Science 4Q Reviewer

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Host - an organism that a parasite lives with, in, or, on, and provides a source of energy or a suitable environment for
the parasite to live

Parasite –the organism that benefits by living with, on, or in a host in a parasitism interaction

Parasitism - a type of symbiosis in which one organism lives with, on, or in a host and harms it

Commensalism - a type of symbiosis between two species in which one species benefits and the other species is
neither helped nor harmed

Mutualism - a type of symbiosis in which both species benefit from living together

Symbiosis - any relationship in which two species live closely together and that benefits at least one of the species

Prey - an organism that is killed and eaten by another organism in a predation interaction

Predator - the organism that does the killing in a predation interaction

Predation - an interaction in which one organism kills another for food or nutrients

Competition - the struggle between organisms to survive as they attempt to use the same limited resources in the
same place at the same time

Niche - how an organism makes its living and interacts with biotic and abiotic factors in its habitat

Adaptation - an inherited behavior or physical characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its

Organism - a living thing

natural selection - the process by which organisms that are best adapted to their environment are most likely to
survive and reproduce

ecology - the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment

ecosystem - the community of organisms that live in a particular area, along with their nonliving environment

community - all the different populations that live together in a particular area

population - all the members of one species living in the same area

species - a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring that can also mate and

abiotic factor - a nonliving part of an organsim's habitat

biotic factor - a living or once living part of an organism's habitat

habitat - an environment that provieds the things a specific organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce

What are the two major interactions between organisms? predation and competition
Is commensalism common? why or why not? - no, because two species are usually either helped or hurt by any
Give an example of a parasite - a flea or tick is a parasite that can live on other animals
Sound is produced when things vibrate. Vibrating objects send out sound waves that travel in all directions. Sound
travels more slowly than light. On average, it travels in air at a speed of 343 meters per sec. In water, it travels much
faster at 1482 meters per second.

Sound wave – particles of air pushed together in a particular pattern and causes the surrounding air to vibrate.
However, sound waves cannot move through a vacuum because there is no air or other medium present to vibrate.

Pitch- degree of lowness or highness of a sound

Loudness – refer to how strong a sound is when it is heard;

Decibels – unit of measurement for loudness

Echo – reflection of sound; when a sound wave strikes a smooth, hard surface, it bounces back.

Acoustic material – any material that absorbs sound; an example is a cork

Sound absorption – is a process in which sound energy is reduced when sound waves pass through a medium or
strike a surface

Soundproofing – confine sounds in an area so they cannot disturb people outside; studios use vinyl boards to trap
sounds within a room

Heat is a form of energy. It is important in many ways. Heat keeps us warm during cold weather. It helps us cook our
food and dry our clothes. Heat also helps produce electricity.

The direction of the heat flow is always from the warm object to the cold object. The temperature of the cold object
increases while the temperature of the warm object decreases.

Heat and temperature are NOT the same. When heat rises, the temperature goes up.

Heat is the total energy of all the moving molecules in an object. The amount of heat is measured by using a

Temperature is the average energy of the molecules in an object. It is the degree of hotness or coldness

Conduction – through continuous collision, heat is transferred all throughout the solid

Convection – colder liquid or gas from the top is pushed down and in turn becomes heated and rises.

Convection Current – circular movement of the heated liquid or gas.

Radiation – transfer of heat energy in the form of waves; this third method of heat transfer does not require matter

Soil is not only important in farming and gardening. It also serves as habitat for various organisms and as a source of
raw materials. That is why it should be preserved and protected.
Particle Size Texture Color Smell Water-holding
Sand biggest Coarse or rocky Absorbs little
Silt Like clay
Clay smallest Smooth & sticky Absorbs
Loam gritty earthy Highly porous
Humus – dark-brown or black mass of decaying plant and animal matter.
Layers of Soil 1st Topsoil where plants grow 2nd Subsoil where minerals are found 3rd Hard bedrock or parent rock
A person can live a month without food, but only about a week without water.

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