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Course Details

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to explore

the various elements of the CorelDRAW interface. They will be able to create,
format, manipulate and transform graphical objects, create and manipulate
text, work with color palettes, enhance a drawing, and work with printing
CorelDraw - Introduction

 Exploring CorelDRAW

o What is CorelDRAW?
o Bitmaps versus Vector Graphics
o Starting CorelDRAW
o The Welcome Screen
o The Application Window
o Parts of the Screen
o The Standard Toolbar
o The Toolbox
o The Property Bar
o Dockers
o The Status Bar
o Choosing a Workspace
o Using Help
o Search
o Exiting CorelDRAW

 Starting CorelDRAW

o Starting a Drawing
o Using the Rulers
o Using Guidelines
o Opening a Drawing
o Working with Multiple Drawings
o Selecting Objects
o Undoing, Redoing and Repeating Actions
o Zooming and Panning
o Previewing a Drawing
o Saving a Drawing
o Closing a Drawing

 Creating Basic Objects

o Drawing Rectangles and Squares
o Adding Corners
o Drawing Ellipses and Circles
o Creating a Pie or Arc
o Drawing Polygons and Stars
o Drawing Lines
o Drawing Perfect Shapes

 Manipulating Objects

o Transforming Objects
o Copying and Moving Objects
o Duplicating Objects
o Using Step and Repeat
o Copying Object Properties, Transformations, and Effects
o Positioning Objects
o Aligning and Distributing Objects
o Changing the Order of Objects
o Grouping Objects
o Locking Objects

 Formatting Objects

o Color Models
o Using the Color Palette
o Using the Document Palette
o Using Palette Libraries and Custom Color Palettes
o Sampling Colors
o Using Color Viewers
o Using Color Blends
o Using a Fountain Fill
o Using Patterns
o Formatting Lines and Outlines

 Manipulating Text

o Adding Text
o Importing Text
o Adding Artistic Text
o Adding Paragraph Text
o Selecting Text
o Fitting Text to a Path
o Working with Tables
o Formatting a Table

 Printing

o Previewing Print Jobs

o Printing Your Work

Course Details
In this course you will work with layers in the CorelDRAW application, use
advanced tools for creating drawings, advanced output options for printing,
and advanced techniques for text manipulation. In addition, you will work with
bitmap and vector graphics, templates, styles, blends, contour and mesh.
CorelDraw - Advanced

 Templates, Pages and Styles

o Working with Templates

o Creating Templates
o Working with Pages
o Specifying the Page Layout
o Choosing a Page Background
o Adding, Duplicating, Renaming and Deleting Pages
o Using Styles
o Applying a Style

 Shaping Objects

o Using Curve Objects

o The Shape Tool
o Using Node Types
o Manipulating Segments
o Manipulating Nodes

 Layers

o Creating Layers
o Changing Layer Properties
o Moving and Copying Layers and Objects
o Inserting Page Numbers

 Advanced Enhancements
o Drawing by Using Shape Recognition
o Creating PowerClip Objects
o Applying Fills to Areas
o Combining Objects
o Applying Lenses
o Applying Perspective to Objects
o Creating Extrusions
o Creating Bevel Effects
o Creating Drop Shadows
o Roughening Objects
o Smoothing Objects
o Applying Distortion Effects
o Adding Twirl Effects
o Shaping Objects by Using Envelopes
o Trimming Object

 Blends, Contours, and Mesh

o Blending Objects
o Contouring Objects
o Applying Mesh Fills

Course Details
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to explore
the various elements of the CorelDRAW X7 / X8 interface. They will be able to
create, format, manipulate and transform graphical objects, create and
manipulate text, work with color palettes, enhance a drawing, and work with
printing options.
CorelDraw X7 / X8 - Introduction

 Exploring CorelDRAW

o What is CorelDRAW?
o Bitmaps versus Vector Graphics
o Starting CorelDRAW
o The Welcome Screen
o The Application Window
o Parts of the Screen
o The Standard Toolbar
o The Toolbox
o The Property Bar
o Dockers
o The Status Bar
o Choosing a Workspace
o Using Help
o Search
o Exiting CorelDRAW

 Starting CorelDRAW

o Starting a Drawing
o Using the Rulers
o Using Guidelines
o Opening a Drawing
o Working with Multiple Drawings
o Selecting Objects
o Undoing, Redoing and Repeating Actions
o Zooming and Panning
o Previewing a Drawing
o Saving a Drawing
o Closing a Drawing

 Creating Basic Objects

o Drawing Rectangles and Squares

o Adding Corners
o Drawing Ellipses and Circles
o Creating a Pie or Arc
o Drawing Polygons and Stars
o Drawing Lines
o Drawing Perfect Shapes

 Manipulating Objects

o Transforming Objects
o Copying and Moving Objects
o Duplicating Objects
o Using Step and Repeat
o Copying Object Properties, Transformations, and Effects
o Positioning Objects
o Aligning and Distributing Objects
o Changing the Order of Objects
o Grouping Objects
o Locking Objects

 Formatting Objects

o Color Models
o Using the Color Palette
o Using the Document Palette
o Using Palette Libraries and Custom Color Palettes
o Sampling Colors
o Using Color Viewers
o Using Color Blends
o Using a Fountain Fill
o Using Patterns
o Formatting Lines and Outlines

 Manipulating Text

o Adding Text
o Importing Text
o Adding Artistic Text
o Adding Paragraph Text
o Selecting Text
o Fitting Text to a Path
o Working with Tables
o Formatting a Table

 Printing

o Previewing Print Jobs

Printing Your Work

Course Details
In this course you will work with layers in the CorelDRAW X7 / X8 application,
use advanced tools for creating drawings, advanced output options for
printing, and advanced techniques for text manipulation. In addition, you will
work with bitmap and vector graphics, templates, styles, blends, contour and
CorelDraw X7 / X8 - Advanced

 Templates, Pages and Styles

o Working with Templates

o Creating Templates
o Working with Pages
o Specifying the Page Layout
o Choosing a Page Background
o Adding, Duplicating, Renaming and Deleting Pages
o Using Styles
o Applying a Style

 Shaping Objects

o Using Curve Objects

o The Shape Tool
o Using Node Types
o Manipulating Segments
o Manipulating Nodes

 Layers

o Creating Layers
o Changing Layer Properties
o Moving and Copying Layers and Objects
o Inserting Page Numbers

 Advanced Enhancements

o Drawing by Using Shape Recognition

o Creating PowerClip Objects
o Applying Fills to Areas
o Combining Objects
o Applying Lenses
o Applying Perspective to Objects
o Creating Extrusions
o Creating Bevel Effects
o Creating Drop Shadows
o Roughening Objects
o Smoothing Objects
o Applying Distortion Effects
o Adding Twirl Effects
o Shaping Objects by Using Envelopes
o Trimming Object

 Blends, Contours, and Mesh

o Blending Objects
o Contouring Objects
o Applying Mesh Fills

 Outlines & Exercises
Lesson 1 - What’s New in CorelDRAW

 The Create a New Document Dialog Box

 Drawing Tool Enhancements
 Scaling an Arrowhead
 New Corner Edits for Rectangles
 Revamped Mesh Fill Tool
 More Power to PowerTRACE
 New Pixel View
 New Document Palette
 Eyedroppers All Over the Place
 Adobe Application Compatibility
 Introducing Corel CONNECT
 Connecting with Your Content
 Clip Art and Photographs
 Fonts
 Templates
Lesson 2 - Exploring Your Workspace

 The CorelDRAW X5 Workspace

 Specific Toolbar and Dialog Values
 Working with Dockers
 Using the Toolbox
 Working with Toolbars
 Using the Color Palette
Lesson 3 - CorelDRAW’s Ins and Outs: Importing, Exporting, and Saving
Design Work

 CoreDRAW X5’s Welcome Screen

 Opening Your First New Document File
 Opening Document Files
 Saving and Closing Documents
 Working with Templates
 Clipboard Commands
 Undoing and Redoing Changes
 Scrapbooks, An Old Favorite
 Importing and Exporting Files
 Choosing Export File Formats
Lesson 4 - Navigating and Page Setup

 Setting View Mode

 Zooming and Panning Pages
 Special View Modes
 Using the View Navigator
 Using the View Manager Docker
 Working with Views of a Document’s Depth: Layers
Lesson 5 - The CorelDRAW Test Drive

 Begin a Design with a Concept

 Setting Up the Page for the Logo
 Using the Polygon Tool to Design a Gear Shape
 Welding an Edge to a Typed Character
 A Brief Excursion into Gradient Fills
 Going 3D
 Adding Text to the Logo
 Align, Group, Scale, Flip and Print
 The Test Drive Cross-Reference
Lesson 6 - Working with Single-and Multi-Page Documents

 Setting Up Your Document Page

 Naming Pages
 Page Commands
Lesson 7 - Measuring and Drawing Helpers

 Using The Ruler

 Introducing the Indispensable CorelDRAW Grids
 Working with Guidelines, Dynamic Guides, and Guide Layers
 Working with Dynamic Guides
 Controlling the Guides Layer
 Using the Dimension Tools
Lesson 8 - Creating Basic Shapes, Applying Transformations

 CorelDRAW X5’s Smart Drawing Tool

 Using the Rectangle Tool and Property Bar
 Using the Ellipse Tool and Property Bar
 Using Polygons and the Property Bar
 Using the Spiral Tool
 Using the Graph Paper Tool
 Using Perfect Shape Tools
 Using the Convert Outline to Object Command
Lesson 9 - Moving, Scaling, Rotating: Basic Transformations

 Basic Object Selection

 Moving Objects
 Transforming Objectives
 Applying Precise Transformations
 Controlling the Order of Things
Lesson 10 - Drawing and Editing Objects

 Introducing CorelDRAW X5’s Curve Tools

 Using the Artistic Media Tool
 How to Draw in CorelDRAW
 Drawing Arcs with the 3-Point Curve Tool
 Using the Bézier and Pen Tool
 Editing Bézier Paths
 Controlling Freehand and Bézier Tool Behavior
 Working with Compound Paths
Lesson 11 - Editing Objects

 Reshaping Things
 Shaping and Reshaping Object Shapes
 Working Examples of Object Shaping
 Fillet/Scallop/Chamfer
 PowerClips
 The Knife Tool
 Using the Eraser Tool
 Using the Virtual Segment Delete Tool
 Cropping an Illustration
 Using the Smudge Brush
 Using the Free Transform Tool
 The Roughen Brush
Lesson 12 - Getting Artistic with Text

 CorelDRAW’s Text Tool

 The Text Bar and Special Paragraph Formatting
 Formatting Paragraph Text
 Wrapping Text Around Other Shapes
 Embedding Objects into Text
 Changing and Proofing Formatted Text
 Text and Styles
Lesson 13 - Typography Rules and Conventions

 Font Families and Font Styles

 Finding the Font you Need
 Finding and Saving Important Characters
 Font Etiquette: Using Fonts with Style and Appropriateness
Lesson 14 - Getting Your Words Perfect

 Using CorelDRAW’s Writing Tools

 Using the Proofing Tools
 Setting Spell Checker Options
 Using Grammatik
 Using the Thesaurus
 Using Quick Correct
 Finding and Replacing Text and Special Characters
 Finding and Replacing Text Properties
 Tables
Lesson 15 - Filling Objectives

 Examining the Fill Types

 Using the Color Palette
 From Uniform to Non-Uniform Object Filling
 Uniform Color Fill Options on the Property Bar
 Applying a Fountain Fill
 Applying Pattern Fills
 Applying Texture Fills
 Applying PostScript Fills
 Applying Mesh Fills
 Sampling and Applying Fill Colors
Lesson 16 - Outline Attributes

 Applying Outline Pen Properties

 Outline Pen Options and the Property Bar
 Using the Outline Tool
 Exploring the Outline Pen Dialog
 Turning an Outline into and Object
Lesson 17 - Digital Color Theory Put to Practice

 Digital Color Terms and Definitions

 Using Color-Related Dockers
 Moving from Color Models to Other Ways to Define Color
 Using Fixed and Custom Palettes
 Color and Color Correction
Lesson 18 - Working with Perspective

 The Optical Principle of Perspective

 Experiments in Perspective
Lesson 19 - Extruding Objects

 Navigating the Interactive Markers

 Using the Extrude Tool and Property Bar
 Using Vector Extrude Presets
 Using the Extrude Docker
 Controlling Extrude Complexity Using Facet Size
Lesson 20 - Envelope and Distortion Effects

 Creating Envelope Effects

 Constraining Single Are Envelopes
 Using Envelope Shapes Between Objects
 Mastering Distortion Effects
 Using the Distort Tool and the Property Bar
 Using Distortion Presets
Lesson 21 - Blends and Contours

 Blend and Contour Effects: Similarities with Distinctions

 Blending as Illustration Shading
 The Blend Tool and Property Bar
 Creating a Simple Blend Effect
 Looking at the Components of a Blend
 Editing Blend Effects
 Using the Blend Docker
 Tapping into Contour Effects
 Exploring CorelDRAW’s Contour Effects
 Using the Contour Tool and Property Bar
 Controlling Contour Acceleration
 Using Contour Presets
 Using the Contour Docker
Lesson 22 - Lens Effects, Transparency, Shadows, Glows, and Bevels

 What’s Behind a Lens Effect

 Using the Lens Docker
 Exploring the Lens Effects
 Using Lens Options
 Clearing Things Up with the Transparency Tool
 Using the Transparency Tool and Property Bar
 Using Transparency Operations (Merge Modes)
 Creating Multi-Stage Transparencies
 Pattern and Texture Transparencies
 Using Transparency Freeze
 Using the Bevel Effect
 Using the Drop Shadow Effect
Lesson 23 - Bitmap Boot Camp: Working with Photographs

 The Properties of a Pixel-Based Image

 Importing Bitmaps into a Document
 Placing and Modifying and Image
 An Everyday Bitmap-Oriented Workflow
Lesson 24 - Advanced Photography Techniques with CorelDRAW

 Cropping a Placed Photograph

 Nondestructive Cropping
 Masking Through Nondestructive Cropping
 Boolean Operations as a Trimming Technique
 Working with Alpha Channels and Image Transparency
 Bitmaps to Vector Art: Using PowerTRACE
Lesson 25 - An Introduction to PHOTO-PAINT

 The Building Block of Digital Photos: The Pixel

Lesson 26 - PHOTO-PAINT Effects and Advanced Editing

 Turning a Snapshot into a Photograph

 Creating a Fantasy Compostion
 Performing Subtle Image Edits
 Creating an Animated GIF
Lesson 27 - Printing: Professional Output

 Printing a Document to a Personal Printer

 Setting Print Options
 Previewing Your Printed Document
 Setting Printing Preferences
 Corel’s Duplexing Wizard
 Using the Collect for Output Wizard
 Print Merge
Lesson 28 - Basic HTML Page Layout and Publishing

 Web Page Navigation Buttons and Hotspots

 CorelDRAW’s Internet Toolbar
 Publishing Web Documents
 Flash and Web Pages
Course Content

 Introduction
 Welcome to CorelDRAW
 What's new in CorelDRAW
 Jumping Right Into CorelDRAW X7
 Welcome to the Welcome Screen
 Touring the user interface
 Creating drawings
 Saving your masterpieces
 Working with Pages and Layout
 Working with multiple pages
 Customizing the page layout
 Working with Guidelines and the Snap To options
 Creating Objects
 Drawing shapes
 Polygons
 stars
 graph paper
 The Perfect Shapes Collection
 Lines and curves
 Node editing using the Shape Tool
 Transforming Objects
 Selecting/deleting objects
 Modifying objects
 Arranging objects
 Working with multiple objects
 Converting objects
 Locking objects
 Design Time Savers
 Cut, copy and paste
 Duplicating and cloning objects
 Using the Step and Repeat docker
 Undo/redo/repeat
 Working with symbols
 Working with Artistic Text
 Working with the Text Tool to create Artistic Text
 Fitting text to a path
 The character formatting docker
 Spelling and Quickcorrect
 Working with Paragraph Text
 Working with the Text Tool to create Paragraph Text
 The paragraph formatting docker
 Linking paragraph text frames
 Working with columns
 Additional paragraph features
 Color Outlines and Fills
 Introducing color palettes
 Color filling options
 Color outline objects
 Using the Eyedropper and Paintbucket Tools
 Using the Smartfill Tools
 Layers and the Object Manager
 Working with layers
 Layer properties
 Using the master layer
 Viewing Your Work
 View modes
 Preview modes
 Using the View Manager
 Using the Zoom Tool
 Find and Replace
 Find and replace objects
 Find and replace text
 Bitmaps
 Applying effects to a bitmap
 Using the Image Adjustment Lab
 Cropping bitmaps
 Converting vector objects to bitmaps
 Shaping Objects
 Shaping objects
 PowerClipping objects
 Adding envelopes
 Working the corners
 The Interactive Tools Flyout
 Interactive Blend Tool
 Interactive Contour Tool
 Interactive Distortion Tool
 Interactive Drop Shadow Tool
 Interactive Extrude Tool
 Interactive Transparency Tool
 Interactive Fill Tool
 More Special Effects
 Adding perspective
 Using the lens effect
 Adding bevels
 Importing, Publishing, Exporting
 Importing and exporting Files
 Publish to PDF
 Export for Office
 Customizations
 Customizing your toolbars and menus
 Customizing your color palettes
 Printing
 Printing basics explained
 Print preview basics
 The Rest of the Suite
 Using Corel Capture
 Tracing bitmaps using PowerTrace
 CorelPHOTO PAINT: Cutout Lab
 CorelPHOTO PAINT: Effects
 Working with the Corel Design Collection

CorelDRAW Training Course Outline

Introduction to CorelDRAW

 Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019

 Basics of CorelDRAW
o Vector Graphics and Bitmaps
o Starting and Opening Drawings
o Previewing Drawings
o Viewing Modes
o Saving and Closing Drawings
 CorelDRAW Workspace
 Creative Tools and Content
 Touchscreen and Wheel Devices

Lines, Shapes, and Outlines

 Lines, Outlines, and Brushstrokes

 Shapes and Shape Objects
 Symmetrical Drawing

Working with Objects, Symbols, and Layers

 Introduction to Objects
 Linking and Embedding Objects
 Layers and Symbols
 Managing and Tracking Projects

Colour, Fills, and Transparencies

 Colour
o Colour Models and Depth
o Choosing Colours
o Creating and Editing Colour Palettes
 Fills
o Uniform Fills and Fountain Fills
o Vector and Bitmap Pattern Fills
o Texture, PostScript, and Mesh Fills
 Object Transparency
 Managing Colours
Exploring Special Effects

 Lenses
 Adding 3D Effects
 Mosaics

Working with Text

 Adding and Manipulating Text

 Formatting Text
 Managing Fonts
 Writing Tools

Templates and Styles

 Templates
o Using and Finding Templates
o Managing Templates
o Creating and Editing Templates
 Introducing Styles and Style Sets
o Creating, Applying, and Editing Styles and Style Sets
o Managing Default Object Properties
o Importing and Exporting Style Sheets
 Colour Styles
o Creating and Applying Colour Styles
o Editing and Viewing Colour Styles
o Exporting and Importing Colour Styles

Pages and Layout

 Pages and Layout Tools

o Page Layout and Background
o Adding and Deleting Pages
o Rulers
o Document Grid and Pixel Grid
 Tables
o Adding Tables
o Selecting, Moving, and Navigating Table Components
o Inserting and Deleting Table Rows and Columns
o Formatting Tables and Cells
o Converting Tables to Text

Introduction to Bitmaps

 Working with Bitmaps

o Converting Vector Graphics to Bitmaps
o Importing and Cropping Bitmaps
o Bitmap Dimensions and Resolution
o Straightening Bitmaps
o Image Adjustment Lab
o Adjusting Colour and Tone
o Tone Curve Filter
 Special Effects Categories
 Bitmap Colour Modes
 Introducing Trace
o RAW Camera Files

Web Graphics
File Formats

 Importing and Exporting Files

 Exporting to PDF
 Supported File Formats

Customising and Automating

 Setting Basic Preferences

 Customising CorelDRAW
 Using Macros and Scripts for Automating Tasks

CorelDraw Training

 Overview
 Course Content
 Drop us a Query
 Module 1: CorelDRAW Basics And Interface
 Module 2: Objects- Creation And Manipulation
 Module 3: Working With Special Effects And Texts
 Module 4: Page Layout, Printing, Exporting and Advanced Features
Module 1. CorelDRAW Basics And Interface

1. Getting Started
 Exploring the CorelDraw Screen
 File Management   
 Setting Up the Page
2. Moving Around and Viewing Drawings
 Moving Around the Current Page  
 Viewing Modes
 Inserting and Deleting Pages
 Changing Page  
3. Customizing Options  
 Using Multiple Workspaces
 Customizing the Toolbars
 Using Shortcuts
 Saving Defaults
 Setting File Backups   
Module 2 Objects- Creation And Manipulation

1. Drawing and Shaping Objects

 Drawing and Shaping Tools
 Using the Freehand Tool  
 Drawing Lines and Polylines
 Drawing Freehand Polygons
 Drawing Perfect Shapes   
 Reshaping Lines and Polylines
 Drawing Curves
 Reshaping Curves
 Drawing Rectangles
 Drawing Circles  
2. Selecting & Manipulating Objects  
 Selecting and Deselecting Objects  
 Moving Objects
 Copying and Deleting Objects
 Deleting Objects
 Sizing Objects  
  3. Transforming Objects  
 Mirroring Objects  
 Rotating and Skewing Objects
 Using Transform Docker  
4. Outlining & Filling Objects
 Eyedropper and Paint bucket Tools
 The Outline Tool
 Choosing Outline Thickness
 Choosing Outline Colors
 Using Fill Tool
 Uniform Fill, Fountain Fill, Pattern Fill
 Interactive Mesh fill
 Copying Attributes
 Setting Outline and Fill Defaults
5. Arranging Objects
 Arranging Objects  
 Grouping and Ungrouping Objects  
 Using Guidelines
 Using Dynamic Guides
 Using Snap To
 Aligning Objects
 Group and Child Objects
 Combining and Breaking Objects
 Welding Objects
 Using Intersection
 Using Trim  
6. Using Layers  
 About Layers
 Editing Layers
 Setting Up a Master Layer
 Moving, Copying, and Locking Layers
 Reordering Layers
 Using the Object Manager
Module 3.  Working With Special Effects And Texts

1. Special Effects
 Drawing With the Artistic Media Tool
 Shaping an Object with an Envelope
 Extruding an Object
 Blending Two Objects
 Using the Lens Effect
 Adding Perspectives  
 Using Power Clips
 Applying Contours
 Applying Drop Shadows
 Using Interactive Fills
 Applying Distortions
 Using Interactive Transparencies
 Applying Mesh Fills  
2. Working with Text
 The Text Tool
 Creating Artistic Text
 Editing Text
 Formatting Text
 Setting Text Options
 Creating Paragraph Text
 Choosing Paragraph Options
 Setting Indents Using the Ruler
 Importing Text
 Using the Spell Checker  
3. Working With Paragraph
 Text Implementing Color Management
 Creating Custom Color Palettes
 Choosing a Color Using Color Harmonies
 Applying Colors Using the Color Docker
 Automatically Creating Color Styles
 Importing and Sizing Paragraph Text
 Flowing Text Between Frames
 Formatting Paragraph Frames  
 Wrapping Paragraph Text Around Objects
 Applying Drop Caps
 Typing Text Into Objects
4. Special Text Effects  
 Fitting Text to a Path
 Converting Text to Curves
 Creating Blended Text Shadows
 Special Text Effects  
 Jumpy Text
 Neon Text
 Glowing Text
 Chrome Text
 Bevel Text
 Creating Enveloped Text  
5. Using Symbols and Clipart
 Inserting Text Symbols
 Adding Clipart  
 Modifying Clipart
  6.  Working With Bitmaps
 What is a Bitmap
 Importing Bitmap Options  
 Adjusting Color
 Hiding Certain Colors in a Bitmap
 Applying Special Bitmap Effects
 Creating Web Images
 Advanced GIF Options  
Module 4.  Page Layout, Printing, Exporting and Advanced Features

1. Special Page Layouts

 Creating a Greeting Card
 Print Previewing the Layout
 Creating Labels  
    2. Printing
 Print Options
 Print Previewing
3. Exporting Drawings  
 Exporting to Graphic Formats
 Copy and Pasting Into Other Applications
       4. Using Styles and Templates
 About Styles and Templates  
 Creating a Style
 Applying a Style
 Copying Properties  
                 5. Custom Creation Tools  
 Creating Custom Patterns
 Managing and Using Symbols     
6. Using Corel Trace  
 Types of Graphic Formats
 About Corel Trace
 Tracing Images
 Importing Traced Files into CorelDraw
 Special Trace Effects  
       7. Using Corel R.A.V.E.
 About Corel RAVE
 Playing sample RAVE animations
 Performing the five steps necessary to create RAVE animations
 Working with the Timeline Docker
 Tweening objects to create animation
 Exporting to Macromedia Flash format
 Publishing to the web Create web rollovers
 Inserting hyperlinks
 Creating sprites and adding behaviors  
 Creating interactive movies
Introduction to CorelDraw
If you've recently received a copy of CorelDraw bundled with your new
system, had it on your desktop forever untouched, or would just like to brush
up on some rusty techniques, this class is for you. The course will cover the
basics of computer illustration, introduce the student to the tools available in
CorelDraw, how to use them, how to work with objects, clip art, text, color,
special effects, gradient meshes, masks and blends. Special focus lectures
provide in depth studies of the more difficult-to-use tools, and students will
receive instruction in basic art principles.
Week 1

 Understand what digital illustration programs are and what you can do
with them.
 The difference between raster and vector graphics.
 The difference between setting up for print publication vs. web
 Create new drawings and open existing drawings.
 Set up your drawing page.
 Set up and use the rulers, grids and guidelines.
 View your work using full screen previews, zooming, etc.
 Glean information about your document (document info).
 Set preferences (customizing) for your workspace.
 Export your file as a raster graphic.

Week 2

 Understand tools, what they do and how to where to find them in the
 Draw, select, move and manipulate object center points.
 Draw lines, curves, arcs.
 Fill and outline objects.
 Undo work.
 What a bounding box is and what it does.

Week 3

 Scale and stretch objects.

 Rotate and reflect objects.
 Shear objects.
 Position objects.
 Align and distribute objects.
 Stack or order objects>
 Nudge objects.
 Group, ungroup, lock, unlock, combine and break apart objects.
 Clone, copy or duplicate objects.

Week 4

 Add, select and manipulate text.

 Edit and format existing and new text.
 Fit text to a curve or line.
 Fittext to a shape.
 Wrapping text around an object.
 Insert symbols and special characters.
 Understand the difference between spacing, kerning and leading and
how to apply them to text.
 Check your spelling.
 Apply color and special effects to text.

Week 4, Part II

 Work with color.

 You will have an understand of the color wheel and aspects of color.
 How to use the special painting tools.
 Understand the difference between spot and process color.
 Set up your drawing for an appropriate printing media.

Week 5

 Work with clipart.

 Use 3D to enhance your drawing.
 Understand perspective and use it.

Week 6

 Create mesh blends.

 Create object blends.
 Create special effects such as twist, zip, bloat, etc.
 Create and use layers.
 Create and use transparency and other masks.

Syllabus of Coreldraw Course in Chennai

Module 1: Lines, shapes, outlines and brushstrokes

 Drawing lines
 Calligraphic, pressure-sensitive and preset lines
 Formatting lines and outlines
 Arrowheads
 Copying, converting, and removing outlines
 Multiple line segments
 Brushstrokes
 Spraying objects
 Connector and callout lines
 Dimension lines
 Drawing shapes
 Rectangles and squares
 Ellipses, circles, arcs, and pie shapes
 Polygons and stars
 Spirals and grids
 Predefined shapes
 Shape recognition
 Shaping objects
 Selecting and moving nodes
 Manipulating segments
 Adding, removing, joining, and aligning nodes<l/i>
 Transforming nodes
 Breaking the path
 Mirroring changes
 Skewing and stretching objects
 Smudging and smearing objects
 Roughening objects
 Distortion effects
 Twirl effects
 Envelopes
 Cropping, splitting, and erasing objects
 Trimming objects
 Filleting, scalloping, and chamfering corners
 Welding and intersecting objects
 PowerClip objects
Module 2: Symbols, and layers

 Layers
 Creating layers
 Layer properties
 Moving and copying layers and objects
 Symbols
 Creating, editing, and deleting symbols
 Symbols in drawings
 Managing collections and libraries
 Linking and embedding objects
 Inserting
 Editing
 Managing projects
 Project database
 Assigning and copying object data
 Viewing an object data
Module 3: Color and fills

 Color
 Color models
 Color depth
 Document palette
 Color palettes
 Creating and editing
 Organizing and displaying
 Palette libraries
 Properties
 Filling objects
 Uniform, fountain fills, pattern and texture fills
 PostScript texture fills
 Mesh fills
 Fills to areas
 Color management
 Installing, loading, and embedding color profiles
 Assigning color profiles
 Converting colors to other color profiles
 Choosing color-conversion settings
 Soft proofing
 Color management presets and policies
 Safe CMYK workflow
Module 4: Special effects

 Changing the transparency of objects

 Transparencies
 Merge modes
 Using lenses with objects
 Applying lenses
 Editing lenses
 Adding 3D effects to objects
 Contouring objects
 Applying perspective to objects
 Extrusions, bevel effects and drop shadows
 Blending objects
Module 5: Text

 Adding and manipulating text

 Importing and pasting text
 Artistic text
 Paragraph text
 Columns to text frames
 Paragraph text frames
 Baseline grid
 Selecting text
 Finding, editing, and converting text
 Shifting, rotating, mirroring, and flipping text
 Moving text
 Wrapping text
 Fitting text to a path
 Embedding graphics and adding special characters
 Working with legacy text
 Formatting text
 Typefaces and fonts
 Formatting characters
 Text color
 Kerning a range of characters
 Text case
 OpenType features
 Character and word spacing
 Line and paragraph spacing
 Adding bullets
 Drop caps
 Character position and angle
 Aligning text
 Tabs and indents
 Text styles
 Hyphenating text
 Formatting codes
 Displaying nonprinting characters
 Managing fonts
 Substituting fonts
 Previewing and identifying fonts
 Bitstream Font Navigator
 Writing tools
 QuickCorrect
 Spelling checker and Grammatik
 Thesaurus
 Languages
 Checking styles
 Rule classes
 Word lists
 Checking statistics
Module 6: Templates and styles

 Working with templates

 Searching
 Using templates
 Creating
 Editing
 Styles and style sets
 Creating, Applying and Editing style sets
 Object properties
 Exporting and importing
 Assigning keyboard shortcuts
 Finding objects
 Breaking the link
 Color styles
Module 7: Pages and layout

 Working with pages and layout tools

 Specifying the page layout
 Page background
 Adding, duplicating, renaming, and deleting pages
 Inserting page numbers
 Rulers, grid and guidelines
 Scale
 Tables
 Adding tables to drawings
 Selecting, moving, and navigating table components
 Inserting and deleting table rows and columns
 Resizing table cells, rows, and columns
 Formatting tables and cells
 Text in tables
 Converting tables to text
 Merging and splitting tables and cells
 Manipulating tables
 Adding images, graphics, and backgrounds to tables
 Importing tables
Module 8: Bitmaps

 Working with bitmaps

 Converting vector graphics to bitmaps
 Importing bitmaps
 Cropping bitmaps
 Dimensions and resolution of bitmaps
 Straightening bitmaps
 Digimarc watermarks to identify bitmaps
 Removing dust and scratch marks from bitmaps
 Special effects
 Color and tone
 Tone Curve filter
 Bitmap color modes
Module 9: Web graphics

 Object creation
 Exporting bitmaps
 Saving and applying Web presets
 Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds
 Creating rollovers
 Bookmarks and hyperlinks
 Hotspots and alternate text
 Exporting to HTML
 Setting preferences
 Creating Web-compatible text
 Previewing and verifying files
 Exporting to HTML
 File formats
 Importing files
 Exporting files
 Exporting to PDF
 Office productivity applications
 Supported file formats
 CorelDraw Customization
keyboard shortcuts
Show Less

Hands-on Real Time Coreldraw Projects

Project 1
Creating a Party Invitation Card
This Project is a creative and personal way to invite guests to your event.
Project 2
Create Photo Composites
This project is simply the blending of two or more images to create one final
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o CorelDraw Basic and Interface Getting Started

o Exploring the CorelDraw Screen
o File Management
o Setting Up the Page


o Moving Around the Current Page

o Viewing Modes
o Inserting and Deleting Pages
o Changing Page


o Using Multiple Workspaces

o Customizing the Toolbars
o Using Shortcuts
o Saving Defaults
o Setting File Backups

o Drawing and Shaping Tools

o Using the Freehand Tool
o Drawing Lines and Polylines
o Drawing Freehand Polygons
o Drawing Perfect Shapes
o Reshaping Lines and Polylines
o Drawing Curves
o Reshaping Curves
o Drawing Rectangles
o Drawing Circles


o Selecting and Deselecting Objects

o Moving Objects
o Copying and Deleting Objects
o Deleting Objects
o Sizing Objects


o Mirroring Objects
o Rotating and Skewing Objects
o Using Transform Objects


o Eyedropper and Paint bucket Tool

o The Outline Tool
o Choosing Outline Thickness
o Choosing Outline Colors
o Using Fill Tool
o Uniform Fill, Fountain Fill, Pattern Fill
o Interactive Mesh Fill
o Copying Attributes
o Setting Outline and Fill Defaults


o Arranging Objects
o Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
o Using Guidelines
o Using Snap To
o Aligning Objects
o Group and Child Objects
o Welding Objects
o Using Intersection
o Using Trim


o About Layers
o Editing Layers
o Setting Up a Master Layer
o Moving, Copying, and Layer
o Reordering Layers
o Using the Object Manager

o Syntax
o variable
o Datatype


o Drawing with The Artistic Media Tool

o Shaping an Object with an Envelope
o Extruding an Object
o Blending two Objects
o Using the Lens Effect
o Adding Perspectives
o Using Power Clips
o Applying Contours
o Applying Drop Shadows
o Using Interactive Transparencies
o Applying Mesh Fills


o The Text Tool

o Creating Artistic Text
o Editing Text
o Formatting Text
o Setting Text Options
o Creating Paragraph Text
o Setting Indents Using the Ruler
o Importing Text
o Using the Spell Checker
ExpertRating Online CorelDraw Course Coverage (6 weeks program)  

Week One
Wednesday - Lesson 01
CorelDraw is different from other image editing applications in that it is
vector-based. Many other image editing applications will force you to work
with graphics in a bitmap format. Do you know the difference between bitmap
and vector images? Before you open CorelDraw, this lesson will describe the
differences, explain the pros and cons, and then show you some examples of
each format. Afterward, you'll tour CorelDraw to see how some of the menus
and tools are arranged. Then students will jump right into it and draw some
shapes with the Smart Drawing tool. You'll also learn how to use the Zoom
tool, the Hand tool, and the Pick tool.
Friday - Lesson 02
This lesson is all about the meat and potatoes of CorelDraw: the shape-
creation tools. This lesson will start with the basics—using the Ellipse tool
and the Rectangle tool to draw circles, squares, and rectangles. Then you'll
practice using the Polygon tool, the Spiral tool, the Star tool, and the Perfect
Shape tool to draw more intricate shapes. Afterward, you'll form your shapes
into images using the weld function. Finally, you’ll get a chance to practice
adding colors to your newly created designs.
Week Two
Wednesday - Lesson 03
This lesson is going to dig a little deeper into CorelDraw drawing tools as you
learn how to create lines. You'll start with the Freehand tool, which simulates
drawing with a pen or pencil on a piece of paper, but with an automated twist
that makes it much easier to use. Then this lesson will explore the Outline
tools. Outlines are the lines that form and surround shapes and objects, and
you'll use the Outline tools to format, shape, and color those same lines.
Afterward, the lesson will move on to curves and you'll learn how to use the
Three-Point Curve tool and the Bézier tool to draw both simple and complex
curves. Finally, you'll learn about the Artistic Media tool, which enables you to
apply effects, styles, and objects to ordinary lines.
Friday - Lesson 04
This lesson will take a break from drawing tools and instead concentrate on
layers. Layers are invisible planes that contain information about each object.
You'll use them to organize, edit, and manage your drawings. Just as shapes
are the building blocks of a drawing, layers are the frames that support those
building blocks. The lesson will begin by layering one of your drawings from a
previous lesson followed by learning how to layer as you create a new design.
Week Three
Wednesday - Lesson 05-
Did you also know that CorelDraw supplies you with a complete desktop
publisher? In this lesson, you'll create a two-page newsletter using this
feature. As you assemble your newsletter, you'll also learn how to set up a
drawing page with the Page tab, apply and use guidelines, input and import
text with the Text tool, and import objects into designs.
Friday - Lesson 06
The discussion on text will continue in this lesson, but this time it will
concentrate on artistic text. You'll learn how to shape, form, and adjust artistic
text to follow the path of an object or line. Afterward, you'll fill objects with
color transitions, patterns, textures, and elaborate designs using CorelDraw
fill tools. Then you'll apply what you've learned to create an original logo.
Week Four
Wednesday - Lesson 07
In this lesson, you'll explore one of the favorite CorelDraw subjects—applying
special effects to designs. First, you'll learn how to cast shadows on objects
using the Interactive Drop Shadow tool. This is an excellent effect to use when
you want to add a little realism to your objects. Then you’ll learn how to create
see-through objects using the Interactive Transparency. You'll also practice
transforming ordinary 2-D shapes into 3-D objects using the Extrusion tool.
Friday - Lesson 08
You'll get a chance to put all your CorelDraw skills to work in this lesson
because this lesson will pull together as many different elements from what
you've been learning into an apple design. This will give you more insight into
how CorelDraw tools interact and show you some practical applications for
these same tools. You'll also learn about shaping tools, including the Knife
tool, the Eraser tool, the Smudge Brush, and the Roughen Brush. You'll
mostly use these tools to shape, modify, adjust, and enhance objects after
you’ve drawn them.
Week Five
Wednesday - Lesson 09
In lesson 9 the exploration of special effects will continue, beginning with
Power Clips. You'll use the Power Clip effect to place one object inside of
another. This is a great way to incorporate bitmaps or photographs into your
designs. Then students will take some ordinary shapes and completely
transform them into amazing objects using the Interactive Distortion tool.
Finally, you'll draw some balloons as you learn how to use the Eyedropper
and Paint bucket tools, which allow you to copy the properties from one
particular object into a completely different object.
Friday - Lesson 10
Once again, this lesson will concentrate on desktop publishing as you create
custom-designed envelopes, business cards, and address labels while
learning to use the Page Size window. Then you'll learn how to create a CD
cover using a CorelDraw template. Not only will you learn how to choose from
the huge selection of templates, you'll also create your own business
stationary template to accompany the envelope, business card, and address
labels you just designed. Then to top it all off, you'll design an original
birthday card using the Page Layout window.
Week Six
Wednesday - Lesson 11
This lesson is all about photographs. You'll start by bringing some life into a
dull-looking photo using the Crop tool and the Image Adjustment Lab. Then
you'll learn how to change ordinary photos into stunning works of art by
applying spectacular effects with artistic strokes, abstract patterns, and 3-D
effects. You'll also learn how to convert photographs into sleek designs using
Friday - Lesson 12

In the final lesson, you'll design a series of presentations using drawings

you've created throughout this class, and then you'll learn how to export them
into different formats. This will enable you to post them on the Internet, insert
them into documents and presentations, or email them to a friend in an easy-
to-open format. This lesson will start by going over the Export window, which
converts CorelDraw designs into various formats, and in turn allows you to
view and update these same designs using all types of software. Then it will
focus on specific formats, including Portable Network Graphics (PNG) and
Portable Document Format (PDF). Finally, this lesson will conclude the class
by creating an original Web page!

 Buy the ExpertRating Online CorelDraw Course - $129.99

CorelDRAW Training Course Outline

Introduction to CorelDRAW

 Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019

 Basics of CorelDRAW
o Vector Graphics and Bitmaps
o Starting and Opening Drawings
o Previewing Drawings
o Viewing Modes
o Saving and Closing Drawings
 CorelDRAW Workspace
 Creative Tools and Content
 Touchscreen and Wheel Devices

Lines, Shapes, and Outlines

 Lines, Outlines, and Brushstrokes

 Shapes and Shape Objects
 Symmetrical Drawing
Working with Objects, Symbols, and Layers

 Introduction to Objects
 Linking and Embedding Objects
 Layers and Symbols
 Managing and Tracking Projects

Colour, Fills, and Transparencies

 Colour
o Colour Models and Depth
o Choosing Colours
o Creating and Editing Colour Palettes
 Fills
o Uniform Fills and Fountain Fills
o Vector and Bitmap Pattern Fills
o Texture, PostScript, and Mesh Fills
 Object Transparency
 Managing Colours

Exploring Special Effects

 Lenses
 Adding 3D Effects
 Mosaics

Working with Text

 Adding and Manipulating Text

 Formatting Text
 Managing Fonts
 Writing Tools

Templates and Styles

 Templates
o Using and Finding Templates
o Managing Templates
o Creating and Editing Templates
 Introducing Styles and Style Sets
o Creating, Applying, and Editing Styles and Style Sets
o Managing Default Object Properties
o Importing and Exporting Style Sheets
 Colour Styles
o Creating and Applying Colour Styles
o Editing and Viewing Colour Styles
o Exporting and Importing Colour Styles

Pages and Layout

 Pages and Layout Tools

o Page Layout and Background
o Adding and Deleting Pages
o Rulers
o Document Grid and Pixel Grid
 Tables
o Adding Tables
o Selecting, Moving, and Navigating Table Components
o Inserting and Deleting Table Rows and Columns
o Formatting Tables and Cells
o Converting Tables to Text

Introduction to Bitmaps

 Working with Bitmaps

o Converting Vector Graphics to Bitmaps
o Importing and Cropping Bitmaps
o Bitmap Dimensions and Resolution
o Straightening Bitmaps
o Image Adjustment Lab
o Adjusting Colour and Tone
o Tone Curve Filter
 Special Effects Categories
 Bitmap Colour Modes
 Introducing Trace
o RAW Camera Files

Web Graphics
File Formats

 Importing and Exporting Files

 Exporting to PDF
 Supported File Formats

Customising and Automating

 Setting Basic Preferences

 Customising CorelDRAW
 Using Macros and Scripts for Automating Tasks
Detailed Course Content:

CorelDRAW is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel

Corporation of Ottawa, Canada.
It is also the name of Corel’s Graphics Suite. Its latest version, named X5 A
program for the design and manipulation of vector graphics.

A popular drawing and page layout programme for the Windows market. With
CorelDraw Training, you
can confidently tackle a wide variety of projects, from logos and Web graphics
to multi-page marketing

CorelDRAW training Level – 1

 Introduction
 Drawing fundamentals
 Pages and layout
 Color outlines & fills
 Working with artistic text
 Layers & object manager
 Find & replace objects and text
 Printing basics
 Projects
CorelDRAW training Level – 2

 Transforming objects
 Working with paragraph
 Shaping objects
 Layers & object manager
 Find & replace
 Customization
 Bitmaps
 Interactive tools
 More special effects
 Print & web output
 Import, publish, export

Course Content Download PDF (57kb)

 Using the Object Manager
 Working with layers to achieve heightened
 flexibility and control over drawings
 Creation and application of special effects including envelopes,
extrusions, contours, PowerClips, Lens, Natural Pen Lines, and blends
 Editing pattern fills
 Working with the Colour Manager and Colour Harmonies
 Importing and creating your own pattern fills
 Advanced node editing
 Using the knife, eraser, and free transform tools
 Dimensioning tools
 Interactive fill, transparency, blend, distortion, envelope, and extrude
 Publish to Internet feature
 Creating text and object styles
 Using the View Manager
 Customizing the Corel environment, toolbars, keyboard and status bar
 Bitmap special effects, filters, editing, and cropping
 Bitmap colour mask
 Working with the Scrapbook
 Introducing scripts and presets

What You Learn in coreldraw course?

This coreldraw course would be learning about concepts related to digital
graphics like

 What is vector or text

 Knowledge about CorelDraw like installation
 Monitoring and linking
 Ways in you can cut
 Edit or create drawings or images
 How to work on the images
 Methods of applying effects
 Conceptual clarity on processes related to printing
 How to work in layouts design
 Learning about PDF files like creating
 Offsetting
 Visiting Card Designing
 Logo Designing
 Banner Designing
 Broucher Designing
 Screen printing and many more concepts related to Corel Draw.

Course Modules

#Go to top

 Module 1: Understanding Fundamentals Of Corel

o Learning the User Interface of Corel Draw
o Learn how to work with Basic Geometric Figures
o Learn how perform undoing & redoing of Actions
o Learn how to work with Page Layout

2 hrs

 Module 2: Understanding Lines, Outlines & Shapes In Corel

o Learn how to draw curves using lines
o Learn how to work with Outlines
o Learn how to use Brush Strokes
o Learn to modifying Basic shapes
o Understanding of Grid & Guidelines
o Learn to how to use advanced operations with line objects

2 hrs

 Module 3 : Understanding Objects In Corel Drawkeyboard_arrow_down

o Learn how to handle Objects in CorelDraw
o Learn how to create an outline around an object
o Learn how to perform positioning of Objects
o Learn about Aligning & Distributing Objects
o Learn about Sizing & Scaling Objects
o Learn how to create Graphical Special Effects
2 hrs

 Module 4: Understanding Colors & Filling Objects In

o Learn how to create a Custom Color Palette
o Learn how to edit a Custom Color Palette

1 hrs

 Module 5 : Understanding Tables In Coreldrawkeyboard_arrow_down

o Learn how to add a table
o Learn how to perform Inserting and deleting table rows & columns
o Learn about Formatting Table

1 hrs

 Module 6: Understanding Text In Coreldrawkeyboard_arrow_down

o Learn how to create different types of text.
o Learn how to Change the Appearance of Text
o Learn how to find and replace a text in a design.
o Learn how to apply effects to a text.

1 hrs

 Module 7 : Understanding Layers In Coreldrawkeyboard_arrow_down

o Learn how to create a layer during designing
o Learn how can you change layer properties
o Learn how to move objects between layers
o Learn how to delete a layer

1 hrs

 Module 8 : Understanding Bitmaps In Coreldrawkeyboard_arrow_down

o Learning about the image types
o Learn how to work with Bitmap & Vector
o Learn how to modify a Bitmap
o Learn how you can trace Bitmaps

1 hrs

 Module 9 : Coreldraw For Publishingkeyboard_arrow_down

o Understand how coreldraw is used for publishing
o Learn how to create a logo and banners
o Learn how to create an advertisement
o Conversion to curves
1 hrs

 Practical Assignment & Case Studieskeyboard_arrow_down


Career Options:

As we know that there is a rapid demand of CorelDraw in present scenario and
you can earn the best in India as well as in aboard. You can also get job after
completing your training from Animation Bugs.
So here are just a few jobs you can get after learning CorelDraw:
 Logo Designer
 Brochure Designing
 Business Cards Designer
 Pamphlet Designer
 Letterhead Designer
 Poster Designing
 Flyer Designer
 Magazine Designer
 Flex Designer

Utilization of Corel Draw Techniques:

 Business Card Design
 Banner Making
 Logo Design
 Pamphlet Design
 Brochure Design
 Wedding Card Design
 Flex Design
 Clip Arts
Career Opportunities as a Corel Draw Expert:
 Logo Designer
 Brochure Designing
 Business Cards Designer
 Pamphlet Designer
 Letterhead Designer
 Poster Designing
 Flyer Designer
 Magazine Designer
 Flex Designer

Course Outline
 Download PDF Outline
1. Getting Started with CorelDRAW

 Explore the CorelDRAW Interface

 Customize the Workspace
 Obtain Help
 Differentiate Between Raster and Vector Graphics

2. Creating Graphical Objects

 Set Up a Drawing Page

 Draw Shapes
 Draw Lines
 Include Objects
 Add Text to Objects

3. Formatting Objects

 Work with Fills

 Modify Objects
 Modify Outlines
 Align Objects
4. Manipulating Text

 Fit Text on a Path

 Work with Paragraph Text
 Wrap Paragraph Text
 Work with a Text Style
 Modify OCR Text
 Insert Special Characters
 Spell Check a Document

5. Working with Tables

 Create a Table
 Modify a Table
 Format a Table

6. Enhancing a Drawing

 Apply Artistic Effects to Objects

 Create Symbols

7. Working with Advanced Printing Options

 Work with Print Styles

 Export CorelDRAW Files in Other Formats

Course Outline
 Download PDF Outline
1. Working with Pages

 Understand Page Elements

 Create Layers

2. Creating a Design

 Create Custom Shapes

 Create a Mesh

3. Manipulating a Drawing

 Format Objects
 Edit Objects
4. Working with Images

 Enhance Images
 Convert Bitmap Images to Vector Images

5. Developing Interactive Elements

 Create Rollovers
 Create Hyperlinks

6. Simplifying Tasks

 Work with Macro

 Print Merge Documents

7. Finalizing a Document

 Prepare for Distribution

 Output a Document




 What is a Vector Graphic?

 The Difference between Vector and Bitmap (Raster) Images
 Different Types (File Formats) of Vector Graphics


 Toolbars
 The Toolbox
 Scrolling/Zooming


 Page Setup
 Page Layout
 Rulers and Grids

 Use of Rectangle, Ellipse and Polygon Tools


 Selecting, Moving and Re-sizing Objects

 Duplicating, Cloning and Copying Objects
 Grouping and Combining Objects
 Rotating and Skewing Objects


 Customising Line Weight and Style

 Attaching Arrows and Other End-Styles
 Applying Colour to Lines
 Uniform Colour Fills
 Fountain Fills
 Texture and Pattern Fills


 Spot, Process and Pantone Colours Explained

 Custom Colour Palettes
 Optimised Colour Palettes
 The Document Colour Palette


 Using the Free Hand and Bézier tools

 Reshaping with the Shape tool
 Creating Bézier Objects
 Using the Knife and Eraser tools


 Understanding the Difference Between Artistic and Paragraph Text

 Entering and Editing Artistic and Paragraph text
 Formatting Text
 Typographical Controls – Line Spacing (Leading), Kerning (Character
space) and Tracking (Word space)
 Converting Text to Curves – Why do it?
 Wrapping Text Around Graphics
 Fitting Text in Irregular Shaped Frames
 Fitting Text to a Path
 Linking Text from One Page to Another

 Importing Clipart
 Importing Bitmaps
 Importing Text
 Exporting Artwork for Use in Other Applications


 Printing to a Local or Network Desktop Printer

 PDF Output
 Print Options

Course Outline
CorelDRAW 2 Day
Who is it for?
The course is suitable for those with little or no prior knowledge of CorelDraw
version 12 wishing to gain the skills to use the package effectively. This
course can also be run for delegates needing to know more advanced features
and can be adapted to the clients requirements.
Delegates should have a basic knowledge of computers.
What is CorelDraw 12 & Course Objectives
• Various Image types and their uses
• Differences between Image Types
Exploring the CorelDraw Screen
• Getting Assistance
• Workspace & Status Bar
• Interactivity
• Opening & Creating a Document
• Saving & Switching Between Documents
• Options & Undoing Mistakes
• Page Set-Up & Page Sizes
• Guidelines
Moving Around the Current Page
• Viewing Modes
• Insert, Delete & Changing Pages
Adding Symbols & Clipart
• Adding & Modifying Clipart/Symbols
Working with the Text Tool
• Creating Artistic Text
• Editing & Formatting Text
• Setting Text Options
• Creating Paragraph Text
• Choosing Paragraph Options
• Setting Indents
• Importing Text & Spell Checker
Selecting & Deselecting Objects
• Moving & Copying Objects
• Sizing & Deleting Objects
• Drawing & Shaping Tools
• Using the Freehand Tool
• Drawing Lines & Polylines
• Working with Polygons
• Reshaping Lines & Polylines
• Drawing & Reshaping Curves
• Drawing Rectangles & Circles
• Arranging, Grouping & Ungrouping Objects
• Using Guidelines & Snap To
• Align & Distribute
• Position, Duplicate & Cloning
• Object Attributes
• Envelopes
• Rounded Rectangles and Squares
• Converting to Curves - Shaping
The Outline Tool
• Choosing Outline Thickness & Colours
• Using the Fill Tool
• Copying Attributes
• Setting Outline & Fill Defaults
Mirroring Objects
• Rotating & Skewing Objects
• Using Transform Docker
• Layers & Scrapbook
• Outline Tool Attributes
Fitting Text to a Path
• Drawing With the Artistic Media Tool
• Using the Lens Effect
• Adding Perspectives & Using PowerClips
• Applying Presets & Drop Shadows
Exporting to Graphic Formats
• Copy to Other Applications
• As applicable to Corporate requirement
• Workshops

Course Content

Getting Started with CorelDRAW

 Explore the CorelDRAW Interface

 Customize the Workspace
 Obtain Help
 Differentiate Between Raster and Vector Graphics

Creating Graphical Objects

 Set Up a Drawing Page

 Draw Shapes
 Draw Lines
 Include Objects
 Add Text to Objects

Formatting Objects

 Work with Fills

 Modify Objects
 Modify Outlines
 Align Objects

Manipulating Text

 Fit Text on a Path

 Work with Paragraph Text
 Wrap Paragraph Text
 Work with a Text Style
 Modify OCR Text
 Insert Special Characters
 Spell Check a Document

Working with Tables

 Create a Table
 Modify a Table
 Format a Table

Enhancing a Drawing
 Apply Artistic Effects to Objects
 Create Symbols

Working with Advanced Printing Options

 Work with Print Styles

 Export CorelDRAW Files in Other Formats

Course Duration – One day

Benefits of CorelDRAW Level 2 Course

This Level 2 course is intended for experienced graphic designers and

marketing communication professionals.  It is also aimed at people who have
some knowledge with previous versions of CorelDRAW.

During our Level 2 CorelDRAW course, you will work with layers, use
advanced tools for creating drawings, advanced output options for printing,
and advanced techniques for text manipulation. In addition, you will also work
with bitmap and vector graphics, simplify your tasks using VBA macros, and
finalise the brochure for printing.

Insight IT specialise in on-site training and can come to you to run our
CorelDRAW Level 2 course, either on your PC's or provide our own high
specification equipment. If you want specific training for your staff, we would
be glad to customise this course to your needs, adding or removing topics as
necessary.  Our trainers are extremely knowledgeable with many years of

With our vast knowledge of the different software currently on the market,
including Corel, Adobe and Microsoft, Insight IT offer group courses, one-on-
one training, and on-site training options.  Contact us today to learn how we
can help you and your business.

Course Content

Working with Pages

 Understand Page Elements

 Create Layers

Creating a Design

 Create Custom Shapes

 Create a Mesh
Manipulating a Drawing

 Format Objects
 Edit Objects

Working with Images

 Enhance Images
 Convert Bitmap Images to Vector Images

Developing Interactive Elements

 Create Rollovers
 Create Hyperlinks

Simplifying Tasks

 Work with Macros

 Print Merge Documents

Finalizing a Document

 Prepare for Distribution

 Output a Document

Course outline
• Understanding vectors and bitmaps
• Introduction to the main screen
• The Toolbox, Icon and property bar
• Menus and Dockers
• Colour Palette
• Multipage, multi size documents
Creating basic shapes
• Working with various line options
• Creating and constraining filled shapes
• Working with quick keys
Outlines and fills
• Editing line styles
• Adjusting fills normally and interactively
• Accurately selecting colours
Node editing
• Refining shapes
• Shaping curves
• Precision edits
Creating text
• Using “Artistic” and Paragraph text
• Formatting text
• Special character editing
• Fit text to path
• Importing text files
• Controlling the flow of long text files
Manipulating objects
• Using align and distribute
• Copying properties from objects
• Duplicate and Clone
• Group and Ungroup
• Combine and break apart
• Trim, intersections and weld
Importing and exporting
• Importing clipart
• Understanding file types
• Compatibility issues
• Exporting Draw graphics
Special effects (including live editing)
• Perspective and Distortion
• Envelope effects and extrusions
• Blends
• Shadows
• Lens
• Contours
• Powerclip
• Mesh fill
• Print documents from within CorelDRAW!
• Sending documents to print bureaux
• Understanding the benefits of PDF files
New Features in Version X4

Course Content

o Overview of the Basics
Overview of its features
Examining the screen
Personalising CorelDraw
o Page setup
Setting ruler units
Multiple pages
Setting page size and orientation
Starting a new illustration
o Basic drawing
Sending to front and back
Copy dragging
Copy and paste
Selecting multiple objects
Basic fills and lines widths
Adjusting standard shapes
Altering line styles
Freehand drawing
Standard shapes
o Bezier drawing
Manual tracing
Manipulating curves
Reshaping objects
Using the bezier tool
o Combining shapes
Break apart and ungroup
Group, combine
Unite, trim, weld
o Transformations
Clearing transformations
o Filling objects
Copying attributes
Other fills
Patterned fills
Gradient fills
Pantone colours
Mixing colours
Using the colour palette
o Framing objects
Applying arrowheads
Setting line the colour
Changing line styles
o Basic text control
Basic paragraph formatting
Creating paragraph text
Change text attributes
Creating artistic text
o Special text effects
Reshaping text
Converting text to shapes
Placing text onto curves

Objectives of CorelDraw Courses Birmingham

All in all by the end of the CorelDraw Course, students will have usable
knowledge of the following:
• Understanding the CorelDraw Interface.
• Including the Page setup and document options.
• Thus the Properties toolbar.
• Selecting and grouping objects.
• Moreover understanding and implementing wireframes.
• Understanding bitmaps and vectors.
• All in all the Fill tool.
• Uniform , fountain, pattern and texture.
• In addition Shortcuts and duplicating objects.
• Furthermore using the Zooming function.
• Using the shape tools.
• Altogether Text spacing.
• Working with lines & curves, nodes.
• In turn Convert to curves.
• Outline tool.
• Moreover the Behind Fill.
• All in all the Scaling of an image.
• Implementing dropshadows, depth and color.
• Moreover the drawing tools, bezier tool and Hand tool.
• Understanding the Silhoette image with Bezier tool.
• Arrange-Weld, Trim and Intersect.
• Furthermore Ungroup, break-apart, combine, Trim.
• Node edit, adding& deleting.
• Breaking and Joining a line.
• >Using Cusp and the contour Tool.
• In turn Blending outline and creating multiple outlines.
• Creating properties from other objects.
• Understand artistic and paragraph text.
• Using tables, Columns, Dropcaps and Bulletpoints.
• In turn wrap text around objects.
• Effective ways of using Powerclip-various shapes.
• Creating the image within text.
• All in all understand the interactive transparency tool.
• Understanding and Creating 3-D effects.
• Extrude Tool, depth, extrusion and tilt.
• Implement the rotating text in 3-Dimentional space.
• Understanding and implementing the Blend Tool.
• Thus Creating multiple outlines.
• Perspective tool, vantage point, guidelines.
• Creating special effects for logo’s & headings.
• In addition the Envelope & Distortion tool.
• Tinted Grayscale and transparency.

CorelDRAW Essential Training

Whether you're an aspiring or experienced artist, this course provides detailed
coverage of CorelDRAW, the flagship vector-based illustration and layout
application. Author Scott Georgeson, the official creator of video training for
CorelDRAW X4, X5, and X6, helps you get up to speed with the basics of vector
drawing. Scott demonstrates how to use objects, layers, and pages to organize
documents effectively and he discusses working with color, Artistic Text,
drawing tools, and special effects. The course also covers how to align and
group objects to lay them out more effectively and how to dictate the layering
of objects with the Weld, Trim, and Intersect commands.
Topics include
Getting Started
 The CorelDRAW interface
 Working with new documents
 Exploring new document advanced options
Working with Pages and Dockers
 Moving and adding pages
 Understanding page setup
 Arranging dockers
Importing and Exporting Files
 Importing files
 Using Corel CONNECT
 Exporting files
Viewing Options
 Working with zooming
 Understanding page views
Working with Objects
 Using the Pick tool
 Selecting objects
 Moving objects
 Sizing objects
 Mirroring objects
 Rotating objects
 Skewing objects
Undo, Redo, and Stacking Order
 Working with Undo and Redo
 Understanding the stacking order
Using the Drawing Tools in a Business Card Project
 Understanding the drawing tools
 Working with the Rectangle tool
 Adding rectangles to a business card
 Working with the Ellipse tool
 Adding ellipses, pies, and arcs
 Working with the Polygon tool
 Adding a multipoint polygon
 Working with the Spiral tool
 Adding a shadowed spiral
 Working with the Graph paper tool
 Adding unique graph shapes
 Working with Perfect Shapes
 Adding a shadowed arrow shape
Working with Artistic Text
 Understanding artistic text
 Adding artistic text
How to Duplicate and Align Multiple Objects
 Aligning objects
 Understanding duplication
 Working with distribution
 Building an amplifier face
 Aligning text and spacing objects  
Should I Group or Combine Objects?
 Understanding Group and Ungroup
 Working with Combine and Break Apart
Working with Color
 Coloring objects and using Uniform fill
 Using the Fountain fill
 Understanding the Color palette and the Document palette
 Working with the Interactive fill tool
 Using the eyedropper tools;
Working with Outline Types and Color
 Using Convert To Curves and Outline Properties
 Understanding advanced Outline Properties
Welding, Trimming, and Intersecting Objects
 Exploring methods of working with Weld, Trim, and Intersect
 Exploring examples using Weld, Trim, and Intersect

CorelDRAW Essential Training

Whether you're an aspiring or experienced artist, this course provides detailed
coverage of CorelDRAW, the flagship vector-based illustration and layout
application. Author Scott Georgeson, the official creator of video training for
CorelDRAW X4, X5, and X6, helps you get up to speed with the basics of vector
drawing. Scott demonstrates how to use objects, layers, and pages to organize
documents effectively and he discusses working with color, Artistic Text,
drawing tools, and special effects. The course also covers how to align and
group objects to lay them out more effectively and how to dictate the layering
of objects with the Weld, Trim, and Intersect commands.
Topics include
Getting Started
 The CorelDRAW interface
 Working with new documents
 Exploring new document advanced options
Working with Pages and Dockers
 Moving and adding pages
 Understanding page setup
 Arranging dockers
Importing and Exporting Files
 Importing files
 Using Corel CONNECT
 Exporting files
Viewing Options
 Working with zooming
 Understanding page views
Working with Objects
 Using the Pick tool
 Selecting objects
 Moving objects
 Sizing objects
 Mirroring objects
 Rotating objects
 Skewing objects
Undo, Redo, and Stacking Order
 Working with Undo and Redo
 Understanding the stacking order
Using the Drawing Tools in a Business Card Project
 Understanding the drawing tools
 Working with the Rectangle tool
 Adding rectangles to a business card
 Working with the Ellipse tool
 Adding ellipses, pies, and arcs
 Working with the Polygon tool
 Adding a multipoint polygon
 Working with the Spiral tool
 Adding a shadowed spiral
 Working with the Graph paper tool
 Adding unique graph shapes
 Working with Perfect Shapes
 Adding a shadowed arrow shape
Working with Artistic Text
 Understanding artistic text
 Adding artistic text
How to Duplicate and Align Multiple Objects
 Aligning objects
 Understanding duplication
 Working with distribution
 Building an amplifier face
 Aligning text and spacing objects  
Should I Group or Combine Objects?
 Understanding Group and Ungroup
 Working with Combine and Break Apart
Working with Color
 Coloring objects and using Uniform fill
 Using the Fountain fill
 Understanding the Color palette and the Document palette
 Working with the Interactive fill tool
 Using the eyedropper tools;
Working with Outline Types and Color
 Using Convert To Curves and Outline Properties
 Understanding advanced Outline Properties
Welding, Trimming, and Intersecting Objects
 Exploring methods of working with Weld, Trim, and Intersect
 Exploring examples using Weld, Trim, and Intersect
Duration: online

CorelDraw Training Courses Introduction

A 2 day CorelDraw Introduction Course - This course is aimed at new users
with no previous knowledge of CorelDraw. This will introduce the essential
tools and techniques through hands on exercises and theory. Delegates will
gain an understanding of CorelDraw’s great features.

What is CorelDraw
Who uses it
Overview of its features
Examining the screen
Personalising CorelDraw

Page Setup
Starting a new illustration
Setting page size & orientation
Multiple pages
Setting ruler units

Basic Drawing
Standard shapes
Freehand drawing
Altering line styles
Adjusting standard shapes
Basic fills and lines widths
Selecting multiple objects
Copy & Paste
Copy dragging
Sending to Front & Back

Bezier Drawing
Using the Bezier tool
Reshaping objects
Manipulating curves
Manual tracing

Combining Shapes
Unite, Trim, Weld
Break Apart and Ungroup

Clearing transformations

Filling Objects
Using the colour palette
Mixing colours
Pantone colours
Gradient fills
Patterned fills
Other fills
Copying attributes

Framing Objects
Changing line styles
Setting line the colour
Applying arrowheads

Basic Text Control

Creating artistic text
Change text attributes
Creating paragraph text
Basic paragraph formatting

Special Text Effects

Placing text onto curves
Converting text to shapes
Reshaping text

Course description

*We now offer Online IT training remotely to businesses in the UK and in

Europe. This course is delivered remotely as a real time face-to-face
communication with the trainer. You will be able to see the trainer and the
trainer will be able to see you and your screen. All secure and private. No
videos, animations or modules to complete online. This is proper hands-on
instructor led training for your staff. Just like in a classroom, plus, all the
benefits of private training.  A Remote solution for effective Virtual training,
delivered using either Microsoft Teams or Zoom, which are both free to
download. Online IT training can be 1-to-1 or for a group of up to 6 people,
plus a Per Hour option.
This Level 2 course is intended for experienced graphic designers and
marketing communication professionals. It is also aimed at people who have
some knowledge with previous versions of CorelDRAW.
During our Level 2 CorelDRAW course, you will work with layers, use
advanced tools for creating drawings, advanced output options for printing,
and advanced techniques for text manipulation. In addition, you will also work
with bitmap and vector graphics, simplify your tasks using VBA macros, and
finalise the brochure for printing.
Insight IT specialise in on-site training and can come to you to run our
CorelDRAW Level 2 course, either on your PC's or provide our own high
specification equipment. If you want specific training for your staff, we would
be glad to customise this course to your needs, adding or removing topics as
necessary. Our trainers are extremely knowledgeable with many years of
Course Content
Working with Pages
 Understand Page Elements
 Create Layers
Creating a Design
 Create Custom Shapes
 Create a Mesh
Manipulating a Drawing
 Format Objects
 Edit Objects
Working with Images
 Enhance Images
 Convert Bitmap Images to Vector Images
Developing Interactive Elements
 Create Rollovers
 Create Hyperlinks
Simplifying Tasks
 Work with Macros
 Print Merge Documents
Finalizing a Document
1. Prepare for Distribution
2. Output a Document

Training Course Content

Course Content
Working with Pages
 Understand Page Elements
 Create Layers
Creating a Design
 Create Custom Shapes
 Create a Mesh
Manipulating a Drawing
 Format Objects
 Edit Objects
Working with Images
 Enhance Images
 Convert Bitmap Images to Vector Images
Developing Interactive Elements
 Create Rollovers
 Create Hyperlinks
Simplifying Tasks
 Work with Macros
 Print Merge Documents
Finalizing a Document
 Prepare for Distribution
 Output a Document
Course programme

CorelDRAW X3 contains many features and tools that enable you to create
attractive illustrations, brochures, logos, and other such artwork. The
advanced features bundled in this software assist you in the creation of
sophisticated designs and effects. Getting to know this software and its
working shall help you in creating effective compositions efficiently. In this
course, you will explore the basics of CorelDRAW, customize the application
to suit your needs, create graphical objects and format them, add text to the
objects, and set advanced printing options.
Course Content
Lesson 1: Getting Started with CorelDRAW® X3
Topic 1A: Explore the CorelDRAW X3 Interface
Topic 1B: Customize the Command Bars
Topic 1C: Manage Workspaces
Topic 1D: Obtain Help
Lesson 2: Creating Graphical Objects
Topic 2A: Set Up the Drawing Page
Topic 2B: Draw Shapes
Topic 2C: Draw Lines
Topic 2D: Add Text to Objects
Lesson 3: Formatting Objects
Topic 3A: Work with Fills
Topic 3B: Modify Outlines
Topic 3C: Work with Drop Shadows
Topic 3D: Transform Objects
Lesson 4: Manipulating Text
Topic 4A: Format Artistic Text
Topic 4B: Fit Text to a Path
Topic 4C: Create Paragraph Text
Topic 4D: Wrap Paragraph Text
Topic 4E: Modify OCR Text
Topic 4F: Insert Special Characters
Lesson 5: Enhancing the Drawing
Topic 5A: Modify Objects
Topic 5B: Add Graphics
Topic 5C: Add Clipart
Topic 5D: Spray Objects
Lesson 6: Managing Styles, Templates, and Symbols
Topic 6A: Work with a Text Style
Topic 6B: Work with Templates
Topic 6C: Create Symbols
Lesson 7: Working with Advanced Printing Options
Topic 7A: Edit a Print Style
Topic 7B: Merge Text with Drawing
Diploma in Art and Painting - CPD Certified
John Academy
£ 23£ 249
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Fashion Design Software

  CAD Tools
  Color Matching
  Design Export
  Fabric Matching
  Fashion Illustrations
  Pattern Grading
  Pattern Layout / Print / Cut
  Pattern, Color & Art Storage
  Presentation Tools
  Textile Pattern Design

View full list of Fashion Design Software

Graphic Design Software

Vector Graphics Software


Fashion Design Software

  CAD Tools
  Color Matching
  Design Export
  Fabric Matching
  Fashion Illustrations
  Pattern Grading
  Pattern Layout / Print / Cut
  Pattern, Color & Art Storage
  Presentation Tools
  Textile Pattern Design

View full list of Fashion Design Software

Graphic Design Software

  Collaboration
  Data Visualisation
  Filtering
  Image Database
  Image Editor
  Templates

View full list of Graphic Design Software

Vector Graphics Software

  2D Drawing
  Animation
  Data Import/Export
  Drag & Drop
  Image Editor
  Image Tracing
  Rendering
  Templates

View full list of Vector Graphics Software

Table of Contents


1. The Basics.
Objects. Vs. Bitmaps. What's New in Version 10? CorelDraw 10 in a Nutshell.
The CorelDraw 10 Interface. CorelDraw 10 Controls. Working with menus.
Working with Toolbars. Using the Zoom Tool. Using the Pan Tool. Working
with Dockers. Getting Help. Terms You Should Know.

2. Start-up and File Handling.

Launching CorelDraw. Creating a New Document. Opening Documents.
Importing Graphics and Text. Saving Drawings. Making Backup files.
Exporting Drawings. Window Management. Closing Documents. Quitting

3. Rectangles and Ellipses.

Drawing a Rectangle. Creating a Rounded Rectangle. Working with Ellipses.

4. Select, Move, Copy, and Size.

Selecting Objects. Moving Objects. Copying Objects. Resizing Object.
Deleting Objects.
5. Complex Shapes.
Polygons and Stars. Creating Spirals. Drawing Grids. Drawing Perfect.

6. Nodes and Paths.

Three Types of Nodes. Converting an Object to Curves. Working with Nodes.

7. Lines and Curves.

Using the Freehand Tool. Using the Bé Tool. Setting Line Properties. Adding
Arrowheads. Calligraphic Lines. Cutting Objects Apart. Using the Eraser Tool.
The Artistic Media Tool.

8. Page and Document Setup.

Setting Page Size and Orientation. Setting a Page background. Adding Pages.
Deleting Pages. Document Navigation. Viewing Document Info.

9. Tools for Precision.

Working with the Rulers. Setting the Unit of Measure. Using Guidelines. Using
Grids. Using the Status Bar. Aligning Objects.

10. Color and Fills.

Solid Color Fills and Outlines. Using Color Palettes. Using the Eyedropper and
Paintbucket. Color Management. Creating Fountain Fills. Adding Patterns to
Objects. Adding a Texture Fill. Interactive Mesh Fill Tool.

11. Working with Text.

Adding Text to a Document. Formatting Text. Importing Text. Text Layout.
Embellishing Text.

12. Text Special Effects.

Skewing and Rotating Text. Creating Drop Shadows. Fitting Text to a Path.
Extruding Text. The Neon Effect.

13. Stacking and Layers.

Changing the Staking Order. Working with Layers.
14. Object Arrangement.
Grouping Objects. Locking Objects. Combining and Breaking Objects Apart.
Transforming Objects. Shaping Objects.

15. Special Effects.

Using Envelopes. Using Blends. Adding Perspective. Creating Shadowed
Objects. The PowerClip Command. The Interactive Transparency Tool.
Interactive Distortion Tool. The Interactive Contour Tool. The Lens Docker.

16. Symbols, Clip Art, & Bitmaps.

Working with Symbols. Using the Scrapbook Docker. Working with Bitmap
Images. Acquiring Images.

17. CorelDraw and the Web.

World Wide Web Terms. CorelDraw Web Setting. Adding a Page Background.
Naming a Web Page. Adding Text to a Web Page. Adding Graphics to a Page.
Hyperlinks and Bookmarks. Converting Documents to Web Pages.

18. Printing.
Basic Printing. Printing Oversized Drawings. Alternate Printers and Paper
Options. Using a Service Bureau. Preflight and Print Preview. Creating a PDF

Appendix A: CorelDraw Components.

installed Programs and Other Items. Additional Utilities. Images and Fonts.


CorelDraw - Intro

Getting Started
 Exploring the CorelDRAW Screen
 Getting Assistance
 File Management
 Setting Up the Page

Moving Around and Viewing Drawings

 Moving Around the Current Page
 Viewing Modes
 ing and Deleting Pages
 Changing Pages

Manipulating Objects
 ing and Deselecting Objects
 Moving Objects
 Copying and Deleting Objects
 Deleting Objects
 Sizing Objects

Drawing and Shaping Objects

 Drawing and Shaping Tools
 Using the Freehand Tool
 Drawing Lines and Polylines
 Drawing Freehand Polygons
 Drawing Perfect Shapes
 Reshaping Lines and Polylines
 Drawing Curves
 Reshaping Curves
 Drawing Rectangles
 Drawing Circles

Arranging Objects
 Arranging Objects
 Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
 Using Guidelines
 Using Snap To
 Aligning Objects
 Working with Text

Outlining & Filling Objects

 The Outline Tool
 Choosing Outline Thicknesses
 Choosing Outline Colors
 Using Fill Tool
 Copying Attributes
 Setting Outline and Fill Defaults

Using Symbols and Clipart

 Adding Symbols
 Adding Clipart
 Modifying Clipart
 Using the Scrapbook to Search for Clipart

Transforming Objects
 Mirroring Objects
 Rotating and Skewing Objects
 Using Transform Docker

Special Effects
 Fitting Text to a Path
 Drawing With the Artistic Media Tool
 Shaping an Object with an Envelope
 Extruding an Object
 Blending Two Objects
 Using the Lens Effect
 Adding Perspectives
 Using PowerClips
 Applying Presets
 Applying Shadows

Transferring information between applications

 Exporting to Graphic Formats
 Copy and Pasting Into Other Applications

 Print Options
 Print Previewing

Building on what was covered in the Beginners Guide course, we now take a
dive into some more technical skills and techniques to really accelerate your
design ability. 

Some of the topics we'll cover include;

 how to create cake toppers and other welded designs

 how to create text effects for more impact
 how to trace bitmaps and convert them to vectors
 how to redraw logos from scratch
 how to remove the background (cut out a subject) from a photo
 how to manage layers and use them to your advantage
 what is colour mapping and when should you use it
 and much more!


Video Lessons
 Meet your Workspace
 8 mins
Get access
 Customising your Workspace
 10 mins
Get access
 Page Setup
 4 mins
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 Creating Basic Shapes
 10 mins
Get access
 Freehand & other Line Tools
 17 mins
 Fills & Outlines
 17 mins
Get access
 Resize, Manipulate & Position
 28 mins
Get access
 Text Creation & Placement
 32 mins
Get access
 Grouping & Ungrouping
 12 mins
Get access
 Copy & Paste vs Duplication
 14 mins
Get access
 Guidelines & Snap Functions
 11 mins
Get access
 Alignment & Distribution
 12 mins
Get access
 Shaping Tools (Weld, Trim, Intersect, Boundary, Smart Fill)
 23 mins
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 Fonts & Font Manager
 12 mins
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CorelDraw Tasks for you to try
 TASK 1: Creating a Nameplate
 12 mins
Get access
 TASK 2: Creating a Drink Coaster
 8 mins
Get access
 TASK 3: Creating a Cake Topper
 8 mins
Get access
 TASK 4: Redrawing a Logo
 14 mins
Get access
Files for Download
 CorelDraw Keyboard Shortcuts.pdf
392 KB
Get access
 CorelDraw Workspace Setup Instructions.pdf
391 KB
Get access
 CorelDraw Workspace Backup.cdws
1.03 MB
Get access
 LaserCoach Workspace for CorelDraw.cdws
1.03 MB
Get access
 Task 1 - Nameplate Design File.cdr
20.8 KB
Get access
 Task 2 - Drink Coaster Design File.cdr
21 KB
Get access
 Task 3 - Cake Topper Design File.cdr
84 KB
Get access
 Task 4 - Redraw Logo Design File.cdr
41.2 KB
Objectives of CorelDraw Courses Australia
All in all by the end of the CorelDraw Course Sydney, students will have
usable knowledge of the following:
• Understanding the CorelDraw Interface.
• Including the Page setup and document options.
• Thus the Properties toolbar.
• Selecting and grouping objects.
• Moreover understanding and implementing wireframes.
• Understanding bitmaps and vectors.
• All in all the Fill tool.
• Uniform , fountain, pattern and texture.
• In addition Shortcuts and duplicating objects.
• Furthermore using the Zooming function.
• Using the shape tools.
• Altogether Text spacing.
• Working with lines & curves, nodes.
• In turn Convert to curves.
• Outline tool.
• Moreover the Behind Fill.
• All in all the Scaling of an image.
• Implementing dropshadows, depth and color.
• Moreover the drawing tools, bezier tool and Hand tool.
• Understanding the Silhoette image with Bezier tool.
• Arrange-Weld, Trim and Intersect.
• Furthermore Ungroup, break-apart, combine, Trim.
• Node edit, adding& deleting.
• Breaking and Joining a line.
• >Using Cusp and the contour Tool.
• In turn Blending outline and creating multiple outlines.
• Creating properties from other objects.
• Understand artistic and paragraph text.
• Using tables, Columns, Dropcaps and Bulletpoints.
• In turn wrap text around objects.
• Effective ways of using Powerclip-various shapes.
• Creating the image within text.
• All in all understand the interactive transparency tool.
• Understanding and Creating 3-D effects.
• Extrude Tool, depth, extrusion and tilt.
• Implement the rotating text in 3-Dimentional space.
• Understanding and implementing the Blend Tool.
• Thus Creating multiple outlines.
• Perspective tool, vantage point, guidelines.
• Creating special effects for logo’s & headings.
• In addition the Envelope & Distortion tool.
• Tinted Grayscale and transparency.

This advanced CorelDraw course offered by Graphic Design

Institute comprises different modules which covers all the details regarding
software. Check out this module to gain an insight of the curriculum.
CorelDraw is vector based application which means the images are resolution
independents & can be enlarged to any size without any distortion in quality. It
is built and designed to meet the demands of today’s working designer to
create ads or collateral for print or for the web.

Chapter 1
Understanding CorelDraw

 Exploring the User Interface

 Working with Basic Geometric Figures
 Undoing & Redoing of Actions
 Working with Page Layout
Chapter 2
Working with Lines, Outlines & Shapes

 Drawing curves using lines

 Working with Outlines
 Working with Brush Strokes
 Modifying Basic shapes
 Exploring Grid & Guidelines
 Performing advanced operations with line objects

Chapter 3

 Working with Objects

o Handling Objects in CorelDraw
o Creating an outline around an object
o Positioning Objects
o Aligning & Distributing Objects
o Sizing & Scaling Objects
o Creating Graphical Special Effects

Chapter 4

 Working with Colors & Filling Objects

o Creating a Custom Color Palette
o Editing a Custom Color Palette

Chapter 5

 Introduction to Tables
o Adding a table
o Inserting and deleting Table rows & columns
o Formatting Table

Chapter 6

 Working with Text

o Creating Different types of text
o Changing the Appearance of Text
o Finding & Replacing text
o Applying Effects to Text
o Fitting text to an object’s Path

Chapter 7
  Working with Layers
o Creating a layer
o Changing layer properties
o Moving objects between layers
o Deleting a layer

Chapter 8

 Working with Bitmaps

o Understanding the image types
o Working with Bitmap & Vector
o Images Importing a Bitmap
o Modifying a Bitmap
o Tracing Bitmaps

Projects in CorelDraw
Logos, Stationery, Brochures, Magazines, Catalogues, Prospects, Newspaper,
Newsletter, Books Cover, Packaging, Calendars etc.

Career Opportunities after CorelDRAW Master Course

Layout Artist, Cover Designer, Packaging Designer, Creative Graphic
Professional, Logo Designer, Texture Artist, Patter Designer for Textile etc.

Corel Draw - what you will learn

 Opening a new workspace - setting the page size, colour space,

rendering resolution

 Getting to know your way around the menus and toolbars

 Corel native format .CDR files - the benefits 

 Importing PDF’s, vector files and bitmaps into Corel Draw – what can go

 Using auto-trace to convert bitmap image – what works and what doesn’t
 Understanding image resolution and how it affects print quality

 Creating basic shapes

 Adding flat fills, gradients and photo fills

 Adding borders

 Creating text

 Using different text base lines

 Applying special effects like drop shadow, contour, colour blend and

 Adding contour cut lines for vinyl cutters

 Making sure that cut lines always cut inside the coloured areas

 Exporting bitmap images for printing and / or cutting

 EPS file format for cutting and printing

 Understanding transparency and anti-aliasing - friend or foe?

Corel Photopaint

 Get to know the images you are working with. How big are they and what
resolution are they
 The most important file formats to use. Which are good and which ones
to be careful with?

 How to remove background colour from images for DTG and laser
printing with white

 How to improve areas of low quality, uneven colour

 CMYK or RGB colour – which should you use and why?

 My black doesn’t print as black – What’s wrong and how do I fix it.

 I have to print a customer’s image and it’s pretty dull – How can I make it

 How can I print colours with confidence – knowing that they will print
how I expect them to.

 Re-sampling images at different sizes and with different quality

 Saving designs in other formats. Which formats are best and why?

Professional Diploma in Corel Draw

Rs. 9,550 7,550

Designers & Graphics production artists, Creating & Laying out Print Media.

Features of Design & Drawing. Creating Graphic & Illustration. CorelDRAW is
easy to learn, and you’ll be amazed at the professional results you can
achieve right from the start. Even if you can’t draw a straight line, this vector-
based software program will help you draw with confidence as you
create professional newsletters, greeting cards, web graphics, and logos. In
addition, you’ll learn how to turn plain photographs into brilliant works of art.

 Corel Draw


 Package Designing
 Wedding Card design
 Logo Designing
 Banner Designing

 Advertisement layout
 Greeting Card
 Brochure Design
 Flyer Design

Course Contents :


 Overview of Drawing tools

 Editing the object
 Use Transformation
 Page Properties

 Differentiate Mode of Color

 Fill, Outline Color
 Different shapes
 Type Text

 Convert Object
 Object to Shape work
 Convert To Curve
 Combine two lines
 Tracing

 Fill Color
 Fountain Fill
 Texture Fill
 PostScript Fill

 Outline Pen
 Outline Two Colors
 Outline Thickness
 Outline Convert Curve

 Blend Effects
 Countour Effects
 Drop Shadow
 Extrude
 Envelop

 Transparency
 Distortion
 Fill Tool
 Mesh Fill
 Distortion

 File Menu
 Edit Menu
 View Menu
 Arrange Menu

 Layout Menu
 Filter Menu
 Text Menu
 Table Menu

 Graphic Designer
 Photoshop specialist
 DTP Operator
 Advertising Designer
 Layout Artist
 Packaging Designer
 Web Image Editor
 Fashion Designer
 Packaging Designer
 Digital Illustration
 Visualizer
 Logo Designer

Syllabus of Coreldraw Course in Chennai
Module 1: Lines, shapes, outlines and brushstrokes
 Drawing lines
 Calligraphic, pressure-sensitive and preset lines

 Formatting lines and outlines

 Arrowheads

 Copying, converting, and removing outlines

 Multiple line segments

 Brushstrokes

 Spraying objects

 Connector and callout lines

 Dimension lines

 Drawing shapes

 Rectangles and squares

 Ellipses, circles, arcs, and pie shapes

 Polygons and stars

 Spirals and grids

 Predefined shapes

 Shape recognition

 Shaping objects

 Selecting and moving nodes

 Manipulating segments

 Adding, removing, joining, and aligning nodes

 Transforming nodes

 Breaking the path

 Mirroring changes

 Skewing and stretching objects

 Smudging and smearing objects

 Roughening objects

 Distortion effects

 Twirl effects

 Envelopes

 Cropping, splitting, and erasing objects

 Trimming objects

 Filleting, scalloping, and chamfering corners

 Welding and intersecting objects

 PowerClip objects

Module 2: Symbols, and layers
 Layers

 Creating layers

 Layer properties

 Moving and copying layers and objects

 Symbols

 Creating, editing, and deleting symbols

 Symbols in drawings

 Managing collections and libraries

 Linking and embedding objects

 Inserting

 Editing

 Managing projects

 Project database

 Assigning and copying object data

 Viewing an object data

Module 3: Color and fills
 Color

 Color models

 Color depth

 Document palette

 Color palettes

 Creating and editing

 Organizing and displaying

 Palette libraries

 Properties

 Filling objects

 Uniform, fountain fills, pattern and texture fills

 PostScript texture fills

 Mesh fills

 Fills to areas

 Color management

 Installing, loading, and embedding color profiles

 Assigning color profiles

 Converting colors to other color profiles

 Choosing color-conversion settings

 Soft proofing

 Color management presets and policies

 Safe CMYK workflow

Module 4: Special effects
 Changing the transparency of objects

 Transparencies

 Merge modes

 Using lenses with objects

 Applying lenses

 Editing lenses

 Adding 3D effects to objects

 Contouring objects

 Applying perspective to objects

 Extrusions, bevel effects and drop shadows

 Blending objects

Module 5: Text
 Adding and manipulating text

 Importing and pasting text

 Artistic text

 Paragraph text

 Columns to text frames

 Paragraph text frames

 Baseline grid

 Selecting text

 Finding, editing, and converting text

 Shifting, rotating, mirroring, and flipping text

 Moving text

 Wrapping text

 Fitting text to a path

 Embedding graphics and adding special characters

 Working with legacy text

 Formatting text

 Typefaces and fonts

 Formatting characters

 Text color

 Kerning a range of characters

 Text case

 OpenType features

 Character and word spacing

 Line and paragraph spacing

 Adding bullets

 Drop caps

 Character position and angle

 Aligning text

 Tabs and indents

 Text styles

 Hyphenating text

 Formatting codes

 Displaying nonprinting characters

 Managing fonts

 Substituting fonts

 Previewing and identifying fonts

 Bitstream Font Navigator

 Writing tools

 QuickCorrect

 Spelling checker and Grammatik

 Thesaurus

 Languages

 Checking styles

 Rule classes

 Word lists

 Checking statistics

Module 6: Templates and styles
 Working with templates

 Searching

 Using templates

 Creating

 Editing

 Styles and style sets

 Creating, Applying and Editing style sets

 Object properties

 Exporting and importing

 Assigning keyboard shortcuts

 Finding objects

 Breaking the link

 Color styles

Module 7: Pages and layout
 Working with pages and layout tools

 Specifying the page layout

 Page background

 Adding, duplicating, renaming, and deleting pages

 Inserting page numbers

 Rulers, grid and guidelines

 Scale

 Tables

 Adding tables to drawings

 Selecting, moving, and navigating table components

 Inserting and deleting table rows and columns

 Resizing table cells, rows, and columns

 Formatting tables and cells

 Text in tables

 Converting tables to text

 Merging and splitting tables and cells

 Manipulating tables

 Adding images, graphics, and backgrounds to tables

 Importing tables

Module 8: Bitmaps
 Working with bitmaps

 Converting vector graphics to bitmaps

 Importing bitmaps

 Cropping bitmaps

 Dimensions and resolution of bitmaps

 Straightening bitmaps

 Digimarc watermarks to identify bitmaps

 Removing dust and scratch marks from bitmaps

 Special effects

 Color and tone

 Tone Curve filter

 Bitmap color modes

Module 9: Web graphics
 Object creation

 Exporting bitmaps

 Saving and applying Web presets

 Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds

 Creating rollovers

 Bookmarks and hyperlinks

 Hotspots and alternate text

 Exporting to HTML

 Setting preferences

 Creating Web-compatible text

 Previewing and verifying files

 Exporting to HTML

 File formats

 Importing files

 Exporting files

 Exporting to PDF

 Office productivity applications

 Supported file formats

 CorelDraw Customization

keyboard shortcuts

Innovative & productive

Achieve unsurpassed productivity with new high-caliber features in this
versatile graphic design program. You’ll appreciate a smooth workflow with
industry standard PDF/X-4 support and the revolutionary LiveSketch™, which
uses Artificial Intelligence to convert sketching into precise vector curves.
Plus with the all new, you can access your work anywhere.
Perfectly creative
Produce original illustrations, signage, and logos for both print and web.
Create your way with an array of professional document styles, page layout
and vector tools. Plus, enjoy non-destructive editing functionality when
applying effects to vector and bitmap objects.

Easy to learn & use
This powerful collection of applications is loaded with intuitive tools, learning
materials and Discovery files, to ensure you can get started easily and be
successful sooner. Try one of many high-quality templates to quickly create
brochures, posters, cards, social media images, and more, without having to
start from scratch. 

Here are some lessons with step-by-step instructions to help you learn more
about CorelDRAW for use on your laser. They are in print-ready PDF format.
They are not to be shared commercially, or distributed in any format.
Setting up a basic job in CorelDRAW
Line Widths & Scaling
Exporting CorelDRAW vector images to the PLT/HPGL for use in Engraving
Print Merge – X3
Creating Ornaments With The Artistic Media Tool
Plaque Layouts
Scale With Image vs. Convert Lines To Objects
Notching Corners If you are using a version below X3, you might need this.
Rounding Corners If you are using a version below X3, you might need this as
Nametags with Contour & Weld
Borders for Plaques with Transform & Trim
Logos For The Laser
Guidelines for Corners on Plaques
Creating Basic Blends Ever want to create a chain, rope, or make objects flow
around a path?
Creating An Outline For An Acrylic Award
Creating 3-D Layouts for the Laser
Borders Created with Polygons
Creating a Border with the Blend Function
Creating A Nametag with a Cut-out Great for adding a third color
Creating The DAYS INN Logo Using the following tools & commands: Shape
Tool Trim, Weld, 3-point Ellipse, Polygon Tool.
Trimming Text Lots of examples of manipulating text with the Trim Tool.
More About Line Widths
Multiple Nametags
Print Merge Tip Sheet How to create multiple badges by merging a print file
into CorelDRAW X3 and X4.
Tips & Tricks
Configuring CorelDRAW for the ULS Laser

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