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Male Genital Pathology | Hasnat Hussain (Reus-11)

Male Genital System

Q.1) Give a pathologic classification of testicular tumors. Name the two
histological variants of seminoma. Which germ cell tumour of testis is
common in infancy and childhood?
Pathological classification of testicular tumors:
Germ cell tumors
1. Seminomatous tumors
 Classical seminoma
 Spermatocytic seminoma

2. Non semiomatous tumors

 Embryonal carcinoma
 Yolk sac tumour
 Choriocarcinoma
 Teratoma

Sex cord-stromal tumors

1. Leydig cell tumour
2. Sertoli cell tumor

Histological variants of seminoma:

 Classical seminoma
 Spermatocytic seminoma

Gem cell tumour of the testis which is common in infants and child:
 Yolk sac tumor

Q.2) What is benign prostatic hyperplasia? Give its morphology. Give the
pathogenesis of prostate adenocarcinoma.

Male Genital Pathology | Hasnat Hussain (Reus-11)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia:
“Non-malignant enlargement of the prostate caused by nodular hyperplasia of prostatic
stroma and epithelium. It often leads to urinary obstruction.”

 Occur in the inner transitional zone of the prostate
 Prostate is enlarged and contains many nodules
 Nodules can be solid or cystic
 Urethra is compressed by the nodules to a narrow slit
 Sometimes the nodules may project into the bladder lumen and cause ball-valve type
of urethral obstruction
 Hyperplastic nodules are composed of proliferating glands and fibromuscular stroma
 The glands are lined by tall columnar epithelium
 Lumen of the glands contain proteinaceous material called corpora amylacea.

Pathogenesis of prostate adenocarcinoma:

Androgens, heredity, environmental factors and acquired somatic mutations have roles in
the development of prostate cancer.
1. Androgens
Evidence that lead to the concept that androgens play a role in carcinoma prostate
 Castrated men don’t develop prostate cancer due to low level of androgens in
 Cancer regresses on anti-androgen therapy
2. Heredity
 Increased risk in first degree relatives of patients with prostate cancer
 Uncommon in Asians
3. Environmental factors
 Western diet
 Western environment (industrialization)

Male Genital Pathology | Hasnat Hussain (Reus-11)

4. Acquired somatic mutations

 TMPRSS2-ETS fusion gene
 PTEN mutation (tumour suppressor gene)

Excess androgens + heredity + environmental factors + acquired mutations  carcinoma


Q.3) Classify testicular germ cell tumors. Give a brief account of morphology of
seminoma testis.
Testicular germ cell tumors:
 Classified previously.

Morphology of seminoma testis:

 Testis enlarged
 Soft, well demarcated, grey-white tumors
 Bulge out from the cut surface
 Composed of large, uniform cells with clear glycogen-rich cytoplasm and round nuclei
with prominent nucleoli
 Cells are arranged in small lobules with intervening fibrous septa
 Lymphocytic infiltrate is often present
 Sometimes a granulomatous reaction may also be present
 In 15% of cases, syncitiotrophoblasts are present in the tumor which secrete hCG.

Q.4) Classify testicular tumors. Describe the morphology of seminoma testis.

Enumerate the causes of atrophic testes.

Male Genital Pathology | Hasnat Hussain (Reus-11)

Classification of testicular tumors:

 Classified previously.
Morphology of seminoma testis:
 Described previously.

Causes of atrophic testis:

 Cryptorchidism
 Atherosclerotic narrowing of the testicular vessels
 Severe orchitis (inflammation of testes)
 Hypopituitarism
 Malnutrition or cachexia
 Irradiation
 Prolonged administration of anti-androgens
 Kilnefelter syndrome
 Persistent stimulation by high levels of FSH

Q.5) Define choriocarcinoma. Write down the morphology of

“A very aggressive malignant tumour of the uterus that arises from the gestational
chorionic epithelium or less frequently from the gonadal germ cells.”

Morphology of choriocarcinoma:
 Soft, fleshy, yellow-white tumor
 Large areas of haemorrhage and necrosis are present
 No chorionic villi
 Composed of anaplastic cuboidal cytotrophoblasts and syncitiotrophoblasts
 Invades the myometrium and vessels very early in the course

Male Genital Pathology | Hasnat Hussain (Reus-11)

Q.6) Classify testicular tumors. Briefly describe the gross appearance of

“classical” or “typical” seminoma. Write three identification points of
microscopic picture of seminoma.
Classification of testicular tumors:
 Classified previously.
Gross appearance of classical or typical seminoma:
 Testis enlarged
 Soft, well demarcated, grey-white tumors
 Bulge out from the cut surface

Identification points of microscopic picture of seminoma:

 Composed of large, uniform cells with clear glycogen-rich cytoplasm and round nuclei
with prominent nucleoli
 Cells are arranged in small lobules with intervening fibrous septa
 Lymphocytic infiltrate

Prepared By: Hasnat Hussain (Reus-11) 

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