Seminar Handouts CA

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APPENDIX H (continue)

 Min core size should be 52mm diam. (NMLC or HMLC or equivalent)


Wash samples should be checked continuously and SPT should be carried out at change of soil type or
at 1.5m interval except when taking undisturbed samples or where soft cohesive stratum is encountered
where insitu vane shear test should be carried out (at 1.0m to 1.5m intervals) instead of SPT.

Typical undisturbed samples from soft to firm strata using thin walled stationary piston samplers should
be taken (min 63.5mm diam.).

Typical undisturbed samples from residual soils using Mazier samplers with detachable inner liner
(74mm diam.) should be taken at selected boreholes shown in the Drg. or as directed by the Designer.
Air foam drilling technique should be used.


Field borelogs should be sent to the Designer as soon as each borehole is completed. This is to enable
the designer to determine as early as possible the types of lab tests required. This is also to enable the
Designer, after examination of the field borelogs, to determine the adequacy of SI (to add or to omit or
to amend the scope of SI).

As a general guide, typical disturbed samples from Hand Augers and SPT samplers from each borehole
should be selected for classification tests which include natural moisture content, liquid limit, plastic
limit, plasticity index, and particle size distribution (excluding sg, pipette/ hydrometer tests and other
chemical tests sinless otherwise specified or directed by the Designer).

Typical undisturbed samples from soft to firm strata may be selected for oedometer tests/UU/CIU tests

Typical undisturbed samples from residual soils may be selected for CIU/CD or permeability tests etc.
Water samples are for PH & salt contents tests etc.

Bulk samples from trial pits are mainly for classification, compaction & CBR tests.

Block samples will be mainly for triaxial tests (CIU/CD) or permeability tests etc.


SI report shall be prepared according to REAM guidelines.

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