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Michael Angelo P. Magsael.


Effective Communication

As defined, effective communication plays a crucial in our personal and professional life and
success. Having effective communication results to the following outcomes.

1. Quick in Problem Solving

- Effective communication makes the problem solving quick. Meaning, solving such problem
that goes through an effective communication makes the problem clearer and possible to be
solved fast. Because it brings a brighter view of the problem and elaborated knowledge making
numerous ways to answer.

2. Strong Decision Making

- Firm stand to what we choose to do can be resulted by effective communication. Having such
communication makes our state at ease free from worrying over mistakes. This way, decision
making finalize with assurance and less doubt over and over.

3. More Productivity

-Unclear conversation makes multiple mistakes causing waste effort many times. With effective
communication, what we can do will no more limited saving a lot of time. And this time can be
use to more productive output.

4. Consistence in the Work Flow

- Every process can be consistent with the proper and effective communication. The continuity
of the work we take varies in how instruction and how we agreed to do the job. With an
effective communication, we face this works in routine and in harmonious manner resulting in
such consistent work flow.

5. Strong Business Relation

-As defined, effective communication also affects the professional success of a person. In a
transaction like business that needs a clear and objective talk, such a successful conversation
matters. The person who we deal with seek not an intense debate but for us to reach in
profitable understanding. And to build up such a strong business ties, argument must be
minimize and emphasize benefit to each other. Lastly, it creates a strong bond and build up
6. Better Control

- Things running out of hand is unpredictable. That is why control is essential and always

Having an effective communication creates better control over everything that we do. From
planning, scheduling, and in process, looking out for proper control always influenced by clear
and successful transaction. Because assurance over communication makes the best support of
order and control.

7. Advanced Professional Image

- Only speaking makes people have an impression toward us. Effective communication shows
the ability of a person to reach in such a decisive conclusion. This way, we can build up such an
image of professional without the output yet. Because people trust those they agree with
rather than unsuccessful talk where they never reach such an agreement or creating friction
due to opposition of goals.

8. Better Response from all Stakeholders

- Stakeholders are people who entrust or willing to trust you. Such a gamble in professional
work is not an easy task for them. That's why they take importance to reach an assurance
brought by the transaction. Their feedback is such an important thing not only to you but also
for them. Seeing and taking you as trustworthy person can only be reach by successful and
effective communication.

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