Nature of Physics PDF

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The nature of Physics

The world is full of experiences that cry out for explanations. Think, for example, of the
colors of rainbows and soap bubbles, the vapor trails of high-flying aircraft, the fact that
liquid water abruptly changes into solid ice at a certain temperature, the production of
lightning and the thunder that follows it in a storm, the beautiful hexagonal symmetry of
small snowflakes; all these, and a limitless list of other phenomena, fall within the province
of the science of physics. The essence of science in general is the observation and
exploration of the world around us with a view to identifying some underlying order or
pattern in what we find. And physics is that part of science which deals primarily with the
inanimate world, and which furthermore is concerned with trying to identify the most
fundamental and unifying principles. The first of these conditions -- restriction to the
inanimate world -- separates physics, at least provisionally, from biology; the second
separates it from chemistry, which, at least in its theoretical aspects, builds on some
specific areas of physics but can ignore some others. Mathematics, of course, although
indispensable to the practice of physics, is an entirely different field of study, since it is self-
contained and is ultimately independent of observations of the real world.
The subject of this article could be approached in many different ways. One way of
obtaining some insight into the nature of physics is to look at the story of how physics has
developed from its beginnings until now. That is what this article does, although it makes
no attempt to be exhaustive and omits many topics that some might consider important or
even essential. Its main purpose is not to offer a chronological survey for its own sake, but
just to illustrate how the consistent aim of physics is to relate our knowledge of phenomena
to a minimal number of general principles.
 Physics is a science that deals with matter and
energy and their interactions.
Branches of Physics
Branches of Physics
The physicists have divided the subject Physics into various
branches; each branch has acquired a title of a full subject
now a days.
Many branches of Physics are given below:

1. Mechanics
2. Electricity
3. Electromagnetism
4. Solid-State Physics
5. Atomic Physics
6. Nuclear Physics
7. Plasma Physics
8. Bio-physics
9. Astro Physics
Branches of Physics
1. Mechanics:
The branch of Physics which deals
with the motion of objects with or without
reference of force.
Branches of Physics
2. Electricity:
The branch of Physics which deals
with the phenomena and effects related to
electric charges.
Branches of Physics
3. Electromagnetism:
It deals with observations,
Principles, laws and method relate electricity
and magnetism.
Branches of Physics
4. Solid-State Physics:
The branch of Physics which
deals with the structure and properties of solid
Branches of Physics
5. Atomic Physics:
The branch of Physics which
deals with the structure and properties of the
Branches of Physics
6. Nuclear Physics:
The branch of Physics which deals
with the structure, Properties and reaction of
the Nuclei of atoms.
Branches of Physics
7. Plasma Physics:
The branch of Physics which deals
with the Properties of highly ionized atoms
forming a mixture of bare nuclei (nuclei
without electrons) and Electron.
Branches of Physics
8. Bio-Physics:
The branch of Physics which deals
with the application of physical methods and
explanation to bio-physics systems and
Branches of Physics
9. Astro Physics:
The branch of Physics which deals
with the study of the Physics of Astronomical

In addition to these branches also there are other branches

 Low temperature Physics
 Particle Physics
 Optics
 Acoustics
Thank You
The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method

The scientific method is the only scientific

way accepted to back up a theory or
idea. This is the method on which all
research projects should be based. The
scientific method is used by researchers
to support or disprove a theory.
The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method involves 5 steps:

Problem or Question
The Scientific Method

Observation- You observe something

using your senses. What you see
makes you ask a question or state a

AH—Look at this!
The Scientific Method

Problem or Question- You ask a question or

state the problem that you observed.
The Scientific Method

Hypothesis- You predict what

you think the answer to
your question might be.
The Scientific Method

Experiment - You figure out a way to test

whether the hypothesis is correct. The
outcome must be measurable. Record and
analyze data.
The Scientific Method
Results- You do the experiment using
the method you came up with and
record the results. You repeat the
experiment to confirm your
results by retesting.
The Scientific Method
Conclusion- You state whether
your prediction was confirmed or not
and try to explain your results.
The Scientific Method

The scientific method is an educated guess to

solve scientific problem. There are 5

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