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International Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science

Vol. 7(3), pp. 909-921, October, 2020. ©, ISSN: 2167-0449

Research Article
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars
to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Askalu Dessalegn
College of Agriculture, School of Graduate Studies, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) is one of the most important pulse crops grown in Ethiopia.
However, low soil fertility and poor soil fertility management constrains the productivity of the
crop. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the response of the crop to
nitrogen (N) fertilizer at the research field of Nedjo ATVET College during the main cropping
season of 2011. The treatments comprised four levels of nitrogen (0, 23, 46 and 69 kg N ha -1) and
three bean cultivars (Dimtu, Beshbesh and Local Washkate). The experiment was laid out as a
randomized complete block design in a factorial arrangement. The result of the study revealed
that the main effects of N had significant (P < 0.05) influence on days to flowering, days to
maturity, plant height, and hundred seed weight. Nitrogen and cultivar interaction significantly
influenced most of the agronomic traits. Increasing the rates of nitrogen from 0 to 69 kg N ha -1
delayed days to flowering and days to maturity. The highest grain yield (4.58 t ha-1) was recorded
for the Beshbesh cultivar at the rate of 69 kg N ha-1 with the yield advantage of 75% over the local
cultivar. Grain yield (r = 0.50) was positively and highly significantly correlated with hundred seed
weight. Thus, it could be concluded that applying 69 kg N ha-1 and cultivating the Beshbesh and
Dimtu cultivar resulted in the highest grain yield of the crop. If Beshbesh is not available Dimtu
should be used.

Keyword: nodule, grain yield, Phaseolus vulgaris L, fertilizer acidic soil Nedjo


Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most range. Even though the exact time of its introduction to
important food legumes in Latin America and Africa Ethiopia is controversial, it is generally believed that
(Francis, 2006; Hernandez et al., 2007). It is high in common bean was probably brought to Ethiopia in the 16th
protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, fiber, and is free of century (Gepts, 1990).
cholesterol. Common bean is an attractive crop for farmers
because of its adaptability to different cropping systems Currently, common bean is among the most important food
and short growing cycle. In some parts of the country it is legumes grown in the tropics and subtropics (Dursum,
used as a cash crop for farm families to buy farm inputs, 2007). The area covered with the crop in production has
household necessities, and pay school expenses for been increasing due to its role in low input agricultural
children.Common bean is probably native to the tropical systems since it contains a high percentage of protein as
parts of South America (Onwueme and Sinha, 1991), from compared to maize, rice and cassava (Mwale et al., 2008)
where it was perhaps introduced to Africa and other and is a nutritious food crop for the poor and an important
continents (Baudoin et al., 2001). After its dissemination, it export commodity crop (Frei et al., 2005).Common bean is
is grown extensively in five major continental areas: Africa, also one of the most important pulse crops grown in
North and Central America, South America, Eastern Asia central, southern, eastern and western lowland and mid
and Western and South Eastern Europe (Adams et al., altitudes of Ethiopia. In addition to its use as a readily
1985). Moreover, common bean is a non-centric crop, with available source of protein for farmers, it is also an
multiple domestication sites throughout the distribution important cash crop and export commodity that generates

Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant. Breed Crop Sci. 910

foreign exchange earnings for the country. It is These legumes may fix up to 280 kg/ha of nitrogenand are
predominantly grown for cash in the central rift valley, but not usually fertilized. In fact, pulses usually do not respond
in other parts it is a major staple food supplementing the to nitrogen fertilizer as long as they are capable of fixing
protein source for the poor farmers, who cannot afford nitrogen. However, for common bean, nitrogen fertilizer
meat (CACC, 2002). The estimated national production of application is usually required because it can fix only a part
common bean in Ethiopia is estimated at 244, 012.88 of the nitrogen it needs (Bills, 1993b). There is usually a
hectares; with a total production of 362890.3 tonnes and positive yield response when N is applied to common bean
average productivity of 1.4 tonnes per hectare (CSA, plants grown on N-poor soil (Allen et al., 1996)
Generally, the most critical factors for the low yield of
It is among the most important food legumes produced in common bean in most areas of Ethiopia including the
the country, which has been cultivated as a field crop for a western part of the country are poor soil fertility (Kidane,
very long time (Amare, 1989). Moreover, it has been an 1987; Asnakew, 1991). About three decades ago, several
export crop for more than 40 years (Teshome and Kirkby, experiments were conducted (Tadele and Geremew,
1990). Common bean stands first among the pulses and is 1977) to determine the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus
also known as “the poor man’s meat” due to its high protein application on bean production. A tentative
content, which compensates for the deficiency that could recommendation of the results (Alelign, 1990 and Kidane,
have occurred in a population with low income. Different 1987) indicated 40 to 70 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 20 to 30 kg N
types of common beans are grown in Ethiopia. These ha-1 to be optimum for production of the crop. However, the
include white beans, grown in the central Ethiopia (Shoa) soils at the trial sites were not pre-analyzed for availability
as a cash crop, coloured beans grown in the southern part of nutrients and the results might have underestimated or
of Ethiopia for local consumption and climbing beans overestimated the N and P requirements of the crop due
grown in the North West (Metekel) and Western Ethiopia to high residual effects of N as well as high loss of the
(Wollega). Climbers are planted along fences and on the nutrient from the soil due to leaching, volatilization,
borders of maize fields (Zelalem, 2002).However, common denitrification etc.
bean suffers from several biotic and abiotic production
constraints. The major abiotic constraints include nitrogen Previously, fertile soils were avoided for common bean
and phosphorus deficiency, low pH complex and drought. cultivation in Ethiopia to minimize lodging and weed
Bean productivity is limited by soil fertility especially infestation (Tilahun and Teshome, 1987). However, a
phosphorus and nitrogen (Kumar and Puri, 2002; Graham survey by Alelign, (1990) indicated that fertilizer use on
et al., 2003). common bean was increasing. However, most farmers
producing common bean do not apply fertilizers to the crop
Although common bean has the capacity to fix since they may believe that the plant does not require
atmospheric nitrogen, low soil fertility has been repeatedly nitrogen due to fixation or because of the escalating prices
reported as one of the major factors affecting its production of fertilizer. Therefore, the crop is seldom fertilized and
in Ethiopia. Lack of response to inoculation with rhizobium specific rhizobium strain inoculation is not practiced in the
bacteria has been attributed to ineffective common-bean western part of the country. On top of this, no N fertilizer
rhizobia in soil that leads to inefficient nitrogen fixation recommendation is available for the crop and now farmers
consequently causing yield reductions (Ramos and produce the crop with least or no fertilizer application in the
Boddey, 1987; Hardarson and Danso, 1993; Graham and area for all cultivars, be it local or improved ones. As a
Vance, 2000). Peoples and Herridge (2000) reported that result, the crop often suffers from obvious or hidden
nodulated roots of common bean can fix only between 30 deficiency of N, and yields are often constrained.
to 50% of the total nitrogen requirements of the crop.
Unlike other pulses, common bean is inefficient in Even though common bean production in Nedjo area has
symbiotic nitrogen fixation (Ali and Lal, 1992) as it has been practiced for a long period of time, low yield of the
limited number of nodulation due to the absence of NOD crop per unit area of land has become a bottleneck to
gene regulator (Kushwaha, 1994) even with native attaining household food security in the area. Application
Rhizobia and commercially produced cultivars. Hence, the of little fertilizer and lack of knowledge on the rate of
nitrogen requirement of common bean is different from nitrogen application are the major causes for low yield. In
other pulse crops and application of nitrogen through addition, Nedjo area receives high precipitation which may
fertilizers is imperative for exploiting its yield potential. lead to high nitrate leaching and deficiency of available
Bliss (1993b) observed that common bean can fix a nitrogen in the soil. This, coupled with poor fixation of
maximum of 50 kg ha-1 and 40-50% of its N requirements nitrogen by the crop plant, may lead to the deficiency of
from fixation in adapted cultivars. However, other grain the nutrient limiting productivity and dwarfing the yield of
legumes, such as peanuts, cowpeas, soybeans and faba the crop in the area. Thus, this study was conducted the
beans are good nitrogen fixers and will fix all of their objective to determine the effect of nitrogen application on
nitrogen needs other than that absorbed from the soil. the yield and yield components of common bean.

Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Dessalegn A. 911


Description of the Study Site Days to 50% emergence

A field experiment was carried out at Nedjo District, on a No significant differences were observed on days to 50%
site owned by Nedjo ATVET College, West Wollega zone emergence due to the main effects of cultivar as well as
of the Oromia National Regional State, Western Ethiopia nitrogen application. Similarly, the two factors did not
during the dry season of 2011 with supplemental irrigation interact to influence this parameter (Appendix Table 3).
from October to December. The site is located at an Absence of significant effect on days to emergence due to
altitude of about 1735 metres above sea level in a sub- nitrogen and cultivar may be attributed to the fact the days
humid agro ecological zone. It is a mid-altitude area with to emergence is affected neither be external fertilizer
an annual rainfall of 1200-1600 mm having a unimodal application nor cultivar. Emergence is a characteristic of
pattern increasing from April to October with the peak rainy the food reserve in the seed and influences most by soil
season in July and August. The soil of the area is temperature, soil moisture, and other conditions such as
characteristically reddish brown dominated by oxisols, external supply of nutrients and other factors. This
which is acidic. The high concentration of oxides and suggestion is consistent with that of Jan et al (2002) that
hydroxides of iron and aluminum also gives these soils a embryo grows at the expense of stored food materials and
capacity to bind too tightly with the little available did not require any external nutrition.
phosphorous present (Gauchan et al., 1998).
Days to 50% flowering
Treatment and Experimental Design
Significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) were observed
The treatments consisted of four rates of nitrogen (0, 23, on days to flowering due to the main effects of nitrogen.
46, and 69 kg N ha-1) and three bean cultivars (Dimtu, However, neither the main effect of cultivar nor the
Beshbesh, and Local Washkate). The experiment was laid interaction of nitrogen and cultivar had significant effect on
out as a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in a days to flowering (Appendix Table 3).Absence of
factorial arrangement and replicated three times. The total significant effect on days to flower due to interaction of
area of the experimental plots used for the study amounted nitrogen and cultivar and the main genotypes may be
to 520.8 m2. The accommodation of a total 210 plants per attributed to the fact days to flowering is affected neither
plot. Data were collected from plants in the central rows be external fertilizer application nor cultivar
leaving aside plants in the border rows as well as the ones
at both ends of each row to avoid edge effects. Increasing the rate of nitrogen from nil to 23, and 46 kg N
ha-1, did not affect days to flowering. However, when the
Experimental Procedures rate of nitrogen was increased further to 69 kg N ha-1, the
number of days to flowering was delayed by about 9.0%.
Soil sampling and analysis However, the days to flowering required by plants in the
treatment with 46 kg N ha-1 and those grown in the
Representative soil samples were randomly taken using treatment with 69 kg N ha-1 were in statistical parity (Table
an auger at the depth of 0-30 cm from the experimental 1).When the rate of nitrogen was increased further to 69
field just before planting to make one composite sample. kg N ha-1 days to flowering also increased two times. One
The soil samples were air dried on plastic trays, ground of the positive roles of nitrogen is promoting vegetative
and sieved to pass through a 2 mm sieve.Soil pH was growths of the crop. This is in line with the finding of
determined from the filtered suspension of 1:2.5 soils to Veeresh (2003) who reported that common bean crop
water ratio using a glass electrode attached to a digital pH supplied with higher dose of N delayed to flower. Similarly,
meter (Page, 1982). Texture of the soil was determined by the result is supported by the findings of Singh and Singh,
sedimentation method. Organic matter in the soil was (2000) who revealed that the number of days required to
determined by the Walkley-Black method. Total N in the reach 50 percent flowering were 66, 67, 68 and 69 DAS
soil was determined by the Kjeldahl method (Bremner and with nitrogen fertilization of zero, 40, 80 and 120 kg Nha-1,
mulvanes, 1982), CEC was determined by ammonium respectively. However, the absence of significant
acetate method (Chapman, 1965), exchangeable Ca2+ difference due to the main effect of cultivars due to the
and Mg2+was determined by Atomic Absorption inheritance characteristics of varieties or genetic makeup
Spectroscopy (AAS), k + by flame photometry and pH was of the crop. No significant difference was observed
measured potentiometrically in the supernatant (P<0.05) at the application rate of 0 N kg ha-1and 23N
suspension of 1:2.5 soil water suspensions using a pH kgha-1in terms of days to flowering. This finding is also
meter (Van Reeuwijk, 1992). supported by results from previous studies that revealed
stimulatory effect of low levels of nitrogen formation and
development has also been reported for field grown
chickpea. (Singh and singh, 2000)

Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant. Breed Crop Sci. 912

Table 1. The main effect of nitrogen and cultivar on days In general, increasing the rate of nitrogen fertilizer further
to emergence and flowering of grown common bean at than 69 kg N ha-1, prompted the three genotypes to attain
Nedjo during the 2011 cropping season different numbers of days to reach physiological maturity
Treatments Days to emergence Days to flowering ranging between 92 and 93days (Table 2).The three
N rates kg/ha genotypes had different responses to the nitrogen level.
0 9.0 30.33b Those cultivars that flowered early were also found to be
23 8.7 31.33b early in maturity while those that flowered late were also
46 9.4 32.89ab late in maturity. In contrast, 0 kg Nha-1with local Washkate,
69 9.1 33.00a 0 N kgha-1with Beshbesh and Dimtu with23 N kgha-1were
LSD 0.05 NS 0.55 the earliest while the latest were 69kg Nha-1with
Cultivars Beshbesh, Dimtu with 46 N kg N ha-1 and local Washkate
Beshbesh 8.83 30.50 with 69kg N ha-1. This finding is also supported by results
from previous studies, which revealed that some bean
Lcalwashkate 9.16 30.75
cultivars responded to applied N (, 1985).
Dimtu 9.25 30.66
Table 1. Two way table showing the effects of nitrogen rate
LSD 0.05 NS NS
and cultivars on days to maturity of common bean at Nedjo
CV% 8.516 8.155
during the 2011 main cropping season
Days to physiological maturity
N rate (kg ha-1) Days to Maturity
Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu
Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in days to
0 90.33e 90.33e 91.00cd
maturity of the genotypes in response to the application of cd
nitrogen. Due to the main effects of nitrogen level there 23 91.00 91.33abc 91.00cd
46 91.33 abc 91.00cd 92.00abc
was significant difference (P < 0.05) on days to maturity. a
Similarly, significant variation (P < 0.05) was observed on 69 93.00 92.67ab 90.33e
this parameter due to the interaction between nitrogen and Mean 91.4 91.3 91.0
cultivar. However there was no significant difference due LSD (5%) 0.95
to the cultivars (Appendix Table 3).Not significant CV(%) 0.6
differences were observed on days to physiological
maturity when the rate of nitrogen increased from 0 kg N Plant height at 50% flowering
ha-1 to 23 kg N ha-1with different cultivars. However, when
the rate of the nutrient was raised from 46to 69 kg N ha - Significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) were found in
1with different cultivar interaction, days to physiological plant height due to the main effect of nitrogen. However,
maturity increased significantly by about 4 and 5 days significant variation was not observed on this parameter
respectively. The results indicated that days to maturity due to the main effect of cultivar. Similarly, there was no
were delayed in response to increased rate of nitrogen with significant interaction of nitrogen and cultivar in increasing
different cultivar interactions. The highest number of days plant height (Appendix Table3).When nitrogen was
of physiological maturity was recorded for Beshbesh in increased from nil to 23 kg N ha-1, plant height increased
response to the application of 69kg N ha-1(93.00) followed significantly by about 20%. When the rate of nitrogen was
by the local washkate in response to the application of further raised from nil to 46 and 69 kg N ha-1, plant height
69kg N ha-1(92.67).This observed difference regarding increased significantly by about 27 and 40%, in the order
days to maturity to the inherent character or genetic mentioned here. However, plant heights recorded for the
makeup of the cultivars or the response of cultivar to N rates of 46 and 69 kg N ha-1 were in statistical parity. The
fertilizer. This revealed that some bean cultivars lack of response of plant height to 23 and 46 kg N ha-1 may
responded to applied nitrogen (Duqueat, 1985) be attributed to the fact that the two levels of the nutrient
were still sub-optimal for the bean plants to increase in
The prolonged days to maturity with increased application height. That plant height increased significantly in
of nitrogen may be attributed to the role that nitrogen plays response to increasing the rate of nitrogen might be
in promoting vegetative growth. This is in line with the ascribed to the responses of the plant root in taking up
report of Escalante et al. (1999) who signified that nitrogen nitrogen from the soil, which may have sufficiently
promoted the number of days to reach physiological enhanced vegetative growth through increasing cell
maturity due to increasing N fertilization from 0 to 80 kg N division and elongation. This is in line with the finding of
ha-1. This shows that the nutrients taken up by plant roots Rajesh Singh et al. (2006) who reported that the plant
from the soil will be used for increased cell division and height of French bean increased significantly up to N
synthesis of carbohydrate. This is in agreement with the fertilization of 180 kg N ha-1 on a sandy clay loam soil. This
results of Veeresh (2003) who reported that the number of finding is also similar with that of Thapa and Maity (2004)
days to reach physiological maturity increased significantly who reported that plant height increased in response to
due to increased N application from 40 to 80 kg ha-1 increasing nitrogen doses.

Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Dessalegn A. 913

Shoot dry biomass yield Due to the interaction effect of cultivar and nitrogen the
maximum nodule number was observed at the application
Shoot dry biomass yield was significantly influenced by the of 23 kg N ha-1 with Dimtu followed by applications of 46kg
main effect of N (P < 0.05) rates. However, no significant Nha-1 with Beshbesh as compared to the control treatment.
variation was observed on this parameter due to the The interaction of N and cultivar Dimtu, nodule number per
cultivars effect. Similarly, the two factors did not interact to plant increased by about more than 75% compared with
influence this parameter (Appendix Table 1). High shoot the nodule number per plant recorded in the control
dry biomass was relatively obtained from 23 kg Nha-1and treatment (Table 4).This result could be ascribed to the
followed by 46 kg Nha-1(Table 3). This is in line with the phenomenon that the lowest rate of nitrogen might
finding of Forbes and Watson (1992) who reported that, stimulate nodule formation thereby increasing nodule
fertilizer application improved shoot dry biomass in the number. This conforms to observations made by Dadson
long rain corroborating the fact that adequate supply of and Acquaah, (1984) who reported in soil with N
nitrogen is associated with vigorous vegetative growth. deficiency, small starter doses of applied N may stimulate
Similarly, Yan and Wallace (1995) reported that shoot dry nodule formation and enhance the grain yield of legumes.
biomass indicates the relative importance of the vegetative The lowest nodule number per plant was recorded from
biomass for the potential yield capacity and the proportion the interaction of 0 kg N ha-1with Local washkate. On the
of this biomass that is subsequently remobilized to the other hand, when the rate of nitrogen increased to further
reproductive organs. 69 kg Nha-1 decreased total nodule number by about 45%
when compared with that of 23 kg Nha-1with cultivar Dimtu
No significant difference was observed when nitrogen and 46 kg Nha-1withBeshbesh. This result could be
application was raised to 69 kg Nha-1. This conforms to the ascribed to sufficient level of nitrogen present in the soil
observations made by Saxena and Sheldrake (1980) who nodulation is inhibited (Gentili and Huss-danell, 2003). In
found that large amounts of nitrogen such as 100 kg N ha- addition Gentili et al. (2006) reported that high N levels
1 did not benefit yield. The shoot dry biomass yield also
inhibited early cell divisions in the cortex of Alnus incana
tended to increase with increasing N rates (Appendix there by inhibiting nodulation.
Table 3).These results are in agreement with those of
Ravinandan and Prasad (1998), who found that At the highest rate of nitrogen, nodule number was
application of nitrogen fertilization from zero to120 kg N ha- reduced. This is also in agreement with the findings of
1increased significantly the shoot dry biomass production
Chuniet al (1985) who reported that higher rate of nitrogen
in French bean. The response of increase in shoot dry fertilizer application caused significantly high nodule
biomass with increasing levels of N and selection of number degradation on French beans relative to the
cultivar could be attributed to the enhancing effect of N on control. Considering that the soil nitrogen was not limiting
vegetative growth attributes. the application of nitrogen fertilizer probably raised the N
Table 2. Effects of nitrogen rate and cultivars on plant in the soil to levels that caused nodule degeneration.
height (cm) and Shoot dry biomass (g) of common bean at However, the reduction in nodule number in response to
Nedjo during the 2011 cropping season. increased rates of nitrogen may be attributed to the
negative effect of N- fertilizer on nodule formation and
Treatments Plant height (cm) Shoot dry biomass (g)
growth at maximum rates. This suggestion is in line with
N rates (kg/ha)
that of Laws and Graves (2005) who reported high rate of
0 47.66c 11.11c
nitrogen has impact negatively on nodulation resulted in
23 57.33 29.44a reduction of nodule number in French bean. These result
46 60.66 ab 23.11b
indicate the symbiotic relation of nodulation and infection
69 66.77 9.0c is very weak. This suggestion is in line with that of George
LSD 0.05 3.71 3.92 and Singleton (1992) who reported that the amount of N
Cultivars gained from fixation is influenced strongly by the N level in
Beshbesh 58.58 17.33 the soil. They observed that nodule number, nodule size
washkate 56.50 17.00 and nodule weight, were inversely related to increase in
Dimtu 59.25 20.16 fertilizer N.
LSD 0.05 NS NS
CV (%) 6.54 22.08 Number of effective nodule per plant

Number of total nodules Significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) were found in
number of effective nodule due to the main effects of
Significant statistical difference (P < 0.05) was observed in nitrogen and cultivar. (Similarly, the two factors of nitrogen
total number of nodule due to the main effects of nitrogen and cultivar interacted to influence this parameter
levels and cultivar. Similarly, significant variation was (Appendix Tabel3). The maximum number of effective
observed on the number of nodules per plant due to the nodule (85% per plant) was recorded at the application of
two factors interaction of nitrogen and cultivar to influence 23 kg N ha-1interactingwith Beshbesh followed by 46kg N
this parameter (Appendix Table 3). ha-1interacting with Beshbesh (50%) (Table 4). However,
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant. Breed Crop Sci. 914

at the application rate of0 N kg ha-1 and 69 N kg ha-1the may stimulate nodule formation and enhance the grain
amount of effective nodule number reduced by about yield of legumes.
20%.Thefailure to establish effective nodulation is often
considered to be the main reason for poor N 2 fixation by The probable reduction of effective nodule number at
common bean in the field, but the species may be maximum rate of N is a result of fertilization reducing the
genetically predisposed to poor fixation because of number of nodules on the roots (Cheminig’wa et al
ineffective symbiosis and the short vegetative fixation 2004).This is in line with the finding of Sweeter (1988) who
period (Piha and Munns, 1987).Similarly, Laws and reported that high levels of soil N reduces nitrogenase
Graves (2005) reported that, when sufficient level of activity. Thus, decline in enzyme activity may decrease
nitrogen is present in the soil, nodulation is inhibited. sink strength of nodules.The reduction in effective nodule
Similarly, Dadson and Acquaah, (1984) reported that, in response to high rate of nitrogen is also in agreement
under deficiency in soil N, small starter doses of applied N with the findings of Chuniet al (1985) who reported higher
rate of nitrogen fertilization degrades root nodules.
Table 3. Interaction effect of applied Nitrogen and cultivars on nodule number plant -1 and effective nodule plant-1 of
common bean at Nedjo during the 2011 cropping season
N Rate Nodule number per plant Effective nodule number
(kg /ha) Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu
0 3.83fg 2.72g 7.28efg 2.79d 1.42d 2.76d
23 13.26 e 11.62 cd 52.47 a 96.70 a 23.33 c 31.00b
46 31.16 a 7.04ef 11.33 ef 65.04 a 10.16 c 48.41a
69 14.85 bc 26.16 a 22.76 ab 45.04 a 15.00 c 33.51b
Mean 15.7 11.8 23.4 52.4 12.4 28.9
LSD 0.05 4.55 3.52
CV (%) 15.79 6.66
Number of pods per plant Number of seed per pod
The analysis of variance showed significant (P< 0.05) The analysis of variance showed significant (P < 0.05)
differences on the number of pods per plant due to the differences on the number of seed per pod due to the main
main effects of nitrogen and cultivar, respectively. effects of nitrogen and cultivar, respectively (Table 5).
Similarly, the two factors interacted to influence this Similarly, the two factors interacted to influence the
parameter (Appendix Table 4). number of seed per pod (Appendix Tabale.4). Higher
number of seed per pod was s recorded at the interaction
Due to the interaction of N and cultivar, the maximum of 46kg N ha-1with Beshbesh cultivar. At this interaction,
number of pods plant-1 was recorded at the rate of 46kg N the number of seed pod-1 increased by about 78%
ha-1with Beshbesh followed by69 kg N ha-1with Beshbesh. compared to the number of seed pod-1 produced in the
At this combined rate, the number of pods per plant control treatment. However, the number of seed per pod
increased by about 75% compared to the control produced at this interaction level of N with Beshbesh was
treatment. This conforms to observations made by Halesh in statistical parity with the number of seed per pod
et al.(2000)who reported that the highest number of pod produced at the interaction level of 69 kg N ha-1 with Dimtu.
per plant was obtained from the higher nitrogen doses(60 This is in line with the finding of Dhanjal et al. (2001) who
kg N ha-1). However, the number of pods produced at this reported that the indicated that number of grains per pod
interaction of Beshbesh with69 kg N ha-1 was in statistical in French bean increased with increase in nitrogen level
parity with the number of pods per plant produced in up to 120 kg ha-1. Similar results were reported by Data et
response to the interaction of 69 kg N ha-1 with Dimtu. At al. (2005) who reported that the number of seeds in pod of
the combined application of 23 kg Nha-1 with Local fenugreek increased with increasing nitrogen level.
washkate, lower number of pods per plant was recorded
((Table 5). The lowest number of seed per pod was recorded at the
interaction of 23 kg Nha-1 with Local washkate
Generally, the results of this study revealed that nitrogen (AppendixTable. 4). Hedge and Srinivas (1989), reported
play the greatest role in the promotion of growth and that the highest green pod yield of French bean was
development through enhancing photosynthesis, cell obtained in response to the application of the highest
division, and ultimately partitioning of photo assimilates to nitrogen rate, indicating the positive effect of fertilizer
pods as stated by Brady and Weil (2002) who described nutrient uptake. Schiltz et al. (2005) who reported that the
that nitrogen fertilizer enhance cell division, leaf expansion contribution of N remobilization for seed N demand varies
leaf growth, photosynthesis and partition of assimilates to from 84 % in common bean. Similarly, seed is the major
reproductive organs of plants. In the same way, Duque sink for N when applied at vegetative and reproductive (1985) observed in previous studies that some bean stages (Westermann et al., 1985). This conforms to the
cultivars respond to applied nitrogen. observations made by Ireri (2001). The interaction
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Dessalegn A. 915

between legume species and N sources on the number of adequate amount of N was present in the experimental
pods per plant, number of seed per pod, and grain yield soil, and, hence external nitrogen input did not have
was not significant. This may be due to the fact that significant impact on these yield parameters.
Table 4: Interaction effects of applied Nitrogen and cultivars on number of pod plant -1 and number of seed -1pod of common
bean at Nedjo during the 2011 cropping season.
Rate((kg ha-1) Number of pod plant-1 Number of seed pod-1
Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu
0 9.33 6.00 10.00 3.66 3.33 4.66
23 27.66 11.33 15.33 6.33 4.00 5.00
46 28.33 10.00 25.0 9.00 5.00 8.00
69 20.0 8.00 23.66 6.33 5.00 5.33
Mean 21.3 8.8. 18.5 6.3 4.3 5.7
LSD(0.05) 3.45 0.71
CV(%) 12.58 7.74

Hundred Seed weight hundred seed weight was recorded from 69 kg N ha-1rate
of nitrogen. This is in line with the result of Rana and Singh
Significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) were observed (1998) who reported that increasing the rate of nitrogen to
on hundred seed weight due to the main effects of 80kg N ha-1application from 40 kg N ha significantly
nitrogen. However, neither the main effect of cultivar nor improved the test weight of common bean-1.
the interaction effect of nitrogen and cultivar had significant
influence on hundred seed weight (Figure1). Absence of
significant effect on hundred seed weight due to nitrogen
and cultivar may be attributed to the fact hundred seed
weight is affected neither be external fertilizer application
nor cultivar or environmental factors this is in line with the
result of Rana and Singh (1998).

Not significant difference (P < 0.05) was observed at the

rate of nitrogen application from nil to 23 and 46 kg N ha-1.
The absence of response of hundred seed weight to 23 Figure 1: Effects of nitrogen rate and cultivars on hundred
and 46 kg N ha-1 may be attributed to the fact that the two seed weight (g) of common bean grown at Nedjo during
levels of the fertilizers were still sub-optimal for the bean the 2011 cropping season
plants to increase hundred seed weight. On the other
hand, when the rate of the nutrient was raised to 69kg N Stand count at harvest
ha-1 hundred seed weight increased significantly by about
50% (Figure 1). Similarly, that hundred seed weight was Stand count at harvest was not significantly affected by the
significantly increased in response to increasing the rate of main effects of nitrogen application level (.However,
nitrogen further than 69 kg N ha-1 might be attributed to significant (P<0.05) difference was observed due to the
possible improvement in the availability of N in the soil for interaction effect of nitrogen and cultivar on this parameter.
uptake by plant roots. This finding is in line with that of Similarly, there was significant effect of cultivars on stand
Sushant et al (1999) who reported that thousand seed count at harvest (Appendix Table 4). Absence of
weight increased with increasing levels of N up to 100 kg significant effect on stand count due to the main effect of
ha-1 on a siltyloam soil. This may be attributed to the nitrogen may be attributed to the fact that externally
phenomenon that increasing nitrogen rate helps to applied nitrogen may not influence germination. This result
increase the number and size of grains and their rates of is in line with that of George and Singleton, (1992) who
growth as reported by Haynes (1986). reported that plants require external supply of N for early
vegetative and later reproductive phases of growth, and
Increasing threat of nitrogen from 0 to 69 kg Nha - not for germination and seedling establishment.
1hundredseed weight was significantly increased by about

20%. The present study is in line with that of Veeresh The highest stand count was obtained at different rate of
(2003)who reported that significant improvement was 46 kg N ha-1with same cultivar Beshbesh (120,588
observed in test weight of common bean increasing by 40, plants/ha) followed by 69kg N ha-1 with Beshbesh
80 and 120 kg N ha-1.Inthe same way, Tewari and Singh, (119,117plant/ha) respectively. There was no significant
(2000) reported that hundred seed weight of common difference at the rate of 23Nkg ha-1with Dimtu, 69 N kg ha-
1 with Dimtu, 46kg N ha-1with Dimtu and 23kg Nha-1 with
bean increased significantly up to 120 kg N ha -1.The
minimum hundred seed weight was recorded at nil to 23 Beshbesh. While the lowest (42,647 plants/ha) was
kg and 46 kg N ha-1level of nitrogen and maximum obtained from Washkate. For all three cultivars, the stand
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant. Breed Crop Sci. 916

count was greater than their respective control treatments, Similarly, significant (P < 0.05) difference was observed in
though the difference was not statistically significant this parameter due to due to the interaction effect of
(Table 6). The results revealed that 46kg N ha-1 improved nitrogen and cultivar (Appendix Table 4).The interactions
the establishment of Beshbesh, Dimtu and Washkate of 69 kg N ha-1 with Beshbesh followed by the interaction
respectively. The highest stand count was obtained from of 69 kg N ha-1 with Dimtu resulted in the highest grain yield
nitrogen rate of 46kg N ha-1 with Beshbesh (97619 of 4.58t/ha and 4.40t/ha, respectively, compared to the
plants/ha) while the lowest (34,524 plants/ha) was yield obtained for plants grown in the control treatment.
obtained from control treatment. This variation in stand This result reveals a positive relation between the length
count was observed perhaps due to cultivars probably of the pod filling period that could provide larger amounts
difference in inherent characteristics or varieties. This of photosynthesis for growing seeds and grain yield of
finding is also supported by results from previous studies common bean. This is in line with the finding of Ranalli &
which revealed that some bean cultivars may respond to Cubero (1997) who reported that extended leaf area
applied N (Duque, 1985). Similarly al (2001) duration would be required for high yielding bean cultivars.
found that nitrogen fertilizer only increased the seed Interaction of 69 kg Nha-1with cultivar Beshbesh and Dimtu
number per plant but not stand count after emergence, pod showed better performance at the highest rate of nitrogen
number per plant and grain yield of common bean. application which may be due to the highest response of
the cultivar to N and use efficiency than Washkate. This is
Above ground biomass in line with the finding of Duque (1985) who reported
from previous studies that revealed some bean cultivars
Above ground dry biomass was significantly affected by responded to applied N. The findings of the present study
the main effects of nitrogen application level and the are in agreement with that of Koli and Akashe (1994) who
genotype respectively (P< 0.05). Similarly, significant reported that seed yield of common bean showed
difference was observed due to (P<0.05) the two factors significant and positive increase in response to increased
interaction of nitrogen and cultivar influence above ground nitrogen levels up to 60kgN ha-1. Similarly, the results of
biomass. Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed at this study is in line with that of Dadson and Acquaah,
the interaction of 69 kg N ha-1with Beshbesh (11.71t/ha) (1984) who reported that deficiency in soil N, small starter
following by 46 N kg ha-1 with Beshbesh (10.71t/ha was doses of applied N may stimulate nodule formation and
recorded. Although there was not significant variation was enhance the grain yield of legumes.
observed among the interaction of69 kg N ha-1with Local
washkate, 46 kgNha-1with Dimtu and 23 kg N ha-1with Grain yield was increased with increasing application of
Dimtu. This observation tells us at different rate of nitrogen nitrogen fertilizer. This is in line with finding of Sushant et
there was no significant difference among cultivar either al. (1999) who observed that application of 100 kg N ha-1
due to genetic makeup of the cultivars or environmental produced more than 3 double higher yields over no N
factor. Under high dose of nitrogen supply Maximum fertilization. Regarding this parameter there is also low
above ground dry biomass yield was obtained. However, yield under non-fertilized plot. The average yield recorded
the lowest above ground dry biomass was recorded from from the control treatments (1.59 t ha-1) in the current study
control treatment. Increasing nitrogen application may be was somewhat higher than the average common bean
ascribed to the phenomenon that sufficient supply of grain yield from local and non-fertilized farmers’ fields
nitrogen is associated with increased canopy and leaf 0.14-0.77t/ha (kapkiyai, 1998) and is also higher than
vegetative that may lead to high dry matter accumulation. the national average yield 0.50 t ha-1by about 100% (Ssali,
Prajapati et al. (2003) reported that total dry matter 1998). Due to common ideas of farmers, common bean
production per plant increased significantly due to can fix nitrogen like chickpea, faba bean, etc. But common
increased N application of 120 kg N ha-1. This result is bean can fix only a part of the nitrogen it needs (Bills,
consistent with that of Rajesh et al. (2006) who reported 1993b).There is low national yield of common bean in
that application of 180 kg N ha-1 significantly increased the Ethiopia due to rising costs of fertilizers and scarcity of
dry weight per plant in French bean during winter season. genotypes. In this trial, the use of improved cultivars of
Similarly, linear increase in dry matter per plant from 17.3 Beshbesh and Dimtu, row planting, and better
to 20.7g (1989-1990) and 17.1 to 21.6g (1990-1991) was management practices of the trial area might have
observed due to nitrogen fertilization from zero to120 kg N contributed to the high yield of the crop in the control
ha-1 (Saxena and Verma, 1995). High N requirement of treatments compared to the national yield. This may make
bean seed induces N remobilization from vegetative clear the higher grain yield obtained from the control
tissues, anda concomitant degradation of leaf proteins treatments compared to the yield often obtained from
inducing leaf senescence that results in declined canopy. farmers’ field that are cultivated traditionally with no
This is in line with the finding of (Lynch & White, 1992). application of any fertilizers and selection of cultivars.That
the yield of the crop increased in response to the increased
Grain yield nitrogen fertilizer may confirm the suggestion of Graham
and Vance (2000) who stated thatlack of response to
Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found in grain yield inoculation with rhizobium bacteria has been attributed to
due to the main effects of nitrogen and cultivar (Table 6). ineffective common-bean rhizobia in soil that led to
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Dessalegn A. 917

inefficient nitrogen fixation consequently causing yield common bean as a result of which it requires more external
reductions. This argument agrees with that of by Ssali and nitrogen and phosphorus application for root development,
Keya (1986) who suggested that nodulation is poor in nodulation and better plant growth and production.

Table 5. Interaction effects of applied nitrogen and cultivars biomass (t ha -1) and grain yield (t ha-1) of common bean at
Nedjo during the 2011 cropping season.
N Rate Stand count Above GroundBiomass Yield(t ha-1) Grain yield (t ha-1)
Kg /ha Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu Beshbesh Washkate Dimtu
0 50.0bc 29.0c 45.0bc 3.57c 1.58gh 4.76efg 1.59fg 1.55fg 1.53fg
23 62.3 ab 31.0c 68.7 ab 7.14bc 3.57c 5.55 ef 1.96def 1.61 fg 2.52bc
46 82.0 a 53.7bc 62.7 ab 10.71 a 4.76efg 6.34 ef 3.19b 1.23 g 2.28cd
69 81.7 a 44.7bc 65.0 ab 11.11 a 6.74ef 10.31 ab 4.58a 3.27 b 4.41a
Mean 69.0 39.6 60.3 8.3 4.1 6.7 2.8 1.9 2.6
LSD 0.05 13.5 1.78 0.26
CV (%) 13.8 16.65 10.86

Harvest index Table 6. Interaction effects of applied Nitrogen and

cultivars harvest index of common bean at
No significant differences (P<0.05) were observed on Nedjo during the 2011 cropping season.
harvest index due to the main effects of cultivar as well as N rate/ha Cultivars harvest index
nitrogen application.However, the two factors interacted to 0 Beshbesh 0.47
influence this parameter (P<0.05). Absence of significant Washkate 1.05
effect on harvest index due to nitrogen and cultivar may be Dimtu 0.32
attributed to the fact harvest index is affected neither be 23 Beshbesh 0.28
external fertilizer application nor cultivar. Washkate 0.45
Dimtu 0.46
The interaction of nitrogen and cultivar significantly 46 Beshbesh 0.30
reduced harvest index as compared to the control. Washkate 0.26
However, there were no significant differences between 46 Dimtu 0.36
N kg ha-1and 69 kg N ha-1 rate of treatments. The
69 Beshbesh 0.43
maximum harvest index was obtained in response to the
Washkate 0.49
application of 0 kg N ha-1with Local washkate (1.05).The
Dimtu 0.42
lowest harvest index was obtained at 46Nkg ha-1with
Beshbesh (0.26). Due to the nitrogen level of 69, 46 and LSD0.05 0.18
23 N kgha-1harvest index was relatively reduced to the CV (%) 24.60
control (12.5%), (6.5%) and (4.5%) respectively.
According to this experiment harvest index of washkate
The current result of increments of harvest index with the (1.05) as the level of N increase harvest index is minimum
increase in nitrogen rates is in line with the finding of but at zero level harvest index is maximum. This is indicate
Srinivas and Naik (1988) who reported that nitrogen the variety of Washkate has less response to N
application did not affect any significant increase in the application than no N or zero application.
harvest index of French bean cultivar, with increasing
levels of N viz., zero, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1 which Correlation among Yield and Yield Components
recorded 0.68, 0.70, 0.73, 0.68 and 0.72harvest index
values, respectively. Significant improvement in harvest The summarized results of the correlation analysis are
index was recorded due to nitrogen application up to 50 kg presented in (Appendix Table 2). The data indicated that,
ha-1 (Singh and Singh, 2000), while, Dhanjal et al. (2001) the parameters such as, days to maturity, plant height,
reported improvement in harvest index values (31.60, number of pod per plant, number of seed per pod, hundred
31.99 and 33.86 %) due to increasing N level (zero to 60 seed weight nodule number per plant, number of effective
and120 kg ha-1 respectively) which was significant up to nodule per plant and grain yield were positively and
highest level. Similarly harvest index may rise when yield significantly correlated to each other. The consequences
has risen while shoot weight either did not increase or of the linear correlation coefficient analysis indicated that
increased proportionally less, or because yield did not plant height was highly significant (P<0.01) and positively
increase but shoot weight is fell (Kebede, 2000). associated with grain yield (=0.71**), above ground dry
biomass (r = 0.70**), number of pod per plant (0.62**) and

Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant. Breed Crop Sci. 918

significantly (P<0.05) correlated with number of seed per between biomass production and harvest index (Villareal
pod (0.58*). Positive and significant correlation of plant et al., 1992) suggests that increased above ground dry
height with grain yield, number of pod per plant and above biomass may lead to reduce the percentage of harvest
ground dry biomass indicates that factors improving the index.
plant height may lead to improve grain yield, number of
pod per plant and above ground dry biomass.
Furthermore, days to flowering was highly significant
(P<0.01) and positively associated with days to maturity (r The experiment was laid out in October 20011 at Nedjo
= 0.092**). The observed positive and significant ATVET collage, which is located at an altitude of 1735
correlation values between days to flowering and days to meter above sea level. Thus, information on soil fertility
maturity indicates the presence of a close relationship and crop response to different soil fertility management
among these parameters and factors affecting the days to is very important to come up with profitable and
maturity may also affects days to flowering (Brady and sustainable crop production. In line with this, research
Weil, 2002). In the same way, effective nodule number was was undertaken to investigate the effect of N application
observed to be significantly (P<0.05) and positively on yield and yield component of three common bean
correlated with grain yield (r = 0.32*), and with above (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties. A factorial treatment
ground biomass (r = 0.57*). The positive and significant combinations of four levels of nitrogen (0, 23,46 and 69 kg
correlation observed between effective nodule number N ha-1) and three levels of cultivars (Beshbesh, Local
and grain yield shows that factors improving the effective washkate ,and Dimtu ) was laid out as a Randomized
nodule number may lead to improved yield (Dadson and Complete Block Design with three replications using urea
Acquaah, (1984)). (46% N) as sources of nitrogen and Cultivars, respectively.
The soil of the experimental site has a pH of 5.00, total
Number of pod per plant was highly significant (P<0.01) nitrogen 0.039%, organic carbon 1.74%, CEC of 44.4 meq
and positively correlated with number of seed per pod (r = kg-1 of soil.
0.81**), and stand count (r = 0.78**) as well as, positively
and significantly (P<0.05) correlated with nodule number The main effect of nitrogen application significantly (P <
per plant (r = 0.32*). Similarly, number of pod per plant was 0.05) affect phenological data such as days to maturity,
significantly (P<0.05) and positively correlated with days to flowering, plant height and hundred seed weight of
effective nodule number per plant (r = 0.72**). Karmakar common bean. Increasing nitrogen rate from 0 to 69 kg N
and Bhatanagar (1996) observed a significantly positive ha-1 extended days to flowering from 30.33 to 33.00 days.
correlation of number of seed per pod with seed yield in Similarly it delayed days to maturity from 90.55 to 92.77
soya bean indicates that Bean pods and seeds were major days. In contrast, cultivars are non-significant days to
sinks for N when applied at vegetative and reproductive maturity, flowering and plant height. Growth parameters
stages, respectively. Similarly (Lynch & White, 1992) such as plant height and shoot dry biomass were
observed that N allocation to seeds dominates the significantly affected by main effect of nitrogen fertilizer
reproductive N budget of common bean. Positive and application. It was also noted in this study that, Nodule
significant correlation of number of pods per plant with parameters such as nodule number and effective nodule
number of seed per pod as well as, stand count with were also significantly affected by main effect of nitrogen
nodule number per plant indicates that the presence of a fertilizer application and cultivars and their interactions.
close relationship among these parameters (Smith, Hundred seed weight was also significantly affected by
1982).The association of above ground biomass was nitrogen fertilizers. How ever there was no significant
positively and highly significant (P<0.01) correlated with interaction effect of cultivars on this parameter of the plant.
grain yield (r = 0.82**). It was also positively correlated with But, the mean maximum and minimum hundred seed
hundred seed weight (r = 0.56*). Hundred seed weight also weight was obtained from 69 kg N ha-1 and 46kg N ha-1
positively and significantly (P<0.05) correlated with grain respectively. Increment in nitrogen rates from 0 to 69 kg N
yield (r = 0.64*). In the same way stand count was ha-1 increased hundred seed weight of common bean by
significantly (P<0.05) and positively correlated with 95%.The main effect of nitrogen interaction and cultivars
number of nodule per plant (r = 0.0.43*), effective nodule significantly affect yield and yield components such as
number (r=0.59*), above ground biomass(r=0.77*) and pods per plant, seed per pod, stand count, above ground
grain yield(r=0.60*) Positive and significant (P<0.05) biomass, grain yield and harvest index. Application of 69
correlation of stand count with grain yield my caused by kg Nha-1with Beshbesh gave the highest grain yield (4.58
increase in grain yield my resulted in the entire of plants. t ha-1). The lowest yield of common bean was obtained
Nodule number per plant was non-significantly associated from the control treatment. Aboveground dry biomass was
with almost all of the parameters considered in the current significantly affected by the interaction of nitrogen
investigation in the same way Harvest index was fertilization and cultivars. The maximum above ground dry
negatively correlated with all parameters. In addition day biomass was obtained at the 69 kg N ha-1 with Beshbesh
to emergence was also negatively correlated with almost cultivars (11.11t ha-1). In addition, pods per plant and
all parameters (Appendix table 2). The negative correlation number of seed per pod were also significantly affected by
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia
Dessalegn A. 919

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Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at Nedjo, Western Ethiopia

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