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The Maze Runner : Ch 11-15


Grade 9: ____________ Level:__________ Date:__________

Q1: What has Minho found in the maze that is very unusual?
______a dead

Q2:Mention the job of the following characters:

a. Winston:_______the glade wikipidia _____

b. Med-jacks:_________doctor’s/nurse’s______
c. Frypan:_____ chef/ cooker _________
d. Zart:_____farmer _______

Q3: a.What is the Slammer? (Hint: Check Ch13/p.86)

________its the only jail in the glade_________

_________________________________________________________and it’s
located at the northen side of the homestead_______________

b. Who was put in the Slammer? Why?

___________thommas,because he broke the rules of the glade


c. What is the Banishment? (Hint: Check Ch 14/p.91)

__________the discussion of the mistake that the glader did


Q4:Who elects the Runners? (Hint: Check Ch 15/p.99)

 ___his speed should be high_______________________________________

 ___strong mind_________________________________________
 ___have a strong body__________________________________

Q5:Read the following quote and then answer the questions below:

Quote 1: “Thomas was sick of being accused of knowing things. Wasn’t that the
problem in the first place? He didn’t know anything. He looked at the boy square in the
face and asked, simply, “Why do you hate me so much?”
The look that came over Alby’s face was indescribable—part confusion, part anger, part
“Hate you? Boy, you ain’t learned nothin’ since showing up in that Box. This ain’t got
nothin’ to do with no hate or like or love or friends or anything. All we care about is
surviving. Drop your sissy side and start using that shuck brain if you got one.”

a. Why is Alby angry at Thomas?

________________his odd number of questions



b. Mention three ‘unusual’ things or events happened after Tom’s arrival.

_____________2 grean beans in a month___________________________

________________a girl green bean_________________________

___the last green bean has arrived___________

Q6:How does the Glade look like a society? Mention three examples.

 __________________jail_________________

___________________risks __________________________

__________every body have a task to do________________________

“Everything is going to change…”

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