Book Review SKSB

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Assalamualaikum & good morning everyone.

I am
BANAI. I’m twelve years old. I’m a school prefect too.
Today,I would like to give a book review on a story book
entitled ‘A VISIT TO MELAKA’. This book contains 33
pages and it’s written by ARIFF MOHD. The story on the
book has 2 characters. The first character is ALI’S elder
sister and the second character is himself.
They had left to Melaka last week. When they got
their,they stopped at a food stall by the beach. ALI
wanted to know about Melaka history and he asked his
sister. She related,a long time ago, there was a prince
and his name was PARAMESWARA. He travelled along
the river and he became tired,so,he sat under a
tree.Then,he saw some dogs chasing a mousedeer. The
prince was very happy to see that battle. He decided to
stay in that place and named the place Melaka. Melaka
was also not as big as it is now. The prince and other
sultan had made a lot of changes.Tun Perakis a very
important man in Melaka too. He had defeated the
SIAMESE. Many states had to pay ‘BUNGA EMAS’ to
because everyone was scared of the SIAMESE. The
‘BUNGA EMAS’ was agift made of gold. It was given to
the King of Siam to make him happy,but,he did not want
to pay. During Tun Perak’s time,there was a young man
and his name was Hang Tuah. He had save Tun Perak’s
life. When he became LAKSAMANA,he chased the
Siamese away. After this,Melaka became a peaceful
state. Then,the Sultan sent Hang Tuah to look for
princess of GUNUNG LEDANG. After that, he never came
back again. Many years later,the rulers of Melaka were
weak. Finally,the Portuguese came. They built a fort
around Melaka. It was called the ‘ A’ FAMOSA ’. Later,
the British came and they destroyed the ‘ A’ FAMOSA ’.
We can only see the gateway of ‘ A’ FAMOSA ’ now. ALI’S
sister also related,that not only Melaka has a story
LANGKAWI also have their own histories. ALI’S sister
asked him to get in the car to go home.
In conclusion,no wonder Melaka is listed in TWO
THOUSAND EIGHT UNESCO as World Heritage Site.
Besides the many beautiful historical sites,Melaka is also
well known for its great ford. But,the most fascinatry and
interesting facts is,its a state with glorious history and
the pride of MALAYSIA.
W.B.T .

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