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Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) was declared a global pandemic on 11 March 2020, and
Malawi declared its first case on 2 April. On May 4, there were 41 confirmed positive cases of
COVID -19 and 3 deaths. A State of Disaster was declared by President Arthur Peter Mutharika
on 20 March including the following restrictions. Schools were closed on 23Rd March and
gatherings of more than 100 people at places such as churches, rallies, weddings and funerals. He
further urged the government to suspend the hosting of international meetings and banned public
servants from attending regional and international meetings.
Not closing
Economic  Entrepreneurial activities will continue  Lack of foreign currency that are
in learning institutions since students obtained from international students
will still be in need of accommodation, this will lead to devaluation.
stationary and transport services.
 Government will spend much on
 Increase in government revenues and teachers risk allowances since
tax since the private schools will still be teachers are refraining from
operating. teaching for fear of contracting the
 The teachers standard of living will  For the sake of precaution measures
improve since they will be receiving risk government will spend much in
allowance in due course of their work course of buying resources for the
 Social mixing may still occur outside of prevention of pandemic, such as
school with less ability to monitor personal protective equipment
especially among older Students. (PPEs).

 Disproportionate impact of children

being out of school whose
parents/family members are hourly
and low-wage workers

Healthy  Some students come from households

aspects where there are no other siblings to be  The pandemic will be at increase
interacting with, this increase their since gatherings, congregation and
mental problems. But being in school interacting will still be there.
will provide them chance to access
mental health services and interacting
with their peers hence improving their
mental health.
 One of causes of overweight and obese
is inactive (sedentary) life style, many
students’ and teachers lead sedentary
life style and fond of binge eating when
at home. So being at school help them to
live active lifestyle and prevent
overweight and obesity
Social  There will be continuity in interaction  Since one factor that propel the
aspects between teachers and students there by spread of covid-19 is frequent
improving their class activeness interaction. Thus this interaction
 Social mixing may still occur outside of will put both teachers and students
school with less ability to monitor, at risk
especially among older students hence
decision of closing school doesn’t hold
Technology  Students with disability like eye  Familiarization with technology
aspects problems cannot do online learning and will be low since they will not be at
will still need face-face learning. pressure of accessing information
 Government will not spend a lot money online.
for online classes; these include radio  Service providers(MTL, tnm and
and TV programs, publishing books for airtel) won’t get feedback if their
reading at home. services are faster or not because
 Internet bundles to be purchased per there will be constant number of
required internet users
 Pressure reduced on technological
services due to decrease in demand
hence provision of improved services

Economic  Government will not spend a lot of  Government will spend a lot of
money in buying resource for money to fund online learning.
precaution measures for example,  Loss of salaries and wages for part
person protective equipment (PPE) and full time teachers.
for schools.  Slow progression of entrepreneurial
 The money which could be used as activities since some business within
pocket money and tuition fees will be and around school premises will
allocated for other developmental stop. For example accommodation,
activities. restraunts, stationary and transport
 Increase in labor force at household services
 Government will allocate the
allowance fee for teachers for other
important development activities.

Health  Reduce spread of Covid-19  Malnutrition impact of children

 Helps contact and epidemiological being out of school whose
tracing Households are food insecure since
 It gives time for potentially exposed in schools they benefit from school
individuals to show symptoms while feeding programs.
at home  High levels of overweight and obese
 It provide protection for older staff since many students’ and teachers
and students with underlying medical lead sedentary life style and fond of
conditions binge eating while at home.
 It gives time for fully understanding  The demand will be high in heath
of local Covid-19 situation. service provision in several
community clinics services

Social  Increases social distancing amongst  Limited interaction

immediate school environment.  High rate of school drop out
 Ensure that people can limit their  Teenage pregnancies and early
interaction with others and slow the marriages
spread of the virus.  Increase in child prostitution
 Children at home had time to interact  High population rate as people were
with their parents being confined.
 Conflicts at home
 Stress due to isolation
 High school seniors likely to lose
ability to participate in their prom
and graduation ceremony.
Technological  Service providers (MTL, tnm and  Government will spend a lot of
airtel) will improve their operation money for online classes; these
since there will be high demand of include radio and TV programs,
internet users. publishing books for reading at
 People were exposed to advanced home
technology for example zoom  Technical knowhow of the gadgets
 It was an advantage to some students used for e learning system
that are shy on face to face learning  Poor network
 Students with disability like eye
problems cannot do online learning.
 Divided attention of students during
online learning on other things
since most of them were
concentrating on social media
 It disadvantaged some students who
prefer face to face learning system.
Based on scrutinization of merits and demerits on the decisions of whether government should
close schools or not, the evaluation were not only based on number of merits or demerits but also
the strength of individual point. On the evaluation of decision of not closing the schools the
following were the observation: it could have adamant impacts on economy since it is affecting
the hub of economy which is government in the following ways. There is reduction in revenues
and tax to government because some revenues comes from private schools and other
entrepreneurs. On health the decision of not closing school could have negative impacts on most
people since the causative agent of spread of covid-19 is embedded in interactions. On the social
criteria the decision of not closing school was brilliant decision ever, this is so because there are
huge negative impacts which have happened while students were at home. And technologically
the decision of not closing school is good because of Malawian’s capability with technological
On evaluation of the decision to close school the following were the observations. Economically
it was posing balanced impacts under merit and demerits. On health issues, the closing of schools
had many benefits to students based on imperative data of the study of covid-19. Socially closing
of schools have huge negative impacts because of an alarming rate of unplanned and early
pregnancy, sexual transmitted diseases and abortions. But technologically there could be
balanced impacts on both merit and demerits.
So the overall evaluation shows that closing of schools have brought many negative impacts both
to government and several households and it can be concluded that the decision of closing
schools was not good

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