FAQ Excel File

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How to Create Data Sheet using with Microsoft Excel Sheet ?

● Open Microsoft Excel sheet and click Blank or New

● Row 1​ must be ​Titles​ starting from ​A Column​ must
● Column A must be ​Serial Number​ /​ Sl No​ starting from ​101 to 999​ or ​1001 to 9999​ or ​10001 to
99999 ​is a good practice to get the output of Cards serially
● Last Column like E or F or G or other, must be variable data like Photo Number / Photo no /
image or Address or Mobile.
● In Row no 1, Titles must be in Simple Text only, there should not be any Special Characters or 
Symbols. (eg: ! ” £ $ % ^ & * ( ) / -). 
● No Column Cells to be blank - out Abhishek Card Designer 4.0 will consider one blank cell
between the data - otherwise it will treat the data end and stops; please try to keep - (dash) or .
(dot) or * (astric) in blank cell to get the output without abrupt close of the application.
● We have given some examples please check the images as mentioned below.
● Photos, students data sheet and templates kept into one folder it’s help to work easy. 


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