Organisational Behaviour

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Organisational Behaviour

Table of Contents
LO1 Tesco’s culture, politics and power influencing individual and group behaviour and performance.....4
Politics and power...................................................................................................................................4
LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal.....................................................6
Motivational theories..............................................................................................................................6
Content Theories.....................................................................................................................................6
Process theories......................................................................................................................................8
Relationship between culture, power, politics and motivation.............................................................10
LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others...................................11
What makes a team ineffective.............................................................................................................11
Relevant team and group development theories..................................................................................12
LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation............15
The concepts and philosophies of OB....................................................................................................15
Influence of OB informant.....................................................................................................................16
Relevance of team development theories in context of OB..................................................................17

Organisational and Behavior task TESCO is a term to recognize and find out about the conduct
of the human power in a work environment. Hierarchical conduct is comprised of smaller scale
level, meso-level and full-scale level. This term is being connected to make more productive
business association by utilizing the particular approach for dealing with the workforce to
expand the yield from the individual and gathering individuals. Authoritative conduct is mix of
administration, control, checking, coordinating and controlling the way toward working of
individual and gatherings. The following assignment deals with how TESCO’s structure, culture
and power affect the group and individual performance and also a critical evaluation among them
is included. And also, some concepts and philosophies of the OB in the given context.

LO1 Tesco’s culture, politics and power influencing individual and
group behaviour and performance
Organisation’s culture characterizes the way workers finish undertakings and interface with each
other in an association. The social worldview includes different convictions, qualities,
ceremonies and images that represent the working style of the general population inside an
organization. Corporate culture ties the workforce together and gives a heading to the
organization. TESCOS' is utilizing role culture since it is a substantial association. Role culture
is more valuable in substantial associations than little and medium associations (Bock, 2012).
Specific parts are doled out to representatives and they concentrates just on their objectives
because of this general effectiveness of the TESCOS' increment.

From the case scenario of Tesco, we found the following about its culture-

 Tesco management is following casual structure for assigning and checking the work.
 Tesco is following Normative culture.
 This culture offers an incentive to standards and predefines esteems.
 Tesco has opposed the guidelines and directions for keeping up the way of life.
 The staff of Tesco takes after fix format for dealing with the undertakings too giving the
flexibility to staff individuals to keep up the way of life.

Effect of culture on behaviour and performance: Organisational culture can enormously

affect representatives' performance and inspiration levels at Tesco. Intermittently, representatives
work harder to accomplish hierarchical objectives in the event that they view themselves as to be
a piece of the corporate culture. Distinctive societies working in one organization can likewise
affect worker execution. Because of the adaptable workplace, the representatives don't hesitate to
express their sentiments and therefore, they think themselves as the essential piece of the

Politics and power

Power and politics assume a gigantic part in Tesco, from administering how choices are made to
how workers interface with each other. In organizations of all shapes and sizes, the effect of
power relies upon whether representatives utilize positive or negative power to impact others in

the working environment. Politics may specifically impact who has the power and decide if the
general culture of the work environment empowers efficiency. From the case scenario we found
the followings about the power and politics of Tesco-

Effects of power on behaviour and performance: Tesco executes positive power over its
employees. Positive power in an association includes empowering efficiency. This incorporates
giving representatives the power to decide, remunerating workers for solid execution and
delegating workers who perform emphatically to oversee different representatives (Alvesson,
2012). Positive power assembles worker certainty and persuades representatives to work harder.
It additionally brings about those in larger amount positions picking up power through worker
regard and correspondence, instead of coercive endeavors.

Effect of politics on behaviour and performance: Workers who figure out how to explore the
politics of an association are more beneficial than the individuals who are let well enough alone
for the circle. To support efficiency, Tesco is maintaining a political culture simple for
representatives to get it. Setting up clear approaches and levels of leadership makes it less
demanding for representatives at Tesco to discover the appropriate responses they require and
invest more energy in creating quality work.

LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a
Motivational theories
There are various motivation theories and concept that might be useful to apply at various level
of organisation. For the convenience of discussion, we can categorize them in two ways-

 Content Theories
 Process Theories

Content Theories
Needs for
Alderfer achievement,
power and
Herzberg's affiliation
Two Factor
Heirarchy of

Figure 1: Content Theories

Content theories concentrate on the components inside a man that stimulate, coordinate, manage
and stop conduct. They take a gander at the particular needs that inspire individuals. Content
scholars incorporate Abraham Maslow, Clayton P. Alderfer, Federick Herzberg and David C.
McClelland. From the analysis of the case scenario, we found that TESCO follows two
motivational content theories. These are-

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: This is the most generally known hypothesis of inspiration and
was guessed by American analyst Abraham Maslow in the 1950s. Maslow set forward the
possibility that there existed a progressive system of requirements comprising of five levels in
the chain of command. These requirements advanced from bring down request needs through to
larger amount needs.

Figure 2: Maslow’s Motivational Model

The essential preface of the hypothesis is that we as a whole have these five levels of
requirements and that beginning at the least level we are inspired to fulfill each level in rising
request. The five distinct levels were further sub-classified into two primary gatherings, these

Deficiency Needs- Are required for survival and security. These are-

 Physiological needs
 Safety needs
 Social Needs

Growth Needs- Are required for personal fulfillment. These are-

 Esteem needs
 Self-actualization needs

Tesco might use this model to identify the basic need level of the employees and keep them up to
the mark to maintain the employee satisfaction and increase the productivity.

Herzberg’s two factor theory: Beside Maslow, Herzberg's hypothesis has likely gotten the most
consideration inside the work environment. He built up a hypothesis that separated between
factors that fulfilled representatives, and components that disappointed workers (Burke, 2013). In

his hypothesis the inverse of 'fulfillment' isn't 'disappointment' but instead 'no fulfillment'. In like
manner, the inverse of 'disappointment' is 'no disappointment'.

Herzberg related employment fulfillment to five variables:

 accomplishment
 acknowledgment
 work itself
 duty
 advancement

He named these elements 'inspirations' and related them back to growth needs. Herzberg related
occupation disappointment to:

 organization arrangement and organization

 supervision
 compensation
 relational connections
 working conditions

Tesco is highly sensitive to these two factors. They put especial concentration on these factors to
maintain the level of employees’ job satisfaction.

Impact of content theories on Tesco: Tesco can use both Maslow’s need theory and Herzberg’s
two factor theory. With the help of need theory, Tesco can identify employees’ real need of
motivation and progress towards the developed life style of them. On the other hand, with the
help of two factor theory, Tesco can identify what provide job satisfaction and what causes job
dissatisfaction. By identifying these factors, Tesco can maintain the job satisfaction level at the
organisation and increase their productivity.

Process theories

Process hypotheses give a depiction and examination of how conduct is empowered,

coordinated, supported and halted. Four process hypotheses are overwhelming: Reinforcement,
expectancy, equity, and goal setting.

Reinforcement Expectancy Equity

Figure 3: Process Theories

Reinforcement theory: This hypothesis was produced by B.F. Skinner. It is otherwise called
Operant Molding Theory. Reinforcement hypothesis expresses that conduct is to a great extent
controlled by its results. Those activities that has positive results have a tendency to be rehashed
all the more regularly in future. Activities with negative results are less inclined to be rehashed.
The concentration of this hypothesis is after changing the conduct of individuals at work.

Expectancy theory: This has been an essential hypothesis in the historical backdrop of the
investigation of inspiration. This hypothesis features that inspiration is incompletely a basic
leadership process that assesses exertion for results (Carlson, 2013). It features the inclusion of
the dynamic subjective procedures and client decision all the while.

The genuine assessment process is separated into various parts:

 On the off chance that I invest exertion, would I be able to hope to perform at the
required assignment?
 Will playing out this demonstration or undertaking accomplish a coveted result?
 Would I be able to expect the result will be accessible and approaching?

Equity theory: In this hypothesis representative continually evaluates their level of exertion
against kindred laborers and the reward they get for their exertion. On the off chance that they
see there is a noteworthy distinction between their level of exertion and their kindred laborers,
they will attempt to realize fairness of exertion for everybody—by modifying up or down their
own execution or by taking measures to change the level of their kindred specialists.

Goal setting theory: A hierarchical part plays out an assignment better in light of the fact that
there is an obvious goal set, with particular targets, booking, and criticism. This surmises goals
are feasible and testing. The part has something toward which to endeavor, and there are no
ambiguities about what could possibly be done. While it may not generally be a smart thought to

have the part be a piece of the goal setting, despite the fact that, that individual might be more
roused if s/he is a piece of the basic leadership process.

Impact of process theories on Tesco: Tesco directors give essential needs to its representatives.
This will incorporate a position of work, regular monthly pay and basic offices, for example,
restaurant or locker for individual needs. Supervisors give the security of formal contracts of
work. It guarantees wellbeing and security in the working environment. Tesco advances group
and gathering working at different levels. The organization directing wheels surveys individual
and gathering work and empower store staff to fill in as a group. Tesco offer Personal
Development Plans, acknowledgment of ability and gifts, open door for advancements and
profession movements program (Aydin, 2015). They measure the satisfaction level through a
survey and also provide 360-degree feedback for the improvement of performance. Tesco means
to persuade its representatives both by focusing on cleanliness factors and by empowering

Relationship between culture, power, politics and motivation

Culture and Motivation: Culture at TESCO is driven by its auxiliary adaptability and
procedures. As a culture relies upon the conduct and viewpoint of the representatives, TESCO
structure is made with the target to keep the hierarchical and self-improvement parallel to each
other. In this manner, TESCO bolsters the even and vertical division in dissemination of power
and obligation with the goal that more opportunity in work can be conveyed at each level. In this
way, adaptable and versatile workforce is worked to meet the dynamic necessities of the
association. TESCO trusts that roused representatives can give greater profitability and high
caliber in work. The inventive and motivational culture of TESCO mirrors the outcomes in the
execution of the association.

Power, Politics and Motivation: Hierarchical structure is secluded with the goal that the
necessities and desires of the workers can be seen effortlessly, and viable systems can be shaped
to meet the individual goals of representatives. TESCO composes the preparation and
advancement projects to improve the aptitudes of representatives and to influence them to plan
for the dynamic nature and parts in work environment. Likewise, the occasions and capacities in
work environment urge representatives to express their free considerations and aptitudes with the
goal that association can watch the abilities of workers all the more precisely.

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LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively
with others
What makes a team ineffective
There are various factors which make a team ineffective opposed to an effective one. The major
factors are-

Absence of focus: Teams are regularly ineffectual on the grounds that they experience the ill
effects of an absence of reason. While they may have a general thought of what can anyone do, is
no particular everyday goal or set of individual targets. Likewise, when a group does not
completely understand how to achieve its goals, it might be bound to come up short. Talking
about who will handle every part of the procedure and why is critical.

Unequal individuals: The individuals from a useless group may not convey measure up to status
inside the gathering. At the point when certain individuals talk progressively or are more open
with suppositions, or when the statement of emotions or assessments is disheartened, the ignored
colleagues may create sentiments of animosity toward whatever is left of the gathering. At the
point when an issue arises inside the gathering, it is basic that the group and its chief examine the
issue decently and transparently and resolve it as per the general inclination of all individuals.

Blunders Absence of
Absence of Unequal
and group
focus individuals
cynicism cohesion

Figure 4: Factors That Makes a Team Ineffective

Blunders and cynicism: Finger-pointing is a normal for an insufficient group; individuals rush
to bring up the mistakes and shortcomings of others as opposed to gaining from misfortunes and
pushing ahead. An environment of antagonism fabricates dividers between the individuals from
the group, between the group and its administrator, and between the group and its goals.

Absence of group cohesion: Ineffective groups are frequently comprised of people who don't
blend well, or who don't have the important abilities to play out the assortment of work at hand.

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A few groups may have an excessive number of individuals with similar abilities, while different
groups experience the ill effects of an absence of legitimate preparing.

Relevant team and group development theories

Tuckman’s team development theory: The estimation of Tuckman's model is that it causes us
to understand that groups advance. It likewise causes us to consider how they may experience
distinctive issues at various phases of their advancement. It has 4 phases-

Forming: The underlying phase of group advancement amid which people have not yet gelled
together. Everyone is caught up with finding their place in the group, scrutinizing each other, and
asking themselves for what reason they are here.

Storming: Individuals start to consider themselves to be a piece of a group. However, at this

stage they may move each other, and the group pioneer, about such things as what the group is
doing, and how things ought to be finished. As the stage title recommends, strife and encounter
embody this stage, as contrasts surface.

Figure 5: Tuckman’s Team Development Theory

Norming: This is where colleagues begin to meet up, creating forms, building up standard
procedures, elucidating who does what, and how things will be finished. This stage is portrayed
by a developing feeling of "harmony".

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Performing: This is the last stage where expanded concentrate on both the assignment, and on
group connections, consolidate to give cooperative energy. Execution is conveyed through
individuals working viably together. Group Building in the Workplace will enable you to
fabricate a performing group.

Belbin’s Typology Theory:

The Belbin Team Role Model is intended to utilize the talents and identities of the members. On
the off chance that somebody needs his group to enhance its performance by cooperating more
viably, it is vital that he figures out how to utilize the mental assorted variety in his group to its
fullest potential.

Figure 6: Belbin Team Role Model

According to the Belbin model, I identified and assigned such roles in my teams-

Implementer, Monitor, Shaper and Co-Ordinator: Basically, the person who thinks,
communicate with people and also put ideas into actions are recognized with certain

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Plant and Completer Finisher: Plant is the characteristics of having creativity and who are
open to new ideas. Whereas on the other hand, completer finisher works on the details of the job
and tries to solve the problem of the task.

Team worker and resource investigator: The main task of the team worker and resource
investigator is to communicate outside of the team and bring useful information for the
completion of the task. Moreover, s/he also possesses the ability to create a bond among the
group member. (Harmon, 2015)

Specialist: Is referred to the person who has the ability of certain extra ordinary to perform in
the team. These kinds of individuals are very useful for certain filed of wok due to their extra
ordinary ability.

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LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to
a given business situation
The concepts and philosophies of OB
The concepts and philosophies of OB is based on two key elements (Cummings, 2014). These

Nature of the people: From the case scenario, we found the following nature of the individuals-

Motivated behaviour: Tesco does a good job in motivating their employees in both monetary
and non-monetary ways. They provide right compensation and various benefits as well as
appraisal leading to a motivated and productive individual.

Valued employees: Tesco values their employees. They provide career development options and
various incentives such as reduced rate of health benefits to. It provides a very positive impact on
the mind of the employees.

Nature of organisation: Tesco’s nature in case of OB’s perspective is-

Social System: It refers how Tesco socializes within the organisation. From the case, we found
that there is an effective communication network within Tesco. It proves that it has strong formal
communication scope as well as informal one.

Mutual interest: Each association needs individuals and individuals require associations to
survive and succeed. Essentially, it's a shared understanding between the association and the
representatives that helps both achieve their separate goals (Fullan, 2014). Tesco motivate their
employees as they need higher productivity rate. On the other hand, employees work harder as
they need right compensation for their performance.

Ethics: They are the ethical standards of an individual, gathering, and association. With a
specific end goal to pull in and keep important representatives, moral treatment is essential, and
some ethical standards should be set. All these are done by Tesco

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Influence of OB informant
In an organisation, OB can influence in these following fields both in positive and negative

Culture- Individuals are social creatures and endeavor to fit in to the earth around them. On the
off chance that your organization culture urges workers to talk up without dread of response, new
representatives will pick up trust in communicating their thoughts, while if the way of life is to
shoot the delegate, new representatives will soon figure out how to remain quiet about their

Motivation- While the need to gain a pay guarantees individual will appear for work,
authoritative conduct recommends that representatives should be propelled to perform to the best
of their capacity. Workers are destined to be roused when they see a reasonable connection
between the exertion they put in and the reward that they get. Prizes must be viewed as
reasonable and evenhanded keeping in mind the end goal to rouse representatives to buckle

Decision making- Whether at the organizational or individual level, decisions are made by
human beings. Organizational behavior influences the decisions that people make. Companies
with robust, effective communication mechanisms enable managers and employees to make
informed decisions, because they understand the business context. The organization's approach
to risk will determine the extent to which managers and employees feel comfortable taking risks
in their decision making.

Change management: All companies must respond to changing markets, technical advances
and customer demands if they are to survive. However, employees often prefer the familiar ways
of doing business, making it difficult for them to change and adapt. Companies can manage
change effectively by understanding organizational behavior. The need for change should be
openly discussed, with the opportunity for employees to ask questions.

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Relevance of team development theories in context of OB
Research demonstrates that team development is a valuable however exceedingly unique
process. The life cycle of groups can regularly nearly look like different stages in singular
improvement. Keeping in mind the end goal to keep up assemble viability, people ought to know
about key stages and in addition techniques to abstain from getting to be noticeably stuck en
route. Great authority abilities joined with learning of team advancement will enable any team to
perform at its pinnacle level (Hassan, 2013). Groups, however comparable, are unique in relation
to bunches in both degree and arrangement. Groups are regularly little accumulations of people
with different ranges of abilities that join to address a particular issue, while groups can be
substantially bigger and frequently comprise of individuals with covering capacities progressing
in the direction of a shared objective.

In the Tuckman’s theory, we found that there are 5 stages of group development. In every
stage, individuals behave differently. Organisational behavior in context of this development
model can be used to understand the group behaviour and implement right decision to make the
group more effective. On the other hand, Belbin’s Typology theory suggests that a team is
comprised of different types of people with different abilities. If with the help of this theory an
organisation identifies the typology of people, then it can use OB to make the team more
effective. Such as motivating the individuals differently according to their types which will
increase job satisfaction and productivity.

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Tesco gives chances to its supervisors and staff to take an offer and a more noteworthy
enthusiasm for their own particular business. Since each representative is a person, with various
necessities and desires, the procedure of audits and self-awareness designs permits
acknowledgment of their capacities and accomplishment, and in addition potential improvement.
This advantages the person by giving vocation movement. It additionally benefits Tesco by
guaranteeing the business can convey abnormal amounts of client benefit through its gifted

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 Alvesson, M., 2012. Understanding organizational culture.
 Aydin, A.M., 2015. The influence of task and time on information behaviour in organisations 
 Bock, A.J., Opsahl, T., George, G. and Gann, D.M., 2012. The effects of culture and structure on
strategic flexibility during business model innovation. 
 Burke, W.W., 2013. Organization Change: Theory and Practice: Theory and Practice.
 Carlson, M., 2013. Performance: A critical introduction.
 Cummings, T. and Worley, C., 2014. Organization development and change.
 Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook.
 Gagné, M. and Deci, E.L., 2015. Self-determination theory and work motivation. 
 Harmon, P., 2015. The scope and evolution of business process management.

 Hassan, S., Mahsud, R., Yukl, G. and Prussia, G.E., 2013. Ethical and empowering leadership
and leader effectiveness. 

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