3 'ifeS 17. ~e3 lllc6 18.llle6! fe6 [18 ... ~e6 19.de6 bS 20.ef7
18.'6'a1 Wb4 19.llled2;!;) 12. b1 ~e6 18.~g2 f5 19.f4 'ii'a5 20.0-0 fg4 l:f7 21 .'ife6±] 19.de6 ~ h8 20.ed7
13.~13;!;] 11...lllb4 12.'ii'd2 c5 13.dc5 21. ~c6 bc6 22. _.e4 ~c7 23. \i'e7 'ti'd7 21.'ilt'b6 'it'c6' c6 bc6
. ? [13...~e6!] 14.llld3? [14.~16! l:d7 24.'ii'b4 'it'a6 25.l:ad1 l:hd8 23.b3 lllfe4? [23 ... lllfe8 24 .~g7 ~g7
'i'd2 1S.~d2 l:fd8 (1S ... ef6 16.llla2 lZla2 26.l:d7 l:d7 27.f5 ~c8 28.llle4 2S.llla4 c4 26.bc4 lllf6 (26...l:b4
17.llld3+-) 16.~e2 ~f6 17.llla2 llla2 ~es 29.lllc5 ~ h2 30. ~g2 W'e2 27.lllc5±) 27.lllc5±] 24.llle4 ~es
18.~d3 l:d3 19.~d3 lllb4 20.~ lllc6 3 U i'e4 1-0 25.lllc5 l:a8 26.llld7 1-0
21 .g3±] 14...llld3 15.'it'd3 [1S.~d3 ~e6
16.o-O llld7'F] 15...~e6 16.'iib5 a6
11.'it'b4 [17.'ii'b7 l:bB 18.'iia6 l:b2-+] Grischuk,Aiexander
17 ... a5 18.'it'a3 [18.'it'bS 'it'c7f] Giri,Anish
18...llld5 19.llld5 [19.l:d1 ~c3! 20.bc3 Monaco rapid 2011 {9) A Very Strong Reply
'i'c7 21.l:d4 l:fc8'F] 19... W'd5 20. ~e7 1.d4 lllf6 2.c4 g6 3.lllc3 d5 4.lllf3 8.e4 b5
~g7 5.'i!fa4 ~d7 6.'i!fb3 dc4 7 .'~'c4
a6 8. ~f4 [8.e41? bS (8 ... 0-0 9.eS) Hi.ibner,Robert
9.'ifc5;!;] 8 ... lllc6 [8 ... ~e6!? 9.'it'c7 Kasparov,Garry
(9.'it'b4!?) 9... 'ifc7 10~c7 lllc6 11.a3 l:c8 Brussels 1986 {3)
12.~g3 llldS 13.llldS ~dS 14.e3 lllaS 1.d4 lllf6 2.c4 g6 3.lllc3 d5 4.lllf3
1S.~d3 lllb3 16.l:d1 although Black's ~g7 5.'it'a4 ~d7 6.'it'b3 dc4 7.1i'c4
pieces are very active, there is no full 0-0 8.e4 b51 [8 ...a6 9.e5;!;]
compensation for the sacrificed pawn; B... bS
9.'ifc5 0-0 10.e3 (10.~c7 'iic8 11.~es
(11 .e3 b4 12.llle2 aS<=) 11...'ifc5 12.dc5 :i~ 'if .i~
lllc6 (12 ... l:c8!?) 13.e3 llles 14.llle5 l:fc8 ' i.i..ii.i..i

1S.llld3 ~fS 16.a4 ~d3 17.~d3 b4
1B.llla2 (18.llle4 llle4 19.~e4 l:ab8
20 ... l:fd8! 21. ~d8 [21 .~d6 bS 22.l:d1 20.l:b1 l:c5=1'F) 18... llld7 (18 ... aS!?) 19.c6
_.c6+] 2L.l:d8 22.'it'a5 [22.~e2 'i!fd2 lllc5 20.lllb4 aS 21 .l:c1? (21 .llldS llld3
23.~1 ~b2 24.W'aS ~ 1 2S.'ifa1 22.~e2oo) 21...lllb3 22.l:c4 ab4 23.l:b4
-.c2-+ Gulko] 22 ... ~b2 23.~c4 lllaS 24 .~e4 lllc6-+ Comp Renaissance
[23.l:b1 b6!'b4 ~f6 2S.cb6 ~g4-+] Sparc-I.Gurevich, Boston 1993; 10.'iic7
23 ... 'ii'c4 24.'ii'd8 ~g7 25.l:b1 'iic7 11.~c7 b4 12.llld1 J:cagg) 10... ~c6
[2S.l:d1 ~c3 26.l:d2 fi'a6-+ Gulko] 11.~e2 lllfd7 12.'iVgS (12.'i!fa31?) 12... b4
25 ...~c3 26. ~d1 'it'a4 27. ~c1 ~f5 13.llld1 ~b7 14.l:c1 c5 1S.dc5 es 16.'iid8 9.'i!fb3 c5 10.e5 [10.~bS ~bS (1 0... cd4
0-1 l:dB 17 .~g3 lllc6 18.0-0 ~ 19.b3 f6 11.llld4 llle4 12.llle4 ~d4 13.0-0 'ifas
20.llld2 lllc5 21.lllc4 ~g7 (21...llle4!?) 14.~c4 lllc6 Bertok-K.Honfi, Bari 1970)
22.llldb2= Sanikidze·Hagen, Aix-les-Bains 11 .lllbS llle4 12.Q-O cd4 13.'ir'c4 llld6
Alexandrov,Aiexey Ech 2011] 9.l:d1 [9.d5 lllaS'c5'dS llld7 1S.lllbd4 lllb6 16.'i¥b3
Semeniuk,Aiexander (10.'ifc7 c7 11.~c7 lllc4<=) 10... c6 lllbc4 17.l:d1 'iVd7+ Anikaev-Malisauskas,
Ekaterinburg It 2002 {3) 11 .d6 bS<=] 9...o-o [9 ... lllhS 10.~c1 ;!;] Klaipeda 1983; 1O.dc5 llla6 11.eS lllg4
1.c4 lllf6 2.lllf3 g6 3.lllc3 d5 4.'ii'a4 10.e3 [10.h3!?] 10 ... l:c8 11 ~e2 llla7 12 .~f4 lllcS 13.'it'd5? (13.'ifb4 l:c8f)
~d7 5.1i'b3 dc4 6.'it'c4 ~g7 7.d4 12.0-o lllb5 13.~e5 ~e6 14.d5 ~d7 13...'i!t'b6 14.'iVd2 (14.'i\fd4 ~c6 -+)
llla6 8.e4 [8. ~f4 c5 9.e3 0-0 10.~e2 cd4 15.'it'b3 llld6 16.llld4 l:b8 17.h3 14... ~c6 1S.h3 l:fd8 16.'i!t'c2 ~13 17.hg4
11 ...d4 ~c6 12.0-0 llle4 (12 ... llld7!?) cS?l [17 ... 'i!fc8!? 1B.'iic2;!;] ~g4 18 .~bS ~fS 19.'ifc1 ~d3

(19...1t'b5! 20.liJb5 liJd3-+) 20 ...Q.a4 Wa6 liJh2 35 .~g2 liJf3 36.J:td6 J:teiB 37.liJe6 (Giorgadze) 19... J:tbB 20.a3 (20.~b1 15=
21...Q.d1 ..Q.I1 - + Goletiani-M.Neubauer, J:tg4 38. ~h3 (38.~1 J:teB-+) 38 ... h5 Vegh) 20 ... liJa2 21. ~b1 (21.~c2 J:tlc8)
Port Erin 2005] 1O.•.liJg4 11 ...Q.bS 39.liJf8 liJg5 40.~h2 ..Q.e5-+] 33 ... liJh2 21...liJc3 22 .~a1 liJe4= Vegh] 12 ...Q.e4
[11.Wd5 cd4! (11...liJc6!?'c5 J:tcB 34. ~g1 liJg4 3S.J:tt1 ..Q.d41 36 ...Q.cs 13.'ti'd8 (13.'t!fc3 a5 14.a3 't!fd7
13.'ilt'd5 b4 14.liJe2oo) 12.liJd4 (12.'tli'a8 [36.liJc5 ..Q.I2 37.J:tdl2 J:tg3 38. ~h1 liJI2 15...Q.e3 J:tac8 16.'ifd2 15 17...Q.b1 liJd5
dc3 13.'ifd5 Wc7-+) 12...'tli'b6 13...Q.b5 39.J:tl2 J:te1 40.~h2 J:th3X] 36 ... J:tg3 1B.a4 ..Q.c4 19.liJe5? (19...Q.d3 14 20...Q.c4
J:td8+] 11...cd4 12.liJd4 ..Q.bS 37. ~ h1 J:th3 38. ~ g1 liJh2! 0-1 J:tc4 21 .1t'e2 J:tlc8 22...Q.d2 ..Q.d4 23.liJd4
[12... ..Q.e5!?'d5 il'b61 14...Q.d7 liJd7 J:td4 24.J:tc1 J:tc1 25 ...Q.c1 ti'a4=F/+)
15.'it'd7 liJI2 16 .~12 ..Q.d4 17.~g3 19... ..Q.e5 20.de5 J:tldB 21 ...Q.d4 liJb4-+
J:tadB-1 13.liJdbS a6 14.liJa3 'i!i'd4! Atalik,Suat A.Rasmussen-Schandorff, Denmark II
1S.ifc2 [15.D-O 'i!fe5 16.g3 ifh5 17.h4 Gustafsson,Jan 2009/1 0] 13... J:tad8 14 ...Q.d2 liJd3
liJc6 18.liJc4 J:tab8+] 1S ... liJc6 16.'i!fe2 Kallithea tt 2003 (1) [14 ...15 15...Q.15 J:tl5 16...Q.b4 ..Q.d4
'ifeS! 17.'ifeS [17.liJc4 1fe2 18.liJe2 1.d4 liJf6 2.c4 g6 3.liJc3 dS 4.liJt3 (16... ..Q.c6!?gg) 17.J:td1 e5 1B.J:td2=i;t
liJb4 19.D-O J:tac8 20.liJe3 liJe3 21 ...Q.e3 ..Q.g7 S.'ifa4 ..Q.d7 6.'ifb3 dc4 H !fc4 G.Giorgadze-Khalilman, Germany Bundes-
b 2+] 17...liJgeS 18.0-0 liJd3 0-0 8.e4 bS! 9.liJbS liJe4 [9 ... ..Q.b5 liga 1997/98] 1S•..Q.d3 ..Q.d3 16 ~c3
19.J:tb1 J:tab8 20.J:td1 J:tfd8 21. 10.'ifb5 liJe4 11 .il'b7 c6 12...Q.d3 (12.'ti'aB ..Q.e4 17. ~e2! [17.J:td1 ..Q.I3 1B.gf3 J:td5
f5! 22.<iPe2 liJceS! 'ifa5 13...Q.d2 'ifb6oo) 12... liJd6 (12... liJc5! 19.~e2 J:tldB 20.J:td2 e6 (20.....Q.d4
13.dc5 'ifd3f) 13.Wa8 'it'b6 14.0-0 (14.d5 21 .J:thd1 e5 22.14= Giorgadze) 21 .J:thd1
J:tc8 15.0-0 liJd7 16.'ifcB lOeB 17.dc6 J:th5= Giorgadze-Stohl, Senec II 1998]
't!fc6 18...Q.e3oo) 14 ... liJd7 15.'ii'IB liJIB 17... ..Q.f3 18. 3 ..Q.d4 19 ...Q.d4 J:td4
16.J:tb1 (16...Q.e3!? 'ti'b2 17.J:tac1oo) 20.J:thd1;!; J:tb4! 21.b3 aS 22.~e3
16...liJe6 17...Q.e3 liJd4 1B.liJd4 ..Q.d4 [22.J:tac1 a4 23.J:tc4 J:tlb8 24.J:tdd4 J:tc4
19...Q.d4 'i!fd4 20.J:tld1 'i!i'a4~ Pazilic- 25.bc4 J:tb2 26.c5 J:tc2! (26 ... J:ta2! 27.J:tc4)
Dreams-Sutovsky, Internet blitz 2004] 27.J:ta4 J:tc5= Atalik] 22 ... es 23.J:tac1
a4 24.J:tc4 J:tfb8 2S.J:tb4 J:tb4
26.ba4 J:ta4 27.J:ta1 fS 28 .~d3 7
29. ~c3 ~e6 30. ~b3 J:ta6 31.a4 e4
32.aS t4 33.'ittc4 <;Pes 34.J:ta4 gS
3S.~bS J:ta8 36.a6 ~dS [36 ... e3 37.13
'ittd5 38.~b6 e2 39.J:te4 J:tbB 40.~c7
23.liJa4D [23 ...Q.g5? h6! 24 ...Q.e7 J:td7 J:tb2 41.a7 J:ta2 42.'ittb7 J:tb2= Atalik]
25 ...Q.h4 g5- + ; 23.14? liJc1 24.J:tdc1 37. ~ b6 e3 38.f3 J:tb8 39.'ittc7
liJd3-+; 23.g3 liJc1 24.J:tdc1 liJd3
25.J:td1 liJb2+; 23...Q.e3 14 24 ...Q.c1 g5+
Kasparov] 23 ... J:td6 [23 ... J:tb4? 24.liJc5!;
23... J:tbc8 24.liJb6 (24.14? J:tc1 25.J:tbc1
liJc1 26.J:tc1 liJd3- +) 24 ...J:tc6 25.liJbc4
liJc4 26.liJc4 J:tc4 27.J:td3 J:tc2 28 ...Q.d2 10.'ii'c7 (10.liJc7?! liJc6 11 .liJaB Was
J:tbB!+ Kasparov] 24 ...Q.e3?! [24.14 J:td4 12...Q.d2 liJd2 13.ti2d2 liJd4 14.'ifc7?
25.fe5 liJc1 26.J:tbc1 J:ta4 27.liJc4 (14.liJc7 J:tb8 15...Q.d3 ..Q.c6+) 14...'ti'l5!
..Q.e5!-+; 24.liJc4 liJc4 25.J:td3 J:td3 (14 ... Wc7? 15.liJc7 liJc2 16.~d1 liJa1
26.~d3 liJa3 27.J:ta1 e5! 28.13 e4!+; 17...Q.d3 ..Q.b2 1B .~e2 J:tcB 19.J:tb1 ..Q.e5
24.b3!?+ Kasparov] 24 .. .f4 2S...Q.cs f3 20.liJd5gg Bonsch-Jasnikowski, Harkany
26.gf3 liJf4 27 .~e3 [27 .~11 J:td1 1985) 15.'ifc4 ife5-+; 10.'ii'd5 c6
28.J:td1 liJI3 29 ...Q.e7 liJh2 30. ~g1 liJI3 11.'ife4 ..Q.I5!+ Kengis; 10...Q.d3 liJd6
31. ~11 h5!+] 27 ...J:tf6 28 ...Q.e7?T 11.liJd6 cd6 12...Q.e4 ..Q.e6 13. a4 ..Q.d7 39 ... J:ta8?! [39 ... e2 40.J:te4 (40.~bB
(28...Q.d4 J:tl5! 29 ...Q.e5 J:te5 30.~14 J:tb4 (13 ... d5!? 14...Q.d3 ..Q.d7gg) 14.'ifc4 ..Q.e6 e1 'if 41 .a7 't!feB) 40... J:tb2 41 .a7 J:tc2=
31. ~g3 J:tg5 32 .~h3 J:ta4+] 28... liJg2 15.'t!fa4 ..Q.d7 16.1t'c4 ..Q.e6 ~-17 Zhou Atalik] 40. ~b6? (40.~b7 J:teB 41 .a7 e2
29. ~e2 J:tt3 30 ...Q.d6 (30.J:td8 J:tdB Jianchao-Ganguly, Subic Bay 2009; 10.ti'c2 42.J:te4 J:te4 43.fe4 ~d4 44.aBti' e1 W
31...Q.d8 liJI4 32 .~1 liJg4 33...Q.b6 liJh2 liJd6 11 .liJc7 ..Q.I5 12.'ifc3 liJe4 13.Wc4 45.'ilt'dB ~e3 46.e5 ~121 47.'ilt'g5 1t'e4
34 .~e1 (34.<<1tg1 J:th3-+) 34 ...liJd3 liJd6 14.'ifc3 liJe4 ~ - 17 Golod-Gustalsson, 48. ~c7 h6! 49.'i!fg7 't!fg2 50.'ilt'h6 13
35 .~d2 liJb2 36.liJb2 J:ta3- +] 30... liJf4 Dieren 1999] 1O...liJc6 11 ...Q.d3! liJb4 51 .e6 ~91 52. c1 ~ h2 53.e7 Wg3
31. 1 liJg4! 32. J:td2 [32 ...Q.b8 J:tl2 [11...liJd6 12.'ifdB J:tadB 13.liJd6 ed6 54 .~d7 '*'94 55 .~d8 't!fd4= Atalik]
33 .~g1 J:tg2 34.<ifi>l1 liJh2 35.~e1 J:te2X] 14...Q.e3 ..Q.g4 15.0-0-0 ..Q.f3 16.gf3 ..Q.d4 40 ... J:tb8 41.'ittc7 J:ta8 42.'ittb6=
32 ... J:te8 33.liJc4 (33 ...Q.I4 J:tl4 34.liJc5 17...Q.e4 ..Q.e3 1B.fe3 liJb4 19.J:td4!± Y2-Y2

Kin 's Indian Defence
Classical Variation Kl 4.6+9 (E97)

Bayonet 2012
by Viacheslav lkonn ikov (special contribution by Anish Giri)

1. d4 tt'lf6 1O.l:[e I became very popular this Chinese Women ' Champion hip,
2. c4 g6 year, especial ly the line with White demon trated the intere t-
3. tt'lc3 i..g7 12.i..f3, after Vladimir Kramnik ing idea of sacrificing a pawn:
4. e4 d6 won his game against An ish GLri, 20.l:[h2!? d7 2l.fe4 "ifc7
5. tt'lf3 0-0 Hoogeveen 2011. However the 22.i..e3.
6. i..e2 e5 line l2.f3 f4 J3.b5 is till topical
7. 0-0 tt'lc6 the e day .
8. d5 tt'le7
9. b4 tt'lh5 The Line 12.f3 - Kl 4.9
10. g3 f5 l2.f3 f4 13.b5 fg3 14.hg3 h6

11. tt'lg5 tt'lf6'le6 i..e616.de6 ~c8'ld5

K. "ife6'lc7 h3 19 .ttf2 .

j, ~ .i.
.t. i .t..t. ttJ ~ .t
.t. ~ ''
~ i.t. ttJ
j, The diagram position is very
~~ ~
ttJ ~ promi ing for White. The lost
pawn i compensated for by the
~~ "V!ll bi shop pair, the weak black
~ ~1::[ pawns on h6 and d6 and the bad
~ ~~ ~ po ition of Black' knight on e7.
The Bayonet Variation with White' chances are better.
10.g3 in tead of the main move Thi is the critical position in the L9 ...ttac8 i the latest fashion .
l2.f3 lme. There are two main 20.tth2 g3 2l .l:rg2 h3
continuations for Black: the 22. d6 l:[f7 23.c5 tt'l f5 24.ef5
older L9 ... tt'le4 and the more l:[fc7 25.i..e3.
recent 19 .. ..:ac8.
Black u ed to play 19... tt'le4. Since
2009, when Daniel Stellwagen
beat Loek van Wely, there hasn' t
been a single game Ln which an ad-
vantage for White was hown after
20.fe4 l:[f2 2l.~f2 l:[f8 22.~e3
g3 23.Wd2l:lf2, and Black has
ufficient compen ation for the
knight. For orne time the Ime di -
appeared from the cene and it
only returned in 20 II , when in the Exactly this move by Giri against
game Shen Yang-Ju Wenjun, Etienne Bacrot in B iel 20 12
Anlsh Girl

gives White a light advantage- would aJ o have been good in .i 'if i.~
compare with the slightly earlier this game - the knight on d4 can
game Van Wely-Bacrot, France be un table. ''~ ~ j_
Top 12 2012, where after 25.c6
the position wa unclear. 2) A Fluid Centre
12 ... c6 13 ..ia3.
' ~ .t. ''
The Line 12 ..i.f3 - Kl 4.6
Thi was the mo t played move
in 2012. Thi s line has developed
more strongly in the last few
month than in the preceding 40
years. We can divide the result- This is the critical po ition.
ing po ition into three groups: Black' knight must stay on e8 to
with a stable centre after 12.. .fe4 protect the d6-pawn and the tl:lf5 ; with a fluid cen- king ide. Better than Giri '
tre, tarting with 12 ... c6; and the 18 was 18 ... 1i'c8, heading
third group contain everal for e6 - Giri al o admitted a
deviation from the fir t two much . After the correct move
groups. Invented by Kramnik against 18.. . c8 White will have com-
Giri in Hoogeveen 2011 , this can pen ation for the pawn on e6 and
1) A Stable Centre be considered the main line. the position can be eva luated a
l2 ... fe4 tl:lf5 J4.i.g2 I3 ...cd5 14.ed5 e4 15 ..ie2 tl:le8 unclear.
tl:le4 I (following the main line, which Be ides 1 3. ~a3, Kramnik aJ o
looks logical. Black defend the tried 13.i.g2 again t Alexander
d6-pawn and prepares the move Gri schuk in the Tal Memorial
... h7-h6. Quite interesting was 20 12: 13 ... .ie6 15.de6
the futuristic idea of Bacrot
against Wang Hao in Biel 2012:
'if :i ••
instead of 15 he played j_
15 ... h6 l6.lbe6 ~e6 J7.de6 f4! ?, ~
with an unclear po ition) 16.J:[c I
' ~ ~ ''
j_tf~.i ·
~ j_j.
~ ~~~
Thi s is the main position. Mo t
frequently played here i l5 .. .a5 ,
and after 16.b5 the queenside
wa completely clo ed again t
~~ '
' ~ j. tLJ ~ ~'if ~~

The move 13.i.g2 is the late t try

the white attack but also for
~ tLJ to get an advantage. At first ight
Blacks counterplay. In the game ~ it look illogical, because after a
E. Levin-A. Fedorov, Botvinnik ma s exchange on e4 White will
Memorial 2012, White demon- have lost a tempo with ~f3 -g2-
trated a good plan with 1i'd3 , Again from the tern game. e4. But Kramnik 's idea wa to
~d2, J:[ae l and f3-f4. In another Several month later Cheparinov temporary sacrifice the pawn
game, Black allowed his oppo- played 16.1i'b3, which is stron- and play fir t b4-b5 and i.e l -a3,
nent to pu h c4-c5 (Yakovenko- ger than .I 6.J:[c I becau e White with growing press ure on
Demchenko, Tiumen 20 12), but now has control of the e6- quare. Black's pawn centre.
thi manoeu re didn't yield The only thing White hould pre- In the diagrammed position,
" Yakovenko much, probably be- vent i that Black play orne Black can try either 15 ... tl:le4 or
cau e of the trong po ition of tactical move like 16 , 15 ... fe4 . 15 ... tl:le4 fe4
Black's knight on d4. In my favouring him : l6 ... h6 J7.i.e4 wa what happened in
opinion the plan with f3-f4 ~e6 18.de6 tl:lc7?!. the game Kramnik-Gri chuk,

Survey K/4.6+9

where White obtained ample equence ... h7-h6,lt:le6 ~e6, de6 Conclusion
compen ation for the pawn. If fic8,lt:ld5 fie6,lt:lc7 Black will If we compare all line that have
Black wants to get a drawi h not lo e the exchange on a8. In been played with 12 .~ 0 in
po ition with oppo ite-coloured the game White acrificed a 2012, we ee that Black get
bi hop a more intere ting game pawn on c4, but he obtained uf- double-edged chance with
1 reached with 15 .. .fe4: ficient compen ation . ... c7-c6 and ... h7-h6 (dynamic
Wojta zek-Morovic Fernandez, Be ides 12 .. ..l:[b8 White has to be play); al o, the rare line from
I taobul Olympiad 2012. prepared for the immediate Group 3 have not b en deeply in-
12 ... h6 ..Q.e614.de6 c8 ve tigated yet and Black ha
3) Deviations lt:led5 and now, in the good re ult there. A for the
The third group contain lines game Likavsky-Zelbel, Au trian line with l2 ... fe4 and 13 ... lt:Jf5
which are rare at thi point, but Bunde liga 2011/12, Black ob- (' a table centre')- it look a if
black player have had good re- tained a good po ition after White has a light advantage
ult with the e continuation . 16.cd5 . Perhap the a e ment there. rn the variation with 12.0
The move 12 ... .l:[b8 wa played ofthi line wi ll depend on the ex- it eem that White i slightly
in Wang Hao-Ding Liren China change acrifice with the move better after the noveltie of Giri
20 12. The idea i that after the 16.ed5!?. and Shen Yang.

Kl4.9 'ifh2 (29... t016! 30.l:te1 (30.i.e5 l:te2 l:tc3 37.d6 'tlt'e3 38.Qre1 l:tc1
12.f3 31 .'ilt'e2 'i!t'g5 32.¢>c2 1re5-+) 30... lt:Jg4 39.1t'c1 'ii'c1 40. 2 'iVcS 41 . 3
31 .'ifd3 b6oo) 30.l:te1 lt:lf6 31.1j;>d1 b6 42.i.f1 'ii'f5 43.Qrg3 'tlt'e6
Van Wely,Loek 32.i.c3 lj;>h7?! (32 ...'itf4 33.1t'l4 ef4 44. 2 h5 45.a4 6 46.i.g2 1rc8
Stellwagen,Daniel 34.i.c4± ) 33.1t'g5 t0e4 34.'ii'e7 Qrh6 47.¢>g3 g5 0-1
Amsterdam 2009 (9) 35.i.e5 l:t17 36.'ifeS+- Van Wely·
1.d4 lt:lf6 2.c4 g6 3.t0c3 i.g7 4.e4 Radjabov, Dresden ol 200S - YB/90·195]
d6 o-o 6.i.e2 e5 7.0-0 c6 Shen,Yang
8.d5 tt:Je7 9.b4 it:Jh5 10.g3 f5 Ju,Wenjun
11. g5 t0f6 12.f3 f4 13.b5 fg3 Xinghua Jiangsu ch-CHN W 2011 (11 )
14.hg3 h6 15.t0e6 i.e6 16.de6 1.d4 t0f6 2.c4 g6 3. c3 i.g7 4.e4
'itc8 'ite6 'it h3 d6 5.t0f3 0-0 6.i.e2 e5 7.0-0 t0c6
19.l:tf2 lt:Je4 [19 ... l:tacS] 20.fe4 8.d5 t0e7 9.b4 t0h5 1 O.g3 f5
[20.l:th2!?] 20 ... l:tf2 21 . 2 l:tf8 11 .t0g5 t0f6 12.f3 f4 13.b5 fg3
22.¢>e3 [22.i.f3? g51 23.t0e6; 23.g4 14.hg3 h6 15.t0e6 i.e6 16.de6
'itg4 24.i.e3 1t'e4 25.t0e6 'i!t'h4 26.¢>g2 c8 1t'e6 18.t0c7 1t'h3
e4 - +J 22 ... 1!rg3 23.<.Pd2 l:tf2 19.l:tf2 e4 20. l:t h2!? [20.fe4]
24. e8 [24..ib2 .if6! (24 .. .'ilt'f4 25.<J.?d3 20 ...'tlt'd7 [20... 'tlt'g3?! 21.l:tg2 lt:lc3
(25.¢>e1? l:th2 26.'Wd3 l:th1 27.i.f1 22.l:tg3 t0d1 23.i.d1 l:tac8 d5
i-16- + ) 25 .. .'tlt'g3 26.Qrd2=) 25.t0e6 25.cd5±] 21.fe4!? [21 . aS g3 22.i.h6
'itg2 26.'~e1 i.h4-+; 24.'tlt'e1 lt:J15; 25. d6 [25.11Ve1 l:th2 26.t0d6 i-16 27.c5 i.h6 23.l:th6 lj;>g7 24.l:th2 ef5 25.¢>12
24 ... 'Wf3 25.<.Pd1±; 24 ...i.f6 25.<.Pd1 i.h4 (27.i.b2 i.g5 2S.<.Pd1 'iWe3-+) 27 ... t0c8! (25.i.f1 l:taS (25... t0d4 26.i.h3 'tlt'f7
26.c5 1fg2 27.cd6 1!re4 2S.de7 'iVa4=; 2S.Qrd1 (2S.t0c8 i.h4-+ 29.'tlt'd1 27.i.g4 l:taS 2S.'tl;'d3 l:tfSgg) 26.'itd2 it:Jf1
24.'itb3 'itg2 25.'tlt'e3 h5 (25 ...i.f6 i.g5-+) 2S ... 'itg2 29.'ilt'd2 'tlt'h1 30.'ife1 27.l:tf1 J:tc8;::t) 25... l:taS 26.i.d3 'ilt'c71
26.t0e6 Wt7 27. ds w es it:Jd6 31 .'ii'h1 l:th1 32.1j;>c2 t0e4+] 27.i.f5 lOIS 2S.'Wd3 (2S.'it'd5!? l:tc8
26.t0eS i.h6 27.'it'h6 l:te2 2S.¢>c3 'itg3 25 ... i.f6 26.c5? [26.Qre1 !? g2 (2S ... 1t'b6 29.c5! 'ii'c5 (29 ... 'tlt'b5? 30.l:th7
29.¢>b4 1t'e1 30.¢>b3 d1 31.¢>a3 'tlt'd3 27.1t'd3 'ifg1 2S.Wd2 'itf1 29.i.b2 i.g5 lj;>h7 31 .'ilff7 +-) 30.'tl;'c5 deS 31.l:tah1
32.¢>b4=] 24 ... 'itf3! [The Yearbook 30.1j;>c3 1t'e2 31.'ife2 l:te2 32.t0b7 l:te3 l:tdS 32.l:th7 Qrf6 33.l:tb7oo) 29.l:tc1 )
Novelty of the Year 2009! 24 ... h5 25.t0g7 33.¢>b4 l:te4oo] 26 ... t0d5!1 27.ed5 e4 2S ... l:tc8 29.14? (29.l:tc1 'tlt'c5 30.¢>g2
Qrg7 26.'i!t'b3 'it'g2 27.'ife3 tOgS 2S.c5!? 28.1j;>e1 'i!t'g2 [2S ...i.c3! 29.i.d2 1t'g3 d5;::t) 29 ...1t'c5 30.Qrf3?? (30.Qrg2 ef4+)
(2S.i.a3 it:Jf6 29.¢>d3 l:tf4 30.l:tg1 'iWh2 30.i.c3 e3 31 .'ii'd4 l:t11 32.Qrf1 'iff2X] 30 ... e4 31 .'ii'e4 W'a3-+ Van Wely·
31 .'ifg3 'ifg3 32.l:tg3 l:te4 33.i.b2 b6oo) 29.¢>d2 i.a1 30.c6 'ilt'f3 31 . 4 Degraeve, Mondariz zt 1.1 2000 -
2S ... dc5 (2S ... it:Jf6 29.cd6 Qrf7 30.i.b2 1t'e4 32.c7 'ii'f4 33.Qre1 i.c3 YB/57·157] 21... W'c7 22.i.e3!gg l:tf6
lt:Je4 31.¢>d1 t0d6 32.i.e5± ) 29.i.b2 34.i.d2 'ifg3 35.i.c3 l:tf3 36.Qrd2 23.'i!fd3 [23.W'd2! h5 24.l:td1 l:tafS 25.c5

dc5 26.-.d7±] 23...a6 24.:tc1 :ta18 23.~h2 1i'h4'f] 20 ...1fg3 [20 ... 1i'dl 32.:tg6 ¢>fa 33.~c3 lLlc3 34.:th6 ~gl
25.a4 [25.c5!? ab5 (25 ...dc5 26.:tc5 'i!t'd8 21 .b6!? ab6 22. bS] 21 .:tg2 W' h3 35.:te6± lkonnikov] 32.e5! :t14!?
2l.'ifd8 :td8 2a.:tcl± ) 26.cd6 'it'd6 22.'it'd6 :m [6 23 ... lL!ISJ 23.c5 lL!15 [32 ... :tc1 33.:tg6 ¢>hl 34.:tt6 :tc11
2l.'it'd6 :td6 2a.:c1 ~16 29 .~116 : ca [23 ... lLle4 24.fe4 'i!t'c3 25.~b2 'it'b2 35 .~g2 :tl6o 36.el6 :tt4 : g4
30.:tbl±] 25...~h7 26.'it'd2 lOgS 26.:td1 6 ~g4·e6+ - ] 24.e15 :t1c7 38.~13 :tga 39.dl :tda 40.17 ¢>g6 41.~c7]
[26 ... h5 2l.g4-J 27.:tb1 [2l.a5!?] 25. ~e3!?N [25.c6 Van Wely·Bacrot, 33. ~b2! (33.~e3?! :tt1 ! 34 .~1 lLldS
27...'it'c8 28.ba6 ba6 29.:tb6 [29.:th4! France It 2012] 25 .. .'.-15?! [25...~ha! 35.~6 (35.e6? lLle3 36.~ lLldS!)
: 13 30.~13 : 13 31.~±] 29 ... :tf3! o:% 26 .~h6! 1i'15! (26 ...1fh6 2l.:th2 lLlhS 35...~;t] 33 ... lLlh7 [RR 33... lLldS 34.e6
28.'Wg6 ..g6 29.fg6 ~16!? 30.:thS ~gl gS 35.d7 : eta 36.~d3+- lkonnikov]
31 .:thll (RR 31. ~12 ~96 32.:tah1 ~gS 34.e6 [34.dl : eta 35.e6 tOgS 36.el lL113
33 .~d3 ~6 ;t lkonnikov) 31... ~g6 32 .~d3 3l.<.Pf2 lLlh2 38.~e1 ! :te4 39.:te2 : 11
¢>g5 33.:tcl :tel 34.:tca e4 (RR 40. ~ l013 41.¢>d3] 34... lL!g5 [34 ... lL!ta
34 ...~el 3S.c6 bc6 36.bc6± lkonnikov) 35.el lLldl 36.:tg6 ~ 3l . ~h3!]
3S . ~e4 ~d4 36.~ 1) 2l .~d3 e4 2a.te4 35.:tg5! hg5 36.d7 :tg4 [36... :tcta
'ii'cS 29.'i!t'c5 :tcS 30.:tg6 (RR 30.:tl1 3l.~g2 !; 3l.e7?? : 11 38. ~g2 : a12
~h6 31.:tt6 : 9a 32.:ttg6 : 96 33.:96 39.~g3 :tl3 40.¢>g4 :tl4 41.¢>g5 ~hl!
:tgS 34.:tgS ~gS;t lkonnikov) 30... ~h6 42.ea'ii' : 1s 43.¢>114 :t514=J 37.~g2 1-o
31 .:th6 ~Ql=] 26. :t11! Giri
M/ 12-6-26

30.:tg2 ._g4 3 U Wc2 lL116 32. ~13 Van Wely,Loek

W13 33.1fe2 'it'e4 34.g4 [34.:td6 lLlg4 Bacrot,Etienne
35 .~c1 'it'IS 36.:td5 :tb8o:%] 34 ...d5 France tt 2012 (2)
35.:ta6?! [35.g5 hg5 (35 ... lLldl 36.:td6 1.c4 g6 2.l013 ~g7 3.e4 d6 4.d4
:tl3 3l.~d2 Wd4 38. ~h1 :th3 39.:th2 l016 5.lLlc3 0-0 6.~e2 e5 7.0-0 lL!c6
:th2 40.'it'h2 b6oo) 36.~g5 Wd4 8.d5 lL!e7 9.b4 h5 10.g3 15
3l.~e3 'it'a1 38. ~h2 :thaoo] 35 ... d4 11 .lLlg5 l016 12.13 14 13.b5 1g3
36. ~d2 Wb1 37.1i'e1 'i!t'b7 38.:te6 14.hg3 h6 15.lLle6 ~e6 16.de6
e4 [38 ... lLle4! 39.gS lLld2 40.:td2 :tl4+] 'it'c8 17.lLld5 1t'e6 18.lLlc7 W'h3
39.g5! hg5 40 .~g5 e3? [40 ... 1i'f7 19.:tf2! (19.lL!aa 'ifg3= 20.~h1 lLlhS
41 .1fh4 ¢>ga (41...lLlhS 42.'it'e4±) 26... ~18? (26 ... :td7?? 2l .~c4 ¢>hl 21 .'ii'e1 'it'h3=] 19... :tac8 [19 ... lLle4]
42.'it'h3 1fdl 43.:th2t; 43.c5] 41.:t16 28.~e6! +-; 26 ...~ha ; 26 ... ¢>hl 2l. ~d3 e4 20.:th2 [20.'it'd6 lLle4 (20 ... 1i'g3 21 .:tg2
~16 42. 'it'h4 ~g7 43. 'it'h6 ¢>g8? 2a.te4 'Wh3 (Black has tricks of his own, but 'it'e1 22.¢>h2 (22 .~11 ? :tcda 23.We6 :tl7
[43...~17 44 .~16 1fe4! 45.:tb2±] obviously he is just trying to desperately hold 24.lL!ds lL!eds 2S.cdS : ea 26.1t'h3
44.1i'g6 1i'g7 45. ~16? (45.1fh5 e2 the balance here:) RR 29.:tg3 1i'h4 30.-..14 lLle4- + ) 22... 'it'h4 23.¢>g1 =) 21.fe4
46.~d2+-J 45 ... 'it'g6 46.:tg6 ~h7 (30.~d4 lLlg4 31 .'it'g6 ~ha 32.:tg4 ~d4 Wg3=] 20 ... 'ifg3 [20... dl 21.b6 ab6
47.:tg7 ~ h6 48 .~d4 e2 49.:te7 33.~g2 1i'g4 34.11t'g4 : ga=) 30 ... 'it'l4 22.lLlb5 lLlhS 23.~g2t ] 21 .:tg2 'it'h3
: 11 50. ~g2 eHW 51.:te1 :te1 (30...'it'h5 31 .e5 lLldS 32.1i'd4± ) 31.~14 22.11t'd6 :tf7!? [22 ...lLlh5?! 23.'it'e6
52.~13 ~g6 53.a5 :tc1 54.c5 :tc4 :tcS 32.e5 lL!dS 33.:tg6 l014 34.:tf4 ¢>ga (23...el :tel 24. cl lL!g3 25.:tg3 1fg3
55.¢>e4 :ta4 56.c6 11.1 · 11.1 35.e6;t lkonnikov; 26 ... Wd7 2l.:tg6 ~ 26 .~ 1 : 13 21 .~13 'WI3 2a.¢>g1 =)
2a.:g2 1fd6 29.cd6 :tdl 30.~d1 ± 23 ...'ife6 24.lLle6 :tl6 2S. gl ¢>gl
lkonnikov] 27. ~d3 e4D 28.fe4 'i!t'11 26.~b2±] 23.c5 [23 .~d2 !? :tel! 24.'it'cl
Giri,Anish 29.~11 ?! [29.~ 1! ~d6 30.cd6 : em lLlc6 2S.'ifd6 (25.'it'f7 ~ 26.bc6 bc6
Bacrot,Etienne (30 ... :tc3 31.:tg6! (31 .¢>e2 :tc2!? 32.~d2 2l.:tb1 oo) 25... ~1a 26.'ifd3 :tdl 2l.'it'e3
Biel 2012 (3) ~) 31... ~ 32.eS! :td3 33.:16 ~ea lLld4 2a.:th2 (2a.:tc1? ~cS-+) 2a .. .'itg3
1.d4 l016 2.c4 g6 3.lLlc3 ~g7 4.e4 34.:te6! ~ 35.:tel+-; 30... : 17 31.:tg6 29.:tg2=] 23 ... l015 [23... lLle4!? 24.1e4
d6 5.lLlf3 0-0 6 . ~e2 e5 7.0-0 lLlc6 ¢>hl 32.:th6 ~gl 33.~e2 :tea! 34.:th4 1i'c3 2S . ~b2 'ifb2 26.:td1 'i!fc3 2l .~g4
8.d5 lL!e7 9.b4 [9.lLle1] 9 ... lLlh5 :tdl 35 .~c5+- ) 31. ~c1 :tc1 32.~e2 e3 2a.¢>h1 : em 29.Wcl ~h7
10.g3 [10.:te1 Gelfand·Giri, London 2012 ¢>17 33.~d2! (33.eS lLldl!) 33 ... : c5 30.'twb7 'i!fcS 31 .Wd7t] 24.e15 :t1c7
(a)] 10...15 11 .lLlg5 lLl16 12.13 (12.~13] (33 ... :tc8 34.~e3!) 34.¢>e3! :tc1 35.~e2!! 25.c6 'i!t'15 [2S ... bc6 26.~c4 ~ha
12 .. .14 13.b5 [6 14.lLle6] 13 .. .fg3 lLldl 36. ~! +- J 29... ~d6 30.cd6 27.~e6 cbS (27... ea 2a.-..d2 cbS
14.hg3 h6 15.lLle6 ~e6 16.de6 :tc3? (30 ...:tf7!? 31.eS lLldS 32.:tg6! (2a ... : b8 29.:tg6 ~ h7 30.bc6±) 29 .~c8
'it'c8 17.lLld5 1fe6 18.lLlc7 ._h3 (32 .~6 :tf1 ! 33.~1 <1.>17) 32 ... :tgl : ca 30.tg6 1fl3 31 .~2±) 2a. ~ca : ca
19.:tf2! : ac81? [19 ... lLle4] 20.:th2! 33.:tgl ~1 34 ; 30...:td7! 31.eS 29.fg6 1t'l3 30.~d2t] 26. ~c4 ~ h7
(20.'it'd6 lLle4 21.fe4 'it'g3 22.:tg2 1i'e1 g5!1+ - ] 31 .~d4 :tf3 [RR 31...lLle4 27 .~e6 13 28 .~c8 : ca

Survey Kl 4.6+9 [18.c5! 'ii'e6 (18 ... dc5 19...b3 .ies 23..l:l.g4 q;,ha 24..ic3±J
~h7 20 ..ie3;!;) 19.cd6 cd6 (19 ... 'Wh3? .id4 [22 .. .'~t'f7 23..l:l.e6 ~d4 24.q;,h1 li:lg3
20 ..ic4 ~h7 21 .de7 'Wg3 22 .~e2+-) 2S.'it'g3 'ifts 26..l:l.fe1 .ie6 27.de6 .l:l.aea
20.'.,b3 d5 21.q;,g2!;!;] 18... W'e6 28..i.e4--+; 22 ... li:lg3 23.hg3 W'f7 24..ie4 -.h3;::t 20.l:l.g1 [ li:lg3 .itS 2S..ifS 'it'IS 26.'i!ffS .l:I.IS 27..l:l.e7;!;]
21. ~e3 .l:l.a8 22..l:l.g1 .l:I.IS;::t] 20 .•.li:lf6 23.~h1 Wg7 24 •.ie4 li:lg3 25.hg3
[20 ... .l:l.ad8 21 ..ie3 li:lf6 22 .~e1 oo] .i.d7 26 ..ig6! .if6 [26 ... .l:l.f6 27.fS .ie5
21.q;,e3 [21 .~e1 !? .l:l.ad8 22 ..ie3 li:lh5 28..if4 .l:l.af8 29..ieS deS 30 .~g2± ] 27.f5
23..if2oo] 21 •.•.l:l.ad8 22.a4? [22.g4 h5
23.'it'f1 .ih6 24.~d3 'Wt1 25 ..l:l.f1 .ic1
26..l:l.ac1 q;,f7=] 22 ... 'ii'c8-+ 23.b6
ab6 'i!fc5 25 .~d2 d5
29.cb7? [29 ..id2! 'ifd5 (29 ... bc6? 26 . ~c2 de4 27.'We1 ef3 28 ..if3
30.l:l.l1 +-) 30.'ttd5 li:ld5 31 .cb7 l:l.b8 li:lfd5 29 •.ie2 li:lb4 30.~ b3 li:ld3
32.l:l.d1oo] 29 ...'ttb7 30..ie3 'Wb5 31 •.ia3 W'e3 32 •.id3 .l:l.d3
31 •.ia7 .l:l.c4 [31 ...h5!?] 32.'it'd1 li:ld5+ .l:l.f3 0-1
33.a4?! 'ii'b7! 34.~12 li:lf4! 35 ..l:l.g3
'l'e4 [35 .. .'t!fc6! 36.'it'l1 .l:l.c2!-+1
36.l:l.a2 li:lh5 [36... l:l.b4 37.<~h2 .l:l.b1
38.'1'13 'Wc4 39 ..l:l.d2 '*'a4-+] 37..l:l.e3
'Wf5?! [37 .. .'~'c6! 38.'it'l1 (38..l:l.e1 li:ll4!; Kl4.6
38.'WI3 e4!) 38 ....-dS!-+] 38.a5 .l:l.g4 12.-ltf3 27 ..•.ie5 28. ~g2 .i.e8 29 ..i.e8
39. 1 ?! [;:=: 39.<~rh1 .l:l.l4+] 39 ...l:l.d4? l:l.ae8 30 ..l:l.h1 .l:l.f6 31 .l:l.h4 .l:l.ef8
[39 ...e4!-+] 40 .• b3 li:lf4 [40 ...'Wd7!? Levin,Evgeny 32.l:l.f1 [32.'i!Ve4! Wt7 33 ..l:l.eh1 +-]
41.a6 'Wc6'1'] 41 .l:l.g3!= .l:l.d3 42 •.l:l.d3 Fedorov,Aiexey 32... 33 ...e4 [33 ..l:l.fh1 1 .l:l.h8
tQd3 43.a6 'ifh3 44.~g1 'i!fg4 St Petersburg 2012 (7) 34.l:l.hS ~ea 35 ..i.g5+-] 33 ... ~e8
45. 1 'Wh3 ¥.!-¥.1 1.d4 li:lf6 2.c4 g6 .ig7 4.e4 34..l:l.g4 W'h7 35.l:l.g6 [3S ..i.c3 l:I.IS
d6 0-0 6 •.ie2 e5 7.0-0 li:lc6 36..l:l.gf4 .l:l.f4 37.W'h7 .l:l.f1 38 ..i.eS deS
8.d5 li:le7 9.b4 li:lh5 10.g3 f5 39.•C7+-) 35 .• .'i!fg6 36.fg6 .J:I.f1
Shen,Yang 11 .li:lg5 li:lf6 12•.if3 fe4 37 ..i.f4? [37.g7 l:l.812 38 .~h3 ~
Ju,Wenjun li:lf5 14..ig2 a5 15.b5 [15.ba5!? l:l.a5 39 .•h7 .ig7 40 ..i.c3+-] 37 ... .l:l.1f4
China tt 2011 (3) 16.a4 li:ld4 17..id2 .l:l.a8 18.a5oo] 38.gf4 .l:l.f4 39.g7? [39 .'~'d3 .l:l.g4
1.d4 li:lf6 g6 3.c4 .ig7 15••.li:le4 [15 ...b6 .ie6 17.de6 40. ~12 ~e7 41.W'h3 .l:l.g6 42.•c8+-]
0-0 5.e4 d6 6 •.ie2 e5 7.0-0 li:lc6 .l:l.b8;!;] b6 17.• d3 39 ...~17 40.g81t' ~g8 41 .'ti'g6 8
8.d5 li:le7 9.b4 li:lh5 10.g3 f5 [17.a4 h6 18..ib2!? (18.•d3 g5 19.13 \WeB 42.1t'h6 ~e7 43 .• e6 ~d8 44.'i!fg8 li:lf6 12.f3 f4 13.b5 fg3 20.~2 'i!fg6 21 ..l:l.ae1 .id7 22 ..l:l.f2 l:l.f7 ~d7 45.1t'e6 ¥.!-¥.!
14.hg3 li:lh5 [14 ... h6] 15. ~12 h6 23.'it'd1 .l:l.al8 24 ..if1 h5 25..ic3 g4 26.1g4
[15 16.gl4 el4 17.'i!fd3 h6 (17 hg4 27..ig2 li:ld4'1' 28..l:l.f7 l:l.f7 29..id4
18.dc6 'ifg5 19 .~e1 bc6 20.bc6±) ed4 .its 3Ule4 .ie4 .l:l.13 Yakovenko,Dm itry .ie6 19.de6 li:lc6 (19 33.h3?! .ie5? (33 ... l:l.a3! 34.hg4 d3 35.'.-d2 Demchenko,Anton
20.l:l.h1 li:lg3 21..l:l.h2 'i!fg5 22 ..ia3±) ...g4-+) 34.~g2? (34.hg4! . g4 35.q;,g2 Tiumen 2012 (3)
20,.l:l.h1 tlle5 21 .'ifd2 \Wg5 22..l:l.h3± Van l:l.g3 36.tllg3 'it'g3 37.q;,1 d3=) 34 ... .l:l.a3 1.d4 li:lf6 2.c4 g6 .ig7 4.e4
Wely-Dyachkov, Sochi It 2008 - YB/90·197] 35.hg4 l:l.a2 36 .~g1 d3 37.'i!fd3 ..h7?1 0-0 d6 6 ..i.e2 e5 7.0-0 li:lc6 .ie6 17.de6 \Wc8 (37 ... 'ii'g4+) ...d3 .id4 8.d5 li:le7 9 .b4 li:lh5 1 O.g3 f5
40.~11 .l:l.a4 41. ~e2 (41 ..l:l.e4 l:l.c4 11 .li:lg5 li:lf6 12 . ~f3 fe 4 41....l:l.c4+ Pelletier-AI Modiahki, li:lf5 14. ~g2 li:le4 [1 4... 'We7 1S.c5
Istanbul ol 2012) 18... g5 19.'Wd3 'ifea (1S.1t'd3!? li:ld4 16. ~b2 .i.fS 17..l:l.ae1 ;!;)
20.l:l.ae1 'ti'f7 21 .li:ld2 (21.13!? .id7 15... li:ld4 16.cd6 cd6 .if6
22 ..ih3;!;) 21....id7 22 ..l:l.e2 (22..ie4!? .i.IS 19 .~e3 .l:l.ac8 20.l:l.c1 l:l.c1 21 ..i.c1
li:le7 23.13 l:l.ae8 24 ..l:l.f2 .ic8 ;!;) .l:l.c8 22 ..ie3 .l:l.c4 23.a3 ~g7 24.~d4 l:l.d4
22 ... tlle7 23..ie4 .ih3 24.l:l.fe1 ~h8 2S.'.-e2 'i'i'c7'1' Ve.Sergeev-Evseev, Tiumen
25.'ti'c2;!; Zhao Xue-Ju Wenjun. China tt 2012] li:ld4 [1S ... aS] 16..ig5
2012; 25.13! .l:l.ae8 ;!;] 17.•. h6 1t'd7 [16 ... \Wea 17.c5i] 17.c5 b6
18..id2 g5 19..l:l.ae1 'i!fd7 [19 18.l:l.c1 bc5 [18....ia6 19.l:l.e1 bcS
20.14 gf4 21 .gf4 .if5 22.fe5 deS 23.'tli'g3i] 20.bc5 .l:l.ab8 21 .-.d2oo] 19.bc5 .i.a6
20.f4 ef4 21 .gf4 g4 [21 ... gf4 22.l:l.f4 20 ..l:l.e1 .l:l.ab8 21 ..ie3 [21.'~d2 !? ~bS

( 22.~13 :113 23.'ifa5±) 22.~e3!] 24 .~e7 ~14 25.:lc6 'ti'e7 26.W'd5!)
21 ... :lb2 22.cd6 cd6 23.:lc6 ~e2 24.gf4 bc6 25.bc6 tt:lc7 26.'ii'd4 :lac8oo)
[23... :la2 24.'itb1 :la5 25.:ld6 'ifc7oo] 21 .c5 ~e5 22 . b5~] 19.b5 ~e5
24.Wc1 [24 .~d4!? ~d1 25.~b2 ~13 [19 20 .~d6 ~d4 21 .c5!] 20.Wb3 'ifg4!] 24... tt:lf3
25.~f3 ~f3 ~d5 27.:lc7
'itb5 28.:lg7 '<Pg7 29.'itc7 :lf7 ~f7 3 Uit'd6 'ifd5 32.Wa3
[32.'ife7 :lb7=] 32 ... :la2 33.'ite7 h5
34.h4 :lb2 35.:lc1 [35.'ifa7 :lb7
36.Wa1 w h7=] 35 ... :lb7 36 ...-gs 'ife6
37.'ifd8 '*d7 38.'ii'a5 W'd5 39.'ifa1
'<Ph7 40.'ifa3 '4Pg7 41.:lc8 15... tt:le8 [15 ... h6 ~e6 17.de6 d5
(17 ...14 18.'ii'd2 (18.gf4 tt:lh5 19.~h5 ~c3
20.:lc1 ~g7 21.~g4 :lf4o:t) 18 .. .13
19 .~d1 'ifc8 (19 ... d5 20.cd5 tt:lfd5
21 .tt:ld5 1i'd5 (21...~a1 22.~b3 tt:ld5
23.:la1 tt:le7 24...-hG±; 21...lLld5 22.~b3 20 ...'0Pg7 [20 ... tt:le6!? 21 .c5 d5
tt:le7 23.:lad1 ±) 22.'ii'd5 tt:ld5 23.~b3 tt:ld4 '<Ph? 24.:lcd1 We?
~a1 24.~d5 ~16 25.e7 :117 26.b5!) (24 ... tt:le2 25.'4Pg2 tt:ld4 26.:ld4 'itd4
20.:le1 'ii'c4?! (20 ... 'ii'e6! 21. ~13 '*c4 27.c6±) 25.:ld4 ~d4 26.c6 1i'16 27.~18
22 .~d1 '<Ph? 23 .~b3 'ii'a6 24 .~b2 d5o:t) :118 28.'ii'c4 bc6 29.bc6! ] 21.:lfd1 tt:le6
21 .~b3 W'a6 22 .~b2 :ladS 22.c5 tt:ld4 23.:ld4 ~d4 24.cd6
( tt:lfd5 24 .~g7 '0Pg7 25 .~d5 tt:ld5 tt:lg8 Wh8 26.:lc7 ~e5
26.W'd5! ) 23 ... tt:le4 24.:le4 ~2 25.'ifb2 27 .~ b2?1 [27.:lb7+- ; 27.:le7+-]
d5 26.:le3 :ld6 27.:lae1 'ii'b6 (27 ...'i¥c6 27 ... Wd6 28.:lb7 [28.~a3 e6
41...a5? [41...:ld71 42.'iff8 'OPIG 43.'4Ph2 28. ~d1 d4 29.:ld3 'ifc4 30.:113;1;) 28.~d1 'tieS 30.:lb7±] 28 ... g5 [28... ~2
'ifdG 44.'ifh6 :lc7=] 42.'i¥f8 6 a5 29.b5 tt:lf5 30.e7 :le8 31 .:le5 We? 29.'ii'b2 tt:ltG :lg8 31.:117 :lata
43.Wh2 [43.:lc5 :lb1 44.~c1 :lb8 32 .~13 :le7 33.:le7 tt:le7 34.W'e5+- 32.:la7+-] 29.b6 aS [29... :lfb8
(44 ... 'ifd1 45.'4Ph2 :lc1 46.'ifh8 We? Wang Hao-Bacrot , Biel 2012) 18.cd5 tt:lfd5 30.:117+-1 30.~h5 :labS 31.:la7
47.'ii'e5 '<PIS 48 .... b8 'OPe? 49.'ifc7 q;,jS 'ifd5 (19 ... ~a1 11t'e7 ~b2 32. 'ii'b2 tt:lf6 33. ~f7 '<Pg7
50.:lc1+-) 45 .~g5 'OPI5 46.'ife7 '*eG 21 .tli'a1 'ii'e6 22.1i'c1 +-; 19 ... tt:ld5 34.:ld7 -.cs 35. ~e6 1-0
47.'ifc7 :lb1 48.Wg2 ~e8 49.'ifd8+- ] 20.'ti'b3 ~a1 21 .:la1 tt:le7 22.:ld1 Wb6
43 ... :lb1 44.~c1 1i'a2?! [44 ... q;,j5 23.:ld7 :lieS 24.b5+-) 20.'twd5 tt:ld5
45.:lc5 'ifd7 46.'ii'g7 '*e7 47.:lc6+-] 21. ~c4 tt:lb6 (21...~1 22.~d5 ~16 23.e7 Kramnik,VIadim ir
45.'ifd8 5 46.W'd3 47.'iff3 :%17 24.b5 '<Pg7 25.~17 '4P!7 26.:lc1 !) Grischuk,Aiexander
'<Pe6 48 .~g5 1-0 22 .~b3 ~a1 23.e7 :117 24.:la1 !] Moscow 2012 (2)
16.:lc1 [16.'ti'b3 tt:lc7 (16... tt:ld5 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 ~g7 4.e4
'twg5 (17...~a1 18.:la1 'ifg5 h6 d6 5.d4 0-0 6 . ~e2 e5 7.0-0 tt:lc6
Kramnik,VIadimir 20.c5 '<Ph? 21 .:ld1 'ifd8 (21...dc5 22.bc5 8 .d5 tt:le7 9.b4 tt:lh5 10.g3 f5
Giri,Anish 'ti'IG 23.c6±) 22 . cd6~) 18.:lad1 ~e6 11 .tt:lg5 tt:lf6 12. ~f3 c6 13 . ~g2
Hoogeveen 2011 (1) 19.c5t; 16... h6 ~e6 18.de6 'ticS tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 ~g7 4.e4 (18 ... tt:lc7 19.:lad1 '<Ph? 20.b5±) 19.c5!)
d6 5.d4 0-0 6. ~e2 e5 7.0-0 tt:lc6 17.c5 b5 (17... ~e5 18.:lfd1 ±)
..t~ B ...
8.d5 tt:le7 9.b4 tt:lh5 10.g3 f5 tt:lb5 19 .~b5 h6 (19 ... '4Ph8 20.cd6 'ii'd6 .li ~ ..ti
11 .tt:lg5 tt:lf6 12. ~f3 c6 13.~a3 21 .:lad1+-; 19... ~a1 20.cd6 'tit'd6 ~i
[13.~g2] 13 ... cd5 [13 ... h6! ~e6 21.~c6+-) 20.cd6 'ifd6 21.~c4 hg5
15.de6 fe4 (16.~g2 d5 17.b5 :le8 22.b5 'tlt'e5 23.~e7 14 24.d6 '<Ph? 25.~18
~ ii ttJ
18.cd5 cd5 19 ...-b3!) 16 ... tt:le4 17 .~e4 d5 ~18 26.:lad1 ~g4 27.:ld5+- Chepa- ~~ ~
18.cd5 cd5 19.b5 (19.~g2) 19... de4 rinov-Dzhuraev, Istanbul ol 2012] 16 ... h6 ttJ
20.'ifd8 :lidS 21.~e7 :le8 22 .~b4 :leG [16... ~16!? ~e6 18.de6 'ii'c8
23.:lfe1 a6 24.ba6 :lea6 25.a3 ~18 'ii'e6 tt:lf6 21 .b5oo]
26.:le4 ~b4 27 .:lb4 :la3 28.:la3 :la3 ~e6 18.de6 tt:lc7 [18... Wc8!?
29.:lb7 e4= Ghaem Maghami-Morovic (19.'itb3 We6 20.:lfd1 :IdS 21 .b5
Fernandez, Istanbul ol 2012] 14.ed5 e4 ~e5oo) 19...11t'e6 'ii'd7 (20 ... W17 13 ... h6 [13 ... fe4 14.dc6! (14. ce4 tt:le4
15 .~e2! 21 .c5 d5 22.b5 ~e5 23.c6 ~14 (23 ... bc6; 15 .~e4 h6 16. e6 ~e6 17.de6

Survey Kl 4.6+9

dS 18.cdS cdS 19. ~g2 Wd6 20. ~e3 b6 23.l:Xab1 !1!1] 21 ... cd5 22. 'ifb3 l:Xb6 dS 19.edS cdS 20.l:Xd1 c7±)
21.'i'd2 'it>h7'F) (14 ... bc6 [22 .. .'it'd7 23.~a3 d4 24.l:Xac1;!;] 23.a4 1S.l:Xd1 l:Xd8 19 . ~b2 lg3 20.hg3 tt:l16 tt:le4 (1S ... tt:leS 1Ui'd3 ~IS a6 24. ~a3 abS 25.~e7 'ife7 (20 ... b6!? 21 .l:Xac1 bc5 22.bcS l:XbS
17.l:td1 ±) lOIS; 16... dS 17.cdS cdS 26.l:Xd5 b4 27.a5 1t'f7? [27 ...l:X16 23.'ii'a3±) 21 .cd6 l:Xd6 22.l:Xd6 'ii'd6
18.~gS±) tt:le4 16.'ifdS 'it>h8 28.l:XbS±] 28.h4 hS 29.'ilt'd1 1-0 23.l:Xd1 'Wc7 b6 2S.'ii'd3 tt:lc8 tt:lb4 1S.'tlfd6 'ifd6 ( 26.1i'c3 c5 27.'..eS (27.bc5 bS 2S. eS
tU .gS!) e4 20.l:Xb1 tt:la2 'Wes 29 .~eS ba4 30.~d6 l:Xd8 31 .eS+- )
21.~b2 tt:lc3 22.~c3 ~c3! ; Wang Hao 27... 'ii'c6 28.l:Xd7 cb4 29 .~11 'i¥a4 30.l:Xg7
13...cdSN 14.cdS h6 ~e6 16.de6 Ding Liren (30.l:XI7! 1Wes 31. ~bS 'i¥d8 32.l:Xd7+-)
fe4 17.bS Was 1S.'Wb3 l:XIcB 19. ~d2 China II 2012 (5) 30...'it>g7 31 .e7 'ireS 32.efS'IW 'IWIB
'i'b6 20.~e3 Was 21 .tt:le4 tt:le4 22 .~e4 1.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 g6 ~g7 4.e4 33.'1Wc7 tt:le7 34.'i¥a7+ - Jumabayev-
dS 23.~dS l:Xc3 24.Wd1 l:XdS 2S ...I3 d6 0-0 6.~e2 eS 7.0-0 tt:lc6 A.Zapata, Istanbul ol 2012] 13.b5 h6
lidS? (2S 26.-.17 'it>h7 27.e7 tt:le7 8.d5 tt:le7 9.b4 tLlhS 10.g3 fS [13.. .fe4 tt:liS 1S .~g2 oo]
28.'*e7 l:Xcd3 29.Wb7;!;) 26.'W17 Wh7 11 .tt:lg5 tt:lf6 12 . ~f3 ~e6 15.de6 'Wc8 [1S .. .fe4
27.'We7 l:Xc7 2S.'it'h4 'i'bS 29.l:Xac1 l:Xct WeB (16... tt:le4 17 .~e4 WeB
30.ltc1 +- Miton-Szefag, Poland II 2012] 18.'it'g4 l:X16 19.~e3 1fe6 20.'i¥e6 l:Xe6 ~e6 15.de6 tt:le4 [1S .. .fe4 21 .l:XId1 c5 22.l:Xd3i) 17 .~e3 'ilt'e6
16bS dS 17.~a3 : es IS.cdS cdS 1 8.~a7 : as 19 .~e3i] 16 .~a3 [1
(1 tt:le4 20.~e4 l:Xe6 '1We6 (16... tt:ledS 17.cdS fe4 18 .~e2 a6
21 .ltc1 WhS 22.'ifa4±) 19.'Wb3 'ii'b6 (18...c6 19.e7 l:XeS 20.dc6 bc6 21. ~a3 dS
20.~e7 l:Xe7 21 .tt:ldS tt:ldS 22.-.dS e3?! 22.l:Xc1 i) 19.a4!1!1) 17.eiS giS
(22... We6 23.'i'e6 l:Xe6 24.~e4 l:Xb6 'fi'd7 19.c5 dS 20.b6oo] 16 ...l:Xd8
25.l:XId1 l:XbS 26.l:Xd7;!;; 22 ... l:XdS 23.'ii'e4 [1 6... e6!? 17.c5 l:XIdS 1S.cd6 cd6 19.l:Xc1
tlfe6 24.l:Xad1 l:Xed7 2S.l:Xd7 l:Xd7 dSoo] 'i¥e6 18.ef5 gfS
26.l:Xc1 ;!;) 23.1e3 'ire3 24.Wh1 'ii'b6 c4 20.l:Xc1 'i!¥f7 [20 ...'fi'a2!?
(24...'it>h71?) 25.l:Xad1 l:XaeS?I (25 ...l:XIS 21.'i!¥a4 Wh7 22 .~d1 tt:le4 23 .~b3 'it'e2
26.l:XI8 'it>IS 27.l:Xf1 'it>gS 28. ~e4 '1Wd4 24.l:Xce1 hSoo] 21 .'il¥a4!1!1 tt:lc8
29.Wd4 ed4 30.~g6 ± ) 26.~e4 g5? 12... l:Xb8 [12... h6 ~e6 14.de6 22.l:Xfd1 e4 23.~e2 Wh7 [23 ... d5
27.~g6 : ta 2S.l:XIS ~IS 29. ~17 +- 'WeB tt:ledS 16.cdS (16.edS e4 24 .~b2;!;] 24 .~ b2 l:Xd7 25. ~f6 ~f6
Wojtaszek-Morovic Fernandez, Istanbul ol 17 .~e2 tLldS 1S.WdS (18.cdS ~at [2S... W16 26.tLldS 't!fdS 27. ~c4 ;!; ]
2012] fe4 17.b5! [17 . ~e4 d5'F] 19 .~h6 ~g7 20 .~g7 Wg7 21.'it'd4 w gs 26 . ~c4 'it'g7 't!fe7
17...l:Xf6 (17 ...'ifc7 18. ~a3 l:XadS 19. ~e4 22 . ~bS 1t'dS (22 ...c6 23.dc6 bc6 tt:lb6 29.Wa7 't!fd8
: rs 20.'ifa4;!;J 18. ~e4 l:Xe6 19.'ita4!1!1 24.~a4;!;) 23.~d7!1!1) 1S .. .~a1 19.e7 l:XI7
20.c5 c6 (2o .. :.-es 2 1.~c4 c6 22.'i Vd6
'it>g7 23 .~h6 'it>h6 24. ~17 'ii'17 25.l:Xa1
l:Xes 26.l:Xd1 ;!;) 21 .'iVd6 Wg7 22 .~c4 i )
16.. .fe4 17 .~e2 c6 (17... l:Xe8 18.bS c6
19.dc6 dS 20.cb7 'it'b7 21. ~d2 l:Xe6
22.l:Xc1 oo) 18 .~c4? 1 (1S.dc6 dS 19.cb7
'ii'b7 20.~b2 'tlfc7 21 .l:Xc1 'ii'd6 22.'ilt'a4
'i¥e6 23.l:Xc6 'it'IS 24.'..a6 Wh7
2S.l:Xc7!1!1) 1S...l:XeS 19.dc6 1i'c6 20.1i'e2
l:Xec8 (20 ... d5!? 21 .~bS 'i+'e6 22 .~e8 l:Xe8
23 .~b2 d4t) 21.~b3 dS 22.e7 : es
(22 ... l:Xc7! 23.~a3 'Wd6 24.l:Xad1 'it>h7
2S.'ii'b2 bS+) 23 .~a3 'ii'd6 24.l:Xad1 l:Xe7! [30.~e6 ! :as 31 .'t!fb6 Wb6
19... d5 [19 ...'ii'c7 20.l:Xd1 l:X16 21 .l:Xb1 aS 2S.l:XdS tt:ldS 26.We4 Wh7 27 .~dS '1Wa6! (32 . ~d7 ~gs it'as
22.bc6 bc6 23.~e3;!;] 20.l:Xd1 Wh7 (27...l:Xd8! 28 .~b7 l:Xc7 29.~c1 Wb6 34.l:Xc7 WhSoo) 32 ... tfd8 33. ~d7 WhB
[20 ... d4 21 .l:Xb1 'it'd? 22. ~a3 tt:liS 23.bc6 30 . ~a8 aS+) 28. ~c1 'F Likavsky-Zelbel, 34.l:Xc7+-l 30 ... l:Xa8 l:Xa7
bc6 24.'it'a6;!;; 24.l:Xd2 Wh7 2S.l:Xdb2;!;; Austria 11 2011 /12; 12... 'it>h8 13 . ~g2 14 : as 33 .~b3 ~e s 34.a4
20 ...-.d? 21 .bc6 1t'c6 22.'it'c6 bc6 23.cdS 14.cS tt:leS (14... as 1S.cd6 cd6 16.bSi) [34.14 ef3 (34 ... ~16 35.a4 d5 36.a5;!;)
cdS 24.l:XdS tt:ldS 2S.~dS : es 26 . ~e3;!;] ~e6 16.de6 c6 (16... '1Wc8 14;!;] 34 ... l:Xe7
21.cd5 [21 .bc6 bc6 22 .~a3 d4 17.~h3±) 17.'ii'b3 'ilt'c7 (17 ... 13 18. ~h3 : as o-1

En Reversed Dragon EO 3.11 (A22)

A Host of Novelties
in the Reversed Dragon
by Vladimir Georgiev and Petar Arnau dov

1. c4 e5 ideas, explaining which is our

2. tL:lc3 tLlf6 main aim.
3. g3 d5
4. cd5 tLld5 Black has many way to react to
5. ..tg2 tLlb6 6.e3.
6. e3
Pleasant Play for White
In the Nakamura-Navara game,
the Czech Grandmaster tried
6 ... c5, but after 9.f4! it is clear
that Black ha no way to equalize
and White ha plea ant play in
all lines. Nakamura won a really
beautiful game.

6 .•.~e7 Maxim Turov

In Zviagintsev-MikhaJevski and
Turov-Smirin, we reached the In Turov-Brandenburg, Black
Nowadays it is rare that we see arne po ition at move 13 via dif- tried 8 ... f5?!, after which White
omething new around move ix . ferent move orders. obtained an advantage wi th the
The theory of the Rever ed natural move L5 .~f4N, which is
Dragon variation goes very deep a clear improvemen t on White'
in the main lines, which i why
.i .t'if .i ~
our attention wa captured by an ~ .t~~.~. [n Danin-Sandipan, the Indian
old but quite forgotten idea: 6.e3. ~.~. ~ grandmaster was in a very ag-
This move wa first seen a long ~ gre. ive mood and tried 8...h5 .
time ago, in 1936, but it ha
appeared in grandma ter battles,
such as in the game Zviagintsev-
Mikhalev ki and after that at true
top level - the game Nakamura-
These two white wins caused the Black has tried variou continua-
che world to look eriously at tions here. Srnirin's 13 ...~g5
thi variation, and the databa e seems critical, but according to
ha more than a hundred games our analy e , White has good
from 2012. We think White has a winning chances after l4.h4!N.
, real chance to get an advantage Nevertheless, we predi ct that thi
in thi variation. The positions will become one of the main ln thi line we sugge t 9.d4!N,
which ari e are fully playable line in the very near future and after which Black is in orne
and rich in tactical and po itional we expect more game soon. trouble. 8 ...h5 looks illogical.

Survey EO 3. 11

In the game Berke -Ruck Black theoretician and very strong Despite the fact that White acri-
tried 9 ... f6 . White gained pace player Ivan Cheparinov found fice a whole rook, hi position i
on the kingside with the move himself being clearly wor e after preferable and ea ier to play.
IO.f5. White eventuaJiy won thi s move 10. Black' position would Weal o include the line 7 .....ig4
game, but we are not conv inc d have collapsed if White had which appeared in the game
that IO.f5 was the be t move in found the trong move 13.a4!. In Grozdanic-Fercec. Thi s move i
the current situation, e pecially the arne line, in Mogranzini- not popular yet, but we believe
ifBiack had played IO ... a5!. We Baron, Black played 8 ... tbb4?! that it i a quite serious option
propo e again to open the centre which i considered an equa lizer and White hould play very pre-
with I O.d4! , when according to in orne ources, but after ci ely to confirm hi advantage.
our analy es White is better. White' amazing di covery Our advice is to play 8.h3 !Nand
I L.f4!! ?? , a reaJI y great move, after that to open up the game
A New Approach Black is very clo e to being lo t. with d2-d4. And finally there i
In epomn iachtchi-Lintchevsky, the recent try 7 ... ..ie6.
Black trie an approach with
6... g6, which afterwards oc- Conclusion
curred in other grandmaster Our belief i that, so far, Black
game , too. We offer here the ha not bown a cl ear way to
great novelty 12 ...ia3N. Our equalize in the vari ation with
opinion i that in this line White 6.e3. Thi move may succe -
has a clear advantage. fully replace the long, deeply
analysed and boring po ition in
6•..1Dc6 the main line. Thi fresh option
Delchev-Cheparinov i one of offer full-blooded pl ay and it i
the rare ca e where the famous a variation we heartil y advocate.

Pleasant Play for White 2012] 12...W'd7 13.lile4! (13.lilcd5 crushing attack) 18 ... l06d5 19.:112 :lf2
6 ... c5 lild5 14.lild5 .i.h3 (14...~g6) 15..i.h3 20.lilf2 ~17 2H!fe2 lilb6 22.lZ:.g7 'ifd2
'Wh3 16.lile7 lile7 17.:lc1 b6 18.:lc4 23.:le1 -..e2 24.:le2 lila2? 25.lilf5 .i.f8
Nakamura,Hikaru (18.d4!?) 18 ... 'We6 19.'Wg4 ..-g4 20.:lg4= 26.lilg4 :ld1 27.q;>h2+- ; 15 ... ~g6
Navara,David Collas-Ushenina, Istanbul oi-W 2012] 16.:lc1!N (16.lilg6 hg6 17.d4 cd4 18.ed4
Wijk aan Zee 2012 (5) 13... :lad8 14.:lf2 lilb4 (14 ... c4 l06d5= R.Griffiths-D.Howell, England tt
1.c4 eS V o c3 lilts 3.g3 dS 4.cd5 15.:lc1 !] 15.'i!ff1 1 2011 /12) 16... lila2?! 17.lilc5!±] 16..i.e4
~dS 5 .~g2 lilb6 6.e3!? cS [This l06d5? (16 .. .15! (this move is necessary to
move cements the space advantage in the stop White's attack) 17..i.g2 .i.f6;!;]
centre, but on the other hand it is a waste 17.lilh5! g6 (17 .. .16 18.a3 lZJa6 19..i.f5
of time. tt does not develop a piece and _.d6 20...-h3!+-l 18.a3 (1 8.:lf5 (the
now the h1-a8 diagonal becomes weaker] recommendation of the computer, after
7. ~ge2 lilc6 8.0-0 ~e7 [8 ....i.g4 which White's attack is very powerful)
9.h3!? .i.e6 1O.d4! cd4 11 .ed4 ed4 12.~c6! 18... f6 19.'iff3 q;>h8 20.a3 gfS 21 ..i.f5 c6
bc6 13.lild4± Gonda-Nikcevic, Sibenik tt 22.'ifg4 :lg8 23.'ii'h4+- I 18...lila6?
2012] 9.f4!N [A very strong novelty from [The last moment for Black to play 18 .. .15!
Nakamura. 9.b3 0·0 10.~b2 ~g4 11.h3 19 ..i.f5 (19 ..i.f3 lilc6 20.lilf4 lilf4 21 .gf4
.i.f5 12.d4 ed4 13.ed4 cd4 14.lilb5 d3 ~16! ;!;) 19 ... :lf5 20.:lf5 ..f5 21.'it'f5 gl5
15.liled4 (~-~ Heeke-Biedekopper, 22.ab4 lilb4 23.:la7 :ld2 24.:lb7 :lb2
Germany tt 2003/04) 15... ~16 16.lilf5 ..ib2 25.:le7 lt:lc2! with good chances to draw;
17.:lb1 .i.e5 and Black is on top] 9 ... ef4 [White's game looks very easy. His pieces 18... lilc6? 19.'iifc4 lilb6? 20...-c3+-)
10.t0f4 0-0 11.b3;!; ~fS 12 .~ b2 have obtained excellent positions] 19 . ~d5! -..ds 20 ..i.f6! 'i!t'd6 21 ..i.e7
(12 ..i.a3 'it'd7 13.lilcd5 lild5 14.lild5 .i.d3 15... .i.e4 [15 ... :lfe8? 16.lilh5!±; 'it'e7 22.lilf6 q;>g7 23.Wc4! 'it'eS
15.:lf2 ~d6 16.:lc1 b6 17.:lc3 ~g6 15... .i.g4 16.h3 ~e6 17.lilh5 f6 18.:lf6!! 24.:laf1 hS 25.lilh51 'ifhS 26.:lf7
18.lilf4 ~14 19.gf4= Bacrot-Brkic, Eilat tt (after this spectacular move, White has a :lf7 27.:lf7 q;>h& 28.'i!t'f4 g5 29.'i!t'f6
W'g6 30.1f11! i+'hS 3Ulb7 c4 32.<;1;>h3 <Ji> h6 33.g4 1s 34.e1S :tea ab3 1a.ab3 :tea 19.~e3oo ; 14 .~gS i+'g5
32 ."~W16 'i!fg6 33.'i!fda '1Wb1 34.~ 3S.gS s 36.fg6 37.lLldS <Ji> g6 15.l:tf2 :tda 16.'i!t'c2 a4 17.l:taf1 ~e6
[A very fine game by Nakamura, after which 38.l:thS l:te4 39.'it>g3 1-0 1a.h4 ab3 19.ab3 W'e3oo; 14.l:tf2 ~c1
this variation can expect a new life at top 1S.:tc1 i+'e7 16.'i! fc2oo a4] 14•.•~e7
level. Several months after this game was 1S . ~ b2 a4 16.ba4 ~g4 11 .~13 ~13
played, many strong GMs chose this Turov,Maxim 1a.:t13 cS 19 . ~a3 lLlc4 20.~cS
particular line against the Reversed Dragon] Smirin,llia ~cs 21.dcS lLld2 22.l:t12 lLleS
1-0 Trieste 2012 (7) 23.llJ14 d4 24.lLJ1dS 't'HcS Y2-Y2
1.c4 lLlf6 2.lLlc3 e5 3.g3 dS 4.cd5
lLldS s.~g2 lLlb6 6.e3 ~e7 7.lLlge2
0-0 a.O-O c6 9.14 [9.b3 15 10.d4 e4 Turov,Maxim
11. ~b2 lLla6 12.g4 (12.'ifd2 A 13.13) Brandenburg,Daan
12.. .fg4 13.lLle4 lLldS 14.lLJ2g3 'ifea W ijk aan Zee C 2012 (11 )
6 ... .1te7 15.lLlc5 lLlac7 16.W'c2 lLle6 17.lLle6 1.c4 e5 2.lLlc3 llJ16 3.g3 dS 4.cdS
~e6=F Cmilyte-Yildiz, Ankara 2012] lLldS S.~g2 lLlb6 6.e3 ~e7 7.lLlge2
Zviagintsev,Vadim 9 ... tLJad7! [9 ...ef4 10.lLJI4 lLJ8d7 11 .d4 0-0 a.o-o 1S?! [This is a bad move, after
Mikhalevski,Victor lLJ16 12.e4 ~g4 13...d3 lLlh5 14.h3 which White can claim an advantage] 9.d4
Aix·les-Bains Ech 2011 (6) (14.lLlfe2!;!;) 14...lLlf4 1S.gf4?!= ( 1S . ~f4! ed4?! [9 ...e4 10.lLlf4 lLlc6 11.13 ef3
1.c4 llJ16 2.lLlc3 dS 3.cdS lLldS 4.g3 ~e6 16.d5 'i!fd7 17.'it>h2.;!;) 15 ... ~e6 16.d5 12. ~13 ! ] 10.ed4 ~16 11 .dS tLJad7
eS S. ~g2 lLlb6 6.e3 lLlc6 7.lLlge2 IS 17.'it'd2 cd5 1a.edS ~17=F 17-17 12.lLJ14 lLleS 13.l:te1 :tea 14.lLlh5
~e7 a.0-0 0-0 9.14 aS 10.feS lLJeS Galliamova-T.Kosintseva, Moscow ch·RUS·W ~d7
11.d4 lLlg6 [11 ... lLlg4 12.h3 lLlf6 13.e4 2012) 10.b3 aS [10 ...ef4 11.lLlf4 lLle5
c6 14.lLll4! ] 12.b3 c6 [12 ...c5?! 12.d4 ~g4 13.W'c2 lLlg6 14.lLld3 ...d7?!
13. ca. With a pawn on e3 the move 15.lLle4!;!; T.Kosintseva·Ruan Lufel, Ankara
...c7-cS is not advisable] 13.e4 cS!? 2012] 11.feS lLleS 12.d4 lLlg6 13.e4
14 .~e3 cd4?! [Mikhalevski considers [This is a critical position for the line]
this move to be inaccurate and offers 13...~gS [13 ... a4!? (a pretty logical move)
14... ~g4 ! ? 15.d5 lLlc8 16.h3 ~e2 17.W'e2 14.l:tb1 ab3 1S.ab3 ~e6 16 .~e3 ~gs
~16 1a.:tac1 b6 with a defendable position (16... :tea 17.'ifd2 16 1a.ds ~17 19.:tbd1 ;!;)
for Black; or 15.dcS lLld7 16.lLla4 :tea 17.lLll4! :tea 1a.'We2 lLlf4 19.gf4 ~e7
17.l:tc1 lLlcS!=. In our opinion 1S.W'd2! 20.15 ~d7 21 .eS;!; (this position seems quite
poses more serious problems to Black: pleasant for White - with pawns on eS and
15...cd4 16.lLld4 ~cS 17.h3 ~d7 15 his attack looks really dangerous)
(17...~e6 1a.'it>h2 lLleS 19.:tad1 ;!;) 21 ...~! ? (this logical attempt can lead to
1a.'it>h2 lLleS 19.lLlf5 ~e3 20.W'e3 ~IS disaster) 22.l:tbc1 ~c3 23.l:tc3 lLldS? 1S.lLJ16!? [ 1S .~f4 ! N <Ji> ha 16.W'c2±]
21 .ets :tea 22.'ilff4! ] 1S.'it'd41 ! 24 .~dS ! cdS 2S.W'g4± ; 13... c5!? - 1S... 16 16.b3? [ 16 .~14 ! :tada
Zviagintsev·Mikhalevski] 17.W'b3;!;] 16...lLlg4! 17.~d2 d4
1a.:tea :tea 19.~e 1 't'HeS 20.'fi'd2
llJ16 21.l:td1 14oo 22.h3 'i!fhS 23.g4
lLlg4 24 ...-14 lLleS 2S.'i!fg3 :t1a 26.14
lLlg6 27.'fi'gS llJ14 2a.'it'hS lLlhS
29.lLle2 :tea 30. 2 :t1a 31.<Ji> g1
:tea 32. 2 llJ16 33.lLlc3
34 .~d2 c6 3S.dc6 ~c6 36 . ~f1 :tda
37 .~e2 h6 3a .~e3 l:td1 39 .~d1
lLlbdS 40.lLldS lLldS 41. ~a7 lLlc3
42 . ~hS g6 43 . ~e2 ~dS 44 . ~e3

1S•..'ifd4 16.~d4 lLld7 17.lLldS ~cs

1a.:tac1 b6 19.~cS bcS 20.l:t1d1?! 14 .~a3 [14.h4!N ~c1 15.:tc1 ~g4 Danin,Aiexander
[20.lLlec3±] 20...a4 21.lLle14 lLldeS? 16. ~13 ~13 17.l:t13 W'd7 1a.W'd3;!; c5 Sandipan,Chanda
[2LlLlgeS! ] 22.lLlg6 hg6 23.l:tcS ~g4 19.lLlbS cd4 20.l:tf5 :taca 21.:tca tLJca Pardubice 2012 (9)
24.l:tb1 ab3 25.ab3 lLJ13 26.~13 ~13 22.'1Wd4 i+'d4 23.lLled4 b6 24.l:tdS! ; 1.c4 eS 2.g3 lLlf6 3 . ~g2 d5 4.cdS
27.:t11± ~e2 2a.tLJe7 'it>h7 29.l:t14 14.lLlf4 lLlf4 (14... ~14! ? 15.gf4 IS 16 . ~a3 lLldS S.lLlc3 lLlb6 6.e3 lLlc6 7.lLlge2
:ta1 30.'it>g2 :ta2 31 .:th4 ~hS :tea 17.d5) 15.gf4 ~e7 16.15 a4 17.l:tb1 ~e7 a.0-0 h5 [This is an interesting

Survey EO 3.11

attempt, but usually such aggressive moves, 20.l0e2 .ieS'f Edouard-Bacrot, Villandry l:la3 SS.l:lh7 l:la2 S6.<.t>c3 l:la3
played so early in the opening, are not 2012) 11 ...t0d4 12.ed4 c6 13.15! l:te8 S7.~b2 l:lb3 S8.'.Pc1 l:lh3 S9.l:lh6
entirely correct] 9.f4!? [9.d4!N h4 10.dS (13....id6) 14. ~b3 (14 ..ie3?1 l0c4!= with l:lh2 60.l:lh8 ~e7 61.l:th7 '.Pea
s 11.b3 hg3 12.fg3 c6 13..ib2 .ig4 the tactical idea 1S.'it'b3 .ie6D 16.l:tae1 62.h6 t0f3 63 ..if7 ~d8 64.l:lh8
14.'6'd3;:!;] 9 ••. h4 [9 ...ef4 1M'.I14 .ig4 .if7'f) 14...~ h8 1S..ie3 .if8 16.l:tae1 as ~c7 6S.h7 tOgS 66 ..ig6 l:lh4
11.~b3 O·O 12.h3 .its 13.d4!;:!;] 10.feS 17.g4 a4 18. ~c2f and White's position 67 . ~c2 ~b7 68 .~ b3 l:lh3 69.'.Pc2
ttJeS 11.d4 looks quite good] 1 o....id7 [The idea l:th4 70.l:lf8 t0h7 71.l:tf7 cj;>b6
behind 10...aS!N is to obtain a space 72.l:lh7 l:te4 73.l%f7 ~cs 74.l:tf6
advantage on the queenside: 11.d4 (11 .b3 ~dS 7S.l:lf8 l:lg4 76.l:lc8 l:lg2
a4 12.l0a4 t0a4 13.ba4 Wh8=) 11...'ifd7! 77.cj;>b3 l:lf2 78.l%c2 l:tf3 79.l:lc3
(with the idea of 12...l:td8 and 13... W e8) J:[f2 80 ..if7 ~e4 81 ..ie6 dS 82.l:tcS
12.'ifb3 (12.dS t0b4 13.a3 t0a6 14.b3 l:lt3 83.~c2 l:tt2 84 . ~c1 d4 8S.l:laS
l:ld8=) 12...Wh8 13.deS tOeS 14.l0d4 .id6 d3 86.l:tdS '.Pe3 87.l%eS ~d4
1S.t0e6 l:te8=; 10...t0b4 11.d4 c6 12.g4 88.l:ldS '.Pe3 89.l:ld8 rlf1 90.'.Pb2
Wh8 13.a3 t04d5 14.l0e4 ed4 1S.ed4;:!; d2 91 •.ib3 l:tfS 92.'.Pc3 1·0
Tadic-T.Paunovic, Vrnjacka Banja 2012]
11 .d4 .id612.g4 "tt'e713.t0e4 t0d8
14.t0d6?! [14.a41 .ic6 15.aS t0d5
16.t0d6 d6 17.'ii'b3!? (17.e4!? t0b4
18.gS (18.1ifb3 t017 19.l:td1) 18....ibS A New Approach
11...t0g4? [11 ... t0g6! and now it is not 19.gf6 gf6 20..ih6 t017 21 ..if8 Wf8 6 ... 6
so easy for White: 12.e4 (12.b3 c6 13.e4 (21 ... l:tf8 22.dS 1ifc5 23.cj;>h1 "tt'e3 24 ..if3
.ie6 14.t014 t0f4 1S..il4 'it'd7f) tOgS 25 ...-c1 "itc1 26.l:tac1 ;:!;) 22.: 12 Nepomniachtchi,lan
12 ....ie6! 13.b3 Wd7t] 12.h3! t0f6 t0d3 23. ~b3 ;:!;) 17... t017 18..id2 ed4 Lintchevsky,Dan iil
13.g4 cS 14.t0f4 gS?! [A mistake in an 19.t0d4 l:tfe8 20.l:lad1 l%ad8 21..ic1±] Tiumen 2012 (11 )
already grave situation. 1"4. .. 0-0!? 15. d3 14.•. cd6 1S.a4 .ic6 16.dS .ie8 1.c4 eS 2.g3 t0f6 3 ..ig2 dS 4.cdS
cd4 16.ed4 gs 17.t0fe2 tOfdS 18..ie4;J;] 17.e4 l:tc8 18.h4 'ftc7 19.b3 'fic2 tOdS S.l0c3 l0b6 6.e3 g6 7.t0ge2
1S.t0d3?1 [This pawn sacrifice is 20..ie3 'ftd1 21.l%fd1 l:lc2 22.l:td2 [7.b3 t0c6 8.t0ge2 b4?! (the beginning
absolutely unnecessary. White has pleasant l:td2 23 •.id2 t0a8 24.gS ~f7 of a wrong plan) 9.0-0 t0d3 10.14 ef4
compensation, but this tactical approach 2S.l%c1 .id7 26.hS fgS 27.-igS h6 11.l014 t0c1 12.'fic1 (12....f3!? .ie7
only complicates matters. 15.t0fe2! cd4 28 •.ih4 b6 29 ..if1 t0b7 30.t0c3 13.t0g6!? hg6 14 .~17 Wd7 15.l:lac1\1f?)
16.ed4 tOidS 17.t0d5 lOdS 18.t0c3 t0c3 tOeS 31 ..ic4 t0c7 32. aS 12....ig7 13.'ifa3;:!; Shabalov-Schmakel,
19.bc3±] 1S ... cd4 16.ed4 "tt'd4 33.cj;>e3 l:tb8 Vancouver 2012] 7 ....ig7
17.t0f2 "tt'd1 18.l:td1 [White still has an
initiative] 18....ie6!? 19..ib7 l:tb8
20 ..ic6 t0fd7 21.t0fe4 f6 22.tObS
~j_'ij' ~ g
Wf7 23.t0ed6 .id6 24.t0d6 Wg7 .l.l.l .l.i..l
2S.b3 tOeS 26..ig2 l:thd8 27 ..ib2 ~ .l
ltJdS 28.tOfS?! [28.t0e4;J;] 28 ... -ifS
29.l:tdS l:tdS 30.-idS l:td8 31 •.ig2
.ig6= 32.l:te1 l:td2 33.-ieS feS
34.l:teS l:ta2 3S.l:tgS l:ta1 36.~f2
l%a2 37.Wg1 l:ta1 38.Wf2 l:ta2
39. ~g1 Y2· Y2

Berkes,Ferenc [The endgame is about equal, but White 8.f4 [8.0·0 0-0 9.14 ef4 1O.t0f4 c6
Ruck,Robert manages to outplay his opponent] 34.l:la1 o...
(1 tOc6 11 .d4!? .its 12.g4 .id7 13.h3;:!;
Hungary tt 2011/12 (9) l:tb7 3S ..id8 tOeS 36.l:lg1 l:lb8 when the idea t0e4-c5 looks quite strong)
1.c4 eS 2.g3 t0f6 3 ..ig2 dS 4.cdS 37..ih4 : ca 38. l%c1 t0f6 39 •.if6 11.b3 l:te8 12..ia3!N (a very good move.
tOdS S.l0c3 l0b6 6.e3 .ie7 7.t0ge2 gf6 40.-ibS l:tg8 41 •.id7 l:tg3 The main idea is that now the t0c3 is not
0-0 8.0-0 t0c6 9.f4 f6 10.fS!? 42.cj;>e2 t0b3 43. 2 l:lh3 44. ~ g2 pinned, it can jump to e4 on the next move.
[10.d4!?N (a very interesting idea) 1O...ed4 l:td3 4S.l:tc2 t0d4 46.l:lb2 l:lc3 The rook on a1 is not important. Moreover,
11 .t0d4 (11.ed4 .ig4 12.h3 .ihS 13.d5 47.l:tb6 l:tc2 48. ~g3 l:lc3 49. the d6-square is weak so White's knight will
.ics 14 .~h2 t0d4 15 . ~d3 t0e2 16.t0e2 l:tc2 SO. ~e3 l:lc3 S1 .~d2 l:th3 go there. 12..ib2 t08d7 13....c2 t0f6=
l:te8 17.t0c3 .ig6 18.1S .if7 19..if4 .id6 S2 ..ie6 cj;>e7 S3.l:lb7 cj;>e8 S4.l%a7 Piorun-Arutinian, Pardubice 2012)

12.. .ll l8d7 (12...lDa6!? 1M :le41 15 17.b3oo) 15... h5 16.~a3 1Pg8 17.'ii'13 l:rh6 repetttion] 11 .••ll:lc2 [11...ed4? 12.ll:ld4 c5
(13 ... ~a1? 14.'ii'a1+-) 14.ll:ld6 ~18 18.l:rc1 ~a6+ 19.d4? l:rg6 0·1 Zygouris· 13.15 ~5 14.16 gf6 (14 ... cd4 15.ed4 ~e7! ~3 16.b41 ~o 1H!fb3 Wf8 Felgaer, Gibraltar 2012] 8 ... ed4 9.ll:ld4 16.fe7 'i!fe7 17.~14 ±) 15.ll:le4 ll:l4d5
18.a3 ~e7 19.'ii'c3 w ea 20.'ii'h8 ~18 ll:ld4 1 O.ed4 c6 11 .0-o ~e6 16.ll:lf5i ; 11...'i!fd7 12.de5 ll:lc2 13.W'f2
21.'ii'h7 W'd7 22.'ii'g6 1ff7 23.'ii'g5t and [11...~e7!? (this looks quite logical) 12.d5 ll:la1 14 .~b7 l:rb8 15.l:rd1 ~d6 16.-.13 0-0
Black's position seems quite precarious; (12.a4) 12 ...cd5 13.lLld5 ll:ld5 14.~d5 0·0 17.ed6 cd6 18.~e4±] 12.'ii'f2 ll:la1
12... ~15 ~h8 (13...~c3? 14.dc3±) 15 .~7 leads to a position where White is 13. ~b7 ed4 [13...~e7 14 .~c6 ~18
14.l:rf5! gf5 (14...~c3 15.l:rc1 gf5 16.l:rc3) a clear pawn up, but Black has some 15.fe5+- ; 13...l:rb8 14 . ~c6 ll:ld7 15.15
15.'ii'c2 'if'g5 1M:lf4 with more than practical chances for a draw because of his ~h5 16.de5 ~e2 (16 ... l:rb6 17.'i¥g2 ~c5
enough compensation for the exchange) active pieces] 12.d5 cdS 13 .~e3?! 1a.e6 o-o 19.~d7 ll:lc2 20. d5±) 17.e6! ~ 1? (13 ...ll:l16 14.ll:ld6 l:re5 [Here White missed a simple and natural ~11 18.~d7+-] 14.~c6 ll:ld7 15.ll:ld4
15.W'f3i) 14.'ii'a1 when White has a very move after which he would have had a very ~cs 16.f5 o-o
strong attack] 8 •.• ef4 9.ll:lf4 cS?! [In our pleasant advantage: 13.a4! a5 14.~e3 ~e7
opinion ... c7-c5 is not the best move in this 15.'ii'd4 ll:lc4 16.'ii'g7±] 13... ~e7 14.f4
posnion - it weakens the d5-point and the [14.a4] 14... 0-0 15.f5 ~d7 16.ll:ld5
h1·a8 diagonal. Besides, in such snuations, ~c617. ll:l b6 ab618.'ii'd8 ~dB=

this pawn can become a target for an attack,
especially when the black bishop is already
on g7] 1 o.o-o o-o 11.b3 ll:lc6 12.. · 3! .a
ll:lb4 13.l:rc1 ll:ld7 14.~b4 cb4 iii
15.ll:lcd5i aS 16.'ii'c2 ll:leS 17.'ii'c7
ll:lc6 18.d4 1fc7 19.ll:lc7 l:rb8
20.ll:ld3!? [The natural move 20.~c6! wins
a pawn and despHe Black's two bishops,
WhHe is close to a win: 20 ...bc6 21 .l:rc6 ~15 ~ ~
22.l:rfc1 ~e4 23.l:r6c5± and Black's §1..~ 17~a8?! [17.fg6 fg6 18.'ii'g2 l:rf1 19.'ii'f1
position collapses] 20 ... ~g4 21.l:rfe1
ll:le7 22.ll:lc5 b6 23.ll:lb7i [White still n Jl<it>
~d4 20.~8 ~16 21.~g2±] 17...'ii'a8
1B.fg6 [18.'ii'e2!? ~d4 19.ed4 :rea
has some pressure] 23 ••• h5 24.ll:lb5 20.'it'd1 m 21 .1WhS ll:lc2 22.'i!i'd1 ll:le3
~e6 25.ll:l7d6 l:rfd8 26.l:rc7 ti:ldS [The position is dead equal, but Black 23.~e3 l:re3 24.l:re1 Whne is a pawn up
27.~d5 ~dS 28.ll:lc4 ~e6 29.l:rd1 manages to outplay his opponent] 1 9.~d4 with very good winning chances] 18.. .fg6
l:rdc8 30.d5 ~g4 31 .l:rd2 l:rc7 l:ra4 20.l:rfd1 hS 21 .a3 l:re8 22 .~f2 19.1i'g2 l:rf1 20. 1 'tlt'g2 21.~g2
32.ll:lc7 ~c3= 33.l:rf2 ~d7 34.ll:ld6 ~f6 23.l:rd2 bS 24 . ~c6 bc6 25.l:rb1 ll:leS 22.b3= [Now the endgame is almost
l:rf8 35Ji:lcb5 ~bS 36.ll:lb5 l:rd8 l:reS 26.l:rc2 l:ra6 27.l:rd1 l:rfS equal] 22 ...ll:ld3 23~d2 ~b6 [23...ll:lb4
37.d6 ~es 38.l:t d2 f6 39.Wf2 28.l:rd6 l:rf3 29.b4 l:rc3 30.l:rc3 ~c3 24.ll:la4] 24. 1 c5 25. f3 2
40. 3 ~e6 41.l:rc2 ~c3 42.a4 l:rc8 31 .a4 l:ra4 32.l:rc6 ~ b4 33.l:rb6 26.~e2 c4 27.bc4 ll:lb2 28.ll:ld5 ll:lc4
43.l:rc1 ~-~ : as 34.l:rb8 ~ h7 35.l:rb7 1Pg6 29.~c1 ~cs 30.Wd3 a3 31 .e4 h6
36. ~d4 f6 37. 1 ~d6 38.l:rb6 32.g4 gS 33.e5 cj;f7 34.1Pe4 ll:lc2
~c7 39.l:rb7 ~es 40. ~c5 l:ra2 35. 3 a3 36~a3 a3 37.ll:lc3
41.~f8 l:rh2 42.l:rg7 5 0-1 38. ll:lc2 39. dS ~f2 40.h3
~cs 41 .ll:lc7 IPd7 42. bS g6 43.a4
ll:lb4 44.ll:lc3 ~f2 45.ll:lb5 ll:la6
6 ... tL'l c6 Mogranzini,Roberto 46.1Pd5 ll:lb4 47.1Pe4 ll:la6 48.ll:lfd4
Baron,Tal ll:lcS 49.1Pd5 ~d4 SO.ll:ld4 ll:la4
Delchev,Aiexander Val Gardena 2012 (7) 51 .e6 IPeB 52. 5 ll:lc3 53.liJc6 a6
Cheparinov,lvan 1.c4 ll:lf6 2.g3 eS 3.~g2 dS 4.cd5 54. liJdS 55. 5 liJc3 56.ll:la5
Panagyurishte ch·BL 2012 (3) ll:ldS 5.ll:lc3 ll:lb6 6.e3 ll:lc6 7.ll:lge2 7 57.liJc6
1.c4 eS 2.g3 ll:lf6 3 .~g2 dS 4.cd5 ~fS 8.d4! ll:lb4?! 9.o-o ~c2 10. e1
ll:ldS 5.ll:lc3 ll:lb6 6.e3 ll:lc6 7.ll:lge2 [Of course Whne should avoid falling into the
~fS?! [After this move Black has a lot of trap 10.'ii'd2?? ll:lc4 11.1i'e1 ll:ld3-+J Grozdanic,Velin
problems] 8.d4! [The plan with 0·0 and 10... ~g6 [10 ...~15 does not change the Fercec,Nenad
12-14 was no longer an option: 8.0·0? ~d3'f evaluation of the position: 11 .141] 11.f4!! [A Sibenik tt 2010 (2)
9.14 ef4 (9 ... ll:lb4 10.~e4 ~e4 11 .ll:le4 15 really great move, which poses serious 1.c4 eS 2.ll:lc3 ll:lf6 3.g3 dS 4.cd5
12.ll:lf2; 9... h5) 10.l:rf4 ~d6 11 .ll:ld4 ~14 problems. 11.~7? l:rb8 12 .~g2 ~e7; ll:ldS 5 .~g2 ll:lb6 6.e3 lLlc6 7.tilge2
12.ll:lc6 bc6 13 . ~c6 IP18 14.gf4 l:rb8 12...ll:lc2 13. ~c6 ll:ld7; 11 .'ii'd1 ~c2 ~g4 [A very interesting move, which is not
15.b3 (15.W'h5! 'tlt'd6 16 .~g2 ll:ld7 12.'tlt'e1 ~g6 13.'ii'd1 is a draw by so popular yet!]

Survey EO 3. 11

10.d4 ..ig2 11.~g2 ed4\d4 16.l:lc3 .idS] 16... ..idS 17 ...if1 ! [Of
li:ld4 13.'it'd4 'it'd4 14.ed4 o-o-o=F course, White must keep both bishops on
1S.l:ld1 liJdS 16. 2 g6 17•..igS f6 the board as otherwise the light squares in
18.liJdS fgS ..ig7 20.dS his camp would be weak] 17... 'it'f6 [This
l:lhf8 21.g4 ..ic3 22.bc3 l:lf4 pawn structure is very similar to a pawn
23.l:ld3 l:la4 24.c;Pe3 l:le8 2S.<tfj> d2 formation common for the Petroff Defence.
~d7 26.<tfj> c2 l:le2 27.<iPb3 bS 28.a3 Black's main problem here is that he has no
aS+ 29.d6? cS- + 30.c4 l:lc4 31.a4 targets to attack, while he has to worry
l:lcc2 0-1 about the c3/d4 pawn pair which can start
rolling] 18. W'hS! ..if3 19.'i'r'h3 [The line
19.W'gS 'itgS 20...igS would give White an
Maletin,Pavel edge too] 19...l:le7 20.g4 ..ie4
8.0-0?1 [8.h3!N ..ihS 9.0-0 1i'd7 (9 .....id6 Yakovich,Yury 21 .1t'g3 l:lae8?! [It was probably better
10.g4! (10.d4) 10... ..ig6 11 .d4! o-o (11...hS Vladivostok 2012 (9) to trade queens: 21...'it'f3 22.'it'f3 ..if3]
12.deS ..ies 13.14 ..ic3 14.liJc3;!;) 12.14 16 1.c4 eS 2.g3 li:lf6 3...ig2 dS 4.cdS 22 •..if41 .idS 23.l:le7 'We7 24.c4
(12... ef4 ..if4 14.el4;!; White has a liJdS li:lb6 6.e3 li:lc6 ..ie4 2S.l:ld1 [White would keep his
pleasant advantage because of his two ..ie6 [I guess that the idea of this move is advantage after 2S.l:le1!? 'i!fd7 (
bishops; 12... ed4 li:ld4 14.'Wd4 IS to meet f2-f4 with ...'Wd7] 8.d4 [With the 26...ig2) 26.13 ..ig6 27.dS d4 28.<iPg2J
1S.liJbS (1S.gts .its 16.e4 ..ie6 17.eS bishop on e6 it makes sense to go for
..ie7) 1S .. .fg4 16.hg4 'Wh4 l:lad8 d2-d4, as now Black has to parry the threat
18.ts l:ld6 19.1t't4 .tea 20.e4 ..ibs 21 .gS of d4-dSJ
'it'l4 22...if4;!; .ill 23 ...id6 cd6 24.<iPI1 ;!;)
13.deS feS 14.fS .if? 1S.b3;!; ..ic5
'tt* .! X
(1S.....ib4 16.'it'c2 'it'h4 l:lad8
18.liJ2g3;!;);!;; 9.....ie2 10.'ite2;!;)
10.d4 ed4 (10... 0-D-0 11 .dS li:le7 12.e4 ••• •••
.... .i.
(12.g4 ..ig6 13.e4 hS) 12...1S 13.efS ..if7
14.d6 1t'd6 1S.'it'd6 (1S.'ifc2) 1S... l:ld6
(1S...cd6 16.f4t ef4 17...if4) l:ld8
17.g4;!;) 11 .ed4 ..id6 (11 ...0-D-0 12.g4 ..ig6
• ttJ
8 8
13.dS li:lb4 14.liJI4 ..ic2 1S."WI3;t <iPbS
~8 ttJ811..8
(1S ... hS 16.liJhS IS (16... ..id3) 17.d6
(17...igS l:le8 18.l:lae1 l:le1 19.l:le1 ..id6 n ~ ~~ .ti
2S ...1i'f6? [Black had to try some radical
measures: 2S...gS! Now he would be OK
20.l:le6) 17...c6 18.a3;!;) 16.a3 li:la6 after 26...ic7 'i!ff6 27.dS (27.1i'e3 l:le7)
17.b4;!;) 12.dS li:le7 13.a4 0-0 14.aS li:lc4 8...ed4 [Fritz recommends 8...1i'f6 with 27 28."it'e3 li:\13 29.<iPh1 li:ld2
1S.g4 ..ig6 16.b3 liJeS 17.14 ..ic5 18.<iPh2 the idea to play ... 0-0-0. This move would 30.Wg1 li:lf3=. So perhaps White should go
li:ld3 19.1S;!;] 8...'it'd7! 9.f3 (9.l:le1 ..ie7 lead to very unbalanced positions, so one tor 26 ...ic1 W'f6 27...ib2 1i't3 28. 'i!fl3 ..il3
1O.a3 hS 11 .d4 ed4 12.ed4 0-Q-O':F (Black is can understand why GM Yakovich went for 29.l:ld3 ..ie2 30...ie2 l:le2 31 ...ic3 with
already better - he has a dangerous attack a more conventional approach] 9.ed4 [The some advantage in the endgame] 26.gS!
along the h-file) 13.dS liJeS 14...ie3 li:\13 line 9...ic6 bc6 ..id7 11 .e4 is also "ilt'g6 27.dS li:le7 28.f3 [~ 28.l:le1 !]
1S.<iPh1 li:le1 16."We1 h4 17.l:lc1 hg3 worth considering. In that line White can 28 .•. liJfS?? [With this move Black is
18.fg3 ..id6 19.'it'f2 'itfS 20.'tWfS .itS also go for 11 .'it'f3 c5 'itf6 trapping his own bishop. ~ 28... 'i!fb6
21 .liJbS Wb8 l:ld6 23 ...if4 l:ld7 13.'iff6 gf6 14.liJaS] 9..•..ib4 10.0-0 29.'itf2 li:lg6 30.'it'b6 cb6 31.fe4 li:lf4 ..id3 2S.l:lc3 ..ic4 26.d6 cd6 ..ic4 11.l:le1 0-0 12•..ie3 liJdS 32.~f2 ±] 29.'iff2 'i!fhS 30.l:le1 li:lh4
27.liJfS .idS ..ig2 29 .'~g2 liJdS 13.l:lc1 l:le8 14.a3 ..ic3 [Perhaps it 3U ie4 1-0 li:lf4 0-1 Turon Mora-Gomez was better to play 14.....iaS] Alex Babu ri n
Benitez, Vall del Tenes 2012] 9... ..ih3 li:lc3 16.bc31 [Black would be fine after

Symmetrical Variation EO 29.1 (A36)

An Early Surrender of the Bishop

by Jose Vi lela

1. c4 c5 teammate Jame Tarjan used the

2. lDc3 lDc6 sy tern twice, against Pal Benko
3. g3 g6 and Jorge Gonzalez winning
4. .ig2 .ig7 both game . But perhap the
5. e3 ~c3 ource of in piration for later fol-
lowers was the publication in
Chess Informant 50 of the game
Medni -Lar en, played in New
York 1990 and won in excellent
lyle by the late Dani h grand-

Strategic Foundations
The ftrst two drawback that
come to mind when anyone
look at the move 5 ... ~c3 are the Bent Larsen
weakening of a few dark squares
A game played in the Quebec on Black's kingside and the fact A econd implication i that any
Open this year caught my eye due that Black give up the bishop pawn break by the pawn adjacent
to the clear but unorthodox strat- pair. to the doubled c-pawns (the
egy of the black player through- But there are also a few points in d-pawn advancing to d4 in ca e
out. The urrender of Black's favour of Black's idea. The main of 6.bc3, or the b-pawn advanc-
fianchettoed bi hop in the Eng- one, of cour e, is the doubled ing to b4 in case of 6.dc3) leave
li h Opening a early as move 5 pawns White get on the c-file. the pawn on c4 very weak. So
occurred in the fir t-round en- But thi doubling of pawns has White's structure is given a cer-
counter Panjwani-Bruzon. further implication , one of the tain degree of rigidity, which
At fir t sight I thought there mo t important ones being that doe not help to provide the ideal
would be very few games with the c3-pawn significantly limit environment for the use of the
thi line in the main databa e , the way in which the white bi hop pair.
but I found that, although there queen 's bishop can be deployed:
are not very many, their number it will not be able to use the a l -h8 Black's Deployment
i not in ignificant either. Even diagonal (and the a3-f8 diagonal Black' u ual cheme of devel -
more urpri ing was Black's is firmly clo ed by Black' pawn opment i easy to learn : queen to
overall score: an astounding on c5), so it action will neces- d7 (sometime to c7) and bi hop
58% over 47 games. sari ly be along the c l-h6 diago- to b7 (this implies ... d7-d6 and
The American IM Kim Com- nal. A can be een in orne of the .. .b7-b6). As regards castling, it
mon appear a the fir t player games, Black frequently chan- is more usual to go queen ide
to have approached the po ition ge the placement of his king ide than kingside; a impl e look in-
in thi way, in Lone Pine 1978 pawns o as to protect the dark dicates that Black' king has a
v . Jonathan Speelman. A year squares and limit the cope of safer haven on the lefthand s ide
later, his feUow-countryman and that bishop. of the board. A for the king '.

Survey EO 29. 1

knight - ometime itgoe toe7, ing any deci ion on a central in a erie of mi take . Small ur-
ometime to f6, depending on thrust to a later tage. Both trat- prise the double queen ending
White' play and al o on Black' egie have proved to be fea ible. proved untenable.
ta te. After 6 ... f5 Medni -Lar en i a
And there i a very important ob- very nice model game for Black The Capture 6.dc3
ervation to be made: ooner or but perhap Medni ' 7.f4 i not Here Black al o ha a choice be-
later, in the va t majority of the a good approach. Fra chini-Adla tween the immediate ... f7 -f5 and
game , Black play ... f7-f5 and Ko ten-Mile feature an fir t developing the queen ide.
( ometime it i ... f6-f5). Some- early h4-h5 break with a sacri- There are only two game with
time hedoe this eryearly(like fice; Adla accepted the acrifice, 6 .. .f5 . Gonzalez-Tarjan wa a
in Lar en game and many oth- Mile did not. In both ca es very hard-fought affair, in which
er - on the 6th move) orne- Black did well. White got confu ed toward the
time very late (like in Bruzon's Among the games without 6 ... f5 , end and ended up lo ing. Hulak-
game, 22nd move), but it i u u- Contin-Po tny i a nice example Stohl, in spite of the peaceful
ally a ignificant element of of Black's re ource against frame of mind of the player ,
Black' overaU idea. early aggre ive attempt . Oro z- feature an intere ting moment
peter-Schlo er wa a long and on move 10.
White's Choice fierce positional battle, in which Among the game without 6 ... f5 ,
There are more games in which Black eventually prevailed. Salmen uu- iel en is a good
White play 6.bc3 than 6.dc3. Among White' ucce e , model example for Black, even-
Thi i perhap due to the old Karl on-Sowray is clearly the tually tran ferring to an endgame
che proverb that recommend re ult of Black mi under- in which the black knight was su-
capturing with your pawn to- standing hi position (a timely perior to White's dark- quared
ward the centre of the board. ... f7-f5 was due) , while tark- bishop (a situation not infre-
everthele , in the opinion of Tereick i a very intere ting quently een in the e lines).
thi author, there i no clear ign , game in which Black failed to From White' point of view, per-
either tati tically or from the counter White' great pace ad- hap the mo t intere ting ap-
point of view of the po ition vantage. Among the other game proach i that in Kveiny -Sune
reached, that 6.bc3 i superior to I would like to point out Bilek- Berg Han en, although Black'
6.dc3 . Porti ch, which took a very olid witch to create play on the
trategic course, a we would ex- queen ide helped White a lot.
The Capture 6.bc3 pect from a player of Portisch '
Let' fir t deal with 6.bc3. calibre. Gurevich-Kasim- Conclusion
dzhanov follow clas ical pat- The variation 5 ... ~c3 is objec-
tern again t a doubled c-pawn, tively perfectly ound, de pite it
imi lar to the Nimzo-lndian weird appearance. When both
Defence. ide play well in the opening,
fierce long-tem1 po itional bat-

.t. .l
tle u ually ensue, in which a
good po itional under tanding
and good manoeuvring kill are
· ~ ·~
The pre ent author recommend
~ ~ thi line to black player who
like original po ition · and idea ,
Black' two main path are
~ ~ and he would al o advise Engli h
6.. .f5, gaining pace in the centre ttJ ~ ~ Opening practitioner to devote
before continuing hi develop- 1:( ~~1:( ~ orne time to becoming familiar
ment, or either 6 ... b6 or 6 .. .d6, with thi uncommon approach in
with the ame idea (in the major- The ending with the pa sed order to prevent unpleasant
ity of the games) of fianchettoing a-pawn for Black proves too dif- urpri e from a well-prepared
the queen' bi hop and po tpon- ficult for both players, resulting opponent.

Main Game was also strong] 27.J:I:d1 e4 28.d4 ~e7 ~e6 31 . ~g4 tt:lg7
5 ... -'l.c3 1t'f7! [Pinpointing the weakness on c4] tt:le7 33.~d2 tt:lgfS 34. 3
29.dcS deS 30.J:I:dS J:l:d8! [With the tt:lc6 3S. ~g4 a6 36 . ~f3 ~d6
Panjwani,Raja threat of 31 ... tt:\c4] 31.1i'c2 J:l:d5 37. ~e1 bS 38.~d2 aS 39.a3 tt:lce7
Bruzon Batista,Lazaro 32.cdS W'dS- +\b3 tt:\b3 40.~e1 tt:\c8 41. ~d2 tt:\b6 42.~e1
Montreal2012 (1) 34.J:I:b3 'ti'c4 3S.J:I:b1 J:l:dB 36.J:I:d1 t!Ja4 43.~d2 <l.>e6 44. ~e2 tt:\b6
1.c4 cS V i:lc3 tt:lc6 3.g3 g6 4. ~g2 J:l:d3 37.'ii"e2 tt:leS 38.J:I:d3 ed3 4S. 3 c4 46.dc4 tt:\c4 47.~e1
~g7 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6 7.d3 ~b7 39.'i!fhS 'i!fe4 40.g4 tt:\f3 41 . ~g3 tt:\cd6 48 .~f2 ~d7 49 .~ b6 tt:lc4
8.e4 d6 1i'd7 0-0-0 tt:lh4 42. ~gS 1t'f3 43 . ~h4 1t'f2X 0-1 SO .~f2 tt:\d2 S1 . ~e2 tt:le4 S2. ~e1
11.0-0 ~ b8 12.a4 ~c6 tt:\cS tt:le6
SS. ~d2 d6 S6. ~d3 c4 S7.~c1
tt:lcS S8. ~e2 tt:\b3 S9 .~e3 tt:ld6
60 .~d3 ~d7 61 .~a7 tt:lc4
The Premiere
5 ... -'l.c3

Speelman,Jonathan ~
• ~

. ~
Lone Pine 1978 (9)

~· ~ [!:,
This game is shown only for historical
reasons, as it appears to be the premiere of [!:,
this variation. It ends peacefully very quickly. [!:, .. [!:,~ [!:,
1.c4 cS g6 3.g3 ~g7 4. ~g2
12 ... tt:laS [Drastically preventing any tt:lc6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6
opening of lines on the queenside] 13.J:I:e1 ~b7 8.d3 d6 9.0-0 'ti'd7 10.e4 fS
e6 14.J:I:b1 tt:le7 h6 [The 11 .tt:lf4 0-0-0 Y2-Y2
beginning of the repositioning of pawns on [Black intends ...~e6-f5 next] 62.fS!?
the kingside, in order to limit the scope of [White sacrifices a pawn to prevent the king
the dark-squared bishop] 16 .~d2 eS from going to f5 and to create the eventual ~as 18.'*'c2 gSI 19.h3 threat of an outside passed pawn on the
J:l:hf8 [Black quietly prepares for the break Black Plays 6 ...f5 kingside] 62 ...gfS 63 .~ b8 [!?J
... f7-f5. If White tries to avoid it by g3-g4, 6.bc3 63 ... ~e6 64.h4 tt:lc1! 6S. ~d4 f4!
then Black's break will be ... h6-h5 at the 66 . ~cS [66.~f4? tlle2- +J 66... tt:le2
right moment] 20.J:I:bS ~c6 21 .1i'a2 Mednis,Edmar 67. ~bS S 68. ~c6 c3\d4
J:l:b8 Larsen,Bent ~g4 70.hS <l.>gS 71 .tt:le6 ~ hS
New York 1990 (6) <l.>g4 73.a4 hS!\d5 tt:\d5
1.c4 g6 2.g3 ~g7 3. ~g2 cS\c3 7S . ~dS tt:\b6 76. ~c6 [As Larsen points
tt:lc6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 fS!? 7.f4?1 out, 76.<l.>e4 h4! 77.~e3 (77. ~c7 h3)
[7.e4!? Larsen in 'Chess Informant' 50] 77. .. tt:la4 78. ~c7 tt:\b2 - + J 76
7 ... tt:lf6 b6 9.0-0 ~b7 10.d3 77. ~b5 tt:lc3 78 .~aS tt:le2-+
tt:laS [Larsen already assesses this position 79.~ h2 h4 BO . ~ bS ~h3 81 . ~es
as +I 11 .1t'e2 1t'c7 12 .~ b2 0-0 ~g2 82 . ~c4 h3 83 .~d3 tt:\g3 0-1
13.J:I:ae1 J:l:aeB 14 .~c1 e6 15.h3 d6 ~g2 17.1t'g2 1t'c6 18.g4
"it"g2 19 . ~g2 J:[f7 20.e4 fe4 21.gS Contin,Daniel
tt:lhS 22.J:I:e4 8 23.J:I:fe1 J:l:fe7 Emms,John
24. 3 dS 2S.cdS ed5 26.J:I:e7 J:l:e7 Benidorm 1991 (4)
27. ~d2 J:l:e1 28 .~e1 tt:lc6 [The 1.c4 cS tt:lc6 3.g3 g6 4.~g2
22. ~ h2 [This only helps Black. 22.J:I:b2 or endgame is favourable for Black, as White's ~g7 5.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 fS tt:\f6 seem preferable] 22 •. .fS! 23.efS majority on the kingside is blockaded while 0-0 9.d3 d6 10.J:I:b1 'it'c7
~g2 24.~g2 W'fS [Black's advantage is Black's majority on the left wing is mobile. 11 .tt:\dS tt:\dS 12.cdS tt:leS 13.f4
now totally clear, as he has a strong Besides, there is an outpost for Black's tt:lg4 14.h3 tt:lf6 1S.c4 [15.0-0 c4;::t]
' initiative on the kingside while his opponent pieces on f5 and the knight pair combines 1S.. .'iWaS 16.'ti'd2 [Keeping the queens
completely lacks any counterplay] 2S.~e3 very well for maneuvering in this kind of on the board seems more enterprising:
tllec6 26 .~ h2 J:l:be8 [Again acting position. Nevertheless a lot of work is 16.~d2 1t'a6 (16 ... W'a2 is too risky, after
patiently, although the immediate ... e5-e4 required to convert this edge] 17.0-0 Black's queen is in trouble) 17.~13

Survey EO 29. 1

with the idea of breaking g3-g4] 16 ___ 'i!fd2

17-~d2 J:lbS 1S.II;>e2 ~d7 19.e4
~a4 20.J:lb2 a6 21. ~13 bS 22.eS
17.'ife2 ~e4 1S.'ife4 'it'c6 19."Wc6
tt:lc6 20 ...t>e2 gS 21. ~e3 d6 22.a4
ll;>d7 23.h6 J:lg6 24. J:lhS J:lhgS •.t~iii. • i
~ ~'
~d7 23.e6 ~16 24.J:lhb1 hS 2S.a3 2S.J:lb1 <l;c7 26. J:lbS J:le6 27.J:lb1
1Pg7 26. ~c3 J:lhS 27.1Pe3 J:lb7 J:leg6 2S.J:lg1 ~eS 29.J:la1 tt:lf7
2S. J:lg1 J:lbbS 29.g4 hg4 30.hg4 [29 ...a5 was probably Black's best
. ltj i
1g4 31. J:lg4 bc4 32.fS J:lb2 33. J:lg6 opportunity to keep an edge in this ~
s 34. ~b2 endgame] 30.aS J:le6 31 .ab6 ab6 ~
32.d4 <l;b7 33 ...td3 J:leg6 34. ~d2

J:laS 3S.J:laS ~PaS 36.J:lh1 <l;b7
37. J:le1 e6 3S.J:lh1 ..t>c6 39 .~e3
J:lgS 40. J:la1 IPb7 41 .1Pe4 J:lg6 Y2-Y2
· ~~: 14... ~dS 1S.cdS ~dS 16.'.Wa4 eS
17.de6 de6 1S.J:lfd1 ~g2 19•..tg2
~ Fraschini,Mariano J:lcS 20...tg1 • es 21.c4 J:le7 22 .~ b2
Adla,Diego Gustavo 'iWc7 23.'it'a3 [23.~16! J:lf7 24.'it'e8 J:l18
~ ~~ Buenos Aires 1993 (1) 25.'iWe7!±] 23 ...eS 24.~c3 ~f7 2S.J:ldS
1.c4 cs 2. ~ c3 g6 3.g3 ~g7 4. ~g2 J:ld7 26.J:lbd1 J:ldS 27.J:ldS 'iWb6
~c6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 fS 7.h4 lt:l16 2S.• a4 S ~ 28 ... 'ifb1 29.J:ld1 1Ve4J
S.d3 d6 9.hS tt:lhS 10.J:lhS?I [In this 29.~es 'ii'b1 30.J:ld1 'ii'e4 31 .~f6
particular position. this exchange sacrifice [31.~ 1!] 31 ... J:lc6 32.~c3 ~gS
34 ... J:lh3? [34...~e8 ! 35.J:lg3 (35. ~16 seems to be very dubious] 1O...ghS 33.'iWa7 lt:l13 34. 1 h2 35 ...te1
ef6 36.J:lf6? 1Pg7-+; 35.J:lf6 ef6 36 .~16 11.'i!fhS IPd7 12.'it'fS ..t>c 7 [Black's ~13 36. 2 'ii'c2 37.~d2 ~d4!
J:lh3oo) 35... cd3oo] 3S.~16 e16 36.J:lf6 king reaches a perfectly safe haven, and 38. 1 tt:l13 39. 2 liJd4 40.1Pe1
~PeS 37.J:lg6!+- ~d1 [37 ... 11;>18 38.16 then White does not have much to show for liJ1341. Y.!-Y2
~ea 39.17 ~f7 40.J:lf6 J:lh7 41 .ef7 cd3 the exchange except for a modest
42.J:ld6 J:[f7 43.~e4+-J 3S.f6 J:lf3 (doubled!) pawn] 13.'iWhS "WgS 14. ~e2
39.~d2 J:ld3 40.~c1 ~fS 41.f7 1-0 "Wg7 1S.d4 ~g4 16.'iWh4 [16."Wd5!?] Vujovic,Milorad
16•.• eS [Directed against an eventual ~f4] Foisor,Cristina Adela
17.J:lb1 J:lafS 1S.dcS deS 19 .~a3 Castellaneta 2000 (4)
Kosten,Anthony [19 .~d5 intending e3-e4 and ~e3 was at 1.c4 g6 2.g3 ~g7 3 . ~ g2 cS 4. ~c3
Miles,Anthony least more sensible. The text move puts the liJc6 5.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 fS 7.d3 ~f6
Hove ch·GBR 1997 (9) bishop in a position without any S.liJe2 d6 9. J:lb1 'ifc7 10. ~14 e6
1.c4 g6 V Qc3 ~g7 3.g3 cS 4. ~g2 perspectives at all] 19... b6 20."Wh1 11.h4 0-0 12.0-0 J:lbS 13.'ii'e2 liJdS
~c6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 fS b6 'i!ff6-+ 21.14 ef4 22.gf4 J:leS 14. ~d2 b6 15.J:lb2 ~b7 16.J:lfb1
S.h4 tt:lf6 9.hS [22 ... tt:le5! was a nice tactical shot. But in ~g2 "i+'c6 1S.13 liJf7
any case White is doomed] 23 .~c1 ~as 19.J:lbS (19.e4 seems to be the best
24. ~dS ~e6 2S.e4 ~ c4 26.eS ~dS defensive try] 19.•. d5 20.d4 [:?: 20.cd5,
27.'l!fdS _.h4 2S.IPf1 tt:leS 29.feS although Black's position is superior in any
J:lh1S 30 .~f4 J:lf4 31 . ~14 'it'f4 case] 20... dc4 21 .dc5 [21 .•c4
32.<1;g2 J:leS 33 ...f3 J:lgS 0-1 "ii'f3-+] 21 ... liJe5 22 . ~e1 lt:l1d7
23.cb6 J:lb6 24.J:lb6 ab6 25.J:ld1
[25.14 tt:lg4+] 25 ... ~c5 26 . ~c1 J:laS
Soo Hoo,Jonathan 27.f4 ~ed3 2S.h5 liJe1 29.J:le1 ~d3
Kleinman,Michael 30. J:ld1 "We4 31.h6 1Pf7 32.J:lf1 J:laS
Los Angeles 2011 (3) 33.1Ph2 'i!faS 34.a3 J:lbS 35 ...tg1
1.c4 cS 2.g3 g6 3. ~g2 ~g7 W'e4 36.'ii'c2 J:lb3 37. ~d2 bS
~c6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 fS 7 .~e2 ~f6 3S. ~c1 6 39.1Ph2 liJcS 40.'tlff2
S.d4 0-0 [8 ... b6J 9.0-0 [9.dc5 •a5oo] J:lb1 41 .g4 1Pf7 42.J:ld1 ~d3
9 ...1Pf7 [9 ...~h5 seems playable. In case 9 ... b6 10. ~a3 ~b7 [10... ~a6!?] 43.'ii'a2 J:lb3 [43 ... J:lc1 -+J 44.gfS efS
of 10.J:lh5 gh5 11. ~f4 then 11 ...0·0 with a 11 .dcS '*'c7 [11 ...'ifc8] 12.J:lb1 45. J:lf1 'it'e7 [45 ...liJc1 46.J:lc1 'it'e3- +]
complicated position where it is not clear if [! A 13. ~d5J 12.•.J:lf7 [12... ~e5 ! 46 ...th3? 'ii'b7 [46... ~c1-+J 47.1Ph2
White has enough compensation for the 13.cb6 ab6 14 .~e7 ~g2 15.~f6 (15.1Pg2 'ife4 48.J:ld1 1Pe6 49.J:lf1 tt:lcS
exchange] 1O.d3 ~b7 11 .tt:lg1 'i!fc7 ..c6+; 15. ~d6 ~13 16.1Pg2 'i!fc6+) 50._.f2 J:lc3 S1 ...g3 J:lc2 52.1Ph3 J:lagS 13.e4 1e4 15... ~f1 16.1Pf1 d6'i'J bcS liJd3 S3.J:lg1 tt:lf2 54.'it>h4 liJg4
~eS 1S .~e4 ~e4 16. ~e4 ~eS± 55.1Ph3 J:[f2 0-1

Cekro,Ekrem 19.l:!be1 W'g6 20.11t'c2 !OaS 21 .efS

~ g efS 22 .~ b7 !Ob7 23.W'g2 g4
Germany tt 1999/00 (3) •.t. 24.l:!e2 W'f7 2S.l:!fe1 aS 26.!0dS
i •
.. ,
1.c4 c5 V i:Jc3 g6 3.g3 ~g7 4. ~g2 !Og6 [26 ... !0d5 was another possible way
!Oc6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 fS 7.h4 !Of6 to maintain equality] 27.'*'12 !Oc6
8.!0h3 fOeS 9.11t'e2 1t'c7 10.!0f4 e6 a
28.l:!e3 tOt 29. 'it'e2 [White gets control
11 .0-0 l:!b8 12.d4 !Of7 [12 ...cd4 ~ ~ ~~ ~ of the open file, but to no avail as all the
13.ed4! !Oc4 14.!0d5 !Od5 15 .~d5 !Ob6 ~ ~j)_ invasion squares on the e-file are protected]
(15... b5 16.~f4+-) 16. ~f4±] 13.e4 fe4 29 ... l:!e3 30.11t'e3 <J»b7 31.l:!e2 hS
14.dS eS 1S.!Oh3 32. 1 .,h7 33.'ite1 h4 34 .~d2
hg3 3S.hg3 'it'h1 36.l:!e1 'tfh2

Xi. •
•• 'if i

· ~ i·
21 .. .fe4 [21 ... !0g4 22 .~g4 fg4 23.~b2oo .
Perhaps 21 ... !0d7 was the best way to
continue: 22.~b2 !Of6 23.e5 and now there
is the quite interesting idea 23...!0d5
24.cd5 'tfgB intending 25 ... 1t'd5. In case of
25.e6 ~d5! 26.~h8 ~a2 27.e7 l:!eB
37.l:!e2 '*h1 38.l:!e1

Turkey tt 2012 (8)
1.c4 cS 2.g3 g6 3 .~g2 ~g7 4. c3

~ 28.~f6 Black's position is undoubtedly !Oc6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6 7.d3 ~ b7

advantageous; he is a pawn up and the 8.e4 d6 9. t3 'tfd7 1o.o-o o-o-o
pawn on e7 is weak and should fall in the 11 .d4 eS 12.dS !OaS 13.!0d2 ~a6
long run] 22.feS 'it'eS 23. ~ h2 ed3 14.l:!e1 'itb8 1S.~f1 <J>la8 16.a4 !0e7
24 ..-d3 'tfd4 2S.1t'd4 cd4 26. ~b2 17. b3!? f6 (17...~c4 1B.!Oa5 ~11
1S•.. h6? [The natural 15... d6 gives Black !Oc4 27. ~d4 fOeS ( ~ 27 ... l:!hf8] 19.!0c6 ~c4 20.!0d8 l:!dB 21.~g5!]
a good game after 16.!0g5 (against 16.13? 28.~e6 l:!hf8 29.l:!af2 l:!f2 30.l:!f2 18. s baS 19.f4 (19 ..-13!?!]
Black has 16... ef3 17.1t'f3 and now simply !Og4 [After this there is no danger for 19...!0c8 20 .~d3 b6 21.feS feS
17...!0g4 as the knight on f7 is defended) White anymore] 31 . ~g4 hg4 32.l:!f6 22 .~h6 'ifh3 23 .~gs l:!b8 24.l:!a2
16... ~5 17.!0e4 ~e4 18. ~e4 !Oe4 ~dS 33.l:!g6 ~f3 34.'itg1 l:!c8 h6 2S . ~c1 l:!hf8 26.l:!f1 ~c4
19.1it'e4 0-Q] 16.f3 [16.14!±] 16•.•!0hS 3S.hS l:!c2 36.h6 l:!g2 37. ~f1 l:!h2 27.~c4 !Oc4 28.l:!f8 l:!f8 29.W'e2
[16 ...ef3? 17.1t'l3+-l 17 .~h2 ef3? 38.l:!d6 ~b7 39. ~e3 'ita6? [Better !Ob6 30.l:!b2 c4 31.~e3?! [31 .l:!b5!]
[17 ...d6! 18.fe4 Q-Ooo] 18.1t"f3 d6 19.g4! was 39...l:!h 1] 40.l:!e6 l:!h 1 41. 'itf2 31 ...!0a4! 32.l:!c2 (32.'tfc4 'tff1 33.1t'f1
!Og7 [19...!014 20.!014 ef4 21. ~14+-1 l:!h2 42. ~e1 ~dS 43.l:!e7 ~c4 l:!f1 34.Wf1 !Ob2 35 .~c1 +] 32 ...'WhS
20.W'f6+- lOtS 21 .gfS gfS 22. f4! 44. ~gS l:!hS 4S . ~f4 l:!h2 46. ~ b8 33 ..-e1 gS 34.1:!12 1:!12 3S.'tf12 <J>lb7
ef4 23 . ~f4 8 [23 ... 0·0 24.1t"g6 'ithB bS 47.l:!a7 <J>lb6 48.l:!d7 'itc6 [35 ...'tfe8+] 36. ~a7? (36.'tff5!]
25.l:!ae1 W'dB 26.~h3 W'h4 27.l:!e3+-l 49.l:!c7 'itb6 SO.h7 [After the text Black 36 ... 'tfd1 37.'itg2 g4? (37 ... 'tfg4!
24.l:!ae1 l:!h7 2S .~f3 ~d7 26.l:!g1 can draw immediately. White could have 38.'tff7 <J>la6 t:. 39 .. .'.-e4-+] 38.1t"f7
l:!e8 27. ~ h6 1-0 tried instead 50.ab5 ~b5 51.l:!h7 ~d3 'ita6 39.'Wd7? (39.'tfc71 'We2 40.~12
52.l:!h8 'itcS 53 .~f4, although the passive 1t'e4 41.'itg1 lt"b1 (41...1it'd5 42.W'a7
position of White's king makes it difficult to 'itbS 43...b8=) 42.'itg2 b6 43...d6 -
make progress] SO ... <J>laS? (50 ... ~d3 game] 39 ... 'tfe2? (39 ...'tff3! 40.<J>lg1 'it'c3
Black Doesn't Play 6 ... f5 51 .l:!c3 ~c4 52.ab5 'itb5 53.l:!c1 l:!h7=] 41. ~12 !Ob6 42.'ifd6 1t'b4-+] 40.~12
6.bc3 S1.l:!a7 'itb6 S2.l:!d7? (52.a5 'itc5 1t'e4 41 .'itg1 !Ob6 42 .• d6 W'b1
53.~e5+-] S2 ...'itc6 S3.l:!c7 ~b6 43.~g2 a4 44 .~b6 (~ 44 ..-bB]
Barczay,Laszlo S4.l:!d7 'itc6 SS.l:!c7 'itb6 ~- ~ 44...W'b6 4S ....d7 w as 46. g4 a3
Zalaegerszeg 1991 (4)
1.c4 g6 2.g3 ~g7 3. ~g2 cS 4.!0c3 Bilek,lstvan
!Oc6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6 7.d3 ~ b7 Portisch,Lajos
8.e4 d6 9.a4 'it'd7 1 O.!Oe2 !OaS Hungary tt 1993/94
11.h4 !0f6 12.!0f4 e6 13.l:!a3 o-o-o 1.g3 cS 2.c4 !Oc6 3 .~g2 g6 4.!0c3
14.!0dS? (14.0-0] 14...edS 1S. ~ h3 ~g7 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6 7.d3 ~ b7
!Og4 16.cdS (16.~g4 15!+; 16.W'g4 15 8.e4 d6 9.!013 '*c7 10.0-0 0-0-0
17.ef5l:!he8 18.'itf1 dc4+] 16 .. .fS 17.c4 11 .!0e1 fS 12.f3 e6 13.!0c2 W'g7
hS 18.f3 fOeS 19.0-0 'itb8 20.l:!a2 14.l:!b1 !Oge7 1S.'it'e2 l:!he8
W'g7?! (20... ~a6! t:. 21 .'itg2 !Oac4 16. ~b2 (A very poor position for the
22.dc4 ~c4+] 21.f4 bishop] 16... 'itb8 17.!0e3 gS 18.f4 h6

Survey EO 29. 1

47.Wc4? (47.'irc8! ~b5 48.1i'aB Wd6 gS 18.0-0 [1 B.lg5 'ii'g5oo] 18... li)f6 Kaminski-Vigorito above) is another typical
49.~ and ifs difficu~ for Black to make [18 ...gf4] 19.'iff3 [19.fg5 li)h51 20.'ifh5 possibility, protecting the dark squares and
progress] 47 ...1!t'b2!-+ 48.~h3 a2 hg5 21.'fi'f7 (21 .'fi'g4? li)e5) 21...'fi'f7 being ready to counter an eventual h4·h5
49.d6 aH!r SO.d7 'i!rd1 S1 .'i!rcs ~a4 22.l:tf7 l:th3'i=] 19... li)d7 20.Wh2 li)aS with ... g6·g5] 10. ~ h6 'i!t'd7 [In this
52.1i'a7 ~b3 53.1i'b8 ~a2 54.1!t'a8 21 .'ii't2 l:tef8 22. ~d2 l:thg8 situation it was preferable to move the
lt>b1 55.d8'if 1!t'f1 56 .~g4 'iibe2 f6 [ l:thB+] 24 ...1i'f7 queen to c7 at once] 11.~h3 'ii'c7
57. ~h4 '*'h2 58.~g4 1t'hh3X 0-1 25.1i'e2 l:te8 26.f5 eS 27 . ~g4 1-2-1-2 12.t4 .tea 13.g4 .te6 14.'ii'f3 o-o-o
OltJ1of Wb8 'fica 17.fS
li)eS 18.1!t'e2 gfS (18 ... ~d7 was a bit
Contin,Daniel more flexible] 19.ef5 .td7 20.0-0 l:thg8
Schwarz,Michael Postny,Evgeny 21 .gS .tc6 [~ 21...1!t'a6 22.Wh2 li)eBoo]
Wintzer,Joachim Lodi 2006 (5) 22 .~h2 'i!rb7 [22 23.d4! and
Germany Bundesliga B 2007/08 (7) 1.c4 g6 .tg7 3.g3 cS 4..tg2 material loss cannot be avoided] 23.gf6
1.c4 cS 2.g3 li)c6 3 . ~g2 g6 li)c6 S.e3 .tc3 6.bc3 b6 7.d3 .tb7 ~f3 [23 ... ef6; 23 ... li)f3 24.l:tf3
.ig7 5.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6 7.d3 ~ b7 8.e4 d6 9.h4 h6 1O.hS gS 11.t4 gf4 ~13 25.'it'e7+-] 24.'it'e3 ef6 2S.d4
8.e4 d6 9.h4 hS 10.~g5 _.d7 12.gf4 fS 13.e5 [13.ef5 li)f6oo] l:tg3 26 . ~g3 l:tg8 27.~gS 1-0
11.'it'd2 0-0-0 l:te8 13.0-0 13... de5 14.fe5 'it'c7 1S..tf4 0-0-0
~PbS 14.l:tad1 eS 15.~e3 f6 16.f4 [15 ... /0eS? 16.'ife2!] 16.'ife2 li)f6
'l'g7 17.f5 gfS 18.l:tf5 li)ge7 li)g4 18.0-0-0 e6 19.l:the1
[1 B....icB 19.l:tf2 li)h6 20.~h6 l:th6 gives li)aS 20. ~ h3 'fi'c6 [20 ... 'iff7, winning Groszpeter,Attila
Black a very comfortable position] 19.l:tt2 the h·pawn, gives Black a clear advantage] Schlosser,Philipp
.ic8 20.l:tdf1 l:tef8 21.~h2 ~g4 a4 22.<,t>b2 bS Lippstadt 1991 (7)
2H :J g1 l:tf7 23 .~h3 ~h3 1.c4 cS 2.g3 g6 3 ..tg2 ~g7
'i'g6 [24 ... li)d8] 25.l:tf3 [! l:tgB li)c6 S.e3 .tc3 6.bc3 b6 7.h4 li)f6
26.Wh1 l:tffB 27.l:tl3i ] 2S ... li)g8 8.e4 ~b7 d6 10.d3 fi'd7
26.'tWt2 l:tg7 lt>c7 11. ~gS li)g4 12.d4 aS 13.hS f6
lObS 29.'ii'g2 'i!Ve8 .-a4 14•.tc1 gS 15.f3 li)h6 16 .~ h3 g4
31 ./0h3 li)d7 32.'ifd2 li)e7 17. ~h6 gh3 18.dS li)c4
l:thg8 'ifa6 35. ~f2 'ifc8 .-bs 20.'irb3 'i!Ve8 [37.a4!?]
37... /0fS 38.l:tfS l:tg4 39.'ife2 'ifg6
40.'ii'f3 l:tg7 41. ~e1= %-1-2

Vigorito, David [~ 23 ..tg4 fg4 24.'ifc2 with
Pawtucket 2008 (2) hopes of surviving as the queens are
1.c4 g6 2.g3 ~g7 3 .~g2 cS exchanged. 24.'i!rg4 b4 (24 ...bc4 is also
IL!c6 5.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6 7.d3 .tb7 strong) 25.'it'e6 ~b8 and this annotator
8.e4 d6 9.h4 h6 1i'd7 does not see a way for White to ward off
11. f4 e612 ..th3 'ife7 13.'ife2 Black's threats] 23 ... efS 24.~ g4 fg4
2S. g4 Wb8 26.e6 w as 27.e7
l:tde8 28. g7 bc4-+ 29. ~c7 l:thg8 21.a4 [! l:tcB 22.a4 li)e5 23.-.bS
30.'i!Vh6 cd3 31 . ~as l:tg2 [31... ~d5 ~f7 24.~12 is approximately equal]
and 31...'i!t'c2 also win easily] 32.l:td2 22. .tea 23.1!t'bS
'it'bS 33. ~b4 cb4 34.l:tg2 bc3 [23 ..tg7 l:tgB 24.h6 deserved
3S. ~c3 l:tc8 36.Wd2 l:tc2 37.1Pe3 consideration] 23 ... 'ilt'bS 24.abS ~g4
'ii'eS 38.Wd3 fi'c3X 0-1 [24 ... Wf7 .td7 26.l:tab1 (
~b5 'i=) 26 ... a6! 27.ba6 l:ta6'i=] 2S.fg4
[25 .~g7 ~13 26.~h8 ~h1 27.l:th1 ~f7
Stark, Lars 28..tf6 ef6 29.l:ta1oo] 2S 26.Wf3
Tereick,Benjamin li)h6 lt>d7 28.l:th3 l:thg8
Germany II 2007/08 (3) 29.l:th2 ~ca 30.l:tg2 li)g4 31. 4
1.c4 cS g6 3.g3 ~g7 4 . ~g2 lt>b7 32.h6 as [32 ... l:tg6!?] 33.ba6
13...~d8 [Artificial castling] li)c6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 b6 7.e4 .tb7 l:ta6 34.l:ta6 [! l:tdB 35.l:ta6 Wa6
lt>c7 l:te8 16.f4 Wb8 17.h5 8.d3 d6 9.h4 li)f6 [9 ... h6 (see 36.1Pg4 l:tgB 37.Wt5 l:tg5 38.1Pe6 l:te5

39.<j;f7+=%] 34...¢'a6 [~ Reuben,Stewart 6.. .fS 7.ttle2 ~f6 8.0-0 b6 9.ttlf4
35.l:la2 <j;b7 3M~d8 l:ld8 37.<j;g4+] Dineley,Richard ~ b7 1O.ttldS 0-0 11 .ttlf6 l:lf6 12.e4
35...~ h6 36 .~fS [36.~e6 b5 37.l:lh2 England tt-2 1998/99 (8) 1fc7 [12 ... ttle5!?] 13 .~f4 d6 14 .~gS
~g4 38.l:lh7 ~e5 39.¢>15 (39.l:le7? 1.c4 cS 2.g3 ttlc6 3. ~g2 g6 4. ~c3 l:lf7 1S.efS l:lfS 16 . ~dS ¢>h8 17.f4
~g6-+) 39 ... b4 40.cb4 cb4+ ] 36... ~fS ~g7 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 d6 7.ttle2 l:le8 18.1!t'd3 bS 19 . ~g2 [19.cb5 t0b4
37. S l:lgS 38.¢>e6 l:leS 39.¢>d7 'ilfd7 8.ttlf4 b6 9.d3 ~b7 10.e4 ttlf6 20.cb4 l:ld5 21 .1i'c3 <j;g8 22 .~h6 e6oo]
¢>bS 40.l:lb2 ¢>c4 41 .l:lb6 l:le4 11 .We2 h6 12.h4 e6 13 . ~h3 'ife7 19...bc4 20.Wc4 ~as 21 .'ifa4 ~c6
42.l:lb8 ¢>dS 43.l:lh8 ¢>c4 44.l:lh7 14.0-0 ¢>d8 1S.ttlg2 <j;c7 16 .~e3 22 .~c6 ~c6 23.l:lad1 <j;g7 24.g4
¢>c3 0-1 l:lag8 [16 ...g5!? A 17.h5 l:lag8] 17.f4 l:lf7 2S.'ife4 l:lef8 26 .~ h4 'ilfd7
t0d7 18.1ff2 gS! 19.fgS hgS 27. ~g3 ttld8 28.'ilfe2 We6 29.1fe6
[Threatening ...g5·g4] 20.g4 [20.~g5? tOeS 30.l:lde1 t0d8 [30 ... ttlf4 31. ~f4
Karlsson, Lars l:lgs 21 .hg5 l:lh3+ ] 20 ...gh4 21 .Wf7 l:lf4 32.l:le7 1:817=] 31 .l:lf2 tOeS
Sowray,Peter Wf7 22.l:lf7 tOeS 23.l:le7 ~g4 [~ 32.l:le4 l:lb8 33.l:ld2 l:lb6 34. 1 hS
Barcelona 2009 (9) 23... ttld3+] 24. ~f2 [24 .~f4] 24... ~f2 3S.ghS ghS 36.<j;e1 6 37.We2
1.c4 cS 2.g3 g6 3 .~g2 ~g7 4 . ~c3 [24...Wd8!, getting out of the pin, was best. ¢>g7 38.b3 l:lfS 39.<j;d1
~c6 S.e3 ~c3 6.bc3 d6 7.d3 [A After 25.l:le6 lOdeS White's rook is trapped 40.l:lg2 l:la6 [40...d5 41 .l:la4oo] 41.c4
different set-up to the standard one for in the center of the board] 2S. l:lf8 ~d4 42.<j;c1 l:lb6 [42... e6!?] 43.l:lg1
Black was adopted in the game P.Baier· [25 ... l:lg3!] 26.<j;e2 l:le8 27.l:le6 l:le6 l:lb8 44.l:lge1 l:le8 4S.b4 dS 46.l:leS
Ramik, Czech tt 1995: 7.h3 e5 8. ~e2 28. ~e6 h3 29 .~e3 tOeS 30.l:lh1 cb4 47.cdS aS 48.~f2 l:lc8 49.¢>b1
~ge7 9.Q-O ~e6 10.d3 'ilfd7 11 .¢>h2 f6 ~c8 31.ttldS ¢>d8 32 .~c8 ¢>c8 l:leS SO.feS lObS S1 . ~b2 ~c3
and the position is perfectly playable for 33.ttlf4 h2 34.~dS l:lh3 3S.ttle3 [51...a4!?] S2.e6 8 S3 .~b6?? [Either
Black] 7 ... 'ilfd7 8.e4 b6 9.f4 [The game tOgS 36.d4 ~f4+ 37. 2 ttle6 53.l:lg1 ~d5 54.l:lg5 t0f6 55.l:la5 l:lc6
Kosten-Bricard, Pau ch-FRA 2008 went on: [37 ... ttld3 38.¢>e2 ~c1 39.¢>d2 ttla2+ ] 56.l:le5 ttlg4 57.l:lh5 t012 58.l:lf5 ¢>e8
9. e2 ~b7 1o.o-o 0-0·0 11.~e3 h5 12.h3 38.ttlfS <j;d7 39.dS ~gS 40.ttlg3 59.l:lf2 l:le6 60.¢>b3 l:le4= or 53.~d4
e6 13.~c1 f5 14.13 1i'g7 15.'ilfd2 ~f6 l:lh4 41 .¢>e3 ¢>c7 42.a3 aS 43. 2 ttld5 54.l:le5 ttlf6 55.l:la5 l:lc6= would
16.ttlb3 l:lhg8 1 7.~h6 'i!t'l7 18.a4 ~h7 t0e4 44. e4 l:le4 4S.l:lh2 l:lc4 have kept the balance] S3 ...ttla4
19.h4 and now instead of 19... g5 Black 46.l:lh3 l:la4-+ 47.l:lh7 ¢>c8 S4.'iPb3 ~ b6 SS.l:lf1 Wg8 S6.l:lfS
should have played 19.. .1e4 20.1e4 'ilfe7, 48.<j;e2 l:la3 49.¢'d2 bS SO.l:lh6 l:lc3 S7.¢>b2 l:ld3 0-1
when White is unable to successfully ¢>c7 S1.l:lh7 ¢>b6 S2.l:ld7 c4
prevent the break ...g7-g5] 9 ... ~ b7 S3.l:ld6 <j;cS S4.l:ld8 b4 SS.cb4 ab4
10.t0f3 e6 11 .o-0 t0ge7 12.l:lb1 S6.l:lb8 l:ld3 0-1 Benko,Pal
o-o-o 13.l:lb2 h6 14.l:le2 <j;b8 Tarjan ,James
1S.ttle1 W'c7 16.ttlc2 l:ld7 17. ~e3 Lone Pine 1979 (8)
'ifd8 [The time was right for the typical 1.c4 cS 2.g3 g6 3 .~g2 ~ g7 4.ttlc3
reaction 17... f5] 18.fS gfS 19.efS dS ~c6 S.e3 ~c3 6.dc3 d6 7.e4 'ilfd7
[This break in the centre opens the position Tarjan 's Games 8. ~e2 b6 9 . ~f4 ~ b7 10.'ilfe2 e6
too much, and this turns out in White's 6.dc3 11 . d3 h6 12. ~d2 ge7 13.0-0-0
favor, mainly because of the bishop pair. 0-0-0 14.l:lhe1 Wc7 1S.h4 ~a6
19...h5, with the intention of creating some Gonzalez Rodriguez,Jorge 16.b3 bS?!
counterplay with ...h5-h4, seems best at this Tarjan,James
point] 20.fe6 fe6 21.cdS ttldS [21 ...ed5 Bogota 1979 (2)
22. g4 is also clearly favorable for Whtte] 1.c4 cS 2. ~c3 g6 3.g3 ~g7 4. ~g2

22. dS edS 23.l:le6± hS 24.'ilfa4 ~c6 S.e3 ~c3 6.dc3
ttlaS 2S.~gs 'ilfc8 26.l:lff6 [26.~h3
was stronger] 26 ...c4 27.d4 l:lf7?
28.l:lb6 ab6 29.l:lf7 W'e6 30.l:le7 .i.'if ~ &.i
'tiffS 31 .~f4 c;t;>a7 32.'ifd1 h4
33.l:leS 'iff7 34.1fe1 l:lg8 3S.W'e3 ...
[35 . ~d5 ! 'ilt'f4 (35 ...~d5 36.l:le7) 36.~g8
hg3 37.hg3+- ] 3S ... 1i'g6 36.l:lgS 1fb1
37.W'c1 W'h7 38.l:lg8 'ifg8 39.gh4
'ilfg4 40. ~gS <j;a6 41 .h3 1fhS
• ~
42.¢>h2 ~c8 43.1fe3 'ilfg6 44.1ff3 17.cbS [ 17 .~c5! deS 18.cb5 e5 19.ba6
'ilfc2? [~ 44...~e6] 4S.hS ~fS ~d3 20.Wb1 ttle1 21 .l:le1 . White gets two
46.1i'dS ~d3 47.a4 1-0 1:1 .i pawns for the exchange and a very good

Survey EO 29. 1

bishop pair, which yields him the advantage] 22.Wg2 efS 23."i¥d3 'ft'd7 24.l:le8 18.i.h3 WbB 19.f3 .tea 20.hS gs
17...i.bS 18.<~ b2 1fb6 19."i¥e3 w c7 l:leB 2S.l:te1 l:le1 26.i.e1 g4 [Another 21.i.d2 'it'b7 [The beginning of a
20.c;Ya1 aS [20... c4!?] 21.i.c1 eS feasible approach was 26...gf4 27.gf4 lllh8 mistaken strategy on the queenside. 21 ...15
[21... a4!] 22.lllb2 a4 23.ba4 · 6 whh the idea of bringing the knight to g6] 22.ef5 ef5 23.lLJe3 '*'17 was a better way
24.i.f1 lllaS [24 ...i.f1 25.l:lf1 f5!?] 2S.f4 27.llld1 hS 28.ll\e3 l!Jh6 29.lLJdS to handle the poshion] 22.llle3 'ft'a6
c6 26. · 6 'iVa6 27."i¥d3 W'd3 'ft'e6 30.lLlf6 ~f6 3Ui'd5 ~ bB 23 . ~b1 l:le7 24 .~f1 l:lb7 2S.i.c1
28.l:ld3 [After the exchange of queens the 32.a4 ll\f7 33.b4 lLJdB aS [In case of 25... b5 26.cb5 l:lb5 and
shuation is approximately equal] 28 ..• hS now probably White's best continuation is
29.l:lf1 ef4 30.~f4 l:theB 31 .l:tfd1 27.l:lh2 A 28.l:thd2] 26.l:lh2! a6
~es 32.l:tdS f6 33.Wb1 Wc6 34 •.tes 27.l:lhd2 w c7 28.f4 bS
feS 3S.l:lf1 l:tbB 36.Wc2 l:lb2
37.Wb2 lllc4 38.Wc1 llle3 39.l:lf6
~dS 40.edS WdS 41 .l:lg6 c4 42.l:lgS
[42.g4! hg4 43.l:lg4 seems simplest, the
endgame should be a draw] 42 ... We4
43.l:lhS [43.g4! Wd3 44.gh5 Wc3 45.a5oo]
43...Wd3 44.l:th6? dS 4S.l:td6 d4-+
46.hS Wc3 0-1

34.aS?! [In the long run this break only

gives chances to the second player]
Black Plays 6 ... f5 34 .•.baS 3S.bcS [35.ba5 'ife6 and the
6.dc3 weakness of his a-pawn only complicates 29.eS! [White's counteraction in the center
White's defensive task] 3S ..• dcS is more powerful than his opponenrs break
Hulak,Krunoslav 36.'iVcS? [Much better was 36.i.f21 when on the left wing] 29 •• .feS 30.ts .... efS
Stohl,lgor after 36... tfc6 37.i.c5 tfd5 38.cd5 lLlb7 31.i.fS l!Jce7 32.i.e4 l:lb6 33.i.dS
Piestany SVK·C RO 1996 39.i.d4 White has chances of defending [Threatening 34.i.g8 l:lg8 (Black cannot
1.c4 g6 2.g3 cS 3.i.g2 ~g7 4.l!Jc3 the endgame] 36 .•.tfc6 37.'i!fdS take with the knight due to 35.l!Jd5)
~c6 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 fS 7.l!Je2 lLJf6 [37._.c6 lllc6-+] 37...<i;c7 38.i.f2 35.'ft'f7] 33 ... Wb8 34.i.g8 lllgB
8.lLJf4 d6 9.lLJdS eS 1 O.f3 [10.e4! A a4-+ 39.i.cS [39.<i>!1 "i¥d5 40.cd5 3S ...-f7 b4?! [35 ... l:lc6, clearing the
10...l!Je4 11 .f3 lllg5 (11 ... l!Jf6 12.i.g5±) ll\b7 41.c4 l!Ja5 42.i.a7 lllc4 43.i.c5 a3 diagonal for a possible return of the black
12.i.g5 1Wg5 13.lllc7±] 1 0 •..0-0 11 .0-0 44.We2 a2 45.i.d4 Wd6-+] 39 ..•l!Jb7 queen and at the same time defending c7
~e7 12.b3 [12.lLJf6 l:lf6 13.e4!?] 40.i.b4 [40.i.a7 llla5-+; 40... a3? and anticipating the jump of the knight to
12... ~edS13.cdS ~-% 41.i.b81 Wb6 42.i.a7!=] 40 ... aS d5, seems to be the best defence] 36.cb4
41.i.a3 ~dS 42.cdS lLJd6 43.c4 cb4 37.b3 'ii'cs 38.l:ldS 'ifc7
l!Jc4 44 •.tcs a3 4S. 2 a2 46.i.d4 39 :~lrg6 i.b7? [~ 39 ... l:lc6] 40.cSI+-
Wd6 4H i<e2 c;f.>dS 48.Wd3 lLld2 0-1 l:lbS 41 .cd6 d7 42.l:lbS abS
43.i.b2 c;Ya7 44 •.tes l:leB 4S.'i!fd3
Black Doesn 't Play 6 ... f5 i.f3 [45 ... l:le5 was losing due to 46."i!Vd4.
6.dc3 Kveinys,Aioyzas After the text move White plays 46.l:lc1 ,
Hansen,Sune Berg with a very easy win. So Black decided to
Salmensuu,OIIi Germany Bundesliga 2000/01 (11) resign without further play] 1-0
Nielsen,Peter Heine 1.g3 cS 2.i.g2 l!Jc6 3.c4 g6 4.l!Jc3
Gistrup 1997 (5) i.g7 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 d6 7.e4 _.d7
1.c4 g6 2.l!Jc3 i.g7 3.g3 cS 4.i.g2 8.lLJf3 lllf6 9.'tlfe2 ..-c7 [A prophylactic Schulz,Karsten
10c6 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 d6 7.l!Je2 measure to play ... b7-b6, as the direct Lagunow,Aiexander
'i'd7 a.o-o b6 9.l!Jf4 i.b7 1 o.e4 9... b6 could be countered with 1O.e5!] Germany 11 2002/03 (2)
0-0-0 11.b3 e6 12.ll\d3 fS 13.i.gS 1 O.h3 [In case of 10.i.h6 Black has 1.g3 g6 2.i.g2 cS 3.c4 i.g7 4.lllc3
l:leB 14.f3 h6 1S.i.d2 l!Jf6 16.'ft'e2 1O...lllg4. The text move prepares 11 .i.h6] l!Jc6 S.e3 ..Q.c3 6.dc3 d6 7.e4 '*'d7
gS 17.l:lad1 ~c7 18.l:lfe1 llleS 1O... h6 [Directed against 11 .i.h6] 8.i.e3 b6 9.lLJe2 i.b7 10.ll\f4 llleS
19. ~f2 l:thgB [Inserting the exchange of 11 .ll\d2 b6 12.lllf1 i.b7 13.ll\e3 e6 11 .~e2 fS 12.f3 [12.ef5 i.g2 13.l!Jg2
pawns 19... fe4 20.fe4 would have 14.l!Jg4 lllgBI [The best defence - no ~15 and Black has no problems at all]
strengthened the control of the e5·square. lines are opened and the white knight can 12 .•• l!Jf6 [12 .. .fe4!?] 13.efS gfS
After 20... l:lhf8 Black has a perfectly sound be evicted when the time is right] 1S.i.f4 14.l:ld1 [14.0-Q-0 was to be preferred]
position] 20.f4 lLJf7 21.efS i.g2 0-0-0 16.0-o-o f6 17.h4 l:lh7 14•..0-0-0= ~- ~

Shoker,Samy rook, knight and three pawns for the queen. 11.i.h6 li::le6 12.W'e2?! [Better were
Gozzoli,Yannick Besides, Black's bishop is very strong. His 12.i.d5 1fc7 13."it'e2 or 12.f4] 12 ... 'i!i'c7
Bois Colombes 2005 (9) position is preferable] 22. "ifh2? [22.i.e5 [12... li::lcd4! 13.cd4 i.g2 14.J:r.h2 li::ld4
1.g3 g6 2.i.g2 i.g7 3.c4 cS was best] 22 •.. li::lg4! 23 ...h7 J:r.hS 15.1fd2 i.b7 would have given Black the
li::lc6 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 d6 24.'ilff7 i.f3! [With the double threat of advantage] 13.0-0-0 0-0-0 14.f4 gSI?
1!i'd7 S.0-0 b6 9.b3 i.b7 10.1!i'c2 mate (25... J:r.h1X) and 25...i.d1 ] 2S.We6 [15.hg5? li::lf4; 15.fg5? li::lf4 and
0-0-0 11 .e4 fS 12.efS gfS 13.h4 li::lf6 J:r.d7 26.i.e3 i.d1 0-1 in case of 15.i.g5 h6 16.15 hg5 17.fe6 gh4
14.i.gS tt:le4 1S.i.e3 [15.i.e4? fe4 Black is OK] 1S••. gf4 li::lf4
16."it'e4 li::le5-+l 1S.•. J:r.hgS 16.J:r.ad1 17.i.f4 f6 1S.i.c6 1t'c6 19.J:r.he1
li::leS e6 [17... li::lg3! 1B.fg3 lucena,Lincoln J:r.hfS 20.ef6 J:r.f6 21 .i.gS J:r.e6
J:r.g3-+] 1S.a4 [~] Saldano Dayer,Horacio 22.1!i'd2 J:r.eS 23.1ft2 J:r.e1 24. J:r.e1
[1B ... li::lg3!] 19.1fe2 i.g2 20.'it>g2 Brasilia 2009 (4) 'ii'f3 2S .'~Wf3 i.f3 26.J:r.e7 J:r.e7 !-1!-!-1!
li::le4+ 21 .J:r.c1 J:r.g4 li::ld3 1.c4 g6 i.g7 3.g3 cS 4.i.g2
23. 1i'd3 J:r.dgS [23..."it'g7!] 24. ~f3 li::lc6 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 d6 "it'd7
"iff7 2S. ~e2 ~ hS 26.'it>e1 J:r.4g7 b6 9.e4 i.b7 10.b3 e6 11.()-() Bitoon,Richard
27.1t'e2 '*'es 2S ...a2 Wc6 29.aS hS 12.h3 o-o-o 13.1t'e2 li::lge7 Goh Wei Ming
J:r.b7 30.a6 [30.ab6 seems a better try, as 14.J:r.d1 h4 1S.g4 f6 16.i.e3 fS Ho Chi Minh City 2011 (4)
now Black has his hands completely free to eS 1S.i.gS 1fe6 19.f3 J:r.h7 1.c4 cS li::lc6 3.g3 g6 4.i.g2
attack in the centre and on the kingsideI 20.J:r.d2 f4 21 .J:r.ad1 w c7 J:r.d7 i.g7 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 d6
30 ... J:r.d7 31.W'e2 dS 32.cdS W'dS 23.J:r.dS li::laS 24.b4 li::lac6 2S.a3 li::ldS 1t'd7 S.e4 b6 9.0-0 i.b7 10.1t'c2
33.'it'c2 J:r.gdS 34.We2 WeS! 3S.'it>f3 26.bcS bc5 li::ldS 28.edS 0-0-0 11 .J:r.d1 fS 12.b4 li::lf6 13.bcS
li::ld2-+ 36 .'~g2 W ds 37.'it>h2 li::lf1 W'gS li::lf7 li::lgS bcS 14.J:r.b1 [14.ef5 li::le5!<=t] 14•. .fe4
3S.J:r.f1 'i!ff3 39.b4 J:r.d1 0-1 J:r.he7 32.'it't2 "ifhS [Also after 14 e6 16.13 li::lf6
w b8 34.J:r.b1 ~as 3S.i.f1 J:r.h7 17.1t'b3 the open b-file gives White
36.J:r.bS [ J:r.he7 37.1i'c2 was a compensation for the pawn] li::leS
Cabello Fernandez,Enrique better way to continue] 36.•.'fi'dS 37.'it'b2 16. b3
Foisor,Ovidiu Doru i.a6 3S.J:r.b3 J:r.b7 39.i.d3 'ilfb8
Ascona 2007 (3) 40.J:r.b7 J:r.b7 [Black is an exchange up, but
1.c4 g6 2.g3 i.g7 3.i.g2 cS ~ is not easy to break through] 4U ifc2
li::lc6 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 d6 7.e4 "ii'd7 b6 9.0-0 i.b7 e6
11.i.e3 li::lf6 12.'ilfc2 J:r.gS 13.J:r.ad1
li::leS 14.b3 1i'c6 [14 ... g5!? li::ld3
16.J:r.d3 O·O·Oooj li::le4

16... w bS [~ 16... li::lf3 6. 17.i.l3 el3 c6 J:r.dBoo]!
J:r.cS 1S.i.e3 'ifc6! deS
41 •.. J:r.b3?! [Giving up the d6-pawn is not 20.i.f4 li::lg4 21 .J:r.dS w as 22.i.eS
a good idea] J:r.b2 43."Wc1 J:r.hfS 23.J:r.cS! d7 24.J:r.cs [24.J:r.b5!]
1i'b3? [~ 43... J:r.b6] 44.'ife1! bS 24 ..•..-cs 2S.i.d4 eS 26.i.cs J:r.f7
4S.1fes J:r.d2 [After the text move White 27.'1!i'a3 i.c6 2S.h3 li::lf6 29.i.d6
could have continued playing for a win after li::ld7 30.1t'b4 li::lb6 31 .1t'cS J:r.b7 [The best continuation was 46.i.f1. ~ 45 ... J:r.b7] ~-112 32.J:r.b4 li::ld7 33.'iie3 aS 34.J:r.b3
16.i.f4 when a possible follow-up would be W'gS 3S.'ife2 "ii'e6 36.cS li::lbS
16... f5 17.J:r.fe1 h6 18.13 li::lf6 19.i.e5 deS 37.i.bS J:r.b3 3S.ab3 'it>bS 39.'ii'a6
20.J:r.e5 with some initiative for White. After Flores,Diego '*'d7 40.'ifaS 'it>cS [40... "it'd1 41.'it>h2
the text Black has a very interesting queen Felgaer,Ruben '*'b3 42.'iid8 w a7 43.1t'c7 1t'b7
sacrifice] 16.. .li::lgS! 17.i.c6 i.c6 [The La Plata ch·ARG 2009 (8) 44.'ii'e5+-] 41 .1t'a6 'it>dS 42.'ifb6
threat is 18... li::lh3 mate] 1S.f3 li::lgf3 1.c4 cS 2.g3 li::lc6 3.i.g2 g6 'it>e7 43.1t'bS "fi'dS 44.c4 '*'d1
19. 2 li::lh2 2o.i.t4 li::lt1 21 .w t1 i.g7 S.e3 i.c3 6.dc3 b6 7.h4 li::lf6 4S.'it>h2 'it>e6 46.'1!i'cS i.d7 47."fi'gS
o-o-o [It is time to take stock. Black has 8.e4 i.b7 9.eS li::lhS 10.g4 li::lg7 6 4S.'iffS w e6 1-0



Preview & Reviews


The Perfect Pirc-Modern

by Viktor Moskalenko Why has the Austrian Attack for a Directions - A Bit of Theory
long time been con idered one of Accordjng to some writer on the
the most dangerous ways to fi ght Pirc Defence, the Au trian Attack
agai n t the Pirc Defence? First of i the mo ttheory-i ntensive part of
all let's compare the two quite the repertoire and it requires a con-
imilar opening positions above siderable amount of memory
with a keen eye - just try to find the work.
difference ! On the contrary, to me (a an ex pe-
A) With the pawn on c4 White rienced author of books on the
gains more space and has an ad- French Defence and a well -known
vantage ba ed on trategic rules. Four Pawn attacker a well), ana-
But hj piece are still undevel- lysi ng and learning the mo t im-
oped, o embarking on tactical ad- portant equence of this variation
ventures is hardl y possible within was like a walk in the park - an
the next moves. easy ride!
B) By keeping the pawn on c2,
White gain a tempo to develop a Part I . Austrian Attack - 5 .. .c5
knigh t (tt:lf3) and this factor Part 2. Au trian Attack - 5 ...0-0
makes the po ition much more dy-
namic - the direct attack with
e4-e5 is now a dangerous threat!
Vlktor Moskalenko, ac-
claimed writer of the ope- Main Resources
ning books 'The Fabulous
Budapest Gambit', 'The
The fight for the initiative (or for a
trategic advantage) develop
The Perfect
Wonderful Winawer' and
'The Flexible French ', will
mainly in the centre and on the
Pirc . . Modem
release a new opening White wi ll need to throw in so me Viktor Moskalenko
book with New In Chess in more developing move - other-
early 2013: 'The Perfect wi e hi attack will fail ( ee
Pirc-Modern '. Perfect for Game 1).
all/overs of lively writing on The typical pawn structure are
dynamic opening play! imilar to those in the King's In-
On these pages we present dian, the Benoni and the Clas ical
a few excerpts from this Variation of the Sicilian Dragon,
book. determining the typical attacki ng Strategic Ideas & Powerful Weapons
and defensive method (see 'direc-
tions') .
There are lot of sharp lines and
premature attack here - but,
thanks to computers and the prog- ISB : 978-90-5691 -402-8
ress of modem opening analysis, Price: $29.95 I 24.95
mo t of them can be thrown into Pages: 288
the wastebin! New In Chess, 20 13

The Perfect Pirc-Modern

Game 12 - The Direct Advance: 6 ... tLlc6 the main line with 8 ... tLlhS! ?) 8 ... d.x:eS
7.e5 9 .d.x:eS !! the tLlhS is poorly placed;
The principled remedy against Black's B) Nowadays 7 .. .tLle8?!, Botvinnik's old
threatened connter-break ...e7 -eS is to weapon, looks suspicious: 8.0-0! ? (if
advance the e-pawn fir t - it's now or 8 .~e3 tLlb4! 9 ..ic4 .ifs IO.l:Icl cSP:
never! Kuijpers-Botvinnik, Amsterdam 1966)
8 .. .lijb4 9 ..ie2 (also 9 ..ic4!? with the
same idea) 9 ... .if5

0 Viktor Moskalenko
• Vladimir Zhelnin
Odessa Kotov Memorial 1989


Another typical transposition into the

Austrian Attack.
1... g6 2.e4 ~g7 3.lLlc3 d6 4.f4 lLlf6
5.lLlf3 0-0 6.~d3 lLlc6 7.e5!?

TRICK: After the two unexpected

.!'if .i~
••• ••.t.•
moves 1O.a3 !N tLlxc2 ll.g4!
White is better.
~· ~ ~· 8.fxe5
~ ~ After tllis asymmetrical response, the
lLJ~ lLJ black knight must choose among four
~~fj, fj,~ squares.
~ ~'ifw !i ,..._ WEAPON (for Wllite) : What
about 8 .dxeS!? ? Strategically,
This space-winning central advance is
tllis is a less ambitious idea, but on the
logical here.
other hand, Black's position remains pas-
Black's key e- and c-pawns are tempo-
sive, as we saw in a similar line of the pre-
rarily blocked, so he must look for a
vious game.
quick regrouping of his pieces in order to
try a new break: .. .f7 -f6. A\ Keep in mind: 7.0-0 ~g4?! 8.e5
~ d.x:eS 9 .d.x:eS ttJdS etc.
7... dxe5
So, after 8 ... ttJd5 there follows :
Unfortunately, the immediate withdrawal
A) 9.0-0!? tLlcb4
of the knight makes less sense.
A) For instance, in case of 7... ttJhS ?! * PUZZLE: 9 ... ttJxc3 I O.bxc3 .ifS
8.0-0! (only after 8 ...te2 d.x:eS 9.fxe5 ( JO ... ~dS!?; IO ... f6!?) ll.We2!?
~g4 1o. ~e3 f6! the game transposes to and White is slightly better.

Chapter 1 - The Austrian Attack

TRICK: 12.c3?! ltJd4! ~ .

I 2 .. .'it'b6

analysis diagram

This transpo es exacdy to the above line,

except that here the white pawn is not on
h3 : 10.i.e4 c6 ll.'ifel! ~b6+ 12.~hl
i.g4 (12 ... ttJxc3 13 .bxc3t) 13.a3!?N (or analysis diagram

13.ttJxd5!? ttJxdS 14.h3!;!;; 13.ltJa4 a6 13.0-0-0!

14.b3 bSoo Shirov-Topalov, Monaco
TRICK: l3.i.e3?! ~b4+! 14.i.d2
1999) 13 ... ttJxc3 14.bxc3!;!;
't~Yxb2=F Berelowitsch-Volokitin,
Ordzhonikidze 2001 .
:i ~
13 ... ttJd4 14. c4 cS 15 .i.e3 Zaw-
ii ii..ti Sitanggang, Jakarta 199 7. White has some

. 8
~8 A
pressure on the centre. Therefore, Black
must play 15 ... l:lfd8, which is still un-
clear; or I S... ~h6!?.
8 ... ttJd5
8 88
f! ~ 'if:t ~ Contrary to general chess strategy, in this
provocative variation the central po t is
With an obvious central imoaove for probably not the best for the knight (I 35
White, against a bad Pirc bishop. games=33,3% only).
B) 9. ttJxd5 is also interesting :
9 ... ~xd5 l O.'t!fe2! i(.g4 I I .~e4! - - - WEAPON : The strange-looking
(White prepares queenside castling. retreat 8 ... ttJh5!? is in fact the
ll.c3 l:ad8 12.i.e4 ~d7 is about equal, most popular option, and it is full of pos-
Arizmendi Martinez-Vassallo Barroche, sibilities: Black is planning to attack the
Valencia 2009 ('/1-'11, 21)) 11... aS+ enemy pawn wedge using the pin ... ~g 4
(1 I ... e6!? with the idea 12.0-0 J:.ad8 and/ or the break ... f7 -f6 (22 I
13 .c3 ~fS may be enough for equality) games=43,9%- in other words, also a
12 .~d2 better result) .

The Perfect Pirc-Modern

••• •• ..t •
~ . ~
12 ...l::te8!? (a very solid plan for Black, al-
though 12 ... f5!? should be a fine alterna-
tive: 13 .'ii'd2 a6!?N (improving on the
main variation 13 .. .f4 14 .~f2 'ei'd7
15J:tfell:tae8 16.l:tadl Wh8 17.d5 ~xf3
18 .~ lbe5 19.lbe4;!; Shirov-P.Nikolic,
Monaco 1999) 14.l:tad 1 ~d6 I 5 .h3
(15.l::tfel b5!+%) 15 .. .f4!+%) 13 .'ii'd2

analysis diagram
• ..t •
9.~e3 (White is ready to play 'ii'd2 and
0-0-0. 9 .~e4?! f6! 10.exf6 lbxf6:f
Dembo-Skripchenko, Beijing 2011;
•• ~
9 .lbe2 f6 1O.exf6 exf6+% Pruijssers- ~ ..t
Hofland, Dieren 2007) t2J ~ttJ
A) 9 ... ~g4andnow: ~~~ filii ~~
AI) 10. ~e2 f6!+% ~ ~~
analysis diagram

And now 13 .. . d6!? (13 ... lbb414 .~ f2

ltJd5 is al o playable, Kuijpers-Timman,
Leeuwarden 1972) 14.lbb5 (14.l::tfel
a6!? 15 Jhdl b5+%; 14.d5 ltJ b4
15.l::tadl [5+%) 14 ... 'ei'd7 15 .d5 ~xf3!
16. l:txf3 lbe5 17..l:th3 a6! 18 .lbc3

analysis diagram
One of the key positions of the line
8 ... lbh5.
ll.exf6 exf6 (ll...lbxf6!? has been seen
in only a few games) 12.0-0 (12.'ii'd2
lbe7 +%; 12 .d5 'it'e7!? 13 .'iVd2 lbe5
14.0-0-0 l:tfe8 15 .l:thel lbxf3+%) and

TRICK: A not so difficult tactical analysis diagram

blow occurs after 12 ... 'iV d 7? I 3 .d5
lbe7 14.lbe5!± Shirov-Volokitin, Chalki- Black's position looks excellent, Misra-
diki 2002. Markowski, Warsaw 20 I l.


You're gonna need a

bigger... bookcase?!
by Glenn Flear

As author are as prone to follow However, after a while the inevita-

trend as everyone else, certain ble occur to me, that a bigger
che s openings get written about bookca e is required .
again and again . This i especially So be careful about reading on,
theca e if the top guys are playing you may end up reaching for your
them. Amongst these there are var- wallet! Again!
ious form of the Slav which i
ever-popular, and the Catalan , Lars Schandorff
which has become fashionable in Playing l.d4- The Queen's
recent years. Another notable Gambit .
trend is that of white repertoires Playing l.d4 - The Indian
tarting with l .d4, the first choice Defences
opener for the majority ofthe elite. Quality Che 2012
All of the e areas are covered in
th.i quarter's review . It' only three years since the au-
A time moves on, even highly- thor first developed hi s 'mu cular
prai ed works, that once had the mainline ' approach for White after
che s world buzzing, reach their I .d4 d5 2.c4. ow he' back with a
'sell by date. Other authors come vengeance. Not only has he up-
along, add their own angle, patch dated his Playing the Queen's
up the leaky, freshen up the stale, Gambit, but he ha al o conjured
and high light the late t fashion . up a repertoire again t other black
When they are deemed to have replie.
done a good job, the new gets out. The revamped anti-l...d5 repertoire
Then if one wishe to remain com- is very imilar to the 2009 edition,
petitive, or at lea t informed, mi - although it does have a new title and
ing out on the late t ' ideas pack- 20% more material. The number of
age' is not a good idea. So yet an- illustrative games has been in-
other book i added to the shop- crea ed from 66 to 77, which
ping li t! means that there are I I new one .
One of the consequences of being The original 66 have been modified
pa sionate about ches , book and, to ome degree (with recent game
in particular, che books, is that references and one or two intere t-
one' personal library ha a habit of ing alternatives), but haven 't been
expanding. I'm fo rever rearranging radically altered. The author points
mine in order to maximize the u e out, however, that he ha sub tan-
of pace. Some fo lk may accom- tially re-worked his ideas against
For more book Information
modate new arrival by employing the Semi-S.Iav and Noteboom, but
the ensible strategy of 'out with these remain exceptions.
we refer to our website:
the old, in with the new'. I person- A general modernization of a ally can't bring myself to do this, o work, so soon after it original
newer works are crammed in with publication, i unu ual. Although
yesteryears on the book helf. the author' devotion to duty i

noteworthy, I imagine that the Rather than the more popular I j ust wonder how many people
main reason wa to enable Quali ty ll ... 'ifa5. who already have the 2009 version
Chess to market both tomes on an 12.~f6 ~f6 13.lLlc6 bc6 14.bc4 will want to bother wi th thi one.
equal footing. dc4 15.e3 aS 16.l:tc1 .l:[ac8 Lower-ranked cl ub player , who
17.'ii'a4 'ii'a4 18.lLla4 ~e7 are less affected by recent develop-
I wa intere ted to see hi s sug- 19.lLlb2 ~a3 20.l:tc2 ~b2 ment , may not ee the need. One
ge ted line aga inst the Tarrasc h 21 ..1:[b2 .l:[c7 22 ..1:[c1 could certai nl y understand that rea-
in the li ght o f the fac t that the soning, a the original book laid out
Qu ality book on the ubject is a coherent repertoire and expl ained
still wa rm from the pres es. the strategy rather well. However,
There i also a chapter on thi s de- the fac t that the author and ed itorial
fe nce in Th e Powerfu l Catalan., staff have sifted through the mate-
ee below. rial a econd time, uggest that
1.d4 lLlf6 2.c4 e6 3.lLlf3 d5 4.g3 Qual ity Che have further upped
c5 5.cd5 ed5 6.~g2 lLlc6 7.0-0 the quality on an erstwhile excel-
.i.e7 8 .lLlc3 0-0 9. ~g5 c4 lent book. ln particular, the harper
After 9 ... cd4 and the text, the third line. have been touched up, o the
most popular move i 9 ... ~e6, di fference i in the detail.
against which chandorff demon- My recommendation is that if you
trate how White can force a fa- missed out fir t time round then
vo urable endgame with a main Schandorff considers White to be buy it, whereas if you already have
game. Unfortunately thi bishop lightly better (although he admit the fi r t ed ition, then onl y get it if
development i not mentioned at that it is probabl y a draw with best you want your opening to stay
all by Bologan. pl ay). Aagaard & tirli s (in the cutting edge.
10.lLle5 ~e6

Lars Schando. , . .

· ing l.d4
The Queen's

11 .b3
Bologan give ll .lLlc6 bc6 12.b3
~a5 (or 12 ...cb3 13.ab3 h6 1 4.~f6
~f6 15.lLla4 ~f5 16.~d2 llt'd6
17.lLlc5 J:lfb8 18.l:ta3, Nielsen-
Rogers, Turin 2006, with queenside
pressure) 13.'i¥d2 ~b4 1 4.~f6 gf6 afore-mentioned book) discuss the The Indian Defences is a new pro-
15 ..1:[fc l .l:[ac8 l6.a3 ~c3 strategy and anal y e the endgame ject but the tyle i similar.
(1 6...~e7!?) 17 ..1:[c3 cb3 18.'ifb2 in great detail , concluding that it is Schandorff's trademark is that he
Likavsky-Velchev, Belgrade 2006, equal. l couldn ' t fi nd any fa ult begins each chapter with a quota-
with an edge. with their analy is. tion fro m fi lms and rock music,
Unfortunately he doesn 't consider However, there is a twist. The au- typical ly fro m a generatio n or two
12 ... h6, which i a hame as thi i thor points out that Aagaard went ago. Then, after the chapter con-
a key recommendation of Aagaard down with black earlier thi year tent and introductory text et the
, & Ntirlis in Grandmaster Reper- against Ras mussen, which suggest scene, the Dani h author i ready
toire: The Tarrasch Defence that even if it is indeed 'equal', to pre ent the action. Thi s take
(Quality Che 20 II ). maybe it's sti ll more di ffic ult to pl ace in the form of illustrati ve
11 ... h6!? play for Bl ack? game , with fa irly light theory in

the note . Brief conclusions round Victor Bologan 1.d4 lLlf6 2.c4 e6 3.lLlf3 d5 4.g3
off the game and chapters. The Powerful Catalan 1Le7 5.1l.g2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7. c2
The author typically recommends ew inChes 2012 a6 8.fic4 b5 9.fic2 1Lb7
aggre sive lines where White eek 1 0.1l.d2 1l.e4 11. c1 c8
the initiative. He considers thi like Over the Ia t few years Victor 12.1l.g5 lLlbd7 13. fif4
having and exploiting the erve at Bologan has been actively pen- This wa introduced by Kramnik
tenni i.e. a trong erve puts the re- ning books and creating DVDs, in 2007.
ceiver under pressure from the tart. which is rare for players of hi s 13...1l.b7 14.l:rc1 1l.d6 h4
Typical examples are the Samisch strength. ln The Powerful Catalan h6 16.1l.f6 lLlf6 17. bd2 : ea
again t the King's Indian, and the the author has again demon trated
sharp f2-f3 again t the Benko. hi s ability to advance theory,
However, in contrast, his choice whilst till explaining what i go-
again tthe strategic imw-lndian ing on in a manner that everyone
(of 4.e3 followed by 5.lLlge2) sur- can understand.
pri ed me, a hi approach is far His earlier monograph on the
more restrained. ln fact, de pite Chebanenko Slav and the King 's
the author' preference for 'activ- Indian comained a large number of
ity ' I actually felt that hi forte i reference to hi s own games. They
hi explanation about trategy. were also teeming with the
Space i always an is ue with such Moldavian 's per onal interpreta-
a project. I wa slightly concerned tions. In this hi fourth book, there
that documenting a ' high-level ' 18.lLlb3!?
repertoire, against o many differ- Bologan' novelty.
ent opening et-up , would require 18.e4?! wa Kramnik 's move, but
the liberal use of a pair of ci or . this doe n' t offer any advantage:
However, T found that Schandorff 18...lLld7 19.lLlb3 a5 20.lLlc5 (or
ha been able to present his idea 20.a4 ba4 2l.l:ra4 'trb8= Ruck-
with both clarity and attention to Proha zka, Szeged 2009) 20 ...1l.e7
detail. Recent development have 2 1.fif4, Kramnik-Leko, Mexico
been included, but without super- 2007, and now Leko could have
fluous detail. obtained more than equality with
The fact that there is a slight 2 I ... lLlc5 22.dc5 e5! 23. e3 (if
'White-bia ' and that he could 23.lLle5 then 23 ...1l.f6 24.c6 1Le5
have given a few more sidelines is 25.cb7 b7 26.fid2 a4:f)
be ide the point. It's a pleasant 23 ...1l.c6 24.lLle5 1Lg5 25.f4l:te5:f.
read and the argument are well In tead ofthi , Avrukh (2008) rec-
pre ented. In addition, [ con ider ommends I8J:k2, and gives a
The Indian Defences to be actually ample line where White retain a
more practical than the competi- pull. Bologan considers thi to be
tion: Kaufman The Kaufman too slow, because after I8 ... e5
Repertoire for Black and White is a I 9.de5 1l.e5 20.lLle5 , he improves
hade too light-weight, whereas is less scope for originality. One with 20 ...1l.g2 2 .1 .Wg2l:te5 22.lLlf3
Avrukh's Grandmaster repertoire, can t forget that it wasn t o long J:r h5 23.~f4 c5 when 'p lay be-
J.d4 Volume Two, Quality 2010 is ago that Boris Avrukh in Grand- comes double-edged' .
too complex for club players. master Repertoire /.c/4 Volume 18... e5
One secret here ha been the One (Quality Chess, 2008) had al- If here 18 ...1l.d5 19.lLlc5 e5!?
choice of line : challenging and ready taken a micro cope to much 20.de5 1l.e5 21.lLle5 l:te5 22.e4
robust, but not overly theoretical. of the a me terrain . 1l.c4 23.b3 l:tc5 24.bc4, then
I liked very much Schandorff' However [ noticed that the 'Clas- White' minor piece (Bologan
twin work , a they offer a prag- sical Variation ' is allocated 80 writes 'knight ', but we know what
matic repertoire for a wide range page , almo t twice a much as he means!) is tronger, but Black
of strength . lf you are tempted by Avrukh did . So, despite the fact has drawing chances.
.l .d4, but are lacking in ideas, then that many of the line are well- 19.de5 1Le5 20.lLle5 J:re5 21 .fif4
with this pair of books ' ... you just mapped already, he must naturally l:te7 22.1l.f1!
might find you get what you need ' have a few additional ideas to write A notable retreat. Bologan's big
( ee page 196). about! idea is to avoid trading bishops and
aim tore trict Black with f2-f3 and To hi s credit, Bologan also deals continues throughout with quotes
e2-e4. This could do with testing. with 'Queen's Indian tyle' and the from the likes of Jan1e Bond and
Tarrasch, both of which have also Austin Power to keep one in the
Avrukh was undoubtedly respon- been fru tratingly absent from right frame of mind . The author
sible for increasing the Catal an's many a work on the Catalan. How- al o ha a seemingly unlimited en-
popularity and hi ideas are still ever, a we saw above, in the thu iasm for his beloved Morra
being milked by Catalan converts. Tarrasch chapter there are still key and i forevertalking up the joy of
Nevertheles , a negative a peel lines mi ssing.
wa thatAvrukhdid n' tdi scus cer- J don ' t want to gripe too much , as
tain early deviations and alterna- th<! positives do heavily outweigh
tive move orders. Bologan cover the negative . The pre entation is
orne of the e, but overlooks oth- highly profes ional and Victor
er . See for instance the following Bologan 's 'clearly formulated
opening sequence from Chapter 3. verbal explanations' are quite
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 tt::lf6 4.g3 ri ghtly extolled on the back cover.
c6 It 's also the ea. iest Catalan book
Avrukh didn 't con ider thi po i- to find your way around, due to
tion! the well-thought-out chapter
5. ~g2 tt::lbd7 heading and the indices of names
After 5 ... dc4 (transposing from and variation at the end. The au-
4 ... dc4 5 .~g2 c6), both thor's a ses ments, hints and sug-
Bologan and Avrukh prefer White. gestion , along with poignant
6.0-0 ~d6 conclusion at the end of the chap-
I quite like 6 ... dc4!?, which ters, hould ati fy ju t about all
Bologan urpri ingly doesn't con- and undry.
sider. Avrukh however doe , via The body of the work i not partic-
4 ... dc4 5 .~g2 tt::lbd7 6.0-0 c6. ularly heavy, so that even the most
Bologan u ed to play thi triangle complex and theoretical line are the 'gambit-attitude'. It's all in
et-up (which is ab ent from granted textual ex pl anatio n. ew what I would describe a · 'Ameri-
Avrukh's work), but has since been in Chess book s do contain the ir can- tyle', i.e. a lively heavy-sell ,
put off by the fo llowing move ... fair share of ymbol , but with so that occasionally ve nture into the
many variation seeming to re- 'over the top ' category.
quire ;l; the author has frequently Behind all the rhetoric a more seri-
.i .t.'it' • :i (and wisely) deemed it appropri - ous message emerges and one that
ii .,. i i i ate to ex plain why! However, I accept: the Morra Gambit is dan-
i.i.i.,. there are a few errors here and gerous. The fact that many have
long-held prejudices against this
there, for example on pages
i 220-224 where the nomencl ature line has helped the author produce
~~ went badly wrong! some fine wins, even when hi op-
So, despite a few hiccup , the book ponent are prepared up to their
is till good value for anyone want- teeth . There are over 100 illustra-
ing to learn more about the Catalan tive game in thi book, of which
Opening. J consider it to be a fine virtually half are Esserman ' , and
book , but it's not as in pi rational a some of them are rather impres-! hi The Chebanenko Slav Accord- sive. We soon learn that in this
The routine 7. c2 0-0 bd2 ing to Victor Bologan (New in variation any black impreci ion
.l:!.e8 9..1:!.d I Wie7 is les worri orne. Che s 2008). can, and often does, lead to a quick
A recent game now continued catastrophe.
with ... Marc Essermcm Tho e who rea ll y want to puni sh
7 ... e5 8.cd5 cd5 9.de5 tt::le5 Mayhem in the Morra White for such an audac iou ap- ~e6 1 1. Wia4 Quality Ches 2012 proach, and have an idea or two up
Bologan instead point out their belt, hould proceed with
II .Wib3! with some advantage. A qui ck glance at the cover and cauti on. Checking what Mr. 12.e4 d4= you just know that Mayhem in the E serman ha to say about your
Grischuk-Radjabov, Moscow Morra i going to be lots of fun . lines eems to be essential. Re-
(blitz) 2012. And it proves to be so. The humour me mber that he has haken up the

cream of the US Sicilian-playing The only difficult move for Black As in Deviatkin-Papin, Moscow
che cene fo r over a decade. to re member in thi line. 2006, which the author hypes up a
So, putting any long- held view Instead, ll...e6 12.'ifb7! lZ:la5 ' tri.king effectively at the defects in
aside, let's a sume that there is no 13...tbS abSI4.'ift>S lZ:lc61S .lZ:la4±. the Black camp .. .'. White dul y won
refu tation. In this case, may be 12 ...te2 lZ:lc5 13."ti'd1 ! quickly after 12 ... g6? ! 13.lld l ?!
Black hould imply aim for olid The author again prefer Bl ack ..tg7?! 14.lZ:lfS ! etc. However, Ja-
equality, rather than allowing his after 13.'fic2 ..tf3 14 ...tf3 ltJb4 cob Aagaard (in Experts on the
opponent to have attack ing IS.'fid2 li:lbd3. Awi-Sicilian Quality Ches 20 II )
chances. 13 ... e6 14.a3 as 15.ltJb5 ..te7 improve with l2 ... b4! 13.'t!fhS (or
Anyway, after sifting through the But not IS ... lZ:le4? as after 16.'t!fa4 13.c4 g6 14. b3 ..tg7 IS.f4 0-0oo)
'woohoohoo' and the 'grr, baby' lZ:lcS 17 ..1lcS ! deS 18 ..1ldl Black i 13 ...g6 14 .lZ:lg6 hg6 I S.~g6 c,itd8
1 was able to detennine a way to ac- in trouble. 16 ...td5 Wc8 with complications
cept the pawn and achieve rela- 16...te3 0-0 17.lZ:ld6 A d6 that eem to be more than satisfac-
tively comfortable equality. See if 18 ...tc5= tory fo r Blac k.
you agree. AU thi is essentially E erman's The author also offers a few ug-
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cd4 3.c3 dc3 own anal ysis. One could add that it gestion after the more tru twor-
4.ltJc3 d6 5.ltJf3 ltJc6 6 ...tc4 a6 hardl y support the comic head- thy S.lZ:lf3, but these are onl y cov-
1.0-o lZ:lts a...tt4 ..tg4 9.h3 ..ths line from the cover that states ered superficial ly and served up
'Gambit tnva ion ! l ... cS?! wiped with orne rather o ne- ided game .
off the map'. I under tand that one isn' t obliged
to cover 3 ... lZ:lf6 (Langrock didn ' t
Alternati vely, if equality is enough in 2006), and [ kn ow that it i n' t
then after l.e4 c5 2.d4 cd4 3.c3, exactl y in the ro mantic spirit that
imply developing with 3 ... lZ:lf6 Esserman like to evoke. However,
hould be acceptable. Blac k 3 ... ltJf6 i a proble m: White
calmly transposes to a c3-Sicili an. doesn' t get hi s fun and may trug-
ln the rea l world thi happen gle to obtain any ad va ntage at all.
about half the time. Naturally one can' t expect him to
It seems that Es erman has care- go into infinite detail , but till thi
fully examined previous publica- is a repertoire against the Sicilian.
tions on the Morra, uch a Hanne So if Black can equalize by leer-
10.~b3 Langrock's The Modem Morra ing the struggle into the Alapin ,
This i E erman's preference. Gambit (Rus ell Enterpri es 2006 then may hem may not happen very
IO.g4 ha been uggested by and 20 II ). However, unfortu- often.
Karsten MUller. Bl ack then has nately as concerns the Alapin, he Among t the other appendices and
IO.....tg6 I l.eS deS 12.lZ:leS lZ:leS ha n' t taken into account various indices, this superbl y put together
13.-teS d I (mo re ambitious i suggestions that can be fo und in work even includes a list of film !
l3 ...ltJd7!? l 4 ...tg3 - if 14 ...td4 another Quality work. Here is one Whatever next? Anyway, I j u t
then 14 ... e6 IS .llel ..tcS! - 14... e6 of them. have to mention that if yo u
IS..Ile l ..te7 16.'fib3 lZ:lcS, Zelic- 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cd4 3.c3 lZ:lf6 stripped out all the chess moves,
Sax, Split 2008, with a clear bl ack The prudent choice! the book would till make excel-
advantage) 14 ..1lfd I e6 IS ...te2 4.e5 ltJd5 5.'t!fd4 e6 6.lZ:lf3 lZ:lc6 lent bedside reading! The imagi-
li:ld7 I 6 ...tg3 lZ:l b8 l 7 ...tf3 ltJc6 7.~e4 f5 8.~e2 ~c7 9.g3 b5 nati ve Marc Es erman actuall y has
18.r1ac I ..te7 19.lZ:lbS 0-0= . 1 o...tg2 a5 11.0-0 ..ta6 12.lZ:lh4 a rea l talent fo r writing.
10...tlc8 The author reveals to the reader hi
The naive thru t I O... bS? fail to amazing experience in the Morra.
ll.lZ:l b5 ! ltJa5 l 2.lZ:ld6 ! when & ~ ..t & And true, hi s fun and frolic will
White ha some advantage it 'if i ii no doubt be just what some peopl e
eems. A playable alternative i ..t ~ i wa nt. Romantic opening do at-
IO... ~d 7!?.
11 .l:lac1
Otherwi e, l l.eS lZ:laS 1 2.~a4
ltJd7 13.-tdS ..tf3 14 ...tf3 deS
'' ~~·
tract a certain type of per on, for
example those who want to ana-
lyse a gambit ' because it is there'.
So it 's a must for Morraphiles and
IS.A g5 h6 'is a touch in Blac k's gambit-junkie but of limited in-
favour' (E serman). te rest for those who are happy to
11 ...lZ:ld7! pl ay the Al apin .
Konstantin. Sakaev So type etting and yntax are not a e ments. There are countle s
Complete Slav 1 up to the same standard as the novelties, clever concept , and au-
Che Evolution 2012 ideas themselves. dacious ideas, all backed up with
The product i what one would ex- his top-level judgment.
After developing a theoretical mag- pect: fu ll of cia y analy is, but Symbols are widely employed, but
azine and a weekly new letter, the with a pre entation that leaves the author ha added in textual ex-
Che s Evolution team has turned its much to be desired. planations where he believe that
attention to publishing books. The Many Slav book stick to main- exu·a clarification i required.
Complete Slav 1 is their first step in stream variation , but Sakaev ha These would be adequate for a typ-
thi new direction. made a commendable effort to in- ical Che Evoluti on reader, but
Kon tantin Sa.kaev has previously clude hybrid systems. For exam- won't be enough fortho e who like
been involved in orne excellent ple, the oteboom (which could more wordy che material.
opening projects, the most influen- 1 per onally found the book to be
tial of these being hi 2006 Che heavy-going at times an effect
Star rna. terpiece An Expert's which i compounded by the com-
Guide to the 7.ft.c4 Griinfeld. plete lack of appendices. Further-
Even year after it was written it i more, J didn't like the general
till the oracle for many involved lay-out, with the game egments,
in theoretical discu ion in the spacing, and use of brackets being
traditional Exchange Variation. particularly confusing.
Furthermore, I' m sure that he wa So navigating is a far from trivial
the driving force behind the subse- business. Sometime the notes
quent popularity of this line. even take on a life of their own, for
Both a.kaev and CE are known , in example, in one particular main
their own way , to be aiming at game J counted 72 analysis dia-
high-ranking player , going just gram , with onJy 4 concerning the
that bit further and deeper than actual game. OK, it ' a me y
other . It' good to see them on the book, but how important is this? J
arne team. So it' no urprise that can as ure you that whenever the
there ult is that this tome is ' rated Slav crops up in my thoughts, I'll
for killed chess players' . This be making a bee-line for the Com -
means that it i basically as hard- be considered a really a deviant of plete Sla v to see what Konstantin
core as you can get! the Semi-Slav), the Schlechter Sakaev ha in mind!
It' recognized that publi hing in Variation (which i a cross be-
the Engli h language is important tween the Slav and Gri.infeld), and I can t recommend thi material to
to maximize ale , but thi i n' t the Chebanenko all receive full at- club players, but it 's not really
Che Evolution ' trong point. tention. It really i the complete aimed at them anyway. On the
Unfortunately, although they at- Slav then, except that we' ll have to other hand high-level tournament
tract orne of the world 's top ana- wait for tome 2 for the main line. players wou ld definitely benefit
ly t , they haven ' t been willing to Sakaev has di . ected standard the- from Sakaev' wi dom. That is if
inve tin a high level back-up team. ory and come up with many new they can find their way around!

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