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Mermejo, Cindy Easther P. Jan.


BSBA-FM4 Tue-5-7:00pm


Last January 28, 2014, we had a seminar about social graces and etiquette.
From that seminar, I learned a lot about how to properly handle myself properly, good
manners and etiquette in the business setting. Learning good etiquette indeed correlate
to a high degree that is because people tend to judge a person and/or its company by
what they see from the appearance up to the manners. First impression lasts especially
in business, that’s why it is important to wear the appropriate attire, be knowledgeable
and have professional manners in order to gain a person’s favor and thus, make good
impressions to the people around.

The seminar taught me also to be sensitive to others. Like for example, the
application of perfume. It is important not to overly put on too much perfume for it may
cause irritation to others. It is also important to put on just enough make-up, have a well
groomed hairstyle, minimal jewelry and most importantly, no body odor. It’s important to
practice proper hygiene for that in itself describes a person’s personality. Being well
dressed is not enough, etiquette and good manners must also be practiced. That is to
avoid embarrassing oneself and to make others feel comfortable also. Etiquette is very
important for it reflects the person’s upbringing and mirrors what kind of person he/she
is. Some of the good etiquette I learned from the seminar is in the table; women should
wear make-up in the powder room or in a private area. It is also important to accept
compliments by saying thank you rather than denying. In a business meeting, it is
important to turn off the cell phone or switch it to silent mode or vibrating that is to avoid
disturbing others and also to show respect to the people around. As a whole, I learned
this golden rule which is “Mannerisms make a man, good manners make a good man.”
That is something that must always be remembered as we go along our journey after

The seminar had a great impact on me as a student. At my young age, I have

little idea of what’s going to happen in the business world. Having knowledge about
proper attire, etiquette and manners would help me be able to face the real world, of
how I would handle such situations without panicking and be able to react in the right
way. Learning about proper dressing really helped me realize how important it is to
dress oneself in a proper way. Before the seminar, I thought that as long as I look fine, it
is okay but because of this seminar, I learned the standards of being a professional.
There are set of guidelines that are to be followed in order to be presentable and make
good impressions around.

This seminar taught me to not be satisfied by mediocrity, but to attain quality.

Discipline is one thing that has engraved this seminar into my being. Learning good
etiquette and good manners in the various situations had remained in my mind ever
since the seminar. Learning how to behave out in the public, with friends and strangers,
whether you are at someone's home or in a restaurant really matters because it allows
others to see that you are a polite, civilized coworker who knows how to be nice and
can represent the company in a positive way. If you don’t show good manners, you run
the risk of ruining your reputation. This can prevent you from being promoted and in
some cases may even get you fired. The seminar also made a better person. From now
on, I’m conscious of what I do and what comes out of my mouth and must be very
careful about it because people are watching and my being is on the line. Learning
these social graces, good manners and etiquette really did refine and polish my
personality as well as my behavior towards others. I learned a lot from the seminar and
it has great impact in my life. I am continually developing myself and little by little, learn
by heart the social graces, etiquette and good manners.

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