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Fluid Mechanics I (ME 214) - Quiz 3

Maximum Marks: 30
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

• Timing is Saturday, 31 October, 2020, 11 AM-11:45 AM.

• Submission ends at 12 Noon, you are strongly requested to submit in time.
• All submission should be in the form Name_Roll
• Submission only through MS Teams Assignment. You are advised to verify your
submission after turning in.
• No submission will be considered through email.
• The soft copies should be clear enough, do not expect any benefit of doubt in case the
images (or PDFs) are unclear.
• It a closed book Exam. Expect heavy penalty for unfair means, the decision of which
solely rests with the instructor.
• Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and clearly mention them in the
• Getting final answers correct without showing intermediate steps will not be accepted
and no marks will be awarded.
1. (15 Marks) A long plate drags an oil film as it moves upwards. After a long time, the
film thickness is found to be 1.04 cm. Find the velocity distribution inside the film when
there is no net flow.

Figure 1
2. (5 Marks) A rocket is attached to a rigid horizontal rod hinged at the origin as in fig.
2. Its initial mass is 𝑀0 , and its exit properties are 𝑚̇ and 𝑉𝑒 relative to the rocket. Set
up the differential equation for rocket motion, and solve for the angular velocity 𝜔(𝑡)
of the rod. Neglect gravity, air drag, and the rod mass. (clearly show the control volume)

Figure 2

3. (10 Marks) In the spillway flow of fig. 3, the flow is assumed uniform and hydrostatic
at sections 1 and 2. If losses are neglected, compute
(a) 𝑉2 (clearly show the points between which the governing equation is applied)
(b) The force per unit width of the water on the spillway (clearly show the control

Figure 3

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