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WoG Ace Abilities and Optional Rules. v.

5 (Sept2019)
An ace may have one or more special skills but not the same skill more than once.
Note that some skills require the use of the standard or advanced rules as indicated in the title of the skill.
This list is sourced from the Rules and Accessories Pack (RAP), Ace Sets, Crew Skills (Giants sets) and Series 9
releases (s.9)

Manoeuvre Abilities: (Pilots Only)

Acrobatic Pilot: (basic rules) (RAP)
This pilot may perform a non-straight manoeuvre after an Immelmann, or, a Split-S.
When you use this skill take five recovery tokens.
Daredevil: (basic rules) (RAP)
This pilot may perform two steep manoeuvres in succession.
When you execute the second steep manoeuvre take four recovery tokens.
Height Control: (Advanced rules) (s.9 & Ace set)
When executing a dive, or, overdive, this pilot may take (or, keep) as many climb counters as he wants, up to the
maximum climb of his airplane minus one.
Nimble Pilot: (basic rules) (Crew skill)
This skill requires the use of the Tailing optional rule.
This pilot can tail an enemy airplane even if piloting a multi-engine airplane. You may tail the same airplane for
several consecutive action phases.
In the action phase you do not tail the same airplane any more take three recovery tokens.

Evasion Abilities: (Pilots Only)

Good at Escaping: (basic rules) (RAP)
This skill requires use of the Tailing optional rule.
This pilot's airplane may not be tailed unless the tailing airplane's pilot is also an ace with the Good at Escaping

Lucky Pilot: (basic rules) (RAP)

This pilot may choose to ignore a single damage card during the game after drawing and seeing it.
The ignored card is shuffled back into the deck.
To remember that this skill has been used discard its token.

Personal Abilities:
Chivalrous Aptitude: (Standard rules) (RAP)
Some pilots took away all tracing bullets away from their machine gun feed to avoid igniting enemy planes.
Ignore any fire and smoke special damage on a damage card drawn by the target of an attack by this ace.
In addition, if a target airplane takes an explosion card its owner shows it and openly draws another damage card.
If the second card is a 0 the aircraft is eliminated, if it is a 1 or more ignore the explosion and this new card is
taken as damage instead. Ignore any jamming result on the second card. The explosion card is reshuffled into its
An ace that chooses this skill may choose two more skills (excluding the incendiary bullets skill which is
prohibited to pilots with chivalrous aptitude)

Super Ace: (basic rules) (s.9 & Aces set & RAP)
This player discards two recovery tokens from each of the ace's skills after each manoeuvre rather just one.

Strong Constitution: (standard rules) (RAP)

This ace ignores the effects of the first crewman hit special damage on himself.
If the ace takes a second wound, and he is the pilot, he is incapacitated and the aircraft is eliminated.
If he is the observer, or, other crewman, he is incapacitated by the second wound and can no longer fire
his machine gun.

Double Ace: (basic rules) (s.9 & Aces set)
When another 'once per game' skill (such as Lucky Pilot or Intuitive) is used, do not discard that skill but take
seven recovery tokens instead.
To remember this skill has been used turn the card face down.

Team Coordination: (basic rules) (s.9)

During the planning phase, the ace can look at the cards planned by all friendly airplanes within two rulers
distance, before planning his own cards.
if more than one friendly ace uses this skill at the same time, randomly draw to see who plans first among them
and shows planned cards to the others.
This skill can be used twice in a game.

Experienced pilot: (standard rules) (Crew skill) (Multi engine only)

An observer/gunner with this skill can abandon his role to replace a wounded or killed pilot.
Mark the abandoned role circle with a casualty marker.
To remember this skill has been used, discard the casualty marker of the incapacitated pilot and turn this card face
Special rules for specific airplanes can forbid some members, in inaccessible places such as the upper gun
platforms or engine nacelles, from using this skill. (Staaken)

Emergency Pilot: (standard rules) (Crew skill) (Multi-engine only)

An observer/gunner with this skill can abandon his role to replace an incapacitated pilot.
Being busy with unfamiliar controls, he fires with the usual restrictions for a rookie pilot.
Mark the abandoned role circle with a casualty marker.
To remember this skill has been used, discard the casualty marker of the incapacitated pilot and turn this card face
Special rules for specific airplanes can forbid some members, in inaccessible places such as the upper gun
platforms or engine nacelles, from using this skill. (Staaken)

Intuitive: (basic rules) (s.9)

This skill requires the use of the Tailing optional rule.
For the current turn, the ace can tail an airplane even if the ruler checking for tailing passes through a lateral side
of the target base (but not the front), instead of the rear.
To remember this skill has been used turn the card face down.

Light-footed: (standard rules) (Crew skill) (Multi-engine only)

When a multiple role crewman with this skill leaves a position he is not forced to stop on the black line but can
directly move to a different position connected along this line taking the new role next turn.
When you use this skill take three recovery tokens.

Expert Trainer: (s.3a)

This pilot allows another crewman within one ruler of distance to use one of his skills. The expert trainer does not
take recovery counters for that skill, when used by another crewman, and can even use it himself in the same
Use once per game. To remember this skill has been used turn this card facedown

Firm Hand: (s4a)

This pilot may ignore a rudder jam special damage.
This skill can be used twice in the game - put a counter on it as a reminder each time the skill is used.

Single Arm: (s4a)

The pilot has only one arm. When his machine guns jam, take one additional jam counter.

Stuntman: (s4a)
This ability can be used on single seaters only. Before anybody reveals a manoeuvre card, if this ace planned a
straight manoeuvre you can declare that he turns the nose to right or left and skids while shooting. In the next
firing phase his firing arc on the chosen side is widened as indicated on the card (normal arc plus to 3 or 9 o'clock
ie 90 deg left or right)
When you use this ability take four recovery tokens

Technical Abilities:
Bullet Checker: (basic rules) (RAP)
During the first world war some pilots checked every single bullet before taking off and discarded half of them to
avoid jamming problems during fights.
When any airplane weapon with this ace on board fires ignore jamming cards with the green symbol; the weapons
only jam when a card with the red symbol is drawn.
(affects the whole airplane, even if the ace is incapacitated)

Incendiary Bullets: (standard rules) (RAP)

Some aces used special incendiary bullets that were especially effective against balloons.
The effect of this skill are the same of the incendiary bullets rule.. ie:
[QUOTE]"When a shot from an airplane carrying incendiary bullets inflicts smoke special damage on an enemy
airplane the damage should be treated as fire instead.
When a single damage card inflicts 5 damage points, without bonuses, it causes fire special damage too.
When a shot from an incendiary round causes engine damage the target airplane also takes smoke damage with
normal effects.
When a balloon takes smoke, rudder jammed, engine damage result from an airplane with incendiary bullets treat
it as fire instead. Any 5 points damage card also inflicts fire special damage." [/QUOTE]
This skill cannot be taken if the pilot has the chivalrous aptitude skill.

Technical Eye: (basic rules) (RAP)

This ace is able to quickly assess the damage inflicted on friends and opponents.
You may look at the damage cards of a friendly or enemy airplane which is within one ruler's distance from this
ace's airplane, in any direction.
If this skill is used during a movement step it must be used before all airplanes move, or, after all of them have
finished moving.
When you use this skill take four recovery tokens.
(affects the whole airplane, as long as the ace is not incapacitated)

Weapon Specialist: (standard rules) (Crew skill & Aces set)

When un-jamming his own weapon this ace takes one phase less than usual.
Two phases normally, three phases if wounded.

Fire Expert: (standard rules) (Crew skill)

When receiving smoke or fire damage take two tokens instead of three.

Photo Expert: (s.3a)

The airplane of this observer can take a picture not only while doing a stall but also while doing a straight

Combat Abilities:
Itchy Trigger Finger: (basic rules) (RAP)
Aces with this skill are faster to shoot than everyone else.
When they fire all the damage they cause is resolved before the simultaneous fire of the other airplanes that do not
have an ace with this skill.

Sniper: (basic rules) (RAP)

When this ace fires at an enemy airplane he tends to hit a bull's-eye. When the ace fires the player may select one
of the damage cards that his opponent would have to draw.
The sniper player (instead of his target) draws two damage cards from the appropriate deck, looks at them, then
gives the one of his choice to his opponent. The other card is shuffled back into the deck.
When you use this skill take four recovery tokens.

Perfect Aim: (basic rules) (RAP)
When firing this ace may choose to have his opponent take one extra damage point when his attack inflicts
damage. To remember the card causes extra damage keep it on the +1 damage space on the target airplane's
console. A card inflicting zero damage is still considered a zero.
You must decide to use this skill before your opponent draws the damage card. When you use this card take three
recovery tokens.
Note the bonus granted by this skill is not cumulative with the bonus granted by the Aim optional rule if that rule
is in use. If the disruption optional rule is in use the bonus granted by this ability is lost when the aces airplane is

Shadower: (s.3a)
When tailing before showing its planned manoeuvre this pilot can replace it with an unused one for this turn
mirroring the manoeuvre of the tailed airplane. He can mirror a curve with any curve in the same direction, a side
slip with any side slip in the same direction, a straight or stall with any straight or stall, an Immelmann with any
straight, stall, or, Immelmann. He must respect the usual restrictions on steep manoeuvres and Immelmann.
Use once per game. To remember this skill has been used turn this card face down

Sharp Eye: (s.9)

When this skill is used the ace can hit a plane at long range as if it were at short range giving it two cards of
damage instead of one. This skill can be used twice in a game.

Balloon Buster: (basic rules) (Ace sets & s.9)

When the ace fires at a balloon the target must tell the firer if at least one zero card is drawn and from which deck
or decks but the target does not have to say how many 0's are taken.
If so the firer may require the target to draw one additional damage card from the same deck as one of the 0
damage cards.
Take four recovery counters. Until all are removed 0 damage cards are not declared by any balloon the ace hits.

Nimble Gunner: (basic rules) (Crew skill)

This skill applies only to gunners of Bristol F2. Fighter and German CL (Hannover or Halberstadt) airplanes .
The rear gun field of fire is not restricted, as drawn on the base. It includes the entire area except the forward
firing cone.
(Note - this is for non altitude games only)

Precision Bombardier: (Standard rules) (Crew skill)

This skill requires the use of the Dropping Bombs optional rule.
When a bombing is declared, before showing planned manoeuvres, the player can say "short", "long" or nothing.
If "short", place the card directly against the bomber base instead of using a stall or a straight to move it forward.
If "long", after the bomb card is placed put the long side of a ruler against the front side of the bomb card and
advance the bomb card by the ruler width by placing the front side on the other side of the ruler.
You can put a second ruler on the long side of the bomb card if you want to be sure to move it straight.
(affects the whole airplane, as long as the ace is not incapacitated)

Perfect Bombardier: (s.3a)

When a bomb card falls on a target, if the bomb card does not cover the red dot at its centre but it is within a
rulers width of it, consider it as if it covers the red dot.

Sneak Attack: (N.16 - TnT)

When firing, if the shot is at short range, and the ruler reaches the target airplane stand passing through the rear
edge of the target's base, the target draws a third damage card.
When you use this ability, take two recovery counters.
If higher machinegun optional rule is in use, overlapping targets hit thanks to that rule also draw an extra damage
When playing with Advanced Rules, and extra damage card is also inflicted to targets at a higher altitude. There is
not extra damage card against airplanes at the same altitude, if the firer has at least one climb counter, and the
target has none.

Optional Rules:
Higher Machine Gun: (Basic & Standard rule) (s.9)
The machine gun on the upper wing of an aircraft can be used to fire upward.
If a pilot does not execute a steep manoeuvre, it can fire on an airplane overlapping its base if part of the target
base is within the firing arc.
the shot is considered to be short range.

Higher Machine Gun: (Advanced rule) (s.9)

The machine gun on the upper wing of an aircraft can be used to fire upward.
If the altitude rules are in use, the aircraft does not execute a steep manoeuvre, it can fire at long range on an
airplane overlapping its firing arc exactly one altitude level above.
It can also fire at short range at airplanes overlapping its firing arc at the same altitude level unless the firer has
climb counters and the target does not.
Fixed Higher Machine Guns: (Basic and Standard rules) (s.9)
The machine gun on the upper wing of the Comic can be fixed to fire upward. If the player chooses this action
just put this card next to the mat to remember.
The Comic can fire with a +1 aim bonus at an overlapping plane in its fire arc, the shot is considered to be short
The comic cannot fire at long range after a steep manoeuvre.
Fixed Higher Machine Guns: (Advanced rules) (s.9)
The machine gun on the upper wing of the Comic can be fixed to fire upward. If altitude rules are in use the
Comic can fire at long range with a +1 aim bonus at an overlapping plane in its fire arc exactly one altitude level
above. It can also fire at short range with a +1 aim bonus at airplanes overlapping its firing arc at the same
altitude level unless the firer has climb counters and the target does not.
The comic cannot fire at long range at targets at the same altitude level after a steep manoeuvre and it cannot fire
at any target at a lower altitude level.
Alternative Armament: (s.3a)
The machine gun on the upper wing was sometimes removed. In this case the airplane fires with B damage
instead of A.

Alternative Armament: (TnT)

The airplane has a second machinegun on the fuselage in addition to the one placed on the upper wing. In this
case the airplane fires with A damage instead of B.

Optional Armament: (s.4a)

Most Breguet Br.14B2 had twin machine guns for the rear observer.
If this rule is in use the firepower for the rear firing arc is A instead of B.
Unreachable Machine Guns: (s.9) (s.4a)
The Phoenix D.I & Pfalz D.III machine guns were well forward in the fuselage out of reach of the pilot. So if this
rule is in use a jammed machine gun cannot be un-jammed.
(This can be applied to the over-wing Lewis guns on the Cotton/Betts DH4)
Additional Machine Gun: (s.3a)
Several R.E.8 of 52 Squadron had twin machine guns for the observer, instead of just one. When the observer
fires deal A damage cards instead of B cards. (This could be applied to other machines)
Rockets Only: (s.9)
The Nieuport 11 agility suffered when both Rockets and Machine gun were used. The player can decide to have
just rockets, just machine gun, or, both rockets and machine gun.
If the machine is equipped with rockets only for the game put this card face up beside the mat to remember the
machine gun cannot be used.

Rockets and Machine Gun: (s.9)
The Nieuport 11 agility suffered when both Rockets and Machine gun were used. The player can decide to have
just rockets, just machine gun, or, both rockets and machine gun.
If the machine is equipped with rockets and machinegun for the game put this card face up beside the mat to
remember the machine gun can be used but right sideslips (cards 13/20, 14/20, 17/20)
and left sideslips (cards 15/20, 16/20, 18/20) cannot both be used in the same turn.
(ie you can't sideslip left and right in the same turn)
Flying Doctrine: (s.9)
The two seater versions of the Sopwith 1½ Strutter were able to perform reversals but initially because of training
and doctrine, crews did not attempt such acrobatic manoeuvres.
If this rule is in use remove the Immelmann turn from the two-seater Strutter's manoeuvre deck.

Rookie Observer: (s.9 & RAP)

A rookie observer un-jams a rear machine gun slower - take four jam tokens instead of three.
When a rookie observer fires the rear machine gun all the damage he causes is resolved after the simultaneous fire
of all the non-rookie crewmen. If the rookie observer is killed he does not get to return fire (unless he is killed by
another rookie)
Rookie Pilot: (s.9 & RAP)
A rookie pilot cannot fire the forward machine guns immediately after executing a steep manoeuvre, an
Immelmann turn or a split S or climb.
He is slow to un-jam the MG, take four jammed counters instead of three, or, five if he is wounded.
When a rookie pilot fires the forward machine gun all the damage he causes is resolved after the simultaneous fire
of all the non-rookie crewmen. If the rookie pilot is killed he does not get to return fire (unless he is killed by
another rookie) A rookie pilot does not suffer additional penalties the first time he is wounded; if the optional
tailing rule is in use he cannot tail.

Loss of Control: (Giant's set)

Wounded pilots are replaced by crewmen with Expert Pilot skill without incident.
If the only active pilot of an airplane is killed and replaced by a crewman with a Rookie Pilot or Expert pilot in
the first or second action phase of a turn use a stall (as if it were a non-steep manoeuvre) in the next action phase,
instead of the planned manoeuvre.
In addition, if he was killed in the first action phase, discard the third phase card and replace it with the card
planned for the second phase. (The card in the second phase will be a non-steep stall)
if a pilot is killed and replaced in the third action phase, the first manoeuvre of the next turn must be a stall.
consider it a non-steep manoeuvre.
Most multi-engine airplanes have two pilot roles. If both pilots are still active (not incapacitated) the procedure
above does not apply.
Fire Rule for Giants: (Giant's set)
The new optional rule that came with the Giants of the Sky release regarding fire is this:
Aircraft with 20-29 points of damage resistance - when exchanging a fire token take one A and one B damage
Aircraft with 30 points of damage resistance or more - when exchanging a fire token take two A damage cards.
[I](eg Staaken & HP 0/400 would take 2x A damage per token, Gotha & Caproni would take 1xA & 1xB damage
per token)[/I]
This rule does not apply to balloons.
No Explosion Rule: (Giant's set)
If this optional rule is in use an 'Explosion' special damage card does not eliminate the aircraft but inflicts damage
equal to half of its original damage allowance. (eg: Boom on Staaken would =17; on a HP 0/400 =15) Note: This
rule does not apply to balloons, or, ground targets.
Emergency Controls: (s.3a)
When the pilot is incapacitated the plane is not shot down. It can be piloted by the observer with a reduced
manoeuvre deck composed of three straights, two turns to the left, two turns to the right and a stall. The observer
cannot do anything else except move - no firing, un-jamming, taking pictures, bombing etc. he can use his skills
normally if any.

Lockable Controls: (s.3a)
Albatros fighters had a special mechanism to lock controls, freeing the pilot's hands so machine guns could be un-
jammed. If this optional rule is in use, in the phase in which the machine guns jam, the pilot may decide to lock
controls and speed up un-jamming. Immediately discard one jammed machine guns counter. Until all jammed
machine guns counters are removed replace all planned manoeuvres with straights. (ie remove one counter and fly
straights until remaining counters removed)
2 Pdr. Davis Gun: (s.3a)
An R.E.8 of 30 squadron had a recoil-less 1.57" Davis Gun, besides its two machine guns, shooting 45deg
downward. It was on the starboard side of the observer cockpit. Instead of firing the machine gun, the observer
can fire at a ground target overlapping the airplane, or, in its front firing arc within one ruler dealing a C damage
card. Before it can shoot again the observer must spend three consecutive actions reloading it doing nothing else -
for example no firing, un-jamming, taking pictures, bombing etc
Experimental Armament: (s.3a)
In 1918 a second frontal machine gun was tried on the UFAG C.I. This special armament was never adopted to
standard production. When this airplane fires in its frontal firing arc it deals A damage cards, instead of B cards.

High Speed Dives: (s.4a)

If this optional rule is in use a Pfalz D.III/D.IIIa can plan an extra stall directly after another stall or a dive, even if
they are two steep manoeuvres in a row.
If the pilot has no ace skills he must draw an A damage card. If there is any special damage symbol the airplane
spins out of control and is eliminated.
If there is no special damage symbol ignore the card and shuffle back into it's deck.
If the pilot is an ace, no A card is drawn and the manoeuvre is safe.
In any case if altitude rules are in use when the second stall is executed the airplane loses an altitude level

Enhanced SE.5a: (s.4a)

On his SE.5a B8491, Captain James T.B. McCudden trimmed the weight, used high compression pistons and
installed a four blade preopeller taken from a captured LGV C.V.
90deg turns (cards 4/22 & 5/22) are not considered steep manoeuvres. if the Flying Higher optional rule is in use,
the Maximum Altitude of his SE.5a is raised by 2.

Tunnel Machine Gun: (s.4a)

This airplane had a fixed machine gun under the fuselage pointed backward. If this rule is in use it can be fired as
a B damage weapon against any plane at one ruler distance or less from the centre of the plane if the ruler passes
through the rear side of the plane base to reach the target.
The target takes one B damage at long range and two at short range. If the optional blind spot rule is in use ignore
it for this weapon.
If altitude rules are in use only targets at the same altitude can be hit.

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